Grammatika I Harjutused 2021

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The Genitive Singular Case

One of the basic case forms is the genitive singular, which is used first and foremost to
indicate the possessor or owner of something. In English, this would be indicated by adding's
to the end of a word: man's, child's, etc.

The genitive case answers the questions kelle? whose, belonging to whom? and mille?
belonging to what?
As in English, possessive word comes before the object possessed.
Example: Kelle raamat? Lapse raamat.

Estonian uses the genitive in many cases where English uses the preposition of .
Example: linna tänavad - the streets of the town.
The genitive singular always ends in a vowel. There are no set rules for which vowel a word
will end with in the genitive singular.

Exercise 1 Use the Genitive case.

1. (professor) ..............................................kabinet
2. (raamatukauplus) .............................................. müüja
3. (naaber) ..............................................telefon
4. (ema) ..............................................töö
5. (vend) ..............................................luuletus
6. (õpetaja) ..............................................pliiats
7. (linn) .............................................. tänav
8. (üliõpilane) ..............................................ettekanne
9.( seminar) ..............................................algus
10. (naaber) .............................................. kass

The Partitive Case

The partitive case answers the questions keda? whom? and mida? what? It its basic meaning,
it indicates and indeterminate whole, of which only a part is under consideration.
Example: tükk leiba piece of bread

The partitive singular is a basic form which is used to construct other cases. It is root of most
cases in the plural. The partitive singular may end -d, -t, or certain vowel (-a, -e, -i, -u). It is
often has a different stem than the genitive singular.

In general there are three basic types of paritive forms, with various subtypes.

1) the ending -d
After a double vowel or diphthong, the partitive singular end in -d. This is added directly to
the nominative form (which in these cases is the same as the genitive form)
Nominative Genitive Partitive
maa maa maa/d
tee tee tee/d
töö töö töö/d

The following five two-syllable words end in -d in the partitive singular, with the last vowel
of the stem ( -i in the nominative and -e in the genitive) being dropped before the -d is added.

Nominative Genitive Partitive

mer/i mer/e mer/d
ver/i ver/e ver/d
tul/i tul/e tul/d
un/i un/e un/d
lum/i lum/e lun/d
Personal pronouns end in -d in the partitive, except for the 3rd person singular (which ends in
mina/mind meie/meid
sina/sind teie/teid
tema/teda nemad/neid

2) the ending -t
When the partitive singular is formed with the -t suffix, the ending is usually added to the
genitive form.
Nominative Genitive Partitive
raamat raamatu raamatu/t
ilus ilusa ilusa/t
In certain cases, the -e at the end of the genitive stem may be dropped before adding -t in the
partitive case.
Nominative Genitive Partitive
uus uue uu/t
üks ühe ühte
For some words that end in -I, -n, -r, or -s, the -t is added directly onto the nominative form.
Nominative Partitive
keel keel/t
noor noor/t

3) vowel ending
For large group of Estonian word, the partitive singular is formed by adding to the
nominative form the vowel which is at the end of the genitive form.
Nominative Genitive Partitive
vend venn/a vend/a
aeg aj/a aeg/a

In some cases, the genitive and partitive forms are spelled alike, but the former is pronounced
with second-degree (long/medium long) quantity and the latter with third- degree(extra long)
Nominative Genitive Partitive
asi asja asja
must musta musta

Many two-syllable words which end in -a, -i, or -u remain unchanged in the genitive and
partitive forms, both in terms of spelling and pronounciation.
Nominative Genitive Partitive
isa isa isa
ema ema ema

For words that end in a vowel, preceded by a consonant that weakens in the genitive, the
partitive represents a return to the strong consonant of the nominative form.

Nominative Genitive Partitive

viga vea viga
õde õe õde
There are some exceptions.

Exercise 2 Use the Partitive case.

1. Mul on ülehomme palju (töö) ..............................................
2. Sõbral on vähe (aeg) .............................................................
3. Poiss laks mööda (tee) ..........................................................
4. Aias on kolm kõrget (puu) ...................................................
5. Tema oli siin enne (sina) ....................................................
6. (Nemad) on vähe. ................................................................
7. Ma õpetan (tema) ...............................................................
8.(Rahvas) on palju. ...............................................................
9. Laps loeb huvitavat (raamat) ..............................................
10. Kas sa tead minu (arst) .....................................................?

