A Review Based On The Synthesis of Carbon Quantum Dots: Top-Down, Bottom-Up Approaches and Their Properties

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Review based on the Synthesis of Carbon

Quantum Dots: Top-Down, Bottom-up Approaches and
their Properties
Nishant sharma
Department of Biosciences and Technology,
Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to Be) University, Mullana, Ambala 134003, India

Yashika Gurleen kaur bhullar

Department of Biosciences and Technology, Department of Biosciences and Technology, Maharishi
Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to Be) University, Markandeshwar (Deemed to Be) University,
Mullana, Ambala 134003, India Mullana, Ambala 134003, India

Anchal saini Nandiny

Department of Biosciences and Technology, Department of Biosciences and Technology,
Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to Be) University, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to Be) University,
Mullana, Ambala 134003, India Mullana, Ambala 134003, India

Sheetal Nancy
Department of Biosciences and Technology, Department of Biosciences and Technology,
Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to Be) University, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to Be) University,
Mullana, Ambala 134003, India Mullana, Ambala 134003, India

Abstract:- A novel class of nano-carbon materials called as Nanotechnology; Quantum Dots.

luminescent carbon quantum dots (CQDs) has received a
most of attention lately, specially in the fields of chemical I. INTRODUCTION
sensors, bio-imaging, nano-medicine, solar cells, light-
emitting diode (LED), and electro catalysis. Many QDs are a class of small, highly fluorescent nano-
methods, including the arc-discharge method, microwave particles that are heterogeneous [1]. It is an advanced family
pyrolysis, hydro-thermal process, and electro-chemical of materials that have been used in medicinal, imaging, and
synthesis, can be used to make CQDs quickly and sensing applications [2]. Several kinds of tiny particles are
affordably. CQDs have outstanding chemical and physical found inside quantum dots, and these particles trap energy [3].
characteristics, including high crystallisation, good According to the law of quantum theory such particles have
dispersibility, and photoluminescence. Particularly, the good energy level. Size of quantum dots vary from one to ten
CQDs-based composite has high electric conductivity and nano-meters. CQDs are just one of the numerous types of QDs
catalytic activity due to the small size, superconductivity, that are used for various applications. These are derived from
and quick electron transfer of CQDs. Additionally, CQDs several carbon containing compounds. 15th most abundant
have a lot of surface functional groups, which could make element on earth crust is carbon [4]. Sun et al. published the
it easier to make multi-component electrical active first study on the quantum-sized brilliant and colourful
catalysts. As a result of interactions within these multi- photoluminescence of CQDs in 2007 [5].Generally CQDs
component catalysts, charge transfer, a crucial possess spherical shape and Zero-dimension based
electrochemical process, may be promoted, which could nanoparticles . Core of CQDs is amorphous to nanocrystalline.
further improve the catalytic performance. Recent studies CQDs have prodigious physical and chemical properties i.e.
on CQDs have concentrated on their photocatalytic and strong luminescence ability, biocompatibility, high electrical
fluorescence features. This review summarize the different and thermal conductivity, good tensile strength, low toxicity,
approaches for the synthesis of C-QDs and the properties eco-friendly, production cost is low, superior solubility, high
in the different field of science. specific surface area, easy to functionalized. They have
mainly sp2 C-hybridization but sometime possess sp3 C-
Keywords :- Cqds; Nanoparticles; Oxidation; hybridization. Ideal size of CQDs is 1 to 10 nm. Due to these

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
all excellent properties, CQDs achieve enormous attention are used as a carbonic precursor. Chemical source are not
from last few years. C-QDs are consists of carbon, nitrogen, easily available and cost-effective also. Different kinds of
oxygen and hydrogen atoms.These nanoparticles contain many approaches are utilized for the synthesis of CQDs which
functional groups on their outermost i.e. -OH, -COOH, includes hydro-thermal methods, chemical oxidation,
carbonyl and NH2 groups (as shown in figure a). The structure microwave treatment, electro-chemical method, Laser ablation
of CQDs contain a huge number of amino groups on their technique and ultrasonic method.
surface so that DNA can easily bind and perform their
function as gene carrier. II. SYNTHESIS OF CQDS

There are many differents routes via which CQDs can be

synthesized. Only route can be followed by researchers which
is yield high, clean and highly efficient. CQDs can be
synthesized by 2 routes – top-down route and bottom-up route

A. Top-down route
Top-down approaches begin with a complicated
structure. Large structures are crumbling into smaller ones
along this route. The precursor has a bulk structure that is
broken down into materials with nanostructures using various
techniques. Graphites, nano-diamonds, carbon-soot, carbon-
Fig. 1 . showing the structure of carbon quantum dots nanotubes are complex structure of carbon which are
converted into quantum dots. Large carbonaceous materials
These nanoparticles have many advantages in biomedical can be broken down into nano-structures using this processes
sciences. CQDs are used in bio-imaging, bio-sensors and bio- like as acidic oxidation, arc-discharge, laser-ablation, and
molecule, energy storage, energy conversion, in cancer ultrasonics.
therapies they used for drug delivery and also used for tumor
targeting fluorescence imaging sensors. These are also used in
the detection of high toxic and carcinogenic metal ions. As
CQDs acquire good bio-compatibility and photo-stability
properties, so it is used as excellent bio-imaging and pattering
agent. CQDs are the nanoparticles which are derived from the
several carbon sources. CQDs synthesize from two sources –
green or agricultural source and chemical source.

