PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024:chapter

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PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 1- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

1Mark Questions 12.In aquatic plants like water hyacinth and water
Lily the pollinating agent is
1. In maize the chromosome number present in (a) Wind and insect
the meiocyte is 20. Give the number of (b) Water
chromosomes present in the following: (c) Birds and butterflies
(a) Maize pollen (d) Aquatic organisms 2016 Say
(b) Maize endosperm
2012 March
13.The hard outer layer of pollen is composed of
2. Innermost wall layer of microsporangium (a) Exine
which nourishes the developing pollengrain is (b) Intine
called_______ 2012 Say (c) Integument
3. After syngamy and triple fusion in embryosac, (d) Sporopollenin 2016 Say

embryo will be diploid and endosperm will be

__________. 2013 March
14.A date palm seed discovered during
archeological investigation retained viability
4.In flowering plants, double fertilization occurs even after 10000 years. The retention of
during sexual reproduction. One of the events of viability is due to the state of inactivity of
double fertilization is triple fusion. Name the embryo called _______ 2017 March
other event. 2013 Say

5.From the following, select the two having 15.Observe the relationship between the first two
haploid chromosome number. terms and fill in the blank.
a) Egg b) Endosperm Intine : Cellulose
c) Zygote d) Pollen 2014 March Exine : __________
2017 1st term
6.In flowering plants during double fertilization
two events take place in the embryosac namely 16.The hard outer layer of pollengrain is
___________and ____________ composed of
2014 March
(a) cellulose (b) pectin
7.Development of fruit without fertilization and (c) suberin (d) sporopollenin
are seedless known as... 2018 Model
(a)Polyembryony (b)Apomixis
17.Which among the following is the female
(c)Parthenocarpy (d)Parthenogenesis
2015 March gametophyte of angiosperms ?
a. Nucellus b. Antipodals
8.In some seeds the nucellus may be persistent. c. Embryosac d. Endosperm
Such nucellus is called 2018 1st term
(a)Endosperm (b)Scutellum 18.Choose the correct answer.
(c)Plumule (d)Perisperm 2016 March A parthenocarpic fruit is :
(a) Banana (b) Apple
9.What is a false fruit ? Cite an example. 2016 March
(c) Strawberry (d) Guava 2019 Say
10.The development of pollengrains in 19.Observe the relationship between the first two
angiosperms is called_________ terms and fill in the blank.
(a) Microsporogenesis Funicle : Stalk of the ovule
(b) Embryogenesis ________ : Protective Envelopes of the ovule
(c) Megasporogenesis 2019 Say
(d) Gametogenesis 2016 Say
20.Observe the figure given below. Identify the
11.Which of the following part in a flower is structure.
haploid ?
(a) Anther wall
(b) Pollen mother cell
(c) Synergid
(d) Secondary nucleus 2016 Say 2019 1st term
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 1- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
21.Observe the relationship between the first two 32.Choose the correct answer. The innermost
terms and fill in the blank. wall layer of microsporangium that give
Intine : Cellulose and pectin nutrition to pollen grain is called ________.
Exine : ___________ 2019 1st term (a) Epidermis (b) Endothecium
(c) Middle layer (d) Tapetum
22.Choose the correct answer and fill in the blank.
2023 Model
_______ is the female gametophyte of
angiosperms 33.Choose the correct answer.
(a) Embryosac (b) Nucellus The residual persistent nucellus is called_______.
(c) Integument (d) Pollen grain 2020 model (Pericarp, Tapetum, Scutellum, Perisperm)
2023 March
23.Observe the relationship between the first two
terms and fill in the blank. 34.Observe the figure of two celled Pollengrain.
Endothecium : Protection; Label A. 2023 Say

Tapetum : ___________ 2020 Say

24.Fruit which develop from any part of the flower
other than ovary is called... 2021 Model

25.Fill in the blank.

35.Fruit developed without fertilisation is called
The portion of ermbryonal axis above the
___________ 2023 2nd term
level of cotyledons in dicot embryo is known
as __________. 2021 March 36.Choose the correct answer:
26.Name the female gametophyte in angiosperms. Removal of anthers from flower-bud before the
(A) Embryo sac (B) Integument anthers dehisces using a pair of forceps.
(C) Funicle (D) Micropyle 2021 Say (Bagging, Hybridization, Emasculation,
Re-bagging) 2024 Model
27.Choose the correct answer and fill up the blank. 37.Choose the correct answer and fill up the
The single cotyledon of monocotyledons blanks:
are called ___________ In grasses the monocot embryo contains single
(plumule, radicle, scutellum, coleorrhiza) cotyledons named
2022 Model
(Plumule, Radicle, Scutellum, Coleorhiza)
28.Choose the correct answer : 2024 March
Innermost wall layer of Micro-sporangium
is ________
(a) Middle layer (b) Epidermis
(c) Tapetum (d) Endothecium
2022 March

29.Observe the relationship between the first pair

and fill the blank :
Exine: Outer wall layer of Pollen grain.
______: Inner wall layer of Pollen grain.
2022 Say

30.Exine of pollengrain is made up of........

(a) Pectin (b) Cellulose
(c) Sporopollenin (d) Chitin 2022 2nd term
31.Which of the following is a perispermous seed?
(a) Pea (b) Black pepper
(c) Wheat (d) Barley 2022 2nd term

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 1- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
8.Most of the plants produce single type of
2 Marks Questions flowers but Viola, Commelina and Oxalis
1. Raju went to a Rice Research station on his produce two types of flowers. Explain. 2014 Say
study tour. There he noticed a scientist working 9.The chromosome number of onion = 16 (2n).
on a rice plants using scissors and forceps. To Find the chromosome number in the following
his surprise he saw the scientist covering the cells with reasons.
inflorescences with paper bags. a) Endosperm cells
(a) Name the techniques the b) Zygote 2015 Say
scientist was doing
10.Many of the flowering plants have developed
(b) Give the purpose of these
some devices for discouraging inbreeding.
2012 March Write any two of them. 2016 March

11.Observe the following diagram and label A, B, C

2. Copy the picture given below and mark the
and D.
(a) Hilum
(b) Funicle
(c) Micropylar pole
2016 Say
(d) Nucellus
12.Nature has mechanisms to promote
(e) Chalazal pole
outbreeding in plants. Explain any two
(f) Embryosac 2012 March mechanisms existing in plants to promote
3. In artificial hybridization, it is important to outbreeding. 2017 March
make sure that stigma is protected from 13.When the pollen is transferred from anther to
unwanted pollen. This is achieved by the stigma of the same flower, the pollination is
emasculation and bagging techniques. Can called autogamy.
you explain, how emasculation and bagging a) Cleistogamous flowers are invariably
techniques are performed ? 2012 Say autogamous. Explain.
b) Geitonogamy is functionally cross
4. In large number of plants, pollination is carried
pollination, but genetically similar to
out by insects. List out four characters of
autogamy. Justify the statement.
flowers that helps insect pollination. 2017 March
2012 Say
14.Identify the following parts of a dicot embryo.
5.The diagrammatic
view of a typical
anatropus ovule is
shown below.
Copy the diagram
and label the 2017 Say
unlabelled parts. 2013 Say
15.Analyse the table and fill in the blanks.
6. In many grasses seeds are formed only after
fertilization. There are reports that in some
grasses seeds are formed without fertilization. Remnants of ______a_______
Explain the phenomenon 2013 Say nucellus
______b_______ Filiform apparatus
7.The diagram given
below shows the ______c_______ Pericarp
transverse section of a Embryonal axis
young anther. Identify above the level of ______d______
the parts a,b, c and d. cotyledon
2014 March -3- 2017 1st term
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 1- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
16.Wind is a common abiotic agent of pollination. 28.Name the special cellular thickenings present
Write any four features of wind pollinated in the synergids. Write its function.
flowers. 2017 1st term 2018 2nd term

17.Fruit formation in apple is different from that 29.Observe the figure and label the parts A, B, C
in banana. and D
a) How do fruits develop in them ?
b) Write the name of these fruits.
2017 1st term

18.A microsporangium is surrounded by four

layers. Name the first three layers and write
their function. 2017 1st term
19.A plant breeder is interested in producing 2019 Model

superior varieties of crops by artificial 30.The early stages of embryo development are
hybridization. Write the events of artificial similar in both dicots and monocots. However,
hybridization in correct order. mature embryos have differences. Write two
2017 2nd term
differences between dicot embryo and
20.Artificial hybridisation is one of the major monocot embryo 2019 March
approaches for crop improvement programme. 31.Double fertilization is a characteristic feature
Suggest the techniques used to protect the of angiosperms.
stigma of bisexual flowers during (a) Which are the events in double
hybridisation. 2018 Model fertilization ?
21.Flowering plants have developed many devices (b) Name the triploid nucleus formed
to discourage self pollination and to encourage as a result of double fertilization.
2019 March
cross pollination. List out such features found
32.Observe the diagram of young anther given
in plants. 2018 Model below.
(a) Identify the parts labelled as A, B, C
22.In angiosperms during fertilization two types and D
of fusion occur in the embryosac. (b) Which layer nourishes the
a) Name the types of fusion developing pollengrains ?
b) Which are the nuclei involved in each
fusion 2018 Model

23.Synergids have special cellular thickening at

micropylar end. Write the name and function
of this structure. 2018 March
2019 March
24.Pollination by water is seen in Zostera and
Vallisnaria. Enumerate its adaptations. 33.Certain floral features that help for pollination
2018 Say are given below.
25.Explain how self pollination is favoured in • Flowers are colourful and rich in nectar
2018 1st term
• Pollen grains are dry and non-sticky
cleistogamous flowers ? • Pollen grains are protected from wetting
26.We can see many embryos in the seeds of some by a mucilaginous covering
plants. What is this phenomenon called ? Give • Feathery stigma
• Pollen grains are sticky
two examples. 2018 1st term
Choose the features of wind and insect
27.Draw the following diagram in your answer pollinated flowers from the above. 2019 1st term
sheet and label any four parts. 34.Define microsporogenesis.Write the ploidy of
microspore. 2019 1st term

2018 1st term

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 1- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
35.Analyse the table given below and fill in the 44.The outer layer of pollengrain is made up of
blanks. sporopollenin. What is the importance of
Peculiarity Name sporopollenin ? 2021 Model
(A) (B)
45.Differentiate between Autogamy and
Stalk of the ovule __(a)__ Xenogamy. 2021 Model

46.If the female parent produces bisexual flowers,

__(b)__ Nucellus emasculation is necessary in artificial
Protective envelopes hybridization.
of the ovule (a) What is emasculation ?
Junction between (b) Write down the importance of
ovule and funicle emasculation. 2021 Model
2019 1st term 47.Fusion of polar nuclei with male gamete in
36.In some plants residual, persistent nucellus double fertilisation result in formation of
can be seen. Name this kind of nucellus. Give endosperm.
an example of a seed that contains this kind of (a) Write down the function of endosperm.
nucellus 2019 1st term (b) Write briefly about the endosperm
37.In certain seeds, more than one embryo can be development in coconut. 2021 Model

seen. Name this condition and give an 48.Write four peculiarities of insect pollinated
flowers. 2021 March
example. 2019 1st term
49.Banana is a Parthenocarpic fruit. What are
38.Observe the events given below.
parthenocarpic fruits? How can be
Embryogenesis, Gametogenesis, Syngamy parthenocarpy induced ? 2021 March
Choose a post-fertilization event from the
above and define it 2019 1st term 50.Different stages of development in a dicot
embryo are given below. Arrange them the
39.The innermost wall layer of Microsporangium correct sequential order.
is Tapetum.
(a) What is its function ? Heart shaped embryo, globular embryo,
(b) Write two features of tapetal cells. mature embryo, pro-embryo 2021 March
2020 model
51.Self incompatibility is an outbreeding
40.How can you differentiate true fruits from mechanism seen in plants. Explain self
false fruits ? 2020 March
incompatibility. 2021 March
41.Flowers are classified into Chasmogamous and
Cleistogamous flowers. 52.What is the vital link that ensures continuity of
(a) Cleistogamous flowers are species between organisms of one generation
autogamous. Justify. to next generation and define embryogenesis.
(b) Define autogamy 2020 Say 2021 Say
42.A typical angiosperm embryo sac is 8-nucleate 53.Banana is a Parthenocarpic fruit.
and 7-celled. (a) What are Parthenocarpic fruits ?
(a) Name the cells that constitute egg (b) How Parthenocarpy can be induced ?
apparatus. 2021 Say
(b) Explain monosporic type of embryo
sac development. 2020 Say 54.Arrange the steps of artificial hybridisation in a
43.Observe the figure given below. correct sequencial order.
Bagging  Self pollination Selection of parents
2021 Say
 Emasculation.
55.Write any four devices to discourage self-
pollination and to encourage cross pollination
in flowering plants. 2021 Say

56.Wind pollinated flowers have many

peculiarities. Write down any four such
(a) Identify the parts a, b, c. 2021 Say
2020 Say -5-
(b) Write the functions of c.
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 1- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
57.Comment on Self-incompatibility. 2022 March 66.Observe the given figure of mature embryo sac.
58.List out any two outbreeding devices developed
by flowering plants to discourage self-pollination
2022 Say (a) Label A and B.
(b) Write the function
59.Two outbreeding devices developed by plants
of Filiform apparatus
to prevent self-pollination are given below;
Complete the chart by adding two more points.
• Self-incompatibility
• Unisexual flowers
• 2023 Say
• 2022 2nd term
67.Observe the given figure of microsporangium
60.Observe the diagram and label the parts A, B, C and label the parts A, B, C and D.
and D

2022 2nd term 2023 2nd term

61.(a) What is emasculation? 68.Water pollinated plants have many

(b) Write the significance of this step in Artificial peculiarities. Write down any four such
hybridization. 2023 Model peculiarities. 2023 2nd term

62.Observe the figure of Monocot seed and label 69.Identify the given figure and label the parts
the parts marked as A, B, C & D. 2023 Model
given below :
Plumule, Cotyledons, Radicle, Root cap
2024 Model

63.List out any two devices in plants, which help to

70. Self-incompatibility is an out-breeding
discourage self-pollination and to encourage
mechanism seen in plants.
cross pollination. 2023 March
Define self-incompatibility. 2024 Model
64.Observe the given figure of ovule and label the
71. Observe the diagram of Pollen grain given
parts (a), (b), (c) and (d). 2023 March
below and answer the questions.
(a) Identify the cell 'A'
and 'B'.
(b) Write two
features of 'A'.
2024 March

72. Name the special cellular thickening present in

the synergid at micropylar end.
Write its function. 2024 March

65.Define Parthenocarpic fruit with one example.

2023 Say

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 1- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
6.Observe the figure given below.
(a) Name the parts 1, 2, and 3
(b) Write the peculiarities of
the identified parts

2017 1st term

7. In angiosperms female gametophyte is known

as embryo sac. Explain its structure. 2018 March

8. Depending on the source of pollen, pollination

can be divided into three types. What are
they ? Explain each. 2018 Say

9.Suppose you are provided with the flowers of

the plants - Sunflower, Maize and vallisnaria.
Find out any two adaptations in each flower for
successful pollination. 2018 1st term

3 Marks Questions
10.Pollengrains represent the male gametophyte.
1.The developmental stages of male gametes in a. Outer hard layer of pollen is made of____
plants consists of microsporogenesis and male
gametophyte. Arrange the following terms in b. Name the two cells present inside a
their correct developmental sequence. typical pollengrain.
Pollen grain How these cells differ from each other ?
Sporogenous tissue 2018 1st term
Microspore tetrad 11.Flowering plants have developed many devices
Pollen mother cell
Male gamete 2014 March to encourage cross pollination. Find out any
three such devices in angiosperms.
2.Double fertilization and triple fusion are the 2018 1st term
two terms associated with angiosperm
fertilization. 12.Observe the figure given below.
(a) What is double fertilization ?
(b) Explain triple fusin
(c) Give the ploidy level of
(i) endosperm
(ii) zygote 2017 Say

3.Rose is a flower pollinated by insect while in

paddy pollination is by wind. Give any three
adaptations existing in these plants to
facilitate their respective mode of pollination
2017 Say
4.Double fertilization involves two types of (a) Name the process
(a) Explain the two types of fusions. (b) Write the stages involved in this process
(b) What happens to synergids and in correct sequential order. 2019 Model
antipodals after double fertilization ?
2017 1st term 13.Wind pollination is common in grasses.Write
5.Certain parts of the embryo are given below: any three floral features in grasses that help in
Coleorrhiza, Root cap, Radicle, Scutellum, wind pollination. 2019 Say
(a) Choose the parts seen only in 14.Write any three parts of a monocot embryo
monocot embryo. and write one peculiarity of each of these three
(b) Write the stages of embryogeny in a parts. 2019 Say
dicot embryo. 2017 1st term -7-
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 1- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
15.Observe the figure given below. 24.Given below are the features of flowers
pollinated by wind, water and insect.
(a) Explain the process that Arrange them in corresponding columns.
lead to the formation of •Pollen grains are light and non-sticky
A and B in the figure. •Pollen grains are sticky
(b) Label part C •Pollen grains are large ribbon like
•Pollen grains hve mucilage covering
•Flowers are large, colourful and fragrant
2019 1st term
•Single ovule present
16.Continued self pollination result in inbreeding
Wind Water Insect
depression.So flowering plants have developed
many devices to discourage self pollination. • • •
Write any three such devices. 2019 1st term • • •
17.Observe the figure given below. 2022 2nd term
a) Identify the cells A 25.Write three adaptations of insect pollinated
and B. flowers: 2023 Model
b) Write any two
peculiarities of A. 26.Wind pollinated flowers have many
peculiarities. Write down any three such
2019 2nd term
peculiarities. 2023 March
18.Mention the out-breeding devices in plants to
27. List out any three peculiarities seen in plants
prevent self pollination.(any 3 points)
2020 model with wind pollinated flowers. 2023 Say

19.Define the following terms : 28. (a) Define Pollination

a. Autogamy (b) Insect Pollinated flowers have many
b. Geitonogamy peculiarities. Write down any four such
peculiarities 2024 Model
c. Xenogamy 2020 March
29. Observe the diagram and answer the following
20.Pollination is the transfer of pollengrains from questions:
anther to stigma of pistil. Write any three (1) Label 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd'.
adaptations seen in wind pollinated plants. (2) Name the diploid cell
2021 Model
found in embryo sac.
21.A typical microsporangium is surrounded by 2024 March
four wall layers. Name the wall layers and state
the function of the innermost wall layer.
2021 March

22.Observe the figure given below.

(a) Label a, b, c, and d.
(b) What is the
function of filiform
apparatus ?

