Railway-News Issue 3 2022

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The latest news & reviews from the industry


Decarbonising Rolling Stock at
InnoTrans . . . p.6

& It’s Back! InnoTrans 2022. . . p.8

A look at what’s in store at this year’s InnoTrans after a long,
four-year wait.


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the Editor
[email protected]

greening transport, addressing ‘The Future [email protected]
of Mobility in Times of Climate Change’.

Many of the suppliers in this issue will be

exhibiting at InnoTrans and participating Head of Sales
in wider events such as Speakers’ Corner. [email protected]
You can read all about what they’ve
been up to and what they’re planning on
exhibiting at InnoTrans by industry area
– rolling stock & works vehicles, track &
infrastructure, data & monitoring, and [email protected]
services. You’ll also find a handy supplier
index at the back of the magazine, so you
Dear Readers, have a quick reference guide to their hall
Head of Client Accounts
and stand numbers.
[email protected]
Once again it’s time to invest in good
footwear and blister plasters. After a Everyone in the transport supply chain –
lengthy four-year wait, InnoTrans is finally from major companies to SMEs – are cogs BETH GUY
back in Berlin this month. in a system that means we get to visit Client Accounts Manager
friends and family, commute to work, get
[email protected]
Industry events have been taking place away for a weekend break, have goods
again in 2022. However, there hasn’t been delivered to our doors, find our way home
an event for the whole rail industry to after a night out, see something new.
come together in one place for almost half Transport makes everyone’s world bigger.
a decade. Instead, digital opportunities It’s the backbone of society and once again
have bridged the shortfall. Now InnoTrans we’re here to cover it!
is back with a bang, expanding into more a2b Global Media Ltd
and more transport areas. If you would like our rail news straight to
The Generator Hub, The Gallery
your inbox, make sure you’re subscribed
to us here. As always, if you want to be Kings Wharf
We are all already familiar with its Bus
Display. This year the organisers have featured on our site or in our e-magazine, The Quay, Exeter
added a Mobility+ section, which will focus please get in touch with Andrew Lush at EX2 4AN
on future transport solutions such as [email protected] or +44 7432
micromobility, mobility apps, robotics and 725001. If you enjoy our website and
VTOL technology. magazine, you might also be interested Office: +44 (0)1392 580002
in our sister sites – Bus-News, Future Mobile: +44 (0)7432 725001
Email: [email protected]
Climate change and sustainability Transport-News and Airport Industry-
Website: railway-news.com
continue to play a major role. Both Stadler News.
and Siemens Mobility will show off their
hydrogen trains in the outdoor display, See you in Berlin!
To subscribe to our newsletter, visit
something that Alstom first brought to railway-news.com/subscribe
Josephine Cordero Sapién,
the table in 2016 with its Coradia iLint. editor-in-chief
The panel discussion during the opening
COVER: © Berlin Messe GmbH
ceremony will combine both trends and


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Issue Three
p.6 Decarbonising Rolling Stock at InnoTrans
Some of the rolling stock highlights presented at InnoTrans
over the years that have led the way in decarbonising rail.

p.8 It’s Back! InnoTrans 2022

A look at what’s in store at this year’s InnoTrans after a long,
four-year wait.

p.12 The Asia Pacific Rail Market: Current Dynamics and

Investment Trends

Dr Harm Hauke Ross from KfW IPEX-Bank takes a look at the

railway market in the Asia Pacific region.

p.16 Directory
A directory of railway suppliers for track & infrastructure,
rolling stock & works vehicles, services and data &
monitoring. Read about all the latest innovations and product
developments in the rail sector.

Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles p.18

Services p.147

Data & Monitoring p.166

Track & Infrastructure p.256

p.299 Supplier Spotlight

A select list of suppliers to keep an eye out for at InnoTrans
this year.

Decarbonising Rolling
Stock at InnoTrans
1. 2012: Hybrid Desiro Using a DB 3. 2018: The Cityjet Eco 4. 2022: Stadler’s FLIRT H2 for
Class 642 with an MTU Hybrid Manufactured by Siemens SBCTA in California
Powerpack Mobility for Austrian Federal
Railways This train is Stadler’s first contract
Hybrid vehicle technology was for a hydrogen train and will also
novel in 2012. It allowed trains ÖBB’s Cityjet eco trains are Desiro be the first hydrogen-powered
previously powered solely by diesel ML trains. They are electro-battery passenger train to run in the
to run on battery power some hybrid trains, which ÖBB started United States. It is due to enter into
of the time, for example when testing in the Vienna area in January passenger service on the Redlands
at stations, thereby avoiding air 2020. Battery-powered trains have Passenger Rail Project (Arrow) in
pollution. The DHMU also conserved a much smaller range than their 2024. The two-car multiple unit
energy by feeding braking energy hydrogen counterparts but on comes with a central power pack
into the batteries located on the lines where the stretches of non- area that will house the fuel cells
train roof. This regenerative braking electrified track are relatively short, and hydrogen tanks. The H2 will
is now commonplace as is hybrid they have the advantage that they have a seated capacity of 108 and
traction, which helps overcome the do not require additional refuelling travel at 79 miles per hour.
range limitations of battery trains infrastructure in the way that
while offering a reduction in energy hydrogen trains do. In December
consumption of around 25%. 2021 Stadler entered the Guinness
Book of Records for its FLIRT Akku,
2. 2016: Alstom’s Coradia iLint which achieved a range of 224km in
wintry conditions.
This hydrogen fuel cell-powered
multiple unit was a world first
and is now carrying passengers in
Germany. There was much debate at
the time whether battery trains or
hydrogen trains would lead the way
in alternative traction technologies
for non-electrified lines. Now all the
major rolling stock manufacturers
are adding hydrogen trains to their
portfolio, such as Stadler’s FLIRT
H2 (see below), Siemens Mobility’s
Mireo Plus H, which it has developed
in collaboration with Deutsche Bahn
AG, and Talgo’s Vittal-One, which it
says will be ready in 2023.

Cityjet Eco Hybrid Desiro ©
Berlin Messe GmbH

FLIRT H2 Coradia iLint

© Stadler

Click here to find out more information about InnoTrans or visit p.299 to see our Supplier Spotlight listing.

It’s Back!
InnoTrans 2022
After a long four-year wait, the biggest rail show
on Earth is finally back!
Taking place at Berlin’s trade fair Welcome speeches will come from Henri Poupart-Lafarge, President
grounds, Messe Berlin, from 20 to Germany’s Transport Minister of Alstom Transport, Michael Peter,
23 September, visitors will once Volker Wissing, the European CEO of Siemens Mobility, and Peter
again be able to enjoy exploring Commissioner for Transport, Adina Spuhler, CEO of Stadler Rail.
everything the transport sector has Valean, and the CEO of Berlin Messe,
to offer in one place. Martin Ecknig.
InnoTrans Convention
The Opening Ceremony The panel discussion topic at the
ceremony will be “The Future
The InnoTrans Convention will
once again feature high-profile
of Mobility in Times of Climate panel discussions and expert talks,
The official opening of InnoTrans Change”, with participants Richard covering a broad range of topics
will take place at 10am on Tuesday, Lutz, CEO of Deutsche Bahn, Michal focused on current and future
20 September. Krapinec, CEO of České dráhy, transport topics.

© Berlin Messe GmbH

For instance, the German Railway
Industry Association (VDB) asks
what the future of mobility will
look like in a discussion entitled
“Rethink Mobility – Innovation
Paths to a New Era of Intelligent
Climate Solutions”.

UNIFE will give a talk on “ERTMS

– A Building Block on the
Journey towards a Digital and
Autonomous Rail”. The forum
will be divided into two parts. The
first panel will look at ERTMS as
© Berlin Messe GmbH
a key driver for future mobility in
Europe, while the second panel will
address digitalisation as a route
to autonomous rail transport.
Participants include Matthias Ruete,
European TEN-T Coordinator, and
Antonella Trombetta, Director of
European Affairs at Hitachi Rail.

For the third time now, Deutsche

Bahn will host its DB Innovation
Forum, under the heading “Strong
and Digitalised Railways Enabling
a Sustainable Mobility – For
the Climate. For People. For the
Economy. For Europe.” Speakers
© Berlin Messe GmbH
will come from Deutsche Bahn,
the European Commission, Stadler,
German railway associations and

Speakers’ Corner
At Speakers’ Corner, exhibitors
can present themselves and
their products to the visiting
international trade audience.
Exhibitors who are booked in for
this have a one-hour slot. This year,
there will be five Speakers’ Corner
lecture theatres and interested
parties can also view the talks via
© Berlin Messe GmbH

Some of the companies who
will be participating in Speakers’
Corner are PaxLife Innovations
(“Leveraging 5G and CDN
Technology for Media Streaming
Delivery in the Rail Environment”),
Televic GSP (“Modern Code
Review: Methods, Metrics and Best
Practice”), Bosch (“On Track to
Automation with Bosch: Advances
of Driver Assistance Systems for
Light Rail”; “Perception: The Six
Senses of the Train”), 3M (“Helping
to Shape the Future of Sustainable
Rail Car Design”) and Frequentis
© Berlin Messe GmbH (“Happy Hour”).


For the first time ever, InnoTrans

will also host a Mobility+ platform,
which will focus on areas such
as shared mobility such as cars,
bikes and scooters; mobility apps;
technologies such as robotics
and VTOL; and first and last mile
solutions such as micromobility,
e-hailing and more.

Outdoor Display
© Berlin Messe GmbH
The outdoor display has 3,500
metres of track on which rolling
stock manufacturers and suppliers
can display their latest innovations.
There are more than 100 vehicles
booked in to be presented in 2022,
not mentioning the buses that will
be featured at the separate bus

For instance, Stadler will present its

FLIRT H2 hydrogen train, which is
intended for passenger service for
the Redlands Passenger Rail Project
in California. It will also display its
FLIRT AKKU battery train, which
© Berlin Messe GmbH holds the Guinness Book of World

© Berlin Messe GmbH

Records title for longest journey a number of different themes 3,000 exhibitors from more than 60
in battery operation (224km), its and concepts, such as e-scooter countries. It would be impossible to
hybrid EURO9000 locomotive and holders, tying rail in nicely with the list them all here, but you can see a
its next-generation TINA tram. Mobility+ platform. selected list on p.299.
Siemens Mobility will present
its Desiro HC, its hydrogen train
Mireo Plus H, Avenio streetcars for
Nuremberg’s tram network, the
Metro X-Wagen for Vienna and its All these features and we’ve not
latest Vectron locomotive. even mentioned the exhibition itself
yet! In 2018, a total of 153,421 trade
Deutsche Bahn’s Ideenzug City (the visitors came to the event.
ideas train made its first appearance
at InnoTrans in 2018) will present The show attracted in excess of

The Asia Pacific Rail Market:
Current Dynamics and Investment
By Dr Harm Hauke Ross, Singapore
Director Aviation, Mobility & Transport – KfW IPEX-Bank

Asia Pacific in the Importance of Rail

Context of Global Transport in Asia Pacific
Transport Individual passenger transport and
freight transport by road account
With around 20% of worldwide for a significant proportion of these
CO2 emissions originating emissions. While emission levels
from transport, this sector is vary significantly at the single
fundamental for achieving the country level, helping to shift these
global climate targets. Without shipments to rail by increasing the
further action, global transport share of rail transport has become a
emissions are expected to keep key objective for national transport
rising by another 16% until 2050, strategies within the region.
even under the presumption Given that rail is among the most Dr Harm Hauke Ross
that today’s decarbonisation carbon-efficient transport modes, it
commitments are fully offers substantial decarbonisation Moreover, with a view to non-urban
implemented (source: ITF Transport options for various parts of the passenger transport, rail could offer
Outlook 2021). Among the global region’s transport sector. On the a low-carbon alternative to air-city
transport markets, Asia Pacific freight side, a well-functioning rail connections.
plays a pivotal role. Demand for network provides the backbone
regional passenger transport is
forecast to increase significantly
of several countries’ logistics
sectors. Especially in countries
Growing Demand for
from 2015 levels in Asia Pacific, like Australia, New Zealand or Rail Investments
greatly outstripping the global Indonesia, freight accounts for
average demand growth, and this the larger share of railway traffic In response to the growing rail
is expected to continue until at volumes (source: UN ESCAP, 2021) transport demand, many countries
least 2050. On the freight side, given the long transport distances. in Asia Pacific have developed
Asia Pacific is expected to account In contrast, passenger rail is for significant investment plans into
for almost half of global freight example dominant in Singapore, mainline rail & public transport
activity by that time. Consequently, South Korea and Thailand in terms projects. Plans at the country
transport emissions might rise 48% of railway traffic volumes where it level include the following non-
from 2015 to 2050 at the regional supports reduction of road traffic exhaustive examples to illustrate
level. and pollution in dense urban areas. the broader trend in the region:

• The New Zealand Rail Plan, and freight transport. At the same recovered inter alia driven by the
which outlines the long-term time, investing in existing rail increase in e-commerce. At the
vision and priorities for the systems exemplarily by replacing same time, securing an adequate
country’s rail network older and less efficient rolling stock funding structure is key for project
• South Korea’s Fourth National with modern and environmentally implementation and the careful
Railway Plan, which aims at friendly technology is also of high selection of financing options
around 100bn USD of rail importance to utilise available becomes increasingly important. In
investments resources and to optimise the addition to public funding, investors
• The continuing implementation decarbonisation impact. and financial institutions will play
of Thailand’s Transport a central role, including KfW IPEX-
Infrastructure Development Increasing Importance Bank with a great deal of expertise
Strategy (2015–2022), which in financing passenger and freight
contains different plans to of Funding Structures transport projects worldwide.
guide the development of The bank has been continually
e.g. intercity rail network Increasing the share of rail within expanding its financing in the
developments and the Asia Pacific transport sector railway sector for years.
improvement of urban public is a capital-intense endeavour
transport networks and requires substantial Vist our website.
investments. This comes at a Follow us on LinkedIn.
Investments in New and time when government budgets
are constrained by the Covid-19
Existing Rail Systems pandemic and various public Dr Harm Hauke Ross
sectors compete for budget funding
The implementation of national priority. Globally, the pandemic has Director Aviation, Mobility &
transport strategies across the increased volatility in the markets Transport – Asia Pacific at
Asia Pacific region requires on the and impaired growth with Asia KfW IPEX-Bank
one hand investments in new rail Pacific being no different. This
infrastructure projects in order to resulted in decreased economic [email protected]
expand the respective country’s activity and less cargo traffic on
railway network and to increase the freight side. Rail commute
connectivity. On the other hand, decreased while volatility in
investments are needed to support commuter numbers increased. The
the incremental renewal of existing good news is that the rail sector
systems. has shown itself to be relatively
stable with comparably strong
New projects aim to foster the crisis management. In this context,
modal shift from road to rail but the current crisis has especially
also the decarbonisation of the emphasised the stability of freight
railway operation itself. In several transport by rail as demand quickly
countries of the region the rail
electrification rate is still relatively
low. Accordingly, new railway
projects provide an opportunity for
implementation to benefit from
electrification’s substantial emission
reduction potential, especially in
the area of long-distance passenger

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Amberg Technologies will present you
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Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles





Data & Monitoring

Track & Infrastructure



Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Complete Vehicles
Škoda p.23

Train Interiors
Polarteknik Oy p.26
Lantal Textiles p.29
Baultar p.32
Seisenbacher GmbH p.35
Artex p.38
Perrone Performance Leathers & Textiles p.41
Camira Fabrics p.47
Treadmaster Flooring p.50

Rolling Stock Components & Materials

Specialinsert srl p.53
Henkel p.54
FinnProfiles p.57
Roxtec p.63
3M p.65
epsotech p.68
Euroguarco Group p.71
Distek p.74
Industrilas p.77
griwecolor p.80
Selite p.83

Traction & Power Supplies
Cummins p.86
IGW p.92
Texelis p.95
Wikov p.98
Stäubli p.101
Premium PSU p.104
AKASOL by BorgWarner p.107
Hedemora Turbo & Diesel p.113
Miner Enterprises, Inc. p.116

Works Vehicles & Machines

Holmatro p.119
Harsco Rail p.122
Derby Rubber p.126

Rolling Stock Maintenance Equipment

FFG Werke p.128
Mechan p.129
FFG Werke p.132
NSH Group & NSH USA p.133
Virtek Vision p.136

Onboard Signalling Equipment


Testing & Measuring Equipment

Evident/Olympus p.140
Astronics p.143

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

A Reliable Partner in Sustainable Rail Solutions

K ONČAR is a renowned company in power engineering and the rail solutions industry and
operates in the fields of power generation, transmission and distribution, rail vehicles
and infrastructure, digital solutions and platforms, with a focus on proprietary development
and innovation, as well as laboratory testing and certification.

In 2021, KONČAR celebrated a Following a successful longstanding floor electric motor and diesel-
century of excellence and a century co-operation with the domestic electric trains was the key capability
of operations across 130 markets transit company Zagreb Electric recognised by the customer.
worldwide. Tram, KONČAR has won an export
agreement with the city of Liepaja The co-operation with the Latvian
Widely recognised in the power in Latvia, delivering trams for public customer commenced in November
engineering sector, the name urban passenger transport to the 2018, when an agreement was
KONČAR is also a global synonym Baltic coastal city. KONČAR’s wealth signed for the delivery of six low-
for tradition, trust, expertise, of experience in the development floor trams, while the second
innovation and cutting-edge of technical solutions for 100 agreement, for another batch of
technology rail solutions. percent low-floor trams and low- six trams, was signed in August

2020. It is significant to point out Croatia have participated in the Commission’s strategy A Clean
that 85% of the purchase value of realisation of this project. The Planet for all: A European strategic

Complete Vehicles
the vehicles was co-funded by the contract for the Latvian market is long-term vision for a prosperous,
EU as part of the Comprehensive a recognition of KONČAR’s export modern, competitive and climate
Reconstruction of Tram Route and orientation, and an affirmation of neutral economy is to outline
Adjacent Territory programme. the competitiveness and quality scenarios for achieving climate
Liepājas Tramvajs subsequently in the demanding EU market. To neutral economy across the EU by
provided funds for two additional date, KONČAR has delivered a 2050. In terms of transport, the
trams, and once again entrusted total of 12 trams to the Latvian strategy emphasises the need for
KONČAR with the construction and customer, while the thirteenth a systematic approach, highlights
delivery of the units. vehicle will make a short layover the importance of transition to
in Berlin and be exhibited at the low-carbon emission and zero-
The trams boast a variety of largest transport fair InnoTrans, in emission vehicles, draws attention
KONČAR’s proprietary solutions the period 20–23 September 2022, to the central role of electrification
for key sub-systems, such as the before making its way to Latvia. and renewable energy sources, and
main electric drive, auxiliary advocates improving operational
power supply systems, control and More extensive electrification efficiency.
communication systems, steel of public transport is necessary
structures for driving wheel sets, in order to reduce excessive India, South Korea and China are at
bogies and the like. They are based greenhouse gas emissions because the forefront of the electrification
on modern technical solutions and it creates significant benefits in of public transport, followed
design; they are air-conditioned, reducing harmful levels of air closely by the USA, while Europe
equipped with video surveillance pollution and noise. The economic still lags behind. Having a reliable
and a passenger announcement advantages are also realised in local manufacturer has become
system. The vehicles are also terms of lower costs. Reduction of an imperative today, and KONČAR
equipped with a controlled hydro- harmful environmental impacts of has again affirmed its status of the
pneumatic suspension system, urban transport is an important home of the European rail solutions.
which enables the floor height to EU objective. The main targets of
be adjusted to the track conditions. action include pivoting to the most Watch our video!
This is a fully low-floor vehicle, efficient types of transport which
without steps and with a flat floor generate the lowest pollution levels,
along the entire length of the using more sustainable transport
passenger compartment, which is technology, fuel and infrastructure, For more information please
particularly important for public and ensuring transport prices contact [email protected]
transport users with mobility that fully reflect the harmful
difficulties and parents with environmental and health impacts.
EU strategic documents focus on
Besides KONČAR Group members, the decarbonisation of transport.
dozens of companies from The objective of the 2018 European

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Complete Vehicles
Solutions for Modern and Sustainable Mobility

Š koda Group is one of

the leading European
companies in the field of
top-notch work of more than eight
hundred design engineers, chief
project engineers and designers and
7,000 people. In addition to the
Czech Republic production sites
and technology centres, Škoda
millions of euros invested in its own Group has branches in Germany,
transport engineering. research and development every Finland, Hungary and Poland. Škoda
year, Škoda Group has a product is currently developing railway
The group focuses on producing portfolio of modern vehicles that vehicles and buses with alternative
and developing vehicles for rail meet the latest European standards. propulsion.
and public transport. Its products The company pays a great deal of
mainly include suburban train units, attention to the use of cutting-edge Škoda Group provides
electric locomotives, low-floor technologies for modern public comprehensive transport solutions
trams, metro trains, trolleybuses, transport and railway vehicles. for cities, intercity transport and
electric buses, electric motors, mainline railways and continues
personal coaches and complete Škoda vehicles are in operation in to work to ensure that travelling
drives for environmentally friendly Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, anywhere is comfortable, fast,
public transport. France, Finland, Poland, Italy, Mexico, environmentally friendly and safe.
the USA and more countries around
Thanks to the ecosystem of the world. The complete portfolio of products
production sites, plants, repair and services can be found at
services and engineering offices, the Škoda currently employs over skodagroup.com.