Inner Locative Cases

Estonian has three types of case forms that indicate location, with reference to the interior of
1) movement into something (where to? whiter?)
2) location inside something (where?)
3) movement out of something (where from? whence?)
The case endings ( -sse, -s, -st) that express these concepts are comparable to certain
prepositions in English, but they are added to the end of the genitive form in Estonian:
maja + sse = into the house
maja + s = in(side) the house
maja + st = out of (from the inside of) the house

Illative Case
The Illative case indicates the space or object into which a motion occurs. It uses the ending
-sse which is added to the genitive form of a word.
Nominative Illative
maja maja/sse
voodi voodi/sse
Some long words, which end in -se in the genitive, have a shortened version of illative which
drops the -se syllable.
Nominative Genitive Illative
õpilane õpila/se õpila/se/sse or õpila/sse
Iühikene Iühike/se Iühike/se/sse or Iühike/sse

The Short Illative

Many words have, in addition to the usual illative form (with the ending -sse), also a short
form. The short illative case answers the question kuhu? where to? whither? into what? The
short illative has the endings -de, -te, -he, -hu, or simply a vowel.
a) -de, -te
Nominative Genitive Illative
keel keele keelesse/keelde
suur suure suuresse/suurde
uus uue uuesse/uude

kuus kuue kuuesse/kuude

käsi käe käesse/kätte
vesi vee veesse/vette

b) -he, -hu
Nominative Genitive Illative
pea pea peasse/pähe
suu suu suusse/suhu
maa maa maasse/maha
soo soo soosse/sohu
c) a vowel
Nominative Genitive Illative
linn linna linna
kool kooli kooli
küla küla külla
maja maja majja
tuba toa tuppa
tuli tule tulle
jõgi jõe jõkke
meri mere merre
elu elu ellu
nägu näo näkku

The Inessive Case

The inessive case indicates location inside a space or object. The inessive case uses the
ending -s, which is added to the genitive form of a word.
Nominative Genitive Inessive
maja maja maja/s
raamat raamatu raamatu/s

The Elative Case

The elative case ands in -st. Like the others locative case suffixes, this is added to the genitive
Nominative Genitive Elative
maja maja maja/st
linn linna linna/st

Exercise 3. Use the words in the Illative case.

a) -sse ending
1.Kas sa tuled (söökla/söökla) ..............................................?
2.Me kolisime asjad uude (korter/-i) ..............................................
3.Laupäeva õhtul läheme terve perega (teater/teatri) ........................................
4.Noormees armus (naabritüdruk/-u) ..............................................
5.Maksa raha (kassa/kassa) ..............................................
6.Lähen homme (reisibüroo/reisibüroo) ..............................................

b) -de ending.
1. Tõlgi see lugu inglise (keel) ..............................................
2.Astusime (suur) ..............................................saali.

c) -ha, -he, -hu endings

1.Pane müts (pea) ..............................................
2.Õun kukkus puu otsast (maa) ..............................................

d) ending in vowel
1.Tõmba saapad (jalg) ....................ja pane mantel (selg) .............................
2.Noormees pani neiule sõrmuse (sõrm) ..............................................
3.Perenaine on vist (köök) ..............................................läinud.
4.Lähme (mets) .............................................. jalutama.

Exercise 4. Use the words in the Inessive case.

1.Mina elan (Tallinn/-a) ..............................................
2.Kas sa elad (linn/-a) ..........................?
3.Lapsed käivad (kool/-i) ..............................................
4.Käisime eile õhtul (kino/-) . ..............................................
5.Kas te käite tihti (teater/teatri) ..............................................?
6.Kindad on (käsi/käe) ........................, kingad (jalg/jala) ..............................
7.Kas ta kirjutas oma kirja eesti või inglise (keel/-e) ...................................?

Exercise 5. Use the words in the Elative case.

