SP-2415 PDO Behavior Based Safety System

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: May 2021

Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.


Document ID SP-xxxx

Document Type Specification

Security Unrestricted

Discipline Operation Safety

Owner MSE/1 – Operation Safety

Issue Date May 2021

Version 1.0

Keywords: IHTIMAM, BBS

This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of this
document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of
the owner.
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i Document Authorisation
Authorised for Issue

Document Authorisation

Document Authority (CFDH) Document Custodian Document Controller

Hinai, Younis MSE1 Ghafri, Saif MSE11 Ghafri, Saif MSE11

Date: Date: Date:

ii Revision History
iii The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details
of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

Scope /
Version No. Date Author Remarks
The Intention of the documents is to verify
and approve alternative BBS programs
Saif Al Ghafri MSE11 proposed by contractors who are not
Rev 1.0 May 2021 following PDO BBS program.

User Notes:

The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance shall only be authorised by
Document Authority through proper approval process.

iii Related Business Processes

Code Business Process (xxxx)

iv Related Corporate Management System (CMS) Documents

The related CMS Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Management Portal (CMS).

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................5

1.1. Purpose...............................................................................................................................5
1.2. Scope..................................................................................................................................5
1.3. Description..........................................................................................................................5
1.4. IHTIMAM Training................................................................................................................6
1.5. Structure, Roles and Responsibilities......................................................................................6
2. IHTIMAM Implementation process...................................................................................8

2.1 Pre-Implementation process..................................................................................................8

2.2 Post Implementation process................................................................................................9
3. IHTIMAM Observations.................................................................................................11

3.1 IHTIMAM planned observations...........................................................................................11

3.2 Conducting Ad Hoc IHTIMAM Interventions observations.......................................................13
3.3 Observation process...........................................................................................................13
4. Identify Critical Behaviours (ICB) Process.......................................................................14

4.1 Human Behavior.................................................................................................................14

4.2 ICB theory.........................................................................................................................15
4.3 How to create ICBs for a company/unit................................................................................15
4.4 How to write the behaviours in the correct format:................................................................15
5. Measuring Success – IHTIMAM KPIs...............................................................................15

5.1 Lagging KPIs......................................................................................................................15

5.2 Leading KPIs......................................................................................................................15
5.3 Post- implementation Performance target.............................................................................16
6. Data analysis and Database access................................................................................16

6.1 Upload IHTIMAM Observation into the database...................................................................16

6.2 Database analysis and report extraction...............................................................................16
7. The Implementation and use of IHTIMAM in the PDO Main Offices..................................16

7.1 Description of the Specification for the Main Offices..............................................................16

7.2 Purpose for the implementation of IHTIMAM in the PDO Main Offices.....................................17
8. Actions from IHTIMAM are Followed-up and are Closed-out.............................................17

8.1 Description of Action Follow-up and Action Close-out.............................................................17

9. IHTIMAM sustainability review.......................................................................................17

9.1 Online survey.....................................................................................................................17

9.2 Site engagement................................................................................................................18
9.3 Deep dive data analysis.......................................................................................................18
10. Ensuring Compliance to the IHTIMAM Specification with Compliance Audits...................18

10.1 Description of IHTIMAM Compliance Audits...........................................................................18

10.2 Purpose of IHTIMAM Compliance Audits...............................................................................18
The Compliance Audit will:............................................................................................................18
10.3 Specification for IHTIMAM Compliance Audits.......................................................................18
10.4 Distribution of Reports from IHTIMAM Compliance Audits......................................................19
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11. BBS verification assessment.......................................................................................19

11.1 PDO’s BBS minimum requirment..........................................................................................19

Observation Cards.........................................................................................................................21
Resources, Roles & Responsibilities................................................................................................21
11.2 Contractors shall include the requirements listed in the appendix2 in their submission to MSE11 team
for approval..................................................................................................................................23

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1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose
SP 2415 is intended to provide a simple but detailed guide for all participants in IHTIMAM
implementation according to their roles and responsibilities.

1.2. Scope
This Specification applies to all PDO employees and contractors implementing IHTIMAM where
the adherence to this specification has been specified as mandatory.

Throughout this document, “shall” means that an activity or requirement is mandatory.

1.3. Description
IHTIMAM is PDO’s Behavior Based Safety System that was developed in house. The IHTIMAM
concept is based on new findings in behavioral science that are key factors in its methodology.
1. People’s behaviour is usually due to the systems or environment/situation, not the individual.
2. No matter what measures are put in place, if the root cause of the unsafe behaviour is not
identified and resolved, the unsafe behaviour will continue to happen, whether by the same
individual or by others.This means that unsafe behaviors will continue, unless the workplace
design or management systems are amended.

IHTIMAM is not only an intervention programme or a means to stop unsafe work. It is also used to
identify unsafe behaviours and their root causes, and proactively problem solve before the unsafe
behaviour leads to an incident.

Another major factor that contributes towards the success of a BBS system, and that is leadership.
Therefore while many systems focus mainly on the frontline, equal focus is given on leadership.

