1799788-Investigators Guide For Beginners 1.0

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The Investigator class is arguably one of the most open-ended classes in the Advanced
Player's Guide but is really fun. The investigator is all about using your perception
and skills to solve the mystery!

Usage of this book Sample Investigator

This book will teach you the investigator mechanics in
simpler terms and will grab the essence of the
investigator class.

On The Case 1st

As an investigator, you think of your adventures as
cases waiting to be solved. You gain one activity and
one reaction you can use to investigate cases: Pursue a
Lead and Clue in.


Frequency once per 10 minutes

You spend 1 minute examining an area to find a clue to
target for your investigation. This could be anything
from a footprint of a creature, a dropped item, or a
blood splatter on the floor. You don't need to be aware
of the target or target's existence.

    Whenever you attempt a Perception or skill check

You boil down every day interactions into cold,
to investigate a designated subject, you gain a +1
raw, data.
circumstance bonus to the check. Typically the skill
checks are of skills that use Intelligence, Wisdom, or ABILITY SCORES
Charisma in addition to Perception.
Prioritize Intelligence for your reasoning skills. Wisdom
        You can only have two investigations at a time. If will help you find clues and Charisma will aid you in
you Pursue another Lead after that, the oldest your social skills.
investigation ends and you can't Pursue that Lead
again until the start of your next daily preparations. SKILLS
Arcana, Crafting, Deception, Diplomacy, Nature,
CLUE IN Occultism, Society, Thievery
Frequency once per 10 minutes
Trigger Another creature attempts a Recall
Knowledge, Seek, Track, or a skill check your GM STARTING FEAT
deems appropriate against a subject of a lead you're Flexible Studies
You share information with the triggering creature. HIGHER-LEVEL FEATS
They gain a circumstance bonus to their check equal Solid Lead (2nd), Lie Detector (4th), Connect the Dots
to the circumstance bonus you gain from Pursue a (6th), Whodunnit? (8th), Just One More Thing (10th),
Lead (typically +1). The GM can add any relevant traits Foresee Danger (12th), Plot the Future (14th),
Reconstruct the Scene (16th), Trickster's Ace (18th),
to this reaction depending on the situation, such as
Everyone's a Suspect (20th)
auditory and linguistic if you're conveying information
A lot of newer players are often confused when Devise a
Strategem becomes a free action. To provide you an
example, if your case is tracking down a specific
organization or the boss of that organization, the
minions of this boss would allow you to use Devist a
Strategem as a free action.

        Talk with your GM to see what constitutes what is

and isn't part of your case.

Devise a Stratagem 1st

You can play out a battle in your head, using brains
rather than brawn to execute an attack.


Frequency once per round

You assess a foe's weaknesses in combat and use them
to formulate a plan of attack against your enemy.
Choose a creature you can see and roll a d20 as if you
were going to make a Strike. The next Strike you use
against this creature this round can use this d20 roll
instead of rolling. You may only use this on the first
Strike against the creature.

        If you are wielding an agile or finesse melee

Chemist weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, a ranged
With carefully formulated chemical compounds, weapon (which must be agile or finesse if it's a melee
you find chemical clues at crime scenes and weapon with the thrown trait), or a sap, you can use
boost your investigative acumen with mutagens your Intelligence modifier in place of your Strength or
and other elixirs.
Dexterity modifier for the the Strike.

        If you're aware that this is the creature you have

Prioritize Intelligence for your alchemy and deductive been pursuing, you can use this ability as a free action.
reasoning. Dexterity helps you stay out of harm's way,
Strategic Strike 1st
while Constitution keeps you healthy.
When you strike carefully and forethought, you deal a
telling blow. If you use your Intelligence for your
attack roll by using Devise a Stratagem, you deal an
Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Deception, Diplomacy,
additional 1d6 precision damage.