1.Olen pärit (Tartu/-) ..............................................
2.Kas nad on juba (kino/-) .............................................. koju tulnud?
3.Võta (kapp/kapi) .............................................. leiba!
4.Võta mantel (selg/selja) .....................ja müts (pea) ....................................!
5.Mida sa (tema/-) ..............................................tead?
6.Kas sa saad juba (eesti keel/-e) ..............................................aru?

Outer Locative Cases

Estonian has three locative cases which, like the inner locative cases answer questions where
to (whither)?, where?, where from (whence)?
The outer locative cases indicate location or movement in relation to the surface or the
enviroment of something.
The outer locative cases are constructed by adding the endings -le, -l, -lt,
tänava + le = ( out) onto the street töö+le =to work
tänava + l = on the street töö+l =at work
tänava + lt =( off) from the street töö+lt =from work

The Allative Case

The allative indicates movement toward something. It has the ending -le, which is added to
the genitive case of a word.
Nominative Genitive Allative
laud laua lauale
pink pingi pingile
This case has two basic meanings:
a)The allative indicates te object onto the surface of which a movement occurs. It answers the
questions kuhu? where to (whither)?, kellele? on(to) whom? and millele? on(to) what?
Example: Pane raamat lauale.
b) The allative indicates the person to whom one gives or says sometimes. It answers to
questions kellele? to whom? and millele? to what?
Example: Anna raamat lapsele.

The Adessive case

The adessive case indicates location on top of something. It has the ending -l, which is added
to the genitive form of a word.
Nominative Genitive Adessive
sein seina seinal
talv talve talvel
The adessive indicates the object on the surface of which something is found. It answers the
questions kus? where{at)? kellel? on {top of) whom? and millel? on{top of) what?
Example: Ma istun toolil.

The Ablative Case

The ablative case indicates movement off or away from something. It ends in -lt, which is
added to the genitive.
Nominative Genitive Ablative
tänav tänava tänavalt
õde õe õelt

The ablative is basically used in two senses.

a) It indicates the object from the surface of which a movement occurs. It answers the
questions kust? where from? kellelt? off whom? away from whom? and millelt? off what?
away from what?
Example: Võta laualt pliiats.

b)The ablative indicates the person from whom one receives, takes, or demands something. It
answers the question kellelt? from whom? of whom?
Example: Ma laenan sõbralt raha.
For personal pronouns, the allative, adessive, and ablative cases are basically made by adding
the normal case endings to the genitive form.
Allative Adessive Ablative
minule-mulle minul-mul minult-mult
sinule-sulle sinul-sul sinult-sult
temale-talle temal-tal temalt-talt
meile meil meilt
teile teil teilt
nendele-neile nendel-neil nendelt-neilt

Exercise 6. Use the words in the Allative case.

1.Kirjutan täna (vend/venna) ............................................. kirja.
2.Peeter sõitis (maa/-) ..............................................
3.Lähen iga päev jalgsi (töö/-) ..............................................
4.Ütle (isa/-) ............................................., et ta helistaks.
5.Tahame suvel sõita (Saksamaa/-) ..............................................

Exercise 7. Use the words in the Adessive case.

1.(Meri/mere) .............................................oli tugev torm.
2.Ma pole ammu (kontsert/kontserdi) ............................................. käinud.
3.Saime tuttavaks (pidu/peo) ..............................................
4.Direktor on praegu (koosolek/-u) ..............................................

5. Mu sõber elab Tamme (tänav/-a) ..............................................

Exercise 8. Use the words in the Ablative case.

1.Tulime koos (pidu/peo) .............................................koju.
2.Ostan tavaliselt kala (turg/turu) ............................................. .
3 .(Tänav/-a) .............................................kostis kõva kära.
4.Tulin (töö/-) .............................................ja olen väsinud.
5.Õpetajad tulid (koosolek/-u) ..............................................

The Translative Case

The translative case as such indicates what someone or something is turning into. It answers
questions kelleks? becoming whom? and milleks? becoming what? In other words, the
translative case expresses a change in identity or condition. The translative case is formed by
adding the suffix -ks to the genitive form.
Nominative Genitive Translative
õpetaja õpetaja õpetajaks
ilus ilusa ilusaks
Example: Ta tahab saada õpetajaks.

