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Ministry of Water Resources

Central Ground Water Board
North Central Region


S.No. Items Statistics

1. General Information
i) Geographical area 3318 Sq km
ii) Administrative Divisions
Number of Tehsil/Blocks 3/6
Number of Villages 544
iii) Population (Census 2011) 728,677

iv) Normal Rainfall (mm) 912.8

2. Geomorphology
1. Major Physiographic Units: 1. i. Denudational hills of Granites
2. ii. Extension of Malwa plateau
3. iii. Pediments over Traps, Lameta and

2. Major Drainage: 4. i. Mahi River & Anas River

5. ii. Narmada River & its tributaries
Hatni, Orsang & Bagh Rivers
3. Land Use (‘000 ha)
a) Forest area 131.7
d) Net area sown 359.46
f) Gross cropped area 414.139

4. Major Soil Types Alluvium, black cotton soil and sandy

5. Principal Crops a) Soyabean
b) Gram
c) Maize
d) Wheat
e) Jowar
f) Rice
g) Urad
h) Cotton
i) Groundnut

6. Irrigation by Different Sources No. Area irrigated (‘000ha)

Dug wells 11441 11.132
Tube wells/Bore wells 954 .721
Tanks/Ponds 307 5.682
Canals 170 4.773
Other Sources - 11.449
Net Irrigated Area - 31.639
Gross Irrigated Area - 33.757

7. Number 0f Ground Water Monitoring Wells
of CGWB (As on 31.3.2013)
Number of Dug Wells 9
Number of Piezometers 2
8 Predominant Geological Formations Recent alluvium, Deccan Trap
basalts, Bagh Beds and Archaeans
9 Hydrogeology
Major Water Bearing Formation Sandy alluvium,
Weathered/vesicular basalt,
Sand and Limestone of Lameta beds
and Weathered and fractured
Pre-monsoon depth to water level during 2012 3.45-14.95 m bgl
Post-monsoon depth to water level during 2012 2.00 – 11.10 m bgl
Long-term water level trend in 10 years (2003- 1.26 to 18.93 (Rise)
2012) cm/year
10. Ground Water Exploration By CGWB (As on 31.3.2013)
No of wells drilled (EW, OW, PZ, Total) (EW-15, OW-15 Pz -2)
Depth Range 68.75 – 213.27 m. bgl
Discharge Meager – 400 lpm
Specific Capacity -
Transmissivity -
11. Ground Water Quality
Presence of Chemical constituents more than EC (646-1545) µs/cm at 250C
permissible limit (e.g. EC, F, As, Fe) Nitrate-5.6-198 mg/l
F (0.39-0.98) mg/l
12 Dynamic Ground Water Resources (2009) (MCM)
Net Annual Ground Water Availability 201.48
Gross Ground Water Draft 54.28
Projected Demand for Domestic and Industrial 28.46
uses up to 2035
Stage of Ground Water Development 27%
13 Awareness and Training Activity
Mass Awareness Programme Organised Nil
Water Management Training Programme Nil
14 Efforts of Artificial Recharge & Rainwater Harvesting
Projects completed by CGWB Nil
Projects under technical guidance of CGWB Technology Mission on drinking
15 Ground Water Control and Regulation
Number of OE Blocks Nil
Number of Critical Blocks Nil
Number of Notified Blocks Nil
All blocks are under safe category
16 Major Ground Water Problems and Issues Fluoride contamination in Ground


Alirajpur district derived iots name from Alirajpur State, formerly a princely state of
India, under the Bhopawar Agency in Central India. It lies in the Malwa region of Madhya
Pradesh, near the border with Gujarat and Maharashtra. The district is hilly, and consists of tribal
people as majority of population who live in small villages near Alirajpur. However, the towns
population mainly consists of general people. It was under British administration from time to
time. The Victoria Bridge at Alirajpur was built to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee in 1897.
The Rajwara fort is situated in the centre of the town attached with a beautiful playground known
as Fateh Club. Alirajpur is also the hub for dolomite business.

