02 Seatwork 1

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Philline Grace B. Donasco


Instruction: Read the following workplace issues and express your thoughts using at least one (1)
emotion from the Ortony, Clore, & Collins’ (OCC) Emotion Model.

Issue Emotion Why do you feel that way? How will you deal with
the positive/negative
A workmate is Anger Because I do really hate By controlling my anger
spreading Hate spreading rumors about me and by talking to the one of
malicious rumors especially when it is not true. my workmate to stop
about you. spreading rumors about me
and by minding his/her own
A new employee Disappointment Because I think my effort by By accepting like saying to
was promoted doing anything just to be myselft that “ it is what it is”
instead of you. promoted was not enough that is and by keeping my mindset
why I felt dissapointed in myself. that time will come wherein
I could be promoted.

Your workmate Distress I felt that way because it just By letting my team to think
has been Reproach didn’t affects to his/her that we shouldn’t be
underperforming individually but it do really affects affected on someones
because of as a team which is not good. personal issues and we
personal issues should focus on what
and it has greatly matters the most which if
affected the doing our best in our
performance of performance.
the team.
The management Joy Because I think our best and By being proud to myself
gives Satisfaction effort that we gave just to be a and by saying thank you to
incentives/bonuses performing employees are indeed our management and lastly
to performing worth it. by keeping a good work.

The management Gratification I felt that way because it is a By doing our very best to
has been pleasure whrein we gained the be a better version of
encouraging the satisfaction of our desires wherein ourselves and also, to let
employees to be a to be a better version of ourselves. that word of
better version of encourangement of our
themselves and management to be the
achieve growth in reason to work and strive
the company. harder.

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