PN 47 Autumn 2015

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Provincial News

The newsletter for Hertfordshire Freemasons

No. 47 Autumn 2015

Fantastic turnout
for the Service of
Page 14 03
Long Service Certificates

Provincial Meeting 2015

Museum report • Follow us on Twitter @pglherts

Can You Help and hopefully for a few to then move
up to join the sub-committee which
for someone to email them to me and
I can do the rest. Do you set questions
meets four times a year. for a quiz? Can you send me two sets
the Association Do you live within a reasonable drive
of Watford, perhaps within half an
a year? In return I can send copies of
our own questions, which may help
of Friends at hour? Can you spare some time,
energy and enthusiasm to join us?
you out.
We have eight rounds of 10 questions

PMKC? The commitment is not huge (few

people can make every event), but the
plus a long picture round. Quiz
sessions are always well attended
rewards are. and enjoyed by everyone, especially
It was in 2002 when my wife Lorna The residents are all Freemasons or residents who join in and enjoy the fish
and I joined the Association of Friends. dependants of Freemasons. As many and chip supper half way through the
Over the years there have been residents are very elderly and cannot evening. All proceeds are put towards
many changes to the membership of get out much, most activities take the upkeep of one of the gardens at
the events sub-committee, which is place at the home and are thoroughly the home.
responsible for planning, organising entertaining. This is not just a plea for Freemasons,
and running the 14 or so events the Since the home first opened in 1994, but their wives and families as well.
Friends hold each year. Mimosa of Radlett Lodge has held four An extra pair of hands to give out
Time marches on and we are now quiz nights a year. The Association of tea, coffee and cake is always very
down to a minimum complement to Friends took over running them when welcome.
run these events. All members of Dave Sheppard stood down as quiz So, if you think you may be able to
the sub-committee have passed the question setter and quiz master three help in any way, please contact me.
anniversary of their ‘2nd Coming years ago. We’ve been lucky so far I am available most evenings and
of Age’; ie we’re all officially OAPs. in having two people who have set weekends.
Where has that time gone? questions for us, but we are now down Many thanks and I look forward to
For the Association of Friends to be to one person who sends us two sets a hearing from you soon.
able to continue raising funds and year.
bringing enjoyment to the residents of I now urgently need someone else to Malcolm Andrews
PMKC, we need an influx of, dare I say, provide me with the other two sets of Tel: 01494 – 433 851.
younger people to become volunteers questions and answers. All I need is Email: [email protected]

Air ambulance
Among the many worthy helicopter.
causes supported by Herts The Square & Compasses
Freemasons, the Herts and logo can be clearly seen
Essex Air Ambulance is proudly featured on the
proving extremely popular. under belly of both aircraft
in recognition of
“the wonderful
support received
from local
Masonic Lodges”.
W.Bro Noble
said: “It was
to meet the
dedicated air
staff and it is
our intention
VW.Bro James Young, to arrange a presentation
DeputyPGM, and W.Bro Chris evening late summer at a
Noble, ProvGChStwd, took local Herts Masonic Centre
a tour of the air ambulance to receive an update on
hanger when they presented their future plans and
staff a cheque on behalf of expectations.
Herts brethren.
VW.Bro Young is a
former commercial
fixed wing pilot and
told the Provincial
Magazine that while
he was fascinated to
examine the controls,
he would not swap
his many years
flying a Boeing for a

2 |
W.Bro John Reeve Long Service
Mystic signs and symbols,
he’s known Brothers rich and
poor, Certificates
and himself been an upright
Mason now, for 50 years and
Jan to Sept 2015
50 years. 50 years – a century
that’s halved, The following Brethren of the Province of Hertfordshire
Since he took his Obligation qualified for Long Service Certificates during the year to
and started down the path, September 30, 2015, having completed 50 years or more in
To search for that which had Craft Freemasonry. Whenever possible, these certificates
been lost, like those who are presented to the recipient in open Lodge, by a member
went before, of the Provincial Executive
From ancient times,
continued on, for 50 years
and more. 2015 70 year certificates
50 years. 50 years. A lifetime
W. Bro John Reeve of on the Square; Feb 2015 Alex McBain Fairlands Valley 8522
Berkhampstead 504, received L of Is and Festive Boards, and
his 50-year certificate from Brethren he’s met there.
W.Bro. James Harrison APGM Just, upright, free he’s been,
2015 60 year certificates
at the Lodge meeting at The for 10 years and two score, Feb 2015 Harry Beard Amwell 6459
Gables, Linslade. Brethren, I’ll do the maths Mar 2015 Harold Beck St Nicholas 6658
for you – that’s 50 years. And
A nice feature of the more. Apr 2015 Geoffrey Harris Herts Masters 4090
afternoon was the reading 50 years. 50 years. And now May 2015 Tony Waterman Verulam 6131
of a poem, written by we’re met today,
lodge member W.Bro Frank To honour this, our Brother,
O’Keeffe. who’s shown us all the way,
2015 50 year certificates
50 years. 50 years. 50 years To live a life in Masonry that’s Jan 2015 Guy Warwick Cecil 449
and more, faithful to the cause.
Jan 2015 Colin Fraser Opportunity 9777
Has this stalwart of the So please – be upstanding
Brotherhood trod the Brethren, with warm and Jan 2015 Ron Worthy Aldenham 8253
chequered floor. generous applause. Jan 2015 Trevor Luck Adastral 9220
Feb 2015 Patrick Compton Romanum 8758
W. Bro Derek Nicholls Mar 2015 Colin Gibbens Old Elizabethan 7987
Mar 2015 Robert Weatherly St Nicholas 6658
At the Corinthian Lodge No
7625 meeting in June, W.Bro Mar 2015 Walter Arnold Hartsbourne 9680
Derek Nicholls was presented Mar 2015 Charles Teacher Hartsbourne 9680
with his 50 years’ of service Apr 2015 Edward Gosling Dacorum 8631
to Freemasonry certificate by
W.Bro David Ferris. Apr 2015 Norman Benson Waltham Cross 5359
W.Bro David gave an Apr 2015 Wilfrid (Bill) Reed Herts Masters 4090
interesting presentation, with May 2015 Colin Berkovitch Burning Bush 9608
facts relating directly to Derek
May 2015 Christopher Perry Stortford 409
and also what was happening
in the world back in April May 2015 Leslie Hopcraft Garston 5644
1965. May 2015 Duncan MacDonald Romeland 7080
Derek was initiated into May 2015 John Meeson Romeland 7080
Corinthian Lodge on April 14,
1965. May 2015 Peter Goodall Phocas 9295
He was master in 1973. He has May 2015 John Reeve Berkhampstead 504
served as Chaplain for 18 years May 2015 Henry (Tom) Duffield Rosewood 8793
and is now Almoner.
June 2015 John Lunness Ashwell 7903
He has Provincial rank in
Mark. June 2015 Derek Nicholls Corinthian 7625
Lodge Secretary Paul Leadley said: “Derek is the Father figure June 2015 James (Jim) Martin St Stephen’s 8468
of the Lodge. He brings three or four guests to most meetings.
July 2015 Stan Uzzell Sprig of Acacia 3318
In his role as almoner he keeps in very regular touch with all
the brethren, young, old, new, sick or well. Sept 2015 Robert Hudson Kingswood 2278
“He gives extensive reports on everyone who’s in the ‘wars’, Sept 2015 Lionel Freedman Hartsbourne 9680
together with keeping in touch with all the widows.” Sept 2015 David Campbell Hartsbourne 9680
W.Bro Derek, who now lives in Broadstairs but still attends
regulalrly, was presented with a number of gifts from the Sept 2015 Michael Thurman Letchworth GC 5109
Lodge to mark the occasion. Sept 2015 Len Bacon South Hertfordshire 6044 | 3
Provincial Meeting 2015 at the conclusion of the
Festival on 6th July 2019.
He then announced a
Happy to Meet Again donation of £10,000
to the Library and
On 23rd September, around 1,000 Hertfordshire Freemasons Museum of Freemasonry
gathered in the magnificent Grand Temple at Freemasons’ towards the cost of an
Hall for the annual Communication of Provincial Grand audioguide system,
Lodge, joined by distinguished visitors from other Provinces, being installed as part
and Orders, including a deputation from the United Grand of the celebrations of
Lodge of Bulgaria. The reason we are known as ‘Happy the UGLE Tercentenary. Accepting the cheque on behalf of
Hertfordshire’ was plain to see as recipients of appointment the Library, the Past Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Colin
and promotion were congratulated, old friends encountered Harris thanked the PGM and the Province for their generosity,
and new friends made. saying that he was pleased to announce that, thanks to match
The PGM announced that W.Bro Keith Gilbert would be funding from UGLE, the system was now funded and could
retiring as an Assistant Provincial Grand Master to take up move ahead.
a new post at Grand During the Collection, the Provincial Singers, under the
Lodge, and thanked direction of W. Bro. Ken Burgess, sang his arrangement of
him for his many the hymn ‘Great Architect of Heaven and Earth’, to the great
years of service on the enjoyment of all present.
Provincial Executive. After congratulating all those Brethren he had just appointed
After presenting him and promoted; thanking the UGLE staff, the Provincial
with a Past APGM’s Secretary, the Provincial DC and their teams for all their hard
collarette, the PGM work in making the day such a success, the Provincial Grand
then obligated, Master closed by saying “Enjoy your Freemasonry, Brethren,
invested and installed have fun and demonstrate to the wider world just how very
W.Bro Michael Cooper worthwhile it is to be a mason. May God bless you all.”
PProvJGW, as Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
In his address, the Provincial Grand Master was delighted
to announce that actual donations to the 2019 Festival had W Bro Michael Cooper
already reached £1,000,000. He encouraged all Lodges to use New Assistant Provincial Grand Master
Gift Aid envelopes for their charity collections, in order to
maximize the potential return from HM Government. He also of Catuvellauni Lodge No.
announced that a Gala Banquet would be held at Guildhall 9435, serving as WM in
1995 and 2007, and Prince
Hamlet Lodge No. 9864,
serving as WM in 2012.
In the Province, Mike was
appointed as an active
Provincial AGDC in 1998,
promoted to PPSGD in 2001
and PPGSwdB in 2008. In
2013 he was promoted
again, this time to the
active rank of Provincial
Our new Assistant Junior Grand Warden.
Provincial Grand Master He was exalted into Hooks
was born in Bermondsey, in Cross Chapter in 1987, and
south east London, in 1947, was MEZ in 1998. He was
but moved to Stevenage also a founder member of
with his family aged 13. Cloisters Chapter.
After leaving school he In Provincial Grand Chapter
served an apprenticeship 2002 he was appointed as
in the printing trade, ProvGStB and most recently
moving on to a career as promoted to PPGSN in
a computer analyst and 2013.
programmer, until his In other Orders, he joined
retirement in 2011. Cloisters Rose Croix in 1998
Mike and his wife Lin have and became MWS in 2014;
a daughter, a son and three he was also a founding ADC
grandchildren and they are of the Court of St. Ambrose
happily celebrating 45 years in the Athelstan Order.
of marriage this year. He was a member of the
Mike was initiated into council at the Cloisters
Latimer Lodge No. 4705 in Masonic Centre for five
1985, and served as WM years, and then served as a
in 1991 and 2005. He has director for eight years.
also been both DC and Besides Masonry, he enjoys
Secretary of the Lodge. He a leisurely walk round a
was also a founder member golf course.

