DLP Week 5 - Lesson 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay



DATE/Time April 3,2023/11:00- 12:00 /2:00 – 3:0 Quarter 3rd

I. Objectives A. Define collision theory;

B. describe what makes a collision effective; and ANNOTATIONS:
C. Recognize the value of these different factors by a citing their
applications in given situations.

a. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of: KRA 1: Objective 2

Designed objectives
are based on
1. The following aspects of chemical changes: Anderson’s Revised
a. How fast reaction takes place Taxonomy,
b. How much reactants are needed and how much products are formed specifically making
use of the cognitive
in a reaction taxonomy
c. How much energy is involved in a reaction Remembering,
2. How energy is harnessed Understanding &
applying. It facilitates
the teachers to
b. Performance The learner is able to... achieve their
Standard teaching objectives
by setting goals for
Make either a poster, a flyer, or a brochure on a product (such as fuels, the students learning
household, or personal care products) indicating its uses, properties, mode and then creating
of action, and precautions. assessments to
observe the learning
c. Learning
Competencies The learner…

Use simple collision theory to explain the effects of concentration,

temperature, and particle size on the rate of reaction. S11/12PS-IIIf-23

Value Focus Promote values and understanding in the Simple Collision Theory
and Rate of Chemical Reaction

b. Learning SLK Phy. Sci. Week 5
Physical Science/ Grade11 Quarter 3/ Week 5
Other Learning
c. Materials: Power point presentation, Handouts, ADM, visual aids, chalk, marker

d. Strategy Cooperative Learning, Direct Instruction, and Discovery Learning

III. Methodology

A. ELICIT/ A. Preliminaries KRA 4: Objective

Preparation  Greetings 14
The conduct of
 Prayer prayer before the
 Checking of attendance start of every class
demonstrates to
students the truth
that God desires to
be a part of every
aspect of our lives.
Setting of Classroom Rules: In our class, we will... KRA 2: Objective 5
Classroom rules
are set to teach
1. Always wear your facemask. student a proper and
2. Listen attentively. safe way to act
3. Raise your hand to speak.. within the classroom
4. Be honest and polite all the time. and thus, improving
the students
5. Have fun and always try your best! learning. Every
minute in school is
important. If the
students have no
rules to follow,
everything will be in
chaotic situation.
RAPID thru SIKAP B. Recap
(DRILL) - biological marcomolecules
The teachers will provide reading visual aid


Let the students watch a short video on wine preparation.

If the projector or TV monitor is not available the teacher will

give(Alternative motivation) word spelling drill.

• What are the words all about?

• what is the importance and relevance of these words in our topic?

C. ENGAGE/ The teacher presents the objectives of the lesson.

PURPOSE FOR Call a learner to read the lesson objectives.
Learning Objectives:
A. Define collision theory;
B. describe what makes a collision effective; and
C. Recognize the value of these different factors by a citing their
applications in given situations.

D. ENGAGE/ Guess Wisely! KRA 4: Objective

Review strategies
Directions: Show in the class two (2) glasses with filled with water. First are techniques for
glass is salt and hot water and the second glass is salt and cooled water. reengaging with
Let them observe properly. information’s that
they have already
learned so that it
stays fresh in the
learners mind the
acquired knowledge
and connect a better
idea of what to
expect on the next
(A learner
E. EXPLORE/ After observation, let the students answer the questions.
ANALYSIS OF THE Questions: Which do you think will the salt dissolve faster? Is it in,
ACTIVITY a. a glass of hot water?-
b. a glass of cold water?
Support your answer.
(Further give follow up questions depending on their answers, drawing
more ideas as they express themselves.)

