Art of Freehood - An Introduction

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"The moment you finally commit yourself to a task, the providence also moves. All
sorts of things that otherwise would never have happened happen to help one.

A whole stream of events is set in motion by the decision, and it provides in one's
favour numerous unforeseen coincidences, encounters and material help that no
man could ever have dreamed of before.

Whatever you can, begin it. Boldness carries genius, power and magic. Begin now."

— Goethe

So, who will this benefit the most? (essentially me 5 years ago). This document is for you

• You want to understand reality

• You want to know WHAT you are
• You want to know WHY you’re here
• You want to know your purpose in life, but don’t know how to find it
• You want a reason for living that can’t be destroyed
• You want a drive for life beyond materialistic goals
• You want to harmonise your emotions so they stop getting in your way
• You want to resonate a don’t-give-a-fuck attitude
• You want to deprogram your beliefs
• You want to destroy your limited mindset
• You want to think for yourself
• If you want a meaning to your life so compelling that nothing can get in your way
• You crave than the comfortable and unsatisfying answers provided by your culture
• You want to become the most interesting individual you can be
• Finally, you want to act on all of this to create the life you want and give a big fuck
you to the life-denying forces

So, without further ado.

Trust in the process.

You are not alone, there are unseen forces, namely your higher self that want you to win,
you need to consciously align with these forces, this Self, and work with it.

Overcoming - You need discipline in routine, but not in a perpetual self-improver

optimisation hack way, rather you need balance and openness to allow new experiences
to mould you in order to discover who you are and go on the path towards individuation.

Being born and the utter shock of coming from the warm waters of the womb to the cold
metal-blue hospital lights is the physical representation of leaving the spirit and entering

This causes a fracturing, so to speak, of our Self (selbst). It is not negative, it is simply the
reality and the process, from which we attempt to reunify the self that exists in different

We are seated in our lower selves, and as babies this is certainly the case. But, the first
pride you must take in your life is the success of babyhood. No matter the chaos you are
experiencing in your life now, none of it is as chaotic as being a baby. The entire world is
pure belligerent chaos to the baby, but with sheer necessity of will, the baby, YOU, begins
to order the chaos around you, piecing the discordant images and sounds together and
producing internally a hint of serenity as things finally start to make sense.

So, pat yourself on the back. For if nothing else, you did that, and that was harder and
more dramatic than anything. It would be like being in the most intense altered state, all
the time.

As a baby, the hemispheres of your brain, though small and still forming are actually more
connected, so everything you perceive is connected also. As the baby’s brain develops it
goes through a pruning process where these connections are disassembled into their
objective parts to better understand the chaos. This is a pruning process, and helps the
baby to make sense of the world.

This pruning process is something you can do as an adult. I recommended you do it every
couple of months to declutter your mind and your life, break down useless and confusing
connections that don’t serve you.

Now, the task is to reassemble the objective parts into the whole and make new, more
fruitful connections. The purpose of this is to go towards the higher self by training your
Spirit-Thinking. Once you have organised your life and mind into its objective parts you
can begin thinking about the relationship between things instead of the things themselves.

Pruning Process:

Break connections and chaos into objective parts — Reassemble parts into fruitful


The Lower self — the Other self — The Higher self

The Lower Self

The lower self is your animal self - your impulses and your thinking that is based on your 5
sense impressions. Your lower self is dictated by your emotions, and is part of the triune
that makes you, You. Your lower self is just as important as the other two elements of the
triune, and the needs and wants of this self must be tended with both love and discipline, a
tender touch and a firm strike, depending on the circumstances.

The Other Self

The other self appears in times of crisis, when we are forced to sink or swim, forced to
change habits and think our way out of difficulty. The other self is a force not separate from
you. You must recognise him and bring him out.