2021 Say

23.Microsporangium is surrounded by four wall

(a)Name the four wall layers
(b)Write the function of these layers.
2022 2nd term -8-
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 1- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
6.You are supplied with three different flowers
such as Maize, Vallisneria and Rose and they
have different pollinating agents also.
a) Differentiate the type of pollination
b) Write their various adaptability in the
plants suited to pollination 2015 Say

4 Marks Questions
1. Artificial hybridization is one of the major 5 Marks Questions
approaches for crop improvement programme. 1.Sunflower is pollinated by insects while rice is
In such crosses it is important to avoid pollinated by wind.
unwanted pollen. a) How these plants are adapted to
a) Explain how can we protect stigma from their respective type of pollination
unwanted pollen. method ? (Hint-any 4 points)
b) How artificial pollination can be b) Plants can be self or cross
performed ? 2013 March pollinated. Write any two
2. Flowering plants evolved an array of mechanisms existing in nature to
adaptations to achieve pollination. promote cross pollination
2014 March
a) Explain pollination
2.Given below is the diagram of a mature
b) Point out adaptations found in
embryosac in angiosperm.
flowers for insect pollination and
Label the parts a,b, c and d.
wind pollination
What is double fertilization ?
c) Illustrate pollination in vallisnaria
2013 March Mention the ploidy of zygote
and PEN.
3. Egg cell formation in angiosperms involves
megasporogenesis and female gametophyte
a) Briefly write the various steps involved
2022 Model
in female gametophyte development.
b) Mature angiosperm embryosac at 3.Pollination is an important mechanism found in
maturity, though 8 nucleated is 7 celled. flowering plants.
What is your explanation related to this (a) Define Pollination.
statement, explain ? 2014 Say (b) Write short note on :
4.Reeja a science student observed the structure (1) Autogamy
of a mature embryosac comprising antipodals, (2) Geitonogamy
central cells and egg apparatus. Explain each (3) Xenogamy 2022 March

one of them. 2015 March 4.Pollination is a mechanism seen in flowering

5.Three different flowers are given to you in the plants.
practical class. (a) Define Pollination.
(i) Maize (b) Complete the table with any two
(ii) Vallisneria adaptations seen in plants for effecting
(iii) Rose pollination by the given external agents
You are asked to group them based on Pollinating Agent Wind Water Insect

pollinating agents. (i)___________________ (i)___________________ (i)___________________

Adaptations (ii)__________________ (ii)__________________ (ii)__________________
Describe the adaptations of each flower related
with the agents of pollination. 2015 March 2022 Say
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024-Answer key : Chapter 1-Sexual Reproduction in flowering plants
1Mark Questions 2 Marks Questions
1.(a) 10 (b) 30 1.(a) Emasculation, Bagging
2.Tapetum (b) Emasculation: To prevent self pollination
3.Triploid Bagging: To protect stigma from unwanted
4.Syngamy pollen
5.a) Egg d) Pollen
6.Syngamy, Triple fusion 2.
9.Fruits developed from thalamus/parts other than
ovary. Apple/strawberry/cashew(any one)
10.(a) Microsporogenesis
11.(c) Synergid
12.(a) Wind and insect
13.(d) Sporopollenin
14.Seed dormancy 3.Emasculation: Removal of anthers from bisexual
15.Sporopollenin flower bud before the anther dehisces using a pair
16.Sporopollenin of forceps
17. c. Embryosac Bagging: Emasculated flowers are be covered with
18.(a) Banana a bag of suitable size, generally made up of butter
19.Integuments paper
20.Monocot seed 4.Insect-pollinated flowers are large, colourful,
21.Sporopollenin fragrant and rich in nectar, small flowers are
22.(a) Embryosac clustered into an inflorescence (any four)
23.Nutrition/Nourishment 5. 1.Chalaza 3.Integuments 5.Micropyle
24.False fruit 6.Funicle
25.Epicotyl 6.Apomixis-asexual reproduction that mimics sexual
26.(A) Embryo sac reproduction.
27.Scutellum In some the diploid egg cell is formed without
28.(c) Tapetum reduction division and develops into embryo
29.Intine without fertilisation.
30.(c) Sporopollenin In some plants cellsof the nucellus
31.(b) Black pepper surrounding the embryo sac start dividing,
32.(d) Tapetum protrude into the embryo sac and develop
33.Perisperm into embryos(Polyembryony)
34. A.Vegetative cell 7.a) Connective b) Epidermis
35. Parthenocarpic fruit c) Sporogenous tissue d) Tapetum
36. Emasculation 8.Chasmogamous flowers which are similar to
37. Scutellum flowers of other species with exposed anthers
and stigma.
Cleistogamous flowers which do not open anther
dehisce inside and autogamy occur.
9.a) 24 - Formed as a result of triple fusion
b) 16 - Formed by syngamy
10.Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not
Anther and stigma are placed at different
Production of unisexual flowers (any two)
11.A.Epidermis B.Endothecium
-10- C.Middle layers D.Tapetum
12.Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not 27.
Anther and stigma are placed at different
Production of unisexual flowers (any two)
13.a) Cleistogamous flowers do not open.
Anther and stigma lie close to each other inside 28.Filiform apparatus: Guides the pollen tube into
and autogamy occur the synergid
b) Geitonogamy is the transfer of pollen grains 29.A. Plumule B. Cotyledons
from anther to stigma of another flower of the C. Radicle D. Root cap
same plant. Pollination takes place with 30.Monocot Embryo: Single cotyledon, Radicle and
the help of a pollinating agent, but the pollen root cap enclosed in coleorrhiza, Shoot apex and a
is from the same plant few leaf primordia enclosed in a hollow foliar
14.a. Plumule b. Cotyledons structure, the coleoptile
c. Hypocotyl d. Radicle Dicot embryo:Two cotyledons, Coleorrhiza absent,
15.(a) Perisperm (b) Cellular thickenings at the Coleoptile absent (any two)
micropylar tip 31.(a) Syngamy, Triple fusion
(c) Wall of fruit (d) Epicotyl (b)Primary endosperm nucleus(PEN)
16.Pollen grains are light, non-sticky, well- 32.(a) A.Epidermis B.Endothecium
exposed stamens, large often-feathery stigma, C.Middle layers D.Tapetum
flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary, (b) Tapetum
numerous flowers packed into an inflorescence. 33. Wind: Pollen grains are dry and non-sticky,
(any four) Feathery stigma
17.a) Apple: Thalamus developes to fruit Insect: Flowers are colourfull and rich in nectar,
Banana: Fruit developes without fertilisation Pollen grains are sticky
b) Apple: False fruit 34. The process of formation of microspores from
Banana: Parthenocarpic fruit pollen mother cell (PMC) through meiosis is
18. Epidermis, Endothecium, Middle layers called microsporogenesis.
Protection and help in dehiscence of anther to Haploid/(n)
release the pollen 35. (a) Funicle (b) Mass of cells inner to the
19. Emasculation, Bagging, Artificial pollination, integuments
Rebagging (c) Integuments (d) Hilum
20. Emasculation and Bagging 36. Perisperm. Black pepper, beet (any one)
21. Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not 37. Polyembryony. Citrus, Mango, Orange (any one)
synchronised 38. Embryogenesis: Development of zygote into
Anther and stigma are placed at different Embryo
positions 39. (a) Nourishes the developing pollen grains
Self-incompatibility (b) Possess dense cytoplasm, generally have more
Production of unisexual flowers than one nucleus.
22. a) Syngamy, Triple fusion 40. True fruits: Develop from ovary
b) Syngamy: Male gamete, Egg False fruits: Develop from parts other than ovary
Triple fusion: Male gamete, Polar nuclei/ 41. (a) Cleistogamous flowers do not open.
Secondary nucleus Anther and stigma lie close to each other
23. Filiform apparatus: Guides the pollen tube into inside and autogamy occur
the synergid (b) Transfer of pollen grains from anther to
24. Pollen grains are protected from wetting by a stigma of the same flower
mucilaginous covering. Pollen grains in many 42. (a) One Egg, Two Synergids
species are long, ribbon like. (b) Among the 4 megaspores formed, 3
25. Cleistogamous flowers do not open. degenerate and one become functional
Anther and stigma lie close to each other inside megaspore and develops to embryo sac.
and autogamy occur 43. (a) a. Funicle b. Micropyle c. Integuments
26. Polyembryony. Citrus, Mango, Orange(any two) (b) Protection
44. Sporopollenin is one of the most resistant organic growth in the pistil.
material known, it can withstand high 58. Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not
temperatures and strong acids and alkali, no synchronised
enzyme that degrades sporopollenin is so far Anther and stigma are placed at different
known positions
45. Autogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from anther
Production of unisexual flowers (any two)
to stigma of the same flower
59. Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not
Xenogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from anther synchronised
to the stigma of a different plant Anther and stigma are placed at different
46. (a) Emasculation: Removal of anthers from positions
bisexual flower bud before the anther 60. A. Plumule B. Cotyledons
dehisces using a pair of forceps C. Radicle D. Root cap
(b) To avoid autogamy/self pollination (b) To avoid autogamy/self pollination
47. (a) Endosperm is used for the nutrition of the 61. (a) Removal of anthers from
developing embryo bisexual flower bud before the anther
(b) PEN undergoes successive nuclear divisions to dehisces using a pair of forceps
give rise to free nuclei. Later cell wall (b) To avoid autogamy/self pollination
formation occurs and the endosperm 62. A. Endosperm B. Scutellum
becomes cellular C. Plumule D. Radicle
48. Insect-pollinated flowers are large, colourful, 63. Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not
fragrant and rich in nectar, small flowers are synchronised
clustered into an inflorescence, Pollen grains are Anther and stigma are placed at different
sticky (any four) positions
49. Fruits developed without fertilisation. Self-incompatibility
Parthenocarpy can be induced through the Production of unisexual flowers (any two)
application of growth hormones. 64. (a) Funicle (b) Micropyle
50. Pro-embryo, Globular embryo, Heart shaped (c) Embryo sac (d) Chalazal pole
embryo, Mature embryo 65. Fruits developed without fertilisation
51. A genetic mechanism which prevents self-pollen Banana
(from the same flower or other flowers of the 66. (a) A.Antipodals B.Synergids
same plant) from fertilising the ovules by (b) Helps in guiding the pollen tubes into the
inhibiting pollen germination or pollen tube synergid
growth in the pistil 67. A. Epidermis B. Endothecium
52. Reproduction C. Middle layers D. Tapetum
Development of zygote into Embryo
68. Pollen grains are protected from wetting by a
53. (a) Fruits developed without fertilisation.
mucilaginous covering/female flower reach
(b) Parthenocarpy can be induced by the
application of growth hormones. the surface of water by the long stalk/male
54. Selection of parents  Emasculation  Bagging flowers or pollen grains are released on to the
 Self(artificial) pollination . surface of water/female flowers remain
55. Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not submerged in water/pollen grains are released
synchronised inside the water/Pollen grains are long,
Anther and stigma are placed at different ribbon like (any four)
positions 69. (a) Plumule (b) Cotyledons
Self-incompatibility (c) Radicle (d) Root cap
Production of unisexual flowers 70. A genetic mechanism which prevents self-pollen
56. Pollen grains are light, non-sticky, well- (from the same flower or other flowers of the
exposed stamens, large often-feathery stigma, same plant) from fertilising the ovules by
flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary, inhibiting pollen germination or pollen tube
numerous flowers packed into an inflorescence. growth in the pistil
(any four) 71. a) A-Vegetative cell B- Generative cell
57. A genetic mechanism which prevents self-pollen b) The vegetative cell is bigger, has abundant food
(from the same flower or other flowers of the reserve, a large irregularly shaped nucleus.
same plant) from fertilising the ovules by (any two)
inhibiting pollen germination or pollen tube- -12-
72. Filiform apparatus 3 Marks Questions
They play an important role in guiding the pollen
1. Anther
tubes into the synergid or embryo sac
Sporogenous tissue
Pollen mother cell
Microspore tetrad
Pollen grain
Male gamete
2.(a) Since two types of fusions, syngamy and triple
fusion take place in an embryo sac the
phenomenon is termed double fertilisation.
(b) Triple fusion is the fusion of one of the male
gametes with polar nuclei/secondary nucleus.
(c) (i) 3n/Triploid
(ii) 2n/Diploid
3.Rose : Flowers are large, colourful,
fragrant and rich in nectar, small flowers are
clustered into an inflorescence, Pollen grains are
Paddy :Pollen grains are light, non-sticky, well-
exposed stamens, large often-feathery stigma,
flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary,
numerous flowers packed into an inflorescence
4.(a) Syngamy is the fusion of one of the male
gametes with egg
Triple fusion is the fusion of one of the male
gametes with polar nuclei/secondary nucleus.
(b) Degenerate
5. (a) Coleorrhiza, Scutellum
(b) Pro-embryo, Globular embryo, Heart shaped
embryo, Mature embryo
6. (a)1.Hilum 2.Funicle 3.Integuments
(b) Hilum- represents the junction between ovule
and funicle.
Funicle - stalk connecting the ovule to the
Integuments - protective envelopes encircling
the nucellus except at the tip
7. Three cells are grouped together at the micropylar
end and constitute the egg apparatus. The egg
apparatus consists of two synergids and one egg
cell. The synergids have special cellular
thickenings at the micropylar tip called filiform
apparatus. Three cells are at the chalazal end and
are called the antipodals. The large central cell has
two polar nuclei. Thus, a typical angiosperm
embryo sac, at maturity, though 8-nucleate is 7-
8.(1) Autogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from the
anther to the stigma of the same flower.
(2) Geitonogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from
the anther to the stigma of another flower of
the same plant.
(3) Xenogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from
-13- anther to the stigma of a different plant
9. Sunflower:Flowers are large, colourful, Production of unisexual flowers (any 3)
fragrant and rich in nectar, small flowers are 17. a) A - Vegetative cell
clustered into an inflorescence, Pollen grains are B - Generative cell
sticky(any 2) b) Vegetative cell is bigger, has abundant
Maize: Pollen grains are light, non-sticky, well- food reserve and a large irregularly shaped
exposed stamens, large often-feathery stigma, nucleus (any 2)
flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary, 18. Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not
numerous flowers packed into an inflorescence synchronised
(any 2) Anther and stigma are placed at different
Vallisnaria : Female flower reach the surface of water positions
by the long stalk, male flowers or pollen grains Self-incompatibility
are released on to the surface of water, pollen Production of unisexual flowers (any 3)
grains are protected from wetting by a 19.a. Autogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from the
mucilaginous covering, flowers are not very anther to the stigma of the same flower.
colourful and do not produce nectar (any 2) b. Geitonogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from
10.a. Sporopollenin the anther to the stigma of another flower of
b. Vegetative cell and generative cell the same plant.
The vegetative cell is bigger, has abundant c. Xenogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from
food reserve and a large irregularly shaped anther to the stigma of a different plant
nucleus. 20. Pollen grains are light, non-sticky, well-
The generative cell is small and floats in the exposed stamens, large often-feathery stigma,
cytoplasm of the vegetative cell. It is spindle flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary,
shaped with dense cytoplasm and a nucleus. numerous flowers packed into an inflorescence
11.Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not (any 3)
synchronised 21.Epidermis, Endothecium, Middle layers, Tapetum.
Anther and stigma are placed at different Tapetum nourishes the developing pollen grains
positions 22. (a) a. Antipodals b. Polar nuclei
Self-incompatibility c. Synergids d. Egg
Production of unisexual flowers (any 3) (b) Filiform apparatus play an important role in
12.(a) Embryogenesis guiding the pollen tubes into the synergid
(b) Pro-embryo, Globular embryo, Heart shaped 23. (a) Epidermis, Endothecium, Middle layers,
embryo, Mature embryo Tapetum
13. Pollen grains are light, non-sticky, well- (b) Epidermis, Endothecium and Middle layers
exposed stamens, large often-feathery stigma, perform the function of protection and help in
flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary, dehiscence of anther to release the pollen.
numerous flowers packed into an inflorescence Tapetum nourishes the developing pollen
(any 3) grains
14. Scutellum : Single cotyledon situated towards one 24.
side (lateral) of the embryonal axis Wind Water Insect
Coleorrhiza : Undifferentiated sheath enclosing
radicle and root cap Pollen grains Pollen grains
Epicotyl : The portion of the embryonal axis are light and are large Pollen grains
non-sticky are sticky
above the level of attachment of scutellum ribbon like
Coleoptile : Hollow foliar structure enclosing
Flowers are
shoot apex and a few leaf primordia (any 3) Single ovule Pollen grains large,
15. (a) A-Zygote is formed by syngamy/fusion present have mucilage colourful
between one of the male gametes and egg covering and fragrant
B - PEN is formed by triple fusion or fusion
between one of the male gametes and polar 25. Flowers are large, colourful, fragrant and rich in
nuclei/secondary nucleus nectar, small flowers are clustered into an
(b)C - PEC/Primary Endosperm Cell inflorescence, Pollen grains are sticky (any 3)
16. Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not 26. Pollen grains are light, non-sticky, well-
synchronised exposed stamens, large often-feathery stigma,
Anther and stigma are placed at different flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary,
positions numerous flowers packed into an inflorescence
Self-incompatibility -14- (any 3)
27. Pollen grains are light, non-sticky, well-
exposed stamens, large often-feathery stigma,
flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary,
numerous flowers packed into an inflorescence
(any 3)
28. (a) Transfer of pollen grains (shed from the
anther)to the stigma of a pistil is termed
(b) Flowers are large, colourful, fragrant and
rich in nectar, small flowers are clustered into
an inflorescence, Pollen grains are sticky
(any 4)
29. (1) a. Antipodals 4 Marks Questions
b. Polar nuclei/Secondary Nucleus/Central cell 1. a)Bagging - flowers are covered with a bag of
c. Synergids suitable size, generally made up of butter
d. Egg/Female gamete paper, to prevent contamination of its stigma
(2) Central cell/Zygote/Secondary Nucleus with unwanted pollen.
b)When the stigma of bagged flower attains
receptivity, mature pollen grains collected from
anthers of the male parent are dusted on the
stigma, and the flowers are rebagged,
2. a) Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the
stigma of a pistil is termed pollination.
b) Insect: Flowers are large, colourful, fragrant and
rich in nectar, small flowers are clustered into an
inflorescence, Pollen grains are sticky
Wind: Pollen grains are light, non-sticky, well-
exposed stamens, large often-feathery stigma,
flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary,
numerous flowers packed into an inflorescence
c) Female flower reach the surface of water by the
long stalk and the male flowers or pollen grains
are released on to the surface of water. They are
carried passively by water currents and some of
them eventually reach the female flowers and
the stigma
3. a) Ovules generally differentiate a single
megaspore mother cell (MMC) in the micropylar
region of the nucellus. The MMC undergoes
meiotic division and four megaspores are formed.
One of the megaspores is functional while the
other three degenerate. The functional megaspore
develops into the female gametophyte (embryo
b) Three cells are grouped together at the
micropylar end and constitute the egg apparatus
and consists of two synergids and one egg cell.
Three cells are at the chalazal end and are called
the antipodals. The large central cell has two polar
nuclei. Thus, a typical angiosperm embryo sac, at
maturity, though 8-nucleate is 7- celled.
4. Three cells are grouped together at the
micropylar end and constitute the egg apparatus
and consists of two synergids and one egg cell.
Three cells are at the chalazal end and are called
the antipodals. The large central cell has two polar
-15- nuclei.
5. (i) Maize: Wind pollinated-Pollen grains are light, 2. a. Synergids b. Polar nuclei
non-sticky, well-exposed stamens, large often c. Antipodals d. Filiform apparatus
feathery stigma, flowers often have a single ovule Double fertilization is the fusion of male
in each ovary, numerous flowers packed into an gametes with egg(Syngamy) and polar
inflorescence nuclei(Triple fusion)
(ii) Vallisnaria: Water pollinated- Female flower Zygote: 2n
reach the surface of water by the long stalk and PEN: 3n
the male flowers or pollen grains are released on 3. (a) Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the
to the surface of water. Pollen grains are stigma of a pistil is termed pollination.
protected from wetting by a mucilaginous (b) (1) Autogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from
covering. the anther to the stigma of the same flower.
(iii) Rose: Insect pollinated- Flowers are large, (2) Geitonogamy: Transfer of pollen grains
colourful, fragrant and rich in nectar, small from the anther to the stigma of another
flowers are clustered into an inflorescence, Pollen flower of the same plant.
grains are sticky (3) Xenogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from
6. a) Maize: Wind pollinated anther to the stigma of a different plant
Vallisnaria: Water pollinated
Rose: Insect pollinated 4. (a) Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the
b) Maize: Wind pollinated-Pollen grains are light, stigma of a pistil is termed pollination.
non-sticky, well-exposed stamens, large often (b)
feathery stigma, flowers often have a single ovule Pollinating Agent Wind Water Insect

in each ovary, numerous flowers packed into an Pollen grains Female flower Flowers are
inflorescence are light, reach the large,
Vallisnaria: Water pollinated- Female flower non-sticky, surface of colourful,
reach the surface of water by the long stalk and well-exposed
stamens, large water by the fragrant and
the male flowers or pollen grains are released on often feathery long stalk and rich in nectar,
to the surface of water. Pollen grains are stigma, flowers the male small flowers
protected from wetting by a mucilaginous often have a flowers or are clustered
covering. single ovule in pollen grains into an
each ovary, are released on inflorescence,
Rose: Insect pollinated- Flowers are large, numerous
colourful, fragrant and rich in nectar, small flowers packed to the surface Pollen grains
flowers are clustered into an inflorescence, Pollen into an of water. Pollen are sticky
grains are sticky Adaptations inflorescence grains are (any 2)
(any 2) protected from
wetting by a
5 Marks Questions Pollen grains
in some are
1. a) Sunflower: Insect pollinated- Flowers are large, long, ribbon
colourful, fragrant and rich in nectar, small like and they
flowers are clustered into an inflorescence, Pollen are carried
grains are sticky (any 4) passively
Rice:Wind pollinated-Pollen grains are light, inside the
non-sticky, well-exposed stamens, large often water (any 2)
feathery stigma, flowers often have a single ovule
in each ovary, numerous flowers packed into an
inflorescence (any 4)
b)Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not
Anther and stigma are placed at different
Production of unisexual flowers (any 2)

