Dragonclaw Gazetter

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Dragonclaw Gazetteer Release 1

Copyright © 2021 Dave Gerard
Darrell King
By Dave Gerard All Rights Reserved
Distributed under the terms of the Open
Game License version 1.0a
A Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Supplement
Dragonclaw Barony is a provincial, but rough and ready area, reminiscent of ancient England or
Wales. The primary terrain of the Barony is rolling fields and gentle hills, though the Dragonclaw
Mountains, from which the Barony takes its name, cut a wide swath through the center of the land.
The borders of the barony are primarily comprised of natural features: the forest of Norwood, the
northern Dragonclaw Mountains, and the Badlands in the north and west; and the Sea of Storms,
the southern Dragonclaws, and the Dread Wood to the east and south.

The Barony was once a small independent kingdom known as llancrest. Four hundred years ago,
armies from the Kingdom of Albion, to the distant north, forcibly annexed the lands to serve as a
southern base in their perennial wars with the eastern kingdom of Kar’Tegra. Llancrest was
renamed as “Llancrest Barony” and a new ruler from Albion was given control of the land. Over the
years, as the Barony grew more and more independent, the court at Albion began to refer to the
distant frontier area as “that Dragonclaw barony”, referring to the high mountain range that
bisected the countryside, and “Dragonclaw Barony” was eventually adopted as the official name of
the land.


The Barony of the few places that settlements in the

barrows exist. Many hardy men have made their
Though now an independent barony, the lands homes in the wood, to avoid the Baron’s taxes
still owe nominal fealty to Albion and stands and/or the Baron’s army.
allied with Albion in matters of trade and war,
The current Baron, Sir Thomas Halloran remains Bramble Wood
on good personal terms with the King. The Bramble Wood provides most of the hard
wood lumber for the surrounding towns. There
Sir Thomas Halloran, the ruler of Dragonclaw
are larger forests in the barony, but the Bramble
Barony, rules with the support of the King and
Wood seems the least infested with monsters
noble families of Albion, and has many friends
and other dark creatures. The small town of
and relatives there. As an ally of Albion,
Stull makes its living harvesting this wood and
Dragonclaw Barony is frequently put at odds
sending it out in lumber caravans traveling east.
with the kingdom’s rival nation, the Kingdom of
Kar’Tegra, across the Sea of Storms to the east. Dread Wood
The barony is blessed with numerous trade This dark and dreary forest on the northern
opportunities, a moderate climate and ample outskirts of the Barrows, holds many horrors
natural defenses. Strong standing border armies that have escaped from crypts. However its one
provide the nation’s military strength and of the few places that settlements in the
security. Problems from outside forces, such as barrows exist. Many hardy men have made their
those from Kar’Tegra, as well as from the odd homes in the wood, to avoid the Baron’s taxes
band of ravaging humanoids, are dealt with and/or the Baron’s army.
swiftly by Sir Thomas’ well-trained military
Eagle Wood
forces, led by the Knights of the Lion Rampart.
This small forest lies behind Aethere Keep and is
Numerous small villages, settlements and the private woodlands of the Instellius family.
homesteads dot the countryside, though only The family has trained many a ranger in the
the southern parts of the Barony can be truly forest, and the current head ranger is the
considered settled. The northernmost reaches halfling Falcynn Instellius, one of the current
of the Barony are wilder frontier-land, often Lords adopted son.
threatened by an array of marauders. The only
communities in Dragonclaw Barony of any Goblin Wood
significant size are the capital city of The Goblin Wood has always had a dark
Heatherleigh, the deep-water port city of reputation for the creatures living within it.
Southport the agricultural hub Red Meadow and However things got worse after the Goblin Wars
the three frontier towns of Newton, Edgemont when tribes of orcs, goblins and hobgoblins fled
and Gulltown. into the wood to hide from Barony Soldiers. Now
few go into it unless the have some sturdy men
Geography at arms to protect them.

