Oasis Math 9

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Approved by Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Curriculum Development Center,

Sano Thimi, Bhaktapur as an additional material.

Shyam Datta Adhikari

Phone : 0977-01-4313205
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Class : ....................... Roll No. : ................

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Oasis Publication Pvt. Ltd.

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Sixth : 2079 B.S. (New Curriculum)

Laxmi Gautam
Rajendra Sapkota
Prakash Ghimire

Oasis Desktop
Ramesh Bhattarai

Printed in Nepal
Oasis School Mathematics has been designed in compliance with the
latest curriculum of the Curriculum Development Center (CDC), the
Government of Nepal with a focus on child psychology of acquiring
mathematical knowledge and skill. The major thrust is on creating an
enjoyable experience in learning mathematics through the inclusion of a
variety of problems which are closely related to our daily life. This book
is expected to foster a positive attitude among children and encourage
them to enjoy mathematics. A conscious attempt has been made to present
mathematical concepts with ample illustrations, assignments, activities,
exercises and project work to the students in a friendly manner to
encourage them to participate actively in the process of learning.

I have endeavored to present this book in a very simple and interesting

form. Exercises have been carefully planned. Enough exercises have been
presented to provide adequate practice.

I have tried to include the methods and ideas as suggested by the teachers
and subject experts who participated in the seminars, and workshops
conducted at different venues. I express my sincere gratitude to my
friends and well wishers for their valuable suggestions.

I am extremely grateful to Man Bahadur Tamang, Laxmi Gautam,

Sunil Kumar Chaudhary, Ram Prasad Sapkota, Saroj Neupane for their
invaluable suggestions and contributions.

Sincere gratitude to Managing Director Oasis Publication for his invaluable

support and cooperation in getting this series published in this shape.

In the end, constructive and practical suggestions of all kinds for further
improvement of the book will be appreciated and incorporated in the
course of revision.

Shyam Datta Adhikari

March 2022
Unit-1 Sets 1-18
1. Sets....................................................................................... 2
Unit-2 Arithmetic 19-75
2. Taxation.................................................................................. 20
3. Commission, Bonus and Dividend.................................... 41
4. Household-Arithmetic......................................................... 53
Unit-3 Mensuration 76-130
5. Plane Figures.......................................................................... 77
6. Area of Four Walls................................................................ 94
7. Prism...................................................................................... 103
8. Cylinder ................................................................................. 112
9. Sphere and Hemisphere...................................................... 121
Unit-4 Algebra 131-206
10. Sequence and Series............................................................. 132
11. Factorization.......................................................................... 154
12. H.C.F. and L.C.M. ................................................................ 169
13. Simultaneous Linear Equation........................................... 177
14. Indices.................................................................................... 198
Unit-5 Geometry 207-283
15. Triangles................................................................................ 208
16. Similarity................................................................................ 240
17. Quadrilateral......................................................................... 248
18. Construction.......................................................................... 260
19. Circle....................................................................................... 267
Unit-6 Statistics & Probability 284-327
20. Statistics................................................................................. 285
21. Probability............................................................................. 315
Unit-7 Trigonometry 328-342
22. Trigonometry......................................................................... 329
Estimated Teaching Hours 8

• Review
• Operations on set
• Cardinality of sets

Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, students will be able to develop the
following competencies:

• To find the union, intersection, difference and

complement of sets
• To represent above operations in Venn diagrams
• To find the cardinal number of given sets
• To solve the problems of two sets using Venn-diagram

Teaching Materials
• A4 size paper, Tracing paper, Chart paper, etc.

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1.1 Warm-up Activities
Identify whether the given collections are well defined or not? Discuss in your
• Collection of vowel letters.
• Collection of prime numbers less than 10.
• Collection of honest people in the society.
List the elements of above collections.
Is it possible to list the elements of all collections?
The first collection is {a, e, i, o, u}
The second collection is {2, 3, 5, 7}
But it is difficult to specify the third one.
It is not well defined.
Hence, the well defined collection of object is called set.

Universal set and subset

Given figure shows whether the students of class IX like tea, milk, both or none.
Study the given Venn diagram and answer the questions given below.
• How many students are there altogether?
• List the students who like tea. T M

• List the students who like milk. • ram • Salman

• Suntali
• John • Numa
• Dristi
• What are the notations of a tea and milk? •Lakpa • Nabida

• Which two students do not like both? • Lochan

• David

• Are 'T' and 'M' subjects of the collection?

• Altogether there are 10 students

• Ram, John, Lakpa, Salman, Dristi is the list of student who like tea.
• Suntali, Numa, Nabida, Salman, Dristi is the list of student who like milk.
• 'T' and 'M' are the notations of tea and milk.
• Lochan and Devid are two students who don't like both.

Here, the collection of these 10 students is the universal set. This collection contains

2 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

all the elements of M, all the elements of T, 'M' and 'T' both and none of these as
Hence, the set under consideration which contains all the sets of its surroundings is
the universal set.
All the sets which can be formed from the given universal set are the subsets of
unversal set.

Notation of set
The set is denoted by capital letters A, B, C..., X, Y, Z, … etc.
The members of set are mentioned by small letters a, b, c, x, y, z, etc. within curly
brackets { }.
Symbols used in set

∪ Union
∩ Intersection
A Complement of A
⊂ Proper subset
⊆ Subset
∈ Belongs to or a member of
∉ Doesn't belong to or not a member of

1.2 Operation in Sets

Union of Sets
Let, A = {a, b, c}, B = {d, e, f}, then the set containing all the elements
of A as well as B is called union of two sets A and B.
It is denoted by (A ∪ B). U
∴ A ∪ B = {a, b, c, d, e, f} •d
Similarly, if A = {x: x is a prime factor of 12} and •b •c •e
B = { x : x is a prime factor of 15}
Then, the set containing all prime factors of both 12 as well as 15 is denoted by,
A∪B = { x : x is either prime factor of 12 or 15}
In roster form: U
A = { 2, 3 }
B = { 3, 5 }
A ∪ B = { 2, 3, 5 }
Lets take one more example, U
A = {2, 4, 6, 8,10} and B = {2, 4, 6} •2 B
•4 •8
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Then, A∪ B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} = A
Thus, let A and B be any two sets then their union is denoted by A ∪ B and is defined by
A ∪ B = { x : x ∈ A or x ∈ B}.

(A∪B when A and B are overlapping) (A∪B when A and B are disjoint) (A∪B when B is the subset of A)

Intersection of Sets
Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = { 1, 3, 5, 9, 12}. Then, there is a set of common elements of A and
B which is called intersection of A and B. i.e. A ∩ B = { 1, 3}.
Similarly, let A = {a, b, c }, B = { s, v, u} A B

then, A ∩ B = { }= φ •a •s
•b •v
( There is no common element in A and B. )

•c •u

Thus, let A and B be any two sets then their intersection is denoted
by A ∩ B and defined by;
A ∩ B = { x : x ∈ A and x ∈ B}

(A∩B when A and B are overlapping) (A∩B when A and B are disjoint) (A∩B when B is the subset of A)

Difference of Sets
Let A = { 1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, then. List the elements which are in A but not
in B. {1, 2} is the list which are in A but not in B. The difference of A and B is denoted by
A – B. A – B = {1, 2} [∵ set of elements of A but not the element of B]
Similarly, B – A = {5, 6, 7} ( ∴ 5, 6, 7 ∈ B but ∉ A ) A B
Let's take some examples, •b •a •i
•c •o
A = {a, b, c, d, e} and B = {a, e, i, o, u} then the collection of elements •d •u
in both A and B is {a, e}.
∴ A∩B = {a, e}.
Again, A = set of factors of 12 and B = set of factors of 6, then, •1 •2
B •3 •6 •12
A = {1, 2, 3, 6, 12}, B = {1, 2, 3, 6}
The collection of elements from both A and B = {1, 2, 3, 6} = B
Thus let 'A' and 'B' be any two sets then their difference is denoted by A – B and
B – A and defined by A – B = {x : x ∈ A and x ∉ B}
B – A = {x : x ∈ B and x ∉ A}

4 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal



Representation in the Venn diagram when A and B are disjoint sets when B ⊂ A

Complement of Sets
Let A = {2, 3, 4} is a subset of universal set
U = { 2, 3, 4, 6, 9}.
Then the complement of A is the set of elements from U
but not the elements of A.
A = {x: x ∈ U, x ∉A}
So, A = AC = A' = U – A = {2, 3, 4, 6, 9} – { 2, 3, 4} = {6, 9}
From above example, we conclude that A is the set of all elements of U but not the
elements of A. i.e. we can write A = U – A

Representation in the Venn diagram

Symmetric Difference
Let A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {3, 4, 5}
A – B = {1, 2, 3 } – {3, 4, 5} = { 1, 2 }
and, B – A = { 3, 4, 5} – {1, 2, 3} = {4, 5}
Now, (A – B) ∪ (B – A) = {1, 2} ∪ {4, 5} = {1, 2, 4, 5} is called symmetric difference of A and
Thus, symmetric difference between two sets is defined by A ∆ B = { x : x ∈ A or B but x
∉ A ∩ B}

Representation in the Venn diagram

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Exercise 1.1
1. If U = {1, 2, 3, …. 10 }, A = { 2, 3, 5, 7 } and B = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 }, find
(a) A∩B (b) A ∪ B (c) B – A (d) A – B
(e) A (f) B (g) A ∪ B (h) A ∩ B (i) (A–B) ∪ (B–A)
2. What sets do the shaded regions in the following diagrams represent?
(a) U (b) U (c) U

(d) U (e) U
(f) U

(g) U (h) U
(i) U

3. From the adjoining diagram, write the elements of the following sets.
(a) A (b) B (c) A ∪ B A B
(d) A ∩ B (e) A – B (f) B – A 3 5
10 6
(g) A ∩ B (h) (A–B) ∪ (B–A) (i) A ∪ B 2 7
9 8
(j) (A – B) ∪ A (k) B ∩ (B – A)
4. Draw the given diagram in your copy and shade the region represented by the
following sets separately.
(a) A (b) B (c) A A B

(d) B (e) A ∪ B (f) A ∩ B

(g) A – B (h) B – A (i) A ∪ B
(j) A ∩ B (k) A–B (l) B – A

5. If U = { x : 1 ≤ x ≤ 12, x ∈ N }, A = { 1, 3, 9, 10 }, B = {3, 4, 6, 11, 12 }, find

(a) A ∪ B (b) (A ∪ B). (c) A∩ B (d) (A ∩ B).
(e) A ∩ B (f) A∪B

6 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

6. Let A = a set of multiple of 3 less than 25, B = a set of multiple of 4 less than 25,
write the sets A and B by listing method and find,
(a) A ∪ B (b) A ∩ B (c) A – B (d) B – A
Also represent all the sets in Venn diagram.
7. Let, U = a set of natural number less than 10,
A = a set of multiple of 2 less than 10, B = a set of multiple of 4 less than 10. Write
the sets A and B by listing method and find
(a) A ∪ B (b) A ∩ B (c) A – B (d) B – A
Also represent all the sets in Venn diagram.
8. (a) If A = {2, 3, 4, 5}, B = { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} and U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, prove that:
(i) A ∪ B = B ∩ A (ii) A ∩ B = B ∪ A
(b) If U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}, A = { a, b, c, d }, B = {b, c, e, f} and C = {a, e, h},
verify the following:
(i) A∪B = B∪A (ii) A ∩ B = B ∩ A
(iii) A ∪ B = B ∩ A (iv) A ∩ B = B ∪ A

(v) B ∪ C = B ∩ C (vi) B ∩ C = B ∪ C

1. (a) {2} (b) {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10} (c) {4,6,8,10} (d) {3,5,7}
(e) {1,4,6,8,9,10} (f) {1,3,5,7,9} (g) {1,9} (h) {1,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10}
(i) {3,4,5,6,7,8,10} 2. Consult your teacher
3. (a) {1, 2, 3, 4, 10} (b) {3, 4, 5, 6, 7} (c) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10} (d) {3, 4}
(e) {1, 2, 10} (f) {5, 6, 7} (g) {1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} (h) {3, 4, 8, 9}
(i) {8, 9} (j) { 1, 2, 3, 4,10} (k) { 5, 6, 7}
4. (a) U (b) U (c) U
(d) U

(e) U (f) (g) (h)

(i) U (j) (k) (l)

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5. (a) {1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12} (b) {2, 5, 7, 8} (c) {3}

(d) {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12} (e) {2, 5, 7, 8} (f) {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}

6. (a) U (b) U (c) U (d) U

A •18
•4 A •18
•4 A •18
•4 A •18
•12 •8 B •3
•12 •8 B •3
•21 •8 B •3
•12 •8 B
•6 •16 •6 •16 •6 •16 •6 •16
•24 •24 •24 •24
•9 •9 •9 •9
•15 •20 •15 •20 •15 •20 •15 •20


7. (a) U (b) (c) (d)
•5 •2 •1 •5 •2 •1 •5 •2 •1 •5 •2 •1
•4 •4 •4 •4
•8 •8 •8 •8
•7 •7 •7 •7
•3 •3 •6 •3 •3
•9 •6 •9 •6 •9 •9 •6

8. Consult your teacher.

Project work
In classroom ask your friend whether he/she likes iPhone (I) or Android (A), both or
neither. Make the list of elements of set I and elements of set A, then present this in
Venn diagram.

1.3 Cardinality of Two Sets

Let U = a set of natural number upto 20.
A = a set of multiple of 4 upto 20.
B = a set of multiple of 5 upto 20.
Then, U = { 1, 2, 3, 4, ..........20}, A = {4, 8, 12, 16, 20} and B = {5, 10, 15, 20}.
Let's count how many elements are there in set U?
How many elements are there in set A and set B?
It is clear that, there are 20 elements in set U.
There are 5 elements in set A and 4 elements in set B. These numbers are called cardinal
numbers. Cardinal number of U is 20. It is denoted as n(U) = 20. Cardinal number of set
A is 5. It is denoted as n(A) = 5 and cardinal number of B, n(B) = 4.
Again, A – B = {4, 8, 12, 16, 20} – {5, 10, 15, 20} = {4, 5, 12, 16}
n(A–B) = 4.
B–A = {5, 10, 15, 20} – {4, 8, 12, 16, 20} = {5, 10, 15}
n(B–A) = 3
A∪B = {4, 8, 12, 16, 20} ∪ {5, 10, 15, 20} = {4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20}
n(A∪B) = 8.
A∩B = {4, 8, 12, 16, 20} ∩ { 5, 10, 15, 20} = { 20 }
n(A∩B) = 1

8 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Cardinal Number
Let A = {a, b, c, d}, B = { 1, 2 }, C = { 0 } and φ are some sets. There are four elements in set
A, two elements in set B, one element in set C and no element in set φ .
In short, we write n(A) = 4, n(B) = 2, n(C) = 1 and n(φ) = 0, which are called cardinal
numbers of sets. Thus, the number of elements present in the set is called cardinal
number of the set.
Cardinality of two sets
Let 'A' and 'B' be any two overlapping sets, such that n(A) = a, n(B) = b and
n(A∩B) = x.
Then, from the Venn diagram, U
n(A∪B) = a – x + x + b – x B
n(A∪B) = a + b – x (a-x) x (b-x)
n(A∪B) = n(A) + n(B) –n(A∩B)
If two sets are disjoint, then n(A∪B) = n(A) + n(B)

Some important results on cardinality of two sets

(i) n(A∪B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A∩B)
(ii) n(A∪B) = n(A) + n(B) [if A and B are disjoint sets]
(iii) n0(A) = n(A) – n(A∩B) (iv) n0(B) = n(B) – n(A∩B)
(v) n(A∪B) = n0(A) + n0(B) + n(A∩B) U
n(A∪B) A B
(vi) n (A∪B) = n(U) – n(A∪B)
n(A) n(B)
(vii) n0(A) = n(A∪B) – n(B) n0(A) n0(B)

(viii) n0(B) = n(A∪B) – n(A)

(ix) n(U) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A∩B) + n (A∪B)
Note: n0(A) = n(A–B) and n0(B) = n(B – A) B

If A and B are disjoint sets then n(A∪B) = n(A)+ n(B) and n(A∩B) = 0.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
If A = { x : x is a multiple of 3 less than 16}, B = { x :x is odd number less than 16 }, verify
the following.
(i) n(A∪B)= n(A) +n(B) –n(A∩B)
(ii) n(A–B)= n(A) –n(A∩B)
(iii) n ( A ∪ B) = n0( A ) + n0( B ) + n ( A ∩ B)

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A = { x : x is a multiple of 3 less than 16 }
or, A = { 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 }
B = { x : x is odd number less than 16 }
or, B = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 }
Here, A ∩ B = { 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 } ∩ { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 }
= {3, 9, 15},
A∪B = { 3, 6, 9, 12, 15} ∪ {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15}
= { 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11,12, 13, 15 }
A–B = { 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 } – { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 }
= { 6, 12 }
We can represent the above sets in the Venn diagram. U
Now, n(A∪B) = 10 •3
•6 •5
n(A) = 5 •9 •7 •11
•12 •15
n (B) = 8
n(A∩B) = 3
n0 ( A ) = 2
n0 ( B ) = 5
(i) n ( A∪ B ) = n(A)+n(B)–n(A∩B)
L.H.S. = n ( A ∪ B ) = 10
R.H.S. = n ( A ) + n ( B) – n ( A ∩ B)
= 5 + 8 – 3 = 10
∴ L.H.S = R.H.S.
(ii) n(A–B) = n(A)–n(A∩B)
L.H.S. = n ( A – B ) = n0(A) = 2
R.H.S. = n (A) – n ( A ∩ B ) = 5 – 3 = 2
∴ L.H.S. = R.H.S.
(iii) n (A ∪ B) = n0 (A) + n0 (B) + n (A ∩ B)
L.H.S. = n(A∪B) = 10
R.H.S. = n0(A) + n0(B) + n(A∩B)
= 2 + 5 + 3 = 10
Example: 2
If n(U) = 140, n(A) = 80, n(B) = 70, n(A∩B) = 50, find n(A∪B), n(A∪B ) , n0(A) and n0(B).
Here, n(A) = 80, n(B) = 70, n(A∩B) = 50, n(U) = 140, n(A∪B) = ?, n(A∪B ) = ?,
n0(A) = ?, n0(B) = ?
We have, n(A∪B) = n(A) + n(B) –n(A∩B)

10 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


30 50 20

= 80 + 70 – 50
= 100
Now, n(A∪B ) = n(U) – n(A∪B)
= 140 – 100 = 40
Again, n0(A) = n(A) – n(A∩B) = 80 – 50 = 30
n0(B) = n(B) – n(A∩B) = 70 – 50 = 20

Example: 3
If n(U) = 200, n(A) = 120, n(B) = 140, n(A∪B ) = 30, using Venn diagram find the value of
Given, n(U) = 200, n(A) = 120, n(B) = 140
n(A∪B ) = 30, n (A∩B) = ? U
Let, n(A∩B) = x.
120-x x 140-x
From the Venn diagram,
n(U) = 120 – x + x + 140 – x + 30
or, 200 = 290 – x
or, x = 290 – 200
x = 90
∴ n(A∩B) = 90.

Example: 4
In an examination it was found that 85% students passed in Maths and 75% passed in
Science. If 65% passed in both subjects, find the percentage of students who failed in
both subjects.
Alternative method
Let, n(U) = 100, n(M) = 85,
Let 'M' and 'S' be the set of students who passed in
Maths and Science respectively. n(S) = 75, n(M∩S) = 65,
Let n(U) = 100 n(M∪S) = x (suppose)
Then, n(M) = 85, n(S) = 75, n(M∩S) = 65 M S

n(M∪S ) = ? 85 -65
65 75 -65

We have, x

n(U) = n(M) + n(S)–n(M∩S) + n(M∪S ) From the Venn diagram,

n(U) = 20+65+10+x
or, 100 = 85 + 75 – 65 + n(M∪S ) 100 = 95 + x
or, 100 = 160 – 65 + n(M∪S ) x = 100 – 95 = 5
Hence, 5% students failed
or, 100 = 95 + n(M∪S ) in both subjects.

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or n(M∪S ) = 100 – 95 = 5
∴ 5% students failed in both subjects.
Students are requested to solve the questions by using Venn-diagram rather than
using formula.
If every information is given in percentage then it is better to suppose n(U) = 100.

Example: 5
In a survey of 150 people, it has been found that 90 people like to drink tea, 80 people
like to drink coffee. If 40 people do not like to drink both,
(i) find the number of people who like to drink at least one.
(ii) find the number of people who like to drink both.
(iii) find the number of people who like to drink only one. Alternative method
(iv) show this informations in Venn diagram. Let n (T∩ C) = x
Solution: T C

Let 'T' and 'C' be the sets of people who like to drink tea 90–x x 80–x

and coffee respectively. 40

Here, n(U) = 150, n(T) = 90, n (C)= 80, n(T∪C ) = 40 From the Venn diagram,

We have, n(U) = 90 – x + x + 80 – x + 40
or, 150 = 210 – x = 110
(i) n(T ∪ C) = n(U) – n(T∪C )
or, x = 210 – 150
= 150 – 40 = 110 or, x = 60
∴ The number of people who like to drink ∴ n(T∩C) = 60
at least one = 110 Again,
(ii) We have, n(T∪C) = n(T) + n(C) – n(T∩C) n(T∪ C) =90 – x + x + 80 – x
110 = 90 + 80 – n(T∩C) = 170 – x
or, n(T∩C) = 170 – 110 = 170 – 60 = 110
or, n(T∩C) = 60. Again,
∴ The number of people who like to drink n0(T) = 90 – x = 90 – 60 = 30
both = 60 n0 (C) = 80 – x = 80 – 60 = 20
(iii) We have, n0(T) = n(T) – n(T∩C) n(only one) = n0 (T) + n0 (C)
= 90 – 60 = 30 + 20 = 50
= 30
n0(C) = n(C) – n(T∩C) T C

= 80 – 60 30 60 20

= 20 40
n(only one) = n0(T) + n0(C)

12 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

= 30 + 20
= 50
∴ The number of people who like to drink only one = 50
(iv) U

30 60 20


Example: 6
In a survey among the people in the community, it was found that 80% people liked
oranges and 60% liked mangoes, 50% liked both and 40 people did not like both of
them. Using Venn diagram, find the number of people on the survey.
Let 'O' and 'M' be the set of people who liked orange and mango respectively.
Let n(U) = x,
80 8x
Then n(O) = 80% of x = ×x=
100 10
80 6x
n(M) = 60% of x = ×x= .
100 10
50 5x
n(O∩M)= 50% of x = ×x= .
100 10
n(O∪M) = 40
Now, plotting the above informations in the Venn diagram
From the Venn diagram,
3x 5x x M S
+ + + 40 = x
10 10 10 8x – 5x 5x 6x – 5x
3x 5x x 10 10 10 10 10
or, x– – – = 40 = 3x =x
10 10 10 10 10
or, 10x–3x–5x–x = 40
10 x
or, = 40
or, x = 400
∴ Total number of people on the survey = 400.

Exercise 1.3
1. (a) If A = {2, 3, 4, 5}, B = { 4, 5, 6, 9, 10}, U = { 1, 2, 3, … 10}, find (i) n(A), (ii) n(B),
(iii) n(U), (iv) n(A ∩ B), (v) n(A ∪ B), (vi) n(A – B), (vii) n(B – A), (viii) n(A ∪ B),
(ix) n(A ∩ B)

(b) If P = {x : 3 ≤ x ≤ 9, x ∈ N} and Q = { x : x is a multiple of 3 which is less than 16}, find

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 13

(i) n(P) (ii) n(Q) (iii) no (P)
(iv) no (Q) (v) n(P ∪ Q) (vi) n(P ∩ Q)
2. (a) If A = { a, b, c, d}, B = { b, c, e, f, g }, U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}, verify that:
(i) n (A ∪ B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A ∩ B) (ii) n (A – B) = n(A) – n(A ∩ B)
(iii) n( B – A) = n(B) – n(A∩B) (iv) n(A∪B) = no(A) + no(B) + n(A∩B)
(v) n0(A) = n(A∪B) – n(B) (vi) n0(B) = n(A∪B) – n(A)
(b) From the given Venn diagram, find the value of: U
(i) n (A – B) (ii) n(B – A) (iii) n(A∩ B) •8
•1 •4
•3 •9
(iv) n(A∪B) (v) n(A∪B) (vi) n(A∩B) •2
•5 •10
•6 •7
3. (a) If n(A) = 20, n(B) = 30 and n(A∩B) = 10, find
(i) no(A) (ii) no(B) (iii) no(A) + no(B) + n(A∩B)
(iv) n(A) + n(B) – n(A∩B) (v) Are the results of (iii) and (iv) equal?
(b) If no (A) = 25, no (B) = 20, n(A∩B) = 15, find
(i) n(A) (ii) n(B) (iii) no(A) + no (B) + n(A∩B)
(iv) n(A) + n(B) – n (A∩B) (v) compare the result of (iii) and (iv).
4. (a) If A and B are two disjoint sets and n(A) = 30, n(B) = 40, find n(A∪B).
(b) If A and B are disjoint sets and n(A∪B) = 40, n(A) = 25, find n(B).
5. (a) From the given diagram, find the value of: U
(i) x (ii) no (A)
60–x x 70–x
(iii) no (B) (iv) n(A ∪ B)

n(U) = 120
(b) From the given diagram, find the value of: U
(i) x (ii) n(P)
30 x 50
(iii) n(Q) (iv) n(P∪Q)

n(U) = 120
6. (a) If n(U) = 200, n(M) = 120, n(E) = 110, n(M∪E ) = 150, using Venn diagram find the
value of (i) n(M∩E) (ii) n(M∪E ).
(b) If A and B are the subsets of universal set U, such that n(U) = 50, n(A) = 28, n(B) = 22,
n(A∩B) = 12, find n(A∪B) and n(A ∩ B). Illustrate the above information in the
Venn digram.
(c) If n(P) = 60, n(Q) = 70, n(P∩Q) = 40, find
(i) no(P) (ii) no(Q) (iii) n(P∪Q)
(iv) Show the above information in the Venn diagram.

14 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(d) If n(A) = 100, n(B) = 60, n(A∪B) = 120, n(U) = 130, find
(i) n(A∩B) (ii) n(A∪B) (iii) n(A – B) (iv) n (B – A)
7. (a) If no(A) = 30, no(B) = 25, n(A∩B) = 18, find the n(A∪B).
(b) If no(A) = 45, no(B) = 50, n(A∪B) = 120, and n(U) = 150,
(i) show the information in Venn diagram.
(ii) find n(A∩B), n(A), n(B) and n(A∪B).
8. (a) In a language class of 85 students, 60 study German and 45 study French. If
20 study none of these two languages, using Venn diagram, find how many
students study both of the languages.
(b) In a survey among the people of internet lovers, it was found that 150 people
used Facebook, 90 people used Instagram and 50 people did not use any of them.
If 200 people used at least one of them, using Venn diagram.
(i) find the number of people who used both Facebook and Instagram.
(ii) find the total number of people in the survey.
(c) In a survey of 400 students, 300 like Mathematics, 270 like Science and 80
students do not like any of these subjects. Find
(i) how many students like at least one subject?
(ii) how many students like both subjects?
(iii) how many students like only one subject?
(iv) show the above information in the Venn diagram.
(d) In a survey of a group of people, it was found that 170 people like noodles and
120 like Mo : Mo, 64 like both and 72 do not like any of these.
(i) Illustrate the above information in the Venn diagram.
(ii) Find the total number of people surveyed.
(iii) Find the number of people who like only one of these.
(e) In a survey of a group of people they like either to watch movie or to listen to
music or both. 150 people like to watch movie and 160 people like to listen to
music. If 120 people like to watch movie as well as to listen to music,
(i) find the number of people under the survey.
(ii) find the number of people who like to watch movie only.
(iii) find the number of people who like to listen to the music only.
(iv) show the above information in the Venn diagram.
9. (a) In a survey among a group of people it was found that 80 people like football
only and 70 people like cricket only. If 35 people like both and 25 do not like any
of them, by drawing Venn diagram, find the number of people in the survey.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 15

(b) In a group of 200 people, 60 like milk only, 50 like curd only and 10 like none of
these two. Using Venn diagram find the number of people who like both.
10. (a) In an examination, 60% students passed in English, 70% passed in Nepali and
15 % failed in both subjects. Find the number of students passed in both subjects.
(b) In an examination 20% students failed in Science and 30% failed in Maths. If 60%
students passed in both subjects, find the number of students failed in both subjects.
11. (a) In a survey, 80% people like Coke and 85% like Pepsi, 75% people like both the
drinks. If 45 people do not like both the drinks, find the total number of people
in the survey. Show the given information in Venn diagram.
(b) In an examination, 60% students passed in Mathematics, 75% passed in English
and 55% passed in both subjects. If 60 students failed in both subjects, using
Venn diagram, find the total number of examinees.
(c) 40% of the students of a school play football, 30% play volleyball and 50% play
neither. If 36 students play both football and volleyball, use Venn diagram and find,
(i) the number of students in the school.
(ii) number of students who play only football.
(iii) number of students who play only one game.
12. (a) In a survey of 56 students, it was found that the number of students who like
football and cricket is in the ratio 5 : 4. If 7 like both games and 9 like neither of
the games then by drawing Venn diagram,
(i) find how many students like football.
(ii) find how many students like cricket only.
(b) In a survey among 65 people about their favourite fruits, it was found that
the number of people who like mango is twice the number of people who like
orange. If 10 people like both fruits and 15 do not like any of them, using Venn
diagram find the number of people who like (i) Mango only, (ii) Orange.

1. (a) (i) 4 (ii) 5 (iii) 10 (iv) 2 (v) 7 (vi) 2 (vii) 3
(viii) 3 (ix) 8 (b) (i) 7 (ii) 5 (iii) 4 (iv) 2 (v) 9 (vi) 3
2. (a) Consult your teacher (b) (i) 3 (ii) 3 (iii) 2 (iv) 8 (v) 2 (iv) 8
3. (a) (i) 10 (ii) 20 (iii) 40 (iv) 40 (v) equal (b) (i) 40 (ii) 35 (iii) 60
(iv) 60 (v) equal 4. (a) 70 (b) 15 5. (a) (i) 40 (ii) 20 (iii) 30 (iv) 90
5. (b) (i) 10 (ii) 40 (iii) 60 (iv) 90 6. (a) (i) 80 (ii) 50
(b) (i) 38, (ii) 38 (c) (i) 20 (ii) 30 (iii) 90 (d) (i) 40 (ii) 10 (iii) 60 (iv) 20
7. (a) 73 (b) (ii) 25, 70, 75, 30 8. (a) 40 (b) (i) 40 (ii) 250 (c) (i) 320 (ii) 250 (iii) 70 (d) 298,
162, (e) 190, 30, 40, 9. (a) 210, (b) 80
10. (a) 45% (b) 10% 11. (a) 450 (b) 300 (c) 180, 36, 54 12. (a) 30, 17 (b) (i) 30 (ii) 20

16 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Project work
Take a survey among 20 people in your locality about their interest in fruits
whether they like mango, orange, both or none of them. List each sets. Find their
cardinal number and present the result in the Venn-diagram.

Objective Questions
Choose the correct alternatives.
1. Which one of the following relation is not true?
(i) A∪B = B∪A (ii) A∪B = A ∩ B (iii) A∪B = A ∪ B

2. Which one of the following relation is not true? U

(i) A∩B (ii) B – A (iii) A – B A B

3. Which one of the following relation is not true?

(i) n(A∪B) = n(A) + n(B) + n(A∩B)

(ii) n(A∪B) = n0(A) + n0(B) + n(A∩B)

(iii) n(A∪B) = (U) – n(A∪ B)

4. If n(A) = 20, n(B) = 18 and n(A∩B) = 12, then,

(i) n0(A) =32 and n0(B) = 30

(ii) n0(A) = 8 and n0(B) = 6

(ii) n0(A) =12 and n0(B) = 12

5. All the elements of set B lie on the set A as well. Then, which one of the given
relation is not true.

(i) n(A∪B) = n(A)

(ii) n(A∩B) = n(B)
(iii) n(A∩B) = n(A)
6. If n0(A) = 30, n0(B) = 40, n(A∩B) = 15 and n((U) = 100, then n(A∪ B) is
(i) 85 (ii) 15 (iii) 45

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 17

Assessment Test Paper
Attempt all the questions. Full Marks: 20
Group – "A" [3 × 2 = 6]
1. (a) If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, find A∪B and A – B.
(b) From the given Venn diagram, U
Find (i) A (ii) n(A) •a
•q •x
•b •y
(iii) B (iv) n(B) •p

(c) If U = {x : 1 ≤ x ≤ 10}, A = a set of odd numbers less then 10, B = a set of prime
numbers less than 10, find A – B, n(A – B) and show this relation in the Venn
Group – "B" [4 × 4 = 16]

2. Let, A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, B = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, prove that

(i) A ∪ B = A ∩ B (ii) A ∩ B = A ∪ B

3. If U = {1, 2,3, ..........15}, A = { 3, 6, 9, 12, 15}, B = a set of multiples of 5 upto 15, find

(i) n(A) (ii) n(B) (iii) n(A∩B)

(iv) n(A∪B) (v) n(A) + n(B) – n(A∩B) (vi) is n(A∪B)

4. In a group of 70 people, 37 like tea, 52 like milk and each person likes at least one
of the two drinks. Using Venn diagram find,

(i) how many like both tea and milk?

(ii) how many like tea only?

(iii) how many like milk only?

5. In a group of students, 50% like Mathematics, 70% like Science, 10% do not like
any of these subjects and 120 like both. By using Venn diagram, find the total
number of students.

18 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Estimated Teaching Hours 32
• Taxation
 Income Tax
 Value Added Tax
• Household Arithmetic
 Electricity Bill
 Water Bill
 Telephone Bill
 Taxi Fare

Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, students will be able to develop the
following competencies:
• To calculate the income tax to be paid by an individual and married
• To calculate the income tax be paid by the form run by an individual
and a married couple
• To calculate the commission to be received by a middle man or
salesman while selling a land or articles
• To calculate the amount of dividend obtained by a shareholder of
a company
• To calculate the amount of value added tax to be paid by a customer on
the bill
• To read the water bill, telephone bill and to calculate the amount to
be paid
• To calculate the taxi-fare at the given rate

Teaching Materials
• Sample of Electricity Bill, Water Bill, Telephone Bill, etc.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 19


2 Taxation

2.1 Warm up Activities

Discuss the following questions in your classroom and draw out the conclusion.

• How does the government collect the money for its different expenses?
• Monthly salary of Arpan is Rs. 20,000. But he received Rs. 19800, why he got Rs.
200 less?
• Monthly salary of Anamika is Rs. 40,000. At the end of a year altogether she
received Rs. 12000 less amount? Why?
• An article is sold at Rs. 2000. But the buyer paid Rs. 2260. Why the buyer paid
Rs. 260 more.
• On the bill, some extra charge is added on the selling price, what is that extra
charge called?

2.2 Income Tax

Ramesh is a government officer. His yearly income is Rs. 5,00,000. Nima is a businessman.
He earns more than Rs. 10,00,000 in a year. They have to pay some part of their income
to the government. The amount paid by Ramesh and Nima to the government is the
income tax.
If the income of an individual or entity is more than a certain limit, then government
imposes certain part of extra income as tax.
Hence, an income tax is a government levy imposed on individuals or entities that
varies with income or profit of taxpayer.
Government manages its expense from the tax paid by the people.

20 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Tax Rate of Nepal
Tax rate for the individual or couple getting income from job.
For Individual
Taxable income slab Tax rate
First Rs. 4,00,000 1%
Rs. 4,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000 (For next Rs. 1,00,000) 10%
Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 7,00,000 (For next Rs. 2,00,000) 20%
Rs. 7,00,000 to Rs. 20,00,000 (For next Rs. 13,00,000) 30%
More than Rs. 20,00,000 36%
Let's find the tax to paid by an individual whose annual income is Rs. 30,00,000.
Taxable income slab Tax rate Tax amount
First 4,00,000 1% 1% of Rs. 4,00,000 = Rs. 4,000

Rs. 4,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000 10% 10% of Rs. 1,00,000 = Rs. 10,000
(For next Rs. 1,00,000)
Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 7,00,000 20% 20% of Rs. 2,00,000 = Rs. 40,000
(For next Rs. 2,00,000)
Rs. 7,00,000 to Rs. 20,00,000 30% 30% of Rs. 13,00,000 = Rs. 3,90,000
(For next Rs. 13,00,000)
Rs. 20,00,000 to Rs. 30,00,000 36% 36% of Rs. 10,00,000 = Rs. 3,60,000
(For next Rs. 10,00,000)
Total Tax = Rs. 8,04,000

For Couple
Taxable income slab Tax rate
First Rs. 4,50,000 1%

Rs. 4,50,000 to Rs. 5,50,000 (For next Rs. 1,00,000) 10%

Rs. 5,50,000 to Rs. 7,00,000 (For next Rs. 2,00,000) 20%

Rs. 7,00,000 to Rs. 20,00,000 (For next Rs. 13,00,000) 30%

More than Rs. 20,00,000 36%

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 21

Let us find the income tax to be paid by a married person whose annual income is Rs. 30,00,000.
Taxable income slab Tax rate Tax amount
First Rs. 4,50,000 1% 1% of Rs, 4,50,00,000 = Rs. 4500

Rs. 4,50,00,000 to Rs. 5,50,000 10% 10% of Rs. 1,00,000 = Rs. 10,000
(For next Rs. 1,00,000)
Rs. 5,50,00,000 to Rs. 7,50,000 20% 20% of Rs. 2,00,000 = Rs. 40,000
(For next Rs. 2,00,000)
Rs. 7,50,000 to Rs. 20,00,000) 30% 30% of 12,50,000 = Rs. 3,75,000
(For next Rs. 12,50,000)
Rs. 20,00,000 to Rs. 30,00,000) 36% 36% of 10,00,000 = Rs.3,60,000
(For last 10,00,000)
Total Tax = Rs. 7,89,500

For the firm run by an Individual

For an individual
Taxable income slab Tax rate
First Rs. 4,00,000 Tax free
Rs. 4,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000 (Next Rs. 1,00,000) 10%
Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 7,00,000 (Next Rs. 2,00,000) 20%
Rs. 7,00,000 to Rs. 20,00,000 (Next to Rs. 13,00,000) 30%
More than Rs. 20,00,000 36%

Let us calculate the tax to be paid by a firm run by an individual whose income is Rs. 30,00,000.

Taxable income slab Tax rate Tax amount

First Rs. 4,00,000 Tax free 0

Rs. 4,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000 10% 10% of Rs. 1,00,000 = Rs. 10,000
(Next Rs. 1,00,000)
Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 7,00,000 20% 20% of Rs. 2,00,000 = Rs. 40,000
(Next Rs. 2,00,000)
Rs. 7,00,000 to Rs. 20,00,000 30% 30% of Rs. 13,00,000 = Rs. 3,90,000
(Next Rs. 13,00,000)
Rs. 20,00,000 to Rs. 30,00,000 36% 36% of Rs. 10,00,000 = Rs. 3,60,000
(For last Rs. 10,00,000)
Total Tax = Rs. 8,00,000

22 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

For the firm run by a couple
For couple
Taxable income slab Tax rate
First Rs. 4,50,00,000 Tax free
Rs. 4,50,000 to Rs. 5,50,000 (Next Rs. 1,00,000) 10%
Rs. 5,50,000 to Rs. 7,50,000 (Next Rs. 2,00,000) 20%
Rs. 7,50,000 to Rs. 20,00,000 (Next Rs.12,50,000) 30%
More than Rs. 20,00,000 36%

If the annual income of a firm run by a couple is Rs. 30,00,000. Discuss how to calculate
the tax to be paid by the form.

• Every employee has to pay 1% of his/her income for social security fund.
• An income is tax free on:
– the taxable income (upto 33%) kept in citizen investment fund
– the taxable income (10% of basic salary) kept on provident fund
– insurance premium (upto Rs. 25,000)
– the donation
– upto 75% of foreign allowance
• Medical expenditure

We can get the information related to the tax in the website http:www.ird.gov.np
Observe the given Salary Sheet of 5 teachers of a school.
Karma Bhumi Secondary School
Monthly Salary of Mangsir 2078.
S.N. Name of Teacher Basic Other Total 1% Tax 10% Tax Total Net
Salary allowance Deduction Amount

1. Hariram Sharma 42,700 3100 45800 375 830 1205 44,595

2. Dawa Sherpa 36,500 3500 40,000 375 250 625 3587

3. Netra Pariyar 41,600 3400 45000 375 750 1125 43,875

4. Nargish Khan 37,700 3300 41000 375 350 725 40,275

5. Ram Lakhan Tharu 35,600 1900 37,500 375 - 375 37,125

• How the tax paid by an individual is calculated?

• How the additional tax 10% is calculated?
• Why there is no tax on the title 10% of last teacher?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 23

Worked Out Examples

Example : 1
Monthly salary of Mr. Ramesh Bhattarai is Rs.38,000. He is an unmarried person. If 1%
tax is imposed on his income upto Rs. 4,00,000 and 10% on the next 1,00,000, find the
amount of tax to be paid by him.
Monthly salary of Ramesh Bhattarai = Rs.38,000
His yearly salary = Rs. 38,000 × 12 = Rs.4,56,000
Tax on first Rs.4,00,000 = 1% of 4,00,000
= × 4,00,000 = Rs. 4,000
Remaining taxable income = Rs. 4,56,000 – Rs. 4,00,000 = Rs. 56,000
Tax on Rs. 5,6000 = 10% of 56,000 = × 56,000 = Rs. 5600
∴ Total tax to be paid by him = Rs.4000 + Rs. 5600 = Rs. 9600.

Example : 2
Pemba Sherpa a married person, has a job in Tourism Board. His monthly salary is Rs,
45,000. Using tax rate of government of Nepal, find the amount of tax to be paid.
Monthly salary of Pemba Sherpa = Rs. 45,000
His yearly salary = Rs. 45,000 × 12 = Rs.5,40,000
For a married person, tax for first Rs. 4,50,000 = 1% of Rs. 4,50,000
= × Rs. 4,50,000 = Rs. 4500
Remaining income = Rs. 5,40,000 – Rs.4,50,000
= Rs. 90,000
Tax on Rs. 90,000 = 15% of Rs. 90,000

= Rs. 10 × 90,000 = Rs. 9,000

∴ Total tax = Rs. 4500 + Rs. 9000
= Rs. 13,500.
Example : 3
Ram Bharosh, a married person, works in a bank. His monthly income is Rs.60,000.
50% of his income is tax free. Using the tax rate of Nepal government, find the amount
of tax to be paid.

24 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Solution: Monthly income of Ram Bharosh = Rs.60,000.
His yearly income = Rs. 60,000 × 12 = Rs. 7,20,000
Let us break is income according to taxable income slab = 4,50,000 + Rs. 1,00,000 + Rs. 1,70,000
(1%) (10%) (20%)
Tax for first Rs. 4,50,000 = 1% of Rs., 4,50,000
= × 4,50,000 = Rs. 4500
Tax for next Rs. 1,00,000 = 10% of Rs. 1,00,000
= Rs. × 1,00,000 = Rs.10,000
Tax for last Rs. 1,70,000 = 20% of 1,70,000
= × Rs. 1,70,000= Rs. 34,000
Total tax = Rs. 4500 + Rs.10,000 + Rs. 34,000

= Rs. 49,500.
Example: 4
Ashok is a married person who earns Rs. 65,000 per month. He deposits 10% of the
income for C.I.F., 10% for P.F. and Rs. 20,000 for premium of insurance every year. Using
the tax rate of Nepal Government, find the tax to be paid by him.
Ashok's Monthly Income = Rs. 65,000
∴ Annual Income = Rs. 65,000 × 12
= Rs. 7,80,000
Now, Exemption Limit (Tax free income) = Rs. 4,50,000
Amount deposited on C.I.F. = 10% of Rs. 7,80,000 = Rs. 78,000
Amount deposited on P.F. = 10% of Rs. 7,80,000 = Rs. 78,000
Premimum of insurance = Rs. 20,000
∴ Total non–taxable income = Rs. (78,000 + 78,000 + 20,000) = Rs. 1,76,000
∴ Taxable Income = Total income – non–taxable income
= Rs. (7,80,000 – 1,76,000) = Rs. 6,04,000
∴ Lets break down the taxable income
into different slabs = Rs. 6,04,000 = Rs. 4,50,000 + Rs. 1,00,000 + Rs. 54,000
Tax for first Rs. 4,50,000 = 1% of Rs. 4,50,000 = Rs. 45000
Tax for next Rs. 1,00,000 = 10% of 1,00,000 = Rs. 10,000
Tax for last Rs. 54,000 = 20% of 54,000 = Rs. 10,800
Hence, total tax = Rs. 4500 + Rs. 10,000 + Rs. 10,800 = Rs. 25,300.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 25

Example : 5
Monthly salary of Purushottam Bhatt is Rs. 52,000 including other allowances
Rs. 6,500. He gets Dashain bonus which is equal to his monthly salary except allowances.
(i) Find his total income in a year.
(ii) He deposits 10% of his basic salary to provident fund and Rs. 10,000 per month in
CIF. He pays a yearly premium Rs. 15,000 for his insurance. Find his tax free income.
(iii) Find his taxable income.
(iv) He is a married person, find the total tax paid by him.
His monthly salary = Rs. 52,000
His salary except other allowance (Basic salary)
= Rs. 52,000 – Rs. 6,500 = Rs. 45,500
(i) His annual income = Rs. 52,000 × 12 + Rs. 45,500 = Rs. 6,69,500.
(Yearly salary) (Dashain bonus)
(ii) His tax free income = Sum deposited on P.F. + Sum deposited on
CIF + Insurance premium
= 12 × 10% of 45,500 + 12 ×10,000 + Rs. 15,000
= Rs. 1,89,600
(iii) His taxable income = Rs. 6,69,500 – Rs. 1,89,600 = Rs. 4,79,900
(iv) Since he is a married person, let's break down his taxable income.
Rs. 4,79,900 = Rs. 4,50,000 + Rs. 29,900
1% 10%
Tax for first Rs. 4,50,000 = 1% of Rs. 4,50,000 = × Rs. 4,50,000 = Rs. 4500.
Tax for next Rs. 29,900 = 10% of 29,900 = Rs.2990
Total tax = Rs. 4500 + Rs. 2990 = Rs. 7490
Example : 6
The given table shows the yearly income made by 3 firms run by3 individuals. using
the given tax rate. Complete the given table.
S.N Firms Yearly 10% 20% 30% 36% Total tax
1. Sapana orgainic firms house 8,50,000/-
2. Thakali Bhanchha Ghar 12,60,000/-
3. Yadhav Pharmacy 25,00,000/-

26 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Tax Rate
Income (Rs) Rate
1 - 4,00,000 Tax free
4,00,000 - 5,00,000 10%
5,00,000 - 7,00,000 20%
7,00,000 - 20,00,000 30%
Above 20,00,000 36%

For Sapana Organic Farm House

Let's break 8,50,000 in to different slab.
Yearly First slab Second Slab (10%) Third slab(20%) Fourth slab(30%)
income tax free)
8,50,000 4,00,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 1,50,000

Tax = 0 Tax Tax Tax

=10% of 1,00,000 =20% of 2,00,000 = 30 % of 1,50,000
= 10,000 = 40,000 = 45,000

Hence Total tax to be paid by Sapana organic form = 10,000 + 40,000 + 45,0000 = Rs. 95,000
For Thakali Bhanchha Ghar
Let's berak 12,60, into different slabs.
Yearly First slab Second Third slap Foruth slab Last slab
Income (tax free) slab(10%) (20%) (30%) (36%)
12,60,0000 4,00,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 5,60,000
Tax = 0 Tax = 10 % of Tax = 20% of Tax = 30% of
1,00,000 2,00,000 5,60,000
= 10,000 = 20,000 = 1,68,000
Hence, the total tax to be paid by Thakali Bhanchha Ghar = 10, 000 + 40,000 +1,68,000
= Rs. 2,18,000
For Yadhav Pharmacy
Let's break Rs. 25,00,000 into different slabs.
Yearly First slab Second slab Third slab Fourth slab Last slab
income (tax free) (10%) (20%) ( 30%) (36%)
25,00,000 4,00,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 13,00,000 5,00,000

Tax = 0 Tax Tax Tax Tax

=10% of = 20% of = 30% of = 36 % of
1,00,0000 2,00,000 13,00,000 5,00,000
= 10,000 = Rs. 40,000 = Rs3,90,000 = Rs. 1,80,000

Hence, the tax to be paid by Yadhav Pharmacy = 10,000 + 40,000 + 3,90,000 +1,80,000 = Rs. 6,20,000.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 27

Exercise 2.1
1. (a) What is the rate of Social Security Fund which every employee has to pay?
(b) Upto what percent of income kept in Citizen Investment Fund is tax free?
(c) Upto what percent of income kept on provident fund is tax free?
(d) Upto what amout of insurance premium is tax free?
(e) Upto what percent of foreign allowance is tax free?
(f) What percent of a monthly fee of private education institute is to be paid as
Education Service Tax?
(g) For an unmarried person what amount of income is tax free?
(h) For a married person what amount of income is tax free?
2. (a) Yearly income of Indra Bahadur Pariyar is Rs.3,50,000. Find the amount of tax to
be paid if 1% tax is imposed in the yearly income upto Rs.4,00,000.
(b) Moin Ali works in a finance company. He is an unmarried person. His yearly
income is Rs.3,40,000. If he has to pay 1% tax upto the income of Rs. 2,00,000, find
the amount of tax to be paid.
3. Yearly income of 4 friends are given below.
All of them are unmarried. 1% tax is imposed upto the income of Rs.4,00,000 and
10% on the next1,00,000. Find the amount of tax that each of them has to pay in a
Person Income
Ram Saroj Yadhav Rs. 4,50,000
Gyaljen Tshring Sherpa Rs. 3,60,000
Bishnu Prasad Sharma Rs. 3,80,000
Namu Hang Rai Rs. 5,00,000

4. Yearly income of Rajani, Dharana, Poornima and Samjhana are given below.
Using the table of tax rate given above, find the amount of tax each of them has to
pay. All of them are married.
Person Yearly Income
Rajani Rs. 4,40,000
Dharana Rs. 7,00,000
Poornima Rs. 5,60,000
Samjhana Rs. 8,00,000

28 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

5. Monthly salary of Rahman, Aappa, Shankar and David is shown in the table. All
of them are married. Using the tax rate of government of Nepal, find the tax to be
paid by each of them in a year.

Person Monthly Income

Rahman Rs. 60,000

Aappa Rs. 55,000

Shankar Rs. 45,000

David Rs. 58,000

6. Monthly salary of four unmarried persons is given below. Using the tax rate of
Government of Nepal, find the amount of tax be paid by each of them.
Person Monthly Salary
A Rs. 30,000
B Rs. 40,000
C Rs. 52,000
D Rs. 64,000

7. (a) Monthly income of Mr. Pitambar is Rs. 55,000. He deposits 15% of his income
for C.I.F., 10% for P.F. and he donates 5% of his income in a charity which is
also tax free. How much tax should he pay if,
(i) 1% tax is imposed upto the income of 4,00,000?
(ii) 10% tax is imposed on the income more than Rs. 4,00,000 and less than 5,00,000
(b) Monthly income of Hareram Ojha is Rs. 56,000. He deposits 10% of his income
for C.I.F., 10% for P.F., find the total tax to be paid if
(i) money deposited to C.I.F and P.F. are tax free.
(ii) 1% tax is imposed upto the income of Rs. 4,50,000
(iii) 15% tax is imposed on the income more than 4,50,000.
(c) Monthly income of Raj Bhai Maharjan is Rs. 68,000. He is a married person. He
deposits 20% of his income for C.I.F., 10% of it for P.F. and he pays Rs.20,000 as
yearly premium of insurance. If the money deposited to C.I.F. and P.F. are tax
free and premium of insurance is also tax free, find the amount of tax to be paid
by him in a year.
8. (a) Rehman is married person who earns Rs. 48,500 per month. He deposits 10%
the income on C.I.F., 10% on P.F and Rs. 15,000 for insurance premium every
year. Using the tax rate of Nepal government, find the total tax to be paid by
him in a year.
Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 29
(b) Monthly salary of Shuva Kumar Shrestha, an unmarried person a secondary
level teacher is Rs. 52,500 in which Rs. 40,000 is basic salary and Rs. 12,500
the allowances. He gets Dashain bonus equal to his basic salary. He deposits
10% of his basic salary on P.F. and Rs. 8,000 on C.I.F. every months. He pays
Rs. 15,000 as insurance premium every year. Using the tax rate of Nepal
government, find the tax to be paid in a year.
(c) Basic monthly salary of married person working in a company is Rs. 55,000.
He also gets monthly allowances of Rs. 10,000 on different titles. He also gets
Dashain bonus equal to the basic salary.
(i) Find his yearly income.
(ii) Find his tax free income if he deposits 10% of his basic salary on P.F., 15%
of basic salary on C.I.F. and also pays yearly premium of Rs. 20,000 for his
(iii) Find his taxable income.
(iv) Find the total tax to be paid by him in a year.
9. (a) A man has deposited Rs.2,00,000 in a bank. Find the simple interest received
by him in 3 years at the rate of 10% p.a. If the tax rate is 5% on the interest,
find the net interest received by him.
(b) Find the simple interest on Rs. 4,00,000 in 3 years at the rate of 8% p.a. Find
the income tax if the tax rate is 5% on the interest.

1. Consult your teacher. 2. (a) Rs. 3500 (b) Rs. 3,400 3. Rs. 9000, Rs. 3600, Rs. 3800, Rs. 14,000
4. (a) Rs. 4400, (b) Rs. 44,500, (c) Rs. 16,500 (d) Rs. 69,500
5. Rs. 48,500, Rs. 36,500, Rs. 13,500, Rs. 43,700 6. Rs. 3600, Rs.12,000, Rs. 38,800, Rs.74,400
7. (a) Rs.10,200 (b) Rs.17,640 (c) Rs. 14,740 8. (a) Rs. 4560 (b) Rs. 14,200, (c) (i) Rs. 8,35,000
(ii) Rs. 1,85,000, (iii) Rs. 6,50,000 (iv) Rs. 34,500 9. (a) Rs. 57000 (b) Rs. 4800.

Project work
Visit three firms (Private company) run by an individual. Ask their approximate
yearly income. Using the tax rate of Nepal Government, find the amount of tax to be
paid dividing it into different slabs.

2.2 Value Added Tax

Smriti bought a laptop at the discount of 20% which was marked Rs. 30,000.
How much did she pay?

30 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Here, discount = 20% of Rs. 30,000
= 100 × Rs. 30,000 = Rs. 6,000

Now, selling price Rs. 30,000 – Rs.6,000 = Rs. 24,000.

But her bill was Rs. 27,120.
She paid Rs. 27,120.
Why did she pay Rs. 3,120 more than the selling price?
What is this amount called?
How this amount is calculated?
Discuss in your class.

• The extra amount is the VAT amount

• Current VAT rate of Nepal is 13%, so it is calculated as 13% of 24,000
= 100 × 24,000 = Rs. 3,120

Let's compare these two bills.

ABC Store XYZ Store

Birtamod, Jhapa Ghorahi, Dang
Date: 2078/9/2 Date: 2078/9/5
Rewa Pokhrel Kaushal Pandey
Name........................................................... Name...........................................................

S.N. Items Qty. Rate Price S.N. Items Qty. Rate Price

1. Watch 1 12,000/- 12,000/- 1. Laptop 1 28,000/- 28,000/-

2. Mobile Set 1 18,000/- 18,000/- 2. Mobile Set 1 22,000/- 22,000/-

Total 30,000/- Total 1 50,000/- 50,000/-

Discount 10% 3,000/- Discount 20% 10,000/-
Grand Total 27,000/- Sub-total 40,000/-

VAT 13% 5,200/-

Grand Total 45,200/-

• What is the rate of discount in the first bill?

• What is the rate of discount in the second bill?
• What extra amount has been added in the second bill?
• What is that additional amount called?
• What is the rate of that extra amount?
• What is the difference between these two bills?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 31

• The rate of discount in the first bill is 10%.
• The rate of discount in the second bill is 20%
• The extra amount added in the second bill is Rs. 5200.
• That amount is called VAT amount. The rate of extra amount is 13%.
• In the first bill VAT is not added but in the second bill VAT is added.

VAT is a tax which we pay when we buy either goods or services. It is always
imposed on the selling price.
VAT rates are different in different countries.
The present VAT rate in Nepal is 13%.

S.P. including VAT

The price paid by the buyer (customer) for an article, including the VAT over the S.P., is
called the net S.P. or S.P. including VAT or actual S.P. This is the final price a buyer has
to pay.
Hence, mathematically we can write:

– Discount
Net S.P. = S.P. + VAT
i.e. S.P. with VAT = S.P. + VAT

We can relate the terms C.P., S.P., Profit, S.P.

os t

Loss, M.P., Discount, VAT and S.P. with

– LProfi

VAT as shown in the adjacent figure.

S.P. with

Remember !
Discount = Discount % of M.P.
S.P. = M.P. – Discount
= M.P. – Discount % of M.P.
VAT = VAT % of S.P.
SP with VAT = S.P. + VAT
Net S.P. = S.P. + VAT % of SP
Discount M.P.–S.P
Discount percent = × 100% = × 100%
M.P. M.P.
VAT percent = × 100% = × 100%
S.P. S.P.

32 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

• VAT is added on the price after adding insurance, transportation charge, local taxes
and profit deducting discount.

Add insurance, local taxes and

Cost price transportation charge
Net C.P.

Add profit
Subtract discount
Selling price Marked price
Selling price
with VAT

If commission is to be given on selling the goods, VAT is added to the price including

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
A customer paid 13% VAT on the selling price of Rs. 150. How much did he pay for the
S.P. of article = Rs. 150 Alternative method
VAT = 13% of S.P. S.P. with VAT = S.P. + VAT% of S.P
13 = 150+13% of 150
= × Rs. 150
195 13
= Rs. = Rs.19.50 = 150 + 100 × 150
∴S.P. with VAT = S.P. + VAT = 150 + 19.50

= Rs. 150 + Rs.19.50 = Rs. 169.50

= Rs. 169.50

Example : 2
A man paid Rs. 3390 for an article after levying 13% VAT. Find the selling price of the
Here, S.P. with VAT = Rs. 3390
VAT % = 13%
S.P. = ?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 33

We have, Alternative method
S.P. with VAT = S.P. + VAT% of S.P.
Let S.P. = x
3390 = S.P. + 13% of S.P.
VAT% = 13%
or, 3390 = S.P. + 100 × S.P. 13x
VAT = 13% of x =
or, 3390 =
113 S.P S.P. with VAT = x + 113x
100 100
or, 3390 × 100 = 113 S.P. 3390 = 113x
3390 ×100
or, S.P. = or, x = 3390×100 = 3000
113 113
∴ S.P. = Rs. 3000. ∴ S.P. = Rs. 3000.

Example : 3
The M.P. of a sweater is Rs. 1500. Find the Net S.P. after allowing 20% discount and then
adding 13% VAT.
Solution: Here, M.P. = Rs. 1500
Discount = 20% of Rs.1500 = × Rs. 1500 = Rs.300
∴ S.P. after discount = Rs. 1500 – Rs. 300 = Rs. 1200
VAT = 13% of S.P. = × Rs. 1200 = Rs. 156
Net S.P. = Rs. 1200 + Rs. 156 = Rs. 1356
Example: 4
Alternative method
After allowing a discount of 20%, an article is sold for
Given, discount % = 20%
Rs. 1808 including 13% VAT. Find its original price. S.P. with VAT = Rs. 1808
VAT% = 13%
Solution: Let the original price (M.P.) = Rs. x
We have,
20 x
Now, Discount = 20% of M.P = ×x= S.P with VAT = S.P+VAT% S.P.
100 5
S.P. = M.P. – Discount 1808 = S.P. + 13 × S.P.
x 5x – x 4x 113SP
or, 1808 =
= x– = = 100
5 5 5
Further, 4x 4x or S.P. =
S.P. including VAT = + 13% of 113
5 5 or, S.P. = Rs. 6 × 100
4x 13 4x 4x 13x or, S.P. = Rs. 16 × 100
= + × = +
5 100 5 5 125
= Rs. 1600
100 x + 13x 113x S.P. = M.P. – D% of M.P.
= =
125 125 1600 = M.P. – 20% of M.P.
By the question: 20
113x 1600 = M.P. – 100 × M.P.
= 1,808 80M.P.
125 1600 =
1808 × 125 100
∴ x = = Rs. 2000 M.P. = 1600 × 100 = Rs. 2000
113 80
∴ Original price = Rs. 2000. ∴Original price = Rs. 2000.

34 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Example: 5
After allowing 16% discount on the marked price of an article and levying 13% value
added tax, the price of the article becomes Rs. 9,492.
(i) Find the marked price. (ii) Find the amount of VAT.
Let, Marked price (M.P.) = Rs. x
We have, S.P. = M.P. – Discount % of M.P.
= x – 16% of x
= x– ×x
= x–
Again, S.P. with VAT= S. P. + VAT % of S. P. Alternative method
21x 13 21x S.P. with VAT = Rs. 9492
= + ×
25 100 25 VAT% = 13%
We have, S.P. with VAT = S.P. + VAT% of S.P.
21x 273x
= + 13
25 2500 9492 = SP + × SP
or, 113 SP
2100 x + 273x 9492 =
= 100
2500 or, 9492 × 100
S.P. = = Rs. 8400
2373x 113
= or, Discount = 16%
2500 16
2373x We have, 8400 = M.P. – × M.P.
Now, = 9,492
2500 84 MP
8400 =
9492 × 2500 100
or, x =
2373 M.P. = Rs. 10,000
Again, VAT = VAT% of S.P.
or, x = 4 × 2,500
= 13% of 8,400
or, x = 10,000 13
= × 8,400
∴ Marked Price = Rs. 10,000 100
= Rs. 1,092
Again, amount of VAT = VAT % of S. P.
= 13% of
13 21 × 10000
= ×
100 25
= 13 × 21 × 4 = 1092
∴ Amount of VAT = Rs. 1092

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 35

Example: 6
The marked price of an article is Rs. 4,500. After allowing a certain percent of discount
and with 13% VAT levied, the article is sold at Rs. 4068. Find the discount percentage.
Given, S.P. with VAT = Rs. 4068
VAT = 13%
We have, S.P. with VAT = S.P. + VAT % of S.P.
or, 4,068 = SP + × SP
113 SP
or, 4,068 =
4068 × 100
or, S.P. =
or, S.P. = 36 × 100
∴ S.P. = Rs. 3,600
Again, M.P. = Rs. 4,500
S.P. = Rs. 3,600
Discount = M.P. – S.P.
= Rs. 4,500 – Rs. 3,600 = Rs. 900
We have,
Discount 900
Discount percent = ×100% = × 100% = 20%
M.P. 4500
Example : 7
A sold a machine to B at Rs. 11,000 excluding VAT. B sold this same machine to C with
a profit of Rs. 2000, adding Rs. 500 local tax and Rs. 1200 transportation charge. Find the
amount of VAT that C has to pay to B, if the rate of VAT is 13%. Also find how much
VAT amount does B get back?
Here, Cost price paid by B = Selling price received by A excluding VAT
= Rs. 11,000
Net C.P. paid by B = Rs. 11,000 + local tax + transportation charge
= Rs. 11,000 + Rs. 500 + Rs. 1,200 = Rs. 12,700
While selling it to C,
Selling price (S.P.) = Rs. 12,700 + Profit
= Rs. 12,700 + Rs. 2,000 = Rs. 14,700
∴ VAT applicable amount for C = 14,700

36 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

VAT amount to be paid by C = 13% of 14,700 = 100 × Rs. 14,700 = Rs. 1,911
As B paid 13% of Rs. 11000 while buying the machine with A,
VAT amount to be returned back to B = 13% of 11,000
= 100 × 11,000 = Rs. 1430
Example : 8
A man bought a machine for Rs. 20,000. He paid Rs. 800 transportation charge,
Rs. 1200 local tax and wants to make a profit of Rs. 2,000. Find (i) marked price
(ii) selling price if 5% discount is given, (iii) VAT amount if 13% VAT is added.

