On The Micromechanical Properties of Conventional & 3d-Printed Rebar

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Proceedings of the ASME 2022

International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

October 30-November 3, 2022, Columbus, Ohio


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Seyed M. Allameh Alexis Eckart Jose Fonseca Lopez

Northern Kentucky University Northern Kentucky University Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY Highland Heights, KY Highland Heights, KY
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Roger Miller Avery Lenihan Hadi Allameh

Northern Kentucky University Gatton Academy of Sullair
Highland Heights, KY Mathematics and Science Michigan City, IN
[email protected] Bowling Green, KY [email protected]
[email protected]


This study is focused on the micromechanical properties of and across the longitudinal axis of the rebar and at different
conventional rebar and how they could be used for depths from the surface to investigate their micromechanical
comparison with the 3D printed rebar tensile and fatigue properties. Dog-bone shaped specimens 1000-micron in gage
properties. Current trends in additive manufacturing hint at length with square gage cross sections measuring 200-micron
the eventual use of 3D printing in the construction of homes x 200-micron were extracted from the surface as well as from
and office buildings. Nowadays, 3D printing of homes is the center of thick and thin rebar rods using a HAAS CNC.
being achieved on an experimental basis by depositing Samples were polished to a mirror finish and then tested in
extruded concrete in layers up to the ceiling to make walls, an Instron Electropulse E1000 load frame equipped with
and then building a roof on top of the walls by conventional microgrippers that allowed monotonic and cyclic loading of
methods. This practice is not suitable to make bridges, the samples at a frequency of 50Hz. The results of
multistory office buildings or structures that substantially micromechanical testing obtained from conventional rebar
experience tensile stresses. It is necessary to incorporate are compared with the those obtained from testing micro-
steel rebar in otherwise easily printed concrete structures. specimens machined from mild steel weldments deposited by
One way to achieve this is direct welding of steel into 3D welding on ceramics. The results demonstrate the
concrete by mounting a welder gun on to the 3D printing reliability of mild streel rebar printed by 3D welding onto
head and conducting 3D welding of the rebar. This has been concrete. The implications of the findings on the use of
accomplished and mild steel weldments have been 3D additive manufacturing in 3D printing reinforced concrete
welded onto concrete. To make it acceptable for and how it will impact the construction industry are
construction, the reliability of such printed rebar must be discussed.
investigated. Early results of microscale tensile and fatigue
testing on steel weldments made by additive manufacturing Keywords: Microtesting, Microfatigue, 3D welding,
show desirable mechanical properties. However, the reliability, reinforced concrete, conventional rebar.
comparison has been made with macroscale tensile and
fatigue properties of conventional rebar. To ascertain the
reliability of 3D printed rebar welded onto concrete, it is INTRODUCTION
essential to conduct a comparison with the micromechanical
properties of conventional mild steel rebar. To achieve this, Additive manufacturing methods currently investigated for
micro-specimens were machined off thick and thin building homes include material extrusion, directed energy
conventional rebar in various orientations including along deposition, and particle bed processes. Selective cement paste

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intrusion (SPI) utilizes selective cement paste for bonding Application of microtesting steel weld beads layered on steel
thin layers of aggregates [1]. Cements such as magnesium [35] and on concrete [36] has been demonstrated. This is
potassium phosphate, which produces struvite upon particularly useful to examine the effects of various
hydration, has been suggested as mortar [2]. With proper parameters such as the orientation and position of samples
bonding, almost any construction material locally available within the weld bead made by construction-specific 3D
can be considered for additive manufacturing of homes. This printers [37]. The results obtained by microtesting have
has been tried by Italian architects who built a house in Italy shown tensile and fatigue strengths that exceed those