Exercise 9. Use the words in the Translative case.

1.Poiss tahab saada (taksojuht/-juhi) .............................................
2.Laps jäi raskesti (haige/-) ..............................................
3.Sõidame kogu (suvi/suve) ............................................. maale.
4.Need vaasid olen saanud (kingitus/-e) .............................................
5.Ostsin sulle homme (õhtu/-) ............................................. teatripileti.

The Terminative Case

The terminative case indicates the time or place which ends or limits an action. It answers the
questions kelleni? as far as who? milleni? as fas as what? and mis ajani? until when? The
terminative case is made by adding the ending -ni to the genitive form.
Nominative Genitive Terminative
linn linna linnani
laps lapse lapseni
Example: Linnani on viis kilomeetrit.
The terminative is often used with the preposition kuni until, up to, as far as.
Example: linnani=kuni linnani.

Exercise 10 Use the words in the Terminative case

1.Me töötame iga päev kella (kaheksa/-) .............................................
2.(Talv/-e) .............................................on jäänud veel mitu kuud.
3.Nad peavad ootama (sügis/-e) .............................................
4.Ma tahaksin täna puhata kella (viis/viie) .............................................
5.Töötan iga päev kella kaheksast hommikul kuni kella (kuus/kuue)
............................................. õhtul.
6.Kodust (ülikool/-i) .........................................on kakskümmend kilomeetrit.
7.Me magame pühapäeval kella (kümme/kümne) .............................................
8.Ootame (hommik/-u) .............................................

The Essive Case


The essive case indicates in what capacity or form something or someone performs and
actions. It answers the questions kellena? as who? and millena?as what? The essive is made
by adding the ending -na to the genitive.
Nominative Genitive Essive
inimene inimese inimesena
laps lapse lapsena
Example: Lapsena oli ta väga ilus.

Exercise 11. Use the words in the Essive case.

1.(Laps/lapse) .............................................oli ta väga kinnine.
2.Mida (noor/-e) ......................... õpid, seda (vana/-) ............................... tead.
3.Mu õde töötab (õpetaja/-) .............................................koolis.
4.Olen käinud Tallinnas (turist/turisti) ..............................................
5. Ta on tuntud nii (näitleja/-) ............................ kui ka (laulja/-) .........................

The Abessive Case

The abessive case is made with suffix -ta. The abessive answers the questions kelleta?
without whom? and milleta? without what? The -ta ending is added to the genitive form.
Nominative Genitive Abessive
sõber sõbra sõbrata
uni une uneta
Example: Sõbrata on meil igav.
The abessive case is often used with the preposition ilma, which also means without.
Example: Ma lähen teatrisse ilma sõbrata.

Exercise 12. Use the words in the Abessive case.

1. Ta joob kohvi ilma (koor/ koore) .............................................
2.Ülol on igav ilma (vend/ venna) ..............................................
3.Ärge sõitke bussis ilma (pilet/-i) ..............................................
4.Kurb on elada ilma (sõber/sõbra) .............................................
5.Teil on kuiv nahk, peske nägu ilma (seep/seebi) ............................................
6.Nende korter on ilma (esik/-u) ..............................................
7.Me töötame ilma (lõunavaheaeg/-aja) .............................................
8.Miks sa läksid õue ilma (sall/-i) .............................................
9.Noormees tuli ilma (vein/-i) .............................................

The Comitative Case

The comitative case is made with ending -ga, which is counterpart of with in English. The
comitative answers the questions kellega? with whom? and millega? with what? The -ga
ending is added to the genitive form.
Nominative Genitive Comitative
sõber sõbra sõbraga
poeg poja pojaga
Example: Ma räägin sõbraga.

Exercise 13. Use the words in the Comitative case.

1. Arst räägib (haige inimene/inimese) ..............................................
2. Palun tutvustage mind selle noore (naine/naise) ......................................
3. Lubage ma tutvustan teid oma uue (kolleeg/-i) ......................................
4. Ta räägib praegu teise (telefon/-i) ..............................................