According to the 2011 census Alirajpur district has a population of 728,677, roughly
equal to the nation of Bhutan or the US state of Alaska. The district has a population density of
229 inhabitants per square kilometre (590 /sq mi). Its population growth rate over the decade
2001–2011 was 19.4 per cent. Alirajpur has a sex ratio of 1,009 females for every 1,000 males,
and a literacy rate of 37.22 per cent, the lowest in India.

1.1 Divisions
This district comprises three tehsils: Alirajpur, Jobat and Bhabra.

1.2 Communications:
Alirajpur is connected to Dohad station of Western Railway on Ratlam-Baroda
Section by 70 km. and 65 km. long all weather roads respectively. Jobat is also connected to
Meghnagar station of Western Railway on the same section by 80 km. all weather road.
Alirajpur is 33 km. from Jobat and from Indore by 135 km.

1.3 Topography:
The area included extremely hilly area comprising number of parallel ranges rising
abruptly from the level ground. The area is undulating with a number of small hillocks rising
10 to 30 m. above the surrounding country. The highest point here is 1430 ft. above M.S.L.

1.4 Drainage:
The Orsang river flows in a southerly direction, Hatni river has south-easterly flow
and Dohi River has southerly course along with most of their tributaries. Areas has a general
slope towards south.


Climate is generally moderate and seasons are well defined. The summers are hot, winters
are short and the monsoon season is generally pleasant. The average annual rainfall in the district
is about 912.8mm. Most of the rainfall occurs in monsoon season while there is also a little of
rainfall in winter season.
A hot summer and general dryness characterize the climate of Alirajpur district, except
during the southwest monsoon season. The year can be divided in to four seasons. The winter
commences from middle of November and lasts till the end of February. The period from March
to about middle of June is the hot summer season. May is the hottest month of the year. The
southwest monsoon starts from middle of June and lasts till end of September. October and
middle of November constitute the post monsoon or retreating monsoon season.

The temperature starts rising from the beginning of February and reaching maximum in
the month of May. The normal annual mean maximum temperature is 32.8 0C and normal annual
mean minimum temperature is 19.10C.

Alirajpur district is mainly a hilly region covered with a chain of hills known as “The
Vindhyachal” which extends northwards towards Udaipur in Rajasthan. The maximum density of
the hills is in the southern part of the district in Alirajpur tehsil. The maximum elevation of 777 m.
amsl is recorded near Mathwar village in Sondwa block. The general trends of the hills are in east-
west direction.
Alirajpur district lies in the major basins, the Mahi in the north and the Narmada in the
south. The Narmada River forms the southern boundary of the district with a westerly flow of
water. The major tributaries having their confluence with the Narmada are Hatni, Ankhar, Sukar,
Orsang, Heran, Kara and Bagh. Narmada River, 50 km long in the district, along with its
tributaries drains 48% of the geographical area.

The area forms a part of the south-eastern extension of the Archaeans of Rajasthan. The
Archaean group is overlain unconformably by Cretaceous sedimentary deposits. A major part of
the area included is covered by granites and the other types such as dolomitic marble and
granulites and the other types occupied by chlorite and other schists, granites and associated
gneisses and sedimentaries (Bagh beds ?)

The stratigraphic sequence worked out in the area is presented below:

Cretaceous Bagh (?) Beds Limestone (highly siliceous and

fossiliferous) Grits and sandstone (often
calcareous and ferruginous.Conglomerate

Intrusives Dolerites Pegmatite and Quartz veins.
Amphibolites and granulites.