The first signs of failure come externally, and it is wrong to take this as it appears because
this isn’t the signal of failure, but the signal of change. Treat this not as a failure but a
beacon — the lighthouse showing the rocks ahead — It is at this crucial stage where real
internal failure can occur, when fear and self-doubt set in, and ask you “do you really have
the mettle to succeed?”

This light is the signal to ignite your Other self, and you will know you have ignited your
Other self when the urge to continue outweighs your desire to quit. What you must do at
this point is transmute yourself from a motivation driven by fear — the motivation to fail —
to a motivation driven by faith - the motivation to succeed. If you can ride the swell of faith,
a temporary defeat will never become a permanent failure.

At this point you must concentrate on your purpose, do not think about the myriad ways it
will happen, reduce your options, decide definitely your next step, and proceed.

Always remember, the closer you get to the prize, the harder the resistance and the
stronger the urge to give up will be. You need to LEAN INTO THE CURVE… Lean into

A good metaphor for this is the video game: You get better with each passing level, but the
game does not get easier — the most difficult boss to defeat is always the final boss.

In times of turmoil, consciously say to yourself, “It is now my other self will appear.”

Discovering and becoming your Other Self is a great step forward into the mist, stronger
and more valiant than before, and in that mist is where your find your Higher self, smiling,
and waiting patiently. There is an old man with leathern skin in that lighthouse praying you
heed the signal.

He is your higher self.

And your Other self is the reflection of the higher self.

The Higher Self

Your higher self is you in the spirit realm — Your immortal soul. This is where your earthly
soul gazes towards. Your higher self is your archetypal divine self. Your spirit-self,
otherwise known as your Higher Self or “I” is the self that made the decision to be born,
the self that created a destiny for you to fulfil in your life, the self that is in constant
communion with God, the infinite, eternal and universal truth. The self that guides you
through intuition, synchronicity and divine happenstance, the self that exists as a drop in
the ocean, and within that drop, an ocean itself.


“Thinking is the substance of the world, acting brings it to fruition.”

Beyond your body, beyond your family, beyond your career, beyond the rolex, the beamer,
and the vacation in Aruba, there is a purpose of life that is so fundamental it stays with you
after death.

What is this purpose?

Simply put, it is to become your own THINKER. There is nothing more important in your
life than to develop the faculties to think for yourself.

Do you have the courage to peer into your beliefs, and see what is not yours? But rather
the beliefs that have been programmed into you by your parents, the institutions you grew
up in, and the culture you are part of?

Do you have the courage to kill the King (you - a believer) and take the throne as the
Emperor (you - a thinker)?

(This is extremely powerful if done correctly — The woke movement used exactly these
tactics, it deprogrammed a generation from their traditional beliefs, but instead of allowing
people to flourish and do their own thinking, it imprinted a twisted and anti-human
ideology in the minds of these people, and turned them into a powerful revolutionary

There are different types of thinking. Thinking as a reaction to our sense impressions
(lower thinking), and thinking that comes from our spirit self (higher thinking). It is this
higher thinking that must be trained, as if it were a muscle.

The key here to all of this is to become your own thinker. This is the great task.

Belief and thinking are not the same, our beliefs are programmed into us by our parents
and our institutions. First you must clean up these beliefs by knowing where they
originated from (this is difficult, takes a lot of courage) then you must start to believe what
YOU are thinking, which ironically makes you a thinker not a believer.

You must dissect what you think you know, and consider… are these mine? Are these
truly my thoughts or are these beliefs and conceptions that have been programmed into
me from external sources?

Ask yourself, where did I come to know this from?

Did I learn this in school?

Is this what the government told me?

Did my parents instil this in me?

Did I learn this from the news?

Is this just the consensus in my friend groups?

Have I taken these beliefs and actually THOUGHT about them?