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 2- Biotechnology : Principles and Processes
1Mark Questions 8. Fill in the blank:
1.Identify the missing feature of a cloning vector. The restriction enzyme EcoRI is isolated
Recognition site for from the bacterium.............. 2021 Model
resriction enzyme 9. In recombinant DNA technology, DNA
fragments are joined by the help of the enlyme.
Cloning vector ----------- (a) DNA ligase
(b) DNA polyrnerase
(c) Restriction enzyme
Selectable (d) Restriction enzyme 2021 Model
marker 2017 2nd term
10.Choose the correctly matched pair from the
2. In Gel electrophoresis the separated DNA following:
fragments can be visualized after staining. (a)Gelelectrophoresis - Used to produce
Name the stain used for it. 2018 Say biological products
in large quantity
3. What is the function of Restriction
(b) Bioreactors - Separation of DNA
Endonuclease in recombinant DNA
technology ?
(c) PCR - Amplification of
(a) Link together fragments of DNA
gene 2021 March
(b) Make millions of copies of DNA
(c) Cut DNA into many fragments 11.Fill in the blanks :
(d) Separate fragments of DNA In rDNA technology, the DNA fragments can be
2019 March separated by a technique called _____. 2021 Say
4. Choose the correct answer.
DNA fragments with same kind of sticky 12.Observe the relationship of the first pair and fill
ends can be joined by : in the blank.
(A) Ligase (B) Endonuclease Restriction enzyme : Cutting of DNA
(C) Exonuclease (D) Polymerase _________: Joining of DNA fragments.
2022 Model
2019 1st term

5. Choose the correct answer. 13.Fill in the blank.

The first restriction endonuclease isolated The first restriction endonuclease enzyme
is isolated is ________. 2022 March
A) Bam HI 14.Name the enzyme used to join DNA fragments
B) Eco RI in rDNA technology. 2022 Say
C) Hind II
D) Cla I 2019 2nd term 15.Thermostable DNA polymerase enzyme "Taq
polymerase" is isolated from --------bacteria.
6. Which among the following is a selectable
2022 2nd term
marker in pBR 322 ?
(a) "Ori" (b) Hind III 16.Name the instrument used to produce large
(c) ampR (d) rop 2020 March
quantity of recombinant protein 2022 2nd term
17.Choose the correct answer.
7. Identify palindrome sequence from the
Which of these enzymes removes nucleotides
from the ends of a DNA?
1) 5' - GAATTC - 3'
(a) Exonuclease (b) Endonuclease
3' - CTTAAG - 5'
(c) DNA Ligase (d) DNA Polymerase
2) 5' - ATCG - 3' 2023 Model
3' - TAGC - 5' 18.Name the technique used to separate the
3) 5' - AAAAA - 3' fragments of DNA. 2023 March
3' - TTTTT - 5'
4) 5' - CCCCC - 3' 19.Choose the correctly matched pair.
(a) DNA Ligase : Cutting of DNA
3' - GGGGG - 5' 2013 Say (b) Gel Electrophoresis : Separation of DNA-
-1- Fragments 2023 Say
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 2- Biotechnology : Principles and Processes
20.Recombinant DNA is directly injected into the
nucleus of an animal by a method called ___________.
(a) Microinjection (b) Biolistics
(c) Heat shock (d) Disarmed -
pathogen vector
2023 2nd term
21.Select the correct pair.
(i) Plant cell Cellulase
(ii) Bacteria Chitinase
(iii) Fungus Protease
(iv) Protein Lysozyme 2023 2nd term
22.Which enzymes are known as 'molecular
scissors ? 2024 Model

23. In Recombinant DNA technology, precipitated

DNA can be separated by _____ 2024 March

2 Marks Questions
1. Genetic engineering include creation of
recombinant DNA with the help of restriction
a) Explain recombinant DNA technology
b) What are restriction enzymes ?
Name a restriction enzyme. 2013 March

2. ___________are the enzymes used for cutting the

DNA molecule into fragments. An example for
this type of enzyme is EcoRI. What does Eco, R
and I stand for ? 2014 March

3. Use of a thermostable DNA polymerase from

the bacterium, Thermus aquaticus, made it
possible to generate billion copies of DNA in a
very short time using a process.
a) Name the process.
b) Name the three important steps
involved in this process. 2014 March
4. Consider you are appointed as
biotechnologist in a National Institute. What
are the basic steps to be designed to produce
a genetically modified organism.
(Hint 3 points) 2014 Say

5. There are many features required to facilitate

successful cloning into a vector. Write shortly
any two such features required by a vector.
2014 Say

6. Recombinant DNA technology can be

accomplished only if we have the following
key tools i.e., Restriction enzymes,
Polymerase enzyme, Ligases and Vectors.
State the functions of
(a) Ligases
-2- (b) Restriction enzymes 2015 March
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 2- Biotechnology : Principles and Processes
14. Origin of replication and selectable markers
7. Figure representing the reactions associated
are the two important features required for a
with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
cloning vector. Explain their role in
Name the
facilitating cloning. 2017 Say
steps A,B,C in
the process. 15. Denaturation, Annealing and Extension are
three steps of a process used for gene
(a)Name the process.
(b)Name the organism from which the
DNA polymerase for this process is
extracted. 2017 Say
16. Match the items of column A with column B

2015 March Column A Column B

8. Observe the cloning vector and explain the i. Gel electrophoresis a. Cloning vector
following: ii. Polymerase Chain b.Ethidium bromide
iii.Restriction c. Molecular diagnosis
a) Ori endonuclease
b) Bam HI iv. pBR 322 d. EcoRI
2017 2nd term
2015 Say 17. Distinguish the activity of endonuclease from
exonuclease. 2017 2nd term
9. A multinational company successfully cloned a
gene of interest and also optimized the 18. Isolation of DNA from plant cell involves many
conditions to induce the expression of target steps. Explain the different steps. 2018 Model
(a) Name the apparatus for large scale 19. Identify the figure given below and explain the
production of such proteins. principles behind it.
(b) Briefly explain the apparatus. 2015 Say

10. Observe the sketch of stirred-tank bioreactor

and label the parts A, B, C
and D.
2018 Model
20. The DNA fragments can be separated using gel
(a) Name the gel used in this technique.
(b) Write the name of technique used to
2016 March remove the DNA from the gel.
2018 March
11. Manipulating with nucleic acid is a trend in
Biotechnology. 21. Observe the following figure:
(a) Name any one organism used as vector
(b) What are DNA Polymerase ? 2016 March

12. Electrophoresis is a method commonly used in (a) Identify the figure.

Biotechnology. Write briefly about Gel (b) What does (i) tetR
Electrophoresis. 2016 Say
(ii) rop (iii) ori
13. Genetic engineering is a promising branch denote ?
recently developed in biological science.
(a) Expand PCR and name three steps in 2018 March
each cycle.
(b) What is a plasmid ? Name three 22. Multiple copies of gene of interest can be
features required for cloning synthesised in vitro. Name the technique and
vectors. 2016 Say its requirements.
-3- 2018 Say
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 2- Biotechnology : Principles and Processes
23. Given below is a DNA sequence. 30. The cutting of DNA at specific locations
became possible with the discovery
5' GAATTC 3' of restriction enzymes. Explain the
3' CTTAAG 5' method of naming these enzymes.
2019 1st term
a. What is this type of DNA sequence
called ? 31. Polymerase chain reaction has 3 steps.
a) Write the 3 steps.
b. Name the enzyme which can cut DNA b) Name the bacterium from which Taq
strand by recognising this sequence. polymerase is isolated. 2019 2nd term
2018 1st term
32. Observe the nucleotide sequence given
24. Multiple copies of gene of interest can be below:
synthesised through PCR. Expand PCR and
write its steps. 2018 2nd term
25. Name the enzymes known as 'molecular
scissors'. Give an example of such enzyme.
2018 2nd term
26. Observe the figure of a cloning vector.
a) Name this kind of nucleotide sequence.
b) Define this sequence. 2019 2nd term
a) Identify the cloning
vector. 33.Explain the separation of DNA fragments using
b) Write down three gel electrophoresis 2020 Model
characteristic features 34. Write notes on :
of the above cloning (a) Microinjection
(b) Biolistics 2020 Model
2019 Model 35. Amplification of gene of interest is done using
27. The given figure shows a sequence of DNA PCR.
that can be cut down by restriction (a) Expand PCR.
endonuclease. (b) Mention the three steps of this process
2020 Model
36. How can we make a host cell competent to
receive a foreign gene or DNA ? 2020 March

37. Observe the figure given below :

a) Name the sequence.

b) Write down the name of restriction
endonuclease, which recognises the
above sequence. 2019 Model
28. Restriction Endonuclease recognises a specific
sequence in the DNA. Name that sequence and
write its peculiarity. 2019 Say

29. Match the items of column A with B:

(a) Cloning Vector (i).Bioreactor Fill in the blanks a, b, c, d in the figure.
(b) Separation of DNA (ii)Taq polymerase (Hint : a, b, c – stages, d – enzyme) 2020 Say

fragments 38. EcoRI is a restriction endonuclease. What do

(c) PCR (iii) Electrophoresis E, Co, R, I represent ? 2020 Say
(d) Converts raw (iv) Hind II 39.In r-DNA technology, amplification of gene is
materials into done by a process called PCR.
specific products (a) Expand PCR.
(v) pBR322 (b) What are the three main steps involved
in PCR ? 2021 Model
2019 Say -4-
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 2- Biotechnology : Principles and Processes
40.Observe the picture given below: 52.Explain how bacterial cells are made competent
to take up DNA 2023 Say
(a) Identify the 53.Polymerase chain reaction is a technique used
instrument in in rDNA technology.
the figure. (a) Write the function of PCR in rDNA
(b) Write any one technology.
use of this (b) Name the thermostable polymerase enzyme
instrument. used in PCR. 2023 Say
2021 Model 54.Amplification of gene of interest is done using
41.EcoRI is an example of Restriction enzyme. Polymerase chain reaction. Name the enzyme
List out the criteria for naming a Restriction used in PCR and write the characteristic feature
enzyme. 2021 March of this enzyme. 2023 2nd term
42.The diagram given below is E.coli cloning 55.(a) What is gel-electrophoresis ?
vector pBR322. (b) Name commonly used matrix in
gel-electrophoresis. 2024 Model
Identify the selectable 56.Write short notes on:
markers present in it. (a) Micro injection
Explain the significance of (b) Biolistics 2024 Model
'ori' 2021 March
57.What are the two core techniques that enabled
43.Briefly describe down stream processing. the birth of modern biotechnology? 2024 March
2021 Say
58.Explain any two methods by which recombinant
44.What are the two kinds of nuclease enzymes ? DNA can be directly introduced into the host cell.
Write their role in rDNA technology. 2021 Say 2024 March

45.What are palindromic DNA nucleotide

sequences? Write one example for palindromic
sequence. 2022 2nd term

46.Observe the diagram.

(a) Identify the
cloning vector
(b) Write three
features of a
cloning vector

2022 2nd term

47.Describe two methods by which Alien DNA is

introduced into host directly. 2022 2nd term 3 Marks Questions
48.(a) Which enzymes are known as 'molecular 1.a)Expand the short forms used in Biotechnology.
scissors'? 1) PCR 2) ELISA
(b) What is the use of these enzymes in Genetic 3) GEAC 4) GMO
engineering? 2023 Model b)Identify palindrome sequence from the
49.How can we visualize DNA fragments in Gel-
1) 5' - GAATTC - 3'
electrophoresis ? 2023 Model
3' - CTTAAG - 5'
50.(a) Which is the thermostable enzyme used in 2) 5' - ATCG - 3'
PCR ? 3' - TAGC - 5'
(b) Name the bacterium from which the 3) 5' - AAAAA - 3'
enzyme isolated. 2023 March
3' - TTTTT - 5'
51.How can we make bacterial cell competent for 4) 5' - CCCCC - 3'
transformation with recombinant DNA?
2023 March -5- 3' - GGGGG - 5' 2013 Say
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 2- Biotechnology : Principles and Processes
2. Gel electrophoresis is a technique to separate 9. Recombinant DNA technology is a complex
fragments of DNA from a mixture. Some of the process which involves several steps. Write
events of electrophoresis are given below. down the major steps in recombinant DNA
Arrange the events in order: technology 2019 March
1) Cut out DNA bands
2) Expose to UV 10. The discovery of Restriction Endonuclease is
3) Force DNA to move through gel considered as "milestone" in the history of
4) Stain DNA with ethidium bromide genetic engineering.
2013 Say (a) Which is the first discovered restriction
endonuclease ?
(b) What are the criteria for naming
3. The following photograph shows the result of a restriction endonuclease ?
technique showing the separation of DNA. 2019 March
(a) Name the technique.
(b) How the separated DNA is 11. The following are the diagrams of two
visualized ?
important processes used in rDNA technology.
(c) DNA fragments of size 500 bp,
1600 bp and 2000 bp are (a) Identify A and B.
separated by this process. (b) Write the uses of A and B in rDNA
Which fragment will migrate fast ? technology.
Why ? 2017 March
4. Different methods have been suggested to
introduce alien DNA into host cells. Give and
explain any three methods adopted for this
purpose. 2017 March
5. Amplification of gene can be done using PCR.
(a)Name the thermostable enzyme used in
(b)What is a primer ?
(c) Write the steps in PCR. 2017 2nd term 2020 March

6. Restriction endonuclease enzymes are used

12.Given diagram shows a rechnique used in
to cut the DNA at specific sequence. r-DNA technology.
(a) Wrte the name of first isolated one.
(b) Write the conventon for naming these
enzymes. 2018 Say
7. One of the important features of a cloning
vector is the presence of selectable marker.
(a) Wrte the role of selecable marker.
(a) Identify the process.
Name the selectable markers used (b) What is the purpose of this technique in
in pBR 322. r-DNA rechnology ?
(b) Write the other two features of cloning (c) Name the stain used in this technique
vector. 2018 2nd term for visualizing DNA under UV-light.
2021 Model
8. Observe the figure given below.
13.Different steps in rDNA technology are given
below. Arrange them in correct sequential
(a) Ligation of DNA fragment into a vector
(b) Culturing of host cells in a medium at
large scale
(c) Isolation of DNA
a) Name the technique illustrated in the (d) Transferring the rDNA into the host
figure. (e) Fragmentation of DNA
b) Explain the process of separation of (f) Isolation of desired DNA fragment
DNA fragments through this 2021 March
method. 2018 2nd term -6-
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 2- Biotechnology : Principles and Processes
14.In rDNA technology amplification of gene of 18.Given below is the Palindromic nucleotide
interest is done by a technique called PCR. sequence in DNA where EcoRI enzyme cuts
(a) Expand PCR DNA.
(b) What are the main steps involved in 5' - GAATTC - 3'
PCR ? 3' - CTTAAG - 5'
(c) Name the DNA polymerase enzyme (a) Define Palindrome in DNA.
used in PCR. 2021 Say (b) Illustrate how EcoRI make cut in the given
nucleotide sequence.
15. (a) Identify the process (c) Write the significance of sticky ends on
DNA. 2023 Say
(b) Write the steps of this process
(c) What is a primer? 2022 2nd term
19.EcoRI is an example of restriction endonuclease
(a) Name the bacteria from which EcoRI is
(b) Explain the naming procedure of EcoRI.
2023 2nd term
20.Observe the figure given below:

(a) Identify the instrument in the figure.

(b) Label the parts 'A' and 'B'.
(c) Write any one use of this instrument.
2023 2nd term

21.(a)Expand PCR.
16.(a) Write the name of the process given in the (b)What are the three steps involved in PCR?
figure. (c)What are primers ? 2024 Model

(b) What is the purpose of this process in rDNA 22. Observe the figure given below:
technology? (1) Fill in the blanks a, b, & c in the figure.
(2) Write the name of this process.
(c) What is the name of thermostable DNA (3) What is the name of thermostable DNA
polymerase enzyme used in this technique? polymerase enzyme used in this technique?
2023 Model 2024 March

17.EcoRI is isolated from Escheritia coli RY 13.