Solution: Here,
Cost price of the machine (C.P.) = Rs. 20,000.
Here, net C.P. = Rs. (20,000 + 800 + 1,200) = 22000.
Since, he wants to make the profit of Rs. 2000.
M.P. = Rs. 22000 + 2000 = Rs. 24000
(ii) Discount = 5% of 24,000 = × 2,4000 = Rs. 1200
∴ Selling price (S.P.) = Rs. 24,000 – Rs. 1,200 = Rs. 22,800
(iii) VAT amount = VAT % of S.P. = 13% of 22,800
= × 22,800 = Rs. 2,964

Exercise 2.2
1. (a) What is the current VAT rate of Nepal?
(b) If discount percentage and marked price are given, write the formula to
calculate the discount.
(c) If marked price (M.P.) and selling price (S.P.) are given, write the formula to
calculate the discount.
(d) If discount and marked price are given, write the formula to calculate the
discount percentage.
(e) If VAT rate and S.P. are given, write the formula to calculate the VAT.
(f) If net S.P. and S.P. are given, write the formula to calculate the VAT amount.
(g) If S.P. and VAT rate are given, write the formula to calculate the net S.P.
(h) If VAT and S.P. are given, write the formula to calculate the VAT percentage.
2. Find the VAT and percentage of VAT in each of the following cases.
(a) S.P. = Rs. 1,400, S.P. with VAT = Rs. 1,582

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 37

(b) S.P. = Rs. 1,550, S.P. with VAT = Rs. 1,705
3. (a) If S.P. = Rs. 1,500, VAT % = 13%, find S.P. with VAT.
(b) If S.P. = Rs. 22,500, VAT % = 13%, find S.P. with VAT.
(c) If S.P. with VAT = Rs. 1,130, VAT % = 13%, find S.P.
(d) If S.P. with VAT = Rs. 1,650, VAT % = 10%, find S.P.
4. (a) The selling price of one plate Mo:Mo is Rs. 80. Find the net selling price if 13%
VAT is imposed.
(b) 15% VAT is included on the selling price of a jacket. If the selling price is Rs.
1000, find its net selling price.
(c) Sandesh paid Rs. 175 for a calculator including VAT, which originally cost Rs.
150. Find the VAT and its percentage.
(d) The net S.P. including 12.5% VAT for a Nepali handicraft is Rs. 225. Find its
original selling price.
(e) Pushpa paid Rs. 5,650 for a mobile set including 13% VAT. Find its actual price.
5. (a) The marked price of a radio is Rs. 5,000. What will be the price of the radio if
10% VAT is levied, after allowing 15% discount on it?
(b) The marked price of one set of computer is Rs. 65,500. What will be the price
of the computer if 15% value added tax is levied after allowing 12% discount
on it?
(c) The marked price of a motorcycle is Rs. 85,000. What will be the price of the
motorcycle if 18% VAT is levied after allowing 15% discount on it?
6. (a) If a tourist paid Rs. 5,610 for a carved window made out of wood with a
discount of 15% including 10% VAT,
(i) what is the marked price of the window?
(ii) what is the amount of discount?
(iii) what is the amount of VAT?
(b) After allowing 15% discount on the marked price of a TV set, 10% VAT was
levied on it. If the TV set was sold for Rs. 22,440, calculate the marked price.
(c) A machine is sold at Rs. 99,000 after 10% discount and levying 10% VAT. Find
the discount and VAT amount.
(d) After allowing 15% discount on the marked price of an article and 13% VAT
was levied on it, the price of the article was fixed at Rs. 4,610.40. What was the
amount of VAT levied?
7. (a) After allowing 20% discount on the marked price and then levying 10% VAT,
a radio was sold. If the buyer had paid Rs. 320 as VAT, find the amount of

38 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(b) A shopkeeper gives 20% discount on the marked price of a television set. The VAT
amount at the rate of 13% is Rs. 2,600. Find the marked price and the amount of
(c) A shopkeeper allows 20% discount on the marked price of an article and 13%
VAT is levied upon it. If the customer pays Rs. 468 as VAT, find the amount of
discount. Also find by how much percent discount is more than VAT?
8. (a) After allowing 15% discount on the marked price and levying 10% VAT, an
article is sold. If the customer gets a discount of Rs. 600, find the VAT amount.
(b) A customer gets a discount of Rs. 1,500 at a rate of 10%. If 13% VAT is added,
find the amount of VAT paid by the customer.
9. (a) After allowing 15% discount, a man paid a VAT of Rs. 442 on the selling price.
Find the VAT percentage if the marked price is Rs. 4,000.
(b) The marked price of an article is Rs. 460. A discount of 5% is offered on it. If a
customer paid Rs. 43.70 as VAT, find the percentage of VAT.
10. (a) The marked price of an article is Rs. 3,200. If discount is allowed and the
customer buys it for Rs. 2,640 including 10% VAT, what is the discount
(b) Marked price of an article is Rs. 3760. After allowing certain percent of
discount and adding 15% VAT on it, its price becomes Rs. 4107.80. Find the
rate of discount.
11. (a) A dealer sold a laptop to a retailer for Rs. 40,000 excluding VAT. The retailer
sold it at a profit of Rs. 5,000. If the retailer paid Rs 1,500 as local tax before he
sold it to the customer, find
(i) how much the customer paid as VAT?
(ii) how much money the customer paid for the laptop?
(Given that VAT rate is 13%).
(iii) how much VAT amount does the retailer get back?
(b) A dealer sold a machine to a retailer at Rs. 1,20,000 excluding VAT. The retailer
sold it at a profit of 10% after adding transportation charge Rs. 10,000 and
paying local tax Rs. 3,000. If VAT rate is 13%, find
(i) the amount of VAT that a customer has to pay while buying it from the
(ii) the total amount that a customer has to pay.
(iii) how much VAT amount does the retailer get back?
(c) Supplier 'A' sold some construction materials of Rs. 2,00,000 to supplier
'B' making 20% profit and adding 13% VAT. Supplier B spent Rs. 6,000 for
transportation charge and made 10% profit to the purchased price excluding
VAT and levied local tax Rs. 5,000 and sold to contractor. Find the VAT amount
to be paid by contractor.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 39

12. (a) A man bought a machine for Rs. 80,000. He paid Rs. 5,000 in transportation
charges, Rs. 2,500 in local taxes and wants to make a profit of Rs. 11,500. Find
(i) the marked price of the machine.
(ii) selling price if 10% discount is given.
(iii) amount of VAT that should be paid by the customer if 13% VAT is added.
(b) A photocopy machine is bought by a retailer for Rs. 90,000. He paid a Rs. 6,000
transportation charge and Rs. 3,000 local tax. If he wants to make a profit of Rs.
12,000, find
(i) the marked price of the photocopy machine.
(ii) selling price if 5% discount is given.
(iii) VAT, if the rate of VAT is 13%.
(iv) total amount paid by the customer.

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) Rs. 182, 13% (b) Rs. 155, 10% 3. (a) Rs. 1,695
(b) Rs. 25, 425 (c) Rs. 1,000 (d) Rs. 1,500
4. (a) Rs. 90.40 (b) Rs. 1,150 (c) Rs. 25, 16.67% (d) Rs. 200 (e) Rs. 5,000
5. (a) Rs. 4,675 (b) Rs. 66,286 (c) Rs. 85,255
6. (a) (i) Rs. 6000 (ii) Rs. 900 (iii) Rs. 510 (b) Rs. 24,000 (c) Rs. 10,000, Rs. 9000 (d) Rs. 530.40
7. (a) Rs. 800 (b) Rs. 25,000, Rs. 5000 (c) Rs. 900, 7% 8. (a) Rs. 340 (b) Rs. 1755
9. (a) 13% (b) 10% 10. (a) 25% (b) 5% 11. (a) (i) Rs. 6045, (ii) Rs. 52545, (iii) Rs. 5200,
(b) (i) Rs. 19019 (ii) Rs. 1,65,319, (iii) Rs. 15,600 (c) Rs. 35750 12. (a) (i) Rs.99,000 (ii) Rs. 89,100
(iii) Rs. 11,583 (b) (i) Rs. 1,11,000 (ii) Rs. 1,05,450, (iii) Rs. 13,708.50 (iv) 1,19,158.50

Project work
• Visit the tax office and list the articles on which VAT is imposed and VAT is not imposed.
• Take the informations about the salary of bureaucrats of different level. Find the
yearly tax to be paid by an individual in both cases whether he/she is married or un-
married. (Use the tax rate of Nepal). (Use the given format)
For unmarried person.

S. N. Level Monthly Yearly Tax Total tax

salary salary

First slab Second Third Fourth

[Make the similar type of table for married person and calculate the tax.]

40 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Commission, Bonus,
3 and Dividend
3.1 Warm-up Activities
Discuss the following questions in your class and draw out the conclusion.
• Krishna Kumar works as the middle man to sell the land, he makes the connection
between landowner and the buyer. How can he earn the money?
• Yangchhen works as a sales girl in a departmental store. Along with salary she gets
some part of total sale. What is that extra amount called?
• Ahamad works in a finance company. At the end of the year company made the
profit of Rs. 4,00,0000. Company distributed 5% of the total profit to its employee.
What is that amount called? Again, company distributed 20% of its profit to its
shareholder what is that amount called?

3.2 Commission
Harka Bahadur is an agent who establishes connection between buyer and landowner.
He takes certain percentage of the selling price of land from the landowner.
Whatever money he gets from the landowner is his commission.
In this example, Harka Bahadur is a middle man or a broker.
Dolma works at a Department Store. She draws Rs. 10,000 monthly. In addition to
this if she sells the goods exceeding Rs. 1,00,000, she gets 5% of the sale value. This
extra income is her commission.
Biren is a middle man who makes the contact with the customer with electric shop
and he gets 3% of total sale from the owner. This amount is his commission.
How to calculate the commission?
If a landowner sold a land for Rs. 25,00,000, he has to pay some commission to his
agent or broker if the rate of commission is 5%, then the amount of commission
is 5% of 25,00,000.
= 5 × 25,00,000 = Rs. 1,25,000
∴ Commission = Commission rate of S.P.
From this relation we can derive that

Rate of commission = Commission × 100%

Total sale

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 41

• The middleman who establishes the relation between the buyer and the seller is
called agent.
• The amount received by the agent working as a middleman is called the commission.
• Commission is taken on the base of selling price.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
A sales agent gets commission of 5 % on the sale of land costing Rs. 50,00,000. Find the
commission given to the agent.
Selling price of the land = Rs. 50,00,000
Commission = 5 % of Rs. 50,00,000
5 × Rs. 50,00,000
= Rs. 2,50,000
Hence, amount of commission = Rs. 2,50,000.

Example: 2
Namuhang works in a department store. His monthly salary is Rs. 12,000 and he gets
the commission of 2% of his total sale. If his monthly sale is Rs. 2,65,000, find his
monthly income.
Monthly salary of Namuhang = Rs. 12,000
His total sale = Rs. 2,65,000
His commission = 2% of Rs. 2,65,000
2 × Rs. 2,65,000
= Rs. 5,300
His total income = His salary + His commission
= Rs.12,000 + Rs. 5,300
= Rs. 17,300.
Example: 3
Monthly salary of Shankar is Rs. 15,000. He gets some commission from his total sale.
If his monthly income is Rs. 21,000, and his total sale is Rs. 3,00,000, find the rate of

42 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

His monthly salary = Rs. 15,000
His total income = Rs. 21,000
His commission = Rs. 21,000 – Rs. 15,000
= Rs. 6,000
His total sale = Rs. 3,00,000
We have, Rate of commission =
Commission × 100%
Total sale

6000 × 100% = 2%
Example: 4
A business firm pays an agent the commission as follows from the daily sales. Calculate
the commission received by the agent.

Sales Commission Rate

Sales upto Rs. 15,000 1%
Sales between Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 25,000 2%
Sales above Rs. 25,000 3%
If the sales amount are: (a) Rs. 12,000 (b) Rs. 20,000 (c) Rs. 35,000
a) Sales amount = Rs. 12,000
Commission rate for the amount less than Rs. 15,000 is
= 1 % of Rs. 12,000
1 × Rs. 12000 = Rs. 120
b) Total sale = Rs. 20,000
= Rs.15,000 + Rs. 5000
Commission from first Rs. 15,000 = 1% of Rs. 15,000
1 × Rs. 15,000
= Rs. 150
Commission from next Rs. 5000 = 2 % of Rs. 5000
2 × Rs. 5000
= Rs. 100
∴ Total commission = Rs. 150 + Rs. 100
= Rs. 250
c) Total sales amount = Rs. 35,000
= Rs. 15,000 + Rs. 10,000 + Rs. 10,000
Commission for 1 Rs. 15,000 = 1 % of Rs. 15,000

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 43

1 × Rs. 15,000 = Rs. 150
Commission for next Rs. 10,000 = 2 % of Rs. 10,000
2 × Rs. 10,000 = Rs. 200
Commission for remaining Rs. 10,000 = 3 % of Rs. 10,000
3 × Rs. 10,000 = Rs. 300
∴Total commission = Rs. 150 + Rs. 200 + Rs. 300 = Rs. 650.

Exercise 3.1
1. (a) Write the formula to calculate commission if commission rate and total sale are given.
(b) Write the formula to calculate rate of commission if commission and total sale are
2. Calculate the amount of commission with given rate and selling price.
(a) Land : S. P. = Rs. 40,50,000, Rate = 2%
(b) House: S.P = Rs. 70,60,000, Rate = 3%
(c) Other items: S.P. = Rs. 15,000, Rate = 2%
3. (a) Ram Lal sold a land for Rs. 18,00,000. How much commission does he have to pay to
his agent if the rate of commission is 5%?
(b) A broker gets a commission of 3% on the sale of the land costing Rs. 12,00,000. Find
the commission given to the broker.
(c) Ramesh sold his share from a printing press through an agent. He paid 3%
commission to the agent. If he sold his share for Rs. 4,50,000, find
(i) commission received by the broker. (ii) net amount received by Ramesh.
(d) A business firm gives commission of 5 % on the total sales of Rs. 2,00,000. Find the
commission amount. Also find how much does the firm get from the sales?
4. (a) If an agent gets a commission of Rs. 1000 from the sales amount of Rs. 40,000, find
the commission rate.
(b) A broker gets Rs. 20,000 as a commission from the sale of a piece of land which costs
Rs. 80,00,000. Find the rate of commission.
(c) Santosh gets a commission of Rs. 1,00,000 on the sale of a house for Rs. 75,00,000.
Find the rate of commission.
(d) Monthly salary of a salesman is Rs. 8000. His monthly income is Rs. 12,000. Find the
rate of commission if his monthly sale is Rs. 4,00,000.
5. (a) What amount of sales yields a commission of Rs. 2,40,000 at the rate of 3%?
(b) Raju Shahu sells a piece of land and gives commission to the agent at the rate of 5%.
If the agent gets Rs. 1,50,000, find the amount of sales of the land.
(c) A salesman receives a commission of 7% on his sales. What would be the amount of
his sales in order to receive Rs. 5,075 commission?

44 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

6. (a) A sales agent gets a monthly salary of Rs. 8,000 plus 5 % commission of the total sales
amount Rs. 2,00,000. Find the net income of the agent.
(b) A salesgirl gets a monthly salary of Rs. 10,000 and gets 5% commission of the total
sales Rs. 1,50,000. Find the net income of the sales girl.
(c) The monthly salary of a salesman is Rs. 12,000 and he also gets a commission of 2%
on the total monthly sale. Calculate his monthly income if he makes a sale of Rs.
2,50,000 in a month.
7. (a) A girl is paid a monthly salary of Rs. 5,000 and 2% commission for the monthly sales.
If she receives Rs. 8500 at the end of the month, find the monthly sales amount.
(b) A boy working in a departmental store has monthly salary Rs. 8,000. He also gets a
commission of 1% on his total monthly sale. At the end of the month if he gets Rs.
8,750, find the total monthly sale of the departmental store.
(c) Monthly salary of a salesman is Rs. 12,000. He gets 1.5% commission on his total sale.
If his monthly income is Rs. 15,000, find the total amount of sale.
8. Following table shows the commission rate for different range of sales.

Sales Rate of Commission

Upto Rs. 1,00,000 1%
Rs. 1,00,000 – Rs. 3,00,000 1.5 %
Rs. 3,00,000 and above 2%

Find the amount of commission, if the total sales per month is

(a) Rs. 150000 (b) Rs. 2,50,000 (c) Rs. 3,50,000.

1. Consult your teacher. 2. (a) Rs. 81,000 (b) Rs. 2,11,800 (c) Rs.300
3. (a) Rs. 90,000 (b) Rs. 36,000 (c) Rs. 13,500, Rs. 4,36,500 (d) Rs. 10,000, Rs. 1,90,000
4. (a) 2.5% (b) 0.25% (c) 1.33% (d) 1% 5. (a) Rs. 80,00,000
(b) Rs. 30,00,000 (c) Rs. 72,500 6. (a) Rs. 18,000 (b) Rs. 17,500 (c) Rs. 17,000
7. (a) Rs. 1,75, 000 (b) Rs. 75,000 (c) Rs. 2,00,000 8. (a) Rs. 1750 (b) Rs. 3,250 (c) Rs. 5000

3.3 Bonus
Madhav works in a boarding school. At the end of fiscal year, school made a profit of
Rs.15,00,000. For the motivation of all the workers, school has distributed 10% of its total
profit equally among all the workers. Such that he received Rs. 15,000 extra amount in a
year. This amount is called Bonus.
When any business firm or organization generates profit, the management of the
organization may decide to provide certain amount of profit to their employees as an
incentive in that year. Such additional allowance provided to the employees other than

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 45

the monthly salary or income is called "Bonus". Bonus is generally expressed in terms of
percentage of the profit.
Bonus = Bonus% of total Profit
Bonus Rate = × 100%
Total Profit

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
A bonus of 1% was given to the staff of a company which gained Rs. 2,50,000 last year.
Find the amount of bonus.

Solution: Here, Total Profit = Rs. 2,50,000

Bonus = 1 % of Rs. 2,50,000

1 × Rs. 2,50,000
= Rs. 2,500
Example: 2
Each employee of a five star hotel is given a bonus of 0.5%. If an employee gets Rs. 5,000
as bonus, find the total profit made by the hotel during that year.
Solution: Here,
Amount of bonus = Rs. 5000
Let, Total profit = Rs. x
∴ 0.5 % of Rs. x = Rs. 5000
0.5 × Rs. x = Rs. 5,000
5 × Rs. x = Rs. 5,000
∴ x =
5000 × 1000 = Rs. 10,00,000
∴ Total profit in that year = Rs. 10,00,000

Example: 3
A company distributes bonus on the basis of salary as given below:

Salary per month Bonus

Rs. 10,000 - Rs. 14,999 50 % of salary
Rs. 15,000 - Rs. 19,999 40 % of salary.
Rs. 20,000 - and above 30 % of salary.

46 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

If the total profit of the company is Rs. 20,00,000, find the bonus given to the employees
having following salary.
(a) Rs. 12,000 (b) Rs. 16,000 (c) Rs. 25,000
(a) Basic salary = Rs. 12,000
∴ Bonus = 50% of Rs. 12,000
50 × Rs. 12,000 = Rs. 6,000
(b) Basic salary = Rs. 16,000
∴ Bonus = 40 % of Rs. 16,000
40 × Rs. 16,000 = Rs. 6,400
(c) Basic salary = Rs. 25,000
∴ Bonus = 30 % of Rs. 25,000
30 × Rs. 25,000= Rs. 7,500.

Exercise 3.2
1. (a) Write the formula to calculate bonus if total profit and bonus are given.
(b) Write the formula to calculate bonus percentage if bonus and total profit are given.
2. (a) The management of a cottage industry decided to pay the bonus of 50% of total profit
amounts Rs. 2,50,000 among 20 employees. Find the bonus given to each.
(b) Anuj is paid a bonus of 0.3 % from the total profit of Rs. 30,00,000 made by the firm,
where he works. Find the bonus given to him.
(c) An organization makes a profit of Rs. 1,50,000 during the year and decides to
distribute bonus at the rate of 2 % to each of its employees. If there are 10 employees,
find the total amount of bonus.
(d) A firm makes a profit of Rs. 5,00,000 at the end of a year and distributes 16 % of its
profit to 40 employees. Find the bonus received by each.
3. (a) A company distributes bonus of Rs. 1000 to each of its 50 employees. If the annual
profit is Rs. 25,00,000, find the bonus rate.
(b) A restaurant management committee decides to pay Rs. 2500 as a bonus to each of its
25 staff members. Find the rate of bonus if the total yearly profit is Rs. 12,50,000.
(c) A company makes a profit of Rs. 23,54,000. If the company decides to distribute Rs.
5885 bonus each to its 64 employees, find what percent of profit is distributed as

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 47

4. (a) Find the total profit made by a firm if at a rate of 2.5% bonus is distributed to 300
employees and each of them gets Rs. 1500.
(b) A bank distributed
1 of its profit to 140 employees. If each received Rs. 12000 as
bonus, what is the total profit of the bank?

5. The management of a soap industry decides to distribute bonus in percentage

basis of the monthly salary as follows.

Monthly salary Bonus

Rs. 5000 - Rs. 9,999 50% of salary
Rs. 10,000 - Rs. 11,999 40 % of salary
Rs. 12,000 - Rs. 15,000 25% of salary

If the total profit of the year is Rs. 5,00,000, find the bonus for the following monthly
(a) Rs. 7,000 (b) Rs. 10,000 (c) Rs. 13,000.

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) Rs. 6250 (b) Rs.9000 (c) Rs. 30,000 (d) Rs. 2,000
3. (a) 2% (b) 5% (c) 16% 4. (a) Rs. 1,80,00,000
(b) Rs. 50,40,000 5. (a) Rs. 3500 (b) Rs. 4,000 (c) Rs. 3250

3.4 Dividend
Santosh has invested in a Bank. He has 450 shares. Value of each share is Rs. 100. Altogether
Bank has 80,000 shares. At the end of the year the Bank made the profit of Rs. 80,00,000.
Bank decided to distribute 40% of total profit to its shareholders.
This part of profit is the dividend.
Hence the dividend is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholders as a distribution
of profit. Dividend is a fraction of total profit.

Let's calculate the amount of dividend Santosh got

Total profit = Rs. 80,00,000
Dividend = 40% of 80,00,000 = × 80,00,000 = Rs. 32,00,000
Profit of 80,000 shares = Rs. 32,00,000
Profit of 1 share = Rs. = Rs. 40
Profit of 450 shares = Rs. 450 × 40 = Rs. 18,000
∴ Dividend that Santosh got = Rs. 18,000

48 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Note : Dividend is allocated as a fixed amount per share.
Shareholders receive the dividend in the proportion of their investment.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
There are altogether 4,00,000 shares in a hydropower company. Value of each share is Rs.
100. Company has decided to distribute Rs. 80,000 dividend. Find the dividend per share.
Total number of shares = 4,00,000
Total dividend = Rs. 80,000
Rs. 80,000
Dividend per share =
Rs. 1
= = Rs. 0.20
Example: 2
Anu has 800 shares in a hydropower company. Company has altogether 1,00,000 shares.
At the end of the year, company made a profit of Rs. 50,00,000. Company has decided to
distribute 5% of its profit to its shareholders find-
(i) total dividend.
(ii) dividend per share.
(iii) total dividend got by Anu.
Total profit made by a company = Rs. 50,00,000
(i) Total dividend = 5% of 50,00,000
× 50,00,000 = Rs. 2,50,000
(ii) Total number of shares of company = 1,00,000
Dividend per share = = Rs. 2.50
(iii) Total number of shares of Anu = 800
Her dividend = Rs.800 × 2.50 = Rs. 2,000

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 49

Example: 3
A finance company has altogether 50,000 shares of Rs. 100 each. At the end of a year
company made the profit of Rs. 5,00,000. Company decided to distribute 50% of its
profit as dividend. Find the dividend got by Sundar, Rehman, Pemba, Dayahang and
Ramsaroj if the number of shares they have is :

Shareholders Number of shares

Sundar 500
Rehman 600
Pemba 1500
Dayahang 1200
Ramsaroj 1000
Total profit made by the finance company = Rs. 5,00,000
Total number of shares = 50,000
Total dividend = 50% of 5,00,000 = × 5,00,000 =Rs. 2,50,000
Rs. 2,50,000
Dividend per share = = Rs. 5
Dividend obtained by Sundar = Rs 5 × 500 = Rs 2,500
Dividend obtained by Rahman = Rs 5 × 600 = Rs 3,000
Dividend obtained by Pemba = Rs 5 × 1500 = Rs 7,500
Dividend obtained by Dayahang = Rs 5 × 1200 = Rs 6,000
Dividend obtained by Ramsaroj = Rs 5 × 1000 = Rs 5,000

Exercise 3.4
1. (a) If the total dividend of company is Rs. x and the number of shares is y then what is
the value of dividend per share?
(b) The dividend per share is Rs. ‘a’ the number of shares is ‘b’ then find the value of total
(c) The total profit of a company is Rs. x and 50% of total profit is to be divided among
shareholders as dividend, find the value of total dividend.
2. (a) The yearly profit of a company is Rs. 5,80,000. Find the dividend if the company
has decided to distribute 20% of its profit as dividend.
(b) The total profit made by a finance company is Rs. 15,60,000. If the company
decided to distribute 10% of its profit as dividend, find the amount of dividend.

50 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

3. (a) Find the total profit made by a company if its dividend is 3,50,000 which is 5% of
its total profit.
(b) A company distributed 10% of its total profit as the dividend. If its dividend is
Rs. 2,25,000, find the profit made by the company.
4. (a) A hydro-power company has 20,00,000 shares. Find the total dividend and
dividend per share if it makes a profit of Rs. 5,00,00,000 and 20% if total profit is
the dividend.
(b) The total number of shares in a company is 1,00,000. Value of each share is Rs.
100. Company made the total profit of Rs. 50,00,000 in a year. 20% of the total is
the dividend. Find
(i) total dividend (ii) dividend per share.

5. Given table shows the total profit, rate of dividend and number of share of 5
different companies. Find the total dividend and dividend per share.
Company Total number of Rate of Total
shares dividend profit
(a) Bandana Finance Company 1,10,000 10% 55,00,000
(b) Daraudi Hydro-power 80,000 5% 90,00,000
(c) Aruna Cement Factory 1,20,000 8% 1,20,00,000
(d) Sadhana Publication Pvt. Ltd 1,05,000 12% 1,50,00,000
(e) Tilicho Bikash Bank 50,000 15% 1,00,00,000

6. (a) Rupsi Co-operative Pvt. (Ltd) has 50,000 shares. Value of each share is Rs. 100.
Tulasa has 2,000 shares in the co-operatives. Co-operative made a total profit
of Rs. 60,00,000 and it decided to distribute its 20% as dividend. Find
(i) total dividend (ii) dividend per share (iii) dividend got by Tulasa.
(b) Prathana Supermarket has 40,000 shares. Value of each share is Rs. 100.
Anugya has 3000 shares. Supermarket made a profit of Rs. 50,00,000 in a year.
It decided to distribute 40% of its profit as dividend, Find
(i) total dividend (ii) dividend per share
(iii) dividend get by Anugya.
(c) Motherland cooperatives has 10,000 shares of Rs. 100 per share. Amrit has
1,500 shares in the co-operatives. It made a net profit of Rs. 8,00,000 in a year.
Cooperatives decided to distribute 50% of its profit as the cash dividend. Find
(i) total dividend
(ii) dividend per share
(iii) dividend get by Amrit.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 51

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) Rs. 1,16,000 (b) Rs. 15,600
3. (a) Rs. 70,00,000 (b) Rs. 22,50,000 4. (a) Rs. 1,00,00,000, Rs. 5 (b) (i) Rs. 10,00,000, (ii) Rs. 10
5. a) Rs. 5,50,000, Rs. 5 (b) Rs. 4,50,000, Rs. 5.625 (c) Rs. 9,60,000, Rs. 8
(d) Rs. 18,00,000, Rs. 17.14 (e) Rs. 15,00,000, Rs. 30
6. (a) Rs. 12,00,000, Rs. 24, Rs. 48,000 (b) Rs. 20,00,000, Rs. 50, Rs. 1,50,000
(c) (i) Rs. 4,00,000 (ii) Rs. 40 (iii) Rs. 60,000

Project work
Visit the managing director or CEO of some finance companies or industries to take
the informations about the number of shares, net profit, percentage of net profit to be
divided as the dividend. Calculate their dividend and dividend per share.
[Use the given format]

S.N. Name of Total number Net profit Dividend Dividend

organisations of shares per share

52 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


4 Household-Arithmetic

4.1 Warm-up Activities

Discuss the following in your class and draw the conclusion.

• If the cost of 1 unit of electricity is Rs. 7.50, what is the cost of 10 units of
• What is the meaning of 1 unit electricity?
• How much consumption water is equivalent to 1 unit?
• If the bill of telephone is Rs. 700, what is the VAT amount to be paid?
• What is the minimum charge of taxi fare?

4.2 Electricity Bills

Household arithmetic deals with the method of calculating the billing system of
electricity, water, telephone and even taxi fare.
See the given meter reading for the two successive months.

The last digit shows the fraction of a unit of the electricity, so ignoring that (highlight)
Bhadra 165 3
Asoj 198 7
Number of units at the end of Bhadra = 165
Number of units at the end of Asoj = 198
∴ Number of units consumed during one month = 198 – 165 = 33

Applying the same method for finding the number of units consumed, we can find
the amount of bill for the particular month.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 53

Electricity Tariff Rates
1. Domestic Consumers

(a) Single Phase Low Voltage (230 Volt)

kWh 5 Ampere 15 Ampere 30 Ampere 60 Ampere

Minimum Energy Minimum Energy Minimum Energy Minimum Energy
charge Chage charge Chage charge Chage charge Chage
(Nrs.) (Nrs./kWh) (Nrs.) (Nrs./kWh) (Nrs.) (Nrs./ (Nrs.) (Nrs./kWh)
0 - 10 30.00 0.00 50.00 4.00 75.00 5.00 125.00 6.00

11 - 20 30.00 3.00 50.00 4.00 75.00 5.00 125.00 6.00

21 - 30 50.00 6.50 75.00 6.50 100.00 6.50 125.00 6.50

31 - 50 50.00 8.00 75.00 8.00 100.00 8.00 125.00 8.00

51 - 100 75.00 9.50 100.00 9.50 125.00 9.50 150.00 9.50

101 - 150 100.00 9.50 125.00 9.50 150.00 9.50 200.00 9.50

151 - 250 125.00 10.00 150.00 10.00 175.00 10.00 200.00 10.00

251- 400 150.00 11.00 175.00 11.00 200.00 11.00 250.00 11.00

Above 400 175.00 12.00 200.00 12.00 225.00 12.00 275.00 12.00

(b) Three phase Low Voltage (400 Volt.)

kWh Up to 10 KVA Above 10 KVA

Minimum Energy Charge Minimum Charge Energy Charge
Charge (Nrs.) (Nrs.)
(Nrs/KWh) (Nrs./kWh)
Up to 400 1100.00 11.50 1800.00 11.50
Above 400 12.00 12.00

(c) Three Phase Medium Voltage (33/11 kV)

kWh (Monthly) Minimum Charge (Nrs.) Energy Charge (Nrs/kWh)

Up to 1000 10,000.00 11.50 11.00
Above 1001 12.00 12.00

54 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Billing Method (For 5 Ampere)

S.No. kWh (Monthly) Rate NRs Billing Method

Per Unit
1 Up to 10 units 0.00 • Monthly Minimum Charge Rs. 30.00 for up to 10 units.
• Energy Charge Rs. 0.00 per unit.
2 11 to 20 units 3.00 • Monthly Minimum Charge Rs. 30.00.
• Energy Charge Rs. 3.00 per unit for 1 unit to 20 units.
3. 21 to 30 units 6.50 • Monthy Minimum Charge Rs. 50.00.
• Energy Charge Rs. 3.00 per unit up to 20 units.
• Rs. 6.50 per unit for 21 units to 30 units.
4. 31 to 50 units 8.00 • Monthly Minimum Charge Rs. 50.000.
• Energy Charge Rs. 3.00 per unit up to 20 units, Rs. 6.50 per
unit for 21 units to 30 units.
• Rs. 8.00 per unit for 31 units to 50 units.
5. 51 to 100 units 9.50 • Monthly Minimum Charge Rs. 75.00.
• Energy Charge Rs. 3.00 per unit up to 20 units Rs. 6.50 per
units for 21 units to 30 units, Rs. 8.00 per unit for 31 units to 50
• Rs. 9.50 per unit for 51 units to 100 units.
6. 101 to 150 units 9.50 • Monthly Minimum Charge Rs. 100.00.
• Energy Charge Rs. 3.00 per unit up to 20 units Rs. 6.50 per unit
for 21 units to 30 units, Rs. 8.00 per unit for 31 units to 50 units.
• Rs. 9.50 per unit for 51 units to 150 units.
7. 151 to 250 units 10.00 • Monthly Minimum Charge Rs. 125.00.
• Energy Charge Rs. 3.00 per unit up to 20 units, Rs. 6.50 per
unit for 21 units to 30 units, Rs. 8.00 per unit for 31 units to 50
units, Rs. 9.50 per unit for 51 units to 150 units.
• Rs. 10.00 per unit for 151 units to 250 units.
8. 251 to 400 units 11.00 Monthly Minimum Charge Rs. 150.00.
• Energy Charge Rs. 3.00 per unit up to 20 units and Rs. 6.50
per unit for 21 units to 30 units and Rs. 8.00 per unit for 31 units
to 50 units, Rs. 9.50 per unit for 51 units to 150 units, Rs. 10.00
per unit for 151 units to 250 units.
• Rs. 11.00 per unit for 251 units to 400 units.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 55

9 Above 400 12.00 • Monthly Minimum Charge Rs. 175.00.
• Energy Charge Rs. 3.00 per unit up to 20 units, Rs. 6.50 per
unit for 21 units to 30 units, Rs. 8.00 per unit for 31 units to 50
units, Rs. 9.50 per unit for 51 units to 150 units, Rs. 10.00 per
unit for 151 units to 250 units, Rs. 11.00 per unit for 251 units to
400 units.
• Rs. 12.00 per unit for above 400 units.
Similarly, billing will be made for 15, 30 and 60 Ampere. (Single Phase & 3 Phase Consumers)
The electricity charge for different meter capacity are different.
Payment Scheme of NEA
Payment Schedule Rebate or late charge
Within 7 days of meter reading 2% rebate
From 8th to 15 days of meter reading Neither rebate nor late fine
From 16 to 30 days of meter reading 5% late fine
From 31 to 40 days of meter reading 10% late fine
From 41 to 60 days of meter reading 25% late fine
After 60 days and onwards of meter reading, the electricity is disconnected without prior notice.

Remember !
1 unit = 1 kw hr.
i.e. if an electric appliance of power 1kw is used for 1 hour, 1 unit electricity is

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Meter capacity of a house hold is 5 amp. A household consumer 27 units of
electricity. Find the amount of bill to be paid.
Solution: Here,
Total energy consumption = 27 units.
Since, The energy consumption is 27 units
It lies on the block 21 to 30 units.
To calculate the energy charge, lets breakdown 27 units.
27 units = 20 units + 7 units

56 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Rs. 3 per units Rs.6.50 per units.
Energy charge for first 20 units = Rs. 20 x 3 = Rs. 60.
Energy charge for last 7 units = Rs. 7 × 6.50 = Rs. 45.50
Total Energy charge = Rs. 60 + Rs. 45.50 = Rs. 105.50
Minimum charge for this block = Rs. 50.
Hence, the total bill = Rs. 105.50 + Rs. 50 = Rs. 155.50

Example: 2
Given table shows the previous meter readings and current meter readings of
Hirakaji's house.
Current reading Previous reading
3422 3195

(i) Find the total energy consumption in that month. If the meter capacity of the
household is 5 amp.
(ii) Using the billing method of electricity given above, find the amount of bill.
(iii) If the payment is made on 25th of the next month, find the bill to be paid on that
Solution: Here,
Present readings = 3422
Previous readings = 3195
Total energy consumed = 3422 – 3195 = 227 units
Let's divide 227 units into different slabs.
It lie, on the block 151 – 250
Let's break 227 units into different parts = 20 units + 10 units + 20 units + 100 units
+ 77 units
Energy charge upto 20 units = Rs. 20 × 3 = Rs. 60.
Energy charge for next 10 units = Rs. 10 × 6.50 = Rs. 65
Energy charge next 20 units = Rs. 20 × 8 = Rs. 160
Energy charge for next 100 units = Rs. 100 × 9.50 = Rs. 950
Energy charge last 77 units = Rs. 77 × 10 = Rs. 770
Total Energy charge = Rs. (60 + 65 + 160 + 950 + 770) = Rs. 2005.
Again, Minimum charge = Rs. 125
Hence, total charge = Rs. 2005 + Rs. 125 = Rs. 2130.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 57

Example: 3
A household has a meter of capacity 5A. If the previous and current meter reading are
21620 and 21900, find
(i) amount of bill.
(ii) amount of bill to be paid if the payment is made after 35 days of meter reading.
Solution: Here,
Capacity of meter = 5 Amp.
Total units consumed = current reading – previous reading
= 21,900 – 21,620 = 280 units.
Since the total consumption of electricity is 280 units, it lies in the block 251 to 400
Let's divide 280 units into different blocks
280 units = 20 units + 20 units + 10 units + 20 units + 100 units + 100 units + 10 units
Energy charge for first 20 units = Rs. 20 × 3 = Rs. 60
Energy charge for next 10 units = Rs. 10 x 6.5 = Rs. 65
Energy charge for next 20 units = Rs. 20 x 8 = Rs. 160
Energy charge for next 100 units = Rs. 100 x 9.50 = Rs. 950
Energy charge for next 100 units = Rs. 100 x 10 = Rs. 1000
Energy charge for next 10 units = Rs. 10 x 11 = Rs. 110
Total energy charge = Rs. 60 + Rs. 65 + Rs. 160 + Rs. 950 + Rs. 1000 + Rs. 110 = Rs. 2345
Minimum charge = Rs. 150
Total bill = Rs. 2345 + Rs. 150 = Rs. 2495
Since the bill is paid after 35 days of meter reading, 10% fine is the
So, total bill including 10% fine = Rs. 2495 + 10% of 2495 = Rs. 2744.50

Exercise 4.1
1. (a) What is the meaning of 1 unit electric energy?
(b) If the meter capacity is upto 5 ampere, what minimum charge is to be paid?
(c) If the meter capacity is 6-15 ampere, what minimum charge is to be paid?
(d) If the meter capacity is 16-30 ampere, what minimum charge is to be paid?
(e) If the meter capacity is 31-60 ampere, what minimum charge is to be paid.
(f) If the meter capacity is 5 ampere, upto what unit of consumption, what minimum
charge is to be paid?

58 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(g) If the meter capacity is 6-15 ampere, upto what unit of consumption, what minimum
charge is to be paid?
2. The given table shows the meter reading of a household in the beginning of
different months. Study the table and answer the questions give below.

Month Baishak Jestha Aashad Shrawan Bhadra

Meter reading 2374 2467 2560 2674 2772

Find the total energy consumed in different months.

3 (a) Meter reading of a household on the 1st of Jestha is Rs. 565 and that on 1st of
Asadh is 720.
(i) how much electricity is consumed on the month of Jestha?
(ii) calculate the amount of money to be paid for the month of Jestha.
(b) The present meter readings and previous meter readings in given.
(i) the energy consumed in the month
Present readings 2765
(ii) the amount to be paid if the meter capacity is
Previous readings 2502
5 amp.

4 The given table shows the current and previous meter readings of Ramlal's house.
Use the rules of billing system and find: Capacity 6 – 15A

(i) total energy consumed Previous reading 2472

(ii) amount of bill Current reading 2701

(iii) amount of bill to be paid if the payment is made on 5th day after meter reading.
5 Study the given table that shows previous readings and current readings of
electricity. Find the amount of bill to be paid in the given date:
(a) Capacity = 0 – 5A Previous reading : 2582 Current reading: 2685
Date of bill payment : 5th day after meter reading.
(b) Capacity : 0 – 5 A Previous reading : 378 Current reading = 456
Date of bill payment : 18th day after meter reading.
(c) Capacity : 6 – 15A Previous reading : 682 Current reading = 815
Date of bill payment : 27th day after meter reading.
(d) Capacity : 6 – 15A Previous reading : 7120 Current reading = 7385
Date of bill payment: 38th day after meter reading.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 59

(e) Capacity : 6 – 15A Previous reading : 8295 Current reading = 8455
Date of bill payment : 56 day after meter reading.

6. The table given below shows the meter reading of electricity.

1st Baishak 1st Jestha 1st Ashad 1st Shrawan 1st Bhadra
1020 1080 1320 1665 1780
Meter is read on the first day of the next month. The rules of payment are as

• Upto 7th day of meter reading, a rebate of 2 %.

• From 8th day to 15nd day, according to the bill.
• From 16 to 30 days, additional charge of 5% .
• From 31th to 40th day, additional charge of 10%.
• From 41th to 60th day, additional charge of 25%.
Find the
(a) bill of Baisakh is paid on 10th Jestha.
(b) bill of Jestha is paid on 5th Asadh.
(c) bill of Asad is paid on 28th Shrawan.
(d) bill of Shrawan is paid on 20th Aswin.
The rate is according to Nepal Electricity Authority.


1. Consult your teacher 2. Baishak-93 units, Jestha– 93 units, Asadh–114 units, Shrawan–98 units,
3. (a) (i) 155 units, (ii) Rs. 1410 (b) (i) 263 units (ii) Rs.2528
4. (i) 229 units (ii) Rs.2175 (iii) Rs. 2131.50
5. (a) 103 units, Rs. 870.73 (b) Rs. 78 units, Rs. 657.30
(c) Rs. 133 units, Rs.1258.43 (d) 265units, Rs. 2832.50 (e) 160units, Rs.1856.25
6. (a) Rs. 455 (b) Rs. 2114.80 (c) Rs. 3601.50 (d) Rs. 1253.13

4.3 Water Bill

Everyone needs water. Water is supplied by Water Supply Corporation. Let's understand
the sample of bill, rate of bill and system of payment of bill.

60 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Study the given water bill properly.

Size pipe Minimum Rate for extra

(Inch) Consumption of Minimum (Rs.) consumption (per
water (in litre) 1000 litre)
1/2 " 10,000 100 (for first 10 units) 32
3/4" 27,000 1,910 (for first 27 units) 71
1" 56,000 3,960 (for first 56 units) 71
1.5" 1,55,000 10,950 (for first 155 units) 71
2" 3,20,000 22,600 (for first 320 units) 71
3" 8,81,000 62,240 (for first 881 units) 71
4" 1,810,000 1,27,865 (for first 1810 units) 71

Sewerage charge = 50% of the charge on water consumption
Rental charge = 4.5 per month


Branch Office Kathmandu
Name: Laxmi Shrestha Consumer No 6 - 32-2
Address : Sinamangal, Kathmandu Area : - 1-6-305
Month : Falgun

Present Reading Former Reading Unit Consumed Minimum Cost Extra Cost Total
512 480 32 units Rs. 100 Rs. 704 Rs. 804
B. Chaudhary
Meter reading of Meter reading of (512-480) Minimum charge i.e. 32–10 = 22 Units Mini. cost+extra unit cost
last day of Falgun last day of Magh = 32 units of 10 units=Rs.100 22×32=Rs.704 i.e. Rs. 100+704=Rs.804

Study the above bill and answer the questions given below:

• What is the name of the consumer?

• What is the present reading of the bill?
• What was the former reading of the bill?
• How much unit water is consumed on that month?
• What is the minimum charge upto 10 units?
• What is the rate for the remaining units?
• What is the amount for remaining unit?
• What is the total amount of bill?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 61

Billing system
According to current billing system, the rule of billing is as follows :
• If the payment is made within first and second month from the date of billing, there
is a rabate of 3%.
• If the payment is made within third month from the date of billing, there is no extra
charge and no rabate.
• If the payment is made in the fourth month, there is an extra charge of 10% .
• If the payment is made in the fifth month, there is an extra charge of 20%.
• If the payment is made after fifth month, there is an extra charge of 50%

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
A household consumed 40 units of water. If the minimum charge upto 10 units is Rs.
100 and charge for extra unit is Rs. 32 per unit, find the amount of bill.
Total unit consumed = 40 units
Minimum charge for 10 units = Rs. 100 Use the rate
given above
Remaining units = (40 – 10) units
= 30 units.
Charge for extra 30 units = Rs. 30 × 32
= Rs. 960.
Total bill = Rs. 100 + Rs. 960
= Rs. 1060.

Example: 2
Previous meter readings and current meter readings are 345 and 380. Find:
(i) total units consumed.
(ii) total charge if the charge for first 10 units is Rs. 10 per units and Rs. 32 per unit for
each extra unit.
(iii) total bill including 50% of total charge as sewerage charge.
Previous meter readings = 345
Current meter readings = 380
Total units consumed = (380 – 345) = 35 units

62 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Minimum charge upto 10 units = Rs. 100
Remaining units = (35 – 10) units = 25 units.
Charge for extra units = Rs. 25 × 32
= Rs. 800
Total charge = Rs. 800 + Rs. 100
= Rs. 900
Again, Sewerage charge = 50% of 900
= × 900
= Rs. 450
∴ Total bill = Rs. (900+450) = Rs. 1350

Example: 3
A pipe of size " supplies water to Shanti Deep Public School. If the total consumption
of water is 50 units, the rate of first 27 units Rs. 1910 and the rate for each additional
unit is Rs. 71 per unit. Find the total bill to be paid including 50%, sewerage charge if
the payment is made in the fourth month after billing.
Solution: Total consumption = 50 units.
For the pipe of size " ,
Minimum charge for first 27 units = Rs. 1,910
Extra units = (50 – 27) units = 23 units.
Charge for extra 23 units = Rs. 23 × 71
= Rs. 1,633
Total bill = Rs. 1910 + Rs. 1633
= Rs. 3543
Now, Sewerage charge = 50% of 3543
= × 3543
= Rs. 1771.50
Now, Total bill = Rs. 3543 + Rs. 1771.50
= Rs. 5314.50
Again, if the payment is made after fourth month of billing,
Extra charge = 10% of Rs. 5314.50
Use the rate
10 given above
= × 5314.50
= Rs. 531.45
Total bill including extra charge = Rs. 5314.50 + 531.45 = Rs. 5845.95

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 63

Exercise 4.2
1. (a) What is the meaning of consumption of 1 unit water?
(b) If the size of the pipe is ", what is the minimum charge for consumption of minimum
quantity water?
(c) If the size of pipe is ", what is the minimum charge for minimum consumption of
(d) If the size of pipe is 1", what is the minimum charge for minimum consumption of
(e) If the size of pipe is 1.5", what is the minimum charge for minimum consumption of
(f) According to the rule of Nepal Water Supply Corporation, what is the rate of Sewerage
(g) What is the rule of payment of water bill if it is paid within the first and second month
from the date of billing?
(h) What is the rule of payment of water bill if it is paid on the fourth month from the
date of billing?
2. The rule of billing system is given below:

• If the payment is made within first and second month from the date of billing
there is a rebate of 3%.
• If the payment is made within third month from the date of billing, there is no
extra charge and no rebate.
• If the payment is made in the fourth month, there is an extra charge of 10%.
• If the payment is made after fifth month, there is an extra charge of 50%.

Study the above rule of payment and the amount to be paid,

(a) If the total amount of bill is Rs. 2560 and the payment is with in the first month of
billing date.
(b) If the total amount of bill is 1520 and the payment is made in the 4th month.
(c) If the total amount of bill is Rs. 740 and the payment is made on the 6th month.
3. Find the amount of bill to be paid in each of the following cases if water is supplied
through the pipe of ".
[ Minimum charge for first 10 units is Rs. 100 and charge for each extra unit is Rs. 32 per unit]
(i) 25 units (ii) 30 units (iii) 50 units (iv) 60 unit.

64 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

4. Find the amount of bill to be paid in each of the following cases if water is supplied
through the pipe of ".
[Minimum charge for first 27 units = Rs. 1910 and charge for each additional unit is Rs. 71]
(i) 60 units (ii) 75 units (iii) 80 units (iv) 56 units

5. (a) The previous and current meter reading of a household are 362 and 390. Water
is supplied through the pipe of ". Using the billing system mentioned earlier, find
(i) total consumption of water
(ii) total charge
(iii) total charge including sewerage charge.

(b) The current reading and previous reading of water of a hotel is 3827 and 3918,
where water is supplied by the pipe of 1". Using the billing system mentioned
earlier, find
(i) total unit consumed
(ii) total charge
(iii) total charge including sewerage charge
6 The given table shows the previous readings, current readings, size of pipe and date
of payment of bill, find the total charge to be paid including 50% sewerage charge.
S.N. Previous reading Current reading Size of pipe Date of bill payment

i. 378 400 1" within 2nd month after

2 billing

ii. 6542 6580 1" in the 3rd month

iii. 765 812 3" in the 4th month
iv. 2546 2618 1" in the 5th month

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) Rs. 2483.20 (b) Rs. 1672 (c) Rs. 1110
3. (i) Rs. 580 (ii) Rs. 740 (iii) Rs. 1380 (iv) Rs. 1700
4. (i) Rs. 4253 (ii) Rs. 5318 (iii) Rs. 5673 (iv) Rs. 3969
5. (a) (i) 28 units (ii) Rs. 676 (iii) Rs. 1014 (b) (i) 91 units
(ii) Rs. 6445 (iii) Rs. 9667.50
6. (i) Rs. 704.22 (ii) Rs. 1494 (iii) Rs.5494.50 (iv) Rs. 11,466

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 65

4.4 Telephone Bill
In modern time almost everyone is familiar with the use of telephone. Telephone service
is provided by Nepal Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) with certain charge to its
customers. Current charge is Rs. 200 for the minimum call cost upto 175 calls which is
also known as rental charge. The charge per call for more than 175 calls is Re.1. In the
bill, the bill amount adding the charge of rental and extra calls is called sub total. Over
sub total amount, 10% is added as telecom service charge (TSC) which is called total bill
amount. Finally 13 % VAT is added over the total bill amount which is grand total bill
amount. To clear the bill a customer is to pay the grand total amount.

The model of telephone bill is printed below.

Branch Office Naxal Kathmandu

No: 2598 Statement For the Month: Chaitra

Date : 2073-1-4



LOCAL 2021
ISD: .......
NAT. OA: .......
INT OA: .......
TSC 10% 202.10
TOTAL 2223.10
24520 26716 1996 200 1821 2021
VAT 13% 289

Reading of last day Reading of last day (26716-24520) Mini. charge of 1821 calls at Re.1/
of Falgun=24520 of Chaitra=26716 = 1996 175 calls = 200 call=1821

Rental+Extra 10% of Subtotal+TSC Total+13% Vat of

sub-to- total=2512.10
calls cost=2021 2223.10

• Which months statement is given above?

• How many calls were made on that month?
• What is the minimum charge of 175 calls?
• What is the number of remaining calls?
• What is the sub total of the bill?
• What is it calculated?
• What is the VAT amount?
• What is the total amount of bill?

66 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
The telephone charge of first 175 calls is Rs. 200 and the charge for each additional call
is Rs. 1. How much will be charged for 400 calls including 10% TSC and 13% VAT?
Charge for first 175 calls = Rs. 200
Additional calls = (400 – 175) = 225
Charge for 300 additional calls = Rs. (225 × 1) = Rs. 225
Total charge = Rs. Rs. 200 + Rs. 225 = Rs. 425
Charge including TSC = 425 + 10% of 425
= 425 + × 425 = 425 + 42.5
= Rs. 467.50
Total bill including 13% VAT = Rs. 467.50 + 13% of 467.50
= Rs. 467.50 + × 467.50
= Rs. 467.50 + Rs.60.78 = Rs. 528.28
Example: 2
Minimum charge of telephone upto 175 calls is Rs. 200. The charge for each extra call is
Re. 1. If a man paid Rs. 726 with 10% TSC and 10% VAT, find the total number of calls
made in that month.
Let the bill without adding 10% VAT be x,
Now, x + 10% of x = 726 [ with 10% VAT]
x+ × x = 726
= 726
726 × 10
x =
or, x = Rs. 660.

Again, let the bill without adding 10% TSC be y

Now, y + 10% of y = 660 [ with 10% TSC)

or, y+ ×y = 660
or, = 660

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 67

660 × 10
y =
or, y = Rs. 600.
Now, minimum charge + charge for additional calls = 600
200 + charge for additional calls = Rs. 600
∴ charge for additional calls = Rs. 600 – Rs. 200 = Rs. 400
Rate of additional call = Re. 1 per call
Number of additional calls = = 400 calls
∴ Total number of calls = 175 + 400 = 575 Calls

Exercise 4.3
1. (a) According to the rule of Nepal Telecom, what is the minimum charge for minimum
number of calls?
(b) What is the rate of Telephone service Charge?

2. (a) The minimum charge for 175 calls is Rs. 200. The charge for each additional call
is Re. 1. If a household makes total 450 calls during a month find the total bill
to be paid including 10% TSC and then adding 13% VAT
(b) The minimum charge of telephone call upto 175 calls is Rs. 200. If the charge
for each additional call is Re. 1, how much will be the charge of 500 telephone
calls with 1% TSC and 13% VAT.
(c) The minimum charge for 175 calls is Rs. 200. The charge for each additional call
is Re. 1. If Seema, a telephone user, makes a total of 530 calls during a month,
find her grand total bill to be paid including 10% TSC and 13% VAT.
3. (a) The minimum charge of telephone call upto 175 calls is Rs. 200 and the charge
of each additional call is Re. 1. If Kavi Bhandari paid Rs. 497.20 with 10% TSC
and 13% VAT of his one month telephone bill, find how many extra calls were
made in that month?
(b) The minimum charge of telephone call upto 175 calls is Rs. 200. The charge for
each extra call is Re. 1 If a man paid Rs. 870.10 with 10% TSC of his telephone
bill, find how much extra calls were made?
(c) The minimum charge of telephone call upto 175 calls is Rs. 200. The charge for
each extra call is Re. 1. A man paid to Rs. 1118.70 including 10% TSC and 13%
VAT. Find the total number a calls he made.

68 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

1. Consult your teacher 2. a) Rs. 590.43 (b) Rs. 652.58 (c) Rs. 689.87
3. (a) 200 calls (b) 500 calls (c) 700 calls.

4.5 Taxi Fare

In some events we have to use taxi. We have to pay taxi fare according to the readings
of taxi meter. There is a meter reading attached in the taxi to indicate the minimum
charge and total charge to be paid.
Let's understand the given table.

Time Minimum Charge per additional 200m

6 A.M – 9. P.M. Rs. 14 Rs. 7.80
9 P.M. – 6 A.M. Rs. 21 Rs. 11.70

If we use taxi for the rent, we must have become familiar with the taxi fare.
There is meter reading attached in the taxi to indicate the minimum charge as well
as the charge for different distances in per km. basis. The concerned authority of the
government decides on all these rates to be paid by the taxi users.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
The minimum charge of taxi is Rs. 14 and the rate for each additional 200m is Rs. 7.80,
find the taxi fare if the total distance covered is (i) 12 km (ii) 15 km 200m.
(i) Minimum charge = Rs. 14
Charge for each 200m = Rs. 7.80
Charge for each km = Rs. 7.80 × 5 5 × 200m = 1000m
= 1 km.
= Rs. 39
Charge for 12 km = Rs. 39 × 12
= Rs. 468
∴ Total charge = Rs. 14 + Rs. 468
= Rs. 482
(ii) Again,
Minimum charge = Rs. 14
Charge for each 200m = Rs. 7.80

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 69

Charge for each km = Rs. 7.80 × 5 = Rs. 39
Charge for 15 km = Rs. 39 × 15
= Rs. 585 (Chage for last 200m = Rs. 7.80)
∴ Total taxi fare = Rs. (14 + 585 + 7.80) = Rs. 606.80
Example: 2
A passenger travels 8km at night 10 P.M. The minimum charge is Rs. 21 and Rs. 11.70
for each 200m. Find the total taxi fare if the taxi waits for 8 minutes and the rate of
waiting charge is Rs. 11.70 for each 2 minutes.
Solution: Minimum charge = Rs. 21
Rate for each 200m = Rs. 11.70
Rate for 1 km = Rs.11.70 × 5 = Rs. 58.5
Charge for 8 km = Rs. 8 × 58.5 = Rs. 468
∴ Total taxi fare = Rs. (468 + 21) = Rs. 489
Again, waiting charge for 2 minutes = Rs. 11.70

waiting charge for 1 minute = Rs. 11.70

waiting charge for 8 minutes = Rs. 11.70 × 8 = Rs. 46.80
∴ Taxi fare including waiting charge = Rs. (489+ 46.80) = Rs. 535.80
Example: 3
Using the above rate of taxi fare, calculate the total taxi fare in each of the following
Distance Time Waiting time
10km 2:00 P.M. 4 minutes
6 km 11:00 P.M. 10 minutes
Since, the time is 2:00P.M.
The minimum charge is Rs. 14.
and the rate for each 200m is Rs. 7.80
Then rate for each 1 km is Rs. 7.80 × 5 = Rs. 39.
Taxi fare for 10 km = Rs 39 × 10 = Rs. 390
Waiting charge for 2 minutes = Rs. 7.80
Waiting charge for 1 minute = Rs.
Waiting charge for 4 minutes = Rs. 7.80 × 4 = Rs. 15.60
∴ Total taxi fare = Rs. (14 + 390 + 15.60)
= Rs. 419.60

70 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Again, Since the time is 11:00 P.M.,
the minimum charge is Rs. 21.
The rate for each 200m is Rs. 11.70
The rate for each km is Rs. 11.70 × 5 = Rs. 58.50
The rate for 6 km = Rs. 58.50 × 6
= Rs. 351
Total taxi fare = Rs.(351 + 21)
= Rs. 372
Again, waiting charge for 2 minutes = Rs. 11.70

waiting charge for 1 minute = Rs. 11.70

waiting charge for 10 minutes = Rs. 11.70 × 10 = Rs. 58.50
Total fare including waiting charge = Rs. (372 + 58.50) =Rs. 430.50.

Exercise 4.4
1. (a) What is the minimum taxi fare in the interval of time 6.A.M. to 9 P.M.?
(b) What is the minimum taxi fare in the interval of time 9 P.M. to 6 A.M.?
(c) During the time of 6 A.M. to 9 P.M., what is the additional fare for each extra 200m?
(d) During the time of 9 P.M. to 6 A.M., what is the additional fare for each extra
200 m?
(e) What is the rate of waiting charge in the day time?
(f) What is the additional taxi fare for 200 km for the interval of time 6 A.M. to 9 P.M.?
2. The minimum taxi fare is Rs. 14 and the rate for each 200m is Rs. 7.80. Calculate the
taxi fare if the distance covered is
(a) 10 km (b) 12 km (c) 11km 400m (d) 18km 600m
3. The minimum taxi fare is Rs. 21 and the rate for each 200m is Rs. 11.70. Calculate the
taxi fare if the distance covered is
(a) 12 km (b) 5 km (c) 6km 800m (d) 15km 200m
4. Use the rate mentioned above to calculate the total taxi fare in each case.

S.N. Distance Time Waiting time

(i) 6 km 11:00A.M. 6 minutes
(ii) 9 km 200m 8:00 A.M. 10 minutes
(iii) 15 km 11.00 P.M. 8 minutes
(iv) 20km 400m 4:00 A.M. 12 minutes.
5. (a) Sabhyata paid Rs. 209 taxi fare. The minimum charge is Rs. 14 and the rate for
each 200m is Rs. 7.80. Calculate the distance covered by her in taxi.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 71

(b) Lochan paid Rs. 606 taxi fare. The minimum charge is Rs. 21 and the rate for each
200m is Rs. 11.70 . Calculate the distance which he covered by taxi.
6. (a) Devid has to travel from Thamel to the Airport. Distance from Themel to Airport
is 6 km. How much he has to pay as taxi fare if he travels at (i) day time with
waiting time 6 mins. (ii) night time with waiting time 10 mins.
(b) Anil has to go to Bhaktapur from Balaju in taxi; distance between these two places is
18km. Calculate the amount of taxi fare to be paid it he travelled at
(i) day time with waiting time 12 minutes.
(ii) night time with waiting time 8 minutes.

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) Rs. 404 (b) Rs. 482 (c) Rs. 458.60 (d) Rs. 739.40
3. (a) Rs. 723 (b) Rs. 313.50 (c) Rs. 418.80 (d) Rs. 910.20
4. (i) Rs. 271.4 (ii) Rs. 411.80 (iii) Rs.945.30 (iv) Rs. 1284.60
5. (a) 5 km. (b) 10 km. 6. (a) (i) Rs. 271.40 (ii) Rs. 430.50 (b) (i) Rs. 762.8 (ii) Rs. 1120.80

Project work
1. Take the meter reading of electricity in the first day of any two consecutive
Calculate the total bill to be paid if the payment is made on:
(i) 7 days of meter reading.
(ii) 8th to 22nd days of meter reading.
(iii) 23rd to 30th days of meter reading.
(iv) 31st to 40th days of meter reading.
(v) 41st to 60th days of meter reading.
Present all the reports in the classroom.
2. Collect the water bill and telephone bill of a household. Explain how the amount
of bill is calculated. Present the calculation in your classroom.

72 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Objective Questions
Choose the correct alternatives.
1. If 13% VAT is imposed on the good having MP Rs.800, then the amount of VAT is
(i) Rs. 13 (ii) Rs. 80 (iii) Rs. 104
2. If an article is sold without any discount then
(i) M.P. = S.P. (ii) C.P. = S.P. (iii) S.P. = Net S.P.

3. If a company distributes some part of its profit to its employee, the amount
received by each employee is called
(i) dividend (ii) commission (iii) bonus
4. I have invested Rs. 10,000 in a company, I got some part of its profit at the end of
the year. The amount that I have received is
(i) bonus (ii) commission (iii) dividend
5. Which one of the following is not a tax free income
(i) Insurance premium upto Rs. 25,000.
(ii) The donation
(iii) 50% of salary kept in citizen investment fund
6. I am a married person. I am working as a teacher. If my yearly income is Rs. 5,00,000.
Yearly tax to paid is equal to
(i) Rs. 45,00 (ii) Rs. 5,000 (iii) Rs. 9,500
7. Suman is unmarried person. His yearly income is Rs. 5,00,000. Yearly tax to be paid
is equal to
(i) Rs. 4000 (ii) Rs. 14000 (iii) Rs. 5000
8. According to the system of payment of electricity bill, if the bill is paid after 20 days.
Then that is
(i) 2% rebate (ii) 5% late fine (iii) 10% late fine
9. What is the minimum charge of 175 telephone calls?
(i) Rs. 200 (ii) Rs. 175 (iii) Rs. 225
10. If the total unit of consumption of electricity is 40 units then the amount of bill to be
paid is equal to
(i) Rs. 50 (ii) Rs.320 (iii) Rs. 240.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 73

Assessment Test Paper

Attempt all the questions. Full Marks: 50

Group 'A' [4 × 1 = 4]
1. (a) Using the current VAT rate, calculate the VAT amount to be paid on an article
where selling price is Rs. 500.
(b) Find the amount of discount if an article having marked price Rs. 600 is sold at the
discount of 20%.
2. (a) Find the amount of commission at the rate of 5%, if the land costing Rs. 50,00,000
is sold.
(b) What is the meaning of consumption of 1 unit electricity?
Group 'B' [8 × 2 = 16]
3. (a) A company distributed 10% of its profit as dividend. If its total amount of dividend
is Rs. 4,50,000. Find its total profit.
(b) Yearly income of a married person is Rs. 4,20,000. Find the amount of tax to be
paid by him.
4. (a) Marked price of an article is Rs. 600. Find the discount amount and selling price if
20% discount is given.
(b) A man paid Rs. 1170 for an article including 13% VAT. Find its selling price and
amount of VAT.
5. (a) A broker gets the commission of Rs. 50,000 from the land which was sold at Rs.
10,00,000. Find the rate of commission.
(b) Yearly income of an unmarried man is Rs. 5,00,000. Find the amount of tax to
be paid if 1% tax is imposed up to the income of Rs. 4,50,000 and 10% tax in the
income more than Rs. 4,50,000.
6. (a) The minimum charge of consumption of electricity is Rs. 50 For first 20 units
the charge is Rs. 3 per unit and Rs. 6.50 per unit for more than 20 units. Find the
charge to be paid if the total consumption of electricity is 28 units.
(b) A household made 250 calls. If the charge for first 175 calls is Rs. 200 and Re 1 for
each additional call. Find the amount of bill to be paid.
Group 'C' [5 × 4 = 20]
7. After allowing 20% discount on the marked price and adding 13% VAT, a customer
pays Rs. 468. Find the discount amount.
8. Monthly salary of a salesmen is Rs. 18,000. He gets a commission of 5% on the sale
more than 5,00,000. If he made the total sale of Rs. 6,00,000 in a month, find his
monthly income.

