March 20 - 24

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Teaching Dates and Time MARCH 20 – 24, 2023 Quarter 3


I. OBJECTIVES 1. Identify the elements of 2. Write an argumentative 1. Identify the parts of an argumentative essay. 1. Identify the different writing
an argumentative essay. essay outline 2. Compose an argumentative essay techniques, characteristics and uses.
2. Appreciate the techniques in
developing an effective essay.
3. Use of variety of informative,
persuasive, and argumentative
writing techniques
through an essay.
A. The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as vehicles of expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or groups; also,
how to use strategies in critical reading, listening, and viewing and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu and extemporaneous speeches.

B. Performance Standard The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among individuals or groups.

C. Learning Competency/ (EN10WC-IIh-13) Compose an argumentative essay (EN10WC-IIIb-

Objectives 14.1.2) Use of informative, persuasive,
and argumentative writing techniques
II. CONTENT Composing an Argumentative Essay (Elements of An Composing an Argumentative Essay (Parts of An Argumentative Using a variety of informative,
Argumentative Essay) Essay) persuasive, and argumentative writing
1. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
Other Learning Resource

A. Reviewing previous lesson or On many occasions, you Continuation of the lesson In your previous lessons, you were Continuation of the lesson Now, let us have a recapitulation about
presenting the new lesson may have to take a stand able to learn how to formulate a your previous
on an issue of a statement of fact, opinion, or topic. Can someone tell me your point
consequence. You cannot assertion, claim which are of view about your previous topic?
stay neutral, especially essential in making your
when the stakes are arguments.
considerable. It is therefore Everybody is entitled to take a
important that you learn to stand on issues concerning the
argue well whether in happenings in his surroundings.
speaking or writing. One can convince others to
Argument is almost always support his stand or point of view
linked with persuasion. on a particular topic by presenting
reasons and
providing evidence that support it.

B. Establishing a purpose for the THE GOOD AND THE UNSCRAMBLE AND MATCH! “Guess the Word”
lesson BAD! 1. TCNOURNDIITO Welcome to a new challenge, try to
2. ODYB identify what is
3. CNSIUOCLNO being described and arrange the
It restates the thesis statement or jumbled letters for you
the main claim and presents one to get the correct answer.
or two general statements which Are you ready?
accurately summarize the
arguments which support your 1. It is the process of using symbols like
stand. letters of the
Introduces the problem and gives alphabet, punctuation and spaces to
the background information communicate
necessary for the argument and thoughts and ideas in a readable form.
the thesis statement or the main 2. It is the central argument or thesis
claim. statement of the
This contains the reasons. text.
3. it means to give reasons for, or
against something.
4. it means to impart information or
5. it means to make someone believe,
or feel sure
about something, especially by using
logic, argument
or evidence.

1. writing
2. claim
3. argue
4. inform
5. convince
C. Presenting examples/Instances Identifying the pros and As a learner, you should be Now, the things that you did a while
of the new lesson cons of the topic will help equipped with the skills you need ago has something to do with our topic
you choose your stand and to know for you to defend your for today. Now let us move on to our
write your arguments. stand and when to take your formal discussion. Our lesson for today
From this, you can stance. is all about “Use of informative,
research to support your After going through this lesson, persuasive, and argumentative writing
claim and defend it with you should be able to compose an techniques.”
facts. This is called argumentative essay.
“brainstorming”. With this The teacher will present the objectives
method, you can bring out for today
all your ideas.
D. Discussing new concepts and Discussion of the Parts of an Discussion of informative, persuasive
practicing new skills # 1 Argumentative Essay and argumentative writing techniques

E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will discuss the

practicing new skills # 2 examples on each element:
NOTE: Evidence can be

After knowing the elements of

an argumentative essay, we
also need to learn the
components of an
argumentative essay.
F. Developing mastery Read the example Read and understand the Direction: Read the following sentences
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) Argumentative Essay provided argumentative essay. Copy the and identify what writing techniques are
and provide what is being diagram and identify the parts of being presented. Complete the
asked. an argumentative essay by organizer by writing the sentences on
rewriting the essential its appropriate column.
statements in the box.

G. Finding practical application of WHO IS CLAIM? Read the argumentative essay The teacher will give the topic then
concepts and skills in daily Direction: Look for the claim in “Light in the Time of the The students will tell if it is informative,
living the paragraph. Encircle the Pandemic” and answer the persuasive, and
claim, box the points to support diagram. argumentative and why.
the claim. 1. changing the length of school day
2. the many causes of asthma attacks
3. media has negative effects on
4. how to make grandma’s homemade
5. should online learning be
implemented in the Philippines?
H. Making generalizations and The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the What are the writing techniques suited
abstractions about the lesson students: students: for informative, argumentative or
What are the elements of an What are the parts of an persuasive essay?
argumentative essay? argumentative essay?
I. Evaluating learning MATCH Choose one from the following Direction: Choose one from the
THE topics. Compose an following topics. Write an essay using
EVIDENCE! argumentative essay observing
the rubric that follows. Write
your composition on a separate
sheet of paper. the
1. Wooden Hulled Boats are
Phased Out in Guimaras
2. Mandatory Vaccination for
COVID 19 in the Philippines informative, persuasive, and
3. Reconsideration of Face-to- argumentative writing techniques
Face Classes observing the rubric that follows.

J. Additional activities for COMPLETE ME!

application or remediation Fill in the blanks with what you have

learned about the lesson:

My journey through this lesson

enabled me to learn ___________.

It made me realize that


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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