Research Report Group 3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas

Effects of Public Speaking Anxiety among Grade 10 Students of Bunducan National High

Researcher: Eunice B. Avena

Sheikah R.Samonteza

Rubie jane M. Zafra

Rana janneshca L. Eusebio

Mark jancel D. Cosa

Lyno cleart R.Samonteza

Justine O..Loyola

John mark A. Botones

Name and Address of school: Bunducan National High School

Year: 2023

Address: Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas

 0945-2783660 / 09178493231
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas




Public speaking anxiety is a prevalent issue among grade 10 students, and its effects can have a significant
impact on their academic and personal development. When students experience anxiety related to public
speaking and recitations, it can hinder their communication skills, which are crucial for success in their chosen
professions and for progressing in life

One of the primary effects of public speaking anxiety is the hindrance it poses to effective communication.
Students who struggle with anxiety may find it challenging to express themselves clearly and confidently, both
in academic settings and in their personal lives. This can lead to difficulties in presenting their ideas,
participating in class discussions, and engaging in conversations with peers and teachers. As a result, they may
not fully grasp the benefits of collaborative learning and miss out on opportunities for growth and learning
through effective communication.

Moreover, public speaking anxiety can have negative implications for a student's self-esteem. The fear and
stress associated with speaking in front of others can undermine their confidence and belief in their own
abilities. This can create a cycle of self-doubt and avoidance, where students may refrain from participating in
activities that involve public speaking or presenting. As a consequence, they may miss out on valuable learning
experiences and opportunities to build self-assurance.

The mental and emotional toll of public speaking anxiety on grade 10 students should not be underestimated.
The fear and stress experienced before, during, and after public speaking engagements can lead to heightened
levels of anxiety. This can manifest in symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweaty palms, trembling, and
difficulty concentrating. These physical and emotional reactions can make it challenging for students to focus
on their academic work and may impede their overall performance in school.

Moreover, the constant worry and fear associated with public speaking anxiety can contribute to high levels of
stress. Persistent stress can have detrimental effects on students' well-being, leading to various issues such as
sleep disturbances, decreased motivation, and even depression. It is crucial to address public speaking anxiety
and provide students with effective coping strategies to mitigate the negative effects of stress on their mental

One way to reduce public speaking anxiety among grade 10 students is to incorporate education and
information about the potential outcomes and responses to anxiety-provoking situations. By providing students
with knowledge about the nature of anxiety, its common triggers, and strategies for managing it, they can
develop a greater understanding of their own experiences. This awareness can empower them to recognize and
address their anxieties proactively.

Furthermore, creating a supportive and nurturing learning environment can also alleviate public speaking
anxiety. Teachers can implement strategies such as gradual exposure to public speaking tasks, providing
constructive feedback, and encouraging peer support and collaboration. By fostering a safe space for students to
practice and improve their speaking skills, they can gradually build their confidence and reduce their anxiety.

Address: Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas

 0945-2783660 / 09178493231
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas

It is important to remember that some level of stress and anxiety can be beneficial, as it challenges students'
capabilities and encourages growth. However, when public speaking anxiety becomes overwhelming and
detrimental to a student's well-being and academic performance, intervention and support should be provided.
By addressing public speaking anxiety effectively, grade 10 students can develop crucial communication skills,
improve their self-esteem, and navigate future challenges with greater confidence.

Background of the study

Public speaking anxiety is a common issue that affects individuals of all ages, including grade 10 students. This
mini research aims to explore the effects of public speaking anxiety among grade 10 students and its potential
impact on their academic and personal development. ( Due to anxiety students may experience Speech related
anxiety, trouble in communication skills to succeed in their chosen profession, difficulty to progress in this
world and life or even bad performance in communicating).Grade10 Student are facing Anxiety in terns of
public speaking and recitations. It affects them mentally ang emotionally as well as their self esteem and
experience different kind of stress they are easily distracted and afraid to take risks. However, stress is a
dangerous factor affecting the daily lives of every grade 10 students due to anxiety as it can lead to terrible
effect such as depression .Stress is also significant to challenge one’s capability and let the student explore to
create a coping strategy and reduce its negative effects. The key to reducing the anxiety of the students is to
handle education, information about what are the possible outcome and response concerning the things that
needs improvement.

Statement of the problem

. Public speaking anxiety is a significant issue among grade 10 students, impacting their academic performance
and personal development. Despite the importance of effective communication skills in various aspects of life,
such as academic presentations, extracurricular activities, and future career opportunities, many grade 10
students experience fear, nervousness, and discomfort when speaking in front of a group.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondent of:

1.1 Name:
1.2 Age:
1.3 Civil status:
2. What kind of ways do you think are suitable for Grade 10 student to implement so their anxiety will be
3. How significant coping strategies are to lessen the stress level of Grade 10 students?

Significant of the study

The study on the benefits of public speaking is significant for several reasons. Public speaking is a skill that
involves delivering a speech or presentation to an audience, and it plays a crucial role in various aspects of
personal and professional life. Here are some key reasons why studying the benefits of public speaking:

Address: Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas

 0945-2783660 / 09178493231
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas

 Public speaking enhances personal development by improving self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-
awareness. It allows individuals to overcome stage fright, develop effective communication skills, and
express their thoughts and ideas in a clear and articulate manner.
 Effective public speaking is highly valued in many professional fields. The ability to convey ideas
persuasively, engage an audience, and deliver compelling presentations can greatly enhance career
prospects. Public speaking skills are particularly relevant for careers in sales, marketing, leadership,
teaching, politics, and entrepreneurship.
 Public speaking improves overall communication skills. It helps individuals become better listeners,
develop empathy, and adapt their message to different audiences. The study of public speaking benefits
can shed light on how effective communication strategies can be employed to connect with diverse
groups of people.
 Public speaking is closely linked to leadership and the ability to influence others. By studying the
benefits of public speaking, researchers can explore how effective speakers inspire, motivate, and lead
others. Understanding the impact of public speaking on leadership can contribute to the development of
effective leadership training programs.
 Public speaking allows individuals to share their ideas, advocate for causes, and contribute to social
change. By studying the benefits of public speaking, researchers can assess how effective
communication can shape public opinion, raise awareness, and drive positive social impact. This
knowledge can be valuable for individuals and organizations aiming to create meaningful change in
 Effective public speaking skills are crucial for academic success. Students who can confidently present
their research findings or engage in classroom discussions often excel academically. Additionally, many
professional organizations and conferences require individuals to present their work, and the ability to
speak publicly with impact can enhance professional success.

By conducting studies on the benefits of public speaking, researchers can provide evidence-based insights into
the positive outcomes associated with this skill. This knowledge can be used to develop training programs,
educational curricula, and personal development initiatives aimed at enhancing public speaking abilities,
fostering effective communication, and empowering individuals to succeed in various aspects of life.



A. Related literature

Foreign literature
In today’s time and age, good communication skill are needed the most at all level. According to Raja
(2013). “Communication has become one of the markers of social solidarity social ranking and
professional capabilities and the most of the components of the language are learn through this medium”
(p154). According to Pertaub Slater and Baker (2001), Professionals are expected to present numerous
talk to both small and large group of audience at different intervals of their professional live and if they
become victim of public speaking anxiety, they face a backlash and this anxiety can have a severe
influence on their career. Their research also describes the result which illustrate that social anxiety
induced in people is directly proportional to the verify of feedback received from the audience. They

Address: Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas

 0945-2783660 / 09178493231
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas

explain that this creates a strong impact on the confidence of the individuals and it translate significally
into their public address.

Riegel (2013) proposes that public speaking anxiety is not directly proportionate to the number of
audience present in one’s talk. A small group of audience may terrify you as badly as large group. She
suggests that when this fear hits presenter, they need to deploy strategies which might enable them to
stand on the stage with confidence and vigor.

Morgan (2008) lists few things that hold great importance during a speech or presentation: (a) intent to
be open with your audience, (b) intent to connect with the audience, (c) intent to be passionate about
your topic, and (d) intent to listen to your audience. These are few tips that help speakers connect with
the audience, to become motivating speakers. The audience too, in turn will be comfortable while

Kushner (2010) talks about simple yet very effective strategies to overcome the fear of public speaking
as well as delivering good presentations. He starts off by describing effective styles for starting and
ending a speech. Rhetorical questions, a quotation for the opening or conclusion can be used to involve
the audience and grab their attention. He elaborates that the speaker should also analyze the
requirements of the topic and examine the motivation for speaking and the audience’s motivation for
listening. He emphasizes on goal setting and puts forward that one should also set some specific goals
that need to be achieved at the end of the presentation. If the speaker is not certain about his/her stance,
it will not leave a good impression on the audience and the audience may get demotivated.

Local literature

One notable local author in the Philippines who has written about anxiety or fear of public speaking is
Alejandro R. Roces. Although primarily known as a humorist and fiction writer, Roces also wrote a book titled
"Speech Power: A Guide to Effective Speaking" which explores techniques to overcome the fear of public
speaking and improve communication skills. While it may not be solely focused on anxiety, it provides practical
advice and tips that can help individuals manage their anxiety in public speaking situations. Another local
author who has written on the topic is Raquel R. Cruz. She authored a book titled "Conquer Your Fear of Public
Speaking" which specifically addresses the anxiety and fear associated with public speaking. The book offers
strategies, exercises, and personal anecdotes to guide readers in overcoming their anxiety and becoming more
confident speakers. These are just a couple of examples of local authors in the Philippines who have written on
the subject of anxiety or fear of public speaking. It's worth noting that there may be other authors and resources
available as well, so it's always helpful to explore different sources to find the most relevant and beneficial
materials for your needs

Address: Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas

 0945-2783660 / 09178493231
[email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas

B. Related studies

Foreign studies

In today's society, effective communication skills are crucial at all levels, as highlighted by Raja (2013).
Communication serves as a marker of social solidarity, social ranking, and professional capabilities.
Pertaub, Slater, and Baker (2001) emphasize that professionals are expected to deliver talks to various
audiences throughout their careers, and experiencing public speaking anxiety can have a detrimental
impact on their professional advancement. The severity of social anxiety induced in individuals is
directly related to the feedback received from the audience, affecting their confidence and performance.
Contrary to the belief that public speaking anxiety is solely linked to the size of the audience, Riegel
(2013) suggests that even a small group can evoke significant fear. To overcome this fear, presenters
should employ strategies that promote confidence and vitality on stage. Morgan (2008) emphasizes key
factors for successful effective presentations. He advises utilizing engaging styles for the opening and
conclusion, such as rhetorical questions or quotations, to captivate the audience's attention. Analyzing
the topic's requirements and understanding the motivations of both the speaker and the audience are
essential. Setting specific goals for the presentation is crucial, as uncertainty or lack of clarity can
negatively impact the audience's perception and motivation. In summary, effective communication skills
are vital in today's world. Public speaking anxiety can hinder professional growth, but strategies such as
establishing a connection with the audience, setting goals, and utilizing engaging techniques can help
speakers overcome their fears and deliver impactful presentations

Address: Bunducan, Nasugbu, Batangas

 0945-2783660 / 09178493231
[email protected]

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