Cardiovasular System (Dentistry)

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‫”ﻗﺎﻟوا ﺳﺑﺣﺎﻧك ﻻ ﻋﻠم ﻟﻧﺎ إﻻ ﻣﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﺗﻧﺎ إﻧك أﻧت‬

‫اﻟﻌﻠﯾم اﻟﺣﻛﯾم“ ﺳورة اﻟﺑﻘرة آﯾﺔ )‪(32‬‬

Dr. Ayman Ahmed Khanfour
Professor of Anatomy & Embryology
Master Degree in Obstetrics & Gynecology - MRCOG
Faculty of Medicine - Alexandria University
Anatomical Site

 It lies between both lungs with slight deviation of its

apex toward the left side.
 The heart is formed of
FOUR chambers: two
atria and two ventricles.

I. Atria
- The atria form the upper part of the heart.
- Each atrium has a triangular outgrowth called auricle.
II. Ventricles
- The ventricles form the lower part of the heart.
- Both atria and ventricles are separated from each other on the outer surface of
the heart by a circular groove called atrioventricular groove (coronary sulcus).
Apex and Base
Apex Base

Chamber - Left atrium mainly (and small

- Left ventricle.
forming part of the right atrium).
Site - Left fifth intercostal space
(surface - Middle four thoracic vertebrae.
3 ½ inches (9 cm) from the midline).
(Apex and base of the heart of the heart)
Sternocostal surface Diaphragmatic surface

forming A. Ventricular part, consists of: 1. Left ventricle (2/3).
1. Right ventricle (2/3). 2. Right ventricle (1/3).
2. Left ventricle (1/3).
B. Atrial part, consists of:
1. Right atrium (mainly).
2. Left auricle (forms small part).
(Sternocostal surface)

(Diaphragmatic surface)

1. Superior border: Formed by both atria (mainly the Lt.).

2. Inferior border: Formed by both ventricles (mainly the Rt.).
3. Right border: Formed by the right atrium.
4. Left border: Formed mainly by the left ventricle and its upper part is
formed by the left auricle.
(Borders of the heart)
 How blood circulates inside the heart?

(Champers, valves and great vessels of the heart)

Chambers of the Heart
 Both atria are separated
by interatrial septum.

 Both ventricles are

separated by
interventricular septum.

 Blood Lt. atrium to Lt.

ventricle through mitral

 Blood Rt. atrium to Rt.

ventricle through
tricuspid valve.

 The wall of Lt. ventricle is

thicker than three Rt.
Valves of the Heart
I. Atrioventricular
 Mitral valve.

 Tricuspid valve.

II. Semilunar valves

 Aortic valve.

 Pulmonary valve.
I. Atrioventricular Valves
Tricuspid valve Mitral valve

- Between the left atrium and
- Between the right atrium and the left ventricle.
the right ventricle.
- It is formed of three cusps:  - It is formed of two cusps:
II. Semilunar Valves
Pulmonary valve Aortic valve

Site - Pulmonary artery. - Aorta.

- It is formed of three semilunar
- It is formed of three semilunar
cusps: 
One posterior and two anterior.
One anterior and two posterior.
(Pulmonary -------  Posterior) (Aortic ----------  Anterior)
(A-V valves)
(Valves of the heart)
Origin: Both right and left coronary arteries arise from ascending aorta

Branches of Branches of
Rt. coronary a. Lt. coronary a.
1. Posterior inter- 1. Anterior inter-
ventricular a. ventricular a.
2. Right marginal a. 2. Circumflex a.
Applied Anatomy
 Cardiac infarction

 The coronary arteries are end arteries which means that there
is “no sufficient” anastomosis between their branches.
 Narrowing (incomplete obstruction) of the coronary arteries
leads to angina pectoris.
 Sudden complete obstruction of the main arteries leads to
sudden death.
 The venous drainage collects into the coronary sinus which drains
into the Rt. atrium.
1. Fibrous pericardium
2. Serous pericardium

 The serous pericardium is formed of:

I. Visceral layer ---------------------- Inner layer.
II. Parietal layer --------------------- Outer layer.
Types of Blood Circulations

I. Systemic circulation
II. Pulmonary circulation

III. Portal circulation

I. Systemic Circulation

 It means pumping of oxygenated blood to all the body through the

II. Pulmonary Circulation

 It means pumping of Non-oxygenated blood to the lung through

the pulmonary trunk for oxygenation.
III. Portal Circulation

 It means pumping of collection of blood from the GIT into the

portal vein for its metabolism. It returns to the systemic circulation
through the hepatic veins into the IVC.
For Contact:
Dr. Ayman Ahmed Khanfour

[email protected]

Dr. Ayman Khanfour

Dr-Ayman Ahmed Khanfour

Dr. Ayman Anatomy Discussion

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