In green sources only that plant or plant part is used as a

carbonic precursors which contain high amount of
carbohydrates. In this the main source for the production of
CQDs is agricultural waste. Agricultural waste like orange
peel, grape peel, lemon peel, sugar-cane bagasse, banana peel,
watermelon peel, wheat husk, rice straw, corn stover, barley
straw, rice barn , Pomelo peel, Willow bark, contain high
amount of carbon weightage. CQDs can also be synthesized
from banana or banana juice, apple juice, carrot juice,
Strawberry juice, Soy milk, Garlic, Onion waste, date, grass
and many plant leaves. Agricultural wastage is a excellent
source for the synthesis of carbon quantum dots. Agricultural
waste easy to available, less of cost. The main significance is
that it is non-toxic to environment so, causing no pollution . It
also act as a eco-friend by utilizing waste material of
agriculture. The soil and water pollution caused by
combustion of agriculture waste material can be reduced by
using in synthesis of carbon quantum dots. On the other hand
in chemical sources, that chemicals are used which contain
Fig. 2. Showing different top down approaches for CQDs
high amount of carbon. There are different kinds of chemicals
like Ascorbic acid, acetic acid, maltose, glucose, galactose,
fructose, phenol, formaldehyde resin, silica-particle etc. which

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
a. Acidic oxidation was obtained with high quantum yield and longer fluorescence
As complex organic structures are broken down into life-time as compared to the pure CQDs.
simpler forms by the process of acidic oxidation, various types
of acids are utilised. The raw carbon used to create carbon b. Arc-discharge
nanoparticles was transformed into quantum dots. Different The primitive and highly effective way for creating high-
kinds of oxidizing agents are used for the oxidation of carbon quality carbon quantum dots is arc discharge. This arc-
precursor. Oxidizing agents such as chlorine-dioxide , discharge technique was invented by Iijima in 1991 to
hydrogen-peroxide, hydroxyl-radicals, ozone and others are synthesise and reorganise carbon atoms. [13]. The arch
used for oxidation of substances. Acids like HNO3 , H2SO4 , discharge approach for the creation of modified carbon atoms
NaClO3 and toluene are also used in acidic oxidation. These is discussed by N. Arora and N.N. Sharma in 2014 [14]. The
substances have the ability to instantly and completely destroy electrical breakdown of the bulk materials is accomplished via
saturated organic molecules. Aromatic compounds like the arc-discharge process. Arc is produced with electrical
(benzene) and trichloroethylene(TCE) are used for unsaturated current. Arc-discharge devices have a chamber that is made up
organic-compounds. Acidic oxidation also convert toxic of two electrodes. The catalyst and powder form of the carbon
elements into non-toxic elements [7]. Acid oxidation results precursor are placed within the anode electrode. A pure
hydro-philic groups ( e.g.-OH group or -COOH group ) on the graphite rod typically serves as a second cathode electrode.
surface of obtained C-QDs [8]. These groups are benefited for Gas usually fills in the chamber. An arc is produced when the
CQDs to enhance the water solubility and characteristics of electrodes are powered. It is essential to keep the current
fluorescence . This method is extremely effective at destroying flowing through the electrodes constant in order to produce a
the dissolved state of non-aqueous phase liquids, which are non-fluctuating arc. If the current was unstable, the arc would
difficult to dissolve. Acidic oxidation is cost effective, fast start to fluctuate, which would make the plasma unstable. It
performing and low maintenance technology [9]. Calcium has an impact on the final product's quality. Arc current causes
peroxide (CaO2 ) nano-particles were synthesized via acidic high temperature, which attracts carbon-precursor to the anode
oxidation method [10]. In this experiment hydrogen peroxide electrode. High temperatures cause the formation of carbon
as a oxidative agent. vapours, which gather in the gaseous phase and flow towards
the cathode electrode. These collections of carbon vapour cool
Yellow Fluorescence emitting CQDs were prepared from down since the temperature on the cathode side is typically
fullerene carbon-soot (FCS) by Zhang in 2017 [11]. In this, low. Arc discharge is stopped after a shortest time period, and
the concentrated HNO3 and H2SO2 were pre-mixed by cup- modified carbon is recovered from the cathode electrode.
sonication for 40 minutes. The volume-to-volume ratio for
combining the two acids is 1:1. Following the addition of FCS, The synthesis of carbon nano-structures utilizing the arc-
the mixture was cup-sonicated for 1 hour at 80 to 120 °C and discharge method is discussed by Yatom in 2017 [15]. This
then continuously stirred for 12 to 36 hours. Mixture was cool approach produced a vast population of nano-particles with a
down and K2CO3 was added to neutralize the acidic mixture. diameter of 20 nm. Single-walled C-nanotubes were made via
The final product was obtained after the centrifugation and the arc-discharge method in 2004 by Xu et al. [16]. Three
dialysis processes. By utilising these two concentrated acids, separate carbon nano-particles with distinct fluorescence
FCS was dispersed into quantum dots. Both of these oxidising characteristics and varying relative molecular masses were
agents separate the functional groups that are present on the discovered throughout the experiment.
surface of FCS and disrupt the conjugate structural bonding of
FCS [11]. c. Laser-ablation
By intensely applying a laser beam, a thermal process
Yang reported the production of C-QDs from Chinese called laser-ablation removes atoms from solid materials [17].
ink in 2014. [12] . Chinese ink was oxidized by using HNO3, This approach is highly helpful in the production of
H2SO4 and NaClO3. After preparing a mixture of all the acids, nanoparticles because it allows for the break-down of the bulk
CNPs were added to it. . Stirred the above mixture at 5 °C structure of carbon into tiny particles. The carbon precursor
for 1h. After this mixture was maintained at 15 °C for 5h. gets heated when a laser is introduced to it because it absorbed
Cold ammonia was used to neutralise the obtained solution. the laser energy. This method was utilised by Kuzmin P. in
These acids simultaneously chemically cut the Chinese ink, 2010 to create silicon nanoparticles. Kuzmin concluded that as
and oxidized-CQDs were produced as a precursor. Oxidized the laser pulse's duration is decreased, the size dispersion of
CQDs were obtained after this process . From these oxidized the nanoparticles also reduces.
CQDs , heavy doped CQDs was prepared. Di-
methylformamide (DMF), sodium-hydrosulfide (NaHS), and Hu et al. carried out a study in 2008 to create C-quantum
sodium-selenide (NaHSe) mixture was added in Teflon dots through laser ablation [18]. Hu created a one-step
autoclave with above oxidized-CQDs. Above solution was procedure for the laser-induced irradiation of carbon powder
hydro-thermally treated at 240 °C for 12h. DMF, NaHS and in organic solvents to produce fluorescent carbon quantum
NaHSe act as a nitrogen, sulfur and selenium source dots. A suspension of carbon powders in an organic solvent
respectively. Nitrogen-CQDs, Sulphur-CQDs and Se-CQDs was laser-irradiated to create fluorescent carbon nanoparticles

