Final Exam Review

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ENGL 0101 Final Review Supplement.

b) gone
c) going
This Final Review Supplement was created by Vicki Sheri Towne and Jo Szewczyk in hopes to allow you d) go
to have extra practice with some of the material covered in the course. It is important to note, that the
skills found below are to help you with general English and may not translate directly into studying for 8. I made a few mistakes, but ……… of my answers were correct.
the Final Exam. a) much
b) most
Sentence structures and grammar c) more
Directions. Choose the answer that best fits the sentence. d) few
1. I’m afraid I ……… here for your wedding party.
a) have not to be 9. This is ……… drawing.
b) am not being a) a very interesting
c) will be not b) very an interesting
d) can't be c) very interesting
d) very interested
2. How ……… are you?
a) high 10. Is ……… than his father?
b) wide a) Luke taller
c) long b) taller Luke
d) tall c) Luke more tall
d) Luke as tall as
3. Herzog knows that she ……… to leave now.
a) had better 11. ……… is it from here to Las Vegas?
b) needn't a) How long way
c) should b) How long
d) ought c) How far
d) How many
4. Bill will return the newspaper when he ……… it.
a) will have finish 12. Would you like some more Mint-Chocolate Rooibos tea? There's still ……… left.
b) looked a) few
c) has finished b) a few
d) look c) a little
d) little
5. They said they ……… juggle, but they didn’t.
a) can not 13. They ……… him of stealing the car.
b) going to a) blamed
c) maybe b) accused
d) might c) punished
d) arrested
6. Masie has ……… old Rolling Stones albums.
a) very much 14. My boots are filthy. I'd better take them ……… before I come in.
b) a lot of a) off
c) lots b) away
d) a very lot c) on
d) up
7. What about Bob? Will he ……… for a walk?
a) to go 15. We can finish the rest of the bread for ……… .

1 2
a) a breakfast pension he thought he'd return to in two years' time. Three if things were as serious as they
b) the breakfast said.
c) breakfast 2. In Miami, Máximo tried driving a taxi, but the streets were a web of foreign names and winding
d) a breakfasts curves that could one day lead to glitter and another to the hollow end of a pistol. His Spanish
and his University of Havana credentials meant nothing here. And he was too old to cut
16. Did you ……… to the concert yesterday? sugarcane with the younger men who began arriving in the spring of 1961. But the men gave
a) go
Máximo an idea, and after teary nights of promises, he convinced his wife—she of stately homes
b) going
and multiple cooks—to make lunch to sell to those sugar men who waited, squatting on their
c) was
d) went heels in the dark, for the bus to Belle Glade every morning. They worked side by side, Máximo
and Rosa. And at the end of every day, their hands stained orange from the lard and the cheap
17. I think ……… mail clerk. meat, their knuckles red and tender where the hot water and the knife blade had worked their
a) her job is business, Máximo and Rosa would sit down to whatever remained of the day's cooking and they
b) she's a would chew slowly, the day unraveling, their hunger ebbing away with the light.
c) her job is an 3. They worked together for years like that, and when the Cubans began disappearing from the
d) she's bus line, Máximo and Rosa moved their lunch packets indoors and opened their little restaurant
right on Eighth Street. There, a generation of former professors served black beans and rice to
18. Did you ……… to the store? the nostalgic. When Raúl showed up in Miami one summer looking for work, Máximo added one
a) ran more waiter's spot for his old acquaintance from L Street. Each night, after the customers had
b) running
gone, Máximo and Rosa and Raúl and Havana's old lawyers and bankers and dreamers would sit
c) run
around the biggest table and eat and talk and sometimes, late in the night after several glasses
d) vanish
of wine, someone would start the stories that began with "In Cuba I remember." They were
19. I ……. snow is very cold. stories of old lovers, beautiful and round-hipped. Of skies that stretched on clear and blue to the
a) think Cuban hills. Of green landscapes that clung to the red clay of Güines, roots dug in like fingernails
b) smell in a good-bye. In Cuba, the stories always began, life was good and pure. But something always
c) eat happened to them in the end, something withering, malignant. Máximo never understood it.
d) make The stories that opened in sun, always narrowed into a dark place. And after those nights, his
head throbbing, Máximo would turn and turn in his sleep and awake unable to remember his
20. Did you ……… the cat yesterday? dreams.
a) walking
b) walked
c) has walked Questions based on Passage 1, In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd.
d) walk
1. The main topic for this entire passage is about:
Reading Comprehension a. how Maximo left his wife and children in Cuba to immigrate to Miami.
Directions. Choose the answer that best answers the question based upon the reading given. b. why Maximo built a new life in Miami.
c. why Maximo left Cuba to immigrate to Miami.
d. how Maximo came to own a restaurant in Miami.
Passage 1: Read the following passage from the 2001 book, In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd by Ana e. None of the other choices are correct.
Menéndez, and published by Grove Press:
2. “The stories that opened in sun, always narrowed into a dark place.” This sentence from
1. Máximo was one of the first to leave L Street, boarding a plane for Miami on the eve of the first
paragraph 3 refers to
of January 1961, exactly two years after Batista had done the same. For reasons he told himself a. Maximo’s life in Cuba.
he could no longer remember, he said good-bye to no one. He was thirty-six years old then, b. Maximo’s life in Miami.
already balding, with a wife and two young daughters whose names he tended to confuse. He c. memories shared by immigrants about Miami
left behind the row house of long shiny windows, the piano, the mahogany furniture, and the d. memories shared by other immigrants about Cuba
e. All of the other choices are correct.

