Observation Form: Part 1 - Pre-Requisites

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Teacher's Name Observer's Name

Campus Title
Class Campus
Subject ESL
Lesson Total score
Date Ranking
Pre-requisites met

Teacher is professional and shows
1 respect to all learners.


Basic (x1)
2A. Managing Classroom 2A.1. Space Teacher checks and/or ensures students'
Space, Materials & desks and chairs are arranged for safe
Procedures 1 movement.

2A.2. Materials Teacher provides a variety of materials.

(E.g. PPT slides, songs, videos, pictures,
1 timelines, charts and graphs, realia etc.)

2A.3. Procedures Teacher gives clear and orderly

instructions for transitions and other
1 routines (e.g. handling materials,
greeting, break etc.)
2B. Managing Student 2B.1. Setting & Monitoring Teacher clearly states and/or
Behavior Rules/Expectations displays classroom rules,
1 expectations.

2B.2. Responding to & Fostering Teacher acknowledges students'

Student Behavior positive behaviors.

2C. Creating an Respect & Rapport & Caring Teacher inquires about students' life
Environment of Respect and/or interests beyond the class and
and Rapport 1 school.
2D. Creating a Culture 2D.1. Effort & Persistence Teacher communicates that teacher
for Learning won't consider a lesson "finished" until
most students achieve the lesson
1 objectives.

2D.2. Passion to Learn Teacher shows interest (e.g. through

body gestures, voice, tone,...) in
delivering the lesson.



3A. Communicating with 3A.1. Setting Objectives Teacher clearly states lesson objectives
Students verbally and/or in written form (on board
or PPT) at the beginning and/or
1 throughout the lesson.

3A.2. Giving Instruction Teacher gives/demonstrates clear

instructions for each teaching activity.

3A.3. Content Delivery & Clarity Teacher explains the content correctly.

3A.4. Promoting the Use of English Teacher uses English mostly, only
resorting to Vietnamese when necessary
(e.g. comforting an upset student or
1 swiftly clarifying difficult blocking
lexis/concepts etc.)

Teacher encourages students to only use

English in class.

3B. Engaging Students 3B.1. Student Engagement Teacher ensures students exhibit body
in Learning postures indicating that they are paying
1 attention (to teacher, other students,
instructional materials).
in Learning

Teacher gives students an opportunity

for reflection to consolidate their
learning after an activity/lesson.

3B.2. Scaffolding & Differentiating Teacher uses a mix of student-

Instruction grouping.

3C. Using Questioning 3C.1. Low- & High-level Questioning Teacher gives concise and easy to
and Discussion understand questions.
Techniques 1

1 Teacher uses wait time.

3C.2. Discussion Teacher creates opportunities for
sharing of ideas among the whole

3D. Using Assessment in 3D.1. Monitoring of Student Learning Teacher assesses assumed prior
Instruction & Feedback with Checks for Understanding knowledge of students at the beginning
of lesson. (E.g. using student scores or
quick check activities.)

3D.2. Feedback to Students Teacher walks around classroom to

monitor learning and/or participation.

Teacher shows attention to most

students' works (oral, written).

Teacher acknowledges students'
1 sharing/answers (e.g. thank you,
very good, great idea etc.).


4A. Lesson Planning 4A.1. Objectives Lesson objective is aligned with level

4A.2. Sequence & Balance For each task/activity, lesson plan

provides task description, task aim,
procedure, and success criteria.

4B. Knowledge of Lesson plan shows that teacher can

Content & Pedagogy identify important concepts and skills
of the discipline.

4C. Reflection and Teacher actively participates in

Receiving Feedback post-observation discussion. (E.g.
by listening to comments, asking
questions to enhance
1 understanding, discussing and
taking notes if necessary.)

Total Score 27
Level Weight 11%
PART 5 - What has been well done?


PART 7 - Teacher's reflection (to be recorded after the lesson)



Outstanding 3

Teacher displays solid knowledge of the

1 subject.