Škoda push-pull trainset

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Door System Products and Expert Services

for More Safety, Reliability, Availability and
Fire Integrity for Your Fleets

The Polarteknik product range • manual doors technical support throughout the
includes: lifetime of the fleet.
All our products are tailored to
• complete fire barrier walls customers’ specific needs. The Polarteknik, a company well
• automatic single or double-leaf service portfolio includes design, known for its expertise in interior
sliding doors installation and commissioning door systems in intercity and
• automatic telescopic doors and support, maintenance, high-speed and very high-speed
curved doors modernisation, spare parts and classes of railway of rolling stock, is

strengthening its position in metros
to increase driver comfort and

Train Interiors
“We are happy to tie up at all tier
levels to make sure the latest
technology from new trains e.g.
predictive maintenance, cyber
security and TSI-PRM are available
also for refurbishments, overhauls
and fleet upgrades.”

Polarteknik Smart partition is

cyber-ready in terms of the door
operation, communication and
maintenance capabilities with the
NEW D56 Door controller. The door
drive is the same high-quality, low-
LCC unit Polarteknik customers
have enjoyed for years. The OLED Gangway fire partition
display has some wonderful
features that make the trip About Polarteknik Oy
enjoyable. Polarteknik can bring on Scan the QR code below to
augmented data from the door unit Polarteknik is a specialist company contact Polarteknik
on top of the visuals the customer that promotes comprehensive
decides to show on the display. It comfort and ecology in railway
will be displayed in brilliant OLED transport.
quality, 55” size, 178 degree viewing
angle, 1920x1200 resolution and Our strengths include wide-ranging
optical brightness of 150/400 nit knowledge, in-depth expertise and
(APL 100/25%). With pixels off/black long-term commitment.
the glass is 38% transparent and
looks like a tinted glass. The whole We deliver reliable, sustainable and
structure is EN61373 shock and efficiently produced interior door
vibration-compliant. systems for the world’s leading train
manufacturers. We are known as a
Polarteknik has a very large trusted and forward-looking partner
number of different products that promotes sustainability and
that we have made for customer combines experience, vision and an Please pay us a visit at
projects over 25 years. All of the understanding of the industry. InnoTrans 2022
key components have a strong
return on experience and are Our mission is to work together
HALL 3.1 STAND 730
shared across all product platforms. with our customers towards a green
Polarteknik is in full control of the future for transport by ensuring
design, manufacturing, testing and that rail travel is the world’s most
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customers can benefit from the place to another.
consolidated sourcing made
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obsolescence management that and connect with us at
draws from the legacy design data. www.polarteknik.fi.

Metro aluminium
E20 Fire partition
wall with
automatic door,
chrome finish

VHST Honeycomb
partition walls with
automatic door
<130 kg

HST Aluminium
partition walls
with automatic
and manual

EMU HS Aluminium
and glass partition wall
with automatic door, 4
country homologations

Full glass 1st Class

partition wall with
automatic door

Aluminium E15 Fire

gangway partition wall
with manual door

Dedicated to passenger flow

STAND 380 HALL 1.1

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< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Always at the Forefront of Sustainability

© DB AG / Max Lautenschläger

L antal’s train seat covers

exceptionally combine the
sustainable use of natural
passengers with extra comfort, train
operators with added longevity for
their seat covers and the planet
however, becomes apparent during
the journey. Thanks to the wool’s
superior moisture absorption
with increased sustainability. and breathable composition,
resources with longevity and passengers can enjoy its climatising
comfort. Comfort function. Constantly reacting to
body temperature, the fabric cools
85/15 – these numbers define passengers in warm temperatures
Lantal’s new seat cover fabrics Having the passenger in mind and warms them in cool
collection for trains. Made of throughout our development temperatures.
85% wool and 15% polyamide, process, we came up with a fabric
our flat fabrics fulfil all relevant that provides a highly pleasant At the same time, seat surfaces are
railway safety requirements while travel experience. The flat woven kept dry even during prolonged
lifting Lantal’s proven high quality fabric boasts an extraordinarily sitting phases. The moisture is
standards to another level. high tactile quality which ensures a regulated by the complementary
welcoming first contact. characteristics of the fabric’s
The star of this sophisticated fabric components. Wool, on the one hand,
is its high wool content. It provides The real strength of the fabric, can absorb moisture of up to 30%

of its own weight without creating natural fibres are renewable and
a wet feeling. The polyamide, on not made of fossil fuels. This leads
the other hand, dissipates moisture to a much lower carbon footprint

Train Interiors
rapidly, enhancing the seating while also eliminating the issue of
comfort for passengers’ well-being. microplastics.

Longevity Wool stands out as the natural fibre

with the highest longevity which
results in less waste and less need
Staying true to the expectations we for replacement than in the case of
have of ourselves to always excel plant fibres such as cotton. These
and provide the highest-quality aspects significantly contribute to
solutions for our customers, the flat lowering CO2 emissions of wool
weave assures exceptional longevity over the whole service life.
and ease of maintenance.
Lantal’s wool is sourced from sheep
Numerous tests by an external in Europe and New Zealand and is
institute confirmed the superior completely produced without the
quality of our fabric. Whether it was controversial muelsing procedure.
soiled with coffee, chocolate or felt- This and along with Lantal’s Code
tip pens, it proved to be remarkably of Conduct ensures that the animal
resistant and easy to clean. The welfare of the sheep is maintained.
same goes for its high abrasion
resistance which was tested with an While wool scores highly with
equipment simulating the level of respect to sustainability, we are
wear experienced over the course in continuous exchange with
of a year. To round it off, the fabric suppliers and universities to stay
stands out with a superb light on the forefront of developments
fastness due to our in-house dyeing with lower emissions. Fabrics
process and knowledge of natural made of recycled PES/PET, vegan
fibres. leather and new natural fibres are
promising and likely to be available
These performance attributes in sufficient quantities for industrial
are based on the wool’s inherent use in the near future.
qualities such as its high soil
and liquid repellency or flame Lantal will be exhibiting at the
retardancy, which enable us to work InnoTrans 2022 in Berlin at Hall
with the least amount of chemicals 1.1 Stand 380. We look forward to
necessary. welcoming you at our stand.


We are committed to steadily

reduce the carbon footprint of our For more information about
products. This is what definitely this product or any other
convinced us to produce a fabric inquiries, please contact us at
with such a high natural fibre [email protected]

Compared to man-made fibres,

© DB AG / Max Lautenschläger

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Advanced Flooring System

B aultar is a Canadian company that creates and manufactures innovative products for the
transportation industry (railway freight, railway public transit, buses, infrastructure).

Baultar’s flooring division offers flooring systems. It integrates maintenance requirements and
an advanced flooring system many different options that can life-cycle costs, and to simplify
called Abrastop™. The Abrastop™ be tailor-made according to the product procurement and vehicle
family of composite products, technical and design needs of manufacturing by offering an
specifically designed for the clients. These flooring solutions all-in-one solution that integrates
transportation industry, ranges have two main objectives: to offer functions seamlessly, maximising
from floor coverings to complete superb durability that reduces the value for the client.

Customisable Colours

Flooring Options


The advantages of an Abrastop™ foam radiant heated

floor include: uniform temperature distribution
throughout the whole vehicle, superior comfort,
thermic inertia that keeps passengers warm even
when doors open, elimination of the discomfort
caused by drafts from forced-air systems, and energy


Logos of any kind or colour can be integrated in the flooring.

These integrated logos are manufactured using the same
materials as the flooring panels. Sizes and shapes can also be
adjusted for any type of request.

Photoluminescent Bands

Train Interiors
Photoluminescent bands guide and demarcate specific areas with
integrated passive high-performance photoluminescent lighting
(HPPL) – staircases, walkways, doors or specific areas with a
particular function (such as an area for storing bikes) are just some

Cove Mouldings

A proper finishing touch and a streamlined look. Can be used for anything
from meeting functional needs (such as covering joints, transitioning
between flooring and walls, and facilitating cleaning) to serving more
decorative purposes, such as fitting different styles.

3D Bands and Surfaces

3D bands and surfaces alert, guide and demarcate. Raised profiles of many
different kinds help alert passengers to upcoming hazards, provide them
with guidance for safe passage or exit, and / or delimit a specific area of a


Adding even more durability and adaptability for specific uses. Trap doors,
supports, reinforcements and mechanical fastening inserts, are just a few
of the possibilities for fulfilling specific needs with metal pieces.

AddGRIP Surfaces

In certain access areas where additional anti-slip properties are needed

– such as stairs or entrances – areas and / or bands with custom-made
patterns can be integrated. Also, the surface grit can be adapted using
a variety of different materials.



110 J.E. Lemieux, Windsor, QC J1S 0A4 CANADA

+1 819 845 7110 [email protected] www.baultar.com
Train Interiors
< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

The Story We Tell
United on a Journey of Innovation

S eisenbacher’s Managing Director Georg Malleier talks about the future of mobility
interiors, ‘dumb’ and ‘smart’ equipment, and business transformation.

Question: Inventing Mobility the evolution of operators’ and Q: How do you balance the needs
Interiors is Seisenbacher’s vison. passengers’ requirements and of these three groups: operators,
What does that mean? translating these into a product manufacturers and passengers?
and solution portfolio that meets
Georg Malleier: Inventing Mobility the needs. We try to identify GM: By putting the focus on those
Interiors means not always just these needs of today and those of whose needs are the hardest to
trying to offer the cheapest price tomorrow early on and develop predict: the passengers. Essentially,
for a product that is currently suitable solutions – so that they are the key is to understand how to
in demand but recognising ready and available when the need make travel time a time well spent,
developments in society and arises. so that the user does not perceive

the journey as an interruption. A and adaptability. To ensure that We want to position ourselves even
current example: I come to the train we succeed in this, we also work more as an innovation partner for
station to sit at the tracks, my together with a renowned design the mobility industry.
life is on pause while I sit in a tube studio.
that brings me where I want to
go, and then my life can continue Q: Seisenbacher evolved from
Moving Mobility
again. For us to not perceive the a production partner to an Interiors into the Future
journey as an interruption, the goal innovation partner for the
is to make travel time a productive industry and has reoriented itself C.A.T.S. (Crash Absorbing Table
and meaningfully invested time in as a company. System)
people’s lives. Regardless of what We are in the mission of enhancing
other needs one might have. A GM: In the past, as a classic medium- passenger’s safety.
business passenger will expect sized company, we mainly produced
something different from a family according to demand. The shift to The Seisenbacher R&D team
travelling on vacation. observing needs, innovations and developed a new crash-absorbing
their implementation in interiors, table system (compliant to APTA
Q: To realise its ideas, is of course, a paradigm shift. standard PR-CS-S-018-13), which
Seisenbacher puts modularity at We redefined our company, from features a cantilever construction.
the centre of its developments. the inside out. We are changing A patented crash absorbing
Why is that? many things: structures, access element developed for this specific
to information and, above all, our application is integrated under the
GM: We want to use the advantages approach and way of thinking. tabletop in an aluminium frame to
of modular design in order to use diffuse the impact energy through
standardised components on the Q: This approach is not only friction and shock absorption. The
one hand. This brings advantages in beneficial in the rail industry? lightweight tabletop is not part of
production, lower costs, consistent the crash system, can be adapted
quality, but also, for example, better GM: Exactly right. That is why we to customer preferences and allows
availability of spare parts. On the want to move in the direction of integration of various passenger
other hand, modularity naturally bringing our mobility interiors to aimed features (e.g. passenger
allows a high degree of individuality the air and sea industries as well. information displays, wireless

charging devices). Comprehensive at an in-house workshop. Together
Have we caught your interest?
Then let us know how we can assist
simulations and lab tests prove with our industrial designer, we
that the effectiveness of our CATS converted the solution idea into
is independent of the direction of a concept and decided to exhibit
travel or seat orientation, this concept as a prototype at
and that the risk of injury is this year’s InnoTrans. For the
significantly lower in all possible actual development project, we
seating configurations. At the expect feedback to this displayed
same time, the modular system prototype from the trade audience.
offers a great deal of freedom for
customisation of the seating area, Ceiling Systems
Business as usual. Georg Malleier
enabling increased consideration
of passenger needs and customer
Managing Director
requests. The development is fully The centrepiece of every single
+43 50 119 – 168
finished, and serial table systems train, in local and long-distance
are shipped to customers. traffic, is the core competence of [email protected]
Seisenbacher. The various designs
VÄSTA - Bike Storage of our ceiling systems are well
From pain over solution to product known far beyond the borders of
concept. Austria.

During the pandemic one of our Our ceiling systems are of high
system engineers dealt intensively quality and include all components
with the topic of bicycles and requested by our customers. In
travelling by bike. During this order to supply our customers with
Christian Forstner
exploration he discovered that a plug-and-play solution, our ceiling
there is no satisfactory solution for systems in the majority of cases
Head of Sales
taking bicycles on rail vehicles. get equipped with LED lighting, air
+43 50 119 – 181
ducts and sometimes even cables
His solution was discussed in detail and cable trays. [email protected]

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Refurbishing Train Seats and Repurposing the

Waste Material – A Circular Economy Opportunity
with a Double Win

A rtex is a Swedish textile company in the industrial sewing and upholstery industry.
Focusing on the interior of trains, the company is committed to finding solutions
contributing to a circular economy.

Refurbishment of train seats is a

sustainable choice compared to
and fabrics, for other products, e.g.
sound absorbers and room dividers.
Environmental and
discarding old seats and buying Recirculating the material reduces Financial Benefits
new ones – yet Artex has taken the need for virgin materials and,
its offering further. The company therefore, the amount of CO2 Artex offers mid-term
is repurposing the waste material emissions created in producing new refurbishment of train seats,
from the old seats, such as foam materials. typically taking place after 15 years

Train Interiors
of service. A new seat generates Björn Samenius, CEO and Owner at the 75 tons of waste and let others
about 205kg of CO2e compared to Artex. create valuable products,” says
a refurbished seat that generates Björn.
about 31kg of CO2e. The savings
multiply by the number of seats
Recirculation Creates The waste material is tested for
on each train, which is usually Value from Waste chemicals, processed into grains
around 10,000 but sometimes up and, in some cases, pressed into
to 100,000. In addition to climate To further reduce CO2e, Artex blocks in preparation for other
benefits, refurbishment is around enables the reuse of old foam and industries that further refine the
half the price compared to buying fabric for new purposes in other recycled material for their products.
new seats. industries. There is approx. 5kg
of waste foam and fabric from “This process reduces the footprint
“Refurbishment at Artex implies each refurbished train seat. Artex of a refurbished train seat to
that the supporting structures refurbishes more than 15,000 seats, around 10kg of CO2e, to be set
in steel, aluminium or plastic adding up to more than 75 tonnes against the 205kg of CO2e of a new
are re-used, providing great of waste material annually. seat. The savings in a train with
energy savings. The seats are re- 20,000 seats will be about 4,000
upholstered to the latest standards “Through the help of external tonnes of CO2e, which corresponds
with great freedom of choice experts, we have been able to to about 1,000 petrol cars that are
regarding customisation,” says develop a method to recirculate driven for a year,” Björn concludes.

Customer products

Meet Artex at
InnoTrans, Berlin,
20–23 September
You’ll find Artex in Hall 11.2, in the
Swedish Stand 260. Set up an
appointment in advance through
Processed waste material
[email protected]

Midlife upgrade?

Save money and the environment

Compared to buying new seats, refurbishing the used seats will save you half the cost
and lower your impact on the environment significantly.

Let’s meet at InnoTrans, Berlin, 20–23 September 2022

You’ll find us in hall 11.2, in the Swedish stand 260. Email us to set up an appointment.
We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. [email protected]

Artex designs, redesigns, refurbishes, and upgrades seats and other interior components for trains, aviation,
trucks, and public interiors. We are proud to provide better passenger experiences to many leading transport
operators worldwide. Our facilities are in Sweden and Latvia, with around 350 people employed.
rail interiors
For over one hundred years, Perrone has
been the baseline for creating inspirational
interiors with our range of highest
quality leathers and textiles.

Perrone is performance
< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Inspired Rail Interiors

P errone Performance
Leathers and Textiles is a
leader worldwide specialising
industry. The rail market is similar
to the aviation market in terms of
performance, design, sustainability
impact” says Bill Perrone, President.