Maintaining the shift in your awareness is what will expand your will and aura. It is always
related to how present you are to the idea, the idea that the present infinite moment is
where the magic happens. The moment and the heart are the alchemists laboratory.
Alchemy is not the mutation of lead into gold, it is the transmutation of a lead SITUATION
into a gold SITUATION, and it will only occur in the “infinite moment”. This is why
presence is so important. It’s a slight contradiction because we have long term plans, but
they can only be achieved through consistency of attitude in the present. It is like training a
muscle, you must put in the reps, and there are many techniques one can use to train this

1. Heart Breathing: Return to the present by breathing into your heart and blessing
the world around you. You are the bearer of meaning and you grace everything
around you with your presence - down to the bacteria level (the most pervasive of
all organisms). Imagine a strong resonance coming from your heart, let the world
bask in your greatness, bless it and say thank you for it, in return.
2. Music: Find certain music that will remind you to be present. In the same way that
certain songs will take you back to a vivid memory detaching you from the present,
the opposite can be done. Assign certain songs this function and combine it with

3. Create symbolic construction: These are note cards with your mission - assign
meaning and value to these things. You should have a card to bring you back to the
present, and also to aim you towards your goal. If you have pieces of artwork that
do the same, all the better.

If you find yourself drifting, passive in the game of life, your unconscious mind is ruling you
— Here are a few daily techniques I use to regain control of my mind and my life.

My first note is that mastering these and maintaining stable thinking finds its greatest worth
in giving room for higher thinking or spiritual thinking with your thoughts raised high into
the boundless

But first we must walk before we can run, and unfortunately, the conditions of today can
render us pudgy legged toddlers if we’re not brave enough.

1. Gurdjieff’s Self-observation:

The act of asking yourself, what am I thinking, feeling, doing through the course of the
day? For a lot of us, the driver is asleep at the wheel, and we meander through life
completely unconsciously from one reactive state to another.

An external trigger leads to a particular internal reaction.

Self-observation allows us to wrestle back the unconscious driver, to snap him out of his
stupor, get him to focus on the road, and speed up.

Check in with yourself several times each day. It can be quick. Observe what you are
thinking, feeling, and doing.

Breathe with it, let this observation calm you down. Now you are out of your unconscious
mind you can act, if you so wish, from a new starting point, a new origin that just begun in
that moment.

When we illuminate this thinking process, we can find the moments in which we fell
into our unconscious.

Doing this brings your Will back in to the equation, and everything resets.

Take note of these, do it enough and you’ll find the patterns and identify the problems
you need to deal with.

(The Rosicrucians think that this act itself begins to use the light of our conscious to
illuminate the thinking process.)

1. Positivity

This sets the frequency baselines of your subtle bodies (etheric, astral, Spirit)

Which in turn, changes your resonance (vibe) with others.

Positivity is the key ingredient to an infectious personality.

1. Openness

Release all dogma, and be able to see things from multiple perspectives, that is how we
get closer to the nature of things.

A bottle of water from the side looks different to a bottle of water from below.

But, it’s still a bottle of water.

The more perspectives you have you better you can understand its reality.

1. Equanimity

“Equanimity is a state of psychological stability which is undisturbed by experience

or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomenon that cause others to lose
balance of their mind.”

Equanimity breeds composure. It’s very hard to get triggered when nothing triggers you.

Equanimity leads to stability.

Equanimity is mental bravery, you don’t fall into reactivity, and bring you down into fear.
(my least favourite vibe)

You have an internal locus of control, not an external one.

1. Harmony

Bring the self observation of our thinking, feeling, and doing into harmony.

Become unconsciously competent in it.

Seed this harmony in thinking, feeling and doing into your unconscious, thereby
transmuting that state of your being.

1. The Backward Review

At the end of the day, go over what you thought, felt, and did that you self-observed
in your day. This strengthens your memory and assimilates the past into your present.
Now you’re smarter, my friend.

Think of what you did not expect, think of the things that went unplanned. That which you
had no control over.

And ask yourself, What other force came into play at that time. Did a particular turn of
events happen, something out of the ordinary perhaps?