4 |
There are a number of different Certificates that you may
see presented or referred to during a Lodge meeting, and
we thought a brief explanation might be in order.
Every Freemason is entitled to receive a Certificate from
the United Grand Lodge of England, after completing his
third degree, which confirms that his name and details
have been registered with Grand Lodge. Most of those
reading will have received one of these certificates, and
many will have seen them presented in open Lodge.
Suffice to say that design of the present certificate dates
back to 1819, and it can be seen as a sort of masonic Broxbourne Lodge
passport; vouching for the owner’s credentials should he
It was just over 125 years followed by an entertaining
be visiting a Lodge where he is not known. For this reason
ago that Broxbourne Lodge festive board, was enjoyed
we are told to keep it safely with our masonic regalia, in
was consecrated, on April 22, by all.”
case we are asked to present it.
1890. The barbeque was held at
The second Certificate that may from time to time be
Members celebrated the North Mymms. Professional
presented to a Brother (usually in his mother Lodge) is
occasion at their regular caterers prepared a typically
a Certificate marking 50 years or more in the Craft. The
lodge meeting on April Cypriot menu of lamb, pork
Certificate, which is signed by the Provincial Grand Master
18 and at a Broxbourne and chicken with all the
and presented, whenever possible, by the PGM, his Deputy,
barbecue held in May. usual accompanying dishes of
or one of the Assistant Grand Masters, congratulates the
The lodge recently moved humus, halloumi cheese and
recipient on the completion of 50 years (or more) service to
from its former London so on.
the Craft. These Certificates are also presented following
venue to Halsey Hall, Children made great use of
the completion of 60 and 70 years service; a list of all those
Cheshunt, restoring it to a the bouncy castle and other
Brethren qualifying since the last issue of Provincial News is
Hertfordshire venue and close children’s play facilities while
printed on page 3.
to its former roots. adults were entertained
Finally, (and not to be confused with the former), there
A lodge spokesman told by Deborah, a professional
is the Provincial Grand Master’s Certificate of Service to
Provincial Magazine: “A singer who recently had her
Freemasonry. This is awarded personally by the PGM to
super meeting, attended latest EP at No2 in the UK
a small number of Brethren every year in recognition
by W. Bro Jay Patel APGM, Soul Charts.
of particularly meritorious service to Freemasonry in
Hertfordshire, and is presented by him at the Annual
Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge. As well as a
Certificate, recipients receive a gold tiepin in the shape of
a hart, as a mark of the PGM’s esteem. It is a significant
honour, and in recognition of that, it is customary for
holders to be invited to join a retiring procession from a
Lodge immediately after Grand Officers, and before any
other Provincial Officers.
All of these Certificates are precious to the recipients,
and their presentation should be occasions of pride and
celebration for us all. W.Bro Jim Harrison

Beauty with a Purpose

Herts charity
supremo Chris
Noble steals
a kiss from
Fran Johnson,
Herts Charity
Queen. He was
two cheques,
one for £200
from Park
Street Lodge
No 8556 where
he is Charity
Steward and one for £300, from UAR 3817 a London Lodge
where he is Secretary.
Both cheques were for the Beauty with a Purpose charity,
which deals with children with facial problems worldwide
Fran is the step daughter of Dave James, a member of
both Lodges. | 5
Fleet House Light Christmas fun for
Blues Club youngsters of all ages
Nearly 50 masonic children Lodge Almoner, W.Bro Rob
The Fleet House Light Blues and grandchildren attended Gurney, told Provincial
Club welcomes all Freemasons a Christmas party organised News: “The party was a
in Hertfordshire who are non- by brethren and friends of fitting opportunity for us to
Provincial Grand Officers. The the King Henry VIIIth Lodge give something back to our
primary role of the club is to at Ashwell House, St Albans, families in recognition of the
provide events for like-minded on the Saturday before time we give to Freemasonry.
Freemasons to meet socially, Christmas. “I would especially like
discuss masonic issues and Brethren laid on to thank all of the many
enjoy each other’s company. entertainment including a generous benefactors and
The clubs events range from Punch & Judy show, face- volunteers who made the
dining with guest speakers, painting, a disco, party games party possible”
to informal social gatherings and food. W.Bro Gary Norman, of King
and masonic trips. The Fleet House Light Blues Club All received a personal Henry Chapter, helped run
allows Freemasons to grow in confidence while helping present from Father the event and added: “The
them further enjoy masonry. Their aim is to connect Christmas, alias Brother Steve kids had a great time and
Freemasons across Hertfordshire from different lodges Day. raising money for the RMTGB
and orders to continue the good work in our Province. The event raised £500 for the was a real bonus making the
Visit the website for more information and to sign up Royal Masonic Trust for Girls event doubly worthwhile.” and Boys.

