Subject Choice Presentation - Wed 31st May 2023

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Career &


Form 3
Levels (Stages) of the
Learning Process
How much schooling you need?




Associate Degree

Levels (Stages) of the Learning Process

Be mindful, that as you go up each level:

 The level of work gets MORE challenging

 The work load INCREASES
 The amount of responsibilities INCREASES
 The amount of free, personal time
Subject Selection Questions
Dream Career

Do you want a career in T&T, the

Caribbean, USA, Canada, Europe, etc.?
What qualifications are needed?
Possible Universities
(BSc, BA, LLB, DM, MSc, MA, PhD)
Do you want to study in T&T, the Caribbean, USA,
Canada, Europe, etc.?
Who is going to pay for your studies? (GATE,
Scholarship, Family, etc.?)
What are the entry requirements (subjects, extra-
curricular activities, SAT scores (USA & Canada),
(CAPE/Associate Degree)

Are you interested in Form 6 or do you

want to start with the tertiary level after
Form 5?
Forms 4 & 5

8 subjects (Labs, SBAs, etc.)

End of Form3/2-20
(Subject Selection)

What subjects are you going to choose in

addition to Maths, English A and English B?
Is a degree needed for my
Have you heard about these
abbreviations before?
 ACCA (Association of Chartered
Certified Accountants)

 FIA (Fellow of the Institute

of Actuaries)

 PMP (Project Management

Is a degree needed?
 While most careers and professions require a
degree to officially start working, others do not.

 Some careers only require practical

credentials, which are obtained by successfully
passing examinations.

 However, having a degree may allow persons

to be exempted from lower levels of the
qualifying process.

 Also note that having a degree does not

necessarily mean you can start working as in
some cases, additional qualifying exams may
still need to be completed.
Professional Registration
 To practice certain professions, one may
also need to be registered with the
appropriate local registration body before
being permitted to start working.

 Without this registration, it will be ILLEGAL

to conduct any activities related to the
profession and can be held liable if
Professional Registration

 The Legal Profession – only lawyers accepted by

the local bar can practice law.
 Medicine –only practitioners accredited to the
Medical Board can practice medicine.
 Plumbing –only licensed plumbers can practice
 Electrical installation –only licensed wiremen are
allowed to wire buildings
 Engineering- currently it is not compulsory to
register in T&T but this is subject to change
(though may be required for certain activities
locally). Applicable in other countries!
University Requirements for some Careers
(based on programme of study)
Engineering (UWI)
 Civil Engineering, Environmental
Engineering, Electrical & Computer
Engineering, Industrial & Mechanical
Engineering- pass in Chemistry at GCE ‘O’
Level or CXC and passes in Pure
Mathematics and Physics (CAPE)

 Chemical & Process Engineering- Pure

Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

 Land Management-Pure Mathematics,

Physics, Geography, Accounting,
Economics and Management of Business
Engineering (UWI)
 Petroleum Geoscience- Pure
Mathematics, Physics and one
other science subject, or

 Geomatics- Pure Mathematics,

and one other science related
subject (Geography, Physics)
Engineering (UofTech, Jamica)
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Construction
 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English
Language, Mathematics, Physics and two (2) other
subjects (Technical or Science related); PLUS a total of
four (4) CAPE units (including units 1 and 2 for Pure &
Applied Mathematics and Physics) OR two (2) A-Level
subjects in Mathematics or Physics;
 Interview may be required.
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Land Surveying and
Geographic Information Sciences
 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English
Language, Mathematics and three (3) other approved
subjects. Preferred subjects include Physics, Geography,
Information Technology, Technical Drawing, Additional
Architecture (UofTech, Jamica)
Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies (BAAS)

 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English

Language, Mathematics and 3 other approved
subjects PLUS portfolio and interview.

 Having satisfied the first criteria and based on the

number of applicants, persons may be called for an
interview where applicants are expected to take a
portfolio with the minimum of ten (10) pieces of their
best creative work.
Architecture (Howard Uni., USA)
 Students may be eligible for admission by presenting acceptable
secondary school records which should include: 3 units of English;
3.5 units of mathematics with 1.5 to 2 units in algebra; 1 unit in
plane geometry and trigonometry; 1 unit in a foreign language,
and 5 units in any academic courses counted toward graduation,
preferably in solid geometry, physics, and chemistry.

 All applicants must take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and
receive a minimum score of 500 in the verbal section and 550 in
the mathematics section or 22 on the American College Test
(ACT) equivalent.

 Preference will be given to applicants who rank in the upper one-

third of their graduating class and have achieved a grade of C or
better in the recommended high school courses.

 A portfolio of creative work is required and should include a

minimum of one and a maximum of three examples of creative
expression in graphic, written or audiovisual form.
Uni. of Toronto, Canada- General
Admission Requirements
Uni. of Toronto, Canada- General
Admission Requirements
MIT Requirements
General Institute Requirements demand that all students must
take (or place out of, through an Advanced Standing
Examination) the following:
 Two semesters of calculus
 Two semesters of calculus-based physics
 One semester of chemistry
 One semester of biology
Students who are well matched with MIT take the following
classes in high school:
 Math, through calculus
 One year or more of physics
 One year or more of chemistry
 One year or more of biology
 Four years of English
 Two years of a foreign language
 Two years of history and/or social sciences
Law (UWI)
 Minimum of five (5) subjects at CSEC (CXC)
General Proficiency, which must include
English Language and Mathematics

 Passes in at least two (2) 2-unit CAPE or two

GCE A-level subjects or approved
Law (King’s College, London)
Pre-Health Programme (UWI)

Tuition- US$16,000
Medicine (UWI)
 MBBS- Passes in at least five (5) subjects at
CXC (CSEC) General Proficiency, which must
include English Language, Mathematics,
Chemistry, Biology, Physics AND passes in both
Units of Chemistry, Biology and one (1) other
subject at CAPE or GCE A-level or approved

 BSc. Optometry- Passes at CSEC (CXC) in

Mathematics, English Language, Biology,
Chemistry and Physics & passes Physics , one
other Science subject viz Chemistry, Biology,
Mathematics and one (1) other subject at
CAPE (Units I & II)or GCE A’Level

 BSc. Pharmacy- Applicants must possess two

A’ Level subjects (or equivalent), including
Chemistry, and a choice from Biology,
Zoology, Physics or Mathematics. The
applicant must also have a pass in Physics at
the O’ Level, or its equivalent
Pilot (General Requirements)
 CSEC- core subjects of Maths, Science and English,
with Geography being a highly recommended

 CAPE- Strong core subjects for your A-Levels / higher

education, such as Maths, Physics, Chemistry and
Pilot (L3Harris Flight Academy (Florida)
Possible subject combinations
Humanities (including Law)

English A
English B

 History
 Spanish/French
 Biology/Physics/Chemistry/HSB
Add. Maths/Geography/Art/I.T./TD
English A
English B

POB or Economics
Add. Maths/Geography/Art/I.T./TD/History
Natural Science
English A
English B

Add. Maths
Earth Science

English A
English B

Add. Maths/Art/I.T./TD/POA/POB/Econ/History
English A
English B

 Add Maths
 Physics
 TD
 Art
 Geography
English A
English B

 Physics
 Add. Maths
 Geography
 French/Spanish

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