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by 3D printing using soil [3]. Because of the low tensile generated by macroscale testing [35-36]. Orientation of the
strength of concrete, fiber reinforcement in various types has microsamples within the weld bead was demonstrated by
been investigated. Carbon fiber in conventional [4] and microtesting. Samples at the top were stronger than those of
biomimicked concrete [5-6] and hemp [7] have been interface of bead/substate when welding was performed on
investigated to potentially add strength and toughness to the concrete (hotter interface [35]). The reverse was seen for
otherwise brittle material. beads layered on steel (where the bottom cooled faster than
the top [36]).
Fabrication of metallic objects by additive manufacturing is
now commercially feasible for steel, titanium, and
aluminum among other metals. Some of the processes used
are laser beam melting, laser metal deposition, electron
beam melting, and metal paste extrusion followed by
sintering of green metallic bodies [8]. The microstructure
and subsequent properties of the resulting structure have
been related to the processing method and the microstructure
of starting metal powder [9-10]. Fatigue properties have
been shown to depend on the surface roughness and residual
stresses which may lead to scatter in the stress-life plots [11].
The effects of additive manufacturing parameters on the
fatigue properties of metal have been discussed by Hack et
al. [12], and Erdelyi et al. [13] and by Pegues et al. for
austenitic stainless steel [14].

While layering of concrete with added fibers or meshing

Fig. 1 - WaveMatrix from NI to run microtesting on small-
may be adequate for residential housing, commercial structure specimens extracted from various bulk materials.
buildings such as trade towers, skyscrapers, and similar
structures under tensile and shear stresses will need
reinforced concrete. Steel rebar as a standard reinforced Microfatigue testing is necessary to investigate the reliability
element, acceptable for such structures, will need to be of of structures at small size applications [15], [32], [38], [39-
sufficient tensile and fatigue strength. Macro-scale fatigue
40] . In fact, mechanisms of fatigue and fracture have been
testing has been commonly used to determine the cyclic
found to be different for smaller samples tested at microscale
behavior of steel rebar [8]. For reinforced concrete to be 3D-
[16], [23], and [28]. It is dependent on surface characteristics,
printed, the steel rebar must have similar strength and
internal porosity, inclusion, second phase particles, and other
fatigue resistance. This is the focus of this investigation.
flaws. Further, the size effect may express itself as it has been
demonstrated for thick and thin LIGA Ni samples. The LIGA
PRIOR WORK process may cause larger columnar grains in thicker samples
Microtesting is a well-established method to characterize
the micromechanical properties of materials and structures.
[9-10]. Various materials have been tested [15-28]. These The experimental building of homes by 3D printing [37],
include testing silicon [29-33] at various environments [18]. [41] will soon lead to commercially mature technology that
For microelectromechanical systems (MEMS [34]), will require reliable reinforcing materials such as steel
microtesting is the only option because of their small size. rebar. While macroscale testing of 3D printed rebar
However, with the advent of 3D printing of thin-walled provides the best answer, microtesting as pioneered by
structures, microtesting permits measurement of Sharpe [19] has been shown to provide fast and reliable
mechanical properties in the direction of small dimensions. results for tensile and fatigue testing of structures at a small
scale. Comparison of micro-scale properties of conventional
rebar with those of mild steel weldments layered on

2 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

concrete may shed light on the reliability of 3D printed software was also used. Sinusoidal load wave forms under
rebar and subsequently that of additively manufactured load control at an R=0.1 were applied using WaveMatrix™.
reinforced concrete. Fatigue testing of samples was carried out at a frequency of
50Hz. The Instron machine loading and unloading of samples
at desired force until a certain number of cycles is reached.
a b Alternatively cyclic loading can continue until the sample
fails under the load. For each of the lateral and longitudinal

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samples tested, the stress level and life were recorded. Based
on the microfatigue test results, a stress-life plot was created.

a b

4mm 2mm

Fig. 2 - a) Conventional rebar machined into a square bar by

machining. Samples carved in longitudinal direction (vertical)
and lateral direction (horizontal) are seen in pairs. b) Samples
extracted from conventional rebar on a polishing stub. 100 µm