3 4
3. Maximo started a catering business in Miami because he liked to cook.
a. True
b. False

4. Based on the information in this passage, the German Shepherd mentioned in the title is
probably referring to the young men who worked in the sugarcane field.
a. True
b. False

5. The German Shepherd mentioned in the title is an example of the author’s use of
a. metaphor
b. analogy
c. parody
d. paraphrase
e. None of the other choices are correct.

6. Maximo was “thirty-six years old then, already balding, with a wife and two young
daughters” when he left Cuba. The most appropriate APA style citation for this sentence is
a. (Menendez, A., 2001)
b. (Menendez, 2001, para. 1)
1. It was December—a bright frozen day in the early morning. Far out in the country there was an
c. (Menendez, 2001, p. 1)
d. (Menendez, 2001) old Negro woman with her head tied in a red rag, coming along a path through the pinewoods.
e. (Ana Menendez, p. 1, 2001) Her name was Phoenix Jackson. She was very old and small and she walked slowly in the dark
pine shadows, moving a little from side to side in her steps, with the balanced heaviness and
7. In the second sentence of paragraph three, the word “nostalgic” probably means lightness of a pendulum in a grandfather clock. She carried a thin, small cane made from an
a. hungry Cuban immigrants that want waiters to serve them food. umbrella, and with this she kept tapping the frozen earth in front of her. This made a grave and
b. people who remember good times in Cuba. persistent noise in the still air that seemed meditative, like the chirping of a solitary little bird.
c. people who never cook black beans and rice at home anymore. 2. She wore a dark striped dress reaching down to her shoe tops, and an equally long apron of
d. Cuban immigrants who associate that food with their former home. bleached sugar sacks, with a full pocket: all neat and tidy, but every time she took a step she
e. people who talk a lot about where they used to live. might have fallen over her shoelaces, which dragged from her unlaced shoes. She looked
straight ahead. Her eyes were blue with age. Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless
8. One summer, several years after opening his restaurant, Maximo’s old friend Raul
branching wrinkles and as though a whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead, but a
moved to Miami and needed work so Maximo gave him a job. This sentence is
golden color ran underneath, and the two knobs of her cheeks were illumined by a yellow
a. the story of how Raul came to work at Maximo’s restaurant and does not
require citation. burning under the dark. Under the red rag her hair came down on her neck in the frailest of
b. a paraphrase from the story of how Raul came to work at Maximo’s restaurant ringlets, still black, and with an odor like copper.
and does not require citation. 3. Now and then there was a quivering in the thicket. Old Phoenix said, 'Out of my way, all you
c. a paraphrase from the story of how Raul came to work at Maximo’s restaurant foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons and wild animals! ... Keep out from under these feet,
that should include a citation. little bob-whites ... Keep the big wild hogs out of my path. Don't let none of those come running
d. a quotation from the story about how Raul came to work at Maximo’s my direction. I got a long way.' Under her small black-freckled hand her cane, limber as a buggy
restaurant that should include a citation. whip, would switch at the brush as if to rouse up any hiding things.
e. not from the story so it does not require a citation. 4. On she went. The woods were deep and still. The sun made the pine needles almost too bright
to look at, up where the wind rocked. The cones dropped as light as feathers. Down in the
hollow was the mourning dove—it was not too late for him.
Passage 2: Read the following passage taken from a story published on this webpage:
Questions based on Passage 2, “A Worn Path.”