“Historically, there have been

and customer experience,” says perceived advantages to working
in high-performance, Marc Cognetti, Vice President of with fabric over leather or synthetic
sustainable leathers and Marketing. products – but the benefits to
textiles for the global rail working with leather far exceed
and aviation transportation One of Perrone’s main focuses those of fabric. Leather or synthetic
has been on weight reduction leather is much more durable than
industries. and development of sustainable, fabric. Not only is it easier to clean
lightweight leathers and synthetics and maintain, but it removes the
Perrone manufactures a full range that comply with the stringent need for dry cleaning chemicals.
of genuine leather, from durable use regulatory demands of the Which, in today’s green-conscious
grade for high-traffic applications transportation market. conversation, is a plus.” states
to soft, supple, luxurious leather Perrone.
for the most bespoke customer “Weight will always be a major
environments. “We understand consideration for all transportation Perrone’s flagship synthetic product
the specifications, applications, industries. A reduction of weight for rail is Ecolite™. Ecolite™ is an
and performance requirements equates directly to fuel cost savings antimicrobial polyurethane-coated
demanded by the transportation as well as reduced environmental synthetic developed exclusively

by Perrone for the rail industry. by Perrone is Monulite™, which as some airlines are cutting
The product features the look and is a state-of-the-art, non-woven- back on conveniences and flight
feel of genuine leather – but at a backed polyurethane coated routes. Corporate travellers turn
fraction of the weight. Ecolite™ material. Monulite™ was specifically to rail as an alternate method of

Train Interiors
weighs only 330g/sm, featuring developed for headliner and side transportation, citing important
a weight savings of 30–60% wall surface applications, meeting elements such as eco-friendliness,
compared to traditional leather. And all certification requirements. convenience and legroom as
versus fabric options, the closed cell Monulite™ can be produced in any added perks. “Today’s high-
surface coating of Ecolite™ makes custom colour, a wide variety of speed trains offer a full range of
it inherently stain and graffiti- custom finishes, or with decorative conveniences like a commercial
resistant, as well as antimicrobial gaufrage embossing. Monulite™ aircraft, and therefore must also
– an important consideration co-ordinates well with other match expectations for luxurious
in today’s pandemic-oriented materials due to its leather-like and comfortable seating. Today’s
environment. Ecolite™ is easy to appearance. This significant and travellers assume a certain degree
maintain with periodic soap and innovative Perrone textile offers of luxury when travelling for
water cleaning, which eliminates travellers superior noise abatement business or vacation purposes. Our
the need for environmentally characteristics and further tempts seating and upholstery options
damaging dry-cleaning and rail interiors, and designers, via the are designed to directly address
treatment chemicals. Rail seats complete range of customisation that expectation,” says Perrone.
that are dressed in Ecolite™ can choices, including custom printing “We are enthusiastic to offer these
be cleaned without any need for options. technological innovations to the rail
removal, which also eliminates the industry.”
need to send dress covers externally Perrone’s innovative rail textile
to a cleaning facility. This further products meet, and often exceed Find us at InnoTrans 2022: Hall 1.1,
reduces costs and carbon emissions the highest standards for required Stand 800
impact. performance and durability
specifications including BS EN
Traditionally, fabric has been 45545-2:2013+A1:2015: Annex C –
the preferred choice for rolling R21 – HL1, HL2, & HL3, Boeing Test Michael Catena
stock upholstery. It is stylish, Method BSS 7239 Rev-A, and NFPA
customisable, soft, and comfortable. 130 Standards for Seat Upholstery. Executive Vice President – Global
“Up until now, customisation “We are very excited,” explains Rail Sales.
options for leather and synthetics Perrone. “Our new portfolio of
have been somewhat limited. options elevates our product 518-853-4300 ext. 108
Embossing, debossing and stitching offerings to a completely new
are all great options for altering level not available elsewhere. [email protected]
leather, but fabric has been the Our customers are sending us
preferred choice where pattern fabric swatches and asking us to Marc Cognetti
and colour are concerned. Our new match their existing patterns.
printing capabilities are closing It is incredible to see the huge VP of Marketing
this gap, giving the rail market a development of this truly unique
completely unique design option for innovation.” 518-853-4300 ext. 315
their seating,” explains Cognetti.
Travelling by rail is a popular [email protected]
Another textile innovation offered alternative to air travel, especially

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Continuous Development for More Passenger


The CK push button has been used successfully for years in many vehicles worldwide (above). The new CK
touchless version (right) for hygienic, touchless use will be presented at InnoTrans.

InnoTrans is the leading

international trade fair for
transport technology and
especially for people with reduced
mobility. The products were
developed according to the market
for example, the company will be
presenting a new touchless version
of the proven CK push button. An
requirements of the transport interesting solution, especially in
after a break of four years companies and the needs of times of Covid-19. The CK touchless
due to Covid-19 TSL-ESCHA passengers. is activated by the approach of the
will show some new products hand via a sensor. This is the first
In more than 35 years of developing joint project between TSL-ESCHA
and developments.
and manufacturing push buttons, and MAFELEC. Since November
TSL-ESCHA has gained a lot of 2021, TSL has been part of the
The focus of the products of experience. Great importance is also MAFELEC TEAM, a French group of
TSL-ESCHA is on simple, intuitive attached to the continuous further companies. The same technology
operation and clear recognition development of the products in is already integrated in MAFELEC’s
in order to make bus and train order to always keep up with the M-Door GM push button. The CK
travel uncomplicated and safe, times. At InnoTrans this month touchless is the only push button

on the railway market with a
two-in-one solution. On the one
hand, the door can be opened

Train Interiors
contactlessly via the sensor. On
the other hand, the passenger still
has the possibility to perform the
door opening process via the tactile
touch surface.

The PK push button, which has been

established on the market since the
1980s, has also undergone further
development. The facelift with
a new front ring without visible
screws gives the PK a more modern
appearance. The push button is The linear lights can be individually adapted to any customer requirement in terms of colour
mounted from the front as usual temperature and brightness
and the new front ring is then put
on. No special tool is needed for of 24VDC ±30 percent). In order to more uniform and homogeneous
disassembly, a simple screwdriver offer customers even more options, illumination. It is also possible to
can be used to loosen the front ring TSL-ESCHA has now developed a use 2 x 20 LEDs with two colours
again. The product is adapted to variant in which the lights strips can (red / green or red / white) to
the very latest requirements and be controlled directly by the door indicate different states. A white
standards and complies with IP67 control unit. The new LS Basic-Line cover is then used for this purpose.
front and rear. is designed for a voltage range
of 24VDC ±10 percent. The direct With the new LL series, TSL-ESCHA
New Variants and control via the existing door control
unit reduces the installation effort
now offers a universal, innovative
and intelligent lighting concept
Concepts for Signal for the customer and also saves for ceiling illumination in trains. It
Lights and Ceiling space in the installation area. All in
all, a cost-effective solution.
will be shown to the public for the
first time at InnoTrans. Fixed light
Lighting colours or colours adapted to the
With the SLE161 and SLE162, respective situation from warm
The LED light strips of the LS series TSL-ESCHA has launched a new white to cold white light (from
developed in 2016 have been a generation of LED signal lights. 3,000K to 6,500K) can be realised.
great success. TSL pioneered the Due to the extremely flat, compact A homogeneous light without
light strips in the movable door design (only 15mm high), the signal transitions can be achieved over the
element, which noticeably mark lights are versatile. The rounded entire length of the vehicle with the
the opening and closing process. In design of the housing ensures LL series.
the meantime, there are different optimum visibility, as the warning
variants of the LS series, which are signal can be seen excellently from Whether push buttons, light strips,
oriented to different installation different perspectives. LED signal lights or ceiling lighting
situations. All over the world, the – passenger comfort is constantly
light strips now ensure greater The SLE161 (with 10 LEDs) is the being enhanced through further
safety in the door area of trains. successor to the previous SLE160. As development of the products.
Until now, the light strips from with the SLE160, a lateral reflector
the LS Pro-Line series could can be selected for even better Come and see it in person and
be controlled and adjusted in lateral visibility. In appearance, the visit us at our booth at InnoTrans
brightness and luminous colour SLE161 differs insignificantly from (Hall 27, Booth 480). Together with
using a special control and power the previous model. The SLE162 MAFELEC we show a wide range of
supply unit (PCU) (voltage range (with 20 LEDs) provides an even products.


New Linear Light

Series LL

20 - 23 September
Hall 27, Booth 480

Lighting for the Present and the Future.

Ceiling lighting LL series is
a long term and expandable solution.
Blending style and performance with a distinctly
modern edge, Rapido is a leather-look vinyl
with a subtle surface grain and semi-matt finish.

Scan the QR code to explore.

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Fabric Manufacturer Camira Launches
Revolutionary Digital Print Technology

In a year in which the

global company celebrates
its 200-year anniversary
capabilities, the launch expands
its offering to encompass digital
printing – providing customers with
Revolutionary Design
an unparalleled level of flexibility
in transport textiles, and freedom when choosing the Removing many of the design
Camira has signalled its optimal textile for their rail interior. constraints associated with
commitment to remaining at traditional woven textiles, Camira
Print fabrics can be created
the forefront of the industry Initially available to the bus & coach
without restrictions on pattern
with the introduction of the market, the textile manufacturer
repeats, scale, or colour, as well as
innovative Camira Print. has now introduced the capability
significantly reducing lead times
to the rail industry and will and minimum order quantities.
Perfectly complementing the be showcasing it at this year’s With a variety of design options,
manufacturer’s renowned weaving InnoTrans. customers have the flexibility to

create something entirely new – for digital print and is woven from
working with Camira’s in-house naturally sustainable wool to deliver
design studio to develop a totally saturated colour and comfort.

Train Interiors
bespoke creation. Meeting the industry’s key
technical performance standards,
Ciara Crossan, Transport Creative Camira Print textiles achieve the
Manager at Camira, explains, “There flammability regulation EN 45545.
is truly no limit to what is possible Indicating high durability, the newly
with Camira Print – customers launched textile capability also has
can create immersive advertising an abrasion performance of over
campaigns, recreate photographs, 100,000 rubs.
go as big as they like in terms of
scale, as bold as they like in terms of Peter Daly, Director of Transport
colour – this technology really at Camira, comments on the
launch, “We’re incredibly excited
to introduce Camira Print to the
rail market; not only is it a first for
Camira, but also for the industry.
Providing an unmatched level of
design, colour and manufacturing
freedom, customers can create truly
unforgettable fabrics which it has
just not been possible to create –
until now.

Truly a light shed moment for the

transport industry, Camira Print
will revolutionise the way in which
fabrics are designed and made. We
can’t wait to see how our customers
use this new technology.”

Alongside Camira Print, Camira

will also be showcasing its newly
launched high-performance faux
leather, Rapido, at InnoTrans 2022.
Introduced earlier this year, the
does unlimit so much of what is product is exclusively available in
restricted at the moment.” custom colours – making it the
perfect pairing for Camira Print
Moquette Fabric, Made textiles due to the ability to mix and
match shades across seat and trim.
from Wool
In an appealing blend of tradition To learn more about Camira
and innovation, each Camira Print Print and Rapido, visit Camira at
creation is applied to a lightweight InnoTrans, Stand 570 Hall 1.1
moquette fabric – the construction
on which Camira’s rich heritage
is built. With a velour finish, the
textile has been created exclusively

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Treadmaster Flooring
World Class Heritage

T iflex Ltd, a leading rubber

and cork manufacturer in
the UK, has been supplying
Busan Metro in South Korea,
SMRT trains on the Singapore
Metro, Klang Valley MRT trains
results in smoke density, toxicity
and flame spread test results.
Arguably the best in the world,
in Malaysia, Waratah Trains in Treadmaster will comply with all of
its Treadmaster Flooring to Australia and of course many the main world standards including
the transit industry since lines of the London Underground the British Standard BS6853 Cat 1a,
1951. including the brand-new Elizabeth and the European Norm EN45545
line trains. Treadmaster Flooring HL-3. It has even been used to assist
has undergone much development sub-floor materials like carpet to
The Treadmaster TM7 range was following decades of real-world conform to fire safety specifications
initially developed for the London experience and feedback and as part of a flooring system where
Underground following the King’s remains a market leader in many we developed a fire-resistant
Cross Disaster in 1987 and the key areas. underlay to act as a protective
resulting demand to find the safest barrier.
materials for their rolling stock. Fire Safety
Treadmaster Flooring has featured
Wear Resistance
on many major metro trains Treadmaster is a world leader in
around the world including the terms of fire safety with exceptional Tiflex’s specialist range of transport

flooring and associated products
are designed to excel in high-traffic

Train Interiors
public transportation systems in
all climates and environments.
Extensively used on rolling stock
where easy to clean, hard wearing
flooring is required, especially on
metro and overnight trains where
the highest regard is given to fire
safety. Boasting unrivalled wear
resistance, the flooring is repairable
and can be renovated even after
decades of use due to the full body
homogenous construction.

Lifecyle Costs and providing revenue to the local composite board, honeycombed
Sustainability economy. Tiflex is able to provide aluminium, aluminium cork
instruction and training to support sandwich and even wood. We hope
As well as being incredibly robust, these initiatives. to develop this concept further in
the finish is consistent throughout order to provide a flooring system
the body of the flooring, this means Equally, Tiflex can offer a complete that is easy to install, easy to repair
that properly maintained it can last service, supplying fully tailored and can potentially last the full life
for decades keeping its original parts, manufactured to the exact of the train. Savings to the LCCs as
appearance, potentially even for specification of the technical design well as sustainability gains are just
the design life of most vehicles, saving time and money with regard some of the benefits.
dramatically reducing lifecycle costs to installation of the flooring. On a
and the impact on the environment. recent project our service at a cost More than just a flooring supplier,
So, it’s possible that the same of £90,000 was calculated to save Tiflex can work with designers and
flooring manufactured specifically nearly four times that in time and engineers to develop a bespoke
for a particular train can perform resources. product for each specific train. We
adequately for the whole life of that can help with initial installation
train with no need to remove, make Tiflex can produce moulded coving to ensure a perfect fit and offer
good or replace with new flooring. parts to match the floors and help and advice with long term
This forms part of Tiflex’s strategy provide protection against water maintenance to keep the floor
to find ways to repair, reuse and ingress as well as pictograms, performing at its best.
repurpose its products to reduce passive lighting and routered
their impact on the environment. finishes for vestibules. With a Come and visit us at InnoTrans
strikingly low MOQ Tiflex can make Stand 820 Hall 3.1 or contact our
Tailormade a completely bespoke colourway for
the smallest of projects or allow for
UK office for more information.

several corresponding colourways

Treadmaster products can be on a single project.
supplied in large rolls and basic
formats to provide options for local Tiflex has worked with a number of
content-based fabrication. This can specialist sub-floor manufacturers
move parts of the manufacturing, around the world to provide a
installation process to where the complete flooring system that can
trains are been built or renovated, easily be fitted to the train. We
employing local people and work with fire resistant phenolic



Made in the UK


Full-body homogenous construction allows for repairs & renovation
World Class Fire resistance; flame spread, toxicity & smoke density
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< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

The Sustainable High-Speed Future of Rail
R ail transportation has
experienced something
of a chequered history since
HSR is set to play a key role
in delivering the sustainable,
integrated transportation systems
sustainable rail transportation,
in the same way as it is doing in
other sectors
required to meet global climate
famously opening up the goals, while helping to satisfy the
American West in the late ever-growing worldwide demand
HSR’s Role in a
1800s. for mobility. Sustainable Transport
While some economies have This article considers:
embraced rail travel as a central
part of their passenger transport • why HSR is key to sustainable HSR’s potential contribution to
infrastructure, others have placed transportation and how this achieving net zero is clear – it is
greater emphasis on road and air, or affects the wider rail sector simply much less polluting than
focused rail investment mainly on • the challenges for HSR and air travel. One recent article
transporting freight. how they mirror some of the comparing HSR with domestic
challenges facing sustainable air air travel in China states that, on
The global ambition towards net transport – weight, propulsion, average, aircraft carbon emissions
zero carbon across many regions materials, manufacturing and per passenger kilometre are seven
and industries is driving a renewed maintenance times those of HSR.
focus on rail transportation, and • the importance of innovation in
in particular high-speed rail (HSR), meeting these challenges It is hardly surprising that
with 11,693km of high-speed lines • how Henkel’s position as a countries with well-developed
under construction, representing a global leader in materials HSR infrastructure, like China
25% growth in HSR networks over and adhesives technologies and France, are actively pursuing
the next 4–5 years. is enabling innovation in transport policies to move

Rolling Stock Components & Materials
passengers off domestic flights and credentials – where electrified rail and road transportation.
on to high-speed rail links. infrastructure exists, the challenge
of finding a sustainable power Some challenges that HSR shares
While others, such as the US, source is already resolved. with the aerospace and automotive
may be slower to join the party, sectors:
moves such as the US government Conventional rail covers the mid-
restoration of almost $1bn in range and suburban journeys that • reducing weight to deliver
funding for a high-speed rail sit between HSR and metro. While maximum efficiency
service in California demonstrate its role in a sustainable transport • increasing power plant energy
there is still strong interest. infrastructure may be less clear-cut, density and end-to-end
it would be surprising if it did not sustainability, from raw material
also benefit from the advantages of extraction to disposal or
What Does This Mean electrification and of innovation in recycling; electrification of rail
for the Future of Rail those markets. lines can only ever be a partial
Travel in General? answer – HSR needs sustainable,
self-powered locomotives for
Sustainability where electrification is not an
A 2019 International Energy Challenges for HSR option
Authority report cites HSR and • minimising the environmental
metro rail – high-frequency, HSR undoubtedly has sustainability footprint of materials,
high-capacity urban services – as advantages over air or road manufacturing and
the types of rail transportation transport, but it also faces some maintenance
receiving most investment. The challenges. Some of these are
report highlights electrification specific to the HSR sector, while HSR needs to address these
as one of rail’s key sustainability others are shared with aerospace challenges to ensure a viable

Alstom’s acquisition of Bombardier neutral, integrated transport
has demonstrated one major strategy. This movement is likely to
player’s commitment to embed continue, with growing investment
innovation in sustainability through and focus on HSR as a viable
its strategies and partnerships. alternative to domestic air travel, as
long as it is sustained by the same
Decarbonising rail at speed is innovation and collaboration that is
a major technological goal for driving the move to carbon neutral
companies throughout the rail value in other transportation sectors.
chain, with innovation in propulsion
through fuel cell and pure hydrogen What Next?
Henkel is playing a leading role in
The drive to sustainable rail delivering the future of sustainable
transportation goes beyond transportation manufacturing
propulsion into the materials that through innovation, process
make trains themselves lighter, optimisation, collaboration and a
more sustainable, more comfortable commitment to sustainability.
and attractive to passengers.
To learn more about innovation
and the value of a partner like
How Henkel Adds Value Henkel, or if you have an interest in
driving appropriate collaboration
Materials, coatings and bonding in the sector, feel free to reach out
future at the heart of a sustainable technologies are core to delivering on LinkedIn, or visit us at www.
transportation infrastructure. the sustainable end-to-end value henkel-adhesives.com/aerospace.
chain for rail travel.
The Power of Innovation Henkel’s position as a market leader
Click here to read the original
and Collaboration in this area and our consultative
and collaborative capabilities make
HSR has come a long way, but there us an ideal partner in delivering the
is massive potential still to be innovation required.
realised through greater innovation
and collaboration throughout the Sustainable high-speed rail travel
value chain, and relentless focus on is already established in some
sustainability. countries as part of a wider carbon-

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Rolling Stock Components & Materials

FinnProfiles – The Obvious Choice of Sealing
Partner in the Rail Industry

Jarno Halme, FinnProfiles’s Business Area Manager for the rolling stock industry, is confident in the company’s new strategy. The company is
concentrating on the railway industry with its export efforts.

A ll indications say that the

railway industry’s boom
is on an upswing.
gasket manufacturer FinnProfiles
has decided to focus its export
efforts on serving the industry that
According to Jarno Halme, Business
Area Manager at FinnProfiles for the
rolling stock industry, this strategic
meets all the characteristics of a decision is well-founded.
The green transition and “Export requires a lot of resources,
urbanisation are brightening the The FinnProfiles strategy in export so it should not be done randomly.
prospects of low-emission public activities focuses entirely on the Everything is global and very
transport. The Finnish sealing and rail industry and related projects. competitive today, so you really

Tampere’s trams in Finland include 320 door seals, all made by FinnProfiles. In addition, all doorstep rubbers are made by the company. The
material that has been used in these products is a fire-safe EPDM rubber, approved according to the EN45545-2 standard.

must be able to create added value shortcuts that you shouldn’t take.” the Paris Metro, the MI 09 project
for your customers. For this reason, in France and the high-speed
we focus on exports in the sector Project sizes in the railway industry train in Honam. Even the London
that we know best and where our are also well suited for FinnProfiles. Underground has sealing solutions
company’s strengths truly stand “There’s no project too small or too made by FinnProfiles.
out,” Halme says. big in the railway industry for us
to handle. Our production is well “We have been supplying sealing
He lists material know-how and optimised for all of them. Therefore, solutions to the railway industry
profile design expertise as the we aim to be well-known and maybe for practically the entire existence
company’s competitive advantages. even an obvious choice as a sealing of our company, i.e. for more than
Both of these allow the company partner in the industry,” Halme 30 years. We have accumulated a
to support the customer’s own points out. lot of industry-specific know-how
product development team to find and experience, from which our
the best-possible result.
Our Design Experience customers today benefit in the form
of design and material know-how,”
In addition, FinnProfiles’s versatile and Material Know-How Halme highlights.
post-production services have
contributed to a strong foothold in
Serve Customers
rail projects. FinnProfiles’s style is to be patient
FinnProfiles has a lot of expertise in and seek the best-possible solution
“The railway industry is also very special materials used in the railway for the customer in a collaborative
suitable for us because quality and industry through numerous train, way. And it is a well-known fact
safety are crucial aspects there. metro and tram projects. The that the earlier the sealing partner
The industry really understands the company’s solutions can be found participates in the project, the
importance of seals in an entity and worldwide, e.g. in Mannheim and fewer unwanted compromises the
how things can backfire if you take Bonn in Germany, Milan in Italy, customer needs to face.