F. After the students explained their group activities, the teacher will
EXPLAIN/ elaborate the topic.
Give inputs on the Collision Theory of Reaction Rates

This theory states that for reactions to occur, molecules, atoms, or ions
must first collide. Not all collisions are successful. For collision]
other. KRA: 4, Objective
In 1916 and 1918, Max Trautz and William Lewis separately proposed the Visualization is a
Collision Theory which established how chemical initiate to change. very effective way to
attract your deepest
According to the collision theory, a chemical reaction can only occur upon desires, like what
following a specific set of conditions. There are three conditions needed to happen when the
be met, known as the theory’s basic principles, namely: the molecules picture is your
mother or your sister
should collide in order to react; the collision of molecules should be in the or maybe one of the
proper orientation; and that the colliding molecules should have enough pictures is you. A big
energy to react. imagination that will
connect the learners
to a real-life
1. The molecules should collide in order to react. situation.

- Solid waves with each other as liquids

slip over and gases are free to move freely in different spots that's why
molecules are continuous to move that
made and caused them to collide each other.

- According to the collision theory, for a certain chemical reaction to

occur, the molecules of the reacting species should be colliding with one

- This collision may involve two or more

kinds of molecules (or atoms) to
complete a reaction, but it can even be a
single compound reacting with like
molecules to form a new product.
Figure 1. Collision of hydrogen and iodine molecules

KRA 1: Objective 2
Graphic organizer as
an instructional tool
that can help
students organize
and prioritize what
they are
comprehending and
through this visual
students are able to
Figure 2. Incorrect orientation of nitrogen monoxide (NO) molecules and see the relationships
and connections to
ozone (O₃) upon collision makes an unsuccessful reaction the information they
Source: https://slidetodoc.com/collisiontheory-collision-theory-what-is- want to convey.

2. The collision of molecules should be in the proper orientation.

- The orientation of a molecule is very important for a chemical reaction
to take place. And as moving molecules bounce off from walls of its
container or from an inert collision with other molecules, their orientation
may change.
For example, when a molecule of nitrogen monoxide (NO) collides with a
molecule of ozone (O₃) with incorrect orientation, the reaction between
the two reacting species may not occur as shown in figure 2.
KRA 4: Objective 16
- But when the orientations between the two reacting species are correct, This is evident that
with the right amount of energy unfamiliar words are
requirement, the chemical reaction will take place. unlock through
teaching students
how to use the
context clues and
word parts to help
define the words.
This teaching
philosophy of
learning in this part
adhere perspective
view of self-
reflective, the desire
to help students
comprehensively by
simplifying difficult
words to simple.

(Figure 3 shows correct orientation of nitrogen).

3. The colliding molecules must have enough energy to react.

- In a chemical reaction the energy of molecules involved is as important
as their collision for a successful chemical reaction to take place.
Chemical reactions need a minimum energy requirement for it to proceed
and this is
called activation energy (Ea). Activation energy serves as the threshold
for a chemical reaction to occur. If two reacting molecules collide with
one another and the energy of collision is equal to or greater than the
activation energy, then, the chemical reaction will take place. KRA 4: Objective 16

During the
discussion, the use of
HOTS Questioning is
- Endothermic or endergonic reaction happens evident, students are
encouraging to
when the energy is absorbed in the formation explore, interpret
of the products in the ideas and arrive at
chemical reaction. The figure on the right their own answers.
The strategy allows
shows that the energy of the reactants is less students to
than the energy of the manipulate
products in the chemical reaction. information and
ideas in ways that
transform their
- Exothermic or exergonic happens when meaning and
energy is released in the formation of the implication on
products. The figure on the right shows that cognitive acts of
thinking critically.
the energy of the reactants is
greater than the energy of the products of the
chemical reaction.

- When a catalyst is used, the activation energy of a chemical reaction is

greatly reduced. The figure below shows the comparison of activation
energies of uncatalyzed and catalyzed chemical reactions.
KRA 1 Objective 2
approach is evident
in the discussion
also, considering that
the teacher acts as
facilitator only and
the learners are
encouraging to
interact, exchange
views, experience
and re construct
meaning of the word
in the statements.

KRA 1: Objective 2
The use of inquiry-
based learning is also
evident in this
procedure thus
processing the over
all learning of the
students after the
introduction and
practice of the lesson
is practice.