This will give you revelations, and you will start to get a picture of the spirit that goes on
behind the scenes.

Balance your creative forces that you have brought to your day with the openness for what
the spirit can bring. Because with that openness it will often lead to the spirit providing you
with an important and transformative life moment.

When you get good at this you can do it intensely, and in reverse order. Go back through
the day: Bed, dinner, finish work, afternoon, lunch etc

Back to the point you were last asleep.

All of this is training for your internal psychic muscles. And eventually, alchemical


Thinking is the principle that creates reality.

If you want to expand the spirit within you and expand your aura, you have to do the
work. You have to learn about the spirit, and about yourself, and apply it in your life.

Thinking and understanding Life is an activity to be done:

We have to learn how to be motivated by not just material ambitions but a spiritual

First you must accept the situation as it is, it just IS this way. Don’t look for an excuse for
why it is, it just is.

Next, we must face this complex and gradually work out, in ourselves, an explanation for it
that is sufficiently strong to enable us to live reasonably well, and at the same time have a
strong living realisation of spiritual integrities.

There is need for an acceptance. Not an acceptance of the way we are, but an
acceptance of the necessity that mankind must past through certain experiences to
outgrow his own ignorance.

The individual can reach a point in which he can live from day to day observing, reflecting,
thinking, feeling, studying, doing everything he possibly can to understand the reasons for
the situation as they are now.

The more you discover reasons, the more you can rescue your emotional complex from
futility - from the belief that everything is wrong, from NEGATIVE THOUGHTS.

The thoughts are not necessary, there is no universal law compelling you to limit your
beliefs. What you have to do instead is:



What we perceive as negative consequences may not be so at all. It is entirely dependent

on how you think about them. A negative consequence can be negative or it can be an
encouragement for you to correct your own mistakes, and not to repeat them.

The individual should begin to try and observe the working of universal law in the
various occurrences of his life. You must begin to see reasons for things that you once
regarded merely as miseries. Everything is connected, everything has meaning, everything
has purpose, and everything has reason. You live in a world of lawful procedures
(universal immutable laws) and you must abide by them.

The hidden law that nobody talks about is the law of attitude creates reality.

The Law of Personal Magnetism. (Go back to the thread if you need to understand this

There are 4 levels of thinking: (use diagram)

• Animal thinking - based on sense impressions and basic needs - comes from
Physical body through senses
• Utility thinking - based on material daily life responsibilities - comes from Etheric
• Vorstellung - Mental pictures, which we mistake for the thing itself, but is just an
image or hologram of the thing. It is the objective truth that has been made
subjective within us. This also takes the form of what we see in our dreams - comes
from Astral body

• Spirit-Thinking - The actual essence of things, that which the Vorstellung is a

subjective representation of. The objective and eternal truth that is not
individualised and filtered through your own perspective of it - comes from the Spirit

Here are examples of questions that can trigger Spirit-Thinking:

1. What is sound and where does it originate?

1. Sound is a vibration, and only becomes a sound when it is heard. It is the
building block of reality, sound diffuses into light and light diffuses into matter.
2. What is colour?
1. Colour is light, and what is light? Light is vibration.
3. How does light appear to the person who doesn’t perceive it?
1. Well it doesn’t appear. But it is still there, just because a baby hasn’t
developed functioning sight doesn’t mean the light isn’t there, but colour is
subjective, the vibration is objective.
4. What is space and time?
1. Space and time are not realities in themselves, but qualities of the object. For
example, I am thirty years old. I (the object) have the quality of 30 years
5. What is space?
1. Space doesn’t exist, it just describes the distance between two objects — it
is the quality of the object.
6. What is time?
1. Time doesn’t exist, it just describes the quality of something that is always
changing. “I have the quality of 30 years”

(Space and time use each other - Space describes distance between two objects using
time, and vice-versa. For example: “How long does it take to go 10km? 30 minutes.”

