Aislamiento de Mitocondrias - Músculo - Hígado - Cardiaca

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Organelle isolation: functional mitochondria from mouse liver, muscle and

cultured fibroblasts

Article  in  Nature Protocol · February 2007

DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2006.478 · Source: PubMed

757 2,486

3 authors, including:

Christian Frezza Luca Scorrano

University of Cambridge Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine


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Organelle isolation: functional mitochondria from

mouse liver, muscle and cultured filroblasts
Christian Frezza, Sara Cipolat & Luca Scorrano
Dulbecco-Telethon Institute, Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine, Via Orus 2, 35129 Padova, Italy. Correspondence should be addressed to
L.S. ([email protected]).

Published online 22 February 2007; doi:10.1038/nprot.2006.478

Mitochondria participate in key metabolic reactions of the cell and regulate crucial signaling pathways including apoptosis. Although
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group

several approaches are available to study mitochondrial function in situ are available, investigating functional mitochondria that have
been isolated from different tissues and from cultured cells offers still more unmatched advantages. This protocol illustrates a
step-by-step procedure to obtain functional mitochondria with high yield from cells grown in culture, liver and muscle. The isolation
procedures described here require 1–2 hours, depending on the source of the organelles. The polarographic analysis can be completed
in 1 hour.

Mitochondria are central organelles controlling the life and death of metabolites and ions, to the elucidation of the mechanisms and
the cell. They participate in key metabolic reactions, synthesize proteins involved in protein import, and to the dynamic behavior
most of the ATP and regulate a number of signaling cascades, of mitochondria, all of these fields benefit greatly from the
including apoptosis1. availability of isolated, pure organelles.
Since the early years of ‘‘hard-core’’ bioenergetics when mechan- This protocol describes how to obtain functional, purified, intact
isms behind energy conservation were avidly investigated, mito- mitochondria from three different sources: liver16, skeletal muscle17
chondrial research has benefited from the availability of and cultured cells18. These variants intend to be exemplificative and
preparations of organelles isolated from tissues. We owe this to not exhaustive, as they do not cover the different sources from
the pioneering work of George Palade and coworkers, who in the which mitochondria can be isolated. For example, isolation of
late 1940s developed a protocol to isolate mitochondria, based on mitochondria from yeast cells is tailored on the mechanical and
differential centrifugation2. They built on the earlier work of osmotic characteristics of these lower eucaryotes19. Since our
Bensley and Hoerr3, who isolated a mixed membranous fraction intention is to give a general framework for different organs and
by centrifugation from freeze-thawed guinea-pig liver that was for cultured cells that can be in any case modified by the individual
probably enriched in mitochondria. The intuition of Palade was to researcher, following exactly these protocols is best suited only for
apply differential centrifugation to allow for separation of the isolation of organelles from the described tissues and cells. How-
constituents of the cell based on their different sedimentation ever, our experience indicates that the protocol used with fibro-
properties following mechanical homogenization of the tissue. blasts can be adopted without modification to isolate mitochondria
This approach was a real Copernican revolution for mitochondrial from other cell lines such as HeLa and the prostate cancer cell line
research, allowing the isolation of pure organelles with high yields. LnCaP. On the other hand, the protocols to isolate mitochondria
As a practical consequence, in the subsequent 20 years, we saw such from organs other than muscle and liver differ from the ones
amazing discoveries: the mechanism of energy conservation4; the described here. We therefore strongly advise the reader to refer to
identification of mitochondrial DNA5,6 and of import of mito- published protocols specific for brain20, brown adipose tissue21,
chondrial precursor proteins7; the definition of mitochondrial and heart22.
ultrastructure, with the development of the so-called ‘‘Palade’s It should be stressed that protocols available to isolate mitochon-
model’’8; and last but not least, the discovery of inner mitochon- dria are somewhat differ from ours, especially in the speeds of the
drial membrane channels9. differential centrifugation steps and in the sugar used as osmolyte in
After almost 15 years during which mitochondria left the center the isolation buffer. While in our experience small changes in the
stage of biomedical research, they made their grand reentrée in the sedimentation speeds (600 vs. 800g, 7,000 vs. 8,000g) do not affect
1990s, following the discovery that they amplify apoptosis by quality and yield of the mitochondrial preparation, it has been
releasing cytochrome c and other intermembrane space proteins reported that the use of monosaccharides such as mannitol results in
required to activate fully effector caspases10,11. Although it appears better coupled isolated mitochondria23,24. In our experience the use
clear that mitochondria play a crucial role in apoptosis, the precise of mannitol did not improve the quality of our mitochondrial
mechanism by which cytochrome c is released remains a matter of preparations. Should the reader find that quality or yield of
intense debate and research12. Moreover, evidence is mounting on mitochondria isolated using our protocol is unsatisfactory, it is
the role of this organelle in several pathophysiological processes, advisable to try to substitute sucrose with a monosaccharide
including neurodegeneration13, neuronal morphogenesis and plas- like mannitol. The ultimate goal of a mitochondrial isolation is to
ticity14 and infertility15. These findings, added to the results of old obtain organelles as pure and as functional as possible. We strongly
and new areas of research, aimed at unraveling the basic biological advise, especially if mitochondria are used in functional assays (e.g.,
mechanisms of mitochondrial function. From the transport of release of cytochrome c, mitochondrial fusion, protein import and

