Beginner's Guide To Homemade Haircare - (2023)

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Beginner’s Guide to


The Official Workbook of


The 6 Pillars of DIY Hair Care

Household Haircare Ingredients

Make Your Own Extract

DIY Formulations

© 2023 Hairqare
Guide to Making
Haircare at
What would it be like to have full control over the
contents of your haircare routine? If you were to
make your own haircare at home, you'll know exactly
how to answer that question.

Making your own hair care is the ultimate practice

that allows you to fully cater to your hair's unique
needs while steering clear of potentially toxic
ingredients. The Beginners Guide to Making
Haircare is an introduction to an incredibly vast
subject. The possibilities are endless once you get
started. We don't want to overwhelm you so we've
designed this guide to help familiarise yourself with
the most fundamental principles of making
haircare at home.
The copyrights and all other intellectual property rights in
materials contained in the Workbook are owned by Holinic LLC
(creators of Hair Growth Lab). Under the Copyright Act 1968, or
any other applicable law in your location, you may not publish
or distribute copies of any materials contained in the Workbook
(including, but not limited to text, logos, graphics, photographs,
video clips, trade marks, garment graphics, sounds or images) in
any form.

The information provided as part of the 14 Day Better Hair &

Better Health Challenge are for general health information only
and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical
advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any underlying health
conditions please seek medical advice before implementing any
of the practices. If you choose to use the information available
on the Website or inside the guides without prior consultation
with and consent of your physician, you are agreeing to accept
full responsibility for your decisions. Holinic LLC, its agents,
employees, contractors, and any affiliated companies will not
be responsible or liable for any harm or damage to you or your
property as a result of the information provided in this guide.

Thank you for understanding!

© 2023 Hairqare
The 6 Pillars
of DIY Hair

Getting started with making your own hair

care at home can be intimidating. There are
so many things to keep in mind and it feels so
much easier to just pick up a product from a
shelf. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when starting
something new. But don't worry! There are only
6 key aspects you need to get right in order
to effectively make haircare at home. Let me
introduce you to the 6 pillars of DIY Hair Care.

Let's get started!


A clean working environment is one

of the most important aspects when
it comes to ensuring that your final
product doesn’t spoil. Bacteria from
your hands, water or your equipment
are what shortens the shelf life of
your formulations. Wash your hands
thoroughly before getting to work on
your products. Disinfect any tools and
surfaces you plan to use to minimise
any risk of contaminating the product.
Make sure to wash your containers
with soap and then boil them in a
water bath before you start making
a new batch of product. Be sure to
let them dry completely before filling
them up.

© 2023 Hairqare 6

Whether you’re using

preservatives or making
it fresh, oxidation and
bacteria are the biggest
enemies of your homemade
haircare products. To keep
your products lasting
longer, you should always
store them in a cool, dark
and dry place. This means
your bathroom is not
the ideal place to store
them. If you're not using a
preservative, clear some
space in your fridge and
only move as much product
for one application to the

pH balance is a pillar of any hair
care product, not just homemade

The products you make at home

need to be within a specific pH range

in order to be effective and safe for
your hair.

All scalp products require a pH

of 4.5-5.5 for optimal scalp health.
If the pH of your scalp products is
not alkaline enough (that means it’s
less than 4.5), it won’t be able to kill
the bacteria on your scalp. This is
especially important if you make
shampoo. If the pH is too alkaline,
then it will cause damage to your
scalp and lead to other issues such
as excess oiliness and hair loss.

Products that are applied to your

strands will require a different pH
level. For optimal hair health, your
products will require a pH of 3.67. If
the pH is too high (that means it’s
more than 3.67), damage starts to
occur on the hair shaft and your hair
loses it’s ability to hold moisture and
becomes dry.

To ensure your homemade products

are in the correct pH range for your
scalp (4.5-5.5) and your hair (3.67), you
should always have a packet of pH
strips on hand.

Knowing your hair profile is a critical
consideration when purchasing
the right products for your hair
or formulating effective haircare
products at home. Your Hair Profile
is a map that tells you exactly which
ingredients are good for your hair
and which ones will damage it. If you
don't know your unique hair profile,
don't worry! In this guide we’re putting
the focus on simple formulations
that work for most hair types. The
downside is that they won't target very
specific hair problems. However, these
simple formulations will be gentle to
most hair profiles.