Llancrest Wood
Forests This forest hugging the east side of Dragon Lake
used to be known as the ‘King’s Wood’. It was
The woodlands of the Barony are highly
the exclusive hunting grounds for the Llancrest
important. They provide vital goods such as
king and other members of the court. Hunting in
game and lumber, but they also frequently
those woods without royal permission was
house rebels, brigands, and monsters. The few
considered poaching and the fines were stiff.
elven communities within the Barony also tend
After the Albion forces overthrew the king and
to lie within these small wooded lands,
put the Barony in place, the forest was still
particularly in the Sylvanwood.
considered to be off-limits to those not a
Barrow Wood member of Heatherleigh’s noble class.
This dark and dreary forest on the northern
outskirts of the Barrows, holds many horrors
that have escaped from crypts. However its one


Mire Wood creatures who make the higher elevations their

This wooded area is more swamp than forest, home, humanoids, giants, and the occasional
hence the well deserved name. Those who enter dragon among them.
it, find it hard to maneuver, with mud softened
ground, and quicksand ready to swallow those
who aren’t aware of where they should and The three ranges of mountains that split the
shouldn’t step. It it rumored that a colony of Barony in half are known as the Esingmoors but
lizard folk live within its depths, but not many are more commonly referred to as ‘The Fingers’,
who have hunted for them have returned to due to them looking like a 3 clawed finger
confirm the tale. reaching out from the Dragonclaws. The
Esingmoors also contain the Dwarven Kingdom
Norwood of Esingmoor, whose ingenious tunnels have cut
The northeastern boundary of the Barony is travel time through the mountains in half, for a
marked by this dense hardwood forest, which is small toll of course.
home to many dangerous creatures. Several
elven villages lie in the southernmost edges of
the wood, but the hazards within its depths
keep most folk on the forest’s edge. Celes River
Sylvanwood Flowing from Lake Celes, in Albion, the Celes
This hardwood forest is home to the largest river runs through the eastern edge of the
elven settlements in the Barony, including the Barony to the Sea of Storms. Since it skirts the
city of Edroniel, home of Princess Regent Lorissa Badlands its the preferred method of getting
Moonwhisper, leader of the elven peoples people and cargo from the interior of Albion into
remaining in the Barony. Though the elves are the Dragonclaw Barony. The Fingers make
generally friendly to humans, relationships overland traffic difficult from Edgemont so most
between the Princess and the Baron (and their traffic continues on to Elfwood Bay.
respective courts) are somewhat strained; as Dragon Lake
the Princess, a veteran of the Albion – Llancrest This serene freshwater lake, nestled between a
War of four centuries past, still considers the
spur in the mountains and an idyllic forest,
Baron’s Albion-backed forces to be an takes its name from the Dragonclaw Mountains,
occupying force.
not from any real (or even legendary) dragon;
though locals often fill travelers’ ears with wild
Mountains tales of a huge reptilian beast living somewhere
in its depths. The lake’s mirror-like waters hold
These rugged areas hold everything from rich a vast array of freshwater fish, and the
deposits of minerals to hordes of giants and fisherman make a good living catching them.
other monsters. There are larger and more dangerous creatures
lurking in the lake’s depths, however, and some
Dragonclaw Mountains of those fishermen are themselves caught, on
These high peaks cut a think swath through the occasion.
center of the Barony, providing a clear break
between the norther frontier and the more Dragonrun River
settled south. Hardy mountaineers fiercely The Dragon Lake forms a river, which flows
defend their territories here, as the Dragonclaws south, past the city of Heatherleigh and on to
are rich in ore deposits and gems, although the sea. Its wide enough to run barges and
finding and mining the veins is difficult. Though small boats from Heatherleigh down to the sea
the Dragonclaws are only sparsely settled, and to the port city of Southport.
humans, dwarves and some halflings have small
towns among the lofty peaks; however Elfwood Bay
prospectors must be at least good with a sword Needs fleshed out
as with a pick, as there are a great many other


