List of Prefixes and Suffixes

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List of prefixes and suffixes (for derivational morphemes).

predicative adjective with
a- awake, afloat, atremble
progressive aspect
a-/an- not, without acyclic, asexual, atonal, atheist, anemic
Afro- relating to Africa Afro-American, Afro-Caribbean
after- following after, behind afterglow, afterlife, aftermath
ambi- both ambidextrous, ambitendency
around, two, both, on both
amphi- amphiaster, amphitheatre, amphibian
an-/ana- up, against anacardiaceous, anode, analog
Anglo-Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-
Anglo- relating to England
ante- before antenatal, antechamber, antedate
anticlimax, anti-freeze, antiviral,
anti- against, opposite
antagonist, antivenom
ap-/apo- away from, detached aphelion, apogee, apomorphine
ruling, dominating, most
arch- archangel, archaen, archconservative
astro- star astrobiology, astrology, astronomy
auto- self autobiography, automatic, autonomy
back- behind backporch, backhoe, backfire
equipped with, covered with,
be- bedeviled, becalm, bedazzle, bewitch
beset with
bi- two bicycle, biped
bio- life, biological biology, biotic
by- near to, next to byway, bypass, byproduct
circum- around, surrounding circumlocution, circumnavigate
cis- on this side of cislunar, cisgender
co-, col-, co-worker, coordinator, cooperation,
com-, con-, together, with, joint cohabit, colleague, commingle,
cor- confederation, correlation
contra/o- opposite contradict, contraindication
counter- against, in opposition to counteract, counterpart
cryo- ice cryogenics
crypto- hidden, secret cryptocurrency, cryptography
de- reverse action, get rid of debug, de-emphasize
de- down depress, descend
demi- half demigod
demo- people democracy, demography
deuter- second deuteragonist, deuterogamy
di- two dicotyledon, digamy, dioxide
dia- through dialysis, diameter
di-/dif-/dis- apart differ, dissect, divide
disagree, disloyal, disconnect,
dis- not, opposite of, reverse action
from higher/greater to
down- download, downright, downbeat
du-/duo- two dual, duet
eco- ecological ecosystem
electro- electric, electricity electro-analysis, electromagnetic
el-/em-/en- in ellipsis, emphasis, energetic
to make into, to put into, to get
em-/en- empower, enmesh
upon, at, close upon, in
ep-/epi- ephemeron, epicentre, epidermis
Euro- European Eurocentric
ex-wife, ex-husband, ex-boss, ex-
ex- former
colleague, ex-friend
exit, expel, explode, exploit, explore,
ex- out of
extra- outside extracurricular
fore- before, in front forearm, forerunner, forebode
Francophile, Franco-British, Franco-
Franco- French, France
relating to the earth or its
geo- geography, geology, geometry
gyro- spinning on an axis gyrocopter, gyroscope, gyrosphere
hetero- different heterosexual
hemi- half hemimorphic, hemisphere
hind- after hindsight, hindquarters
homo- same homogenous, homologous
relating to water, or using
hydro- hydroelectricity, hydrant
hyper- excess, above, over hyperthermia
deficient, under or below hypothermia, hypotonia, hyponatremia,
something, low hypothermia
ideo- image, idea ideograph, ideology
idio- individual, personal, unique idiolect, idiopathic
not, opposite of illicit, impossible, inexact, irregular
in- in, into insert, include
relating to the Indian
Indo- Indo-European
infra- below, beneath infrared
inter- among, between internet, intercede, international
intra- inside, within intravenous
iso- equal isochromatic, isotherm
macr- long macrobiotic
mal- badly malnourish, maladjusted
maxi- very long, very large maxi-skirt
mega-/megalo- great, large megastar, megalopolis
after, along with, beyond,
meta- metabolism, metaphysics
among, behind
micro- small microbacillus, microcephalus
mid- middle midstream, midlife
mini- small minimarket, mini-room, minivan
midi- medium-sized midi-length, Midibus
mis- wrong, astray misinformation, misguide, misfortune
mono-, mon- sole, only monogamy, monotone, monosyllabic
multi-, mult- many multicultural, multi-storey, multitude
neo- new neolithic, neoether
non- not nonexistent, noncompete
off- non-standard, away off-color, offish, offset
omni- all omnipotent, omnipresent, omnivore
on- immediate proximity, locative onset, onlook, ongoing, oncoming
ortho- correcting or straightening orthodontics, orthotropic
out- better, faster, longer, farther outreach, outcome, outlier
