Mobile App For Promoting Cultural Heritage: Geostatistic and Textual Analysis

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Mobile app for promoting cultural heritage: geostatistic and textual analysis

Conference Paper · October 2017


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5 authors, including:

Angelo Corallo L. Fortunato

Università del Salento Università del Salento


Clara Renna Alessandra Spennato

Università del Salento Università del Salento


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IMEKO International Conference on
Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Lecce, Italy, October 23-25, 2017

Mobile app for promoting cultural heritage:

geostatistic and textual analysis
Angelo Corallo1, Laura Fortunato1, Clara Renna1, Marco Lucio Sarcinella1, Alessandra Spennato1,
Cristina De Blasi2
Department of Innovation Engineering - University of Salento - IBIL Incubatore Euro-
mediterraneo, Campus ECOTEKNE via per Monteroni - 73100 Lecce Italy
ZeroDD Soluzioni Informatiche, Viale Francesco Lo Re, 6, 73100 Lecce LE

Abstract – This study presents an innovative traditions or living expressions inherited from our
technological solution, applied to the promotion of ancestors and passed on to our descendants, such as oral
both tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals,
Salento territory (an Italian sub-peninsula). festive events, knowledge and practices concerning
For the itinerant folk music festival called “La Notte nature and the universe or the knowledge and skills to
della Taranta”, in 2015 an official mobile application produce traditional crafts” .
called FolkTure, was been used by tourist and citizens Intangible heritage is particularly difficult to preserve.
during the entire period of the itinerant event In fact, this specific aspect of the culture is characterized
(August). by the urgency to save and disseminate some of the most
Through the application of gamification strategy, peculiar intangible artistic expressions, especially those at
augmented reality solutions and multimedia contents, risk of disappearing. This happens because these cultural
FolkTure app facilitated and stimulated the expressions have been passed down mainly through
enjoyment of the event itself and encouraged tourists imitation and oral tradition. Actually instead, new
and citizens to visit the Salento cultural heritage technologies can play a role in fostering their
mapped inside the app. preservation and documentation.[2] One of the most
The data extracted from the mobile FolkTure app was evident expression of this type of heritage is the cultural
analyses and interprets through an innovative event. According to the AIEST definition, the “event” is a
approach. Text analytics techniques, like semantic and unique and organized experience, with a specific aim
sentiment analysis, integrated with spatial analysis (public or private) [3]. Each event is unique, also if it is
techniques, allowed to identify sentiment score spatial repeated over time, because it never has the same
variation and locate geographical area characterized characteristics.
by negative or positive average sentiment score, in The cultural events are a specific kind of events, and
order to understand the impact of a cultural event on comprise art, music and theatre, but also enogastronomy
the local territory. (so popular today). Specifically, these events can be
dedicated to a specific form of art (e.g.: Festival of
I. INTRODUCTION Comics); a specific place (the italian “Sagra”, an event
The Cultural Heritage is wide, and it is difficult to find focused on a particular local product); a traditional sacred
an exhaustive definition, comprehensive of each aspect. events (e.g. the celebration of the patron saints or the
The first aspect the most of us think of, talking about main religious calendar events, like Christmas); a Folk
cultural heritage, is the “tangible” one, such as historic Music Festival, expression of the local history and
sites and buildings and other artefacts, worthy of traditions (e.g.: Celtic Music Festivals).
preservation for the future of the human civilization. Festivals and special events play a significant role in
The natural environment is also a basic side of the communities' lives, because they provide important
heritage, and includes both landscapes, flora, fauna, and activities and spending outlets for both locals and
geological, paleontological and morphological elements. visitors, and enhance the tourist image of local
Together with the architectonic and artistic legacy of a communities and their social cohesion. [4]
place, such elements are the target of cultural tourism. In particular, Festivals play an important role for the
However, there is another type of heritage deeply regions they refer to. They contribute significantly to
characterizing a culture: it has a non-physical nature, and cultural and economic development and may have a
it is called “intangible cultural heritage” [1] strong impact on the development of cultural tourism to
As stated by UNESCO, “Cultural heritage does not end the host communities. The festival organizers generally
at monuments and collections of objects. It also includes use the local historical and cultural themes to develop

