_________________________________ Choose Your Nature
• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, owl, ■ Extrovert
Details Clear your exhaustion track when
• he, she, they, shifting you share a moment of real warmth,
• formal, colorful, multicultural, simple friendship, or enjoyment with someone.
• medal of service, beaded jewelry,
carved flute, pouches with pretty stones
Demeanor ■ Peacemaker
• charming, diplomatic, agreeable, stern
Clear your exhaustion track when
you resolve a dangerous conflict
Background nonviolently.
Where do you call home?
____________ clearing
Your Connections
the forest
a place far from here
Why are you a vagabond?
Your Drives
I want to help the Woodland
__________ and I fought alongside
I want to explore the Woodland choose two drives
I believe the current factions
each other to defend a clearing from a
should be overturned Ambition faction’s advances...but we failed. Why
did we defend the clearing? Why did we
I must keep a promise to a loved Advance when you increase your
one fail? Who defeated us?
reputation with any faction.
I want freedom from society’s When you fill in this connection, you each
constraints Clean Paws mark 2-prestige with the faction you helped,
Advance when you accomplish an and mark 2-notoriety with the faction you
Whom have you left behind? harmed. During play, if you are spotted
illicit, criminal goal while maintaining a
my mentor together, then any prestige or notoriety gains
believable veneer of innocence. with those factions are doubled for the two
my family
my loved one Principles of you.
my student Advance when you express or embody
my greatest ally
your moral principles at great cost to Friend
Which faction have you served yourself or your allies. I traveled with ____________ for a time
the most? (mark two prestige for
right after I became a vagabond. They
appropriate group) helped keep me safe and showed me the
Advance when you achieve justice Woodland. What keepsake did I gift them?
With which faction have you for someone wronged by a powerful,
When you help them, you can mark
earned a special enmity? wealthy, or high-status individual.
2-exhaustion to give a +2, instead of
(mark one notoriety for 1-exhaustion for a +1.
appropriate group)
your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves choose three
Charm [+2]
Sterling Reputation
Whenever you mark any amount of prestige with a faction, mark one
Cunning [+1] additional prestige. When you mark any amount of notoriety with a
faction, you can instead clear an equivalent amount of marked prestige.
Subduing Strikes
Finesse [0] When you aim to subdue an enemy quickly and nonlethally, you can
engage in melee with Cunning instead of Might. You cannot choose to
inflict serious harm if you do.
Might [-1]
• Who holds power in this clearing?
• Who is the local dissident?
• What are the denizens afraid of?
• What do the denizens hope for?
add +1 to a stat of your choice, to a max of +2
• What opportunities exist for enterprising vagabonds?
On a miss, your questions tip off someone dangerous.
injury Orator
exhaustion When you give a speech to interested denizens of a clearing, say what you
are motivating them to do and roll with Charm. On a hit, they will move to
depletion do it as they see fit. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1.
• They don’t try to take your intent too far
Roguish Feats
• They don’t disband at the first sign of real resistance
• They don’t demand you stand at their head and lead
start with marked feats On a miss, they twist your message in unpredictable ways.
Acrobatics Pickpocket Well-Read
Blindside Sneak Take +1 Cunning (max +3).
Counterfeit Pick Lock
Disable Device Sleight of Hand Fast Friends
Hide When you try to befriend an NPC you’ve just met by matching their
personality, body language, and desires, mark exhaustion and roll with
Weapon Skills Cunning. On a hit, they’ll look upon you favorably—ask them any one non-
compromising question and they’ll answer truthfully, or request a simple
choose one bolded weapon skill to start favor and they’ll do it for you. On a 10+, they really like you—they’ll share a
Cleave Parry valuable secret or grant you a serious favor instead. On a miss, you read them
Confuse Senses Quick Shot totally wrong, and their displeasure costs you.
Disarm Storm a Group
Harry Trick Shot
Improvise Vicious Strike
Equipment starting value: 9 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____
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