Human Rights Education Quiz1

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James Enriquez Alinsonorin

Bscrim-2 Block-11


P340- Monday & Wednesday- 5:30-7:00PM

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select and write the correct answer. Read carefully!! Be honest “gaya sa Jowa nyu”…

1. When did the Human Rights come into effect?

a. 1989 b. 1990 c. 1991 d. 1992

2. Articles of the Convention may be absolute, qualified or limited. Which of the following is
a. Article 6: Right to a fair trial.
b. Article 3: Prohibition against torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
c. Article 5: Right to liberty.
d. Article 8: Right to respect for private and family life.

3. Which of the following describes 'human rights'?

a. The freedoms that all people should have
b. The freedoms that only rich people should have
c. The rights of animals that human should protect
d. The rights of adults only

4. How many different articles are included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
a. 50 b. 1948 c. 30 d. 100

5. What is the meaning of collective rights?

a) Collective rights belong to distinct groups of people
b) Collective rights are those that belong to particular groups as opposed to the individual
members of the group
c) Minority rights are collective rights
d) Collective rights entail a right of the group as such as well as individual rights of the
group's members

6. The freedom of religion:

a. Cannot be denied to people on the ground that they belong to a minority religion.
b. Obliges nations to recognize and subsidize religions
c. Cannot be restricted in any way by a state
d. Do not have the rights to choose

7. Freedom of expression:
a. May be restricted in order to protect against defamation
b. Cannot be restricted for reasons of public morality
c. Cannot be restricted to prevent religious intolerance
d. Must be absolutely restricted among “chismosas”
8. According to the right to education:
a. For primary school children no school fees may be charged, government must provide
b. It is the obligation of the state to strive to help as many students as possible
c. States have to give all students equal opportunities in education
d. Government must provide education among poor only

9. The right to life is violated if:

a. Someone dies by accident due to a police force preventing an attack on someone else’s
b. Someone dies due to an act of war, even if this was legal
c. Someone dies due to unnecessary force by the police
d. Someone dies due to love of passion

10. Which of the following best describe the concept of human rights?
a. Laws about rights contained in the Australian Constitution
b. The existence of UN peacekeeping forces around the world
c. Basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled
d. The rights to freedom of speech and religion

11. The United Nations (UN) defines discrimination as behaviour that includes any distinction,
exclusion, restriction or preference based on what?
a. race, colour, national or ethnic origin
b. sex, language, colour
c. race, colour, sex, language, religion, opinion, descent or national or ethnic origin
d. religion, race, sex

12. A person who leaves his or her country because of a well-founded fear of persecution due to
race, religion, nationality, political opinion or social group is legally called what?
a. an immigrant b. a refugee c. a disadvantaged person alien

13. What is the key international statement of human rights today?

a. International Code of Human Rights
b. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
c. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948
d. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

14. When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights established?

a. 1928 b. 1938 c. 1948 d. 1958

15. Article 1 of the document ensuring human rights grants the right to _____.
a. Education b. Freedom c. Safety d. Equality

16. Human Rights are inherent that all persons are equally entitled to __________.
a. Discrimination b. With Distinctions c. Without Discrimination d. All of the Above

17. All Human beings upon birth are automatically belong to _____________.
a. Culture b. Society c. Community d. Environment

18. History has shown that as a man started to live, his inherent rights began to be violated by?
a. Alien b. Immigrant c. Fellowmen d. Relatives
19. As Human society became more developed, more men and women became deprived of their full
opportunity and suffered ___________.
a. Indignities b. Depression c. Discrimination d. Impression

20. Doctrines of major religious of the world that all men are created equal and free individuals but
men suffered from emotional _____________.
a. Depression b. Oppression c. Discretion d. Assassination

21. Once quotes by a religion believes: “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowmen”…..
a. Confucianism b. Buddhism c. Judaism d. Communism

22. The entire law of such religion teaches: “Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find it
a. Christians b. Judaism c. Communism d. Buddhism

23. An old religion admonishes the principle which ought to be acted upon through outs one’s life; “
a. Islam b. Confucianism c. Buddhism d. Born Again

24. A passage of religion that encompasses the love and respect of humanity; “ Give to the hungry
some of your bread, and to the naked, some of your clothing”…..
a. Born Again b. Hinduism c. Christianity d. Pentecostal
25. Human rights are as old as human society itself; it’s originally known as ___________.
a. Man of Rights b. Rights of Man c. Rights of Mankind d. Basic Man of


Human Rights Education- P207

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