Nature, Society, Stealth, Thievery

        This increases to 2d6 at 5th, 3d6 at 9th, 4d6 at
13th, and 5d6 at 17th.
Alchemical Sciences Methodologies 1st
Your studies have made you savvy in many areas, but
one in particular drew your intense interest. Choose a
Known Weaknesses

HIGHER-LEVEL FEATS Alchemical Sciences

Shared Stratagem (2nd), Alchemical Discoveries (4th), Your methodology emphasizes chemical and
Thorough Research (6th), Clue Them All In (8th), Just alchemical analysis, collecting information from
One More Thing (10th), Reason Rapidly (12th), Plot the unusual particles and fluids found on the scene. You
Future (14th), Reconstruct the Scene (16th), Trickster's possess enough alchemical know-how to whip up a
Ace (18th), Just the Facts (20th) few tinctures to help you with your cases.
Sample Investigator
As an Investigator, when looking at Investigator feats,
the amount of combat related feats are quite small
compared to the social related feats. The Investigator
works really well in social based situations and thus the
feats lean more towards social encounters. Combat for
Investigators are found more in their class features than
their class feats.

        You become trained in Crafting and gain the

Alchemical Crafting skill feat and 2 additional
common 1st-level alchemical items which must be
elixirs or tools. Every time you level up, you learn an
additional formula of your level or lower.

        During your daily preparations, you create a

number of versatile vials equal to your Intelligence
modifier. You gain the Quick Tincture action.


Cost 1 versatile vial

Requirements You know the formula for the
alchemical item you're creating, you are holding or
wearing alchemist's tools, and you have a free hand.
You create a single alchemical elixir or tool of your
level or lower without needing to make a check or
expend the cost. This item has the infused trait, but it
When someone finds a body, you're first on the
remains potent only until the end of the current turn.
scene. You share the clues you learn through
Empiricism keen observation with your team to ensure you
Everything comes down to data. Calculating statistics, always apprehend the culprit.
running numbers, and using inductive reasoning
allows you to determine the most likely outcome of ABILITY SCORES
any scenario, and anything out of place draws your Intelligence comes first, followed by Wisdom to support
keen attention.
your perceptiveness and healing abilities. Dexterity
        You are trained in one Intelligence-based skill of helps your defenses.
your choice. You gain the That's Odd investigator
feat, and you gain the Expeditious Inspection free
Arcana, Athletics, Diplomacy, Medicine, Occultism,
Religion, Society, Survival
Forensic Medicine
Frequency once per 10 minutes
You observe and assess your surroundings with great STARTING FEAT
speed. You Recall Knowledge, Seek, or Sense Motive. That's Odd

Forensic Medicine HIGHER-LEVEL FEATS

You've learned that in most cases, especially murders, Red Herring (2nd), Scapel's Point (4th), Thorough
criminals tend to leave more evidence of the crime on Research (6th), Clue Them All In (8th), Just One More
the body than they'd like to believe. Information from Thing (10th), Reason Rapidly (12th), Strategic Bypass
bruising, bone fractures, blood spatters, and even the (14th), Reconstruct the Scene (16th), Lead Investigator
life cycle of carrion insects can provide valuable clues (18th), All the Time in the World (20th)
that help reconstruct the scene. You're trained in
Sample Investigator Medicine and gain the Forensic Acumen and Battle
Medicine skill feats. When you use Battle Medicine,
on a success the target recovers additional Hit Points
equal to your level, and the target becomes
temporarily immune for only 1 hour, not 1 day.

People can't help but trust you, whether through your
inherent likableness or your firm insistence on sticking
to the truth. You have a way about you that gets
others talking, and you've developed interrogative
techniques to help you get to the truth of your

        You are trained in Diplomacy and gain the No

Cause for Alarm skill feat. You can also Pursue a Lead
over the course of a conversation rather than spending
time looking into the lead as long as the conversation
lasts at least 1 minute.



You ask a question that charms or needles someone in

just the right way. Ask a question of a non-allied
creature that you can see and have been conversing
with. Attempt a Diplomacy check against the
creature's Will DC. The creature is then temporarily
interrogator immune for 1 hour.

Critical Success The target must directly answer your

You get right to the point, able to suss out any
question. It doesn't have to answer truthfully, but you
potential lies from your foes.
gain a +4 circumstance bonus to your Perception DC if
ABILITY SCORES the creature attempts to Lie to you.