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
(CNPs). The CNPs' surface modification was completed carbon microparticles more effectively capture laser energy,
concurrently with their creation, and by choosing the right increasing the fabrication efficiency by 15% and the
solvents, adjustable light emission could be produced. fluorescence of C-QDs by an order of magnitude compared to
Carboxylate ligands on the surface of the CNP were thought to the traditional batch method. The flow jet-synthesized C-QDs
be the cause of the luminescence. The CNPs' surface change are employed for fluorescence imaging of transparent healthy
happened simultaneously with their creation, and by choosing and malignant epithelial human cells. Their typical size is 3
the right solvents, luminescent surface states could be nm. Without the use of any additional additives or processing
produced. of the cell culture, complete internalisation is seen after a brief
incubation period of 10 min. According to a study of the
Xiangyou Li presented this approach to manufacturing photo-luminescence, C-QDs displayed an emission behaviour
the carbon quantum dots with high luminescence properties in that was excitation-dependent, with greater emission
2010 [19]. The performance of the synthesised CQDs was wavelengths for high excitation wave-lengths. The strongest
determined to be visible, stable, and controllable. In a typical fluorescence emission intensity is related to excitation
technique, 50 ml of a solvent (like as ethanol, acetone, or H2O) wavelengths about 287 nm. The presence of C-O, C-OH, C-O-
was used to disperse 0.02 g of nano-C material. 4 ml of the C, and C-O-OH groups on the outerward has been studied
suspension was added to a cell of glass for laser-irradiation using XPS and FTIR, and these groups offer a lot of potential
after ultrasonication. The cell has a crystal window over it. for biological applications in conjugating drugs or targeting
Without focusing, the suspension was exposed to a Nd:YAG moieties.
pulsed laser with a 2nd harmonic wave-length of 532 nm. The
raw carbon nanoparticles were kept from gravitationally d. Ultra-sonic method
settling during irradiation by using a magnetic stirrer. Ultrasound is a cutting-edge method that allows for the
Following laser irradiation, the solution was centrifuged for 30 functionalization, activation, and excellent dispersion of
minutes at 6000 rpm to extract the supernatant, which was nanoparticles during sono-chemical synthesis [22].
then used to test for PL data using a spectrofluorophotometer. Ultrasonication is a critical step in the process of
Obtained supernatant contain the carbon quantum dots. By nanoparticles. This technique uses an ultrasonic sound wave
irradiating carbon nanoparticles with a laser in frequency (>20kHz) to apply homogenous dispersion of
straightforward, common chemical solvents, C-QDs with nanoparticles to the solution. These sound waves disrupt the
visible, stable, and controllable PL performance were created. intermolecular force between the nanoparticles, which reduces
The unfocused laser beam in this process makes it simple, their tendency to collect or take aggregate forms. The direct
easy, and highly efficient than existing techniques for creating ultra-sonic approach works well for creating nanoparticles.
carbon QDs. The morphology was observed by HR-TEM, and
the results of an XPS investigation showed that passivation by By using an ultrasonic process with glucose as a carbon
laser irradiation was crucial in the development of PL. This precursor, Haitao Li produced carbon nanoparticles in 2010
technique can be applied to many different fields, including [23]. Ultra small sized carbon nano-particles were produced
biology and imaging, and has a significant potential for using this one step process. These particles have extremely
creating new luminous materials. appealing photoluminescent characteristics. A one-step alkali
or acid aided ultrasonic process was used to directly synthesise
Cui Liu used the laser-ablation approach to create the mono-dispersed water-soluble fluorescent C-nanoparticles (C-
silica nanoparticles in 2015 [20]. The silicon and carbon dots NPs) from glucose. TE-microscopy, optical fluorescent
began forming from the silica nano-particles as the microscopy, fluorescent spectrophotometry, FT-IR , and UV-
temperature and pressure increased as a result of the spectrophotometry were used to characterise the CNPs. The
immediate laser irradiation. Liu was able to determine that a suitable quantity of glucose was dissolved in 50 mL of
fast and efficient way to create carbon nanoparticles would be deionized water to generate a transparent solution. The
through laser ablation. Strong lasers' instantaneous induction glucose solution was mixed with either a 50 ml NaOH solution
of high temperatures and pressures resulted in the reduction of or a 50 ml HCl solution, and the combined solution was
some silica and the pyrolysis of C-chains inside of silica nano- subjected to an ultrasound treatment for 4 hours. The
particles, whereupon the rapid crystallisation of silicon and unprocessed glucose/HCl CNP solution was dried in oven at
carbon vapour produced si-dots and diamond-like C-dots in 80 oC for 6 hours. The pH of the another raw samples made
the silica matrix. from glucose/NaOH was first brought down to 7 with HCl,
and then 100 mL of ethanol was gradually added while
Donate developed C-QDs for fluorescence imaging in agitating the mixture. After that, to remove the salts and water
2018 using the laser irradiation method [21]. It was found that from the CNPs solution, a suitable amount of MgSO4 was
the CQDs yield is extremely high and also has a compact size added, stirred for 20 minutes, and then stored for 24 hours.
following a 4 hour exposure to laser irradiation. High The findings demonstrated that the particle surfaces were very
Fluorescent Semiconductor Quantum Dots can be produced hydrophilic due to their abundance in hydroxyl groups. The
using a laser. This type of carbon dots have a very high full visible-to-near infrared (NIR) spectral range could be
photoluminescence [5]. With the system's simplicity, the covered by the photoluminescence that the CNPs were capable