Archaeans Quartzites
Dolomitic Marbles
Chlorite schists often garnetiferous.
Metasediments Talc chlorite schists
Graphite schists
4.1 Hydrogeology
The general hydrogeological conditions of the district are depicted in formation wise
settings are discussed below.
4.1.1 Archaeans
The Archaean group of rocks is exposed in the central, northwestern parts of the district.
The groundwater generally occurs under phreatic conditions in the weathered, jointed and

fractured horizons of different rock units. The pink and grey granites are exposed mainly in
Alirajpur tehsil are generally hard and compact and are poorly permeable rocks. The gneissic
granites are susceptible to weathering with jointed and fractured zones extending about 5 to 15 m
below ground level. The occurrence of groundwater in the granites and gneissic granites depend
on the depth of weathering. The phyllites and schist are moderately permeable. The occurrence of
groundwater is dependant on the intensity of fractures and disposition of foliation planes. The
dolomitic marble and limestone occurring as bands, generally occurring occupy small hill ranges
and as such theirs geographic locations is unfavorable for ground water development. Krastic
limestone supports good yields from phreatic aquifer.
4.1.2 Lameta and Bagh Beds
Overlying unconformably the Archaeans, are the infra-trappean represented by the Lameta
and the Bagh beds. The main exposures are seen in the southeastern and central parts of the
district. The outcrops occur in widely separated patches and the litho-stratigraphy differs from
place to place. In general, the rock units lower arenaceous and upper calcareous facies. Nimar
sandstone, the basal units of the Bagh beds in the area are horizontally bedded and compact in
nature with an average thickness of 12 to 18 meters. Though hard and compact, they are well
jointed and fractured and act as groundwater repository. Nimar sandstone is overlain by nodular
limestone and coralline limestone. The groundwater occurs generally under phreatic conditions in
the Intra-trappean sandstone and limestone. Limestone Solution activities these rocks act as
promising horizons for groundwater storage. Dug wells tapping the Bagh beds in the lower
elevation generally gild good discharge. The Intra-trappean beds under lying the Deccan traps
when encountered during drilling exhibits confined /semi confined conditions.

4.1.3 Deccan Traps

The northern and north western parts of the district covering mainly Thandla, Petlawad
and Rama blocks and southern parts covered by Sondwa block are occupied by the basaltic lava
flows of Cretaceous to Eocene age. More than 12 number lava flows have been demarcated in the
district with average thickness of flow being 25-30 m. The bottom most parts of the flows are
generally massive, hard and compact in nature. They often show columnar jointing and spheroidal
weathering. The overlying vesicular basalts comprise has rounded to oval shaped vesicle, which is
generally filled, with zeolites, calcite and quartz. Vesicular horizons are limited in thickness or
absent there by reducing the chances of the good aquifer for the storage for groundwater storage.
The weathered zones, joints, fracture and vesicular zones form the main water bearing horizons.
The open dug well located in the geographic low often yields 50-100 m3/day. The bore well
tapping different vesicular horizons yield moderate quantity of water (100-200 m3/day).

4.1.4 Alluvium and Laterite

Localized patches of alluvium cover occur along the banks of major and minor rivers and
streams in the district. In general it is difficult to differentiate between alluvium and product of
black cotton soil underlain by yellow clay with kankar. The thickness of alluvium varies from few
meters to 15 m. Laterite capping on top of Deccan trap basalt are seen in localized patches. The
rocks are generally bouldery in nature, highly ferruginous and weathered to yellowish red soil.

The groundwater resources of the area are poor. Only those wells situated very close to some
rivulet or river or near the contact of different rock types receive their recharge through out the
year. A part of the recharged water passes off as seepages. Thus the only source of water in the
area is the gravel and sand accumulations in the stream beds.

4.2 Aquifer Parameters
The exploratory drilling has been carried out in areas occupied by Deccan Trap basalt
underlain by Lameta limestone and granite and gneissic rocks.The vesicular, weathered and
fractured basalt form the aquifers while in Granites and gneissic rocks weathering and fractures
forms aquifer. These exploratory wells have been drilled down to the maximum depth of 213.27
m bgl and their yields have been recorded.