MATERIALS AND METHODS Fig. 3 – a) Picture of actual samples placed onto the holder on
the top side b) Fatigue fracture surface of a sample with two
distinct areas: fatigue area which is planer and the ductile
To test the fatigue strength of conventional mild steel rebar, fracture area, on the right, which is at an angle.
dog bone shaped samples were machined from a 16-
millimeter diameter piece of steel. The round rebar was
machined on all 4 sides in order to make it square. Dog bone RESULTS
shaped samples were then cut into the machined
conventional rebar using a HAAS CNC end mill. The back The stress vs. displacement of the upper gripper, obtained
sides of the samples were cut with a series of sawing and from the tensile tests conducted on conventional rebar
then grinding/sanding. When the samples were close to specimens is plotted for different samples. They are shown
being released, different grit sandpaper was used to gently in Fig. 4. There are two curves in this figure corresponding
sand the rebar down until the dog bone shaped samples were to specimens extracted from weldment beads made by 3D
released, taking care not to lose or damage the samples in printing. The mechanical behavior of steel weldments laid
any way. A final resizing of the thickness was performed by on steel substrate, in tension, is presented in Fig. 4a. It shows
mounting multiple samples on a 10 mm stub of a special
a high ultimate tensile strength of about 880 MPa. Figs. 4b
polisher using Crystalbond™ (Ted Pella Inc., Redding, CA)
and 4c correspond to specimens extracted in the lateral and
adhesive. The polishing was completed on a clean granite
longitudinal directions of conventional rebar respectively.
stone and the samples were polished down to a mirror finish.
They show ultimate tensile strengths (UTS) of 660 and 640
After polishing, the samples were measured to ensure
MPa. The last plot belongs to 3D-welded beads laid on
accurate results when tested. For testing, the dog bone
samples measured at 1000-micron gage length, and 200- concrete and the strength is comparable to the conventional
micron wide, in addition to 190–204-micron thickness. rebar with a UTS of about 620 MPa.
Samples were extracted in lateral and longitudinal
directions though test were performed, and results are Results of fatigue testing of the samples are shown in Figs.
reported here for micro-specimens from both directions. 5a and 5b. The stress-life data obtained by microfatigue
testing of specimens, extracted in the longitudinal direction,
The polished and measured micro-specimens were then
along the length of conventional rebar, is plotted as S-N
mounted onto the recessed triangular areas of the top and
curve in Fig. 5a (the red round solid red markers). For
bottom grippers of the Instron E1000 Electropulse™ test
comparison purposes, stress-life curve obtained from 3D
machine to undergo the fatigue test. Fig.3a shows the details
of mounting. Instron WaveMatrix™ (Instron Norwood MA) printed weld bead specimens is superimposed on the plot.
The markers for the latter are shown as green diamonds.

3 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

To examine the effect of size effect and frequency of testing
on the results, microfatigue testing data of conventional
rebar are compared with data reported for macro-scale
fatigue results of mild steel rebar. Fig. 5b depicts the size
effect where the microfatigue results suggest a fatigue limit
of about 400MPa, while no such behavior is observed for

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the conventional rebar.

The effect of orientation of sample on the fatigue properties

is shown in Fig. 6. The solid round orange markers represent
data obtained from samples extracted in the longitudinal
direction of rebar along its length. The blue hollow squares
represent data from the lateral sample oriented
perpendicular to the longitudinal directions. It should be
noted that both types of the sample are from the same area
in the vicinity of the surface. Except from one sample that
failed early at 430 MPa, the other data points follow a
similar trend suggesting no significant difference between
the two directions.


The strength values (in the range of 600 to 900 MPa)

obtained by microtesting are all higher compared to the
strength of mild steel rebar or that of mild steel MIG wire
[42] (reported to be in the 517-579MPa range).