NATURE PROTOCOLS | VOL.2 NO.2 | 2007 | 287


production of reactive oxygen species), to always measure the In conclusion, these protocols represent a valuable starting point
coupling of the preparation using an oxygen electrode. These to obtain pure mitochondria from tissues and cells. Isolated
protocols therefore end with a description of how to measure mitochondria can then be used to study the function of the
mitochondrial respiration to ascertain the quality of the preparation. organelle, response to apoptotic stimuli, characteristics of cyto-
Well-coupled mitochondria are the first step to achieving reliable, chrome c release, protein import and many other aspects of
reproducible results in assays aimed at investigating the mechanisms mitochondrial biology and pathophysiology that require a source
of mitochondrial involvement in complex biological phenomena. of pure and functional organelles.

REAGENTS m CRITICAL Ensure that the cells are spread thoroughly wide on the plates:
. Cell line of interest or liver or muscle isolated from mice for high yield of isolated mitochondria, it is crucial to reach almost 100%
. Mice of the desired genetic background (Charles River or Jackson confluence on the day of the experiment.
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group

Laboratories) 1 M sucrose Dissolve 342.3 g of sucrose in 1 liter of distilled water; mix well
. Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline without Ca2+ and Mg2+ and prepare 20 ml aliquots; store them at 20 1C.
(PBS, Invitrogen, cat. no. 14200-067) 0.1 M Tris/MOPS Dissolve 12.1 g of Tris in 500 ml of distilled water, adjust pH
. Sucrose (Sigma, cat. no. 84100) to 7.4 using MOPS powder, bring the solution to 1 liter and store at 4 1C.
. Potassium phosphate monobasic (Pi, Sigma, cat. no. P5379) 1 M Tris/HCl Dissolve 121.14 g of Tris in 500 ml of distilled water, adjust pH to
. Sigma7-9 (Tris, Sigma, cat. no. T1378) 7.4 using HCl; bring the solution to 1 liter and store at room temperature.
. 4-Morpholinepropanesulfonic acid (MOPS; Sigma, cat. no. M1254) 0.1 M EGTA/Tris Dissolve 38.1 g of EGTA in 500 ml of distilled water, adjust
. Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate dihydrate (EDTA; Sigma, pH to 7.4 using Tris powder, bring the solution to 1 liter and store at 4 1C.
cat. no. ED2SS) 0.5 M MgCl2 Dissolve 101.7 g of MgCl2 in 1 liter of distilled water and store at
. Ethylene-bis(oxyethylenenitrilo)tetraacetic acid (EGTA; Sigma, 4 1C.
cat. no. E4378) 1 M KCl Dissolve 74.6 g of KCl in 1 liter of distilled water and store
. Potassium chloride (Baker, cat. no. 0208) at 4 1C.
. Magnesium chloride hexahydrate (Sigma, cat. no. M9272) 1 M EDTA Dissolve 372.2 g of EDTA in 500 ml of distilled water,
. Bovine serum albumin (BSA; Sigma, cat. no. A6003) adjust pH to 7.4 using Tris powder, bring the solution to 1 liter and store
. Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (Invitrogen, cat. no. 11971025) at 4 1C.
. 200 mM L-glutamine (Invitrogen, cat. no. 25030024), 10% BSA Dissolve 10 g of BSA in 100 ml of distilled water and store at 20 1C.
. Fetal bovine serum (Invitrogen, cat. no. 10270106) 1 M Pi Dissolve 136.1 g of KH2PO4 in 500 ml of distilled water,
. 5,000 U ml 1 penicillin/5,000 mg ml 1 streptomycin (Invitrogen, adjust pH to 7.4 using Tris powder, bring the solution to 1 liter and
cat. no. 15070063) store at 4 1C.
. 10 mM minimal essential medium nonessential amino-acid solution 10 mM ADP Dissolve 4.7 mg of ADP in 1 ml of distilled water. Adjust pH to
(Invitrogen, cat. no. 11140) 7.4, prepare 100 ml aliquots and store in the dark at 20 1C for up to 6 months.
. 0.25% (w/v) trypsin–EDTA solution (Invitrogen, cat. no. 25200072) 20 mM FCCP Dissolve 5.1 mg of FCCP in 1 ml of absolute ethanol. The color
. Adenosine 5¢-diphosphate sodium salt (ADP; Sigma, cat. no. A2754) of the solution is faint yellow. Store at 20 1C. Dilute the stock solution
. Carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone (FCCP; Sigma, to 100 mM by adding 10ml of 20 mM FCCP in 2 ml of absolute ethanol, just
cat. no. C2920) prior to use.
. Glutamic acid (Sigma, cat. no. 27647)
. Malic acid (Sigma, cat. no. M1000)
. Succinic acid (Sigma, cat. no. S3674)
. Rotenone (Sigma, cat. no. R8875)
. L-Ascorbic acid (Sigma, cat. no. 255564)
. N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride (TMPD; Sigma,
cat. no. T3134)
. Antimycin A (Sigma, cat. no. A8674)
. 500 cm2 dishes for cell culture (Nunclon, cat. no. 16 6508)
. 18-cm cell scrapers (Falcon, cat. no. 353085)
. Motor-driven tightly fitting glass/Teflon Potter Elvehjem homogenizer
(Fig. 1)
. Clark-type oxygen electrode (Hansatech Oxygraph; Fig. 2)
. 50 ml polypropylene Falcon tubes
. 14 ml polypropylene Falcon tubes
. 1.5 ml microfuge test tube
. 30 ml round-bottomed glass centrifuge tube (Kimble, cat. no. 45500-30)
. Rubber adapter sleeve for centrifuge tube (Kimble, cat. no. 45500-15)
. Refrigerated centrifuge for 50 ml Falcon tubes and glass centrifuge tube
. Hamilton syringe: 10 ml (Hamilton, cat. no. 701 N) and 50 ml (Hamilton
cat. no. 705 N)
Cell culture medium Use the medium recommended for your favorite
cell line. For the cell lines mentioned in this protocol, use Dulbecco’s
modified Eagle’s medium supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum,
0.1 mM minimal essential medium nonessential amino acids, 2 mM
L-glutamine, penicillin–streptomycin 50 U ml 1 and 50 mg ml 1, Figure 1 | Glass/Teflon Potter Elvehjem homogenizers. The homogenizer on
respectively. the left (5 ml) is most suitable for isolation of mitochondria from cells,
Cells Two or three days before performing the experiments, plate cells in whereas the one on the right (30 ml) is more appropriate for isolation from
500 cm2 tissue-culture dishes. Use 70 ml of cell culture medium for each plate. tissues.