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
of emitting. Notably, NIR excitation might be used to produce varies between 3 and 5 nm at 240 C. The presence of
the CNPs' NIR emission. Additionally, the up-conversion carboxylic and -OH groups on the surface of carbon quantum
fluorescence characteristics of these CNPs were good. dots is indicated by FT-IR peak patterns. According to DLS
data, the particle size is 50 nm, and the UV vis absorption
B. Bottom-up route peak is 283 nm. Carbon quantum dots have a 21.37 percent
Bottom up is the route in which carbon quantum dots are quantum yield. Using a hydrothermal process, CQDs were
synthesized from molecular precursor. This method use the produced from tulsi leaves in 2018 [26]. The fresh tulsi leaves
small molecules as precursor to obtained the carbon-quantum should be cleaned with distilled water before usage. 2.5 g of
dots through chemical reaction. Bottom up route includes tulsi leaves were chopped up into tiny bits. 35 ml of distilled
hydrothermal method, combustion, electrochemical and water was added to it, and the above-mentioned solution was
Microwave synthesis. transferred there. maintained 200 0C in the hydrothermal unit
for 4 hours. The solution is then cooled to RT and passed via
membrane filter. The obtained yellow fine particles were kept
at 4 0C for storage. Particles of a 5 nm size display spherical
morphology in the TEM results. Strong peaks of the amino,
carboxylic, carbonylic, and hydroxyl groups can be detected
under FT-IR. Fluorescence that is bluish is visible under Ulta-
Violet light. The quantum yield was 3.06%.

Green synthesis of C-QDs from grass was performed

through hydro-thermal method [27]. The grass was cleaned
and allowed to air dry. The grass was crushed, and 100 ml of
water was then added. Put this solution in a hydrothermal
reactor and ran it for two hours at 180 0C. Once this powder
had been obtained, it had been cleaned with milli.Q. water.
The above powder was dried at 80 °C for 24 hours.
Some particles smaller than 10 nm in size can be seen in SEM
pictures. The particles' uniform surface is shown by AFM. The
surface of the particles has OH, C-H, C=O, and COOH
Fig. 3. Showing different bottom-up approaches for CQDs groups, according to the FT-IR results. Corn stalk was also
synthesis used for the production of C-QDs [28]. Water was used to
wash the corn stalk in order to remove the dust. The stalks are
a. Hydrothermal method broken into little pieces after air drying. 500 ml of deionized
The hydrothermal method uses an aqueous solution as a water was combined with 20 g of this. Put the solution
reaction operator in a completely sealed vessel. High pressure mentioned above in a hydrothermal unit and set the
and temperature are required for this process. The vessel must temperature at 270 0C for 10 minutes. After cooling, a
be set up in a system where high temperatures will be used. membrane microporous filter was used to filter the resulting
Vapours generated pressure on their own. The hydrothermal solution, and 24 hours of dialysis were then performed.
reaction occurs above 100 0C [24]. Schafhasutl published the Applying freeze drying, solid carbon quantum dot particles
first account of a hydrothermal-based reaction outcome in were produced. Under UV light, blue fluorescence was
1845. The solvent in a hydrothermal reaction is water. In observed. FT-IR results confirmed the presence of OH, C-N,
1978, Franck reported on the physical and chemical characters C=O, C-O, and C-H groups. XRD broad peak at 22.50. 16%
of water during the hydrothermal process. The hydrothermal quantum yield was obtained. Additionally, the leaves of water
process is crucial in the production of CQDs hyacinth were utilised as a carbon precursor in the
nanoparticles.Teflon-lined hydrothermal autoclave had been development of carbon quantum dots [29]. The leaves were
used throughout this process. The material of teflon is stainless first cleaned in water and then allowed to air dry. Powder was
steel. Lemon juice has been used as the starting material for produced after the grinding. A teflon reactor was filled with a
the hydrothermal synthesis of C-QDs [25]. Lemon juice was mixture of 5 g of powder and ultrapure water. for 12 hours,
used to make lemon extract. A Teflon autoclave made of this reactor was kept at 180 0C. The solution should be cooled
stainless steel was filled with 40 ml of lemon essence. kept at room temperature. The above-mentioned solution was
this Teflon reactor at a high temperature between 120 and 280 centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 20 min. After the supernatant was
C for 12 hours. The system is subsequently cooled down to filtered, 2 hours of dialysis against purified water was
RT. The white solution's transformation into a dark one conducted. Brown solution was produced, demonstrating how
reveals the production of carbon quantum dots. Use filter carbon quantum dots are formed. Storage begin at 4 0C. Based
paper to filter the above-mentioned solution. Under ultraviolet on HR-TEM data, particles have an average diameter of 2.44
light, a mild blue-green color appears. Images of the HRTEM nm and a range in size from 1.2 to 4.2 nm. On the carbon
results reveal carbon quantum dot dark spots. The particle size quantum dot surface, C-H, C=O, C=C, O-H, C-N, and C-O