Spirit-thinking is not something you go off to do alone and in quiet, this is meditation, and
extremely useful to deal with your emotions. But spirit-thinking is active and done in your
day to day life.

The nature of reality is that the spirit is infused in all things. The heavens isnt above or
separated from earth, it is overlaid and behind like a hologram that permeates the material
world. No one thing has more spirit in it than anything else, some appear more spiritual
because they are oriented back towards the spirit, but everything material has its essence
in the spiritual.

If you want to improve spirit-thinking, which will in turn improve intuition and
synchronicity, try to think of the following: (depending on your environment - train your

When thinking about nature:

If you are in nature think about the trees, the plants the insects and think about your
relationship with them, how do they appear to you, how do you appear to them?

When thinking about people:

If you are in a city - think about the people, how do they appear to you, how do you appear
to them? What are the connections between you and them? Gender, heritage, race,
characteristics, traits, behaviours, potential experiences, their motivations, body type,
facial features, how all these things affect the psyche, what type of person they are, what
type of person they project, what type of person they appear to you. Most importantly, look
them in the eyes, and try to see if they are really there? Is the spirit integrated into the

Try and build a complete picture of people in your mind, while also remembering it is
entirely subjective.

When thinking about things or concepts:

How do things represent each other, what does something represent in and of itself, what
is the representation you personally have given something, what is the representation the
collective culture has given something? What have you been thinking about, what have
you been dreaming about?

Now think about these things in terms of what aspect of thinking they come from:

Animal thinking

Utility thinking


Spirit thinking

What is from your “I”, what is from your vorstellung, what is from your utility thinking, and
what is from your sense impression thinking? What is its essence, and how does it change
in degrees, if it was a few degrees denser, lighter, larger, smaller?

Everything is fractal, meaning the same patterns can be observed no matter the scale.
Think about fractal realities — what patterns can be observed at different scales? Where
are things the same, where are they different?

REMEMBER: If something is true it can be observed from multiple perspectives…

Essentially, keep everything in relation to everything else. Each part can only be
understood out of the whole, so you must think about the whole in continuous relationship
to each part.

For the whole to be improved, the component parts must be improved, and the relationship
between those parts must be improved.

Eg. For a company to improve, each individual within that company must improve because
the company is just the sum of its individuals. Those individuals must expand their
awareness and the relationships between those individuals must be made more

If you change one component part, how will this affect the other parts and therefore the

How does the beginning relate to the end? In the beginning is the end, not expressed, but
implied, otherwise you cannot begin.

What is the essence of things?

For example: What is that makes your hair stand on end? Is this just a sensory response,
or does something cause this? WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF THESE EFFECTS?


What is that the birds are trying to tell you?

Why did that butterfly land on your shoulder?

What is the function of all these things, and finally what is it NOT?

To discover what something is, eliminate what it is not, then you have the big question of
what it is — Now, you must be brave to stay with it and not give up.

Travel through the world around you and observe your surroundings with these questions
in mind. Do this and the spirit will expand in you, the magical elements behind and
between all things will start to appear and twinkle at you. The more you notice, the more it
appears. Don’t think in this way and you will contract into materiality.

This can be an incredibly vivifying experience - Everything grows out of itself, and the
more you look the more there is. This type of thinking is a definite antidote to nihilism and

Now, we return to the Goethe quote:

"The moment you finally commit yourself to a task, the providence also moves. All
sorts of things that otherwise would never have happened happen to help one.

A whole stream of events is set in motion by the decision, and it provides in one's
favour numerous unforeseen coincidences, encounters and material help that no
man could ever have dreamed of before.

Whatever you can, begin it. Boldness carries genius, power and magic. Begin now."
— Goethe

Destiny materialises when you take your first tiny step towards it.

Destiny is a decision made by your higher self and God before you incarnate into the
material world. In this sense, destiny is predetermined by your higher self before you
come in.

What isn’t predetermined is whether you fulfil that destiny, that is based purely your will.