It is good to recognise that working standards for the railway industry: services often complete the
hard to find the right solution at the EN 45545-2, DIN 5510-2, NF F 16-101, customer’s added value experience,
beginning of the project can pay off BS 6853, NFPA 130. as the services transform the
very handsomely in the end since sealing profile into a real product
the customer can utilise the same that is customised to fit the
structure and seal in optional orders The Cherry on Top: A customer’s product perfectly.
if the project expands. Wide Range of Post-
“Our post-production services are
“We can simulate with a computer
Production Services the part of the value chain that
in a very reliable way how the has the most significant impact on
designed profile fits in a structure. According to Halme, the real pride our customers’ experience. We can
After this, we still make 3D-printed of FinnProfiles is its post-production practically make a seal so finished
prototypes for our customers. services. These services include joint that the customer only needs to put
During the process, we consider vulcanisations, various coatings, the seal in place.”
the functionality of the seal from mounting adhesives and tapes,
all possible perspectives. We take cutting and punching services
into account, e.g. the prevailing and laser markings. Furthermore, Jarno Halme
conditions, the stress on the seal, we offer moulded components
the tightness requirement itself, the and frame corners which can be Business Area Manager, Rolling
installability, the interchangeability combined with profiles to a really Stock
of the seal and of course any safety high-quality frame!
issues, i.e. what standards the +358 50 919 3309
materials must meet,” Halme lists. “In some cases, we also combine
[email protected]
different hardnesses in the sealing
In addition, in the case of metros solutions, in which the corner parts
and trams, Halme raises the or the mounting grooves are
potential issue of vandalism, made of a harder material than the
which should also be taken into other parts of the sealing. Thus, the
account when designing a seal or parts requiring rigidity are harder,
considering material choices. while the parts requiring elasticity
retain their good flexibility,” Halme
By the way, FinnProfiles’s rubber describes.
and silicone materials meet the
following fire, smoke and gas FinnProfiles’s post-production

Numerous silicone sealings are included in the Tampere tram projects

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Sheets and Films for Thermoforming and
S enoplast is a leading
company in producing
sheets and films for
and films. The field of application
of the produced senosan® products
ranges from the automotive to
successful with an export ratio of
over 90%. The companies employ
530 people in Austria and 810
the sanitary, the furniture and the worldwide. Recently a new extrusion
thermoforming and transport vehicles industry. line was invested in Austria with
lamination. a focus on production of plastic
Every year, around 60,000 tons sheets made of ABS, ABS/PMMA
Senoplast Klepsch & Co. GmbH, of senosan® sheets and films and ABS/PC as well as PS increasing
founded in 1956 and having its are delivered from the main site production capacity by 4,500 tons/
international headquarters in in Piesendorf/Austria and the years.
Piesendorf, Austria, is a worldwide production facilities in Querétaro/
specialist in the production of Mexico and Suzhou/China to around The trademark senosan® does not
coextruded plastic sheets and films 60 countries worldwide. In 2021 the only stand for high-quality plastic
for thermoforming. The family- family-owned company achieved sheets and films but also for an
owned company focuses on the a turnover of around 300 million ecology-minded production. The
coextrusion of multilayer sheets euros and was internationally innovative and high-quality plastic

Rolling Stock Components & Materials
sheets and films made of ABS,
Flame Retardant • Almost double impact strength
compared to the competition
offer a wide range of applications. Thermoformed
Senoplast delivers high-quality Material for Interior • Fulfils smoke density
surfaces according to specific needs and surface flammability
and offers customised solutions for Transportation requirements for American rail
the railway industry. Applications with applications (Docket 90-A and
NFPA 130)
senosan® C60FR-5
Thermoforming: A Very • Material fulfils EN 45545-2, R1-
Economical Way to For the rail sector with its strong HL3 and R6-HL3 requirements
Provide Precise Parts for fire safety regulations Senoplast
developed a material offering new
with regrind – even if material
is painted
the Automotive Industry opportunities for railway interior
designers. The product senosan® • Antibacterial version (ISO
Thermoforming is a process for C60FR-5 is a halogen-free flame 22196)
forming thermoplastics under the retardant PC/ABS sheet with a matt
influence of heat and with the aid surface and meets the European • Matt surface appearance with
of compressed air or a vacuum. regulation EN45545-2, applications light embossing or smooth
The process has increasingly found R1-HL3 and R6-HL3. The main
applications in the industrial sector. advantages of the material are: • Big sizes possible (sheet
formats for example 2.2m x 6m)
As an alternative to injection • High thickness-range from 2–5 – limited only by what can be
moulding, it is characterised by mm transported
favourable mould costs and is
particularly economical for small • Lower density – only 1.3 g/cm3 • Even with included recycled
and medium-sized series. (weight and cost reduction) regrind the material reacts

Example 1: Roof panels – painted

Example 3: Wall cladding with

LARGE window openings – offcuts
can be reused in recycled material
– material called senosan®
C58FR-5 (also meets EN45545- R1,
Example 2: Seat shells in Antibac

with more ductility than other developed by Senoplast ensures doing so, the company is taking the
materials that almost all production and mass balance approach, in which
processing waste can be reused renewable raw materials are used
• Halogen-free in the manufacturing process. In as substitutes for fossil-based
addition, the company has invested materials right at the start of the
Sustainable in a new regrind processing production chain. “We have already
plant. This allows plastic recycled obtained the ISCC-Plus certification
Management and materials from the market to be required for this. This is a big step
Recycling processed accordingly and also towards the goal of climate-neutral
used in production. The senocircle production at the Piesendorf
As a family business, Senoplast recycling system has been in use for site,” says Günter Klepsch, CEO of
stands by its responsibility towards more than 20 years. Senoplast Austria.
society, nature, the environment
and the people who work here. In terms of sustainability, Senoplast
Senoplast has chosen the Green is taking the next step to reduce Senoplast Klepsch & Co. GmbH
Spirit as its motif. He stands for its carbon footprint and achieve
the way we think, our idea of what climate neutrality. In addition to Mr Matthias Schmidl,
tomorrow’s world should look like, the already available senosan® Divisional Sales Manager
and how we use the resources given ECO furniture foils, which are
to us. Senoplast sees itself as a largely made from recycled plastics, [email protected]
pioneer of environmentally friendly bioplastics under the senosan®
industrial production methods and ECO-B brand are to expand the +43 6549 7444 10220
has received many awards for this. climate-friendly product range. In

At Senoplast, sustainable
management has a particularly
high priority. The recycling concept

Roxtec CRF transit for rolling stock

Rolling Stock Components & Materials

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

New Roxtec Seal Covers All Needs Within

Rolling Stock
S ealing system provider
Roxtec presents a new
compact seal – the Roxtec
sealing modules with removable
rubber layers. They make it easy
to handle sudden design changes
flames from propagating through
the fire wall.

CRF transit.
or the presence of a variety of
Combining Cables and
It is a flexible all-in-one solution that
helps manufacturers within rolling
Sealing Modules for Fast It is possible to mix either CM
stock solve several safety and Installation and CM PPS sealing modules or
production challenges within cable CRF and CRF PPS modules in the
and plastic conduit penetrations. The Roxtec CRF and CRF PPS Roxtec CRF transit aluminum frame.
modules have no removable layers Manufacturers can thereby route
Manufacturers can fill the but provide a certain cable size and seal both cables and plastic
lightweight and openable Roxtec tolerance thanks to their unique conduits in the same opening in a
CRF transit frame with any design. The CRF versions are ideal floor or wall.
type of Roxtec’s purpose-made for fast, repetitive installations
sealing modules, depending on in serial production settings with Roxtec proposes the solution in
what capabilities they want. They already known cable and conduit ready-made kits with IP 66, E30 and
always get certified fire protection, sizes. HL3 ratings according to IEC 60529
tightness and vibration resistance, and EN 45545. Learn more.
but additionally they can select the
Fire Protection for
module type to add flexibility to Continued on p.298
varying cable or conduit sizes or to Plastic Conduits
enable high-speed installation.
The PPS versions of the Roxtec
Scan the QR code below
Sealing Modules for CM and Roxtec CRF modules for
plastic conduits contain in their
for contact details
Flexibility turn intumescent material in order
to comply with EN 45545-3. Upon
Roxtec CM and CM PPS modules fire, the plastic conduit melts and
adapt to cables and conduits of leaves a void in the fire wall. The
many sizes thanks to Multidiameter, intumescent material expands, fills
the Roxtec innovation based on and seals the void which prevents

New Roxtec seal
covers all needs
The new Roxtec CRF transit for rolling stock ensures fire protection, tightness and
vibration resistance. It also enables you to select sealing modules to add more flexibility
or enable high-speed installation.

Ratings for all ready-made sealing kits

o IP 66
o E30
o EN 45545

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Rolling Stock Components & Materials

Technical Advisory for Design and Materials Engineers
to Achieve Capacity, Efficiency and Sustainability Goals
3M Bonding & Assembly Design Solutions for Weight Reduction in the Rail Industry

By Dr Ratheesh Kumar P. M. – 3M India Ltd

R olling stock weight

reduction is a key priority
if the rail industry is to
methods. Joining and bonding
solutions using high-performance
adhesives and tapes are a
Our technologies can also support
in bonding composites which
enable lighter constructions.
significant enabler of lightweighting
meet its capacity, efficiency, in the rail sector, providing safe, Advanced materials create new
sustainability and operating durable and cost-effective solutions manufacturing challenges. They
cost-reduction goals. to many challenging assembly include the need to create durable
applications. 3M has adhesive connections between dissimilar
bonding technologies that can materials. Thus, avoiding stress
In the quest for overall weight speed up assembly processes and peaks around fasteners and
reduction, rail OEMs are exploring lighten the load by reducing the preventing water ingress and
the use of new vehicle architectures, number of mechanical fasteners corrosion getting into and between
materials and construction needed in rail carriage assembly. components. OEMs also need

construction technologies that
work reliably and consistently in the
wproduction environment.
Advanced adhesive bonding
technologies such as 3M™ VHB™
Tapes and the Scotch-Weld™
Structural Adhesives allow
manufacturers to achieve those
aims. Adhesive bonding allows
structural connections to be made
between many different materials.
This is a significant advantage in
designs that include both metal and
composite or polymer components.
Where dissimilar metals are joined,
such as aluminium body panels to
a steel frame, an adhesive or taped
joint provides electrical insulation, and weight reduction benefits stringent fire, smoke and toxicity
reducing the incidence of galvanic available from the use of adhesive (FST) regulations. While these
corrosion. bonding, it is important that the requirements were once seen as a
joint design and choice of adhesive barrier to the adoption of certain
With the correct joint design, are appropriate for the applied materials, 3M has made significant
adhesive bonding ensures loads are loads, operation conditions and progress in the development of
carried by the entire joint, allowing the characteristics of the materials adhesives and tapes with excellent
the use of thinner, lighter materials. involved. The strength of a joint FST performance.
Bonded joints can secure and seal depends on both the quality of
a structure in a single operation adhesion achieved, the cohesive At 3M, we are continuing to develop
and they can also be designed strength of the cured adhesive and a range of innovative products to
to reduce the transmission of a selection of an adhesive with an streamline and ensure the quality
sound and vibration. For carriage appropriate stiffness (modulus of of future rolling stock delivery. 3M’s
interior components, bonding using elasticity). The joint design must industry-leading range of adhesive
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Structural also consider the most appropriate and tape solutions for interior and
Adhesives and 3M™ VHB™ Tapes mode of failure for the joint. exterior designs is vast, offering
gives designers the opportunity both bonding and fastening
to save weight while also creating In safety-critical applications such solutions.
systems that are robust and easy as rail passenger car interiors,
to look after. Advances in the materials must comply with www.3m.com/3M/en_US/rail-us/
chemistry of adhesives mean that
lightweight, low-surface energy
polymers such as polypropylene
(PP) and thermoplastic polyolefin
(TPO) can now be bonded reliably,
without the need for costly and
time-consuming surface treatments.
Reclosable tapes, such as 3M’s Dual
Lock™ range, allow the installation
of removable panels or upholstery
elements with a clean aesthetic

To capture the full performance

Sustainability matters.
Let’s work together.
Sustainability is critical at all stages of the rolling Contact a 3M
stock life cycle. 3M engineers can help your team expert today
with design, manufacturing, bonding and assembly,
maintenance and product ideas.

Visit us at InnoTrans 2022

Booth 380, Hall 8.2
< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Lightweight, Safe and Durable – Tailor-Made

Polymer Sheets for the Railway Industry

F or more than 60 years,

epsotech has been
developing customised
With epsotech’s thermoplastic
sheet solutions, the group offers its
customers a significant advantage
is to develop innovative products
that help its customers reach
their environmental goals. One of
in terms of weight savings and thus our overall targets is to generally
plastic solutions for a actively supports CO2 reduction. substitute non-recyclable solutions
wide range of segments In general, plastic sheets help in the market.
and markets including conserve resources thanks to their
long lives and multifaceted uses. For rail vehicles the group develops
automotive, bus, rail,
epsotech is strictly committed to and produces high-quality plastic
aerospace, marine and the reduction of plastic waste and solutions in strict compliance
medical. the ideal of the circular economy. with the relevant standards and
requirements. Here, epsotech
Each year, the group supplies more With a high recycling rate, the offers a range of products for
than 2,500 customers worldwide, group actively contributes to a modern passenger coaches
combining the strengths of six more economical and sustainable made of polypropylene as well as
European production sites. environment. epsotech’s mission polycarbonate-based materials

Rolling Stock Components & Materials
with a significant cost advantage very frequent cleaning. Sheets are epsotech’s thermoplastic material
compared to conventional materials compliant to EN 45545-2 R6 HL3 and solutions help to make your
and processes. compound for injection moulding everyday life even safer!
up to R6 HL2, or to R21 HL3 on
The polypropylene-based material request. Visit epsotech at InnoTrans: Hall 3.1,
solutions are available as extruded Stand 200!
sheets or an injection moulding epsotech also offers a halogen-
compound. These products free polycarbonate-based material
For more infomation contact
are halogen-free and also have solution, with excellent impact
Francois Venisse
exceptionally low heat release, properties, available in a range of
smoke density and toxicity colours and textures. Suitable for
properties. Plus, they offer excellent wall, window frame and ceiling [email protected]
chemical resistance, making them applications, this product has been
the perfect choice in seat and table certified according to EN 45545-2 R1 www.epsotech.com
tray applications where parts need HL2.

Made for safe journeys

saying that, uncle rod, meg nor

ryan replied o



Lightweight, safe and durable: tailor-made polymer sheets for the railway industry.

Our sheets are EN 45545-2 R6 HL3 certified for seat and

table applications and EN 45545-2 R1 HL2 certified for
wall, window frame and ceiling applications. Compound is
compliant to EN 45545-2 R6 HL2 or R21 HL3 on request.

Contact us for a technical consultation to compare

thermoforming with other processes.

T +33 474 699365 · [email protected]


we care about plastics www.epsotech.com

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Rolling Stock Components & Materials

Introducing the Euroguarco Group

T he Euroguarco Group
aims to bring together
the products and knowledge
by coming together as a corporate
group we can amalgamate our
experience, skills and greatly
interiors from toilets to doors. We
also bring to the table specialist
engineering capacities,” Senese
enlarge our product portfolio,” says says proudly.
of its member companies to Andrea Senese, Sales Department
provide the rail industry with Manager, Insulating and Interiors Working with a single partner
integrated, customisable Materials, at Euroguarco. on an integrated solution offers
train interiors solutions that many benefits, from reduced
save time, space and money. “It’s about creating synergies,” management, lead and installation
continues Rosario Caltabiano, times through to optimisation of
Eurorail’s International Sales train space.
We’re pleased to announce the Director. “Working together we
creation of the Euroguarco Group, can co-design new concepts and “Euroguarco group brings the most
which brings together the expertise solutions for our customers and value when we come on board right
of three highly renowned Italian grow from a supplier to a solutions at the start of any given project,”
companies with over 50 years of provider. says Paolo Bettarini, Sales Director
experience in the rail industry. at Intersys. “Because we bring
“Instead of separately buying our three companies – plus SBF’s
The newly created corporate ceilings, LED light systems, air ducts engineering knowledge – to the
group consists of Euroguarco S.p.a., etc, our customers can come to the table, we’re able to provide real
Intersys S.r.l. and Eurorail S.r.l., and group, tell us what they need and value by optimising the solution
operates in partnership with S.B.F. we’ll go away and work together at the start. Plus, you only have to
Engineering S.r.l.. to create a single, integrated and raise one PO and Euroguarco Group
customised solution for them.” will take care of engineering the
New Integration entire solution.”

Solutions for the Rail A One-Stop Shop

Dramatically Reduce
Industry Simply put, the Euroguarco group Installation Time
provides a ‘one-stop shop’ for rolling
This new commercial entity was stock manufacturers. “In particular we can offer huge
created with the aim of developing savings in installation time,” adds
integrated solutions that provide “I don’t believe there’s any other Caltabiano. “Instead of having all
additional value to customers. group – in Europe at least – that the single parts of the floors or of
has the same expertise and product the ceiling delivered separately, the
“Our companies and products portfolio. We specialise in ceilings, group will provide the customer
greatly complement each other and floors… and many more aspects of with a pre-fitted industrialised

Electrical cable trays integrated in
the low weight air duct to save space,
weight and man / hours (installation).