IHTIMAM is completely customized to PDO & its contractors, and can be customized to any
company, industry and organization. This is because it is important to consider the types of hazards
employees are exposed to, and work on resolving them.

The basic principle of IHTIMAM is that all injuries and occupational illnesses can be prevented. The
main objective of the IHTIMAM program is to train each member of the line organization to eliminate
incidents and injuries by skilfully observing people as they work, talking with them to correct their
unsafe acts, and encouraging them to follow safe work practices.

The responsibility for safety is placed solidly within the line organization, from the top manager on
down to the first-line supervisor. Each supervisor is accountable for the safety effort and
performance of their area of responsibility

The major changes made to the new in house system are:

1. The design of the observation card and the selection of targeted behaviors.
2. Training material and delivery
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3. Change in KPI’s and assurance plans with ongoing coaching support.

4. Development of a comprehensive database to upload and monitor observations & actions.
5. Handover of responsibility to the line with HSE providing support.

1.4. IHTIMAM Training

IHTIMAM training is specific to audience, there are four different types of IHTIMAM training:
1- Online awareness training is designed to give the basic awareness about IHTIMAM program
for PDO and contractord staff working in offices. The training can be completed within 30
minutes and valid for three years. it is available in PDO Training Platform PTP
2- IHTIMAM Training the Traininer TTT which is designed to prepare trainers coaches that will
be cabable to deliver training, coaching and conduct planned observations. TTT is 2 days
course delivered by MSE11 team, the training can be booked through AL MANAR or through
MSE11 team directly.
3- IHTIMAM Leadership Worskhop LW which is a worskshop designed for leaders to give basic
leadership skills that contribute to the success of IHTIMAM. In addition, it discuss their roles
and responsibiltites in IHTIMAM. The LW is 4 hours training and can booked through AL
MANAR or through MSE11 team directly.
4- IHTIMAM Site Crew Training which is the training that is delivered by the approved trainers
to other employees.

1.5.Structure, Roles and Responsibilities

1.5.1 IHTIMAM structure
Figure 1 shows the hierarchy of IHTIMAM:

Figure 1 IHTIMAM orginization structure

1.5.2 IHTIMAM roles and responsibilities

Director Follow up with directorate lead on implementation progress
Conduct site visit on IHTIMAM
MSE 11 Governance of database ( all behaviors, retirement, enhancements, …etc)
Training delivery of TTT, LW + enhancements
Governance of methodology

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Sustainability reviews
leadership coaching
High level SC meetings
Audits for mature and green banded companies
Commercialilzation /marketing
Corporate statistics
High level investigations
Work with incident investigators and learnings from incidents
Develop roll out strategy and Implementation plan
BBS verification assessment
Department Discuss performance of IHTIMAM in HSE meetings
mangers/TL Include IHTIMAM in site visit agenda
Follow overall status ( i.e Pending actions, company scoring in IHTIMAM, etc)
Implement incentive scheme for BBS
Make sure IHTIMAM focal points and supervisors are well doing their roles and
responsibilities on regards to BBS
IHTIMAM Has a direct line of contact with Directorate HSE TL & Operational TL’s
Directorate Attend TTT or LW .
Lead Develop roll out strategy within directorate (Select contractors or locations,
liaise with contract holders, assign responsibilities for implementation within
directorate, obtain CEO endorsement)
Appoint and Work with companies/ units focal point
Report feedback to Director on monthly basis
Receive feedback from focal point on action status
Support conducting Sustainability review
Responsible to implement and Mature IHTIMAM within directorate
Recognize and support best practice
Chair steering committee meetings
IHTIMAM Unit Attend TTT or LW
Focal point Attend IHTIMAM SC meeting with directorate lead
Recognize, support and share best practice
Analyze data, prepare bi-weekly feedback reports to be shared with directorate
lead and proactively challenge results.
Verify sample actions close out and hazards identified at site, to be shared with
directorate lead at SC meetings.
Conduct overall preformance review
Assess the need to retire and add behaviors
Discuss the roll out within the contractors and provide the required support to
the directorate lead
Support conducting Sustainability review
Conduct site visits
Supervisor Attend TTT
Conduct weekly planned observations
Share lessons learned and findings
Ensure the data entered into the database is verified and authentic
Follow up on actions raised and close out
provide motivation for safety through good leadership
Recognize the crew for observing and participating
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Seek support when required from the office team to close an action
Attend steering committee meetings
HSE Advisor Attend TTT
Facilitiate SC meetings at Site
Conduct Database training .
Conduct weekly planned observations
Raise the common challenges with Ihtimam lead
Analyze data, prepare bi-weekly feedback reports to be shared with directorate
lead and proactively challenge results.
Support team members
Support conducting Sustainability review
Support in IHTIMAM implementation and Maturing within unit

2. IHTIMAM Implementation process

There are two implementation processes, pre and post implementation process to ensure
commitment, integration and sustainability within the organization.

