Hsslive Xii Botany CH 2 Prvs Qns Babu

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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2022 :Chapter 2- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

1Mark Questions 12.In aquatic plants like water hyacinth and water
Lily the pollinating agent is
1. In maize the chromosome number present in (a) Wind and insect
the meiocyte is 20. Give the number of (b) Water
chromosomes present in the following: (c) Birds and butterflies
(a) Maize pollen (d) Aquatic organisms 2016 Say
(b) Maize endosperm
2012 March
13.The hard outer layer of pollen is composed of
2. Innermost wall layer of microsporangium (a) Exine
which nourishes the developing pollengrain is (b) Intine
called_______ 2012 Say (c) Integument
3. After syngamy and triple fusion in embryosac, (d) Sporopollenin 2016 Say

embryo will be diploid and endosperm will be

__________. 2013 March
14.A date palm seed discovered during
archeological investigation retained viability
4.In flowering plants, double fertilization occurs even after 10000 years. The retention of
during sexual reproduction. One of the events of viability is due to the state of inactivity of
double fertilization is triple fusion. Name the embryo called _______ 2017 March
other event. 2013 Say

5.From the following, select the two having 15.Observe the relationship between the first two
haploid chromosome number. terms and fill in the blank.
a) Egg b) Endosperm Intine : Cellulose
c) Zygote d) Pollen 2014 March Exine : __________
2017 1st term
6.In flowering plants during double fertilization
two events take place in the embryosac namely 16.The hard outer layer of pollengrain is
___________and ____________ composed of
2014 March
(a) cellulose (b) pectin
7.Development of fruit without fertilization and (c) suberin (d) sporopollenin
are seedless known as... 2018 Model
(a)Polyembryony (b)Apomixis
17.Which among the following is the female
(c)Parthenocarpy (d)Parthenogenesis
2015 March gametophyte of angiosperms ?
a. Nucellus b. Antipodals
8.In some seeds the nucellus may be persistent. c. Embryosac d. Endosperm
Such nucellus is called 2018 1st term
(a)Endosperm (b)Scutellum 18.Choose the correct answer.
(c)Plumule (d)Perisperm 2016 March A parthenocarpic fruit is :
(a) Banana (b) Apple
9.What is a false fruit ? Cite an example. 2016 March
(c) Strawberry (d) Guava 2019 Say
10.The development of pollengrains in 19.Observe the relationship between the first two
angiosperms is called_________ terms and fill in the blank.
(a) Microsporogenesis Funicle : Stalk of the ovule
(b) Embryogenesis ________ : Protective Envelopes of the ovule
(c) Megasporogenesis 2019 Say
(d) Gametogenesis 2016 Say
20.Observe the figure given below. Identify the
11.Which of the following part in a flower is structure.
haploid ?
(a) Anther wall
(b) Pollen mother cell
(c) Synergid
(d) Secondary nucleus 2016 Say 2019 1st term
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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2022 :Chapter 2- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

21.Observe the relationship between the first two
2 Marks Questions
terms and fill in the blank.
Intine : Cellulose and pectin 1. Raju went to a Rice Research station on his
Exine : ___________ study tour. There he noticed a scientist working
2019 1st term
on a rice plants using scissors and forceps. To
22.Choose the correct answer and fill in the blank. his surprise he saw the scientist covering the
_______ is the female gametophyte of inflorescences with paper bags.
angiosperms (a) Name the techniques the
(a) Embryosac (b) Nucellus scientist was doing
(c) Integument (d) Pollen grain 2020 model (b) Give the purpose of these
23.Observe the relationship between the first two techniques
2012 March
terms and fill in the blank.
Endothecium : Protection; 2. Copy the picture given below and mark the
Tapetum : ___________ 2020 Say following:
24.Fruit which develop from any part of the flower (a) Hilum
other than ovary is called... 2021 Model
(b) Funicle
(c) Micropylar pole
25.Fill in the blank. (d) Nucellus
The portion of ermbryonal axis above the (e) Chalazal pole
level of cotyledons in dicot embryo is known (f) Embryosac 2012 March
as __________. 2021 March

26.Name the female gametophyte in angiosperms. 3. In artificial hybridization, it is important to