© 2023 Hairqare 9

When trying a new product or

formulating our own, we’re essentially
experimenting on ourselves. With
every new product we try, we learn
more about whether our hair likes it
or not. We learn more about whether
we made the product correctly or not.
As you learn more and more, you can
keep tweaking your products until you
land at a recipe you're happy with.
There is no need to know everything
on Day 1, you just need to keep testing
and tweaking until you've found your
perfect DIY product.

© 2023 Hairqare 10
Each person is going to react differently to
individual ingredients. For this reason, it’s
wise to know your body and it's tolerance for

certain ingredients before applying them on
your scalp. Even the safest oils or food item
can cause sensitization or allergic reactions
for certain people. So it’s always better to be
safe than sorry!

Here are the steps for conducting a

thorough patch test:

PATCH 1. Wash your forearm with unscented

TESTS soap and pat dry.

2. Rub a small amount of product into

a small patch of your forearm. It only
needs to be a thin layer.

3. Wrap a gauze over the top (optional)

and wait 24 hours.

4. After one day, if the skin patch is red,

itchy, blistering, or swollen, then you
have had an adverse reaction to the
ingredient and should discontinue use.

If you happen to experience discomfort

before the 24-hour period ends, immediately
wash the area with soap and warm water.
Discontinue use.

If your skin shows no reaction, you’re safe to

use the ingredient in your formulations.


© 2023 Hairqare
Who said
you can’t
take care
of your hair
There are plenty of ingredients lying
around your house that your hair
would love to experience.

You’ve probably already seen

commercials saying “With the power
of honey.”

Most of the modern hair care

products already contain a lot of
household foods. The difference is,
they only include a little bit of the
natural ingredients whereas you can
include as much of it as you want!

So, why shouldn't you pick the

original fresh ones from your house?
Let’s take a look at some of the best
ingredients that are sitting in your
kitchen shelves.

Olive Oil
Are you suffering from damaged or rough hair?
Does your hair feel like a haystack from time to
time? If you said yes, then your hair is suffering
from lack of moisture.

Olive oil might be the perfect solution. It has a

fatty acid composition that allows it to absorb
into your hair. While moisturizing your hair,
it’ll also increase overall volume and promotes

Plus, it has been shown to prevent baldness!

Olive oil prevents the production of the enzyme
5-alpha reductase and therefore prevents the
production of DHT, the culprit behind male
pattern baldness.

One of the main reasons behind damaged hair is an imbalanced pH
level in the hair. When the pH value shifts towards alkalinity, your
hair starts to get dry and frizzy. To bring it down to a safer level for
your hair, you will need to use acid to balance it out. The citric acid in
lemons can be used to balance the pH of unbalanced products. But
make sure to use only the juice without any pulp.

© 2023 Hairqare 14
Banana is rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and C, and
protein. Such nourishing properties make bananas a great base for
making hair masks.

With its high silica content, and antioxidant and antibacterial

properties, you can use it in your recipes to deeply nourish your scalp
and prevent dryness.

Honey can work like magic against a dry
and damaged scalp. The credit goes to its
antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant

People also put their faith in honey as a natural

moisturizer. Putting it into masks will help your
hair retain more moisture.

Green Tea
Green tea is famous for its antioxidant properties. The hero
nutritional element of green tea is panthenol.

Panthenol stimulates the scalp, softens up the hair shaft,

and strengthens the hair follicle. Green tea is also rich in
theanine and caffeine which simultaneously stimulates the
scalp and blood vessels, allowing for nutrients to reach the
follicles and promote more hair growth.

Yoghurt offers you two things: the richness of
milk protein and goodness of lactic acid.

Proteins strengthen the hair shaft while the

lactic acid hydrates and exfoliates dead skin
cells from the scalp.

Use this in your DIY recipes for stronger

strands, less frizz and more shine!

© 2023 Hairqare 16
Aloe Vera
Let’s talk about the hair care ingredient
champion: aloe vera!

Aloe vera features so many properties that

help you achieve better hair. Some of the
beneficial nutrients of aloe vera include
protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins
A, B12, C, E and essential fatty acids.

In fact, the translucent aloe vera gel has 18 of

20 amino acids!