Explain the naming procedure of EcoRI
2023 March

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 2- Biotechnology : Principles and Processes
4 Marks Questions 5 Marks Questions
1. Restriction endonucleases are the enzymes 1.The given diagram depicts the separation of DNA
used to cut the DNA molecules. fragments.
(a) Give the general term for the specific
sequences where these enzymes cut
the DNA.
(b) Name the enzyme that joints the
foreign DNA and vector DNA.
(c) Give any two procedurs to introduce
the recombinant DNA into the host
cell. 2012 March
2. During genetic engineering Vector with (a) Identify the technique.
foreign DNA is transferred into a host (b) How can you visualize the separated
bacterium. The next target will be the DNA fragments in this technique ?
selection of transformants from (c) What is elution ? 2022 Model
2.Restriction enzymes are widely used in
How antibiotic resistance and insertional
inactivation is exploited for this purpose ?
(a) Name two kinds of restriction enzymes.
2012 March
(b) Explain the naming procedure of
3. While studying necleotide sequence, Raj restriction enzymes with one example.
found the following sequence which can be 2022 March
recognized by some enzymes:
3.PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction:
5' - GAATTC - 3'
(a) What is the function of PCR in rDNA
3' - CTTAAG - 5'
a) Give salient features of this sequence.
(b) Name the three steps in PCR.
b) Write name of enzymes which recognize
(c) Name the DNA polymerase enzyme used
such sequences.
in PCR and the bacterium from which it
c) Elaborate importance of this enzyme in 2022 Say
is isolated.
Genetic engineering. 2012 Say

4. A group of students came to know about

recombinant DNA technology. They want to
know how scientists can produce a desired
product using rDNA technology. Can you give
them an idea about the important steps
involved in this process ? 2012 Say

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024-Answer key : Chapter 2- Biotechnology : Principles and Processes
1Mark Questions 2 Marks Questions
1.Origin of replication (ori) 1. a) Recombinant DNA technology deals with
2.Ethidium bromide combining foreign DNA to the DNA of a cell to
3.(c) Cut DNA into many fragments change the characters
4.(A) Ligase b) Restriction enzymes cut the DNA at specific
5.C) Hind II locations. Hind II/EcoRI
6.(c) ampR 2. Restriction enzymes
7.1) 5' - GAATTC - 3' Eco - Escherichia coli
3' - CTTAAG - 5' R - derived from the name of strain RY 13
8.Escherichia coli/E.coli I - the order in which the enzyme is isolated from
9.(a) DNA ligase that strain of bacteria
10.(c)PCR - Amplification of gene 3. a) Polymerase Chain Reaction/PCR
11.Gel electrophoresis b) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension
12.DNA ligase 4. (i) identification of DNA with desirable genes
13.Hind II (ii) introduction of the identified DNA into the host
14.DNA ligase (iii) maintenance of introduced DNA in the host
15.Thermus aquaticus and transfer of the DNA to its progeny.
16.Bioreactor 5. Origin of replication (ori), Selectable marker,
17.(a) Exonuclease Cloning sites, Vectors for cloning genes in plants &
18.Gel electrophoresis animals (any 2)
19.(b) Gel Electrophoresis : Separation of DNA- 6. (a) Used to combine DNA fragments
20. (a) Microinjection (b) Helps to cut DNA at specific locations
21. (i) Plant cell 7. Denaturation, Annealing, Extension
8. a) It is a sequence in the DNA from where
22. Restriction enzymes replication starts
23. Spooling/Gel electrophoresis/Elution b) It is the resriction site for BamH I
9. (a) Bioreactor
(b) They are vessels in which raw materials are
biologically converted into specific products,
individual enzymes, etc., using microbial
plant, animal or human cells. A bioreactor
provides the optimal conditions for achieving
the desired product by providing optimum
growth conditions like temperature, pH,
substrate, salts, vitamins,oxygen.
10. A. Motor B. Foam breaker C. Flat bed impeller
D. Acid/Base for pH control
11. (a) Plasmids/Bacteriophages/Agrobacterium
tumifaciens/Retroviruses (any 1)
(b) The enzyme extends the primers using the
nucleotides provided in the reaction and the
genomic DNA as template
12.The DNA fragments can be separated by gel
electrophoresis. Since DNA fragments are
negatively charged molecules they can be
separated by forcing them to move towards the
anode under an electric field through a medium/
matrix.The DNA fragments separate according to
their size through sieving effect provided by the
agarose gel. Hence, the smaller the fragment size,
the farther it moves. The separated DNA fragments
20. (a) Agarose gel
can be visualised only after staining the DNA with
(b) Elution
a compound known as ethidium bromide followed
21. (a) pBR322/Cloning vector
by exposure to UVradiation
(b) (i) tetracycline resistance gene/antibiotic
13.(a) Polymerase Chain Reaction
resistance gene
Denaturation, Annealing, Extension
(ii) proteins involved in the replication of the
(b) Plasmids are autonomously replicating circular
extra-chromosomal DNA present in some
(iii) Origin of replication
22. Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR)
Origin of replication (ori), Selectable marker,
Two sets of primers (small chemically
Cloning sites, Vectors for cloning genes in
synthesised oligonucleotides that are
plants & animals (any 3)
complementary to the regions of DNA) and the
14. Origin of replication (ori): It is a sequence from
enzyme DNA polymerase.
where replication starts and any piece of DNA
23. a. Palindromic sequence
when linked to this sequence can be made to
b. EcoRI
replicate within the host cells.
24. Polymerase Chain Reaction
Selectable marker: Sequence which helps in
Denaturation, Annealing, Extension
identifying and eliminating non- transformants
25. Restriction enzymes
and selectively permitting the growth of the
EcoRI/Hind II
26. a) pBR322
15. (a) Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR)
b) Origin of replication (ori), Selectable marker,
(b) Thermus aquaticus
Cloning sites, Vectors for cloning genes in
plants & animals (any 3)
Column A Column B 27. a) Recognition sequence/Palindromic sequence
i. Gel electrophoresis b.Ethidium bromide b) EcoRI
ii. Polymerase Chain c. Molecular diagnosis 28. Recognition sequence/Palindromic sequence.
Reaction Palindromic sequence in DNA is a sequence
iii.Restriction d. EcoRI of base pairs that reads same on the two strands
endonuclease when orientation of reading is kept the same.
iv. pBR 322 a. Cloning vector 29.
17. Exonucleases remove nucleotides from the ends (a) Cloning Vector (v) pBR322
of the DNA. (b) Separation of DNA (iii) Electrophoresis
Endonucleases make cuts at specific positions fragments
within the DNA. (c) PCR (ii)Taq polymerase
18. To release DNA, the plant tissue is treated with (d) Converts raw
enzyme cellulase. The RNA can be removed by materials into (i) Bioreactor
treatment with ribonuclease whereas proteins specific products
can be removed by treatment with protease.
Purified DNA precipitates out after the addition 30. The first letter of the name comes from the genus
of chilled ethanol. and the second two letters come from the species
19. Gel electrophoresis. Since DNA fragments are of the prokaryotic cell from which they were
negatively charged molecules they can be isolated. The third letter is derived from the name
separated by forcing them to move towards the of strain and Roman number following the names
anode under an electric field through a medium/ indicate the order in which the enzymes were
matrix. isolated from that strain of bacteria.
31.a) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension
b) Thermus aquaticus
32.a) Palindromic sequence
b) Palindromic sequence in DNA is a sequence
of base pairs that reads same on the two
strands in the same direction.
33. The DNA fragments can be separated by gel 42. Selectable markers: ampR, tetR
electrophoresis. Since DNA fragments are Ori : It is a sequence from where replication starts
negatively charged molecules they can be and any piece of DNA when linked to this
separated by forcing them to move towards the sequence can be made to replicate within the
anode under an electric field through a medium/ host cells.
43. A series of processes before it is ready for
matrix.The DNA fragments separate according to
marketing as a finished product. The processes
their size through sieving effect provided by the
include separation and purification, product
agarose gel. Hence, the smaller the fragment size,
has to be formulated with suitable preservatives,
the farther it moves. The separated DNA fragments thorough clinical trials as in case of drugs, Strict
can be visualised only after staining the DNA with quality control testing for each product.
a compound known as ethidium bromide followed 44. Exonucleases : remove nucleotides from the ends
by exposure to UVradiation of the DNA.
34. (a) Microinjection : recombinant DNA is directly Endonucleases : make cuts at specific positions
injected into the nucleus of an animal cell. within the DNA.
(b) Biolistics : plant cells are bombarded with high 45. Palindromic sequence in DNA is a sequence
velocity micro-particles of gold or tungsten of base pairs that reads same on the two
coated with DNA strands in the same direction.
35. (a) Polymerase Chain Reaction GAATTC
(b) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension 46. (a) pBR322
36. By treating them with a specific concentration of (b) Origin of replication (ori), Selectable marker,
Cloning sites, Vectors for cloning genes in
a divalent cation, such as calcium, which
plants & animals (any 3)
increases the efficiency with which DNA enters
47. Micro-injection : recombinant DNA is directly
the bacterium through pores in its cell wall
injected into the nucleus of an animal cell/
37. a) Denaturation b) Annealing c) Extension biolistics or gene gun : plant cells are bombarded
d) Taq polymerase with high velocity micro-particles of gold or
38. E - Escherichia/First letter of genus name tungsten coated with DNA/disarmed pathogen
co - coli/ first two letters of species name vectors : when allowed to infect the cell, transfer
R - derived from the name of strain RY 13 the recombinant DNA into the host.(any 2)
I - the order in which the enzyme is isolated 48. (a) Restriction enzymes
from that strain of bacteria (b) Cutting of DNA at specific locations
39. (a) Polymerase Chain Reaction 49. The separated DNA fragments can be visualised
(b) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension only after staining the DNA with a compound
40. (a) Simple stirred-tank bioreactor/Bioreactor known as ethidium bromide followed by exposure
(b) Large volumes (100-1000 litres) of culture to UV radiation
can be processed/provides the optimal 50. (a) Taq polymerase
(b) Thermus aquaticus
conditions for achieving the desired product
51. By treating bacteria with a specific concentration
by providing optimum growth conditions/has
of a divalent cation, such as calcium, which
an agitator system/has an oxygen delivery
increases the efficiency with which DNA enters the
system /has a foam control system/has a bacterium through pores in its cell wall.
temperature control system/has a pH Recombinant DNA can then be forced into such
control system and sampling ports so that cells by incubating the cells with recombinant DNA
small volumes of the culture can be on ice, followed by placing them briefly at 420 C
withdrawn periodically (any 1) (heat shock), and then putting them back on ice.
41. First letter - First letter of genus name of bacteria 52. By treating bacteria with a specific concentration
2nd and 3rd letters - First two letters of species of a divalent cation, such as calcium, which
name of bacteria increases the efficiency with which DNA enters the
bacterium through pores in its cell wall.
4th letter - derived from the name of strain of
Recombinant DNA can then be forced into such
bacteria cells by incubating the cells with recombinant DNA
Roman number - the order in which the enzyme on ice, followed by placing them briefly at 420 C
is isolated from that strain of bacteria -11- (heat shock), and then putting them back on ice.
53. (a) Multiple copies of the gene (or DNA) of 5. (a) Taq polymerase
interest can be synthesised (b) Small chemically synthesised oligonucleotides
(b) Taq polymerase that are complementary to the regions of DNA
54. Taq polymerase (c) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension
It remain active during the high temperature 6. (a) Hind II
induced denaturation of double stranded DNA/ (b) First letter - First letter of genus name of
Thermostable bacteria
55. (a) It is a technique used to separate fragments of 2nd and 3rd letters - First two letters of species
DNA name of bacteria
(b) Agarose gel 4th letter - derived from the name of strain of
56. (a) Recombinant DNA is directly injected into the bacteria
nucleus of an animal cell. Roman number - the order in which the enzyme
(b) plant cells are bombarded with high is isolated from that strain of bacteria
velocity micro-particles of gold or tungsten 7. (a) Selectable markers are genes/DNA sequence in
coated with DNA. a cloning vector which help to identify
57. Bioprocess engineering, Genetic Engineering recombinants and non-recombinants.
58. Micro-injection- a method in which, recombinant ampR , tetR
DNA is directly injected into the nucleus of an (b) Origin of Replication ( Ori)
animal cell. Cloning site
Biolistics/Gene Gun- suitable for plant cells which, Vectors for cloning genes in plants & animals
are bombarded with high velocity micro-particles (any 2)
of gold or tungsten coated with DNA. 8. a) Gel electrophoresis
b)Since DNA fragments are negatively charged
molecules they can be separated by forcing them
3 Marks Questions to move towards the anode under an electric field
1.a)1) PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction through a medium/matrix.The DNA fragments
2) ELISA - Enzyme Linked Immuno-sorbent separate according to their size through sieving
Assay effect provided by the agarose gel. Hence, the
3) GEAC - Genetic Engineering Approval smaller the fragment size, the farther it moves.
Committee The separated DNA fragments can be visualised
4) GMO - Genetically Modified Organism only after staining the DNA with a compound
b) 1) 5' - GAATTC - 3' known as ethidium bromide followed by exposure
3' - CTTAAG - 5' to UV radiation.
2. 1) Force DNA to move through gel 9. (i) identification of DNA with desirable genes
2) Stain DNA with ethidium bromide (ii) introduction of the identified DNA into the host
3) Expose to UV light (iii) maintenance of introduced DNA in the host
4) Cut out DNA bands and transfer of the DNA to its progeny.
3. (a) Gel electrophoresis 10.(a) Hind II
(b) The separated DNA fragments can be (b) First letter - First letter of genus name of
visualised after staining the DNA with a bacteria
compound known as ethidium bromide 2nd and 3rd letters - First two letters of species
followed by exposure to UV radiation name of bacteria
(c) 500bp. 4th letter - derived from the name of strain of
The smaller the fragment size, the farther it bacteria
moves. Roman number - the order in which the enzyme
4. Micro-injection : recombinant DNA is directly is isolated from that strain of bacteria
injected into the nucleus of an animal cell. 11. (a) A-Polymerase Chain Reaction/PCR
Biolistics or gene gun : plant cells are bombarded B-Gel electrophoresis
with high velocity micro-particles of gold or (b) A-Amplification of desired gene
tungsten coated with DNA. B-Separation of DNA fragments
Disarmed pathogen vectors : when allowed to 12. (a) Gel electrophoresis
infect the cell, transfer the recombinant DNA into (b) Separation of DNA fragments
the host. -12-
(c) Ethidium bromide
13. (c) Isolation of DNA 4 Marks Questions
(e) Fragmentation of DNA 1. (a) Recognition sequence
(f) Isolation of desired DNA fragment (b) DNA ligase
(a) Ligation of DNA fragment into a vector (c) Micro-injection : recombinant DNA is directly
(d) Transferring the rDNA into the host injected into the nucleus of an animal cell.
(b) Culturing of host cells in a medium at Biolistics or gene gun : plant cells are bombarded
large scale with high velocity micro-particles of gold or
14. (a) Polymerase Chain Reaction tungsten coated with DNA.
(b) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension Disarmed pathogen vectors : when allowed to
(c) Taq polymerase infect the cell, transfer the recombinant DNA into
15. (a) Polymerase Chain Reaction/PCR the host. (any 2)
(b) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension 2. The ligation of alien DNA is carried out at a
(c) Small chemically synthesised oligonucleotides restriction site present in one of the two
that are complementary to the regions of DNA antibiotic resistance genes. The recombinant
16. (a) Polymerase Chain Reaction/PCR plasmids will lose antibiotic resistance.
(b) Amplification of desired gene
The foreign DNA is inserted within the coding
(c) Taq polymerase
sequence of an enzyme, ß-galactosidase.This
17. E - Escherichia/First letter of genus name results into inactivation of the gene for synthesis of
co - coli/ first two letters of species name this enzyme. Presence of insert results into
R - derived from the name of strain RY 13 insertional inactivation of the ß-galactosidase gene
I - the order in which the enzyme is isolated and the colonies do not produce any colour in the
from that strain of bacteria presence of a chromogenic substance.
18. (a) Palindromic sequence in DNA is a sequence 3. a) This is the palindromic recognition sequence of
of base pairs that reads same on the two EcoRI. A palindromic sequence in DNA is a
strands in the same direction. sequence of base pairs that reads same on the
(b) EcoRI cuts the DNA in between the base pairs two strands in the same direction.
G and A in the sequence GAATTC on both b) Restriction enzymes/EcoRI
strands. c) Restriction enzymes are used to cut DNA at
(c) Sticky ends helps easy joining of cut ends of specific sequences.
4. Isolation of DNA
DNA by ligase
Cutting and separation of DNA fragments
19. (a) Escherichia coli/E.coli
Amplification desired DNA fragment using PCR
(b) E - Escherichia/First letter of genus name Ligation of DNA fragment into a vector
co - coli/ first two letters of species name Transferring the rDNA into the host
R - derived from the name of strain RY 13 Culturing of host cells in a medium at large scale
I - the order in which the enzyme is isolated Obtaining the foreign gene product
from that strain of bacteria Downstream processing
20. (a) Bioreactor 5 Marks Questions
(b) A. Motor B. Sterile air 1. (a) Gel electrophoresis
(c) Large volumes (100-1000 litres) of raw (b) Stain DNA with ethidium bromide and expose
materials are biologically converted into to UV light
specific products, individual enzymes, etc. (c) The separated bands of DNA are cut out from
using microbial, plant, animal or human cells. the agarose gel and extracted from the gel
21. (a) Polymerase Chain Reaction piece. This step is known as elution.
(b) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension 2. (a) Restriction endonuclease
(c) Small chemically synthesised oligonucleotides Restriction exonuclease
that are complementary to the regions of DNA (b) E - Escherichia/First letter of genus name
22. (1) a) Denaturation b) Annealing c) Extension co - coli/ first two letters of species name
(2) PCR/Polymerase Chain Reaction R - derived from the name of strain RY 13
(3) Taq Polymerase I - the order in which the enzyme is isolated
from that strain of bacteria
3. (a) Amplification of desired gene
(b) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension
-13- (c) Taq polymerase, Thermus aquaticus
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 3- Biotechnology and its applications
1Mark Questions 12. What does Bt stand for in Bt cotton ? 2021 Say

1. The regeneration of whole plants from any part 13. Fill in the blank.
of the plant grown under sterile conditions is Animals that have their DNA altered and
express a foreign gene are known as______
called tissue culture. 2022 Model
(a) The general term for the part of the
plant taken out for tissue culture 14. Expand ELISA. 2022 March

is............ 15. Choose the correct answer:

(b) The capacity to generate a whole plant A molecular diagnosis technique that
from any plant cell is........... works on antigen-antibody interaction is
2012 March
(PCR, rDNA technology, ELISA, Autoradiography)
2. Vidya got a plant which was affected with a 2022 Say
viral disease. Her objective is to raise a disease
16. Name the first transgenic cow that produce
free plant from this infected plant through
human protein enriched milk. 2023 Model
tissue culture.
a) Which part of the plant should be 17. Name the 'cry' gene that control corn borer
selected as the explant ? insects. 2023 March

b) State the reason for the selection of this 18. Fill in the blank:
part as the explant. Animals that have had their DNA manipulated
2014 March
to possess and express an extra gene are
3. Bt cotton is regarded as an important known as _________ 2023 Say
achievement of genetic engineering. What
does Bt stands for ? 2014 March 19. Crystals of Bt toxin produced by some bacteria
4. Biotechnology in agriculture will lead to pest do not kill the bacteria themselves because,
resistant plants, which could decrease the (a) bacteria are resistant to the toxin.
amount of pesticides used. For example Bt (b) toxin is immature.
cotton. Expand the letter 'B' and 't'. 2015 March
(c) toxin is inactive.
5. In 1997, an American company got patent (d) bacteria enclose toxin in specific sac.
rights on Basmati rice through the U.S. Patents
2023 2nd term
and Trademark Office. Variety of Basmati had
actually been derived from Indian farmer's 20. Name the first transgenic cow that produce
varieties. If so, what is Biopiracy ? 2015 March
human protein enriched milk. 2024 Model
6. Antigen- antibody reaction is the basis of the
technique called 21. A single stranded DNA or RNA tagged with
(a) ELISA (b) PCR radioactive molecule is called ____________
(c) RNA interference (d) Gene therapy (a) Plasmid (b) Probe (c) Clone (d) Vector
2017 Say 2024 March
7. Name the first transgenic cow. 2018 Model