288 | VOL.2 NO.2 | 2007 | NATURE PROTOCOLS


600 mM ascorbate stock solution Dissolve 5.2 g of ascorbic acid in 50 ml of

distilled water, adjust pH to 7.4 and store at 20 1C for up to 6 months.
30 mM TMPD stock solution Dissolve 0.36 g of TMPD in 50 ml of distilled
water; adjust pH to 7.4; store at 20 1C for up to 6 months. The color of the
solution is deep blue owing to the oxidation of the compound by oxygen.
25 mg ml 1 antimycin A stock solution Dissolve 50 mg of antimycin A in
2 ml of absolute ethanol. Dilute the stock solution to 25 mg ml 1, by adding 2 ml
of 25 mg ml 1 Antimycin A in 2 ml of absolute ethonal, just prior to use.
! CAUTION Antimycin A is highly toxic: avoid skin contact and inhalation.
Buffer for cell and mouse liver mitochondria isolation (IBc) Prepare 100 ml
of IB by adding 10 ml of 0.1 M Tris–MOPS and 1 ml of EGTA/Tris to 20 ml of 1
M sucrose. Bring the volume to 100 ml with distilled water. Adjust pH to 7.4.
Buffer 1 for muscle mitochondria isolation (IBm1) Prepare 100 ml of IBm1 by
mixing 6.7 ml of 1 M sucrose, 5 ml of 1 M Tris/HCl, 5 ml of 1 M KCl, 1 ml of 1 M
EDTA and 2 ml of 10% BSA. Adjust pH to 7.4. Bring the volume to 100 ml with
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group