2.1 Pre-Implementation process

In the pre-Implementation 5 main steps developed as shown in figure 2

Figure 2 Pre-Implementation process

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1.0 Kick Off Meeting In this step, a meeting is to take place between PDO BBS Team, PDO Management in
with PDO BBS Team respect to the selected Contractor and the Contractor Management and HSE Team.
The agenda of the meeting is to discuss the Program, what PDO is offering, roles and
expectations of both parties, and how IHTIMAM may benefit the contractor.
2.0 Identify focal The Contractor company is required to identify focal points within their organization that will
points and define roles be part of the implementation team. The team consists of:
and responsibilities - Project lead
- Database administrator
- BBS Trainers
- BBS Coaches
- Department/function focal points
- Steering Committee SC Members

3.0 This step requires awareness sessions to be held for the contractor and PDO staff to inform
Conduct Engagement employees of IHTIMAM and what are the changes they can expect. This step is to minimize
sessions resistance and build ownership, when the system begins implementation. This step can be
done by Engagement video
4.0 Follow the guide for ICB provided in this in the apendix.
Conduct ICB

5.0 In this step the MSE11 team will work on:

Planning IHTIMAM 1- Uploading all information onto the IHTIMAM Aegis Database such as:
implementation o Employee information (creating user names and passwords)
o Upload company information (name, locations, disciplines and behaviors)
o Create specific roles with accessibility to different facilities within the
database for selected individuals.
2- MSE11 team design hard copy observation cards and send it to contractors for
3- Start nomination for different types of trainings.

2.2 Post Implementation process

In the Post-Implementation 5 main steps developed as shown in figure 3

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Figure 3 Post Implementation process

1.0 IHTIMAM has 4 types of trainings. These are:
Conduct Training 1. Online awareness training (This is a mandatory course for PDO staff and
office staf contractors. It provides a general awareness on IHTIMAM and
raising observations)
2. IHTIMAM Leadership Workshop (this is a half day workshop that is held
for management and the leadership team of both PDO & contractors, it is
based around safety leadership and how they can best support
implementation of IHTIMAM and improve safety performance in their
3. IHTIMAM TTT (this is a 2 day course that is an indepth understanding of
behavior based safety, leadership and engineering a safety culture in the
workplace, attendees of this training are then expected to deliver the
supervisor and crew training in their companies)
4. Site supervisor & crew training (this is a one hour session delivered at
site by the trained trainers, for the site supervisors and their crew, it
focuses on what is IHTIMAM and how to use it)
2.0 A periodically set meeting (time and date agreed by PDO and contractor staff) is
Conduct Steering to take place to discuss implementation progress, statistics and any support
Committee Meetings required.

3.0 Management are required to be part of IHTIMAM implementation, this is to

Management include IHTIMAM within management review agenda
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4.0 Sustainability review 1 are conducted to review the progress and to identify any
Sustainability review gaps within the implementation process. This is done thrugh a data deep dive.
5.0 Sustainability reviews are conducted after implementation has been ongoing and
Sustainability all post implementation actions have reached over 95% completion, in
reviews 2 accordance to the respective milestones put in place by PDO and the contractor.
It is an extensive over view of the overall effectiveness of the system and targets
the following key indicators:
- Improvement in safety performance in regards to safety statistics such as
reduction in LTIF
- Improvements in communication and engagement
- Improvement in action close out rates
- Improvements in safe percentage scores
- Improvements in safety culture
Improvements in management involvement

This is done in three steps

1- Employee Persepetion surevey
2- Data deep dive
3- Site visit to review the actual implementation on site

3. IHTIMAM Observations

3.1 IHTIMAM planned observations

3.1.1 Definition of planned observations:

Planned IHTIMAM observation is observation conducted by trainers/Supervisors to
systematically eliminate unsafe acts in the workplace by coaching employees on the selected
critical behaviours as well as engaging with them in such a manner that there will not be repeated

3.1.2 Purpose of IHTIMAM planned observations

The purpose of the IHTIMAM planned observations is to eliminate the identified critical behaviours
(ICB) through systematic coaching, engaging with individual/group and through completion of
corrective actions and making effective use of information gathered during IHTIMAM planned
The supervisors/Trainers are expected to matured the ICBs within a period of 6 months to 1 year.
This should be done through applying the IHTIMAM observing techniques.

3.1.3 Specification for Conducting IHTIMAM planned observations

 Conducted by trainers/supervisors who completed IHTIMAM train the trainers course

 Trainers/supervisors prepere for the IHTIMAM planned observations by setting time slot of 15 -
30 minutes in the LSW to conduct the observation
 Trainers/Supervisors are required to raise 2 IHTIMAM planned observations per month

3.1.4 IHTIMAM observing techniques

To conduct successful observations the trainer/Supervisor should follow the below guidance:
1- Don’t Hide

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let the person or people you are observing know you are there. It is normal to
wonder, “If they know I am there, they might do everything right.” One of the goals
should be to help create new habits, not to catch a rule violator.