5. Katrin kirjutab musta (pliiats/-i) .............................................

6. Me sööme suppi suure (lusikas/lusika) .............................................
7. Ta sõidab pühapäeval oma uue (auto/-) ...................................... maale.
8. Ta peseb pesu sooja (vesi/vee) ..............................................
9. Kas te sõidate (buss/-i) .............................................
10. Ei, ma sõidan(rong/-i) .............................................

There are 14 cases forms for nouns and adjectives in the plural, just as there are in the
singular. Plural case forms are derived by similar principles. There are only three basic cases
-nominative, genitive, partitive -and the rest are obtained by adding certain endings to one of
these. These ending are the same in the singular and plural, and they have the same meaning
or function, as equivalents to prepositions in English.

The Nominative Plural Case

The nominative plural case ends in -d, which is added to the genitive singular.
Nominative Singular Genitive Singular Nominative Plural
linn linna linnad
riik riigi riigid
vend venna vennad
õde õe õed
vana vana vanad
armas armsa armsad
If a noun in the nominative plural case is modified by an adjective, the latter is also in the
nominative plural:
Example: suured linnad vanad inimesed

The Genitive Plural Case

The genitive plural is the basis of many other case forms. All the other cases in the plural,
except the nominative and partitive, are constructed by adding the appropriate ending to the
genitive plural form. The genitive plural has the ending -de or -te. Like the genitive singular,
it answers the questions kelle? whose? and mille? belonging to what? The genitive plural has
the same uses as the singular.
Example: Igaüks vastutab ise oma sõnade ja tegude eest.
The genitive plural is generally derived from the stem of the partitive singular case.

The -de Ending

a)If the partitive singular ends in a vowel, the genitive plural has the ending -de, which is
added to the partitive singular form
Nominative Singular Partitive Singular Genitive Plural
nimi nime nime/de
riik riiki riiki/de
b) If the partitive singular ends in -d, the genitive plural has a -de ending in place of this -d.
Nominative Singular Partitive Singular Genitive Plural
maa maa/d maa/de
hea hea/d hea/de
The -te Ending
c) If the partitive singuar ends in -t, this -t is replaced by the suffix -te in the genitive plural.
Nominative Singular Partitive Singular Genitive Plural
inimene inimes/t inimes/te

uus uu/t uu/te

There are also some exceptions.

Exercise 14 Form the genitive plural case.

Näidis: õpik/ õpiku/õpikut õpikute
voodi/ voodi/ voodit
loeng/ loengu/ loengut
korter/ korteri/ korterit

Näidis: number/numbri numbrite

mööbel/ mööbli/mööblit
meister/ meistri /meistrit
teater/ teatri/ teatri

Näidis:sepp/sepa/seppa seppade
pikk/ pika/ pikka
kapp/ kapi /kappi
jutt/ jutu/ juttu

Näidis: seep/ seebi/seepi seepide

paat/ paadi/ paati
köök/ köögi/ kööki
kook/ koogi/ kooki

Näidis: tuba/ toa/ tuba tubade

rida/ rea/ rida
viga/ vea /viga
nuga/ noa/ nuga

Näidis: kunstnik/ kunstniku/ kunstnikku kunstnikkude

kirjanik/ kirjaniku/ kirjanikku
õnnelik/ õnneliku/ õnnelikku
südamlik/ südamliku/ südamlikku

Exercise 15 Form the plural illative, inessive, elative.

Näidis. hoone/ hoone/ hoonet hoonetesse hoonetes hoonetest
raamat/ raamatu/ raamatut
näitleja/ näitleja/ näitlejat
voodi/ voodi/ voodit

Näidis: riik/ riigi/ riiki riikidesse riikides riikidest

tuba/ toa/ tuba
vabariik/ vabariigi/ vabariiki
büroo/ büroo/ bürood
jalg/ jala/ jalga

The Partitive Plural Case

The partitive plural may end in -id, -sid, or a vowel (-e, -i, -u). It answers the questions keda?
whom? and mida? what? It is used in the same way as the partitive singular . The
construction of the partitive plural involves certain complications.

