Cooper Pair 2

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Statistical and Low Temperature Physics (PHYS393)

7a. Superconductivity - Cooper pair

Kai Hock 2010 - 2011 University of Liverpool

Cooper pair The average charge in a lattice is zero. The potential energy of an electron is due to an ion is e2 U = . 4 0r

If the ion is displaced by an electrons attraction, the net potential is approximately the change in the ions potential: dU e2 r . U 2 dr 4 0r This net potential is only present near the ion. Further away, it will not be felt because other electrons would move around and cancel it (screening). So another electron would feel this potential only when r is about d, the distance between ions.

Let the displacement of the ion be . The new potential is e2 V = U . 2 4 0d To estimate this, we need to nd . For small displacement of the ion, the ions motion is simple harmonic. We know then that: maximum velocity = amplitude x frequency. So when the ion receives a sudden attraction (impulse) from a passing electron, it takes o from rest with the velocity : v0 D . To see that the Debye frequency D is the correct frequency here, recall that D is the maximum frequency in lattice vibration.

When a lattice vibrates the maximum frequency, the adjacent ions move in opposite phase, just as in the present case of two ions attracted by an electron passing in between.

To nd v0, we need to know the impulse (force x time) from the electron. The force is active only when the distance is within a distance of about d from the ion.

So the force and time, are respectively, e2 d and , F 4 0d2 ve where ve is the velocity of the electron.

If the electron is at the Fermi level EF , the velocity can be obtained from: 1 2 EF = mve . 2 Then the ions velocity is v0 = where M is the mass of the ion. F M

The attraction only exists in the narrow region between adjacent ions, and behind the passing electron. Also, it would only last until the displaced ion returns to its rest position. The time for this is the half of the period 2/D . So a passing electron with velocity ve leaves behind a trail of displaced ions of length l = ve . D

This is also the length, or extent, of the attractive region. This attraction can only be felt by another electron travelling along nearly the same path, in the opposite direction. If they travel in the same direction, the electron in front would not feel the attraction from the electron behind. In order to know whether this attraction could lead to a bound state, we must solve the Schrodingers equation to see if the wavefunction has a nite size (as opposed to a sine wave that goes on forever). Without going into the detailed solution, lets try and guess the shape of this wavefunction.

We are interested in two electrons whose paths are always very close, so the potential is eectively spherically symmetric. As the electrons are in oppostive directions (and the paths very close), we may assume that the angular momentum is zero.

The ground state wavefunction of the hydrogen atom also has spherical potential and zero angular momentum. So the wavefunction would be spherical. However, it would also have many oscillation, with the electrons have the large kinetic energy of EF . The attractive potential is much weaker, and not normally enough to bind the electrons. When Leon Cooper solved the Schrodingers equation in 1956, he used a sum of sine waves for the wavefunction, with wavevectors k above the Fermi level. He showed that this can solve the equation. The solution is indeed a wavefunction with a nite size of about 300d, 300 times the spacing between ions.


It has an energy 2EF , where is about 104EF . If two electrons start with energy EF , this means that is the binding energy. If is so much smaller, why do the electrons not escape. Physically, if a electron just escape, its wavefunction must change to that of a free particle, i.e. a sine function, with energy EF /2. However, this is just below EF , where the states are fully occupied. This is not allowed by the exclusion principle.


The bound pair is called a Cooper pair. The electrons would have opposite spin, so the resultant spin is zero - the pair is a boson. Since the electrons have equal and opposite momentum, the resultant momentum is also zero. As Cooper pairs are bosons, they can all occupy the same zero momentum state, and form a condensate. This is the beginning of the explanation for the zero resistance. So a gap opens up in the dispersion relation of the free electrons, when the metal becomes superconducting.

would be the excitation energy that breaks the Cooper pair. This gives a Landau critical velocity of /pF . If electrons ow below this velocity, the Cooper pairs would be superconducting. Above this critical current, the Cooper pairs would be broken.

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