Pre-fitted cables and pre-connected


The pictured solutions are only an example (concept) of what Euroguarco Group is able to design and produce.
The final product is totally customisable for each project requirement and could be completely different from the one shown in the picture.

product that can be installed in one Euroguarco Group’s workshop in cable trays, modules and/or
sitting. Italy. This is also possible for the fixing points
ceiling panel – in either a sandwich • Freeing up of space within the
“Even as stand-alone organisations or thermoplastic material – and car
we’re leading the way in this area. also any screens and utilities the • A reduction in installation and
Our latest flooring solution takes customer requires. therefore train production
80 percent less time to install than times due to pre-assembly
other solutions,” he points out. Finally, customisable LED lights can • Complete customisation
also be pre-assembled and cabled • Limitation of re-engineering
Pre-Fitted Integrated Air before being pre-fitted into the air
work as the product is co-
engineered with the customer
Duct Concept Solution from the very start of any given
“This is a completely customisable project
The Euroguarco Group can provide solution that can be tailored to
a wide range of solutions to rail meet the available space and shape
manufacturers, but to give an of customers’ cars, but provides an
Find Out How Your
idea of what is possible – and the outline of what we can offer when Company Could Benefit
our companies – and therefore our
benefits gained – it has created a
‘showcase concept’ of a potential products and knowledge – come
from Euroguarco
customer solution. This is the pre- together as one,” says Bettarini. Group’s Products and
fitted integrated air duct.
The main advantages of the pre-
Electrical cable trays can be fitted integrated air duct include:
integrated into the low-weight This is just one example of how
air duct, with cables pre-fitted • Multiple weight reductions Euroguarco Group can bring
and utilities pre-connected at thanks to the need for fewer together the products, skills and

Ceiling panel in sandwich or in
thermoplastic material integrated and
pre-fitted on the duct.
LED lights totally customisable on
customer request, pre-assembled and

Screens and utilities pre-fitted on the

integrated air duct.

knowledge of four renowned Italian pneumatic management and

businesses to provide bespoke control systems for toilets
“The level of integration
solutions for the rail industry. through to pantograph control
and the products used are
systems and mechanical
entirely determined on the
Members of the electronic control systems for
internal and external doors.
customer’s need and we can
design, manufacture and
Euroguarco Group fit solutions for every kind
• Eurorail S.r.l. is a start-up
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• Euroguarco S.p.a has more founded in 2020 by Euroguarco
and metros to high-speed
than 60 years’ experience S.p.a. and S.B.F. Engineering S.r.l..
passenger rail cars,” says
working across a number of In just a few years it has become
industries. Its rail division was a reference supplier providing
launched in 2011 and offers innovative flooring systems in
Why not come visit us at
engineering and production of addition to producing sandwich
InnoTrans – Hall 3.1, Stand
lightweight solutions for major panels, ceilings, external and
570 – to find out more?
rolling stock manufacturers. internal panelling and doors.
This includes air ducting
systems, insulating materials • S.B.F. Engineering S.r.l. is If we miss each other at the
and solutions and interior a leading Italian engineering show, you can also learn more
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< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

The Better Way to Protect Your Products
against Corrosion
Distek helps manufacturers process and is applied in accordance Higher Corrosion and
make better anti-corrosion with a number of standards
including ASTM A1059 and BS-EN Abrasive Resistance
coatings in-house with an 17668:2016.
innovative technology that Distek’s coating method has also
includes easy-to-operate Minimal surface pre-treatment is been proven to provide better-
thermal diffusion galvanising required before coating as spots quality protection through stronger
corrosion resistance.
(TDG) coating lines and of rust, grease residue and oiling
patented powder and cooling agent on the component’s
surface generally don’t affect the Testing has shown the coating
materials. stands up to the most extreme
coating. All it usually takes is just
conditions, including 3,000 hours of
going through a shot blast machine.
Many manufacturers pay extra salt spray testing, and is 5–10 times
and use external coating providers better than the hot-dip galvanising
instead of doing their coating The process provides a consistent (HDG) method.
in-house, which requires a unique thickness within a range of 20-120μ,
facility, handling polluting waste even on internal surfaces. It also offers high abrasive
and working with large quantities resistance, with micro-hardness
to make it profitable. The vapourised zinc penetrates the of up to 1636HV, preventing nut
surface to become integrated with seizure in stainless steel bolts.
Distek changes all this, as its the substrate material and creates
solution involves no hazardous
materials or polluting waste.
a zinc-iron layer. The passivation Save Money by Bringing
(finishing) and top-coating
Its compact, easy-to-operate processes strengthen the corrosion Coating In-House
automated coating lines pay resistance, creating a hard, non-
off even when it comes to small Manufacturers can bring Distek
magnetic weldable coating that is
quantities. No special facilities are coating lines on to their production
also flexible.
required. floor, which saves both time and
This means that in many cases
Distek’s Anti-Corrosion components can be bent into new “With our solution you can make
Coating shapes without any damage to the anti-corrosion coating an integral
coating, and they’re also compatible part of your production process
Distek’s thermal-diffusion zinc with a wide variety of coverings and in-house – you can make your parts,
coating is achieved through a TDG paints. coat them and then they’re simply

Rolling Stock Components & Materials
ready to ship,” says Moshe Shmidov, “Take the famous HDG method. build the equipment using trusted
Global Marketing and Business Besides its complex surface pre- subcontractors and bring our
Development Manager, Distek. treatment process, this is like a big engineers in to install it and train
bath of high temperature zinc that the staff on how to use it. Then,
“This can save a lot of money you have to consistently maintain during the lifetime of the line, we
and hassle as you no longer need at approximately 600 degrees for supply the required materials and
to send your components to an small components. Our process provide technical support,” says
external supplier for coating.” is carried out at much lower Shmidov.
temperatures, meaning you can just
Green Credentials switch the machines on and off as
needed, which provides significant
Providing an attractive cost-benefit
ratio and a superior anti-corrosion
energy savings.” solution, it’s easy to see why Distek
Having been awarded the Pollution has been chosen by dozens of
Prevention Award (MVP2) by the US
Environmental Protection Agency
Distek – Your Anti- clients around the world.

(EPA), Distek is understandably Corrosion Coating

very proud of its environmental
Partner Get in touch to learn more
about how your organisation
Its entire anti-corrosion coating Distek works closely with customers can benefit from Distek coating
process is green – no wastewater, to plan and install its anti-corrosion technology – simply email
hazardous materials or polluting coating lines, as well as provide [email protected].
waste. The closed system includes a technical support.
water-cleaning process that recycles
the water, while its dry process After discussing your company’s
ensures there are no acid or toxic specific needs, its experts will
elements. plan, design and produce the
most suitable coating line for your
The coating process also uses much business.
less energy than other methods, as
Shmidov points out. “We’ll plan out the production line,

We help manufacturers make
their anti-corrosion coating
in-house with green, easy-to-
operate TDG coating lines.

Founded in 1993, the Distek company Having operated over 40 coating lines
developed a revolutionary non- worldwide and serving a variety of
polluting technology for anti- industries, Distek has gained
corrosion protection using thermo- extensive expertise in thermo-
diffusion zinc process. Today, Distek is diffusion coatings. Our technology
the market leader and a leading will allow you to make your own
expert in thermo-diffusion zinc coatings instead of paying to external
coatings. suppliers.

Entirely Better Make It

Green Rsults In-House

An innovative thermal Our thermo-diffusion An easy-to-operate,

diffusion zinc process. zinc process achieves computerized,
No hazardous much better corrosion- automated coating line
materials involved, resistance results - up that stands next to your
and no polluting to 3000 hours in salt production floor. No
waste. spray test. need to be/hire a coating

[email protected]


Rolling Stock Components & Materials

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Access Solutions that Go the Distance

M ore comfort and

greater reliability are
two of the top reasons why
fixtures and equipment secured
with access solutions like ours. But
when inferior products are used it
Environmental & Mechanical
• Vibrations, heat, cold, water,
salt, snow, ice, dirt
is just a matter of time before the
many people choose to squeaks and rattles begin to erode
travel by rail rather than by passenger satisfaction. Design & Engineering Features
• Acid-proof stainless steel (AISI
air or by car. We get it. 316)
Industrilas vibration-resistant access • Proper compression
solutions for trains are expertly • Vibration-resistant according
Industrilas access solutions deliver designed and manufactured to to DIN EN 61373
exactly that, making them a
stand up against the elements and • Sealed to IP65 for excellent
perfect fit for train manufacturers ingress protection
vibrations over the long run. They
competing on the world’s urban and • Fast and easy to install
mainline passenger rail markets. not only make the journey more
comfortable and less stressful for
Aesthetic & Ergonomic Benefits
Passengers climbing aboard metro, passengers, but also for crews and
• Sophisticated look and feel
commuter or mainline trains maintenance staff who appreciate • Clever flush-mounted design
may not notice all exterior and durability, ease of use and proper • Exceptional ease of use
interior compartments, panels, compression. • Will not buzz, squeak or rattle

Serving the Sector for Designed In-House. Tried and Tested
Decades Destined to Travel.
With decades of experience
Industrilas has been developing, Fortunately for us and our under our belt, we know how
designing and manufacturing customers, nothing gets our much customers value our
world-class access solutions for the product engineers and designers unique solutions and our modular
transportation sector for over 40 more fired up than an unusually approach that enables them to
years. All with total control over the tough nut to crack. Whenever a pick and choose from a variety of
entire in-house production chain problem related to trains or heavy alternatives. And when it comes
from design and manufacturing machinery comes our way, our team to ensuring the right quality for
to final surface treatments and will be up to the challenge. transportation applications, we can
assembly. So by the time they leave guarantee:
our house, you can be sure they
are 100% ready for your specific Partners in Perfection • BSR (Buzz, Squeak and Rattle)
application. extermination
The secret to our success is your • Crash tests to ensure nothing
We also deliver to the power participation. We find that the comes loose
generation and distribution more our customers want to be • Vibration- and shock resistant
industries. Our solutions can be involved, the better the end results according to DIN EN 61373
found on outdoor substations, are. That is why, when you come to • Automotive quality in
switchgear cabinets and enclosures us with your idea or problem, we accordance with IATF 16949
for generators, as well as on train guide and engage you throughout
overhead line conductors. The
main objectives for this type of
the entire process from design
to manufacturing. In that way,
Somewhere Near You
application are to ensure safety, together we create solutions that
to guarantee functionality of the are well thought through and Today Industrilas is present in over
unit and to withstand weather deliver the perfect combination of 40 countries around the world
conditions such as rain, snow, heat, function, safety, ease of use and including eight full-service hubs
cold and thunderstorms. flawless look and feel. and three manufacturing facilities,

allowing us to keep lead times to a
minimum and provide local service
for our customers. To find a local
contact, please visit industrilas.com.

Solutions that Last

Industrilas offers a plethora of

standard and customised solutions.
Here are a few examples of the
product categories that are
applicable to the railway industry.

The range of quarter-turns and Industrilas offers a wide variety of in. The handles come in acid-proof
their area of use are endless. hinges for the transportation sector. stainless steel and stainless steel.
They can be designed for simple All are chock and vibration-tested,
applications, in stainless steel with with many versions in stainless
vibration resistance, as water and steel. We also offer a multitude of
dustproof and with a trapezoidal hinges for applications that require
thread. You can design the a lesser amount of strength.
quarter-turns however you like by The Industrilas Vision™ product
combining your choice of housing, family is the leading latching system Visit us at InnoTrans: Hall: 3.1,
nut, insert, washer, screw and cam. for absolute protection against the Stand: 460
elements. Vision swing handles are
Sealing profiles and edge available in turn-to-latch versions [email protected]
protections help you to keep a where the door is locked by turning
cabinet airtight, to reduce wear and the key, or push-to-latch versions +46 (0) 10 130 7500
tear or reduce the risk of cutting where the spring-loaded cam
yourself on sharp edges. latches when the handle is pushed www.industrilas.com

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Anti-Drumming of Rail Vehicles

S o that the peace and

quiet is not left by the
wayside: our flame-retardant
important, so too is a feeling of
spaciousness within the train
compartment or aircraft cabin.
the noise caused by the metal
sheets. The paint and coating
experts at griwecolor GmbH have
Passengers who wish to work or rest two products in their portfolio that
sound deadening solution undisturbed during their journey have been developed for this area
absorbs structure-borne can choose quiet compartments of application: griwephon AN2-800
noise in trains. in trains, where speaking loudly, and griwephon light AN2-900.
mobile phone use and other noisy
activities are prohibited. In order to The product range has now under
Solvent-Free Artificial reduce the structure-borne noise been expanded to include the new
Resin Dispersion of the rail carriages themselves and griwephon AN2-750/EU, which
therefore to create the quietest- is classified as a non-flammable
Achieves High Acoustic possible environment inside, many product, class A2, according to DIN
Effectiveness rolling stock manufacturers use EN 13501-1. The product passed
sound deadening. The metal sheets the toxicological testing for use in
used in the interior construction rail vehicles with flying colours. All
When talking about travel comfort, of carriages – for cladding for three ready-to-use one-component
it’s not only speed, comfortable example – are covered in sound- solutions have also been tested for
seating and legroom that are deadening materials to dampen fire behaviour in accordance with

Rolling Stock Components & Materials
EU rail vehicle standard EN 45545-2. based on aqueous synthetic resin mineral substances, such as
griwephon AN2-800 and AN2- dispersion is also hydrophobic and aluminium hydroxide, as well as the
900 meet the requirement sets solvent-free. development of a special binder
R1, R2, R3, R6, R7 and R17 in the with high toughness, an application
hazard levels HL1, HL2 and HL3.
Furthermore, all three products
Sound Insulation thickness in double sheet thickness
up to 5mm is possible. The quality
have a very high acoustic through Structure- of the filler and the unusual layer
effectiveness in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 6721-3.
Borne Noise Absorption thickness are jointly responsible
for the high absorption rate.
Another advantage of the mineral
Some people find that the Large-scale sheet metal is often components is their low thermal
monotonous noise produced by used in the manufacture of railway conductivity.
train wheels on the tracks makes carriages. These vibrate when the
them sleepy; others struggle to
cut out external influences of this
train is moving, producing noise.
This structure-borne noise spreads
Easy Processing without
kind in order to sleep or work in almost unhindered and without loss Health Risks
a concentrated manner. Sound in metal vehicle components. These
insulation and the reduction sound waves are then transmitted Thanks to its composition, the
of structure-borne noise in rail to the air so that the sound occurs sound-deadening solution can be
vehicles to give passengers a as an audible noise inside the applied both with airless devices,
relaxing journey is therefore a big car. In order to prevent this noise with a ratio of at least 60:1, and
challenge for engineers. Although generation, which can be irritating, with reciprocating pump devices,
some components can be produced homogeneous layers are placed with atomising air of roughly 12:1,
from alternative materials, it is between the individual elements or screw conveyors with atomising
often not possible to avoid thin- for internal damping. Thanks air with an inlet pressure of 3 to 4
walled sheet metal constructions, to its composition of inorganic bars. Manual application using a
where significant vibration is components in conjunction with spatula or mortar adhesive trowel is
unavoidable. This causes irritating a low proportion of organic also possible. The sound-deadening
background noises. components, the girwecolor sound- solution is characterised by a high
deadening solution achieves a very
level of stability when applied to
AN2-750/EU has been classified as high acoustic damping effect. When
vertical surfaces. In wet application,
a non-combustible product, class the griwephon layer penetrates
a layer thickness of up to 5mm is
A2, in line with DIN EN 13501-1; it the material to which it has been
possible in one go, without the
has also passed the toxicity and applied, the vibrational energy of
smoke gas density test in line with the material is largely eliminated product slipping off or cracks
the DB Systemtechnik specifications because it converts high-frequency forming on the surface.
without a hitch. It therefore meets vibrations into low-frequency ones.
the requirement set R1 for HL1, As a result, rail vehicle bodies emit After the drying process, the layer
HL2 and HL3 for application in less noise to the air in their interior thickness is approximately 4 to
rail vehicles with regard to smoke space. 4.5mm.
development and toxicity. Like the
two variants already on the market, Thanks to the application of a Further information at
the sound deadening solution filler combination made of various www.griwecolor.de.

product series
Innovative noise and fire protection for rail vehicles

Our sound deadening solution with griwephon AN2-800 and

very high acoustic effectiveness. griwephon light AN2-900
meet various requirement sets
Tested and approved in accordance
in the hazard levels HL1-HL3.
with EN 45545-2.
griwephon AN2-750/EU for highest
Environmental friendly water born
fire protection requirements:
coating with high solid content and
classified as non-flammable, class
VOC < 0.6 g/litre.
A2, according to DIN EN 13501-1.

I n n o T r ans 2022
Visit us a 00, Hall 8.1
griwecolor GmbH Wieselbrunnen 2 | 78199 Booth 3
Bräunlingen-Döggingen | Germany
Phone +49 77 07 / 99 04 - 0 | www.griwecolor.de
< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Low-Frequency EMC Problems? Selite Is a
Problem Solver

If you have a problem with electromagnetic emissions and want to be relieved of the
technological complexity the development of effective EMC shielding requires, SELITE is
a qualified partner capable of analysing, studying, designing, prototyping, producing and
delivering innovative electromagnetic shielding for low-frequency emissions.

In a world that is increasingly continuous and prolonged exposure enabled the company to develop
complex from a regulatory to electromagnetic fields as well. low-frequency EMC shielding
standpoint and more and more technologies and processes that can
‘electric’ in terms of mobility,
electromagnetic shielding is
Over 20 Years’ Expertise respond effectively and promptly to
various customer needs:
essential to ensuring the proper in the Railway Industry
functioning of sophisticated • Ensuring compliance with EMC
transport and signalling systems, The experience gained in a complex compatibility standards
and to protecting passengers from field like the railway sector has • Ensuring the proper operation

of on-board systems even as low as 0.1mm, is crucial customer needs. SELITE is both an
• Protecting the safety and health for applications that need to experienced and highly qualified

Rolling Stock Components & Materials

of people be extremely light. Reducing partner when involved in the early
the weight of a transport stages of a project, as well as a
Like all transportation systems, the vehicle has a positive impact consultant ready to solve problems
railways are also evolving: ERTMS on performance, as well as on and find solutions when the need
will be adopted all over Europe, energy consumption and the and urgency arise to shield products
bringing significant benefits to the environment. or installations that are in progress
industry in terms of sustainability or already in existence.
and safety. SELITE has been working 3. Practicality: it is also easily
for years with leading companies applicable to existing solutions. In a nutshell, SKUDOTECH®
in the rail industry to meet all the technology can be applied at each
technical regulatory requirements 4. Reliability and durability: it is stage of an EMC shielding project:
and design the most appropriate resistant to corrosion and its before, during and after. It is this
low-frequency EMC shielding to effectiveness exceeds the life of versatility, combined with SELITE’s
protect the ERTMS equipment from the device. adaptive approach, that brings
possible interference. Now more significant benefits in terms of:
than ever, effective and efficient 5. Sustainability: at the end of
shielding is important to ensure the the lifecycle of the train or • Reduced time to market
reliability of the entire system and the component it is easy to • Cost savings
enable its deployment throughout separate, process and reuse
the entire European network. because it is 100% recyclable. Many companies successfully
manage EMC shielding in-house.
How Can SELITE Solve 6. Versatility: it adapts to the
design without compromising
But low-frequency EMC shielding,
because of its technological
Your Low-Frequency the performance of the vehicle. complexity, often requires the
EMC Problems? For example, with SKUDOTECH®
technology high-tension cables
involvement and support of a
reliable outside expert ready to
can be wound on to trains help, like SELITE.
Working for the railway industry without excessive and bulky
means not making mistakes: structures.
standards consider only zero-defect
solutions, because passengers’
maximum safety on board
Have You Faced an EMC
depends on the proper operation Problem Late in the
of the train. This is why SELITE
has developed SKUDOTECH®, an
innovative shielding technology
with unique shielding capabilities. SELITE designs low-frequency EMC
shielding from scratch (native Contact us!
Thanks to its strengths, shielding), but is often involved in
SKUDOTECH® technology is the real EMC shielding projects for existing [email protected]
and practical answer to any low- products, facilities or components +39 039 9167 701
frequency EMC shielding problem: that need more effective shielding
(adaptive shielding).
1. Effectiveness: it cuts down over www.seliteshielding.com
99% of EMC emissions, 4 times This dual approach allows SELITE
more than traditional material. to move nimbly within an industry
that is complicated, not least
2. Lightness: the possibility of from a regulatory point of view,
using very limited thickness, and to respond promptly to

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Hydrogen and Batteries – Two
Technologies to Move the Industry

D ecarbonisation presents
the rail industry with
some challenges, but it
all technology solution, several
technologies are moving forward
at pace right now offering the
infrastructure has to be in place.
The need to maintain precise
schedules means that the time
prospect of integrated and hybrid needed to replenish energy has to
starts from a good place. solutions, and paths forward for the be factored in. And there are other
industry. considerations too, such as noise
The industry is recognised as one impact on the environment.
of the most efficient in the global The challenges in rail, particularly
transportation sector. Even so, freight, are specific. When All of this matters as rail explores
adding newer, cleaner technologies locomotives travel long distances, alternative, more sustainable fuel
will require investment, imagination considerable energy has to be sources, and everyone in the rail
and change. And while there’s carried on-board. When that energy space is on the same journey to
unlikely to be a one-size-fits- needs to be replenished, a suitable evaluate their viability. So, let’s

Traction & Power Supplies
look at the two main contenders – Coradia iLint powered by Cummins power. Importantly, the technology
hydrogen fuel cells and batteries. fuel cell modules that run on is developing quickly to do this cost-
hydrogen has been in successful effectively at scale.
The Case for Hydrogen day-to-day commercial service
in Europe since 2018, carrying up In many ways, the case for hydrogen
to 300 passengers as much as power in rail is already strong. At
Across the transportation 1000km. Germany, Japan and the point of use, hydrogen fuel cells
space, hydrogen is an emerging United Kingdom have all made produce zero harmful emissions,
technology, yet with a longer hydrogen trains part of their plans just the water yielded by the
history than many realise. The to decarbonise their national rail chemical reaction in the cells.
space programme depended on networks.
hydrogen as rocket fuel, and the Range is not a problem for
first hydrogen-powered road vehicle The fuel cells that power hydrogen technology for most rail
appeared in the mid-1960s. locomotives and trains like applications. Hydrogen fuel cells
the Coradia iLint are based have impressive energy storage
Some urban public transport is on technology that generates density, and their power density and
already hydrogen-powered, and electricity through a chemical efficiency will only improve as the
car makers are dipping their toe in reaction combining hydrogen technology develops making it a
the water, although the refuelling and oxygen. Unlike fossil fuels, good fit in more applications.
infrastructure to support cars is in these resources are abundant and
its infancy. available. The process of releasing Critically for rail, hydrogen
hydrogen from water of course offers refuelling advantages too.
Rail is ahead of this curve. Hydrogen needs energy, but that energy Effectively, vehicles can be refuelled
trains are already in service and can be generated from renewable with hydrogen as quickly and
have been for some years. The sources including wind and solar easily as with diesel and be ready

to return to service in a matter of power electric motors quietly and batteries are both likely to feature
minutes. release no emissions. If renewably in rail’s powertrain technology mix.
generated electricity is used to
And the electric motors powered by power charging stations, the carbon Each technology will probably slot
hydrogen fuel cells are quiet, a real benefits can be great. into the sector in different places,
plus in built-up rail environments. based on where its combination of
A key to the viability of battery- advantages fits best. And as hybrid
How does hydrogen need to powered trains is the energy solutions, perhaps combined with
develop to be fit for rail? Well, the density of the batteries. Fewer high-efficiency diesel engines in
materials used in the fuel cells are batteries lead to less complex and the shorter term, they can provide
not cheap, so manufacturing scale therefore more robust systems. a bridge to the decarbonised rail
is needed to bring costs down. And industry of the future.
of course, the supply chain too In common with the automotive
must and will develop, as will the world, charging time is a focus Cummins is at the forefront of the
refuelling infrastructure around the too. Batteries can’t currently technology that our decarbonised
rail network globally. match the replenishment time of future depends on. Wherever you
hydrogen or diesel, but here again, are on your journey, we can help
The Case for Batteries the technology is moving swiftly
you stay ahead of the curve.