The thing about destiny is we don’t always fulfil it.

So, how does one identify if they are going towards their destiny?

Synchronicity and intuition will help you identify these things, but the degree to
which you are tapped in to your destiny depends on the degree to which you are
honestly and courageously attempting to deprogram your beliefs and think for
yourself, and then act upon your own thinking.

The degree to which you understand who you are, what your soul is, what reality is, and
how it operates. The more you know, the more clarity you have.

If you can clean yourself of the preconceptions that we’re programmed into to you, your
destiny will become self evident.

Trying too hard to identify your destiny can be fruitless. Develop your faculties (tools) and
know how to apply them, and when the problem arises you will be able to solve it. Your
destiny occurs from moment to moment, it builds momentum if you’re tapped into your true
essence. It doesn’t help to focus too much on the problem in advance. Better to sharpen
your tools and expand your faculties, and when the moment comes you will be able to
formulate the problem in relation to the tools you have at your disposal, and then
you will formulate the solution.

We all have our own unique teleological destination. We are moving towards a particular
destination within ourselves, which will be expressed in the outside world. The world is a
mirror and the destination is the divine mystery.

This is in effect the ultimate destiny of your soul, where complete soul individuation lies.
This is something we move towards throughout our life, and the many lives we live. It is in
effect the destination of completion, and the route is your way out of samsara, or as
Neitszche called it “The Eternal Return.”

But the route there is formulated differently in each one of us.

This destination is universal to everyone in the sense that it exists perennially in the spirit
realm. It is permanently there and has been since the beginning, but it crystallises at the
point when the individual is ready.

This is the ascended master. The Christ, if you will.

Though we call intuition a “feeling”, it is in reality a thought that has come from your
higher self, or as Steiner called it, your Spirit self.

Feeling and intuition are not the same thing thing:

Intuition comes from “above”.

Feelings come from “below”.

We are open to intuitions coming from above (spirit realm), and sensations coming from
below (material realm).

Intuition and Feelings meet in your soul and can easily be confused with each other. The
job is to understand which is your intuition (thought from your higher self) and which are
merely feelings (from your lower self.)

The same way our physical body has sense-organs that can be strengthened or
weakened, our spirit body has supersensory-organs that can be strengthened or

It is actually Thinking that is the same thing as intuition, but a specific type of thinking — a
Spirit-Thought, thinking that comes FROM the spirit. So, intuition is “thinking from the
spirit” but conversely, we strengthen our intuition by “thinking ABOUT the spirit.”

What does it mean to think about the spirit:

Think about where things originate from, and what different forms they can take. See
section “Higher-Thinking” for information on how to do this.

Intuition cannot exist without the spiritual reality that precedes it. This spiritual reality does
not create it, it only expresses your intuition.

Intuition is nothing other than a thought had by your spirit self in response to sense
impressions received by your physical self in the material world, which then gets passed
from your spirit self to your soul and felt in your body, specifically your gut.

You can improve your intuition by improving your gut health — we call it a “gut feeling”
for a reason — intuition is received from our higher self in the gut. Take this “feeling”
combine that with the “knowing” that is present in the heart, and the “logic” that is present
in the brain, and then your intuition will never fail.

Be wary though, to really understand your intuition and reap the rewards, you need these
three centres to communicate with each other.

Destroying the guts of the population has been such an important task for the “elites”
because it has made people unable to intuit and discern what is correct and beneficial for
them. This is as important as our hormonal profile.

Finally to complete your intuition, you must bring this intuition up into the realm of
thinking. It mustn't reside solely in the realm of feeling, you must think about your intuition.
Think how this intuition relates to you, and more specifically how it relates to other

Here, you will find endless depth and meaning.

In a nut shell, synchronicity can be summarised thusly:

“Help yourself and correspondingly God will help you.”