periodical events that attract visitors and create a specific distribution of web texts published by users in the
cultural image in host territories. The hosting of events is FolkTure app.
often developed for tourist and economic opportunities The next section describes the impacts of a cultural
they provide, beside the social and cultural benefits. event on the strategical territorial growth and the methods
Festivals are one of the most impressive expression of the of analysis and interpretation of web data related to the
relationship between identity and place and support the fruition of the event. After the technical description of the
raise of the civic consciousness. They are a strong FolkTure application, we discuss about the correlation,
evidence of human activity and contribute significantly to geostatistics and text analytics techniques used for
the social and cultural life of their host communities. [5] analysis of the case study presented. The main findings
To collect and analyse “real time” fruition evidences demonstrate that information derived from the collection
from the cultural events, technology can offer new and analysis of heterogeneous data originating from the
opportunities, new connections, until recently FolkTure app can be precious for evaluating the real
inconceivable. Technological innovation made possible impact of the event, from the cultural, economic and
the development of a social form based on reticular social points of view.
infrastructure, where each individual is able of generating We conclude with possible future directions to
contributions that can immediately reach a global encourage this methodological approach to the event
audience, potentially anyone with an internet connection. management, in order to better understand the potential of
The key role in this process is precisely constituted by the the event, its strengths and weaknesses, the real opinion
evolution of the Web in Web 2.0. of the reference target and the significant spillovers in the
Immersive tools such as augmented reality have a territory in economic and tourist terms.
strong potential to support the experiencing of cultural
heritage by the large public, complementing the current II. BACKGROUND
practices based on tangible goods such as museums, Cultural events have a purpose or objective and, hence,
exhibitions, books and visual content. [1] intended, desired and predicted (and, on occasion,
The social data, once acquired, analysed and unanticipated) outcomes. Although the importance of
interpreted with the right means, can become a precious these events is clear, there is controversy over the best
source of information for all the stakeholders involved in ways to measure their impacts on the people attending
the management of the event. If based on knowledge, them, the organizers, the bodies offering related services
these data enrich the cultural corpus of documentation on and the host community. [6]
the intangible heritage underlying the event; if based on According to Porter [7], cultural events can improve
perceptions and emotions, they give crucial indications to significantly the quality of life of the area involved, and
event planners and managers. Such contributions can promote the regional development, becoming a decisive
enhance the cultural event fruition, preserving the local factor in whether a company establishes a new plant or
community lifestyle and heritage and improving user research unit in a particular area rather than in another.
experience of the event. Moreover, cultural events can help different economic
The case study of this work is the Apulian cultural activities. For example, by attracting in its belonging area
event known as “La Notte della Taranta”, a music popular visitors who will spend money in local shops, restaurants,
festival, culturally and socially significant, involving hotels, etc. [8]
thousands of visitors and residents in the Salento territory Many studies focus on the short-term economic benefits,
in the month of August. neglecting that the event leaves a lasting impression to
Data were extracted by a mobile application (“La Notte the people involved, often stronger than the economic
della Taranta” app) specifically created to promote the short-term impacts (e.g. enhancing tourist’s attachment to
event and involve citizens. a place, that leads to multiple visits and ah higher overall
“La Notte della Taranta” app is a product of the value). The host communities may also strengthen its
FolkTure Project of the University of Salento, funded by pride of belonging, which can help to alleviate future
the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and eventual municipal costs. [6]
Research. At the same time, the literature shows some critical
This application allow users to share information and aspects, mainly linked to the different types of impact.
multimedia material. It implements solution of navigation Indeed, from a general point of view, many authors argue
for cultural points, gamification dynamics and that the massive exploitation of cultural assets can bring
functionality of social networks. to social and spatial distortions [9], [10]. This seems to be
Correlation analysis, geostatistics and text analytics true when cultural resources are considered just only as
techniques, like semantic and sentiment analysis, are means targeted at achieving commercial purpose and not
applied to understand the impact of a cultural event on as key assets to promote and valorise the territorial
the local territory, measured through the topic of identity of a place and its values. [11] [12] [13]
discussion identification and in terms of sentiment spatial Burdge and Vanclay [14] defined social impacts as “all

