Cybercrime Prelim Lec

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PREPARED BY: Leinely Grace R. Capuz-Soriano, RCrim.

1. What is the law defining cybercrime, providing for prevention, investigation, suppression and the imposition of
penalties therefore and for other purposes?
a. Republic Act 10715 b. Republic Act 10157 c. Republic Act 10175 d. Act 10157
2. Which statement below defines what cybercrime is?
a. Cybercrime is defined as any type of criminal activity that involves a computer, a network or the Internet.
b. Cybercrime is defined as any type of virus that is launched on a computer or network.
c. Cybercrime is defined as a person who intentionally attacks a person's computer.
d. Cybercrime is defined as any type of malicious attack over the Internet.
3. It is the prevention of cyber attacks.
a. Cybercrime b.Cyberspace c. Net Crime d. Cybersecurity
____4. It aims to steal user data including login credentials, credit card number and sensitive personal information.
a. Identity theft b. Cyberstalking c. Phishing d. Cyber pornography
____5. An electronic medium that is used to facilitate online communication.
a. Instagram b. Cyberspace c. Twitter d. Facebook
____6. What refers to all illegal activities accomplished using technology?
a. Cyber Attack b. Cybercrime c. Cyborg d. Cybersex
____7. A crime under the Revised Penal Code is referred to as?
a. Cybercrime b. Net Crime c. Felony d. Infraction
____8. What is the short title of the law defining cybercrime, providing for prevention, investigation, suppression
and the imposition of penalties therefore and for other purposes?
a. The Anti-Cybercrime Prevention Law of 2012 b. The Cybercrime Prevention Law of 2012
c. The Anti-Cybercrime Prevention Law of 2021 d. The Cybercrime Prevention Law of 2021
____9. Defined as offenses committed against computer data, computer data storage media, computer systems,
service providers.
a. Cyber libel b. Cybersex c. Cyber Fraud d. Cybercrime
____10. What refers to the collection of tools, policies, risk management approaches, actions, training, best
practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment, and organization and user’s
a. Cybercrime b. Computer Law c. Environmental Law d. Cybersecurity
____11. It is the process of methodically examining computer media for evidence.
a. Computer Investigation b. Computer Forensics c. Digital Investigation d. Digital Evidence
____12. Computer crime units responsible for the investigation of cybercrimes are required to submit timely and
regular reports including the following:
a. Pre-operation b. Post-operation c. Investigation results d. All mentioned
____13. It encompasses a broad list of illicit activities, including illegal trade in wildlife;illicit trade of hazardous
waste; illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing; and illegal logging and trade in timber.
a. Environmental Law b. Environmental System c. Environmental Crimes d. Natural Crimes
____14. This refers to the instruction, communication with, storing data in, retrieving data from, or otherwise
making use of any resources of a computer system or communication network.
a. Alteration b. Interception c. Access d. Service Provider
____15. What is the unit organized by the PNP manned by special investigators to exclusively handle cybercrime
a. Anti-Cybercrime Group b. Anti-Cybercrime Unit c. Cybercrime Division d. Cybercrime Unit
____16. This refers to the modification or change, in form or substance, of an existing computer data or program
a. Obliteration b. Alteration c. Interception d. Communication
____17. What is the transmission of information through ICT media, including voice, video and other forms of
a. Interception b. Illegal Interception c. Traffic Data d.
____18. The following are considered to be traffic data or non-content data, except:
a. size b. date c. voice of the caller d. duration
____19. Which of the following is not a way to intercept a Communication?
a. Listening b. Recording c. Surveillance d. Moving e. None of the above
____20. The acquisition of a domain name over the internet in bad faith to profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and
deprive others from registering the same.
a. Illegal Access b. Illegal Interception c. Data Interception d. Cybersquatting
____21. The following are subscriber’s information, EXCEPT:
a. Subscriber’s identity b. Intergalactic address c. Geographic address d. Telephone number
____22. Refers to the computer systems, and/or networks so vital to this country that the incapacity or destruction of
or interference with such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on our national or economic security.
a. Vulnerability b. Critical Infrastructure c. Critical Vulnerability d. Critical Damage
____23. Enrique noticed that Lazada is a good company where people add their bank account details to pay. Enrique
then acquired the domain name to mislead people. What specific Cybercrime did Enrique commit?
a. Illegal Access b. Cybersquatting c. Illegal Interception d. Data Interception
____24. Liza received an email from Enrique about her order, thinking it was from Lazada, she clicked the link
which routed her to an unknown website. Right there, her computer started acting up and turned off without her
turning it off. What specific cybercrime did Enrique commit?
a. Misuse of Data b. System Interference c. Illegal Interception d. Illegal System
____25. The intentional or reckless alteration, damaging, deletion or deterioration of computer data, electronic
document, or electronic data message, without right, including the introduction or transmission of viruses.
a. System Interference b. Illegal Interception c. Data Interference d. System Interception
____26. Jemil possesses an access code to commit illegal access. What crime was committed?
a. Misuse of password b. Misuse of devices c. Misuse of Access d. Miss Universe
____27. What is an example of illegal Interception?
a. Man-in-the-mirror b. Marites c. Man-in-the-middle attack d. Peterman
____28. What is the prohibited transmission of commercial electronic communication with the use of computer
systems which seek to advertise, sell, or offer for sale products and services?
a. Illegal Commercial b. Illegal Communication c. Illegal Sale d. UnsolicitedCommercial
____29. The input, alteration, or deletion of any computer data without right resulting in inauthentic data with the
intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if it were authentic.
a. Cyber Forgery b. Cyber Fraud c. Cybersex d. Cyber Libel
____30. The willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly or indirectly, of any lascivious
exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration.
a. Cyber Forgery b. Cybersex c. Cyber Identity Theft d. Cyber Libel
____31. How many degree/s higher is the penalty for the unlawful or prohibited acts defined and punishable by
Republic Act No. 9775 if committed through a computer system?
a. 2 b. 1 c. 3 d. 6
____32. The unlawful or prohibited acts defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed
through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future
a. Cyber Fraud b. Child Pornography c. Cyber Identity Theft d. Cyber Libel
____33. Joe uses your personal information like your name and bank account information to assume your identity in
order to buy items online. What crime did Joe commit?
a. Identity Theft b. Catphishing c. Forgery d. Fraud
____34. Bea is working in a company where all her expenses are being refunded. To get more money from the
company, she made 5 copies of her bus ticket so the company will give her a refund five times more. What
cybercrime did Bea commit?
a. Perjury b. Forgery c. Fraud d. Catphishing
____35. This cybercrime includes online swindles that involve false or misleading promises of love, companionship,
property or inheritance.
a. Fraud b. Libel c. Forgery d. Pornography
____36. This crime may be committed when a person uses a computer to talk sexually to other people and uses this
for self-pleasure such as touching themselves or masturbating.
a. Child pornography b. Cyber libel c. Cyber fraud d. Cybersex
____37. What crime is committed when a person sells images of children involved in sexual activities online to
a. cybersex b. child pornography c. libel d. phishing
____38. The transmission of commercial electronic communication with the use of computer system which seek to
advertise, sell, or offer for sale products and services are prohibited unless, EXCEPT:
a. There is prior affirmative consent from the recipient
b. The primary intent of the communication is for service and/or administrative announcements from the sender to
its existing users, subscribers or customers
c. It does not purposely include misleading information in any part of the message in order to induce the recipients
to read the message.
d. The commercial electronic communication contains a vague, invalid, and unreliable way for the recipient to
accept receipt of further commercial electronic messages.