distilled water.
Buffer 2 for muscle mitochondria isolation (IBm2) Prepare 100 ml of IBm12
by mixing 25 ml of 1 M sucrose, 3 ml of 0.1 M EGTA/Tris and 1 ml of 1 M Tris/
Figure 2 | A Clarke-type oxygen electrode connected to a laptop and a water HCl. Adjust pH to 7.4. Bring the volume to 100 ml with distilled water.
bath. The trace on the screen corresponds to the recording of the experiment Experimental buffer for cell and mouse-liver mitochondria (EBc) To prepare
running when the photograph was taken. 100 ml of EBc, mix 12.5 ml of 1 M KCl, 1 ml of 1 M Tris/MOPS, 10 ml of 100 ml
0.1 M EGTA/Tris and 100 ml of Pi. Adjust pH to 7.4. Bring the volume to 100 ml
with distilled water.
0.25 M glutamate/0.125 M malate Dissolve 9.2 g of glutamic acid and 4.2 g of Experimental buffer for muscle mitochondria (EBm) To prepare 100 ml of
malic acid in 100 ml of distilled water. Adjust pH to 7.4 with Tris base to achieve EBm, add 1 ml of 1 M Tris/HCl, 1 ml of 0.5 M MgCl2, 200 ml of 1 M Pi and 20 ml
complete dissolution of the salts. Add water to bring the volume to 250 ml, of 0.1 M EGTA/Tris to 25 ml of 1 M sucrose. Adjust pH to 7.4. Bring the volume
prepare 10 ml aliquots and store at 20 1C for up to 6 months. to 100 ml with distilled water. m CRITICAL Wash all glassware three times with
0.5 M succinate stock solution (1003) Dissolve 3.0 g of succinic acid in 30 ml bidistilled water to avoid Ca2+ contamination. Ca2+ overload is the most
of distilled water. Adjust pH with Tris base to achieve complete solubilization of common cause for the dysfunction of isolated mitochondria. m CRITICAL
the salts. Add water to make up the volume to 50 ml, prepare 10 ml aliquots and Prepare all the buffers the same day of the experiment, to avoid bacterial/yeast
store at 20 1C for up to 6 months. growth in stored buffers. m CRITICAL Since pH depends on temperature,
2 mM rotenone stock solution Dissolve 4.7 mg of rotenone in 6 ml of absolute measure the pH of all solutions at 25 1C.
ethanol. Mix well for complete dissolution. m CRITICAL Rotenone in organic
solvents decomposes and is oxidized upon exposure to light and air. The
solution, previously transparent, becomes brownish. It is imperative to protect
the stock solution from direct light using an aluminum foil. ! CAUTION Seed cells
Rotenone is highly toxic: avoid skin contact and inhalation.

2–3 days before experiment

30 min Wash and scrape cells
1| Mitochondria can be isolated from a variety of cells or
tissues. Option A describes isolation of mitochondria from
mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) (see Fig. 3 for a timeline);
option B describes isolation of mitochondria from mouse liver 10 min Centrifugation at 600g, 10 min, 4 °C
(see Fig. 4 for a timeline); and option C describes isolation of
mitochondria from mouse skeletal muscle (see Fig. 5 for a
5 min Homogenization with glass–Teflon potter at 1,600 r.p.m.
(A) Isolation of mitochondria from MEFs TIMING 
approximately 2 h
(i) Remove the medium from the cells and wash the cells once
10 min Centrifugation at 600g, 10 min, 4 °C
with PBS.
(ii) Remove PBS and detach the cells using a cell scraper. Collect supernatant
(iii) Transfer the cell suspension to a 50 ml polypropylene
Falcon tube. 10 min Centrifugation at 7,000g, 10 min, 4 °C
(iv) Wash the plate once with PBS and scrape the dish to
Discard supernatant
detach the remaining cells. and wash pellet
(v) Transfer the cells to the same polypropylene Falcon tube
defined in Step 3. In our experience, seeding 120  106 10 min Centrifugation at 7,000g, 10 min, 4 °C

MEFs per dish 2 days before the experiment results in a Discard supernatant and
resuspend mitochondria
good yield of mitochondria (approximately 3 mg of mito- in pellet
chondrial protein). 10 min Concentration measurment by Biuret
(vi) Centrifuge cells at 600g at 4 1C for 10 min.
Total time: 90 min
(vii) Discard the supernatant and resuspend cells in 3 ml of
ice-cold IBc. Figure 3 | Timing of isolation of mitochondria from MEFs.

NATURE PROTOCOLS | VOL.2 NO.2 | 2007 | 289

Fast the mouse 10 min Kill the animal and remove muscle

1 night before experiment

10 min Kill the animal and exise the liver 5 min Mince muscle and trim fat and collagen

5 min Wash and mince liver 30 min Incubation with PBD + trypsin for 30 min

5 min Homogenization with glass–Teflon potter at 1,600 r.p.m. 10 min Centrifugation at 200g, 10 min, 4 °C
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group

Resuspend pellet in IBm1

10 min Centrifugation at 600g, 10 min, 4 °C 5 min Homogenization with glass–Teflon potter at 1,600 r.p.m.