Synchronicity is ever occurring. It is In fact, normal. it occurs as much or as little as we are

able to recognise it and focus on it. Its prevalence is based on Will. Synchronicity is
projected out from you rather than projected towards you from outside.
Fundamentally, you are the one who inserts these synchronicities into the material. If your
energies are strong enough you can control the things that appear to you. These signs,
ironically, come from your own will.

What does “Will” mean in this context:

The more you pay attention to your surroundings, the more you look with your outer
eyes and make connections between the various things you see, the more you see with
your inner eyes.

It is a result of authenticity, and individuation. Synchronicities are effectively signposts from

God, the benevolent benefactor, and your higher self to reassure you that you are on the
right path. It is divine guidance, but comes mainly as a result of the process of self-
work and individuation, meaning the process of being whole.

Synchronicity is a result of our resonance, we emit a frequency and God responds by

providing a manifestation of that same frequency in the material world, the seen world, that
you experience.

Your heart and your brain work as the battery that emits the resonance. Too much
brain and not enough heart and you can emit a false resonance based on a false
conception of yourself. The false conception and false resonance usually comes from
unconscious projections, triggers and wounds that have gone unhealed.

When you live as your false self you are in cognitive dissonance without even
realising it.

Cognitive dissonance leads to heart dissonance and then you emit a frequency that is not
truly yours, and the divine will give you synchronicities that are more warnings than they
are blessings.

You really need to love yourself deeply, which requires letting go of the constructs you
have built of yourself. Finding your true self can be very unpleasant, especially if you
have very large preconceived assumptions, conditionings, biases, and emotional hooks
that you have built into your identity; however, it is always the right thing to do because
once you remove these shackles one by one, you will feel a great weight removed.

The chains of the false self are heavy, this is the meaning of spiritual obesity.

Synchronicities are direct mystical experiences - and the chances of these

experiences increase when we do two things:

1. Heart thinking - that is using both the brain and the heart to think, logic and
intuition, recognising the relationships between all things. The more you train this
recognition, the more you see.
2. Breaking down the lies we tell ourselves and committing to never lying to
ourselves. When we lie to ourselves at the level of being, this then determines how
much higher knowledge we can have access to through direct spiritual experiences
like synchronicity.
Now, comes the challenge of accurately interpreting synchronicity - again there can be
many people, especially women, who are very tapped in spiritually, but perpetually
misinterpret these signs because they don’t reintegrate this new awareness into a more
left brain conception.

False resonance will negatively effect your ability to discern what is true or not. Its the
same as the tactics used by COINTEL PRO - 90% truth, 10% lies, but in that 10% is where
the important kernel of transformation lies. that 10% makes the 90% redundant. New Age
philosophy is littered with this lack of discernment because the information they use to
build their understanding is not connected to history.

How to find True Resonance: Related to the Triad of Knowledge, Being, Understanding

Knowledge and understanding are two different thing.

Understanding is not dependent on knowledge, in fact the increase in knowledge often

doesn’t increase understanding. Understanding can only be increased in its relation to
Being. Knowledge must be incorporated into Being, and only if they grow together does
Understanding grow.

“Understanding grows only with the growth of Being.” Being grows with outward
experience, and inward experience (the matter of self-work, discovering who you really
are). Both inward experience in and of itself (your essence), but also its relation to your
outward experience.

Knowledge + Being (knowledge internalised) = Understanding

Wisdom is understanding applied.


How does this further the evident aims of the global establishment? How could this be a
trap? Essentially, how does this fit into the Problem-Reaction-Solution paradigm? And
further, what are the fruits of this or that person or idea? What preceded it, and what is
likely to secede it? Judge them by their fruits.

A good example: Alan Watts - protege of Aldous Huxley. Huxley a member of Tavistock
Institute and scribe to the ruling class whose book was as much a warning as it was a tool
for the ruling class to inform you of their plans and shift the karmic responsibility over to

What are the fruits of Alan Watts work?