social and cultural consequences to human population of classification of web user posts, an innovative approach
any public or private actions that alter the ways in which that use geostatistical techniques allows estimating the
people live, work, play, relate to one another, organize to distribution of sentiment score in unsampled points. The
meet their needs, and generally cope as members of strongly innovative topic allows to find only some studies
society”. in the literature, as [27] and [28] where have been
Digital technologies enhance the way people can enjoy explored the underlying trends in positive and negative
cultural heritage. Technology can digitally reconstruct sentiment score with respect to disasters and
artefacts, landscapes or events, broaden the accessibility geographically related sentiment. The geostatistical tool
of culture through remote distribution platform, let people integrated with GIS [29] can support the event
learn interactively about culture, augment the visit to a management relatively to evaluation of alternative
museum, efficiently organize visitors’ flows and so on. scenarios, planning for possible strategies and sustainable
[15] ICTs can play an active role in both cultural event development.
management and fruition data collection also through the
implementation of innovative engagement strategies like III. DESCRIPTION OF FOKTURE APP
the Gamification logics and the social networks (SNs). In the FolkTure interdisciplinary project was been
In the last years, Gamification and serious games arouse identified an innovative solutions for the fruition of the
the interest of both academic and business world. It is cultural heritage.
defined as the usage elements belonging to the game The official mobile application of the folk music
world, e.g., badges, rewards, competition, leaderboards, Festival of the Italian summer, “La Notte della Taranta,
etc., in non-gaming systems, with the purpose of making was designed and developed. This app, called FolkTure,
people more engaged in completing a specific task or was available, during the period of this itinerant event
reaching a goal. (August), on the main app stores (Apple Store and Play
According to Deterding et al. [16], gamification is an Store), and downloaded by thousands of users.
informal term that comprises a range of strategies to FolkTure app provided an extensive information
exploit the power of these elements in different systems, system to plan a tour of the historical-cultural points of
to improve user experience (UX) and user engagement. interest nearby each festival site, including visiting and
The introduction of ‘gamified’ applications to large opening times of such local facilities, gamification
audiences, during the last years, will enable the dynamics and functionality of social networks.
enhancement of the existing rich research on the FolkTure’s specific purposes were the spread of the
heuristics, design patterns and dynamics of games and the traditional intangible culture underlying the folk event, by
positive UX they provide. creating a thematic online community around it, and the
The system designer has studied game aspects as promotion of the local cultural heritage.
potential means to shape user behaviour towards specific To facilitate the achievement of these goals, the mobile
aims. [17] app implemented gamification logics. Gamification is an
It is cleat the great deal of potential enclosed within this interdisciplinary approach that translates the specific
engagement strategy, applied in the cultural context in elements of the games (points, levels, rewards, etc.) in
general, and related in particular to the fruition of events. not-playful contexts, to create engagement and promote
Instead, about communication exchanges of people, the positive behaviors. [16]
growth of Information and Communication Technologies Gamification logics implemented inside the app were
(ICTs) has changed greatly the ways in which people studied and defined to respond to requirements of
connect among themselves and with the surrounding innovation in cultural fruition and creation of a thematic
world. community around the event and to encourage the
Through the disclosure of information of public interest, creation of relevant contents within the community.
the promotion of local events the publications of their In particular, gamification rewarded some actions with
views in SN or mobile applications, citizens become points and badges. Earning points also gave the
engaged and active, not passive, [18], [19], [20] for the possibility to access a global ranking and compete in a
construction of their own services. The community main contest aimed at winning a VIP pass for the
contribution in the decision-making process can have backstage of the final concert.
important benefits on regional planning [21]. This naturally directed people’s behaviour towards
Recently, numerous studies have focused their attention actions “reinforced” by the gamification plan.
on social network messages related to events [22], [23] In order to gain points, users had to visit points of
[24] and have used mathematical models to analyse web interest (POIs) such as monuments, churches and squares,
text, through extraction of semantic key topics [25], [26]. near the event location. They also could discuss the event
On the other hand, the Geographical Information System and the related cultural heritage on a public thread, called
(GIS) allows representing on a geographical map some “Taranta Social”. Furthermore, they could find other
information of web users. Starting of sentiment users nearby and start private communications, through a

