Wrap Researchship - The Influence of The PT Kai Service Quality in Punctuality of The Train Travel Time On Customer Satisfaction
Wrap Researchship - The Influence of The PT Kai Service Quality in Punctuality of The Train Travel Time On Customer Satisfaction
Wrap Researchship - The Influence of The PT Kai Service Quality in Punctuality of The Train Travel Time On Customer Satisfaction
This study aims to analyze the effect of PT KAI's service quality, especially
the punctuality of travel on railroad customer satisfaction. This study also
aims to examine the effect of timeliness variables on customer satisfaction.
The data used in this study is a combination of primary data and secondary
data where the author will use the survey method as primary data and data on
the timeliness of train travel, especially train travel to and from Bandung
Station as secondary data. The data analysis technique used in this research is
quantitative by using a systematic literature review in terms of bibliometric
analysis to review published research on the topics discussed. The
explanation for this is the result of the punctuality of train travel on railroad
customer satisfaction.
Of all the factors above, the reliability factor, especially punctuality on train
travel, is the factor that the authors highlight the most in this study. This
punctuality is also related to the level of train travel punctuality. On-time
performance is a condition where the departure time and arrival time are
according to a predetermined schedule [6]. In this case, the train schedule in
question is the schedule specified in the Train Travel Chart or Grafik
Perjalanan Kereta Api (GAPEKA). GAPEKA is a collection of guides for the
implementation of train travel which is depicted in the form of a line chart
showing the location of the station, time, speed allowed in a certain plot, train
travel time, location of crossing and overtaking trains, to the speed and
position of a train starting from the departure station to arrive at the final
destination station [6]. Punctuality is important because it involves the
interests of many people, especially fire customers. Most people choose to
use the train service because the level of punctuality is very high. In 2021
alone, the punctuality rate of passenger train passengers in Indonesia reached
99.71% on departure and 92.68% on arrival of trains, up 00.09% and 00.54%
respectively from the previous year. Meanwhile, the level of on-time
performance on freight train trips reached 89.45% for train departures and
86.56% for train arrivals, down 00.01% and 00.76% respectively from the
previous year[7]. The increase in the level of on-time performance in
passenger vehicles and the decrease in freight vehicles was due to the fact that
passenger trips (especially in Java) were prioritized over goods trips. This
increase in punctuality was also supported by the small number of accidents
and locomotive breakdowns, as well as the increase in the speed of fire racing
cars from the previous year. In 2021, the total speed of trains will increase by
1.35% compared to 2020. The increase in speed is based on an increase in the
travel speed of trains which have speeds of 100 to 120km/hour by 10%[7].
From the explanation above, it can be concluded how important punctuality is
in train travel in PT KAI's customer satisfaction and interest [6]. The higher
the level of punctuality of train travel, the higher the level of PT KAI's
customer satisfaction in the service sector, especially the punctuality.
In this study, the authors conducted a comprehensive and detailed study of the
relationship between the influence of PT KAI's service quality in the field of
travel time punctuality and the convenience of train customers. This study
will be conducted using a quantitative method that employs a systematic
review of reviews in terms of bibliometric analysis. The review of analytical
studies in bibliometric analysis aims to ensure that there is conformity with
published research on the topics discussed. In this study, the research
methodology will be reviewed first, followed by an examination of publishing
developments and a discussion of the achievements of the various authors.
After that, the author will determine the main choice for the methodology so
that this will produce comprehensive and detailed research. The main theme
of this research will be taken based on the basics of theoretical studies from
the study of the effect of the punctuality of train travel on railroad customer
satisfaction. In the concluding section, the author will provide conclusions by
providing a summary of the findings found in the results and discussion
sections based on the research methods that have been agreed upon
previously. With this study, it is hoped that we can find out how much
influence the punctuality of train travel has on customer satisfaction.
Supaya penelitian ini menjadi sebuah penelitian yang terstruktur, maka
penulis membuat model penelitian untuk memudahkan penulis dalam
meneliti. Model penelitian ini akan disajikan sebagai berikut :
Dari model penelitian diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penelitian ini berhulu
pada PT KAI sebagai pengelola layanan kereta api di Indonesia dan berhilir
pada kepuasan pelanggan. Dalam tahapan menuju hilir ini terdapat dua
cabang yaitu kualitas layanan PT KAI dan kualitas layanan PT KAI terkhusus
pada ketepatan waktu pada perjalanan kereta api. Kedua cabang ini saling
memiliki keterkaitan dan kesinambungan antara hulu dan hilir penelitian ini.
Keterkaitan dan kesinambungan itu adalah PT KAI sebagai regulator layanan
kereta api di Indonesia harus selalu memperhatikan kualitas layanan mereka
agar kepuasan pelanggan akan layanan PT KAI dapat tetap terjaga dan
meningkat, sedangkan pada bagian Kualitas Pelayanan PT KAI Terkhusus
pada Ketepatan waktu adalah PT KAI sebagai penyelenggara jasa layanan
angkutan kereta api di Indonesia juga harus senantiasa memperhatikan
ketepatan waktu perjalanannya sebagai bagian dari kualitas layanan PT KAI
agar kepuasan pelanggan terhadap PT KAI tetap terjaga dan dapat meningkat.
Dalam bagian kajian literatur ini, fokus penelitian akan terbagi menjadi empat
bagian sesuai model penelitian diatas. Fokus penelitian tersebut adalah :
PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) yang selanjutnya disebut sebagai PT.
KAI adalah sebuah perusahaan milik Pemerintah Republik Indonesia
dibawah naungan Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN)
yang bergerak dibidang transportasi darat, khususnya transportasi kereta
api[7]. Dengan kata lain, PT. KAI merupakan regulator jasa layanan
kereta api di Indoneisa dan berhak atas seluruh kegiatan perkeretaapian
di Indonesia. PT. KAI sendiri merupakan perusahaan yang didirikan pada
tanggal 28 September 1945 dengan nama Djawatan Kereta Api
Indonesia (DKARI)[7]. Dalam perkembangannya, PT. KAI telah
mengalami berbagai perubahan dan perkembangan. Saat ini, PT. KAI
memiliki 9 Daerah Operasi (DAOP), 4 Divisi Regional (DIVRE), 1 Sub
Divisi Regional (Sub DIVRE), dan 8 Balai Yasa yang tersebar di seluruh
Indonesia [7].