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
groups can be seen using FT-IR. 3.3% quantum yield was was then centrifuged one more for 20 minutes at 15,000 rpm.
obtained. The supernatant was gathered and purified. Particles range in
size from 2-10 nm, according to TEM. Results from AFM
For the hydothermal method of producing C-QDs, demonstrate homogeneously dispersion. C-H, C=O, C=C, O-
Azadirachta indica (Neem) leaves were utilized [30]. Fresh H, and C-O groups can be seen on the carbon quantum dot
leaves were cleaned in distilled water and allowed to air dry. surface thanks to FT-IR. Particles have a yellow color when
10 g of freshly ground leaves were combined with 10 ml of exposed to UV radiation.
distilled water. Place the above-mentioned solution in a Teflon
reactor at 150 0C for 4 hours. Centrifuging the obtained brown Although banana peel is a waste product, it can be
solution at 15000 rpm for 10 min. Supernatant was collected utilised as a carbon precursor for generating carbon quantum
and dialyzed for a further 24 hours in distilled water. Carbon dots [32]. Peel from a banana was cleaned and dried. They
quantum dots were created as a clear brown solution that was were chopped into tiny pieces and combined with milli Q
kept at 4 0C. TEM results revealed that the size of the particles water. Put the above-mentioned solution in a Teflon reactor at
ranges from 1-5.5 nm, and a yield of 27.2% was attained. 200 °C for 24 hours. The result was a brownish-yellow tint
Maple tree leaves was also used as a carbon precursor [31]. that was further filtered and kept at 4 0C. According to
The maple leaves were first cleaned in water and then allowed TEM/HRTEM measurements, particle size ranges from 4-6
to air dry. Teflon reactor with 50 ml of extract had been nm. A 5 nm average size diameter and a 20% quantum yield
operating at 190 0C for 8 hours. The obtained brown solution were used.

Comparison between the different sources of C-QDs obtained from hydrothermal method at different temperature (TABLE I.)
Sr. no. Carbon precursor Temperature Particle size References
1 Lemon extract 240 0C 50 nm [25]
2 Tulsi leaves 200 0C 5 nm [26]
3 Grass 180 0C 0 – 10 nm [27]
4 Corn stalk 270 0C 1 – 3 nm [28]
5 Water hyacinth leaves 180 0C 1 – 4 nm [29]
6 Neem leaves 150 0C 1 – 5.5 nm [30]
7 Maple tree leaves 190 0C 2 – 10 nm [31]
8 Banana peel 200 0C 4 – 6 nm [32]
9 Apple juice 180 0C 1 – 3 nm [33]
10 Pomelo peel 200 0C 2 – 4 nm [34]