4.3 Ground Water Levels

Variation of groundwater levels in an area is an important component of hydrological
cycle because it is a physical reflection of aquifer systems. As the change in groundwater level is
directly related to groundwater balance and its continuous records provide direct information of
subsurface geo-environmental changes due to withdrawal of groundwater. To monitor the
seasonal and annual change in quantity and quality of groundwater, CGWB has established 9
Ground Water Monitoring Wells and 2 Piezometers in entire Alirajpur district. The monitoring of
groundwater levels in these wells is being carried out by CGWB during the month of May,
August, November and January. The brief details of groundwater level in Alirajpur district for the
year 2012 are being discussed below:

4.3.1 Pre-monsoon (May 2012)
The pre-monsoon, during May 2012 depth to water level ranges from 3.45 to 14.95 m
bgl. However, in major part the DTW ranges between 8 and 12 mbgl. Small patch of
deeper water levels of more than 12 mbgl is observed in north-eastern part.

4.3.2 Post-monsoon (November 2012)

During post-monsoon period, November 2012, the water level ranges from 2.00m bgl to
11.10 m bgl .

In general, shallow water levels of less than 5 mbgl are observed in western part
and deeper water levels are observed in western part. In major part of eastern area the
DTW ranges between 5 and 10 mbgl. Deeper water levels of more than 10 mbgl are
observed in isolated patches in eastern part.

4.3.3 Ground Water level trend (November 2003 to November 2012)

Analyses of ground water level data of post-monsoon period indicate that there is
rising trend in water level in entire district. In general 1.26 to 18.93 cm/year water
level rise has been observed in the district.
4.4 Ground Water Resources:
All block of Alirajpur districts are come under safe category. The Net annual ground
water availability in the Alirajpuir district is 201.48 MCM and ground water draft from all
uses is 54.28 MCM. Net ground water available for future irrigation use is 139.94 MCM and
the stage of Ground water development is 27%.

Table-1.Ground water availability and stage of development in Alirajpur district
Type of Assessment Unit : Block (As on March, 2009)
S. No. District/ Sub-unit Net Annual Existing Existing Existing Provision Net Ground Stage of
Assessment Command/ Ground Gross Gross Gross for water Ground
Unit Non- water Ground Ground Ground domestic, Availability water
Command/ Availability water water water and for future Development
(ham) Draft for Draft for Draft industrial irrigation d {(13/10)*100}
Irrigation Domestic for All requirement development (%)
(ham) & uses supply to (ham)
Industrial (11+12) next 25 year
water (ham) (2033)
Supply (ham)
1 Alirajpur
Command - - - - - - -
Alirajpur Non-Command 5024 653 715 1368 946 3425 27
Block Total 5024 653 715 1368 946 3425 27
Command - - - - - - -
Bhabra Non-Command 1900 716 224 940 378 806 49
Block Total 1900 716 224 940 378 806 49
Command - - - - - - -
Jobat Non-Command 2109 694 154 848 254 1161 40
Block Total 2109 694 154 848 254 1161 40
Command - - - - - - -
Kathiawada Non-Command 2768 245 519 764 689 1834 28
Block Total 2768 245 519 764 689 1834 28
Command - - - - - - -
Sondwa Non-Command 6107 608 278 886 349 5151 15
Block Total 6107 608 278 886 349 5151 15
Command - - - - - - -
Udaygarh Non-Command 2240 391 230 622 231 1617 28
Block Total 2240 391 230 622 231 1617 28
District Total 20148 3308 2121 5428 2846 13994 27

4.6 Ground Water Quality

Ground water quality of Alirajpur district is being assessed annually by CGWB on the
basis of analysis of ground water samples collected from 9 number of hydrograph stations in the
The electrical conductivity (EC) is a measure of total dissolved solids and hence of
salinity. EC range from 646 to 1545 µS/cm at 25 0C. The nitrate concentration ranges from 5.6 to
198 mg/l. The fluoride concentration in the district ranges between 0.39 to 0.98 mg/l. There is no
problem of excess fluoride in the shallow ground water of the district.


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