KRA 4: Objective 16
The assessment
crafted is centered to
sharpen the learners’
basic skills in the
topin given, so as to
prepare them for the
next level of
learning. This idea
revolves around

G. Performance Task
APPLICATION “Be a Catalyst”

To connect the concept of catalysts to society, students will serve as

catalyst for certain causes. Knowing what a catalyst does to a chemical
reaction, students will apply the same principle on social issues. Situations
may be related to the school’s needs, the local government, or the
international community. Th students will make a brochure, flyer, or
poster as final output. One (1)
week is given to work on the activity and will be graded using the rubrics

(See attachment Appendix A for reference of choices and the rubrics).

G. ELABORATE/ Visualizing Collision! KRA 1: Objective 2

The use of inquiry-
Practical Directions: Analyze the short video (pictures if connectivity is not based learning is also
Applications of possible). Describe how the collision theory is applied and reflected in the evident in this
Concepts and scenario? instructional
Skills in Daily procedure thus
processing the over
Living A. Picture of crashing vehicles and billiard balls during a game of all learning of the
pool. students after the
introduction and
practice of the lesson
is practice.

Teacher gives the summary of the lesson pointing the importance and
value of the theory and action of catalysts in daily life.
The collision theory explains why reactions occur between atoms, ions,
and molecules.

In order for a reaction to be effective, particles must collide with enough

energy, and have the correct orientation.

With an increase in temperature, there is an increase in energy that can be

converted into activation energy in a collision, and that will increase the
reaction rate. A decrease in temperature would have the opposite effect.

With an increase in temperature, there is an increase in the number of


Increasing the concentration of a reactant increases the frequency of

collisions between reactants and will, therefore, increase the reaction rate.

Increasing the surface area of a reactant (by breaking a solid reactant into
smaller particles) increases the number of particles available for collision
and will increase the number of collisions between reactants per unit time.

A catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of the reaction without

being consumed by the reaction itself. When a catalyst is added, the
activation energy is lowered because the catalyst provides a new reaction
pathway with lower activation energy.
Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read carefully each item. Write only the letter of the best
answer for each test item in 1/4 sheet of paper. KRA 4: Objective 16
The assessment
crafted is centered to
1. According to collision theory, what should happen to the molecules of sharpen the learners’
the reactants for a certain chemical reaction to occur? basic skills in the
A. Colliding with one another C. Clustering with one another topin given, so as to
prepare them for the
B. Reacting with one another D. Rearranging with one another next level of
learning. This idea
2. This theory states that for reactions occur, molecules, atoms, or ions revolves around
must first collide. essentialism.

A. Energy C. concentration theory

B. collision theory D. Potential Energy
3. What happens upon the collision makes unsuccessful reaction?
A. collision occur C. ineffective collision
B. concentration occur D. Temperature increase

4. What happens when two molecules during a chemical reaction results to

effective reaction?
A. It stays the same.
B. It reacts with the reactants.
C. It is present all throughout.
D. It participates in the formation of products.

5. What do you call the chemical reactions need a minimum energy

A. activation energy C. Surface Area
B. Speed D. Temperature

(See attachment APPENDIX B for the ANSWER Key).

J. EXTEND Do it Yourself!
activities for At home, dissolve a teaspoon of brown sugar in a glass of boiled water
application or and a teaspoon of flour in a glass of boiled water. Observe carefully. Note
remediation the time and explain why if there are any differences observed of the two
(a*ssignment) set-up. Follow the template provided.

Materials Observation Explanation

1 teaspoon brown
sugar + glass of boiled
1 teaspoon flour +
glass of boiled water
V. REMARKS ABM A 10:00-12:00 (M,F)
HUMSS C 2:00-3:00 (M,T)
3:00-4:00 (Th-F)
AGRI-CROP PATRIOTIC 11:00-12:00 (T,W,Th,F)

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation
B. No. Of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who require
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which principal and supervisor can
help or solve?
G. What innovation or localized did I
use/discover which I wish to share?

Prepared by:

SST-I/Subject Teacher

Reviewed by: Approved:


HT-IV Principal IV

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