Iije"Helooiclllli For A Lot of Iiood: Membership Alld Thallk You-As

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BILL PATRICK Enrollment and Growth Program Manager


Jaycees must forever be conscious of the value of membership recruiting. When you consider that 98% of our potential members are yet to be extended an invitation to join our international organization, then you realize just how broad our opportunity is. J. S. Mill once said, "One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have only interest?' There are several young Jaycees across this nation who have the belief and they are getting things done. They need help from more of us to accomplish our goals. Tom Keene, State President of Indiana, has adopted the slogan "Excitement for Excellence?' This slogan seems to express the general attitude being displayed nationally. We do have something to be excited Membership alld Thallk You-As we all know the Irving Jaycees are in trouble but I think we can lift our heads and do something about it. As for me, let me tell you my opinion of my accomplishments the past year or two. Two years ago I became an Irving Jaycee. I could not even spell Jaycee, let alone be one then something happened. Some old-heads got their hands on me and told me I was going to be the best Irving Jaycee in the chapter. I told them that they were crazy. I did not have the time or the money to be that active so Jerry Smith, Bill Roche, Ed Day, Jerry Wallis and others told me to pull my head out and make some sacrifices. So I made some. I neglected my family, job and entertainment. Now let me explain that last statement. In so much as my family, instead of staying home every night and fighting and making life miserable and then getting mad and going to 10


about as Jaycees. As Louie Armstrong once said when asked to explain Jazz, "Man if you can't feel it, I can't hardly explain it?' Bunny Adcock, Arkansas State President, has selected the slogan, "Reach Out?' Walt Sady, State President of California, believes the secret to recruitment is the motto, "You gotta ask?' He has been reporting amazing results not only in terms of new members but also in the new excitement in Jaycees doing the asking. Below is just one personal testimony of thousands throughout the country that has happened in young men's lives when given the opportunity to become involved in the greatest young man's organization in the world - Jaycees. _ the nearest bar, which was every night, now I use the time away from home to work on some Jaycee project. When I get back home, it is a great pleasure to me to have a home life. Now let me tell you about my job. Before I became a Jaycee I did not have any responsibility, I was just a common laborer with no future. But then it happened, I started getting new responsibilities and more money. My attitude changed, I took a new interest in my work and generally felt good. The only reason I can see at all for this success is the Irving Jaycees. As you can see there were a few guys that cared about me enough to help. Now what I am trying to say is let's not give up, let's try to give other young men the opportunity to become an Irving Jaycee. Someday I will look back and say THANK GOD for the Irving Jaycees. _ Larry W. Sage

I. How to Be a Jaycee Salesman

A. Qualifications: To be an effective Jaycee Salesman you must have the following: 1. A personal deep experience as a Jaycee. 2. Believe in the Jaycee way of life as set forth in the Jaycee Creed. 3. Be willing to show this philosophy. 4. Be excz"ted about Jaycees. 5. Be committed. B. There are four basic approaches generally used to recruit new members: 1. Tell him about the community action projects or programs that your chapter is currently running or plans to run. If one of these appeal to his interest he may want to join and become involved. 2. A personal testimony describing how you have benefited by your Jaycee membership. The prospective Jaycee may see himself enjoying the same experiences and benefits. 3. Appeal to the prospective Jaycee's interest and desire for self improvement and personal success. Nearly every young man is concerned about improving himself and bettering his future. 4. Develop the prospecn've Jaycee's self importance by describing to him how he can contribute to your chapter's and community's improvement. Make your prospect feel wanted, needed and important. C. Suggestions for Openers "Are you a Jaycee yet?" "Has anyone talked to you about Jaycees?" "Why aren't you a Jaycee?" "Have you ever heard about Jaycees?" D. Common Objections and some suggestions to overcome them: 1. "I don't have enough time!""How much free time do you have?" "Would you be willing to spend 4 hours a month improving your community and yourself?" 2. 'The Jaycees Cost Too M uch/" Break your dues into cost per month or week. Relate cost of membership to pay period or cost of cigarettes or booze. 3. "/'m not a businessman!" "Would you be interested in learning management and leadership skills through practical application?" 4. "Jaycees don't do anything that I am interested in!" "What would you be interested in?" "If we were involved in (a) would you join?" (a) get information from prospect E. Close the sale 1. Have the newly recruited member fill out a membership application! Ask him "Would you like to pay half the dues now or pay in full?" 2. You fill out the application and ask him to sign. 3. Ask him to join. 4. Ask him "Would you like me to pick you up next (date) to attend your first meeting?" 5. Would you like to sign now or would you like me to stop by tonight and talk further with you and your wife. F. Benefits to Chapter Attitude surveys show, almost without exception, that members who join and continue for more