Prioritize Intelligence as it will help you gain the skills Success As critical success, but the circumstance
you need. Charisma will assist you in your social skills to bonus is +2.

gather the information you need and Wisdom will help Failure The target can refuse to answer you as normal.

you detect who's telling the truth or not. Critical Failure The target can refuse to answer you as
normal, and its attitude toward you decreases by one
SKILLS step due to your aggravating attention.
Arcana, Crafting, Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation,
Performance, Society, Stealth, Thievery Master Detective 19th
As a master detective, you can solve any case and find
METHODOLOGY all the clues available. If you enter a new location that
Interrogation has another clue to solving your case, the GM informs
you of the existence of the clue and its type: an object,
STARTING FEAT person, spell effect, or the like. When you find this
Trap Finder clue, the GM informs you that you have done so. If
there is more than one clue, you only learn one. When
HIGHER-LEVEL FEATS you find any clue in that location, the GM informs
Red Herring (2nd), Lie Detector (4th), Connect the Dots you that you've done so.
(6th), Clue Them All In (8th), Just One More Thing (10th),
Foresee Danger (12th), Sense the Unseen (14th),
Reconstruct the Scene (16th), Lead Investigator (18th),
All the Time in the World (20th)
Additional Sample Builds
Sample Investigator Sample Investigator

You are a scientist at heart, using your
knowledge to aid in investigations and solve the Skillful
case. You are particularly adept at being useful in
every skill.
Prioritize Intelligence. Wisdom will help you to assist ABILITY SCORES
your party in using actions like Battle Medicine to keep Prioritize Intelligence as it will let you gain the most
them alive and Constitution will keep you alive long access to skills. Constitution will let you survive long
enough to assist them. enough to use your skills and Charisma will aid you in
social encounters.
Arcana, Diplomacy, Nature, Religion, Occultism, SKILLS
Medicine, Society, Survival, Thievery Athletics, Arcana, Crafting, Deception, Intimidation,
Religion, Performance, Society, Stealth
Forensic Medicine METHODOLOGY
Flexible Studies
Solid Lead (2nd), Scalpel's Point (4th), Thorough HIGHER-LEVEL FEATS
Research (6th), Clue Them All In (8th), Suspect of Shared Stratagem (2nd), Ongoing Investigation (4th),
Opportunity (10th), Reason Rapidly (12th), Plot the Thorough Research (6th), Clue Them All In (8th),
Future (14th), Reconstruct the Scene (16th), Lead Ongoing Strategy (10th), Reason Rapidly (12th), Sense
Investigator (18th), Just the Facts (20th) the Unseen (14th), Didactic Strike (16th), Lead
Investigator (18th), Just the Facts (20th)
Sample Investigator Sample Investigator

You are a martial investigator, using your
Strategist intellect and strategy to deal devastating blows
to opponents.
You are constantly planning, thinking, devising
your strategy.
ABILITY SCORES Prioritize Intelligence as it will help your Devise a
Prioritize Intelligence as it will aid your actions. Wisdom Strategy action. Strength will help you deal deadly hits
will let you find things faster and Dexterity will keep and Constitution to help you survive in a fight.
you on your toes long enough to see your strategy play
Athletics, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Deception,
SKILLS Intimidation, Society, Stealth, Survival, Thievery
Acrobatics, Athletics, Crafting, Diplomacy, Nature,
Occultism, Performance, Society, Survival, Thievery METHODOLOGY
Alchemical Sciences STARTING FEAT
Takedown Expert
Athletic Strategist (2nd), Strategic Assessment (4th),
HIGHER-LEVEL FEATS Predictive Purchase (6th), Blind-Fight (8th), Suspect of
Shared Stratagem (2nd), Strategic Assessment (4th), Opportunity (10th), Foresee Danger (12th), Strategic
Predictive Purchase (6th), Clue Them All In (8th), Bypass (14th), Implausible Purchase (16th), Trickster's
Ongoing Strategy (10th), Foresee Danger (12th), Ace (18th), Everyone's a Suspect (20th)
Strategic Bypass (14th), Didactic Strike (16th), Trickster's
Ace (18th), All the Time in the World (20th)

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