Approaching (x2) Competent (x3) Outstanding (x4)

[44] [57] [56]
Teacher checks and/or ensures classroom Teacher organizes and uses classroom
setup allows students to have access to setup to allow maximum engagement
2 instruction with limited distractions. 3 (T-S, S-S). 4

Teacher provides visually appealing Teacher adequately exploits each

materials. (E.g. board use, handouts are presented material (in terms of time
2 neat; PPT slides use illustrations, transition 3 allowance, class coverage, content 4
effects etc.) inquiry) to support learning goals and
different lesson stages.

Teacher executes transitions and other Students contribute to the managing

routines smoothly with minimal loss of groups, transitioning between activities,
2 instructional time. (E.g. using time device, 3 and handling materials and supplies.
system of signals)
Teacher demonstrates continuous active
supervision across the classroom &
2 activities. (E.g. silently pausing or subtly
moving throughout the classroom to scan
for potential behavior issues)

Teacher frequently reminds students of Teacher positively and effectively

expected positive behaviors. (E.g. using handles misbehaviors (e.g. redirecting
nonverbal signals, calling attention to undesired behaviors to replacement ones,
classroom rules). proximity control, time-out, follow-up
conversations) without hugely
2 3 disrupting the class flow and attention. 4

Teacher shows sensitivity to students' Teacher demonstrates understanding of

inclinations. (E.g. not exhibiting biases students and their interests beyond the
2 against mentalities, personalities, gender.) 3 class and school. 4
Teacher reinforces high expectations of Most students achieve objectives of the
student effort. (E.g. taking a firm stand lesson and/or activities.
against inadequate efforts and subpar
2 performance relative to each student's 3 4
ability, except for health issues and other
objective reasons)

Teacher explains the importance of Most students demonstrate a genuine

learning, subject and/or lesson content. desire to understand the lesson rather
than, for example, just learn a procedure
2 3 to getting the correct answer.

Approaching Competent Outstanding

(x2) (x3) (x4)

Teacher helps students understand lesson

objectives in relation to previous and
future learning.

Teacher effectively uses ICQs to check Teacher gives detailed instructions of

students' understanding of instructions. how to achieve satisfactory outcomes
2 3 in each activity. 4

Teacher clearly answers students' Teacher uses written and verbal

clarification questions. language appropriate to students'
2 3 developmental age and background. 4

Teacher provides correct examples (written Teacher consistently raises students'

or verbal) of phrases/sentences containing awareness of stresses and intonations
language features. in the English language. (E.g. by using
2 3 pronunciation modeling and drilling 4

Teacher provides useful basic language Teacher uses activities with a logical
(e.g. "It's my turn") so that students can progression (before, during, after each
2 effectively communicate in English (S-S, S- 3 activity and between activities) to help 4
T). students develop their abilities to use

Teacher uses suitable lesson pacing that is Most students actively work on most
neither dragged out nor rushed. assignments rather than watching while
2 3 their teacher "works". 4
Teacher gives students opportunities to As students explain their thought
explain their thought process as part of process, teacher effectively facilitates
completing a task. the thought process for struggling
2 3 students. 4

Teacher gives differentiating materials Teacher effectively executes a

and tasks for different groups based variety of scaffolding or
on abilities, learning preferences, differentiation strategies to cater
personalities. to the varied needs of students.
(E.g. difficult tasks are simplified,
slowed down, further practiced or
2 3 4
skipped, while easy tasks are added with
extra challenges)

Teacher gives open-ended questions Teacher incorporates students'

(despite some low-level questions) that questions into the lesson, encouraging
2 offer multiple possible answers. 3 other students to discuss the questions at 4

Teacher allows students to connect their Teacher establishes a real-world

personal experiences with the connection between students and the
subject at hand to generate interest subject at hand to generate a class-level
2 3 interest and productive discussions. 4
and discussion.

Teacher frequently uses formative Teacher effectively addresses any

assessment techniques (e.g. posing misconceptions or
specifically created questions, CCQs) to misunderstanding throughout the
elicit information about student lesson for most students.
2 understanding. 3 4

Teacher supports struggling groups. (E.g. Teacher gives appropriate feedback

providing clues, facilitating the teamwork to class/group for level of
process.) instruction. (E.g. task-level for
2 3 4
teaching new materials; process-level for
practice and application lessons)

Teacher encourages passive students Teacher gives appropriate feedback to

to participate in support individual students in
activities/discussions. accordance with their needs. (E.g.
pointing out an individual' strengths,
2 3 weaknesses, and/or ways to improve 4
based on performance.)
Teacher uses appropriate correction Teacher effectively coaches students on
2 techniques (oral, written). 3 how to give constructive feedback on
their peers' work.

