On The Micromechanical Properties of Conventional & 3d-Printed Rebar
On The Micromechanical Properties of Conventional & 3d-Printed Rebar
On The Micromechanical Properties of Conventional & 3d-Printed Rebar
This study is focused on the micromechanical properties of and across the longitudinal axis of the rebar and at different
conventional rebar and how they could be used for depths from the surface to investigate their micromechanical
comparison with the 3D printed rebar tensile and fatigue properties. Dog-bone shaped specimens 1000-micron in gage
properties. Current trends in additive manufacturing hint at length with square gage cross sections measuring 200-micron
the eventual use of 3D printing in the construction of homes x 200-micron were extracted from the surface as well as from
and office buildings. Nowadays, 3D printing of homes is the center of thick and thin rebar rods using a HAAS CNC.
being achieved on an experimental basis by depositing Samples were polished to a mirror finish and then tested in
extruded concrete in layers up to the ceiling to make walls, an Instron Electropulse E1000 load frame equipped with
and then building a roof on top of the walls by conventional microgrippers that allowed monotonic and cyclic loading of
methods. This practice is not suitable to make bridges, the samples at a frequency of 50Hz. The results of
multistory office buildings or structures that substantially micromechanical testing obtained from conventional rebar
experience tensile stresses. It is necessary to incorporate are compared with the those obtained from testing micro-
steel rebar in otherwise easily printed concrete structures. specimens machined from mild steel weldments deposited by
One way to achieve this is direct welding of steel into 3D welding on ceramics. The results demonstrate the
concrete by mounting a welder gun on to the 3D printing reliability of mild streel rebar printed by 3D welding onto
head and conducting 3D welding of the rebar. This has been concrete. The implications of the findings on the use of
accomplished and mild steel weldments have been 3D additive manufacturing in 3D printing reinforced concrete
welded onto concrete. To make it acceptable for and how it will impact the construction industry are
construction, the reliability of such printed rebar must be discussed.
investigated. Early results of microscale tensile and fatigue
testing on steel weldments made by additive manufacturing Keywords: Microtesting, Microfatigue, 3D welding,
show desirable mechanical properties. However, the reliability, reinforced concrete, conventional rebar.
comparison has been made with macroscale tensile and
fatigue properties of conventional rebar. To ascertain the
reliability of 3D printed rebar welded onto concrete, it is INTRODUCTION
essential to conduct a comparison with the micromechanical
properties of conventional mild steel rebar. To achieve this, Additive manufacturing methods currently investigated for
micro-specimens were machined off thick and thin building homes include material extrusion, directed energy
conventional rebar in various orientations including along deposition, and particle bed processes. Selective cement paste
a b
4mm 2mm
MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 3 – a) Picture of actual samples placed onto the holder on
the top side b) Fatigue fracture surface of a sample with two
distinct areas: fatigue area which is planer and the ductile
To test the fatigue strength of conventional mild steel rebar, fracture area, on the right, which is at an angle.
dog bone shaped samples were machined from a 16-
millimeter diameter piece of steel. The round rebar was
machined on all 4 sides in order to make it square. Dog bone RESULTS
shaped samples were then cut into the machined
conventional rebar using a HAAS CNC end mill. The back The stress vs. displacement of the upper gripper, obtained
sides of the samples were cut with a series of sawing and from the tensile tests conducted on conventional rebar
then grinding/sanding. When the samples were close to specimens is plotted for different samples. They are shown
being released, different grit sandpaper was used to gently in Fig. 4. There are two curves in this figure corresponding
sand the rebar down until the dog bone shaped samples were to specimens extracted from weldment beads made by 3D
released, taking care not to lose or damage the samples in printing. The mechanical behavior of steel weldments laid
any way. A final resizing of the thickness was performed by on steel substrate, in tension, is presented in Fig. 4a. It shows
mounting multiple samples on a 10 mm stub of a special
a high ultimate tensile strength of about 880 MPa. Figs. 4b
polisher using Crystalbond™ (Ted Pella Inc., Redding, CA)
and 4c correspond to specimens extracted in the lateral and
adhesive. The polishing was completed on a clean granite
longitudinal directions of conventional rebar respectively.
stone and the samples were polished down to a mirror finish.
They show ultimate tensile strengths (UTS) of 660 and 640
After polishing, the samples were measured to ensure
MPa. The last plot belongs to 3D-welded beads laid on
accurate results when tested. For testing, the dog bone
samples measured at 1000-micron gage length, and 200- concrete and the strength is comparable to the conventional
micron wide, in addition to 190–204-micron thickness. rebar with a UTS of about 620 MPa.
Samples were extracted in lateral and longitudinal
directions though test were performed, and results are Results of fatigue testing of the samples are shown in Figs.
reported here for micro-specimens from both directions. 5a and 5b. The stress-life data obtained by microfatigue
testing of specimens, extracted in the longitudinal direction,
The polished and measured micro-specimens were then
along the length of conventional rebar, is plotted as S-N
mounted onto the recessed triangular areas of the top and
curve in Fig. 5a (the red round solid red markers). For
bottom grippers of the Instron E1000 Electropulse™ test
comparison purposes, stress-life curve obtained from 3D
machine to undergo the fatigue test. Fig.3a shows the details
of mounting. Instron WaveMatrix™ (Instron Norwood MA) printed weld bead specimens is superimposed on the plot.
The markers for the latter are shown as green diamonds.
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