Collect supernatant

10 min Centrifugation at 7,000g, 10 min, 4 °C 10 min Centrifugation at 700g, 10 min, 4 °C

Discard supernatant Collect supernatant

and wash pellet

10 min Centrifugation at 7,000g, 10 min, 4 °C 10 min Centrifugation at 8,000g, 10 min, 4 °C for mitochondria pelletting

Discard supernatant and

Discard supernatant
resuspend mitochondria
and wash pellet
in pellet

10 min Concentration measurment by Biuret 10 min Centrifugation at 8,000g, 10 min, 4 °C

Total time: 60 min

Discard supernatant and
Figure 4 | Timing of isolation of mitochondria from mouse liver. resuspend mitochondria
in pellet
10 min Concentration measurment by Biuret

Total time: 100 min

(viii) Homogenize the cells using a Teflon pestle operated at
1,600 r.p.m.; stroke the cell suspension placed in a glass pot- Figure 5 | Timing of isolation of mitochondria from mouse skeletal muscle.
ter 30–40 times the cell suspension placed in a glass potter.
m CRITICAL STEP The Teflon–glass coupling represents
the best compromise between homogenization of the cells and the preservation of mitochondrial integrity. Harsher
techniques, including glass pestle in a glass potter, can easily damage mitochondria.
m CRITICAL STEP Precool the glassware in an ice-bath 5 min before starting the procedure. Homogenization as well as
the following steps must be performed at 4 1C to minimize the activation of damaging phospholipases and proteases.
! CAUTION Wear protecting gloves while you are using the homogenizer to avoid possible injuries in the
unlikely event that the potter breaks down.
(ix) Transfer the homogenate to a 50 ml polypropylene Falcon tube and centrifuge at 600g for 10 min at 4 1C.
(x) Collect the supernatant, transfer it to a glass centrifuge tube and centrifuge it at 7,000g for 10 min at 4 1C.
(xi) Discard the supernatant and wash the pellet with 200 ml of ice-cold IBc. Resuspend the pellet in 200 ml of ice-cold IBc and
transfer the suspension to a 1.5 ml microfuge tube.
(xii) Centrifuge the homogenate at 7,000g for 10 min at 4 1C.
(xiii) Discard the supernatant and resuspend the pellet containing mitochondria. You can use a glass rod to loosen the pellet
paste. Avoid adding IB and try to resuspend the mitochondria in the small amount of buffer that remains after discarding
the supernatant. Use a 200 ml pipettor and avoid the formation of bubbles during the resuspension.
(xiv) Transfer the mitochondrial suspension to a microfuge and store it on ice.
m CRITICAL STEP Avoid diluting mitochondria with buffer. Mitochondria retain their functionality for a longer time,
probably as a consequence of lower exposure to oxygen, when they are stored in a concentrated form.
(xv) Measure mitochondria concentration using the Biuret methods.
’ PAUSE POINT Mitochondria are now ready to be used in experiments: use the preparation within 1–3 h for better
functional responses.
m CRITICAL STEP The typical yield of this preparation is B50 mg ml 1 in a total volume of approximately 0.1 ml.

290 | VOL.2 NO.2 | 2007 | NATURE PROTOCOLS


m CRITICAL STEP The Biuret method for measurement of mitochondrial concentration is accurate in the range of protein
concentrations obtained from this protocol; other methods like the Bradford method can be used, but the mitochondrial
lysate must be diluted in order to avoid saturation of the probe.

(B) Isolation of mitochondria from mouse liver TIMING approximately 1 h
(i) Starve the mouse overnight before the isolation experiment.
(ii) Kill an adult mouse (about 30 g) by cervical dislocation and rapidly explant the liver from the peritoneal cavity. Find the
gallbladder and remove it using a scalpel. Immerse the liver in 50 ml of ice-cold IBc in a small beaker.
m CRITICAL STEP Local and national regulations on animal care and handling vary. Check that you hold the appropriate
authorization to perform animal experiments.
(iii) Rinse the liver free of blood by using ice-cold IBc. Usually, four or five washes are sufficient to completely clarify the IBc.
(iv) Mince the liver into small pieces using scissors. This should be performed while keeping the beaker in an ice bath.
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group