(A) Embryo sac (B) Integument make sure that stigma is protected from
(C) Funicle (D) Micropyle 2021 Say unwanted pollen. This is achieved by
emasculation and bagging techniques. Can
27.Choose the correct answer and fill up the blank. you explain, how emasculation and bagging
The single cotyledon of monocotyledons techniques are performed ? 2012 Say
are called ___________
(plumule, radicle, scutellum, coleorrhiza) 4. In large number of plants, pollination is carried
2022 Model
out by insects. List out four characters of
28.Choose the correct answer : flowers that helps insect pollination.
2012 Say
Innermost wall layer of Micro-sporangium
is ________ 5.The diagrammatic
(a) Middle layer (b) Epidermis view of a typical
(c) Tapetum (d) Endothecium anatropus ovule is
2022 March
shown below.
29.Observe the relationship between the first pair Copy the diagram
and fill the blank : and label the
Exine: Outer wall layer of Pollen grain. unlabelled parts. 2013 Say
______: Inner wall layer of Pollen grain.
2022 Say 6.The diagram given
below shows the
30.Exine of pollengrain is made up of........
transverse section of a
(a) Pectin (b) Cellulose
young anther. Identify
(c) Sporopollenin (d) Chitin 2022 2nd term
the parts a,b, c and d.
31.Which of the following is a perispermous seed? 2014 March
(a) Pea (b) Black pepper
7.Most of the plants produce single type of
(c) Wheat (d) Barley 2022 2nd term
flowers but Viola, Commelina and Oxalis
produce two types of flowers. Explain.
2014 Say
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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2022 :Chapter 2- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

8.The chromosome number of onion = 16 (2n). 15.Wind is a common abiotic agent of pollination.
Find the chromosome number in the following Write any four features of wind pollinated
cells with reasons. flowers. 2017 1st term
a) Endosperm cells
b) Zygote 2015 Say 16.Fruit formation in apple is different from that
in banana.
9.Many of the flowering plants have developed
a) How do fruits develop in them ?
some devices for discouraging inbreeding.
b) Write the name of these fruits.
Write any two of them. 2016 March 2017 1st term

10.Observe the following diagram and label A, B, C 17.A microsporangium is surrounded by four
and D. layers. Name the first three layers and write
their function. 2017 1st term

18.A plant breeder is interested in producing

superior varieties of crops by artificial
hybridization. Write the events of artificial
2016 Say hybridization in correct order.
2017 2nd term
11.Nature has mechanisms to promote
outbreeding in plants. Explain any two 19.Artificial hybridisation is one of the major
mechanisms existing in plants to promote approaches for crop improvement programme.
outbreeding. 2017 March Suggest the techniques used to protect the
12.When the pollen is transferred from anther to stigma of bisexual flowers during
the stigma of the same flower, the pollination is hybridisation. 2018 Model
called autogamy.
a) Cleistogamous flowers are invariably 20.Flowering plants have developed many devices
autogamous. Explain. to discourage self pollination and to encourage
b) Geitonogamy is functionally cross cross pollination. List out such features found
pollination, but genetically similar to in plants. 2018 Model
autogamy. Justify the statement.
2017 March
21.In angiosperms during fertilization two types
13.Identify the following parts of a dicot embryo. of fusion occur in the embryosac.
a) Name the types of fusion
b) Which are the nuclei involved in each
fusion 2018 Model

22.Synergids have special cellular thickening at

micropylar end. Write the name and function
2017 Say
of this structure. 2018 March
14.Analyse the table and fill in the blanks.
A B 23.Pollination by water is seen in Zostera and
Vallisnaria. Enumerate its adaptations.
Remnants of ______a_______ 2018 Say
______b_______ Filiform apparatus 24.Explain how self pollination is favoured in
cleistogamous flowers ?
______c_______ 2018 1st term
Embryonal axis 25.We can see many embryos in the seeds of some
above the level of ______d______ plants. What is this phenomenon called ? Give
cotyledon two examples. 2018 1st term
2017 1st term -3-
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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2022 :Chapter 2- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

26.Draw the following diagram in your answer 32.Certain floral features that help for pollination
sheet and label any four parts. are given below.
• Flowers are colourful and rich in nectar
• Pollen grains are dry and non-sticky
• Pollen grains are protected from wetting
by a mucilaginous covering
• Feathery stigma
• Pollen grains are sticky
2018 1st term Choose the features of wind and insect
pollinated flowers from the above.
27.Name the special cellular thickenings present 2019 1st term
in the synergids. Write its function.
2018 2nd term 33.Define microsporogenesis.Write the ploidy of
microspore. 2019 1st term
28.Observe the figure and label the parts A, B, C
and D 34.Analyse the table given below and fill in the
Peculiarity Name
(A) (B)
Stalk of the ovule __(a)__

__(b)__ Nucellus
2019 Model
Protective envelopes
29.The early stages of embryo development are of the ovule
similar in both dicots and monocots. However, Junction between
mature embryos have differences. Write two ovule and funicle
differences between dicot embryo and 2019 1st term

monocot embryo 2019 March 35.In some plants residual, persistent nucellus
can be seen. Name this kind of nucellus. Give
30.Double fertilization is a characteristic feature an example of a seed that contains this kind of
of angiosperms. nucellus 2019 1st term
(a) Which are the events in double
fertilization ? 36.In certain seeds, more than one embryo can be
(b) Name the triploid nucleus formed seen. Name this condition and give an
as a result of double fertilization. example. 2019 1st term
2019 March

37.Observe the events given below.