than one project with the Jaycees bring with them three things when they agree to become members. Tz"me, Talent and Resources. Not each Jaycee brings with him all three, but all Jaycees need at least some of one of these three ingredients. 1. Time: Unless an individual can devote some time, whatever he deems appropriate, he will not continue in membership for a long period of time. 2. Talent: Each individual is special in some way. Realizing this and capitalizing on each individual's strengths is your chapter's responsibility. An individual's talents can be many or few, and as diverse as fund raising to photography. 3. Resources: Each member can draw on some of his outside resources for use with Jaycee activities. G. Benefits to the Member Each member of the Jaycees benefits in one of three ways directly or indirectly; knowingly or unknowingly. 1. Sell gratl/l'cation, 2. Self development as a 3. Deep sense of belonging! Your chapters awareness of all of these things can lead you to a deeper understanding and perhaps make your Jaycee year this year a little more successful.


Who to Recruit & Where Be Willing to Share an Opportunity: From personal experience, you know many ways the Jaycees have enriched your life and enhanced your personality. You are enthusiastic about the Jaycees because your experience as a member has been good for you. You have seen yourself and others grow and develop through your organization. The things we treasure most, we strive to share with others. Your Jaycee experience takes on a new dimension and develops greater meaning when you work to share the Jaycee opportunity. Quahty vs Quantity: Far too many chapters today utilize a cop-out for their chapter's lack of membership numbers, stating "our membership criteria is the quality of the members, not how many members we can sign?' What is our obligation as Jaycees? Are we to only recruit a chosen few who, through some mental exercise, are deemed to be quality members? What criteria must an individual meet to fall into the nebulous area? Think back to when you were actively recruited. The night you went through the induction ceremony, were you a quality member? Membership Sources: Prospective Jaycees are everywhere. More than 98% of our potential members have yet to be asked to join. 1. Busl'ness and Industrial Firms contact the top men in firms and sell Jaycee's leadership training advantage to them. Many firms sponsor as many as 15 to 50 members in Jaycee chapters. Make sure you have a well-planned presentation emphasizing the benefits to employer and employees. 2. Returning Servicemen: Contact the draft board for names of recently discharged servicemen. 3. New Residents: Set up an agreement with your community's "welcome wagon" firm. 4. Broad Base Recruitment: Make certain you promote the "shirt-sleeve" image. Opportunity for membership should be available to all young men. 11

The U. S. Jaycee Membership Recruitment (individuals)


Presidential Leadership Award: Is IUf every JaYCt'f~ whu brings SIX new members Into hIS chaptl'r tJullnq ttH' J<.tyct:1' year Men who Quality for thIs aw<.:tr(jwill rt.'C(!JV+:!t cl'rtlhca!e : and a U S Jaycees SI)I.member patch PreSidential Award of Achievement: Wdl be presentt!d ru every Jaycee who brings 1S new nH!mbers 11\10 his chapter during the year The award IS a cerllf.catt . i.Jnej [I U S Ji.JYC(:'CS 15-member palch Presidential Award of Honor: Is given 10 every Ji.lycee who Signs up 25 new members durrng the year The awaIt:! consisis of a certifIcate and a U S Jaycees 25 membE:f natch Presidential Award of Excellence: Will be prPsentt:u tu evpry Jayct::'t' who signs 50 new members Men- who qUrlhty tUI ttll!:> awarn will be oersonally recognlled at the Annual Mt:'l'llnq Any member of the U S Jaycees IS ellYlble tor ttH:' JUUVt' awards IMPORTANT' Only member::) added bt-;'Iwee-n JuoP 1 and May 31 of each JaYCee year will qualify tur thiS award [For further InformatIon see The UnilecJ States JaYCl.'l'S Awards Manual)