5 6
9. Paragraph two from the story is a good example of 14. The most appropriate citation for a quotation taken from paragraph two would be
a. an illustrative paragraph. a. (Welty, n.d., p. 2)
b. a narrative paragraph. b. (Welty, n.d.)
c. an informative paragraph. c. (Welty, n.d., para. 2)
d. a descriptive paragraph. d. (Welty, 1941)
e. a persuasive paragraph. e. (Welty, 1941, p.2)

10. In the first sentence of paragraph three, the word quivering probably describes 15. Based on the language used when Old Phoenix speaks in paragraph three, the author
a. the sound of something moving in the thicket. portrayed Old Phoenix as
b. the sound of wind blowing through the thicket. a. someone who speaks mostly colloquial English.
c. the sound of the cane hitting the path in the thicket. b. someone who speaks English with a heavy dialect.
d. the sound of her feet on the path through the thicket. c. someone who is hard to understand when they speak.
e. None of the other choices are correct because quivering is a noun. d. someone who speaks using mostly good English.
e. someone who speaks nonsense to imaginary friends.
11. In the first paragraph, third sentence, the author describes Phoenix’s walk as having
“the balanced heaviness and lightness of a pendulum in a grandfather clock.” To add an 16. Old Phoenix lives in the city, but is taking a walk through the woods near her home.
appropriate citation to this sentence you would need to a. True.
a. None of the other choices are correct because the sentence does not need a b. False.
b. simply keep the punctuation where it is and place the brackets after the 17. We know Old Phoenix looks young for her age because of the description in paragraph
quotation marks. two.
c. move the punctuation from where it is and place the brackets after the a. True.
quotation marks. b. False.
d. simply keep the punctuation where it is, place the brackets after the quotation
marks, then add another punctuation at the end. Passage 3: Read the following passages taken from the article by Neil Gaiman that appeared on 15
e. move the punctuation from where it is, place the brackets after the quotation October 2013, in the book section of the online newspaper, The Guardian, available at
marks, then put the punctuation at the end.
The article is titled “Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming” and
12. Based on the information provided about this story on the screenshot of the web page, was last accessed on 30 January 2017.
the most appropriate reference citation would be
a. Welty, Eudora. (1941). A Worn Path. Retrieved from 1. Libraries are places that people go to for information. Books are only the tip of the information iceberg: they are there, and libraries can provide you freely and legally with books. More
b. Welty, E. (n.d.). A Worn Path. Retrieved from children are borrowing books from libraries than ever before – books of all kinds: paper and digital and audio. But libraries are also, for example, places that people, who may not have
c. Welty, E. (1941, February). A worn path. Original retrieved from computers, who may not have internet connections, can go online without paying anything: hugely important when the way you find out about jobs, apply for jobs or apply for benefits is
d. Welty, E. (n.d.). A worn path. The Atlantic. Retrieved from
increasingly migrating exclusively online. Librarians can help these people navigate that world.
2. I do not believe that all books will or should migrate onto screens: as Douglas Adams once
(Original work published 1941)
e. Welty, E. (n.d.). A worn path. The Atlantic. Retrieved from pointed out to me, more than 20 years before the Kindle turned up, a physical book is like a shark. Sharks are old: there were sharks in the ocean before the dinosaurs. And the reason there
(Original work published 1941) are still sharks around is that sharks are better at being sharks than anything else is. Physical
books are tough, hard to destroy, bath-resistant, solar-operated, feel good in your hand: they
13. Quotation marks always signal that a passage from a text is appropriately paraphrased. are good at being books, and there will always be a place for them. They belong in libraries, just
a. True as libraries have already become places you can go to get access to ebooks, and audiobooks and
b. False DVDs and web content.