31.Observe the diagram of young anther given
below. Emryogenesis, Gametogenesis, Syngamy
(a) Identify the parts labelled as A, B, C
Choose a post-fertilization event from the
and D
above and define it 2019 1st term
(b) Which layer nourishes the
developing pollengrains ? 38.The innermost wall layer of Microsporangium
is Tapetum.
(a) What is its function ?
(b) Write two features of tapetal cells.
2020 model

39.How can you differentiate true fruits from

false fruits ?
2019 March 2020 March
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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2022 :Chapter 2- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

40.Flowers are classified into Chasmogamous and 48.Banana is a Parthenocarpic fruit. What are
Cleistogamous flowers. parthenocarpic fruits? How can be
(a) Cleistogamous flowers are parthenocarpy induced ?
2021 March
autogamous. Justify.
(b) Define autogamy 2020 Say
49.Different stages of development in a dicot
41.A typical angiosperm embryo sac is 8-nucleate embryo are given below. Arrange them the
and 7-celled. correct sequential order.
(a) Name the cells that constitute egg Heart shaped embryo, globular embryo,
apparatus. mature embryo, pro-embryo
2021 March
(b) Explain monosporic type of embryo
sac development. 2020 Say
50.Self incompatibility is an outbreeding
mechanism seen in plants. Explain self
42.Observe the figure given below.
incompatibility. 2021 March

51.What is the vital link that ensures continuity of

species between organisms of one generation
to next generation and define embryogenesis.
2021 Say

52.Banana is a Parthenocarpic fruit.

(a) What are Parthenocarpic fruits ?
(b) How Parthenocarpy can be induced ?
2021 Say
(a) Identify the parts a, b, c.
(b) Write the functions of c. 53Arrange the steps of artificial hybridisation in a
2020 Say correct sequencial order.
43.The outer layer of pollengrain is made up of Bagging  Self pollination Selection of parents
2021 Say
sporopollenin. What is the importance of  Emasculation.
sporopollenin ? 54.Write any four devices to discourage self-
2021 Model pollination and to encourage cross pollination
in flowering plants. 2021 Say
44.Differentiate between Autogamy and
Xenogamy. 2021 Model 55.Wind pollinated flowers have many
peculiarities. Write down any four such
45.If the female parent produces bisexual flowers, peculiarities. 2021 Say
emasculation is necessary in artificial 56.Comment on Self-incompatibility.
hybridization. 2022 March
(a) What is emasculation ?
(b) Write down the importance of 57.List out any two outbreeding devices developed
emasculation. 2021 Model by flowering plants to discourage self-pollination
2022 Say
46.Fusion of polar nuclei with male gamete in 58.Two outbreeding devices developed by plants
double fertilisation result in formation of to prevent self-pollination are given below;
endosperm. Complete the chart by adding two more points.
(a) Write down the function of endosperm.
• Self-incompatibility
(b) Write briefly about the endosperm
• Unisexual flowers
development in coconut.
2021 Model •
• 2022 2nd term
47.Write four peculiarities of insect pollinated
flowers. 2021 March

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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2022 :Chapter 2- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

59.Observe the diagram and label the parts A, B, C 6.Observe the figure given below.
and D
(a) Name the parts 1, 2, and 3
(b) Write the peculiarities of
the identified parts

2022 2nd term 2017 1st term

7. In angiosperms female gametophyte is known

as embryo sac. Explain its structure.
2018 March
8. Depending on the source of pollen, pollination
3 Marks Questions
can be divided into three types. What are
1.The developmental stages of male gametes in they ? Explain each.
plants consists of microsporogenesis and male
gametophyte. Arrange the following terms in 2018 Say
their correct developmental sequence. 9.Suppose you are provided with the flowers of
Pollen grain 2018 1st term
the plants - Sunflower, Maize and vallisnaria.
Sporogenous tissue 10.Pollengrains
Find out any represent the male
two adaptations gametophyte.
in each flower for
Anther a. Outer hard layer
successful pollination. of pollen is made of____
Microspore tetrad b. Name the two cells present inside a
Pollen mother cell typical pollengrain.
Male gamete 2014 March
How these cells differ from each other ?
2018 1st term
2.Double fertilization and triple fusion are the 11.Flowering plants have developed many devices
two terms associated with angiosperm to encourage cross pollination. Find out any
fertilization. three such devices in angiosperms.
(a) What is double fertilization ? 2018 1st term
(b) Explain triple fusin 12.Observe the figure given below.
(c) Give the ploidy level of
(i) endosperm
(ii) zygote 2017 Say