____39. All crimes defined and penalized by the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and special laws, if committed
by, through and with the use of information and communications technologies shall be covered by the relevant
provision of RA 10175. Is this correct?
a. True b. False c. Yes d. No
____40. What can be the penalty for committing Cyber-squatting?
a. imprisonment of prision mayor b. fine of at least P200,000.00
c. both imprisonment and fine d. all of the above
____41. Any person who willfully attempts to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this Act shall be held
a. Possibly False b. Doubtfully True c. False d. True
____42. Aiding or Abetting in the Commission of Cybercrime and Attempt in the Commission of Cybercrime is
under which category of Cybercrime offenses?
a. Other Offenses b. Computer-related Offenses c. Content-related Offenses d. Other Offers
____43. Which of the following computer data requires a court warrant?
a.Traffic Data b. Non-Content Data c. Content Data d. Traffic-Content Data
____44. All of the following will cause the court to grant a court warrant, EXCEPT:
a. That there are reasonable grounds to believe that any of the crimes enumerated hereinabove has been committed,
or is being committed, or is about to be committed
b. That there are reasonable grounds to believe that evidence that will be obtained is essential to the conviction of
any person for, or to the solution of, or to the prevention of, any such crimes
c. That there are other means readily available for obtaining such evidence
d. That there are no other means readily available for obtaining such evidence