b. Combustion for 3 minutes . Light brown supernatant was collected after

Combustion [35] is the process which occur at high centrifugation. It was concluded that though CDs prepared via
temperature. This is an extremely efficient, inexpensive different framework but possess similar photo-luminescence
approach for producing many kinds of nanoparticles [36]. The and u.v. via absorption. After characterization it was observed
major reaction in the conventional approach, which happens at that methyl and carbonyl groups present on CDs and have 2-4
a high temperature of more than 2000k, is the breakdown of nm in size. FTIR result revealed that C=C bonds and oxygen
the covalent connection between the carbon precursor and the containing groups present in CDs.
creation of quantum dots [37]. Combustion synthesis is of two
types;1) Solid state combustion 2) Solution combustion. All L.A. Diaz-Torres in 2018 [40], works on the synthesis of
initial reactant, intermediates, and end products in solid state luminescent, structural and morphological properties of C-dots
combustion are solid [38]. On the other hand solution via combustion method. In this experiment author describe the
combustion have liquid components [38]. A variety of nano- devlopment of ZnO and C-QDs. To change the concentration
sized particle types are generated via solution combustion. The of CDs samples were annealed at various temperature i.e. 600,
manufacture of oxide particles and carbon quantum dots is 700, 800 and 900 0C. Zn(NO3)3 , Al(NO3)3 and citric acid was
currently carried out using this technology all over the globe. used as carbon precursor. All are dissolved in a beaker . A
solution of deionized water and ethanol in a ratio of 3:1 was
In 2018, an experiment was performed by S.Zhang [39]. added in same beaker followed by continuous stirring for 2 h.
In this experiment C-dots was prepared through combustion A small amount of ethylene glycol was added. After 30
method. Ash was prepared by burning the organic solvent at mintues, NaOH was added to the solution and heated at 80 0C
high temperature in air. Different kinds of flammable solvents until high viscous solution was obtained. Cool down the
like ethanol , n-butanol, domestic candle and benzene are used solution at room temperature and after this placed the obtained
for synthesis of carbon dots-1, carbon dots-2, carbon dots-3 solution in furnace at high temperature (400 0C). 15 mintues
and carbon dots-4 respectively. 2g of soot or ash mixed with later combustion reaction ended and blackish fluffy powder
solvent on stirrer for 30 mintues. After stirring, solution was form was obtained . The obtained powder grinded and burn in
sonicated for 2h. Centrifugation was performed at 5000 rpm air at 600, 700, 800 and 900 0C.Timing for annealing process

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
was 10 C/minute. Once the temperature reached at final state In alkaline conditions, photoluminescent C-nanodots
then kept it for 8 h. Then furnace was turned off and sample have been made from glycine using an electrochemical
was cooled down. Finally it was concluded that carbon dots method [46]. Electrooxidation, electropolymerization,
was obtained from this method have good fluorescence and carbonization, and passivation are the processes that lead to
optical property. Carbon dots annealed at 600 and 700 0C the creation of C-dots. The photoluminescence (PL) features
show green and yellow emission respectively after excitation of the as-prepared Carbon-dots are excitation-wavelength-
at 405 nm. Same annealed carbon dots when excited at 455 nm dependent and pH sensitive, and they are stable in solutions
then they show orange (annealed at 600 0C) and green with high salt concentrations. The use of Carbon-dots with the
(annealed at 700 0C) emission respectively. Chemical bonding fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) method to
was characterized by the XPS method. SEM images show that detect haemoglobin has been proven. With a limit of detection
C-dots annealed at various temperature show round shape and (SNR3) of 30 pM, the PL intensity of Carbon-dots is inversely
very few one show oval like shape. Average size of the proportional to haemoglobin concentration over the range of
smallest particles was around 0.5 to 9 nm. 0.05-250 nM (r=0.99). By measuring the haemoglobin
concentrations in 5 representative diluted blood samples, we
C-QDs was developed by Himani in 2019 by the using of have validated our test. The results are in good agreement with
sugarcane baggase [41]. Sugarcane baggase used as carbon those obtained by using a commercial haemoglobin metre.
precursor. Sugarcane baggase was dried for 6 days in sunlight Blood-stained pictures and fingerprints have been obtained
and then cut it into small pieces. Burn the sugar-cane baggase using the water-dispersible and photo-stable Carbon-dots.
at 60 0C for 4 h. 500 mg ash of sugarcane baggase was
dissolved in 50 ml toluene. Stirred the above solution for 1st Researchers created C dots with a significant Stokes shift
day for completly dispersion. After this sonicate the above using o-phenylenediamine (OPD) as the carbon source in an
solution for 1 hour and then centrifuge it at 8000 rpm for 30 electrochemical technique for sensing Fe3+ and ascorbic acid
min. After the filteration, supernatant was collected. FT-IR (AA) [47]. At the platinum anode during the electrolysis, OPD
revealed that carboxyl, -OH, methyl and epoxy groups are experiences polymerization, carbonization, and passivation to
present on the surface of C-QDs. Under the SEM images create C dots. Transmission electron microscopy, Raman
spherical dots was observed. TEM result images show that spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and
86% particles have 2-9 nm diameter, 10 % have greater then 9 FT-IR spectroscopy were used to characterise these C dots.
nm diameter and few have 2 nm diameter. Average size of the They are made up of the atoms C, N, O, and H, and have a
particles in between 3 to 5 nm. Under the U.V., blue emission Stokes shift of 309 nm. Their greatest emission occurs at 570
of carbon quantum dots was obtained . nm while their maximum excitation occurs at 261 nm.