Find out more at cummins.com

Driven by decarbonisation goals, And battery systems have another
the automotive industry globally trick up their sleeve – regenerative
is progressing towards battery breaking. The massive energy
electric vehicles at speed, because created by a passenger or freight
batteries are well-suited to train slowing down can greatly
passenger cars, capable of providing boost battery capacity.
the power and range consumers
Full Steam Ahead?
Their strength is the robustness and
reliability of the core technology. The urgency of the net-zero future
Like hydrogen fuel cells, batteries means that hydrogen fuel cells and

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Gmeinder and Its Yellow Fleet Gearbox Family

from Mosbach, Germany is
how at Gmeinder, passed down
from generation to generation,
is your guarantee of quality and
they have experience in testing
gearboxes for arctic conditions.
The gearbox is equipped with a
reliability. switching mechanism for the three
continuously strengthening positions: travel mode, working
its position in the supply of The company is now releasing mode and position for towing. The
gearboxes for the Yellow a range of upgraded gearboxes switching mechanism is mechanical
on the market. Firstly, there is with a sliding sleeve that catches
the GGT 224S range of shiftable the corresponding claws of a gear
gearboxes for cranes and multi- coupling. The switching mechanism
Gmeinder is a market leader in purpose vehicles. This is a two- can work only when stopping the
gearboxes and drives for special stage helical gearbox with two vehicle. This type of gearbox is not
purpose vehicles, railway cranes, different ratios optimised for cold powered by an electric traction
track inspection vehicles, tampers, environments (-40°C). The gearbox motor, as is common on most rolling
machines for track construction and or the complete drive can be tested stock, but by one or two hydrostatic
renewal, maintenance vehicles, etc. in such temperature conditions at motors on one or both sides of the
Decades of experience and know- Wikov MGI, a sister company, where gearbox.

Traction & Power Supplies
Another type is the GGT 263S/630 gearbox series allows the use of complex sensor that is capable
gearbox for maintenance vehicles. several fixed gear ratios without of monitoring the operating
Again, this is a two-stage helical changing the size of the gearbox temperature of oil, relative oil
gearbox, this time with a fixed gear housing. Again, this is a two-stage humidity, oil level, oil conductivity
ratio. The gearbox housing is made helical gearbox for maintenance and ferromagnetic particle
of aluminium alloy for the necessary vehicles. Three different fixed gears contamination. This system brings
weight reduction. The gearbox is and two motor interfaces can be the customer a completely new
optimised for very low working used. This gearbox series has been and measurement-based solution
speeds under full load (< 1km/h). optimised for very low working for preventive maintenance, which
This requires a specially designed speeds under full load (< 1 km/h). It saves valuable resources, minimises
gearbox to ensure a sufficient oil is also important to note that the or even prevents damage incidents
supply to the bearings and gears gearbox is available in two versions, and reduces maintenance costs.
during all load conditions, even on one standard version directly
steep uphill and downhill rides. This mounted on the axle shaft and a
could be achieved without an oil suspended version with a hollow
pump. shaft in the gearbox and a coupling GmbH
to the axle shaft.
The GGT 275 gearbox range Anton-Gmeinder-Str. 9–19
has undergone another major Finally, it should be noted that the 74821 Mosbach
innovation. This series is again gearboxes could be equipped with Germany¬
designed for maintenance vehicles. a remote condition-monitoring
Compared to the other series, it system that was developed in-house +49 6261 806 121
has been possible to implement at Gmeinder. GGT-GearSaver® is
essential features. The GGT 275 a unique system using only one [email protected]

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

IGW Excited to Be Present at InnoTrans

T his month, InnoTrans is
taking place in physical
form for the first time since
and companies depending on public
transportation by trains, trams and
metros, reliability is of the highest
training and additional activities
such as spare couplings, RFU parts,
re-ratio-projects and more.
covid entered the world
stage. The rail market has varying
A Proud Coupling
applications. From heavy- Supplier
InnoTrans is a major international duty locomotives to light rail
trade fair for rail technology and applications, from low-speed city Couplings are a big part of
rolling stock that takes place in metros to very high-speed trains, IGW’s product portfolio. In the
Berlin every two years. At the trade IGW is your engineering partner for beginning, IGW supplied couplings
fair, prominent players in the rail any drive solution. In addition to that originated from qualified
market come together to showcase a premium quality product, it also subcontractors. For a few years
their products and skills. offer a full service from an extensive now, IGW has had its own in-house
requirement analysis to premium coupling capability. Just like its
One of those major players in production and future overhaul gearboxes, the couplings are tested
the rail market will of course be services with immediate response. in-house, giving IGW complete
IGW. The manufacturer has been This is thanks to the company’s control over all process steps.
focusing on railway solutions since international presence and its local IGW couplings are designed and
1993 and has established itself expert technicians. manufactured to the standards
on the market as a reliable and of innovation and excellence that
premium quality partner for a
variety of railway solutions.
A Full-Service Partner have made it a trusted brand in the
railway market.

If you’re planning to visit InnoTrans As an OEM or railway operator Thanks to its many years of
from 20–23 September, make sure it’s important to look for experience in the field, IGW has
to give IGW a visit at the Berlin perfect partners who can offer got the insight to focus on design
Messe in Hall 20, Booth 460. a comprehensive service that is features with a proven reliability,
Continue reading to see why IGW is customised, complete and above and to avoid those that have caused
a must-visit exhibitor at InnoTrans all, trustworthy. IGW has been problems in the field. By using the
this year! such partner since 1993. It offers a latest engineering software and
range of services for railway drive simulation tools, as well as test
Focused on Railway systems, couplings and complete benches, IGW ensures lifetime
wheelsets. The services IGW offers performance and minimal life-cycle
The rail market is a niche market include repair, maintenance & cost starting from the design phase.
and requires a highly specialised overhauls, spare part supply, re-
approach. With millions of people engineering, assembly and test All IGW couplings are subjected to

rigorous prototype testing, using

Traction & Power Supplies

its gearbox testing equipment and
experience to its full advantage.

By working close with leading

industrial partners and universities,
IGW continues to innovate coupling
technology, improve energy
efficiency and reduce life-cycle
cost. That way, IGW makes sure the
coupling market is always moving

The right gearbox is essential
to guarantee a fully functional
application. Heat, cold and
challenging landscapes are always
factors to be taken into account.
Therefore, IGW makes sure all
provided products are tested in
the right circumstances for its
customers’ projects.

IGW has been providing customised,

robust and efficient gear systems
for the complex rail market for
almost 30 years. In this time span,
it has delivered more than 100,000
gearboxes for the most prestigious
rail projects all over the world. The
focus of its products always lies on
safety, minimised maintenance and
low noise, all while considering the
many challenges the environment
might bring. To give an example,
a tram running daily in the heat
and challenging landscape of San
Francisco, US, will have different
requirements than a train running
through the snowy, cold hills of

We’re excited to see IGW and all

other world class railway partners
in the flesh again this year. We
wish all exhibitors and visitors a
wonderful time at the 2022 edition
of InnoTrans.

Millions of people and companies depend on
trains, trams and metros every single day.
Reliability is crucial. IGW provides customized,
robust and efficient gear systems for this unique
market for more than 25 years. So far, we have
delivered over 100,000 gearboxes and couplings
for the most prestigious rail projects all over the


Traction & Power Supplies

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

The Innovative Light Train: Cutting-Edge Rolling

Stock Designed in France on Rails Soon
Tomorrow’s transport: a dynamic rural world, with a futurist silhouette

T he Innovative Light Train

will be in the spotlight
during InnoTrans 2022 held
that combine to create a new and
interesting choice for rural and
regional lines. Its light weight allows
and eco-friendly.

Our Project Objectives:

it to cope with older rural rail lines,
in Berlin this month. with fewer track maintenance costs Light Structure, Lower
Texelis and its partners launched
involved. Overall, the new design
will save 30% on current rural train
Carbon Footprint, Lower
the Innovative Light Train concept production costs. Costs
in 2020. The project presents a new
approach to rolling stock with an For this project, Texelis’s power Funded by ADEME, led by SNCF,
eco-friendly transmission (hydrogen transmission system will bring the together with Texelis, Thales, CAF,
and battery cells), light materials, newest wheel/traction links in the Alstom, Wabtec, FERROCAMPUS,
no bogies to reduce the weight, industry and enable an innovative Capgemini, Cerema, Ektacom and
and various additional innovations train, which is both light in weight the RAILENIUM Technological

Research Institute, the Innovative
Light Train aims to revive ‘regional
services’ and improve mobility
between regions while reducing
transport costs for passengers.

With less costly set-up and

maintenance, the Innovative Light
Train allows for the testing of new
work and maintenance techniques.
Its advanced technology will lead to
lower overall lifecycle costs, as well
as vehicle automation.

Digitalisation will enable

simplified traffic management. The
modernisation of signalling and the
digitalisation of the driver interface
will ensure that trains arrive on

The implementation of
technological innovations will
reduce track wear by limiting the
impact of dynamic forces and
axle loads, while ensuring better
passenger comfort and safety.
Its electric motor and weight will
reduce its carbon footprint.

Developed by Texelis, the futuristic

ground connection system
eliminates the need for a bogie and
allows substantial savings in energy
and maintenance costs.

The Innovative Light Train will

call at regional and rural stations,
revamping local rail lines, and
boosting activity in places where
rail was no longer an option.

This key innovation will enable

remarkable performance in terms
of energy savings (batteries,
hydrogen) and speed (100 to 120
km/h) while maximising passenger
comfort and safety.

We aim to implement these

The Innovative Light Train will act as a rural people mover with high frequencies and speeds
from 100 to 120km/h

technological innovations and Where Can You See the About Texelis
launch a first prototype between
2024 and 2026. Innovative Light Train at
InnoTrans? Texelis has been designing and
Through this project, Texelis and its producing axle systems and power
partners are committed to going Hall 20, Booth 570 transmissions for military vehicles,
beyond current railway concepts by Texelis will be exhibiting several metros, trams, buses, and airport
proposing a train that will achieve models of the train, including people movers for over 40 years.
complete carbon neutrality: a great a ground liaison design and
way to contribute to the railway animations of the Innovative Light Its key expertise consists in the
industry’s efforts to limit negative Train. conversion of any type of power-
effects on the environment and generated engine force into the
climate. Hall 4.2, Booth 130 most efficient vehicle movement.
CAF will also present models of the
With a 90 million EUR budget, the Innovative Light Train and video The company employs over 300
Innovative Light Train project is animations. people and operates from a
partly funded by ADEME, the French 35,000m² manufacturing facility on
Agency for Ecological Transition. Hall 6.1, Booth 108 the outskirts of Limoges, France.
Capgemini will showcase its
SNCF will bring its know-how and expertise to support the rail The company’s turnover was 91
industry expertise together with transformation in a highly million EUR in 2019. Texelis has been
Tier I railway industry names in connected, digitalised and providing its expertise in power
addition to Texelis. CAF will design sustainable world.
transmission and engineering
the entire train body, Wabtec
solutions in several metro projects
will provide the brake, door and Hall 3.2, Booth 400
pneumatic systems as well as the Railenium Institute will organise a such as Montreal, Mexico, Santiago,
energy management, while Alstom speaking corner on the Innovative Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Lausanne and
will provide the hydrogen system Light Train on Tuesday 20 Lille, as well as tram systems around
which will add to the batteries. September, 4pm. the world.

Connecting to main transport hubs is key to regional dynamics in Europe: The Innovative Light Train in Bordeaux-St. Jean Train Station

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

American Trams Get Their Heart from the
Czech Republic

A lthough the popularity

of trams in the United
States is far below the level
PCC as Salvation seriously threaten tram transport.

“Back then, only small two-axle

“Our role in the renaissance of trams were produced, which did
of their popularity on the American tram transport is key. not have a chance to succeed
old continent, tram lines still And it is also worth mentioning economically compared to cars and
enjoy popularity in several how much the USA and the Czech buses. It was necessary to come
Republic are connected in this way,” up with a new concept – a modern
American cities.
says Martin Sychrovský, Marketing tram design with a large passenger
Director of Wikov, at the beginning capacity and user comfort and
At present, more than two thirds of of the historical talk. So let’s go back which wouldn’t be forced out of
gearboxes installed in trams on new to the period after the First World the streets of big cities easily,”
lines in the USA were manufactured War, when the rapid development says Sychrovský, illustrating the
by the Czech producer Wikov. of motoring in the USA began to situation.

The new concept was called the PCC
(President’s Conference Committee).

Traction & Power Supplies

The Miracle Did Not
Happen, But…
In the autumn of 1936, the first PCC
trams rolled out on the streets of
New York. They featured rotating,
two-axle chassis guaranteeing
quieter and smoother operation
as well as other innovations. Each
axle had its own traction motor,
with the axes of the motors being
perpendicular to the axles. In
addition, the trams’ speed was
controlled by a multistage resistor,
the so-called accelerator.

“However, the miracle didn’t

happen. In the years 1936–1952,
only about 5,000 units of trams of
the PCC concept were produced
in the USA. But… the Americans
started selling licences for the PCC
concept,” Sychrovský explains. on the west coast of the USA and that we will also play a leading
equipped it with low-floor Škoda role in other American cities that
Licence for Tatra Elektra 10T trams from the Czech
plan to open new tram lines,” Mr
Sychrovský concludes.
In 1948, the Czechoslovak company
The Circle Is Closed
Tatra Smíchov signed a licensing Wikov MGI a.s. – manufacturing
agreement on co-operation in Two years later, Tacoma (Inekon facility
the production of PCC-type trams Trio 12 trams), Salt Lake City,
with the Americans. In 1951, the Tucson, Atlanta, Dallas, Charlotte, Zbečník 356
first T1 tram using PCC elements Washington D.C., Kansas City, 549 31 Hronov
was manufactured. The T2 car was Cincinnati, Detroit, Milwaukee, Czech Republic
later added to the product line. The Oklahoma City and Tempe decided
most successful was the T3 tram, to take the same step. “Ten of +420 491 488 420
which came on the market in 1962. these cities have trams with the
Incredibly almost 14,000 units were Czech footprint concept. This closes [email protected]
made, and entry into the Guinness the proverbial circle,” states the
Book of Records soon came in 1988. marketing director. More than 60
percent of trams on newly built
While trams were very successful lines in the United States use Wikov
in our country, in the USA the gearboxes. “Compared to the world,
trend was the opposite. It wasn’t the North American tram market
until 2001 that Portland built a is still rather marginal, but Wikov
completely new tram network doesn’t have to care. We believe

Drive for Future
Public Mobility
Gearboxes & Drives

∙ Solution for light rail vehicles, metro &

suburban applications, locomotives and VISIT US! InnoTrans 2022
other mass transport vehicles 20 – 23 September
∙ From one prototype to large series
Stand No. 340, Hall 20
∙ Gear manufacturing tradition since 1918
∙ Complet drive train solution (gear units,
couplings, traction motor, brakes)
∙ Extensive test facility up to 1,4 MW and
simulated dynamic load 300 m.s-2

The essence of engineering | www.wikov.com


Connections: a key link in the

railway power chain

As an industry partner and key supplier in the international railway

sector for more than 30 years, we have a clear insight into your
challenges and expectations, such as service continuity, extreme
weather conditions and mechanical stresses.

We provide an effective response with optimized solutions, whether

for high-speed, main-line, suburban or regional trains, or tramways
and underground railways.


Stäubli Electrical Connectors, [email protected]

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Is Your Train Safely and Comfortably Connected?

Modular Power Connectors for the Entire Traction Chain

The MPC allows for speedy handling and contact reliability during maintenance periods, which brings the entire train back into operation
and back on the rails faster

R ail operators are aware

that expectations of
service availability are high.
Rail companies and passengers
expect smooth operations on
the railways. Trains should run
challenges of the market.

Along the Entire

day and night and on schedule.
There is no tolerance for They are subject to extreme Traction Chain
accepting disruptions. weather conditions and the
highest mechanical stresses. Essential electrical connections
Providing a comfortable and Reliable, lightweight and easy- in trains are applications along
reliable transport service is key to to-use Stäubli connectors help the entire traction chain, such as
attracting passengers. This includes minimise vehicle downtime and motor connections between cars,
electrical connectors that are space- equipment maintenance needs. converters and all subsystems. The
saving and lightweight in design As an industry partner and key universal, compact and modular
without sacrificing performance. supplier in the international railway Stäubli Modular Power Connector
Instead of using multiple single-pole sector for more than 30 years, (MPC) is a product solution that
connectors, operators benefit more Stäubli Electrical Connectors has increases process efficiency
from using multi-pole connectors. a comprehensive insight into the throughout the entire life-cycle

that are in place on a traction chain. EN 50467. The high-performance
materials used enable compliance

Traction & Power Supplies

Real Modularity with the EN 45545-2 fire and smoke
standard. To ensure operation in
harsh environments such as brake
The MPC is an internationally dust, dew, rain and salt spray, it
recognised product for railway meets IEC 60512-11, IEC 61984-
applications. The modular system 11, EN 60068-2-11 and ASTM B117
allows application-specific standards.
connectors to be configured.
Different standard modules can Since 2015, the Stäubli Electrical
be stacked next to each other Connectors Competence Centre for
The Modular Power Connector (MPC)
and easily set up so they can also Railway Technology has operated
be positioned vertically. Due to its own test laboratory in France.
of the train from installation to the different contact diameters Here, products are subjected to
maintenance work. When replacing and cable cross-sections, which rigorous testing over an area of
engines and motors, the quick range from 10 to 240mm², various 956m². The highlight of the lab is a
section separation makes the train insulating bodies are available, all test stand for shock and vibration
ready for use again more quickly. of which can be combined. Optional tests in combination with thermal
Regarding the planning and wiring coding prevents reverse polarity. loads. In the salt spray chamber,
of the traction chain, there are good Stäubli engineers can examine
reasons to use modular multi-pole Stäubli engineers have developed the behaviour of connectors on
connectors instead of several single- the MPC for railway applications in rail vehicles under environmental
pole connectors or junction boxes. harsh environments. The connector influences on a realistic simulator.
is vibration and shock-tested
Modular multi-pole connectors according to EN 61373 (bogie The Stäubli Railway Competence
save space: mounting validated) and corrosion Centre with its specific test
resistant (240h salt spray test laboratory recently successfully
On modern trains, there is less and according to EN 60068-2-112). When obtained recertification according
less space available. Therefore, it is connected, it is also IP66, IP67 and to the latest IRIS (ISO/TS 22163)
advantageous to propose a solution IP69K-rated. The electrical contacts standard. Stäubli products therefore
that is precisely adapted to the are of high quality and, in addition guarantee the highest quality
number of cables to be managed. to a long service life, ensure more throughout the entire supply chain
than 500 plug-in cycles without of the railway industry.
Time saved during operation affecting the electrical values. The
reduces total cost of MULTILAM technology guarantees
ownership (TCO): efficient power transmission
with constant contact force and
The installation or disassembly of low transition resistance. The
Visit Stäubli at InnoTrans
two, three and four-pole connectors connection is as reliable as it is
takes less time than installing many low-maintenance due to the self- At this year’s InnoTrans in Berlin,
one-pole connectors. This is true for cleaning effect. Stäubli Electrical Connectors
initial installation by the supplier or will present its latest product
harness manufacturer and the OEM,
as well as for commercial use by the
Tested and Proven developments for the railway
final operator. Quality
Visitors to Stäubli (Hall 12 /
The design time of the train is also The MPC modular connector meets Booth 350) can obtain first-hand
reduced by integrating one model the requirements of the railway information about the future
compared to multiple models, market by fulfilling the most industry standard for light rail
taking into account all interfaces stringent railway standards such as vehicles.

