Elements of Electronics Engineering - Syllabus
Elements of Electronics Engineering - Syllabus
Text Books
1. Millman & Halkies, “Electronic Device and Circuits”, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. R.P.Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics”, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books
Course Outcomes:
1. Design basic circuits using diodes
2. Identify and characterize basic devices such as BJT and FET from their package information
by referring to manufacturers' data sheets.
3. Design, simulate, built and debug simple combinational circuits using gates
List of Experiments:
1. Introduction to various electrical passive components such as Resistors, inductors and
capacitors, introduction to active components, introduction to breadboard, Measurement
of resistance using the colour code, series and parallel connection of the resistances and its
implementation on breadboard. Exposure to usual electronic equipment/instruments such
as Multi-meter, Oscilloscope, Function generator, Power supply.
2. To Design clipping circuits - Single ended clipping, Double ended clipping, and clamping
3. To observe the effect of Variation of Frequency and Load Regulation for Voltage Multiplier.
4. To observe the output voltage of a half wave rectifier and center tapped full wave rectifier
with and without capacitor filter. Calculate Vdc and Idc.
5. To observe Input and Output Characteristics of BJT in CE configuration and Find h
parameters from characteristics.
6. To observe Transfer and Drain Characteristics of MOSFET and Find gm, rd and µ from
7. To simplify and implement a Boolean function using k -map technique e.g. code converter
8. To design and implement logic using Multiplexers and Demultiplexer.