2- Observe
“Can the employee perform the task safely?”.“Do I see anything that concerns me?”
Your observation should find if workers can perform the task safely. You should
proactively identify concerns that might increase the chances of an injury.
Observations should not be used as a faultfinding opportunity

3- Reinforce
Importance should be placed on reinforcing what the worker is correctly doing to
ensure that s/he is not just being lucky when it comes to injury prevention. If an
individual has performed
a discretionary precaution while performing the work, this is an excellent time to
reinforce precisely what you observed and encourage him/her to continue.

4- Ask
If you see a safe precaution being taken or an exposure to risk, ask the most
appropriate questions. For example: Why did you do it that way? Is that the way you
always do it? Do you feel safe doing it that way? Is there a safer way to do it? Were
you trained to do it that way?

5- Express concern
When a risk is identified during an observation, expressing concern is a preferred
approach rather than stating someone is “at risk” and “unsafe. If we do not show
concern the individual may get defensive. If you show concern with how a task is
performed, this offers a better chance for a conversation leading to an understanding
of why risk is a part of the task.

3.1.5 Documentation of the planned observation.

IHTIMAM observation cards is accessible for both PDO staff and contractors from within PDO
network or external network. It is very important to note that when capturing the observation in
the database is to select where the observation occurred not the observer details. More details
and videos on how to upload observation card can be found in the help section in the IHTIMAM
database or through this link
%3D&st=MA%3D%3D&sct=MA%3D%3D&mw=MjQw# From External (outside PDO network). The observation card link can be found in
PDO.co.om/hseforcontractors. Alternatively can be accessed by searching in web search
engine “IHTIMAM observation card “. This page is mobile compatible and can be accessed
from mobile phones. From Internal (Inside PDO network). The observation card can be found in PDO landing page
in starred application. Alternatively can be accessed from HSE under application. Hard copy observation card. This is mainly for contractor who don’t have access to a network.
The contractors will be required to nominate a focal point to collect and upload hard
observations cards.

3.1.6 Frequency and Responsiplities for conducting planned observation

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Trainers/Supervisors are required to raise 2 IHTIMAM planned observations per month.

Trainers/Supervisors are required to attend train the trainer course in order to qualify to conduct
Planned observations.

3.2 Conducting Ad Hoc IHTIMAM Interventions observations

3.2.1 Description of Ad Hoc IHTIMAM interventions observations
Ad Hoc IHTIMAM Interventions observations the emphasis is placed more on the Intervention (i.e.
the verbal interaction) with employees. All employees are required to intervene when safe or
unsafe observation observed

3.2.2 Purpose of Ad Hoc IHTIMAM interventions observations

 To eliminate unsafe acts in the workplace by employees regularly identifying unsafe acts and
 To intervene with personnel in such a manner that there will not be repeated incidents of the
same or similar unsafe acts.

3.2.3 Specification for conducting Ad Hoc IHTIMAM interventions observations

Conducted by all employees who attend any type of IHTIMAM training.
Employees will:

 Intervene with personnel when observing unsafe acts or conditions

 Make notes of what he observed, the action that was taken and the follow-up action that is
 Decide if the unsafe act has significance to inform the responsible person
 Hold a conversation with personnel who have been observed and intervene where unsafe acts
or conditions have been observed using the IHTIMAM techniques that he or she have been
trained to use
 Capture the intervention in the IHTIMAM database.

3.2.4 Documentation of the Ad Hoc IHTIMAM interventions observations

Refer to 3.1.5
3.2.5 Frequency for conducting Ad Hoc IHTIMAM interventions observations
Ad Hoc IHTIMAM interventions observations have no set frequency.

3.2.6 Responsibilities of conducting Ad Hoc IHTIMAM interventions observations

 All employees have a duty and a responsibility to conduct Ad Hoc IHTIMAM interventions
observations to address unsafe acts irrespective of the location
 All Leaders are required to ensure that their direct reports conduct Ad Hoc IHTIMAM
interventions observations as the need or opportunity arises.

3.3 Observation process

 Observation: the observer to conduct planned observation or adhoc intervention observation

 Observer giving feedback and ask for the root cause
 Observer capture the data in IHTIMAM database
 The Supervisor verify the observation and assign action to action party
 Action party to close out actions in the agreed timeframe
 Supervisor to feedback to the observer on the status of the observation

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3.3.1 Capturing Data from IHTIMAM observations using IHTIMAM Cards

3.3.2 IHTIMAM Observation card
Each observation card is limited to a maximum of 6 specific behaviors. This makes it easy for
employees to focus on the critical behaviors.
Compliance level for each behavior is monitored and if it is sustainable over 90% then new
behavior will replace it.
Various disciplines and critical behaviors are developed in collaboration with the implementing
team i.e. by the team for the team.

Figure 4 Example of IHTIMAM observation card

4. Identify Critical Behaviours (ICB) Process

4.1 Human Behavior

Human behavior defined as the response of individuals or groups of humans to internal and external
influencers. It refers to every physical action and observable emotion associated with individuals or
group of people

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It is important to understand behaviors, and what influences them in order to successfully identify the
at risk behaviors on the site.