Power conversion
systems to keep you
on track
- DC/DC Converters
- 1 ph DC/AC Inverters
- 3 ph DC/AC Inverters
- Bidirectional converters
- AC/AC Voltage Frequency Drivers
- Power supply custom design

Innovative power conversion systems


Meet us at InnoTrans 2022

Booth 110, Hall 17

Premium PSU
< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Traction & Power Supplies

Power Electronics Development: Staying on Track

P ower for rolling stock

applications was originally
all about traction, lighting,
solve problems remotely. Rail
vehicles include electronics for
communications and users have
solutions designed to work in
trams, light rail, high-speed trains,
subways, locomotives and onboard
also increased the needs of power equipment that are present all over
and rudimentary signalling supply for a better passenger the world.
with typically 110VDC from experience, which makes power
the onboard batteries, which conversion key for all devices to run
New Products to Be
connected to everything. Presented at InnoTrans
There was no guarantee to always
Electrical and mechanical
components for the railway
work properly, so individual industry need to provide reliable
equipment had to withstand full and safe operations while The upcoming InnoTrans exhibition
dropouts and surges. running under wide temperature has been chosen by Premium
fluctuations, condensation, PSU to introduce the newest
Nowadays, data monitoring electromagnetic interference and developments in power supplies.
and connectivity are vital to shock and vibrations. Premium PSU You will find us in Hall 17 Booth 110.
detect possible defaults and focuses on innovative high-power Among the standard product line

and some of the most innovative
custom designs, here are some of
the newest additions to our profile:
The CBS-10K is a single output DC/
DC converter that provides a peak
power of up to 10kW. With a 6kW
power average, this series offers
500VDC output and multiple input-
output voltage combinations, which
makes it the perfect auxiliary DC/
DC converter to feed critical DC link
loads in a compact and light design.

As an example of some of the state-

of-the-art custom designs, Premium
PSU will also be showcasing its
latest development to feed HVAC battery charger that acts as includes the CVS-280 DC/DC
systems: a 40kW three phase DC/ an AC/DC power supply to charge converter with the same main
AC inverter that has become one the batteries and also generates feature, getting power straight from
of the biggest milestones in terms alternating current through the line contact to start the vehicle.
of product development. This new DC/AC inverter when the catenary Devices for rolling stock require
solution includes a catenary filter, power is not provided. the best protection for electrical
two independent output three- devices. Most of them share a
phase lines with VVF control, CAN Premium PSU does not only work on combination of higher-than-normal
Open communication and has been developing higher power devices, reliability requirements by means
designed according to EN 50163. but also on providing efficient of quality standards. Developing
All of it in a device that weighs less and cost-effective solutions. robust, safe and reliable solutions
than 60kg. Nevertheless, the CLS-120 Series that strictly comply with rolling
has been conceived to operate with stock regulations is one of the main
With the aim to offer solutions that battery voltages that range from goals at Premium PSU. Worldwide
meet the needs of the market and 14.4 to 154VDC, becoming an ‘all- train manufacturers and suppliers
based on years of experience with in-one’ solution of universal input. for transportation projects rely on
3 phase DC/AC inverters, Premium A compact 120W DC/DC converter Premium PSU’s power conversion
PSU has also developed its first with high input-output isolation systems to reduce failures,
standard bidirectional battery that offers optional embedded maintenance and costs.
charger. The BDS-10K is a 10kW Oring and remote sensing.

As part of the new Spark Series,

which includes solutions designed Premium PSU
to get power straight from the
catenary line, the new OVX-6400 is [email protected]
“Over 40 years of a 6400VA 3 phase sine wave DC/AC
experience in the inverter that meets EN 612587-1 and
+34 93 223 26 85
EN 50155 standards among others.
railway sector let us In addition, this new Spark Series
offer a flexibility that
goes beyond meeting


Traction & Power Supplies

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

AKASOL by BorgWarner
Charging Forward to Accelerate the World’s Transition
to E-mobility

T he battery systems of
BorgWarner’s Akasol
brand have been providing
High-End Technology
energy for multiple for Heavy-Duty
electrified commercial Performance
and industrial vehicles for
Hybrid and electric vehicles benefit
numerous years.
from a liquid-cooled and freely
scalable system that not only fulfils
The modular approach does not the highest safety standards, but
only offer remarkable flexibility, also currently belongs to one of the in the EMC chamber, to leakage
scalability and safety, but also very most powerful battery solutions in and corrosion tests, and realistic
high economic efficiency. the world. Robust, maintenance-free functional, performance and
and fast-charging, the AKASystem aging tests: we make sure that
With very high energy densities on AKM is ideal for use in commercial our products meet all necessary
the system level and in our view hybrid and electric vehicles with standards to ensure maximum
the most compact liquid cooling, very high requirements when it safety.
AKASOL battery systems have very comes to life cycle, performance
low space requirements and emit and high system voltage. Last year, we expanded test stands,
only little heat. These are the ideal technologies and the necessary
preconditions for long battery life
with a high power output for safe,
From Cell to System: expertise to simulate a wide variety
of environmental influences in our
reliable and durable operation. Akasol’s Test and facility, where we conduct tests

Thanks to the modular design and

Validation Centre across all phases of development.
For this purpose, we have state-
free scalability of the AKASystem, of-the-art system test rooms,
we can tailor solutions to meet With the state-of-the-art test and a continuous-running room for
our customers’ needs for bus, validation centre at our Darmstadt long-term tests, workshops with
commercial, industrial, rail and location, we create optimal diagnostics areas for cells, modules
marine applications. conditions for all new and further and systems, and an electronics
developments in the field of high- laboratory. With this broad portfolio
AKASOL has developed high- performance lithium-ion battery of testing facilities, our test and
performance lithium-ion batteries systems. From endurance tests, validation centre covers nearly all
to serve specific applications, high and low-temperature tests major tests for our products, from
adjusting characteristics such as cell in climatic chambers and tests of the cell and module levels through
type, cycle life and cost per kWh. electromagnetic compatibility to the completed battery system.


< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

PowerRail Expands to Larger Premises to Meet

Growing Demand

P owerRail, North America’s

leading manufacturer,
remanufacturer, and
distributor of aftermarket
locomotive parts and
components, has long been
known for its commitment
to quality, price, service and

As that commitment has grown

over the past 19 years, so too has
the company, in more ways than

CEO and Chairman of the Board,

Paul Foster, originally formed
PowerRail’s new building in Exeter, USA
PowerRail in 2003 in Wilkes-
Barre, Pennsylvania, USA. In 2006,
after unprecedented growth, the In March 2022, PowerRail them globally. This new facility
company moved to a 7+ acre site in announced that it had purchased will allow us to continue to grow
the neighbouring town of Duryea, a 200,000sq.ft. building and would and provide our customers, both
including an 80,000sq.ft. warehouse be moving its operations to a new domestic and international, with
to support the company’s rapidly state-of-the-art facility located in the quality and service they have
growing business. the nearby town of Exeter. come to expect from PowerRail.”

In early 2021, 15 years after moving “When I first started this The new facility is more than double
to Duryea, PowerRail was once company 19 years ago, we were the size of the Duryea location,
again feeling the pressure of simply a distributor,” said Foster. which housed the corporate
growing pains, so much so that a “Over the years our business offices and distribution centre. The
relocation became inevitable. With model has changed, and now additional warehouse space and
strong roots in the north-eastern we are much more than that. numerous receiving and shipping
corridor of Pennsylvania, it began Today we are manufacturing docks will assist PowerRail in its
the search for a new home in the and remanufacturing parts and goal of providing on-time delivery
area. components, and we’re distributing to customers around the world.

Executive Vice-President Mark
Nolan shared, “Within our logo are

Traction & Power Supplies

the words, ‘Quality, Price, Service,
Delivery.’ Those four words are the
basis of our culture at PowerRail.
We continually strive to provide
enhanced products with cost-
savings, reliability, and quality in
mind.” Nolan went on to say, “The
development that will come with
this new building will allow us to
continue to grow and focus on
expanding our product offerings for
our customers.”

The relocation to the new facility

has also allowed PowerRail the
opportunity to consolidate some
of its existing locations. Currently
housed at PowerRail’s new main
campus in Exeter are the corporate
offices and distribution centre,
as well as two of PowerRail’s
manufacturing facilities, Avoca
Rail Products and Cooper Bearings. Gear case production at PowerRail’s Avoca Rail Products facility
Having all of these facilities under
one roof has allowed for more enviromentally friendly efficiencies, US. In addition, PowerRail offers
efficient synergies between the such as LED lighting, a highly locomotive rebuilds, overhauls
locations. efficient HVAC system, energy- and mobile maintenance at its
efficient electrical systems for locomotive shop. PowerRail also
Avoca Rail Products is PowerRail’s equipment and machinery, as well serves as a global supplier with
full-service fabrication and welding as a new environmentally safe locations in Europe and Australia.
facility, supplying the rail industry powder coating system in lieu of
with quality locomotive truck spray painting. Employees also
/ bogie parts. Avoca Rail also continue to participate in the Scan or click the QR code to
specialises in products such as company-wide recycling programme download the latest catalogue
guide assemblies, traction motor which includes paper, cardboard,
covers, exhaust chambers, spring and plastics.
packs, and more. Cooper Bearings
provides remanufactured bearings Originally formed in 2003,
and journal boxes. They are the PowerRail is a United States-based
leading experts in innovation and company, with several locations
quality of bearings and journal in various parts of the world.
boxes, used in both freight and PowerRail proudly offers a wide
passenger locomotives and cars. range of new and rebuilt rail-related CLICK OR
parts and components including SCAN ME
PowerRail’s new location not only bearings and journal boxes,
offers room for growth but will also electrical rotating parts, engine
assist in reducing the company’s components, compressors, pumps,
carbon footprint. The new facility and motors from their various
includes a wide range of manufacturing facilities across the

Keeping YOUR Locomotive
Running is OUR Business!




[email protected] Download the

NEW PowerRail
570-883-7005 Catalog
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< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Hedemora Turbo & Diesel

A Sustainable Turbocharger Manufacturer

H edemora Turbo & Diesel

was founded in 1903
and has more than 70 years
Our core values:

• Customer-focused
performance over different ambient
conditions in different applications:
railway, marine and power &
• Responsibility energy. Each type of Hedemora
of experience in engine • Respect Turbochargers has different
manufacturing. • Communication configurations of the turbine and
• Positive compressor stages.
We are the original manufacturer
of Hedemora Turbochargers
and Hedemora Diesel Engines,
Hedemora Focus on Quality,
specialised in developing Turbochargers Performance and
turbochargers for a large range
of engines. We offer a complete Hedemora Turbochargers are
solution for your application designed for diesel, gas and dual-
including development, engineering, fuel engines in the output range We adapt the turbocharger for
manufacturing, installation, between 1000kW and 4,200kW with each individual installation to
service, overhaul and testing of a single turbo solution. Hedemora meet the engine requirements
turbochargers in our test cell. Turbochargers deliver high and create added value with

development, manufacturing
and maintenance of Hedemora

Traction & Power Supplies

turbochargers. Using 3D CAD
software and Turbocharger
matching simulation software, our
dedicated engineers ensure that
the turbocharger is optimised for
every specific engine application
when it comes to design,
performance, operation conditions
HS 6800 and installation. We use a 3D-laser
HS 7800 scanner technology to capture
and ensure correct interfaces are
increased performance, reduced retrofit kit that can be installed established without interfering with
emissions and improvements in fuel on the engine without other other components and optimise
consumption. modifications. We have long the installation process for retrofit
experience of retrofit on a big projects.
A Complete Retrofit number of different engines in

railway, marine, power and energy.
Successful retrofit extends the
lifetime of the engines.
Retrofit with Hedemora All rotating components are
individually balanced to ensure
Turbochargers is a great solution
to increase the performance of
Unique Technical optimal performance. At the
existing engines. We collect all Competence Featuring production stage, the turbocharger
accessible engine data, customer
requirements and 3D-scan the
Design, Development, is carefully assembled by
experienced technicians issuing
engine to get all interfaces with Production and Testing associated build records including
high accuracy. In-House measurements and component
Our engineers process this IDs for each turbocharger which is
information to get the best turbo Engineering Hedemora Turbo & being assessed in accordance with
matching and design a complete Diesel specialises in the design, our quality system before delivery.

Find us at InnoTrans 2022: Hall 18,

Stand 225

Ernst Dahlin

Senior Sales Manager

[email protected]

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Miner Enterprises, Inc

It’s What’s Inside that Counts
A closer look into the most trusted components in the industry.

F rom the outside, railcar

parts may look the same.
decades of experience give us
a unique understanding of how
to make railcars perform better
longevity. Our dedicated product
development teams work with our
customers to determine the needs
and for longer. That legacy lives and are inspired by their desire to
But to truly understand what inside every TecsPak®-equipped exceed limitations as we work to
goes into designing, refining and component we manufacture, and continually improve the ways we
supporting the top-performing it shows in their unsurpassed can be an indispensable partner in
railcar components worldwide, let’s performance. long-term performance.
take a look inside at the people,
process, and commitment to
performance that are the heart of
Total Quality that TecsPak®-Equipped
every Miner product. Comes from Complete Draft Gears and Side
Manufacturing Control Bearings
A Legacy of Leadership
Today, we still make every TecsPak®- The core of our top-performing
40 years ago, a game-changing equipped draft gear and side components is TecsPak technology.
innovation was uncovered: Miner bearing in-house. There is no Invented by us decades ago and
TecsPak® technology. Almost better and more experienced continuously improved ever since,
overnight, its unique elastomer manufacturing team than our our TecsPak®-equipped product
design doubled (and in many cases own, and our total management of line sets the industry standard for
tripled) product life expectancies the production process promises global excellence and reliability.
and provided a superior solution consistent quality that meets or
to all-steel, rubber and urethane exceeds the high expectations of
products. our customers.

Technology for the The Restless Spirit of

Toughest Environments Innovation
Since its introduction, TecsPak® As the demands of the railcar
has been put to the test across industry continue to evolve, Miner
continents and in thousands of continues to innovate and drive
hard-working applications. Our improvements in performance and

Traction & Power Supplies
Proven Draft Gear
As a pioneer and industry leader
in draft gear design, Miner has
over 125 years’ experience and
has produced over 5 million units
operating in a wide variety of
services worldwide. Our TF-880™
TecsPak® friction draft gear is the
lightest weight high-performance
option, allowing extra payload
capacity and greater car design

With its patented elastomer

compression spring package and
proven friction clutch design, TF-
880 absorbs more energy and can capacity actually increases over Inside Every Miner
significantly reduce the transfer
of damaging forces to your railcar.
time, even in the most punishing
service applications. In fact, our
Component Is a Promise
With a 37-year track record and over draft gears are known to perform of Partnership
1.4 million units in service, the TF- as well as or better than new after
880 is the most specified draft gear prolonged use. Tests have shown In everything that we do and in
in the industry. Miner draft gears provide double- every product we make, you’ll find
digit increases in capacity well after a company-wide commitment to
Reliability that Runs for 1,000,000 miles of service. providing outstanding value and
customer-focused innovation.
Millions of Miles
Engineering Side We see ourselves as dedicated
partners in driving performance
Miner draft gears have consistently Bearings to Reduce and productivity for your rail fleet.
demonstrated that their superior Wear Now that you’ve been able to look
inside what goes into every Miner
product, we hope you’ll see it that
Miner TecsPak® Constant Contact way, too.
Side Bearings help minimise
railcar life-cycle costs by providing See us at InnoTrans 2022, Hall 9,
exceptional, proven control over Booth 550
the railcar truck instability known
as truck hunting. Manufactured
with the tightest tolerances in the
industry, our side bearings are able
to maximise energy absorption,
allowing railcars to operate at
high speeds while substantially
reducing truck and wheel wear to
extend service life and drive down
maintenance costs.











Discover the difference

inside original Miner equipment.
Inside every Miner brake beam and draft gear, hatch cover and gate, side bearing
and running board…you’ll discover a promise. An uncommon commitment to make
a difference–in the performance of your fleet, in the protection of your commodity, DRAFT GEARS
in the productivity and efficiency of your car. It’s a promise we’ve made and kept C O N S TA N T C O N TAC T S I D E B E A R I N G S
daily, for 125 years and counting. And it’s why Miner is the most widely specified T E C S PA K
brand of railcar components in the industry. RAPID DISCHARGE SYSTEMS
The Leader in Innovation and Technology. Simple. Reliable. Proven. BALLAST/MOW OUTLETS

Holmatro Industrial Equipment

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Discover Holmatro’s World of Rerailing @

InnoTrans 2022
Holmatro – We Help Holmatro’s World of because time is crucial. Especially
when the downtime costs can
Make the World Move Rerailing increase a lot every hour the track is
Forward blocked.
When a railway vehicle derails, the
aim is to have the vehicle back If you have a system in place
Supporting the green energy on track as soon as possible in a which enables operators to work
transition (offshore wind farms, safe and controlled manner. It is up to two hours faster than other
recycling), enabling civil engineering important to have a system in place systems on the market, you are able
companies to build roads, bridges that can do the job. Holmatro offers to save a lot of time and money.
or moving buildings, helping to rerailing systems that are suitable
place trains back on track, reducing for different rerailing applications. A great example of what makes the
downtime for production facilities Holmatro rerailing systems fast is
and making working with high- The Holmatro rerailing systems are the use of lightweight components.
pressure hydraulics safer; in all built with three main elements in This means maximum performance
these applications and many more, mind: at minimum weight.
our equipment and service concepts
are key to helping make the world
move forward.