8. Infestation of meloidegyne incognitia in the

roots of tobacco plants can be prevented
through a novel strategy. Name that strategy.
2018 2nd term

9. Fill in the blank.

A method of molecular diagnosis, based on
antigen-antibody interaction is ______
2019 2nd term
10.Fill in the blank :
Alpha 1-antitrypsin is used to treat the
disease ________. 2020 Say
11. Which of the following is a curative method of
ADA deficiency?
(a) ELISA (b) Autoradiography
(c) PCR (d) Bonemarrow-
2021 March -1-
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 3- Biotechnology and its applications
2 Marks Questions 9. Pharmaceutical companies are producing large
1. In human beings, certain diseases are caused quantities of insulin by genetic engineering.
due to genetic disorders. Briefly explain the process. 2014 Say
(a) Name the method that allows the
correction of a gene defect that has been 10.In the 2012 childrens science congress one of
diagnosed in a child or embryo. the speakers summarised like this - if we are
(b) How this method has been used for not vigilant, countries or individuals encash
treating ADA(Adenosine deaminase our resources as their right. Explain this with
deficiency) ? 2012 March
an example. 2014 Say
2. Infection by nematodes cause threat to 11.Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is
cultivation and yield loss of tobacco plants. A
strategy has been developed at RNA level to always a debatable topic among scientists
control this infestation. academicians and public. State any four
(a) Name the process. usefulness of GMOs. 2015 March
(b) Explain how this process works at the
molecular level. 2012 March 12.A farmer approached an Agriculture officer to
tell his grievance i.e.,reduction in tobacco yield
3. Using genetically modified crops, farmers can
minimize use of insecticides and pesticides due to root damage by nematodes.
during cultivation. (a) What is your suggestion to prevent this
a) Give name of one such genetically infestation ?
modified pest resistant crop . (b) Briefly explain the process. 2015 Say
b) Which gene is used for its producton ?
c) Name the source of pest resistant gene. 13.One of the speaker in the National Children's
d) Write about its mode of action. Science Congress delivered a talk about
2012 Say
transgenic animals. Explore any 2 benefits of
4. Nita found that her Grandma used to inject transgenic animals. 2015 Say
human insulin that is genetically engineered.
She wants to know how such insulin can be 14.The recombinant DNA technological process
produced. Give her an idea about structure of have made immense impact in the area of
insulin and production of genetically healthcare. How Eli Lilly produced Insulin ?
engineered insulin. 2012 Say
2016 March
5. A novel strategy to prevent nematode 15.Some ethical standards are required to
infestation is based on 'RNA interference'.
a) Explain RNA interference . evaluate the morality of all human activities.
b) Can you suggest, how it can be used for Explain Biopiracy. 2016 March
producing nematode resistant plant.
2013 March
16.RNA can suppress the activity of a gene.
Explain it with suitable example. 2016 Say
6. Sophic was born with a genetic disorder - ADA
deficiency. 17.Many diseases could be treated by an advanced
a) What is ADA deficiency ? technique called gene therapy. Assess its role
b) Can you suggest methods to treat this ADA in the treatment of lymphocyte disorder, giving
deficiency ? 2013 March
any suitable example. 2016 Say
7. Expand the short forms used in
Biotechnology 18.Match the following:
1) PCR 2) ELISA (a) Antigen - (i) ADA deficiency
3) GEAC 4) GMO 2013 Say antibody reaction
(b) a-lactalbumin (ii) Emphysema
8. Gene therapy aims in correcting diseases (c) a-1-antitrypsin (iii) Rosie
caused by defective genes. A child is suffering (d) Gene therapy (iv) ELISA 2017 March
from a disease due to deficiency of ADA
enzyme. ADA gene which normally produce the 19.Insulin getting assembled into a mature form
enzyme is missing in the patient. Rcommend was a major challenge in commercial insulin
any two methods to treat the child. production by rDNA technology. How did Eli
2013 Say Lilly Company found a solution to this
problem ? 2017 March

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 3- Biotechnology and its applications
20.Infection of Meloidegyne incognitia in tobacco 28.Write the steps involved in the production of
plant was prevented using a novel strategy of genetically engineered insulin. 2018 2nd term
r-DNA technology. Identify the strategy and
29.Transgenic animals have many uses to humans.
explain it. 2017 2nd term Name the first transgenic cow.
Name the protein contained in the milk of this
21.Animals that have their DNA manipulated to
cow. 2018 2nd term
possess and express extra genes are called
transgenic animals. Write any four uses of 30.Name the bacterium from which cry genes
transgenic animals 2017 2nd term
were isolated. Name any two kinds of cry
genes. 2018 2nd term
22.The first clinical gene therapy was given to a 4 31. Explant and totipotency are two terms related
year old girl child. What was her disorder and to tissue culture. Explain the two terms.
what is the cause of this disorder ? 2019 1st term
2017 2nd term
32.A nematode infects the roots of tobacco plants
23.The first clinical gene therapy was given to a and causes a great reduction in yield.
four year old girl child. (a) Name the nematode
(a) What was her genetic disorder ? (b) Name the strategy developed through
(b) Briefly describe the clinical procedure biotechnology to prevent the infection of
adopted in this case. 2018 Model
nematode 2019 Model

33.Transgenic animals can produce useful

Biological products. What are transgenic
Observe the figure:
animals and write two biological products
(a) Identify i and ii
produced by them. 2019 Model
(b) Distinguish i and ii
2018 Model
34.Many countries encourage the cultivation of
Genetically Modified Crops (G.M Plants). Write
25. Genetically modified plants have been used in any two advantages of GM plants.
2019 March
many ways. Give any four advantages of such
plants. 2018 March
35. PCR and ELISA are two molecular diagnostic
26.In 1983 American company Eli Lilly produced techniques.
human insulin artificially. Write down the (a) How is PCR useful in molecular
method followed in this technique. diagnosis ?
2018 March (b) What is the principle of ELISA ?
2019 March
27.Match the Column A with Column B:
36.Alpha -1 antitrypsin and alpha-lactalbumin are
Column A Column B two biological products produced from
transgenic animals. Write the uses of these two
(a) Human Alpha (1) ELISA products. 2019 Say
lactalbumin 37.Bt cotton is an insect resistant plant that
contains gene from a bacterium. Name that
(b) Antigen Antibody bacterium and gene. 2019 Say
38.Transgenic animals are produced to obtain
(c) Genetically
(3) CORN BORER biological products.
engineered Insulin
a) Name the human protein obtained from
(4) ROSIE transgenic animal, used to treat
(d) Cry IAb
(5) BOLL WORM emphysema.
b) Name the first transgenic cow. Write the
2018 Say
peculiarity of its milk. 2019 2nd term
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 3- Biotechnology and its applications
39.A novel strategy was adopted to prevent the 54.Observe the given diagram showing the process
infestation of a nematode in the roots of of maturation of insulin.
tobacco plants. Write that strategy. Name that (a) Explain the structure
nematode. 2019 2nd term of Proinsulin.
40.Notice the genes given below. (b) What are the changes
Cry I Ac, Cry I Ab, Cry II Ab that occur in Proinsulin
a) Choose the gene that controls corn borer when it becomes mature
from the above. insulin ?
b) Name the bacterium from which cry genes 2022 Model
were isolated. 2019 2nd term
55.Mention the functions of GEAC (Genetic
41.Observe the diagram and answer A and B. Engineering Approval Committee). 2022 March

56.Genetically modified plants have been useful in

many ways. Write any four uses of genetic
modification in plants. 2022 Say

57.Bt cotton is a genetically modified plant.

2020 Model (a)What does 'Bt' stand for?
(b) What is the specific feature of 'Bt' cotton
42. Explain the terms:
plant? 2022 2nd term
(a) Micropropagation
(b) Totipotency 58.Gene therapy is a corrective therapy for
2020 Model
hereditary diseases. How is Adenosine
43.(a) Define transgenic animals. Deaminase deficiency treated using gene
(b) Write any two uses of transgenic animals. therapy? 2022 2nd term
2020 Model
59.(a)What is RNA interference?
44.How does the inactive protoxin of Bacillus
(b) Name the vector used to introduce
thuringiensis gets converted into active toxin
nematode specific gene into host plant.
when an insect ingest it? 2020 March
2022 2nd term
45.Early diagnosis is essential for the effective 60.Bl-toxin does not kill Bacillus, but it kill insects.
treatment of a disease. Write any two Write the reason. 2023 Model
molecular diagnostic methods. 2020 March
61.(a) Expand ELISA.
46.Bt cotton contains cry genes from a bacterium. (b) What is the principle of this process?
(a) Name that bacterium 2023 Model
(b) Give two examples for cry genes. 2020 Say
62.Explain the mechanism of insect resistance in
47.Expand GEAC and ADA. 2020 Say Bt cotton. 2023 March

48.List any two uses of GMO (Genetically Modified 63.What are Genetically Modified Organisms
Organism) in agriculture. 2021 Model
(GMO) ? Mention any one merit of GM plants.
2023 March
49.Expand GEAC. Mention its function. 2021 Model
64.How does structure of proinsulin differ from
50.Write any two critical research areas of mature insulin? 2023 Say
biotechnology. 2021 March
65.Match the following:
51.What is the structural difference between
proinsulin and mature functional insulin?
2021 March

52.Expand ELISA and write down the principle

involved in this technique. 2021 Say

53.Bt cotton is an example for genetically

modified organism.
(a) Name the foreign gene present in it.
(b) How this gene help the plant to resist 2023 Say
insect pests ? 2021 Say -4-
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 3- Biotechnology and its applications
66.(a) Expand ELISA.
(b) Write down the basic principle involved in
this technique 2023 2nd term

67.Agrobacterium vectors are used to introduce 3 Marks Questions

nematode specific genes into the host plants.
1. Animals that had their DNA manipulated to
(a) Name the nematode which infect roots
possess and express foreign DNA are called
of tobacco plants.
transgenic animals. Write briefy any three
(b) Define RNA interference(RNAi).
2023 2nd term
benefits of such transgenic animals to human
beings. 2014 March
68.Explain the method of genetically engineered
human insulin production by 'Eli Lily' in 1983. 2. Tissue culture is an achievement in plant
2023 2nd term breeding. What is a somaclone ? Describe the
69.Explant and Totipotency are two terms related production of somatic hybrid. 2016 March
to tissue culture. Define these two terms. 3. Bt cotton is an example of genetically
2023 2nd term
engineered cotton.
70.(a) What are transgenic animals ? (a) What does Bt stands for ?
(b) Mention two uses of transgenic animals. (b) Name the gene responsible for Bt toxin
2024 Model
71.(a) Expand GEAC. (c) How does the toxin kill the insect ? 2017 Say
(b) Mention its aim. 2024 Model

72.The first transgenic cow produced human 4. Gene therapy is a corrective therapy for a
protein enriched milk. Name the cow and the heriditary disease.
protein found in milk. 2024 March
(a) Name the disease which was successfully
corrected by gene therapy for the first
73. Match the following:
A B (b) How gene therapy is practiced for a
2024 March
permanent cure of the disease ?
1. Biopiracy A. deficiency 2017 Say
5. The following figures represent the maturation
2. B. Basmathi of pro-insulin into insulin.
Therapy Rice a) Identify i, ii and iii.
RNA b) How did Eli Lilly
3. Interference C. Cry gene company overcome
Bacillus Melodegyne the problems
4. thuringiensis D. incognita associated with
insulin production ?
2017 2nd term

6. Meloidegyne incognitia is a nematode parasite

infects the roots of tobacco plants. Its infection
can be prevented by biotechnological methods.
(a) Name the strategy.
(b) Explain the principe behind this strategy.
2018 March

7. Bt cotton is a transgenic pest resistant plant.

(a) How this was achieved ?
(b) How do this plant survive on pest attack ?
2018 Say

8. Insulin consists of two short polypeptide

a) Name the chains.
b) Write the steps involved in the
preparation of genetically engineered
insulin 2019 2nd term
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 3- Biotechnology and its applications
15.First clinical gene therapy was given in 1990 to
9. Explant and totipotency are two terms related a 4 year girl with adenosine deaminase(ADA)
to tissue culture. deficiency.
(a) What is gene therapy?
(a) Define these two terms. (b) Write the steps ivolved in gene therapy
(b) What is a somaclone ? 2019 Say for adenosine deaminase deficiency.
2022 Say
10. Bt-cotton is a transgenic plant.
(a) What does 'Bt' stands for ? 16.Genetically modified plants have been useful in
(b) Explain the mechanism of insect many ways.
resistance in Bt-cotton. 2021 Model Write any three advantages of genetic
11. Bt cotton is a transgenic plant with modification in plants 2022 2nd term
insecticidal protein named Bt toxin. 17.Write three uses of Trangenic animals.
(a) Name the specific gene which produce 2023 Model
Bt toxin.
(b) Name the organism from which this 18.Explain how Eli Lilly company produced
gene is isolated genetically engineered insulin. 2023 March
(c) Explain the mechanism behind the
insect resistance in Bt cotton. 2021 March 19.Write any three uses of Genetically Modified
Plants (GM Plants) 2023 Say
12. The genes of organisms can be altered by 20.Transgenic rats, pigs, sheep, rabbits etc. have
manipulation. Then such organisms are called been produced by rDNA technology.
genetically modified organisms (GMOs). List (a) What are transgenic animals?
the merits of GM plants. 2021 Say
(b) Write two benefits of transgenic-
13. Bt-cotton is an example of genetically animals.. 2023 2nd term
engineered plant. Name the gene responsible
for Bt-toxin production. Explain how Bt-toxin 21.(a)What is gene therapy ?
kill the insect. 2022 Model (b)How ADA deficiency disorder occurs ?
(c)Suggest a treatment method to give ADA
14.Explain the method of genetically engineered deficiency. 2024 Model
human insulin production by ‘Eli Lilly’ in 1983.
2022 March 22.The genes of organism can be altered by
Manipulation. Such organisms are called
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). List any
3 merits of G.M. Plants. 2024 March

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024-Answer key : Chapter 3- Biotechnology and its Applications
1Mark Questions 2 Marks Questions
1. (a) Explant 1. (a) Gene therapy
(b) Totipotency (b) Lymphocytes from the blood of the patient are
2. a) Meristem grown in a culture outside the body.
b) Meristem (apical and axillary) is free of virus A functional ADA cDNA (using a retroviral
3. Bacillus thuringiensis vector) is thenmintroduced into these
4. Bacillus thuringiensis lymphocytes, which are subsequently returned
5. Biopiracy is the use of bio-resources by to the patient.
multinational companies and other organisations 2. (a) RNA interference/RNAi/RNA silencing
(b) Silencing of a specific mRNA due to a
without proper authorisation from the countries complementary dsRNA molecule that binds to
and people concerned without compensatory and prevents translation of the mRNA.
payment. 3. a) Bt cotton/Bt corn/rice/tomato/potato
6. (a) ELISA /soyabean.(any one)
7. Rosie b) Bt toxin gene/cry gene
8. RNA interference/RNAi/RNA silencing c) Bacillus thuringiensis
9. ELISA d) The cry gene produce an insecticidal toxin
10. Emphysema called Bt toxin. Bt toxin exist as inactive
11. (d) Bonemarrow transplantation protoxin but once an insect ingest the inactive
12. Bacillus thuringiensis toxin, it is converted into an active form of toxin
13. Transgenic animals due to the alkaline pH of the gut. The activated
14. Enzyme Linked Immuno-sorbent Assay toxin binds to the surface of midgut epithelial
15. ELISA cells and create pores that cause cell swelling
16. Rosie and lysis and eventually cause death of the
17. cryIAb insect.
18. Transgenic animals 4. Insulin is synthesised as a pro-hormone which
19. (c) toxin is inactive. contains an extra stretch called the C peptide in
20. Rosie addition to A and B peptides. This C peptide is not
21. (b) Probe present in the mature insulin. Eli Lilly an American
company prepared two DNA sequences
corresponding to A and B, chains of human insulin
and introduced them in plasmids of E. coli to
produce insulin chains. Chains A and B were
produced separately, extracted and combined by
creating disulfide bonds to form human insulin.
5. a) Silencing of a specific mRNA due to a
complementary dsRNA molecule that binds to
and prevents translation of the mRNA.
b) Using Agrobacterium vectors, nematode-
specific genes were introduced into the host
plant. The introduction of DNA was such that it
produced both sense and anti-sense RNA in the
host cells. These two RNA’s being
complementary to each other formed a double
stranded (dsRNA) that initiated RNAi and thus,
silenced the specific mRNA of the nematode.
6. a) Adenosine deaminase (ADA) enzyme is crucial
for the immune system to function.
The disorder is caused due to the deletion of
the gene for adenosine deaminase.
b) Bone marrow transplantation/enzyme
replacement therapy/lymphocytes from the
patient are grown in a culture outside the body
and functional ADA cDNA is introduced
into these lymphocytes, which are returned to
the patient/gene isolated from marrow cells
producing ADA is introduced into cells at early
embryonic stages.