4.2 ICB theory

ICB focuses on the behaviors that account for majority of injuries on your site or office, thus
incorporating the Pareto Principle also known as the 80/20 rule.
The 80/20 rule is the idea that by focusing on 20% of the most critical behaviors that cause your
injuries, you will eliminate 80% of your injuries.

4.3 How to create ICBs for a company/unit

These are the steps to identify the critical behaviors:

 Analyze previous incidents reports (TRCs, Near misses, FAC, HIPOs, observation records, CCTV
camera records).
 Categorize the behaviors under common variables.
 Identify the behaviors that led to the injury.
 Prioritize the behaviors:
Now that you have restructured the behaviors and have listed each one under its relevant
category we need to prioritize the behaviors, so we may choose the most critical to go
onto the observation cards. Only 4-6 behaviours are allowed in each card at once

 Defining behaviors.

4.4 How to write the behaviours in the correct format:

After prioritizing the behaviours you want to have in the card:

 Behaviour should be specific and observable (where exactly, when doing which activity, avoid
generalizing )
 Start with behaviours executers (employee, operator, permit holder,… etc)
 Re-write in positive statement (what you want to see as behaviours)
 Use the present continuous to write the behaviours. (e.g Driller and Assistant Drillers are
removing the personnel from line of fire prior to operate tongs and winch)

5. Measuring Success – IHTIMAM KPIs

5.1 Lagging KPIs

 Number of Planned observation/Coaching
 Number of intervention observations
 Close out actions
 Percentage safe score (ratio between safe and unsafe observations)
 Training completion

5.2 Leading KPIs

 Leadership commitment and visibility
 Steering committee with stakeholders (companies focal points, supervisors and HSE teams)
 Retiring the identified critical behaviours
 Quality of observations and feedback
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 Overall understanding of IHTIMAM concept

5.3 Post- implementation Performance target

Post- implementation Performance criteria per 1000 employees

First 3 months 6 months 12 months
Training 85% 100% 100%
Number of Planned observation Per trainer/Supervisor 12 24 52
Sustainability review 0 1 2
Management site visits (Leadership commitment) 3 6 12
300 400 800
Number of closed ad hoc intervention Observation
(per 1000 employees) Total=
Total= 300 Total= 1500
150 200 500
Closed Actions in system (per 1000 employees)
Total=150 total 350 total 700
Steering committee meetings 6 12 24

6. Data analysis and Database access

Database manual can be found in this link https://aegis.pdo.co.om/AegisApp/Views/Help/BBS/index.htm#

6.1 Upload IHTIMAM Observation into the database

Refer to 3.1.5
6.2 Database analysis and report extraction
There are different types of reports are available in IHTIMAM database.
Observation report
 Performance report
 % Knolwedge report
 IHTIMAM total performance report
 Action close out report
 LSR reports
 Root cause reports
 Directorates reports (for PDO employees participation)

The reports can be extracted from this link

https://aegis.pdo.co.om/AegisApp/Views/ObservationReports.aspx .

7. The Implementation and use of IHTIMAM in the PDO Main Offices

7.1 Description of the Specification for the Main Offices

PDO and Contractor trainers based at the PDO Main Offices are required to participate fully in the programme
by conducting IHTIMAM planned observations in their office areas. PDO and contractors staff are requested to
conduct Ad Hoc IHTIMAM Interventions in any parts of the Main Offices.

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7.2 Purpose for the implementation of IHTIMAM in the PDO Main Offices
The purpose for conducting IHTIMAM Ad hoc Interventions in the PDO Main Office Areas is to
eliminate unsafe acts in all areas and locations where people work and to raise and maintain the
safety awareness. This is to be achieved by all trained employees regularly identifying unsafe
acts, conditions and practices and by engaging with personnel in such a manner that there will
not be repeat incidents. All of the observations observed in PDO MAF will be captured in the
database according to the below example:

8. Actions from IHTIMAM are Followed-up and are Closed-out

8.1 Description of Action Follow-up and Action Close-out

Actions are created in the Database by the observation card verfiers. The verfiers identify the action party
and agreed on time frame to close out the actions. These actions remain in the Database as “Open” until
they are followed up and “Closed” by the action party in the agreed time frame. If the action party doesn’t
close the action within the time frame the action status will change to “overdue” in the database.
The purpose of closing out actions is to ensure that actions are taken to address the Unsafe Acts and
Unsafe Conditions and to prevent their recurrence

9. IHTIMAM sustainability review

Sustainability review is conducted as part of IHTIMAM assurances by collecting facts from online survey,
site engagement and deep dive analysing.
It is an extensive overview of the overall effectiveness of the system and targets the following key
- Improvement in safety performance in regards to safety statistics such as reduction in LTIF
- Improvements in communication and engagement
- Improvement in action close out rates
- Improvements in safe percentage scores
- Improvements in safety culture
Improvements in management involvement
The sustainability review comprises three comprehensive assurance structures, which combine into
one complete sustainability review report. The objective of this process is to assess Ihtimam
implementation quality and maturity, and to identify and address areas of improvement.
9.1 Online survey
The online perception survey is a survey sent to for all level of employees within company. Four
weeks’ time is allowed to ensure response from all shifts, as well as for sufficient time to conduct a
quality survey. Subsequently, all received responses were analysed by MSE11 team. This online
survey allows to identify the actual implementation status in the field and helps to identify area of