I. I.ocal J ayeee Chapter 2. State Jaycee Organizations 3. United States Jaycees .1. Jaycees International What docs he get for his money~ I. Membership pin 2. Parchment Jaycee Creed Certificate 3. Membership Card 4. Future Magazine EXTENSIONS The importance of extending a club is self-explanatory. to give others the opportunity \\'e all have all ohltialiOiI of being Jaycees. If you follow this outline, you will be most successful in extending a Jaycee Chapter. You will be responsible lor pumping the breath of life into a town which is probably dead on its feet. You will be responsible for giving others the opportunity to belong to the greatest young men's organization in the world. I. You must have a deep abiding faith and belief in the Jaycee way of life set forth in the Jaycee Creed. 2. You must have a sincere desire to share this belief with other young men and give them the opportunity to be a Jaycee. 3. Find an area with people. 4. Contact established key individuals in the area and set up a meeting. '5. First Meeting: Take at least four enthusiastic members from your own chapter. a. Have each of them give a pC/"Stilla! lCSlill/ollY about the Jaycees. b. Have someone briefly explain the offices of the local chapter. c. If you don't get 25 interested people who want to sign up, set another meeting for the NEXT NIG HT (Do not go more than 4 days for the next meeting.) d. Have everyone present make a commitment to bring at least two people to the next meeting. 6. Second Meeting: Take at least four members from your own club and one state officer. NOTE: Can be different members this time. a. Have each give a pc/"Solla! lCSlill/OIlY about Jaycees. b. Have state officer say a few words about organization. (Keep him brie/.) c. Sign up all interested people and collect dues. d. Appoint temporary chairman and secretarytreasurer. e. Open a bank account before next meeting. /. Set next meeting for one week later. g. Notify everyone that officers will be elected. h. j\\embers should continue to sign up and collect dues from interested persons. 7. Third Meeting: Take at least two members from your chapter and one state officer. a. Collect dues. b. Elect officers c. Set temporary regular meeting night. d. Send dues kit to state headquarters. 8. Congratulations!!!! You just gave 25 young men the opportunity to become the guy they always wanted to be. \\'ho knows. e'cn the young man that will change (he world. Spread the news and share the good life! ~

5. X/llr

PrCSCll1 !vtclI/hc/"Ship: Current members are a great source if they are given proper incentive. Many present members claim they haven't any prospects. Ask them about: a. Young men where they work. b. Someone that just got back from military service. c. Young men who live in their neighborhood. d. Young men working with other firms they deal with - clothing store, department store, bank, etc. e. Young men in their church or Sunday School. f. One of their competitors. g. Young men who do business with them. h. Young men who work where they buy gas or have their cars serviced or repaired. VOlcr RCKistralioll:


On file in every county courthouse are voter registration lists which contain the names, address and ages of every registered voter in that county. Some counties have these names available on IBM sheets, for which a minimal charge is usually made. A mass mailing could be sent to those voters of Jaycee age.


lvI clI/herslu"p


A very effective way of getting the chapter name before the public and prospective members is a membership booth. Usually the best promotions are located in shopping centers or on a busy sidewalk with pedestrian traffic. The best times are Friday evening and all day Saturday, up until late afternoon. Basically, a booth (one or more card tables are sufficient) is set up and manned by teams of Jaycees on shifts. Some of the materials required would be chapter banner and signs.



/vt clI/has:

Perhaps your best source of prospects is your new member. He knows and associates with people who are unknown to others in your chapter. Always ask new members to suggest the names of friends who might be interested in your chapter. WHAT ARE THE COSTS?

1. State dues - varies with state 2. Local Dues - varies with local chapter 3. National dues-S9.00 .1. JCI-SI.50 per year When a member pays his dues. he becomes a member of four organizations:

Is Your Chapter A Jaycee Chapter, Or Is It A Junior Chamber Of Commerce?

and suburbs than ever before. Junior Chamber of Commerce leadership denies the opportunity for other chapters by stating that "No one can extend or area:' in their self sanctioned recruit Even though they only reach less than 1% of the potential Jaycee population. These Junior Chamber of Commerce leaders - who violently claim not to be Junior Chambers of Commerce and then condemn the media for treating them unfairly by calling them Junior Chambers of Commerce. They continue to use a Junior Chamber of Commerce banner and in most cases because of membership limitations only run a few select projects. Because of Heritage they fail to recognize the critical issues in their multi services "area~' So that their involvement is interpreted as the good old Junior Chamber of Commerce projects. The Junior Chamber of Commerce would not think of dividing and make the opportunity available to townships and boroughs and suburbs. Or to extend the opportunity that they have had, for fear of losing the one or two keymen they have from those areas. They continue to refuse to ask others to join, because they seek quality.