The Sea of Storms Llancrest

The Sea of Storms is believed to be the The District of Llancrest encompasses the
mightiest ocean in all the world. A warm, Llancrest Plains from the Llancrest Wood in the
clockwise current sweeps up the eastern coast west to the Mire Wood in the east and The
of the Barony, carrying ships out to sea, and Dragonrun River in the South to the Sylvanwood
curious debris to the eastern shores. The vast to the North. The district consists mostly of
sea beckons adventurous souls from across the small farms, ranches and logging towns. The
Barony. Fantastic islands, terrifying aquatic and Edgemont road cuts directly through the
aerial monsters, and a “Jungle of Lost Ships” fill district, ending at the Loop at the town of Dale.
old sailors’ fables. From the southeastern shores The seat of the District is in Newton, and the
of Barony lie the Misty Isles, a collection of current Ruler is Lord Halvdann Black, the only
relatively inhospitable islands with a dire Dwarf in the Baron’s court.
reputation. Though settled by many fisherman,
the islands are primarily home to scattered Red Meadows
villages inhabited by pirates and other seagoing The District of Red Meadows stretches from the
bandits. southern edges of Dragon Lake down to the
coastal town of Southport. With the Dragonrun
River marking its eastern border and the Dread
Geographic Districts Wood its western. This district is noted for its
fertile farmlands and rolling foot hills. Red
The Badlands Meadows is the food basket of the barony with
These rocky and inhospitable hills lie to the west most of the food supplies coming from this
of the Barony separated from the civilized lands district. The seat of this district is the town of
by the Dragonclaws. These wastes are home to Red Meadow where the Lord Rudolph Carter
many orcs and goblins as well as a variety of keeps an eye on the surrounding countryside.
monsters that descended from the The capitol of The Dragonclaw Barony,
Dragonclaws. There are vast herds of game Heatherleigh also lies in this district..
animals, such as Mountain Goats, Wild Sheep
and Deer. The area is dotted with mineral Stone Bottom
deposits as well as many ruins and tombs, The District of Stone Bottom encompasses
including The City of the Dead. everything from the west of the Celes River
going all the way to the Badlands, from the
The Barrowlands Barrow Wood to the South to the northernmost
Even though the Barrowlands is technically in Dragonclaws to the North. The seat of this
the Barony, nobody has stepped up to claim the district is currently located in Edgemont,
district. With both The Barrows and the Barrow governed by Lord Samuel Cordwell. Lord
Wood covering most of the area, its haunted Cordwell does little to police the district outside
reputation has made most people stay clear of of the Edgemont area, leaving the rest of Stone
the area. However many brave individuals have Bottom to fend for themselves.
set up small villages within the area just to
avoid the taxation of the Barony. These brave Talon Valley
souls tend to stay nearer to Barrow Wood, The Talon Valley stretches from the Elfwood Bay
seeking its protection against what lurks in The in the south to the Norwood in the North and
Barrows. everything from the Celes river to the sea. The
district is currently governed by Lord Romain
Freestead Instellius, the only remaining known descendant
This small mountain bound district lies directly of the Llancrest family. The seat of the district is
above the Dragon Lake between the two fingers Aethere Keep, a home that has been in the
of the Central Dragonclaws. It has strong ties to Instellius family for ages. Him and his family are
smaller dwarven kingdoms that reside in the the only ones the elves of the Sylvanwood will
mountains around it. Its seat is the Iron Fortress, deal directly with since they see the Baron as
a large fortress on the west end of the invaders.
Freestead Valley. Its current guardian is Lord
Rayden Valdarin who resides at the fortress.


Towns and Cities area for farmers and merchants to get their
goods to almost any point to the Barony and
Dale beyond. Its location on the Edgemont Road also
This small town thrives on being at the makes it a good resting area for overland
intersection of the Loop and Edgemont Road travelers to rest before or after crossing the
which runs through the center of the Barony. It Dragonclaws to the north.
does a booming business in food and lodging
Red Meadow
and many caravans and travelers will stop and
The lands to the south of Heatherleigh are the
rest there for the night before continuing their
most lush and fertile lands in the Barony. Red
journey to Heatherleigh, Red Meadow or
Meadow has become the hub for gathering and
shipping all of the agricultural bounty from
Edgemont these lands to points north and south. There is
A bustling town on the northern edges of the plenty of merchant traffic on the roads between
barony. Due to its proximity to the Celes River it Heatherleigh, Red Meadow and Southport,
is a staging point for barge traffic coming to and leading everyone to call the road ‘The Loop’.
from Albion. It also provides the fastest way to
get supplies to Wyvernhall Fortress and the
This small deep water port is where ships must
other far north towns and villages.
dock to allow cargo to be offloaded and
Gray Cliffs transferred into the barony, either by road or by
Being one of 3 towns in the Barony with large barges into the barony. Its also where the
port access to the Sea of Storms, Gray Cliffs ‘Seagulls’ offload passengers and cargo coming
docks are usually filled with ships coming and from Gulltown.
going. It is the major supply hub for freight
Stone Bottom
coming into the Llancrest and Freestead
Stone Bottom is a rough and tumble frontier
town on the northern edges of the Dragonclaw
Gulltown Barony. It was built upon the foundations of an
The port town of Gulltown isn’t deep enough to earlier civilization and its how the town got its
receive large merchant vessels. However name. There are still small ruins scattered about
because of its location where the Celes River the town and surrounding area and the walls are
enters into Elfwood Bay, it does a brisk business still in good shape. Its main industry are the
running important river traffic to and from local goods and minerals mined from the nearby
Southport. This route is quicker than the Dragonclaws and the mercenaries used to
overland route from Edgemont through the protect them.
Dragonclaws. They achieve this speed using
coast hugging ships called ‘Seagulls’. Villages
Mosquito Marsh
The city of Heatherleigh is the capital of the
One of many logging camps scattered all over
Barony and home of Sir Thomas Halloran, the
the barony’s woodlands. This one mines the
current Baron. As the largest city in the Barony
hardwoods on the edge of The Mire Wood.
most of the population of the country resides
Working conditions in this camp are tough due
here. It also has a river port where the goods
to the proximity to the Mire Wood and its very
from the interior of the Barony are gathered and
swampy conditions. Workers find themselves
shipped down river to Southport.
fighting not only fighting off illnesses carried by
Newton the many insects but many times fighting off
Newton is a relatively large town on the edges the denizens of the forest itself.
of the Sylvanwood. Its the hub of the central
barony with roads leading from the Edgemont
Road to the Freestead District and the town of
Gray Cliffs. Its location makes it a prime staging