• Exclusive club meetings

• Membership pack
• Members only forum
• Special club events
• Meet people and visit other Lodges
• Make your daily advancement

Golden ticket
Lodges in the
Province have
been invited
to take part 2019 Golden Tic
in an unusual
Lodge Name :
competition; …………………………
Lodge No. : ……
and you may …………………………
Contact Name
strike gold! : ……………………
The PGM is Co ntact Telephone .
Number : …………
giving lodges £250 Cheque pa
yable “PGL He
the chance rts 2019”
to have the Return comple
ted tickets to Pro
Wood, St Albans vGCS Fleet Ho
use, 10 Parkw
Provincial AL3 6PA ay, Porters

Team come along
and perform a ceremony during 2016.
Lodges can buy a Golden Ticket, 2019 orGomore
lden Ticke
than one, for
£250. Tickets will then be placed in a draw.t The winner
will be able to choose
Lodge Naeither
me : ………… an initiation, passing or
raising ceremony. Members …… will
Lodg e No. : …………of the executive…… .. meet
their own diningCoexpences. ………………
ntact Name : ……
Closing date is Monday,
Contact TelepNovember 30. The ………… draw
….. will
hone Number
take place week commencing Monday, : …………December
…………….. 7 and
£250 Cheque pa
the winner will be notified immediately yable “PGL afterwards.
Herts 2019”
Return comple
ted tickets to Pro
Wood, St Albans vGCS Fleet Ho
AL3 6PA use, 10 Parkw
ay, Porters

6 |
Cyclist in the States
After 51 days and 2,970 miles riding through seven states of
the USA, W.Bro Graham Ellis BEM. MRICS, of Stuart Lodge
No. 8578, finally completed a mammoth cycle challenge riding
from West to East across the USA arriving in St Augustine
Forty-four riders started the trip in San Diego on March 7 and
28 made it to the end.
W.Bro Graham was the only rider from the UK riders not to
suffer from an amazing array of injuries including a broken
collar bone, dislocated shoulder, a heart attack, broken arm
and someone lost an eye.
The support vehicle turned
over in a ditch and there
were several near misses
with logging trucks in
Keech cheque from But Graham managed to
finish relatively unscathed.
Lea Valley He said: “We all had our
reasons to do this trip,
The Province continues a £500 cheque on behalf sense of achievement, tick
to show strong support of Province to Steve Albon, off the bucket list, etc,
for community charities, regional fundraiser at Keech etc, but my objective was
especially hospices. Care, the children’s hospice in to raise as much money
Dave Caspel, of Lea Valley Luton which serves families in as I could for Alzheimer’s,
Lodge, recently presented Hertfordshire. which is a charity very
close to my family’s heart.
“Alzheimer’s disease

Tandem skydive reduced my father in 18

months from a loving
and generous man weighing 200 pounds, to someone who
Intrepid Neil Mottershead couldn’t even recognise members of his own family and
did a tandem skydive weighed only 100 pounds when he passed away.
recently in aid of Peace “Many thanks if you chose to support my ride.”
Hospice Care. W.Bro Graham became Master Elect of Stuart Lodge in his
Neil, 27, a member of absence having previously been in the chair exactly 25 years
Leavesden Lodge, jumped ago.
from 13,000ft. He had been preceptor and DC for more than 20 years until
The event took place at the standing down this year.
Hinton Skydiving Centre. He kept in contact with family, friends and members while in
Neil said: “I raised a total the USA.
of £670 with £500 of that One message read: “Hi everyone, 2,531 miles down just 419
being donated by my to go! Been through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas,
lodge. Loisianna, Mississippi, Alabama and now Florida.
“I did the jump because “Very tired, but pleased to have got this far.”
I think it is a great local Anyone wishing to support his efforts can still do so. Visit his
charity which deserves the website for an update on
help.” his charity fundraising so far.
Neil, who was
initiated into Leavesden
Lodge four years ago, is
currently Junior Deacon. | 7
Grand Lodge investitures
Nine Hertfordshire James Young, our Deputy
masons, including our PGM, was promoted to
Deputy PGM and three Past Grand Sword Bearer,
APGMs, were at Grand W. Bros Richard and Jay to
Lodge in April to be Past Senior Grand Deacon,
honoured at the annual and Michael to PAGDC.
investiture by the Pro Not in the picture is APGM
Grand Master MW Bro James Harrison who was
Peter Lowndes. promoted to Senior Grand
In this picture taken in Deacon, and as an active
the robing room are (l to officer prepared for the
r) Michael Imeson, Simon investiture elsewhere.
Cooper, Anthony Wright, The recipients of honours
James Young, Dick Knifton, and their guests later
Jayendra Patel, Keith enjoyed Champagne
Dunnett and Neil Phillips. before they dined with the
W. Bros Simon, Keith, Neil Provincial Grand Master,
and Tony became Past R W Bro Paul Gower,
Assistant Grand Director in a private suite in the ■■Temple Bar Lodge 1728 – High Gun Team winners.
of Ceremonies, V W Bro Kingsway Hall Hotel.

Festival Shoot
A Festival Shoot
attracted 38 keen
marksmen at
the prestigious
Markyate shooting
grounds of Atkins
Grant and Lang.
Lovely sunshine
greeted the
Temple Bar Lodge
No.5962 took High
Gun Team of the
day with John
Perrin taking the
individual High
Gun of the day
holding off Dom
Luscombe, Bruce
Tyler and Roger
■■With the PGM, High Gun Individual Winner: Deards by just two
John Perrin, 89, Dominic Luscombe, second 87,
and three points.
Bruce Tyler, 87, and Roger Deards, 86.
The PGM RW.Bro
Paul Gower
awarded the Clay Pigeon Preservation Award to APGM W.Bro
James Harrison, with a bottle of wine and a shooting lesson
voucher. Breakfast and lunch was enjoyed by all.
A total of £550 was raised for the RMTGB.

■■Philip Quelch, Dean Hurry, Steve Mayne, Robin Turner and

Stuart Goddard with the PGM.

8 |
East Herts Lodge celebrates its 100th birthday
On May 19, 2015 East Hertfordshire Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro
Lodge commemorated its first Keith Dunnett and Provincial Grand
century by celebrating in style at its Organist, W.Bro Nicholas Murdoch all of
spiritual home of Mayflower Place in whom took an active part in the formal
Hertingfordbury. proceedings.
Records show that in early 1914, An interesting and poignant reminder
“Several prominent Freemasons residing of the Great War was made by the
or having interest in the Province of Provincial Grand Chaplain in his Oration,
Hertfordshire, considered the time had drawing on the fact that The East
come when it was desirable that a new Hertfordshire Lodge was formed at
Lodge should be formed in the Province a time when the world was in great
which would be conducted strictly in turmoil.
accordance with the highest traditions The Warrant was received on behalf of
■■W Bros Mike Cooper & Ron Barlow
of Freemasonry and kept exclusively for the Lodge by its 101st Master, W.Bro
men of good position and who take a Hertfordshire, assisted by W.Bro Charles Thomas Day who had been initiated into
sincere interest in Freemasonry.” Edward Keyser PGW, Deputy Provincial the Lodge in 2010 by his father, W.Bro
Grand Master, on Wednesday, May Philip Day, who also happened to have
19, 1915 in the Temple of Frascati’s been the Lodge’s 100th Master, thereby
Restaurant, Oxford Street, London. enjoying the privilege of installing his
Thus East Hertfordshire Lodge was son as Master in March this year.
formed and 100 years later to the day The celebrations culminated in a superb
it was presented with a Centenary Festive Board which will remain in the
Warrant by the Provincial Grand Master memory of those present for many years
RW Bro Paul Gower in what proved to to come.
be a most impressive ceremony. In all, almost 100 members and guests
enjoyed the festivities, each being
presented with an engraved whiskey
tasting tumbler as a memento of the
The evening was rounded off by “100
Years of Song” performed by the
Provincial Singers and led by W.Bro Ken
It will be another five years until the
next centenary is celebrated in the
■■The Festive Board
Province and that will be Herts Masters
As well as the Provincial Grand Master’s Lodge No. 4090.
■■PGM & W.Bro Tom Day usual team of Sword and Standard
Bearers and Stewards, he was supported
A preliminary meeting was called on by three Assistant Provincial Grand
March 19, 1914, and it was resolved Masters, W.Bros David Ferris, James
that a Petition be presented to the Harrison and Jay Patel and attended
Grand Master, praying for a Warrant of by the Provincial Grand Wardens,
Constitution. W.Bros Stuart Hutchinson and Peter
This Petition, having been granted, Walters. He was further accompanied
the Lodge was consecrated by RW Bro by the Provincial Grand Chaplain, W.Bro
the Rt. Hon. T.F. Halsey, Deputy Grand Anthony Wright, the Provincial Grand
Master, Provincial Grand Master of Secretary W.Bro Hugh Oram, Provincial ■■The Top Table