74 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

9. Monthly salary of a married man is Rs. 50,000. Using the tax rate given below, find
the tax to be paid by him in a year.

Yearly income Rate

Upto Rs. 4,50,000 1%
Rs. 4,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000 10%
Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 7,00,000 20%
10. Samjhana has 450 shares in a hydropower company. Altogether the company has
2,00,000 shares. In a year, company made a profit of Rs. 40,00,000. Company decided
to distribute 10% of total profit as dividend. Find
(i) the amount of dividend. (ii) dividend per share. (iii) dividend got by Samjhana.
11. Minimum charge of telephone upto 175 calls is Rs. 200. The charge for each extra call
is Re 1. If 350 calls were made find
(i) amount of bill. (ii) amount of bill including 10% TSC.
(iii) amount of bill including 13% VAT.

Group 'C' [2 × 5 = 10]

12. Monthly salary of Bir Bahadur Gurung is Rs. 67,000. He is an unmarried person. He
deposits 10% of his salary to P.F. 15% of his salary to C.I.F. He also pays Rs. 20,000
yearly as the premium of insurance.
(i) find the yearly amount deposited in P.F. and C.I.F.
(ii) find the tax free income if the amount deposited in P.F., C.I.F. and the premium
of insurance are tax free.
(iii) Find his taxable income.
(iv) calculate the total tax to be paid using the given rate in the taxable income.

Slab Yearly income Rate

First upto Rs. 4,00,000 1%

Second from Rs. 4,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000 10%
Third from Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 7,00,000 20%
13. Previous and current readings of water bill are 3712 and 3805. If the size of the pipe
is 1" and the bill is paid in the 4th month. If the minimum charge upto 56 units is
Rs. 3960 and Rs. 71 per extra unit; find the total water bill if 50% sewerage charge is

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 75

Estimated Teaching Hours 28
• Plane figure
• Area of four walls, ceiling and floor
• Cost estimation of carpeting, fencing, plastering, etc.
• Prism
• Cylinder, Sphere and homisphere.

Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, students will be able to develop the
following competencies:
• To calculate the perimeter and area of plane figures like
triangle, rectangle, square, trapezium, etc.
• To estimate the cost of fencing, plastering, paving stones on
the plane surface
• To calculate the area of four wall, ceiling and floor
• To calculate the cost of carpeting two floor, plastering the
walls, etc.
• To calculate the area of cross section, LSA, TSA and volume
of Prism.
• To calculate LSA, TSA and Volume of cylinder, sphere and

Teaching Materials
• Models of plane shape, models of cylinder, prism, sphere,
hemisphere, etc.

76 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


5 Plane Figure
5.1 Warm-up Activities
Discuss the following in your class and draw a conclusion.

• Write the formula to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle.

• How many altitudes can be drawn in a triangle?
• In a rectangle, how many altitudes can be drawn?
• Are all altitudes of a triangle equal? If all the altitudes are equal, what type of
triangle is this?
• Does a median divide a triangle into two equal parts?
• Does a diagonal divide a parallelogram into two equal parts?
• Is every rectangle a parallelogram?

5.2 Area of Triangle

(i) When the base and altitude are given A
Consider ΔABC having sides AB, BC and CA respectively. AM is
the altitude of the triangle, which is drawn from the vertex A on the
base BC. Then
1 1
Area of ΔABC = base × altitude = BC × AM B C
2 2 M
Draw a triangle ABC. Draw AD perpendicular to BC. Take E and F, the mid points of
AB and AC respectively. Join EF, cut I and II from the triangle and paste it as shown in
the figure.


B base (b) C base (b)
Figure (i) Figure (ii)
Now it is a rectangle whose two sides are (b) and h .
Area of rectangle = b × h
Area of triangle = 1 b × h [Area of figure (i) = Area of figure (ii)]
Hence, area of triangle = 1 base × height.
Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 77
Area of an equilateral triangle
Take an equilateral triangle ABC, having the length of each side 'a'. Draw AD
perpendicular to BC. Since the perpendicular drawn from the vertex of a triangle
bisects the base,
BD = DC = a A
In right angled triangle ABD,
AD = AB2–BD2 a

= a2–(a/2)2
B a
D a C
a2 – a
2 2 2
= 4
= 3a

= a 3
1 2
Area of ∆ABC = BC × AD
= a × a 3 = 34a

2 2
∴ Area of equilateral triangle = 3 a2
Area of an Isosceles Triangle
Let's take an isosceles triangle ABC, where AB = AC = a (equal side) and BC (base) = b.
From A draw AD perpendicular to BC.
Then, A
BD = DC = [In an isosceles triangle, the perpendicular drawn from the
vertex bisects the base] a a

Using the Pythagoras theory

b/2 b/2
AD = AB2–BD2 B D C
= a2–(b/2)2

a2 – b
= 4a 2
–b 2
= 4a –b
2 2

4 4
Area of ∆ABC = BC × AD
b × 4a –b
2 2
2 2

= b 4a –b
2 2

Area of an isosceles triangle = b 4a –b
2 2

Where, b = base, a = equal side.

78 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

When all three sides of a triangle are given
Consider the triangle ABC, whose sides AB, BC and CA are denoted by c, a and b
Let 's' be the semi-perimeter of the triangle, then A
its perimeter = a + b + c = 2s
c b
Now, draw AM ⊥ BC and suppose BM = x, then h
MC = a – x. B C
x M a–x
In the right-angled ΔAMB, using the Pythagoras' theorem, a

AB2 = BM2 + AM2

c2 = x2 + h2
or, h2 = c 2 – x2 ....................... (i)
Also, in the right angled ΔAMC,
AC2 = AM2 + MC2
b2 = h2 + (a – x)2
or, h2 = b2 – (a – x)2 ....................... (ii)
From equations (i) and (ii), we get
c2 – x2 = b2 – (a – x)2
or, c2 – x2 = b2 – (a2 – 2ax + x2)
or, c2 – x2 = b2 – a2 + 2ax – x2
or, c +a –b
2 2 2
= 2ax
c ² + a² – b ²
or, x =
Now, substituting the value of x in equation (i), we get
 c ²  a² – b ² 
h 2
= c² –  
 c ²  a² – b ²   c ²  a ² – b² 
= c   c – 
 2a  2a 
 2 ac  c ²  a ² – b ²  2 ac – c ² – a ²  b² 
 2a  2a 
= (a  c)² – b² b² – (c²  a² – 2ac) 
4 a²
= (a  c)² – b² b² – (c – a)²
= ( a + c + b) ( a + c – b) ( b + c – a ) ( b – c + a )
= 2 s ( 2 s – 2 b) ( 2 s – 2 a ) ( 2 s – 2 c )
4 a²
16s (s – b) (s – a) (s – c)
4 a²
Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 79
= s ( s – a ) ( s – b) ( s – c )

∴ h = s ( s – a ) ( s – b) ( s – c )
As we know, area of a triangle = base × height
So, area of ΔABC = BC × AM
= × a ×h
1 22
= × a × s ( s – a ) ( s – b) ( s – c )
2 aa
Area of triangle (A) = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c ) , where s = semi-perimeter = a+b+c
a 2
For equilateral triangle
AB = BC = CA, i.e., a = b = c a a

a+b+c a+a+a 3a
∴ s = = =
2 2 2 B C
Area of ΔABC (A) = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c) , where, s =
3a  3a   3a   3a 
=  – a – a – a
2  2  2  2 

3a a a a
= . . .
2 2 2 2
1 2
= a . 3
= .a²
∴ Area of equilateral triangle (A) = .×a(side)².

Do you know!
Area of a triangle (A) = s (s–a) (s–b) (s–c) is known as Heron's formula.
It is also called Hero's formula, named after the Hero of Alexandria.
Its proof can be found in his book 'Metrica'.
Metrica is a collection of mathematical knowledge that was available in the ancient

80 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Remember !
Area of a triangle = base × height
Area of a triangle = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c ) , Where s  a  b  c
Area of an equilateral triangle 3a=

Area of an isosceles triangle = b 4a2–b2 , where b = base, a = length of equal sides
Area of a parallelogram = base × height
Area of a rhombus = × d1 × d2
Area of a trapezium = height × sum of parallel sides
Area of a regular hexagon = 3 3a²
1 2
Area of a square = d (if diagonal is given)
Area of a quadrilateral = diagonal × sum of perpendicular draw from opposite
vertex to the diagonal
= d (h1 + h2)

Measurement of Area of land in Ropani,

Anna, Paisa and Dam.
In hilly region the area of Land is measured in Ropani, Anna, Paisa and Dam. Let us
understand the relation among them.

1 Ropani = 16 Anna.
1 Anna = 4 Paisa
1 Paisa = 4 Dam
Let's understand the relation of Ropani, Anna, Paisa and Dam with square m. and
square feet.
1 Ropani = 508.74 square m.
1 Anna = 31.79 square m.
1 Paisa = 7.94 square m.
1 Ropani = 5476 square feet
1 Anna = 342.25 square feet.
1 Paisa = 85.56 square feet.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 81

Measurement of area of Land in Bigha, Katha and Dhur.
In Terai region the area of Land is measured in Bigha, Katha and Dhur. Let us
understand the relation among them.

1 Bigha = 20 Katha
1 Katha = 20 Dhur
Let's understand the relation of Bigha, Katha and Dhur with square m and square
1 Bigha = 6772.41 Square m.
1 Katha = 338.62 Square m.
1 Dhur = 16.93 Square m.
1 Bigha = 72900 Square ft.
1 Katha = 3645 Square ft.
1 Dhur = 182.25 Square ft.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1 A
Find the area of a triangle of sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm. cm
Here, in ΔABC, let a = 5 cm, b = 4 cm, c = 3 cm then, 5 cm
a+b+c 4+5+3
s= = = 6 cm
2 2 a+b+c
We have, area of ∆ABC = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c), where s =
= 6(6 – 5) (6 – 4 ) (6 – 3)

= 6 × 1 × 2 × 3 cm2
= 36 cm2 = 6 cm2
Example: 2
Find the area of the quadrilateral given below. A
6 cm
Solution: D
3 cm

The quadrilateral ABCD is divided into two triangles. So, the 5 cm

12 c

sum of the areas of the two triangles is the required area of the

given quadrilateral. B
13 cm
s = = 7 cm

82 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

ΔABD = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c) , where s =
= 7(7 – 3) (7 – 5) (7 – 6)

= 7×4×2×1
= 56 cm2
= 7.48 cm2
5 + 12 + 13
s = = 15 cm
ΔBCD = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c) , where s =
= 15(15 – 5) (15 – 12) (15 – 13) cm 2

= 15×10×3×2 cm2

= 900 cm2 = 30 cm2

∴ Area of quadrilateral ABCD = (7.48 + 30) cm² = 37.48 cm2

Example : 3
Convert 2.75 Ropani into Ropani, Anna and Paisa.
Solution: Here,
2.75 Ropani = 2 Ropani + 0.75 Ropani
= 2 Ropani and 0.75 × 16 Anna [ 1 Ropani = 16 Annna]
= 2 Ropani 12 Anna.
Example : 4
Convert 3.65 Bigha into Bigha, Katha and Dhur.
Solution: Here,
3.65 Bigha = 3 Bigha + 0.65 Bigha
= 3 Bigha and 0.65 + 20 Katha [ 1 Bigha = 20 Katha]
= 3 Bigha , 13 Katha.
Example: 5 D

Find the area of a parallelogram in which its two adjacent



sides are 6 cm and 5 cm and the diagonal is 8 cm.

Solution: B C
6 cm
Let ABCD be a parallelogram with BC = 6 cm, AC = 8cm and AB = 5 cm. Since the
diagonal bisects a parallelogram into two equal triangles,
Area of parallelogram ABCD = 2 × ΔABC
So, for ΔABC a+ b+c 8+5+6
s = = = 9.5 cm
2 2

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 83

Area of ∆ABC = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c) , where s =
= 9.5(9.5 – 8) (9.5 – 5) (9.5 – 6) cm2
= 9.5 × 1.5 × 4.5 × 3.5 cm2
= 224.43 cm2 = 14.98cm2
∴ Area of parallelogram ABCD = 2 × ∆ABC [Diagonal bisects the parallelogram]
= 2 × 14.98 cm² = 29.96 cm²

Example: 6
Find the area of a regular hexagonal field of side 20 cm.
Let ABCDEF be a regular hexagonal field of side 20 cm. As we
know, the diagonal divides it into 6 equilateral triangles. So, the
Area of ABCDEF = 6 × ΔAOB
Alternative method
3 Area of regular hexagon
= 6× .(side)
a² 2
= 3 3a

3 2
= 6× .(20)
a² 2 cm2 = 1039.23 cm2
= 3 3(20)
3 = 3 3 × 200
= 6× ² = 600 3 = 1039.23 cm
.×a400 2
4 = 1039.23cm2

Example: 7
ABCD is a structure of field. Find its area in Anna. B
Solution: 12m m
Taking a ΔABD 20 m B

Let, a = 12, b = 16m, c = 20m




12 + 16 + 20
S = a+b+c = = 24 m B
2 2
We have,
Area of a triangle = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c)

= 24 (24–12) (24–16) (24–20)

= 24 × 12 × 8 × 4

= 9216 = 96 m2
Again, taking a triangle BDC.
Let, a = 24 m, b = 22 m, c = 20 m

S= a + b + c = 24 + 22 + 20 = 33 m
2 2

84 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

We have,
Area of a triangle = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c)
= 33 (22–24) (33–22) (33–20)
= 33× 9 × 11 × 13
= 42471 = 206.08m²
Now, area of the field = Area of ΔABD + Area of ΔBDC
= 96m² + 206.08m² = 302.08m²
Since, 31.79m² = 1 Anna
1m² = Anna.
302.08m² = × 302.08 Anna
= 9.50 Anna.
= 9 Anna + 0.5 Anna
= 9 Anna + 0.5 × 4 Paisa
= 9 Anna + 2 Paisa.

Example: 8
The three sides of a triangle are in the ratio 5 : 12 : 13. If the perimeter is 60 cm, find
the area of the triangle.
Let the three sides of the triangle be 5x, 12x and 13x respectively.
Perimeter of the triangle = 60 cm
∴ 5x + 12x + 13x = 60 cm
or, 30x = 60 cm
x = 2 cm
Now, 5x = 5 × 2 = 10 cm
12x = 12 × 2 = 24 cm and
13x = 13 × 2 = 26 cm
∴ Semi-perimeter (s) =
10 + 24 + 26
= = 30 cm.
∴ Area of triangle = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c) , where, s =
= 30(30 – 10) (30 – 24 ) (30 – 26) cm2
= 30 × 20 × 6 × 4 cm2
= 14400 cm2 = 120 cm2

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 85

Example: 9
The perimeter of a right-angled triangle is 24 cm and its area is 24 cm2. Find the sides
of the triangle.
In the right-angled ∆ABC, let 'p' 'b' and 'h' be the perpendicular, base and hypotenuse
Area of ∆ABC = base × height A
24 cm2 = ×b×p h
2 p
or, p×b = 48 cm ...................... (i)

and, p+b+h = 24 cm C
B b
or, p+b = 24 – h ........................ (ii)
Again, in the right-angled ∆ABC, we have,
h2 = p2 + b 2
or, h2 = (p + b)2 – 2pb
or, h2 = (24 – h)2 – 2 × 48
or, h2 = 576 – 48 h + h2 – 96
or, 48h = 576 – 96
or, h = = 10 cm.
So, from equation (ii), p + b = 24 – 10 = 14 cm.
or, p = 14 – b ...................... (iii)
From (i) and (iii), (14 – b) b = 48
or, 14b – b2 = 48
or, 0 = b2 – 14 b + 48
or, b – 8b – 6b + 48
= 0
or, b(b – 8) – 6((b – 8) = 0
or, (b – 8) (b – 6) = 0
Either b–8 = 0 ⇒ b = 8 cm
or, b–6 = 0 ⇒ b = 6 cm.
So, from equation (iii)
When, b = 8 cm, p = 14 – 8 = 6 cm
and b = 6 cm, p = 14 – 6 = 8 cm.
So, the required sides of the right-angled triangle are 8 cm, 6 cm and 10 cm or 6 cm, 8 cm
and 10 cm, respectively.

Example: 10
An umbrella is made by stitching 10 triangular pieces of cloths each measuring 15 cm,
41 cm and 28 cm. How much cloths is required to make umbrella? If the total cost to
prepare umbrella is Rs. 630, find the cost per cm2 clothes.

86 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Taking a triangular piece of cloth measuring 15cm, 41 cm and 28 cm
a = 15 cm, b = 41 cm, c= 28 cm

Then, S = a + b + c = 15cm + 41cm + 28 cm = 47 cm.

2 2
We have,
Area of a triangle = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c)

= 42 (42–15) (42–41) (42–28)

= 42 × 27 × 1 × 14

= 15876
= 126 cm2
Area of 10 triangular pieces (A) = 126 × 10cm2
= 1260 cm2
Total cost to make umbrella = Rs. 630.
We have,
Total cost = Area × Rate 630 = 1260 × R
R= = Rs. 0.50 per cm2.
Hence, the cost per cm2 cloths = Rs. 0.50 per cm2
Example: 11
A 80 ft
The shape and the dimension of field is as shown in the figure.
Find, (i) The area of field in Ropani, Annaa and Paisa.
(ii) The cost of the land if the cost per Anna of land is 90 ft
Rs. 12,00,000. D E C
100 ft.
Since the one pair of opposite sides of the given field are parallel, then the shape of the
field is trapezium.
Here, Length of two parallel sides, a = 80 ft, b = 100 ft.,
hight of the field AE (h) = 90 ft.
We have,
Area if trapezium = height × sum of parallel sides.
= × 90 × (80 +100) square ft.
= 45 × 180 square ft. = 8100 square ft.
Since, 1 Ropani = 5476 square ft.
Area of field in Ropani = Ropani = 1.47918 Ropani

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 87

= 1 Ropani + 0.47918 Ropani
= 1 Ropani + 0.47918 × 16 Anna
= 1 Ropani + 7.67 Anna.
= 1 Ropani + 7 Anna + 0.67 Anna
= 1 Ropani + 7 Anna + 0.67 × 4 Paisa
= 1 Ropani + 7 Anna + 2.67 Paisa.
Again, area of field = 1.47918 Ropani
= 1.47918 × 16 Anna
= 23.67 Anna.
Since, cost per Anna is Rs. 12,00,000
Cost of 23.67 Anna land = 23.67 × 12,00,000 = Rs. 2,84,04,000.

Example: 12 A

The shape and the dimension of a land is as shown. Find the 65


area of Land in Bigha and Katha. If the cost per Katha is Rs. B

10,00,000. Find the cost of the land.


Taking a triangle ABC, its three sides are 65m, 85m and 90m. D
C 70m
Let, a = 65m , b = 85m , c = 90 m.

Then, S = a + b + c = 65 × 85 × 90 = 120 m.
2 2
We have,
Area of a triangle = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c)

= 120(120- 65)(120 -85)(120-90)

= 120 × 55 × 35 × 30
= 2632.49m²
Area of triangular part ABC =2632.49m²
Again, taking a triangle ACD, Its three sides are 120m, 90m, 70m
Let a = 120m, b = 60m, c = 70m
120 + 90 + 70
S= a+b+c = = 140m.
2 2
We have,
Area of a triangle = s(s – a) (s – b) (s – c)

= 140(140 - 120)(140 - 90)(140 - 70)

= 140 × 20 × 50 × 70
= 3130.49m²
Hence, the area of the field = 2632.49m² + 3130. 49m² = 5762.98m²
Since, 1 Bigha = 6772.41m²

88 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Area of the field in Bigha = 5762.98 Bigha = 0.85095 Katha
Again, 1 Bigha = 20 Katha,
So, 0.85095 Bigha = 20 × 0.85095 Katha = 17.019 Katha
Now, cost per Katha is Rs. 10,00,000
Then cost of 17.019 Katha land is Rs. 10,00,000 × 17.019 = Rs. 1,70,19,000

Exercise 5.1
1. a) What is the area of an equilateral triangle whose side is 'a' unit?
b) What is the area of a triangle whose sides are 'a', 'b' and 'c' units?
c) Find the area of a right-angled triangle whose base and height are 'a' cm and 'b' cm

d) Find the area of a parallelogram whose base and height are 'a' cm and 'b' cm
e) Write the formula of the area of a quadrilateral whose one diagonal is 'd' cm and the
perpendiculars on the diagonals are 'a' cm and 'b' cm respectively.
f) Write the formula of the area of a rhombus if 'd1' and 'd2' are its diagonals.
g) If 'a' and 'b' are the lengths of the two parallel sides of a trapezium and if 'h' be its
height, write the formula to calculate the area of the trapezium.
h) Write the formula to calculate the area of a square whose diagonal is d cm.
i) Write the formula to calculate the area of an isosceles triangle whose base is 'b' and
the length of the equal sides is 'a'.
2. (a) What is the relation of Ropani with Anna?
(b) How many Paisa is equal to one Anna?
(c) How many Dam is equal to one Paisa?
(d) What is the relation of square feet with Ropani?
(e) What is the relation of square meter with Ropani?
(f) How much square ft is equivalent to one Anna?
(g) How much square meter is equivalent to one Anna?
3. (a) What is the relation of Bigha with Katha?
(b) How many Katha is equal to one Bigha?
(c) How many Dhur is equal to 1 Katha?
(d) What is the relation of square feet with Bigha ?
(e) What is the relation of square meter with Bigha?
(f) How much square ft. is equivalent to one Katha?
(g) How much square meter is equivalent to one Katha?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 89

4. Find the area of the following triangles.
(a) (b) (c)

8 cm
5 cm


B 8 cm Z
C Y 12 cm
10 cm
(d) (e) (f)




6 cm

5 cm
D C E 12 cm F
B 4 cm
(g) (h) (i)

10 cm

12 cm
Q R 40 cm D
12 cm

5. Find the area of given figures:

(a) P (b) D C (c) E F





A 6 cm B
Q 6 cm R H G

(d) A (e) P (f) P




4cm C


9cm QS = 12cm
QS = 10cm
6. Find the area of following hexagons.
(a) B C (b) B


F 8 cm E E D
6 cm

90 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

7. Find the area of the following:
(a) A 12 cm (b) W 8 cm X
(c) 6 cm

10 cm

8 cm

Z Y S 4 cm R
D 6 cm C T 12 cm

8. Find the area of the lands with given structure and dimension in Ropani, Anna, Paisa,
and Dam.
(a) m (b) ft
50 (c) 70 ft
80 55
95 m

80 ft
70 ft


100 ft.

9. Find the area of the lands with given structure and dimension in Bigha , Katha and
(a) (b) 75 m (c) 30 ft




95 m

50 ft

60 ft 105
60 ft.

10. (a) Find the area of an equilateral triangle whose each side is 15 2 cm.
(b) Find the area of a right-angled isosceles triangle whose hypotenuse is 10cm.
(c) Find the area of a triangle having three sides, 9 cm, 11 cm and 13 cm.
11. (a) The area of an equilateral triangle is 36 3 m2. Find the length of its sides.
(b) The area of an equilateral triangle is 16 3 cm². Find its perimeter.
(c) The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 30 cm. Find its area.
(d) Find the area of an isosceles triangle whose perimeter is 36 cm and the length of
the base 10 cm.
(e) The perimeter and the length of the base of an isosceles triangle are 25 cm and
9 cm respectively. Find the area of the triangle.
(f) Length of two equal sides of an isosceles triangle is 10cm. If its area is 48cm2, find
the length of its base.
(g) The length of the base of an isosceles ∆ is 12 cm, if its area if 48cm2, find the
length of its equal sides.
12. (a) If the ratio of the sides of a triangle is13 : 14 : 15 and its perimeter is 42 cm, find
the area of the triangle.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 91

(b) The perimeter and the area of a triangular field are 100m and 200 5 m². If one
side of the field is 40m, find the other two sides.
(c) The perimeter of a right angled triangle is 30 cm and its area is 30 cm². Find the
sides of the triangle.
13. (a) A tent is made by stitching 10 triangular pieces of cloths of two different colors,
each piece measuring 61 ft., 61 ft and 22 ft. How much cloth is required for the
tent? If the cost of 1 ft.2 cloth is Rs. 5, find the total cost of the cloth.
(b) A tent is made by stitching 10 triangular pieces of cloths of two different colors,
each piece measuring 65m, 65m and 32m. If the cost of 1 m2 cloth is Rs. 5, find
the total cost of the cloth.
14. (a) A tent is made by stitching 10 triangular pieces of clothes of two different colors,
each piece measuring 101 cm, 101 cm and 40 cm. If the total cost of clothes is
Rs. 79,200, find the cost of 1 cm2 of cloth.
(b) A tent is made by stitching 20 triangular pieces of cloths having dimension 3 m,
4m and 5m. If the cost to prepare the tent is Rs. 9600. Find the cost per m2 cloths.
15. (a) The structure of the land is as shown in the figure; where
BC = 60ft, AE = 25Ft and DF = 35 ft. Find
(i) The area of land in Anna and Paisa E

(ii) The cost of the land if the cost per Anna is Rs. 8,50,000.

(b) The structure of the land is as shown in the the figure. Find 30m

(i) area of the land in Anna and Paisa. 41

(ii) cost of the land if the cost per Anna of land is Rs. 12,50,000
16. (a) The structure and the measurement of different sides 140m
of a field is given below, Find, 80

(i) its area in Bigha, Katha and Dhur. 70m 160m

(ii) its cost, if cost per Katha of land is Rs. 6,00,000.

100 ft
(b) Form the given measurement, find the area of land in 80
70 ft

Bigha, Katha and Dhur. Also, find its cost, if the cost per
90 ft

Bigha is 25,00,000. D
C 80 ft

92 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

1. Consult your teacher 2. Consult your teacher 3. Consult your teacher
4. (a) 31.22 cm² (b) 17.32 cm² (c) 48 cm² (d) 12 cm² (e) 10.83 cm²
(f) 62.35 cm² (g) 60 cm² (h) 180 cm² (i) 60 cm²
5. (a) 19.84 cm² (b) 24 cm² (c) 24 cm² (d) 23.79cm2 (e) 60.59cm2 (f) 54cm2
6. (a) 166.27 cm² (b) 93.53 cm² 7. (a) 72 cm² (b) 100 cm² (c) 15 cm²
8. (a) 5 Ropani, 11 Anna, 1 Paisa (b) 9 Anna, 1 Paisa (c) 1 Ropani, 3Anna, 3.5 Paisa
9. (a) 5 Dhur (b)1 Bigha, 2 Katha, 13 Dhur (c) 12 Dhur
10. (a) 194.86 cm² (b) 25 cm² (c) 48.8 cm²
11. (a) 12 cm (b) 25 cm (c) 43.3 cm² (d) 60 cm² (e) 29.76 cm² (f) 12cm (g) 10cm
12. (a) 84 cm² (b) 30 cm, 30 cm (c) 5 cm, 12cm, 13 cm
13. (a) Rs. 6,600 sq ft, Rs. 33,000 (b) Rs. 10,080m², Rs. 50,400
14. (a) Rs.4, (b) Rs. 80 15. (a) (i) 5 Anna 1paisa (ii) Rs. 44,70,416.36
(b) (i) 9Anna, 3 Paisa, 2.5 Dham (ii) Rs. 1,23,85,970
16. (a) (i) 15 Katha, 2 Dhur (ii) Rs. 90,73,729 (b) 1 Katha, 12.57 Dhur, Rs. 8,14,479

Project work
Visit a plot of field nearby your home. Draw the structure of the field in your copy. Draw
the necessary lines to divide the figures into triangles. Take the actual measurement of
all sides in the field and calculate its area by using Herons formula.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 93


6 Area of Four Walls

6.1 Area of 4 Walls

A rectangular room contains 4 walls, a ceiling and a floor. If the room is rectangular,
2 walls opposite to each other are equal in area.
Here, ABCD represents floor. EFGH represents ceiling. ABGF and CDEH are equal
in area. BCHG and ADEF are equal in area.
∴ ABGF, CDEH, BCHG and ADEF are its four walls.
Now, Area of floor ABCD = l×b h
Area of ceiling EFGH = l×b
Area of wall BCHG = l×h b
Area of wall ADEF = l×h B l C

Area of wall ABGF = b×h

Area of wall CDEH = b×h
∴ Area of four walls = l×h+l×h+b×h+b×h
= 2hl + 2bh
= 2h(l + b)
∴ Area of four walls = 2h (l + b)
Again, area of four walls + floor = 2h(l + b) + lb
area of four walls + floor + ceiling = 2h (l + b) + 2lb = 2(lb + bh + lh)

Area of four walls excluding doors and windows.

Let us assume a rectangular room having length 10m, 2m

breadth 8m and height 4m . It has a door on one face 2m 1m 1m

whose dimensim is 2m X 1.5m .



It has two windows in two faces of the wall each of
whose dimensions are = 2m × 1.5m = 3m2
Area of a window = 2m × 1m
Area of 2 windows = 2 × 2 m2
= 4m2

94 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Total area occupied by doors and windows
= 3m2 + 4m2
= 7m2
Area of Four walls = 2h (l + b)
= 2 × 4 (10+8)
= 8 × 18m2
=144 m2
Area of four walls except door and windows
=144m2 - 7m2
= 137 m2

Remember !
• Area of floor = l × b • Area of four walls + ceiling = 2h(l+b)+lb
• Area of ceiling = l × b • Area of four walls + ceiling + floor
• Area of four walls = 2h (l + b) = 2h(l+b)+2lb = 2(lb+lh+bh)
= Perimeter of floor × height

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Find the area of four walls of a room having dimensions 5m × 4m × 3m.
Here, Length of the room (l) = 5m
Breadth of the room (b) = 4m
Height of the room (h) = 3m
We have, Area of four walls = 2h(l + b)
= 2 × 3 (5 + 4)m2
= 6 × 9m2
= 54m2
Example: 2
A square room has length 6m and its height is 3.5m. It has 2 doors of size 2.5m × 1m and
3 windows of size 2m × 1.5m. Find the area of 4 walls excluding doors and windows.
Here, Length of the room (l) = 6m
Breadth of the room (b) = 6m
Height of the room (h) = 3.5m

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 95

We have, Area of 4 walls = 2h (l + b)
= 2 × 3.5 (6 + 6)
= 7 × 12 = 84m2
Again, Area of 2 doors = 2(2.5 × 1)m2 = 5m2
Area of 3 windows = 3(2 × 1.5)m2 = 9m2
∴ Area of 4 walls excluding doors and windows
= 84m2 – 5m2 – 9m2 = 70m2
Example: 3
Find the area of 4 walls except doors and windows
from given figure . ft

12 ft

Solution : 5 ft 3 ft
3 ft
3 ft

Given figure shows the structure of a room whose

length, breadth and height are 20 ft, 15 ft and 12 ft 8 ft

respectively. 20 ft
l = 20 ft, b= 15 ft, h=12 ft
We have,
Area of four walls = 2h (l + b)
= 2 × 12 (20+15)
= 24 × 35 ft2
= 840ft2
Area of a door having dimension 8 ft X 3 ft = (8X3) ft2
= 24 ft2
Area of 2 windows having dimensin 5 ft × 3 ft
= 2 × (5 × 3) ft2 = 30 ft2
Area of four walls except doors and windows
= 840 ft2 - 24 ft2 -30 ft2
= 840 ft2 - 54 ft2
= 786 ft2

Exercise 6.1
1. (a) Write the formula to calculate the area of four walls.
(b) If 'l' 'b' and 'h' be the length, breadth and height of a room, write the formula to
calculate the area of 4 walls and ceiling.
(c) If 'x', 'y' and 'z' be the length, breadth and height of a room, what is the area of
4 walls, ceiling and floor.

96 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(d) If 'a' be the area of 4 walls of a room, 'a' be the area of a window and 'b' be the
area of a door. If a room contains 3 windows and 2 doors, what is the area of
walls without doors and windows?
(e) If 'x' be a side of a square room, 'y' be its height, what is the area of 4 walls?

2. Find the area of 4 walls of a room having

(a) length 7 m, breadth 5 m and height 4 m.
(b) length 5.75 m, breadth 4.25 m and height 3.65 m.
(c) length 608 cm, breadth 510 cm and height 3 m.
3. Find the area of 4 walls and ceiling of the room having following dimensions.
(a) length 5 m, breadth 4.5 m and height 3.5 m.
(b) length 8 m 25 cm, breadth 6 m and height 350 cm.
4. Find the total surface area of 4 walls, ceiling and floor of the room having the
following dimensions.
(a) length 12 m, breadth 10 m and height 4 m.
(b) length 6.25 m, breadth 6 m and height 3.5 m.
(c) square room of length 4 m and height 3 m.
(d) cubical room of length 4 m.
5. (a) Find the length of a room, which is 6 m broad, 4 m high and the area of 4 walls
is 208m2.
(b) Find the height of the room which is 8 m long, 5 m broad and area of 4 walls is
308 m2.
(c) Find the height of a square room whose area of 4 walls, ceiling and floor is 112.5
m2 and the ceiling is 4.5 m. wide.
(d) The perimeter of room is 28 m. and the height is 3.5 m. Find the area of 4 walls.
6. Find the area of 4 walls except door and windows from the given figure .
(a) (b)
ft m
12 ft

3 ft

5m 3m
3 ft

8 ft


20 ft 10 m

7. Find the area of 4 walls of a room having given dimensions and given number of
doors and windows of given dimensions.
(a) l = 6m, b = 4m h = 3m,

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 97

Number of windows = 2, having dimensions 2.5m × 1m
Number of doors = 1, having dimension 3m × 1m
(b) l = 15m, b = 5m h = 4m
Number of windows = 5, having dimensions 2m × 1.25m
Numbers of doors = 3, having dimension 3m × 1m
(c) l = 8m, b = 5m, h = 4m
Number of windows = 2, having dimensions 1.9m × 1.4m
Number of doors = 1, having dimension = 2.2m × 1.6m

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) 96 m², (b) 73 m² (c) 67.08 m² 3. (a) 89 m² (b) 149.25 m²
4. (a) 416 m² (b) 160.75 m² (c) 80 m² (d) 96 m² 5. (a) 20 m. (b) 11.85 m.
(c) 4 m. (d) 98 m² 6. (a) 801ft2 (b) 90cm2 7. (a) 52m2 (b) 138.5m² (c) 95.16m²

Project work
Measure the length, breadth and height of your bedroom. Measure the length and
breadth of its doors and windows. Calculate the area of its four walls except doors
and windows.

6.2 Cost Estimation

• Ramesh has to plaster in wall of his room. having area 30ft². the rate of plastering the
room is Rs. 20 per ft², what is the total cost of plastering wall ?
• Ebrahim has to pave the stone on the lawn in front of his house. If the number of stone
required is 90 and the cost per stone is Rs. 20, what is the total cost of paving ?
• Perimeter of a field is 60m, it is to be enclosed by a fencing material at the rate of Rs. 15
per meter, what is the total cost of fencing ?
• The area of a room is 60m², what is the cost of carpeting at the rate of Rs. 500 per m².

In the first case, total cost is obtained by multiplying the are with the rate
In the second case, total cost is obtained by multiplying number of stones with
cost per stone.
In the third case, total cost is obtained by multiplying the perimeter with the rate.

The dimension of a room of a house is 15ft × 14ft × 9 ft.

To plaster its 4 walls and ceiling how much money is needed?
As, we know that, area of 4 walls = 2h (l+b)
= 2 × 9 (15+14)
= 18 × 29 ft2 = 522 ft2

98 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

If the cost of plastering its wall at the rate of Rs. 35 per square feet, what will be the cost?
Now, cost per square feet of plastering is Rs. 35
Cost of plastering 522 ft2 is Rs. 522 × 35
= Rs. 18,270
Here, 522 ft2 = A.
Rs. 35 per sq. feet = C
Total cost = T
Hence, total cost (T) = A × C.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
A room is 8 m long, 5m broad and 4 m high. It also contains a door of dimensions 2.5 m
× 1 m and 2 windows of dimensions 3 m × 2 m. Find the cost of colouring its wall at the
rate of Rs 240 per square meter.
Solution: Here,
Length of the room (l) = 8m
Breadth of the room (b) = 5m
Height of the room (h) = 4m
We have, area of the wall = 2h(l + b)
= 2 × 4(8 + 5) m2
= 8 (8 + 5) m2
= 8 × 13 m2 = 104 m2
Area of a door = 2.5 m × 1 m = 2.5m2
Area of 2 windows = 2 (3 × 2) m2 = 12 m2
Area of the wall excluding doors and windows (A) = (104 – 2.5 – 12)m2 = 89.5 m2
Cost per square meter (C) = Rs. 240
We have, Total cost (T) = A × C = Rs. 89.5 × 240 = Rs 21,480
Example: 2
The length of a room is 7m and its height is 3.5 m. If the cost of papering its wall at
Rs. 150 per square meter is Rs. 11,550, find the breadth of the room.
Solution: Here,
Total cost of papering (T) = Rs. 11,550

Unit cost of papering (C) = Rs. 150 per meter2

T 11,550
Area of wall paper (A) = = = 77 m2
C 150
Breadth of room (b) = ?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 99

Length of room (l) = 7m
Height of room (h) = 3.5 m
Area of 4 walls of a room = Area of wall paper
2h (l + b) = 77
or, 2 × 3.5 (7 + b) = 77
or, 7 ( 7 + b) = 77
or, 7+b = 77 m
or, b = (11 – 7) m = 4 m.
∴ Breadth of the room is 4 m.
Example: 3
The cost of covering the floor of a square room at Rs. 370 per square meter is Rs. 1,19,880.
The cost of plastering the walls at Rs. 350 per square meter is Rs.1,00,800. Find the
height of the room.
Solution: Here, while covering the square room,
Total cost (T) = Rs 1,19,880
Cost per square meter (C) = Rs 370
We have, T = A×C
T 119880
or, A= = = 324 m2
C 370
= 324 m2 of floor
∴ Area of the square room = 324 m2
l² = 324 m2
l² = (18)2
or, l = 18 m
∴ l = b = 18 m
Again, while plastering the walls,
Total cost (T) = Rs. 1,00,800
Cost per sq. m (C) = Rs. 350
We have, T = A×C
T 1,00,880
A= = = 288 m2
C 350
∴ Area of 4 walls = 288 m2
2h (l + b) = 288
2 × h (18 + 18) = 288
72h = 288
h = 4 m.
∴ The height of the room is 4 m.

100 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Exercise 6.2
1. (a) If 'T' be the total cost of painting the 4 walls of a room and 'C' be the cost per square
meter of painting the wall , what is the area of 4 walls in terms of 'T' and 'C'?
(b) Area of 4 walls excluding doors and windows is 'A' and the number of papers
required to paste on the wall is 'n', what is the area of the piece of paper?
(c) 20 piece of papers are required to paste it on the wall. If cost per piece of paper
is Rs. x, find the total cost to buy the paper.
(d) Let 'x' be the area of four walls, y be the area covered by doors and windows,
the rate of Rs. z per square meter, what is the cost of painting the walls?
2. (a) Length, breadth and height of a room are 10m, 8m and 4m respectively. Find the
cost of plastering its four walls at the rate of Rs. 75 per square meter.
(b) Length of a square room is 8m and its height is 3.5m. Find the cost of plastering
its four walls and ceiling at the rate of Rs. 45 per square metre.
(c) Find the cost of plastering the 4 walls of a room having dimensions 9m × 8m
× 4m at the rate of Rs. 75 per square metre.
3. (a) A room is 13 m long, 7 m broad and 6 m high. It has two doors each measuring
1.6 m by 2.5 m. Find the cost of painting its walls at Rs. 30 per sq. meter.
(b) A room is 8m long 6m broad and 3m high. It has a door of size 3m × 1m and 2
windows of size 2.5m × 1.5m each. Find
(i) the area of four walls excluding doors and windows.
(ii) cost of plastering the wall at the rate of Rs. 40 per square metre.
4. (a) The length and height of a room are 5m and 3m respectively. If the cost of
plastering its wall at the rate of Rs. 150 per square meter is Rs. 8,100, find the
breadth of the room.
(b) The height of a square room is 4m, the cost of plastering its wall at the rate of
Rs. 120 per square meter is Rs. 9,600, find the length of each side of the room.
5. (a) A room is three times as long as it is broad and its height is 4.6 meters. If the
cost of carpeting its floor at Rs. 240 per sq. meter is Rs. 18,000, find the cost of
painting on its walls at Rs. 24 per sq. meter.
(b) A room is 3 times as long as it is broad and the height is 3 m. If the cost of
carpeting its floor at Rs. 60 per square meter is Rs. 4,500, find the cost of painting
its wall and ceiling at Rs. 18 per square meter.
(c) A square room is 6 m high. The cost of carpeting its floor at the rate of Rs. 40 per.
sq. meter is Rs. 4,000. Find the cost of painting its wall at the rate of Rs. 30 per
square meter.
6. (a) The length of room is two times its breadth and three times its height. If the cost
of painting its walls at Rs. 90 per sq. meter is Rs. 12,960, find the cost of carpeting
its floor at Rs. 360 per sq. metre.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 101

(b) The length of a room is twice the breadth and three times its height, the cost of
plastering its 4 walls at the rate of Rs. 10 per square meter is Rs. 1,440. Find the
cost of carpeting its floor at the rate of Rs. 120 per square meter.
7. (a) The cost of carpeting a square hall at Rs. 45 per square meter is Rs. 288,000. If the
cost is Rs. 43,200 for painting the four walls and ceiling at Rs. 5 per sq. m, find
the height of the room.
(b) The cost of carpeting a room having length 6m at rate of Rs. 250 per square meter
is Rs. 6,000. The cost of colouring its four walls at the rate of Rs. 150 per square
meter is Rs. 9,000, find the height of the room.

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) Rs. 10,800 (b) Rs. 7920 (c) Rs. 10,200
3. (a) Rs. 6960 (b) (i) 73.5m2 (ii) Rs. 2940 4. (a) 4m (b) 5m.
5. (a) Rs. 4416 (b) Rs. 3510 (c) Rs. 7200
6. (a) Rs. 25920 (b) Rs. 8640 7. (a) 7m (b) 3m.

Project work
Measure the length, breadth and height of your room. Measure the dimensions of
doors and windows
(i) Ask the rate of plastering the floor, rate of plastering the walls, rate of plastering
the ceiling and estimate cost.
Objective: To estimate the cost of plastering
Material required: Measuring tape.
Estimation of cost of plastering the floor

Length of Breadth of Height of Area of Rate of plas- Total cost

room room room floor tering

Estimation of cost of plastering 4 walls

Length of Breadth Height of Area of Area Exact Rate Total cost

room of room room 4 walls covered area
by doors of 4
and win- walls

Similarly estimate the total cost of construing the wall.

102 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


7 Prism
7.1 Review
Let's observe the following figures.


A' B'

Fig (i) Fig (ii) Fig (iii)

Observe the above figures and answer the questions property.

• Are the opposite faces of first figure equal?
• Are the opposite faces of first figure parallel?
• How many pair of aces are equal and parallel in the first figure?
• How many pair of opposite faces of second figure are equal and parallel?
• Is there any two faces which are equal and parallel?

• Opposite faces of first figure are equal and parallel.

• All three parts opposite faces of first figure are parallel.
• None of the opposite pairs of second figure are equal.
• One pair of opposite faces of second figure are parallel.
• There is one opposite pair of faces which are both equal and parallel.

The first and third figures are prism where as the third figure is not a prism.

Area of cross section A' B'

Given figure is a prism as its shaded face and its opposite
A c'
face are equal and parallel. If we cut the prism parallel B D'
to the shaded region, similar structure be obtained. The
structure so obtained in the cross section of prism. c E'


Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 103

Cross section of above prism.

Different types of prism and their cross section.

cross section
cross section
cross section

Rectangular prism
Circular prism

Area of cross section of the prism = Area of base of the prism.

Square Based Prism

Area of cross section i.e. area of base of prism is the area of H F

the geometrical shape present on its base. In square based A G

prism, the base is square, so its area is given by:
Area of square base = a² (where a is the length of E
one side of square base.) B a C

LSA, TSA and Volume of Square based Prism

As we know that there is a square on the base of a square
based Prism. Then its perimeter (P) = 4a
LSA = p × h = 4ah.
Total Surface area = LSA + 2 × Area of base = 4ah + 2a²
Volume = Area of base × height
= a²h.
Remember !
• Area of cross section of prism = Area of base
• Lateral surface area of prism = Perimeter of the base × height
• Total surface area = LSA + 2 × Area of base
• Volume of prism = Area of base × height

Given figure is a square based prism.

• Base area = a2
• Lateral Surface Area (LSA) = Perimeter of base × height h

= 4ah
• TSA = LSA + 2 × area of base = 4ah + 2a2
• Volume = Area of base × height = a2h a

104 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Triangular Prism
The given figure is a triangular prism. It has a triangular Cross section


The base of this prism is ∆ABC or ∆A'B'C, which are B'
two congruent triangles.
It has three rectangular surfaces. B
Its rectangular surfaces are ABB'A', BCC'B' and ACC'A'.

Surface area of triangular prism

The given figure is a triangular prism. A

∆ABC is its base. Three sides of ∆ABC c b

are 'a', 'b' and 'c'. Let 'h' be the height B a C A c B C b A

of the prism. If we unfold figure (i), we
will get a structure like figure (ii). h h h h h

The surface area of this prism is the

sum of area of 2 triangular surfaces B' C' A' B' C' A'
and the area of 3 rectangular surfaces.
Fig (i) Fig (ii)
The area of 3 rectangular surfaces is its
lateral surface area. From figure (ii),
Area of rectangle ABB'A' = h × c
Area of rectangle BCC'B' = h×a
Area of rectangle CAA'C' = h × b
∴ Area of all rectangular surfaces = h × c + h × a + h × b
= h(a+b+c)
= perimeter of base × height
Hence, lateral surface area (LSA) = Area of all rectangular surfaces
= p×h
Total surface area (TSA) = LSA + 2 × area of ∆ABC
= LSA + 2 × area of base.

Remember !
LSA = p × h
TSA = LSA + 2 × area of base
Area of cross section = Area of base

Volume of Triangular Prism

Given figure is a cuboid having three dimensions l, b and h.
If we cut this cuboid along its diagonal, we get two right triangular prisms.
Area of base of given cuboid = l×b=A

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 105

1 1
Area of base of a right-triangular prism = 2 (l × b) = 2 A = A1
Volume of the cuboid = (l × b × h)
1 h
Volume of the right triangular prism = 2 (l × b) × h l
= 2 (l × b) × h.
= A1 × h.
∴ Volume of a prism = Area of base × height.

Remember !
In a triangular prism,
• Base area = Area of triangle = Area of cross section
• Lateral surface area = Perimeter of base × Height of the prism
• Total surface area = 2 Base area + Lateral surface area = 2∆ + p × h
• Volume = Area of triangular base × Height of prism

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Study the given figure and answer the questions given below:
(i) Is their any faces having equal area with shaded part?
(ii) Is there any faces parallel to the shaded. What is the shaded part called?
(iii) Is the given solid a prism? Give the reason.

(i) Yes, there is a face equal in area with the shaded part.
(ii) Yes there is a face parallel to the shaded part.
(iii) The shaded part is called cross section. The given solid is prism because it has one
pair of opposite faces which are equal and parallel.

Example: 2
Find the volume of a prism whose area of base is 20 cm2 and height is 10 cm.
Here, Area of base of the prism (A) = 20 cm2
height (h) = 10 cm.
∴ volume of prism (v) = A × h = 20 cm2 × 10 cm
= 200 cm3.

106 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Example: 3

Calculate the cross section area and volume of the given prism.



Taking cross section only 10cm

Area of cross section

= (4 × 5 + 10 × (4 + 6) + 5 × 20) cm2
= (20 + 100 + 100) cm2 = 220 cm² 4cm

Now, Volume of prism
= cross section area × height

(4 + 6) cm
= 220 × 12 cm3 = 2640 cm3

Example: 4
Find the LSA and TSA and volume of given prism.
2cm m
Solution: m
2cm 2cm 3c m
Area of cross section (base)of given prism 10

= (2 × 3)cm2 + (6 × 3)cm2 3cm

= 6cm2 + 18cm2 = 24cm2 2cm
3cm 3cm
Lateral surface area of the prism (LSA) = p × h 6cm
= (2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 2 + 3)cm × 10cm
= 24 cm × 10 cm
= 240 cm2
Total surface area (TSA) = LSA + 2 × area of cross section
= 240cm2 + 2 × 24cm2
= 240cm2 + 48cm2 = 288 cm2.
Volume (v) = Area of base × height = 24cm² × 10cm = 240cm³
Example: 5
Find the lateral surface area and total surface area of the given prism.
4 cm

8 cm
B 3 cm C

The triangular base of the given prism is a right-angled triangle.

AC = AB² + BC² = 4² + 3² = 25 = 5 cm
∴ Perimeter of triangular base (P) = (4 + 3 + 5) cm = 12 cm
Height of the prism (h) = 8 cm

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We have, Lateral surface area = P × h = 12 × 8 = 96 cm2
Area of triangle ABC = AB × BC
∴ ∆ = × 4 × 3 = 6 cm2
We have, total surface area of the prism (TSA) = 2∆ + p.h
= (2× 6 + 12 × 8) cm2
= (12 + 96) cm2
= 108 cm2.
Example: 7
Find LSA, TSA and volume of the given triangular prism.
10 3 cm
The triangular base of the given prism is an equilateral triangle. 4

3 3
Area of the equilateral triangle ABC = .(side)
a² 2
= .×a²16 cm2 = 4 3 cm2
4 4 .a²
Perimeter of the triangle (P) = (4 + 4 + 4) = 12 cm. 4

Height of prism (h) = 10 3 cm

∴ Lateral surface area (LSA) = P×h
= 12 × 10 3 cm2 = 120 3 cm2.
.a² .a²
And total surface area (TSA) = 2 ∆ + P. h4 4
= (2 × 4 3 + 120 3) cm2 = 128 3 cm2
.a² .a² .a²
Again, we have Volume (V) = area of4base × height
4 4
= 4 3 × 10 3 cm3
.a² .a²
= 1204 cm3. 4

Exercise 7.1
A' B'
1. (a) In the given figure, write the names of the part of cross section B C'
A D'
of this prism and its height. E'

(b) Which part of this prism represents cross section. Also, F E'

mention which part represents its height?

(c) Write the formula to calculate the lateral surface area of the prism.
(d) Write the formula to calculate total surface area of the prism.
(e) Write the formula to calculate the volume of the prism.

108 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

2. Which of the following are prisms? Give reasons.
(a) (b) (c) (d)

3. (a) Find the lateral surface area of the prism if the perimeter of the base is 75cm
and the height is 20cm.
(b) If the lateral surface area of the prism is 630cm2. If its height is 15cm, find the
perimeter of the base.
(c) Perimeter of the base of the prism is 60cm and its lateral surface area is
1,200 cm2, find its height.
4. (a) Find the volume of the prism if the area of the base is 250 cm2 and the height is
(b) The volume of the prism is 540 cm3, if its area of base is 30cm2, find its height.
5. (a) Find the total surface area of the prism having lateral surface area 250cm2 and
area of cross section 24cm2.
(b) If the total surface area of a prism is 550cm2 and lateral surface area is 350cm2,
find the area of cross section.
(c) If the total surface area of a prism is 750cm2 and area of base is 70cm2, find the
lateral-surface area.
6. Find the area of cross section, lateral surface area, total surface area and volume
of the following prisms.
(a) (b) (c)


3cm 3cm

6cm m
3cm 3cm




10cm 12cm

(d) (e) (f)



12cm 2cm


12cm 5c
2cm 2cm 2cm


75 3cm

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 109

7. Find LSA, TSA and volume of square.
(a) 20 cm (b) (c)

20 cm
10 cm

8cm 12cm

8. Find the volume of the given triangular prisms.

A' A'
(a) (b) (c)
6 A A
B' B'

C' C'

m m
12 cm 3c² .a
B 4 cm C 10 .a B 8 cm C 12
4 4

(d) (e) D (f)

50 cm
30 c

10 cm
9 cm

10 2cm
7c E
m 7 cm G
B 12 cm C

9. Find the lateral surface area and total surface area of the given triangular prisms.
(a) (b) A A' (c)
10 cm

15 cm


cm 30 cm
C C'

4 cm 30 cm

(d) (e) (f)

6 cm


10 cm cm
12 cm


15 cm

8 cm
10. (a) If a prism is 10 cm high with its triangular base having sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm,
find its total surface area.
(b) A triangular prism has length 20 cm and its triangular base is an isosceles
right-angled triangle having equal sides 6 cm. Find its total surface area and

110 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

11. (a) The given diagram is a solid prism of triangular base.

10 cm
If the volume of the prism is 480 cm³, find its height.

(b) In the given figure, the volume of the triangular A
prism is 18 cm³, AB = 4 cm and EF = 3 cm. Find the

height of the prism. B E
A A'
12. (a) Total surface area of the given triangular prism is 9c
1,188 cm². Find the height of the prism. B B'
C C'

(b) Total surface area of the given triangular prism is

25 cm
3,528 cm². Find the height of the prism.

A 20cm
13. (a) In the given figure, AB = 8 cm, AA' = 20cm, A'

10 cm
AC = 10cm and the area of rectangular surface of the

prism is 480 cm2, find the length of BC. B

C C'

A 30cm A'
(b) The volume of given triangular prism is 270cm3,
its length AA' = 30 cm and BC = 3 cm, find the length B B'
of AB and AC. 3c
C C'

1. Consult your teacher 2. Consult your teacher 3. (a) 1500cm² (b) 42cm (c) 20cm
4. (a) 3750cm³ (b) 18cm 5. (a) 298cm² (b) 100cm² (c) 610cm²
6. (a) 36cm², 144 cm², 216cm²,216cm³ (b) 92cm², 720cm², 904cm², 1380cm³
(c) 144cm², 512cm²,800cm², 1152cm³ (d) 2850cm², 18750cm², 24450cm², 213750cm³
(e) 30cm², 150cm², 210cm²,150cm³ (f) 32cm², 180cm², 244cm², 192cm³
7. (a) 800cm², 1000cm², 2000cm³ (b) 640cm², 768cm²,1280cm³ (c) 1200cm², 1488cm², 3600cm³
8. (a) 288cm³ (b) 120cm³ (c) 576cm³ (d) 146.83cm³ (e) 1800cm³ (f) 2500cm³
9. (a) 120cm², 132cm² (b) 900cm², 960cm² (c) 1080cm², 1188cm² (d) 360cm², 413.67cm²
(e) 180cm², 211.18cm² (f) (a)1800cm², 1920cm²
10. (a) 132cm² (b) 445.71cm², 360cm³ 11. (a) 20cm (b) 3cm 12. (a) 30cm (b) 60cm
13. (a) 6cm (b) 6cm, 6.7cm.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 111


8 Cylinder and Sphere

8.1 Cylinder (Circular based prism)

Let's collect objects like a pencil, circular pipe, wooden log, etc.
Observe the given figures and discuss the following questions?
• What is the structure of the base in each figure?
• What are these socio object called?

Pencil Circular pipe Wooden log

Discuss their shape and similarities. All these objects are cylindrical in shape.
Hence, they are cylindrical objects.
Look at this figure. B'

This is a figure of a cylinder.

OA or O'A' represents its radius.
AA' or BB' represents its height.

OO' represents its axis.

Surface area of cylinder
Take a rectangular sheet of paper ABCD. Roll it along AD such that A coincides with B
and D coincides with C.

h h

Fig (i) Fig (ii)

Now a structure seen in figure (ii) will be formed, which is a cylinder.

112 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Now, length of AB or DC = Circumference of the circular base of the cylinder.
= 2πr
Breadth (BC) = Height of the cylinder (h)
Area of rectangular sheet ABCD = Curved surface area of cylinder
Curved surface area of the cylinder = Area of rectangular sheet.
= AB × BC = 2πrh
∴ Curved surface area of cylinder (CSA) = 2πrh
Total surface area of the cylinder
(TSA) = 2 × area of base + curved surface area
= 2πr2 + 2πrh = 2πr(r+h)
Volume of the cylinder
As we know that the volume of a cuboid = Area of base × height,
Then, volume of cylinder (V) = πr 2×h = πr 2h
Hence, V = A × h

Volume of materials contained by a hollow cylinder

If R be the external radius, r the internal radius and 'h' the height of a hollow cylinder,
External volume of the cylinder (V1) = πR2h
r R
Internal volume of the cylinder (V2) = πr2h
∴ The volume of material contained h
by the hollow cylinder = V1 – V2
= πR2h – πr2h
= πh (R2 – r2)
Remember !
External radius (R) = Internal radius (r) + Thickness (t)

Surface area and Volume of half cylinder.

Let's take a cylinder having radius 'r' and height
'h'. Lets divide the cylinder into two equal halves
by splitting it vertically.
Let's observe the half part of the cylinder. Its both
end contains semi circle. Its one side contains a
rectangular surface having length 'h' and breadth half cylinder
'2r' or 'd'. Another part is curved which is half of
curved surface area of cylinder.
Hence, total surface area of half cylinder is the sum of area of two semi circles, a rectan-
gle and half curved part of cylinder.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 113

So, TSA = 2 × semi circle + area of rectangular surface + area of curved surface
= 2 × πr2 + 2rh + πrh.
Hence, TSA of half cylinder = πr2 + 2rh + πrh.
Again, volume of half cylinder is half of the volume of cylinder.
So, volume = πr2h.
Remember !
• Volume of a cylinder = Area of base × height
• Volume of a cylinder = πr²h
• Curved surface area of a cylinder = Perimeter of the base × height
• Curved surface area of a cylinder = 2πrh
• Total surface area of a cylinder = CSA + 2 × area of base
• Total surface area of a cylinder = 2πr(r + h)
• CSA of half cylinder = πrh.
• TSA of half cylinder = πrh + 2rh + πr2
• Volume of half cylinder = πr2h.
Note: 1 litre = 1000 cm3, 1 litre = 1000 m3.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
A cylinder has radius 7 cm and height 10 cm. Find its
(i) curved surface area (ii) total surface area (iii) volume
Solution: Here,
Radius of the cylinder (r) = 7 cm
height (h) = 10 cm
We have,
(i) Curved surface area of the cylinder (CSA) = 2πrh
= 2× × 7 × 10 cm² = 440 cm²
(i) Total surface area of the cylinder (TSA) = 2πr (r + h)
= 2× × 7 (7 + 10) cm2
= (44 × 17) cm2
= 748 cm2
(ii) Volume (V) = πr 2h
= × 72 × 10 cm3 = 1540 cm3
114 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal
Example: 2
The diameter of a cylindrical log of wood is 28 cm. If the area of its curved surface is 1188
cm2, find its height.
Here, Diameter of the cylindrical log (d) = 28 cm
Radius of the cylindrical log (r) = = 14 cm
Curved surface area (CSA) = 1188 cm2
or, 2πrh = 1180 cm²
or, 2× × 14 × h = 1188 cm²
or, 616 h = 1188 × 7
1188 × 7
∴ h = cm = 13.5 cm
∴ Required height of the cylindrical log = 13.5 cm.

Example: 3
The capacity of a cylindrical can is 1.54 litre. If its radius is 7cm, find its height.
Solution: Here,
Volume of cylinder (V) = 1.54 litre
= 1.54 × 1000cm3 = 1540 cm3
Radius (r) = 7 cm
We have, πr2h
V =
1540 = × 72 × h
1540 = 154 × h
h = = 10 cm
∴ Height of the cylindrical can is 10 cm.

Example: 4
The external and internal radii of a hollow cylindrical vessel 21 cm high are 7.77 cm and 7.35
cm. respectively. Find the volume of material contained by the vessel.
Solution: Here,
External radius of cylindrical vessel (R) = 7.77 cm.
Internal radius of the vessel (r) = 7.35 cm
Height (h) = 21 cm.
∴ Volume of material (V) = π h (R2 – r2)
= × 21 [(7.77)2 – (7.35)2] cm3
= 66 × 6.3504 cm3 = 419.12 cm3

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Example 5 :
Find the curved surface area and total surface area of given half cylinder.
21 c
In the given half cylinder
Radius (R) = 21 cm = 10.5 cm.
2 50 cm

We have, CSA of half cylinder = πrh.

= 22 × 10.5 × 50 cm2
= 1650 cm2
Again, TSA of half cylinder = πr2 + πrh + 2rh
= 22 (10.5)2 + 22 (10.5)2 × 50 + 2 × 10 × 5 × 50
7 7
= 346.50 + 1650 + 1050
= 3045.60 cm2
Example: 6
The sum of the radius and height of a cylinder is 21 cm and its curved surface area is 616
cm2. Find its (i) height, (ii) radius, (iii) TSA.
Given, r + h = 21cm or r = 21–h ..........(i)
CSA = 616 cm2
We have,
CSA of a cylinder = 2πrh
616 = 2π(21 – h).h
or, 616 = 2 × 7 h (21 – h)
or, 616 × 7 = 44h (21 – h)
or, 616×7 = 44 × 21h – 44h2
or,44 × 14 × 7 = 44 (21r – h2)
or, 14 × 7 = 21h – h2
or, h2 – 21h + 98 = 0
or, h2 – (14 + 7)h + 98 = 0
or, h2 – 14h – 7h + 98 = 0
or, h(h – 14) – 7 ( h – 14) = 0
or, (h - 14) (h – 7) = 0
Either, h-14 = 0, then, h = 14 cm
or, h-7 = 0, then, h = 7 cm
When h = 14cm,
From (i), r = (21–14)cm = 7cm

116 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

TSA of cylinder = 2πr(r + h)
= 2 × 7 × 7 × 21 = 924 cm2
When h = 7 cm
from (i), r = (21 – 7) cm = 14 cm
Now, TSA of cylinder = 2πr (r + h)
= 2 × 7 × 14 × 21 = 44 × 2 × 21 = 1848 cm2.
Example: 7
The curved surface area and volume of a cylinder are 264 cm2 and 924 cm3 respectively.
Find the radius, height and TSA of the cylinder.
Given, CSA of the cylinder = 264 cm2
2πrh = 264 cm2

h = 264 ................(i)
Again, volume = πr2h
924 = πr2h

or, h = 9242 ................(ii)

From (i) and (ii)
264 = 924
2πr πr2
or, 132 =
r h = 264 = 6cm
132r = 924 We have,
r = 924 = 7cm TSA of cylinder = 2πr (r+h)
∴ 132
From equation (i) 22
= 2 × 7 × 7 (7+6)
h = 264 = 44 × 13 cm2
264 = 572 cm2
2 × 22 × 7

Exercise 8.1
1. (a) Write the formula to find the area of the base of a cylinder.
(b) Write the formula to find the perimeter of the base of a cylinder.
(c) If the perimeter of the base and height of the cylinder are given, write the formula
to find the curved surface area of the cylinder.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 117

(d) Write the formula to find the curved surface area of a cylinder in terms of 'r'
and 'h'.
(e) If the CSA and area of the base of a cylinder are given, write the formula to find the
total surface area of the cylinder.
(f) Write the formula to find the total surface area of a cylinder in terms of 'r' and 'h'.
(g) If the area of base and height of the cylinder are given, write the formula to find
the volume of the cylinder.
(h) Write the formula for the volume of a cylinder in terms of 'r' and 'h'.
2. Find the curved surface area, total surface area and volume of the following solids.
(a) 7cm (b) 28cm (c) 21cm

20cm 35cm 20cm

3. (a) Find the curved surface area of a cylinder whose perimeter of the base is 60 cm and
the height 30 cm.
(b) Find the curved surface area of a cylinder whose circumference of the base is 44 cm
and the height 20 cm.
(c) Find the total surface area of a cylinder whose circumference of the base is 88 cm
and the sum of the radius and the height is 40 cm.
(d) If the sum of the radius and height of the cylinder is 10 cm and the circumference
of the base is 308 cm, find the total surface area of that cylinder.
(e) The circumference of the base of a cylindrical drum is 44 cm. If the sum of its
radius and the height is 17cm, find its total surface area.
(f) The area of a base of the cylinder is 154 cm² and the height is 20 cm. Find its
(g) Find the volume of a cylinder whose area of the base is 616 cm² and the height is
30 cm.
4. (a) The volume of a cylindrical solid is 1,320 m³. If the area of the base is 264 m²,
calculate the height of the solid.
(b) The area of the base of a cylinder is 154 cm2 and its volume is 9240 cm3. Find the
height and radius of the base.
(c) A cylindrical water tank contains 46,200 liters of water. If the radius of the base is
3.5 m , find its height.
(d) Volume of a cylinder is 7,700 cm3. If its height is 50 cm, find its radius.
(e) Volume of cylinder is 24,640 cm3. If its height is 40 cm, find its curved surface area.