communication channel called “Taranta Messenger”, IV. METHODOLOGY
implementing a Facebook Messenger-like model. The methodology approach consists of:
The built-in Web and Mobile integrated service showed  correlation analysis to evaluate how much
in Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata. FolkTure app has successfully promoted the
was designed for geolocalizing point of interests and culture fruition,
users, integrating browsing technologies for immersive  semantic classification to identify topics of interest
reality and providing communication channels. in the event management,
The IT architecture developed was built on back-ends
 sentiment analysis to calculate the polarity of the
and front-ends servlets, and relational and non-relational
text published on the mobile app
databases from five types: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Mongo
 geostatistical techniques to describe the sentiment
DB, LDAP and SQL-Light.
score spatial variation, to support optimal
An LDAP database centralized both Web and Mobile
sampling schemes and to predict the variable
users authentication.
under study in unsampled points.
A dedicated database store information about each POI,
In order to investigate if there are specified
such as GPS coordinates and multimedia contents. A
geographical area characterized by negative average
servlet provided such contents to clients. Mobile users
sentiment score of geolocated users, a prediction map
was able to reach POIs using GPS navigators embedded
using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) was
in their phones or Augmented reality.
Augmented reality overlaps computer-generated
The use of GIS guaranteed the possibility of integrating
elements upon a live view of real-world environment.
and representing citizens' opinions and assessments
Those elements pinpoint physical place with a
towards cultural heritage into an urban environment and
geolocalized marker.
making more effective decisions regarding the safeguard
Each geolocalized marker provided multimedia
and promotion of the heritage. The predictive models
contents, such as photo, video and recorded commentary,
based on the construction of geo-environmental patterns
supplying the discovering of the territory.
can be used to assist decision-making.
Metaio software solution, provided by homonymous
Correlation analysis measures the strength and
company, was integrated in the FolkTure system,
direction of association that exists between two variables.
allowing users to see location-based markers in a 3D
In particular, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient has
environment through smartphone cameras.
been used. [30] [31] [32] This coefficient has been used
Additionally, this tool could overlay information such
to verify correlation between several metrics, and it is
as text, images, video or 3D models on POIs.
defined by:
The same tool enabled identification of nearby users
through smartphone camera. This feature was underlying
the social gaming model.
Real time mobile clients coordinates was written with i being the paired score, where xi and yi are the
coordinates to a no-SQL database, exploiting built-in ranks of users based on two different influence measures
GPS sensor, in a dataset of N users. The coefficient ρ is in the range [-
Social communications were provided by Cloud Parse, 1; +1], in particular, if ρ = 1, it means that the two
a “Backend as a service, BaaS” builted upon Mongo DB variables have strong positive correlation and they
customized according to project’s requirements. Cloud increase or decrease simultaneously. On the contrary,
Parse store users’ settings, public posts and comments. when ρ = -1, the two variables have strong negative
Real time private chats were provided by an open source correlation, indeed the variables increase or decrease in
server XMPP called “E-jabberd”, allowing users to opposite directions. If ρ is near 0, it means there is no
exchange peer to peer messages. evident correlation between two variables.
A dedicated MySQL database managed on-the-fly
To compare the correlation strength of different
resizing and conversion of photographs uploaded by
attribute pairs and since the sample dataset is large, a
users, using “Chevereto” script, and made them available
threshold value between 0.5 and -0.5 has been set and the
to clients.
Users’ scores and daily ranking were calculated on a correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
daily basis, according to the gaming model underlying the The correlation analysis has been carried out by using
platform. the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). [33]
A PHP script crawled all the needed information and Identifying the topic of web conversations about the
wrote them on a first DB. After processing the results “La Notte della Taranta” event reveals the main issues
were then stored in the second DB. A dedicated servlet that citizens discuss on the web. Using Latent Semantic
implementing an API service, exposed scores and Analysis technique (LSA) [37] and K-Means algorithm
rankings to clients. [38], the word of web text are clusterized into different

Concerning the sentiment score of web text published model and the sampling configuration.
by users was calculated using an optimised unsupervised
machine learning classifier. [36] V. MAIN FINDINGS
In order to investigate if there are specified To demonstrate that gamification dynamics
geographical area characterized by negative average implemented inside FolkTure app has successfully
sentiment score, a prediction map using GIS was applied. encouraged cultural interactions among users and
This information can improve event communication, promoted the culture fruition a correlation analysis was
promotion and management strategies of the event on implemented. The correlation was calculated among
social channels. "local knowledge", derived from the sum of check-ins at
Geostatistical techniques describe the spatial variation interest points, and “number of pictures posted into the
of the average sentiment score over the territory in which App shows.
the event took place i.e. Lecce district (located in the Users had to visit points of interest (monuments,
South of Apulian Region, Italy) and its prediction at churches, squares) near the event location, in order to
unsampled points through kriging [39]. To evaluate the gain points, and high correlation of Spearman’s rho [34]
sentiment score of the text published by users on “La highlights this aspect.
Notte della Taranta” mobile app, an unsupervised SA In particular, the high correlation between "local
algorithm was applied. A dictionary of classified words knowledge" and “number of pictures posted into the
and a dictionary of modulators were the inputs to the App” (0.774) indicates that increasing the knowledge of
algorithm. The output was a sentiment value between -1 the territory corresponds to an increase in the number of
(totally negative) and 1 (totally positive). posts posted in the app.
The integration of a GIS and Geostatistical tools can Note that all georeferred messages and pictures (check-
support the assessment of alternative strategies for in) proved users really visited points of interest.
improvement the planning and management of the event.
One of main potentiality of Gis is to offer advanced
functions to manage, storage and view of the same spatial
or spatio-temporal data, which are geo-referenced on the
territory under study. Indeed, the construction of a GIS
project facilitates the data sharing and the integration of
environmental, demographic data, as well as the results of
spatial analysis. This innovative tool offers dynamic
scenarios for monitoring and analysing different
variables. Figure 1: Daily number of check-in made by users near
The FolkTure app supported the 2015 edition of “La a point of interest, during August 2015.
Notte della Taranta” Festival for its entire duration in
August 2015. The app corpus texts were taken from the We notice that gamification underlying the FolkTure
app database. app has successfully encouraged users to gain points,
In particular, App dataset consist of 2123 post. Among doing check-in and sharing georeferred texts and pictures,
App post, 475 have geographical locations but only 129 proving they really visited points of interest, in some case
of these have sentiment score. 84 have foreign despite the weather conditions, as you can see from the
geolocation and 682 have geographical locations in Italy. Figure 1. By exploiting the potential of gamification
106 users with Italian localization are located in the in strategy these dynamics, FolkTure mobile app
Apulia Region, 95 of these in Lecce district. These sites encouraged users to explore the cultural heritage mapped
correspond to the location of users when they made the inside the app. It refers to all the Points of Interest
last login to the app. identified inside the towns hosting the Festival steps.
Therefore, the average sentiment score by “La Notte These places are outside the classical tourist circuit,
della Taranta” mobile App has been obtained in 95 places focused along the coasts, so generally they do not benefit
over Lecce district. from tourist flows, although they could potentially offer a
The spatial analysis of average sentiment score has rich and multi-facetted cultural heritage, both material
been carried out by using the Geostatistical Analysis tool and intangible.
in ArcMap. The semantic analysis applied to FolkTure App texts
Ordinary kriging has been used to predict average identified two categories. The semantic category related
sentiment score at an sampled site, on the basis of the to the event of “La Notte della Taranta” contains
following predictor: references to the concert, the music, the orchestra, and the
event stages.
The second semantic category is more related to the
web social aspects of sharing photos, texts, personal
where the kriging weights (depend on the variogram