Another Lewis for Verulam

For many years Verulam Lodge to take place.
has been known for being a “A family day it most certainly
family Lodge. was, as Coby’s step-grandfather,
At its April meeting this was Bro Andy Hunt, is the Senior
further endorsed when the Warden. His uncle, Bro Greame
Worshipful Master, W.Bro Dean Hunt, who is Senior Deacon,
Hankins initiated his son Coby delivered the ancient charge.
into Freemasonry. “Another uncle, Bro Garry
Lodge secretary Malcolm Holmes, also a member of
Desborough said: “This was the Lodge, presented the first
a very special day as Coby degree working tools.”
is just 18 and the Provincial Bro Coby became the 14th
Grand Master kindly issued a Lewis in the history of
dispensation for the ceremony Verulam Lodge. | 9
Double Honour at Fairlands Valley Lodge
The Provincial Grand Master paid a path to honours in Hertfordshire is that He became a founder member of
surprise visit to Fairlands Valley Lodge consideration is given to a Brother seven Fairlands Valley Lodge and served as
No 8522 in order to honour two of its years after his installation into the Chair Master in 1978 subsequently serving as
members, W. Bro Stephen Croft and W. He then went on to explain that W. Almoner, Charity Steward and Secretary.
Bro Alex McBain. Bro Stephen Croft would be a definite He was elected an honorary member in
Having entered the Lodge the first candidate for appointment at the 2005.
surprise was that he accepted the gavel appropriate time. Stephen, however,
from the Worshipful Master, Graeme has a serious medical condition with
Hulström, and proceeded to occupy the which he has been battling with great
Chair. fortitude and courage and the outlook
for him is serious. In view of this it was
the PGM’s opinion it would be right to
sweep away all the normal rules.
He requested that Stephen be
conducted to the pedestal, where, in
recognition of his service of distinction
to the Lodge, had great pleasure in
immediately appointing him Past
Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
and invested him with the regalia of
his rank after which he was saluted
by the Brethren who then broke into
spontaneous applause.
The Provincial Grand Master then turned
his attention to W. Bro Alex McBain
who had recently celebrated his 88th
birthday and 70 years as a Mason. W.
Bro Alex had been initiated at the age
of 18 in Lodge Saint George No 190,
His father, a Mason, bought Alex life
membership of that Lodge at a cost of In the Province he was appointed Prov
26 guineas equating to 40p per annum JGD in 1986, promoted to PPGReg in
He reminded Brethren that we over 70 years. 1994 and to PPJGW in 2004.
have many rules and regulations in After completing his 3rd degree Alex The Provincial Grand Master
Freemasonry which protect our Order was called up for National Service in the congratulated W. Bro Alex on
and that any Provincial Grand Master RAF and served in India. completing 70 years as a Mason, on
would challenge these at his peril. Never On demob he studied at Leith Nautical behalf of all the members of the
the less, he underlined that we are College Edinburgh and then joined Province and the members of Fairlands
enjoined “to drop a tear of sympathy Marconi as a radio operator sailing with Valley Lodge, and had much pleasure
over the failings of a Brother, and to P&O to and from Australia. in presenting him with a certificate to
pour the healing balm of consolation Marriage to Betty, who sadly died in mark the magnificent achievement.
into the bosom of the afflicted” and 2012, and raising a family caused him He also presented him with a similar
that we should indeed do that for to seek shore-based employment. He certificate on behalf of the Grand Lodge
a Brother who has serious health joined deHavilland working on the Blue of Scotland.
difficulties. Streak Project and latterly as a quality The Brethren showed their delight with
He reminded Brethren that the usual inspector at BAe Stevenage. long and loud applause.

Burning Bush Lodge

It was a case of standing room only The RMTGB 2019 Festival was boosted
at the Rose Walk Masonic Centre by £2,000 from various collections and
Radlett witnessing a full agenda at the donations.
Burning Bush Lodge meeting.
The ceremony included Bro Craig
Silver’s Initiation, Bro Alan Shorrick
receiving a Grand Lodge Certificate,
W.Bro Leslie Sutton, a 91-year-old
D Day veterans becoming a joining
member, W.Bro Colin Berkovitch
receiving a 50-year certificate, and
W.Bro Martin Royce getting a 55-year
Both long service certificates were
presented by APGM W.Bro Keith ■■WM Daniel Austin: Keith Gilbert, Mark ■■WM Daniel Austin and Initiate
Gilbert. Scanes, and SD, Bension Morris Bro. Craig Silver

10 |
W Bro Tony Waterman Welwyn Festival
Getting the word out to great day chatting to
60 Years in Freemasonry aname
wider audience was the
of the game for three
local residents, some of
whom were shocked to see
willing volunteers. Freemasons there.
W.Bro Tony Waterman He was Worshipful Master
For in late June Bro’s Colin “They soon discovered we
PPJGD (PPJGW Surrey) in 2003 and Treasurer from
Ellis, Neil Mottershead and are not a secret society and
celebrated an important 2005 until 2014.
Justin Tepper attended the even learned a bit about the
masonic milestone. Our picture shows him
Welwyn Festival Family charity work we do.
The Verulam Lodge 6131 receiving his 60 years’
Fun Day to represent the “We did, as always, bump
member has achieved 60 certificate from W. Bro Jay
Province. into many local brethren who
years in Freemasonry. Patel.
Their appearance was part stopped by the stand to say
of efforts to “get out and hi!”
about” around Hertfordshire They have plans to attend
to “dispel myths and let the more shows next year
community know who we are in different parts of the
and what we do”. Province, so if you see them
The trio told the Provincial at your show/festival/event,
Magazine: “We had a stop by for a chat. | 11
St Albans Lodge Charity Service dog presentation
Members of St Albans Lodge to Mission Motor Sport.
A charity which provides a The money will go towards
have been busy supporting He said the Lodge had also
range of services received providing a ‘service dog’,
not only the RMTGB 2019 achieved 68 per cent donated
a welcome boost from called Thomas.
Festival, but also several of and 98 per cent donated/
Provincial Grand Lodge. Thomas detects mood and
their own chosen worthy promised, against its 2019
A cheque for £250 was health swings and alerts
causes. Festival target.
handed over to Kay Lythaby carers accordingly.
Lodge charity steward Paul ProvGChStwd Chris Noble
of the ‘LetsGo’ children’s The ‘LetsGo’ charity helps
Loveday said by doing so its told Provincial Magazine:
charity by Peter Swatton of youngsters with sensory
members were “endorsing “Paul has attended two
Broadhurst Lodge. problems and autism.
the Provincial Grand Charity Charity Steward workshops
Steward’s message”. and has asked for our help
W.Bro Loveday presented a and support in his wonderful
£500 cheque to John Keoth charitable work for his Lodge.
of DEMAND and a further This is a great example of
£500 cheque to Trevor Hall of someone who wants to learn
17th, St Albans Scout Group. even though he is doing
A third cheque for £500 went really well.”

Radlett Chapter
Celebrates 50 years
Radlett Chapter celebrated its 150th meeting, since it was
founded 50 years ago in February.
A celebration was attended by 24 members and 49 guests,
including 14 members of the Provincial Executive and two past
Grand Superintendents – E Comp Sydney Tuck and E Comp
John Ilott.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent James Sharpley took
the First Principal’s chair and sceptre and welcomed members
and guests. He then thanked the Chapter for allowing the
Province to take part in the celebrations. The Third Grand
Principal, E Comp Tim Coles, gave an oration about the history
of the town of Radlett and the surrounding area, after which
the Provincial Scribe E read the Charter of the Chapter.
The chair having been restored to the Chapter Principals,
the MEZ gave a short history of Radlett Chapter and then
the Principals for the following year were installed in the
traditional manner.
Companions subsequently enjoyed a four course banquet.
The Scribe E, E Comp Norwell Roberts, QPM, had worked
exceptionally hard to ensure the contents of the meeting
befitted such a special occasion and that as many Companions
as possible could enjoy this anniversary meeting.

12 |
Old Stortfordian Lodge A Scott becomes a Lewis
Members of the Old Stortfordian Lodge No. 5721 travelled
from far and wide to attend the installation meeting earlier It was smiles all round Lodge and says he always
this year. at the June meeting of hoped he would one
The new master W. Bro Thomas Whieldon is an ‘old boy’ of King Henry VIIIth Lodge day follow in his father’s
the school. at Ashwell House when footsteps.
His father W. Bro Ross Whieldon, himself a past pupil of Christopher Scott became Lodge Almoner W.Bro
the college, and his wife Doriana, own and run the Hotel a Lewis. Rob Gurney said: “It was a
Britannia Excelsior on the banks of the beautiful Lake Como at Worshipful Brother truly wonderful ceremony
Cadenabia. Brian Scott was beaming that few masons have the
The hotel plays host each November to members of the Lodge, with pride as he took honour or opportunity to
wives, family and friends, for a long weekend away . the Worshipful Master’s perform.
W. Bro Tom is married to Pia and they have a son, Leonardo, chair to initiate his son “We were all delighted
who one day hopefully will also be Installed as Master. Christopher into masonry. to witness Christopher’s
Keeping matters in the family, W. Bro Tom was clothed in his Chris was a schoolboy initiation as a mason who
late grandfather’s Master’s apron. The address was delivered when his father was now forms part of the next
by W. Bro Albert Finney who had done likewise to the Master’s initiated into the same generation of our Lodge.”
father many years before. W. Bro Roy Claridge remembered
the Master’s grandfather and the meeting proved to be one of
emotion and reflection.
The event was attended by 11 visiting Brethren from Helvetia
Lodge based in Lugano Switzerland, only a “stones throw”
away from Cadenabia.
Proceedings were overseen by W. Bro Michael Cooper
PProvJGW and his escort W. Bro Mark Scanes ProvADC.