118 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

5. (a) 50 circular plates, each of a radius 7 cm and thickness 5 mm are placed one above
the other to form a cylindrical shape. Find the volume of the cylinder so formed.
(b) 35 coins of Re. 1 are kept one above the other. If the diameter of each coin is 1cm
and thickness is 2mm, find the volume of the object so formed.
6. (a) The circumference of the base of a cylinder is 88 cm and height 40 cm. Find its total
surface area.
(b) The circumference of the base of a cylindrical object is 22 cm and height is 40 cm.
Find the total surface area of the object.
(c) The perimeter of a circular base of a cylinder is 132 cm. If the height of the cylinder
is 18 cm, find its total surface area and volume.
(d) The diameter of a cylindrical log of wood is 28 cm. If the area of the curved surface
is 1188 cm², find its volume.
(e) The sum of the height and the radius of the base of a cylinder is 34 cm. If the total
surface area of the cylinder is 2,992 cm², find the radius of the base.
7. Find the volume of given half cylinder.
(b) (c)

28 c
10 cm 20 cm

m 50 cm
7c m
m 14 c

8. Find CSA and TSA of given half cylinder.

(a) (b) 40 cm (c) 7c
28 c

20 cm
14 c

30 cm

9. (a) If the height and radius of a cylindrical piece of wood are equal, and the curved
surface area is 308 cm2, find its volume.
(b) The curved surface area of a cylinder whose height is equal to the radius of the
base 1,232 sq. cm. Find the total surface area of the cylinder.
(c) The radius and height of a cylinder are in the ratio 1:7. If the volume of the cylinder
is 2750 cm3, find the radius of the base of the cylinder.
(d) The ratio of the height and radius of the base of a right cylinder is 4:3. If its curved
surface area is 528 cm², find its volume.
10. (a) Curved surface area of a cylinder is 1,760cm2. If the sum of the radius and height
is 34 cm, find its
(i) height (ii) radius (iii) TSA

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 119

(b) The sum of the diameter and height of a cylinder is 21cm. If its CSA is 308 cm2, find its
(i) height (ii) radius (iii) TSA (iv) volume.
11. (a) The curved surface area of a solid cylinder is equal to of the total surface area
of the same cylinder. If the total surface area is 924 cm2, find its volume.
(b) The curved surface area of the cylinder is of its total surface area. If its total
surface area is 1,212 cm², find its radius and height.
12. (a) The external and internal diameter of a metallic hollow cylinder of length 25 cm
are 8 cm and 6 cm respectively. Find the volume of the metal used in it.
(b) A cylindrical pipe 2.4 cm long has thickness of 0.5 cm and an external diameter of
12 cm. Find the volume of the pipe.
13. (a) The curved surface area of a cylindrical pillar is 264 m2 and its volume is 924 m3.
Find the diameter and height of the pillar.
(b) The curved surface area of a cylinder is 308 cm2 and its volume is 1,078 cm3, find
its height and radius.

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) 880 cm2, 1,188 cm2, 3,080 cm2 (b) 3,080cm2, 4,312cm2, 21,560cm3
(c) 1,320 cm2, 2,013 cm2, 6,930 cm3 3. (a) 1,800cm2 (b) 880cm2 (c) 3,520cm2 (d) 3,080cm2
(e) 748cm2 (f) 3,080cm3 (g) 18,480cm3 4. (a) 5m (b) 60cm, 7cm (c) 1.2m (d) 7cm
(e) 3,520cm2 5. (a) 3,850cm3 (b) 5.5cm3 6. (a) 4,752cm2 (b) 957cm2 (c) 5,148cm2, 24,948cm3
(d) 8,316cm3 (e) 14cm 7. (a) 192.5 cm3 (b) 1540 cm3 (c) 15400 cm3
8. (a) 660 cm2, 1234 cm2 (b) 1760 cm2, 3496 cm2 (c) 220 cm2, 398.50 cm2
9. (a) 1,078cm3 (b) 2,464cm2 (c) 5cm (d) 2091.01cm3
10. (a) (i) 20cm (ii) 14cm (iii) 2,992cm2 or, (i) 14cm (ii) 20cm (iii) 4,274.29cm2 (b) (i) 7cm
(ii) 7m (iii) 616cm2 (iv) 1,078cm3 11. (a) 2,156cm3 (b) 8.01cm, 16.03cm
12. (a) 550 cm 3
(b) 43.37cm 3
13. (a) 14m, 6m (b) 7 cm, 7cm

120 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


9 Sphere and Hemisphere

9.1 Sphere
Let's collect objects like a football, tennis ball, globe, marble and observe their surface
and shape.

• The surface of each object is curved.

• These are spherical objects.

B O A OA = radius = OA'
O is the center of the sphere.

A sphere is formed by rotating the circle about the diameter.

Surface area of the sphere

d d

Take a cylinder whose diameter is equal to the height. Take a sphere whose diameter is
equal to the diameter of the cylinder.
Wrap the curved surface of the cylinder with a rope. With the same rope, the surface of
the sphere can be wrapped.
Then, surface area of sphere = curved surface area of cylinder
= 2πrh
= 2πrd [ h = d]
= 2πr (2r) = 4πr2
∴ Surface area of sphere = 4πr2

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Since the entire surface of the sphere is curved, curved surface area and total surface
area of sphere are equal.
Volume of a sphere
Take a hollow cylinder whose diameter is equal to its height. Take a sphere whose
diameter is equal to the diameter of the cylinder.
Fill the cylinder with water. Now, immerse the sphere completely into the cylinder.

d d

d d d

Collect the displaced water from the cylinder. You can see that the volume of displaced
water is 3 of the volume of water in the cylinder.
Volume of sphere = 3 volume of cylinder
= 3 πr2h
= 3 πr2 (2r)
= 3 πr3
∴ Volume of sphere = 3 πr3

Great circle and hemisphere

When a sphere is divided into two equal halves, each half is called a
hemisphere. It has a circular face whose radius is equal to the radius of
the sphere. The circular face is called the great circle.
Curved surface area of a hemisphere: = of surface area of sphere
= × 4 πr2 = 2πr2
Total surface area of a hemisphere = Curved surface area+Area of circular face

Total surface area of a hemisphere = 2πr2 + πr2 = 3πr2

Volume = of volume of sphere
1 4 2
= × πr3 = πr3
2 3 3

Volume of materials contained by hollow spherical shells

Let R be the external radius and r the internal radius of a hollow spherical shell.
Then,the external volume of the shell (V1) = πR3

122 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

the internal volume of the shell (V2) = πr3
∴ The volume of the material contained by the hollow spherical shell
= external volume of the shell–internal volume of the shell
4 4
= πR3 – πr3
3 3
= π (R3 – r3)
R = r + t

Remember !
4 3
• Volume of a sphere = πr • CSA of a sphere = 4πr²
2 3
• TSA of a sphere = 4πr² • Volume of a hemisphere = πr
• CSA of a hemisphere = 2πr² • TSA of a hemisphere = 3πr²

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Find the total surface area and the volume of a sphere whose diameter is 28 cm.
Given, Diameter of the sphere (d) = 28 cm
Radius (r) = = 14 cm
We have,
Total surface area of the sphere (TSA) = 4πr²
= 4× × 14 × 14 cm2
= 2464 cm²
Again, we have,
4 3
Volume (V) = πr
4 22
= × × (14)3 cm3
3 7
4 22
= × × 14×14×14 cm3 = 11,498.66 cm3
Example: 2 3 7
Find the curved surface area, total surface area and volume of a hemisphere whose radius
is 7 cm.
Solution: We have, Given, radius (r) = 7 cm
Curved surface area (CSA) = 2πr²
= 2× × (7)2
= 308 cm²

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Total surface area (TSA) = 3πr² = 3 × × (7)² = 462 cm²
2 3
Volume (V) = πr
2 22
= × × (7)3 = 718.67 cm3
3 7
Example: 3
The circumference of the great circle of a sphere is 44 cm. Find its surface area.
Circumference of great circle (C) = 44 cm.
or, 2 πr = 44 cm.
or, 2× ×r = 44 cm.
∴ r = 7 cm
Since radius of the sphere = radius of great circle
Surface area of sphere = 4 πr2 = 4 × × 72 = 616 cm2.
Example: 4
If the total surface area of the sphere is 22,176 cm², find
(i) its radius
(ii) its volume
Given, total surface area (TSA) = 22,176 cm²
Radius (r) = ?
We have,
Total surface area (TSA) = 4πr²
or, 22176 = 4 × r²
or, 7 × 22176 = 4 × 22 r²
or, r² = 22176×7
or, r² = 1764
or, r² = (42)²
or, r = 42 cm
Again, we have,
4 3
Volume (r) = πr
4 22
= × (42)3 = 3,10,464 cm3
3 7
Example: 5
Three spherical iron balls of radii 1 cm, 6 cm and 8 cm are melted down and recast into a
single solid sphere. Find the radius of the single sphere so formed.
Let r1, r2 and r3 be the radii of three given spheres.

124 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Here,r1 = 1 cm, r2= 6 cm, r3 = 8 cm
4 4
We have, volume of the first sphere (V1) = πr 3 = π(1)3 cm3
3 1 3
4 4
Volume of the second sphere (V2) = πr 3 = π(6)3 cm3
3 2 3
Volume of the third sphere (V3) = πr 3
3 3
= π(8)3 cm3
Let 'r' and V be the radius and volume of the new sphere so formed.
We have, V = V1 + V2 + V3
4 3 4 4 4
πr = π(1)3 + π(6)3 + π(8)3
3 3 3 3
4 3 4
or, πr = π [(1)3 + (6)3 + (8)3]
3 3
or, r3 = 729
or, r3 = (9)3
∴ r = 9 cm
Hence, radius of the new sphere is 9 cm.

Exercise 9.2
1. (a) Write the formula to calculate the great circle of a sphere.
(b) Write the formula to calculate the surface area of a sphere.
(c) If 'r' be the radius of a sphere, what is the volume of the sphere?
(d) Write the formula for the volume of sphere in terms of its diameter.
(e) If 'A' be the area of the great circle of a sphere, what is the surface area of the sphere
in terms of A?
(f) Write the formula of the surface area of a sphere in terms of 'd'.

2. (a) Write the formula to calculate the curved surface area of a hemisphere.
(b) Write the formula to calculate the total surface area of a hemisphere.
(c) If 'A' be the area of the great circle of a hemisphere then what is the CSA and TSA
of the hemisphere.
(d) Write the formula of the volume of a hemisphere in terms of 'r' and in terms of 'd'.
3. Find the curved surface area, total surface area and volume of the following solids.
(a) (b) (c)

3.5cm 14cm 15cm

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 125

4. Find the curved surface area, total surface area and volume of the following solids.
(a) (b) (c)
7cm 7cm 14cm

If the volume of a sphere is 9 cm2 , find its radius.

5. (a)
16 π

(b) If the volume of the spherical object is cm³, find its diameter.
(c) If the volume of a sphere is 38,808 cm3, find its curved surface area.
(d) Find the total surface area of a sphere whose volume is 1372 π cm³.
(e) The volume of a sphere is 12,348 π cm3, find its surface area.
6. (a) Surface area of a sphere is 1,764 π cm². Find its radius.
(b) If the total surface area of a sphere is 616 cm², find its volume.
(c) Surface area of a sphere is 4 π cm². Find its volume.
(d) If the circumference of the great circle of a sphere is 440 cm, find its surface area.
7. (a) A spherical ball of lead is melted and made into smaller balls of half the radius of
the original radius. How many such balls can be made?
(b) Three metallic spheres of radii 2 cm, 12 cm and 16 cm respectively are melted and
reformed to a single sphere. Find the radius of new sphere so formed.

(c) Three hemispheres of radii 3cm, 4cm and 5cm are melted to form a hemisphere.
Find the radius of the hemisphere so formed.
8. (a) If the volume of a hemisphere is 16 π cm³ , find its radius.
(b) If the volume of a hemisphere is 19,404 cm³, find its total surface area.
(c) If the curved surface area of a hemisphere is 308 cm², find its total surface area.
(d) The perimeter of the plane circular part of a hemisphere is 176 cm. Calculate the
total surface area and the volume of the hemisphere.
(e) Find the total surface area and the volume of a hemisphere having a curved surface
area 2,772 cm2.
9. (a) A solid metallic sphere of radius 21 cm is cut into two halves. Find the total surface
area of the two hemispheres so formed.
(b) The total surface area of a solid sphere is 616 cm². Two hemispheres are formed
when it is cut into two equal parts. Find the total surface area of each hemisphere.
10. (a) The external and internal radii of a hollow spherical metallic shell are 35 cm. and
14 cm. respectively. Calculate the volume of the metal contained by the shell.
(b) External diameter of a hollow sphere is 14 cm. If the thickness of the metal contained
by it is 2 cm, find the volume of the metal contained by it.

126 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

11. (a) 27 solid iron spheres, each of radius 'x' cm, are melted to form a sphere with radius
'y' cm. Find the ratio x : y.
(b) 8 solid iron spheres with diameter 'a' cm each are melted to form a sphere with
diameter 'b' cm. Find the ratio a : b.
12. (a) If a metallic sphere having volume 45π cm3 is melted to form a cylinder of height
5 cm, then find the radius of that cylinder.
(b) If a metallic hemisphere having volume 1,540 cm3 is melted to form a cylinder
having height 10 cm, find the radius of this cylinder.
(c) If a metallic cylinder having volume 18π cm3 is melted to form a hemisphere find
the radius of the hemisphere.

1. Consult your teacher
2. Consult your teacher
3. (a) 154 cm2, 154 cm2, 179.67 cm3 (b) 616 cm2, 616 cm2, 1437.33 cm3
(c) 2828.57 cm2, 2828.57 cm2, 14142.85 cm3
4. (a) 308cm2, 462cm2, 718.67cm3 (b) 77cm2, 115.5cm2, 89.83cm3 (c) 1232cm2, 1848cm2, 5749.33 cm3
5. (a) 3 cm (b) 3 cm (c) 5544 cm2 (d) 6,16 cm2 (e) 5,544 cm2

6. (a) 21cm (b) 1437.33cm3 (c) 4π cm3 (d) 61,600cm2 7. (a) 8 (b) 18 cm (c) 6cm
8. (a) 2cm (b) 4158cm2 (c) 462cm2 (d) 7,392cm2, 45,994.67cm3 (e) 4,158cm2, 19,404cm3
9. (a) 8,316cm2 (b) 462cm2
10. (a) 1,68,168cm3 (b) 913.52 cm3 11. (a) 1: 3 (b) 1:2
12. (a) 3 cm (b) 7 cm (c) 3 cm

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 127

Objective Questions
Choose the correct alternatives.

1. If 'x' be the length of equal side and 'y' be the base of an isosceles triangle, then
the area triangle is
x 4y2 – x2 y x2 – 4y2
(ii) y 4x – y
2 2
(i) (iii )
4 4 4
2. One Ropani land is equal is
(i) 5476 sq.ft (ii) 508.78 sq.feet (iii) 72,900 sq.ft

3. Which one the following relation is not true?

(i) 1 Aanna = 4 Paisa (ii) 1 Bigha = 20 Katha (iii) 1 Bigha = 20 Ropani

4. The perimeter of a room is 40 ft and its height is 12 ft then the area of its 4 wall is
(i) 480 sq. ft (ii) 240 sq. ft (iii) 960 sq. ft

5. Lateral surface area of square based prism is

(i) a²h (ii) 4ah (iii) 2a² + 4ah
6. Surface area of given half cylinder is 14

(i) 874 ft² (ii) 154 ft² (iii) 440 ft² 20 ft.

7. If a cylinder is melted and recast into a sphere then

(i) their CSA are equal
(ii) their surface areas are equal
(ii) their volume are equal.

8. If a sphere is cut into two equal hales then the ratio of surface area of sphere and
2 hemisphere is
(i) 2 : 3 (ii) 4 : 3 (iii) 1:2

9. 8 solid sphere of radices r1 each are melted to from a single of r1 : r2 is

(i) 1 : 2 (ii) 1 : 8 (iii) 1 : 4

10. ∆ABC is a right angled isosceles triangle having hypotenuse 10 2 cm, then the
area of triangle is
(i) 50cm² (ii) 100cm² (iii) 200cm²

128 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Assessment Test Paper

Attempt all the questions. Full Marks : 50

Group 'A' [6 × 1 = 6]
1. (a) If 'a' be the length of equal sides and 'b' be the base of an isoscelen trangle.
Write the formula to calculate its area.
(b) How much square ft. is equivalent to 1 Bigha?
(c) How much square meter is equivalent to 1 Ropani?
(d) Find the cost of carpeting a room at the rate of Rs. 120 per meter. If the length
of carpet required is 6m.
(e) Find the total surface area of prism if the area of base is 24cm2 and the lateral
surface area is 80cm2.
(f) Write the formula to calculate the volume of sphere inteams of d.

Group 'B' [9 × 2 = 18]

2. (a) A cylindrical tank contains 46,200 litres of water. If the radius of the base 3.5m
find its height.
50 cm
(b) Find the volume of given triangular prism. 8c

(c) Volume of a hemisphere is 16π cm³, find

3 6c
its radius.

3. (a) Length, breadth and height of a room are 8m, 6m and 4m respectively.
Find the area of 4 walls.

4 cm
(b) Find the area of cross section of given prism.
4 cm

20 c

4 cm
4 cm

4. (a) Find the number of stones each having area 12cm2 required to pave a ground
having area 96m2.
(b) Three spherical iron balls of radii 1cm, 6cm and 8 cm are melted to form a sin-
gle sphere. Find the radius of the sphere so formed.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 129

5. (a) Length, breadth and height of a room are 8m, 6m and 4m find the are of its 4

(b) If the area of an equilateral triangle is 9 3 cm², find the length of each side.

Group 'C' [4 × 4 = 16]

5. Find the area of field having the structure of shown in the figure. Also find the
length of DC.

6. A room is three times as long as it is broad. Its height is 4.6m. If the cost of carpeting
its floor at the rate of Rs. 240 per square metre is Rs. 18,000, find the cost of painting
its wall at the rate of Rs. 30 per square meter.

7. Find the LSA, TSA and Volume of given prism.

3 ft
3 ft

3 ft
6 ft

8. Two metalic hemispheres of radii 7cm each are melted to form a cylinder of radius
14 cm find the height of the cylinder so formed.

Group 'D' [2 × 5 = 10]

9. The length, breadth and height of a seminar hall is 20m, 12m and 5m respectively. It
contains 2 doors of divination 3m × 1.5m each and 4 windows 7 dimension 3m × 2m
each. Find the cost of plastering its wall at the rate of Rs. 120 per cm2.

10. The structure and the dimension of a land is as shown in the figure, find
(i) area of land

(ii) area of land in Anna.

(iii) cost of the land if the cost per Anna of land is Rs.5,40,000. 60m

130 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Estimated Teaching Hours 28
• Sequence and series
• Factorisation
• H.C.F. and L.C.M.
• Simultaneous equations of two variables
• Indices
Expected Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit, students will be able to develop the
following competencies:
• To find the general term of given sequence.
• To calculate the nth term of an Arithmetic sequence and Geometric
• To factorise the algebraic expressions having common factors,
• To interpret (a + b)2, (a + b)3, (a – b)2 and (a – b)3
• To factorise the algebraic expression like a2 – b2, a3 + b3 and a3 – b3
• To factorise the algebraic expressions like ax2 + bx + c
and a4 + a2b2 + b4.
• To find the H.C.F and L.C.M of at most three algebraic expressions
by factorisation method
• To solve the simultaneous equations of two variables using
elimination method, substitution method and graphical method
• To solve word problems of liner simultaneous equation.
• To apply the law of indices to solve the problems related to this.

Teaching Materials
• Chart paper, A4 size paper, graph, etc.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 131


10 Sequence and Series

10.1 Warm up Activities

Observe the given patterns and make two more patterns.

Is it possible to add any number of patterns in the figure?

Again, Let's take a sets of number like
1, 3, 5, 7, .........
What are the next 2 numbers?
On which rule next terms are added?
Is it possible to add any number of terms in the given set?
Again, Let's take one more set of number,
3, 9, 5, 6, 4, 10 ........
Is it possible to add the number of terms in the given sets . If not, why?
Is there any specific rule to add the terms in this set?
Find out the difference between there two sets.

Let us take some sets of number like 2, 5, 8, 11, ........
In the given set of number, the terms added in the gap of 3. Always next number is 3
more than the previous number.
So we can easily guess the next terms 14,17, 20, etc.
Again, take one more set
2, 8, 32, 16, ......

132 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

In the given sets next term can be obtained by multiplying. The previous term by 4.
So we can easily guess the next terms like 288, 864, etc.
Above two sets of number is a sequence Hence, The sequence is the arrangement of
numbers arranged in definite order.

General term (nth term) of the sequence

Let's take a sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, 9....... The fist term of the sequence is 1, which is denoted
by t1. Second term of the sequence is 3 which is denoted by t2 and so no.
1 3 5 7 9

2 2 2 2
Since the gap between two successive terms is 2.
t1 = 1 = 2.1 – 1
t2 = 3 = 2.2 – 1
t3 = 5 = 2.5 – 1
tn = 2n – 1
Hence, nth tern (tn) = 2n – 1
Take one more sequence
2, 5, 10, 17, 26, .......

3 5 7 9
2 2 2
Let's discuss the feature of this sequence.
The difference between second and third term is 3.
The difference between Third and fourth term is 5.
The difference between fourth and fifth term is 7.
It is clear that difference increase at the interval 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 ......and so on.
It he second difference of the sequence is constant on such condition nth term (tn) comes
in terms 7n2
t1 = 12 = 1
t2 = 22 = 4
t3 = 32 = 9
t4 = 42 = 16
t5 = 52 = 25 and so on.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 133

Sequence formed by n2 is
1, 4, 9.16, 25 .................
But our sequence is 2, 5, 10.17, 26, ........
In which every term is 1 more than the terms of previous sequence.
Hence, the nth terms tnof the given sequence is tn = n2 + 1

Let us take a sequence 1, 4, 7, 10, ............
Then the sum of the terms of the sequence be written as
1 + 4 + 7 + 10 + ...........
the expression 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 + ..... is the series associated with the sequence 1, 4, 7, 10, ........
Hence the expression a1 + a2 + a3 + ......... is the series associated with the sequence a1, a2,

Sigma Notation
Let us take a series a1 + a2 + a3 + ...... + an.
Which is the series associated with the sequence
a1 , a2 , a3 + ......... an.
Its nth term is an.
Similarly, kth term is ak n
Now, a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + .......... an = ak

The symbol ∑ is a Greek letter 'Sigma'.

ak read as summation a where k runs from 1 to n.
It is the sum of all the terms ak where k runs form 1 to n.
i.e. ak = a + a + a + ......... + a .
1 2 3 n

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Form the next 2 patterns from the given figure

Fist pattern is Second Pattern is Third Pattern is

134 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

From the above figures it is clear that 2 dots are added in each patter; one dot in each
So the next 2 patterns are and

Example: 2
Write next 3 terms in each of the given sequence.
(i) 2, 5, 8...........
(ii) 1, 4, 9, ........
(iii) 2, 4, 7, 11, ........
(i) Given sequence
Difference of second and first terms = 3
Difference of Third and second term = 3
So, each term is 3 more than the previous term.
Hence, Next three terms are 8 + 3 = 11, 11 + 3 = 14 and 14+ 3 = 17.
(ii) Given sequence,
1, 4, 9, ........
First term is The square of 1 = 12 = 1
Second term is the square of 2 = 2² = 4
Third terms is the square of 3 = 3² = 9
Hence, next 2 terms are square of 4 and square of 5.
i.e. 4² = 16 and 5² = 25.
(iii) Given sequence 2, 4, 7, 11, .........
Difference of first 2 terms = 2
Difference of next 2 terms = 3
Difference of next 2 terms = 4
Here, Second term is 2 more than the first term. Third term is 3 more than the second
term. Fourth term is 4 more than the third term.
Hence, fifth term is 5 more than 4th term.
i.e. 11 + 5 = 16
Similarly, sixth term is 6 more than 4th term.
i.e. 16 + 6 = 22.

Example : 3
Find the general term of the given sequence.
(i) 5, 9, 13, 17, ......... (ii) 0, 3, 8, 15, .............
(i) Given sequence,

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 135

5, 9, 13, 17, ........

4 4 4
Here, difference of two successive term is 4.
The difference is 4, forms the sequence like
First term = 4 × 1 = 4
Second term = 4 × 2 = 8
Third term = 4 × 3 = 12
Fourth term = 4 × 4 = 16 and
nth term = 4 × n = 4n
The sequence so formed is 4, 8, 12, 16, ......., 4n But the given sequence is 5, 9, 13, 17 ........
Each term is 1 more than the terms of first sequence
So, nth (tn) = 4n + 1
(ii) Given sequence,
0, 3, 8, 15, ........

3 5 7 First difference

2 2 Second difference

Since, the second difference is common, its general term comes in terms of n2.
Here, First term (t1) = 12 = 1
Second term (t2) =23 = 4
Third term (t3) = 3² = 9
4th term (tn) = 4² = 16
nth term (tn) = n²
Sequence so formed is
1, 4, 9, 16 ........................ n²
But given sequence is
0, 3, 8, 15 ......................
Each term is 1 less than the terms of given sequence,
So nth term tn of given sequence = n² – 1

Example: 4
Expand the given sigma notation.
5 4
(i) (k2+1) (ii) (212 + 3)
k=1 k=1

136 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(i) Given sigma notation (k2 + 1)
Let's replace k by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then
When k = 1, k² + 1 = 1² + 1 = 2
When k = 2, k² + 1 = 2² + 1 = 5
When k = 3, k ² + 1 = 3² + 1 = 10
When k = 4 k² + 1 = 3² + 1 = 17
When k = 5, k² + 1 = 5 ² + 1 = 26
So, (k2 + 1) = 2 + 5 + 10 + 26
(ii) (2i2 + 3)

Lets replace i by 1, ,2, 3, and 4.

Then, When i = 1, 2i² + 3 = 2 × 1² + 3 = 5
When i = 3, 2i² + 3 = 2 × 2² + 3 = 11
When i = 3, 2i² + 3 = 2 × 3² + 3 = 21
When i = 4, 2i² + 3 = 2 × 4² + 3 = 35
Hence, (2i2 + 3) = 5 + 11 + 21 + 35

Example : 5
Write the following sequence in sigma notation.
(i) 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 (ii) 3 + 6 + 11 + 18 + 27
Given series,
4 + 6 + 8 + 10

2 2 2 First difference
Since the first difference is 2.
Its general term is the multiply of 2.
So, t1 = 4 = 2.1 + 2
t2 = 6 = 2.2 + 2
t3 = 8 = 2.3 + 2
t4 = 10 = 2.4 + 2
Similarly, tk = 2k + 2.
So, 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 = (2k + 2)

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3 + 6 + 11 + 18 + 27

3 5 7 9 First difference

2 2 2 Second difference
Since, the second difference of given sequence is 2. its nth term comes in terms of n².
Now, t1 = 3 = 1² + 2.
t2 = 6 = 2² + 2.
t3 = 11 = 3² + 2.
t4 = 18 = 4² + 2.
Similarly, t5 = 27 = 5² + 2
tk = k² + 2
Now, 3 + 6 + 11+ 18 + 27 = (k2 + 2)

Exercise 10.1
1. Form the next 2 patterns form the given figure.
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)


2. Write the next 3 terms in each of the following sequence.

(a) 2, 5, 8, 11, ............
(b) 3, 7, 11, 16,...............
(c) 4, 8, 12, 16, .................
(d) 1, 5, 10, 16, ..................

138 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(e) 6, 48, 24, 12, ...................
(f) 20, 15, 11, 8, .....................
3. Find the general terms of the given sequences.
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4, ................. (b) 2, 4, 6, 8 ............. (c) 5, 8, 11, 14 ...............
(d) 3, 6, 12, 24, ................... (e) 0, 2, 6, 12, .................. (f) 3, 6, 11, 18, ...............
(g) 2, 6, 12, 20, ...............
4. Find the value:
3 4 5
(a) (2i + 4) (b) (k2 + 2) (c) (2k – 3)
i=1 k=1 k=1
4 5 6
(d) (–i)i i2 (e) (k2 – k) (f) (i2 – 2)
i=1 k=1 i=1

5. Write the following series in sigma notation.

(a) 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10
(b) 3 + 8 + 13 + 18 + 23 + 28
(c) 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 25
(d) 3 + 6 + 11 + 18 + 27 + 28
(e) 2 + 6 + 12 + 20

1. Consult your teacher
2. Consult your teacher
3. (a) n (b) 2n (c) 3n + 2 (d) 3 × 2n - 1 (e) n² - n (f) n² +2 (g) n² + n
4. (a) 24 (b) 38 (c) 15 (d) 10 (e) 40 (f) 79

10.2 Arithmetic Sequence and Series

Let us take some sequence like
3, 7, 11, 15, 19..............
20, 15, 10, 5, 0...................
In which rule numbers are arranged in the first sequence?
In which rule numbers are arranged in the second sequence?
What is their common feature?
What is this sequence called?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 139

• In First sequence, every term is 4 more than its preceding term. so the number
are arranged by increasing every term by 4.
• In second sequence every term is 5 less than its preceding term. So the numbers
are arranged by decreasing every term by 4.
• In both sequence the difference between two successive terms is always constant.
• This sequence is called Arithmetic sequence.

t 2 – t1 = 7–3 = 4
t3 – t2 = 11 – 7 = 4
t4 – t3 = 15 – 11 = 4
t5 – t4 = 19 –15 = 4.
The constant difference between the two terms is called common difference. It is denot-
ed by 'd'.
Again, t2 – t1 = d ⇒ t2 = t1 + d
t3 – t2 = d ⇒ t3 = t2 + d
t4 – t3 = d ⇒ t4 = t3 + d
From this example it is clear that next terms of the Arithmetic sequence can be obtained
by adding common difference 'd' in the previous term.
General term (nth term) of an Arithmetic Sequence
Let the first term of the Arithmetic sequence be 'a' and 'd' be the common difference.
Then, First term (t1) = a
Second term (t2) = a + d (Since, t2 = t1 + d)
Third term (t3) = t2 + d
= a + d +d
= a + 2d = a + (3 - 1)d
4th term (t4) = t3 + d
= a + 2d + d
= a + 3d = a + (4 - 1)d
5th term (t5) = a + 4d
6th term (t6) = a + 5d = a + (5 - 1) d
Then, nth term (tn) = a + (n - 1) d.
Hence, nth term of an Arithmetic sequence
tn = a + (n - 1)d

Remember !
tn = a + (n - 1)d, d = t2 - t1 = t3 – t2 = t4 – t3

140 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Identify whether the following sequence are Arithmetic or not. Justify your answer.
(i) 9, 5, 1, -3,.................... (ii) 3, 8, 15, 24, ..............
(i) Given sequence.
9, 5, 1, -3,.............
Here, t2 – t1 = 5 – 9 = -4
t3 – t2 = 1 – 5 = -4
t4 – t3 = – 3 – 1 = – 4.
Since, the difference between two successive terms in constant: the given sequence is
Arithmetic sequence having common difference – 4.
(ii) Given sequence
3, 8, 15, 24, .............
Here, t2 – t1 = 8 – 3 = 5
t3 – t2 = 15 – 8 = 7
t4 – t3 = 24 – 15 = 9
Since the difference between two successive terms is not constant, the given sequence is
not an Arithmetic sequence.
Example: 2
Find the 8th term of the sequence 3, 7, 11, 15,......
Here, First term (a) = a
Common difference (d) = t2 – t1
Eighth term (t8) = ?
We have, nth term (tn) = a + (n – a) d
Replacing n by 4, t8 = 3 + (8 – 1) × 4.
= 3 + 7 × 4 = 3 + 28 = 31.
Example: 3
It the first term and 5th term of an Arithmetic sequence be 30 and 14 respectively. Find
its common difference.
Given, First term (a) = 30

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Fifth term (t5) = 14
Common difference (d) =?
We have,
tn = a + (n -1) d
When, n = 5, t5 = 30 + (5 – 1)d
or, 14 = 30 + 4d
or, 14 – 30 = 4d
or, –16 = 4d
or, d = -16 = – 4
Hence, the common difference (d) = -4
Example: 4
Which term of the sequence 12, 18, 24, ....... is 54?
Given sequence,
12, 18, 24, .........
Here, First term (a) = 12
Common difference (d) =18 – 12 = 6
nth term (tn) = 54.
We have,
tn = a + ( n - 1)d.
or, 54 =12+ (n - 1) 6
or, 54 =12 + 6n - 6
or, 54 = 6 + 6n
or 54 – 6 = 6n
or, 48 = 6n
or, 48 = n
∴ n = 8.
Hence, 8th term of the sequence 12, 18, 24, .......is 54.
Example: 5
Is 350 a term of Arithmetic series 10, 14, 18, .......?
Given sequence, 10, 14, 18, ........
Here, first term (a) = 10
Common difference (d) = 14 - 10 = 4.

142 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

nth term (tn) = 350.
We have,
tn = a + (n - 1)d
350 = 10 + (n - 1) 4
or, 350 - 10 = 4n - 4
or, 340 = 4n - 4
or, 344 = 4n
or, n = 344
or, n = 83
Since the value of n is a whole number, 350 is a term of the given sequence.
Example: 6
The 5th term and 11th term of an Arithmetic sequence are 15 and 33, find
(i) The first term and common difference
(ii) 20th term of the sequence.
Given, 5th term (t5) = 15.
11th term (t11) = 33
First term (a) = ?
Common difference (d) = ?
20th term (t20) = ?
We have,
tn = a + (n – 1)d
t5 = a + (5 – 1)d
or, 15= a + 4d
or, a = 15 – 4d.................... (i)
Again, t11 = a + (11 – 1) d
33 = a + 10d
a = 33 – 10d ................. (ii)
From equation (i) and (ii)
15 – 4d = 33 – 10d
or, 10d – 4d = 33 – 15
or, 6d = 18
or, d = 18
or, d = 3.
Substituting the value of d in (i)

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a = 15 – 4d
=15 – 4 × 3
= 15 – 15 = 3
Again, we have, tn = a + (n – 1)d
t20 = 3 + (20 – 1) × 3
= 3 + 19 × 3
= 3 + 57
= 60.

Exercise 10.2
1. (a) What are the notations of first term, common difference and nth term of an
Arithmetic sequence?
(b) Write the formula to calculate nth term of an A.S.
(c) If t1, t2, t3, t4, ..... be an A.S., what are possible options to calculate the common
(d) If 12, 15, 18, 21,...... is an Arithmetic sequence what is the first term (a) and
common difference (d) ?
(e) If the common difference is added to the first term, which term is formed?
2. Identify whether the following sequence are in A.P or not. Justify your answer.
(a) 5, 7, 9, 11,.................. (b) 15, 13, 9, 12, 6...........
(c) 20, 15,10, 5,.............. (d) 2, 9, 6, 4 ..................
3. From the given Arithmetic sequence. Find the common difference and also find
the next 3 terms.
(a) 2, 6,10, 14, ............ (b) 25, 23, 21, 19, ........... (c) 8, 13, 18, 23, ..........
4. (a) If the first term (a) = 15, common difference (d) = –3, find the sixth term (t6).
(b) If the first term (a) = 2, common difference (d) = 5, find the 20th term.
(c) Find the 10th term of an A.S. 3, 7, 11, 15....
(d) Find the 7th term of an A.S 15, 12, 9, ..........
5. (a) If the 8th term of an A.S. is 35, find the common difference if the first term is 0.
(b) If the 12th term of an A.P is 40 and its first term is 150, find the common difference.
6. (a) If the tenth term (t10) = 240, common difference (d) = – 8, find the first term.
(b) If the ninth term (t9) = 38, common difference (d) = 4, find the first term.
7. (a) which term of the arithmetic sequence 5, 9, 13, 17, ......... is 49?
(b) Find the number of terms of the sequence whose first term is 4, common

144 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

difference is 3 and the nth term is 25.
(c) Find the number of terms of the sequence 54, 49, 44, 39, .............. –1.
8. (a) Is 73 a term of the arithmetic sequence 7, 9,11,13 .....? Given the reason .
(b) Is 84 a term of the arithmetic sequence 5 + 10 + 15 + 20 ....... ? Give the reason.
9. (a) Find the first term and common difference of an arithmetic sequence whose 5th
term is 10 and the 9th term is 18.
(b) If the 3rd and 13th term of an A.P are -40 and 0 respectively. Find the first term
and the common difference.
10. (a) If 5th and 9th term of an A.P are 28 and 48 respectively, find its 15th term.
(b) If 11th and 15th term of an AP are 23 and 35 respectively, find its 5th term.
(c) If the 6th term and 10th term of and A.P are 31 and 51 respectively, which term of
the series is 81?
(d) If the 4th term and 10th terms of an A.P are 23 and 5 respectively. Which term of
the series is -25?

1. Consult your teacher. 2. Consult your teacher. 3. Consult your teacher.
4. (a) 0 (b) 97 (c) 31 (d) -3 5. (a) 5 (b) -10 6. (a) 312 (b) 6 7. (a) 12 (b) 8 (c) 12
8. (a) Yes (b) No 9. (a) a = 2, d = 2 (b) a = –48, d = 4
10. (a) 78 (b) 5 (c) 16th term (d) 20 th term

10.3 Geometric sequence and series

Let us take some sequences like
2, 6, 18, 54, .........
64, 32, 16, 8,.......
In which rule, the numbers are arranged in the first sequence?
In which rule, the numbers are arranged in the second sequence?
What is their common feature?
What is this sequence called?

• In the first sequence next term is 3 times more than the previous term. Next
term can be obtained by multiplying each term by 3.
• In the second sequence next term is half of the previous term. Next term can
be obtained by dividing each term by 2 or by multiplying each term by 1 .
• In both sequence the ratio of two successive terms is always the same.
• This sequence is called a Geometric sequence.

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2, 6, 18, 54,............
t1 = 2, t2 = 6, t3 = 18, t4 = 54
t2 6
t1 = 2 = 3
t3 18
t2 = 6 = 3
t4 54
t3 = 18 = 3
Here, the constant ratio between the two terms is called common ratio. In the denot-
ed by 'r'.
t2 t3 t4
i.e. t1 = t2 = t3 = r
t 1 = r ⇒ t3 = t 2 . r
t 3 = r ⇒ t4 = t 3 . r
Hence, next term can be obtained by multiplying each term by the common ratio 'r'.
General term (nth term) of a Geometric sequence
Let, the first term of a Geometric sequence be 'a' and 'r' be the common ratio.
First term (t1) = a
Second term (t2) = t1 × r = ar
Third term (t3) = t2 × r = ar . r = ar²
Fourth term (t4) = t3 × r = ar² . r = ar3
If we go in this way, nth term (tn) = ar n -1
Hence the nth term of a geometric sequence,

∴ tn = ar n -1

Remember !
t2 t t
tn = ar n -1 , r = = 3 = 4 and so on.
t1 t2 t3

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Identify whether the following sequences is Geometric or not. Justify your

146 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(i) 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, ......... (ii) 5, 10, 15, 25, 40, .......
(i) Given sequence,
3, 6, 12, 24, 48, .......
Here, t1 = 3, t2 = 6, t3 = 12, t4 = 24, t5 = 48
t2 6
t1 = = 2.
t3 12
t1 = = 2.
t4 24
t3 = = 2.
t5 48
t4 = = 2.
Since the ration of two successive terms are constant the given sequence is Geometric
sequence having common ratio 2.
(ii) Given Sequence,
5, 10, 15, 25, 40, .........
Here, t1 = 5, t2 = 10, t3 = 15, t4 = 25, t5 = 40.
t2 10
t1 == 2.
t3 15 3
t1 = .
10 2
t4 25 5
t3 = .
15 3
t5 40 8
t4 = .
25 5
Since the ration of two successive terms is different, the given sequence is not a
Geometric sequence.
Example: 2
If the first term and the common ratio of a Geometric sequence be 3 and 2 respective-
ly, find its 6th term.
First term (a) = 3
Common ration (r) = 2

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We have,
tn = arn–1
t6 = 3 ×(2)6 –1
= 3 ×25
= 3 × 32
= 96
Hence, the 6th term of the given sequence is 96.
Example: 3
In the given Geometric sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, ...... find
(i) Common ration (r) (ii) Next 3 terms
Given sequence,
1, 2, 4, 8, ........
Here, First term (t1) = 1
Second term (t2) = 2
t2 2
We have, Common ration (r) = t = = 2.
1 1
Given fourth tern (t4) = 4
Then, Fifth term (t5) = t4 × r
= 8 × 2 =16
Sixth term (t6) = t5 ×r = 16 × 2 = 32
Seventh term (t7) = t6 × r = 32 × 2 = 64
Example: 4
1 1
In the 7th term of a G.s is and the common ration is , find the first term.
27 3
Given, 7th term (t7) =
Common ration (r) =
First term (a) = ?
We have,
tn = arn-1
t7 = a ( )7–1
1 1 6
or, =a( )
27 3

148 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

1 1
or, =a×
27 729
or, 1 =a
or, a = × 729
or, a = 27.
Hence, the first term of the sequence is 27.
Example: 5
Find the common ratio of a Geometric sequence whose first term is and the 7th
32 2
term is .
Given, 7th term (t7) =
First term (a) =
Common ration (r) = ?
We have,
tn = ar n-1
3 7–1
t7 = .r
32 3 6
= .r
243 2
or, r6 =
or, r6 = ( )
Hence, the common ratio (r) =
Example: 6
Of the first term of a Geometric sequence is –3, the common ratio is – 3 and the last
term is 81 3 . find the number of terms.
Here, The first term (a) = –3
Common ration (r) = – 3
Last term (tn) = 81 3
We have,

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tn = arn–1
or, 81 3 = – 3. (– 3)n–1
81 3
or, = – (– 3)n–1
or, 27 3 = – (– 3)n–1

or, –27 3 = (– 3)n–1

or, (– 3)7 = (– 3)n–1

or, 7 = n–1
or, 7 + 1 = n.
Hence, n = 8.
Example : 7
If the 3rd term of the Geometric sequence is and the 7th term is 2 , find
2 3
(i) common ratio (ii) first term
(iii) 10 term.
(iv) which term of the sequence is 2 ?
Given, the third term (t3) =
2 3
7th (t7) = 2
Common ration (r) = ?, first term (a) = ?
10th term, (t10) = ?, if tn = 2, n = ?

We have
tn = arn–1
t3 = ar3 – 1
or, = ar2
2 3
or, a = ............(i)
2 2r2
t7 = ar7–1
or, 2 = ar6
or, a = ar6
or, a = 26 ................(ii)
From equation (i) and (ii)
= 26
2 2r2 r

150 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

or, = 2
2 2r2
or, r4 = 4
or, r 4 = ( 2 )4
or, r= 2
From equation (i),
a =
2 2r2
1 1 1
= = =
2 2 ( 2)2 2 2×2 4 2
tn = arn–1
or, t10 = ( ) 10–1
4 2 2
or, = ( )9
4 2 2
or, = × 16 2
4 2
= 4.
tn = arn–1
or, 2 = ( ) 10–1
4 2 2
or, 8 2 = ( 2 )n–1
or, ( 2 )7 = ( 2 )n–1
or, n – 1 = 9.
or, n =8
Hence, 8th term of the series is 2.

Exercise 10.3
1. (a) If t1, t2 be the first and second term of a Geometric sequence what is the value of r
in term of t1 and t2.
(b) If 5, 10, 20, 40 ........ be a Geometric sequence, then what are its first term and com-
mon ration.
(c) Write the formula to find the nth term of Geometric sequence in terms of a, r and
(d) Which term of the Geometric sequence is formed if the first term is multiplied by
the common ration.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 151

2. Identify whether the following sequence are Geometric or not : Justify your
(a) 2, 6, 18, 54, ......... (b) 200, –100, 50, –25, .......
1 1 1 1
32 , 16 , 8 , 4 , ........ (d) 2, 6,12, 20, .........

3. Find the first 3 terms of given Geometric progression.

(a) First term (a) = 3, Common ratio (r) = 2
(b) First term (a) =2, Common ratio (r) = –3

4. Form the following Geometric progression given below, find common ratio. and
next 3 terms.
1 1 1 1
(a) 1, 3, 9, ............ (b)
64 , 32 , 16 , 8 , ........
(c) 1, 2 , 2, 2 2, ......... (d) 3, –3, 3 3, –9, ..........
5. (a) The first term and the common ratio of a Geometric series be 3 and 2 respectively,
find its 6th term.
(b) Find the 8th term of a Geometric sequence whose first term is 1 and the common
ratio is 2 .
(c) Find the 7th term of the Geometric series 2 - 6 + 18 - 54 + ..........
1 1 1 1
(d) Find the 12th term of the geometric sequence
64 , 32 , 16 , 8 , ........ .
6. Find the first term in each of the following Geometric sequence.
(a) Common ratio (r) = 2, 6th term (t6) = 64

(b) Common ratio (r) = 2 , 11th term (t11) = 32

1 1
(c) Common ratio (r) =, 7th term (t7) =
3 27
7. Find the common ratio is each of the following Geometric series.
(a) First term (a) = 3, Sixth term (t6) = 96
(b) First term (a) =4, Eighth term (t8) =
(c) First term (a) = 1, 10th term (t10) = –16 2

8. Find the number of terms of each of the following sequence

(a) First term = 2, common ratio = 2 and last term = 512

(b) First term = 3, common ratio = 3 and last term = 27

(c) , common ratio = –3, and last term = 729
First term = –
81 27 9 16
16 + 8 + 4 + ................+ 81

152 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

1 1
25 + 5 + 1 + 5 + ................+ 125
1 1 1
64 + 32 + 16 + ......................+ 64
9. (a) If the third term and 7th term of an A.S be 8 and 128 respectively, find the first term
and the common ratio.
(b) If the 3rd term and the 6th term of a Geometric series are and 16, find the first
term and the common ratio.
10. (a) If the 4th term and the 6th term of a Geometric series and 2 respectively. Find
(i) The first term (iii) common ratio (iii) 10th term.

(b) If the 5th term of a Geometric sequence be 3 and the 2nd term be 1 , find
(i) common ratio (ii) first term (iii) which term of the sequence be 27 ?
11. (a) If the fifth term of a Geometric progression is 8 times the seconds term and the 7th
term is 128. Find the 12th term.
(b) 5th term of a G.S. is 27 times the 8th term of the second term of a series is , find the
10th term.

1. Consult your teacher 2. Consult your teacher
3. (a) 3, 6, 12 (b) 2, -6, 18 4. (a) r = 3 and 27, 81, 243 (b) r = 2 and 1 , 1 , 1
4 2
(c) r = 2 and 4, 4 2 , 8 (d) r = - 3 and 9 3 , -27, 27 3 5. (a) 96 (b) 8 2 (c) 1458 (d) 32
6. (a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 27 7. (a) 2 (b) 1 , (c) -2 8. (a) 9 (b) 5 (c) 11 (d) 9 (e) 13
9. (a) a = 2, r = 2 (b) a = 1 , r = 4. 10. (a) (i) a = 1 , (ii) 2 (iii) 4 2 (b) r = 3 (ii) 1 , (ii) 7th term
64 4 27
11. (a) 4096 (b) 59049

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11 Factorisation
11.1 Warm-up Activities
Discuss the following in your class and draw out the conclusion.

• What is the formula of a2–b2?

• What is the formula of a3–b3? A
a G b
• What is the formula of a3+b3? a

• in the given figure, what is the area of

(i) square AEIG (ii) square IFCH b
(iii) rectangle EIHD (iv) rectangle GBFI? D H

• What is the sum of their area?

• What is the area of square ABCD?
• What is your conclusion?

11.2 Factorisation of various types of expressions

Look at the following examples.
2x(a + b) = 2ax + 2bx
and, 2ax + 2bx = 2x (a + b)
the product of 2x and (a + b) = 2x (a + b)
= 2ax + 2bx
So, 2x and (a + b) are the factors of (2ax + 2bx).
Again, (x + y) (a + b) = ax + bx + ay + by
∴ ax + bx + ay + by = (x + y) (a + b)
The product of (x + y) and (a + b)= (x + y) (a + b)
= ax + bx + ay + by
So, (x + y) and (a + b) are the factors of (ax + bx + ay + by)
Thus, the process of expressing the given expression in terms of the product of two
or more factors is called factorisation.
And, when an expression is resolved into factors, the given expression is the product
of their factors.

154 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Worked Out Examples

Examples: 1 Factorize the given expressions:

(i) ax – 4ax2 + 3a2x2 (iii) a(x – y) – b(y – x)
ax is the
Solution: ax – 4ax2 + 3a2x2 common factor Solution: a(x–5) – b (y–x)
= ax(1 – 4x + 3ax) = a (x – y) + b ( x – y)
= (x– y) (a + b) (x – y) is
(ii) 2a(x+y) – 3b(x+y) – c2 (x + y) the common
Solution: 2a (x+y) –3b (x+y) –c2 (x+y) factor
(x + y) is the
= (x+y) (2a – 3b – c2) common factor

Factorising with a common factor by regrouping the terms:

Let the given expression be ax + ay + bx + by
Let's arrange them to take common factor.
ax + ay + bx + by
= a (x + y) + b (x + y)
= (x + y) (a + b)
Examples: 2 Factorize the given expressions.

(i) ab (x2+1) – x (a2+b2)

= abx2 + ab – a2x – b2x Open the bracket
= abx2 – a2x + ab – b2x. Rearrange the terms
= ax(bx – a) + b (a – bx) Take common
= ax (bx – a) – b (bx–a)
= (bx – a) (ax – b)
(i) x – x (2y–z) – 2xz.

Solution: x2 – x(2y–z) – 2yz

= x2 –2xy + xz – 2yz
= (x(x–2y) + z ( x– 2y)
= (x–2y) (x + z)

Review Exercise 11.1

1. (a) What are the factors of expression x2 + 2x?
(b) Find out the factors of algebraic expression x2 + xy.
(c) Factorise the expression (a+b) (a–b) + a(a+b).

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2. Factorise:
(a) 4a + 8ax + 10 ax2 (b) ax – 2ay + 3az
(c) 27 xy – 9x z 2
(d) 7a3b2 + 49a2b3
(e) 5a (x–3y) – 2b (3y–x) (f) 9xy (2x – 3y) – 12yz (3y – 2x)
(g) 6x2y (a – 5b) – 14 by2(5b – a) (h) 9a2b (x + y) – 15ab2 (x + y)
(i) 2x (3x – 5y) + y (5y – 3x) + 2(3x – 5y) (j) a(a – 2b + c) – 3b (2b – a – c)

3. Factorise:
(a) x3 + x2 + x + 1 (b) a2 – ab + ac – bc.

(c) x2 – x (2a – b) – 2ab (d) x2 – 6x + 6y – y2

(e) p2 – p(q + r) + qr (f) a2 – a(2x – y) – 2xy

(g) a2 – (b – 3)a – 3b (h) ab (c2 + 1) – c(a2 + b2)

(i) c(a2–b2) – a(b2–c2) (j) xy (a2 + b2) – ab(x2 + y2)

(k) a(a + c) + b(c + a) + ab + b2 (l) ab (p2 – q2) + pq (a2 – b2)


1. Consult your teacher. 2. (a) 2a(2 + 4x + 5x²) (b) a(x – 2y + 3z) (c) 9x (3y – xz)
(d) 7a²b²(a + 7b) (e) (x – 3y) (5a + 2b) (f) 3y(3x + 4z)(2x – 3y) (g) 2y(3x² + 7by) (a – 5b)
(h) 3ab ( 3a – 5b) ( x + y) (i) (3x–5y) (2x – y+2) (j) (a–2b+c) (a + 3b)
3. (a) (x² + 1) (x + 1) (b) (a – b)(a + c) (c) (x – 2a) ( x + b)
(d) (x–y) (x + y – 6) (e) (p – q) (p – r) (f) (a – 2x) (a + y)
(g) (a – b) (a + 3) (h) (ca – b) (bc – a) (i) (a + c) ( ca – b²)
(j) (ay – bx) (ax – by) (k) (a + b) ( a + b + c) (l) (aq + bp)(ap –bq)

11.3 Factorisation of the expression of the type (a² – b²):

Geometrical Interpretation of a2 – b2
• Take a square sheet of paper having a side 'a' units.

Its area is a2 a

156 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

• From the square sheet take 'b' units from each side as shown in the figure.

b a


Area of that part = b 2

Area of the shaded part = a2 – b2 .............. (i)
• Cut the shaded part. b
• Again, cut it along the dotted line. a–b

• Join these two parts as shown in the figure.
a b

a–b a–b

b a

Then the new sheet is a rectangle having two sides (a + b) and (a – b)


a–b a–b

Area of shaded part = (a + b) (a – b)
∴ ∴ a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b)

Alternative method
Worked Out Examples x
9x3 – 9
Example: 1 Example: 2 ( )
= x 9x2 – 9
= x [(3x) – ( 3 ) ]
Factorise: 4x2 – 25y2 x 2
Factorise: 9x3 – 2
1 1
= x (3x + 3 ) (3x – 3 )
Solution : Solution :
= (2x) – (5y) 81x3 – x
2 2
= 9 (9x+1) (9x–1)
=x .
= (2x + 5y) (2x – 5y) (81x 2
– 1) 3 3
= x
9 x
x = 9 (9x+1) (9x-1)
= (9x + 1) (9x – 1)

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 157

Example: 3
Example: 4
Factorise: a2 – b2 – 3a + 3b
16 (x – 2y)2 – 25(y – 2x)2
Solution :
Solution :
= (a + b) (a – b) – 3 (a – b)
= {4(x – 2y)}2 – {5 (y – 2x)}2
= (a – b) ( a + b – 3)
= [4 (x – 2y) + 5(y – 2x)] [4(x – 2y) – 5 (y – 2x)]
= (4x – 8y + 5y – 10x) (4x – 8y – 5y + 10x).
= (– 6x – 3y) (14x – 13y).
= – 3 (2x + y) (14x – 13y).

Example: 5 Example: 6
Factorise: a4 – a2 + 2a – 1 Factorise: 9x2 – 4y2 – 4yz – z2
Solution : Solution :
= (a ) – (a – 2a + 1)
2 2 2
= 9x2 – (4y2 + 4yz + z2)
= (a2)2 – (a – 1)2 = 9x2 – [(2y)2 + 2.2y.z + z2]
= (a ) – (a – 1)
2 2 2
= 9x2 – (2y + z)2
= (a + a – 1) (a – a + 1)
2 2
= (3x)2 – (2y + z)2
= [3x + (2y + z)] [3x – (2y + z)]
Example: 7 = (3x + 2y + z) (3x – 2y – z)
Factorise: 16x4 + 40x2 – 24 – 42y2 – 9y4
Solution :
= 16x4 + 40x2 – 24 – 42y2 – 9y4
= (4x2)2 + 2. 4x2 . (5) + (5)2 – 25 – 24 – 42y2 – 9y4
= (4x2 + 5)2 – 49 – 42y2 – 9y4
= (4x2 + 5)2 – [(49 + 42y2 + 9y4)]
= (4x2 + 5)2 – [7² + 2. 7. 3y2 + (3y2)2]
= (4x2 + 5)2 – (7 + 3y2)2
= [(4x2 + 5) + (7 + 3y2)] [(4x2 + 5) – (7 + 3y2)]
= (4x2 + 5 + 7 + 3y2) (4x2 + 5 – 7 – 3y2)
= (4x2 + 3y2 + 12) (4x2 – 3y2 – 2)

158 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Exercise 11.2

1. (a) Write the formula of a2 – b2.

(b) What are the factors of an algebraic expression x2 – y2? a

(c) What is the area of shaded part in the given figure? b


2. Resolve into factors:

(a) 9a2 – 25 (b) x2y2 – 25 (c) 121 – 25a2 (d) x4 – y4

75 1 2 1 2
(e) 3x3 – 12x (f) 3a2 – b2 (g) a+ b – a– b
3. Factorise:
(a) 2 (x + y) – x2 + y2 (b) (a + b)2 – a2 + b2

(c) 2a + 3b + 4a2 – 9b2 (d) 9(a2 + 1)2 – 4 (b2 – 1)2

4. Factorise:

(a) x2 – y2 + 2x + 1 (b) x2 – 2xy + y2 – z2

(c) 3a + 3b – 2a2 – 2b2 – 4ab (d) 2bc + a2 – b2 – c2
(e) 9a2 – 4b2 + 6a + 1 (f) a2 – 4b2 – 25c2 + 20bc
5. Factorise:
(a) a2 – 10a + 24 + 6y – 9y2 (b) 4x2 – 4xy – 3y2 + 12yz – 9z2
(c) x2 – 10xy + 16y2 – z2 + 6yz (d) x4 – 6x2 – 7 – 8x –x2
(e) (l – x2) (1 – y2) + 4xy (f) (a2 – c2) (b2 – d2)+ 4abcd
6. Using factorisation, find the value of:
(a) (44)2 – (34)2 (b) (100)2 – (90)2 (c) 99 × 101 (d) 110 × 90

1. Consult your teacher. 2. (a) (3a + 5) (3a – 5) (b) (xy + 5) (xy – 5) (c) (11 + 5a) ( 11 – 5a)
(d) (x² + y²) ( x + y) ( x – y) (
(e) 3x ( x + 2) ( x – 2) (f) 3 a – 5
a+ 5
b)( )
(g) 3. (a) (x + y) ( 2 – x + y) (b) 2b (a + b) (c) (2a+3b) (2a–3b+1)
(d) (3a² + 2b² + 1) (3a² – 2b² + 5)
4. (a) (x + y + 1) ( x – y + 1) (b) (x – y + z) ( x – y – z)
(c) (a + b) ( 3 – 2a – 2b) (d)( a + b – c) ( a – b + c) (e) (3a + 2b+1) (3a – 2b + 1)
(f) (a +2b– 5c) (a–2b+5c) 5. (a) (a– 3y – 4) (a + 3y – 6) (b) (2x+y–3z) (2x–3y+3z)
(c) (x – 2y – z) (x – 8y + z) (d) (x² + x + 1) (x² – x – 7) (e) (1+xy+x–y) (1+x y–x + y)
(f) (ab+cd+bc–ad)(ab+cd–bc+ad) 6. (a) 780 (b) 1900 (c) 9999 (d) 9900

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11.4 Factorising the expression of the type a4 + a²b² + b4
To factorise the expression of the type a4 + a2b2 + b4
We make it in the form of perfect square and use the identity a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b).
a4 + a2 b2 + b4 = (a2)2 + 2. a2. b2 + (b2)2 – a2 . b2 Alternative method
= (a + b ) – (ab)
2 2 2 2
= (a2 + b2 + ab) (a2 + b2 – ab) =(a2)2+(b2)2+a2b2
= (a2 + ab + b2) (a2 – ab + b2)
Worked Out Examples =(a2+b2+ab) (a2+b2–ab)
= (a2+ab+b2) (a2–ab+b2)
Example: 1 Example : 2
Resolve into factors: 4a4 + 3a2 + 9 Resolve into factors: 64x4 + y4
Solution : Solution :
4a4 + 3a2 + 9 16x4 + y4
= (2a2)2 + 2.2a2.3 + (3)2 – 9a2 = (8x2)2 + 2.8x2.y2 + (y2)2 – 16x2y2
= (2a2 + 3)2 – (3a)2 = (8x2 + y2)2 – (4xy)2
= (2a2 + 3 + 3a) (2a2 + 3 – 3a) = (8x2 + y2 + 4xy) (8x2 + y2 – 4xy)
= (2a2 + 3a + 3) (2a2 – 3a + 3) = (8x2 + 4xy + y2) (8x2 – 4xy + y2)

Exercise 11.3
1. (a) Write the formula for a2 + b2 in terms of (a+b)2.
(b) Write the formula for a2 + b2 in terms of (a–b)2.
(c) Write the relation among (a+b)2, (a–b)2 and ab.
2. Resolve into factors.
(a) a4 + a2 + 1 (b) a2 + 1 + 12 (c) a4 + 64 (d) a4 – 7a2 + 9
(e) 4x4 – 25x2 + 36 (f) 9a – 19a b + 25b4
4 2 2
(g) x4 – 7x2 + 1
(i) 16x4 – 17x2 + 1
4 2
(h) x4 – 6x2+ 1 (j) 25x4y – 5x2y3 + 4y5
y y
3. Factorise:
(a) m5 – 15m3n2 + 9mn4 (b) 81x4 + 4y4 (c) 49a4 – 154a2b2 + 9b4
+ 1 + y4
(d) 25x4 – 34x2y2 + 9y4 (e) 49a4 – 11a2b2 + 25b4 (f)
y4 x

160 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) (a² + a + 1) ( a² – a + 1) (b) (a + 1 + 1a ) (a – 1 + 1a )

(c) (a² + 4a + 8) ( a² – 4a + 8) (d) (a² – a – 3) (a² + a – 3) (e) (2x² – x – 6) (2x² + x – 6)
(f) (3a² + 7ab + 5b²)(3a² – 7ab + 5b²) (g) (x² + 3x + 1) (x² – 3x + 1) (h) (x² + 2x – 1) (x² – 2x – 1)

y² ( y y² )(y )
(i) 4x² + 5x + 1 4x² – 5x + 1 (j) y(5x² + 5xy + 2y²) (5x² – 5xy + 2y²)

3. (a) m (m2+3mn – 3n2) (m2 – 3mn – 3n2)

(b) (9x2 + 6xy + 2y2) (9x2 – 6xy + 2y2) (c) (7a2 + 14ab + 3b2) (7a2 – 14ab + 3b2)
(d) (5x2 + 8xy+3y2) (5x2 – 8xy+3y2) (e) (7a2 + 5b2 + 9ab) (7a2 + 5b2 – 9ab)
( y x
)( y x2 y
)( )
(f) –1+ +1+ –1+ 2
y x y x y2 x

11.5 Geometrical Interpretation of (a + b)3

Let us take a cube having each side (a + b) units. Lets a
divide each side into 'a' and 'b' as shown in the figure cut
all the sides along the given line.
The solid objects formed after that are b
a b

Fig. (i)

a a a a b
b a
a b
Fig. (iv) Fig. (v)
Fig. (ii) Fig. (iii)

a b b a
b b
b a
a a
Fig. (vi) Fig. (vii) Fig. (viii) Fig. (ix)

Volume of figure I = (a + b)3

Volume of figure II = a3
Volume of figure III = ab2
Volume of figure IV = a2b
Volume of figure V = ab2

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 161

Volume of figure VI = a2b
Volume of figure VII = b3
Volume of figure VIII = a2b
Volume of figure IX = ab2
As we know that,
Volume of figure I = Volume of Fig II + Volume of figure III + Volume of fig. IV
+ Volume of fig V + Volume of fig. VI + Volume of fig. VII
+ Volume of fig VIII + Volume of fig IX.
(a + b)3 = a3 + a2b + a2b + ab2 + a2b + b3 + ab2 + a2b
(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3

11.6 Geometrical Interpretation of (a – b)3

Let us take a cube having each side 'a' units. Let us divide a
each side of the cube into the parts 'b' units and (a - b) units b
as shown in the figure. b
Then the solid objects formed after dividing the objects into
different parts are as shown:

Fig. (i)


a-b a-b b
a-b a-b
a-b b a-b
a-b b
Fig. (iv) Fig. (v)
Fig. (ii) Fig. (iii)

b a- b
b b b
a–b b a-b
b a-b
Fig. (vi) Fig. (vii) Fig. (viii) Fig. (ix)

Volume of figure I = a3
Volume of figure II = (a – b) 3
Volume of figure III = (a – b) b2
Volume of figure IV = (a – b)2 . b

162 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Volume of figure V = (a – b) . b
Volume of figure VI = (a – b) . b2
Volume of figure VII = b3
Volume of figure VIII = (a – b) . b2
Volume of figure IX = (a – b)2 . b
As we know that,
Volume of figure I = Volume of Fig II + Volume of figure III + Volume of fig. IV
+ Volume of fig V + Volume of fig. VI + Volume of fig. VII
+ Volume of fig VIII + Volume of fig IX.
a 3
= (a - b)3 + (a-b)2.b2 + (a-b)2.b + (-b)2.b + (a-b).b2 + b3 + (a-b).b2 + (a-b)2.b
a3 = (a - b)3 + 3(a - b). b2 + 3(a - b)2.b + b3
a3 = (a - b)3 + 3ab2 - 3b3 + 3b (a2 - 2ab + b2) + b3
a3 = (a - b)3 + 3ab2 - 3b3 + 3a2b – 6ab2 + 3b3 + b3
a3 = (a - b)3 + b3 – 3ab2 + 3a2b
(a - b)3 = a3 – 3a2b + 3ab2 – b3

11.7 Factorisation of the expression of the type a³ + b³ and a³ – b³ :

As we know that,
(a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab (a+b)
or, (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab (a+b)
or, (a + b)3 – 3ab ( a + b) = a 3 + b3
or, (a + b) {(a + b)2 – 3ab } = a3 + b3
or, (a + b) (a2 + 2ab + b2 – 3ab) = a3 + b3
or, (a + b) (a2 – ab + b2) = a3 + b 3
∴ a3 + b3 = (a + b) (a2 – ab + b2) …….. (i)
Again, (a - b)3 = a3 – 3a2b + 3ab2 – b3
(a – b)3 = a3 – b3– 3ab(a–b)
or, (a – b)3 + 3ab (a – b) = a 3 – b3
or, (a – b) { (a – b)2 + 3ab} = a3 – b3
or, (a – b) (a2 – 2ab + b2 + 3ab) = a3 – b3
or, (a – b) (a2 + ab + b2) = a3 – b 3
∴ a3 – b3 = (a – b) (a2 + ab + b2) ….……. (ii)
(i) and (ii) are the formula. By using these formula, we can solve the following examples.