from marrow cells producing ADA is to be
7. 1) PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction introduced into cells at early embryonic stages.
2) ELISA - Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbant Assay 18. (a) Antigen - antibody reaction (iv) ELISA
3) GEAC - Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (b) a-lactalbumin (iii) Rosie
4) GMO - Genetically Modified Organism (c) a-1-antitrypsin (ii) Emphysema
8. Bone marrow transplantation/enzyme (d) Gene therapy (i) ADA deficiency
replacement therapy/lymphocytes from the 19. They prepared two DNA sequences
patient are grown in a culture outside the body corresponding to A and B, chains of human insulin
and functional ADA cDNA is introduced and introduced them in plasmids of E. coli to
into these lymphocytes, which are returned to produce insulin chains. Chains A and B were
the patient/gene isolated from marrow cells produced separately, extracted and combined by
producing ADA is introduced into cells at early creating disulfide bonds to form human
embryonic stages. (any two) insulin
9. DNA sequences corresponding to A and B chains of 20. RNA interference/RNAi/RNA silencing
human insulin are prepared and introduced in Using Agrobacterium vectors, nematode-
plasmids of E. coli to produce insulin chains. specific genes are introduced into the host
Chains A and B produced separately are extracted plant. The DNA is made to produce both sense
and combined by creating disulfide bonds to form and anti-sense RNA in the host cells. These two
mature insulin. RNA’s being complementary to each other form
10. This is biopiracy,which is the use of bio- a double stranded (dsRNA) that initiate RNAi
resources by multinational companies and other and thus, the specific mRNA of the nematode is
organisations without proper authorisation from silenced.
the countries and people concerned without 21. To study normal physiology and development/
compensatory payment. Example : Basmati rice-an Study of disease/Synthesis of Biological products/
American company got patent rights on Basmati To test Vaccine safety/Chemical safety testing
rice which has been grown for centuries in India. (any four)
12. (a) RNA interference/RNAi/RNA silencing 22. ADA/Adinosine deaminase deficiency
(b) Using Agrobacterium vectors, nematode- Deletion of the gene for adenosine deaminase.
specific genes are introduced into the host 23. (a) ADA/Adinosine deaminase deficiency
plant. The DNA is made to produce both sense (b) Bone marrow transplantation, enzyme
and anti-sense RNA in the host cells. These two replacement therapy where functional ADA is
RNA’s being complementary to each other form given to the patient by injection.
a double stranded (dsRNA) that initiate RNAi 24. (a) i. Pro-insulin/pro-hormone
and thus, the specific mRNA of the nematode is ii. mature insulin
silenced. (b) Pro-insulin/pro-hormone contains an extra
13. To study normal physiology and development/ stretch called the C peptide. C peptide is not
Study of disease/Synthesis of Biological products/ present in the mature insulin and is removed
To test Vaccine safety/Chemical safety testing during maturation into insulin.
(any two) 25. Made crops more tolerant to abiotic stresses/
14. They prepared two DNA sequences Reduced reliance on chemical pesticides/
corresponding to A and B, chains of human insulin Helped to reduce post harvest losses/
and introduced them in plasmids of E. coli to Increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants
produce insulin chains. Chains A and B were which prevents early exhaustion of fertility of soil/
produced separately, extracted and combined by Enhanced nutritional value of food/Supply
creating disulfide bonds to form human insulin. alternative resources to industries, in the form of
15. Biopiracy is the use of bio-resources by starches, fuels and pharmaceuticals.(any four)
multinational companies and other 26. They prepared two DNA sequences
organisations without proper authorisation from corresponding to A and B, chains of human insulin
the countries and people concerned without and introduced them in plasmids of E. coli to
compensatory payment. produce insulin chains. Chains A and B were
16. A nematode infects the roots of tobacco plants produced separately, extracted and combined by
and causes reduction in yield. It can be prevented creating disulfide bonds to form human
by RNA interference (RNAi). Using Agrobacterium insulin
vectors, nematode-specific genes are introduced 27. (a) Human a- lactalbumin (4) ROSIE
into the host plant. The DNA is made to produce (b) Antigen Antibody interaction (1) ELISA
both sense and anti-sense RNA in the host cells. (c) Genetically engineered Insulin (2) ELI LILY
These two RNA’s being complementary to each (d) cry IAb (3) CORN BORER
other form a double stranded (dsRNA) that initiate 28. DNA sequences corresponding to A and B chains
RNAi and thus, the specific mRNA of the nematode of human insulin are prepared and introduced in
is silenced. plasmids of E. coli to produce insulin chains.
17. Lymphocytes from the patient are grown in a Chains A and B produced separately are extracted
culture outside the body and functional ADA cDNA and combined by creating disulfide bonds to form
is introduced into these lymphocytes, which are mature insulin.
returned to the patient. This is to be repeated 29. ROSIE
periodically. For permanent cure, gene isolated Human a- lactalbumin
30. Bacillus thuringiensis 48. Made crops more tolerant to abiotic stresses/
cryIAc/cryIIAb/cryIAb(any two) Reduced reliance on chemical pesticides/
31. Explant is the part of the plant taken out for Helped to reduce post harvest losses/
tissue culture. Increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants
Totipotency is the capacity to generate a whole which prevents early exhaustion of fertility of
plant from any plant cell soil/ Enhanced nutritional value of food/Supply
32. (a) Meloidegyne incognitia alternative resources to industries, in the form of
(b) RNA interference/RNAi/RNA silencing starches, fuels and pharmaceuticals.(any two)
33. Animals that have had their DNA manipulated to 49. Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
Make decisions regarding the validity of GM
possess and express an extra (foreign) gene are research and the safety of introducing GM-
known as transgenic animals. organisms for public services.
a-1-antitrypsin, human a-lactalbumin 50. Providing the best catalyst in the form of
34. Made crops more tolerant to abiotic stresses/ improved organism usually a microbe or pure
Reduced reliance on chemical pesticides/ enzyme/ Creating optimal conditions through
Helped to reduce post harvest losses/ engineering for a catalyst to act/Downstream
Increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants processing technologies to purify the protein or
which prevents early exhaustion of fertility of soil/ organic compound.(any two)
Enhanced nutritional value of food/Supply 51. Pro-insulin/pro-hormone contains an extra
alternative resources to industries, in the form of stretch called the C peptide. C peptide is not
starches, fuels and pharmaceuticals.(any two) present in the mature insulin and is removed
35. (a) Very low concentration of a bacteria or virus during maturation into insulin.
can be detected by amplification of their nucleic 52. Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbant Assay
acid by PCR. Antigen Antibody interaction
53. (a) cry gene
(b) Antigen-antibody interaction.
(b) The crystal protein produced by the cry gene
36. Alpha -1 antitrypsin : used to treat emphysema.
is toxic to the insect. This gene produce the toxic
Alpha-lactalbumin : nutritionally more
protein in the cells of the plant
balanced for human babies than natural cow-
54. (a) Proinsulin consists of two short polypeptide
chains: chain A and chain B, that are linked
37. Bacillus thuringiensis, cry gene
38. RNA interference/RNAi/RNA silencing together by disulphide bridges and an extra
Meloidegyne incognitia peptide C.
39. a) Alpha -1 antitrypsin (b) C peptide is removed during maturation into
b) Rosie - Contains Alpha-lactalbumin insulin.
40. a) Cry IAb
b) Bacillus thuringiensis 55. GEAC make decisions regarding the validity of GM
41. A. Pro-insulin/pro-hormone research and the safety of introducing GM-
B. Mature insulin organisms for public services.
42. (a) Animals that have had their DNA manipulated 56. Made crops more tolerant to abiotic stresses/
to possess and express an extra (foreign) gene are Reduced reliance on chemical pesticides/
known as transgenic animals. Helped to reduce post harvest losses/
(b) To study normal physiology and development/ Increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants
Study of disease/Synthesis of Biological products/ which prevents early exhaustion of fertility of soil/
To test Vaccine safety/Chemical safety testing Enhanced nutritional value of food/Supply
(any two) alternative resources to industries, in the form of
43. (a) The method of producing thousands of plants starches, fuels and pharmaceuticals.(any four)
through tissue culture is called micro- 57. (a) Bacillus thuringiensis
propagation. (b) Bt cotton is resistant to cotton bollworms
(b) The capacity to generate a whole plant from 58. Lymphocytes from the patient are grown in a
any cell/explant is called totipotency. culture outside the body and functional ADA cDNA
44. It is converted into an active form of toxin is introduced into these lymphocytes, which are
due to the alkaline pH of the gut of the returned to the patient. This is to be repeated
insect. periodically. For permanent cure, gene isolated
45. Recombinant DNA technology/Polymerase Chain from marrow cells producing ADA is to be
Reaction(PCR)/Enzyme Linked Immuno-sorbent introduced into cells at early embryonic stages.
Assay (ELISA)(any two) 59. RNA interference(RNAi) involves silencing of a
46. (a) Bacillus thuringiensis specific mRNA using a complementary dsRNA
(b) cryIAc/cryIIAb/cryIAb(any two) molecule that binds to and prevents translation of
47. GEAC - Genetic Engineering Approval Committee the mRNA (silencing).
60. Bt toxin exist as inactive protoxin but once an
ADA - Adenosine deaminase insect ingest the inactive toxin, it is converted into
an active form of toxin due to the alkaline pH of the
61. (a) Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbant Assay 73.
(b) Antigen Antibody interaction
62. Bt cotton is a transgenic plant which contain cry A B
gene taken from Bacillus thuringiensis. This gene
produce an insecticidal protoxin called Bt toxin in 1. Biopiracy B. Basmathi
the cells of cotton plant. The protoxin when gets Rice
into the gut of the insect turns toxic in the alkaline Gene ADA
2. A. deficiency
pH and kills the insect. Therapy
63. These are organisms whose genes have been RNA Melodegyne
altered by manipulation 3. Interference D. incognita
Made crops more tolerant to abiotic stresses/ Bacillus
Reduced reliance on chemical pesticides/ 4. thuringiensis C. Cry gene
Helped to reduce post harvest losses/
Increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants
which prevents early exhaustion of fertility of
soil/ Enhanced nutritional value of food/Supply
alternative resources to industries, in the form of
starches, fuels and pharmaceuticals.(any one)
64. Mature insulin has 2 peptides A and B connected
by disulphide bond. Proinsulin contains an
additional peptide called C

Cry gene 3 Marks Questions

RNA Interference 1. To study normal physiology and development/
Study of disease/Synthesis of Biological products/
ADA deficiency
To test Vaccine safety/Chemical safety testing
Antigen-Antibody (any three)
interaction 2. Somaclones are the plants produced by tissue
culture, which will be genetically identical to the
66. (a) Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbant Assay original plant from which they were grown.
(b) Antigen Antibody interaction Single cells are isolated from plants and after
67. (a) Meloidegyne incognitia digesting their cell walls, naked protoplasts
(b) RNA interference(RNAi) involves silencing surrounded by plasma membrane are isolated
of a specific mRNA using a complementary Such protoplasts from two different varieties of
dsRNA molecule that binds to and prevents plants are fused to get hybrid protoplasts, which
translation of the mRNA (silencing). can be further grown to form a new somatic hybrid
68. They prepared two DNA sequences plant.
corresponding to A and B, chains of human insulin 3. (a) Bacillus thuringiensis
and introduced them in plasmids of E. coli to (b) cry gene
produce insulin chains. Chains A and B were (c) The activated toxin binds to the surface of
produced separately, extracted and combined by midgut epithelial cells and create pores that
creating disulfide bonds to form human insulin. cause cell swelling and lysis and eventually
69. Explant-any part of a plant taken out and used for cause death of the insect.
tissue culture 4. (a) ADA deficiency
Totipotency-Capacity to generate a whole plant (b) By introducing gene isolate from marrow
from any cell/explant cells producing ADA into cells at early
70. (a) Animals that have had their DNA manipulated embryonic stages.
to possess and express an extra(foreign) gene 5. a) i-A peptide, ii-B peptide, iii-C peptide
are known as transgenic animals. b) DNA sequences corresponding to A and B
(b) To study normal physiology and chains of human insulin are prepared and
development/Study of disease/ introduced in plasmids of E. coli to produce
Synthesis of Biological products/To test insulin chains. Chains A and B produced
Vaccine safety/Chemical safety testing (any 2) separately are extracted and combined by
71. (a) Genetic Engineering Approval Committee creating disulfide bonds to form mature
(b) Make decisions regarding the validity of GM insulin.
research and the safety of introducing GM- 6. (a) RNAi/RNA interference
organisms for public services. (b) Using Agrobacterium vectors, nematode-
72. Rosie, Alpha-Lactalbumin specific genes are introduced into the host
plant. The DNA is made to produce both sense
and anti-sense RNA in the host cells. These two
RNA’s being complementary to each other form
a double stranded (dsRNA) that initiate RNAi
and thus, the specific mRNA of the nematode is
-10- silenced.
7. (a) Bt toxin gene(cry gene)isolated from Bacillus (b) Lymphocytes from the patient are grown in a
thuringiensis is introduced into cotton plant. culture outside the body and functional ADA
(b) In cotton plant the introduced cry gene cDNA is introduced into these lymphocytes,
produce inactive protoxin. When the protoxin which are returned to the patient. This is to be
reaches the gut of the insect it get activated repeated periodically. For permanent cure,
due to the alkaline pH. The activated toxin gene isolated from marrow cells producing
binds to the surface of midgut epithelial cells ADA is to be introduced into cells at early
and create pores that cause cell swelling and embryonic stages.
lysis and eventually cause death of the insect. 16. Made crops more tolerant to abiotic stresses/
8. a) Chain A and Chain B Reduced reliance on chemical pesticides/
b) DNA sequences corresponding to A and B Helped to reduce post harvest losses/
chains of human insulin are prepared and Increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants
introduced in plasmids of E. coli to produce which prevents early exhaustion of fertility of
insulin chains. Chains A and B produced soil/ Enhanced nutritional value of food/Supply
separately are extracted and combined by alternative resources to industries, in the form of
creating disulfide bonds to form mature starches, fuels and pharmaceuticals.(any three)
insulin. 17. To study normal physiology and development/
9. (a) Any part of a plant used to carry out tissue Study of disease/Synthesis of Biological
culture is called explant. products/To test Vaccine safety/Chemical
The capacity to generate a whole plant from safety testing (any three).
any cell/explant is called totipotency. 18. DNA sequences corresponding to A and B chains
(b) Somaclones are the plants produced by tissue of human insulin are prepared and introduced
culture, which will be genetically identical to in plasmids of E. coli to produce insulin chains.
the original plant from which they were Chains A and B produced separately are
grown. extracted and combined by creating disulfide
10. (a) Bacillus thuringiensis bonds to form mature insulin.
(b) Bt toxin gene(cry gene)isolated from 19. Made crops more tolerant to abiotic stresses/
Bacillus thuringiensis is introduced into Reduced reliance on chemical pesticides/
cotton plant. This gene produce an Helped to reduce post harvest losses/
insecticidal protoxin called Bt toxin in the Increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants
cells of cotton plant. The protoxin when gets which prevents early exhaustion of fertility of
into the gut of the insect turns toxic in the soil/ Enhanced nutritional value of food/Supply
alkaline pH and kills the insect. alternative resources to industries, in the form of
11. (a) cry gene/Bt toxin gene starches, fuels and pharmaceuticals.(any three)
(b)Bacillus thuringiensis 20. (a) Animals that have had their DNA manipulated
(c) Bt toxin gene(cry gene)isolated from to possess and express an extra(foreign) gene
Bacillus thuringiensis is introduced into are known as transgenic animals.
cotton plant. This gene produce an (b) To study normal physiology and
insecticidal protoxin called Bt toxin in the development/Study of disease/Synthesis of
cells of cotton plant. The protoxin when gets Biological products/To test Vaccine safety/
into the gut of the insect turns toxic in the Chemical safety testing (any 2)
alkaline pH and kills the insect. 21. (a) Gene therapy is a collection of methods that
12. Made crops more tolerant to abiotic stresses/ allows correction of a gene defect that has
Reduced reliance on chemical pesticides/ been diagnosed in a child/embryo.
Helped to reduce post harvest losses/ (b) Due to the deletion of the gene for adenosine
Increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants deaminase.
which prevents early exhaustion of fertility of (c)Bone marrow transplantation/enzyme
soil/ Enhanced nutritional value of food/Supply replacement therapy/lymphocytes from the
alternative resources to industries, in the form of patient are grown in a culture outside the body
starches, fuels and pharmaceuticals. and functional ADA cDNA is introduced
13. cry gene/Bt toxin gene. into these lymphocytes, which are returned to
In cotton plant the introduced cry gene the patient/gene isolated from marrow cells
produce inactive protoxin. When the protoxin producing ADA is introduced into cells at early
reaches the gut of the insect it get activated embryonic stages. (any one)
due to the alkaline pH. The activated toxin 22. Made crops more tolerant to abiotic stresses/
binds to the surface of midgut epithelial cells Reduced reliance on chemical pesticides/
and create pores that cause cell swelling and Helped to reduce post harvest losses/
lysis and eventually cause death of the insect. Increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants
14. DNA sequences corresponding to A and B chains which prevents early exhaustion of fertility of
of human insulin are prepared and introduced soil/ Enhanced nutritional value of food/Supply
in plasmids of E. coli to produce insulin chains. alternative resources to industries, in the form of
Chains A and B produced separately are starches, fuels and pharmaceuticals.(any three)
extracted and combined by creating disulfide
bonds to form mature insulin.
15. (a) Gene therapy is a collection of methods that
allows correction of a gene defect that has
been diagnosed in a child/embryo. -11-
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 4 - Organisms and populations
1Mark Questions 11.Select the non-parasitic organism from the list
given below:
1. The size of a population is not static. Which of
the following leads to decrease in population ? (a) Lice (b) Cuscuta
1) Natality and Mortality (c) Epiphytic orchid (d) Ticks 2021 Model
2) Mortality and Emigration
3) Mortality and Immigraton 12.Observe the relationship between the first two
4) Natality and Immigraton 2013 Say terms and fili in the blank.
Mycorrhizae : Mutualism
2. Some type of Orchids live on the branches of Lice on humans : ____________ 2021 March
mango trees. The relationship between mango
tree and Orchid is an example of 13.Name the association between fungi and roots
1) Mutualism 2) Predation of higher plants. 2022 Model
3) Commensalism 4) Parasitism
2013 Say 14.Choose the correctly matched pair:
3. The density of populaion in a given habitat (a) Orchid growing on mango tree : Parasitism
increase or decrease due to different reasons. (b) Mycorrhizae : Mutualism 2022 Say
Name two factors responsible for increase in 15.The parasitic bird lays its egg in the nest of the
population in a given area. 2014 March host and the host bird incubate it. Name the
4. Sucker fish and shark live in close association, type of parasitic interaction. 2022 2nd term
is a classic example of commensalism. What is 16.Fill in the blank :
commensalism? 2015 March The population interaction in which one species
5. In a given habitat, the maximum number is harmed whereas the other is unaffected is
possible for a species is called __________of that known as _________. 2023 Model
species in that habitat. 2017 March 17.Fill in the blank :
Interaction between sea anemone and clown
6. Plants have evolved astonishing varieties of fish is an example for _____________interaction.
morphological and chemical defences against
2023 March
herbivores. Which is the most common
morphological means of defence in plants ? 18.Fill in the blank :
2017 2nd term The number of births during a given period in a
7.Observe the relationship between the first two population that are added to initial density
terms and fill in the blank. refers to ___________ 2023 Say
Lichen : Mutualism
Orchid growing on a mango tree :______ 19.Name the interaction in which one species is
2019 2nd term
harmed and the other is unaffected. 2023 2nd term
8.Name the type of interaction between an
Orchid plant and a Mango tree. 2020 Model

9.Fill up the blank suitably.

Mortality : No. of deaths in the population
during a given perod.
____________ : No. of births in the population
during a given perod.
2020 March

10.Observe the figure given below and identify the

type of age pyramid for human population :

2020 Say

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 4 - Organisms and populations
7.Given below is a table which shows inter-
2 Marks Questions specific interaction of populations. We
1. Read the statements below and identify the assigned '+' for beneficial, '-' for detrimental
mode of interaction between the species. and '0' for neutral interaction.
a) Tiger eating deer Fill in the blanks.
b) Butterfly feeding pollen Name of
Species A Species B
c) Human liver fluke feeds on snail interaction
d) Lice on humans _
e) Orchid attached to a tree + Parasitism
f) Mycorrhizal association of fungi and _ _ ...............
roots of higher plants
g) Sparrow eating seed
h) Egrets foraging close to cattle 2013 March + + ...............

