Vocab - Law and Crime

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@ The law and crime Luhrs maka see page 190 for definitions ‘proof /evidence tule / law /justice /right vandal “hooligan suspect / arrest / charge judge /jury sentence /imprison suspect / accused prosecute / persecute innocent / guilty decision / verdict capital punishment / corporal punishment __| witness / bystander commit / break robber / burglar / thief lawyer / solicit en back down stop demanding sth, stop saying that you will do sth | hand in give to a person in authority break out escape (from prison) bring in introduce a new law or system hold up rob while threatening violence: dela let off give litte or no punishment; make a bomb, I etcexplode ‘chase after follow sb/sth quickly in order to catch them look into investigate ‘come forward offer help or information make off escape ‘get away with escape punishment for take down write down what someone sa {90 off explode;be fired (for a gun, usually accidentally) take in trick sb into believing sth that is not true Gn Eutectic ury account __| on account of;take into account; account for sth advantage _| take advantage of sth/sb; have an advantage over sth/sbjat an advantage; an/one/etc advantage (of th) Eiame ’be to blame (for sth/doing); get/take the blame (for sth/doing); put the blame on sth/sb; blame sth {on sb); blame sb for sth/d damage | do/cause damage (tosth) —_ fault at faultfind fault with sth/sb - intention _ | have the/no intention of doing mistake | make a mistake;a mistake (to do}; mistake sb for sb: do sth by mistake necessary _| necessary (for sb) to do - [ order in order; put sth in order;in order to do; give an order (to sb) (to do) give sb permission to doask (sb) for permission to do; have/ask for/get permission (from sb) to do do sth on purpose; purpose of sth — reason why; reason for sth; reason with sb - have/find/think of/work out/come up with/figure out a solution (to sth) ‘wrong ‘do wrong: do the wrong thing: the wrong thing to do: go wrong; the wrong way up Waele accuse sb of sth/doing ‘doubt sth; doubt that; doubt iffwhether | make sb do: be made to do arrest sb for sth/doing forgive sb for sth/doing refuse to do sth:refuse sth ehal ; respect sth; respect sb for sth/doing: charge sb with sth glimpse sth;catch a glimpse of sth famremec fesse ‘faim to be/do;claim that guilty of sth/doing threaten to do, threaten sb with sth_ deny sth/doing legal (for sb) todo Word formation area cca honest dishonest, (dis)honesty, prison prisoner, imprisoned), accuse accused, accusation (disthonesth imprisonment ict addicted addletive, investigate investigative, prove proof luniproven Garam investigation, investigator _ convict convicted, conviction law lawyer (un)lawful rob robbery robber ie criminal —_| murder murderer secure insecure, (in)securt evident evidence, evidently offence offensive, offend offender _| theft thief | forge forgery. forger 2 The law and crime Unit 12 Topic vocabulary in contrast A Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word on the line. 1 Alltwelve members of the witness were convinced of Davidson's gui 2 Idon't think I'd ever break a serious crime. 3. Ifthe school laws aren't written down anywhere, how are we supposed to know what they are? 4 Apsychiatrist was called as an expert judge during the trial. nnn 5 Ifaparent smacks a child, that’s an example of commit punishment. 6 Everyone should have the jury to a fair trial. 7 8 9 if you sentenced the law, you deserve to be punished! Governments must be allowed to introduce, change and scrap bystanders. Can you imagine what its like being justice for years in a cell? 10 _ It's very important that capital is seen to be done. 11 Another phrase for‘right punishment'is'the death sentence. 12. The spy was imprisoned to life imprisonment. 13 Anumber of rules watched the robbers speed off in a getaway car. 14 ‘Silence in court! shouted the corporal angrily B Complete the crossword. Actoss 2. Afootball... is someone who causes trouble at a football match. (8) 4 the decision of a judge or jury (7) ef 8 a burglar, robber or any other person who steals (5) 10 It might not be absolute proof of someone's guilt, but itis used to show that someone could be guilty. (8) 11 aperson the police think might have committed a crime (7) 12 Thejury found her not... of all charges.(6) 13 take someone to court (9) 4 Down Asolicitoris a specific type of ... (6) put someone in handcuffs and take them to the police station, for example (6) a person who puts graffiti on walls, smashes windows, etc (6) not guilty (8) If the police feel sure a person is guilty, they ... that person with the crime. (6) frequently attack or annoy; treat someone badly and deny them their rights (9) the person in court who is on trial (also known as the defendant) (7) evausws Seer SIE ORES Unit 12 Vocabulary Phrasal verbs C Complete using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box. break out » bring in « chase after « come for hold up « look into » make off 1 Somany witnesses have . . that it will take days to interview them all 2 The two robbers... vmnunmen ON Motorbike. 3 Police aE ann allegations of corruption in the mayor's office. 4 The governmentis thinking Of wm. alaw to allow on-the-spot fines for hooligans. 5 APODBET AAS verre three banks in town in the last week. 6 They spent two years planning their escape before they finally . of prison, 7 The policewoman eennnnnnnn the pickpocket, brought him to the ground and finally arrested him. 8 Luckily, the bomb disposal squad defused the bomb before it D Write one word in each gap. ‘The most incredible thing happened to me yesterday. | was walking home from school when | saw a wallet on the ground full of money. | picked it up, and was just about to take it to the police station to (1) ... itin, when a police officer jumped out and told me | was under arrest for stealing. | tried to explain the situation but he wouldn't (2) down.'I won't let you get (3)... ~wanen With this,’ he said.’You'te a thief, and thieves have to be punished.’ He handcuffed me and drove me to the police station, where he took (4) .... my name and address. | started crying, and begged him to (5) ww Me off, again trying to explain that | wasn’t going to keep the money. Suddenly, my best friend Adrian and a TV presenter came in and the police officer started laughing. It was practical joke for a TV show, and I'd been completely © in! Phrases and collocations E Circle the correct word. 1 Idon’t know why you're putting / taking the blame on me. Shelley has no intention / purpose of admitting she lied. Itdoesn't/ isn’t necessary to set the burglar alarm. The judge made / gave us permission to call a suprise witness. We don't know who was at fault / damage yet, but welll find out. Sorty,1 mistook you for / with someone else. Should judges take children into reason / account when sentencing their parents? ‘The plan went /had wrong, didn't it? We need prisons in solution / order to keep society safe from dangerous criminals. Many people are making / taking advantage of the change in the tax law. Seevanaun 4 The law and crime Unit 12 Word patterns F Match to make sentences. 1 They accused me A for shoplifting, 2. Ournext-door neighbour was arrested B she's guilty. 3 Three people have been charged... someone to steal something from a shop. 4 She denied D__ofsomeone shoplifting, 5 I doubt whether... E stealing the clothes. 6 I caughta glimpse. F to steal something from the shop. 7) Myfriends made Me sun G _ steal something from the shop. B She says she was MACE enmnn H_ with theft. 9 Htisillegal FOF mnnn 1 ofshoplifting. G Write one word in each gap. Newton Archer The Voice of Sanity You've let us down, Owen! Owen Davis used to be my hero. One of the greatest athletes of his generation, Owen made us think that everything was possible. | had so much respect (1) xna.n-nnnun him, pafticularty in terms of his ‘no drugs in sport’ campaign. And now there’s no doubt that all the time Davis was claiming (2) .. vw drugs were damaging sport, he himself was taking them. Last week, the International Athletics Association found Davis BUY (3) nn taking banned body-enhancing substances. Davis has been banned from taking part in national and international events for the next five years, and the IAA are threatening (4) ..nmsmuman Da future drug-takers for life. | hope they do. | refuse (5) ._ accept that we should show sympathy towards Davis at. time like this. We should never forgive people like Owen Davis (6) a bringing sport into disrepute. pl a er tori ——— Word formation H Each of the words in bold is in the wrong form. Write the correct form on the line. 1 I'mnot sure that sending young offence to prison is such a good idea. .. 2 There's absolutely no solid prove that he was anywhere near the scene of the crime, 3 'mnot saying another word until I've spoken to my law. 4 You shouldn't make accuse like that without evidence. .. 5 When she leftthe police force, she worked asa private investigate for awhile, 6 ‘hope that your prison has shown you the error of your ways,'said the prison governor. 7. He was initially sent toa maximum secure prison, 8 _ Lying and stealing are both forms of honest. 9 Police are looking carefully at the forensic evident. 10 There's no doubt this painting is 2 FOF GE. «un 11 Drugaddictis no excuse - no one should hold up a petrol station! 12 The rob took place at half past ten in the morning. 13. Nooneis born a theft, and no one has to remain one their whole life. 14 The convict ofa numberof senior executives has left the whole business community in SHOCK, nn 15. The problem with prisons is that they're full of crime who can teach new inmates al their tricks and skills! .. 16 Shoulda murder be given the death penalty’ 78 Units 11 and 12 Review A. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. ‘STOP PRESS Frank Turner, the (1) sna in a trial that has attracted national ACCUSE attention, was today convicted of murder. The police (2) .. INVESTIGATE lasted for a year and during the trial over 100 hours of (3)... EVIDENT were heard. Turner's (4) scum . had all argued that he was not in the LAW area at the time, but could not provide the necessary (5) un . PROVE Police described Turner as a well-known (6) wu. THEFT responsible for many (7) wie in the local region. This is not ROB Turners first (8). Seven years ago, he was found guilty of CONVICT (9) and served three years in prison. The judge is expected FORGE to sentence Turner to a period of (10)... ww later this week, PRISON: ne (1 mark per answer) B Match to make sentences. 11 Theard that they're going to bring off accidentally in his hand. 12 _ Police are appealing for members of the away with serious crimes every day. publicto come in by this trick and have lost a lot of money. 13 Nobody was convinced when the man forward with any information they feel claimed the gun had gone might be useful 14 The policewoman started to take up the bank and was sentenced to five 15 Lots of old people have been taken vn years in prison, 16 Peterson was found guilty of holding Off this time, but told him that he wouldn't be so lucky next time, 17 Many people get . ina law banning smoking in public places. 18 The policeman decided to let Shaun down everything I was saying and | knew | was in serious trouble. (1 mark per answer) Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap. 19 Police said there hadn't been a crime as bad as this in over ten years. the Police described it se . over ten years. 20 Some people don't respect the law. have Some people the law. 21. The laws in some countries are so strict that people have very little freedom. such Some countries people have very little freedom. 22 The girl was too young to goto prison. old The girl . to.go to prison. 23 The witness thought | was the thief, but realised that she was wrong, for The witness... : _ but realised that she was wrong. 24 Nobody in the country knows the law as well as Mr Parkhurst. than Mr Parkhurst knows the law . ssn 19 the COURtY. 25 There have been so many robberies lately that people are afraid. such There have been. swum FObberies lately that people are afraid.

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