7 8
3. A library is a place that is a repository of information and gives every citizen equal access to it. b. False.
That includes health information. And mental health information. It’s a community space. It’s a
place of safety, a haven from the world. It’s a place with librarians in it. What the libraries of the 23. According to Gaiman (2013), libraries are just information repositories, they are not
future will be like is something we should be imagining now. meant to be “a community space. . . a place of safety, a haven from the world” (para. 3). This is
4. Literacy is more important than ever it was, in this world of text and email, a world of written an accurate paraphrase and quote of information from paragraph three.
information. We need to read and write, we need global citizens who can read comfortably, a. True.
b. False.
comprehend what they are reading, understand nuance, and make themselves understood.
5. Libraries really are the gates to the future. So it is unfortunate that, round the world, we
24. Based on the information provided, this reference listing contains no APA style errors:
observe local authorities seizing the opportunity to close libraries as an easy way to save money, Gaiman, N. (2013). Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming.
without realising that they are stealing from the future to pay for today. They are closing the The Guardian. Retrieved from
gates that should be open. future-libraries-reading-daydreaming
a. True.
Questions based on Passage 3 – “Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and
b. False.
25. In paragraph four, the word nuance probably means
18. The thesis for the selected passages is __________ and the topic is __________. Choose
a. big details in meaning.
the best answer pair from the choices below:
b. information accuracy.
a. Libraries are necessary / Books are important.
c. subtle details in meaning.
b. Books are necessary / Libraries are important.
d. information relevancy.
c. Information is necessary / Books are necessary.
e. None of the other choices are correct; nuance is used as a verb in the sentence.
d. Libraries are important places / Access to information.
e. Books are important objects / Tools for literacy.
26. Paragraph one is a good example of a/an
a. an illustrative paragraph.
19. When Gaiman writes that “physical books are like sharks,” he is making a/an
b. a narrative paragraph.
___________ to the theory of _______________. Choose the base answer pair from the choices
c. an informative paragraph.
d. a descriptive paragraph.
a. contribution / ancestry.
e. a persuasive paragraph.
b. allusion / evolution.
c. Illusion / evolution.
27. Paragraph four is a good example of a/an
d. constitution / illusion.
a. an illustrative paragraph.
e. distribution / ancestry.
b. a narrative paragraph.
c. an informative paragraph.
20. Gaiman could have written that physical books are like cockroaches instead of sharks,
d. a descriptive paragraph.
and it would still be a/an _________________ to the theory of __________________.
e. a persuasive paragraph.
a. contribution / ancestry.
Passage 4: Read the following passage taken from the text that appears in the following screenshot:
b. allusion / evolution.
c. Illusion / evolution.
d. constitution / illusion.
e. distribution / ancestry.

21. Gaiman believes that nothing will take the place of physical books, but libraries will
probably change.
a. True.
b. False.

22. Gaiman believes that only global citizens should have access to libraries.
a. True.

9 10
Questions based on Passage 4, “The High Cost of Neuromyths in Education.”
28. Based on the information provided, this text would be considered a strong source for an
essay in favor of commercial educational products.
a. True.
b. False.
29. Based on the information provided, this text is probably from a/an
a. online newspaper.
b. social media resource.
c. scholarly journal.
d. online periodical.
e. online blog site.

30. The author provided evidence to support the claims in paragraph four.
a. True.
b. False.

31. In paragraph two, the word plausible probably means

a. something might be true.
b. something might be false.
c. something is evidence-based.
d. something is research-based.
e. something is a fact.
1. Valid neuroscience research is an increasingly useful resource for guiding interventions in
32. In paragraph one, the word niche probably means/describes
education. But not all "neurocontent" is created equal. With the overall rise in accessible
a. a shallow recess for grouping content.
education content has come a rise in the niche of neurological educational content -- content b. a comfortable place for grouping content.
developed for educators based on how the brain works. c. things that only interest small groups.
2. One of the more common snags here is the advent of "neuromyths," or content purportedly d. filing information into small places.
based on neuroscience that, while sounding plausible, is incorrect. e. None of the other choices is correct.
3. Neuromyths result from unsupported claims about interventions or products supposedly
"proven by neuroscience research." These claims (usually with interventions for sale) are based 33. The author believes that many commercial educational products claiming to be
on research that is either not scientifically valid or not supportive of the specific intervention supported by neuroscience research are actually neuromyths.
being promoted. a. True.
4. Consider the financial and socioeconomic costs of commercial products falsely claiming b. False.
neuroscience proof that all learners need what they offer. The expression "edu-cash-in" is a
34. The language and writing style used by the author is inappropriate for an APA style
reasonable description of people trying to capitalize on unsupported claims about the research
behind the design and promised outcome of their books, cure-all learning theories, curriculum
a. it is too formal.
packages, and edtech products. Further, the falsehoods that neuromyths perpetuate also make b. it is too conversational.
educators skeptical about educational practices that actually have a strong evidence base, c. it uses slang and jargon.
adding another layer to the problem. d. it is not direct and clear.
5. We study history, in part, to learn from the mistakes of the past. Analyzing educationally- e. None of the other choices are correct.
relevant neuromyths helps us become more critical consumers, avoiding costly expenditures of
inadequately-supported claims and products while remaining alert for important implications of Passage 5: The following is a screenshot of an abstract for a scholarly article that is listed in ERIC.
valid neuroscience research.