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9.2 Site engagement

face-to-face engagement to be conducted with all team members.The engagement sessions aim
to verify the online survey results, bridging communication gaps, raising the visibility of the
IHTIMAM focal point and team, and to obtain feedback and suggestions from employees. Among
the feedback obtained were users’ and focal point’s experiences in processing the IHTIMAM cards,
and maintaining their stand on challenges and recommendations in the observations. The
engagement sessions were conducted in sampling basis. Various levels of employees such as
frontline workers, technicians, trainees, supervisors, coordinators and managers have been
engaged with several open questions and interacted discussions

9.3 Deep dive data analysis

Deep Dive data analysis is a process conducted by MSE11 to further analyse the data submitted
into the IHTIMAM database for the entire company. The Deep Dive is focused on whether KPIs for
Quality of Observations and Feedbacks, Close-outs and Percentage Safe Score of the Identified
Critical Behaviours (ICBs) are met. In addition, critical behavioural trends are analysed to evaluate
the maturity and the possibility of retiring of adding certain behaviour categories. In general, the
Deep Dive is intended to provide an analysis of the overall IHTIMAM implementation and its
contribution towards the LTIF correlation of the organisation.

10. Ensuring Compliance to the IHTIMAM Specification with Compliance


10.1 Description of IHTIMAM Compliance Audits

A corporate IHTIMAM Compliance Audit is a formal and structured audit conducted to assess or
evaluate the level of compliance by the PDO community and by contractors to the PDO
requirements for IHTIMAM as it has been set out in this specification and as set out in the
training given to Leaders and their personnel.

10.2 Purpose of IHTIMAM Compliance Audits

The Compliance Audit will:

o Review the status of implementation of IHTIMAM
o Evaluate the competence of personnel to use and administer IHTIMAM
o Review the quality of the IHTIMAM interventions conducted
o Review the quality of the IHTIMAM cards and data captured
o Review the overall IHTIMAM maturity level
o Review the quality and effectiveness of corrective action management
o Review the Department or Area data and the reports produced from the data
o Produce an audit report with recommendations.

10.3 Specification for IHTIMAM Compliance Audits

For audits in the PDO Community the IHTIMAM directorate lead will:
o Arrange the audit team members and advise the date and time for the audit
o Conduct the audit or assign the responsibility for conducting the audit to a member of the PDO
HSE structure

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o Produce a report following the audit using the IHTIMAM audit template (see attachment).

For audits at contractor sites the PDO HSE Team Leader will:
o Advise the Contract Holder and the Manager of the Contractor of the date and time for the audit
o Arrange the audit team members
o Conduct the audit or assign the responsibility for conducting the audit to a member of the PDO
HSE structure
o Produce a report following the audit using the required audit template (refer to appendix1).

10.4 Distribution of Reports from IHTIMAM Compliance Audits

The IHTIMAM directorate lead will submit the audit report to the Directors and copy PDO
Behavioural Safety team

For contractor audits The PDO HSE team leader will submit the audit report to the Contract Holder,
the Manager of the Contractor and to the PDO Behavioural Safety team.

11. BBS verification assessment

Is a process that is conducted to review and approve other companies’ BBS system. The verification
assessment is conducted in the main steps:
 Desktop review
 F2F assessment review
 Site visit

It is conducted as per the below timeline:

1- Receive a request for BBS Verification Assessmen: Contractor holder sends a request to MSE-11
team for behavioural-based safety verification assessment.
2- MSE11 Reply to the requested send out initial approval the checklist (appendix 2) within 5 days:
Contractor fills the checklist form and provides the required evidences for verification.
3- Contractor sends the checklist and the evidences back to MSE-11 focal point for verification within
14 days
4- MSE-11 team member to conduct a Desktop Review: MSE-11 FP goes through the submitted
checklist form, the provided evidences and BBS procedures for review to ensure it is meeting the
PDO’s BBS minimum requirements.
5- MSE-11 FP contacts contract holder for any additional evidences required. This process should be
completed within 5 days
6- Contract Holder to arrange a F2F assessment between MSE11 team and the contractor within 3
7- MSE-11 Team / HSE Lead member to conduct the F2F assessment to be completed in 1 day
8- Contractors to provide the additional evidences if required within 14 days
9- Conduct scoring within 3 days: MSE-11 FP reviews the submitted evidences.
10- MSE-11 FP conducts the scoring based on the BBS verification assessment
11- MSE-11 team member share the banding results to the contract holder within 1 day
12- MSE11 to uploads gaps and actions in PIM after agreement with CH (Action party CH) within 7

