Intoduction To Future Studies Assignment 1

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Javeria Abbasi 35094

Ayesha Siddique 38540

Question #1

Discuss STEEPL analysis theoretically in detail.

A tool for scanning your environment outside is called STEEPLE. It aids in teams’
comprehension of phenomena and creation of novel opportunities. STEEPLE stand for: Social.
Technological. Economic. Environmental. Political. Legal The framework forces us to think
about the effects each component will have on society as well as how products and services will
fit into possible futures. “Without tool, you tend to think the future will be much like the present.
Using an analysis technique like STEEPLE ensures you’re not insulated by your own micro-
environment.” SWOT analysis is something that many of us have used. Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats is referred to as SWOT. While STEEPLE supports an outward-
focused approach that examines the larger socio-cultural environment of your sector, SWOT is
more focused on what is occurring with your product. Factor work in STEEPL.

Muhammad Wasay 34011

Arisha 35587
Question no.#02

How STEEPL analysis can be performed in different trends in detail.

STEEPL analysis (sometimes also called PESTLE analysis) is a strategic management tool used
to analyze the external macro-environmental factors that may affect an organization. The
acronym STEEPL stands for Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, and
Legal factors.

Performing STEEPL analysis in different trends involves analyzing each of these factors in the
context of the specific trend. For example:
Social trend: When analyzing the social factor, the focus is on understanding how changes in
societal attitudes, behaviors, and demographics might impact the organization. For instance, with
the rise of social media, businesses might analyze how social media platforms and the changing
social landscape might affect their operations. To perform STEEPL analysis in this context,
organizations might study trends such as social media usage, cultural changes, and consumer

Technological trend: With the rapid advancements in technology, analyzing the technological
factor involves assessing how technology can affect an organization. Organizations might study
trends such as the adoption of new technologies, innovation, and changes in consumer behavior
driven by technological advancements.

Economic trend: In this context, analyzing the economic factor involves assessing how economic
changes might affect the organization. This includes studying trends such as inflation,
unemployment, interest rates, and GDP growth.

Environmental trend: Organizations need to be aware of environmental trends that might affect
their operations. This includes studying trends such as climate change, natural disasters, and
changes in consumer preferences related to sustainability.

Political trend: Analyzing the political factor involves assessing how government policies, laws,
and regulations might impact the organization. This includes studying trends such as changes in
government policies, geopolitical shifts, and international trade agreements.

Legal trend: Organizations must understand the legal factors that might affect their operations.
This includes studying trends such as changes in employment law, intellectual property rights,
and consumer protection laws.
In summary, performing STEEPL analysis in different trends involves studying the macro-
environmental factors in the context of the specific trend and assessing how they might impact
the organization. This analysis can help organizations anticipate changes and make informed
decisions that align with their strategic goals.

Ayesha pasha 35027

Hooria Ali 35294
Question no.#03

C: Discuss uses of STEEPLE detail.

Here are a few ways businesses can use STEEPLE analysis:
1) Product development: 
Product development is the complete process of taking an idea from concept to delivery
and beyond. Whether you are delivering a brand new offering or enhancing an existing
product, the product development cycle begins long before anything gets built. It
encompasses everything from brainstorming the initial concept to strategically planning,
building, and releasing it to market and then measuring its success.

STEEPLE analysis offers vital market data on customer responses to products or

services. This helps businesses decide whether to keep developing or distributing a
product to a particular region.

Who is involved in the product development process

Product management
Product managers span strategic objectives to tactical activities. You set product strategy,
define what the product team will deliver and when, and communicate progress against
the product roadmap.

Engineers are responsible for "how" the product is built — collaborating on features and
user stories, estimating work, planning sprints, and releasing new functionality.
Innovation teams strategize new ways to approach problems facing the business and its
customers. They combine fresh product ideas with market analysis to propel product
strategy and avoid stagnation.
Product marketing
Product marketers determine how to share the product's story. They craft positioning and
messaging, research the competitive landscape. create buyer personas. They manage go-
to-market campaigns, build awareness, and increase product usage.
The operations team is charged with organizational performance and progress aligning
budgets and processes across teams. Program and project managers track resource
allocation, risks, and bottlenecks while facilitating collaboration between teams.

2) Workforce planning:
Workforce planning is the people side of planning, but some businesses skip it, thinking that
people will just appear when needed. Workforce planning aligns core business goals with people
strategy. It makes no sense to plan on a new product launch next year without thinking about
R&D, supply chain, and sales staff.
Businesses constantly change their workforce due to the increasing skill gaps. STEEPLE
analysis can help identify emerging business changes that can affect the future job market.