____45. Service providers are required to cooperate and assist law enforcement authorities in the collection or
recording of the above-stated information.
a. Possibly True b. Possibly False c. True d. False
____46. The integrity of traffic data and subscriber information relating to communication services provided by a
service provider shall be preserved for what period from the date of the transaction?
a. a maximum period of 6 months b. a minimum period of 6 months
c. a minimum period of 3 d. exactly 6 months
____47. Content data shall be preserved for how long from the date of receipt of the order from the authorities?
a. 3 months b. 72 hours c. 48 hours d. 6 months
____48. How long is the one-time extension for the preservation of computer data?
a. 48 hours b. 3 days c. 72 hours d. 6 months
____49. Which of the following law enforcement authorities are tasked to enforce the provisions of the Cybercrime
Prevention Act of 2012?
a.PDEA & BuCor b. NPA and NBI c. PNP & DOJ d. PNP & NBI
____50. When a law enforcement issue an order to the service provider, the same shall disclose or submit relevant
data in his/its possession or control within how many hours?
A. 48 hours B. 3 days C. 72 hours D. 6 months
____51. How many days is the validity of Search and Seizure Warrant for Cybercrime?
a. within 10 days b. 15 days c. No expiration d. Within the time period specified in the warrant
____52. Where a search and seizure warrant is properly issued, the law enforcement authorities shall likewise have
the following powers and duties, EXCEPT:
a. To secure a computer system or a computer data storage medium;
b. To make and retain a copy of those computer data secured;
c. To maintain the integrity of the relevant stored computer data;
d. To conduct forensic analysis or examination of the computer data storage medium
e. None of the above

____53. “Hacking”, “cracking”, or “computer trespass” are examples of?

a. Interception b. Illegal Interception c. illegal Access d.
____54. What is the court designated to hear cybercrime cases?
a. Drug Court b. RTC C. Cybercrime Court D. Anti-Cybercrime Court
____55. Once computer data stored by a service provider is used as evidence in a case, it shall be preserved _____.
a. until the termination of the case b. for 48 hours c. within3 days d. for another 6 months
____56. The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right.
a. Illegal Interception b. lllegal Access c. Data Interference d. Cyber Libel
____57. It covers any type of devices with data processing capabilities like mobile phones, smart phones.
a. Computer b. Computer Network c. Calculator d. Storage
____58. The following are basic components of a computer system, EXCEPT:
a. Input devices b. Output devices c. Processing Device d. Storage Device e. NOTA
____59. What function key will you press to access the boot menu in Windows when turning on the computer.
a. F11 b. F12 c. F2 d. F8
____60. What key is used with the other key for different purposes?
a. Escape b. Tab c. Shift d. Control
____61. The parts of a computer that help us to show the results of processing are called:
a. Output devices b. Input devices c. Processor d. Computer device
____62. A kind of malicious computer program, which when executed, replicates itself and inserts its own code.
a. Covid Virus b. Computer Virus c. Spyware d. Multipartite Virus
____63. A sign of a virus where applications may start opening in the background of the system by themselves and
you may not even know about them.
a. Speed b. Pop-Up Windows c. Self-Execution of Program d. Spacefiller
____64. A virus which saves itself in the memory of the computer and then infects other files and programs when its
originating program is no longer working.
a. Polymorphic b. Non-Resident c. Overwrite d. Resident
____65. A virus written in the same macro language as used in the software program and infects the computer if a
word processor file is opened.
a. File Infector b. Direct Action c. Macro d. Polymorphic
____66. It encompasses programs that steal your information or take control of your device without your
permission. a. Trojan b. Malware c. Boot Sector d. Non-Resident
____67. These are ads that can access information on your device if you click on them.
a. Adware b. Ransomware c. Resident Virus d. Software
____68. This investigation principle states “Every contact leaves a trace”.
a. Lombroso’s Exchange Principle b. Locard’s Exchange Principle c. Individuality d. Infallibility
____69. Data that is obtained and unintentionally left behind by the users of the Internet and digital technology.
a. Reactive b. Active c. Passive d. Proactive
____70. What is the data left behind by ICT users that can reveal information about them?
a. Digital Pawprint b. Digital Information c. Digital identity d. Digital Footprints

Prepared by:

Leinelyn Grace C. Soriano, RCrim.


Checked by:
Vivian L. Mejia, MDM, LLB
Dean, College of Criminology


Dr. Rowel A. Crisostomo, CSEE

School Director

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