Charity Festival to the end of


update “And our sincere thanks to

Herts RA Companions who
at the end of August had
Brethren of Happy donated a fantastic £28,345
Hertfordshire to the Festival.
have good He added that
reason to one “small”
smile. initiative had
And the been very
Provincial successful.
Grand Charity He said: “It
Steward Chris goes to show
Noble has that small
been quick to efforts can
praise their result in large
efforts on rewards.
behalf of the “A total of 113
2019 Festival. Herts Lodges
He told using Gift Aid
Provincial News: “Happy envelopes gained £24,564
Hertfordshire Brethren Gift Aid on their collections.
have donated an impressive “Is your Lodge missing
£1,079,027 to the 2019 out?”

Choir appeal
Are you someone who reading music. We have all
enjoys exercising your vocal sorts of members ranging
cords? If so the Hertfordshire from experienced singers to
Provincial Singers would like novices.”
to hear from you. Rehearsals are arranged on
The Provincial choir is on the different evenings to suit
hunt for more members. members’ commitments.
A spokesman told Provincial
News: “Now’s the chance to For further details
expose your voice outside email kenburgess@
the bathroom. There is or call
no need to worry about 07701 061494/01582 842733. | 13
15th Annual Festival of the
Service of Thanksgiving
Federation of Police Lodges St Albans Abbey was packed
for the bi-annual annual
Trust and Fear Not Lodge No. 9698 hosted the 15th Annual Service of Thanksgiving in July.
Festival of the Federation of Police Lodges in June. Around 350 Hertfordshire
The weekend began with a two hour visit by Federation Freemasons, their families and
representatives and their wives to the St Albans Theatre/ friends attended the service,
Museum where they were entertained with organ music. which was allied with the
This was followed by dinner at the Garden House Carvery, St Dedication of the restored
Albans. Entertainment was provided by a St Albans ukulele Nave Screen and the repair
band. of damaged finials over the
On Saturday guests met at Ashwell House, St Albans where niches.
Federation representatives held a business meeting. The Restoration work had been
Lodge was then opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Rob supported by the Hertfordshire
Gurney. Mark Province.
The Provincial The finials had been restored
Grand Master, and the screen renovated to
RWBro Paul receive statues of seven Christian martyrs completed by
Gower was sculptor Rory Young. They depict Oscar Romero. Alban
received. He Roe, Amphibalus, Alban, George Tankerfield, Elizabeth
closed the Romanova and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Lodge and Also celebrated were donations given by the Craft
ladies were brethren and Royal Arch companions of the Province
admitted to towards the refurbishment of the staircase leading to the
witness the organ loft and the completion of the Pulpitum Project.
newly-elected The service was led by the Dean of St Albans, the Very
Federation Reverend Doctor Jeffrey John and the Provincial Chaplain,
President, Anthony Wright. Readings were made by the Provincial
W.Bro. Roger Grand Masters of the Craft and Mark, Paul Gower and
Norris PAGDC Chris Radmore respectively.
being presented with the President’s collar by the PGM. The At the completion of the service surprise presentations
Lodge was reopened and a ceremony of Passing took place. were made by the Dean to the two Provincial Grand
A total of 92 attended the Festive Board and the evening Masters and the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent,
concluded with the Hertfordshire Provincial Singers James Sharpley. These consisted of three stone cubes hewn
performing songs with police connections, including The from the same quarry at Totternhoe, Bedfordshire and
Laughing Policemen and The Conscientious Bobby. used to supply stone for the work on the restoration and
£500 was raised for the RMTGB. upkeep of the Abbey.
The 2016 Festival will be held at Gillingham. The Dean and the brethren then recessed to the North
Transept where refreshments were served, following a
successful and happy occasion for the Province and the
The event again celebrated the close links shared between
the Freemasons of Hertfordshire and our Cathedral and
Abbey Church of St Alban.
The Service was supported by members of the Executive,
and the hard working efforts of the Provincial Stewards
Lodge and the DC’s department of the Province.
Information officer Darren Bending said: “It was a glorious
spectacle of pageantry for the Freemasons of Hertfordshire
and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended and

Mobility assistance
When W.Bro Stan Uzzell needed mobility assistance High
Barnet Masters Lodge No. 8746 supported him with the
purchase of a new £5,000 mobility scooter.
However, when the same company recently offered Stan just
£250, with barely 15 miles on the clock, he knew what to do.
Provincial Grand Charity Steward Chris Noble said:
“Fortunately he was able to sell it to another needy Mason
and kindly decided to donate the £800 to the 2019 Festival.
“A win win situation!
“Is there a lesson to be learnt here?
“Why not place an advert in the Provincial Magazine or ask
your Lodge Almoner to contact the Provincial Almoner to see
if a seller and buyer can be connected?”

14 |
Museum curator’s autumn report
In the last Provincial and now proudly stands in
News I said there the Hodge Room.
had not been Cranbourne Lodge
anything has kindly loaned
new in the its fine collection of
museum of circular silver officers
great note. jewels that were
This time it declared obsolete in the
is totally the late 1800s. These have
opposite. It has been added to the similar
been a very busy six Stewards jewels already in the
months with some incredible additions. collection. One of the Cranbourne
I will mention just a few, but as always jewels has a connection and story with
the best thing is to come and see the the famous W.Bro. James Terry. To learn
collections. Do phone first to make sure about the story, you will have to visit
that I am here and that the boardroom and ask me!
is not being used for a meeting. Even So much else has been added and I
as I write this, two large boxes of items could take up far more space than I am
have arrived. allowed.
A silver and gold Past Senior Grand We have managed to dispose of ago to every Secretary and Scribe E on
Warden’s collar jewel arrived with some many duplicate books to members the requirements for preservation and
regalia from a late Watford member. of Veritatem Sequere Provincial conservation of records. If you would
The date of the hallmark and the Research Lodge. This has like an updated copy, send me an email.
rare rank would indicate that allowed a consolidation and The Provincial Banner Project progresses
it could have very likely been released two lower shelves in well and has been noted as the
worn by Lord Hemingford the Hodge Room to display Provincial 2017 Heritage Project. Our
whose 4090 presentation cup is additional items thanks to all who have responded where
on display and was the subject I make no apology for we have requested information.
of a previous newsletter article. repeating that if you have Many visitors are surprised by the size
An incredible leather bound anything to dispose of, let and extent of the Provincial Archive held
booklet of hand painted tracing me see it first. It could just be at Fleet House for all Lodges, Chapters
boards dated 1837 includes something we need. If there is and other Orders as well as over 100
two former Royal Arch boards in anything doing nothing in your files dealing with general Masonic
addition to the Craft. Lodge or Chapter locker, you can loan subjects. But more is needed. Do not
A large Masonic pottery dish from it for display and safety. throw anything away without first
Romania has been donated and is now I must also repeat that I am still asking if we need it.
on display. The Knights Templar have concerned many Lodges and Chapters Finally, do remember that the museum,
retired their existing Provincial Sword are still keeping official records in library and archive covers all Orders, not
and loaned it to the museum. It is a fine loose-leaf files or acidic plastic sleeves. just the Craft. Pay us a visit. You may be
and famous Pillin sword and scabbard A document was issued a few years surprised at what we have.

Provincial Almoner’s report

Firstly I must apologise as The newly appointed volunteers of their membership and for their
unfortunately my column did not should have been trained by the widows. Hopefully this scheme will
get printed in the Spring issue of the middle of October. Therefore before bring more support from the Charity
Provincial News as there had been Christmas or definitely by the New into Hertfordshire for our membership.
a kerfuffle with the editorial team. Year the trained volunteers will be As some of you may know from April
[Sorry – Editor]. ready to start. 1, 2016, the four main charities
So I will now bring you up to speed. If the Charity or myself merge to become one charity
Over the summer months, I have been are approached by and will be called The Masonic
meeting with my counterparts from Lodge Almoners or by Charitable Foundation.
six other Provinces in Great Queen the applicant directly we Finally I would like to report on
Street to work with the charities to will arrange for a visiting the passing to the Grand Lodge
set up a pilot scheme to train visiting volunteer to meet the above W.Bro Fred Farrell of The
volunteers. The concept of the pilot applicant; this can either Priory Lodge 5152. Fred was not
scheme is to professionally train be alone or accompanied only an excellent Lodge Almoner
our volunteers to undertake the by the Lodge Almoner but he also acted as a Case
completion of the application forms or member of the Lodge Almoner and Visiting Brother
which removes the responsibility from to provide moral support whilst the over the years, firstly for George
the Lodge Almoner, therefore making volunteer completes the paperwork. Taylor, my predecessor and latterly for
the procedure more efficient and If this scheme is successful it will then myself. He was an inspiration to us all
speeds up the application process for be rolled out across the whole country. in supporting Freemasons and their
the benefit of Hertfordshire Masons I would urge all Lodge Almoners to dependents in a time of need and will
and their dependants. become pro-active for the betterment be greatly missed. | 15
Fishing events
youngsters, with a
variety of disabilities,
from four special
needs schools, took
part in a fishing
event at Riverside
Fishery, St. Albans.
It was organised by Earlier in the year members stewards, weighing
the Hertfordshire of The Herts MTSFC held a in the fish caught. “The one
team of the Masonic fun fishing competition as that got away did not count.”
Fishing Charity. a thank you to their fishing Best Rainbow Trout winner
The day was volunteers who give their was Malcolm Shaw with his
sponsored by Cecil time allowing children with catch of 5lbs 14ozs.
Lodge and attended special needs to enjoy a day Best coarse fish winner was
by the Provincial in the countryside away from Ian Edwards, for his 4lb 2oz
Grand Master Paul the classroom. bream.
Gower. Herts team chairman, John John Clark said: “But the best
Clark, told Provincial News: catch of the day was securing
“What a good day. There was four potential new Herts
a really good atmosphere Casters for the MTSFC.”
of fun and enjoying being
“Special thanks to Mike
Eames and Dave for a very
tasty breakfast and a great
“Thanks also to Steve Parker
and Ken Major for acting as

