Template Pedagogi

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Volume: XX No.X. MM, YY; pp.

P-ISSN: 1411-4585 E-ISSN: 2549-6743
DOI: xxxx
Submitted: YY-MM-DD; Rivised: YY-MM-DD; Accepted: YY-MM-DD

Paper Title in Bahasa Indonesia, Times New Roman-15 Bold,

Maximum 14 words, centered

Author’s name 1, Author’s name 2-12 pt bold

Affiliations1, 2Affiliations2
* e-mail: [email protected]

Abstracts must be factual and concise. Describes the major points of the research, includes
the background, purpose and focus of research, methods used, finding or results and
conclusions of the full-length paper. Keep provides logical connections (or transitions)
between the information included. Finish up with a final sentence that includes what you
most want the reader to be thinking about as they move on to reading the paper. Written in
English. Use Times New Roman-11 pt font for text with single space between lines, and
distance 0 pt for the next title. Maximum length of 150 words.

Keywords: Written in English or Indonesian based on the language used for the article.
Choosing appropriate keywords is important, because these are used for
indexing purposes. Please select a maximum of 5 words or phrases to enable
your manuscript to be more easily identified and cited.

How to cite : Author1,Author 2. Year. Title manuscript.Pedagogi: Jurnal Ilmu

Pendidikan, VV(N): pp. XX-XX,DOI:10.24036/XXXXXXXXXX-X-XX

Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work an make derivative and remixes based on it only if they
give the author or licensor the credits (attributtion) in the manner specified by these. Licensees may copy, distribute,
display, and perform the work and make derivative works and remixes based on it only for non-commercial purposes


This document can be used as a reference for manuscripts. The introduction explains the
background of the problem, issues relating to the problem to be solved, an explanation of the
service activities that have been carried out previously by other providers and their relevance to
the service activities carried out.
Avoid your introduction as a mini review. There is a huge amount of literature out there, but
as a scientist you should be able to pick out the things that are most relevant to your work and
explain why. This shows an editor/reviewer/ reader that you really understand your area of
research and that you can get straight to the most important issues.
Introduction must be very concise, well structured, and inclusive of all the information
needed to follow the development of findings. Do not over-burden the reader by making the
introduction too long. Get to the key parts other paper sooner rather than later.

The Discussion is considered the heart of the paper and usually requires several writing
attempts. Discussion obtained is presented with a theoretical description, both qualitatively and

Author1, Author2 2

To make it clear, the discussion should be kept as short as possible while clearly and fully
stating, supporting, explaining, and defending the answers and discussing other important and
directly relevant issues. Be careful to provides commentary and please do not make a repetition.
Side issues should not be included, as these tend to obscure the message.
Graphs, tables and pictures are the most effective way to present support discussion.
Captions should be able to stand alone, such that the figures and tables are understandable without
the need to read the entire manuscript. In addition, data represented should be easy to interpret.
Please look at the examples of table and figure bellow.

The results of the experiment should be displayed in a graph or table. Charts can follow the
format for diagrams and pictures.

Table 1. <Title of Table>

Data Source
Variables Superviso Teacher Average Effectivity
1 Planning 85.71 62.51 74.11 Less Effective
2 Implementation 85.71 60.71 73.21 Less Effective
3 Follow Up 83.33 80.01 81.17 Effective

Graph 1. <Title of Graph>

The conclusions must show clearly the results obtained, their advantages and disadvantages,
and the possibility of further development of the program. Conclusions can be in the form of
paragraphs, but should be in the form of points using numbering or bullets.

Pedagogi: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan

Open Access Journal; http://pedagogi.ppj.unp.ac.id/
Vol xx No x (Tahun) 3

A conclusion is not merely a summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of the
research problem, but a synthesis of key points. It is important that the conclusion does not leave
the question unanswered.
It is recommended to use reference application such as, Mendeley Application, Zotero,
EndNote. Please set APA 6th Edition, Times New Roman 12 pt with single space. Make sure that
only cited references are listed. Make sure to put cited reference in the reference list.
Hadiyanto. (2021). Teori & Pengembangan Iklim Kelas & Iklim Sekolah. Jakarta: Kencana.
Lim, S., & Park, J. H. (2020). The Effect of Beliefs in a just World on Defending Behavior
Against Bullying Among Upper Elementary Students and the Moderating Role of Classroom
Climate. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 41(2), 41–55.
Nuangchalerm, P., Wongjamnong, C., & Muangou, C. (2021). Opinions of Students and Teachers
in Primary School towards Online Learning during COVID-19 Outbreak. Pedagogi: Jurnal
Ilmu Pendidikan, 21(1), 30–35. https://doi.org/10.24036/pedagogi.v21i1.1006
Pamungkas, A. H., & Sunarti, V. (2021). Pengelolaan PAUD Berbasis Experiential Learning.
KOLOKIUM: Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, 6 (2),101–106.
Santrock, J. W. (2020). Life Span Development. Jilid I. Jakarta: Erlangga.


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