information. In fact, FolkTure social platform is strictly The positive perception of the event (the north west and
linked to the need of storytelling: users, sharing the same south east part of domain of interest), is related to a state
passion, want to outline the history of their experience of mind linked principally to the summer holidays and
during the days of the Festival, witnessing their presence the beautiful places offered by Salento as well as by love
at the concerts, their emotions and their love for the for the “pizzica” and for the “La Notte della Taranta”
traditions, the cultural and the natural heritage of this event that all participants enjoy. These results are
region. particularly encouraging for the event organisers.

Figure 2: Semantic categories of FolkTure App.

To map on Salento territory the average sentiment

expressed by users in the app, a geostatistical analysis
was applied.
All users of mobile app have been georeferenced and
stored in a GIS project, and they have been integrated
with the environmental, demographic data and sentiment
The spatial analysis (Figure 3) shows that people
involved are distributed overall territory of Salento, with
a higher presence in the inland, an area not belonging to
the main tourist circuits of Salento (coastal areas, Lecce
etc.). Moreover, this type of analysis can show, in the
case of an itinerant festival like “La Notte della Taranta”,
which stages of the event show a greater participation and
which, on the contrary, arouse little appeal and desire to Figure 3: Spatial analysis and estimated average
share the experience in the public. sentiment score by “La Notte della Taranta” mobile App
In order to estimate the spatial variation of the average
sentiment score at unsampled points of the study area by Finally, the cross-validation has been used to evaluate
using ordinary kriging method, the structural analysis has the goodness of the fitted model. The results in terms of
been performed on the measured values for App mobile mean standardized prediction error and the standardized
sources of data. root mean square error have confirmed the reliability of
After computing the sample variogram, the following the model.
spherical variogram model for “La Notte della Taranta” The prediction of the average sentiment score resulting
mobile App has been fitted: by data from "La Notte della Taranta" mobile App, show
that users are more involved in the event dynamics
where nugget and sill correspond to 0.03 and 0.05, through the app functionalities. This result could validate
respectively, while range is to equal to 1.8 Km. the choice to use a mobile app to promote an event and it
The prediction map shows positive average sentiment could encourage the organizers to continue to adopt
score in the northwest and southeast of domain of interest mobile solutions that involve the users.
and a neutral prediction in the rest of the Lecce district. Finally, the integration of GIS and statistical techniques
The neutral average sentiment value is justified by the leads to the identification of areas with neutral sentiment
fact that app mobile was used to share information about score, useful to support the system of management event
semantic categories identified. Users provide information and for better planning of communication development.
about the various stages of the itinerant festival, love to In fact, the indication of these aspects enables the event
remember the cultural and historical aspects of their organizers to calibrate future planning strategies on the
tradition and, through the app, share personal information real needs and desires of the users, maintaining at the
(where you are, where go, weather forecasts). same time the successful aspects. In this way, they will

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