Fig. 5 – a) The stress-life (S-N) curve obtained by microtesting

on conventional rebar (round red markers) and 3D welded mild
steel (green diamond markers). b) The stress-life curves for
conventional rebar (Kaps et al. [44]) obtained by macro-scale
testing (light brown triangles) vs that of samples examined by
microtesting (round solid markers). Arrows show continued

This can be easily attributed to size effect. However, the

strengths obtained for microtesting of conventional rebar and
the 3D printed bead welded onto concrete are close, within
Fig. 4 –Comparison of stress-extension curves for 3D printed and
an 8% range (620-670MPa). The weldment on steel is cooled
conventional rebar: a) Steel welded on steel, b) conventional down much faster and therefore shows much higher strength
rebar along the length, c) Conventional rebar across the (about 880MPa). This suggests that the strength of 3D printed
diameter, d) Steel welded on concrete [34]. rebar is comparable to that of conventional rebar, although

4 Copyright © 2022 by ASME

the application is at macroscale. initiation and crack propagation portions of the total life of
the sample under cyclic loading. These two areas are colored
The criterion for reliability of the 3D printed rebar is fatigue green (crack initiation) and red (crack propagation) in Fig. 7.
resistance, which ensures safety of structures reinforced by
3D printed steel rebar. While fatigue testing is done at
microscale and may not be directly related to macro-scale
applications, such results can be compared with those of

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microfatigue properties of conventional rebar. Since both
are of mild steel composition, a direct comparison can be
made. Fig. 5a displays the S-N plots of fatigue data for
conventional and 3D printed rebar. With a good
approximation, the fatigue data fall within the same range
of stresses and life cycles. This is another indication that 3D
printed rebar has the potential to be substituted for
conventional rebar. Further tests on 3D printed rebar at
macroscale will provide the ultimate proof as hinted by the
microtesting results presented here.

To examine the size effect on the results of fatigue testing,

a comparison of microfatigue testing of conventional rebar
has been made with the results reported in the literature. Fig.
5b is the superposition of data from macro-scale fatigue
testing of conventional rebar reported by Burton et al. using
Grade 40 and 60 mild steel rebar [8] and data from micro- Fig. 6 – Effect of orientation on the fatigue properties of
fatigue tests [43]. There are two points to consider: a) both conventional rebar: blue squares represent data on lateral
tests produce similarly low fatigue life cycles at high samples while round solid red markers belong to longitudinal
stresses; b) as stress is reduced, life cycles increase, samples extracted along the length of rebar. Arrows indicate
continued life.
however, the rate of increase is different. For microsamples,
such rate of increase is much higher than with macro-
specimens. While a plateau is reached for micro-specimens
at relatively high stresses, no such fatigue limit is observed
in microtesting as reported by Kaps et al. [44]. This clearly
demonstrates the higher impact of size effect at lower

The location and orientation of the specimens may affect the

tensile and fatigue properties of the material. This has been
proven for beads welded onto steel substrates [34].
Microtensile monotonic and cyclic loading tests conducted
on conventional rebar do not suggest orientation effect. The
strengths obtained for lateral and longitudinal specimens are
comparable within 4%. The lack of a significant effect of
orientation is also observed in fatigue tests as displayed in
Fig. 6. Except for one data point, all other data points
belonging to the two perpendicular sample groups seem to
follow the same trend.

Crack Initiation and Propagation: The image of fracture

surface (Fig.3b) clearly shows two regions of crack
initiation, which is relatively flat and perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of the sample, and the ductile region, Fig. 7 – Relative proportion of fatigue life initiation and
which is at an angle. By monitoring the change in the propagation as shown in the increase in the length of the sample.
The ratio of crack propagation to total life is about 7.7%.
magnitude of displacement required to maintain the same
level of stress, it is possible to distinguish the crack

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By comparing the width of crack propagation to the
combined width of the two regions, it is easy to compute the
fraction of each stage of fatigue life. For the sample shown
in Fig. 7, fatigue initiation portion of life is about 92.3% and
that of crack propagation is about 7.7%. This is consistent The first author acknowledges the financial support of CAS
with a similar trend observed for the fatigue of Ni MEMS with Dr. McGill as the Dean. The technical assistance of
specimens tested in microfatigue with thicknesses of 70 and Mike Lehrter, lab manager at NKU, is also recognized.

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