Detailed Lesson Plan Music 1

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Fastness and Slowness of Music

I. Objectives

A. Content Standards
Demonstrate slow, moderate and fast tempo through movement and song.
B. Performance Standards
Recognize and imitate slow, moderate and fast tempo through movements.
C. Learning Competency
- Mimics animal movement
- Demonstrate the concept of tempo

II. Content
- Fastness and Slowness of Music

III. Learning Resources

A. References
Curriculum Guide in Music 1, Music 3 TG DRAFT 4.10.2014, MU1TP-IVa-1,
MU1TP-IVa-2, MU1TP-IVb-3
B. Learner’s Materials
Flashcards, pictures and song sheet


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Prayer In the name of the father, the son and the
Kent can you lead the prayer? holy spirit…amen

B. Attendance
Cainong Present Ma’am

Good morning class! Good morning Maam!

How are you today? We are fine, thank you! How about you?

I’m fine too!

C. Review
Ma’am, our lesson yesterday is all about
Before going on our new lesson for today. dynamics.
Who remember the lesson we had
discussed yesterday.
What is dynamic?

Very good! Let’s clap our hands.

A. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Class, I have here pictures of animals and Yes, Ma’am!

I want you to identify each of them. Do you
understand, class?

What animal is these:






Wow! Very good!

B. Presenting examples instances of the new lesson

Now, how do these animals move? The dog runs,

The turtle crawls
The rabbit hops.
The cat jumps
The birds fly.
Excellent! Let’s give them a rain clap.

C. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

Our lesson for today is about tempo in Ma’am, the speed of music like fast,
music. Who among you know what is moderate and slow is what we called as
tempo? tempo.

That’s right! Tempo is how fast or slow the

music is, tempos help the composer to
convey a feeling of either intensity or

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Now, we will have an activity. Form 5

groups and choose your leader.

What you’re going to do is to imitate the Group 1 – Spread arms as if flying (bird)
movement of the animal that will be Group 2 – Jump (cat)
assigned to you. Perform in front of the Group 3 – Run fast in place (dog)
class. Group 4 – Glide/crawl (turtle)
Group 5 – Hop (rabbit)


What a great performance, class!

E. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

The tempo can have virtually any amount

of beats per minute. The lower the number
of beats per minute, the slower the tempo
will be. Inversely, the higher the number of
beats per minute, the faster the tempo will
be. Do you understand, class?

So let’s have another activity.

This time, I have here separate flashcards

for each group and you are going to guess
what tempo can we used to compare the Group 1
movements of the following animals. Paste 1. Moderate
your answer on the board opposite to each 2. Fast
other. (Select from FAST, SLOW and 3. Slow
5. Slow
- Bird – fly

- Dog – run Group 2

1. Moderate
- Turtle – crawl 2. Fast
3. Slow
- Horse – gallop 4. Fast
5. Slow
- Carabao – walk
Group 3
1. Moderate
2. Fast
3. Slow
4. Fast
5. Slow

Group 4
1. Moderate
2. Fast
3. Slow
4. Fast
5. Slow

Group 5
1. Moderate
2. Fast
3. Slow
4. Fast
5. Slow

Wonderful work, everyone!

F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Tempo can be shown through different

movements. Can you name it class?

Yes, very good!

Now, get 1/4 piece of paper and identify

the movement of the following pictures that
I’m going to show.

On your paper, write F for fast, S for slow

and M for moderate.

1. S

2. F

3. M
4. F

5. S

- Great job, class!

G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Tempo can be defined as the pace or

speed at which section of music is played.
It helps convey a feeling of either intensity
or relaxation.

Tempo has three different movements.

Fast tempo, it is a speed of tempo in which

it gets faster or higher beats.

Moderate tempo, it is the speed in music in

between the fast and slow tempo. It
connotes relaxation in music.

Slow tempo, is generally slow, reserved for

broadly played music and used to denote
emotional and slow tone.

Speed of music can be shown through

different animal movements and songs.

H. Evaluating learning

Do the following activity. And check the rubrics.

1. Move fast like a kangaroo

2. Fly slowly like a bird in tempo, in any


3. Gallop fast like a horse.

4. Walk slowly like a duck in a straight line.

Very Need
Skills Good
Good Fair Improvement

Can imitate
movement of
given animals
Can perform
according to
fast and slow.
the speed of
participate in

I. Additional activities for application or remediation

Get a partner. Practice the action of the

chant “Double, Double” and present on the
class the next day.

How to do it:

Double – close fist

This – open palm with partner
That – back palm with partner

Double, Double
Double, double, this this
Double, double, that that
Double this double that
Double, double this that
See you again tomorrow, class! Goodbye, Ma’am!

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