2. Observe the diagram:

Immigration(I) + 0 ...............
ടിേയ ം
_ ...............
Natality(B) Population Density(N) Mortality(D) 2017 2nd term
ജനനനിര ് ജനസാ ത മരണനിര ്
8.A population has certain attributes that an
individual organism does not. What are they ?
Emigration(E) 2018 Say
9.Parasites evolved special adaptations to live on
പരേദശ ടിേയ ം
Define the following terms: host.What are they ? 2018 Say
a) Natality b) Mortality 10.Analyse the table given below and fill in the
c) Emigration d) Immigration blanks.
2014 Say A B C
3. With regard to population growth rate, when Monarch
butterfly and ______a______ Predation
resources are limiting the plot is logistic.
Verhulst-Pearl Logistic growth is represented Beneficial to one
by the equation Cattle egret species and the other
and cattle species has neither
what are; benefit nor harm
(a) r (b) K 2015 March Ticks and dogs _____c_____ ____d____
4. Observe the equation. 2018 2nd term
11.Observe the table given below and analyse the
effect on species A and species B and identify
(a) Which type of growth curve does it the name of interaction
Species Species
(b) What do the following notations Name of Interaction
represent ? + 0 a
(a) N (b) r (c) K 2015 Say
_ 0 b
+ + c
5. Population growth may be exponential or _ _ d
logistic. Differentiate between them. 2016 Say 2019 Model

6.Natality, Mortality, Immigration & Emigration 12.Predation is an interaction which has great
are the four factors that affects population significance in nature. Write down two
density in a region. Explain any two terms. significance of predation. 2019 Model
2017 Say

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 4 - Organisms and populations
13.Observe the flow chart given below: 18.Identify the types of population growth noted
(a) Name the processes represented as A in the graph as 'A' and 'B'
and B.
(b) If 'Nt' is the population density at time
t, then write down the population
density equationn at time t+1.

2020 March

19.Comment on Brood parasitism with an

2019 March
example. 2021 Model

20.Fill in the blanks with appropriate symbols

14.Match the columns (A) and (B)
(+, -, 0) of name of interaction.
(A) (B)
Name of population
Species A Species B
(i) Mutualism (a) An orchid interaction
growing on a ___(a)___ ___(b)___ Mutualism
tree trunk
(ii) Predation (b) Gauss's + ___(c)___ Parasitism
+ 0 ___(d)___

(iii)Commensalism (c)Biological 2021 March

control 21.Differentiate ectoparasites and endoparasites
(iv) Competition (d) Derives and give an example for ectoparasite. 2021 Say
nutrition from
the host 22.Fill in the blanks :
(e) Mycorrhizae
2019 March
15.Differentiate natality and mortality.Write the
alphabets used to indicate natality and
mortality. 2019 Say
2022 March
16.Name the interaction between sea anemone
and clown fish. Justify your answer with 23.Write the four factors that affect population
suitable explanation. 2019 Say density. 2022 2nd term

17.Observe the figure given below: 24.Fill in the blanks with indicators given below:
Competition, Parasitism, Mycorrhiza,
Sparrow eating seed
Name of interaction Example
Mutualism _______A_______
Abington tortoise
and Goat
Cuscuta on hedge
Predation _______D_______ 2022 2nd term
a) Identify the population growth curve a, b.
b) What do r and K stand for in the equation
given in the figure? 2019 2nd term
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 4 - Organisms and populations
25.Observe the chart. 32.Two characteristics of population density is
(a) Identify the population growth curve. given below. Explain the terms.
(b) What do the following represent? (a) Natality
(i) r (b) Emigration 2023 2nd term
(ii) K 2022 2nd term 33.Observe the figure given below:
(a) What are age pyramids?
(b) Identify the type of age pyramid
labelled as 'A' and 'B'. 2023 2nd term

34.Fill in the blanks with type of interaction

observed among the following species:
26.Write two roles of Predators in ecosystem. Species A Species B Name of Interaction
2023 Model Fig Tree Wasp ____(a)____
Orchid Mango Tree ____(b)____
27.Nt+1=Nt+[(B+I)-(D+E)] is the equation to find Cuckoo Crow ____(c)____
Abingdon ____(d)____
the population density at a given time. What Tortoise
does B, I, D and E stands for ? 2023 Model 2023 2nd term
28.Different types of population interaction has 35.Observe the figure given below:
been observed in population. Write the type of (a) Identify the
interaction observed among the following population growth
species: 2023 March curve A and B.
Species A Species B Name of Interaction
(b) What do r and K
Orchid Ophrys Bees ____(a)____
Ticks Dogs ____(b)____ stand for in the
Barnacles Whales ____(c)____ equation given in the
Fungus Photosynthtic algae ____(d)____ figure?
2023 2nd term
29.The following graph shows two types of
population growth curves. 36.Observe the equation

(a) What do N, r, K stands for ?

(b) Define 'K'. 2024 Model

37.Define Gause's competition exclusion principle.

2024 Model

38.The following graph shows two types of

population growth curves.
(1) Name the growth curves (a) & (b)
(2) What does 'K' stand for ? 2024 March
(a)Name the growth curves (a) & (b)
(b)What does 'K' stand for ? 2023 March
30.Differentiate between ectoparasites and
endoparasites. 2023 Say

is the equation which
describe Verhulst- Pearl
Logistic Growth.
(a) What does 'k' stands for in this equation?
(b) Name the type of growth model when
resources in habitat are unlimited. 2023 Say -4-
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 4 - Organisms and populations
39. Parasites evolved special adaptations to live on 5. The following graph shows two types of
host. What are they? 2024 March population growth curves:

(a) Name the growth curves.

(b) What does 'K' stands for ?
2018 March

6. Observe the terms given below.

Natality, Mortality, Immigration,
Identify and write the terms that increase
population density. Substantiate your answer
with suitable explanation. 2018 2nd term
7.Observe the the flow chart given below:
a) What do
B, D, E, I in
the flow
3 Marks Questions chart
1. Population interactions may be beneficial or represent?
not. Write any three interactions in detail. b) Define D
2016 March
and B
2. Different types of population interaction has 2019 2nd term
been observed in a population. Wite the types
8.Density of a population fluctuates due to
of interaction observed among the following
changes in four basic processes.
(a) Complete the
Species A Species B Type of Interaction
diagram by
Orchid Ophrys Bees _____________
adding the
Cattle Cattle Egret _____________
points A, B, C
Sea Anemone Clown fish _____________
and D.
Ticks Dogs _____________
(b) Explain A and
Cuscuta Hedge plant _____________
D. 2020 Model
Tiger Deer _____________
9.Given below are examples of some ecological/
2017 March
population interactions. Place them under
3. The density of population in a given habitat
suitable columns given below.
during a given period fluctuates due to changes
(a) Abingdon tortoise and goat
in four basic process. List out them and how do
(b) Cuscuta and host tree
these process affect the population density.
2017 2nd term
(c) Fig tree and wasp
4. Identify the following interactions. (d) Algae and fungi in Lichens
(a) Barnacles on whale (e) Balanus and Chathamalus barnacles
(b) Wasp on fig (f) Lice on humans
(c) Ticks on dog Competition Parasitism Mutualism
(d) Abingdon tortoise and goats • •

(e) Tiger and deer • •
(f) Mycorrhiza 2018 Model -5- 2020 March
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 4 - Organisms and populations
10.Analyse the following table showing 15.Given below is a schematic representation
population interaction : which shows the factors influencing population
Species A Species B Name of interaction
+ __(i)__ Commensalism

+ + __(ii)__
(a) Identify (i) and (ii).
(b) Define (ii).
(c) Give an example of commensalism. (a)Label (a) and (b).
2020 Say
(b)Which are the factors that contribute to an
11.The four basic processes that affect the increase in population density?
population density are given below. (c)Define Natality. 2023 March
Natality, Mortality, Emigration,
Immigration 16.Examples of interations between certain
Which of the two processes contribute to a organisms in different habitat are provided below.
decrease in popuration density and explain Arrange them under appropriate headings.
them. 2021 March (Ticks on dog, Orchid and Mango tree,
Fungi and roots of higher plants, Lice on man,
12.Fill in the blank columns in the given table with
Cattle egret and grazing cattle, Lichen)
appropriate terms given in brackets.
[Commensalism, Cuscuta, Mutualism,
Parasitism Mutualism Commensalism
Lichen, Parasitism, Epiphytic orchid]
•-------------- •-------------- •------------------

•-------------- •--------- •------------------

2023 Say

17.Predators act as conduits for energy transfer

2021 Say
across trophic levels.
13.The equation of population density is given
Write any three roles of predators.
below. 2023 2nd term
Nt+1 = Nt+ [(B + I) - (D + E)]
(a) What does D and E stand for ? 18.Given below is a schematic representation
(b) Write two factors which increas the which shows the factors influencing
population density. 2022 Model
population density.

14.(a) Observe the figure and write the name of (i)Label (a) and (b).
two population growth curves marked as A & B. (ii)Define mortality.
(b) What does K and r stands for? 2023 Model

2024 Model
19. Given below are examples of some population
interactions. Identify and define the interaction.
(a) Cattle egret and grazing cattle
(b) Fig tree and wasp
(c) Cuscuta growing on hedge plants.
2024 March

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 4 - Organisms and populations
4 Marks Questions 2. Students involved in nature club activity found
1. Interspecific interaction arise from the some interspecific interactions between
interaction of populations of two different organisms in a garden area. They made a table
species. If we assign '+' for beneficial, '-' for of interaction giving '+' for benefical
detrimental and '0' for neutral interactions, interaction, '-' for detrimental and '0' for
copy and complete the following chart. neutral interaction.

Species Species Name of Species A Species B

A B interaction
i + +
------- -------- Mutualism
_ _
_ _ ---------
iii + 0
------- -------- Commensalism _
iv 0
-------- -------- Amensalism a) Give name of interaction in each case.
b) Explain how parasitism differ from
_ _ ---------- predation.
c) Give the significance of species
2012 March
interaction. 2012 Say

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024-Answer key : Chapter 4- Organisms & Populations
1Mark Questions A population growing in a habitat with limited
resources show initially a lag phase, followed by
1. 2) Mortality and Emigration
phases of acceleration and deceleration and
2. 3) Commensalism
3. Natality and Immigraton finally an asymptote, when the population
4. This is the interaction in which one species density reaches the carrying capacity. This is
benefits and the other is neither harmed nor logistic growth.
benefited 6. Natality refers to the number of births during a
5. Carrying capacity given period in the population that are added to
6. Thorns the initial density.
7. Commensalism Mortality is the number of deaths in the
8. Commensalism population during a given period.
9. Natality Emigration is the number of individuals of the
10.Expanding population who left the habitat and gone
11. (c) Epiphytic orchid elsewhere during the time period under
12. Parasitism consideration.
13. Mutualism
Immigration is the number of individuals of the
14. (b) Mycorrhizae : Mutualism
same species that have come into the habitat
15. Brood parasitism
16. Amensalism from elsewhere during the time period under
17. Commensalism consideration.(any two)
18. Natality 7. Competition, Mutualism, Commensalism,
19. Amensalism Amensalism
8. Natality/Birth rate, Mortality/Death rate,
Sex ratio, Age distribution, Population density
9. Loss of unnecessary sense organs, presence of
adhesive organs or suckers to cling on to the host,
loss of digestive system and high reproductive
2 Marks Questions
10. a. Beneficial to one species and harmful to the
1. a) Predation b) Mutualism c) Parasite other.
d) Parasite e) Commensalism
b. Commensalism
f) Mutualism g) Predation h) Commensalism
c. Beneficial to one species and harmful to the
2. a) Natality refers to the number of births during a
given period in the population that are added to other.
the initial density. d. Parasitism
b) Mortality is the number of deaths in the 11. a. Commensalism b. Amensalism
population during a given period. c. Mutualism d. Competition
c) Emigration is the number of individuals of the 12. Predators act as channels of energy transfer
population who left the habitat and gone across trophic levels/They keep prey
elsewhere during the time period under populations under control/Biological control
consideration. methods adopted in agricultural pest control are
d) Immigration is the number of individuals of the based on the ability of the predator/Predators
same species that have come into the habitat also help in maintaining species diversity in a
from elsewhere during the time period under community.(any two)
consideration. 13. (a) A - Mortality, B - Emigration
3. (a) Intrinsic rate of natural increase
(b) Nt+1 = Nt + [(B + I) – (D + E)]
(b) Carrying capacity
4. (a) Logistic growth A B
(b) (a) Population density (i) Mutualism (e) Mycorrhizae
(b) Intrinsic rate of natural increase (ii) Predation (c)Biological control
(c) Carrying capacity (a)An orchid growing
5. If the resources are unlimited population grows in on a tree trunk
an exponential or geometric fashion. (b)Gauss's Exclusion
(iv) Competition
15. Natality(B) refers to the number of births during 31. (a) Carrying capacity
(b) Exponential growth
a given period in the population that are added
32. Natality refers to the number of births during
to the initial density.
a given period in the population that are added
Mortality(D) is the number of deaths in the to the initial density.
population during a given period. Emigration is the number of individuals of the
16. Commensalism population who left the habitat and gone
The fish gets protection from predators which elsewhere during the time period under
stay away from the stinging tentacles. The consideration.
anemone does not have any benefit by hosting 33. (a) If the age distribution (per cent individuals of
the clown fish. a given age or age group) is plotted for the
17. a) a.Exponential growth b. Logistic growth population, the resulting structure is called
b) r - Intrinsic rate of natural increase an age pyramid
K - Carrying capacity (b) A. Expanding B. Declining
18. A. Exponential growth B. Logistic growth 34. (a) Mutualism (b) Commensalism
19. The parasitic bird lays its eggs in the nest of its (c) Parasitism/Brood parasitism
host and lets the host incubate them. The eggs of (d) Competition
the parasitic bird have evolved to resemble the 35. (a) A. Exponential growth, B. Logistic growth
host’s egg in size and colour to reduce the (b) r- intrinsic rate of natural increase
K- Carrying capacity
chances of the host bird detecting the foreign
36. (a) N = Population density at time t
eggs and ejecting them from the nest.
r = Intrinsic rate of natural increase
Eg.Cuckoo (koel) and Crow K = Carrying capacity
20. (a) + (b) + (c) - (d) Commensalism (b) The limit beyond which no further growth of
21. Parasites that feed on the external surface of the a population is possible in a natural habitat.
host organism are called ectoparasites. 37. Gause’s Competitive Exclusion Principle states
Eg. lice on humans/ticks on dogs/cuscuta that two closely related species competing for
Endoparasites are those that live inside the host the same resources cannot co-exist indefinitely
body at different sites (liver, kidney, lungs, red and the competitively inferior one will be
blood cells, etc.) eliminated eventually.
22. (a) - (b) - (c) + (d) Amensalism 38. (1) (a) Exponential growth/geometric growth/
23. Natality, Mortality, Immigration, Emigration J-shaped curve
24. A-Mycorrhiza B-Competition (b) Logistic growth/Verhulst-Pearl Logistic
C-Parasitism D-Sparrow eating seed Growth/S shaped curve/Sigmoid curve
(2) Carrying capacity
25. (a) Logistic growth
39. Loss of unnecessary sense organs, presence of
(b) (i) r - Intrinsic rate of natural increase
(ii) K - Carrying capacity adhesive organs or suckers to cling on to the host,
loss of digestive system and, high reproductive
26. Predators act as channels of energy transfer
capacity, the life cycles of parasites are often
across trophic levels/They keep prey
complex, involving one or two intermediate hosts
populations under control/Biological control or vectors to facilitate parasitisation of its primary
methods adopted in agricultural pest control are host, the human liver fluke (a trematode parasite)
based on the ability of the predator/Predators depends on two intermediate hosts (a snail and a
also help in maintaining species diversity in a fish) to complete its life cycle, the malarial
community.(any two) parasite needs a vector (mosquito) to spread to
27. B-Birth rate/Natality D-Death rate/Mortality other hosts. (any two)
I-Immigration E-Emigration
28. (a) Mutualism (b) Parasitism
(c) Commensalism (d) Mutualism
29. (a) (a) Exponential growth
(b) Logistic growth
(b) Carrying capacity
30. Parasites that feed on the external surface of the
host organism are called ectoparasites.
Endoparasites are those that live inside the host
body at different sites (liver, kidney, lungs, red
blood cells, etc.)
10. (a) (i) 0 (ii) Mutualism
3 Marks Questions (b) Mutualism: Both partners are benefitted.(+ +)
1. (i) Predation: Beneficial to the predator and (c) An orchid growing as an epiphyte on a mango
harmful to the prey.(+ -) tree/barnacles growing on the back of a
(ii) Competition: Harmful to both organisms and whale/the cattle egret and grazing cattle/sea
the fittest shall survive.(- -) anemone and the clown fish(any one)
(iii) Parasitism: The parasite is benefitted and the 11. Mortality and Emigration
host is harmed.(+ -) Mortality is the number of deaths in the
(iv) Commensalism: Beneficial to one and the population during a given period.
other is neither benefitted nor harmed.(+ 0) Emigration is the number of individuals of
(v) Mutualism: Both partners are benefitted.(+ +) the population who left the habitat and gone
(vi) Amensalism: Harmful to one and the other is elsewhere during the time period under
neither benefitted nor harmed.(- 0) consideration.
(any three) 12. a. Mutualism b. Lichen
2. Mutualism, Commensalism, Commensalism, c. Commensalism d. Epiphytic orchid
e. Parasitism f. Cuscuta
Parasitism, Parasitism, Predation. 13. (a) D-Mortality/Deathrate
3. Natality, Mortality, Immigration, Emigration E-Emigration
Natality and Immigration cause increase in (b) Natality(B) and Immigration(I)
population density 14. (a) A-Exponential growth B-Logistic growth
Mortality and Emigration leads to decrease of (b) K-Carrying capacity
population density r-Intrinsic rate of natural increase
4. (a) Commensalism (b) Mutualism 15. (a) (a) Mortality(D) (b) Emigration(E)
(c) Parasitism (d) Competition (b)Natality(B) and Immigration(I)
(e) Predation (f) Mutualism (c) Natality refers to the number of births
5. (a) a. Exponential growth b.Logistic growth during a given period in the population that
(b) Carrying capacity are added to the initial density.
6. Natality and Immigration Parasitism Mutualism Commensalism
Natality(B) refers to the number of births during •Fungi and roots •Orchid and
a given period in the population that are added •Ticks on dog
of higher plants Mango tree
to the initial density.
Immigration(I) is the number of individuals of •Cattle egret and
•Lice on man •Lichen
the same species that have come into the grazing cattle
habitat from elsewhere. 17. They keep prey populations under control,
7. a) Natality(B), Mortality(D), Emigration(E), Biological control methods adopted in
Immigration(I) agricultural pest control are based on the ability
b) Natality(B) refers to the number of births of the predator, Predators also help in
during a given period in the population that maintaining species diversity in a community
are added to the initial density. 18. (i) (a) Natality (b) Immigration
Mortality(D) is the number of deaths in the (ii) Mortality is the number of deaths in the
population during a given period. population during a given period.
8. (a) A-Immigration(I) B-Natality(B) 19. a) Commensalism-Interaction between two
C-Mortality(D) D-Emigration(E) organisms in which one is benefited and other
(b) A-Immigration(I) is the number of individuals is neither harmed or benefited / + and 0
of the same species that have come into the interaction
habitat from elsewhere. b) Mutualism-Interaction in which both the
D-Emigration(E) is the number of individuals of interacting species are benefited/+and+
the population who left the habitat and gone interaction
elsewhere during the time period under c) Parasitism-Interaction where one species
consideration. (parasite) depends on the other species (host)
9. for food and shelter/host is harmed, parasite is
Competition Parasitism Mutualism benefited/+and-interaction/Free lodging and
•(a)Abingdon •(b)Cuscuta and •(c)Fig tree and
tortoise and goat host tree wasp
•(e) Balanus and •(f) Lice on •(d) Algae and
Chathamalus humans fungi in Lichens