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Worked Out Examples

Example: 1 Example: 2
Factorise : 8a3 + b3 Factorise : 81x3y + 24y4
Solution: Solution:
= (2a)3 + (b)3 = 3y (27x3 + 8y3)
= (2a + b) { (2a)2 – 2a.b + b2 } = 3y { (3x)3 + (2y)3)}
= 3y (3x + 2y) { (3x)2 – 3x . 2y + (2y)2}
= (2a + b) (4a2 – 2ab + b2 )
= 3y ( 3x + 2y) (9x2 – 6xy + 4y2)

Example: 3 Example: 4
Resolve into factors : 2 (a – 3
Resolve into factors : 125a3 – 64b3 – 5a + 4b
8a3 )
Solution: Solution:
= 2 (a3 – 8a3)
= {(5a)3 – (4b)3)} – 5a + 4b

= 2 [(a)3 – ( 2a ) ]
1 3 = (5a – 4b) {(5a)2 + 5a. 4b + (4b)2 } – 1(5a – 4b)
= (5a – 4b) (25a2 + 20ab + 16b2 – 1)
= 2 (a – 2a ) [(a)2 – a . 2a + ( 2a ) ]
1 1 1 2

= 2 (a – 2a ) (a2 + 2 + 4a2)
1 1 1

Exercise 11.4

1. (a) Write the formula for a3 + b3.

(a) Write the formula for a3 – b3.
(c) What are the factors of algebraic expression x3 + (2)3?
(d) Which algebraic expression is equivalent to the product of (x–3) (x2+3x+32)?
(e) Write the formula of (a+b)3.
(f) Write the formula of (a - b)2.
2. Find the cube of the following binomial, using the formula.
(a) (x + y) (b) (a + 3) (c) (2a + b)
(d) (x - y) (e) (a – 2b) (f) (b - 4) (g) ( 3 + 1)
3. Write in expanded form.
(a) (2x + y)3 (b) (3a - 4b)3 (c) (2x - 3y)3 (d) (2m + 3n)3

164 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

4. Convert the following algebraic expression in the form of (a+b)3.
(a) 8x3 + 12x2y + 6x2y + y3 (b) a3 + 6a2 + 12a + 8
(c) b3 – 9b2 + 27b – 27 (d) 27a3 – 27a2b + 9ab2 – b3
5. Factorise:
(a) 64 + x3 (b) 27a3 + b3 (c) 2x4 + 16x
(d) a3 + 1 (e) 27x3 – 8y3 (f) a3b3 – c3
(g) 8a3 – b3 (h) (x + 2)3 – 125 (i) x6 + 64
(j) 64 (x + 1)3 – 343 (k) (x + y)3 – (x – y)3
6. Factorise:
(a) p3 + 8q3 + 2p + 4q (b) p2 – q2 + p3 – q3 (c) a + b + a3 + b3
(d) a3 – b3 – a + b (e) a – 2b – a3 + 8b3 (f) 8a3 +27b3 – 2a – 3b.

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) x3 + 3x2y + 3xy2 + y2 (b) a3 + 9a2 + 27a + 27
(c) 8a + 12a b + 6ab + b
3 2 2 3
(d) x3–3x2y + 3xy2 – y3 (e) a3 –6a2b + 12ab² – 8b3
x3 x²
(f) b3–12b2 +48b – 64 (g) + +x+1
27 3
3. (a) 8x3 + 12x2y + 6xy2 + y3 (b) 27a3 – 108a2b + 144ab2–64b3
(c) 8x3–36x2y + 54xy2–27y3 (d) 8m3 + 36m2n + 54mn2 + 27n3
4. (a) (2x+y)3 (b) (a+2)3 (c) (b-3)3 (d) (3a-b)3

5. (a) (4 + x) (16 – 4x + x²) (b) ( 3a + b) ( 9a² – 3ab + b²)

(c) 2x ( x + 2) ( x² – 2x + 4) (
(d) a + 1
8 )( )
a² – a + 1 (e) (3x – 2y) ( 9x² + 6xy + 4y²)
8 64
(f) (ab – c) ( a²b² + abc + c²) (g) 1 – b
2a )( )
1 + b + b² (h) (x – 3) (x² + 9x + 39)
4a² 2a
(i) ( x² + 4) (x4–4x²+16) (j) (4x – 3) ( 16x² + 60x + 93) (k) 2y ( 3x² + y²)

6. (a) (p + 2q ) (p² – 2pq + 4q² + 2) (b) (p – q) (p² + pq + q² + p + q) (c) (a + b) ( a² – ab + b² + 1)

(d) (a – b) ( a² + ab + b² – 1) (e) ( a – 2b ) ( 1 – a² – 2ab – 4b²) (f) (2a+3b) (4a2– 6ab +9b2–1)

11.8 Factorisation of the expression of the type ax² + bx + c, a ≠ 0 :

x2 + 5x + 6, x2 + 3x – 4, x2 – x – 72 are the expressions (with three terms i.e. trionomial of
the form ax2 + bx + c).

To factorise such expressions, we must have two numbers whose product is ac and
whose sum or difference is b. We have to follow the following steps to factorise the
expressions of the type ax2 + bx + c;

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 165

Geometrical Interpretation of x2 + 3x + 2
Geometrical Ineterpretation of x2+3x+2
x 1 1 1
x2 x x x 1

• Take a square having each side 'x' units.

• Take 3 stripes having length x units and breadth 1 units
• Take 2 small square having each side 1 unit.
Now, the area of first square = x2
the area of 3 stripes = 3x x 1 1
the area of 2 small square = 2
x x x x
Total area = x2 + 3x + 2 1 1
Rearrange these to give a structure of rectangle. 1 1 1 1

See the length & breadth of this rectangle.

length = (x+2)
breadth = (x+1)
Hence, the factors of x2+3x+2 are (x+2) & (x+1)

• Find the product ac.
• Write all the possible factors of ac.
• Find the part of factors such that their sum or difference is b.
• Break bx into two factors.
• Regroup the terms and factorise.

166 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Worked Out Examples

Example 1:
Factorise: x² + 5x + 6
Solution: x2 + 5x + 6 = x2 + (3 + 2)x + 6
= x2 + 3x + 2x + 6
= x(x + 3) + 2(x + 3)
= (x + 3) (x + 2)

Here, the product of the numbers = 6 and the sum of numbers = 5. We have to find two
numbers whose product is 6 and sum is 5.
Since, the factors of 6 are 6 × 1 and 3 × 2. And the sum of 3 and 2 is 5 and the product of 3
and 2 is 6, so 3 and 2 are the required numbers. Since the sign of 6 is positive, so both the
numbers are positive.

Example 2:
Factorise: x² + 5x – 6
We find the two numbers whose product is 6 and difference is 5.
The two numbers are 6 and 1 as 6 × 1 = 6 and 6 – 1 = 5 .
x2 + 5x – 6 = x2 + (6 – 1)x – 6
= x2 + 6x – x – 6
= x (x + 6) – 1(x + 6)
= (x + 6) (x – 1)
Example 3:
Factorise: x² – 15x + 56
We find the two numbers whose product is 56 and sum is 15, the two numbers are 8 and
7 as 8 × 7 = 56 and (8)+(7) = 15
x2 – 15x + 56 = x2 – (8 + 7) x + 56
= x2 – 8x – 7x + 56
= x ( x – 8) – 7 (x – 8)
= (x – 8) (x – 7)
Example 4:
Factorise : 2x² – x – 3

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We find the two numbers whose product is 6 and difference is 1, the two numbers are 3
and 2 as 3 × 2 = 6 and 3 – 2 = 1
2x2 – x – 3 = 2x2 – (3 – 2)x – 3
= 2x2 – 3x + 2x – 3
= x (2x – 3) + 1 (2x – 3)
= (2x – 3) (x + 1)

1. (a) What are the two positive numbers whose sum is 7 and the product is 12?
(b) What are the two positive numbers whose product is 56 and the difference is 1?
(c) Which two positive numbers has the sum 9 and the product 18?

2. Resolve into factors.

(a) x2 + 8x + 12 (b) x2 + 9x + 18 (c) 2y2 + 7y + 6
(d) 4x2 – 12xy + 8y2 (e) x2 – 27x + 180 (f) 3x2 + x – 4
(g) 4x2 – 16x – 9 (h) 9a3bx + 12a2b2x – 5ab3x
x2 x y2 x2
(i) 12 + – 20 (j) 2 –3+ 2
y2 y x 2 y

3. Factorise:
(a) 2(x + y)2 + 5(x + y) + 3 (b) 9(x +y)2 + (x + y) – 8

(c) (x – x1 )2 + 15 (x – x1 ) + 26 (d) (x2 + 3x)2 + 3(x2 + 3x) +2

Project work 

Take a cubical structure of wax. Divide each side of the cube into two parts x and y
units. Cut the cube from the divided point.
How many cubes and cuboid are formed? Interpret (x + y)3 geometrically.

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) ( x + 6) ( x + 2) (b) ( x + 3) ( x + 6) (c) (2y + 3) (y + 2)
(d) 4 ( x – y) ( x – 2y) (e) (x – 15) ( x – 12) (f) (3x + 4) ( x – 1) (g) (2x–9) (2x+1)

(h) abx (3a – b) (3a + 5b) (i) ( 4xy – 5) ( 3xy + 4) (j) ( 2yx – yx ) ( yx – yx )
3. (a) (x+y+1) (2x+2y+3) (b) (x + y + 1) (9x + 9y – 8)

(c) (x– 1 + 13) (x – 1 + 2) (d) (x +1)(x+2)(x2+ 3x +1)

x x

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12 H.C.F. and L.C.M

12.1 Warm-up Activities

Discuss the following in your class and draw a conclusion.

• What is the formula of a2–b2?

• What is the formula of a3–b3?
• What is the formula of a3+b3?
• What are the factors of (a+b)3?
• How to factorise the following expressions?
• 4a2 – b2
• 2a3 – 16
• 3a3 + 81
• x2 – 5x + 6
• x4 + x2 + 1

12.2 Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.)

Let’s take any two algebraic expressions.
x2 – 4, x2 – 5x + 6
Let’s find the factors of x2 – 4
x2 – 4 = (x)2 – (2)2
= (x + 2) (x – 2)
Again, x – 5x + 6

= x2–(3 + 2)x + 6
= x2 – 3x – 2x + 6
= x(x – 3) –2 (x – 3)
= (x – 3) (x – 2)
Is there any common factor between the two expressions?
Yes their common factor is (x–2).
∴ (x–2) is the H.C.F. of these two expressions.

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Let’s represent this relation in a Venn diagram.

If the factors are the elements of a

x+2 x–2 x–3
given set of algebraic expressions
then the H.C.F. is their intersection.

x2 – 4 x2–5x+6

Hence, the common factor or the product of all common factors of given algebraic
expressions is called the H.C.F. It is known as the highest common factor. It is also
called the greatest common divisor.

12.3 Lowest Common Multiple (L.C.M.)

Let’s take any two algebraic expressions .
2x3–16, x3–3x2+2x
Here, 2x3 – 16
= 2(x3 – 8)
= (x3 – 23)
= 2(x–2) (x2+2x+4)
Again, x3 – 3x2 + 2x
= x (x2–3x+2)
= x[x2–(2+1)x+2]
= x[x2–2x–x+2]
= x[x(x-2)-1(x-2)]
= x(x–2) (x-1)
Is there any common factor between these two expressions?
Let’s represent them in a Venn diagram.

(x2+2x+4) x–2 x, (x-1)
Union of two sets
represents L.C.M.

2x3–16 x3–3x2+2x

What is the union of these sets?

{(x–2), 2, (x2+2x+4), x, (x–1)}

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What is their product?
(x–2) × 2 (x2+2x+4) × x (x-1)

Common factor Remaining factors

Hence, the product of all the common factors and the remaining factors of the given
expressions is their L.C.M.

In three algebraic expressions
L.C.M. = common factor from all × common factors from two expressions ×
remaining factors.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Find the H.C.F. of: 2x3 – 16, x2 – 4x + 4, x2 – 3x + 2
Solution: Here,
1st expression = 2x3 – 16
= 2(x3 – 8)
= 2(x3 – 23)
= 2(x – 2)(x2 + 2x + 4)
2nd expression = x2 – 4x + 4
= x2 – (2 + 2) x + 4
= x2 – 2x – 2x + 4
= x(x – 2) – 2(x – 2)
= (x – 2)(x – 2)
3rd expression = x2 – 3x + 2
= x2 – (2 + 1) x + 2
= x2 – 2x – x + 2
= x(x – 2) – 1(x – 2)
= (x – 2)(x – 1)
∴ H. C. F. = (x – 2).

Example: 2
Find the H. C. F. of: x2 – y2 + 2yz – z2, (x + y)2 – z2
Solution: Here,
1st expression = x2 – y2 + 2yz – z2
= x2 – (y2 – 2yz + z2)

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= x2 – (y – z)2
= (x + y – z)(x – y + z)
2nd expression = (x + y)2 – z2
= (x + y – z)(x + y + z)
∴ H. C. F. = (x + y – z)

Example: 3
Find the H. C. F. of: 8x3 + y3, 16x4 + 4x2y2 + y4, 4x2y – 2xy2 + y3
Solution: Here,
Alternative way of factorisation
1st expression = 8x3 + y3 Second expression
= (2x)³ + (y) 3 = 16x4 + 4x2y2 + y4
= (4x2)2+(y2)2 + 4x2y2
= (2x + y)(4x2 – 2xy + y2) = (4x2+y2)2–2.4x2.y2+4x2y2
2nd expression = 16x4 + 4x2y2 + y4 = (4x2+y2)–8x2y2+4x2y2
= (4x2+y2)2–(2xy)2
= (4x2)2 + 2.4x2.y2 + (y2)2 – 4x2y2
= (4x2+y2+2xy) (4x2+y2–2xy)
= (4x2 + y2)2 – (2xy)2
= (4x2 + y2 + 2xy)(4x2 + y2 – 2xy)
= (4x2 + 2xy + y2) (4x2 – 2xy + y2)
3rd expression = 4x2y – 2xy2 + y3
= y(4x2 – 2xy + y2)
∴ H. C. F. = (4x2 – 2xy + y2)

Example: 4
Find the H.C.F. of: x4–10x2+169, x3+x(x+13)–7x2, 3x2–18x+39.
1st expression = x4–10x2+169
= (x2)2+(13)2–10x2
= (x2+13)2–2.x2.13–10x2
= (x2+13)2–26x2–10x2
= (x2+13)2 – 36x2
= (x2+13)2 – (6x)2
= (x2+13+6x) (x2+13–6x)
= (x2+6x+13) (x2–6x+13)
2nd expression = x3+x(x+13)–7x2
= x3+x2+13x–7x2
= x3–6x2+13x

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= x(x2–6x+13)
3rd expression = 3x2–18x+39
= 3(x2–6x+13)
∴ H.C.F. = (x2–6x+13)

Example: 5
Find the L. C. M. of: 6x2 – x – 1, 54x4 + 2x
1st expression = 6x2 – x – 1
= 6x2– (3–2) x – 1
= 6x2 – 3x + 2x – 1
= 3x(2x – 1) + 1(2x – 1)
= (2x – 1) (3x + 1)
2nd expression = 54x4 + 2x
= 2x(27x3 + 1)
= 2x{(3x)3 + (1)3}
= 2x(3x + 1)(9x2 – 3x + 1)
∴ L. C. M. = (3x + 1) (2x – 1). 2x (9x² – 3x + 1)
= 2x(3x + 1)(2x – 1)(9x2 – 3x + 1)
Example: 6
Find the L. C. M. of : 1 + 4x + 4x2 – 16x4, 1 + 2x – 8x3 – 16x4, 1 – 4x2
1st expression = 1 + 4x + 4x2 – 16x4
= (1 + 2x)2 – (4x2)2
= (1 + 2x + 4x2) (1 + 2x – 4x2)
Common from all = none
2nd expression = 1 + 2x – 8x3 – 16x4 common from two expressions =
= 1(1 + 2x) – 8x3(1 + 2x) (1 + 2x + 4x²) ( 1 + 2x), (1 – 2x)
Remaining factor = (1 – 2x + 4x²)
= (1 + 2x)(1 – 8x3)
= (1 + 2x)(1 – 2x)(1 + 2x + 4x2)
3rd expression= 1 – 4x2
= (1 + 2x)(1 – 2x)
∴ L.C.M. = (1 + 2x)(1 – 2x) (1 + 2x + 4x2)(1 + 2x – 4x2)

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Example: 7
Find the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of: (x – 1)3, x4 + x2 + 1, x3 – 1
Solution: Here,
1st expression = (x – 1)3
Common from all = 1
= (x – 1)(x – 1)(x – 1)
Common from two expression
2nd expression = x4 + x2 + 1 = (x–1) (x2+x+1)
= (x2)2 + 2.x2.1 + 12 – x2 Remaining terms
= (x2 + 1)2 – (x)2 = (x–1), (x–1) and (x2–x+1)
∴ LCM =
= (x2 + 1 + x)(x2 + 1 – x)
(x–1) (x2+x+1) (x–1)2 (x2–x+1)
= (x2 + x + 1)(x2 – x + 1)
3rd expression = x3 – 1
= (x – 1)(x2 + x + 1)
∴ H. C. F. = 1
and L. C. M. = (x-1) (x2+x+1) (x-1)2 (x2-x+1)
= (x – 1)3 (x2 – x + 1) ( x² + x + 1)
= (x–1)3 (x4+x2+1)

Example: 8
Find the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of: (a2 – 1) (b2 – 1) – 4ab, a2b2 + 2b (a2 + 1) + a2 – b2 –1
Solution: Here,
1st expression = (a2 – 1) (b2 – 1) – 4ab
= a2b2 – a2 – b2 + 1 - 4ab
= (a2b2 – 2ab + 1) – (a2+b2+2ab)
= (ab – 1)2 – (a+b)2
= [(ab – 1) + (a+b)] [(ab–1) – (a+b)]
= (ab–1+a+b) (ab–a–b–1)
2 expression= a2b2 + 2b (a2 + 1) + a2 – b2 – 1

= a2b2 + 2ba2 + 2b + a2 – b2 – 1
= a2b2 + 2ba2 + a2 – b2 + 2b – 1
= [(ab)2 + 2.ab.a+a2] – (b2–2b+1)]
= (ab+a)²–(b–1)2
= [(ab+a) + (b–1)] [(ab+a) – (b–1)]
= (ab + a + b–1) (ab + a – b + 1)
∴ H.C.F. = (ab + a + b – 1)
L. C. M = (ab + a + b – 1) (ab – a – b – 1) (ab + a – b + 1)

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Exercise 12
1. (a) What is the H.C.F. of two expressions if there is no common factor?
(b) What is the L.C.M. of two expressions if there is no common factor?
(c) What is the relation of two expressions with their H.C.F. and L.C.M.?
(d) What is the H.C.F. of two expressions?
(e) What is the L.C.M. of two expressions?
(f) What is the L.C.M. of three expressions?
2. Find the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of:
(a) (a–b) (a–b) and (a + b) (a – b) (b) a(x–y) and ab (x+y)
(c) (x–2y) (x2 + 2xy + 4y2) and (x+2y) (x–2y) (d) 2x2 – 5x and 4x2 – 10
3. Find the H.C.F. of:
(a) (x–y)2 and (x–y)3 (b) x2–4y2 and x3 – 8y3
(c) a2–16 and 4a + 16 (d) x2 + 2x + 4 and x3 – 8
(e) x2 – xy and x3y – xy3
4. Find the L.C.M. of:
(a) (a–b)2 and (a–b)3 (b) (x–2y)2 and 2x3y – 8xy3
(c) x3 + x2 + x and x4 – x (d) (a+b)2–4ab and 2a2b – 4ab2 + 2b3
(e) x2 – 3x + 3y – y2 and y2 + xy – 3y
5. Find the H. C. F. of:
(a) 9(4x2 – 25) and 15(2x2 + x – 15) (b) x² – 4, x2 + 10x + 16 and x2 – 7x – 18
(c) ab2 – b(a – c) – c, b2 – 3b + 2, b3 – 1 (d) 2(x2 – y2), 4(x3 – y3) and 6(x4 – y4)
(e) 2x3 + 16, x2 + 4x + 4, x2 + 3x + 2 (f) m4 + m2n2 + n4 and m2n3 + m5
(g) 8y – z and 16y + 4y z + z
3 3 4 2 2 4

(h) (x – y)2 + 4xy, 2x3 + 4x2y + 2xy2 and x3 + 2x2y + xy2

(i) ab(x2 + y2) – xy(a2 + b2) and b2x2 – a2y2
(j) x2 + 2xy + y2 – z2, y2 + 2yz + z2 – x2 and z2 + 2zx + x2 – y2
(k) x² + y² + 2xy – 1, y² – x² + 2y + 1 and x² – y² + 2x + 1
(l) 9x2– 4y2 – 8yz– 4z2, 4z2– 4y2–9x2–12xy and 9x2 + 12xz + 4z2–4y2
(m) x2 + 4x – 21 and x3 + 7x2 – 9x – 63 (n) x² – 5x + 6, x3 – 2x² – x + 2, x3 – 8
(o) x3 + 3x2 – 6x – 8 and x2 + 5x + 4 (p) x3 – 1, x4 + x2 + 1 and x3 + 2x2 + 2x + 1
(q) a3–a2+a–1 and 2a3 – a2 + a – 2 (r) a3 – 13 – 2a + a and a3 + 13
a a
(s) a3 – 1, a4 – a² – 2a – 1, a² – 3a + 2 (t) 16x4 – 4x2 – 4x – 1and 8x3–1
(u) a4+8a2+144, a3+(a+12)a–5a2, 2a2–8a+24 (v) a4+16a2+256, a3+64, a3+(16+a)a–5a2
(w) x2–y2+2yz–z2, x3–3xy(x-y)–y3+z3 (x) (a+b+c)2, a3+3ab(a+b)+b3+c3, a2–b2–c2–2bc

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6. Find the L.C.M. of:
(a) (x – 3)(x2 + x – 2) and (x2 – 5x + 6) (b) (a + 1)3(a – 1) and (a + 1)2(a2 – 1)
(c) a2 + b2 + 2ab – c2, a2 – b2 + ac – bc (d) a3 + b3, a4 + a2b2 + b4 and a5 – a4b + a3b2
(e) 8x3 + y3, 8x3 – y3 and 16x4 + 4x2y2 + y4 (f) 2x2 – 3x – 9, 4x2 – 5x – 21 and x3 – 9x
(g) 8x3 + 27y3, 8x3 – 27y3 and 4x2 – 9y2 (h) 1 + 4x + 4x2 – 16x4 and 1 + 2x – 8x3 – 16x4
(i) x +x –x–1, x –1, 1+2x+x –x
4 3 3 2 4
(j) x3 – 3x2 – x + 3, x3 – x2 – 9x + 9
(k) a3 – b3, a6 – b6, a4 + a2b2 + b4 (l) (a – 1)³, a4 + a² + 1, a³ – 1
7. Find the H. C. F. and L. C. M. of :
(a) 2x2 – 8, 3x2 – 9x + 6, 6x2 + 18x + 12
(b) 10(x3 + 2x2 – 3x), 15(x3 – 9x) and 20(x4 + 27x)
(c) x4 + x² + 1 and x4 – x3 + x – 1
(d) a³ + b³, a4 + a²b² + b4, a³ – a²b + ab²
(e) (a² – b²) (c² – d²) + 4abcd, a²c + abd + a²d – abc.
(f) a² – 12a – 28 + 16 b – b², a² + 2a – b² + 2b
(g) (x+y+1)2, x2–y2–4x–6y–5, x2+xy+x
(h) a2– 6a – 40 + 14b – b2, 5a2–10ab + 5b2 – 80
(i) x6 – 1, x5 + x³ + x, x3 + 2x2 + 2x + 1
1. Consult your teacher 2. Consult your teacher 3. (a) (x–y)2 (b) x – 2y (c) a + 4
(d) x2+2x+4 (e) x(x–y) 4. (a) (a-b)3 (b) 2xy(x-2y)2 (x+2y) (c) x(x3-1) (d) 2b (a-b)2 (e) y(x-y) (x+y-3)
5. (a) 3(2x-5) (b) (x+2) (c) (b–1) (d) 2(x-y) (e) (x+2) (f) m2-mn+n2
(g) 4y2+2yz+z2 (h) (x+y)2 (i) (bx-ay) (j) (x+y+z) (k) (x+y+1) (l) 3x+2y+2z
(m) (x+7) (x-3) (n) (x-2) (o) (x2+5x+4) (p) (x2+x+1) (q) a–1 (r) (a2-1+1/a2) (s) 1 (t) 4x2+2x+1
(u) a2–4a+12 (v) a2–4a+16 (w) (x–y+z) (x) (a+b+c) 6. (a) (x-3) (x+2) (x-1) (x-2) (b) (a+1)3
(a-1) (c) (a+b+c) (a+b-c) (a-b) (d) a (a +b ) (a +ab+b ) (e) (8x3+y3) (8x3-y3) (f) x(x2-9) (2x+3) (4x+7)
3 3 3 2 2

(g) (8x3+27y3) (8x3-27y3) (h) (1-4x2) (1+2x+4x2) (1+2x-4x2) (i) (x2+x+1) (1+x–x2) (x2–1) (j) (x2-1) (x2-9)
(k) (a6–b6) (l) (a-1)3 (a2+a+1) (a2-a+1)
7. (a) H.C.F = 1, L.C.M = 6(x2-4) (x2-1) (b) H.C.F = 5x(x+3), L.C.M = 60x(x2-9) (x-1) (x2-3x+9)
(c) H.C.F = x2-x+1, L.C.M = (x3+1) (x3-1) (d) H.C.F = a2-ab+b2, L.C.M = a(a3+b3) (a2+ab+b2)
(e) H.C.F = (ac+bd+ad-bc), L.C.M = a(ac+bd+ad-bc) (ac+bd+bc-ad)
(f) H.C.F = (a-b+2), L.C.M = (a+b) (a-b+2) (a+b-14)
(g) H.C.F = (x+y+1), L.C.M = x(x+y+1)2 (x-y-5)
(h) H.C.F = (a–b+4), L.C.M = 5(a–b+4) (a–b–4) (a+b–10)
(i) H.C.F = x2+x+1, L.C.M = x(x–1) (x+1) (x2+x+1) (x2–x+1) or, x ( x³ +1) ( x³ – 1)

Project work
Take any two algebraic expressions. Factorise them. Find their H.C.F. and L.C.M. Find the
product of the H.C.F. and L.C.M. Find the product of two expressions. Draw a conclusion.

176 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Simultaneous Equations
13 in Two Variables
13.1 Warm-up Activities
• What is the degree of the equation x + 3y = 5?
• What are the variables of the equation 3x–y = 5 ?
• Guess four values of x and y which satisfy first equation.
• Guess four values of x and y which satisfy the second equation?
• Find the common values of x and y which satisfy both equation.
• What is that value called?

13.2 Simultaneous linear equations in two variables x and y.

An equation of the form ax + by + c = 0, where a, b, c are real numbers (a ≠ 0, b ≠ 0)
is called a linear equation of two variables x and y. 2x + 3y – 5 = 0, x – y + 1 = 0 are the
examples of linear equations.
And, two linear equations of two variables x and y are said to be simultaneous
linear equations if each of these equations is satisfied by the same pair of values of
x and y. In other word two equations which have only one pair of solution which
satisfies both the equations are called simultaneous equations.
Example: Consider the system of linear equations.
2x – 3y = 1 ………….. (i) and x + 2y = 4 ………….. (ii)
The equations (i) and (ii) are satisfied by the values x = 2 and y = 1.
Hence, these equations (i) and (ii) are called simultaneous equations of two varia-
bles x and y. There are many methods of solving equations. In this chapter, we will
discuss only three methods. They are:
(a) Substitution method
(b) Elimination method
(c) Graphical method

13.3 Substitution Method

In this method, value of one variable is obtained in terms of another variable and
that expression is substituted in another equation to get the value of the variable.

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Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Solve by substitution method: x + 2y = 7, 2x + 3y = 12.
x + 2y = 7 ................ (i)
2x + 3y = 12 ................ (ii)
From equation (i),
x = 7 – 2y ................ (iii)
Substituting, x = 7 – 2y in equation (ii)
we get,
2(7 – 2y) + 3y = 12
or, 14 – 4y + 3y = 12
or, – y = 12 – 14
or, –y = –2 or, y= 2
Now, substituting y = 2 in (iii), we get,
x+2×2 = 7
or, x+4 = 7
or, x = 7–4=3
∴ x = 3 and y = 2
Example: 2
Solve : 4x + 3y = 20 and 6x – 3y = 0
Solution: 4x + 3y = 20 ................ (i)
6x – 3y = 0 ................ (ii)
From equation (ii), 6x – 3y = 0
6x = 3y
or, x = 3
or, y = 2x.
Substituting the value of y in (i)
4x + 3 × 2x = 20 or, 4×2+3y = 20
or, 4x + 6x = 20 or, 8 + 3y = 20
or, 10x = 20 or, 3y = 20–8
x = =2 or, 3y = 12
Substituting the value of x in (i) or, y = =4
4x + 3y = 20 ∴ x = 2 and y = 4.

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Exercise 13.1
1. Solve (by substitution method):

(a) y = 2x and x + y = 3 (b) y = x+ 5 and 2x + y = 8

(c) y = 2x + 1 and 2y – 3x = 4 (d) y = x – 1 and x + 2y = 10

2x + 4 3x – 8
(e) y = 3 and 3x + 2y = 7 (f) y= and 5x + 2y = – 4
2. Solve (by substitution method) :

(a) x + y = 8 and 2x – y = 7 (b) x + y = 5 and x – 3y = –3

(c) 7x – y = 5 and 5x + 4y = 13 (d) 2x + 3y = 7 and x – y = 1

(e) x + 3y = 13 and x + y = 7 (f) x + 2y = 9 and 3x – y = 13

3. Solve (by substitution method) :

y y
(a) x + 5 = 4 and 3x + 2 = 11
1 1
(b) x = 3 y + 11 and y = 9 – 2 x

(c) 3(y – 2) – 2(x + 3) = 1 and 2(y – 3) + 3(x + 2) = 0



1. (a) 1, 2 (b) 1, 6 (c) 2, 5 (d) 4, 3 (e) 1, 2 (f) 0, – 2

2. (a) 5, 3 (b) 3, 2 (c) 1, 2 (d) 2, 1 (e) 4, 3 (f) 5, 2
3. (a) 2, 10 (b) 12, 3 (c) – 2, 3

13.4 Elimination Method

In this method, we have to follow the following steps:
• Multiply the given equations by suitable number to make the coefficient of one
of the variables equal.
• Add or subtract two equations to eliminate the variable having equal co–efficient.
• Value of another variable is obtained.
• Substitute this value to one of the equations to get the value of another variable.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 179

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Solve : 2x + 2y = 7 and 3x – 2y = 13
Solution: Here,
2x + 2y = 7 .............. (i)
3x – 2y = 13 .............. (ii)
Adding equation (i) and equation (ii), we get
5x = 20
or, x =4 =
Substituting x = 4 in equation (i), we get
2 × 4 + 2y = 7
or, 2y = 7 – 8
or, 2y = – 1
or, y = –
∴ x = 4 and y = –

Example: 2
Solve : 5x + 3y = 11 and 5x + 4y = 13
Solution: Here,
5x + 3y = 11 .............. (i)
5x + 4y = 13 .............. (ii)

Here, subtracting equation (ii) from equation (i)

5x + 3y = 11
Substituting, y = 2 in equation (i) we get
5x + 4y = 13
– – – 5x + 3 × 2 = 11
–y = –2 or, 5x + 6 = 11
or y = 2 or, 5x = 11 – 6
or, 5x = 5

Hence, x = 1 and y = 2 ∴ x = 1

180 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Example: 3
Solve: 7x – y = 13 and 5y – 3x = – 1
7x – y = 13.............. (i)
5y – 3x = – 1 .............. (ii)
Multiplying equation (i) by 5 and equation (ii) by 1 and adding equation (i) and (ii), we get,
35x – 5y = 65 Substituting x = 2 in equation (i) we get,
or, – 3x + 5y = –1 7×2–y = 13
or, 32x = 64 or, 14 – 13 = y
64 or, 14 – 13 = y
∴ x =
or, 1 = y
= 2
∴ x = 2 and y = 1
Example: 4
Given x – 6 = 6(y – 6) and 3(x + 4) = 8(y + 4)
Given equations are
x–6 = 6(y – 6)
or, x–6 = 6y – 36
or, x – 6y = – 36 + 6
or, x – 6y = –30 .................... (i)
And, 3(x + 4) = 8(y + 4)
or, 3x + 12 = 8y + 32
or, 3x – 8y = 32 – 12
or, 3x – 8y = 20 ................ (ii)
Multiplying equation (i) by 3 and subtracting (ii) from (i)
3x – 18y
– 90 =
or, 3x – 8y
+ 20 =
– +

or, y = 10
= 11
Substituting the value of y in equation (i)
x – 6y = – 30
or, x – 6 × 11 = – 30
or, x – 66 = – 30
or, x = – 30 + 66

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 181

= 36
Hence, x = 36
y = 11
Example: 5
2 5 3 2 19
Solve : + = 1 and + =
x y x y 20
Solution: Here,
2 5
+ = 1 .............. (i)
x y
3 2 19
+ = .............. (ii)
x y 20
Multiplying equation (i) by 2 and equation (ii) by 5 and then subtracting (ii) from (i)
Substituting x = 4 in equation (i), we get,
4 10 2 5
+ = 2 + = 1
x y 4 y
15 10 19
+ + =+ 1 5
x y 4 + = 1
– – – 2 y
11 11 5 1
= or, = 1–
x 4 y 2
1 1 5 1
= =
x 4 y 2
y = 10
or, x = 4
Hence, x = 4 and y = 10
Example: 6
14 3 21 1
Solve: + = 5 and – =2
x+y x–y x+y x–y
Solution: Here, 14 3
+ = 5 .............. (i)
x+y x–y
21 1
– = 2 .............. (ii)
x+y x–y
Here, multiplying (i) by 1 and (ii) by 3 and then adding (i) and (ii)

14 3
+ = 5
x+y x–y
63 3
– = 6
x+y x–y
= 11

or, x+y = 7 .............. (iii)

Substituting x + y = 7 in (i) we get,

182 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

14 3
+ = 5
7 x–y
or, 2+ = 5
or, = 3
or, x–y = 1 .............. (iv)
Now, adding equation (iii) and (iv),

x+y = 7
x–y = 1
2x = 8
or, x = 4
Now, substituting x = 4 in equation (iii),
we get,
4+y = 7
or, y = 3
Hence, x = 4 and y = 3.

Exercise 13.2
Solve the following system of equations by using elimination method:
1. (a) x + y = – 2 and x – y = 4 (b) 2x + y = 6 and 2x – 3y = 14
(c) 4x + 3y = 6 and x – 3y = 9 (d) 4x – 3y = –1 and 4x + y = 3
2. (a) x + 2y = 7 and 2x – y = 4. (b) x + 2y = – 1 and 2x – 3y = 12
(c) 2x + y = 35 and 3x + 4y = 65 (d) 3x + y = 100 and x – 4y = 120
(e) 2x – 3y = 7 and 7x + 2y = 12 (f) 2x + 3y = 1 and 5x + 2y = – 3
3. (a) 7(x + 3) – 2 (y + 2) = 14 and (x + 2) + (y + 3) = 11
(b) 10x + y = 4 (x + y) and 10x + y + 27 =10y + x
1 1 2 3 4 3 3 4
4. (a) + = 5 and + = 13 (b) – = 7 and + = 24
x y x y x y x y
5 7 5 7 2 18 4 9
(c) + = 31 and + = 29 (d) + = 3 and – =1
y x x y x y x y
6 4 3 6
(e) – = 4 and + =–2 (f) 3x + 4y = 8xy and x + 2y = 3xy
x y x y
x y x y x y x y
5. (a) – = 2 and – =–1 (b) – = 2 and + = 2
3 4 9 2 3 4 9 4
2x y x 2y 2y – 3 3x – 1
(c) – = 2 and + =6 (d) = 5 and y – =8
3 5 3 5 5–x 5

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x+7 2x – y 2y + x
6. (a) = =
3 2 4
y+3 8–x 3(x + y)
(b) = =
5 4 8
14 3 8 21 1 5
7. (a) – = and + =
x+y x–y 3 x+y x–y 4
5 2 15 4
(b) + =3 and – =7
x+y x–y x+y y–x

1. (a) 1, –3 (b) 4, – 2 (c) 3, –2 (d) ,1 2. (a) 3, 2 (b) 3, – 2 (c) 15, 5
(d) 40, – 20 (e) 2, -1 (f) – 1, 1 3. (a) 1, 5 (b) 3, 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4. (a) , (b) , (c) , (d) 2, 9 (e) 3, -2 (f) 2, 5. (a) 9, 4 (b) 9, 4 (c) 6, 10
2 3 4 3 3 2 2
(d) 2, 9 6. (a) 8, 6 (b) –4, 12 7. (a) 5,7 (b) 3, 2

13.5 Graphical Method of Solving Simultaneous Equations

While solving two simultaneous equations by this method, we have to find
same pair of points in each of the equations. The pair of points in each equation
should be plotted in the graph to get two lines. The point of intersection of two
lines gives the solution of two simultaneous equations.

Worked Out Examples

Solve (Graphically):
Example: 1 Y

3x + 4y = 24 and x + y = 7. (0, 7)
Solution: (0, 6)
Here, 3x + 4y = 24 (i)
or, 4y = –3x + 24
(8, 0)
–3x + 24 X' 3x X
or, y = O(0, 0) (7, 0) +7
4 x+
x 0 8 4
y 6 0 3 Y'

Let's plot these points on the graph paper.

184 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Again ,
x+y = 7 ................(ii)
or, y = –x + 7

x 0 7 2
y 7 0 5
Let's plot these points on the graph paper.
From the graph, the above pairs of straight lines meet at (4, 3).
Hence, required solution is (4, 3)
∴ x = 4 and y = 3

Example: 2
y = 2x + 1, 3x + 2y = 23.
Solution: Y
(1, 10)

Here, y = 2x + 1 ...............(i)

x 0 2 –2 (3, 7)

y 1 5 –3

(2, 5)

Let's plot these points on the graph paper.

(0, 1)
Again, 3x + 2y = 23 .....................(ii) X' X
or, 2y = 23 –3x
23–3x Y'
or, y =
x 1 3 5
y 10 7 4
Let's plot these points on the graph paper.
From the graph, above pair of straight lines meet at the point (3, 7).
Hence, required solution is (3, 7).
∴ x = 3 and y = 7
Example: 3

(0,7) (1,6)

2x – 5 = –x + 7 (2, 5)

Solution: Let, 2x – 5 = – x + 7 = y (4, 3)

Here, y = 2x – 5 ................... (i) X' X

(2, – 1)

x 0 1 2


(1, – 3)
y –5 –3 –1

Let's plot these points on the graph paper.
Again, y = – x + 7 ................... (ii)

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 185

x 0 1 2
y 7 6 5

Let's plot these points on the graph paper.

The above pair of straight lines meet at the point (4,3). Hence, required solution
is (4,3).
∴ x = 4 and y = 3.

Exercise 13.3
Solve the following system of equations graphically.
1. (a) x + y = 7, x – y = 3
(b) 2x – y = 3, 3x + 2y = 1
(c) 2x – 3y = –9, 2x + y = 11
(d) 3x – 2y = 8, 5x + y = 9
(e) 2x – 3y = 6, 2x + y +10 = 0
2. (a) y = –2x + 4, x = –3y – 3 (b) y = x, 3x – 2y = 2
(c) x – 4y – 5 = 0, x – y + 1 = 0 (d) 2x + y = 8, y – x = 2
x y 1 3y 2x 13 x–5 10 – 2x
3. (a) + = , – = (b) y= =
4 2 2 2 3 3 2 3
4 – 3x 4x – 11
(c) y = =
2 3
4. (a) 5x – 3y = 11, 2x –3y = –1
(b) x = 4, y = x – 3
(c) y = 2, 2x + y = 6

5. (a) Cost of 1 pen and 2 copies is Rs. 80 and the cost of 2 pens and 1 copy is Rs. 100.
Make the equation of this verbal problem and solve the equations graphically to
get the cost of 1 pen and 1 copy.
(b) The sum of two numbers is 9 and their difference is 1. Find the numbers using
graphical method.

1. (a) x = 5, y = 2 (b) x = 1, y = –1 (c) x = 3, y = 5 (d) x = 2, y = –1
(e) x = –3 , y = –4 2. (a) x = 3, y = –2 (b) x =2, y = 2 (c) x = – 3, y = – 2
(d) x = 2, y = 4 3. (a) x = – 2, y = 2 (b) x = 5, y = 0 (c) x = 2, y = -1
4. (a) x = 4, y = 3 (b) x = 4, y = 1 (c) x= 2, y = 2 5. (a) Rs. 40, Rs. 20 (b) 4, 5

186 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

13.6 Word Problems of Simultaneous Equations
When the relation between the variables is given in a statement, we have to convert that
relation in terms of an equation, assuming the variables as 'x' and 'y'. If two such equations
are obtained from the given condition, we can solve these two equations to get the values
of 'x' and 'y'.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
The sum of two numbers is 52. If their difference is 16, find the numbers.
Let the larger number be x and the smaller number be y.
From the given condition,
Alternative method
x + y = 52 ............. (i)
From the given condition,
Again, from the given condition, x+y = 52
x – y = 16 ............. (ii) y = 52–x ..................(i)
Now, adding equations (i) and (ii) and x – y = 16
2x = 68 From (i)
68 x–(52–x) = 16
x = 2 or, x–52+x=16
x = 34 or, 2x = 16+52
or, 2x = 68
Substituting the value of 'x' in (i)
x + y = 52 ∴ x = 2 = 34
or, y = 52 – 34 Substituting the value of x
in (i), y = 52–x
or, y = 18
= 52–34 = 18
∴ Required numbers are 34 and 18. ∴ Required numbers are 34 and 18.

Example: 2
Two numbers are such that the sum of the greater number and two times the smaller is
18. If the smaller number is subtracted from the two times of the greater number, the
result is 11, find the numbers.

Let the greater number be x and the smaller number be y
From the given condition,
x + 2y = 18 ............. (i)
Again, from the given condition,
2x – y = 11 ............. (ii)
Multiplying equation (ii) by 2 and adding these equations

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x + 2y = 18 Alternative method
4x – 2y = 22
From the given condition,
Adding, 5x = 40 x + 2y = 18
40 x = 18–2y ..........(i)
or, x = Again, 2x-y=11 ...........(ii)
or, x = 8 2(18–2y)-y = 11
Substituting the value of x in (i) 36–4y-y=11
x + 2y = 18 36–5y=11
or, 8 + 2y = 18 –5y = 11-36
or, 2y = 18 – 8 -5y = -25
or, 2y = 10 y = 5.
10 From (i)
or, y =
2 x = 18–2×5
or, y = 5 x = 18–10
∴ The greater number = 8 and the smaller number = 5 x=8
Example: 3 ∴ Required numbers are 8 and 5.

The cost of 5 kg apples and 6 kg oranges is Rs. 280 and the cost of 3 kg apples and 5 kg
oranges is Rs. 210. Find the cost per kg of apples and oranges.
Let the cost per kg of apples be Rs. x and the cost per kg of oranges be Rs. y.
From the given condition,
5x + 6y = 280 ............ (i) Alternative method
Again, from the given condition From the given condition
3x + 5y = 210 ............ (ii) 5x + 6y = 280
Multiply equation (i) by 3 and (ii) by 5, then subtract (ii) from (i), 6y = 280 – 5x
15x + 18y = 840 280–5x
y = ...................(i)
15x + 25y = 1050 Again 3x + 5y = 210
(–) (–) (–)
Subtracting, –7y = –210 or, 3x + 5 ( ) = 210
or, y =
210 or, 18x+1400–25x = 210
7 6
or, y = 30 or, –7x + 1400 = 1260
Substituting the value of y in equation (i) or, 7x + 1400 – 1260
5x + 6y = 280 or, 7x = 140
or, 5x + 6 × 30 = 280 or, x = = 20
or, 5x + 180 = 280 280–100
= = 30
or, 5x = 100
∴ Cost per kg apples = Rs. 20
or, x = Cost per kg oranges = Rs. 30
or, x = 20
∴ Cost per kg apples = Rs. 20, cost per kg oranges = Rs. 30.

188 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Example: 4
Two years ago, a father's age was nine times the son's age, 3 years later it will be five
times only. Find the present ages of the father and the son.
Let, the present ages of the father and the son be 'x' and 'y' years respectively.
From the given condition,
x – 2 = 9(y – 2)
or, x – 2 = 9y – 18
or, x – 9y = – 18 + 2
or, x – 9y = – 16 ............. (i)
Again, from the given condition,
x + 3 = 5 (y + 3)
or, x + 3 = 5y + 15
or, x – 5y = 15 – 3
or, x – 5y = 12 ............. (ii)
Now, subtracting equation (ii), from (i)
x – 9y = – 16
x – 5y = 12
(–) (+) (–)
– 4y = –28
or, 4y = 28
or, y =
or, y = 7
Substituting the value of y in (i)
x – 9y = – 16
or, x – 9 × 7 = – 16
or, x – 63 = – 16
or, x – 63 = – 16
or, x = –16 + 63
or, x = 47
∴ Father's age = 47 years, son's age = 7 years.
Example: 5
The present age of the father exceeds twice the age of the son by two years. When the
son will become as old as his father now, the sum of their ages will be 96 years. Find
their present ages.
Let the present ages of the father and the son be 'x' years and 'y' years respectively.
From the given condition,
x = 2y + 2
or, x – 2y = 2 ............ (i)
Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 189
Son becomes as old as his father now after (x-y) years.
From the given condition (x+x–y) + (y+x–y) = 96
2x–y+x = 96
3x–y = 96...............(ii)
Multiplying equation (ii) by 2 and subtracting from (i)
x – 2y = 2
6x – 2y = 192
(–) (+) (–)
–5x = –190
or, 5x = 190
or, x = 190
or, x = 38
Substituting the value of x in (i)
x – 2y = 2
or, 38 – 2y = 2
or, 38 – 2y = 2
or, –2y = 2 – 38
or, – 2y = – 36
or, 2y = 36
or, y = 2
or, y = 18 years
∴ Father's age = 38 yrs, Son's age = 18 years.

Example: 6
The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 9. When 45 is subtracted from the number,
the digits will be reversed. Find the number.
Let the digit in the tens place = x
The digit in the ones place = y Try to solve the given equation
Then the number = (10x + y) by substitution method also.
From the given condition,
x+y = 9 ..................(i)
Again, from the given condition,
10x + y – 45 = 10y + x
or, 10x + y – 10y – x = 45
or, 9x – 9y = 45
or, 9(x – y) = 45

190 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

or, x–y =
or, x–y = 5 ................ (ii)
Now, adding equation (i) and (ii)
x+y = 9
x–y = 5
2x = 14
or, x = =7
Substituting the value of 'x' in (i),
x+y = 9
or, 7+y = 9
or, y = 9–7
or, y = 2
Therefore, the required number = 10x + y = 10 × 7 + 2 = 72

Example: 7
Two numbers are in the ratio of 2:3. If 5 is added to both of them, their new ratio is 5:7.
Find the numbers.
Solution: Alternative method
Let the two numbers be 'x' and 'y'. Let two numbers be 2x and 3x

From the given condition, From the given condition,

x 2 2x+5 5
y = 3 3x+5 7
or, 3x = 2y or, 14x+35 = 15x + 25

or, 3x – 2y = 0 ............ (i) or, 15x–14x = 35–25

Again, from the given condition, or, x = 10
x+5 5 ∴ Required numbers are
y+5 =
2x = 2×10 = 20
or, 7x + 35 = 5y + 25
and 3x = 3×10 = 30
or, 7x – 5y = 25 – 35
or, 7x – 5y = –10 .............. (ii)
Multiplying equation (i) by 5 and (ii) by 2 and subtracting (ii) from (i),
15x – 10y = 0
14x – 10y = –20
(–) (+) (+)
x = 20
Substituting the value of x in (i),
3x – 2y = 0
3 × 20 – 2y = 0
or, 2y = 60

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 191

or, y = 2
or, y = 30
∴ Required numbers are 20 and 30.

Example: 8
If 1 is subtracted from the numerator of the fraction, it becomes 1 . If 2 is subtracted
from the denominator of the fraction, it becomes 1 . Find the original fraction.
Let the numerator of the fraction be x and the denominator y. Then the original fraction will
be .
x–1 1
From the given condition, y = 3
or, 3x – 3 = y
or, 3x – y = 3 ............ (i)
x 1
Again, from the given condition, y–2 =
or, 2x = y – 2
or, 2x – y = – 2 .............. (ii)
Subtracting equation (ii) from (i)
3x – y = 3
2x – y = –2
(–) (+) = (+)
x = 5
Substituting the value of x in (i)
3x – y = 3
or, 3×5–y = 3
or, 15 – y = 3
or, – y = 3 – 15
or, – y = –12
or, y = 12
x 5
∴ The original fraction y = 12
Example: 9
Bus 'A' starts from Gorkha to Pokhara at 7 a.m. at uniform speed. One hour later, bus 'B' starts
from Pokhara to Gorkha at uniform speed, which is 4 km/hr more than A's speed. Both of
them meet at 10 a.m. If the distance from Gorkha to Pokhara is 108 km, find the speed of A
and B.
Let, The speed of bus A = x km/hr
The speed of bus B = y km/hr

192 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Here, A starts the journey at 7 am and B starts the journey at 8 a.m.
Since, they meet at 10 a.m.
Time period of A's journey = 3 hrs
Time period of B's journey = 2 hrs.
Distance covered by A in 3 hrs = 3x km.
Distance covered by B in 2 hrs = 2y km.
From the given condition,
3x + 2y = 108 ............. (i)
Again, from the given condition,
y = x+4
or, x–y = –4 ............. (ii)
Multiplying equation (ii) by 2 and adding (i) and (ii),
3x + 2y = 108
2x – 2y = –8
5x100 =
or, x =
or, x = 20 km/hr
Substituting the value of 'x' in (ii), we get,
x–y = –4
or, 20 – y = – 4
or, –y = –24
or, y = 24 km/hr
∴ Speed of bus A = 20 km/hr
Speed of bus B = 24 km/hr.

Exercise 13.4
1. (a) The present age of a man is x years. What will be his age after 10 years?
(b) Now my age is x years. What was my age 7 years before?
(c) The present age of two friends is x years and y years. What was their age z
years ago?
(d) Ansu and Aadhya have ‘x’ and ‘y’ marbles. If Ansu gave 10 marbles to
Aadhya, find the number of marbles each has.
(e) A number of two digits has ‘x’ in tens’ place and ‘y’ in ones’ place. What are
the number and the number formed by reversing its digit?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 193

(f) The sum of a number and its reciprocal is 17, convert this statement into
(g) The present ages of two brothers are 20 years and 15 years. What will be their
ages after x years?
(h) The present ages of a father and his son are ‘x’ years and ‘y’ years respectively.
What was the sons age when the father was as old as his son now?
2. (a) Find the two numbers whose sum is 50 and the difference is 4.
(b) The sum of two numbers is 80. If the smaller number is 40 less than the
greater number, find the numbers.
(c) The sum of two numbers is 36. If the bigger number is 10 more than the
smaller number, find the numbers.
(d) The difference between the two numbers is 8. If 3 times the greater number
is equal to 5 times the smaller, find the numbers.
(e) Divide 40 into two parts such that the bigger part is 8 more than the smaller
3. (a) The sum of two numbers is 15. If 2 times the smaller number is subtracted
from 3 times the bigger number, the result is 15. Find the numbers.
(b) The bigger number is 20 more than the smaller number. If the difference
between 3 times the bigger number and 4 times the smaller number is 35,
find the numbers.
(c) Two numbers are such that the greater number exceeds two times the smaller
number by 2 and the smaller number exceeds one–fourth of the greater
number by one. Find the numbers.
(d) Divide 26 into two parts such that one fourth of the smaller number exceeds
one–seventh of the larger number by 1.
4. (a) The cost of 5 kg rice and one kg flour is Rs 100. If the cost of 5 kg rice is as
much as the cost of 3 kg flour, find the cost per kg of the rice and flour.
(b) The cost of 5 pens and 6 copies is Rs. 190. If the cost of 1 pen is Rs. 5 more
than the cost of 1 copy, find the cost of a pen and the cost of a copy.
(c) A and B have altogether 100 chocolates. If A gives 10 chocolates to B, they would
have equal number of chocolates. Find the number of chocolates each has.
(d) Saurav and Asim have 80 marbles altogether. If Saurav gives 10 marbles to
Asim, Asim has three times as many as Saurav. Find the number of marbles
each has.

194 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(e) If A gives 2 sweets from what he has to B, then they will have equal number
of sweets. If B gives 2 sweets from what he has to A, then A will have three
times as many sweets as B. Find the number of sweets each has.
5. (a) The sum of the present ages of the father and his son is 60 years. 10 years ago,
the father was three times as old as his son. Find their present ages.
(b) A father is 20 years older than his son. After 5 years, the father will be 3 times
as old as his son. Find their present ages.
(c) Five years ago, a father was six times as old as his son. Two years hence, the
age of the father will be 1 year more the three times then age of his son. Find
their present ages.
(d) Six years ago, a man was six times the age of his son. Four years hence, thrice
his age will be equal to eight times his son’s age. Find their present ages.
(e) A son was born when his father was 28 years old. Three years hence, the ratio
of the age of the father to his son will be 5:1. Find their present ages.
(f) A year hence, a father will be 5 times as old as his son. Two years ago, he was three
times as old as his son will be four years hence. Find their present ages.
(g) One year ago, a father was six times as old as his son. Three years ago the age
of the father was four times the age his son will be one year hence. Find their
present ages.
6. (a) The sum of the ages of a father and his son is 84 years. When the father was as
old as his son now, he was five times as old as his son. Find their present ages.
(b) The sum of the ages of a father and his son is 45 years. If both live on until the
son’s age becomes equal to the father’s age now, the sum of their ages will be
95 years. Find their present ages.
(c) Himanka says to Zenith, “When I will be as old as you are now, the ratio of our ages
will be 3:5.” If the sum of their present ages is 48 years, find their present ages.
(d) Rajashree says to Anasuya, “I was twice as old as you were when I was as
old as you are now.” If the sum of their present ages is 50 years, find their
present ages.
7. (a) The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 9. If 27 is subtracted from the
number, the positions of the digits will be reversed. Find the number.
(b) A certain number of two digits is 4 times the sum of its digits. If 9 is added
to the number, then the positions of the digits will be reversed. Find the

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 195

(c) A number of two digits exceeds four times the sum of the digits by 3. If 36 is
added to the number, the digits will be reversed. Find the number.
(d) A number of two digits is 3 more than 4 times the sum of the digits. If 27 is
added to the number, the position of the digits will be reversed. Find the
(e) When a number formed by reversing the digits of two numbers is added
with the original number, the result will be 99. If the same number is
subtracted from the original number, the result will be 27. Find the original
(f) A number consists of two digits whose sum is 9. If three times the number is
equal to eight times the number formed by interchanging the digits, find the
(g) In a two-digit number, the digit in the place of ones is five more than the
digit in the place of tens. If 9 is subtracted from the three times the original
number, the digits will be reversed. Find the original number.
8. (a) The ratio of two numbers is 2:3. When 4 is subtracted from both of them, the
new ratio is 3:5. Find the numbers.
(b) The ages of two boys are in the ratio 5:7. Eight years ago their ages were in
the ratio 7:13. Find their present ages.
(c) Five years ago, the ratio of the ages of two brothers was 3:5. 5 years hence,
ratio of their ages will be 5:7. Find the ratio of their present ages.
(d) Eight years ago, the ratio of the ages of two brothers was 2:3. After 8 years,
the ratio of their ages will be 4:5. Find their present ages.
9. (a) In a fraction, if 1 is subtracted from the numerator and 3 is added to the
denominator, it becomes 1 . When 1 is added to the numerator and 2 is
subtracted from the denominator, it becomes 4 . Find the original fraction.
(b) In a fraction, if 1 is added to the numerator, the result is 1 . If 1 is subtracted
from the denominator, the result is 1 . Find the original fraction.
(c) If 2 and 1 respectively are subtracted from the numerator and denominator
of a fraction it becomes 1 . If 2 and 1 are added to the numerator and
denominator, it becomes 1. Find the original fraction.
(d) If the numerator of a fraction is multiplied by 4 and the denominator is
reduced by 2, the result is 2. If the numerator of the fraction is increased by 15
and 2 is subtracted from the double of the denominator, the result is 9 . Find
the fraction.

196 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

10. (a) The length of a rectangle is 12 cm more than the breadth. If the perimeter of
the rectangle is 96 cm, find the length and breadth of the rectangle.
(b) Four times the breadth of a room is equal to 3 times the length. If the
breadth had been 1 m. more and the length 1 m. less, the room would have
been a square. Find the dimension of the room.
(c) The perimeter of a rectangle is 80 cm. If the length had been reduced by
one-sixth and breadth had been increased by its one-fourth, it would have
been a square. Find the length and breadth of the rectangle.
11. (a) Two buses are coming from two villages situated just in the opposite
direction. The uniform speed of one bus is 10 km/hr. more than that of
the other one, and they have started their travel at the same time. If the
distance between the villages is 450 km and they meet after 5 hours, find
their speed.
(b) A bus was started at 6 am from Biratnagar to Kathmandu at a speed of 30
km/hr. Two hours later, another bus was also started at a speed of 60 km/hr.
from Biratnagar. At what time will the second bus overtake the first bus?

1. Consult your teacher
2. (a) 27, 23 (b) 20, 60 (c) 13, 23 (d) 12, 20 (e) 16, 24
3. (a) 9, 6 (b) 45, 25 (c) 8, 3 (d) 14, 12
4. (a) Rs.15, Rs.25 (b) Rs. 20, Rs. 15 (c) 60, 40 (d) 30, 50 (e) 10, 6
5. (a) 40 yrs, 20 yrs (b) 25 years, 5 years (c) 35 years 10 years (d) 36 years 11 years
(e) 32 yrs. 4 yrs (f) 29 years. 5 years (g) 31 yrs. 6 yrs.
6. (a) 54 years 30 years (b) 35years, 10 years. (c) 36 yrs. 12 yrs. (d) 30 years 20 years
7. (a) 63 (b) 12 (c) 59 (d) 47 (e) 63 (f) 72 (g) 27
8. (a) 16, 24 (b) 15 years 21 years (c) 2:3 (d) 24 years 32 years
11 1 4 3
9. (a) (b) (c) (d) 8
17 4 5
10. (a) 30 cm, 18 cm (b) 8m, 6m (c) 24 m, 16 m
11. (a) 50 km/hr. 40 km/hr. (b) 10 a.m.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 197


14 Indices
14.1 Warm-up Activities
Discuss the following in your class and draw a conclusion.

Simplify the following,

(i) 2×2×2×2 (ii) 35 × 32
(iii) 54
(iv) 40
(v) ( 2 )-2 (vi) 5
• If ax = a2, what is the value of x?
• If 3x = 1, what is the value of x?
• What value of x satisfies the equation 5 = 125?
• If 5 = x , what is the value of x?
3 3

• Is there any solution to the equation 2x = -1? Give reason.

14.2 Indices
Let x be any real number and n any positive number such that the product of x, n is
given by
x × x × x× x ... (n. factors)
= x n.
Here, xn is called an exponential expression, where x is the base and n the power or
index or exponent of x of the expression.