Numerous studies worldwide have indicated

that Aloe vera works as a general tonic for
the immune system and helps it fight several
kinds of human illnesses and ailments.

Let’s take a look at some of the haircare

benefits of aloe vera:

Scalp Cleansing and pH adjusting

Aloe vera has the ability to exfoliate the
scalp and promote the regeneration of
new cells. You can use it in scalp treatment
recipes to effectively deep clean your scalp
in the most natural and gentle way. Due to
its pH being in the 4.5-5.5 range it’s also the
perfect ingredient to balance the pH of an
irritated or itchy scalp.

Say Goodbye to Dandruff!
About half of the total human population suffers
from dandruff. From that perspective, dandruff
is the biggest threat to our hair. A fungus called
Malassezia is the culprit behind all. It flakes
the skin under our hair and causes extreme
irritation and itching. Aloe vera's antifungal
properties help reduce skin inflammation and
bacterial growth, which then prevents dandruff
from occurring.

The Oily Hair Issue

Naturally, our sebaceous glands in the scalp
secrete sebum (oil). This is healthy natural hair
oil. But when we use the wrong products or
engage in certain unhealthy lifestyle practices,
our follicles can react by overproducing sebum.
Aloe contains salicylic acid which helps break
down sebum and balances sebum production.
This reduces clogged hair follicles and prevents
hair loss.

Hair Growth
Aloe vera is known to increase blood circulation
when it comes in contact with skin. More blood
flow means a better flow of nutrients which is a
key driver for healthy hair growth.

Stronger, Better Hair

Aloe vera has an abundance of vitamins that
promote stronger shinier hair by nourishing the
follicle. Vitamins A, C, and E take part in cell
turnover and skin nourishment. Aloe vera has all
three of them! So if you don't have any specific
scalp problems, aloe is still great for promoting
healthy hair growth we all love!

© 2023 Hairqare 18
Make Your
Own Extract

Let's get started!

If you want to keep your recipes
completely natural, you can opt to make
your own extracts instead of buying them.

Chamomile is perfect for sensitive scalp

types. Adding this extract will boost the
calming properties of any of your recipes.
We'll be using it to make Shampoo B.

For 500mL of chamomile extract, add

500mL of warm (around 50 C) water to a
pot with 100g of dried chamomile flowers.
Make sure the flowers are completely
submersed, then cover the pod with a lid
or a glared wrap. Wait 10-12 hrs. Measure
the pH of the water and add a few drops
of lemon juice until the pH is in the 4.5
- 5.5 range. Seperate the flowers from
the liquid using a kitchen strainer and
discard them. Your chamomile extract is
ready for use!

© 2023 Hairqare 20
Aloe vera gel is most effective when it
comes straight from the plant because
you can ensure the pH. Store-bought gels
have preservatives which can disrupt the
pH balance of the gel. We'll be using aloe
gel to make Shampoo A.

If you choose to use fresh gel, there is a

special method to extract it:
First, cut off one of the outer leaves
from the base of the plant. Wash it well,
removing any dirt. Then leave it standing
upright in a cup or bowl for 10–15 minutes.
This allows the yellow-tinted resin to drain
out of the leaf.

The resin contains latex, which can

irritate your skin, so completing this step
is important.

After the resin has drained completely,

wash off any remains on the leaf and peel
off the thick skin using a small knife or
vegetable peeler. Once the leaf has been
peeled, you will see the natural aloe vera
gel. Using a small spoon, scoop it into
your blender. Be careful not to include
any pieces of the aloe vera skin. Blend the
gel until it’s frothy and liquefied, which
should only take a few seconds. Your gel
is ready for use!


© 2023 Hairqare
Shampoo A
This homemade formulation is
a gentle all-round shampoo
that is compatible with most hair
types. It cleanses and moisturises
your strands without inflicting
unnecessary damage.

Organic Green Tea Aloe Vera Gel

The base of the shampoo will Aloe vera is included for it's
be made from brewed green calming properties. It will also help
tea. It will deliver a powerful with healing the scalp due to its
punch of antioxidants and antibacterial and antifungal activity.
a tiny bit of caffeine to It will also create a nice slip so the
supercharge your hair growth shampoo feels more luxurious.
and hair retention.
Xantham Gum
Coco-Glucoside This is a natural thickening agent
This is a coconut-derived used to boost the shampoo's
surfactant with gentle foaming viscosity.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Olive Oil This ingredient will seal your cuticles
This accessible and nutrient and provide a nice sheen.
dense oil will be used in the
shampoo as an emollient. Your Lemon Juice
hair will benefit from its fatty Used to balance the pH of the
acid content, leaving it silky formulated shampoo.
and shiny.