Stull Wyvernhall
This village on the outskirts of the Goblin Wood Situated among the northwestern Dragonclaws
is a logging and lumber town with most of its is the Wyvernhall, the northern consistory of the
inhabitants either logging or working in the Knights of the Lion Rampant. From this high
nearby mill. The village of Stull was founded 80 mountaintop fortification, the knights and the
years ago and much of the timber close to the hardy northern armies keep watch over
village has already been cut and farms have incursions from the badlands.
taken the place of the tall oaks and hemlocks
that once grew here. The logging has moved
father out from the village and into the Goblin Places of Interest
The Barrows
Wrenwald Situated in the north of the Barony, among the
This small village deep in the Norwood was flanks of the Dragonclaw Mountains, these hills
founded by Llancrest loyalists who hid in the are the burial sites for many of the ancestral
woods to escape being hunted down by the families of Llancrest as well those that predate
Baron’s soldiers. When the soldiers never came them. Ranging in size from simple hollowed-out
they founded the village. They are mostly self caves to elaborate systems of tunnels and
sufficient trading with the local farmers for the chamber, there are several thousand barrows
things they don’t have. scattered throughout the hills, some easily
visible and others hidden from sight and
undisturbed. After three millennia, rumors of
Fortresses and Keeps undead, and even darker menaces, fill local
Aethere Keep
Located in the south of Talon Valley, this keep is City of the Dead
the home of Romain Instellius, the last of the These are the remains of an early attempt to
blood of Llancrest. The keep has been owned colonize the Badlands – a small city abandoned
and maintained by the Instellius clan for ages. to time and the Badlands hordes that eventually
The family dwelling includes the keep, the overran it. Below ground, the sewers and
surrounding estate, as well as the forest behind deeper areas are home to scattered groups of
it. goblins, orcs, undead and other things. Though,
for some reason, no humanoid group ever
Dragonhall seems to stay in the city for very long. The dark
The Baron’s southern fortress, is situated on the elves are rumored to serve a dragon of some
rolling hills above the Dragonrun River, with a sort that dwells deep within the earth, while the
commanding view of both the distant shore and orcs claim that an area south of the city is home
the river traffic bound for Heatherleigh. The to a shambling, shadowy thing that kills
Baron’s southern armies are quartered here, as anything and everything it encounters.
well as the southern branch of the Knights of
the Lion Rampart. Crooked Rock Tower
The history of the Tower and the Rock it sits on
Iron Fortress go back thousands of years, before the advent
The Freestead district has always had its share of any rule in these lands. The temple below
of troubles, being that its somewhat isolated created by lizardman as a tomb to hide their
from the rest of the Barony by the Dragonclaws most treasured weapon and the tower later built
on both sides of it. Instead of the normal town by the most mysterious of wizards before he too
or city to house the Lord of this district, a small vanished.
fortress was erected as a more safer alternative
in case of invasion or incursion.