9x 5 Power
Take an example of 9x5.
Here, 9 is called the coefficient of x5.
5 is called the power or index of x. Base

Some Important Laws of Indices

Consider 'a' as any real number and 'm', 'n' as any positive or negative numbers. Then
the following laws are found to be established.
(i) am × an = am + n, am × an × ap = am+n+p (v) a0 = 1
(ii) am ÷ an = am – n (vi) a-m = 1m
(iii) (am)n = amn = (an)m (vii) 1m = 1

198 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

( a )-m = ( b )m
(iv) n
am = a n (viii)
b a

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1 Example: 2
5m  2  5m
Simplify: m 1 m Simplify: 33
56xx7 y7 y1111÷÷3 377xx4 y4 y5 5
5 5
Solution: Solution: 56xx7 y7 y1111÷÷3 377xx4 y4 y5 5

5m (5² – 1) 56 x 7 y11
5m  2  5m = 3
= m 1 7x 4 y 5
5m  1  5m 5 (5 + 1)
= 3
8x 7 - 4 .y11- 5
25  1
= =
5 1 3
8x 3 .y 6

= 24 = 4 = 3
23.x 3 .y 6
= (23.x3.y6)1/3
Example: 3 = 23 × .x3 × .y6 ×

x1/ b ca1 x1/c ab1 x1/a = 2xy2
Simplify: bc . .
x1/c x1/a x1/ b
x1/ b ca1 x1/c ab1 x1/a
Solution: bc . .
x1/c x1/a x1/ b Alternative method
1 1 1
1 1 1
x1/ b 1/c . ca
x1/c 1/a . ab
x1/a 1/b  1b 1/ bc  1c 1/ca  1a 1/abb
1 1 1 x    x1  x 
 1c   a   1b 
 x bc
. x ca
. x ab
x  x  x 
1 1 1 1  bc 1 ca 1 ab
 b 1/ bc
 a  c  1/ca  bab a  1/ab  xb  x1  x1
c a
 x  .  x ac  . x  1  bc ca ab
      xc xa xb
bc ca ab
  aac c   bab a   xc  xa  xb
  x  . x  . x 
      xb xc xa
cb ac ba  1
 x . x .x
 xc  b a c  ba

Example: 4
a  b1    b  a1 
a b a b

b a
 b2  1    a 2  1 
 a2   b2 

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 199

a  b1    b  a1 
a b a b

Solution: b a
 b2  1    a 2  1 
 a2   b2 

a+b a+b
a+b 1 a+b . b - 1
a+ 1 . a+ b - b1 a
= b a


b1 b b aa a
1 . a -b1- 1 . a+ . a -11 . a+ 1
b a
b+ 1 b -b+ b
a a a ba bb

a+ b-a a+b-b
a+b-a 1 a+b-b. b - 1
a+ 1 . b -b1
b= a


b a
b 1 a 1
b+ 1 . ab+ - 1a . a - b
a b

b 1a b 1

a+ 1 . ba+ - 1 b . b- a
b= a


b a
b 1a 1
b+ 1 . a b+ - 1 a . a- b
a b
ab a
 a+ 1  a+ 11   b - 1 
b -
 b= . ba  .  a 
 1   a - 11   a - 1 
 b+  b+ 
 a   ba   b 
ba a
 ab+1   ab+1 ab -1  ab -1 

 b =    ba  .  a 
=  ab+1  . ab+1 ab -1 
  ab -1 
    a   b 
 a   b 

b a
a .=b a . b
b a
b a b a

 ba  .= ba   ba  .  ba 
b -a b -a

 ba  =  ba 
b-a b-a

Example: 5
If a + b + c = 0, prove that: 1  1  1 1
1  xa  x  b 1  x b  x c 1  xc  x a
Solution: Given,
a + b + c = 0, a + b = –c, b + c = –a and c + a = –b.

LHS  1  1  1 1
1  xa  x  b 1  x b  x c 1  xc  x a
 1  xb  xa
1  x a  x  b x  b (1  x b  x  c ) x a (1  x c  x  a )
b a
 1   b x0  a xa  c
b  bc
1 x  x a
x x x x  x  x0
b a
 1  b x  a x b [a  b c  0]
1 x  x
x 1 x a
x  x 1
200 Oasis School Mathematics-9
b Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal
 1  x a  x b

1 x  x
1  xa  x b x  b (1  x b  x  c ) x a (1  x c  x  a )
b a
 1   b x0  a xa  c
b  bc
1 x  xa
x x x x  x  x0
b a
 1  b x  a x b [a  b c  0]
1 x  x
x 1 x a
x  x 1
 1  x a  x b

1 x  x
Example: 6
2 -2
If x² + 2 = 5 3 + 5 3 , prove that 5x³ + 15x = 24.
2 -2
Here, x² + 2 = 5 3 + 5 3
2 -2
or, x² = 53 – 2 + 5 3

(5 )²– 2 . 5 ( )²
1 1 -1 -1
or, x² = 3 3
. 53 + 5 3

( 5 – 5 )²
1 -1
or, x² = 3 3

1 -1
or, x = 53 – 53

Cubing both sides, we get-

(5 – 5 )³
1 -1
x³ = 3 3

= (5 ) – (5 ) – 3. 5 . 5 (5 – 5 )
1 -1 1 -1 2 -1
³ ³
or, x³ 3 3 3 3 3 3

or, x³ = 5 – 5–1 – 3. 50. x [ (a–b)3 = a3 – b3 – 3ab (a–b)]

or, x³ =5 – – 3x
or, x³ = – 3x
or, 5x³ + 15x = 24
Hence proved.

Exercise 14
1. (a) If am × an = ax, find the value of x in terms of ‘m’ and ‘n’.
(b) If ax = am ÷ an, find the value of x in terms of ‘m’ and ‘n’.
xm × xn
(c) If xa = xr , write ‘a’ in terms of ‘m’, ‘n’ and ‘r’.
(yp)q × yr
(d) If ya = , find the value of ‘a’ in terms of ‘p’, ‘q’, ‘r’ and ‘t.
(e) If n x5 = x5/4, find the value of n.

If a = b2 , find the value of m.

( )
m 2
b a
Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 201
2. Find the value of :
( )
( )
8 2/3
-2/ 6
(a) (b) 3
(c) 8–2

(216 ) (625)
2/ -3/
–2 3 4 3
(d) (e) (f) 43
3. Simplify:

(a) 5x+2 x- 2 × 5x+1x+1

x+2 x+1
(b) 3x+2 -x15× 3x-1
x+2 x-1
(c) 11x+2 -x 55×11x-1
x+2 x-1

(a) 155 × 5x- 2- 2××55x+1 (b) 3 3-x15× ×8 3 (c) 11 11-x 55×1 ×1161
15 × 5 - 2 ×x5 3 ×8 13 +×116
(d) 5x+2
+ 3× 5 (e) 8 + 9 ×8
x+2 x
( f)
5×169 x
(d) 555xx+2×+3-3× 55x+1
(e) 83x+18 ×10
- + 9-××8
15 73×8
x-1 x
( f) 13
11 x+2 + 5×169
9 ×169
- 55 ×1
x x-1

(a) x x+2x x-1 (b) (c)

5 3××53 --532x-1 8 x+1x+2×10
13 × 8- 7 ×8
3x- 65×1
3x-1 9 x+1119×8×169 x
- 9 x-1 ×81
(g) 15x+2 ×5
x+1 x
(h) (i) ×116
3 x -3-5×
×3 53x x-2
138 x+2x+2
13- +x65×1 × 83x
9x ×66
(d) 25 ×x 3x+2m ×941 (f) 913
(g) (h)
(e) (i) ×169 x
25× 3×33--5× 5+ 93 × 3
x-1 x-2 2m-11
8 x 13
7 ×8 x
9 x+1×66
9 ×169- 9 × 243
(j) 12 ×x+2 (k)
9 x+2 . 3x–1 – 3x x-1
4 x+1×2 + 6 x-1 × 22x+1
(j) 12 ×
3 9 3m+1 - +
- 39 ×
2m x-12m+12m-11
3 13
(h) 3 . 3x – 3
2x+1 - 65
x-2 ×1 3
x 9 ×
(i) 4 x × 3 – x-2
x+1 8 - 9 × 81
2 × 82x/3
2. 2 ×
Simplify : 3
9 -
5 -×3 3 x-2
13 × 41 9 × 66 - 9 × 243
2. Simplify:
(j) × 3 2m
:3 5 + 9 × 3 2m-11

(a) 34 6×927 m+1 ×92m+1

(b) 2 5 3×16-32 ×64-5-2 (c) 1277 × 2866 146 ×155
4 5 2 -2 7 6
3 - 3-25 (d)
(a) 3 ××27
81 3 3 ×9
×9 (b) 28 ×16 × 4 ×64
× 2 (c) 12
21 ××1628 (d) 14
×6 5
2. Simplify :
814 6-8× 33/334 ×9-25 -3 -1 8 3 × 4 -3 ×-12 -5 21 7
×16 6
356 ×6 5
6 5
 4 3/ 4 × 9 2 
(a) 3 6-4-8× 27 (f)  125  3 5  252 ×-1264-2
(b)  -132 ÷3×16 (c) 12 3 × 28
7 6
(e) × (d) 14 ×15
8184 ×33 × 9-222-6-3   125  
  3 3  6 5
(e)  -4  ×  -6  (f)   27  8÷ ×
 49 -3
2 -5
(g ) 81 214 7
×16 25
6 2
 5  35 × 6
3.  84i-8fy:3/ 4  22-3 
Simpli 27  -13  9  -12
 125 16  9 2 
(e) × (f)   ÷  25 
3. Simpli 8ify:  27   9 
5. Simplify:
3. Simpliify :
x-2 + y-2 1 1
(a) (b) (p+q)-1 (p-1+q-1) (c) 1-ax-y + 1-ay-x (d) (1-xm-n)-1 + (1-xn-m)-1
4. Simplify : -2
4. Simplify :
(a) 5x+1 ÷ 25x+1 (b) 2aa+1a-1 ÷ 4a-1a+1a+1
a+1 a+1
4. Simplify:
Simplify :
(a) (55xx+1
)x-1 ÷ (525
)x+1 (b) (22aa+1
) ÷ (24 a+1 )
(a) (557x 3a-1
) ÷ (525a2)x+1
(22 )
(b) a 2a+1
(2 4 )
a-1 a+1
÷ 2a-1a -3a+1
)x-1 ×(57x-1a2)x+1
(c) (5a-13a-1 (d) (22a-1
× a2)a-3 ÷ a+1 a-11 2a+5
(c) (77a-13a-1 7 a2 a
)a+1 × 343 2 ) × 216
(d) (82a-12a+1
a 2 -3 ÷
(4 ) 1 × 2
a+1 7 a
(c) (7 a-1 )a+1 × 343 (d) (8 a-1) a+1 × 16 a ÷ (4 a+1) a-11× 2 2a+5
a+1 2 a a+1 a-1 2a+5

(7 ) 343
(8 ) 16 (4 ) ×2

7. Simplify:
 125a 3 
(a) (64x 3 ÷27a -3 )-2/3 (b) 3
(c) 4
125x13 y13 × 4 5x -5 y19
(d) 9a -2 b 7 × 3 3a 5 b 2 (e) 3
8x 6 y -9 × 4 81x -8 y12 (f) 3
25a 5 b -1c-3 × 3 40ab -5 c 9
(g) 27x 3 × 4 625x 4 y 4 (h) 4
32x 7 y11 ÷ 4 2x 3 y 7 (i) 4
16x 8 y 4 ÷ 3 8x 6 y 3
(j) 4
8-1 x 5 y -2 ÷ 4 2x -3 y 6 (k) 18x 3 y -1 × 2x -1 y
(l) (p+q)-1 × (p - q)(pp 2 - q 2 )
(m) (a - b)-1 × (a 2 - b 2 )-1 (a+b) (n) 3
(a+b)-7 ×(a+b) 3

202 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

8. Simplify:
 x  .x x  ..x x  . x 
2 2
a+b b+c22 2
a+b c+a
22 l2 +lm+m2l22 +lm+m22 m2 +mn+nm222 +mn+n22 n2 +nl+l2 2 2
b+c 22 c+a n2 +nl+l
a+b c+a
 xl   x ll   x
l +lm+mm   mm    x   x nn 
m +mn+nn n
(a) (a) (x a .x b .x ca 4 b c 4
(b) (b)m  m   x n   x nn   x l   ll 
(x a).x b .x c )4 x   xm x x
1 1 1 1 1
c1 ca a1 ab 11
 x b  bc x bb x bc
bc   xcc x
 ca   x aa
 ab a-b c b-c ca c-a ab
(c)c   c  a   a  b   b
(d) (x(d) ) (x
))c .(x
))a .(x c-a )b
c-a b
 x   xc x   xa x   x b 
 a-b b-c c-a
a + b a-b a + b b+c
 x a2 +b2  aa22 +b
+b22 xb +c   b
2 2
+c22 xc +a   cc22 +a
b22 +c
2 2
(e) (x a-b b-c b+cc+a
b-c c-a c+a (f) -ab     -bc.     -ca.  x
x x
(e) ) (x.(x ) ).(x.(x ) ) .(x
a + b a-b b+c b-c c+a c-a
) (f)
 x   -ab
-ab x  -bc
-bc x  -ca
   x     x     x 

x y z
xy a . xyyz aax . yzzx aay zx a z
a+b a 2 -b2 b+ c2 2b2 -c2 c+a2 c22 -a 2 x y z
(g) 22 -a 2
(g)x .x x . . x x . (h)
a+b aa2 -b
a+b -b2 b b+
+ cc b -c2 c+a
b2 -c c+a c -a 2
xc (h)
a y xy yz . yz zx . zx
aay aaz
b+c-a c+a-b a+b-c 2 /z2 2 2 2 2
 x b   bb b+c-a
x c   cc c+a-b
x a   aa
c+a-b a+b-c
ay y 22 /z22 z /x z22 2/x222 x /y x22 /y 22
a yz2/zx2 a 2zz22 xx222 az x /xy a 2xx22 yy222 a x /y
b+c-a a+b-c
 y 2 z2
(i) (i) c   x c a   x a b   x b (j) 2 2
(j) yy 2 zz2
 x   x c  x   x a  x   x b  a z2 /y 2 z22 /y 22 x / z x22 / z22 y /x y 22 /x22
1 1
a z /y a a x /z a a y /x
1 1
11 11 11
 x-y 1
x-z 1
1 x-z
y -x 1
yy -x z-y 1
1  z-y
z-y a y /z yz. zxa yya/z/zz/x . xya z/x
a x/y xy a x/y
z/x x/y
(k) a
(k)  a .  a
x-y . a .  a
yy -z
.  a
z-x (l) yz
(l)a z/y x/z. zx x/zy /x. xy yy /x
 yz zx
         a a
a a
a /x

9. Prove the following:

 1x +y   1x - y  � b+ 1a   1a - b  = b �
a a 3 3

2a 6
(a)� =  � (b)
a+ 1b   1b - a  a
a a 3 3
1  1 
 y +x   y - x 

     x+ y  . y - x 
a b a+b a+b
 1 1
1+ a . 1- b
a-b a- b
b a   y
(c)� =a � �
(d) = x
 ba +1 . ba -1
a b
b a
 y 2 - 1  . x 2 - 1 
a-b a-b
 x   y2 
x y-x
 2 1   1
p - 2  p- q  x+y
 q    p
(e)� = 
y x-y
 2 1   1
 q -   q+
 p2   p 

10. Prove the following:

(a)� 1 + 1 + 1 =1
1 + a x-y + a z-y 1 + a y-x + a z-x 1 + a y-z + a x-z
(b)� 1 + 1 + 1 =1
a-b a -c b-c b-a
1+ x + x 1+ x + x 1 + x + xc-b

p2 2p 1 y2
(c)� y
- y-1
+ y-2
(p - y) (p - y) (p - y) (p - y)y

(d)� a 3 + 3a 2 + 3a + 1 = x3
(x - a)x (x - a)x-1 (x - a)x-2 (x - a)x -3 (x - a)x
a 2 - 2a + 1 (2a - b)2
(e)� =
(b - a)b (b - a)b-1 (b - a)b-2 (b - a)b

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 203

11. Prove the following.
1 1
x + (xy 2 ) 3 -(x 2 y) 3  y1/ 3 
(a)� ×  1 + 1/ 3  = 1
x+y  x 
1 1
m + (mn²) 3 + (m²n) 3  n 3 

(b) 1- 1 =1

12. (a)� If a + b + c = 0, prove that :

(a)� If a + b + c = 0, prove that :
(a)� If a +1 b + c = 0, prove
1 that+ : 1
� a1
-b + b1 -c + c1
� 1 + x a 1+ x -b +1 + x b1+ x -c +1 + x c1+ x-a-a == 11
� 1 + x a + x -b 1 + x b + x -c 1 + x c + x -a
(b)� If1abc
+ x =+1,xprove 1 +that
x +:x 1+ x + x
(b)� If abc = 1, prove that :
(b)� If abc
1 = 1, prove 1that : 1
� 1 + 1 + 1 =1

� 1 + a +1 b-1-1 ++1 + b 1+ c -1-1 ++1 + c 1+ a -1-1 ==11
1 + a + b -1 1 + b + c -1 1 + c + a -1
(c)� If1ab
+ ac + 1=
b 0, prove
1 + b + cthat 1: + c + a
(c)� If abc + 1= 0, prove that :
(c)� If ab
1 c + 1= 0, prove
1 that 1:
� 1 -1 ++ 1 -1 ++ 1 =1

� 1- a -1b -1 +1- b -1c -1 +1- c -1a -1-1 ==11
1- a - b -1 1- b - c -1 1- c - a -1
1- a - b 1- b - c 1- c - a
13. 1 -1
(a) If x = 3 3 + 3 3 , prove that :3x 3 - 9x = 10

(b) 1 , prove that : x 3 + 3x = a - 1

If x = a1/ 3 - 1/
a 3 a
2 -2
(c) If x 2 - 2 = 2 3 + 2 3 , prove that : 2x 3 - 6x - 5 = 0
(d) If x2 + 2 = m2/3 + m-2/3, prove that x3 + 3x = m – m

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) 4 (b) 9 (c) 1 (d) 1296 (e) 27 (f) 2
9 16 2 125
3. (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 1 (d) 10 (e) 1 (f) 2 (g) 6 (h) 4 (i) 1 (j) 5 (k) 1 (l) 2
2 2
4 2 1
4. (a) 1 (b) 8 (c) 7 (d) 5 (e) 1 (f) 1 (g) 1 5. (a) x2+y2 (b) pq
1 9 9
(c) 1 (d) 1 6. (a) 25 (b) 1 (c) 1 (d) 16 7. (a)
16x2a2 (b) 25a2b2 (c) 5x y
2 8
(d) 3ab3 (e) 6 (f) 10a2 c (g) 15x2y (h) 2xy (i) 1 (j) 2y2 (k) 6x (l) p-q (m) 1
2 2

b a-b
(n) 8. (a) 1 (b) 1 (c) 1 (d) 1 (e) 1 (f) 1 (g) 1 (h) 1 (i) 1 (j) 1 (k) 1 (l) 1

204 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Objective Questions
Choose the correct alternatives.
1. The value of (3i + 2) is equal to
(i) 5 (ii) 14 (iii) 37
2. Which term of the sequence 3, 7, 11, 15, .......................... is 39 ?
(i) 10 (ii) 4 (iii) 19
3. Which term of the sequence 1 , 1 , 1 , ........... is 16 ?
16 8 4
(i) 4 (ii) 8 (iii) 9
4. Two factors of the algebraic expression a4 + 1 + a14 are
(i) ( a² – 1 + 1) and ( a² – 1 – 1)
a² a²
(ii) ( a² + 1 + 1) and ( a² – 1 – 1)
a² a²
(iii) ( 1 – a² + 1) and ( 1 – a² – 1)
a² a²

5. The shaded part of given figure is

(i) a² – b² (ii) (a + b)2 (iii) (a–b)² a

6. Two factors of 2a² – a – 3 are
(i) (2a + 3) ( a– 1) (ii) (2a – 3) (a – 1) (iii) (2a – 3) ( a + 1)

7. Solution of the equations 2x + 3y = 7 and x – y = 1 is

(i) x = 2, y= 1 (ii) x = 3, y = 2 (iii) x = –1, y = 3
8. A car started to run at the speed of 40km/hr at 8 A.M in the morning, after one
hour another can started to run at the speed to 60km/hr from the same place, at
which time second car will just overtake the first one?
(a) 10 A.M (ii) 9 A.M (iii) 11 A.M

9. If x = 3 1/3 + 3 –1/3, what is the value of 3x³ – 9x is

(i) 10 (ii) 8 (iii)18
x 2
2x 1
10. The value – + is equal to
(y-x) y
(y-x)y– 1
(i) (2y-x)y (ii) (2x-y)y
2 2
(y-x) (y-x) (x-y)y

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 205

Assessment Test Paper

Attempt all the questions. Full marks - 45

Group 'A' [6 x 1 = 6]
1. (a) Write the next 2 terms of the sequence 2, 6, 10,................
(b) Write the next 2 terns if the sequence 3, 6, 12, 24, ..............
(c) What is the H.C.F. of two algebraic expression if there is no comoon factor?
am × an ax
(d) If x r = ay establish the relation among m, n, p, x and y.
(e) What is the L.C.M. of (x - y)2 and (x - y)
(f) The age of father has thrice the age of his son when he was an old as his son now.
Convert this verbal problems into the equation.
Group 'B' [7 × 2 = 14 ]
2. (a) Find the general term of the sequence 3, 7, 11, 15,....... .
(b) Find the sum of (5k–3).

3. (a) Simplify : 4x × 2x-1– 2x

22x+1 × 2x-2– 2x
(b) Factorise : 8x3 – y3
4. (a) Factorise : x4 + x2 + 1
(b) Simplify : 4 47x11y7 ÷ 4 3x3y-7
(c) Find the H.C.F. of : (x + 1)3 and x2 – 1.
Group 'C' [5 x 4 = 20]
5. The third term and seventh term of a Geometric series be 1 and 4 respectively. Find,
which term of the series be 8 2 ?
6. Find the H.C.F. of : 1 + 4x + 4x2 – 16x4, and 1 + 2x – 8x3 – 16x4
1 1 2 3
7. Solve : x + y = 5 and x + y = 13
8. Father is 20 years older than his son. After 5 years, he will be 3 times as old as his son,
find their present ages.

( 9x2 – 9y1 2 ( . (3x – 1 (

3y 3y–3x

9. Simplify: 3y
( 9y2 – 9x1 2 (3y . ( 3y – 3x
1 (

Group 'D' [1 × 5 = 5]
1 1 1 1 1 1
10. If ab + bc + ca = 0, prove that 1+xa+x-b + 1+xc+x-a + 1+xb+x-c = 1.

206 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Estimated Teaching Hours 28
• Triangle
• Mid point Theorem
• Quadrilateral
• Similarity
• Construction of different types of quadrilaterals
• Circle
Expected Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit, students will be able to develop the
following competencies:
• To prove and verify experimentally various properties of triangle
• To apply these properties to solve the problems related to them
• To verifty the properties of an isosceles triangle
• To make the pair of triangles congruent using various axioms
and make the corresponding sides and angles equal
• To prove mid point theorem and to apply it to solve various
• To make triangles similar and make corresponding sides pro-
• To identify the various types of quadrilateral
• To prove the various properties of parallelograms theoretically
• To prove the mid point theorem and apply it to prove various
problems related to it
• To construct the different types of quadrilaterals
• To prove the theorem on circle related to the chords and apply it
to solve the problems related to them
Teaching Materials
• Geometrical instruments like ruler, compass, protractor, set
square, flash card, chart paper, A4 size paper, etc.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 207


15 Triangles

15.1 Warm-up Activities

Discuss the following questions in your class.

From the given figure, name a pair of adjacent angles.

• Name their common vertex and common arm.
• Define adjacent angles.
From the given figure:
• Name two angles which form a linear pair.
• What is their sum? Define linear pair.

From the given figure: O

• Name two pair of alternate angles.

• Name two pair of interior angles.
• Name two pair of interior angles. A B

Under which condition:

(i) Alternate angles are equal. C D
(ii) Corresponding angles are equal.
(iii) Sum of co-interior angles is 1800.

Try to find the answer to these questions.

• How many lines can be drawn from a given point?
• How many lines can be drawn from two given points?
• How many mid-points does a line segment have?
• Is the distance between two parallel lines always same?
• How many bisectors does an angle have?
Do you know!
• Greek Mathematician Euclid is known as Father of Geometry
• The Geometry on the plane figure is known as Euclidean Geometry
• Geometrical assumptions without any proof are called postulates

208 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

15.2 Triangles
We have already discussed about triangles in previous classes.
Let's review it.
Given figure is a triangle ABC. It can be written as ∆ABC.
Its three angles are ∠A, ∠B and ∠C.
Its three sides are AB, BC and AC. 'c'

Side opposite to vertex A is denoted by 'a'. B C

Side opposite to vertex B is denoted by 'b'.
Side opposite to vertex C is denoted by 'c' .
∴ BC = a, AC = b and AB = c

Theorem - 15.1
The sum of angles of a triangle is 180º. A

Experimental Verification:
Draw two triangles ABC of different shapes B
and size. B C
Fig. (ii)

To verify : ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180o Fig. (i)


Figure ∠A ∠ B ∠ C ∠ A + ∠ B + ∠ C Remarks
(i) ….o ….o ….o 180o ∠ A + ∠ B + ∠ C = 180o
(ii) ….o ….o ….o 180o ∠ A + ∠ B + ∠ C = 180o
Conclusion : Hence, the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180º

Theoretical Proof:
Given : ABC is a triangle
To Prove : ∠ABC + ∠BAC + ∠ACB = 180o
Construction: Draw a line MAN || BC.

S.N. Statements Reasons

1. ∠ MAB = ∠ ABC 1. Alternate angles formed on MN || BC.
2. ∠NAC = ∠ACB 2. Same as above reason.
3. ∠MAB + ∠BAC + ∠CAN = 180o 3. Being MAN a straight line.
4. ∠ABC + ∠BAC + ∠ACB = 180o 4. From (1), (2) and (3).
Hence, the sum of three angles of a triangle is 180o.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 209

Theorem - 15.2
Sum of two interior angles of a triangle is equal to opposite exterior angle.
Exterior angle of a triangle formed by producing any one side of a triangle is equal
to sum of non-adjacent interior angles. A
Given : In ∆ABC, side BC is produced to D.
To Prove : ∠ BAC + ∠ABC = ∠ACD
Proof. B D

S.N. Statements Reasons

1. ∠ABC + ∠BAC + ∠ ACB = 180º 1. Sum of angles of a triangle.
2. ∠ACB + ∠ACD = 180º 2. Being linear pairs.
3. ∠ABC + ∠BAC + ∠ACB 3. From statement (1) and (2).
= ∠ACB + ∠ACD
4. ∠BAC + ∠ABC = ∠ACD 4. From (3) eliminating common ∠ACB from
both sides.
Hence, sum of two interior angles of a triangle is equal to opposite exterior angles.
Try: What is the sum of three exterior angles of a triangle.

Experimental Verifications

Fig. (i) Fig. (ii)

Draw two triangles ∠ABC of different measurement. State BC is produced to D.

Then ∠ACD is an exterior angle formed by producing BC.
To Verify : ∠ACD = ∠BAC + ∠ABC

Fig ∠ABC ∠ACB ∠ABC + ∠ACB Remark

(i) ........... 0 ........... 0 ........... 0 ∠ACD = ∠ABC + ∠ACB

(ii) ........... 0 ........... 0 ........... 0 ∠ACD = ∠ABC + ∠ACB

Conclusion : Hence if a side of a triangle is produced an exterior angle so formed is

equal to sum of non adjacent interior angle.

210 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Find the value of 'x' in the given figure.
Solution: x
Produce AD to F of BC.
Here, ∠ADE = ∠AFC = 110o. 50º
Again, ∠ABC + ∠BAF = ∠AFC F
[∵ Sum of the angles of a triangle is equal to opposite exterior angle]
or, 50° + x = 110°
or, x = 110° – 50° D E
∴ x = 60° B

Example: 2
b D
Find the value of unknown angles from the given figure.
a a
Solution: c
In the given figure, AB ||DE. B
50º 32º C
Now, In ∆DBC,
∠DBC + ∠DCB + ∠BDC = 180o [Sum of three angles of a triangle]
or, 50o + 32o + 2a = 180o
or, 82º + 2a = 180o
or, 2a = 180o – 82o
or, 2a = 98o
or, a = 49o
Again , ∠ABD = ∠BDE [Alternate angles]
or, c = a
or, c = 49o
Again, ∠DAB = ∠ CDE [Corresponding angles]
or, b = a
or, b = 49o
∴ a = 49o, b = 49o, c = 49o

Example: 3
In the given figure, BE and CE are the bisectors of ∠ABC and A
∠ACD respectively. Prove that: ∠BAC = 2∠BEC.
Solution: B

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 211

Given: In the given figure,
BE and CE are the bisectors of ∠ABC and ∠ACD respectively.
To prove: ∠BAC = 2∠BEC.

S.N. Statements Reasons

1. 2∠EBC = ∠ABC 1. Being EB, the bisector of ∠ABC.
2. 2∠ECD = ∠ACD 2. Being EC, the bisector of ∠ACD.
3. ∠ABC + ∠BAC = ∠ACD 3. Sum of two angles of a triangle is equal to oppo-
site exterior angle.
4. 2∠EBC + ∠BAC = 2∠ECD 4. From statement 1, 2 and 3.
5. ∠BAC = 2 (∠ECD–∠EBC) 5. From statement 4.
6. ∠EBC + ∠BEC = ∠LCD 6. Sum of two angles of a triangle is equal to oppo-
site exterior angle
7. ∠BEC = ∠ECD –∠EBC 7. From statement 6.
8. ∠BAC = 2∠BEC. 8. From statements 5 and 7.
Hence proved.

Exercise 15.1
1. (a) What is the sum of three angles of a triangle?
(b) What is the relation among
∠BAC, ∠ABC and ∠ACD?
(c) In the given figure, what is the relation c

among a, b and c?
a b

2. Find the value of x, y and z from the given diagrams.

(a) (b)
(c) (d) X
x P S
56º x y x

56º x
45º 65º B C 49º 112º y 56º
(e) (f) (g) f


65º 80º
x y 5x
Q x 113º C
B 4x

212 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

3. Find the value of xº, yº and zº from the given diagrams.
(a) A B (b) A (c) B
70º 80º
35º xº
zº C M N
yº B D 60º
xº zº 70º
D E yº xº 130º

(d) 80º (e)
E 25º F D

x x 13
(f) P x (g) A B
x P


4. Find the values of unknown angles from the given figure. F

(a) P (b) (c)
140º 85º

y 55º P
B x
z S
40º x 53º zº 60º 45º 30
Q T y x yº F º
(d) A (e) A (f) P

E M y N

D F 100º º


B y x C Q
40º yº 50º


5. (a) In the given figure, ∠B = 500, OA bisects ∠BAC and OC O

bisects ∠BCA. Find the value of ∠AOC. A C
(b) In the given figure, OB and OC are the bisectors of ∠PBC and B C
∠QCB respectively, find the value of ∠BOC.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 213


6. (a) In ∆ABC, side BC of ∆ABC is produced to both sides to

D and E. Prove that ∠ABD + ∠ACE = 180º + ∠A.
(b) In the given figure, BA is produced to D, CB is
produced to E and AC is produced to F, prove that
∠DAC + ∠ABE + ∠BCF = 360º. C
 F

1. Consult your teacher
2. (a) x = 70º (b) x = 34º (c) x = 75º, y = 105º (d) x = 56º, y = 68º
(e) x = 53º (f) x = 35º, y = 60º (g) x = 30º
3. (a) x = 70º, y = 30º, z = 80º (b) x = 110º, y = 75º, z = 75º (c) x = 70º(d) x = 55º
(e) x = 70º (f) x = 120º (g) x = 90º
4. (a) x = 72º , y = 32º, z = 23º (b) x = 80º, y = 40º, z = 80º c) x = 65º, y = 20º
(d) x = 115º, y = 65º (e) x = 60º, y = 20º (f) x = 50º, y = 95º
5. (a) 115º (b) 60º

15.3 Theorem on the relation between three sides and angles of a triangle
Activity :
• Take some match stick of different length. Take 3 sets of tooth-peak and try
to form the triangle. And observe whether it is possible to make the triangle
from every sets?
If not, identify the situation in which triangle can not be formed?
• Construct the triangles with the following measurement
5 cm, 6 cm, 7 cm
4 cm, 7 cm, 6 cm
4 cm, 3 cm 8 cm.
Is it possible to construct the triangle in each case? Discuss in the class and
draw out the conclusion.

Theorem - 15.3
The sum of two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side.

214 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Experimental Verification
Draw two triangles of different shapes and sizes with the help of pencil and scale.

Figure (i) Figure (ii)

To verify : AB + BC > AC, AB + AC > BC

AC + BC > AB
Measure all the sides and tabulate in the given table.

Figure AB BC AC AB +BC AB + AC AC + BC Remarks

(i) ....cm ....cm ....cm ....cm ....cm ....cm AB + BC > AC
AB + AC > BC
AC + BC > AB
(ii) ....cm ....cm ....cm ....cm ....cm ....cm
Conclusion: Hence, the sum of two sides of a triangle is greater than its third side.

Theorem - 15.4
The side opposite to the greatest angle of a triangle is longest and the side
opposite to smallest angle is the shortest.
Experimental Verification
Draw two triangles of different shape and size.

Figure (i) Figure (ii)

To verify : Side opposite to the greatest angle is the longest and side opposite to the
smallest angle is the shortest one.
Measure all the angles and sides. Tabulate in the given table.

Fig. No. ∠A BC ∠B AC ∠C AB Remarks

(i) .......

(ii) .......0 .......0 .......0 .......0 .......0 .......0

Conclusion: The side opposite to the greatest angle is the longest and vice versa.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 215

Converse: In a triangle, angle opposite to longest side is the greatest. Following the
same method we can verify the converse.

Activity :
Take match sticks of 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm.
• Make a triangular shapes using the match stick of
(i) 2cm, 3cm and 4cm
(ii) 2cm, 3cm and 6cm
(iii) 4cm, 5cm and 6cm
Is it possible to makes triangle in each case? If not, find out the reasons behind it.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
In ∆ ABC, ∠A = 50°, ∠B = 57°. Find the longest and shortest sides. 57º

Here, In ∆ABC, ∠A = 50°, ∠B = 57°
Now, ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180° (Sum of angles of a triangle) A C
50º + 57º + ∠C = 180º
or, ∠C = 180° – 107°
= 73°
Here, ∠C > ∠B > ∠A
So, the longest side is AB (opposite to the greatest angle) and the shortest side is BC
(opposite to the smallest angle).
Example: 2
In the given figure, if AB > AC and D is any point on side BC of ∆ABC A

Prove that AB > AD.

Given : In ∆ABC, AB> AC and D is a point on BC.
To prove : AB > AD.
S.N. Statements Reasons
1 AB > AC 1. Given
2. ∠ACB > ∠ABC 2. Being angle opposite to longer side is the greater one
3. ∠ADB > ∠ACD 3. In ∆ADC, exterior angle is greater than non adjacent
interior angles
4 ∠ADB > ∠ABD 4. From 2 and 3
5 AB > AD 5. Side opposite to greater angle is longer
Hence, proved

216 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Exercise 15.2

1. (a) How to identify the longest side and the shortest side of a triangle if its all three
angles are given?
(b) How to identify the largest and the smallest angle of triangle if its all three sides
are given?
2. From the given figure, name the longest and shortest sides.
(a) A (b) (c) P

30º C B x C 3x
B Q 2 R
3. Find the smallest and greatest angles from the given figures.
(a) (b) A
(c) X
6c 10 7c

m cm m



7cm B C 10cm
4. (a) In ∆ ABC, ∠A = 80°, ∠B = 60°. Arrange the sides in the ascending order of
(b) In ∆ PQR, PQ = 8.5 cm, QR = 6.5 cm and PR = 7 cm. Arrange the sides in the
descending order of magnitude.
5. (a) Is it possible to construct a triangle having sides 4.5 cm, 8 cm and 2.5 cm? Justify
your answer.
(b) Is it possible to construct a triangle having sides 5 cm, 6 cm and 7 cm? Justify
your answer. A

6. In the given figure AB > AC, BD and DC are the bisectors

of ∠B and ∠C respectively. Prove that: BD > DC. D


7. In ∆ABC, ∠A + ∠B = 140° and ∠B + ∠C = 85°. Write the sides of

the triangle in ascending order according to their lengths.

8. In the given figure, prove that : AB + BC + AC
∠2(OA + OB + OC). O

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 217

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) Longest side is BC, Shortest side is AB
(b) Longest side is AC, Shortest side is AB (c) Longest side is PR, Shortest side is PQ
3. (a) Greatest angle is ∠A, Smallest angle is∠C (b) Greatest angle is ∠B, Smallest angle is ∠C
(c) Greatest angle is ∠X, Smallest angle is ∠Z
4. (a) AB < AC < BC b) ∠R > ∠Q > ∠P 5. Consult your teacher. 6. AB < AC < BC

15.4 Congruent Triangles

Let's observe ∆ABC and ∆DEF.
Both are similar in shape.
Both are equal in size. B C E F

Then they are equal in area.

Hence, ∆ABC and ∆PQR are congruent triangles.

Condition of congruency
ASA Axiom
In ∆ABC and ∆DEF
∠A = ∠D (A), AB = DE (S), ∠B = ∠E (A). B C E F
Angle – Side – Angle of ∆ABC are equal to Angle – Side –Angle in order of ∆DEF.
∆ABC is congruent to ∆DEF.
Mathematically, it is written as ∆ABC ≅ ∆DEF.
This axiom is known as ASA axiom.
How to make corresponding sides and angles equal?
Side opposite to ∠A is BC

Side opposite to ∠D is EF I understand !

sides opposite to equal angles
BC = EF [sides opposite to ∠A and ∠D] are corresponding sides and
angles opposite to equal sides
Similarly, AC = DF [sides are corresponding angles.
opposite to ∠B and ∠E]

∠C = ∠F [Angles opposite
to AB and DE]

SAS Axiom
In ∆ABC and ∆DEF,
AB = DE(S), ∠B = ∠E (A) and BC = EF (S)

218 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Side – Angle – Side of ∆ ABC are equal to Side – Angle – Side of ∆DEF.
∆ABC ≅ ∆DEF by SAS axiom.
How to make corresponding sides and angles equal?
Angle opposite to AB is ∠C
Angle opposite to DE is ∠F F
∴∠C = ∠F [Corresponding angles of congruent triangles]
Guess the next corresponding angles.
Side opposite to ∠B is AC
Side opposite to ∠E is DF
∴ AC = DF (Corresponding sides of congruent triangles)
S.S.S. Axiom
In ∆ABC and ∆DEF, AB = DE (S) AC = DF (S) and BC = EF (S)
Side – Side – Side of ∆ABC are equal to A D

Side – Side – Side of ∆DEF.

∴∆ ABC ≅ ∆DEF by S.S.S. axiom.

∠C = ∠F, ∠A = ∠D and ∠B = ∠E are corresponding angles of congruent triangles

ABC and DEF.
R.H.S. Axiom A D

In right angled ∆ABC and ∆DEF

∠ABC = ∠DEF (Right angles)
AC = DF (Hypotenuse), BC = EF (Sides) B C E F

Right angle – Hypotenuse – Side of ∆ABC are equal to Right angle – Hypotenuse –
Side of ∆DEF
∴ ∆ ABC ≅ ∆DEF by R.H.S. axiom.
Their corresponding sides and angles are
AB = DE ∠A = ∠D ∠C = ∠F
AAS Axiom
In ∆ ABC and ∆DEF
∠A = ∠ D (A) ∠B = ∠E (A) BC = EF (S )
Angle – Angle – Side of ∆ABC are equal to
Angle – Angle – Side of ∆DEF.
∴ ∆ABC ≅ ∆DEF by A.A.S. axiom.
Their corresponding sides and angles are AB = DE, AC = DF, and ∠C = ∠F

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 219

A.A.S. axiom also written as S.A.A. axiom.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Make the following pair of triangles congruent and identify the corresponding sides
and angles of the triangle.


Given : In ∆ABC and ∆PQR, AB = PQ, BC = QR, ∠B = ∠Q.

To prove : ∆ABC ≅ ∆PQR
To find : Corresponding sides and angles.
Statements Reasons
1. In ∆ABC and ∆PQR 1.
(i) AB = PQ (S)       (i) Given
(ii) ∠ABC = ∠PQR (A) (ii) Given
(iii) BC = QR (S) (iii) Given
2. ∆ABC ≅ ∆PQR 2. By S.A.S. axiom
3. ∠C = ∠R, ∠A = ∠P 3. Angle opposite to the equal sides of congru-
ent triangles
4. AC = PR 4. Sides opposite to the equal angles of congru-
ent triangles
Hence, proved.
Example: 2 Q
Make the following pair of triangles congruent and
make their corresponding sides and angles equal.
Given : In ∆ ABC and ∆ PQR
AB = PQ, ∠B = ∠Q = 90º, AC = PR C

To prove : ∆ABC ≅ ∆PQR and to make corresponding sides and angles equal.

220 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Statements Reasons

1. In ∆ABC and∆PQR 1.
(i) ∠AB C= ∠PQR (R) (i) Given
(ii) AC = PR (H) (ii) Given
(iii) AB = PQ (S) (iii) Given
2. ∆ABC ≅ ∆PQR 2. By R.H.S. axiom
3. BC = QR 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles
4. ∠BAC = ∠QPR and ∠ACB = ∠PRQ 4. Corresponding angles of congruent triangles

Hence, proved.
Exercise 15.3

1. (a) Write all axioms under which two given triangles are congruent.
(b) Are two congruent triangles equal in area?

(c) In the given figure, ∆PQR = ∆PSQ + ∆PSR, what is this axiom
called? S

(d) How to take corresponding sides and corresponding angles of congruent

2. Make the following pairs of triangles congruent and also make their corresponding
sides and angles equal.
(a) (b)


(c) (d)

(e) Y Z


Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 221

3. Make the following pairs of triangles congruent and hence, find the size of x, y
and z. A D
(a) (b) x

B 55º x C Q z 65º R z
55º y 100º
y cm 8 cm B CE F

P y cm C R
(c) F 35º E (d)

cm cm
7 x
Q x R y 65º
6.5 cm D 4.5 cm
z cm

4. (a) In the given figure, make ∆ABD ≅ ∆ACD.


(b) In the given figure, make ∆ABD ≅ ∆ADC.


(c) In the given figure, make ∆ABP ≅ ∆CDP. P C



(d) In the given figure, make ∆ACD ≅ ∆ABD.



(e) In the given figure, make ∆ABC ≅ ∆DBC.


5. (a) In the given figure, AO = OD and BO = OC. Prove that,
(i) ∆ABO ≅ ∆COD B
(ii) AB = CD D

222 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(b) In the given figure, AB = AC and BD = DC, prove that,
(i) ∆ABD ≅ ∆ADC
(ii) ∠ADB = ∠ADC B C

(c) In the given figure, AB = DC and AB || DC. Prove that, A B

(i) ∆ABC ≅ ∆ADC
(ii) AD = BC D

1. Consult your teacher 2. Consult your teacher.
3. (a) x = 65º, y = 8 cm, z = 55º (b) x = 25º, y = 55º, z = 100º
(c) x = 35º, y = 6.5 cm, z = 55º (d) x = 7 cm, y = 65º, z = 4.5 cm
4. Consult your teacher. 5. Consult your teacher.
6. Consult your teacher.

15.5 Types of Triangles C

Scalene triangle : If all the three sides of a triangle are
different in length, then it is a scalene triangle.


In the figure alongside, AB, BC and AC are of different length. C 4cm


∴ ∆ABC is a scalene triangle

Isosceles triangle: If any two sides of a triangle are equal, then A
it is an isosceles triangle.

In the figure alongside, AB = AC = 3cm


∴ ∆ABC is an isosceles triangle. B 4cm C

Equilateral triangle: If all the sides of a triangle are equal,
then it is an equilateral triangle.


In the figure, AB = BC = AC.

∴ ∆ABC is an equilateral triangle. 2cm

Each angle of an equilateral triangle is 60°.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 223

Altitude and Median of a Triangle A

Altitude: In the given ∆ABC, AD ⊥ BC, BE ⊥ AC and CF ⊥ AB

AD, BE and CF are altitudes of ∆ABC.

Hence, perpendicular drawn from any vertex to its opposite side
is called the altitude of a triangle.
• A triangle has three altitudes.
• All three altitudes intersect at the same point.
Median: In the given triangle ABC, D, E and F are the mid-points of A

BC, AC and AB respectively. AD, BE and CF are its medians.

Hence, the straight line joining a vertex to the mid–point of
opposite side is the median of a triangle. B C
• A triangle has three medians.
• The three medians always intersect each other at the same point.

15.6 Properties of Isosceles triangle

Take a rectangular sheet of paper

Again, fold it as shown

Open the fold.

Cut along the crease

The figure so obtained is an isosceles triangle. Paste the cutting piece on the chart paper.

224 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Here, AB = AC and BD = DC [By folding].
Lets measure ∠BAD, ∠CAD, ∠ADB and ∠ADC.
Is ∠BAD = ∠CAD?
Is ∠ADB = ∠ADC = 90ο
Draw out the conclusion.

Theorem - 15.3
Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.
Angles opposite to equal sides of an isosceles triangle are equal.

Experimental Verification
Draw two isosceles triangles of different shapes and sizes making AB = AC in both
To verify : ∠B = ∠C
Measure ∠B and ∠C in both figures
and tabulate in the given table.

Figure ∠B ∠C Result A B
Fig. (ii)
(i) ...... º ...... º ∠B = ∠C Fig. (i)

(ii) ...... º ...... º ∠B = ∠C

Conclusion: Hence, base angles of an isosceles triangles are equal.

Theoretical Proof
Given : In ∆ ABC, AB = AC
To prove : ∠ABC = ∠ACB
Construction : From A draw AD⊥ BC. B C

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆ABD and ∆ADC 1.
(i) ∠ADB = ∠ADC (R) (i) Being both right angles
(ii) AB = AC(H) (ii) Given
(iii) AD = AD (S) (iii) Common side
2. ∆ ABD ≅ ∆ADC 2. By R.H.S axiom
3. ∠ABD = ∠ACD 3. Corresponding angles of congruent
i.e. ∠ABC = ∠ACB triangles

Hence, base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 225

Converse: Triangle having any two angles equal is an isosceles triangle.
Experimental Verification
Draw two triangles of different shapes and size having ∠B = ∠C.

Figure. (i) Figure. (ii)
To verify : AB = AC
Observations : Measure the length of AB and AC of both triangles and tabulate in
the given table.

Figure AB AC Remarks
(i) .........cm .........cm AB = AC
(ii) .........cm .........cm AB = AC
Conclusion: Triangle having two angles equal is an isosceles triangle.

Theoretical Proof A
Given : In ∆ABC, ∠ABC = ∠ACB
To prove : AB = AC
Construction : Draw AD⊥BC B C

Statements Reasons

1. In ∆ABD and ∆ADC 1.

(i) ∠ABD = ∠ACD (A) (i) Given

(ii) ∠ADB = ∠ADC (A) (ii) Being both right angles

(iii) AD = AD (S) (iii) Common side

2. ∆ABD ≅ ∆ADC 2. By A.A.S. axiom

3. AB = AC 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles

Hence, triangle having any two angles equal is an isosceles triangle.

Theorem - 15.4
Bisector of vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular to the base.

226 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Experimental Verification A

Fig. (i) Fig. (ii)

Draw two isosceles triangle ABC where AB = BC. Again. draw the bisector of BAC,
with the help of compass or protractor which meets BC at D.
To verify : AD ⊥ BC
Observation :

Figure ∠ADB ∠ADC Remark

(i) 90° 90° AD ⊥ BC
(ii) 90° 90° AD ⊥ BC
Conclusion : Hence, bisector of vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular
to its base.
Theorem - 15.5
Bisector of vertical angle of an isosceles triangle bisects the base.

Fig. (i) Fig. (ii)

• Draw two isosceles triangle ABC where AB = AC.

• Draw the bisector of BAC with the help of compass or protractor which meets BC at D.
To verify : BD = DC
Observations :

Figure BD DC Remark
(i) ............. cm ............. cm BD = DC
(ii) ............. cm ............. cm BD = DC
Hence, the bisector of the vertical angle of a triangle bisects the base.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 227

Theorem - 15.6
Bisector of the base of an isosceles triangle bisects the vertical angle.

Fig. (i) Fig. (ii)

Draw two isosceles triangle ABC, where AB = AC Draw bisector of BC

To verify : ∠BAD = ∠CAD

Observations :

Figure ∠BAD ∠CAD Remark

(i) ............. 0 ............. 0 ∠BAD = ∠CAD

(ii) ............. 0 ............. 0 ∠BAD = ∠CAD

Hence, bisector of the base of an isosceles triangle bisects the base.

Remember !
- Basic angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.
- Bisector of the vertical angle of an isosceles triangle
(i) bisects the base
(ii) is perpendicular the base
- Median of an isosceles triangle.
(i) bisects the vertical angle
(ii) is perpendicular to the base
- Perpendicular draw from the vertex of an isosceles triangle.
(i) bisects the base.
(ii) bisects the vertical angleconsumed.

228 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1 A
In the given figure, ABC is an isosceles triangle, where AB = AC, If
∠BAE = ∠CAE = 250. Draw out other two results.
o o
25 25

Here, ∠BAE = ∠CAE and AB = AC E

Then, AE is the bisector of isosceles ∆ABC. Then AE ⊥ BC.

[Since the bisector of an angle is perpendicular to the base]
And, BE = CE since the bisector of the vertical angle bisects the base.

Example: 2
In the given figure,
(i) What type of triangle is this?
(ii) What is AD called?
(iii) What is the measurement of ∠ADB and ∠ADC? Why?
(iv) If BAD = 35°, what is the value of ∠CAD? Why?
Solution: Here,
(i) Given triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle because AB = AC.
(ii) AD is called the median because BD = DC.
(iii) Measurement of both ADB and ADC is 900. Since the median of an isosceles triangle
is perpendicular to the base.
(iv) If DAB = 35° then, ∠CAD is also equal to 350, since the median of an isosceles triangle
bisects the vertical angle.
Example: 3
In the given figure, AB||CD. Find the value of x and y. A B
Solution: 700

In the given figure,

∆ACE is an isosceles triangle. C
∴ ∠ACE = ∠AEC = x
In ∆ACE, ∠ACE + ∠AEC+∠CAE = 180° [Sum of three angles of triangle]
or, x + x + 70° = 180°
or, 2x + 70° = 180°
or, 2x = 180° – 70°
or, 2x = 110°
or, x =
Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 229
∴ x = 55°
Again, x = y [Alternate angles]
∴ y = 55°

Example: 4 A

In ∆ABC, if AB = AC and AD ⊥ BC, prove that BD = DC.

Given : In ∆ABC, AB = AC and AD ⊥ BC
To Prove : BD = DC D

Proof :

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆ ABD and ∆ADC 1.
(i) ∠ADB = ∠ ADC (R) (i) Being right angles
(ii) AB = AC (H) (ii) Given
(iii) AD = AD (S) (iii) Common sides
2. ∆ABD ≅ ∆ ADC 2. By R.H.S. axiom
3. BD = DC 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles

Hence, proved
Example: 5
Prove that the perpendiculars drawn from the vertices of equal
angles of an isosceles triangle to the opposite sides are equal.
Given : ∆ABC is an isosceles triangle where AB = AC, CM⊥AB
and BN⊥AC.
To prove : CM = BN.
Statements Reasons
1. In ∆BMC and ∆BNC 1.

(i) ∠BMC = ∠BNC (A) (i) Being both right angles

(ii) ∠MBC = ∠NCB (A) (ii) Base angles of an isosceles triangle

(iii) BC = BC (S) (iii) Common side

2. ∆BMC ≅ ∆BNC 2. By A.A.S. axiom

3. CM = BN 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles

Hence, proved

230 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Example: 6
In the given figure, RQ⊥AQ and PQ⊥BQ, RQ = QA A

and QB = PQ, prove that PR = AB.

Given : In the given figure, RQ⊥AQ, PQ⊥BQ, RQ = QA Q P

and QB = PQ.
To prove: PR = AB.
Proof: B

Statements Reasons
1. ∠AQR = ∠PQB 1. Being both right angles
2. ∠AQR + ∠AQP = ∠PQB+∠AQP 2. Adding common angle AQP on statement (1)
3. ∠PQR = ∠AQB 3. From statement (2), whole part axiom
4. In ∆PQR and ∆AQB 4.
(i) RQ = AQ (S) (i) Given
(ii) ∠PQR = ∠AQB (A) (ii) From statement (3)
(iii) PQ = QB (S) (iii) Given
5. ∆PQR ≅ ∆AQB 5. By S.A.S. axiom
6. PR = AB 6. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles
Hence, proved

Exercise 15.4
1. (a) What are the three types of triangle on the basis of sides?
(b) Which two angles of an isosceles triangle are equal?
(c) What is the magnitude of each angle of an equilateral triangle?
(d) How many altitudes can be drawn in a triangle?
(e) How many median can be drawn in a triangle?
(f) In the given figure, E is the mid point of BC and AD⊥BC, A
write the names of median and altitude of ∆ABC.
(g) In a ∆PQR , PA⊥QR, QB⊥PR and RC⊥PQ, what
are the three altitudes of ∆PQR? B

(h) Are all three altitudes of a triangle are equal?

(i) On which type of triangle, all three altitudes are equal in length?
2. (a) In the given figure, AB = AC, AD ⊥ BC. Then,
(i) Which angle is equal to ∠ABD?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 231

(ii) What is the line AD called?
(iii) If BD = 4cm, what is length of DC? Why?
(iv) If ∠BAD = 300, what is the value of ∠CAD? Why?
(b) In the given ∆PQR, PQ = PR, ∠QPS = ∠RPS = 25° P

(i) What type of triangle is ∆PQR ?

(ii) Which two angles of ∆PQR are equal?
(iii) If QS = 8cm, what is the length of SR? Why ? Q

(iv) What is the value of ∠PSQ and ∠PSR ? Why?

(c) In the given figure, A
(i) What type of triangle is ABC?
(ii) What is the line AD called?
(iii) What is the value of ∠ADB and ∠ADC? Why? B C
(iv) If ∠BAD = 30 , what is the value of ∠DAC?

3. Find the value of unknown sides and angles in the given figure
(a) (b)
A P (c) D

x y
35º 25º
y z 55º 65º z 58º z x
B C Q x S 8cm R E y G 6cm F

4. Find the value of unknown angles in each of the given figures.

(a) A (b) (c) A D
z D z y

y z
x 70º 55º
D y C x
x C E
B 50 C B
(d) z (e) 50º
(f) A 55º y
R y
y x
70º x
x S T

(g) A (h) y
A (i) x y
D 65º
x y B x 35º

232 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

5. Prove the following properties of isosceles triangle making two triangles congruent.
(a) In the given figure, AB = AC and AD⊥BC. A

Prove that (i) BD = DC (ii) ∠BAD = ∠CAD.

(iii) What is the conclusion of this proof?
(b) In the given figure, AD ⊥ BC and
BD = DC. Prove that AB = AC.
Also, write conclusion of this
proof. D

(c) In the given figure, PS bisects ∠QPR and PS ⊥ QR. Prove

that PQ = PR. What is the conclusion of this proof?
(d) In the given figure, EF=EG, and FH = HG.
Prove that EH ⊥ FG: What is the conclusion
of this proof?
6. (a) M is the middle point of side BC of an A
isosceles ∆ABC. MX ⊥ AB and MY ⊥ AC,
MX = MY.
Prove that : AX = AY and BX = CY. B C

(b) In the given figure, AC⊥BE, AB=DE and D
∠ABC = ∠CDE. Prove that BC = CD.
(c) In the given figure, AB = AC and BD = EC. A
Prove that (i) ∆ABD ≅ ∆AEC (ii) AD = AE.
(iii) ∆ADE is an isosceles triangle.

(d) In the given figure, AO = OD and BO = OC,
prove that (i) ∆AOB ≅ ∆COD (ii) AB||CD. O


Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 233


7. (a) In the adjoining figure ∠BAC = ∠BDC, B

∠MBC = ∠MCB. Prove that AB = DC. M


(c) In the given figure, ∆ABC and ∆DCE D
are two equilateral triangles. Prove that
AE = BD.

1. Consult your teacher. 2. Consult your teacher.
3. (a) x = 35 , y = 55 , z = 90
0 0 0
(b) x = 8cm, y = 250, z = 650 (c) x = 580, y = 6 cm, z = 900
4. (a) x = 110º, y = 70º, z = 40º (b) x = 50º, y = 80º, z = 100º (c) x = 55º, y = 70º, z = 70º
(d) x = 40º, y = 40º, z = 70º (e) x = 65º, y = 115º (f) x = 70º, y = 125º
(g) x = 65º, y = 115º (h) x = 70º, y = 105º (i) x = 65º, y = 65º, z = 50º
5. Consult your teacher. 6. Consult your teacher. 7. Consult your teacher.

15.7 Mid–Point Theorem

Theorem - 15.6
A line joining the middle points of the two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third
side and one half of it. A

Given : In a triangle ABC, P and Q are the mid

points of side AB and AC respectively. P R
To Prove : PQ || BC and PQ = BC. B
2 C
Construction : Produce PQ up to R making PQ = QR and join R to C.

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆APQ and ∆QRC 1.
(i) AQ = QC (S) (i) Given
(ii) ∠AQP = ∠RQC (A) (ii) Vertically opposite angles
(iii) PQ = QR (S) (iii) By construction
2. ∆APQ ≅ ∆QRC 2. By S.A.S. axiom
3. AP = RC 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles
4. AP = PB 4. Given

234 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

5. PB = RC 5. From statements 3 and 4
6. ∠APQ = ∠QRC 6. Corresponding angles of congruent triangles
7. AP||RC 7. From statements 6, being alternate angles equal
8. PBCR is a parallelogram 8. From statements (5) and (7) being one pair of opposite
sides equal and parallel.
9. PR||BC .ie. PQ||BC 9. Being opposite sides of a parallelogram
10. PR = BC 10. Opposite sides of a parallelogram
1 11. By construction
11. PQ = PR
1 12. From statements (10) and (11)
12. PQ = BC

Hence, the line joining the mid-points of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the
third side and one half of it.

Converse of Mid-point Theorem

A line passing through mid-point of one side of a triangle and parallel to other side
bisects the third side. A

Given : In ∆ABC, M is the mid-point of AB and


To prove : N is the mid-point of AC (AN = NC).

Construction : Draw CP||BA and produce MN to P.

Statements Reasons
1. MBCP is a parallelogram 1. Being MN||BC and BA||CP
2. BM = CP 2. Opposite sides of a parallelogram
3. BM = AM 3. Given
4. AM = CP 4. Form statements 2 and 3

5. In ∆AMN and ∆PCN

(i) ∠ANM = ∠PNC (A) (i) Vertically opposite angles
(ii) ∠MAN = ∠PCN (A) (ii) Alternate angles
(iii) AM = CP (S) (iii) From statement 4
6. ∆AMN ≅ ∆PCN 6. By A.A.S. axiom

7. AN = NC 7. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles

Hence, a line passing through the mid-point of one side of a triangle and parallel to
other side bisects the third side.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 235

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Find the values of x and y in the given figure. A

D 2.5cm y E
In the given figure, D and E are the mid-points of AB and
AC respectively. Then using mid-point theorem,
65º C
1 B
DE = BC and DE//BC x
or, 2.5 = x
or, 5 = x
∴ x = 5cm
Again, DE||BC [Using mid-point theorem]
or, ∠AED = ∠ACB [Alternate angles]
∴ x = 5cm, y = 650.

Example: 2
Find the values of x and y in the given figure.
4 cm
Solution: y

In the given figure, E is the mid point of AB, EF||BD. B

D 10 cm
Then, F is the mid-point of AD. Using mid point theorem,
or, 4 = x
or, x = 8cm
Again, in ∆ADC, F is the mid-point of AD, FG||DC [∵ EF||BD]
Then G is the mid-point of AC.
Now, using mid-point theorem,
or, y = × 10cm
or, y = 5cm

236 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Example: 3 A
In the given figure, AD||PQ||BC, DQ = QC. Prove that,
(i) QR = AD. (ii) AD + BC = 2PQ. R
Given : In the given figure, AD||PQ||BC and DQ = QC. D C
1 Q
To Prove : (i) QR = AD (ii) AD + BC = 2PQ
Statements Reasons
1. ∆ADC, Q is the mid point of DC 1. Given

2. RQ||AD 2. Given

3. R is the mid-point of AC. 3. The line joining the mid point of a side of a triangle
parallel to the base bisects the third side
1 4. From statements (2) and (3)
4. QR = AD
5. In ∆ABC, PR||BC 5. Given
6. P is the mid point of AB 6. From statements (3) and (5)
1 7. From (5) and (6)
7. PR = BC i.e. BC = 2PR
8. AD + BC = 2(QR + PR) = 2 PQ 8. Adding statements (4) and (7).
Hence, proved.

Exercise 15.5 A

1. (a) In the given figure, what is the relation P Q

of PQ with BC? X

(b) In the given figure, A is the mid point of XY and AB//YZ.

Then, what is the next result?

2. Find the value of unknown size of the angles.
(a) (b) (c)
A 146
N 130º
P x 70º Q 110º M z
z y 20º x
60º y C Q R

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 237

3. Find the length of unknown sides in each of the following figures.
(a) A (b) (c)

G 6.1cm








Q F U y

A 3.8 cm
cm A B
(d) R (e)
3.2 cm

P E 3.2 cm x F


B x cm y

4. (a) In the given figure, ABC is an equilateral triangle of side P Q

length 8 cm and P, Q and R are the mid points of AB, AC
and BC respectively. Find the length of PQ, PR and RQ. B C
(b) In ∆ABC PQ//BC, AP = PB. If the
length of AC and BC are 8 cm and P Q
7.2cm respectively, find the length of
AQ and PQ. B C

5. In ∆ ABC, P and Q are the mid–points of side AB and AC

respectively. AR meets PQ at S and BC at R. P Q
Prove that AS = SR. B C

6. In the given figure, E is the mid point E F

of AB, EG//BD, prove that F is the
mid point of AC. D

7. In the figure, PQ//AD//BC and AP = PB. P Q
Prove that AS = SC and DQ = QC. B C
8. In the given figure, ABCD is a trapezium, prove P Q

that: PQ = 1 (AD + BC). P


9. In the given figure, T is the mid point of PQ, U

TU//QR and US//PQ, prove that QS = SR.

238 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

10. In the given figure, A, B, C and D are the P S
mid–points PS, PQ, QR and RS respectively. Prove B D
that ABCD is a Parallelogram. Q R

11. Prove that lines joining the middle-point of opposite sides of a quadrilateral bisect
each other.
12. In the figure, P,Q, R, S are the mid–points of side AB,
AC, DC and BD respectively prove that PQRS is a S Q

13. In the figure ABCD is a parallelogram, M and N

are the mid points at DC and AB respectively. D C

Prove that; Q
(i) DMBN is a parallelogram.
(ii) AP = PQ = QC.

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) x = 60° y = 70° z = 50° (b) x = 110°, y = 50°, z = 50°
(c) x = 96°, y = 50°, z = 96° 3. (a) x = 5.2 cm (b) y = 4.2 cm (c) x = 11.2 cm, y = 12.2 cm, z = 11.6 cm
(d) x = 6.4 cm, y = 2.6 cm, z = 3.1 cm e) x = 1.9 cm, y = 6.4 cm
4. (a) PQ = 4 cm, QR = 4 cm, PR = 4 cm (b) AQ = 4 cm, BC = 3.6 cm

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 239


16 Similarity

16.1 Warm up Activities

Observe the above figure and answer the questions given below:

• Are the two maps of Nepal equal in size?

• are the two maps of Nepal are similar in shape?
• Are two photographs of a baby equal in size?
• Are these two photographs similar in shape?
• What types of figure are these?

They have the same shapes but different sizes. Such photographs are called similar
figures. Thus, the figures having the same shapes are similar.

Now let's discuss it with geometrical shape.

Are the above two lines Are the given two circles
similar? similar?


Are the given triangles similar? Are the given square Are the rectangles ABCD
ABCD and PQRS similar? and PQRS are similar?

240 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Let's try to find the answer to the following questions:
• Are all circles similar?
• Are all squares similar?
• Are all rectangles similar?
• Are all equilateral triangles similar?
• Are all line segments similar?
Similar Triangles
Lets compare given triangles.

Here, both triangles are different in size but similar in shape.
Hence, ∆ABC and ∆PQR are similar triangles.

Condition of similarity of two triangles

Two triangles are similar if all the angles of one triangle are respectively equal to
corresponding angles of another triangle.

55 0
550 Here, ∠A = ∠P (A)
∠B = ∠Q (A)
∠C = ∠R (A)
B C 600

Then, ∆ABC is similar to ∆PQR.

Symbolically, ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR.
What happens when two triangles are similar?
Take the ratio of opposite sides of two equal angles:
Ratio of opposite sides of ∠A and ∠P is
Ratio of opposite sides of ∠B and ∠Q is
Ratio of opposite sides of ∠C and ∠R is
If two triangles are similar, these ratios
= =

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 241

Remember !
From above activity, we conclude that two triangles are said to be similar if:
AAA that is all angles of one triangle are
respectively equal to all angles of another
Hence, if two triangles are similar their corresponding sides are proportional.