over- excessive, above overreact, overact, overbearing
paleo- old paleolithic
pan- all, worldwide pan-African, pandemic, panorama
para- beside, beyond parallel, paraplegic, parasail
ped- foot pedal, pedestrian
through, completely, wrongly,
per- permeate, permute
peri- around, near or adjacent perihelion, periphrase
photo- light photoelectric, photography
pleo- more pleonasm, pleroma
pod- foot podiatrist
poly- many polygon, polyhedron
postposition, post-election, post-
post- after, behind graduation, post-war, postfix, postpone,
preposition, prevent, previous, pre-election,
pre- before pre-enter, pre-select, predict, prepare,
preter- beyond, past, more than preternatural
pro- for, forward, in favor of propulsion, propound, proponent
pro- for, substitute, deputy proconsul, pronoun
pro- before procambium
pros- toward prosthesis, prostrate, prose
proto- first, original protoplasm, prototype
pseudo- false, imitation pseudonym
pyro- fire pyrokinetic, pyrotechnic
partly, almost, appearing to be
quasi- quasi-religious
but not really
re- again, back redo, revisit, rerun, reorganize
retro- backwards retrograde
self- self self-explanatory, self-sufficient
semi- half semicircle
socio- relating to society sociopath, social, sociological
stepbrother, stepfather, stepmother,
step- family relation by remarriage
sub-/sup- below, under submarine, subterranean, suburban, support
super- above, over supervisor, superintendent
supra- above, over suprarenal
sur- above, over surreal, surrender, surplus
together, with syllable, symbol, synthesis, system
tele- at a distance telegraph, telephone, telescope, television
trans- across, over transatlantic, transverse, transform
tri- three tricycle, tripartite
twi- two twibill, twilight
uberchic, ubergeek, ubersexual,
uber- a lot, great
ultra- beyond ultramagnetic, ultrasonic, ultraviolet
un- not, against, opposite of, undesirable, undo, unequal, unexpected,
reverse action, deprive of, unhappy, unlock, unnecessary, untie
release from
below, beneath, lower in grade underachieve, underpass, understand,
or dignity, lesser, insufficient undergo
uni- one, consisting of only one unicycle, universal
up- greater, higher, better upgrade, uplift, upright
vice- deputy vice-president, vice-principal, vice-admiral
with- against, back, away from withstand, withhold

Meaning Example
-able able to be excitable, portable, preventable
-ac pertaining to cardiac, hemophiliac, maniac
-acity/-ocity quality of perspicacity, sagacity, velocity
-ade act, action or process, product blockade, cavalcade, promenade
-age action or process passage, pilgrimage, voyage
workaholic, shopaholic,
-aholic/-oholic one with an obsession for
-al relating to bacterial, theatrical, natural
-algia pain neuralgia, nostalgia
-an/-ian relating to, belonging to Italian, urban, African
-ance state or quality of brilliance, defiance, annoyance
-ant a person who applicant, immigrant, servant
-ant inclined to, tending to brilliant, defiant, vigilant
-ar of or relating to, being lunar, molecular, solar
-ar a person who beggar, burglar, liar
-ard a person who does an action coward, sluggard, wizard
disciplinarian, vegetarian,
-arian a person who
-arium/orium a place for terrarium, aquarium, solarium
-ary of or relating to literary, military, budgetary
-ate state or quality of affectionate, desolate, obstinate
-ate makes the word a verb activate, evaporate, medicate
-ation action or process creation, narration, emancipation
-ative tending to creative, preservative, talkative
-cide act of killing homicide, suicide, genocide
bureaucracy, aristocracy,
-cracy rule, government, power
-crat someone who has power aristocrat, bureaucrat, technocrat
-cule diminutive, making something small molecule, ridicule
-cy state, condition or quality efficiency, privacy, belligerency
-cycle circle, wheel bicycle, recycle, tricycle
-dom condition of, state, realm boredom, freedom, wisdom
-dox belief, praise orthodox, paradox
-ectomy surgical removal of appendectomy, hysterectomy
-ee receiver, performer nominee, employee, devotee
-eer associated with/engaged in engineer, volunteer
-emia blood condition anemia, hypoglycemia, leukemia
-ence state or condition, action absence, dependence, negligence
clemency, dependency,
-ency condition or quality
inclined to performing/causing, or one competent, correspondent,
who performs/causes absorbent
-er action or process flutter, ponder, stutter