B R E J I py 'd ent enn.0 tSOl1 JII/I~er. reSl aycees

Our Jaycee chapters, totaling 350, would each say that they are true Jaycees and not Junior Chambers of Commerce. Well let us analyze the distinct difference. The attitude of a chapter's leadership and the image that they project is the largest of differences. A Junior Chamber of Commerce attitude is the fact that they don't feel everyone should be asked to join the Jaycees. The reason being, they prefer QUALITY to QUANTITY. Of course had leaders before them beleived such a weak philosphy, then most would not qualify by their own standards (self imposed) to pre-judge who is good or bad. A Junior Chamber of Commerce is a group that as they have changed their name from Area to the GREATER Area, have managed to decrease in quantity their membership causing them to limit their potential for doing community programs. While in the same breath suggesting strongly that they serve more townships, multi-boroughs,

A Jaycee chapter is one that has granted the opportunity for each person to belong because they understand the Jaycee purpose of individual opportunity to develop while serving the community. They have placed the Jaycee priority on people and also realize that the projects are a by-product of the opportunity and individual development. A Jaycee chapter extends the opportunity to each and every person, and communities, realizing how they as individuals and communities have developed. A Jaycee chapter led by Jaycee Leaders with a Jaycee attitude is involved in the critical issues of a community. The reason being that they have the new ideas, motivation, and enthusiasm of all those quantity members that they have recruited. Their continued growth and development as individuals. On their walls hang a Jaycee BaillieI' and the attitude of Jaycees is reflected in leadership. Their projects are publicized as run by Jaycees because they are of Jaycee nature and thinking. Are YOIl a member of a Jaycee chaprer or are YOII a member of a .Jllllior Chamber of Commerce??? The fllfllre I~~11m!'. Thefllrllre is 11m!'. '"

Joe Vanacore A. IIlrnols .. Alan Foster50 Williams OhiO Arkansas .BarneyValentrneJan., LouIsiana OrvelBryan FBaineArk. NO IllinOIS Connecticut1968-69 IllInOIS DonaldPOlnls David Booker June Jones Russ Cantrell Ron James Watson Christensen E. 56 63 57 87 89 Hank DavIS Tim Cox 1972-73 53 Pat Dale Bollman Mike McDowell Phil J.5 Leon B,ll Florrda IowaSellers. 1972-73 Minnesota S. W.Naaktgeboren lOUISiana Sam Hurlburt..Lowrance Pop. 95 61.46%leaders 1968-69 Iowa illinOIS MIssouri John EvansElliott Iowa Ilirnois Iowa Indiana Mike 1973-74 illinOIS MurrelMoody IllinOIS MartrnYoung Rich Dully1 162 137 114 61 68 67 65 54 62 60 53 85 113 8810 Bill Ben Trnsley Manuel Bunny Barahat Jimmy Gene Dr Bob Adcock Raney VirginiaIndianaWalker Hughes Arkansas C. L. DollisonMcCann MIchigan Name Bruner MissisSIPPI E.Yow51 Philip Pollock Larry Logue Bell StephenMcNary 11 203 209 TexasRayNumberIowa 176 75 74 Wyomrng VestaRigby52Smith 1.523 Fla .. This Year available at this time) Harold C. Sturgeon Northwestern. Fla D. Thzs?" JohnFrank Gilbertson Paul Brass Matador. 56 Applington,VallentlneLaher 1973 56 3,0305 4 Mississippi(Not95 Mayflower.Cobb50Payne Applington.Brown, Mayflower,Stubblefield Ar Iowa AR Forrest City, Ark. Mississippi.M.52 Indiana Matador Population1972-73 g~~~e~1"t~?e~~~aw YouQUigley chapter Numerical Top~oe~~SYIVanla ~a~~~e~a~;fuCk Mosta Extensions Patrick. inin Chapter inMembership Programyear smallestby State Member increase bycommunity1 Manager. U.S. Jaycees. P.O. Box 7. Tulsa. Oklahoma 74102. story makers, drop note to Bill a I History Makers




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