MTSFC Herts Scouts

Herts masons are always looking to lend a hand and
members of the Herts fishing club have done just that.
Youngsters from the St Albans Scout Group received two
marquees from the Herts MTSFC which had been replaced
with new ones.
Scout leader Dave Williams said: “We are extremely
thankful to the fishing charity for thinking of us and the
two marquees will be put to good use”.
John Clark, Herts MTSFC chairman, said: “I am really
pleased the old marquees have gone to a good home.”

16 |
Constantine directed that they should wear on their armour a
red cross.

Having been successful in battle it is said that Constantine

with the help of his chief bishop, Eusebius, opened a Conclave
of the Knights of the Order whose members became the
bodyguard of their Sovereign.


Red Cross of Constantine

The Christian Order is in two parts. The first ceremony
consists of the candidate’s admission, obligation, and then
the installation as a Knight-Companion of the Red Cross of
Constantine, in which the historical basis of the Order is also
The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of detailed.
Constantine and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and
of St. John the Evangelist. In separate ceremonies the Knight-Companion builds on
what he has already been taught. And in the ceremony of
District Information Officer the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and St. John the Evangelist,
W.Kt. Philip J. Hoy Div.Chamberlain Tel: 01279 817792 this knowledge is further expanded and the ultimate aims
Email: [email protected] of Freemasonry are revealed. These, together with the two
Installation ceremonies leading to the principal Chairs in the
Red Cross of Constantine, are undoubtedly among the most
impressive ceremonies in the whole of Masonry
On Tuesday, June 30, R.Ill. Kt. B.F. Muir, Intendant-General The Red Cross of Constantine is a particularly good order for
had the honour of being appointed to serve on the Grand Masons who are interested in knowing more about Masonry
Sovereign’s Council. We offer him our congratulations. and the foundation of early Christianity.
The regalia of the order is simple and inexpensive consisting
APPENDANT ORDERS of a Sash and 2 Jewels although a sword will be required later
The next Appendant Orders ceremonies are planned to be on as you move up the ranks.
held as part of the normal meeting of The Rose Walk Conclave
No. 389 at Radlett on Saturday, November 7. All members are
invited to attend.


We are still looking for founders of a possible new conclave
to be formed in Bishops Stortford. If you are a member of the
Order, whether in the Hertfordshire Division or elsewhere,
and are interested in becoming a Founder, please contact
either Ill Kt Gavin O’Sullivan ([email protected])
or the co-ordinator, Em. Kt John Cambell (john.campbell40@


In conjunction with a number of other degrees and Orders
in Hertfordshire, we have set up our own website at www. Please visit this site to see our web pages
and those of other degrees. If you have anything that you
would like to see online, please send it to me as Information
Officer for the RCC.


Constantine, a Roman, was destined for the college of
Emperors, but following the death of his father, he was hailed
by the Legions in York as Augustus and became the Governor
of Britain and Gaul. After several successful battles across the
Alps and Italy he eventually established himself as the lawful
Emperor of both the East and West and transferred the capital
of the empire from Rome to Byzantium, later to be named
after him. Any member will be pleased to discuss the
order should you be interested in finding out
He was the first Roman Emperor to openly encourage more information or considering joining.
Christianity. His conversion began one evening after a long
day’s march with his army when, in what he believed was a There are Conclaves in Radlett, Royston,
sign from heaven, he and his army saw in the sky, and by the Cheshunt, Watford and St. Albans.
rays of the setting sun, a pillar of light in the form of a special
cross. To sanctify the minds of his pagan army, he had made Anybody wishing to know more about this
a standard bearing a Cross like that seen and ordered it to Christian Order please Contact Albert Waite
be carried before him in the wars. Several Christians in his Divisional Recorder ([email protected])
army came forward and avowed their faith following which for membership details. | 17
The Provincial
Annual Assembly
of Royal Ark
Mariners took
place at the
Police Club,
Bushey, in June,
under the banner

Mark Masons of the Installed

Lodge No 1121. It
was attended by
Provincial Information Officer a large number
W.Bro Jack Franks Tel: 01279 865526 of brethren,
Email: [email protected] ■■Ceremony at opening G.Lodge with W.Bro
Collin Hellyer at
Dates for the diary the helm. The W.Commander handed over to RW Bro Chris
Sunday, October 18: Winter lunch at Chelsfield Down Radmore, the PGM, who then opened Provincial Grand Lodge.
Golf & Country Club, details to follow. Brethren who had been honoured with PRAMGR were then
Sunday, Novenber 1: Mark lunch in aid of Hope for invested. They were Graham Long, Derek Watson, Christopher
Tomorrow, at the Boxmore Lodge Hotel, Hemel Hempstead. Albrow, William Price, John Vincent, David Williams. Gary
Contact W.Bro Paul Oxtoby [email protected] . Cobden, Maurice Smith, Graham Kolthammer, Paul Price,
Tuesday, November 18: Annual trip to Twickenham. Anthony Potton and Christopher Whiteside. The PGM
Contact Bro Dave Firshman, addressed the Assembly, the meeting was closed.
[email protected] 2016.
Friday, May 27: Mark golf day. Redbourn Golf Club.
Contact W.Bro Ian Clift, at [email protected]. Mark Grand The Installed Mark Masters Lodge No 1121 was opened
Lodge Investitures: Details to follow. and normal proceeding took place after all business was
Wednesday, June 15: Note new date. Annual Assembly completed, including a ballot for the next W.M. which
of Royal Ark Mariners. Held under the Banner of the proved in favour of W.Bro John Dye. New Provincial Charity
Hertfordshire Installed Commanders Lodge No 1121. Steward W.Bro Tony Smith was invested. Tony takes over
Metropolitan Police Sports Club, Bushey, at 4pm. after the sad death of Harry Parsons. A eulogy was given
Tuesday, July 12: Provincial Meeting at Rickmansworth in the Lodge after opening.
Masonic School, starting at 4pm. The PGM R.W.Bro Chris Radmore then made two
presentations. The first was to W.Bro Graeme McCormack
PGJW. This was the collaret as Grand Patron of the Mark
Benevolent Fund. A collar pin, as patron, was presented to
Bro Alick Burge.
The Lodge was closed and Professor Chris Booth was invited
in. He is the founder of a charity named CHAPS, which aims
The Provincial Team were once more called into action in to increase awareness of men’s health issues and support
June when the Elstree & Radlett Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners the development of health services targeted at the needs of
had its new banner to dedicate. Before this the MMM Lodge men. He gave an interesting talk with graphics. It was food
was opened and the PGM was present to bestow W.Bro John for thought for all. At the later festive board a cheque for
Parsons and W.Bro Ronnie Sans with Grand Patrons Collars of £200 was presented to Prof. Booth for the charity.
the Mark Benevolent Fund.
The Royal Ark Mariner Lodge was then opened and called off.
The ceremony of dedication was then proceeded with under July saw the Provincial Demonstration Team give a
the direction of Roy Moth the PGDC. It is a very pleasing demonstration of the Ceremony of Elevation in RAM at
banner well appreciated by all. This was a white table event Bishops Stortford Lodge 1236. Before this the Lodge had a
so ladies and non masons again came into the Lodge and show to put on and had a double Advancement in the Degree
witnessed and enjoyed the ceremony. of M.M.M. Brethren, impressive was not the word. All officers,
from the W.M. David Boore down, knew their work. There
was not a book in sight. Very well done everyone, especially
David Wavell and Graeme McCormack for their hard work
in their Lodge of Instruction. The two Brethren who were
Advanced were Bros Gary Johnson and Peter Watson.
The Royal Ark Mariner Lodge was then opened and the
demonstration team entered followed by the PGM, who
was welcomed by the Brethren enthusiastically. The
W.Commander, W.Bro Robert Johnson, then handed the
sceptre to the PGM who in turn set up his Lodge.
Next it was the turn of the Provincial Team who put on a
great show under the guidance of W.Bro Richard Harvey as
Commander. The brother who was Elevated was the same Bro
Gary Johnson who had been Advanced in the previous degree.
If you have never been to one of the Provincial
Demonstrations I advise you to look out for the next date, it is
well worth going.