4 Marks Questions

1. Name of
Species A Species B
+ + Mutualism

_ _ Competition

+ 0 Commensalism

0 Amensalism

_ _ Competition

2. a) i. Mutualism
ii. Competition
iv. Amensalism
b) Parasitism: The parasite is benefitted and the
host may or may not be harmed.(+ -)
Predation: Beneficial to the predator and
harmful to the prey.(+ -)
c) In nature, animals, plants and microbes do
not and cannot live in isolation but interact in
various ways to form a biological community

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 5- Ecosystem
1Mark Questions 10. Which among the following equation is related
with net primary productivity?
1. Natural interlinked food chains are called...
2013 March
(a) GPP + R = NPP
2. Which of the following is a detritivore ? (c) GPP + NPP = R
1) Earthworm (d) GPP - R = NPP 2022 Model
2) Virus
3) Fox 11. Choose the correct answer :
4) Cow 2013 Say The green plants in the ecosystem are the
chief ________
3. The rate of biomass production in an ecosystem
(a) Decomposers (b) Consumers
is called productivity. They are of two types,
(c) Producers (d) Herbivores
gross primary productivity and net primary
2022 March
productivity. How these productivities are
related ? 2014 March
12. Choose the correct answer :
Rate of formation of new organic matter by
4. By observing the relationship of the first pair consumers in an ecosystem is
fill up the blanks: (Gross Primary Productivity, Net Primary
a) Grazing food chain : producers and Productivity, Secondary Productivity,
consumers Decomposition) 2022 Say
Detritus food chain : dead organic
13. Fill in the blank.
matter and _________
The natural interconnection of different
b) Nitrogen : Gaseous cycle
food chains is called _________ 2023 Model
Sulphur : _________ 2014 Say
14. Fill in the blank:
5. By observing the relationship of the first pair The process of breaking down of detritus
fill up the blanks: into smaller particles is called _________
2023 Model
(a) Net primary productivity = Gross primary
15. Choose the correct answer.
productivity - Respiration
Example for Primary Producer in an
Gross primary productivity = _____________
ecosystem is
(b) Carbon : Gaseous cycle
2015 Say
(Man, Grass, Cow, Zooplankton) 2023 Say
Phosphorus : _________
16. GPP -R = NPP, what does R stands for ?
6. Earthworms are commonly referred as 2024 Model
farmers' friends. Define fragmentation.
2016 Say 17. Sun is the only source of energy for all
ecosystem on earth. But one exception. What
7. In a forest ecosystem different plant species
is that? 2024 March
are occupied in different vertical levels. Name
such vertical arrangement. 2018 Say

8. Fill in the blank.

Detritus food chain begins with _________
2018 2nd term

9. Which one of the following has the largest

population in a foodchain?
(a) Producers (b) Primary consumers
(c) Secondary consumers (d) Tertiary
2020 March

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 5- Ecosystem
5. In the equation,
GPP - R = NPP;
if NPP = Net Primary Productivity
explain GPP - R = NPP 2013 Say

6. A list of different organisms in an ecosystem

are given below. Arrange them in 1st, 2nd, 3rd
and 4th trophic levels.
i) Phytoplankton
ii) Man
iii) Fish
iv) Zooplankton 2014 March

7. Field survey by a team of students recorded

the following data related to biomass of the
organisms in each trophic level of an
ecosystem. Draw, name and explain the

Organisms Biomass(g/m2)

Phytoplanktons 4

Zooplanktons 6

Small fishes 8
2 Marks Questions Carnivorous
1. In a marine ecosystem, a population of fishes
phytoplankton (1,50,000) supports a standing 2014 Say
crop of fishes ( 40,000). 8. Field survey by a group of students recorded
(a) Draw the pyramid of biomass and the following data related to number of
(b) The pyramid of numbers in this organisms in an ecosystem and plotted that
ecosystem. 2012 March into a figure shown below:
2. Given number of individuals in a grassland
Grasshopper - 1500
Grass - 5,842,000 Observe the figure
Wolf - 28 and explain the
Birds - 215 pyramid.
a) Draw a pyramid of numbers showing
various trophic levels. 2015 Say
b) Explain trophic level. 2012 Say 9.Ecological pyramids are usually upright.
3. Rate of biomass production is called Meanwhile some, pyramid of biomass is
productivity and can be divided into GPP and inverted. Explain the reason.
2016 March
a) Define GPP and NPP. 10.An ecosystem consist of the following
b) How can we relate GPP and NPP ? 2012 Say Phytoplankton
4. A list of organisms are given.Place them in Man
different trophic levels. Fish
Grass, Man, Fishes, Birds, Lion, 2013 March Draw a food chain denoting each trophic level.
Grasshopper, Zooplankton, Trees. -2- 2017 March
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 5- Ecosystem
11.Grasshopper, Grass, Man and Birds represent 19.Observe the equation given below.
members in a foodchain. Draw a food chain N.P.P = G.P.P - Respiration
representing each of the above in different
a) What does N.P.P and G.P.P stand for ?
trophic levels. 2017 Say b) Define secondary productivity 2019 Model
12.Ecological pyramids are very useful in 20. (a) Identify the type of ecological pyramid
ecological studies. However they have some given below.
limitations also. Write the limitations of (b) Pyramid of energy is always upright.
ecological pyramids. 2017 2nd term
Why ?
13.Some organisms are given below. Arrange Trophic level Dry weight (Kgm-2)
them in the order of their trophic levels.
Grasshopper, Birds, Man, Grass. TC 1.5
2017 2nd term
14. SC 11
PC 37
PC 21 Kgm-2
PP 809

PP 4 Kgm-2 2019 March

21.Detritivores play a major role in decomposition.

Identify the above pyramid and justify your
(a) What are detritivores ?
answer. 2018 Model
(b) Write an example for a detritivore.
15.Pyramid of energy is never been inverted, 2019 March
why ? 2018 March 22.Decomposition takes place through different
16.Humification leads to accumulation of a dark steps. The first step is fragmentation. Write the
coloured amorphous substance. Identify the other four steps. 2019 Say
substance and its peculiarities. 2018 Say
23.Expand GFC and DFC. Differentiate the two.
17.Observe the pyramid given below. 2019 2nd term
24.Primary productivity can be divided into two.
TC(Tertiary Consumer) a) Name them.
SC(Secondary Consumer) 3,54,000 b) Primary productivity depends on
various factors. Write any two factors.
PC(Primary Consumer) 708,000
2019 2nd term
PP(Primary Producer) 5,842,000 25.Humification and Mineralisation occur during
Name the pyramid. decomposition in soil. Write the difference
Draw a pyramid using the following data. between these two processes. 2020 Model
PC 21
PP 4 2018 2nd term 26.(a) Construct a grazing food chain using the
18.Steps involved in the process of decomposition following organisms:
are given below. Construct a flow chart Bird, Grass, Grasshopper
showing correct sequence of decomposition (b) Write the trophic level of grasshopper
choosing the words from the box. 2020 Model
Detritus, Catabolism, Humification, 27.Given below is a data showing number of
Fragmentation, Leaching, Mineralisation individuals and dry weight of different trophic
levels in a grassland ecosystem. Construct,
(a) Pyramid of numbers
(b) Pyramid of biomass
Number of Dry weight
Trophic level
individuals (Kgm-2)
5,842,000 809
7,08,000 37
3,54,000 11
3 1.5
Mineralisation 2019 Model
-3- 2020 March
PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 5- Ecosystem
28.The figure given below indicate a pyramid of 35.Match the following:
energy. Why pyramid of energy is always A B
upright in position.
Fragmentation Water soluable inorganic
nutrients go down into the soil
Leaching Breakdown of detritus into
smaller particles
Catabolism Formation of inorganic
nutrients from humus
Bacterial and fungal enzymes
Mineralisation degrade detritus into simpler
inorganic substances
2023 Model
36.Differentiate between grazing food chain and
2021 Model
detritus food chain. 2023 March
29.State the important steps in decomposition.
2021 March 37.Define productivity. What are the factors
30.Organisms belonging to different trophic levels affecting primary productivity? 2023 March
are listed below. Arrange the organisms under 38.The figure given below shows pyramid of
appropriate headings in the table provided. energy.
Man, Phytoplankton, Fish, ZooPlankton

First Second Third Fourth

trophic trophic trophic trophic level
level level level

Pyramid of energy is always upright, can never

2021 March be inverted. Give reason. 2023 March
31.Pyramid of energy is always upright, can never 39.Fragmentation is the break down of detritus
be inverted. Justify this statement. during decomposition. Write the other four
2021 Say
steps in the process pf decomposition. 2023 Say
32.Write short notes on the following :
(a) food web 40.Differentiate between Gross Primary
(b) 10 percent law 2021Say Productivity and Net Primary Productivity.
2023 Say
33.Write the difference between Gross Primary
Productivity (GPP) and Net Primary 41.Construct a number pyramid in a grassland
Productivity (NPP). 2023 Model
ecosystem using the hints provided:
34.(a) Write the name of the ecological pyramid
given in the figure.
(b) This pyramid is always upright. Why?

2023 Say

42. What are the climatic factors affecting

decomposition ? 2024 Model

2023 Model 43. (a) What is primary productivity ?

(b) What are the factors affecting primary
productivity ? 2024 Model

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024 :Chapter 5- Ecosystem
44. A list of organisms is given below, arrange 2. Decomposition has five important steps.
(a) Write that five steps.
them in appropriate trophic levels : (b) Give an example of a detritivore 2020 Say
Lion, cow, wolf, trees 3. Observe the given ecological pyramid in an
1st Trophic level aquatic ecosystem.
2nd Trophic level
3rd Trophic level
4th Trophic level 2024 Model
45. The figure depicts pyramid of energy.
(a) Pyramid of energy is always upright, can
never be inverted. Justify Identify the type of pyramid and reason out
why the pyramid is inverted. 2022 Model
(b) Which are the other two ecological
4. The figure shows the pyramid of energy.
pyramids ? 2024 March
Pyramid of energy is always upright. Why ?

46. A list of different organism in an ecosystem are

2022 March
given below. Arrange them in 1st, 2nd 3rd and
5. Food or energy relationship between
4th trophic levels.
organisms at different trophic levels are
(Phytoplankton, Man, Fish, Zooplankton)
represented by ecological pyramids.
2024 March
(a) Which are the three types of ecological
47. Rate of Biomass production in an ecosystem is pyramids?
called productivity. Productivity are divided (b) Construct a suitable ecological pyramid
into two, GPP and NPP. from the given data:
(a) Expand GPP & NPP. Trophic level Number of Individuals
(b) Write the equation relating GPP with NPP. Producer 5842
2024 March
Primary Consumer 708
Secondary Consumer 3 2022 Say

3 Marks Questions
1. Observe the figures A and B given below:
a) Identify the type of pyramid A, B.
b) Which kind of pyramid is always
upright? Justify your answer.

2019 2nd term -5-

PREVIOUS QUESTIONS XII 2012-2024-Answer key : Chapter 5- Ecosystem
1Mark Questions 4. 1st trophic level : Grass, Trees
1. Food web 2nd trophic level : Grasshopper, Zooplankton
2. 1) Earthworm 3rd trophic level : Birds, Fishes
3. GPP = NPP + R/ GPP – R = NPP 4th trophic level : Man, Lion
4. (a) Decomposers/fungi and bacteria
5. (a) Net Primary Productivity + Respiration 5. GPP(Gross Primary Productivity) - is the rate of
/NPP + R production of organic matter during
6. Fragmentation is the break down of detritus into photosynthesis. A considerable amount of GPP is
smaller particles. utilised by plants in respiration(R).
7. Stratification
8. Dead organic matter The remaining biomass/energy is the NPP(Net
9. (a) Producers Primary Productivity)
10. (d) GPP - R = NPP 6. 1st trophic level : Phytoplankton
11. (c) Producers 2nd trophic level : Zooplankton
12. Secondary Productivity
13. Food web 3rd trophic level : Fish
14. Fragmentation 4th trophic level : Man
15. Grass 7.
16. Respiration loss Carnivourous Fishes 12 g/m2
17. Deep sea hydrothermal Ecosystem
Small fishes 8 g/m2
Zooplankton 6 g/m2
Phytoplankton 4 g/m2
It is an inverted pyramid. The biomass decreases
at successive trophic levels
8. This is an inverted pyramid of numbers. Producer
at first trophic level is a tree. The number of
individuals an each successive trophic levels
9. The pyramid of biomass in sea is generally
inverted because the biomass of fishes far
2 Marks Questions exceeds that of phytoplankton.
Phytoplankton Zooplankton Fish Man
1. (a) 1st trophic level 2nd trophic level 3rd trophic level 4th
Phytoplankton level

Fishes 40,000 Grass Grasshopper Birds Man
Phytoplankton 1,50,000 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
trophic trophic trophic trophic
(b) level level level level

Wolf - 28 4th trophic level 12. It does not take into account the same species
Birds - 215 3rd trophic level belonging to two or more trophic levels.
2. a) It assumes a simple food chain, something that
Grasshopper - 1500 2nd trophic level
almost never exists in nature. it does not
Grass - 5,842,000 1st trophic level accommodate a food web. Saprophytes are not
given any place in ecological pyramids even
though they play a vital role in the ecosystem.
b) The trophic level of an organism is the 13. Grass, Grasshopper, Birds, Man
position it occupies in a food chain. 14. This is an inverted pyramid of biomass. The
biomass of Primary consumer(PC) is more than
3. a) GPP - is the rate of production of organic that of Primary Producer(PP)
matter during photosynthesis. 15. Energy at a lower trophic level is always more
NPP - Gross primary productivity minus than at a higher level. Only 10% of energy is
respiration losses (R),is the net primary passed on to the successive trophic levels.
productivity -6-
16. Humus
It is highly resistant to microbial action and 27. (a) Pyramid of Numbers
undergoes decomposition at an extremely slow
rate. Being colloidal in nature it serves as a
reservoir of nutrients. 3 Tertiary consumer
17. Pyramid of numbers 3,54,000 Secondary consumer
PC(Primary Consumer) 21 7,08,000 Primary consumer
PP(Primary Producer) 4 5,842,000 Primary producer

18. Detritus
(b) Pyramid of Biomass
Fragmentation 1.5 Kgm-2 Tertiary consumer
Leaching 11 Kgm-2 Secondary consumer
37 Kgm -2
Primary consumer
Catabolism -2
809 Kgm Primary producer
Humification 28. Energy at a lower trophic level is always more
than at a higher level. Only 10% of energy is
Mineralisation passed on to the successive trophic levels.
29. Fragmentation, Leaching,Catabolism,
19. a) GPP - is the rate of production of organic Humification, Mineralisation
matter during photosynthesis. 30.
Third Fourth
NPP - Gross primary productivity minus First trophic Second
respiration losses (R),is the net primary trophic trophic
level trophic level
productivity level level
b) Secondary productivity is the rate of
formation of new organic matter by Phytoplankton Zooplankton Fish Man
20. (a) Pyramid of Biomass
(b) Energy at a lower trophic level is always 31. Energy at a lower trophic level is always more
more than at a higher level. Only 10% of than at a higher level. Only 10% of energy is
energy is passed on to the successive trophic passed on to the successive trophic levels.
levels. 32. (a) Natural interconnection of food chains is
21. (a) Detritivores are organisms which break called Food web
down detritus into smaller particles. (b) Only 10 per cent of the energy is transferred
(b) Earthworm to each successive trophic level
22. Leaching, Catabolism, Humification, 33. GPP - is the rate of production of organic
Mineralisation matter during photosynthesis.
23. GFC - Grazing food chain NPP - Gross primary productivity minus
DFC - Detritus food chain respiration losses (R),is the net primary
Grazing food chain begins from Producers productivity
Detritus food chain starts with dead organic 34. (a) Pyramid of energy
matter (b) Energy at a lower trophic level is always
more than at a higher level. Only 10% of
24. a) Gross primary productivity/GPP and Net energy is passed on to the successive trophic
primary productivity/NPP levels.
b) Plant species inhabiting a particular area/ 35.
environmental factors/availability of
nutrients/photosynthetic capacity of Fragmentation Breakdown of detritus into
smaller particles
plants.(any two) Water soluable inorganic
25. Humification is the formation a dark coloured Leaching nutrients go down into the soil
amorphous substance called humus. Bacterial and fungal enzymes
Mineralisation is the breakdown of humus by Catabolism degrade detritus into simpler
inorganic substances
some microbes and release inorganic nutrients.
26. (a) Grass Grasshopper Bird Mineralisation Formation of inorganic
nutrients from humus
(b) 2nd trophic level
36. Grazing food chain begins from Producers.
Detritus food chain starts with dead organic

37. The rate of biomass production is called 3 Marks Questions
Plant species inhabiting a particular area, 1. a) A- Pyramid of Biomass
environmental factors, availability of nutrients, B- Pyramid of Energy
photosynthetic capacity of plants. b) B- Pyramid of Energy
38. Energy at a lower trophic level is always more Energy at a lower trophic level is always
than at a higher level. Only 10% of energy is more than at a higher level. Only 10% of
passed on to the successive trophic levels. energy is passed on to the successive
39. Leaching, Catabolism, Humification, trophic levels.
Mineralisation 2. (a) Fragmentation, Leaching, Catabolism,
40. GPP - is the rate of production of organic Humification, Mineralisation
matter during photosynthesis. (b) Earthworm
NPP - Gross primary productivity minus 3. Pyramid of Biomass
respiration losses (R),is the net primary Biomass of primary producers (phytoplanktons)
productivity is much lessthan primary consumers
41. (zooplanktons)
300 Tertiary consumer 4. Energy at a lower trophic level is always more
than at a higher level. Only 10% of energy is
3,54,000 Secondary consumer
passed on to the successive trophic levels.
7,08,000 Primary consumer 5. (a) Pyramid of numbers, Pyramid of biomass
5,842,000 Primary producer
Pyramid of energy
(b) Pyramid of numbers
42. Temperature and soil moisture 3 Secondary consumer
43. (a) Primary productivity is the rate of biomass
production by plants during photosynthesis 708 Primary consumer
(b) Plant species inhabiting a particular area, 5842 Producer
environmental factors, availability of nutrients
and photosynthetic capacity of plants.
44. 1st Trophic level - Trees
2nd Trophic level - Cow
3rd Trophic level - Wolf
4th Trophic level - Lion
45. a) Flow of energy is always unidiredtional and a
part is lost as heat/Only 10% of energy is
transfered to next trophic level.
b) Pyramid of number and Pyramid of biomass
46. 1st Trophic level - Phytoplankton
2nd Trophic level - Zooplankton
3rd Trophic level - Fish
4th Trophic level - Man
47. a) GPP- Gross Primary productivity
NPP- Net Primary productivity
b) GPP-R = NPP


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