11.1 PDO’s BBS minimum requirment.

11.1.1 General Requirements

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In accordance with article 9 in the C9 section of the contractual agreement between PDO & Contractors, it
states that ‘Contractor shall implement a BBS Program; including incentives in line with PR-1171 Appendix R.
Contractor may adopt Company BBS System (IHTIMAM) or alternative provided it is approved by Company.
Should the Contractor wish to implement an alternative system, they are to establish, document, implement,
maintain, collect data and continually improve their BBS system in accordance with the BBS requirements
described in this document and determine how it fulfills these requirements.
Alternative BBS shall be submitted to the PDO MSE11 team for review. PDO MSE11 team reserves the right to
reject BBS proposals submitted by the contractor if it fails to meet the requirements stipulated in this
document. PDO MSE11 team may grant initial approval of the alternative BBS program based on documents
and evidences submitted by contractor, but the final approval will be subject to field verification.

11.1.2 BBS Procedure requirment

The management shall define, document and authorize the company’s BBS procedure and mission and ensure
that within the defined scope of BBS system:
1. Includes a commitment to the prevention of injuries and illness and continual improvement.
2. Is communicated to all personnel working under the control of the contractor with the intent that they
are made aware of it.
3. Defines the main activities the contractor does to improve safety performance.
4. Defines the objectives of the BBS system in order to be periodically verified.
5. Is reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant to the contractor.
6. Defines the areas and departments involved in the BBS system.
7. Defines behavioral measures and outcome statistics.
8. Defines the schedule of the reviews for verifying the achieved results.
9. Shall use the recorded incidents to correlate with safety observations and behaviors to ensure focus is
prioritized to the highest risk activities and behaviours.

11.1.3 Defining Objectives of the BBS System

The Contractor shall establish implement, document and maintain a plan for achieving its BBS objectives.
The plan shall include as a minimum:
1. Designation of accountability of BBS system activity at relevant functions and levels of the contractor
(e.g. conduction of observations, providing paper checklist at dept. level, entering data in the system,
conducting review meetings with workers, system checks, steering committee members etc.)
2. Designation of accountability and authority for achieving objectives at relevant functions and levels of
the contractor.
3. The means and timeframe by which the objectives are to be achieved

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The program shall be reviewed at regular intervals and adjusted to ensure that the objectives are achieved. A
drafted plan shall be submitted along with the BBS documentation to MSE11 team for approval.
11.1.4 Implementation of BBS System
Observation Cards

The contractor shall ensure that all risks and accidents are considered when establishing and designing the
observation cards.
The Contractor shall have in place, documented and updated behavioral checklists for the on-site observation
of safety actions and conditions.
Behavioral checklist shall be customized and related to company activities.
Behaviors included in the checklists shall prevent specific risks and accidents of the company.

Resources, Roles & Responsibilities.

Management shall demonstrate its active commitment to the BBS system by:
1. Evaluating data on both behaviors change and safety outcomes to measure the effectiveness of the
BBS system.
2. Ensuring the availability of resources essential to establish, implement, maintain and improve the BBS
system - resources includes specialized skills, organizational infrastructures, technology and financial
3. Defining, documenting, communicating roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and delegating
authorities to facilitate effective BBS management.

Safety Leaders shall demonstrate its active commitment to the BBS system by:
1. Assembling and analyzing behavioral observation data and reporting results to managers
2. Making personal observations according to the defined plan and assuring quality and reliability of the
observations made by observers.
3. Organizing and conducting safety meeting with his/her direct reports.
4. Closing actions or addressing proposals to management for a necessary improvement of safety
conditions prompted from the behavioral observations.
5. Reinforcing and motivating his/her direct reports for their safe behaviors, observation activities,
suggestions on continuous improvement and all other behaviors that support safety values.

Observers shall demonstrate its active commitment to the BBS system by :

1. Conducting observations
2. Assuring quality and reliability of the observations.
3. Actively participating to safety meetings and training sessions
4. Providing ideas towards safety improvement.

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11.1.5 Training and Building Capabilities

The contractor shall identify training needs associated with their BBS system implementation. Training shall
also be evaluated for its effectiveness to deliver the message as well as the effectiveness of the individual

11.1.6 Sub-Contractors
Sub-contractors shall have a well stablished BBS system. If the Sub-contractors do not have a BBS system, the
main contractor shall include them in their system.

11.1.7 Measuring Performance

The Contractor shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure to monitor and measure the BBS
effectiveness and efficiency on a regular basis. This procedure shall provide and document:
1. Quantitative measures of safe/at-risk behaviors and safe/at-risk conditions;
2. Reduction of safety indicators such as frequency of lost time injuries index, increase in observations,
reduction in HiPos and other incidents).
3. Monitoring the implementation of the BBS activities at each level of the organization (e.g. number of
observations, number of safety meetings, management site visits etc.