11 12
their students. Sample: A sample of 583 Portuguese teachers from different areas of expertise
participated in this study. The participants were aged between 25 and 61 years (mean = 41; SD = 9) and
taught at Preschool to High School levels. Design and methods: We designed a questionnaire to assess
whether teachers believed in the neuromyths. Non-myth/myth statements were presented, alongside
an open-ended question concerning the links between brain and education. Together, these queries
afforded a database of the teachers' knowledge concerning neuroscientific facts and neuromyths.
Results: Our results suggest that teachers fail to distinguish myths from facts, irrespective of the area
taught and level of teaching. However, our findings also indicate that, although teachers have difficulties
in untangling myths from facts, Portuguese teachers are interested in the workings of the brain and
recognise the potential of neuroscientific information in education. Conclusions: Results from this study
suggest that communication between neuroscientists and teachers must be improved through an open,
interdisciplinary dialogue. This research raises questions that should help to develop educational
neuroscience as a discipline. Namely, we highlight the need for a translation of the educational
neuroscience facts into a language shared by teachers; and the need for specific training so that
teachers might make adequate use of education-related neuroscientific findings in the classroom.

Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Neurosciences, Misconceptions, Teachers, Scientific Literacy,

Questionnaires, Teacher Surveys, Statistical Analysis, Expertise, Teaching Experience, Academic
Achievement, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Science Education, Academic Discourse, Scientists,
Elementary Secondary Education

Questions based on Passage 5, “Neuromyths in Education: What if Fact and What is Fiction for
Portuguese Teachers.”
35. One function of an abstract for a scholarly article is that it
a. provides readers a detailed summary of the entire article.
b. provides readers a shortcut to the results from a scientific study.
c. provides readers a shortcut for determining research relevancy.
d. provides readers with the best version of the article information.
e. All of the other choices are correct functions.

36. This abstract describes results from a scientific study about how Portuguese teachers
use neuroscience in the classroom.
a. True.
Here is the text of the abstract for ease of reading: b. False.
c. The article does not provide that type of information.
Neuromyths in Education: What Is Fact and What Is Fiction for Portuguese Teachers?
Rato, Joana Rodrigues; Abreu, Ana Maria; Castro-Caldas, Alexandre 37. The study described in the abstract was based on data collected by interviewing
Portuguese teachers.
Educational Research, v55 n4 p441-453 2013 a. True
b. False.
Background: Educational neuroscience is a relatively new discipline. However, many obstacles persist in
c. The abstract does not provide that type of information.
delaying the success of an interface between neuroscience and education. One such major obstacle has
been the spread of neuromyths. Purpose: The main aim of this study was to verify whether Portuguese 38. The study results show that teachers are susceptible to misinterpreting neuroscientific
teachers are susceptible to misinterpreting neuroscientific findings and believe in neuromyths that findings.
might ultimately impair their teaching--or simply waste time investing in techniques that will not aid a. True

13 14
b. False. The Answer Key
c. The abstract does not provide that type of information.
Part 1:
39. The authors of this study recommend that all teachers receive the same education as 1d 8b 15c
neuroscientists to make the classroom more brain-friendly. 2d 9a 16a
a. True 3d 10a 17b
b. False. 4c 11c 18c
c. The abstract does not provide that type of information. 5d 12c 19a
6b 13b 20d
40. In first clause of the last sentence, the word translation probably means someone 7d 14a
a. change words and phrases from English to Portuguese.
b. make it easy to understand facts from English in Portuguese. Part 2:
c. None of the other choices are correct because translation is a verb.
d. translate neuroscience facts into simple language. 1d 15d 29e
e. develop a common language for neuroscientists and educators. 2d 16b 30b
3b 17b 31a
4b 18d 32c
5a 19b 33a
6b 20b 34e
7d 21a 35c
8c 22b 36b
9d 23b 37b
10a 24b 38a
11e 25c 39b
12d 26a 40e
13b 27e
14c 28b

15 16

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