Morgana’s Tower Astaira is the goddess of the sea, and is

Deep in the Eagle Wood, this is the tower of venerated by sailors, fishermen, and others who
Morgana the Arch-Mage. She recently retired to depend on the sea in order to make their living.
the tower to devote herself to magical studies. Her holy symbol is an anchor. Astaira’s clerics
Because of the work she does there, the tower wear sea-green robes with white trims.
is protected by traps and magical guardians. • A cleric of Astaira may create/purify
Frog Island water one gallon/level, once per day.
Frog Island is located in a small inlet along the Belloc
coast of the Mire Wood. From the first time it Belloc is the god of luck and trade, and is
was settled its always had a fairly tarnished venerated by rogues, merchants, and those who
reputation. From pirates, secret cults and make their living by their wits. His holy symbol
everything in between, the island has seen its is a gold coin. Belloc’s clerics wear grey robes.
share of villains and scoundrels. Rumors have it
that a group of slavers is currently using the • Once per day, a cleric of Belloc may
island as a base of operations. grant either a +2 luck bonus to AC, +2 to
attack rolls, +1 to find traps and secret
The Library of Marishelli doors or +10% to all thief abilities to all
Located on the northern edges of the Barrow allies within 60’ for 1 round/level.
Wood, this old abandoned library belonged to
the renowned sage Marishelli. Rumors say that Charindra
when she died, she set up all types of traps and Charindra the Seductress, is the goddess of
that strange creatures to guard her library and love, lust and fertility. She is venerated by
keep its books secure. lovers, midwives, hedonists, and prostitutes.
Her holy symbol is a naked woman. Charindra’s
Old Keep clerics were flesh colored robes attuned to each
The ruins of the Old Keep are all that remains of wearers skin color.
a fortress from the days when the area
comprising Dragonclaw Barony was known as • Once per day, a cleric of Charindra may
Llancrest. These stone towers and crumbling compel a subject to follow a stated
battlements now stand in silent memory of that course of action for 1 hour/level or until
lost kingdom, keeping a lonely watch over its the course of action is complete.
southern shores. Legend says that the
dungeons of the keep are quite extensive, and Chordax
that dire peril awaits anyone foolhardy enough Chordax is the god of war and strength.
to venture within. Local residents say that Warriors and brawlers figure prominently among
soldiers of Llancrest, in a last-ditch, and his worshipers. His holy symbol is a battleaxe.
ultimately futile, effort to save their kingdom, Chordax’ clerics wear brown robes with a silver
summoned some dire thing from other plane, battleaxe embroidered on the chest.
something that still dwells below Old Keep to • Once per day, a cleric of Chordax may
this day. grant one weapon an enhancement
bonus of +1/4 levels (Max of +5) for 1
Religion hour/level. The weapon can also be a fist.
The following are the Gods worshiped in
Dragonclaw Barony and the surrounding world. Eliador
Each deity described includes a description of Eliador is the god of law, justice, healing and
the deity, his worshipers, his holy symbol, the protection. His worshipers include healers and
colors of his clerics’ robes, and a special power lawmakers. His holy symbol, a golden circle, is
available once per day to the deity’s clerics. representative of the sun. Eliador’s clerics wear
white robes with gold trim.
• A cleric of Eliador may cure 2d8 hp + 1
hp/level (to a maximum of 2d8+15) once
per day.


Esra Vorhaze
Esra the Night Lady, is the goddess of the moon One of the Elder Gods, Vorhaze is the god of
and magic. She is venerated by wizards, thieves vengeance and retribution. He was worshiped
and assassins. Her holy symbol is a silver circle, mostly by those who had been wronged by
reminiscent of the moon. Esra’s clerics wear others, hoping that their prayers would exact
black robes with silver trim. vengeance on their transgressors. His holy
symbol was a scarab beetle, usually painted a
• Once per day, a cleric of Esra may dull red. Not much is known about the clerics of
negate one magical spell or effect or Vorhaze except that their robes were dull gray.
grant a thief +10% to his hide and move
silently ability. • Once per day, a cleric of Vorhaze if
struck down by an opponent, will gain
Kal’Thal enough hit points to go back to 1 hp. His
Kal’Thal is the god of the dead. His followers opponent will lose the same amount of
remain nameless and secretive, although they hit points used to revive the cleric. If his
include assassins and necromancers looking for total hit points is equal to or lower than
power over death. His holy symbol is a bleached that, it will die but the cleric will still be
white skull. His clerics wear all black with a at 1 hp.
cowled hood and hold the scythe as their
favorite weapon. Cults
In addition to the established religions, there
• Once per day a cleric of Kal’Thal can are several malevolent cults active in the
detect all creatures who are severely Barony. Both the Baron’s forces and the
hurt or near death (under ½ total hit established churches seek these cults in order
points) in a 60’ radius. to destroy them. These include those of the
Kamrynn demons Asmodeus, The Prince of Darkness;
Belial, the Defiler; Demogorgon, the Lord of
Kamrynn is the god of nature, who is worshiped
Madness; and Orcus, the Lord of the Undead.
in forested oak groves. His holy symbol is the
Though these demons are unable to grant
oak leaf. Kamrynn’s clerics wear deep green
divine spells to their worshipers, each ritual
committed to the demon’s name empowers the
• Once per day, a cleric of Kamrynn may cultists with dark energy.
summon a lightning bolt to strike a
• 1 ritual: +2 bonus to their next 5 attack
selected target for 2d6 +1 hp/level of
damage. (to a maximum of 2d6 + 15)
• 10 rituals: Enable the demon to manifest
in the material world for a number of
days equal to the High Priest’s level x 3
Malorie, the Harvest Queen is the goddess of Calendar
weather and agriculture. She is venerated by The Year
farmers and herbalists. Her holy symbol is a
The year begins with the Midwinter’s feast, in
sheaf of wheat. Her clerics wear earth brown
which warriors make their vows for the coming
year. The current year is 400 BY (year of our
• Once per day, a cleric of Malorie may Baron).
communicate with plants (including
The year itself is split into two seasons (summer
normal plant life as well as plant based
and winter), each divided into six 30-day
creatures), enabling the cleric to ask
months and 5 festival days. Two of the festivals
questions of and receive answers from
mark the seasons: Lumia (midsummer), and
plants for 1 min/level.
Geola (midwinter). Such is the import of these