So overall conclusion was that combustion is also a d. Microwave synthesis

versatile , simpular and rapid process for the synthesis of C- Microwave synthesis open the best approach for the
nanoparticles or carbon-quantum dots. It is less of cost and development of small sized nano-particles [48]. Nowdays the
good method for synthesis of various kinds of nano-particles. use of the microwave equipment is strongly recommended.
The advantages of this method is purity of the product, low Microwave synthesis is the very fast technique for the
energy requirement, relative simplicity and rapid process. development of nano-particles. The first use of microwave
technique was reported in 1986 [49,50]. Microwave radiation
c. Electrochemical method provides a efficient and controlled heating, which is very
Electrochemical method is very effective method for the beneficial for the synthesis of nano-particles and nano-
synthesis of C-QDs. In this method the chemical reaction for structures . Heating that was provided by a microwave is
the synthesis of nano-particles occurs at very normal reduced the time of chemical reaction. This one is very big
temperature and low pressure. Carbon quantum dots particle advantage of the microwave synthesis. It improves the yield
size and photo-luminescence property was reported by and repro-ducibility of the nano-particles. Chemistry of the
Deng[42], Ahirwar [43] and Anwar [44]. Electrochemical microwave based on the desired heat of matter produced by
synthesis of CQDs was carried out in 2015 by Yuxin Hou micro-wave di-electric heating or on the absorption of
[45]. In an appropriate proportion sodium citrate and urea was microwave energy by the specific material (solvent or any
added in ultrapure 10 ml water. Mixed the solution properly. reagent) and convert it into heat [51,52]. In the microwave, the
For positive and negative electrode 2 platinum sheets was frequency of electromagnetic radiation ranges in between 0.3
employed about at 1 cm distance. The electrochemical to 300 GHz, having wavelength of 1 mm to 1 m. In this
reaction occur at 5V potential for 1 h. Transparent solution frequency region, the microwave energy converts into thermal
turned into brown colour. Dialysis was performed against energy [53]. 1.0 × 10-5 ev is at the frequency 2.45 GHz able to
ultra-pure water for 6 h. Fluorescent Carbon quantum dots was cleave the chemical bonding between the particles of carbon
obtained. It was observed that average size of carbon QDs is precursor [54]. Heating mechanism in microwave involves
2.4 nm. Carboxyl and hydroxyl groups are observed under FT- two main process - Di-polar polarization and Ionic
IR. conduction [51]. The advantages of microwave irradiation is
that it produces efficient heating (internal) and also increases

IJISRT23JUN1330 www.ijisrt.com 676

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the temperature of whole volume uniformly and precursor. Closed microwave system was used for 5 min.
simultaneously. Linter waste was taken with water in a quatz-tube and this
tube was placed in a Teflon reactor . After then Teflon was
In 2015, carbon quantum dots was synthesized by placed in the microwave. Obtained product was filtered with
Naralia R. Pires from raw cashew gum [55]. Solution was the whatman filter paper . Centrifuge the above solution over
made from the raw gum and filtered. The above solution was 15000 rpm. pH of the solution was set to 7.03.
heated in microwave for 30 – 40 minute. on rotating plate. Characterization of the above nano-particles for the study of
Due to heating effect the carbonization reaction occur of the morphology and optical properties was performed. TEM result
particles and a light brown solid was obtained. Cool down the show that particles are spherical in shape, size ranges from 1.8
solution and dissolved it in water. Centrifuge the above nm to 22 nm and 10.14 nm is the average particle size
solution at 25,000 rpm for 15 min. for removal of the less diameter. FT-IR result show that carboxylic, hydroxylic
luminescent particles. Pale brown solid was obtained which groups are present on the surface of carbon-QDs. U.V. vis
contains C- dots composite. Normally the C-dots are light absorption and photo-luminescence spectra was investigated to
yellow brownish in colour and under the U.V. light blue evaluate optically properties of carbon-QDs .
emission was observed. The result of EFTEM show images
with spherical dots having 3 to 9 nm size. FT-IR result show Neetu in 2021, used the microwave for the synthesis of
the –OH, C-C, C-O-C, C-O groups stretching on the carbon carbon-QDs from Calotropis gigantean [58]. Fresh leaves of
quantum dots surface. Calotropis gigantean was collected and cleaned by the distilled
water for the removal of dirt. Air dried the leaves. 10 gm
CQDs was developed by Adams in 2017 via microwave extract of the leaves was mixed with 10 ml of distilled water.
method from starch [56]. Firstly fresh starch was obtained Filter the solution with whatmann paper before the microwave
from the cassava. 1g of cassava starch powder was added in treatment. After filteration , placed the solution in the
25ml deionized water. In the above solution 7ml (2M) microwave until brown fluid was obtained . Centrifuge the
sulphuric acid was added in above solution. Kept the beaker in obtained solution for 15 min. at 15,000 rpm. After the
microwave for 3-7 min. Carbonization reaction takes place . filteration of the above solution water suspended carbon
Solution colour was changed from white to light brown colour quantum dots was obtained. Store the nano-particles at 4 0C
and finally dark brown colour was obtained . For clear for further use. 4.24% average yield of carbon-QDs was
solution filtered the solution with filter paper. FT-IR result obtained. TEM-images show that the carbon-QDs are
revealed that hydroxyl, carboxyl groups are present on the spherical in shape with 5.7 nm average size and size lies
surface of obtained carbon quantum dots. Under the U.V. light between the range of 2.7 to 10.4 nm. Zeta-potential value was
, blue green or yellow light luminescence shown. around -13.8 mV. According to FT-IR OH, C-H, C=O, C-O,
COOH groups are present on the surface of carbon quantum
Hasan Eskalen in 2019, prepared the C-QDs from the dots.
wastage of linter [57]. Linter waste is used as a carbon

