Citric Acid Cycle - Part 2

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The Citric Acid Cycle

Tricarboxylic Acid cycle

Krebs Cycle

In Cytosol

In Mitochondria

Reactions of TCA cycle (8 reactions)

1. Citrate synthase

2. Aconitase

3. Iso-citrate dehydrogenase

4. ketoglutarate dehydrogenase

5. Succinyl-Coenzyme A

6. Succinate dehydrogenase

7. Fumerase

8. Malate dehydrogenase

Products of one turn of the citric acid cycle

In each turn of the cycle, one acetyl group (two

carbons) enters as acetyl-CoA and two
molecules of CO2 leave

Four reactions of TCA cycle transfer

electron to either NAD+ or FAD+

One turn- One GTP (or ATP), 3 NADH, one FADH2=10 ATP
Products of one turn of the citric acid cycle

In each turn of the cycle, one acetyl group (two carbons) enters as
6 acetyl-CoA and two molecules of CO2 leave;
Detailed Reactions of TCA cycle

Reactions of Citric Acid Cycle
1. Citrate synthase:

Binding of Oxaloacetate to the enzyme results in conformational change

which facilitates the binding of the next substrate, the acetyl Coenzyme A.
There is a further conformational change which leads to formation of
products. This mechanism of reaction is referred as induced fit model. The
reaction catalyzed by citrate synthase is essentially a Claisen
condensation, involving a thioester (acetyl-CoA) and a ketone

To begin a turn of the cycle, acetyl-CoA donates its acetyl group to the
four-carbon compound oxaloacetate to form the six-carbon citrate.
2. Aconitase:

This enzyme catalyses the isomerization reaction by removing and then

adding back the water ( H and OH ) to cis-aconitate in at different positions.
Isocitrate is consumed rapidly by the next step thus deriving the reaction in
forward direction.

Citrate is then transformed into isocitrate, also a six-carbon molecule, which is

dehydrogenated with loss of CO2 to yield the five-carbon compound α-
10 ketoglutarate (also called oxoglutarate).
3. Isocitrate dehydrogenase:

There are two isoforms of this enzyme, one uses NAD+ and other uses
NADP+ as electron acceptor.

4. a-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase:

This is a complex of different enzymatic activities similar to the

pyruvate dehydogenase complex. It has the same mechanism of
reaction with E1, E2 and E3 enzyme units. NAD+ is an electron

5. Succinyl CoA synthatse:

Succinyl CoA, like Acetyl CoA has a thioester bond with very negative
free energy of hydrolysis. In this reaction, the hydrolysis of the
thioester bond leads to the formation of phosphoester bond with
inorganic phosphate. This phosphate is transferred to Histidine
residue of the enzyme and this high energy, unstable phosphate is
finally transferred to GDP resulting in the generation of GTP.

13 α-Ketoglutarate undergoes loss of a second molecule of CO2 and

ultimately yields the four-carbon compound succinate.
6. Succinate Dehydrogenase:

Oxidation of succinate to fumarate. This is the only citric acid cycle

enzyme that is tightly bound to the inner mitochondrial membrane. It is
an FAD-dependent enzyme.

Malonate has similar structure to Succinate

Malonate is an analog of succinate (has similar structure to Succinate) not

normally present in cells, is a strong competitive inhibitor of succinate
dehydrogenase, and its addition to mitochondria blocks the activity of the
citric acid cycle
7. Fumarase:

Hydration of Fumarate to malate: It is a highly stereospecific enzyme..

8. L-Malate dehydrogenase:

Oxidation of malate to oxaloacetate: It is an NAD+dependent enzyme.

Reaction is pulled in forward direction by the next reaction (citrate
synthase reaction) as the oxaloacetate is depleted at a very fast rate.

• One molecule of oxaloacetate is used to form citrate and
one molecule of oxaloacetate is regenerated. No net
removal of oxaloacetate occurs; one molecule of
oxaloacetate can theoretically bring about oxidation of an

• Number of acetyl groups, and, in fact, oxaloacetate is

present in cells in very low concentrations.

• Four of the eight steps in this process are oxidations, in

which the energy of oxidation is very efficiently conserved
in the form of the reduced coenzymes NADH and FADH2.

Role of the citric acid cycle in anabolism
Intermediates of the
citric acid cycle are
fructose 1,6- bisphosphate drawn off as precursors
in many biosynthetic
pathways. Shown in red
are four anaplerotic
reactions that replenish
depleted cycle

Regulated to keep the

level of intermediates high
enough to support the
activity of the citric acid
cycle. Pyruvate
carboxylase, for example,
is activated by the
glycolytic intermediate
fructose 1,6-
bisphosphate, which
accumulates when the
citric acid cycle operates
too slowly to process the
pyruvate generated by
The citric acid cycle is amphibolic, serving in both catabolism and glycolysis.
anabolism; cycle intermediates can be drawn off and used as the
starting material for a variety of biosynthetic products.
Anaerobic bacteria use incomplete citric acid
cycle for production of biosynthetic precursors.
They do not contain a-ketoglutarate

The most important anaplerotic reaction in

mammalian liver and kidney is the reversible
carboxylation of pyruvate by CO2 to form
oxaloacetate, catalyzed by pyruvate
carboxylase. When the citric acid cycle is
deficient in oxaloacetate or any other
intermediates, pyruvate is carboxylated to
produce more oxaloacetate.

Pyruvate carboxylase is a regulatory

enzyme and is virtually inactive in the
absence of acetyl-CoA, its positive
allosteric modulator. Whenever acetyl-CoA,
the fuel for the citric acid cycle, is present in
excess, it stimulates the pyruvate
carboxylase reaction to produce more
oxaloacetate, enabling the cycle to use
21 more acetyl-CoA in the citrate synthase
Regulation of metabolite flow from the PDH
complex through the citric acid cycle

. Regulation by activation and inhibition of enzyme

- In contrast to glycolysis which is regulated
primarily by PFK, the TCA cycle is controlled
by regulation of several enzymatic activities.

Rate controlling enzymes:

The 3 strongly exergonic steps
Citrate synthase
Isocitrate dehydrogenase
a-keoglutarate dehydrogenase
Regulation of metabolite flow from the PDH
complex through the citric acid cycle

 Regulation by activation and inhibition of enzyme

 In contrast to glycolysis which is regulated primarily
by PFK, the TCA cycle is controlled by regulation of
several enzymatic activities.

Rate controlling enzymes:

The 3 strongly exergonic steps
Citrate synthase
Isocitrate dehydrogenase
α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
Regulation of metabolite flow from the PDH
complex through the citric acid cycle

Three factors govern the rate

of flux through the cycle:
Substrate availability; The availability
of the substrates for citrate synthase
(acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate) varies
with the metabolic state of the cell
and sometimes limits the rate of
citrate formation.
Inhibition by accumulating products;
NADH, a product of isocitrate and
ketoglutarate oxidation, accumulates
under some conditions, and at high
[NADH]/[NAD] both dehydrogenase
reactions are severely inhibited.
Allosteric feedback inhibition of the
enzymes that catalyze early steps in
the cycle (succinyl-CoA, citrate, and


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