I The ending -id (-aid, -eid, -uid, -äid, -öid) is used for most one-syllable words which end in
a long vowel, such as maa. It is also used for some words with two or more syllables.
Nom. Sing. Gen. Sing. Part. Sing. Partitive Plural
maa maa maad maid
hea hea head häid
aasta aasta aastat aastaid
raamat raamatu raamatut raamatuid

II The ending -sid is used primarly for two-syllable words which have a short vowel in the
first syllable and end in a short vowel. It is also used for words with the feminine suffix -nna.
Nom. Sing. Gen. Sing. Part. Sing. Partitive Plural
ema ema ema emasid
küla küla küla külasid
nimi nime nime nimesid
kõne kõne kõne kõnesid
eestlanna eestlanna eestlannat eestlannasid

III The vowel endings -e, -i, -u are used for many different types of words. In their case, the
partitive plural is derived from the stem of the partitive singular, with the plural suffix
depending on the vowel which the partitive singular ends with.
1 )If the partitive singular ends in -i or -u, the partitive plural ends in -e.
Nom. Sing. Gen. Sing. Part. Sing. Partitive Plural
kool kooli kooli koole
laul laulu laulu laule

2) If the partitive singular ends in -e, the partitive plural ends in -i.
Nom. Sing. Gen. Sing. Part. Sing. Partitive Plural
lill lille lille lilli
järv järve järve järvi

3) If the partitive singular ends in -a, the partitive plural ends in either -i or -u.

a)The ending -i is used if the preceding syllable contains one of the following vowels: e,o, u,
ä, ö, ü, or a diphtong with one of these vowels as the first sound (e.g. ea, oe, äe etc.). The
diphtongs ei and äi are exeptions.
Nom. Sing. Gen. Sing. Part. Sing. PartitivePlural
mets metsa mets/a mets/i
vend venna vend/a vend/i

b)The ending -u is used if the preceding syllable ends in the vowels -a, -i, -õ, or the diphtongs
-ei or -äi.
Nom. Sing. Gen. Sing. Part. Sing. Partitive Plural
maja maja maj/a maj/u
sõber sõbra sõpr/a sõpr/u
There are also some exceptions

Exercise 16. Form the plural partitive.

Näidis: söökla söökla sööklaid


Näidis: number numbri numbreid


Näidis: tume tumeda tumedaid


Näidis: vasikas vasika vasikaid


Näidis: jänes jänese jäneseid


Näidis: punane punase punaseid


Näidis: kinnas kinda kindaid

hammas hammast
kallas kallast

Näidis: küünal küünla küünlaid

tütar tütre
aken akna

Adjectives modifying nouns agree with them and take the same markers for number and case
except in terminative, essive, abessive, and comitative. In these cases adjectives modifying
nouns appear in the genitive.
Terminative ilusa linnani ilusate linnadeni
Essive ilusa linnana ilusate linnadeni
Abessive ilusa linnata ilusate linnadeta
Comitative ilusa linnaga ilusate linnadega

Estonian adjectives have three degrees of comparison, the positive, the comparative, and the

The comparative degree

The comparative is constructed by adding the suffix -m to the genitive form.
Nominative Genitive Comparative
ilus ilusa ilusa/m

Some adjectives, which have two syllables in the genitive form and end in -a or -u have an -e-
(instead of -a- or -u-) before the comparative ending -m.
Nominative Genitive Comparative
vana van/a van/e/m
Adjectives that end in -ke(ne) usually lose this suffix in the comparative and have the vowel
-e- before -rn ending.
Nominative Genitive Comparative
lühi/ke lühikese lüh/e/m

The superlative degree

The superlative is formed simply by placing the word koige before the comparative.
Comparative Superlative
ilusam kõige ilusam
In addition to the superlative form with kõige, there is an alternative form with the ending
-irn or -em. It is more commonly used in the written language.