Let's try!
Shampoo A
• 200ml water • 8ml or 1.5 tsp olive oil
Ingredients • 0.5g or 1/4 tsp xanthan gum • 5ml or 1 tsp apple cider
• 20g or 1 Tbsp aloe vera gel vinegar
• 5g or 2 Tbsp green tea leaves • Squeeze of lemon juice
• 20ml or 1 Tbsp coco-glucoside • Essential oil of your choice

1. Place green tea leaves in a cup or teapot and pour 200ml of

hot water over the tea leaves. Cover it with a lid or a small

How to saucer and allow to cool to room temperature.

2. Transfer room temperature green tea into a bowl. Gently sift in
make it the xanthan gum. Whisk until smooth (it may take some time.
Alternatively, blend green tea and xantham gum in a blender
until slightly thickened up. Transfer back to bowl.
3. Add aloe vera gel, and stir gently until everything is well
4. Then add coco-glucoside and stir gently again. Your mixture
should now be fairly viscous and one uniform colour.
5. Add olive oil and stir. Then add apple ciderciderr vinegar
and stir until all ingredients are well-combined. If you'd like
the texture to be thinner, add water and stir until the mixture
reaches the desired consistency.
6. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil.
7. Test the pH of the formula using a pH testing strip. If your
formula is above 5.5, squeeze a drop of lemon juice into the
mixture and stir. Check the pH again. Repeat this until the
product's pH is in the range of 4.5-5.5. If it ends up below 4.5
you can add more water to slowly lift the pH to the required
8. Transfer your product into an airtight and sterile bottle. This
formulation doesn’t contain any preservatives so it's best to
store it in the fridge and use it within one week. If you'd like to
learn how to safely preserve homemade products for up to 12
months, please see the Luxury Haircare Formulation Guide.

Shampoo B
One of the main concerns
around making your own
haircare products at home is the
complicated process of turning
a bunch of raw ingredients into
a finished product. This is not
the case with Shampoo B. It is
completely natural in every way.
It’s perfect if you need to wash
your hair often but you don’t
want to damage your scalp from
regular cleansing.

If you’re sweating daily or Saponins

working in the hospital and you These are natural surfactants known for
need to shampoo your hair daily, their cleansing properties. They can be
Shampoo B is perfect for you. found in various plant species such as
Indian Gooseberry, Indian soapberry nuts
(Reetha) and Acacia concinna (Shikakai).
We'll be using the Reetha nut for this

Chamomile flower extract

Used for it’s relaxing and soothing
properties. It is anti-inflammatory which
helps cleanse and calm the scalp.

Orange juice
This ingredient is used for its polyphenols
and citric acid. It provides additional
cleansing properties and maintains the
balanced pH our scalp and hair needs.

© 2023 Hairqare 25
Shampoo B
• 250ml water, boiling
Ingredients • 15g or 1 tbsp reetha powder or raw soap nuts
• 15ml or 1 tbsp chamomile flower extract (non-alcoholic)
A squeeze of fresh orange juice, no pulp
• Essential oil of your choice, a few drops

1. If you have whole soap nuts, blend them into a fine

How to powder using a blender.

make it 2. Pour hot water into a bowl and slowly sift in reetha
powder while continuously stirring until completely
3. Add chamomile extract, orange juice and a few drops
of essential oil to your liking, mixing after each step.
4. Test the pH of the formula using a pH testing strip. If
your formula is above 5.5, squeeze a drop of orange
juice into the mixture and stir. Check the pH again.
Repeat this until the product's pH is in the range
of 4.5-5.5. If it ends up below 4.5 you can add more
water to slowly lift the pH to the required level.
5. Strain the mixture and store in a sterile bottle. This
formulation doesn’t contain any preservatives so it
will keep in the fridge for up to one week. If you'd like
to learn how to safely preserve homemade products
for up to 12 months, please see the Luxury Haircare
Formulation guide.

Additional notes...

© 2023 Hairqare 27
Good work,

© 2023 Hairqare

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