English Greetings For Informal and Professional Situations

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English Greetings for Informal and Professional Situations — Other Ways to Say Hello

Common Structure for English Greetings

Let’s start with a structure you’re likely to hear (and use) for spoken greetings in English.

In an effort to be friendly and polite, it’s not uncommon for an English speaker to casually greet
a friend, a neighbor, an acquaintance, or even a stranger with a greeting such as

Hi, how’s it going?

Hey, what’s up?

Hey, how are ya?

To be clear, these are casual, friendly greetings that can be used in a variety of situations.

And they all mean one thing: hello.

These are simple, polite greetings that acknowledge someone’s presence or take the first step in
starting a conversation.

In this structure, you have a single greeting word (hi/hey) + a question.

For example, How’s it going or what’s up?

However, this isn’t the same as asking: how are you?

It’s not an invitation to talk about your day, how you’re feeling, or what’s happening at work
right now.

In fact, the only response expected is a similar: “Hey, how’s it going?” or “Hi. Good. You?”

In other words, you exchange one greeting with a similar greeting. No one shares specific details
about how they are feeling or what is happening in their life.

What this means is two strangers might politely pass each other on the street and say:

A: Hey, what’s up?

B: Hey, how’s it going?

In this exchange, they are simply saying hello to each other.

If that’s the case, then how do you know when someone is REALLY asking: How are you?
That’s a great question. And I’ll be answering shortly but first, let’s look at other ways to say
hello casually and professionally.

English Greetings for Informal Situations

Let’s start with casual greetings to use most of the time, whether you’re greeting a friend, a
coworker on the elevator, a neighbor you’ve never spoken to, or a complete stranger on an early
morning walk.

Because I’m an American and I currently live in the U.S., I’ll focus on greetings used in the
United States.

There may be common greetings where you live that I haven’t included here.

If you’re not sure what to say, I recommend listening to others around you, particularly those
who consistently speak with politeness, kindness, and warmth. Which greetings to they typically

This is a good way to identify the best ways to say hello to others where you live.

Now here are several you can use:

Good Morning

This is the most formal way to say hello in casual conversation but it’s also very friendly and
warm. With this combination of formality and warmth, it’s perfect to use when passing by a
stranger on a morning walk, greeting a neighbor, or saying hello to coworkers.

Of course, because it includes the word ‘morning’ we stop using it around noon.

Hello / Hi / Hey / Hey there

These are all common ways of saying “hello” in a casual, friendly way, and quite often, these are
immediately followed by a question such as…

How’s it going? / What’s going on? / How’s everything?

These questions are typically combined with hi, hey, or hey there. For example

Hey, how’s everything?

Hey there. How’s it going?

Hello. How’s it going?

When responding to these greetings, the expectation is that you use simple answers or simply
respond with a similar greeting. For example

Hi, how’s it going?

Good, thanks. You?

Fine thanks, you?

Everything’s great, thanks. You?

What’s up? / What’s new?

Similar to how’s it going but more informal is what’s up or what’s new.

For example:

Hey, what’s up?

Common responses include:

Not much.


Hey, what’s new?

Here is an example dialogue:

A: Hey Mina, what’s up?

B: Oh, hey. Not much. How’s it going?


While not as common as hi or hey, you may occasionally hear “yo.” It is typically only used with
individuals who know each other well and is more common


“Howdy” is a regional greeting, which means it is only used in some areas of the United States.
Good to see you. / It’s been ages! (since I’ve seen you.) / Where have you been hiding? / What
have you been up to?

These are common greetings when you have not seen someone you know for some time and
often follow a hi or hey.

These expressions can be used as part of your greeting when you see someone unexpectedly, at a
party, a family gathering, etc.

The question “where have you been hiding” invites conversation. It is a way of saying, “How
have you been?” Here is an example dialogue:

A: Hey! It’s good to see you! It’s been ages! Where have you been hiding?

B: Hi Sue, what’s up? I’ve just been busy, working a lot of long hours. What about you? How
have you been?

A: Everything’s good. Nothing new really.

English Greetings for Professional Situations

Let’s transition to situations in which we may need more formal or business professional
language in English. Some common examples include

Business meetings & negotiations

At a job interview

Communicating with high-level management

Saying hello to the company president or CEO

Meeting new business colleagues

Communicating with new clients, high-level clients, angry clients

Good morning / Good afternoon / Good Evening

Good morning is the only one on this list that is commonly used in place of “hello” when
greeting an individual.

To be particularly respectful, you can also include the person’s last name, for example: “Good
morning, Ms Jones.” If you know someone well, you can also use their first name.

When you are greeting a group of people – for example at a meeting – you can also say
something such as:
Good morning, everyone. I hope you are doing well this morning.

In greeting an entire group, this is also when someone might use Good afternoon or Good

For example, at the start of a presentation or lecture.

How do you do?

How do you do is a bit old-fashioned and not often used. In fact, I’m not sure if I’ve ever used it.

It is also quite formal and is used when meeting someone for the first time.

It’s often confused with the question “How are you?” but it isn’t a question at all. How do you do
is a statement. A greeting. It’s an alternative to “I’m pleased to meet you.”

Hello / Hi

Similar to the casual greetings we discussed, we’ll often start a professional conversation with a
simple hi or hello.

How have you been doing? / How have you been?

Similar to asking “how’s it going,” these questions will often be used after a hi or hello as a
polite greeting.

The expectation is to receive a short, positive focused response such as:

Great, thank you. And you?

Very well. How are you?

Good thanks. How about you?

When does “How are you” mean “How are you?”

With our casual and professional greetings, we’ve heard many alternatives to the question “How
are you” including

How’s it going?

What’s new?

What’s up?

How have you been?

But none of them really ask, how are you? When those questions get asked in a greeting, we
don’t really expect a lengthy conversation about how you’re doing.

So when does someone what a real answer? When does someone truly want to know how you

The secret: they will ask you twice.

Imagine you unexpectedly see a coworker at the grocery store. Here’s what that conversation
might sound like:

Your Coworker: Hey Sue! Good to see you. How’s it going?

You: Good thanks. And you?

Your Coworker. Everything’s fine. Just busy with the kids, of course. So how are you? It’s been
a tough few weeks at work with the looming deadline, hasn’t it?

What do you notice?

In that dialogue, the coworker asked ‘how are you’ a second time, after the initial polite greeting.
When that happens, someone really wants to know how you’re doing.

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