two-day ceremonies, that they have before and Lumia

after months: Ere-Lumia and Aft-Lumia and Ere- Lumia is the 2-day Mid-Summer festival. Towns
Geola and Aft-Geola. and farms will build and light huge bonfires at
night. Here the people will gather to drink, sing
and tell stories. It is also a time to offer prayers
Geola is a 2-day Mid-Winter Festival to celebrate to Malorie for a good harvest.
the beginning of the new year and the ending of
the current one. With it being the coldest time Aft-Lumia
of the year, tidings are shared with family and The warmest of all months, most folks tend to
friends over a warm meal and hot drinks. stay indoors or under the shade to keep cool.
The nights tend to be clear and the time for
night time star gazing is at its best.
The first month of the new year is usually the
coldest in barony. Most use this month to tend Goodmonth
to chores and jobs that will keep them indoors This month is called Goodmonth because its
as much as possible. during this month that all the work of the
following months comes to fruition. The latter
part of Goodmonth signals the beginning of the
Miremonth, is also known as the “Month of harvest.
Mud”. Anyone living in or visiting the Barony
during this time of year will realize all too well Holy Month
the significance of that name. It is during this The weather will begin to cool drastically as this
month that the plowing begins. month goes on. Most of this month is dedicated
to finishing the harvest and preparing for the
colder months ahead.
This month is usually the most windy and
blustery of all the months. It here in which Day of Wonder
prayers are made for deliverance from the claws This one day festival day is the most important
of winter. in the barony. It celebrates the legendary day in
the far past when the gods trod the earth for the
day, gathering their followers and priests.
New-Month, the month of renewal, comes next.
This month is marked by celebrations of life and Winterfylleth
fertility, such as the “The Showing” when This month marks the beginning of winter, with
unmarried maidens bathe naked in streams and winter officially starting on the first full moon of
waterfalls, as prospective suitors look on. It is this month. The temperature is markedly colder,
during this month where most of the fields get especially at night.
planted and the cows are allowed out to
pasture. Blood-Month
This month gets its name by being the time
Thri-Milce when most of the winter livestock is slaughtered
Thri-Milce, or the time of the three milkings. At and stored for the winter.
this time of the year, milk-cows are so abundant
that they must be milked three times a day- Ere-Geola
hence the name of the month. The tempo of the barony begins to slow as the
heart of winter begins to settle in. The fields sit
Ere-Lumia fallow as most of the people in the barony begin
During this time the weather begins to warm up to keep their activities and work indoors.
and the pastures and forests are filled with the
smell of flowers and the droning of honey bees. Calendar of the Barony
The hard work of planting should begin to show • Geola (2 day Mid-Winter’s Festival)
the fields beginning to sprout.
• Aft-Geola
• Miremonth