(v) Discard the IBc used during the mincing and replace it with 5 ml of ice-cold fresh IBc. Transfer the suspension to the glass
m CRITICAL STEP Homogenization, as well as the following steps, must be performed at 4 1C to minimize activation of
damaging phospholipases and proteases.
(vi) Homogenize the liver using a Teflon pestle operated at 1,600 r.p.m., stroke the minced liver 3–4 times.
m CRITICAL STEP The optimal ratio between tissue and isolation buffer ranges between 1:5 to 1:10 (w:v).
m CRITICAL STEP Precool the glassware in an ice-bath 5 min before starting the procedure. Homogenization and the
following steps must be performed at 4 1C to minimize activation of damaging phospholipases and proteases.
! CAUTION Wear protecting gloves while you are using the homogenizer to avoid possible injuries in the unlikely event
that the potter breaks down.
(vii) Transfer the homogenate to a 50 ml polypropylene Falcon tube and centrifuge at 600g for 10 min at 4 1C.
(viii) Transfer the supernatant to glass centrifuge tubes and centrifuge at 7,000g for 10 min at 4 1C.
(ix) Discard the supernatant and wash the pellet with 5 ml of ice-cold IBc.
(x) Centrifuge at 7,000g for 10 min at 4 1C.
(xi) Discard the supernatant and resuspend the pellet, containing mitochondria. You can use a glass rod to loosen the pellet
paste. Avoid adding IB and try to resuspend the mitochondria in the small amount of buffer that remains after discarding
the supernatant. Use a 1 ml pipettor and avoid the formation of bubbles during the resuspension process.
(xii) Transfer mitochondrial suspension into a 14 ml Falcon tube and store on ice.
m CRITICAL STEP Avoid diluting mitochondria with buffer as mitochondria retain their functionality for a longer time
when kept concentrated, minimizing exposure to oxygen.
’ PAUSE POINT Mitochondria are now ready to be used in experiments; use the preparation within 1–3 h for better
functional responses.
(xiii) Measure mitochondrial concentration using the Biuret methods.
m CRITICAL STEP The usual concentration of mitochondria in this kind of preparation is about 80 mg ml 1 and the total
volume is about 1 ml.
m CRITICAL STEP The Biuret method for measurement of mitochondrial concentration is accurate in the range of protein
concentrations obtained from this protocol; other methods like the Bradford method can be used, but the mitochondrial
lysate must be diluted in order to avoid saturation of the probe.

(C) Isolation of mitochondria from mouse skeletal muscle TIMING approximately 1.5 h
(i) Kill the mouse by cervical dislocation. Using a scalpel, rapidly remove the skeletal muscles of interest and immerse
them in a small beaker containing 5 ml of ice-cold PBS supplemented with 10 mM EDTA. A timeline of this protocol is
outlined in Figure 6.
m CRITICAL STEP Local and national regulations on animal care and handling vary. Check that you hold the appropriate
authorizations to perform animal experiments.
m CRITICAL STEP The use of EDTA instead of EGTA chelates also Mg2+, which is extremely abundant in muscle tissue
(given the high content in ATP). Mg2+ can influence mitochondrial function as well as the kinetics of cytochrome c
(ii) Mince the muscles into small pieces using scissors and trim visible fat, ligaments and connective tissue.
(iii) Wash the minced muscles twice or thrice with ice-cold PBS supplemented with 10 mM EDTA.
(iv) Resuspend the minced muscles in 5 ml of ice-cold PBS supplemented with 10 mM EDTA and 0.05% trypsin for 30 min.
(v) Centrifuge at 200g for 5 min and discard the supernatant.
(vi) Resuspend the pellet in IBm1.

NATURE PROTOCOLS | VOL.2 NO.2 | 2007 | 291


(vii) Homogenize the muscles using a Teflon pestle operated at 1,600 r.p.m.; stroke the minced muscle ten times.
m CRITICAL STEP The optimal ratio between tissue and isolation buffer ranges between 1:5 and 1:10 (w:v).
m CRITICAL STEP Precool the glassware in an ice-bath 5 min before starting the procedure. Homogenization,
and the following steps, must be performed at 4 1C to minimize the activation of damaging phospholipases
and proteases.
! CAUTION Wear protecting gloves while you are using the homogenizer to avoid possible injuries in the unlikely event
that the potter breaks down.
Precool the glassware in an ice-bath for 5 min before starting the following steps.
(viii) Transfer the homogenate to a 50 ml polypropylene Falcon tube and centrifuge at 700g for 10 min at 4 1C.
(ix) Transfer the supernatant to glass centrifuge tubes and centrifuge at 8,000g for 10 min at 4 1C.
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group

(x) Discard the supernatant and resuspend the pellet in 5 ml of ice-cold IBm2.
(xi) Centrifuge at 8,000g for 10 min at 4 1C.
(xii) Discard the supernatant and resuspend the pellet containing mitochondria. You can use a glass rod to loosen the pellet
paste. Avoid adding IB and try to resuspend the mitochondria in the small amount of buffer that remains after discarding
the supernatant. Use a 200 ml pipettor and avoid the formation of bubbles during the resuspension process.
(xiii) Transfer mitochondrial suspension into a 14 ml Falcon tube and keep it on ice.
(xiv) Measure mitochondrial concentration using the Biuret methods.
m CRITICAL STEP This preparation normally yields 0.8 ml of 50 mg ml 1 mitochondria.
m CRITICAL STEP The Biuret method for measurement of mitochondrial concentration is accurate in the range of protein
concentrations obtained from this protocol; other methods like the Bradford method can be used, but the mitochondrial
lysate must be diluted in order to avoid saturation of the probe.