18 |
At the end of June Stanstead Abbotts Lodge MMM & RAM
together with the Cheshunt Lodge MMM jointly organised
Annual meeting
a boat trip on the River Lee. To raise funds for Hope for The big day in
Tomorrow, tickets were sold out very quickly. Captain Jack Hertfordshire Mark
Franks and First Mate Trevor Clarke, ably assisted by their Masonry is the annual
wives, Ratings Sandra and Jeanette, set sail from Ware. All on Provincial Meeting.
board said they had a great time. The weather was perfect and We all think of this as
at the end of the evening cheques were presented to just happening well
RW ProvGM Chris Radmore. Stanstead Abbotts M.M.M received it doesn’t. Behind the
£1,000. This included money raised from the sale of the late scenes the Provincial
and well respected Maurice Lilley’s regalia. Our thanks to his Grand Secretary Trevor
family for donating this. Cheshunt Lodge M.M.M received £500 Clarke his Deputy Ken
and a cheque from Norwell Roberts QPM for £200. Gooding and Assistant
Jon Lydon are busy
months before sorting
‘half a rainforest’ of
Planning the Ceremony
is the responsibility of
PGDC Roy Moth and his
Prov GDC team.
The man at the front
is the RWPGM Chris
Radmore who knows
and controls all that is
going on.
■■Trevor Clarke and wife ■■Members of SA Lodge David ■■Norwell Roberts, QPM, new Almoner The day was, as usual,
Jeanette and Sandra Franks wife Davies, Colin Wills and Ken a great success with
of Jack Moore 28 Lodges being honoured with Grand Patron Collars of the
MBF. Two Brethren were presented with the Provincial Grand
On a Saturday Master’s Silver Token for service to Masonry and the Mark
morning in Degree. They were W.Bro Maurice Freedman who is 90 and
May at 9am W.Bro Dennis Greystone who is 92. Both of these young men
assembled are members of Ravenscroft Lodge.
members Certificates went to David Walker of Debenham Lodge
and the full and Alick Burge of Hemel Hempstead Lodge, for attaining
Provincial Patronage of the Hertfordshire Mark Benevolent Fund.
team were Congratulations to all the Brethren receiving for the first time,
once again or getting a promotion, of Provincial Grand Rank.
called into At this meeting W.Bro Jim Innes retired as Provincial Grand
action, when Almoner after nine years’ excellent service. He will be missed.
the St Albans So will W.Bro Brian Gerbaldi who retired as Provincial Grand
Lodge of Registrar for family reasons.
Mark Master Masons 1108 dedicated its new banner in New Provincial Officers: W.Bro Jon Lydon moves from Assistant
a ceremony orchestrated by the Prov GDC Roy Moth and Secretary to Provincial Grand Registrar. W.Bro Norwell Roberts
presided over by the PGM RW Bro Chris Radmore. The QPM takes over as Prov Grand Almoner. Norwell is a retired
secretary had worked hard producing the program and Detective Sergeant in the police force who was awarded
the new banner looked splendid. Again the ceremony was The Queens Police Medal. W.Bro Anthony Smith is the new
watched by wives and non-masons. This was followed by a Prov Grand Charity Steward. His new Assistant Grand Charity
luncheon enjoyed by all. Steward is W.Bro Dennis Brown. W.Bro. Colin Dixon is the new
Prov Assistant Secretary.
The Meeting was a great success and the Masonic School for
A warm spring day in April and the Royal Masonic School for Girls a very beautiful setting.
Girls was the setting, for the Chevalier Lodge 1505 RAM to
have its installation meeting. A fine ceremony conducted by
the Worshipful Commander G. Curran, installing Bro. John
Bedford Linley, who then invested his officers. Harry Parsons
Guests of the Lodge, including ladies and non-masons, were
treated to a tour of the school and grounds. July 8, 1941 to April 8, 2015
There was then a dedication of a banner for the RAM Lodge. A very sad day for Hertfordshire Mark Masonry saw a
Ladies and guests were invited into the Lodge and the number large assembly of over 100 people at the West Herts
in the great hall totalled about 150. Crematorium for the funeral of Harry Parsons on April
The Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Chris Radmore GMRAC 22nd. He passed away on April 8 after a brave and long
entered in procession with the Provincial team. The ceremony fight with illness. Harry was the Provincial Grand Charity
was conducted without a problem, thanks to the rehearsal by Steward and had performed his duty with much zeal and
the Prov GDC Roy Moth and the leadership of the PGM. The an impish grin. He had thrown himself whole-heartedly
new banner was displayed and everybody in the great hall into Hertfordshire Marks’ special charity, Hope for
could not fail to be impressed by its splendour. Tomorrow, and he will be remembered by his friends and
The afternoon and evening was concluded by a white table Herts Mark men for many years to come. RIP Harry.
enjoyed by all. | 19
■■The Knights assembled

Knights Templar
Provincial Information Officer
Denis Gibney Tel: 01923 490314
email [email protected]
The Annual Service of
Full information of The Knights Templar in Hertfordshire
is on the Provincial website. Praise at Waltham Abbey
The Annual Service

Provincial Grand of Praise was held

for a third year at

Master Installed Waltham Abbey, on

May 10. The ancient

as a Knight of The abbey, which dates

back to medieval

Order times, is a marvellous

example of Norman
and Romanesque
The Provincial Grand Master – RW Bro. ■■The banners are paraded into the abbey architecture. The
Paul Gower, was installed as a Knight of abbey was again
The Order on Tuesday, September 15, at packed with Hertfordshire Knights and their families. The
The Metropolitan Police Club in Bushey, under the Banner of service is always a very memorable event in our calendar, and
The Charles Herbert Perram Preceptory No. 409. it was good to see it supported again so well. The service
was followed by an excellent afternoon tea in the tea rooms,
where the Dean was presented with a cheque for £500
A New Provincial Vice towards the upkeep of the abbey.

Chancellor Stuart
At The Provincial Meeting in June, The Provincial Vice
Chancellor, Philip Hoy, completed his term of office.
Philip stepped in at very short notice when the intended
officer suffered a heart attack. Philip took over the reins
with his typical energy and enthusiasm. He was roundly
No. 28 –
congratulated and thanked for all the work that he has 175 Years
done in making such a success of his term.
Philip is succeeded by our new Vice Chancellor – Alastair On Monday, June 8,
White. Alastair is already a very familiar face around the The Stuart Preceptory
Province having headed up the Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard celebrated the
for a number of years. Alastair has already made his 175th anniversary
mark on the Office and will be actively supporting all the since the founding
Preceptory Registrars in The Province. We wish him well of The Preceptory,
and hope he will enjoy many years of active service. which was orginally
Consecrated as The
Watford Encampment
in 1840. More than ■■The cheque for £1,750 is presented
100 Knights assembled to the Provicial Prior
for the meeting at
which a new Banner
was also Dedicated.
The Preceptory also
presented a new
Provincial Sword to the
Provincial Prior, as well
as a cheque for £1,750.