Exercise 17
Näidis: Andres on (sale) kui Peeter.
Andres on saledam kui Peeter.
1. Lennuk on (kiire/ -) kui auto.
2. See tänav on (kõver/ kõvera) kui teine.
3. Magamistuba on (avar/ avara) kui köök.
4. Tort on (kallis/kalli) kui leib.
5. Liha on (värske/-) kui kala
6. See laul on (lõbus/lõbusa) kui eelmine

Estonian has cardinal and ordinal numerals. The nominative singular forms of the ordinal
numerals are formed from the genitive singular forms of the cardinal numerals by adding the
marker -s. The genitive singular form of the ordinal numbers as the marker -nda replace the
-s of the nominative.
Nominative Genitive
viis viie viie/s
Numerals are declined according to essentially the same rules as nouns. The exceptions are
‘üks' and 'kaks'.
All omponents of compound cardinal numbers are declined individually in the nominative,
genitive, and partitive cases. Starting with the illative case only the final component is
declined, with the other components appearing in the genitive singular.
Inessive kolme tuhande neljasaja viiekümne seitsmes
For complex ordinal numbers only the final component is declined, with the other
components appearing in the genitive singular.

Inessive kolme tuhande neljasaja viiekümne seitsmendas.

Exercise 18
mitmes? mitmenda? mitmendal? mitmendas?
esimene esimese esimesel esimeses
teine teise
kolmas kolmanda
neljas neljanda
viies viienda
kuues kuuenda
seitsmes seitsmenda
kaheksas kaheksanda
üheksas üheksanda
kümnes kümnenda

Exercise 19
11. üheteistkümnes
12. kaheteistkümnes
20. kahekümnes
21. kahekümne esimene
32. kolmekümne teine
100. sajas

Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns have two forms in Estonian - a long form which is used when you want to
emphasize the pronoun and short form which is used when you do not particulary wish to
emphasize the pronoun in the sentence.

The case endings (-sse, -s, -st etc) are added to the genitive form of personal pronouns. Some
simplifications and modified spellings exist in the plural and short forms
Allative Adessive Ablative
minule/mulle minul/mul minult/mult

sinule/sulle sinul/sul sinult/sult

temale/talle temal/tal temalt/talt
meile meil meilt
teile teil teilt
nendele/neile nendel/neil nendelt/neilt

Exercise 20
mina/ma meie/me
sina/sa teie/te
tema/ta nemad/nad

mind meid
sind teid
teda neid

(Tema) …………………..ei ole täna siin. Teda ei ole täna siin.

1.Kas te ootate (mina) …………………………………. ? (Mina) …………. homme ei ole,

mul on vaba päev.
2.Me ootame(sina) …………………. .(Sina) ………………. eile ei olnud, kus sa olid?
3.(Tema) …………………………………. ei ole täna, ta tuleb homme. Oodake (tema)
…………………………………. homme!
4.Nad ootavad (meie) …………………………………. täna õhtul. (Meie) ………………….
ei ole kodus.
5.(Teie) …………………………………. ei olnud täna üleeile. Ma ootan (teie)
…………………………………. kino juures.
6.Me ootame (nemad) …………………………………. , aga (nemad) …………………….
ei ole. Kus nad on?

Exercise 21
mina/ minu meie/ meie
sina/ sinu teie/ teie
tema/ tema nemad/ nende

(sina) õpetaja sinu õpetaja

1.(meie) …………………………………. vestlus

2.(nemad) …………………………………. raamat
3.(sina) …………………………………. sõber
4.(nemad) …………………………………. kodu
5.(mina) …………………………………. kabinet
6.(sina) …………………………………. pliiats
7.(teie) ………………………………….töö.
8.(sina) …………………………………. mees
9.(tema) …………………………………. kott

10.(nemad) …………………………………. õpilased

Exercise 22
minul/mul meil
sinul/sul teil
temal/tal nendel/neil

(Mina) on televiisor. Minul on televiisor.

1.(Tema) …………………………………. on õde.

2.(Meie) …………………………………. on tark õpetaja.
3.(Sina) …………………………………. on õpik.
4.(Nemad) …………………………………. on maja.
5.(Teie) …………………………………. on uus korter.
6.(Sina) …………………………………. on huvitav romaan.
7.(Mina) …………………………………. on perekond.
8.(Tema) …………………………………. on väike vend.
9.(Teie) …………………………………. on raske kontrolltöö.
10.(Nemad) …………………………………. on puhkepäev.

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