After one year from the start of the BBS system, the Contractor shall show safe behaviors and outcomes
improvements, compared to a baseline. Those improvements shall be sustained or increased in the following
years in order to be reasonably assured that the behaviors and outcomes have been influenced by the BBS
system and that the BBS system is indeed effective.

11.1.8 Feedback & Recognition

The Contractor shall establish, implement and maintain a feedback procedure for communicating data,
performance, and action close out and overall engagement of the employees.
The Contractor shall address feedbacks to workers, leadership and management members alike.
The Contractor shall provide in accordance with C9 an incentive system that reinforces safe behavior.
Examples of behaviors to reinforce are:
 Safe behaviors on the job.
 Improvement of safe behavior indexes.
 Number and quality of observations.
 Number of and attendance of steering committee meetings.
 Number of removed barriers to safe behaviors.
 Number of trained individuals, able to effectively use the system.

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Incentives and recognition should focus around leading indicators, and steer away from lagging indicators such
as number of observations received.
The criteria for achieving rewards and celebration shall be public and well known by employees.
A monitoring system should be in place to ensure that recognition is provided adequately and is incentivizing
behaviors that contribute towards the objective of the BBS system.
11.1.9 Consequences
Behavioral observations are best used influence and coach employees towards safe behavior. They shall not
to be used in disciplinary actions. The employees’ observations with behavioral checklist shall not produce any
penalties, or penalization for the observed workers.

Incident Investigation
The Contractor shall establish, implement and maintain a process to investigate and analyze accidents in a way
that also:
1. Determines underlying behaviors that have contributed towards the incident.
2. The root causes that influenced the behavior that led to the incident.
3. Identify corrective and preventive actions, that may relate to existing BBS tools, observation checklist
or processes.
4. Following up and tracking the implementation of corrective and preventive actions needed.
5. Communicate to workers the results of such investigations, and the changes that may impact them.

11.1.10 Sustainability Reviews

The Contractor shall ensure that internal reviews of the BBS System are conducted every 12 months at
maximum. These reviews are to determine the following:
1. Whether the BBS system in place is effective in achieving the objectives set by the management of
the company.
2. The BBS system has resulted in improvements in cultural behaviors such as management
involvement, continuous improvement, improvement in communication & engagement, as well as
contributions to safety meetings and events etc.
3. The BBS system has resulted in safer worker behavior and made a significant improvement in safety

Results of sustainability reviews shall be shared with PDO MSE11 team, PDO CH and contractor top
management. The sustainability review report shall include actions and opportunities for improvement.
PDO reserves the right to audit contractors BBS at any given time during the life of the contract without prior

11.2 Contractors shall include the requirements listed in the appendix2 in their submission
to MSE11 team for approval.
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No Requirement Yes No Comment
1.1 A Focal Point has been appointed and has been trained

1.2 All Supervisors who have been identified as verifiers are trained

1.3 The IHTIMAM specification is available as required

1.4 IHTIMAM Deposit Boxes are installed as required

1.5 Focal points appointed to collect hard copy observations from IHTIMAM deposit boxes and
upload them in IHTIMAM database


No. Requirement Yes No Comment
2.1 All supervisors have been scheduled to conduct planned observation

2.2 Supervisors know and understand the planned observations requirement

2.3 Supervisors comply to the schedule


No. Requirement Yes No Comment
3.1 IHTIMAM planned observations are conducted according to standard

3.3 IHTIMAM cards are deposited / submitted timeously

3.4 IHTIMAM cards are completed correctly and accurately

3.5 All trained employees conduct Ad Hoc IHTIMAM observations according to standard


No. Requirement Yes No Comment
4.1 Supervisors upload the planned observation timeously

4.2 Observers upload IHTIMAM adhoc intervention observation to the database

4.3 The Focal Point collects and upload IHTIMAM cards timeously


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No. Requirement Yes No Comment

5.1 HSE advisors and supervisors are having the knowledge to analyse data and produce
reports from IHTIMAM database

5.2 Supervisors and HSE advisors are conducting IHTIMAM steering committee to discuss
IHTIMAM progress

5.3 Supervisors and HSE advisors Share lessons learned and findings with the employees


No. Requirement Yes No Comment
6.1 Verifiers record corrective action (in IHTIMAM database

6.2 Action parties closes the actions timeously

6.3 Focal points follow up with action party to close out action on time

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Appendix 2:BBS system initial approval checklist

Criteria Yes/No Comments Evidences
Is a procedure available for BBS?
Is there an incentive scheme linked with BBS?
Are objectives of the BBS system clearly defined?
Are there periodic reviews of the BBS system?
Are BBS KPIs clearly defined?
Are BBS KPIs updated at agreed intervals?
Is there a provision for data collection and tracking?
Steering committee and follow up meetings are
Is there a provision for BBS observation cards to report?
does risk and activity taken in consideration when
design the card?
Are there enough resources to maintain and improve the
Is there a provision for BBS training program that is
delivered by approved trainers?
Is BBS used as punitive system?
Is sustainability review of the system is conducted?
Does management demonstrate its active commitment
to the BBS


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