• Hard-month People
• New-month
• Thri-Milce Here is a list of some of the various members of
the Baron’s royal court, rulers of the various
• Ere-Lumia
districts and other Kingdoms contained within
• Lumia (2 Day Mid-Summer’s Festival) the Barony.
• Aft-Lumia Halvdann Black: Halvdann is the only non-
human on the Baron’s court. This dwarf has
• Goodmonth
been running the Llancrest District smoothly for
• Holy-month many years and keeps the overland trade
running from north to south. His people all seem
• The Day of Wonder (1 day festival) to love the man and he has made sure to take
• Winterfylleth good care of his district both in times of peace
and war.
• Blood-month
Lord Samuel Cordwell: Lord Cordwell made his
• Ere-Geola first trip to the Barony a few years ago and
when the barge stopped off in Edgemont, he
took an immediate liking to the town. When the
Organizations and People Baron heard this he immediately offered the
Lord leadership over Edgemont and the Stone
Bottom Vale. Although the Lord is in charge of
Organizations all the lands of the Northern Barony from the
Celes to Badlands, he seldom interferes with
Black Fist issues outside of the Edgemont area, allowing
A mercenary guild that works out of the Stone Bottom and other small towns to police
Northern Barony. Due to some of their more themselves.
shady dealings in the past, they keep most of
their operations in to the Northern Barony and Sir Henry Dale: This retired Knight of The Lion
will seldom hire out for work that takes them Rampart has a small keep on the outskirts of
past Newton. They are headquartered in Stone Dale, the town named for his family. His job is to
Bottom. govern the town and make sure that the roads
leading in and out of his town are safe. He was
Knights of the Lion Rampart called to task on this when a few years ago the
These knights are handpicked by the baron to town was overrun by Hobgoblin brigands during
protect the borders of the Barony from enemy the Goblin Wars. he has since beefed up the
incursion. After their training in Heatherleigh town guard and its maintenance.
they are assigned to either Dragonhall or
Wyvernhall to lead the barony soldiers also Ellenia Instellius: A former member of the
stationed there. Princess Regent’s high court in Edroniel, Ellenia
gave it all up for the love of a human, Romain
Rusty Pick Guild Instellius. She now lives with him at Aethere
This guild was created as way for those who Keep helping to raise their large adopted family.
love adventuring to meet and recruit others
when the need arises. It was created long ago Duke Romain Instellius: The Instellius family is
by retired adventurers who wanted a place to the only family awarded a district who isn’t
talk with others who shared their love of ruined royalty from Albion. The Instellius’ are the last
temples and hidden dungeons. The members of remaining family tied to the Llancrest dynasty.
each guild house band together to keep the During the war, the King of Albion made
place running and gather any donations made concessions to the Instellius family, knowing
to it. they had ties to both the Elves of Sylvanwood
and the Dwarves of the Central Dragonclaws. As


such they were given rule over Talon Valley. Tiri Soul: Tiri is the High Cleric of Chordax in
Romain lost his previous wife Anna giving birth the town of Edgemont. She is a recent addition
to his son Sparrhawk. He has since remarried to to the town, sent there from the temple in
Ellenia Quickblade and they have built a large Albion to replace the last High Cleric, who
family of adopted children of different races. retired. Although new to the town the residents
seem to enjoy her presence, being much more
Thorick Stoneshield: Thorick is the current
hands on than the previous high cleric.
ruler of the Dwarven Kingdom of Esingmoor,
one of the largest Dwarven kingdoms in the Mages and Sages
Barony. Thorick spent many years as an Magic and information are in great demand in
adventurer before assuming the throne from his the barony so those proficient in either are
father and is one of the few people who have respected and held in high regard.
ever seen the fabled Land of the Elements.
Elias Firebrand: Elias is well known in he
Lord ‘Iron Duke’ Vadarin: A recent addition the magical community for his control and
rolls of Dragonclaw royalty, Vadarin is the lord manipulation of fire based magics. He recently
of the small duchy of Freestead.. A few years had a home built for himself on the outskirts of
ago when orc and goblin armies poured out of the Stone Bottom Vale where he can practice
the Dragonclaws, they almost overran the his sometimes dangerous craft without worrying
kingdom. Vadarin rallied the troops, and those about harming others. He has been known to
of the nearby dwarf kingdoms to push back the work for the Barony on occasion when the
invasion. The lord at the time was killed during safety of the realm is in danger.
the invasion and Baron Halloran had no
problems promoting Vadarin to the new Raevynn Instellius: One of the adopted
position. Although not actually a Duke he was children of Romain and Ellenia Instellius,
given the name by his soldiers when he met the Raevynn studied under Morgana to become a
invaders side by side with them. master of her craft. She now resides in Aethere
Keep, helping her mother and father to look
Clergy after the people in their district. She is the twin
Although there a small temples and churches all sister of Stormy Instellius.
over the Barony, some people of faith have
risen above to be noted in their community. Morgana Marichar: Morgana is a mage known
for being a part of the same adventuring group
Stormcrow ‘Stormy’ Instellius: Adopted with Stormcrow and Sparrhawk Instellius for
daughter of Romain Instellius, this drow elf was many years. Given some land in the Eagle Wood
able to overcome many obstacles in her life she built herself a tower and retired to focus on
placed there because her race. A former her studies.
adventurer of some renown she is now the High
Cleric of Eliador in Heatherleigh. She has a twin Talinder Suldrin: Talinder was on the Baron’s
sister named Raevynn. council of mages before retiring. The elf now
owns and runs a bookshop in Heatherleigh
Sparrhawk Instellius: The son of Romain dealing with rare books and scrolls
Instellius from his first wife Anna. Sparrhawk
retired from adventuring to take the position of Sulyne Wolfsbane: A well known sorceress and
Arch Paladin of Eliador in Heatherleigh. He is adventurer she retired to help her husband
one of the Baron’s closest advisors and works to Johne, run the Laughing Dragon Inn in Dale. She
see that all the citizens of Dragonclaw are died repulsing a raid on the town by hobgoblin
treated fairly. brigands during the Goblin Wars.