Rejection of Western Traditionalism, an obsession with Eastern philosophy and religion

that for Westerners can only really be experienced superficially as we are not immersed in
that culture, which is antithetical to Western culture in essence. Instead of adapting and
overcoming the negative aspects of Western culture, it was pure escapism and larp for
many Westerners, inspired by Watts. It had strong ties to the sexual revolution - a plot to
destabilise traditional values, and Watts killed himself with alcoholism in his later life.

Judge them by their fruits.

Yes eastern traditions look attractive if the Western idea is reduced to McDonalds, but it
pales in comparison if you compare it to the best in the Western Canon.

Another quick example: Andrew Tate and Islam.

Problem: Feminism - Reaction: Islam - Solution: Western man is drawn further away
from his inherent heroic nature

We must look within ourselves, both individually and collectively for the answers to our
problems. On an individual level, once you have done the inner work and identified your
own triggers and projections that obscure your discernment, you can literally sense the
false prophets, who manipulate others with NLP and intellectual sophism, because for all
their charisma, you know they don’t embody their teachings.

You should trust the feeling that is telling you that something is off, even if it comes from
some more nuanced level you can’t explain.

The intellectual and purely rational outlook is insufficient because its separated from
emotional intelligence and embodiment. You don’t want Knowledge to override Being.

Liberals are so easily manipulated because they have done very little sincere inner work.
So, they effectively operate from a place of resentment and insecurity, and they are very
susceptible to knowledge and the dominant intellectual strata of the 20th century -
weakness, egalitarianism and security over freedom. Liberals project their own shadow. An
unconscious anger and frustration onto the world, they are rightly upset about corruption
but have no inner compass to discern where the corruption is really coming from.


The Magic key is found in the combination of three temperaments within you.

Temperament 1: Intellect

Intellect, or better known as “Thinking” is the substance of the world. It is the fuel.

Temperament 2: Force

Force, or better known as “Will” is the spark that ignites the thinking, and allows it to
project outwards and materialise in the world around you.

Temperament 3: Vitality

Vitality, or better known as “health” is the aspect that allows you to maintain the power and
continuity of your thinking and emotion.

This is a three-in-one power structure. Without any one temperament, the others fall flat.
When all three of these are thriving you can effect consciousness and therefore effect the
material world around you.

I want to thank you for your time and energy in reading this. There is a lot of information in
here, and it will take some time to digest. Look out for my email newsletter where I will be
writing more on all of these topics and many others.

If you have any questions and want to work with me, send me a DM on Twitter, and we
can have a free consultation call. We’ll get to know each other, I’ll lay out the program,
which is always customised specifically for your current station in life, where you’ve come
from, and where you want to go. We’ll have a chat and see how I can help you.

What I offer that isn’t included in this free booklet:

• The Origin story of your soul and the reality we inhabit

• The nature of the soul and reincarnation
• The great purpose to breaking free
• How to approach and manage your emotions so they serve you
• How to integrate your shadow
• How to sync the hemispheres of your brain so you can harness the creative
principle in your life
• How to understand love, fear, evil, and suffering
• How to truly deprogram the beliefs that don’t belong to you, and embody the
creative archetype.
• How to form actual self-love based on a spiritual understanding of who you are
• The importance of integrity and what it means in personal and business
• The use of spiral dynamics consciousness model to help you in your personal and
business relationships
My service is not just spiritual consulting, it also includes:

Physical and Mental consultation:

We may be spiritual immortal beings, but we’re housed in our avatar, and the avatar needs
to be operating efficiently for our spirit to expand.

Physical baselines - Fitness, nutrition, gut, hormones, environmental toxicity

Mental baselines - Habits, discipline, accountability, self image, clarity, purpose,


We lay the groundwork, hone your purpose and vision, and act on it to bring it to



I want you to be the most interesting and vital form of yourself, so together we can bend
reality to our will and forge a brighter future.

DM me on Twitter @discoorpheus and lets get started!

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