-er a person who does an action announcer, barber, teacher
-ern state or quality of eastern, northern, western
-escence state or process adolescence, convalescence
-ese relating to a place Chinese, Congolese, Vietnamese
Kafkaesque, grotesque,
-esque in the style of
-ess female actress, heiress, lioness
-etic relating to athletic, energetic, poetic
-ette diminutive, make something smaller cigarette, diskette, kitchenette
-ful full of helpful, thankful, cheerful
-fy make, cause makes the word a verb amplify, falsify, terrify
-gam/gamy marriage, union monogam, polygamy
-gon/gonic angle hexagon, polygonic, pentagon
childhood, neighborhood,
-hood state, condition, or quality
-ial relating to celestial, editorial, martial
-ian relating to Martian, utopian, pediatrician
-iasis diseased condition elephantiasis, psoriasis
-iatric healing practice pediatric, psychiatric
-ible able to be audible, plausible, legible
-ic/ical relating to, characterized by analytic/al, comic/al, organic
-ile relating to, capable of agile, docile, volatile
-ily in what manner sloppily, steadily, zanily
-ine relating to canine, feminine, masculine
-ing materials bedding, frosting, roofing
celebration, completion,
-ion action or process
attention, caution, confusion,
-(s/t)ion state or quality
-ious having the qualities of, full of ambitious, cautious, gracious
-ish relating to, characteristic apish, brutish, childish
-ism state or quality altruism, despotism, heroism
-ist a person, one who does an action artist, linguist, pianist
-ite resident of, follower, product of suburbanite, luddite, dynamite
-itis inflammation appendicitis, tonsillitis
-ity state, condition, or quality abnormality, civility, necessity
-ive inclined to, quality of, that which attractive, expensive, repulsive
colonization, fertilization,
-ization act or process of making
antagonize, authorize,
-ize cause, treat, become
-less without fearless, helpless, homeless
-let version of booklet, droplet, inlet
-like resembling, characteristic childlike, homelike, lifelike
-ling younger or inferior duckling, underling
astrologer, cardiologist,
-loger/logist one who does
-log speech dialog, monolog
-ly in what manner badly, courageously, happily
-ment action, result movement, placement, shipment
-ness state or quality kindness, shyness, weakness
-oid resembling humanoid, tabloid, hemorrhoid
anthropology, archaeology,
-ology study of, science of
-oma tumor, swelling carcinoma, osteoma, hematoma
synonym, antonym, homonym,
-onym name, word
heteronym, oronym
-opia eye defect myopia, nyctalopia, hyperopia
-opsy examination biopsy, autopsy, necropsy
-or a person who inventor, legislator, translator
-ory relating to armory, dormitory, laboratory
-osis process, diseased condition diagnosis, prognosis, neurosis,
colostomy, lobotomy,
-ostomy/otomy surgical
-ous full of hazardous, humorous, wondrous
homeopath, naturopath,
-path one who engages in
-pathy feeling, diseased sympathy, apathy, neuropathy
bibliophile, audiophile,
-phile one who loves
acrophobia, claustrophobia,
-phobia abnormal fear of
homophone, telephone,
-phone sound
-phyte plant, to grow zoophyte, cryptophyte, epiphyte
paraplegia, quadriplegia,
-plegia paralysis
paraplegic, technoplegic,
-plegic one who is paralyzed
-pnea air, spirit apnea, hyperpnea, orthopnea
arthroscopy, gastroscopy,
-scopy/scope visual exam
-scribe/script to write transcript, describe, manuscript
-sect to cut dissect, insect, bisect
authorship, citizenship,
-ship state or condition of, skill of
cumbersome, quarrelsome,
-some characterized by, group of
philosophy, theosophy,
-sophy/sophic wisdom, knowledge
-th state or quality depth, length, strength
hysterectomy, epitome,
-tome/tomy to cut
-trophy nourishment, growth atrophy, hypertrophy, dystrophy
-tude state, condition or quality fortitude, gratitude, magnitude
-ty state, condition or quality ability, honesty, loyalty
-ular relating to or resembling cellular, circular, muscular
-uous state or quality of arduous, tumultuous, virtuous
-ure action, condition closure, erasure, failure
-ward specifies direction backward, eastward, homeward
-ware things of the same type or material hardware, software, kitchenware
-wise in what manner or direction clockwise, lengthwise, otherwise
-y made up of, characterized brainy, fruity, gooey

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