Measuring mitochondrial respiration  TIMING approximately 1 h

2| Calibrate the Clarke-type oxygen electrode. Procedures vary from instrument to instrument. You should follow the
manufacturer’s instructions for the instrument you are using.

3| Equilibrate temperature and oxygen tension of EBc or EBm by placing open beakers containing the buffers in the water bath
connected to the oxygraph. After 20–30 min, the temperature of the buffers is likely to be in equilibrium with that of the water

4| Add an appropriate volume of EB to the oxygraph chamber. Use 0.5 ml for the mitochondria isolated from cells and 1 or
2 ml for the liver and muscle mitochondria. Close the oxygraph chamber.

5| Start the recording of the oxygen consumption.

m CRITICAL STEP Verify that the recording is stable and that no drifts are apparent. Drifts can mask the oxygen consumption
by the mitochondrial preparation and thereby complicate the interpretation of the results.

6| Wait for 2 min to obtain a stable baseline.

7| Using an appropriate Hamilton microsyringe, add mitochondria to obtain a final concentration of 1 mg ml 1. A fast, transi-
tory decrease in the oxygen content of the chamber will be observed, caused by anaerobiosis of the isolated mitochondria; this
will be followed by a slower decrease caused by the respiration of the mitochondria. This is supported by endogenous substrates
and is commonly referred to as ‘‘state 1’’ respiration26.

8| Record oxygen consumption till it stops.

! CAUTION In liver mitochondria state 1 respiration commonly does not stop.

TABLE 1 | Substrates and inhibitors of the respiratory chain.

Substrate (final concentration) Inhibitor (final concentration)
Complexes I, III, IV Glutamate (5 mM)/malate (2.5 mM) ///
Complexes II, III, IV Succinate (5 mM) Rotenone (2 mM)
Complex IV Ascorbate (6 mM)/TMPD (300 mM) Antimycin A (0.25 mg ml 1)
The span of the respiratory chain examined by each combination of substrate/inhibitor is indicated along with the final concentration to use in the oxygraphy experiments.

292 | VOL.2 NO.2 | 2007 | NATURE PROTOCOLS


9| Using Hamilton microsyringes, add the appropriate a b Mito

concentrations of respiratory substrates and inhibitors for
the complexes of the respiratory chain you wish to study
(refer to Table 1). The mitochondrial suspension will now start

nmol O2xml –1
consuming oxygen as a consequence of the basal activity of 240
State 3
the respiratory chain in counteracting the inner mitochondrial 220
State 4
membrane proton leak. This represents the so-called ‘‘state 2’’ 200

respiration26. 180
m CRITICAL STEP The rate of oxygen consumption should 160
now be faster than the rate observed with buffer alone. 0 200 400 600 800
This indicates that you have obtained functional, respiring Time (s)
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group

? TROUBLESHOOTING Figure 6 | Ultrastructure and oxygen consumption of mouse liver

mitochondria isolated according to the protocol presented. (a) Mitochondrial
ultrastructure. Mouse liver mitochondria (0.5 mg ml 1) incubated in EB
10| Record for 5 min. supplemented with 5 mM glutamate and 2.5 mM malate for 5 min were fixed
by adding glutaraldehyde (final concentration 2.5% (v/v)). Transmission
11| Add ADP to obtain a final concentration of 100–150 mM. electron micrographs were acquired from randomly selected fields, as
Faster consumption of oxygen will be observed. This has been described18. (b) Oxygen consumption of 1 ml EB supplemented with 5 mM
caused by proton back-diffusion through the stalk portion of glutamate and 2.5 mM malate. Where indicated (arrows), mouse liver
the ATPase, which has been compensated by faster electron mitochondria (MLM, final concentration 1 mg ml 1), ADP (100 mM) and
FCCP (60 nM) were added. Respiration after ADP stimulation is indicated as
flow through the respiratory chain to the terminal electron ‘‘state 3’’, whereas respiration after consumption of added ADP is indicated
acceptor, O2. This is classically referred to as ‘‘state 3’’ as ‘‘state 4.’’
m CRITICAL STEP The rate of oxygen consumption should now
be faster than the rate observed with substrates alone, indicating that we have obtained well coupled mitochondria. The
increase in respiration, observed with ADP, varies from tissue to tissue and from substrate to substrate. As a general rule, and
for the sole purpose of quality control of the preparation, the minimum requirements to proceed with the experiment are as
follows: using glutamate malate as a substrate, maintaining
a ratio of 2 in mitochondria isolated from cell lines and a ratio of 4 in mitochondria isolated from tissues.

12| Wait until the respiration slows down and returns to a rate comparable to that before the addition of ADP. This is caused by the
consumption of the added ADP. The respiration, which follows ADP exhaustion, is classically referred to as ‘‘state 4’’ respiration26.

13| Wait for 3 min.

14| Add the uncoupler FCCP to obtain a final concentration of 60–100 nM.