Theorem - 15.7
A line drawn parallel to a side of a triangles divides the remaining two sides in the
same ratio. A
Given : In ∆ABC, DE // BC
To prove : =
Proof: B C
Statements Reasons
1. In ∆ADE and ∆ABC 1.
i) ∠DAE = ∠BAC (A) i) Common angles.
ii) ∠ADE = ∠ABC (A) ii) Corresponding angles.
iii) ∠AED = ∠ACB (A) iii) Corresponding angles.
2. ∆ADE ~ ∆ABC 2. AAA.
3. Corresponding sides of similar triangles
AD AE are properties.
3. =
or, =
or, =
or, = = +
or, 1 + = 1 +
or, =

4. From statement 3.
4. =
Hence, a line drawn parallel to a side of a triangle divides the remaining two sides in the
same ratio.

242 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1 P
Make the given pair of triangles similar. 72º

Solution: 72º 48º Q 60º 48º

Given : ∠A = 60°, ∠B = 72°, ∠C = 48°, ∠P = 72°, ∠Q = 60°, ∠R = 48°
To prove : ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR
Statements Reasons
1. In ∆ABC and ∆PQR 1.
i) ∠A = ∠Q (A) i) Being both 60°
ii) ∠B = ∠P (A) ii) Being both 72°
iii) ∠C = ∠R (A) iii) Being both 48°
2. ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR 2. By A.A.A.
Hence, proved.
Example: 2

In the adjoining figure AB||PQ, AP = 1.8 cm, PC = 3.6 cm, A 1.

BC = 6.3 cm, PQ = 2.2 cm. Prove that ∆ABC ~ ∆PQC and find the P
length of AB and QC. 3.
2.2 m

Solution: B C
Given : In ∆ABC and ∆PQC, AB||PQ, AP = 1.8 cm, 6.3 cm

PC = 3.6 cm, PQ = 2.2 cm, BC = 6.3 cm.

To Prove : ∆ABC ~ ∆PQC,
To Calculate : The value of QC and AB
Statements Reasons

1. In ∆ABC and ∆PQC 1.

(i) ∠ACB = ∠PCQ (A) (i) Common angles
(ii) ∠BAC = ∠QPC (A) (ii) Corresponding angles on AB||PQ
(iii) ∠ABC = ∠PQC (A) (iii) Same as (ii)

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 243

2. ∆ABC ~ ∆PQC 2. By A.A.A.
AC BC AB 3. Corresponding sides of the similar tri-
3. = = angles are proportional.
5.4 6.3 AB
or, = =
3.6 QC 2.2
Again, taking first two ratios.
5.4 6.3 6.3 × 3.6
= or, QC = = 4.2cm.
3.6 QC 5.4
Taking last two ratios.
AB 5.4
or, =
2.2 3.6
5.4 × 2.2
or, AB = = 3.3cm
∴ AB = 3.3 cm, QC = 4.2 cm.

Hence, proved.

Example: 3
In the given figure, AB||CD||EF, AB = 6 cm, CD = x cm, EF = 10 cm,
BD = 4 cm and DE = y cm. Find the value of x and y. B

10 cm
Given : AB = 6 cm, CD = x cm, EF = 10 cm, BD = 4 cm and DE D
6 cm
= y cm and AB||CD|EF x
To find : Value of x and y C

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆ABD and ∆DEF 1. Alternate
(i) ∠ABD = ∠DEF (A) (i) Alternative angles on AB||FE
(ii) ∠BAD = ∠DFE (A) (ii) Alternative angles on AB||FE
(iii) ∠ADB = ∠EDF (A) (iii) Vertically opposite angles
2. ∴ ∆ABD ~ ∆DEF 2. By A.A.A. facts
y EF y 10cm 20 3. Ratios of corresponding sides of simi-
3. BD = or, = ∴ y= 3 cm lar triangles are proportional.
AB 4 cm 6cm
4. In ∆ABE and ∆CDE, 4.
(i) ∠ABE = ∠CDE (A) (i) Corresponding angles in AB||CD

(ii) ∠BAE = ∠DCE (A) (ii) Corresponding angles in AB ||CD

(iii) ∠BEA = ∠CED (A) (iii) Common angles

5. ∴∆ABE ~ ∆CDE 5. By A.A.A facts

244 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

CD DE x 20 20 6. Corresponding sides of similar
6. AB = or, 6 = = triangles are proportional
BE 3(BD + DE) 3 (4 + 20 )
15 3
∴ x = cm

Hence, proved.
Example: 4
The length of the shadow of a pole having height 10m is 15m. At the same time, find
the length of the shadow of the tower 50m. A
AB is the height of tower, BE is its shadow. CD is the height of
the pole and DE is the length of its shadow.
To find: Length of BE. B D

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆ABE and ∆CDE 1.

(i) ∠ABE = ∠CDE (A) (i) Being both right angles

(ii) ∠BAE = ∠DCE (A) (ii) Corresponding angles

(iii) ∠AEB = ∠CED (A) (iii) Corresponding angles

2. ∆ABE ~ ∆CDE 2. By AAA

AB BE 3. Corresponding sides of similar triangles are

3. = proportional
50 BE
or, =
10 15
50 × 15
or, BE =
BE = 75 m

Hence, proved.
Areas of similar triangles are proportion to squares on their corresponding sides.

Exercise 16.1

1. (a) Are all line segments similar?

(b) Are all circles similar?
(c) Are all squares similar?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 245

(d) Are all triangles similar?
(e) Which type of triangles are always similar?
(f) Is it necessary that the size of two similar figures are always same?
(g) In the given figure, ∠A = ∠P, ∠B = ∠Q and ∠C = ∠R are ∆ABC and ∆PQR similar

75º 80º
Q 25º

(h) Are the given triangle ABC and PQR similar?

75º 80º

(i) Are all congruent figures, also similar? Justify your answer.
(j) What is the relation among the sides of similar figures?

2. Make the following pairs of triangles similar. A

(a) A (b)
B 85º 35º
C Q 85º
81º 62º 81º R

3. (a) In the given figure, ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR.

5 cm

What is the length of PR?

B 10 cm
4 cm
(b) In the adjoining figure, ∆ABC ~ ∆MNC. Find the

length of MN. 2 cm
5 cm
(c) In the given figure, ∆ABC ~ ∆ AXY, C

AY = 10cm, AC = 15cm and AX = 6cm. Find the Y

length of the side AB.




(d) In the given figure, AD = xcm, BD = (x –2)cm, AE = (x –3)cm,

CE = (x – 4)cm. Find the value of x.



246 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


4. (a) In the figure, prove that ∆ABC ~ ∆PQC

x cm
and hence find the length of AB.

2 cm
1.6 cm Q B
4 cm

(b) In the given figure, ∆ ABC ~ ∆ ADE, AD = BD and BE = EC.

Find the ratio of DE and AC. E



(c) In the given figure, AB//MN, AO = 6cm,

ON = 3cm, OB = 8cm. Find the length of



5. In the given figure AB//CD. Prove that AE.EC = BE.ED. E

6. In ABC, ∠A = 90°, AD ⊥ BC. Prove that: C D

(i) AB2 = BC.BD

(ii) AC2 = BC.DC D
(iii) AD2 = BD.DC A
7. In the given figure AB//EF//DC, prove that
(i) ∆BEF ~ ∆BDC B C
(ii) Find the length of EF, if DC= 12cm, BC = 8cm, and BF = 4cm.
(iii) ∆ECF ~ ∆CAB
(iv) Find the length of AB E

8. In the given figure PQRS is a parallelogram. Prove that

(i) ∆EQR ~ ∆EMN

(ii) = = Q R
9. The length of the shadow of a pole having height 8m is 12m. At the same time what
is the length of the shadow of the house 20m?

1. Consult your teacher 2. Consult your teacher. 3. (a) 12.5 cm (b) 1.6 cm (c) 9 cm (d) 6cm
4. (a) 5 cm (b) 1:2 (c) 4 cm 5. Consult your teacher. 6. Consult your teacher.
7. Consult your teacher. 8. Consult your teacher. 9. 30 m


Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 247


17 Quadrilaterals

17.1 Warm-up Activities

Discuss the following questions in your class.

• How many sides does a quadrilateral have?

• What is the sum of four angles of a quadrilateral?
• What are the types of quadrilateral?
• Draw one figure of each type of quadrilateral and find their differences.

17.2 Quadrilateral A B
In the given figure, ABCD is a plane figure bounded by 4
sides AB, BC, CD and DA. It has 4 angles A, B, C and D,
Hence, a quadrilateral is a plane figure bounded by 4 sides. D
Types of Quadrilateral

Parallelogram Rectangle Square Rhombus



In the figure, AD||BC and AB||DC. So, it is parallelogram. C

Different types of quadrilateral are shown in the above

figures. Quadrilateral having opposite sides parallel is a
parallelogram. A B

248 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Features: • Opposite sides are parallel.
• Opposite sides are equal.
• Opposite angles are equal.
• Diagonals bisect each other.

In the given parallelogram ABCD, ∠B = 90°. So, it is a
rectangle. Parallelogram having each angle 90° is called a
rectangle. B C

Features: • Opposite sides are parallel.

• Opposite sides are equal.
• All angles are equal.
• Each angle is 90°.
• Diagonals bisect each other.
• Diagonals are equal in length.

Rhombus A D
In the figure ABCD, AB||DC, AD||BC and AB = BC.
Rhombus is a parallelogram having adjacent sides equal.
Here, AB and BC are adjacent sides adjusted at B. They are B C
equal. So it is rhombus. Moreover BC and CD, CD and DA,
DA and AB are also adjacent sides and they are also equal.

Features: • Opposite sides are parallel.

• All sides are equal.
• Opposite angles are equal.
• Diagonals bisect each other at right angle.

Rhombus having one angle 900 is a square.
Or, Rectangle having adjacent sides equal is a square. In the
figure, ABCD is a rectangle and AB = BC. So, it is a square.
Features: • All sides are equal.
• Each angle is 90°.
• Diagonals are equal in length.

• Diagonals bisect each other at right angle.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 249
Kite A

In the figure, AB = AD, BC = CD, so ABCD is a kite. Kite is a

quadrilateral having two adjacent pairs of sides equal. D

Features: • Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal.
• Diagonals intersect each other at right angle. C

• Longest diagonal bisect the shortest diagonal
• Longest diagonal bisect the vertex angle
through which it passes.

In the given figure, ABCD is a trapezium because AD||BC. A D
If the non–parallel sides of trapezium are equal then the
trapezium is called isosceles trapezium. B C
Quadrilateral having a pair of opposite sides parallel is called


Trapezium allel
Kite Par

Rectangle Square Rhombus

The comparative study of their property is listed below.

Remember !
• Every rectangle is a parallelogram.
• Every square is a rectangle.
• Every square is a rhombus.
• Every rhombus is a parallelogram.
• Every square is a parallelogram. consumed.

250 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Theorem - 17.1
Two line segments which join the ends of two equal and parallel lines towards the
same side are themselves equal and parallel.
Theoretical Proof:
Given : AB = CD and AB||DC. AC and BD are joined.
To prove : AC = BD, AC||BD.
Construction : Join A and D. C D

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆ABD and ∆ADC 1.
(i) AB =DC (S) (i) Given
(ii) ∠BAD = ∠ADC (A) (ii) Alternate angles
(iii) AD = AD (S) (iii) Common side.
2. ∆ABD ≅ ∆ ADC 2. By S.A.S. axiom
3. AC = BD 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles
4. ∠ADB = ∠CAD 4. Corresponding angles of congruent triangles
5. AC||BD 5. From (4) being alternate angles equal
Hence, two line segments which join the ends of two equal and parallel lines towards
the same side are themselves equal and parallel.

Experimental Verification
Draw two sets of parallel lines AB and CD such that AB = CD. Join AC and BD.

Figure : (i) C D
Figure : (ii)
To verify : AC = BD and AC||BD
Take the measurement of AC, BD, ∠ACD and ∠BDC. Tabulate the measurement

Fig. AC BD ∠ACD ∠BDC ∠ACD + ∠BDC Remarks

i. ..... cm .... cm ...... º ..... º 180º AC = BD, AC||BD
ii. ..... cm .... cm ..... º ..... º 180º AC = BD, AC||BD

Conclusion: Hence, the line joining the same sides of two equal and parallel lines
are equal and parallel.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 251

Theorem - 17.2
Two straight lines which join the ends of two equal and parallel straight lines
towards the opposite sides bisect each other.
Theoretical Proof.
Given : AB = CD, AB||CD, AD and BC are joined.
To prove : AO = OD and BO = OC.
Proof :

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆AOB and ∆COD 1.
(i) ∠ABO = ∠OCD (A) (i) Being alternate angles
(ii) AB = CD (S) (ii) Given
(iii) ∠BAO = ∠CDO (A) (iii) Being alternate angle.
2. ∆AOB ≅∆ ∆COD 2. By A.S.A. axiom.
3. AO = OD and OB = OC 3. Corresponding sides of congruent
Hence, two straight lines which join the ends of two equal and parallel lines towards
the opposite sides bisect each other.
Experimental Verification
The lines joining the opposite sides of two equal and parallel lines bisect
each other.
Draw the two sets of equal and parallel lines AB and CD. Join AD and BC.

Figure (i)
Figure (ii)
To verify: AO = OD, BO = OC
Measure the length of AO, OD, BO, OC and tabulate below.

Figure AO OD BO OC Remarks
i) AO = OD, BO = OC
ii) "
Conclusion: Hence, two lines which join the ends of the opposite sides of two equal
and parallel lines bisect each other.

252 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Properties of parallelogram
Theorem - 17.3 A D
Opposite sides and angles of a parallelogram are equal.
Given : ABCD is a parallelogram. B C

To Prove : AB = DC and AD = BC, ∠ABC = ∠ADC and ∠BAD = ∠BCD.

Construction : Join A and C.

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆ABC and ∆ADC 1.
i) ∠BAC =∠ACD (A) i) Alternate angles
ii) AC = AC (S) ii) Common side
iii) ∠ACB = ∠CAD (A) iii) Alternate angles
2. ∆ABC ≅ ∆ADC 2. By A.S.A. axiom
3. AB = DC, BC = AD 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles
4. ∠ABC = ∠ADC 4. Corresponding angles of congruent triangles
5. Similarly, ∠DAB = ∠BCD 5.As statement 4, joining BD
Hence opposite sides and angles of a parallelogram are equal.
Converse I
If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, it is a parallelogram.
Given : ABCD is a quadrilateral where AB = DC and AD = BC.
To Prove : ABCD is a parallelogram. A D

Construction : Join AC.

Proof : C

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆∆ABC and ∆ADC 1.
(i) AB = DC (S) (i) Given
(ii) BC = AD (S) (ii) Given.
(iii) AC = AC (S) (iii) Common side
2. ∆ABC ≅ ∆ADC 2. By S.S.S. axiom
3. ∠BAC = ∠ACD and 3. Corresponding angles of congruent triangles
4. AB||DC and AD||BC 4. From statement 3, being alternate angles equal
5. ABCD is a parallelogram 5. From statement 4, being opposite sides parallel
Hence, proved.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 253

Converse II
If the opposite angles of a quadrilateral are equal, it is a parallelogram.
Given : ABCD is a quadrilateral, where A D
∠BAD = ∠BCD and ∠ABC = ∠ADC.
To Prove : ABCD is a parallelogram. B C
Proof :

Statements Reasons
1. ∠BAD + ∠ABC + ∠BCD + ∠ADC = 360°. 1. Sum of four angles of a quadrilateral
2. ∠BAD = ∠BCD 2. Given
3. ∠ABC = ∠ADC 3. Given
4. ∠BCD + ∠ADC + ∠BCD + ∠ADC = 360° 4. From statement 1, 2 and 3
5. 2∠BCD + 2∠ADC = 360° 5. From statement 4
6. ∠BCD + ∠ADC = 180° 6. From statement 5
7. AD||BC 7. From statement 6, being sum of
co-interior angles 180°
8. Similarly, AB||DC 8. As statement 7
9. ABCD is a parallelogram 9. From statements 7 and 8
Hence, proved.
Theorem - 17.4
Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. A D
Given : (i) ABCD is a parallelogram where
AB||DC and AD||BC O
(ii) AC and BD are diagonals. C

To prove : AO = OC , BO = OD
Proof :

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆AOD and ∆BOC 1.
(i) ∠OAD = ∠OCB (A) (i) Alternate angles on AD||BC
(ii) AD = BC (S) (ii) Opposite sides of a parallelogram
(iii) ∠ADO = ∠OBC (A) (iii) Being alternate angles
2. ∆AOD ≅ ∆BOC 2. By A.S.A. axiom.
3. AO = OC, BO = OD. 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles
Hence, proved.

254 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, it is a parallelogram.
Given : ABCD is a quadrilateral, where AO = OC, BO = OD. A D

To Prove : ABCD is a parallelogram.

Proof : B C

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆AOB and ∆DOC 1.
(i) AO = OC (S) (i) Given
(ii) ∠AOB = ∠DOC (A) (ii) Vertically opposite angles
(iii) BO = OD (S) (iii) Given
2. ∆AOB ≅ ∆DOC 2. By S.A.S. axiom.
3. ∠BAO = ∠OCD 3. Corresponding angles of congruent triangles
4. AB||DC 4. From statement 4, being alternate angles equal.
5. Similarly, AD||BC 5. As statement 4
6. ABCD is a parallelogram 6. From statements (4) and (5)
Hence, proved.

Remember !
• Opposite sides and angles of a parallelogram are equal.
• Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
• If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, then it is a parallelogram.
• If the opposite angles of a quadrilateral are equal, then it is a parallelogram.
• If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, it is a parallelogram. consumed.

Worked Out Examples
Example: 1 x y a

Find the value of unknown angles in the given figure.

B 70º C
Solution : Here,
∠ADC = ∠ABC [Opposite angles of a parallelogram]
∴ y = 70°
Again, ∠ABC + ∠BAD = 180° [Sum of co-interior angles]
or, 70° + x = 180°
or, x = 180° – 70° = 110°
Again, ∠BAD = ∠BCD [Opposite angles of a parallelogram]

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 255

or, 110° = z
∴ z = 110°
Again, ∠BAD = ∠CDE
x = a [Corresponding angles]
110° = a
∴ a = 110°
Example: 2
Find the values of unknown angles in the given figure. º x B
Here, ∠DAE = 105° and CB = CE D y
then, ∠CEB = ∠CBE = x
Now, ∠DAE +∠ CBE = 180° [Co-interior angles]
105° + x = 180°
or, x = 180° – 105° = 75°
Again, ∠BEC = ∠ECD [Alternate angles]
or, x = y
or, 75° = y
∴ y = 75°
Example: 3
In the given figure, ABCD is a rectangle. Prove that AC = BD. A B

Given : ABCD is a rectangle. AC and BD are its diagonals.
To prove : AC = BD D C
Proof :
Statements Reasons
1. In ∆ADC and ∆BDC 1.
(i) AD = BC (S) (i) Being opposite sides of a rectangle
(ii) ∠ADC = ∠BCD (A) (ii) Being both right angles
(iii) DC = DC (S) (iii) Common side
2. ∆ADC ≅ ∆BDC 2. By S.A.S. axiom
3. AC = BD 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles
Hence, proved.
Example: 4
In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. AE = CF, prove
that EBFD is a parallelogram.
Solution: D C
Given : ABCD is a parallelogram AE = CF.

256 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

To prove : EBFD is a parallelogram.
Proof :
Statements Reasons
1. ∠DAC = ∠ACB 1. Alternate angles
2. ∠EAD = ∠BCF 2. Supplements of equal angles of statement (i)
(Exterior Alternate Angles)
3. In ∆AED and ∆BCF 3.
(i) AE = CF (S) (i) Given
(ii) ∠EAD = ∠BCF (A) (ii) From statement 2
(iii) AD = BC (S) (iii) Opposite sides of a parallelogram
4. ∆AED ≅ ∆BCF 4. By SAS axiom
5. ED = BF 5. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles.
6. ∠AED = ∠BFC 6. Corresponding angles of congruent triangles

7. ED // BF 7. From statement 6, being alternate angles equal

8. EBFD is a parallelogram 8. From statement 5 and 7

Hence, proved.

Exercise 17.1
1200 600
1. (a) In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram.
If ∠B = 600 and ∠B = 1200., find ∠C and ∠D. D

A 6 cm
(b) In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, B
if AB = 6cm and BC = 5cm, what is the
5 cm

length of AD and DC?


P 3 Q
(c) In the given figure, PQRS is a parallelogram, cm m
if OP = 3cm and OQ = 5cm, find the length O
of OR and OS. S R
(d) What is a quadrilateral called whose opposite sides are equal, opposite angles
are equal and non of its angle is 900?
(e) What is a parallelogram called if its all sides are equal and none of its angle
is 900?
(f) Are all rectangles a parallelogram? Justify your answers.
(g) If the diagonals of a rhombus are equal, then what is it called?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 257

(h) In the given figure, AB = CD and AB//CD, what is
the relation between AC and BD?
(i) What happens when the opposite sides of two equal and parallel lines are joined?

(j) ABCD is a parallelogram, write the relation between A B

(i) AD and BC (ii) AB and DC
(iii) ∠A and ∠C (iv) ∠A and ∠B (v) ∠B and ∠D.
(k) In the given figure, ∠A = ∠C = 1300 and ∠B = ∠D = 500, is 1300

ABCD a parallelogram? Justify your answer. 1300

(l) In the given figure, AO = OC = 6cm and BO = OD = 8cm.
Is ABCD a parallelogram? Justify. O

2. From the following figures, find the values of 'x', 'y' and 'z'. C D

A B y
(a) 110
(b) P Q (c) M N
y 3xº


D C 75º (x+2)cm

(d) A B (e) P )º Q (f) (4x+5)cm

x y +20 E F

m O 4

6c cm )º


(3x +8)cm
3. From the following figures, find the values of 'x', 'y' , 'z', 'a'.
(a) P Q
(b) º F (c) P x S
O D z z y
x a
x 92º 50º T 70º
S Q 25º R

B 40º C M
y 25º
x º x 110º N
(d) 30 (e) (f)
P z O

4. (a) In the given figure, ABDC is a rhombus. 40º

If ∠ADB = 40º, find the size of ∠CDE.

258 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(b) One angle of a parallelogram is 70º. Find the other angles of the parallelogram.
(c) The side DC of a parallelogram ABCD is produced to E. If the exterior angle
BCE is 65º, find the angles of the parallelogram.

(d) ABCD is a parallelogram and the bisectors of ∠A and
∠B meet at P. Show that ∠APB = 90º. P

(e) In the given figure, ABCD is a A

z x B
square, ∆EDC is an equilateral E

triangle. Find the value of x, y

and z.

5. (a) In the given figure, ABCD is a rhombus. Prove that
(i) AO = OC and BO = OD (ii) AC ⊥ BD O

(b) In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram where
AC = BD, prove that ABCD is a rectangle.

6. (a) In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, M and N are the middle points of the
sides DC and AB respectively. Prove that A
(i) MCBN is a parallelogram.
(ii) DMBN is a parallelogram.
(iii) DB and MN bisect each other.
(b) In the given figure ABCD is a parallelogram
with E and F any two points on the diagonal
AC such that AE = FC. Prove that DEBF is a E
parallelogram. A B
(c) In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, F
DF⊥ AC and BE⊥AC, BF and DE are joined.
Prove that: DEBF is a parallelogram. E
1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) x = 110º, y = 70º (b) x = 25º, y = 105º (c) x = 3 cm, y = 5cm
(d) x = 4cm, y = 6cm (e) x = 30º (f) x = 3m, y = 2cm
3. (a) x = 42º (b) x = 95º, y = 95º, z = 40º (c) x = 25º, y = 40º, z = 110º, a = 70º
(d) x = 105º, y = 75º e) x = 25º, y = 65º, z = 25º (f) x = 115º, y = 25º
4. (a) 140º (b) 70º, 110º, 70º, 110º (c) 65º, 115º, 65º, 115º (e) x = 15º, y = 75º, z = 150º

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 259


18 Construction
18.1 Warm-up Activities
Discuss the following in your class.

• What are the types of quadrilateral?

• Recall the features of parallelogram.
• Recall the features of square, rectangle and rhombus.
• Recall the features of trapezium.
• Copy the given and draw a line parallel to AB from C. A B
• Copy the given figure and draw a line perpendicular •C
to AB, from C.
• Copy the given figure and from C,
draw a line parallel to AB. B
• Copy the given figure and draw a line
parallel to BC from A. B C

18.2 Construction of Quadrilaterals

A quadrilateral can be drawn if :
• all four sides and a diagonal are given.
• three sides and two diagonals are given.
• any one angle and four sides are given.
• two sides and three angles are given.

Worked Out Examples

Type: I
Rough Sketch
When any one diagonal and four sides are given: C
Example: D

6.5 cm

Construct a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 5 cm, BC = 6.5 cm,

4.2 c

CD = 6 cm, DA = 4.2 cm and diagonal AC = 8 cm.

A 5 cm B

260 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

• Draw a line segment AB = 5 cm.
• From A, cut by the arc 8 cm and from B cut
by the arc of 6.5 cm to get point C.
• Join AC and BC.
• Again from A, cut by arc length of 4.2 cm

6.5 cm
cm and from C cut by an arc length of 6 cm to

get point D.
4.2 cm

• Join AD and CD.

ABCD is the a required quadrilateral.

5 cm

Type: II
Rough Sketch
When any three sides and both diagonals are given: C




5 cm
Construct a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 3
cm A B
cm, AD =5 cm, BC = 5 cm, diagonal AC = 6.5 cm and 3 cm

diagonal BD = 7.5 cm.

• Draw a line segment AB = 3
C cm.
• From A, cut by an arc length
of 6.5 cm and from B, cut by
D an arc length of 5 cm to get
point C.
• Join AC and BC.

5 cm

7.5 • From A, cut by an arc length



of 5 cm and from B, cut by arc

length of 7.5 cm to get point

• Join AD and BD.

A B ABCD is the a required

3 cm

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 261

Type: III

When any one angle and four sides of the Rough Sketch
quadrilateral are given:
D 4.2 cm
Example: C

6.2 c
Construct a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 6.5 cm,

5.8 c

BC = 6.2 cm, CD = 4.2 cm, DA = 5.8 cm and ∠DAB =
75º. A 75º B
6.5 cm
D 4.2 cm

• Draw a line segment AB = 6.5 cm.
• At A, draw ∠BAP = 75º.
6.2 c

• From A cut by an arc of length 5.8 cm to get D.


5.8 c

• From D, cut by an arc length of 4.2 cm and from

B, cut by an arc length of 6.2 cm to get C.
• Join DC and BC.
ABCD is the a required quadrilateral.


6.5 cm

Rough Sketch
Type: IV C


When any three sides and two angles are given, 5

60º 45º
Example: A 6.5 cm

Construct a quadrilateral in which AB = 6.5 cm, BC = 4.5 cm,

AD = 4cm, ∠DAB = 60º and ∠CBA = 45º.
• Draw a line segment AB = 6.5 cm.
C • At the point A, draw ∠PAB = 60º and at
the point B, draw∠QBA = 45º.

• Take an arc of 4 cm and cut from A to D


and by the arc of 4.5 cm cut from B to C.

• Join DC.
60º 45º ABCD is a required quadrilateral.
A 6.5 cm B

262 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Type: V

Rough Sketch
When any two sides and three angles are given,
Construct a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 5.7 cm, C
BC = 3.5 cm, ∠DAB = 60º, ABC = 105º and ∠BCD = 90º.

3.5 c
P 105º
5.7 cm

C • Draw a line segment AB = 5.7 cm.
90º • At point A, draw ∠BAP = 60º and at
point B, draw∠ABQ = 105º.
3.5 c
• From B, cut by arc of 3.5cm to get
point C.
• At C, draw ∠BCD = 90º, which
105º meets AP at D.
60º ABCD is a required quadrilateral.
A 5.7 cm B

Exercise 18.1
1. Construct a quadrilateral ABCD from the following data:
(a) AB = 5.8 cm, BC = 6.3 cm, CD = 5.2 cm, AD = 4.8 cm and diagonal BD = 6.9 cm.
(b) AB = 5.3 cm, BC = 6.2 cm, CD = 6.5 cm, DA = 6.1 cm and diagonal AC = 6.8 cm.
2. Construct a quadrilateral PQRS from the given data:
(a) QR = 5.6 cm, RS = 5.8 cm, PS = 6.3 cm, diagonal PR = 6 cm and diagonal QS = 7 cm.
(b) PQ = 5.4 cm, QR = 5.2 cm, PS = 6.5 cm, diagonal PR = 6.3 cm and diagonal QS = 6.8 cm.
3. Construct a quadrilateral ABCD from the given data:
(a) AB = 6.5 cm, BC = 5.4 cm, CD = 5.3 cm, AD = 6.6 cm and ∠DAB = 60º.
(b) AB = BC = 6.2 cm, CD = AD = 4.9 cm and ∠ABC = 75º.
4. Construct a quadrilateral ABCD from the given data:
(a) AB = 6.7 cm, BC = 6.5 cm, CD = 6.1 cm, ∠ABC = 120º and ∠BCD = 45º.
(b) AB = 5 cm, CD = 6.1 cm, BC = 5.5 cm, ∠ABC = 45º and ∠DAB = 120º.
5. (a) Construct a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 6cm,
BC = 6.5cm, ∠A = 60º, ∠B = 120º and ∠C = 90º.
(b) Construct a quadrilateral PQRS in which PQ = 6.6cm,
QR = 7cm, ∠P = 90º, ∠Q = 60º and ∠R = 120º.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 263

Consult your teacher

18.3 Construction of Trapezium

Type: I
Rough Sketch
When any three sides and one base angle are given:
Example: Construct a trapezium ABCD in which Q
D 4.5 cm
AB = 5.4 cm, CD = 4.5 cm

DA = 3 cm, ∠ DAB = 60º and DC || AB A
60º B
5.4 cm

D 4.5 cm C • Draw a line segment AB = 5.4 cm.
• At A, draw an ∠PAB = 60º.
• From A, cut AP by an arc of 3cm to

get point D.

• Draw DC//AB making ∠ADQ = 60º

A 60º = ∠DAB.
5.4 cm • Cut by arc of 4.5 cm to get point C.
• Join BC.
ABCD is the a required trapezium.

How to draw DC||AB ?

• Make alternate angles equal.
i.e. draw ∠PAB = ∠QDA = 60º.

Type: II
Rough Sketch
When base angles, length of base and length of or P C
non–parallel sides are given: D R

Construct a trapezium ABCD in which AB = 7cm, AD = 5

60º 75º
cm, ∠DAB = 60º, ∠CBA = 75º and DC//AB. A B
7 cm

264 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

D • Draw a line segment AB = 7cm.
• At A, draw an ∠PAB = 60º.
• From A, cut AP by an arc of 5 cm

to get point D.

• Draw DC//AB making ∠ADQ

= 60º = ∠DAB.
• At B, draw ∠SBA = 75º.
A 60º 75º B ABCD is the a required trapezium.
7 cm

Type: III
Rough Sketch
When three sides and one diagonal are given A D

Example :


Construct a trapezium ABCD where AB = 7cm, m

BC = 6.5cm, CD = 8cm, AC = 8cm and AD//BC. C
B 6.5 cm

A D Steps
• Draw a line segment BC = 6.5cm.
• From B and C cut by the arc of
8c 7cm and 8 cm respectively to get


point A.

• From A, draw AD//BC.

• From C, take an arc of 6cm and
at arc of 6 cm and cut at point D
such that CD = 6cm.
B 6.5 cm C

Type: IV
Rough Sketch
When two sides and two angles are given. B C

Example :

Construct a trapezium ABCD where AB = 7 cm,


BC = 6cm, ∠A = 600 and ∠B = 70ο and AB//DC. 600 700

A 7 cm

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 265

• Draw a line segment AB = 7 cm
• Draw an angle 700 at B with the
help of protractor.
• Draw an angle 600 at A with the

6 cm
help of compass.
• From B, cut by an arc of 6 cm to
get point C.

A 7 cm B • From C, draw a line CD // AB.

(Draw ∠DCB = 1100)
ABCD is a required trapezium

Exercise 18.2
1. (a) Construct a trapezium ABCD, where BC||AD, BC = 5cm, AD = 4cm,
AB = 4.5cm and ∠ABC = 60º.
(b) Construct a trapezium ABCD where AB||DC, AB = 7cm, BC = 5cm, ∠ABC =
75º and CD = 5.4cm.
2. (a) Construct a trapezium ABCD where AB||DC, AB = 7cm, BC = 5cm
AD = 6.5cm, ∠ABC = 60º.
(b) Construct a trapezium PQRS, where QR||PS, QR = 6.8cm, ∠QRS = 75º,
RS = 5cm and SP = 4.8cm.
3. (a) Construct a trapezium EFGH, where EF = 6.5cm, FG = 7.4cm, ∠EFG = 60º,
∠FGH = 75º and EH||FG.
(b) Construct a trapezium PQRS, where SP = 7.6cm.∠ SPQ = 60º, ∠PQR = 90·,
PQ = 6.8cm and SR||PQ.
4. (a) Construct a trapezium ABCD, where AB = 10cm, BC = 5cm, AC = 8cm and
AD = 6cm.
(b) Construct a trapezium PQRS, where, PS//QR, QR = 8cm, SR = 5cm,
QS = 7cm, PS = 5cm.

Consult your teacher

266 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


19 Circle
19.1 Warm-up Activities
Observe the given figures and name the part shown in each figure.


Point O OR PQ

A B Shaded part

• Draw a circle and show its different parts like circumference, diameter, radius,
chord and arc.
• What is the relation of diameter with radius?
• What is the relation of diameter with circumference?
• Draw a circle and measure its circumference.

19.2 Circle S

Basic definitions
If a point moves in a plane in such a way that its distance
from a fixed point is always the same, the locus of the point is
called a circle. It is denoted by . Q

The fixed point which is equidistant from any point of the circle is called the centre
of the circle. In the given figure, points P, Q, R and S are equidistant from the point
O, the centre of circle.

The total length of the rim of the circle is circumference. In other
words, the perimeter of the circle is the circumference of the circle. Q

us O
A line segment which joins the centre of circle to any point of Ra
the circumference is a radius. It is denoted by 'r'. Q

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 267

A line segment which joins the two points of the circumfer- Chor
ence is a chord. AB and CD are the chords. O

A chord which passes through the centre of the circle is
called a diameter. i.e. a diameter is the longest chord. AC is a diamete C
diameter. Chord D

Arc C
Any part of the circumference of a circle is called the arc. It
is denoted by ' '. If the arc is less than half of the circumfer-
ence, it is called a minor arc and if it is more than half of the
circumference, it is a major arc.
Minor arc

Note: In the above figure, AB is a minor arc and ACB is the major arc.
A diameter of a circle divides a circle into two D B
equal parts, each part is called semi–circle. O

In the figure DAB and DCB are two semi–circles of the circle. C
A region enclosed by any two radii and an arc of a circle is called O sector
a sector of the circle. If the sector is less than semi circle, it is a
minor sector and if it is more than semi circle, it is a major sector. P Q
Segment Minor sector

A region enclosed by an arc and a chord of a circle is

Major segment
called a segment of the circle. If the segment is less than O
half of circle, it is called a minor segment and if it is
more than half of the circle, it is called a major segment. A B
Minor segment
Concentric circles
Two or more than two circles having the same centre are
called the concentric circles and each circle belongs to the O
same family of the circles. The portion between two circles
is called annulus region. II

Line of centres
Annulus region

The straight line joining the centers of two circles

is called line of centers. In the adjoining figure,
O O'
OO' is the line of centers.

268 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Intersecting circles
When two circles intersect each other at two different A
points, they are said to be intersecting circles. The line
which joins their points of intersection is their common O O'
In the given figure, two circles intersect at A and B and
AB is a common chord.
Concyclic points B
The points which lie on the circumference of the circle
are called concyclic points. D
In the figure, A, B, C, and D are concyclic points.

Central angle
Central angle
An angle at the centre of the circle is a central angle.
Centre is the vertex for the angle. Here, AOB is the cen-
tral angle.
Some points to remember about circles:
1. One and only one circle can be drawn with a given radius.
2. A line cannot intersect a circle in more than two points.
3. Radii of the same circle or equal circles are equal.
4. Two circles are equal if their radii are equal.
5. The longest chord of a circle is a diameter.

Tangent to a circle
A line which intersects the circle one and only point is called
a tangent to the circle. The point at which the tangent touches T
the circle is called the point of contact.
In the given figure RT is a tangent and P is a point of contact.

Secant of a circle Y B

A line that intersects a circle in two distinct points is called a X

secant of the circle. In the given figure, AB is a secant which A

intersects a circle at X and Y.

Theorem 19.1
The perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects it.

Experimental Verification
Draw two circles of different radii with centre O and also draw a chord AB of
different lengths and draw OP ⊥ AB in each circle.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 269




Fig. I A
Fig. II
To verify : AP = PB
Now, measure the length of AP and PB with the help of ruler and tabulate them as

Figure AP PB Remarks
(i) ........... cm ........... cm AP = PB
(ii) ........... cm ........... cm AP = PB
Conclusion : Hence, perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord
bisects it.
Theoretical Proof:
Given : O is the centre of circle and AB is a chord and OP⊥AB.
To prove : AP = PB
Construction : Join O and A, O and B. A P B

Proof :

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆APO and ∆BPO 1.
i) ∠OPA = ∠OPB (R) i) Being both 90º
ii) OA = OB (H) ii) Radii of the same circle.
iii) OP = OP (S) iii) Common sides.
2. ∴∆APO ≅ ∆ BPO 2. By R.H.S. axiom.
3. AP = PB 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles.
Hence, the perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects it.
Hence, proved.
Theorem 19.2

The line joining the middle point of the chord and the centre of a circle is perpendic-
ular to the chord.

Experimental Verification
Draw two circles with different radii with centre O. Also draw a chord AB of
different length in each circle. Determine the middle point M of the chord AB and
join OM.

270 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal



Fig. I A
Fig. II
To Verify : OM ⊥ AM
Now, measure ∠OMA and ∠OMB with the help of protractor and tabulate them as

Figure ∠OMA ∠OMB Remarks

(i) 90º 90º OM ⊥ AB
(ii) 90º 90º OM ⊥ AB
Conclusion : The line joining the middle point of the chord and the centre of a circle
is perpendicular to the chord.
Theoretical Proof :
Given : O is the centre of a circle and M is the middle O
point of the chord AB and OM is joined.
To prove : OM⊥AB A M B

Construction : Join O and A, O and B.

Proof :

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆OMA and ∆OMB 1.
(i) OA = OB (S) (i) Radii of the same circle
(ii) AM = MB (S) (ii) M is middle point of AB
(iii) OM = OM (S) (iii) common sides
2. ∴∆ OMA ≅ ∆OMB 2. By S.S.S. axiom
3. ∠OMA = ∠OMB 3. Corresponding angles of congruent triangles
4. ∠OMA + ∠OMB = 180º 4. Being linear pairs
5. ∠OMA = ∠OMB = 90º 5. From (3) and (4)
6. OM ⊥ AB 6. From (5)
Hence, the line joining the middle point of the chord and the centre of a circle is
perpendicular to the chord.
Theorem 19.3

Equal chords of a circle are equidistant from the centre.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 271

Experimental Verification
Draw two circles with different radii with centre O. Also draw equal chords AB and
CD in each circle. From the centre O, draw OM and ON perpendicular to AB and
CD in each circle respectively.


Fig. I
To verify : OM = ON Fig. II

Now measure the length of OM and ON with the help of ruler and tabulate them as

Figure OM ON Remarks
(i) ........... cm ........... cm OM = ON
(ii) ........... cm ........... cm OM = ON
Conclusion: Equal chords of a circle are equidistant from the centre.
Theoretical Proof:
Given : O is the centre of a circle, AB = CD, OM⊥AB and ON⊥CD. M N
To prove : OM = ON. O
Construction : Join A and O, C and O.
Proof :

Statements Reasons
1. 1 1. The perpendicular drawn from centre of circle
2 bisects the chord
2. 1 2. Same as statement 1
3. AM = CN 3. Being AB = CD and from St. no. (1) and (2)
4. In ∆AMO and ∆CNO 4.
(i) ∠AMO = ∠CNO (R) (i) Being both right angles.
(ii) AO = CO (H) (ii) Radii of the same circle.
(iii) AM = CN (S) (iii) From statement (3).
5. ∆AMO ≅ ∆CNO 5. By R.H.S. axiom.
6. ∴ OM = ON 6. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles.
Hence, equal chords of a circle are equidistant from the centre of a circle. Hence,

272 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Theorem 19.4
Chords which are equidistant from the centre of a circle are equal.
Experimental Verification
Draw two circles with centre O with different radii. Also draw two perpendiculars
OM and ON from centre O to AB and CD in each circle.


Fig. I
Fig. II
To verify : AB = CD
Now measure the length of AB and CD with the help of ruler and tabulate them as

Figure AB CD Remarks
(i) ...............cm ...............cm AB = CD
(ii) ...............cm ...............cm AB = CD
Conclusion: Hence, chords which are equidistant from the centre of a circle
are equal.
Theoretical Proof:
Given : O is the centre of circle. AB and CD are two
chords OM⊥AB, ON ⊥ CD and OM = ON. M N
To prove : AB = CD. O
Construction : Join A and O, C and O. B D

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆ AMO and ∆CNO 1.
(i) ∠AMO =∠CNO (R) (i) Being both 90º
(ii) AO = OC (H) (ii) Radii of the same circles.
(iii) OM = ON (S) (iii) Given
2. ∆AMO ≅ ∆CNO 2. By R.H.S. axiom.
3. AM = CN 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 273

1 4. The perpendicular drawn from centre of circle
4. AM = AB
2 bisects the chord.
1 5. Same as (4)
5. CN = CD
6. AB = CD 6. From (3) , (4) and (5)
Hence, chords which are equidistant from the centre of a circle are equal.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
The radius of a circle is 5cm and the length of a chord is 8 cm. Calculate the distance of
the chord from the centre.
Let O be the centre of the circle, AB be the chord and OM be the O
distance between the centre and the chord. Here, AB = 8cm, radius
(OA) = 5cm
Since, OM ⊥ AB
So, AM = AB [Perpendicular drawn from the centre of the
2 circle bisects the chord]
= × 8 = 4 cm
In right angled ∆OMA
OA2 = OM2 + AM2
(5)2 = OM2 + (4)2
or, 25 – 16 = OM2
∴ OM = 9 cm = 3cm
∴ Required distance of the chord from the centre is 3 cm.

Example: 2 A
In a circle of centre O, AB and CD are two parallel chords of
lengths 16cm and 12 cm respectively, and radius of the circle is P

10cm. Find the length of PQ. D


Hence, AB||CD draw OP and OQ perpendicular to CD and AB respectively. POQ is a

straight line. So, OQ bisects AB and OP bisects CD.

274 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Radius of circle = 10 cm
AB = 16 cm and CD = 12 cm
1 1
AQ = AB = × 16 cm = 8 cm.
2 2
1 1
CP = CD = × 12 cm = 6 cm
2 2
Now, in right angled ∆OQA
AO2 = AQ2 + OQ2
or, (10)2 = (8)2 + OQ2
or, 100 – 64 = OQ2
OQ = 36 = 6 cm
And in right angled ∆OPC
OC2 = OP2 + CP2
or, (10)2 = OP2 + (6)2
or, 100 – 36 = OP2
∴ OP = 64 = 8 cm
From the figure, PQ = PO + OQ
PQ = (8 + 6)cm
= 14 cm

Example: 3
In the given figure, AB is a diameter, AB⊥CD. Prove that ∠COM = ∠DOM.
Given : O is centre of the circle, the diameter AB is perpendicular to
the chord CD at M.
To prove : ∠COM = ∠DOM
Contraction : Join C and O, O and D. B

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆COM and ∆DOM 1.
(i) ∠OMC = ∠OMD (R) (i) Being both right angles.
(ii) CO = OD (H) (ii) Radii of the same circle.
(iii) CM = DM (S) (iii) A perpendicular drawn from centre of a circle
bisects the chord.
2. ∆ CMO ≅ ∆DOM 2. By R.H.S. axiom.
3. ∴ ∠COM = ∠DOM 3. Corresponding angles of congruent triangles.
Hence, proved

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 275

Example: 4
In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle, chords MN and RS intersect at A. If OA
is the bisector of ∠MAR, prove that MN = RS.
Given: 'O' is the centre of the circle two chords MN and RS intersect
at A and OA is bisector of ∠MAR i.e. ∠MAO = ∠RAO. P S
To prove : MN = RS.
Construction : Draw OP⊥MN and OQ⊥SR.

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆OPA and ∆∆OQA 1.
(i) ∠OPA = ∠OQA (A) (i) Being both 90º
(ii) ∠OAP = ∠OAQ (A) (ii) Given
(iii) OA = OA (S) (iii) Common side
2. ∆OPA ≅ ∆OQA 2. By A.A.S. axiom
3. OP = OQ 3. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles
4. MN = RS 4. Being two chords MN and RS equidistant from the
Hence, proved
Example: 5
In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. OX⊥BP and OY⊥DP. If OX=OY, prove

that BP = DP. A
Given : In a circle of centre O, OX⊥BP and OY⊥DP and OX = OY . x
To prove : BP = DP. O
Construction : Join O and P.
Proof : D

Statements Reasons
1. OX = OY 1. Given
2. AB = CD 2. Equal chords are equidistant form the centre
1 1 3. A perpendicular drawn from centre of circle
3. BX = AB, DY = CD
2 2 bisects the chord.
4. ∴BX = DY 4. From statements (2) and (3)
5. In ∆PXO and ∆PYO
(i) ∠OXP = ∠OYP (R) (i) Being both are 90º

276 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(ii) OP = OP (H) (ii) Common sides
(iii) OX = OY (S) (iii) Given
6. ∆PXO ≅ ∆PYO 6. By R.H.S. axiom
7. XP = YP 7. Corresponding sides of congruent triangles
8. BX + XP = DY + YP 8. Adding (4) and (7)
9. BP = DP 9. Whole part axiom

Hence, proved
Example: 6
In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. AB = BC, prove that ∠ABD = ∠DBC.
Given : 'O' is the centre of the circle, and AB = BC. M
To prove : ∠ABD = ∠CBD O
Construction : From O, draw OM ⊥ AB and ON ⊥ BC. C

Statements Reasons
1. In ∆OMB and ∆∆ONB 1.
(i) ∠OMB = ∠ONB (R) (i) Being both right angles
(ii) OB = OB (H) (ii) Common sides
(iii) OM = ON (S) (iii) Equal chords are equidistant from the centre.
2. ∆OMB ≅ ∆ONB 2. By R.H.S. axiom
3. ∠OBM = ∠OBN 3. Corresponding angles of congruent triangles.
i.e. ∠ABD = ∠CBD

Hence, proved

Exercise 19.1
1. (a) What is the relation of a chord with the line joining the centre of the circle to the
mid point of chord?
(b) What happens when the perpendicular is drawn from the centre of the circle to
the chord?
(c) If two chords are equidistant from the centre of the circle, what is their relation?
(d) If chord AB and CD are equal in length and distance of AB from the centre is 'a'
units, what is the distance of CD from the centre? Why?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 277

(e) In the given figure 'O' is the centre of the circle, M is the O
mid point of AB, what is the relation between OM and AB?


(f) In the given figure, CD = 10cm, if OE⊥CD, what is the M N

length of CE and ED? O


(g) In the given figure, PQ = RS and OM = 6cm, what is the O
length of ON? Why?

(h) In the given figure, OP = OQ and AB = 9cm, what is the O

length of CD? Why?

2. (a) In the given figure, AB = 16 cm and OM = 6cm. C O

Find the radius of the circle.

(b) In the given figure, OM = 5cm, OC = 13cm, find the O

length of the chord AB.

3. (a) In the given figure, O is the centre of a circle of

radius 10 cm, OP⊥AB, OQ⊥CD, AB||CD, AB = 12cm and
CD = 16 cm. Find the distance between two chords.

(b) In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. M

PQ//RS, OM⊥PQ, ON⊥RS. If PQ=8cm,
RS = 6cm, and radius 5cm, find the length of MN.

(c) In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. AB and A C

CD are two equal and parallel chords. If the distance
between two chords is 10 cm and the radius of the O
circle is 13 cm, find the length of the chords.

278 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


4. (a) In the given figure, the diameter CD meets the chord

AB at point P such that AP = PB = 4 cm, and CP = 3cm. O
Find the length of diameter of the circle. A P B

(b) In a circle with centre O, an isosceles triangle ABC is
inscribed, AD⊥BC. If AB = AC = 15 cm and AD = 12
cm., find the length of AO.

5. (a) In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. OM⊥AB,
ON⊥CD. If AB = 24 cm, OM = ON = 5 cm, show by M N
calculation that the lengths of the chords AB and CD O
are equal. B D

(b) In the given figure, 'O' is the centre of the circle. Radi-
us of this circle is 13cm and PQ = RS = 24cm. Show by M N
calculation that equal chords are equidistant from the O

6. In the given figure, the straight line ABCD cuts two
concentric circles. Prove that AB = CD. B


7. Two equal chords AB and CD of the circle with P

the centre O are produced to meet at P. Prove that; N
BP = PD.
8. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. Chords MN
and RS intersect at P. If OP is bisector of ∠MPR, prove that M
MN = RS.

9. In the given figure, O and P are the centre of two A B

intersecting circles at A and B. Prove that O
(i) AM = BM C

(ii) OM ⊥ AB.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 279


10. Two chords AB and AC are equally inclined to the diameter A D

AD. Prove that: AB = AC.

11. In the given figure, AC = DB, prove that OA = OB.

Do You Know!
Pharaoh once asked Euclid to teach him Geometry the easy way to which
the Mathematician promptly replied, "There is no royal road to Geometry.

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) 10 cm (b) 24 cm
3. (a) 2 cm (b) 7 cm (c) 24cm. 4. (a) 8.32 cm, b) 9.375 cm

Project work
I. In a chart paper, draw a circle and show the following parts.
(i) diameter (ii) chord (iii) sector (iv) major arc (v) minor arc (vi) segment
II. By paper folding, prove that perpendicular drawn from the center of the circle bisects
the chord.

Objective Questions

Choose the correct alternatives.

1. Which one of the following is not the property of a triangle?
(i) Sum of two angles of a triangle is always greater then the third angle
(ii) Sum of two sides of a triangle is always greater then the third side.
(iii) Sum of two angles of a triangle is equal to the opposite exterior angle.
2. In the given triangle, which one of the following A

relation is true? 500

(i) AC > BC > AB
(ii) AC > AB > BC 850
(iii) BC > AC > AB

280 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

3. By which one of the following axiom, two triangles can not be made congruent ?
(i) AAS (ii) SSA (iii) ASA
4. Which one of the following is not the property of an isosceles triangles?
(i) Bisector of the vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular to the base.
(ii) All the sides of isosceles triangle are equal.
(iii) Median of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular to the base.
5. In the given figure, which one of the following
relation is not true?
(i) ∠BAM = ∠CAM (ii) ∠ABM = ∠ACM
(iii) ∠BAM = ∠ABM B

6. If M and N are the mid points of PQ and PR respectively,
then which one of the following M relation is not true?
1 M N
(i) MN//QR (ii) MN = QR (iii) MN = QR
7. Which one of the following statement is true?
(i) All congruent figures are also similar
(ii) All similar figures are also congruent
(iii) Area of two similar figures are always equal.
8. Which one of the following statement is not true?
(i) Every rectangle is a parallelogram. (ii) Every square is a rhombus
(iii) Every parallelogram is a rhombus. A B

9. If ABCD is a prallelogram then

(i) AO = OC and BO = OD (ii) AC = BD (iii) AD = DC

10. ABCD is parallelogram. Its diagonal AC and BD are equal then it is a

(i) rhombus (ii) rectangle (iii) trapezium
11. I have four sides one pair of my opposite sides are parallel then I am a
(i) rhombus (ii) square (iii) trapezium

12. In given figure, OM ⊥ AB, OM = 4cm,

OA = 5cm then the length of AB is
cm 4cm C
5 B
(i) 6cm (ii) 5 cm (iii) 3cm A M
13. In the given figure, AB = CD, then N

(i) OM = ON (ii) OM = 1 CD (iii) ON = 1 AB D

2 2 B

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 281

Assessment Test Paper

Full marks: 40
Attempt all the questions.
Group-A [4 × 1 = 4]
1. (a) Name the longest and the shortest side of 800
∆ABC in the given figure. B
700 300
(b) In the given figure, M and N are the mid points
AB and AC respectively. What are the relations
between MN and AC?
(c) ABCD is a parallelogram. If DC = 7cm, BC = 6cm, 6cm
find the length of AB and AD.
D 7cm C

(d) AB and CD are two equal chords of OM and
ON are their distance from the centre of the M
circle and OM = 3.5cm, find the length of ON. B D

(e) In the given figure, ∆ABC is an isosceles triangle,
D is the mid point of BC, what is the relation of AD
with BC.

(f) In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, if
AD = 4cm, BO = 6 cm. What is the length of OC and
Group-B [6 × 2 = 12]
2. Find the value of x in the given figure.
(a) C (b) A B
30 0
x 1100
420 x
A 500

3. (a) In the given figure, ABCD is a rectangle,
find the value of x. 1200


282 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(b) In the given figure, P and Q are the mid points
of AB and AC respectively, if PQ = (2x+5)cm and P Q
BC = (3x+12)cm, find the value of x and the length
of BC. B C

4. (a) In the given figure, AB // CD, AO = 8cm, OD = 4cm, O C
CD = 3cm, find the length of AB.

(b) In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. O
OC ⊥ AB, OC = 5cm, AB = 24cm, find its radius. C

Group - C [3 × 4 = 12]
5. In the given figure, AB = CD and AB//CD, prove that
AD = BC and AD//BC.
6. Verify experimentally that equal chords are equidistant
from the centre.

7. Construct a quadrilateral ABCD where AB = 7 cm, BC = 6.5 cm, CD = 7.5 cm. AD = 8

cm diagonal AC = 6.8 cm.

Group-D [2 × 5 = 10]
8. In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, diagonal AC is A B
produced in such away that PA = CQ, prove that PBQD is a
parallelogram. D

9. In the given figure, ABCD is a trapezium, P and Q are the mid P Q
points of AD and BC respectively, prove that 2PQ = AB + CD.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 283

Statistics & Probability
Estimated Teaching Hours 16
• Cumulative frequency distribution
• Frequency Polygon
• Histogram
• Cumulative frequency curve or ogive
• Measures of central tendency
• Measure of Partition values (Quartiles)
• Term related to probability
• Probability scale
• Theoretical probability and empirical probability

Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, students will be able to develop the following
• To make cumulative frequency distribution table from the given data
• To draw the frequency polygon from the given data
• To draw the more than and less than cumulative frequency curve and
get the information from the given curve
• To calculate the central values, Mean, Median and Mode from the
given individual and discrete data
• To calculate the partition values Q1 and Q3 from the given individual
and discrete data
• To calculate range from the given individual and discrete data.
• To define and understand the terms related to probability
• To understand the probability scale
• To find the theoretical and empirical probability

Teaching Materials
• A4 size paper, Graph sheet, Chart paper, Playing Cards, Dice, Coins
Histogram, etc.
• Flash cards, A4 paper, Dice, Coin, etc.

284 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


20 Statistics
20.1 Warm-up Activities
Discuss the following in the class and draw the conclusion.

• Collect the marks obtained by the students of your class in

Mathematics in an examination.
• What type of data is this?
• What is the average marks of the class?
• How to calculate the average marks?

The marks obtained by 20 students in a class out of 10 full marks is given below:
1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 2, 3, 8, 10, 4, 3, 7, 6, 3, 4, 2, 8, 3, 7, 8
What type of data is this? Discuss in your classroom. Let's convert this data into
frequency distribution table.
Frequency table

Variable Mark (X) Tally mark Frequency (f)

1 / 1
2 // 2
3 5
4 // 2
5 / 1
6 / / 2
7 / / 2
8 / / / 3
9 / 1
10 / 1

If the number of any variable repeats 5 times, we use cross tally over the first four
tally as ( ).

Again, observe the above table and discuss the following questions in your class.
• What does the tally marks / represent?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 285

• What does the Tally marks represent?
• Frequency of 3 is 5, what does this statement mean?
On converting the above data in the given form

Marks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency 1 2 5 2 1 2 2 3 1 1

20.2 Frequency distribution:

When the data are arranged in a table sharing their respective frequencies in the
frequency column, that tabular arrangement of data is called frequency distribution.
Frequency distribution can be prepared in three following ways:
(i) Individual series or ungrouped data.
(ii) Discrete series or ungrouped frequency distribution
(iii) Continuous series or grouped frequency distributions
(a) Individual Series
In the individual series, items are listed individually one by one. No frequency of the
variables is mentioned. So, it is just an ungrouped data e.g. marks of 10 students are
given as.
1, 2, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1, 7, 3 and 8.

(b) Discrete or Ungrouped frequency distribution

In this type of distribution, the variables can be only the exact and specific value
with their corresponding frequency. For example, marks of 15 students are tabulated
as below.

Marks 1 2 3 4 5
No. of Students 3 4 5 2 1

(c) Continuous series or grouped frequency distribution

The data which are represented by continuous variables is called continuous series.
For, e.g. ,

Class Interval 0–10 10–20 20–30 30–40 40–50

No. of Students 2 3 5 1 4

The above table shows the marks of 15 students in terms of different classes. We can
observe that there are two students whose marks lie between the range 0 to 10 (exclusive).
Here the lower and upper limits of the first class are 0 and 10. The difference between
them is called class height or width or size or magnitude.
∴ Class size = Upper limit – Lower limit

286 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

The mid–value of the class is obtained by the average value of upper and lower limits.

∴ Mid–value = ( Upper Limit + Lower Limit

In above case, the lower limit of the class is also considered as its value while the upper
limit will be excluded and will be included for the next class. But this is not applied for
the upper most class interval.
If the distribution is inclusive (discontinuous) i.e. the upper limit of the class is not equal
to the lower limit of another class, first we have to adjust it in the from of continuous
series by the selection of correct correction factor.
Here, Correction factor = Difference of lower class of any group and the upper class of previous group )
For example:

Variables 1 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19
No. of items 2 5 6 3

In above table, the lower class limit of 2nd class is 5 and upper class limit of 1st class is
4. So the correct factor
c.f. = 5 – 4 = 1 = 0.5
2 2
Hence, the above discontinuous data is changed into continuous by subtracting the
correction factor from the lower class limit and adding it to the upper class limit. Now
the distribution becomes.

Variables Class Corrected Class Frequency

1 – 4 0.5 – 4.5 2
5 – 9 4.5 – 9. 5 5
10 – 14 9.5 – 14.5 6
15 – 19 14.5 – 19.5 3

Cumulative frequency distribution

The frequency distribution table in which frequencies are cumulated either from top
to bottom or bottom to top is called cumulative frequency distributions. There are two
types of cumulative frequency distributions.
(a) Less than cumulative frequency distribution
(b) More than cumulative frequency distribution

(a) Less than cumulative frequency distribution

The frequency distribution in which the frequencies are cumulated from top to bottom is
called less than cumulative frequency distribution. Let us see the table given below.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 287

Marks 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50
No of Students (Frequency ) 2 4 3 5 7
Less than cumulative frequency table of the given data.

Marks No of Students Upper limit Less than cumulative

(frequency) frequency
0 – 10 2 10 2
10 – 20 4 20 2 + 4 = 6
20 – 30 3 30 6 + 3 = 9
30 – 40 5 40 9 + 5 = 14
40 – 50 7 50 14 + 7 = 21
N = 21

Remember !
• Marks of 2 students are less than 10.
• Marks of 6 students are less than 20.
• Marks of 9 students are less than 30 and so on.

Less than c. f. represents the frequency of less than the upper limit of corresponding

(b) More than cumulative frequency distribution :

The frequency distribution in which frequencies are cumulated from bottom to top is
called more than cumulative frequency distribution. The table below shows the more
than cumulative frequency distribution.

Marks No of Students Lower More than cumulative

(frequency) Limit frequency
0 – 10 2 0 19 + 2 = 21 Start to add the
frequency from
10 – 20 4 10 15 + 4 = 19 line bottom
20 – 30 3 20 12 + 3 =15
30 – 40 5 30 7+ 5 = 12
40 – 50 7 40 7
N = 21

288 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

More than c. f represents the frequency of more than the lower limit of corresponding

Remember !
• Marks of 21 students are more than 0.
• Marks of 19 students are more than 10.
• Marks of 15 students are more than 20 and so on.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Prepare a discrete frequency table of the marks of 21 students of grade IX in a school.
1, 5, 6, 8, 5, 3, 4, 5, 9, 2, 8, 2, 5, 10, 6, 9, 7, 6, 5, 2, 10

Marks Tally Marks Frequency (f)

1 / 1
2 /// 3
3 / 1
4 / 1
5 //// 5
6 /// 3
7 / 1
8 // 2
9 // 2
10 // 2
Σf = 21

Example: 2
Daily expenses by different persons (in Rs.) are given below. Construct a continu-
ous frequency table of class interval as 0–20, 20–40, etc.
5, 12, 25, 10, 40, 60, 85, 55, 32, 15, 37, 56, 80, 95, 14,
36, 72, 65, 45, 90, 60, 33, 8, 19, 12, 35, 65, 52, 72, 91

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 289

Class expenses Tally Marks Frequency (f)

0 – 20
//// /// 8

20 – 40
//// / 6

40 – 60
//// 5

60 – 80
//// // 6

80 – 100
//// 5

Σf = 30

Example: 3
Form a (i) less than cumulative frequency table and (ii) more than cumulative
frequency table from the following data.

Wages (Rs) 0 – 100 100 – 200 200 – 300 300 – 400 400 – 500
No. of workers 10 15 30 10 5

Less than cumulative frequency table:

Wages (Rs) No. of workers (f) Less than c.f.

0 – 100 10 10
100 – 200 15 10 + 15 = 25
200 – 300 30 25 + 30 = 55
300 – 400 10 55 + 10 = 65
400 – 500 5 65 + 5 = 70

∑f = 70

More than cumulative frequency table:

Wages (Rs.) No. of workers (f) More than c.f.

Start to add frequency
0 – 100 10 60 + 10 = 70 from the bottom.
100 – 200 15 45 + 15 = 60
200 – 300 30 15 + 30 = 45
300 – 400 10 5 + 10 = 15
400 – 500 5 5

290 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Exercise 20.1
1. Construct a frequency distribution table from the marks obtained by 25
students using tally marks.
24 12 23 13 1 24 16 23 23 12 16 23
16 23 12 13 23 12 16 13 23 16 23 24
2. Following are the wages earned by 30 workers in a week. Construct frequency
distribution table using tally marks.
75 65 85 80 95 90 65 65 75 80
95 95 65 75 85 85 95 95 95 75
85 85 80 80 80 85 85 90 80 80
3. Construct grouped frequency table from the following data of class interval 5.
25 11 20 35 16 15 31 30 33 29
39 19 23 38 24 12 17 18 16 10
15 19 27 36 38 27 31 22 19 22
4. Construct a cumulative frequency table (less than and more than) from the
following grouped data:

(a) Marks 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50
No. of students 7 6 4 5 8

(b) Earning in (Rs) per day 50 – 100 100 – 150 150 – 200 200 – 250 250 – 300 300 – 350
No. of workers 12 13 10 8 6 12

5. Construct an ordinary frequency table for the following data:

(a) Age (less than) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

No. of persons 7 12 15 22 30 35 50

(b) Height (less than) in cm. 70 80 90 100 110

No. of plants 3 7 10 12 15

6. Construct an ordinary frequency table from the following data:

(a) Weight (in kg) No. of persons
Above 40 100
Above 50 85
Above 60 65
Above 70 40
Above 80 15

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 291

(b) Marks (more than) 0 10 20 30 40 50
No. of students 25 22 17 15 12 5

7. Construct an ordinary frequency table from the given data:

(a) Class 10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69

Frequency 8 7 9 12 4 7

(b) Wage 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34
Number of workers 5 6 12 8 4

Consult your teacher.