Aleks Riftrunner: Another drow to throw off the Fonkin Zanalor: Fonkin is a wise gnome sage
yolk of his dark ancestry, Aleks became a nature living in the town of Dale. People come from as
cleric of Kamrynn. He doesn’t make any one far as Albion to glean his knowledge and wise
place his church instead wandering town to counsel.
town and preaching where he can.


Others BY 10
Falcynn Instellius: Falcynn is the adopted The Barony is broken up into 6 smaller Districts;
halfling son of Romain Instellius. He learned Red Meadow, Llancrest, Freestead, Talon, Stone
woodcraft at an early age and is now the Bottom and the Barrowlands. Each ruled by a
appointed guardian of the Eagle Wood. This is a Lord that reports directly to the Barony at
job that he now shares with Emhail Suh’Poort. Heatherleigh.

Edgar Lothorio: The main contact for the Black BY 50

Fist mercenary group, He can be found at The The Barrowlands is abandoned as the Baron(s)
Minstrel’s Flask in Stone Bottom, which he owns can not find anyone willing to rule over it. The
and operates. last two installed lords both fled back to Albion
after only living there a few years.
Balick Stoneshield: Balick is a dwarven retired
adventurer who now runs a blacksmith and BY 223
general store in the town of Dale. He is the son A large army of unknown brigands from the
of Thorick Stoneshield and is the heir apparent Badlands tries to cross the Northern
to the Esingmoor throne although those who Dragonclaws and invade Stone Bottom Valley.
know him are uncertain he will take it up. They are destroyed when two notorious
adventurers, Rogahn Instellius and Zelligar, and
Emhail Suh’Poort: Long time friend of their men at arms ambush them in the
Sparrhawk Instellius and brother of Teknikal, mountains.
this dwarf and his partner Falcynn work to keep
the Eagle Wood free of threats. BY 305
Albion declares that the Llancrest Barony is an
Teknikal Suh'Poort: Long time friend of independent country no longer under their
Romain Instellius and brother to Emhail, he reign. A mutual trade agreement and alliance is
currently runs the Rusty Pick Guild. He was signed with the new country now known as The
recently voted in as the new mayor of Gulltown Dragonclaw Barony.
making him the first dwarf to hold that position.
BY 378
Peter Tauriel: Peter is the captain of the Black Baron Stefan Edriane dies without leaving an
Fist mercenary group. He is usually at their heir and the line to succession of the Barony
headquarters in Stone Bottom assisting and ends
training their new members.
BY 381
Johne Wolfsbane: Johne was born and raised in The lords of Dragonclaw Barony name Thomas
Dale, but the adventuring bug got to him and he Halloran, the new Baron of Dragonclaw. Sir
set out to explore the barony. It was during this Thomas was a proven leader during Albion’s war
time he met his wife Sulyne and his best friend with Kar’Tegra and most are happy with his
Balick. After making a small fortune he retired appointment.
back in Dale where he opened the Laughing
Dragon Inn. A few years ago he lost his wife to BY 389
hobgoblin brigands during the Goblin Wars. A large band of Orc and Goblinoid armies, led by
the Orc chieftain Vur Earth-Shaker spill from the
Dragonclaw Timeline Central Dragonclaws and overrun the Duchy of
Steadfast. This invasion would be known as the
BY 0 ‘Goblin Wars’. A valiant effort by Knight
The Kingdom of Llancrest is overthrown by Commander Vadarin and the nearby Dwarven
Albion forces and the Barony of Llancrest is steadfasts are able to stem the invasion and
created. eventually push the hordes back. Some of these
brigands escape across the Dragonclaws, south
into the Llancrest Plains. They pillaged and
plundered the district until a group of men-at-


arms and ex-adventurers stopped them on the

outskirts of Dale in what would become known
as Battle of Lander’s Farm.



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