Survey - FACTORS THAT Affect The Decision Making of Grade 10 Students in Choosing Their Senior High School Track
Survey - FACTORS THAT Affect The Decision Making of Grade 10 Students in Choosing Their Senior High School Track
Survey - FACTORS THAT Affect The Decision Making of Grade 10 Students in Choosing Their Senior High School Track
Directions. The following contain a number of statements on the factors affecting the
decision making of Grade 10 students in choosing Senior High School Track. Rate how
much you personally agree or disagree with these statements.
Respond to items using the following scale:
4 – Very Influential (VI)
3 – Influential (I)
2 – Slighly Influential (SI)
1 – Not Influential (NI)
A. Socio-economic Status
1 My parents have a stable income to support my studies.
2 I have the freedom to choose my strand
3 Due to my socioeconomic status, I consider choosing a
more practical strand.
4 My socioeconomic status matters when I decide on my
future career path.
5 I consider my family’s financial status when deciding on a
future senior high strand
B. Parent’s Factor
1 My parents’ opinions about my career decisions matter.
2 I seek my parents’ advice when deciding on something
3 My parents give me the freedom to decide on my senior
high school strand.
4 My parents support me in anything I do or choose
5 My final senior high strand decision depends on my
C. Job Opportunities
1 Before deciding on a career path, I consider the available
job opportunities.
2 I look for job opportunities that are aligned with each
3 Job opportunities are important when deciding on a future
career path
4 My senior high strand decision most likely depends on the
job opportunities aligned with them.
5 I incorporate my preferences into my dream job.
D. Academic performance
1 I consider my grades as a basis for my future career path.
2 My grades are important in determining my future strand.
3 I go for something that acquires my academic strengths.
4 I challenge myself by choosing a strand I am not good at.
5 I relate my academic performance to anything I do.
E. Personal Interest
1 My choices depend on my likes and interest
2 I have the freedom to choose my desired strand based on
my interests
3 I do things willingly if I’m personally interested in them.
4 I’m at my best if I’m interested in what I’m doing
5 My interests matter when I’m making important choices.