3.Rose is a flower pollinated by insect while in

paddy pollination is by wind. Give any three
adaptations existing in these plants to
facilitate their respective mode of pollination
2017 Say

4.Double fertilization involves two types of (a) Name the process

fusions. (b) Write the stages involved in this process
(a) Explain the two types of fusions. in correct sequential order. 2019 Model
(b) What happens two synergids and
antipodals after double fertilization ? 13.Wind pollination is common in grasses.Write
2017 1st term
any three floral features in grasses that help in
5.Certain parts of the embryo are given below: wind pollination. 2019 Say

Coleorrhiza, Root cap, Radicle, Scutellum, 14.Write any three parts of a monocot embryo
Plumule and write one peculiarity of each of these three
(a) Choose the parts seen only in parts. 2019 Say
monocot embryo.
(b) Write the stages of embryogeny in a
dicot embryo. 2017 1st term -6-
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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2022 :Chapter 2- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

15.Observe the figure given below. 24.Given below are the features of flowers
pollinated by wind, water and insect.
(a) Explain the process that Arrange them in corresponding columns.
lead to the formation of •Pollen grains are light and non-sticky
A and B in the figure. •Pollen grains are sticky
(b) Label part C •Pollen grains are large ribbon like
•Pollen grains hve mucilage covering
•Flowers are large, colourful and fragrant
2019 1st term
•Single ovule present
16.Continued self pollination result in inbreeding
Wind Water Insect
depression.So flowering plants have developed
many devices to discourage self pollination. • • •
Write any three such devices. 2019 1st term • • •
17.Observe the figure given below. 2022 2nd term
a) Identify the cells A
and B.
b) Write any two
peculiarities of A.
2019 2nd term

18.Mention the out-breeding devices in plants to 4 Marks Questions

prevent self pollination.(any 3 points) 1. Artificial hybridization is one of the major
2020 model
approaches for crop improvement programme.
19.Define the following terms : In such crosses it is important to avoid
a. Autogamy unwanted pollen.
b. Geitonogamy a) Explain how can we protect stigma from
c. Xenogamy 2020 March unwanted pollen.
b) How artificial pollination can be
20.Pollination is the transfer of pollengrains from performed ? 2013 March
anther to stigma of pistil. Write any three
adaptations seen in wind pollinated plants. 2. Flowering plants evolved an array of
2021 Model adaptations to achieve pollination.
21.A typical microsporangium is surrounded by a) Explain pollination
four wall layers. Name the wall layers and state b) Point out adaptations found in
the function of the innermost wall layer. flowers for insect pollination and
2021 March wind pollination
c) Illustrate pollination in vallisnaria
22.Observe the figure given below. 2013 March
(a) Label a, b, c, and d.
3. Egg cell formation in angiosperms involves
(b) What is the
megasporogenesis and female gametophyte
function of filiform
apparatus ?
a) Briefly write the various steps involved
in female gametophyte development.
b) Mature angiosperm embryosac at
maturity, though 8 nucleated is 7 celled.
2021 Say What is your explanation related to this
statement, explain ? 2014 Say
23.Microsporangium is surrounded by four wall
layers. 4.Reeja a science student observed the structure
(a)Name the four wall layers of a mature embryosac comprising antipodals,
(b)Write the function of these layers. central cells and egg apparatus. Explain each
2022 2nd term -7- one of them. 2015 March
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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2022 :Chapter 2- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

5.Three different flowers are given to you in the 2.Given below is the diagram of a mature
practical class. embryosac in angiosperm.
(i) Maize Label the parts a,b, c and d.
(ii) Vallisneria What is double fertilization ?
(iii) Rose Mention the ploidy of zygote
You are asked to group them based on and PEN.
pollinating agents.
Describe the adaptations of each flower related
with the agents of pollination. 2015 March

6.You are supplied with three different flowers 2022 Model

such as Maize, Vallisneria and Rose and they
have different pollinating agents also. 3.Pollination is an important mechanism found in
a) Differentiate the type of pollination flowering plants.
b) Write their various adaptability in the (a) Define Pollination.
plants suited to pollination 2015 Say (b) Write short note on :
(1) Autogamy
(2) Geitonogamy
(3) Xenogamy 2022 March

5 Marks Questions 4.Pollination is a mechanism seen in flowering

1.Sunflower is pollinated by insects while rice is plants.
pollinated by wind. (a) Define Pollination.
a) How these plants are adapted to (b) Complete the table with any two
their respective type of pollination adaptations seen in plants for effecting
method ? (Hint-any 4 points) pollination by the given external agents
b) Plants can be self or cross Pollinating Agent Wind Water Insect
pollinated. Write any two (i)___________________ (i)___________________ (i)___________________
Adaptations (ii)__________________ (ii)__________________ (ii)__________________
mechanisms existing in nature to
promote cross pollination 2014 March 2022 Say


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