■■The New
■■E Kt Alastair White ■■E Kt Philip Hoy Sword is tested

20 |
An ‘Away Weekend ‘ in Excellent Rates
and limited places

April/May 2016 so please


Following the success of this year’s Away Weekend to

Warwick, next year’s event is already planned. We will be Sat to Mon - £152 pp
going to the beautiful city of York. York is one of the most
ancient and finest cities in England, and has a huge amount
for all to see and experience. We hope we will attract at Sun night only
least as many members and their friends for this coming £89pp (includes
event. Full details are available from Mike Stanforth (01692 banquet)
404383), who is organising.
Banquet only £35pp

The Melita Preceptory No. 37 30 APRIL – 1 MAY

Sa t ni g ht onl y £ 105 (incl ud es anq uet

Small number single

celebrates 200 Years KT BANK HOLIDAY rooms

In the presence of their honoured guest, Timothy John (all prices based on 2
people sharing – single
Lewis, The Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, the supplement in dble.
Knights of the Preceptory along with a massed assembly of Luxury Hotel & Banquet
visiting Knights celebrated 200 years since its Consecration. In a Fascinating Historic City
E Kt. Bob Chilvers read a fascinating summary of the history The Provincial Prior R.E.Kt Tony Lapsley would be delighted P

for you, your family & friends to attend the Herts KT

of The Preceptory, of which every Knight present received ‘Away Weekend’ at the Mercure York, Fairfield Manor Hotel
a full bound copy. The Knights then assembled around the from Saturday 30th April 2016 - Bank Holiday Monday 1st May
KT Registrars
Sepulchre to be presented with The Bi-Centenary Warrant 2016 or
Mike Stanforth
from The Supreme Grand Master. Sub Prior
Final bookings must be made by 28th February 2016.
Bookings will be dealt with in strict rotation.
Email [email protected]
All bookings/changes must be made in writing.
Tel: 01692 404383
Mercure, Fairfield Manor Hotel, Shipton Road,Skelton, York,
Cheques to:
YO30 1XW • Tel: 08448159038 • •
Herts KT Social a/c

Preceptory of St. Alban

At the recent installation of the Preceptory of St.Alban
which meets at Ashwell House, new Preceptor E.Kt. Robert
Gurney, took over the reins.
Also pictured, at the front, is E.Kt Charles Stancer who,
after 40 years as an active Officer with the Province and the
Preceptory, has decided to “stand back”. | 21
Royal Arch Masons
Provincial Information Officer
E Comp Tony Reffold Tel: 01923 240617
Email: [email protected] Midsummer Lunch Party
Please don’t hesitate to contact Tony with
An annual Midsummer party attracted 150 Companions,
news from any Chapter.
wives, partners and friends who sat down to a most
enjoyable Sunday lunch among friends at the Metropolitan
Police Sports Club, Bushey, on Sunday, June 21.
Installation surprises Games and a raffle raised over £1,100 for the 2019 Festival.
Dancing followed the meal and a good time was had by all.

Annual Convocation
The Annual Convocation of Herts RA takes place on
Monday, November 2, when 34 Companions will receive
At the Installation Convocation of Dacre Chapter No 2086 promotions or reappointments to active rank and 64
at The Cloisters, Letchworth, MEZ, E Comp Richard Varley Companions will receive promotions or appointments to
installed his successor, E Comp Ben Clift. past rank.
Having Obligated E Comp Ben he then invited Ben’s The Provincial Grand Scribe E, E Comp Paul Blakemore is
father, E Comp Ian Clift, the immediate past Deputy Grand putting down his pen after eight years (four as assistant
Superintendent, to occupy the First Principal’s chair to Scribe E) and is to be promoted to 3rd Provincial Grand
complete the ceremony. Principal, replacing E Comp Tim Coles, who will be the
This was a great surprise to E Comp Ben. new Provincial Mentor.
E Comp Ian had one final surprise when he informed the new E Comp Paul will be replaced by E Comp John Linley, who
First Principal that in order to complete the ceremony he had will be promoted from Provincial Assistant Grand Scribe E.
to, “give his dad a hug”. E Comp Tim Huckle will take up the duties of Provincial
This was greeted with spontaneous applause. Grand Treasurer from E Comp David Enock, who has
E Comp Ben was given another surprise when he attended the served the Province extremely well for more than 13 years
Installation Convocation of Stevenage Chapter No 7748. (five as de facto treasurer).
The new First Principal, E Comp Eddie Rawlings, presented E Comp John Burnapp will be promoted to Provincial
E Comp Ben with the Past First Principal Jewel given to his Grand Almoner and E Comp Tim Mitchell will be the
father, E Comp George Rawlings, when he came out of the Provincial Grand Organist.
chair of Dacre Chapter in 1973. This presentation was made Whether the promotion or appointment is to a Past or
on the condition that E Comp Ben wore it with pride when he an Active rank, the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent
left the chair next year and that it is passed on to all IPZs of sends his heartfelt thanks to all the Companions for
Dacre Chapter in future. supporting Royal Arch Freemasonry in general and of this
E Comp Ben thanked E Comp Eddie and said he would ensure Province of Happy Hertfordshire in particular.
the condition was adhered to.

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E Comp Keith Townsend
Herts Freemason, E Comp Keith Townsend of Ravenscroft
Chapter 2331 said a special thank-you to the hospital which
helped save his life.
He presented a cheque for £1,300 to Luton & Dunstable
Hospital Trust as a token of his thanks for their dedication in
restoring him to health after two heart attacks.
Since his second heart attack in 2014 Keith has been attending
its cardiac rehabilitation unit, which works to build heart
strength following cardiac arrest and raise awareness about
heart health.
A staff member asked him to buy some raffle tickets saying
the proceeds were to raise money to buy equipment such as
heart rate monitors and models of hearts.
So Keith decided to raise money through various Masonic
charity funds.
The Hertfordshire Provincial Royal Arch, Mark & Knights
Templar and Icknield & Ravenscroft Chapters all contributed,
and Keith himself donated a new music centre. Kingswood Chapter 100 and
Sister Amanda Rankin, pictured left, said she was delighted
with the donation as it “would make a real difference to still going strong
those who attended the unit”.
The cardiac department has grown significantly over the last In May Kingswood Chapter, 2278, celebrated its centenary at
30 years, from one consultant in 1985 to six today. The Cloisters, Letchworth.
The number of patients requiring its services has increased The Chapter was founded in April 1915 at Anderton’s Hotel,
enormously as lifestyles and poor diet has led to more Fleet Street, London with the Rt Hon Thomas Halsey, the
incidents of heart disease. then Grand Superintendent of Hertfordshire, heading the
consecration team. So it was fitting that that the current
Grand Superintendent, E Comp James Sharpley, headed the
Provincial team visiting Kingswood Chapter to celebrate 100
glorious years along with 72 members and guests, which
included two Past Grand Superintendents – Sydney Tuck and
John Ilott – and the past Deputy Grand Superintendent, Ian
The meeting included a thorough presentation of the history
of the chapter, which contained details of how the name was
chosen and a copy of the first year’s accounts which included
the cost of providing cigars and live music.
The Third Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp Tim Coles, then
delivered an excellent oration on Royal Arch Masonry and the
mentoring programme which is being rolled out over the next
few months.
The festive board was a magnificent occasion, with a four
course meal being enjoyed by all present.

Chapter golf team

Hertfordshire had two teams entered
into an Inter-Provisional Golf Day in
Peterborough in August.
The Herts Team One came third in the
competition with a total score of 73
E Comp Philip Lever also won the
singles competition with an impressive
score of 43.
The two teams represented were
Team One, David Hampton, Ian Clift
and Philip Lever and Team Two,
Sidney Tuck, John Bond and Jayendra
David Hampton said; “A good day’s
golf was had by all and concluded
with a sumptuous carvery meal and
the presentations.” ■■Ian Clift, Phil Lever and David Hampton with E Comp Wayne
Williamson, MEGS of Northants and Huntingdonshire | 23
Provincial Secretary Printers
Hugh Oram 07932 692298
[email protected] [email protected]
Treasurer Craft Webmaster
Richard Phillips Aaron Wood
[email protected] 07739 002530
[email protected]
(both of the above)
Provincial Office Royal Arch
10 Parkway, Porters Wood Provincial Scribe E
St Albans, AL3 6PA Paul Blakemore
01727 833061 01920 870311
[email protected].
Director of Ceremonies
Keith Dunnett
01438 798880 Mark Master Masons/Royal
07971 672144 Ark Mariners
[email protected] Provincial Secretary
Trevor B Clarke
01279 651001
Simon Cooper
[email protected]
01438 235518
07785 921611 Knights Templar
hertsprovgalmoner@gmail. Vice-Chancellor
com Philip J. Hoy
07767 834426
Charity Steward
[email protected]
Chris J. Noble
01582 769648 Knight Templar Priests
07795 903066 District Recorder
[email protected] Eric Mitchell
[email protected] 01494 814098
[email protected]
Rose Croix (Beds & Herts)
District Recorder
Editor Stephen Murphy
Terry Mitchinson 020 8386 8399
07899 791242 stephen_murphy@cuk.
01438 840613
The editor reserves the right
Royal and Select Masters
to edit letters and stories
Colin Taylor
for clarity or length where
01462 627801
[email protected]
Editorial Board Chairman
Red Cross of Constantine
James Young DProvGM
Philip J. Hoy
01438 829055
01279 817792
[email protected]
[email protected]
Information Officer
Societas Rosicruciana In
Darren Bending
01442 243942
Provincial Secretary
07956 688202
(Home Counties)
[email protected]
Stephen Murphy
Advertising Manager 020 8386 8399
Tony Harris stephen_murphy@cuk.
07584 282868

Keep up-to-date
with all the news,
social events and history
of your province at

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