Approaching Competent Outstanding

(x2) (x3) (x4)
Objectives are performance-based in Teacher anticipates problems and
terms of what students can do (e.g. plans solutions. (E.g. how to deal
using Bloom verbs). with language questions, early
finishers, how to scale up/down
2 3 activities, possible student
misconceptions and how to
address those.)

Lesson is logically staged in order for Lesson plan shows diagnostic,

each learning activity to contribute formative, or summative
towards achieving the lesson assessments to monitor learning
2 outcomes. 3 of students of varied abilities 4
throughout the lesson.

There is appropriate time allocation to Lesson plan shows differentiation

learning activities and transitions. principles to facilitate learning for
2 3 multiple learner types. 4

Lesson plan shows that instructional Lesson plan shows that instructional
strategies are suitable to lesson content. strategies are entirely suitable to
students' developmental stage.

2 3 4

Teacher can identify strengths and Teacher can analyze what made
weaknesses of the observed lesson areas of the lesson effective or
during post-observation meeting. less effective.
(E.g. teacher reflects on evidence of
2 students' learning by referring to 3 4
some specific classroom situation

54 75 84
23% 31% 35%
PART 6 -What needs to be improved?
n) PART 8 - Teacher's comments

Không đạt Ineffective < 84 < 35%
Trung bình Developing 1 84 35%
Khá Developing 2 108 45%
Khá Developing 3 132 55%
Tốt Accomplished 1 144 60%
Tốt Accomplished 2 156 65%
Tốt Accomplished 3 168 70%
Xuất sắc Outstanding 1 180 75%
Xuất sắc Outstanding 2 204 85%
Xuất sắc Outstanding 3 228 95%

Outstanding (x4)
Teacher makes creative use of classroom
setup and space that highly engages
students in a way that is worth being
replicated and systemized.
Teacher makes creative use of teaching aids
that highly motivates and challenges
students in a way that is worth being
replicated and systemized.

At least 80% students follow classroom

procedures and always show appropriate

Most students naturally feel and show

caring and empathy with peers and
teachers throughout the class.
Most students in class are intrinsically
driven to complete work of high quality
relative to each individual's ability.


Most students implicitly understand and

clearly demonstrate what standards are
expected of them during each activity/task.

Teacher explains content imaginatively.

(E.g. using metaphors, analogies, similes to
bring content to life with rich language.)

Most students confidently use English in

class, with students' total talking time in
English more than 50% of the lesson.

Teacher takes advantage of impromptu

exchanges (S-T, S-S) in class to empower
students to use English more effectively
and/or creatively.

Most students are engaged in activities that

require high-level cognitive and/or
knowledge dimension with content and
English (in accordance with Bloom
As students explain their thought process,
teacher effectively further
challenges/broadens their thinking and

Students take justifiable initiatives to

adapt the lesson. E.g. (1) modifying a
learning task to make it more meaningful
and relevant to students' needs, (2)
suggesting modifications to the grouping
patterns used, (3) suggesting modifications
or additions to the materials being used, (4)
choosing to complete the task individually,
in pairs, in groups or in a different format:
poem vs essay etc.

Most students effectively initiate higher-

order questions that are appropriate to their
cognitive developmental stage.

Students actively invite comments from

classmates/teacher during discussion and
challenge one another's thinking.

Most students effectively monitor their

own understanding, either on their own
initiative or as a result of tasks set by the

Most students are aware of assessment

criteria and able to assess themselves
according to such criteria.

Most students are able to give

constructive feedback to their peers
without teacher's support.

Lesson plan shows an innovative approach

in integrating language skills with
communication and/or collaboration that
is worth being replicated and systemized.

Lesson plan shows an innovative approach

in integrating language skills with
creativity and/or critical thinking that is
worth being replicated and systemized.

Lesson plan shows an innovative approach

to integrate intra- and inter-disciplinary
content that is worth being replicated and

There is evidence of effective reflection

on feedback, as teacher establishes
sound and concrete learning points
that he/she can apply in future



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