The Lecture Skill 2021 One

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10.1 Introduction
The lecture skill is an organized presentation of subject matter – usually with assistance of
visual aids.
It is an uninterrupted talk from the teacher to the students. In other words, one-way
communication from the active presenter to a usually passive audience. However. There are
two forms of lecturing namely, formal and informal. A formal lecture is purely verbal and
the communication is basically one-way from the teacher to the students without the students
interrupting the exposition while informal lecture allows students to ask/answer questions,
make comments, suggestions and the teacher to demonstrate, illustrate, etc. In schools,
informal lecture is ideal because it allows constant dialogue between the teacher and the
students besides using learning resources or teaching aids.

10.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1.2.1 Define the concept of lecturing skill.
1.2.2 Explain the two types of lecturing skill
1.2.3 Demonstrate how you would use lecturing skill in the classroom.

10.2.1 The Concept of Lecturing

Lecturing is a skill that calls for verbal and non-verbal communication from the teacher to the
students or from a speaker to the audience. General terms, Lecture method is a process of
verbally transmitting a body of knowledge to a recipient in accordance to a pre-planned

10.2.2 Purpose of Using Lecture Skill in Teaching

In teaching and learning process the teacher may justifiably use the lecture skill when:
1. Introducing a new topic or unit.
2. Presenting materials not easily obtainable.
3. Supplementing textbook materials.
4. Informing students of the expected results of a learning activity.
5. Attempting to cover a great deal of materials within a short time.
6. Summarizing important points of a lesson of study

E-tivity 10.2.1 Meaning of Lecture Skill

Numbering, pacing & 10.2.1
Title Meaning of Lecture Skill

Purpose The Purpose of this activity is to define in your words the term Lecture
Brief summary of Go to
overall task Open [Pdf] Effective Teaching Methods. Go to CTE –
Center for Teaching Excellence to learn more on Lecturing Methods.

Individual Contribution a) Define Lecturing Skill in teaching and learning situation.

b) Explain the two types of Lecturing.

c) State the reason which would make you use either of the skill
stated in the classroom.

Interaction begins a) Explain and post the circumstances that would justify your use
of lecturing skill in the classroom.
b) State two advantages and two disadvantages of using lecturing
in the classroom.

E-moderator • Focus on learner’s concentration on the content.

interventions • Encourage further reading on the topic from the internet.
• Give feedback as at intervals.
• Invite questions for clarity if necessary.  Close the E-tivity

Schedule and time The task should take 30 minutes

Next Advantages and Disadvantages of Lecture

10.3 Assignment

1. Prepare a 40 minutes lesson plan on the Lecture Skill.

2. Explain how you can improve on the delivery of a lecture for better
10.4 References:
Laughton, Dave (2011) – What is the use of Lectures?

Pdf File – What is the use of lectures – A comprehensive guide to the uses and
abuses of the lecture method.

World Bank (1994) – Higher Education – The lessons of experience.

Washington DC.
Gibbs, G. & T. Habeshaw (1989) – Preparing to Teach – An introduction to
effective Teaching in Higher Education. Bristol-Technical & Educational

Goffe & Kauper (2014) – Knowing how to lecture well is crucial.

Murray in Perry & Smart (1997) – Effective lecturing is characterized by


Wammes, J.D. et al (2016) – Mind wandering during lectures. Changes in

rates across an entire semester. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in
Psychology, 2(1), 13-322.

10.5 Answer to this Lesson

(a) Lesson Plan:

(i) Are objectives stated in:
Behavioral TERMS?
Are they SMART?
LESSON FORMAT: Has the learner indicated the four columns of the lesson, i.e. Time,
Content, Learning Activity and Resources?
Time- is the time allocated to each part of the lesson, i.e. introduction, Development and
Conclusion enough for the content indicated?
During this stage, has the student-teacher indicated whether he is using formal or informal
Has the teacher introduce his topic/lesson in an interesting and captivating manner
During this part, has the teacher put the content that shows that he will be the one talking and
explaining the content he has prepared without learner’s interruption by way of asking and/or
answering questions?
At this stage, has the student teacher manifested that he would be the only one summarizing
the lesson while the learners listen to him.
Does this column show that learners are passive receivers and only participate in writing their
own notes during the lecture?
Under this column, are there indications that the resources
Would be used only be the teacher, thus ensuring that the lesson is teacher-centered?


(I) Make if a formal lecture where you demonstrate, explain principles and
(II) Prepare, organize and rehearse the lesson before presentation.
(III) Employ other skills such as set-induction and stimulus variation as well as
integrated skill.
(IV) Ensure that you are eloquent and loud enough.
(V) Dress modestly in order not to attract attention in a negative way.
(VI) Change you voice when stressing a certain concept or point.
(VII) Move about and avoid standing at one place for long.
(VIII) Use eye-catching materials as teaching aids if time allows.
(IX) Ensure the content is suitable to the level of the learners.
(X) Allow learners to interrupt at intervals if they don’t understand something.

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