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The Arbiter

You are a powerful, obstinate vagabond, serving as somewhere between a

mercenary and a protector, perhaps taking sides too easily in the greater
conflict between the factions.

_________________________________ Choose Your Nature

• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, badger, ■ Defender
Details Clear your exhaustion track when you
• he, she, they, shifting put yourself in harm’s way to defend
• large, scarred, well-groomed, old someone against injustice or dire threat.
• faded military insignia, eyepatch,
repaired clothes, tarnished locket
Demeanor ■ Punisher
• intimidating, honest, brusque, open
Clear your exhaustion track when you
tell a powerful or dangerous villain to
Background their face that you will punish them.
Where do you call home?
„ ____________ clearing

Your Connections
„ the forest

Your Drives
„ a place far from here
Why are you a vagabond?
„ I’m being hunted by a powerful
I once protected ____________ from a
official choose two drives
mortal blow during a fight, and I would
„ I wish to make up for a past
transgression „ Justice do it again. Why?
„ I want to fight injustice When they are in reach, mark exhaustion to
Advance when you achieve justice
„ I must clear my tarnished name take a blow meant for them. If you do, take
for someone wronged by a powerful, +1 ongoing to weapon moves for the rest of
„ I have been exiled from most wealthy, or high-status individual.
clearings the scene.

Whom have you left behind?

„ Principles
„ my peer and friend
Advance when you express or embody Partner
your moral principles at great cost to ______________ and I together helped
„ my family
yourself or your allies. a faction take control of a clearing, and
„ my loved one
„ my ward „ Loyalty share responsibility for it.
When you fill in this connection, you each
„ my commander You’re loyal to someone; name them.
mark 2-prestige with the faction you helped,
Which faction have you served Advance when you obey their order at a and mark 2-notoriety with the faction you
the most? (mark two prestige for great cost to yourself. harmed. During play, if you are spotted
„ Protection
appropriate group) together, then any prestige or notoriety gains
with those factions are doubled for the two
With which faction have you Name your ward. Advance when you of you.
earned a special enmity? protect them from significant danger, or
(mark one notoriety for when time passes and your ward is safe.
appropriate group)

your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves choose three
Charm [+1]
„ Brute
Take +1 Might (max +3).

Cunning [0] „ Carry a Big Stick

When you use words to pause an argument or violent conflict between
others, roll with Charm. On a hit, they choose: mark 2-exhaustion and

Finesse [0] keep going, or stop for now. On a 10+, take +1 ongoing to dealing with
them peacefully. On a miss, NPCs turn their anger to you, and PCs take +1
ongoing against you for the scene.

Luck [-1] „ Crash and Smash

When you smash your way through scenery to reach someone or
something, roll with Might. On a hit, you reach your target. On a 10+,

Might [+2]
choose 1. On a 7–9, choose 2.
• You hurt yourself: mark injury
• You break an important part of your surroundings
• You damage or leave behind a piece of gear (GM’s choice)
add +1 to a stat of your choice, to a max of +2
On a miss, you smash through, but you leave yourself totally vulnerable on
the other side.
injury „ Hardy
exhaustion Take 1 additional injury box. Whenever time passes or you journey to a new
clearing, you can clear 2 injury boxes automatically.
„ Strong Draw
When you target someone with a bow, mark wear on the bow to roll
Roguish Feats with Might. On a hit, mark exhaustion to inflict 1 additional injury. Mark
choose one feat to start exhaustion again to make your shot ignore the enemy’s armor—they
cannot mark wear to absorb the injury.
„ Acrobatics „ Pickpocket
„ Blindside „ Sneak „ Guardian
„ Counterfeit „ Pick Lock When you defend someone or something from an immediate NPC or
„ Disable Device „ Sleight of Hand environmental threat, roll with Might. On a hit, you keep them safe and
„ Hide choose one. On a 7–9, it costs: expose yourself to danger or escalate the
Weapon Skills • Draw the attention of the threat; they focus on you now
• Put the threat in a vulnerable spot; take +1 forward to counterstrike
choose one bolded weapon skill to start • Push the threat back; you and your protectee have a chance to maneuver
„ Cleave „ Parry or flee
„ Confuse Senses „ Quick Shot On a miss, you take the full brunt of the blow intended for your protectee,
„ Disarm „ Storm a Group and the threat has you where it wants you.
„ Harry „ Trick Shot
„ Improvise „ Vicious Strike

Equipment starting value: 10 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____

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