Frederick Douglas-The North Star

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28-01-2023 18:43 Frederick Douglas-The North Star

Frederick Douglass (February 14, 1817 - February 20,

American abolitionist, journalist, and orator, often referred to
as the "father" of the modern civil rights movement.

Douglass was born a slave in Tuckahoe, Maryland, and

spent his adolescence as a houseboy in Baltimore. He
escaped to New Bedford, Massachussetts in 1836. In 1841
he began a career as an abolitionist after giving a rousing,
impromptu speech at an antislavery convention in
Nantucket, Massachussetts.

He used his oratorical skills in the ensuing years to lecture

in the northern states against slavery. He also helped
slaves escape to the North while working with the
Underground Railroad. He established the abolitionist paper
The North Star on December 3, 1847, in Rochester, NY,
and developed it into the most influential black antislavery
paper published during the antebellum era. It was used to
not only denounce slavery, but to fight for the emancipation
of women and other oppressed groups. Its motto was "Right
is of no Sex - Truth is of no Color - God is the Father of us
all, and we are all brethren." It was circulated to more than
4,000 readers in the United States, Europe, and the West
Indies. In June 1851 the paper merged with the Liberty
Party Paper of Syracuse, NY and was renamed Frederick
Douglass' Paper. It circulated under this new name until
1860. Douglass devoted the next three years to publishing
an abolitionist magazine called Douglass' Monthly. In 1870
he assumed control of the New Era, a weekly established in
Washington, D.C. to serve former slaves. He renamed it
The New National Era, and published it until it shut down in

Douglass also served as U.S. marshal for the District of

Columbia (1877-81), and U.S. minister of Haiti (1889-91).
He died in Washington, D.C. on February 20, 1895.


Douglass, Frederick. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass.

New York: Collier Books, 1962.

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American

Slave. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University,

Foner, Philip S. The Life and Writings of Frederick

Douglass: The Civil War 1861-1865. New York:
International Publishers,1952.

Foner, Philip S. The Life and Writings of Frederick

Douglass: Reconstruction and After. New York: International

Huggins, Nathan Irvin. Slave and Citizen: The Life of

Frederick Douglass. Boston: Little, Brown, 1980. 2/3
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Penn, I. Garland. The Afro-American Press and its Editors.

Salem, New Hampshire: Ayer Company, Publishers, Inc.,

Quarles, Benjamin. Frederick Douglass. Washington, D.C.:

The Associated Publishers, Inc., 1948.


Padgett, Chris, Finding His Voice: The Liberation of

Frederick Douglass, 1818-1888. Proteus 1995 12 (1):10-1.

Perry, Patsy Brewington, Before The North Star: Frederick

Douglass' Early Journalistic Career. Phylon 1974 35 (1): 96-
107. 3/3

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