Benefits of workforce planning:

 Reduce labor costs in favor of workforce deployment and flexibility
 Identify and respond to changing customer needs
 Identify relevant strategies for focused people development
 Target inefficiencies
 Improve employee retention
 Improve productivity and quality outputs
 Improve employees’ work-life balance
 Make recommendations to deliver strategic value through talent

3.Strategic planning:
STEEPL analysis can be used as a starting point for strategic planning. By analyzing the external
environment, organizations can identify opportunities and threats, and adjust their strategies
according to their planning. Strategic planning typically represents mid- to long-term goals with
a life span of three to five years, though it can go longer. This is different than business planning,
which typically focuses on short-term, tactical goals, such as how a budget is divided up. The
time covered by a business plan can range from several months to several years. The product of
strategic planning is a strategic plan.
4. Risk Assessment:
STEEPL analysis can be used to assess the risks associated with different external factors. This
can help organizations to identify potential risks and take measures to mitigate them. The aim of
the risk assessment process is to evaluate hazards, then remove that hazard or minimize the level
of its risk by adding control measures, as necessary. By doing so, you have created a safer and
healthier workplace.

5.Competitive analysis:
STEEPL analysis can be used to analyze the external environment of competitors. By
understanding the external factors that affect the competition, organizations can identify
opportunities and threats, and adjust their strategies accordingly competitive analysis can help
you learn the ins and outs of how your competition works, and identify potential opportunities
where you can out-perform them.

Overall, STEEPL analysis is a useful tool for organizations looking to understand and analyze
their external environment. It can help organizations to identify opportunities and threats, assess
risks, and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Muqadas Bibi 35328

Nimra Atta 35327
Mehwish khan 38537
Question no. # 4

Starbucks has taken steps to be a part of the mobile computing revolution. It has worked
with Apple and introduced discounted coupons via iPhone apps. They also attempt co-
branding and cross selling. Starbucks is well poised to enjoy the benefits of the Smartphone
revolution. Consumers in the US are also becoming more and more conscious of ethics.
This means the brands they buy from should abide by social and environmental norms
during production. Consumer awareness is challenging Starbucks. These are the most
obvious factors affecting the firm’s business. But there are many other factors seeking

By following scenario above, identify disruptions according to the trends mentioned in the
table in detail. (do not write disruptions in 2 or three words. Write them in at least 3 to 4 lines)

Consumer preferences are  The “green” and “ethical chic”

different in the upcoming consumers are also concerning.
generation that could be a They fret about social and
Social trend great challenge for the environmental costs of the brands.
Starbucks. Starbucks has to be aware of this

Emergence of innovative  Cybersecurity safety is also a

technology in the world day challenge for the IT department of
by day can have effect on Starbucks. They have to follow the
Technological trend
the Starbucks. technical ethics and the privacy of
their customers.

Environmental disasters in Many Starbucks business practices

countries which produce concern activists and international
coffee beans, is a challenge advocacy groups. Even the
Environmental trend for the company to maintain consumers have expressed issues.
their standards. So, the company should take these
into account to continue holding
consumers’ trust.
The company has to deal Another economic factors which
with rising labor and can affect Starbucks is Local
operational costs. The currency exchange rates which is
Economic trend
inflationary environment different in different markets.
and falling profitability is
causing a lot of stress.
 Starbucks Company need  The regulatory pressures within
to follow the laws and the home market in the US are
regulations in the countries also a factor. Multinationals based
from where it buys the raw in the US are now subject to
Political trend materials. Activism and greater scrutiny of the business
increased political processes. The company must
awareness in developing monitor political stability within
countries have made his the country as well.
Legal trend Caffeine production and They should introduce stricter
consumption related customs and trade regulations for
policies and regulations by the different branches. So their
health authorities. market value remains stable
otherwise it will be a disruption in
the way of success.

Alisha Abid 35423

Amina Masood 35511

Question no.# 05

5- Make a conclusion of the whole above scenario in terms of future (its improvements and
more challenges) keeping the disruptions in mind.

Starbucks has successfully adapted to the mobile computing revolution by working with Apple
and introducing iPhone apps to offer discounted coupons. However, the challenge of consumer
awareness of social and environmental norms during production is also affecting the company's
To stay competitive in the future, Starbucks must continue to innovate and adapt to new
technologies, as well as remain committed to sustainability and ethical production. This could
involve investing in renewable energy, reducing waste, and partnering with sustainable suppliers.
The company should also focus on improving customer experiences by offering personalized,
convenient, and seamless experiences through mobile and digital channels.
At the same time, Starbucks should be prepared to face new challenges in the disruptive business
environment. This could include emerging competitors, changing consumer preferences, and
geopolitical and economic uncertainties. To mitigate these risks, Starbucks should continuously
monitor the market trends and consumer feedback, as well as maintain a flexible and agile
business model that can adapt to changing circumstances.
Overall, the future of Starbucks looks promising if the company continues to prioritize
innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction while staying vigilant to the evolving
disruptions in the market.

The End

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