20.3 Frequency Polygon

Make obtained by 100 students of class IX are given below.
Marks obtained 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90

No. of Students 6 12 20 5 12 20 10 5
From above table, it is clear that none of the student get the marks from 0 -10. and 90-100.
Again, let's find the mid value of given classes.
What is the mid value of the class 0 –10?
What is the mid value of the class 10 – 20?
If value of the class 0 - 10 = 0 + 10 = 5
Mid value of the class 10- 20 = 10 + 20 = 15
Piloting marks along x = axis and number of students along y - axis.

Marks obtained Mid value No. of students Point

0 - 10 5 0 (5, 0 )
10 - 20 15 6 (15, 6)
20 - 30 25 12 (25, 12)
30 - 40 35 20 (35, 20 )
40 - 50 45 15 (45, 15)
50 - 60 55 12 (55, 12)
60 - 70 65 20 ( 65, 20)
70 - 80 75 10 (75, 10)
80-90 85 5 (85, 5)
90 - 100 95 0 (95, 0)

292 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Let's plot the points on the graph.










5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

It is the diagram representing the data in terms of adjacent bar diagram. The width of bar
represents the class interval while the height represents its corresponding frequency. The
following histogram shows the number of employees in an organization earning different
ranges of basic salary per month.

Salary (In Rupees) 1500 — 2000 2000 — 2500 2500 — 3000 3000 —3500
No. of workers 100 50 70 20










1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 293

Histogram is constructed on continuous data. If the data are not continuous (ungrounded),
first of all we must change them into continuous distribution by the help of correction factor
which is defined earlier. The width of each bar of histogram gives the class range, so it depends
upon the range of group. Histogram is one of the best ways to represent the grouped data for
further analysis and conclusion.

Cumulative frequency curve or Ogive

The curve obtained by plotting the variable values along x–axis and cumulative frequency
along y–axis is called "cumulative frequency curve" or "Ogive". We can plot two types of
Ogive curve.
(a) Less than Ogive/ cumulative frequency curve:
(b) More than Ogive/cumulative frequency Curve:
(a) Less than Ogive /cumulative frequency curve
In this case we start from lower to higher values of variables in different classes
maintaining the same class magnitude. Frequency of previous class will be added to the
next class continuously to get the cumulative frequency of different classes.
In this curve, upper limit of each class interval is taken as x coordinates and corresponding
cumulative frequency as y coordinates.
Marks 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30– 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 – 70 70 – 80 80 – 90 90 – 100

Numbers of students 2 5 3 4 6 1 5 3 4 2

Solution: Here,

Marks Upper Limit Frequency Less than C.F.

0 – 10 10 2 2

10 – 20 20 5 2 + 5 = 7

20 – 30 30 3 7 + 3 = 10

30 – 40 40 4 10 + 4 = 14

40 – 50 50 6 14 + 6 = 20

50 – 60 60 1 20 + 1 = 21

60 – 70 70 5 21 + 5 = 26

70 – 80 80 3 26 + 3 = 29

80 – 90 90 4 29 + 4 = 33

90 – 100 100 2 33 + 2 = 35

294 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

35 • Plot the points
Less than Ogive taking upper
30 limit of each
class interval on
25 X co–ordinates
and correspond-

ing c.f. as Y
15 co–ordinates.
• Join the points by
10 free hand.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

(b) More than Ogive/cumulative frequency curve

When we start considering the frequency upto the lower limit of the given class, the
cumulative frequency curve so plotted against the variable classes is called more than
cumulative frequency curve. In the graph cumulative frequency will be plotted against
the lower limit of given class variables. The following example shows more than
cumulative frequency curve. In this curve, lower limit of each class interval is taken as
X- co–ordinates and corresponding c.f. as Y co–ordinates.

Marks 0–10 10–20 20–30 30–40 40–50

No. of students 2 5 7 3 8

Solution: Here,
Marks Lower Frequency More than cumulative
limit frequency (C.F.)
0 – 10 0 2 23+2=25

10 — 20 10 5 18+5=23

20 — 30 20 7 11+7=18 Start to add

frequency from the
30 — 40 30 3 8+3=11 bottom.

40 — 50 40 8 8

Σf = 25

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 295

More than c.f. curve
More than Ogive

20 Plot all the points taking

lower limit as X co–ordi-
15 nates and corresponding
c.f. as Y co–ordinates.
10 Join all the points by

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Exercise 20.2
1. Draw the frequency polygon from the given data.
(a) Marks 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
No of Students 10 8 15 20 16 12 10 8

(b) Wages (In RS) 50-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350
No of Students 12 14 20 25 15 10

(c) Wages (In Kg) 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
No of Students 8 10 15 20 10 3

2. Study the given frequency polygon and answer the questions given below.

Number of students



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

296 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(i) What is the mid value of the class 10-20 ?
(ii) How many students get the marks between 10 - 20 ?
(iii) With the help of given frequency polygon, make the frequency distribution table.

3. Draw a histogram to represent the following data:

(a) Daily Exp. (In Rs.) 100 –125 125 – 150 150–175 175 – 200 200 – 225

Number of persons 5 8 7 10 5

(b) Marks 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50
Number of students 2 5 3 4 6

4. Draw a less than ogive curve form the following data.

(a) Height (In cm) 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 – 70 70 – 80 80 – 90 90 – 100

Number of persons 15 10 12 7 18 3

(b) Weight ( in kg) 40 – 45 45 – 50 50 – 55 55–60 60 – 65

Number of students 7 3 4 6 5

5. Study the given histogram and convert it into frequency distribution table.








10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
6. Draw a more than ogive curve:

(a) Daily Earning (in Rs.) 1000–1200 1200–1400 1400–1600 1600–1800 1800–2000

Number of shops 35 20 15 25 30

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 297

(b) Age (in years) 0 – 5 5 – 10 10 – 15 15 – 20 20 – 25
Number of persons 5 3 4 9 4

7. (a) Study the given less than Ogive curve and fill the c.f.
Less than Ogive 80

Marks Less than c.f. 70

Less than 10
Less than 20

Less than 30 30

Less than 40 20

Less than 50 10

Less than 60 O
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

(b) Study the given less than Ogive curve and fill the c.f.

Less than Ogive Y

Wages Less than c.f. 60

Less than 50 50

Less than 100 40

Less than 150

Less than 200
Less than 250
50 100 150 200 250 300
Less than 300 O Wages

8. (a) Study the given more than Ogive curve and fill the c.f.

More than Ogive Y

Class More than c.f.
More than 0
More than 10
More than 20

More than 30 30

More than 40 20

More than 50 10

More than 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

298 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(b) Study the given less than Ogive curve and fill the c.f.
Less than Ogive
Marks More than c.f.
More than 0

More than 20 50

More than 40 40

More than 60

More than 80 10

More than 100 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


9. (a) Study the given ogive curve and answer the following questions.









10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

(i) What kind of ogive curve is this?

(ii) How many students are there?

(iii) How many students got less than 20 marks?

(iv) How many students got less than 40 marks?

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 299

(b) Study the given ogive curve and answer the questions given below:


Number of workers






10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Wages (in Rs.)

(i) Find the number of workers whose wages are less than Rs. 40.

(ii) Find the number of workers whose wages are more than Rs. 30.

Consult your teacher.

20.4 Measures of Central Tendency

The single value which represents the given set of variables is called central tendency.
In our daily uses we often ask what is the standard of the school? What is the market
price of vegetables ? Hence, we often talk about the average to know about the strength
of class, price of vegetables for the daily budget, etc.
There are mainly three types of measurement of central tendency. They are:
• Mean
• Median
• Mode

Mean (Arithmetic mean)

The most popular and widely used measure of central tendency is the mean which is
also called arithmetic mean. It is denoted by the symbol x .

Calculation of arithmetic mean (x) for individual series

Direct method: If we have the set of variables, we first add them all and divide the sum
by the number of variables to get A.M. ∴ Mean ( x ) = Σxn

300 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Σx = sum of the variables
n = number of variables

Calculation for arithmetic mean ( x ) for discrete distribution

If we have the set of variables with their respective frequencies, first of all we find
the product of frequency and corresponding variables. Then we find their sum and
divide by the number of items. We can find the value of mean by using the formula,
mean ( x ) = Σfx .

Remember !
N = Σf

Combined Mean
If n1 = number of first variables
x1 = mean of the first variables
n2 = number of second variables
x2 = mean of the second variables
Then the combined mean of both variables is denoted by x 12 and is defined by,
x12 = n +n
2 2

Worked Out Examples

Example 1 :
Find the mean of the following: 2, 5, 6, 10, 15.
Solution: Here,
Sum of variables = (Σx)
= 2 + 5 + 6 + 10 + 15 = 38
Number of variables (n) = 5
∴ Mean ( x ) = Σx n = 5 = 7.6
Example 2
If the mean of the data 4, 6, 9, 10 and m is 8, find the value of m.
Here, Mean ( x ) = 8
Some of the variables (Σx) = 4 + 6 + 9 + 10 + m
= 29 + m.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 301

Number of terms (n) = 5
We have, x Σx
= n
29 + m
8 =
40 = 29 + m
or, m = 40 – 29 = 11
Example 3
Find the mean of the given data.

Height in cm 100 110 120 150 170

Number of persons 2 4 3 1 5


Height (x) No of person (f) fx

100 2 200

110 4 440

120 3 360

150 1 150

170 5 850

Σf = 15 Σfx = 2000

Now, Mean (X) = Σfx


= 2000 = 133.33 cm

Exercise 20.4
1. (a) Write the formula to calculate mean in an individual series.
(b) Write the formula to calculate the arithmetic mean in discrete series.
(c) The mean of n1 items is x1 and the mean of another n2 items is x2 , find the
mean of n1 + n2 items.
(d) ∑x = 250 and n = 10, what is the value of x ?
2. Find the arithmetic mean of the following data.
(a) 30, 40, 45, 50, 90, 100
(b) 2 kg, 5 kg, 4 kg, 7 kg, 8 kg, 10 kg
(c) 60°, 65°, 70°, 80°, 90°, 110°

302 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

3. (a) Find the arithmetic mean of all odd numbers between 90 and 100.
(b) Find the arithmetic mean of all the multiples of 3, less than 20.
4. (a) If the mean of 10,19, 17, 27, a, 29, 33 is 23, find the value of a.
(b) If the mean of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, k, 500, 550 and 700 is 220, find the value of k.
(c) The arithmetic mean of 24, 25, 26, 30, 34, m and 35 is 30, find the value
of m.
5. (a) In a discrete data, x = 6, Σfx = 5p+18, N = p+2, find the value of 7P.
(b) In a series, x = 22, Σfx = 400 + 20a, and Σf = 18 + a. Find the value of a.
(c) In a series, x = 10, Σfx = 700 + 5 m and Σf = 40 + 3 m. Calculate the value of m.
6. (a) If the mean of first 3 numbers is 3 and the mean of next 3 numbers is 30,
find the mean of all 6 numbers.
(b) The mean of 5 different numbers is 6 and the mean of 4 different numbers
is 15. Find the mean of 9 numbers.
(c) The mean of a, b, c, d is 9 and e and f is 6, find the mean of a, b, c, d, e and f.
(d) The average marks of 25 boys of class IX is 40 and that of 15 girls is 45. Find
the average marks of the class.
(e) The average weight of 20 girls is 42 kg and that of 16 boys is 48 kg. Find the
average weight of boys and girls.
7. (a) The mean of a, b, c, d, e and f is 12 and mean of e and f is 6. Find the mean
of a, b, c and d.
(b) Mean of 9 numbers is 10. If the mean of 5 different numbers is 6. Find the
mean of remaining numbers.
8. Find the arithmetic mean of the following data.

(a) x 10 12 14 16 18 20
f 5 3 7 4 11 2

(b) x 10 20 30 40 50 60
f 3 8 12 2 6 1

(c) x 100 200 300 400 500

f 2 5 4 10 8

9. (a) If the arithmetic mean of the following distribution is 31.43, find the value
of p.
x 30 31 p 33 34 20
f 8 10 5 8 9 2

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(b) If the value of mean of given data is 28.5, find the value of 'a'.

x 15 21 27 a 39 45

f 2 4 5 6 2 1

(c) If the mean of the following data is 17, find the value of m.

x 5 10 15 20 25 30
f 2 5 10 m 4 2

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) 59.17 (b) 6 kg (c) 79.17° 3. (a) 95° (b) 10.5
4. (a) 26 (b) 200 (c) 36 5. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 12 6. (a) 16.5 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 41. 87 (e) 44.67
7. (a) 15 (b) 15 8. (a) 15.19 (b) 30.94 (c) 358.62 9. (a) 32 (b) 33 (c) 7

The data of the variables are generally collected randomly. One must arrange them system-
atically in order. Suppose the data are arranged in ascending order of magnitude. The data
which lies exactly in the middle is called median. It is denoted by Md. Hence, positional medi-
an is the partition value which divides whole data into two equal parts.

Calculation of median in individual series

Let there be n observations of variables. Then positional value of median is given by ( n+1(

where n is number of observations. From this, we can easily find the median value. i.e. Median
(Md) = ( n+1( term.

Calculation of median in discrete distribution
If the variables are given in terms of their respective frequencies, we will find the cu-
mulative frequency of each variable. The median position will be obtained by using
the formula,
Median = ( N+1(
Where, N = Σf
= Total number of observations

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Find the median size of shoes from the given data: 2, 5, 7, 1, 4, 3, 6, 8, 10.

304 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Arranging in ascending order of magnitude,
Here, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Number of observations (n) = 9
We have,
( n+1
2 (
Median = term

= ( 9+1 (
term = 5th term
∴ Median (Md) = 5

Example: 2
Find the median from the following data:
10, 12, 15, 11, 16, 20
Alternative method
Arranging in ascending order of magnitude,
Md = 12 + 0.5 (15 – 12)
10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20 = 12 + 0.5 × 3
Here, number of observations (n) = 6 = 12 + 1.5
2 (
Median = (
We have, term = 13.5

= ( 6+1 ( term = 3.5th term


∴ Median (Md) = 12+15
= 27
= 13.5
Example: 3
If x – 5, x, x + 5, x + 20 and x + 40 are in ascending order and their median is 15. Find the
value of x.
x – 5, x, x + 5, x + 20 , x + 40
Number of observations (n) = 5
We have,
( n+1
2 (
Median = term

( 5+1
2 (
= term
= 3rd term
∵ Median = (x + 5)
By the question,
Median = 15
x + 5 = 15
∴ x = 10

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 305

Example: 4
Find the median from the data given:

Height (in cm) 50 60 70 80 90 100

Number of persons 5 6 7 8 9 10

Height (in cm) Number of persons (f) Cumulative frequency

50 5 5
60 6 5 + 6 = 11
70 7 11 + 7 = 18
80 8 18 + 8 = 26
90 9 26 + 9 = 35
100 10 35 + 10 = 45
N = 45

( N+1 ( term
We have, Median Position =

( 45+1 (
= term
= 23rd term
Here, c.f. just greater than 23 is 26, which is corresponding to the variable 80.
Hence, median height = 80 cm

Exercise 20.5
1. (a) Write the formula to calculate the median (md) in an individual series.
(b) Write the formula to calculate the median (md) in a discrete series.
(c) If the median of the series 23, 12, 16, 28, 31, is the third term, find the median.
(d) If the median of the given distribution is 15.5th term, find the median.

x f c.f.
7 6 6
9 8 14
12 10 24
15 6 30
N = 30

2. Find the median from the following data.

(a) 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 18, 25, 30 and 35 .

306 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(b) 5 kg, 9 kg, 12 kg, 16 kg, 20 kg, and 22 kg.
(c) 1.5 m, 1.6 m, 1.7 m, 1.8 m, 1.9 m, 2 m. and 2.2 m.
(d) 100, 50, 110, 70, 90, 150
3. (a) If the median of 2, 10, 15, x – 5, 24, 27 and 30, taken into order is 22, find the value
of x.
(b) If the median of 10, 19, (x + 10), (x + 20), 32 and 38 taken in order is 25, find the
value of x.
(c) (x+1), (2x+1), (x+7) and (3x+4) are in ascending order. If the median is 13, find the
value of x.
(d) If 15, 18, 2x – 1, 2x + 1, 30 and 35 are in ascending order and the median is 20, find
the value of x.
4. Calculate the median from the following data:
Monthly income (in Rs.) 26000 31000 36000 41000 46000
No. of families 20 25 28 15 10

x 15 25 35 45 55 65
f 5 8 10 9 7 1

Marks 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
No. of students 3 4 15 10 8 7 3 5

1. Consult your teacher 2. (a) 15 (b) 14 kg (c) 1.8 m (d) 95
3. (a) 27 (b) 10 (c) 6 (d) 10 4. (a) 36,000 (b) 35 (c) 50

20.6 Mode
Marks obtained by 10 students of class IX in a test of 30 full marks is given below.
25, 20, 25, 22, 25, 21, 18, 25, 20, 18
Which marks is repeated maximum number of times?
25 4 times
Here, 25 is repeated maximum number of times i.e. 4 times.
∴ Mode of this data is 25.
Since the frequency of an item represents the number of repetitions, the variate value
having highest frequency is the mode in the discrete series.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 307

Worked Out Examples

Example 1 :
Find the mode from the following distribution: 10, 12, 18, 15, 12, 14, 12, 15,
Given data 10, 12, 18, 15, 12, 14, 12, 15.
Here, the value 12 is repeated maximum number of items.
Hence, the mode is 12.
Here the value which repeats maximum number of times is 4. Hence modal value = 4.
Example 2 :
Find the mode from the following distribution.
x 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
f 4 3 5 3 7 8 4 6
Solution: Here,
The value 60 has the largest frequency 8 i.e. 60 is repeated maximum number of times
i.e. 8 times.
Hence, Mode (Mo) = 60.

Exercise 20.6
1. Find the mode from the given data.
(a) 35, 40, 42, 40, 55, 60, 35, 45, 38, 40.
(b) 5 kg, 7 kg, 9 kg, 10 kg, 3 kg, 7 kg, 8 kg, 1 kg,
(c) 2 m, 12 m, 8 m, 4 m, 8 m, 6 m, 2 m, 7 m, 2 m
(d) 7, 18, 15, 20, 15, 19, 20, 15
2. Find the modal–value from the following data.
Marks 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
No of students 3 5 2 3 6 9 1 4

Income (in Rs.) 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000
No of workers 15 20 7 9 12 21

Height (in m) 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of trees 2 5 4 3 1 2

308 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

3. Find the modal class from the following distribution:
x 0 – 20 20 – 40 40–60 60 – 80 80 – 100
f 5 3 4 8 2
x 0 – 20 20 – 40 40 – 60 60 – 80 80 –100 100 – 120
f 1 9 4 7 8 3

1. (a) 40 (b) 7 kg (c) 2 m (d) 15 m 2. (a) 30 (b) 10,000 (c) 6 3. (a) 60–80 (b) 20 – 40

20.7 Partition Values (Quartile values)

Let's take 7 letters


First quartile Second quartile Third quartile

(Q1) (Q2) (Q3)

Select the 3 positions such that which divides the whole data into 4 equal parts B, D
and F are the three positions which divide the whole data into 4 equal parts.
The positions B, D and F represent quartiles.
The data when arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude can be di-
vided into many equal parts called partition values. If the arrangement is divided into
four equal parts, the values are called quartiles. The value which divides the lower
half into two equal parts is called lower quartile and it is denoted by Q1 and the value
which divides the upper half into two equal parts is called upper quartile and it is
denoted by Q3. The median (Md) is called second quartile and it is denoted by (Q2).

Calculation of Q1, and Q3 for individual series

Lower quartile (Q1) is obtained by using the formula
Third quartile (Q3)
Q1 = ( n+1 ( term

Second quartile (Q2)
Upper quartile (Q3) is obtained by using the formula

Q3 = 3 ( n+1
2 )
term First quartile (Q1)

Where, n is the total number of terms.

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 309

Calculation of Q1 and Q3 in discrete series
In discrete series, Q1 and Q3 can be obtained by using the formula,

( N+1 ( term
Q1 =
4 (
Q3 = term

Where, N = Σf = total number of terms

First quartile is also known as lower quartile and third quartile also as
upper quartile.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Find the lower and upper quartiles from the following data: 12, 14, 15, 11, 16, 19 and 17.
Arranging into ascending order, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19,
Number of observations (n) = 7
We have, Again, We have,
Q1 = ( n+1 ( term

Q3 = 3(n+1) term
= ( 7+1 ( term

= 3×(7+1) term
= 2nd term
∴ Q1 = 12
= 6th term
∴ Q1 = 17

Example: 2
Find Q1 and Q3 from the given data: 20, 25, 28, 30, 34, 40
Given data 20, 25, 28, 30, 34, 40
Number of observations (n) = 6
( n+1
4 (
We have, Q1 = term

( 6+1
4 (
term = 7 term = 1.75th term
th th
∴ Q1 = 1st term + 0.75 (2nd term – 1st term)
= 20 + 0.75 (25 – 20)

310 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

= 20 + 0.75 × 5
= 20 + 3.75 = 23.75

= 3(n+1) term
Again, Q 3
= 3(6+1) term = (3 × 7 ) term
th th

4 4
= ( 21 ) term = 5.25th term

∴ Q3 = 5th term + 0.25 (6th term – 5th term)
= 34 + 0.25 (40 – 34)
= 34 + 0.25 × 6 = 34 + 1.5 = 35.5
Example: 3
Find the lower and upper quartile values.

x 30 32 34 36 38 40
f 2 5 6 4 5 3

x f c.f. Q1 = 6.5 th item.

30 2 2
• See c.f. which is just
32 5 2 + 5 = 7 greater than 6.5.
34 6 7 + 6 = 13 • It is 7.
36 4 13 + 4 = 17 • See its corresponding
38 5 17 + 5 = 22 value.

40 3 22 + 3 = 25 • It is 32.

Σf = 25

Number of observations (N) = 25
= ( N+1 ( term = ( 25+1 ) term
th th
We have, Q1
4 4
= ( 26 ) term

= 6.5th term
C.f. just greater than 6.25 is 7, which corresponds to the value of variable 32.
∴ Q1
= 32
Q3 = 3(n+1) term
= 3(25+1) term = 19.5 term
th th

c.f. just greater than 19.5 is 22 which corresponds to the variable 38.
∴ Q3 = 38

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Exercise 20.7
1. (a) Write the formula to calculate lower quartile (Q1) in an individual series.
(b) Write the formula to calculate upper quartile (Q3) in an individual series.
(c) Write the formula to calculate lower quartile (Q1) in a discrete series.
(d) Write the formula to calculate upper quartile (Q3) in a discrete series.
(e) If the Q1 of the data 16, 12, 19, 20, 25, 10 is 1.75th term, find its Q1.
(f) If Q3 of the data 15, 25, 30, 10, 35, 40 is 5.25th term, find Q3.
(g) If Q1 and Q3 of given distribution are 9th and 28th term, find Q1 and Q3.
x f c.f.
12 7 7
18 3 10
24 9 19
30 12 31
36 4 35
N = 35

2. Find the lower quartile:

(a) 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400 and 500. (b) 27, 23, 26, 17, 15, 24, 12, 10, 29, 30, 32.
(c) 102, 106, 94, 96, 98, 104, 100. (d) 2, 5, 9, 20, 30 and 50 .
(e) 24, 25, 32, 37, 20.
3. Find the upper quartile :
(a) 40, 50, 60, 70, 90, 110 and 160 (b) 46, 34, 25, 44, 46, 30, 40, 35, 41, 36, 45.
(c) 400, 300, 500, 200, 700 and 800. (d) 24, 28, 35, 37, 30

4. (a) If 22, 23, 25, 28, 32, x and 42 are in ascending order and Q3 = 36, find the value of x.
(b) If 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 5a + 5, and 40 are in ascending order and Q3 = 30, find the value of a.
(c) If 7, 2x +1, 13, 19, 21, 23 and 28 are in ascending order and Q1 = 11, find the value of x.
(d) 18, 3x +12, 24, 27, 30, 33 and 36 are in ascending order and if Q1 = 21, find the value of x.
5. From the following distribution compute Q1 and Q3.

(a) Marks 1 2 3 4 5 30
Number of Students 20 12 10 15 25 1

(b) Income (In Rs.) 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000
Number of Persons 2 4 8 1 6 7 3

312 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(c) Ages (in yr) 25 30 35 40 45 50
Number of People 8 7 9 6 5 1

(d) x 20 30 15 10 25
f 4 6 3 2 4

(e) Wages 75 100 125 150 175 200

Number of Workers 4 6 3 2 4 1

1. Consult your teacher
2. (a) 100 (b) 15 (c) 96 (d) 4.25 (e) 24.5
3. (a) 110 (b) 45 (c) 725 (d) 36
4. (a) 36 (b) 5 (c) 5 (d) 3
5. (a) Q1 = 2 and Q3 = 5 (b) Q1 = 12,000 and
Q3 = 15,000 (c) Q1 = 30, Q3 = 40 (d) Q1 = 20, Q3 = 30 (e) Q1 = 100, Q3 = 175

20.8 Range
Marks obtained by 20 students in class out of 100 full marks is given below.
50, 60, 85, 70, 40, 48, 92, 59, 69, 67,
32, 58, 76, 84, 91, 66, 59, 38, 47, 72
(i) What is the highest marks obtained y the student?
(ii) What is the lowest marks obtained by the student?
(iii) What is the gap between the highest marks and the lowest marks?
(iv) What is this gap called?
The highest marks obtained by the student is 92.
Which is denoted by 'L' the largest item.
The lowest marks obtained by the student is 32.
Which is denoted by 'S' the smallest item.
The gap between them = L – S = 92 – 32 = 60
This gap is called range
Hence, this Range = L – S
Daily wages of 30 workers in a factory is given below.

Daily wages ( in Rs.) 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Number of workers 3 7 2 4 6 3 3 2

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Hence, 3 people get the lowest wages of Rs. 150.
So, the smallest item (s) = Rs. 150.
Again 2 people get the highest wages of Rs. 500.
So, the largest item (L) = Rs. 500
Hence, Range = L – S = Rs. 500 – Rs. 150 = Rs. 350

Exercise 20.8
1. Find the range from the given data.
(a) 12, 15, 6, 30, 24, 36, 20, 15, 14
(b) 15, 18, 20, 5, 6, 9, 18, 25
(c) 35, 40, 65, 90, 72, 65, 30, 25, 39, 60, 65, 70
(d) 150, 200, 120, 220, 650, 520, 400, 330, 180, 250, 300
2. Find the range.

Marks 25 20 35 40 45 50 55 60
Number of 8 9 10 12 8 6 3 2

Daily wages (in Rs.) 300 350 400 450 50 550 600
Number of Workers 12 20 8 13 15 6 5

Height (in cm) 150 152 153 154 156 160 165
Number of Students 12 9 8 6 9 7 4

1. (a) 30 (b) 20 (c) 65 (d) 530 2. (a) 35 (b) 300 (c) 15

Project work
Collect informations about the marks obtained by the students of your class in Mathmatics
in an examination.
• Present the raw data
• Convert the data into commulative frequency table making the class interval of 10.
• Show these information by frequency polygon.
• Show these informations by Historgram.
• Show these information by ogive curve.

314 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


21 Probability
21.1 Warm up Activities
In everyday life, we come across statements such as:

• Most probably, it will rain today.

• Chances are high that the price of petrol will go up.
• I doubt that he will win the race.
• The chance of winning the election by the candidate A is more.

The words 'most probably', 'chance', 'doubt', etc., show uncertainty or probability of
occurrence of an event.
Though, probability started with gambling, it is now used extensively in science,
commerce, biological sciences, weather forecasting, etc.

21.2 Some Terms Related to Probability

An operation which can produce some well defined outcomes, is called an experiment.
Each outcome is called an event. Example, heating of potassium chlorate is an experiment
and occurring of oxygen and potassium chloride is an event.
Random experiment
An experiment in which all possible outcomes are known and the exact outcome cannot
be predicted in advance is called a random experiment.
For example, throwing of a dice is a random experiment because there are six faces of a
cubical dice, all faces are equally likely so either first or second or ………. or sixth face
will turn up but we cannot predict in advance which one will turn up.
By a trial, we mean performing a random experiment. Example, tossing a coin is trial
and getting either head or tail on a coin is an event.
Sample space
The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment is called sample space. When
we toss a coin once, the sample space S = {H, T}, where 'H' denotes turning up head and
'T' denotes the turning up of tail.
Similarly, if we toss a coin two times we will get S = { TT, HT, TH, HH} and the cardinal
number of the set S is n(S) = 4. If we want to know the chance of getting both head, the
event is E = {HH}. Then, n(E) = 1.

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The event of getting at least one head is E = {HT, TH, HH}
Then n(E) = 3.
The event of getting both tail is E = {T T} then n(E) = 1

Possible outcomes on rolling a dice is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} .

Playing cards

♣ ◊ ♥ ♠
Club (13 cards)
Red Cards
Diamond (13 cards) Heart (13 cards) Spade (13 cards)
⇒ All the cards of Diamond and Heart (26 cards)
Black Cards ⇒ All the cards of Club and Spade (26 cards)

Jack Queen King Ace

Face cards ⇒ Jack, Queen and King

316 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

There are 12 face cards in playing cards.
Equally likely cases
Two or more events are said to be equally likely if all of these have equal chance of
occurring . For example, if we toss an unbiased coin, the outcomes, 'Head' or 'Tail' are
equally likely.
Probability of an event
The probability P(E) of an event is defined as the ratio of the number of favorable
outcomes to the number of possible outcomes.
In symbol, we can write
number of favourable outcomes
P(E) = number of possible outcomes
P(E) =
Probability of any event E is a number lying between 0 and 1.
So, we must have 0 ≤ P(E) ≤ 1. This is a classical probability.
If E be the probability of happening of an event E and E be the probability of not–happening
an event E, the total probability is unity i.e.
P(E) + P(E) = 1 or, P(E) = 1 – P(E) i. e. P (not getting an event E)

21.3 Theoretical Probability and Empirical Probability

Probability given by theory is called theoretical probability. There are six faces in a
cubical dice, all faces have equal chances to turn up, so the probability of getting 1, 2, 3,
4, 5 or 6 in the dice is each. This is the probability given by theory. It means that when
a dice is rolled 6 times, each face comes once. But in real practice it may not be so.
A coin is tossed six times. The result is shown in the table.

Face 1 2 3 4 5 6
Turning up 0 2 3 1 0 0
From the table,
probability of getting 1st face =
probability of getting 2nd face =
probability of getting 3rd face =
probability of getting 4th face =
probability of getting 5th face =

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probability of getting 6th face =
From the above example, it is clear that the probability given by theory and practical is
different. So the probability given by actual experiment is called Empirical Probability.
Range of Probability
If a dice is rolled, probability of getting all faces of a dice is,
1 1 1 1 1 1
P(1) = , P(2)= , P(3) = , P(4) = , P(5) = and P(6) = .
6 6 6 6 6 6
1 1 1 1 1 1
And, total probability P(1) + P(2) + P(3) + P(4) + P(5) + P(6) = + + + + + = 1.
6 6 6 6 6 6
Again, events of getting a number divisible by 3 or 6.
Now, probability of getting 3 or 6 is =
4 2
Probability of getting the number other than 3 and 6 is = .
6 3
Hence, p = probability of happening an event = P (E)

q = probability of not happening an event = P ( E )

Then, p + q = 1.

i.e. P(E) + P ( E ) = 1

Again, if a dice is rolled, what is the probability of getting an event 0?

In this case, '0' cannot occur.

So, the probability of getting '0', P(E) = 0.

A bag contains 2 red balls. A ball is drawn at random.

What is the probability of getting a red ball?

In this case, P(E) = = 1.
∴ Probability of sure event = 1.

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
A card is drawn from a deck of well-shuffled 52 cards, what is the probability that
the card will be a club ?
Let 'C' be the event of getting club.
Number of favorable outcomes n(C) = 13
Number of possible outcomes n(S) = 52

318 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

We have, P(C) = n(S) = 13
= 1
Example: 2
A bag contains 8 red, 5 white, and 7 green balls. Write down the sample space and
find the probability that the ball drawn is red.
Let, R, W and G be the events of getting red, white and green balls respectively.
Total number of balls = 8 + 5 + 7 = 20
∴ n(S) = 8 + 5 + 7 = 20
and, number of favourable cases n(R) = 8
n(R) 8 2
So, probability of drawing red balls = n(S) = =
20 3
Example: 3
A card is down from the pack of number cards 1 to 20. Find the probability of get-
ting a card which is a prime number.
Let 'S' be the sample space, then
S = {1,2,3,4, …………., 19, 20}
n(S) = 20
Let 'E' be the event of selecting a prime number, then E = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}
n(E) = 8, P(E) = ?
We have, P(E) = n(S) = 8 = 2
20 5
Example: 4
A card is drawn from a pack of 52 cards. Find the probability that,
(i) the card drawn is black.
(ii) the card drawn is an ace.
(iii) the card drawn is black ace.
(iv) the card drawn is a club.
(v) the card drawn is either a jack, a king or a queen.
Let's be the sample space. Then, n(S) = 52
(i) Let B be the event of drawing black card. As number of black cards is 26.
we have, n(B) = 26
n(B) 26 1
∴ P(probability of getting a black card) = P(B) = n(S) = =
52 2
(ii) Let 'A' be the event of drawing an ace. As number of ace is 4, i.e. n(A) = 4

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 319

n(A) 4 1
∴ P(probability of getting an ace) = P(A) = n(S) = =
52 13
(iii) Let 'E' be the event of getting black ace. Then, n(E) = 2.
n(E) 2 1
∴P (a black ace) = n(S) = =
52 26
(iv) Let C be the event of drawing a club. As number of club = 13, then n(C) = 13
n(C) 13 1
∴P(C) = n(S) = =
52 4
(v) Let 'E' be the event of drawing either a jack, a queen or a king. There are 4 cards of each,
so, we have,
n(E) = 4 + 4 + 4 = 12
n(E) 3
∴ P(E) = n(S) = 12 =
52 13
Example: 5
Two unbiased coins are tossed simultaneously. Write down the sample space, and
find the probability of getting,
(i) exactly two tails.
(ii) one head or one tail.
(iii) exactly two heads or two tails.
Let S be the sample space, when two coins are tossed, then H and T are the events of
getting head and tail respectively.
S = {HH, HT, TH, TT} i.e. n(S) = 4
(i) Let E be the event of getting exactly two heads.
E = {HH} and n(E) = 1
We know that, P(E) = n(S)
∴ P(E) =
(ii) Let, E1 be the event of getting one head and one tail.
E1 = {TH, HT} and n(E1) = 2
n(E1) 2 1
∴ P(E1) = = =
n(S) 4 2
(iii) Let E2 be the event of getting exactly two heads or exactly two tails.
E2 = {HH, TT} and n{E2) = 2
We have,
n(Er) 2 1
∴ P(E2) = = =
n(S) 4 2

320 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Example: 6
A coin is tossed 3 times. Find the probability of the event.
(i) one head. (ii) at least one tail. (iii) no heads.
A coin is tossed 3 times. The sample space of the experiment is,
∴ n (S) = 8
(i) If A be the event of getting exactly one head,
Then, the favourable cases of A are {TTH, HTT, THT} i.e. n(A) = 3
n(A) 3
∴ Probability of the event getting one head P(A) = n(S) =
(ii) If B be the event of getting at least one tail, then, the favourable cases of B are
{HHT, HTH, THH, HTT, THT, TTH, TTT} i.e. n(B) = 7
∴ The probability of the event getting at least one tail = n(S) = 78
(iii) If C be the event of getting no heads,
Then, the favourable cases of C is {TTT}.i.e. n(C) = 1.
∴ The probability of the event getting no heads P(C) = n(S) = 18 .

Example: 7
A dice is thrown 150 times and its numbers of faces were recorded as follows:

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Numbers of repetitions 22 25 24 29 30 20

What is the probability of getting

(i) each number? (ii) prime number? (iii) odd number?
(i) Here, total number of observations = 150.
Probability of getting 1 = P(1) = 22
Probability of getting 2 = P(2) = 25
Probability of getting 3 = P(3) = 24
Probability of getting 4 = P(4) = 29
Probability of getting 5 = P(5) = 30
Probability of getting 6 = P(6) = 20

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 321

(ii) 2, 3 and 5 are prime numbers,
Probability of getting prime numbers = P (2 or 3 or 5)
P ( 2 or 3 or 5) = 25 + 24 + 30
150 150 150
= 79
(iii) 1, 3 and 5 are odd numbers,
Probability of getting (1 or 3 or 5)
= 22 + 24 + 30
150 150 150
= 38
= 38 .

Exercise 21.1
1. (a) A coin is tossed. Find the probability of getting:
(i) head (ii) tail
(b) A dice is rolled, what is the probability of getting:
(i) 2 (ii) 4
(iii) an even number (iv) an odd number
(c) An ordinary fair dice is rolled at random. Find the probability of getting
(i) 5 (ii) not 5 (iii) greater than 3
(iv) 1 or 3 or 6 (v) not prime number (vi) less than 1
2. A card is drawn from a deck of well–shuffled 52 cards. Find is the probability
of getting?
(i) an ace (ii) a club (iii) a black card (iv) a diamond
3. (a) A bag contains 4 white, 8 black 6 red and 2 green balls. Find the probability
of getting:
(i) white ball (ii) red ball (iii) not black
(b) A basket contains 3 red, 4 yellow and 5 white flowers. A flower is chosen at random.
Find the probability of getting
(i) red flower (ii) yellow flower (iii) White flower

(c) A bag contains 4 white and 6 black balls. A ball is drawn at random from the
bag, find the probability of getting a ball.
(i) black (ii) not black.

322 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

4. (a) From the pack of numbered card 1 to 20, a card is drawn. Find the probability
of getting :
(i) even numbered card (ii) prime numbered card
(iii) card which is the multiple of 3.
(b) From the pack of numbered card 10 to 40, a card is drawn. Find the
probability that the card so drawn is
(i) multiple of 5 (ii) multiple of 7 (iii) no a multiple of 3.
5. (a) A card is drawn from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards. What is the probability
that the card will be king or queen?
(b) A card is drawn from the pack of 52 cards, find the probability of getting
(i) a diamond or a club (ii) a jack or an ace (iii) a spade or a heart.
6. (a) From the set of cards numbered 1 to 30, one card is drawn randomly. Find
the probability of getting a card divisible by 5 or 7.
(b) From the set of cards numbered 11 to 50, one card is drawn randomly. Find
the probability that the drawn card is divisible by 9 or 11.
7. (a) Two coins are tossed once. Find all possible outcomes and then represent
them by a sample space. Find the probability of getting:
(i) both heads (ii) both tails
(iii) one head and one tail (iv) at least one head.
(b) Two unbiased dices are thrown at random. Write down the sample space.
Also, find the probability of getting,
(i) a number 6 of the first dice.
(ii) a multiple of 3 as the sum.
(iii) sum of total number on the dice is 8.
8. (a) A bag contains 25 cards numbered from 1 to 5 as follows:
Card Number. 1 2 3 4 5
No. of repetitions 4 8 3 6 4

Find the probability of:

(i) even numbered card
(ii) prime numbered card

(b) In the adjoining figure a circle is divided into eight

2 1
equal sectors. If a grain of rice is dropped out the 3 8
circle, (Note: If the grain falls outside, the circle 4 7
drops the grain again) find the probability that the 5 6

rice drops on,

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 323

(i) number 5 sector. (ii) not number 5 sector.
(iii) sectors of even number only. (iv) sectors of odd numbers only.
9. (a) A coin is tossed 50 times. The result of tossing is shown in the diagram.

Outcomes H T
Frequency 15 35

Find the empirical probability of getting (i) head (ii) tail

(b) A dice is rolled 50 times. The result is shown in the table

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 12 6 3 7 12 10
Find the empirical probability of getting
(i) 1 (ii) less than 3
(iii) more than 5 (iv) even number.
  
1 1 1 1 1 1
1. (a) (i) (ii) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
2 2 6 6 2 2

1 5 1 1 1
(c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 0
6 6 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 5
2. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 3. (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (b) (i) (ii) (iii)
13 4 2 4 5 10 5 4 3 12

3 2 1 2 3 7 4 21
(c) (i) ( ii) 4. (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (b) (i) (ii) (iii)
5 5 2 5 10 31 31 31
2 1 2 1 1 1
5. (a) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) 6. (a) (b)
13 2 13 2 3 5

1 1 1 3 1 1 5 14 3
7. (a) , , , (b) , , 8. (a) (i) (ii)
4 4 2 4 6 3 36 25 5

1 7 1 1 3 7 6 9 1 23
(b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 9. (a) (i) (ii) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
8 8 2 2 10 10 25 25 5 50

324 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Choose the correct alternatives.
1. What value does the tally marks represent?
(i) 1 (ii) 10 (iii) 5
2. ∑f represents
(i) cumulative frequency (ii) number of terms (iii) size of the class interval
3. Histogram is constructed on
(i) individual data (ii) discrete data (iii) continuous data
4. Less then ogive curve moves
(i) from the left bottom to the right top
(ii) from the right bottom to the left top
(iii) from the right top to the left bottom

5. Formula to calculate the combined mean of two different data is

n1x1+ n2 x2 n1x2+ n2 x1 n1x1+ n2 x2
(i) (ii) (iii)
n1+ n2 n1+ n2 x1+ x2
6. The partition values which divide the whole data into 4 equal parts are called
(i) mean (ii) median (iii) quartiles

7. Given graph is a
(i) less then ogive curve

(ii) more then ogive curve

(iii) frequency polygon.

8. Study the given table and choose the correct alternatives.

Marks No. of students Upper limit Less then cumulative frequency

0 – 10 5 10 5
10 – 20 6 20 5 +6 = 11
20 – 30 7 30 11 + 7 = 18
30 – 40 8 40 18 + 8 = 24
40 – 50 6 50 24 + 6 = 30
50 – 60 5 60 30 + 5 = 35

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 325

(a) The number of students who get less then 20 marks is
(i) 6 (ii) 11 (iii) 5
(b) The number of students who get less then 50 marks is
(i) 30 (ii) 6 (iii) 24
(c) How many students get more, then 40marks?
(i) 24 (ii) 8 (iii) 11
9. Probability of getting an even P(E) is equal to
n(E) n(S) n(E)
(i) n(S) (ii) n(E) (iii)

10. If P (E) be the probability of getting an event E then P(E) is

(i) 1 – P(E) (ii) 1 + P(E) (iii) 2 – P(E)

11. A coin is tossed twice, then the number of possible outcomes is

(i) 4 (ii)2 (iii) 8
12. If a card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards, the probability of getting a
face card is
(i) 16 (ii) 12 (iii) 3
52 52 52

Assessment Test Paper

Attempt all the questions Full Marks : 30

Group 'A' [5 × 1 = 5]
1. (a) Find the median from the data 13, 16, 18, 25, 30.
(b) Write the formula to calculate mean ( x ) in the discrete data.
(c) Find the range of the data: 12, 18, 16, 20, 25, 30, 6, 9
(d) A dice is rolled once. Write the sample space of possible outcomes.
(e) If E be an even and P(E) 13 , = find P(E).
Group 'B' [4 × 2 = 8]

2. (a) Marks obtained by 30 students of class IX is given below. Make the class interval
of 10 and prepare a frequency distribution table using tally bars.
27, 22, 47, 18, 38, 34, 59, 60, 71, 70,
8, 21, 15, 17, 24, 23, 28, 35, 37, 46,
54, 62, 7, 16, 28, 34, 38, 37, 45, 52

326 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

(b) Draw the frequency polygon from the given data

x 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90

f 5 10 20 25 15 10 5 10

3. (a) If the mean of the given data is 23, find the value of 'a'
10, 17, 19, a, 27, 29, 33
(b) Find the third quartile (Q3) from the given data:
50, 40, 55, 60, 61, 70, 46

4. A card is drawn from the number card 1 to 10, find the probability of getting a
prime number?
Group 'B' [5 × 3 = 15]
5. Draw the less than ogive curve from the given information:

Class 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60
Frequency 5 10 20 25 15 10

6. If the mean of the given data is 17, find the value of x:

Marks 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of students 2 5 10 x 4 2

7. Draw the frequency polygon of given data:

Class 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70

Frequency 7 8 10 5 7 8

6. Find Q1 and Q3 from the given data.

Marks 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Number of 12 9 10 6 10 8 7 3

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 327

Estimated Teaching Hours 8

• Introduction of trigonometrical ratio on the basis of right angled

• Introduction and use of sine, cosine and tangent values

(00, 300, 450, 600 and 900)

Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, students will be able to develop the following

• To identify, b and h on a right angled triangle on the basis of given

angle of reference

• To find the values of standard angle (0º, 30º, 45º, 60º, 90º) of
different trigonometric ratios

• To solve the right angled triangle, using trigonometric ratios and

Pythagoras theorem

Teaching Materials
• Graph sheet, Models of right angled triangle, Chart paper, A4 size
paper, Trigonometric table, etc.

328 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal


22 Trigonometry
22.1 Warm up Activities
• Are the ratios AB = EC = GC ?
• Are the ratios AC = NC = FC ? F G
• Are the ratios AC = DC = FC ?
• From the three sides of ∆ABC, how many ratios can be formed? B

Trigonometric Ratios A
Let us consider a right angled triangle ABC having

Opposite side
∠B = 900. Let an acute angle C be θ. Then, 'θ' is called en
t ce
po ren
the angle of reference. AC is a side opposite to right Hy f ref
angle. It is called hypotenuse. AB is a side opposite to an
angle of reference. It is called a perpendicular (opposite C
Adjacent side B
side). BC is a side adjacent to 'θ' and it is called a base (base)

(adjacent side).

The possible ratios of these three sides of ∆ABC are AB , AC , and AB .
The first ratio i.e. the ratio of perpendicular to the hypotenuse is called sine of an
angle 'θ'.
perpendicular AB
∴ sin θ = = .................... (i)
hypotenuse AC
Similarly, the ratio of adjacent side (base) to the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is
called cosine of an angle θ. It is denoted by
base BC
∴ cos θ = = AC .................... (ii)
Similarly, the ratio of perpendicular to the base is called tangent of an angle θ.
perpendicular AB
∴ tan θ = = .................... (iii)
base BC
The reciprocals of above ratios are respectively defined as,
hypotenuse AC
Cosecant of an angle θ = cosec θ = =
perpendicular AB

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 329

hypotenuse AC
Secant of an angle θ = sec θ = =
base BC
base BC
Cotangent of an angle θ = cot θ = = AB
The trigonometric ratios (ratios of sides of a right angled triangle) depend upon the
acute angle which is taken as angle of reference.

In right angled triangle ABC,
p b
sin θ = cos θ =
h h
p b h
tan θ = cot θ = p p
h h θ
cosec θ = sec θ = B C
P b b

In right angled triangle ABC, if 'θ' is taken as the angle of reference,

AB = perpendicular, AC = hypotenuse, and BC = base.
If 'β' is taken as the angle of reference,
BC = perpendicular, AC = hypotenuse and AB = base.
∴ sin θ = and cos θ =
sin β = and cos β = .

Worked Out Examples

Example: 1
Write all the trigonometric ratios with the given angle of reference.
(a) A (b)
α 3 4

B C Q θ
(a) In right angled triangle ABC, if α is taken as angle of reference,
perpendicular (p) = BC, hypotenuse (h) = AC, base (b) = AB
p BC
therefore, sin α = =
h AC

330 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

b AB
cos α = =
h AC
p BC
tan α = =
b AB
h AC
cosec α = =
p BC
h AC
sec α = =
b AB
b AB
cot α = =
p BC
(b) In ∆PQR, ∠P = 90°.
Taking 'θ' as the angle of reference,
perpendicular (p) = PQ = 3,
hypotenuse (h) = QR = 5, base (b) = PR = 4 .
We have,
p 3
sin θ = =
h 5
b 4
cos θ = =
h 5
p 3
tanθ = =
b 4
h 5
cosec θ = =
p 3
p 5
sec θ = =
b 4
b 4
cot θ = =
p 3

Example: 2 A
In the given right angled triangle ABC, ∠B = 90°, BD ⊥AC,
AB = 5, BC = 12. Find the value of sin θ, cos θ and tan θ. D
In right angled triangle ABC, BD ⊥ AC and ∠ABD = θ
Now, ∠BCD = 90° – ∠CBD 12

= 90° – (90° – θ)
= θ
In ∆ABC, taking ∠ACB = θ as the angle of reference,
then, p = AB = 5
b = BC = 12

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 331

h = AC
Using Pythagoras theorem, h = p² + b² Now,

= (5)² + (12)² In ∆ABC,

= 25 + 144 AB 5
sin θ = =
AC 13
= 169 BC 12
cos θ = =
= 13 AC 13
AB 5
tan θ = =
BC 12
Example: 3
In the given figure, find the value of sinα and tanβ.
Solution: D
A β
In the right angled triangle ABC, taking 'α' as the angle of
reference, p = AB = 3, b = BC = 4, h = AC = ? 3
Using Pythagoras theorem, h 2
= p + b
2 2
AC 2
= AB + BC
2 2 B 4 C

AC = AB2 + BC2
= 32 + 42
= 9 + 16
= 25
AC = h = 5
p 3
sin α = =
h 5
Again, in right angled triangle ACD,
Taking 'β' as the angle of reference.
p = AC = 5, h = AD = 13 b = CD = ?
Using Pythagoras theorem, h2 = p2 + b2
AD2 = AC2 + CD2

CD = AD2 – AC2²
= (13)2 – (5)2
= 169 – 25
= 144
= 12
p AC 5
∴ tan β = = =
b CD 12

332 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

Exercise 22.1
1. Write all the trigonometric ratios in the given triangles with the given angle
of reference.
(a) (b) (c) M
R β

θ α

2. Find the value of all trigonometric ratios in the given triangles with the given
angle of reference.
(a) P (b) (c)
A 13cm
6c D
m β F


C m


θ m
R Q 10c E
3 3cm B

3. In each of the given figures, find the values of all trigonometric ratios with the
given angle of reference.
(a) G (b) (c) P

A 13cm C
2 2cm

8c β R
12c m
θ B 10c
H 2 2cm


4. (a) In the given right angled triangle, ∠B = 90°, EF ⊥ BC, α

∠CEF = α, AB = 8cm, and BC = 10cm. Find the β

value of sinα and cosβ. 10cm

(b) In the given figure, ABC is a right angled triangle. D

Find sinα, cosα, tanα, sinθ, cosθ and tanθ. 9cm

θ α
E 15cm C

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 333

D 8cm
5. (a) In the given figure, find the value of sinθ and cosα. C


A 13cm
(b) In the given figure, find the value of sinβ, and cosα.

5 cm
α S

Q 12 cm R

6. (a) In the given figure, find the value of tanα and tanβ. α β



(b) In the given figure, AD⊥BC, AB = 13cm, BD = 5cm, β


AC = 15cm, find the value of sinα, tanα, cosβ and tanβ.

5cm D

7. (a) In the given figure, AB = 6 cm, AC = 10 cm. cm

10 D

BD ⊥ AC. Find the value of tanθ and secθ.


(b) In the right angled triangle ABC, BD ⊥ AC. If AB = 10cm, D

10 cm

BC = 15cm, find the value of sinα, cosα and tanα.

B 15cm

8. Using 'p', 'b' and 'h' prove that

(a) sin2A + cos2A = 1 (b) Sec2A – tan2A = 1
(c) sinA.cosec A = 1 (d) tanA.cotA = 1

334 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

1. Consult your teacher.
1 1 2
2. (a) sinθ = , cosθ= 23 , tanθ = , cosec θ = 2, sec θ = , cot θ = 3
2 3 3
4 3 4 5 5 3
(b) sinα = cosα = , tanα = , cosecα = , sec α = , cot α =
5 5 3 4 3 4
12 5 12 13 13 5
(c) sinβ = 13 cosβ = 13 , tanβ = 5 , cosec β = 12 , sec β = 5 , cot β =
1 1
3. (a) sinθ = , cosθ = , tanθ = 1, cosecθ = 2 , sec θ = 2 , cot θ = 1
2 2
5 12 5 13 13 12
(b) sinα = 13 , cosα = 13 , tanα = 12 , cosecα = 5 , secα = 12 , cot α = 5
4 3 4 5 5 3
(c) sinβ = cosβ = , tanβ = , cosecβ = , sec β = , cot β =
5 5 3 4 3 4
5 5 12 9 12 9 12 9
4. (a) sinα = , cosβ = , (b) sinα = 15 , cosα = 15 , tanα = 9 , sinθ = 15 , cosθ = 15 , tanθ = 12
41 41
12 5 7 3
5. (a) sin θ = 13 , cos α= 35 (b) sinβ = , cosα = 6. (a) tanα = , tanβ = 3
13 218 4
12 12 12 9
(b) sinα = 13 , tanα = 5 , cosβ = 15 , tanβ = 12 ,
4 5 3 2 3
7. (a) tanθ = , secθ = (b) sinα = , cosα = , tanα = 2 8. Consult your teacher.
3 3 13 13

22.2 Trigonometric ratios of some standard angles

The angles 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° have a huge importance in trigonometry. Such angles
are called the standard angles. Now, we are going to obtain the values of such angles
without using tables.

(i) Trigonometric ratios of 0°

Let ∠AOX be a very small angle having magnitude 0°. Take any point P on OA and
draw PM ⊥ OX. Now, ∠PMO = 90º. Then ∠OPM = 90º
Let, OP = OM = a, P A

Using Pythagoras theorem, O

O0 X
PM = OP² – OM 2

= a2 – a2
= 0.
In ∆POM,
PM 0
sin 0º = = a = 0
cos 0º = OM = a = 1
tan 0º = PM = a = 0
Similarly, cosec 0º = ∞ sec 0º = 1 cot 0º = ∞

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 335

(ii) Trigonometric ratio of 30° and 60°
Let, ∆ABC be an equilateral triangle, where AC = AB = BC = 2a (suppose).
∠A = ∠B = ∠C = 60º.
AD is drawn perpendicular to BC. Since ∆ABC is an equilateral triangle,
∠BAD = ∠CAD = 30º and BD = DC = a.
In the right angled triangle ABD A

AD = (AB)2 – (BD)2
300 300

= (2a) – a
2 2 2a 2a

= 4a2 – a2
600 600
= 3a2 = a 3 B a D a

In the right angled triangle ABD,

BD a 1
sin 30º = = = 2
AB 2a
AD a
cos 30º = = 3 = 23
AB 2a
BD a 1
tan 30° = = =
AB a 3 3
Similarly, cosec 30° = 2, sec 30° = , cot 30° = 3
Again, in the right angled triangle ABD,
AD a
sin 60º = = 3 = 3
AB 2a 2
BD 1
cos 60º = = a = 2
AB 2a
AD a
tan 60º = = a3 = 3
2 1
Similarly, cosec 60º = , sec 60° = 2, cot 60° =
3 3
(iii) Trigonometric ratios of 45° A

Let ∆ABC be a right angled isoscele triangle, right angled at C.

Then, ∠CAB = ∠ABC = 45º a 2
Let, AC = BC = a
Using Pythagoras theorem, B a C
AB = AC2 + BC2
= a2 + a2 = 2a2 = a 2
In the right angled triangle ABC,

AC a 1
sin 45° = = =
AB a 2 2
BC a 1
cos 45° = = =
AB a 2 2

336 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

AC a
tan 45° = = a = 1
Similarly, cosec 45° = 2 , sec 45° = 2 , cot 45° = 1
(iv) Trigonometric ratios of 90°
Let ∠AOX be an angle which is equal to 90º. Take any point P on OA and draw PM
perpendicular to OX. In the right angled triangle POM, ∠POM = 90°, ∠PMO = 90º, then
∠OPM = 0°. Y
OP = P M = a. (suppose).
Using Pythagoras theorem,
OM = OP2 – PM2
= a2 – a2
= 0°
In the right angled triangle POM, O
PM a
sin 90° = = a = 1
OM 0
cos 90° = = a = 0
PM a
tan 90° = OM = 0 = ∞
Similarly, cosec 90° = 1, sec 90° = ∞, cot 90° = 0°

Angles → 0° 30° 45° 60° 90°

Ratios ↓
1 1
2 3
sin 0 2 2 1

1 1
3 2
cos 1 2 2 0

tan 0 3 1 3 ∞

Worked Out Examples

Example 1
Find the value of :
(a) sin0° + sin30° + cos60° – tan45° (b) tan²30° – sin²60° + 12 cot²60° – sec²45°
(a) Here,

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 337

sin0° + sin30° + cos60° – tan45°
1 1
= 0 + 2 + 2 – 1
= 1 – 1 = 0
(b) Here, tan²30° – sin²60° + 2 cot²60° – sec²45°
1 2 2 1 2 2
( )
= 3 – 3 + 1
( ) 2
( )
3 – ( 2)
1 3 1 1
= 3 – 4 + 2 . 3 – 2
1 – 3 1
= 3 4 + 6 – 2
= 4 – 9 + 2 – 24 = – 12
= 4

Example 2
Prove that : ( 11 +– cot 30°
) = 11 +– cos
2 30°
cos 30°
Solution: 1 + cos 30°
L.H.S. = ( 1 + cot 30°
1 – cot 30°
) 2 Again, R.H.S. =
1 – cos 30°
1+ 3
( 1 – 3 )
1 + 3 2 2
= =
1– 3
1 + 2 3 + 3 2
1 – 2 3 + 3 2 + 3
4 + 2 3 =
= 2 – 3
4 – 2 3 2
2(2 + 3) 2 + 3
= =
2(2 – 3) 2 – 3
2 + 3
= ∴ L.H.S. = R.H.S. Proved.
2 – 3
Example 3
1 – cos30°
Prove that : = sec 60° – tan60°
1 – cos 30º°
L.H.S. =
1 + cos30º

1– 3
= 2
1+ 3
2 – 3
= 2
2 + 3

338 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

2 – 3
= 2 + 3

= 2 – 3 2 – 3
2 + 3 2 – 3

(2 – 3 )2
= (2)2 – ( 3)2

(2 – 3 )2
= = 2 – 3 = sec 60° – tan 60° = R.H.S. Hence, proved.
4 – 3
Example 4 A

In the given right angled triangle ABC, ∠B = 90°,

∠C = 30°, BC = 2 3 cm. Find the value of AB and AC. 300
2 3cm
Solution: In ∆ABC, taking ∠C as the angle of reference.
tan C = AB
or tan30° = AB
2 3
or, = AB
3 2 3
or, AB = 2 cm
Again, sin C = AB
or, sin 30° = 2
or, 1 = 2
2 AC
or, AC = 4 cm
∴ AB = 2 cm
AC = 4 cm

Exercise 22.2
1. Find the value of :
(a) sin0° + cos0° – tan0° (b) sin30°.cos30°.tan30°
(c) 6 . sin45°. cosec 60° (d) 2.sin60°. tan30°
(e) 3 .cosec60°.sec30°.tan45° (f) cot 60°. sin30°.cos30°
(g) sec45°– cosec60° + sin60° – tan30° (h) 3tan²30°+ cot²45° + cot²30°
(i) 1 sin²60° + 4 cos²45° + 6cot²45°
tan60° – tan30°
(j) 3cot²45° – cos²30° – 1 tan²60° + sin²30° (k)
2 1 + tan60°.tan30°

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 339

(l) 2cot60°. cos60°. tan60°. (m) 1 – 2 sin²45°

2tan30° cosec 30° + sec²45° – tan²60°

(n) (o)
1 + tan²30° 3 sec30° + 2 cos²45° – cosec²45°
2. Prove the following.
(a) cot²45° – sin²60°– 1 tan²60° + 1 sec²45° = –1
2 8
(b) cot²30° – 2 sin²45° + 3 cos²0° = 5
(c) sin²60°.(cos²30° + cos²60°) = 3
1+ tan²30°
= sin60° (e) ( 1 + tan30°
1 – tan30°
) =
1 + cos30°

1 – cos30°
(f) sin45°.cos30°– cos45°.sin30° = 3 – 1
2 2
1 + sin60° 1 + cot60° 2
1 – sin60°
1 – cot60°
( ) (h)
1 + sin30°
1 – sin30°
= cosec60° + tan30°

cosec²30° – sec²30° 1
( 1 + tan 30° ) 1 + sin 60°
(i) = cosec60° (j) =
1 + 2 sin60°. tan60° 3 1 – tan 30° 1 – cos 30°

3. In each of the following figures, find the values of 'x' and 'y' .
(a) (b) (c)
y 600
x x
x y y
300 5cm R F
Q 4cm 3cm E

4. Using the table of trigonometric ratios, find the values of 'x' and 'y' in each of
the following figures.
(a) (b) (c)
x y y
y x
x 450
270 m
8cm 12c 8cm

5. In the given triangle ABC, AD⊥BC, AB = 8 3 cm,
∠ABC = 60° and ∠CAD = 45°. Find the measurement

of the sides AD, BD, CD and AC. 600

6. In each of the following right angled triangles, find
the value of 'x' and 'y'.
(a) A (b) P (c) D 8cm

10 6c x F



Q cm
y 4 2

340 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

1 1
1. (a) 1 b. (c) 2 (d) 1 (e) 1 (f) (g) 2 6 – 3
4 4 2 3
(h) 5
(i) 8 (j) 1 (k) 1 (l) 1 (m) 0 (n) 3 (o) 1
3 2
3. (a) x = 4.33 cm, y = 2.5 cm (b) x = 4 2 cm, y = 4 cm (c) x = 2 3 cm, y = 3 cm
4. (a) x = 3.63 cm, y = 7.13 cm, (b) x = 8.09 cm, y = 14.47 cm (c) x = 8 cm, y = 8 2 cm
5. AD = 12 cm, BD = 4 3 cm, CD = 12 cm, AC = 12 2 cm
6. (a) x = 60° y = 30° (b) x = 60°, y = 30° (c) x= 45°, y = 450

Project work
Draw different right angled triangle on the graph sheet. From the graph find base and
perpendicular. Calculate the ratio of perpendicular and base. Find the angles of the
triangle without actual measurement.

Choose the correct alternatives.

1. In the given right angled triangle
(i) AC = h, AB = b and BC = p
(ii) AC = h , AB = p and BC = b C
(iii) AB = h, BC = p and AC = b.
2. In the given right angled triangle PQR cosθ is equal to
x x y z
(i) (ii) (iii) x
y z z θ
Q y
3. In a right angled triangle, the longest side is
(i) base (ii) hypotenuse (iii) perpendicular
4. Which on of the following relation is not correct ?
p p b
(i) tanθ = (ii) sinθ = (iii) cosθ =
h h h
5. In the given right angled triangle PQR,the length of PQ is
(i) 10 cm (ii) 5 cm (iii) 1cm
6. Which one of the following relation is the true one ? Q 12cm

(i) p² + h² = b² (ii) p² = h² + b² (iii) p² + b² = h²

7. The value of sin60° is (i) (ii) 3 (iii) 1
2 2
8. The value of tan30° is (i) (ii) 3 (iii) 1

Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal Oasis School Mathematics-9 341

Assessment Test Paper

Attempt all the questions Full Marks : 20

Group 'A' [4×2= 8]
1. (a) In the given right angled triangle ABC,

3 units
find sinθ, cosθ and tanθ. ts

4 θ
(b) If sin A = , find the value of cos A. C
5 B 4 units

2. (a) Using 'p' and 'b' and 'h' prove that Sin2A + Cos2A = 1.
(b) Find the value of :
1 – tan²30°
Group 'B' [3 × 4 = 12]
3. In the given figure, ∆ABC and ∆ACD are two right

4 cm

angled triangles. Find the value of (i) sin α (ii) tan

B α
α (iii) sinβ (iv) cotβ. C
3 cm

1 + sin 60° 1 + tan 30° A

4. Prove that : =
cos 60° 1 – tan 30°

5. In the given figure, ∆ABC is a right angled triangle. Find the

12 cm

length of AC, and the value of x and y.

4 3 cm

342 Oasis School Mathematics-9 Approved by Curriculum Development Centre, Nepal

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