In TABLE II. different kinds of methods are compared which show the comparison between quantum yield that was obtained.
Sr. No. Carbon Precursor Method of Synthesis Yield obtained Refrences
1 Fullerene carbon soot (FCS) Acidic oxidation 3-5 % [11]
2 Chinese ink Acidic oxidation 60-80% [12]
3 Graphite Arc discharge _ [15]
4 Crude soot Arc discharge 16% [16]
5 Soyabean Ultrasonic 16.7% [59]
6 Glucose Ultrasonic 7% [23]
7 Graphite Laser ablation 3-8% [18]
8 Nano carbon material Laser ablation _ [19]
9 Graphite powder Laser ablation 4-10% [5]
10 Carbon glassy Laser ablation 15% [21]
11 Lemon extract Hydrothermal method 21.37% [25]
12 Tulsi leaves Hydrothermal method 3.06% [26]
13 Grass Hydrothermal method _ [27]
14 Corn stalk Hydrothermal method 16% [28]
15 Water hyacinth leaves Hydrothermal method 3.3% [29]
16 Neem leaves Hydrothermal method 27.2% [30]
17 Maple tree leaves Hydrothermal method _ [31]
18 Banana peel Hydrothermal method 20% [32]

IJISRT23JUN1330 www.ijisrt.com 677

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
19 Apple juice Hydrothermal method _ [33]
20 Pomelo peel Hydrothermal method 6.9% [34]
21 Raw cashew ghum Microwave synthesis 17% [55]
22 Starch Microwave synthesis _ [56]
23 Waste of linter Microwave synthesis _ [57]
24 Calotropis gigantean Microwave synthesis 4.24% [58]
25 Sugarcane baggase Chemical oxidation 25.7% [41]

III. APPLICATIONS OF CARBON QUANTUM reduction reaction[67,68], hydrogen evolution

DOTS reduction[69,70] and CO2 reduction reaction [71,72].

A. Biosensing IV. CONCLUSION

Biosensing is the process of detection of targeting
molecule which is based on the principle of an immune The development of increasingly sophisticated
system. In medical biosensing field carbon quantum dots play applications for the luminescent CQDs in the areas of
a very important role. Carbon quantyum dots role in bio- chemical-sensors, bio-imaging, nano-medicine, drug-delivery,
sensing is based on the anti-bodies and gene-recombinant and electro-catalysis makes them an intriguing newcomer to
fragments. Carbon-QDs are used as fluorescent based labelled the field of nanomaterials. This work introduces the primary
molecules for the detection of a specific target [60]. From the synthesis techniques like top down and bottom up and
comparison it was concluded that carbon quantum dots show photochemical characteristics of CQDs, and on the basis of
high sensitivity as labelling agent then gold nanoparticles [61]. that, it makes a strong case for its use in electrocatalysis. The
Carbon quantum dots have another advantages for aptamers many synthesis methods that have already been created to
which are selected a target point in a large nucleic acid [62]. create Carbon-QDs with various structures and characteristics
Fluorescent Nitrogen-carbon quantum dots was synthesized are discussed. The absorbance and PL characteristics of
from the glutamic acid via pyrolysis method for the detection Carbon-QDs are unique and fascinating, and they are now a
of amoxicillin [63]. popular research area. CQD use in the electrocatalytic field is
still in its infancy, though. There is an urgent need for more
B. Bioimaging work on the inventive design and manufacture of Carbon-QD-
The mostly important advantage of carbon-QDs is that based electrocatalyst. Due to its easily controllability of
these are non-toxic and eco-friendly. These character make composition and structure through precursor optimisation, the
them very useful in the bioimaging for the visualization of hydro-thermal technique is a promising contender for the
biological systems for both In vitro and In vivo [64]. synthesis of Carbon-QDs used as electrocatalyst. Additionally,
Passivating agents are present on the outer surface of carbon- electrochemical synthesis of Carbon-QDs is a promising
QDs [65] which make them non-toxic. It was reported that approach that can provide C-QDs with uniform particle size
CQDs are uptake by cells with the help of endo-cytosis and, more crucially, allows C-QDs to work in tandem with
process. other conventional electro-catalysts to manufacture products
using green chemistry. C-QDs have high surface area,
C. Photocatalytic activity excellent conductivity, and quick charge transfer, which gives
CQDs have long wave-length light and high energy them a lot of potential for use in electro-catalysis. The size,
converter with solutions these properties make them shape, surface functional groups, and heter-oatom doping of
outstanding for the use as photo-catalytic in organic synthesis. C-QDs can be changed to alter their typical electrical and
Due to good catalytic activity for H2O2 decomposition and chemical structures. Lots of organic groups make it possible
electron transfer property small sized CQDs ( 1-4 nm ) are for H2O molecules to be easily adsorbed and offer active co-
used as NIR light driven photo-catalysts for the oxidation of ordinating sites for metal ions to create C-QDs hybridised
alcohols into benza-aldehyde [66]. The conversion efficiency catalyst. In addition to being crucial in shaping the electronic
is 92 % and selectivity 100 % . CQDs can also be used as structures of the nearby carbon atoms in C-QDs, the hetero-
potential photo-senitizer in solar cell system. atoms (i.e., Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Phosphorous) doped
therein also serve as reactive catalytic sites throughout the
D. Electrocatalytic properties electrocatalytic process. Additionally, C-QDs could shield the
From last years, CQDs attain lots of interest in the area metal sites from the solution's toxicity and oxidation.
of energy conversion and storage to face the difficult
environmental issues. By doping with heteroatoms , nano- REFERENCES
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