15| The respiration will speed up and reach values slightly higher than those observed during the recording of state-3 respiration.

16| Record for a further 5 min and then stop recording.

Step 1A: approximately 2 h, depending on the amount of cells to be used; however, cells will need to be seeded 2 or 3 d in
advance to let them grow
Step 1B: approximately 1 h; however the mouse will need to be fasted from the night before
Step 1C: 1.5 h, depending on the amount of muscle to be minced

Troubleshooting advice can be found in Table 2.

TABLE 2 | Troubleshooting table.

Step Problem Possible causes Solution
1Aviii, Low yield of isolated Low cell density during homogenization Low cell density may result in better homogenization.
1Bvi, mitochondria However, mitochondria are usually of lower quality,
1Cvii probably as a consequence of mechanical damage
during preparation

NATURE PROTOCOLS | VOL.2 NO.2 | 2007 | 293


TABLE 2 | Troubleshooting table (continued).

Step Problem Possible causes Solution
1Ax, Low quality of isolated Pellet after centrifugation is lost When the supernatant is poured off, the loose upper
1Bviii, mitochondria part of the mitochondrial pellet may be detached as
1Cix well. Intact mitochondria tend to sediment more
quickly than damaged mitochondria. The loose part
of the pellet probably contains a high proportion of
damaged (uncoupled) mitochondria and can be
lost without affecting the overall quality of the
mitochondrial preparation

1Ax, Low quality of isolated Lipid contamination The white foamy material near the top of the tube
© 2007 Nature Publishing Group

1Bvii mitochondria consists of lipids. Mixing of lipids with the mitochon-

dria suspension will cause some degree of uncoupling.
Therefore avoid contact with mitochondria: remove the
foamy material by wiping the inside of the tube with a

5 Oxygen consumption Bacterial or yeast contamination of Verify if your buffers are contaminated, by repeating
baseline is not stable your buffer the recording with bidistilled water in the oxygraph
Inadequate calibration of the instrument Re-calibrate the instrument
Tears in the polyethylene membrane of Check response of the oxygraph by transiently stopping
the electrode stirring: due to the immediate drop in the local oxygen
concentration the recording should immediately fall
and return to the original baseline only when the stirrer
is restarted. If this manoeuvre does not give the
expected results, inspect and if necessary substitute
the membrane of the electrode

9 Mitochondrial preparation is Overestimation of final protein concen- Try to double mitochondrial concentration in
not consuming oxygen tration (therefore added too little protein the chamber
in the oxygraph chamber)
Mechanical and osmotical damage to Substitute 0.2 M sucrose with 0.3 M mannitol in the
mitochondria during isolation isolation buffer
Contamination by other intracellular In steps 1Axi, 1Bix or 1Cx, wash the mitochondrial
membranes, such as endoplasmic pellet with twice the amount of isolation buffer
reticulum or nuclei

11 ADP-stimulated respiration The most trivial explanation is that Add Pi and check the respiration
rate is too low you omitted Pi from your buffer
High percentage of mitochondria with Add exogenous cytochrome c and check the respira-
ruptured outer membranes that leaked tion; if respiration starts, the outer membrane is leaky.
cytochrome c See troubleshooting for step 9 (mechanical and
osmotic damage)
Unusually high basal respiration, as a Follow carefully all the indicated critical steps to avoid
consequence of uncoupling by Ca2+ the indicated contaminations; try washing glassware
overload with isolation buffer, supplemented with EGTA
Unusually high basal respiration, as a Include 0.1% fatty acid free albumin in the EB; if this
consequence of uncoupling by fatty procedure works increase FCCP concentration since
acids albumin binds reversibly to FCCP

15 Uncoupled respiration rate is Too much FCCP used Since at high doses FCCP is also an inhibitor of the
lower than ADP-stimulated respiratory chain, you can overcome this problem
respiration by titrating down the concentration of FCCP used

The goal of a mitochondrial preparation is to obtain a good amount of relatively pure, well coupled mitochondria. The quality of
the obtained organelles can be checked by using oxygraphy to measure their oxygen consumption. For example, mitochondria
isolated from mouse liver and energized with glutamate/malate respond to stimulation of ATPase by added ADP with a sixfold

294 | VOL.2 NO.2 | 2007 | NATURE PROTOCOLS


increase in the rate of oxygen consumption (Fig. 6b). This usually reflects mitochondria that are highly pure and intact. A
closer look by conventional electron microscopy at the morphology and at the purity of the organelles isolated from other
intracellular membranes revealed that most of the organelles displayed an intact inner and outer membrane and that the level
of contamination by other membranes was kept to a minimum (Fig. 6a).

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13. Bossy-Wetzel, E., Barsoum, M.J., Godzik, A., Schwarzenbacher, R. & Lipton, S.A.
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