• controllability
Holmatro products are all about the The Holmatro rerailing systems
principle that only controlled power
can be deployed effectively. Still, for
Safety are developed with controllability
in mind so multiple features in the
over 55 years after the foundation systems (e.g. remote control) ensure
in 1967, we keep honouring our A safer rerailing system speaks for that the user can operate the
traditional Dutch roots and itself simply because the recovery system in a controlled manner. You
represent innovation, quality and team needs to work in a safe are in control!
support. That is why we design, environment. That’s why unique
develop, manufacture and test our
tools in-house. Our experience with
safety features were added to the
Holmatro rerailing systems.
Today’s Technology
high-pressure hydraulics enables
us to seek out the boundaries of
what is technically possible. This
Speed Based on the previously mentioned
three key pillars Holmatro is
has made our tools lighter, more convinced we have developed
compact, more durable and easier One of the main reasons why a rerailing systems that are built for
to use. rerailing system needs to be fast is tomorrow’s use but with today’s

knowledge and today’s technology.

Works Vehicles & Machines

Click on this link and get inspired!

Check out our animated video

or scan the QR code below and
see how the Holmatro Rerailing
System works.

Visit us @ InnoTrans
Holmatro invites you to discover
Holmatro’s World of Rerailing
live, in Hall 23, Booth no. 770 at
InnoTrans 2022. At our booth we will
demonstrate to you our rerailing
systems and show you our new
Compact Rerailing Unit.

We are looking forward to

welcoming you to our booth at
InnoTrans where you can discover
our world of rerailing, live!

Do you want to receive more


Please fill in our contact form via

the following link and add in the
Railway News – Holmatro Rerailing

Follow Holmatro Industrial

Equipment on LinkedIn.


Harsco Rail
< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Callisto Hy-Rail
Interial Track Geometry Integrated with Hy-Rail Vehicle

The Callisto Hy-Rail track geometry installed on almost any vehicle by

measurement system allows utilising a standard receiver hitch or
for simplified track geometry by a custom mounting design.
measurements to be made from
most standard hy-rail (road-rail) Callisto track geometry
vehicles. measurement systems incorporate
an inertial measurement unit Callisto Hy-Rail
This compact system measures (IMU), a laser / camera-based
all FRA-required track geometry gauge reference system and GPS can include: gauge, alignment,
channels, and generates reports within a rugged, compact package curvature, surface, cross-level,
containing strip charts, curve to accurately locate and measure super-elevation, warp and twist.
tables and defect lists, according the geometry of the track. Typical For inspection applications, track
to FRA track class. Callisto is an geometry channels are recorded geometry channels are processed to
independent system that can be based on the application and produce exceptions in real-time.

FRA-Compliant Defect List Generated in Real-

Works Vehicles & Machines

Exception Processing
• Type of defect
Specifications • Start and end milepost location
• Milepost of defect’s highest
• Measured track geometry data deviation
• Gauge • Maximum defect value
• Alignment (left / right) • Safety or maintenance defect
curvature classification
• Surface (left / right) crosslevel • Defects generated according to installed on almost any vehicle
superelevation track class selected by utilising a standard receiver
• Warp • Defect list can be based on hitch or by a custom mounting
• Twist customer-specific thresholds design
• Metric or imperial units
System Features

• High-value, low-cost, accurate

measurement solution For more information visit
• Exceptions processed in real- our website
time based on FRA track class emea.harscorail.com
threshold limits
• Measurements can be made at
• Average precision of 1.5mm/0.10
• Minimal retrofit requirements
for existing vehicles
User interface • Independent system that can be


Visit us:
from September 20 – 23 at our booth to learn about the latest developments and
innovations at Harsco Rail.

On the tracks:
On the tracks we will be exhibiting our motor-powered carrier wagon with hydraulic
crane and staff container designed for the SBB catenary maintenance fleet.

Another highlight:
will be us demonstrating our latest Railway Worker Safety Products.

Learn more at: emea.harscorail.com

Hall 25 - booth 555
Track 2/80
< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Keeping Everything on Track

A sk Michael Clayton,
CEO, what it is that
contributes to Derby
Ballastick® rubber broom elements
have carved out an enviable
reputation, renowned for their
market because it reduces down-
time, increases functional efficiency,
and cost-effectiveness.
durability and reliability.
Rubber’s success, and he’ll After speaking with its customers,
tell you it’s about helping its The unique compound design Derby Rubber found that they
customers succeed. delivers superior durability and appreciated the overall value the
performance, which means more Ballastick® delivered. The superior
uptime for ballast regulating performance and the design make it
Critical to this is a reliable product, equipment and long-term cost more durable, resulting in as much
excellent two-way customer savings as components are replaced as a three to four times longer life
communication and, something less often. The unique shape of the span.
that’s not been easy during the Ballastick® shaft enhances delivery
pandemic – a dependable supply with a more effective sweep, Ultimately, the Derby Rubber design
chain. making it quicker and easier – often surpasses cheaper alternatives and
requiring only a single pass-through. delivers undeniable value. When
Derby Rubber manufactures it comes to engineered design
industry-leading ballast regulator The clamp used to swiftly and Derby Rubber has a highly skilled
rubber broom elements and is well smoothly attach the broom and knowledgeable team whose
known for its flagship Ballastick® elements was designed by Derby members spend time collaborating
suite of products. The single-piece Rubber and is highly valued in the with customers across the globe to

ensure they exceed expectations, elements to existing machinery, customers, so we could manage
not just with product design, but in which had previously used basic- their expectations. Our key goal

Works Vehicles & Machines

the durability their products deliver. level components. was to minimise disruption,” said
The team encompasses sales and “After using our ballast regulators
customer support personnel right and testing solid and hollow Giancarlo Cibin reiterated this by
through to product developers, elements, our customers asked saying, “Derby Rubber is a partner
technical chemical engineers, us whether it would be possible who is attentive to customer needs
a logistics department and to mount Derby Rubber’s solid and is quick to supply items. Regular
manufacturing facilities in both elements in their ballast regulators feedback requests make the
Australia and Europe. instead of a competitor’s elements. manufacturer and end-customer
We talked with Derby Rubber and feel well looked after.”
“People make a business – whether they happily supplied us with all
that’s us as the supplier or our the accessories required to fix the Derby Rubber’s supply outlets
customers on the tracks,” said problem,” said Giancarlo. in Europe assisted the efforts
Clayton. in responsive supply. They were
It’s a relationship that has spanned able to swiftly activate additional
This focus on product quality over two decades, and today, New orders to ensure consistency
and dependability has led to very Sorema Ferroviaria uses Derby of stock that would serve the
rewarding long-term partnerships Rubber’s Ballasticks® for all its needs of its European customers.
for Derby Rubber. “After returning brushes. This 20-year relationship The Australian manufacturing
from our first trade show in three is testament to the quality of the headquarters remained the main
years we reconnected with our product, exceptional service and
conduit to service the Australasian
customers face to face and met collaboration.
market. And while no one can
new ones and it reaffirmed that our
accurately predict when products
customers see us as friends and The challenges of the pandemic
will be needed and in what
partners, not just as commercial impacted sea freight and
quantity, a robust supply model,
associates.” The benefits have been manufacturing globally, and Derby
innumerable. Rubber quickly ascertained that a well-maintained inventory, and a
just-in-case philosophy needed to just-in-case attitude helped keep
Speak to one of Derby Rubber’s be adopted and just-in-time needed everything on track.
longest-standing customers, New to be retired.
Sorema Ferroviaria and this is With the rail industry preparing
reaffirmed: “I consider the people “We were committed to getting for the largest rail trade show
at Derby Rubber – Stephen, orders to all our global customers, InnoTrans this month, Derby Rubber
Michael and Peter – friends first of and we had some very challenging is looking forward to exhibiting
all. This allows us to talk and find issues when it came to our supply and reconnecting with friends and
the solution in every situation,” chain. We worked with and customers. You can find us in Hall
said Giancarlo Cibin, Commercial constantly communicated with our 21, Stand 237.
Director at New Sorema Ferroviaria,
an Italian company that designs and
manufactures on-track machines
and railway vehicles for the
construction and maintenance of
track lines.

Amongst the solutions was a

collaboration between Derby
Rubber and New Sorema Ferroviaria
to find a way of attaching the
higher-quality Derby Rubber


3 Many years of experience in complete machining of railway VDM 1600 vertical turning machine –
ideal for railway wheel machining
wheels and components like brakes discs, bearings, etc.
3 Complete range of vertical turning machines
3 All machines available with turnkey processing from a single
3 Modern, modular tool systems
3 Machines and turnkey systems operating in Germany,
Spain, Czech Republic, UK, Hungary, Russia, China,
USA, Austria and Turkey

Complete machining on a VDM including drilling and milling operations

Complete machining on a VDM including drilling and milling operations


FFG Werke GmbH | Sales Department
Oliver Klier | Mobile: +49 175 722 1360 | [email protected]
Stand 230G

Davy Industrial Park

Prince of Wales Road
Sheffield S9 4EX

[email protected]
+44 (0)114 257 0563

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Mechan Showcases Bespoke Skills

A fter a long, four-year wait, rail depot equipment specialist Mechan will be flying the flag
for British manufacturing once again at this year’s InnoTrans exhibition.

The Sheffield-based firm, which from across the globe since the of 44 ten-tonne jacks were installed,
is renowned for its ubiquitous pandemic.” taking the overall number in use at
yellow jacks, will be in Berlin from the facility to 68. They are housed
20–23 September showcasing the Mechan’s flagship lifting jacks grace in the site’s new train modification
reliability and versatility of its wide some of the world’s most advanced unit to assist with an ongoing
range of maintenance equipment. depots and orders have remained project to reduce increasing
strong throughout Covid, with maintenance costs and improve the
Lindsey Mills, Mechan’s Sales interest growing in the newest reliability and productivity of the
Director, said: “After such a addition to its range – a version Central line fleet.
long break, we’re really looking designed specifically for the tram
forward to being back in the RIA and light rail markets. Mechan’s recently updated jack
UK Pavilion at InnoTrans. There is control system is one of the
huge anticipation for this event, Last year, the firm delivered one of most flexible and advanced on
as it is the first opportunity we’ve its largest-ever orders to London the market, offering remote
had to catch up with rail colleagues Underground’s Acton depot. A total diagnostics via a 4G SIM card and

I/O technology. Using a portable contractor Winvic, Mechan equipment, including bogies,
panel, synchronised chains of jacks designed the multi-rail traverser to wheelsets, transformers and cooling

Rolling Stock Maintenance Equipment

can be set up, raised and lowered suit the specific conditions at DIRFT units from the new Stadler and
safely and efficiently. This enables III. It spans 28 metres, has a capacity Bombardier trains, introduced
work on the underside of trains to of 140 tonnes and comprises an on Greater Anglia’s intercity and
take place at a comfortable height access platform, plus loco buffer to Stansted Express services.
without decoupling, saving valuable prevent trains overrunning.
servicing time. The bogie drop was designed
specifically to work with the Stadler
Innovative Bogie Drops vehicles, which have articulated
An Unrivalled Record for bogies that sit between carriages,
Traversers Bogie drops are another area in meaning the ends of two cars need
which the firm’s specialist engineers supporting during removal. It has a
One of Mechan’s many strengths can save depot operators time. roll over capacity of 75 tonnes and
is its ability to create bespoke Thanks to their innovative design, it incorporates mini jacks that act as
equipment that suits the unique is feasible to undertake a complete body supports. The depot operator
needs of each client and the bogie change in just two hours. Abellio also specified automatic
environmental constraints of wheel stops and interlocked access
depots. Like traversers, each bogie drop is gates as additional safety features,
made to the client’s requirements, which were designed into the unit,
This is perhaps best illustrated by enabling complete bogies, drawing on past experience.
the rail traversers it produces, which wheelsets and other underfloor
include the largest installation in modules to be changed quickly at To find out more about Mechan’s
the UK at the Port of Felixstowe. track level, whilst maintenance, extensive range of depot
Each traverser is built to order inspections and cleaning can maintenance equipment, speak to
and is adaptable enough to handle continue at the same time. its InnoTrans team on Stand 230G
future trains. in Hall 2.2 at the Berlin Exhibition
When a bogie needs changing, the Grounds.
Mechan’s latest installation is at vehicle is positioned centrally on
the state-of-the-art 29 million GBP the bridge section of the drop. A
Intermodal Rail Freight Terminal support structure designed to suit To find out more about the
at the DIRFT logistics park in the trains being serviced takes its firm’s bespoke design services,
Northamptonshire. The traverser weight, allowing the bridge section telephone +44 (0)114 257 0563,
is situated outside the terminal to be lowered and traversed to the visit
building, at the end of 9km of side and exchanged for a new bogie. www.mechan.co.uk or follow
new lines and moves Class 66 the firm on Twitter, @mechanuk
locomotives in a perpendicular Mechan has received award
direction to the tracks, so they can recognition for its custom-made
return to service after loading/ bogie drop at Norwich’s Crown
unloading. This has allowed the Point depot, which was installed
terminal length to be shorter, as a last year as part of largescale
head shunt isn’t required. development at the facility. It is
Working closely with main being used to remove underframe


3 Tested and proven processes for shaft machining,

especially for railway axle rough and finish machining
as well as auxiliary operations
3 Rigid, reliable horizontal turning machines and
turn / mill centers with various configurations
3 Turnkey process, auxiliary machining and probing
components for process safety
3 Modern, modular tool systems
3 Machines and turnkey systems operating in Germany,
Switzerland, France, Belgium, UK, Croatia, Russia,
China, South Africa, Canada, USA

Complete machining
of railway axles on a
Axle processing chain with deep-hole drilling VDF 450 T

OP 10 OP 20 OP 30 OP 40 OP 50 OP 60 OP 70
Bandsaw Cutting Rough turning Deep-hole Post- Grinding Final check &
to length & boring centering & marking
centering finish turning

VDF 450 FC VDF 450 T VDF 450 T

Production line for wheel sets

Fertigungslinie für Radsatzwellen

(railway axles machining system)
P Portal 3
1 H-Lader mit 2 Vertikalachsen und je einer Greifeinheit für
1 Waggonachse Fertigbearbeitung
Kenn- MP-Prüfen Vorreinigung (finish line)
Schleifen Fertigdrehen Fertigdrehen

OP 60 OP 50 OP 50

OP 30 OP 30
OP 10

Ablängen Vordrehen Vordrehen

Enden- Portal 1
Vorbearbeitung US
Bearbeitung 1 H-Lader mit 2 Vertikalachsen und je einer Greifeinheit für (rough line)
1 Waggonachse Portal 2
1 I-Lader mit einem Greifer für 1 Waggonachse
90° Drehmodul um vertikale Achse


FFG Werke GmbH | Sales Department
Oliver Klier | Mobile: +49 175 722 1360 | [email protected]
< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Rolling Stock Maintenance Equipment

Railway Wheelset Maintenance: NSH Group Delivers
Continuous Improvement

T he NSH Group (Niles-Simmons-Hegenscheidt) and its North American subsidiary NSH

USA Corporation (Albany, New York and Sterling Heights, Michigan) have a long history
of supporting transit and freight railway maintenance facilities worldwide.

This longevity is based in part

on a dedication to continuous
improvement of wheelset
maintenance machines and

The Stanray® Wheel Truing

Machines have been the standard
for freight and transit railway
wheel reprofiling throughout North
America for decades. The machines
utilise milling machining technology
(known as ‘wheel truing’) where
Stanray® M1 Above-Floor Wheel Truing Machine installed in transit maintenance facility
the work piece (in this case, the
wheelset) rotates slowly while the
cutting tool with multiple cutting Stanray product line with the new spent accessing wheelset axle
inserts rotates rapidly. This wheel M-Series Wheel Truing Machines. centres – in fact, wheel truing
reprofiling technology differs from While still employing the same can take place on fully mounted
a lathe (known as ‘turning’), where milling machining technology, the wheelsets as well as vehicles that
the work piece rotates rapidly, new machines include innovations were not accessible before. The new
and the single point cutting tool that were not possible when the machines can be installed on the
is stationary. Both technologies Stanray was introduced in 1949. facility’s floor as an Above-Floor M1
reprofile the wheel and remove or in a pit as an Underfloor M2 or
wear and defects to return the They now feature integrated M3.
wheel profile back to the optimal measurement for more efficient
shape. However, for customers machining as well as better Combining decades of dependable
with moderate or extreme wheel access to asset data. The system’s wheel truing technology with
wear, wheel truing (milling) is the automated machining and
modern measuring and automation
ideal solution due to the milling measuring cycles mean less chance
practices, the Stanray® M-Series
cutter’s efficient material removal for operator error and increased
properties. safety and efficiency. And with the Wheel Truing Machines are the
new patent-pending centreless right choice for freight and transit
NSH USA recently updated the wheelset clamping, less time is railways worldwide.

Example of data available from the Hegenscheidt Total Wheelset Management software

Hegenscheidt TWM That’s where the TWM software more modern predictive model.
comes in. It works in combination Operators can analyse trends to
(Total Wheelset with the ARGUS® II In-Track plan more efficient maintenance
Management) Software Measurement System for Wheel Set practices as well as monitor asset
Diagnosis and the Hegenscheidt livelihood. The end result? Increased
Another member of the NSH Group, U2000-Series Underfloor Wheel lifespan for railway wheelsets and
Hegenscheidt-MFD (Erkelenz, Lathes. As the rail vehicle travels safer railways.
Germany), also combines decades of over the ARGUS® II, the system
wheelset maintenance experience captures real-time measurements If you are attending this year’s
with continuous improvement of the vehicles’ wheelsets. That data InnoTrans event, the NSH Group
to better serve transit railways is transmitted and made available will be available in Hall 22, Booth
around the world. The company to the wheel lathe operator, who 660 to discuss these two products
recently released the TWM (Total can then make informed choices as well as other railway wheelset
Wheelset Management) software about reprofiling order based on maintenance and production
that supports better maintenance accurate measurements and wheel machines and heavy payload
operations in data management, conditions. After reprofiling, the automation systems.
maintenance planning and control lathe performs post-machining
of all wheelset-related maintenance measurement to verify that all
operations. wheelsets are within tolerance. Jason Steven Murphy
That data is also collected by the
The maintenance of railway TWM and available to maintenance nsh-usa.com
fleets has become more complex. personnel. +1 (518) 462-5431
Increased demand for asset [email protected]
measurement data as well as Beyond simply decreasing the
a moving away from outdated time needed to maintain rail
maintenance practices based on vehicles and return them to
a reactive model which targets revenue service, better access to
wheelset condition or mileage the wheelset measurement data
meant new solutions were allows operators to shift from a
necessary. reactive maintenance model to a

th #660
Stop by Boo
in Hall 22 to
learn more

Industry Leaders in
Wheel Set Production, Maintenance & Automation

Wheel Truing
• Easy to operate and maintain
• Cuts through wheel defects without operator intervention
• Full profile milling process creates the optimal
wheel profile every time
• No need to undercut

Total Wheelset Management

• Better access to wheel set measurement data
• Increased lifespan for wheel sets
• Safer and more efficient rail vehicles
• Decreased time needed for maintenance
< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Virtek Vision
Transform Manual Measurements, Marking and the Use of
Physical Templates and Automate with Ease Using Laser
Projection Solutions for Rail Applications

Iris verification

Laser Solutions for Rail to use and adopt and focused on

solving the specific challenges they
and optimise quality in aerospace,
automotive and composites, heavy
seek to overcome. fabrication, pre-fab construction,
Virtek is constantly reimagining sheet metal fabrication, wind and
how to make complex
manufacturing processes simpler,
Laser Projection & rail markets globally.

safer and more efficient using laser Inspection Systems Laser-Guided Assembly
projections solutions.
For over 30 years, Virtek continues and Production
Virtek is the first choice among the to be the global leader in laser
world’s top innovators when they projection and inspection systems, Transform manual measurements,
are looking for technology that is helping manufacturers improve marking and the use of a physical
leading the industry, reliable, easy productivity, increase accuracy templates and automate with ease

Rolling Stock Maintenance Equipment
Iris screenshot

using laser solutions. Assembly

is the final and most critical step,
Paint Masking Solutions, be processed with speed, ease and
ensure required accuracy and Assembly Solutions,
consistent part to part quality. Maintenance, Repair and Find out more
information here
Laser solutions for rail help to Overhaul for Rail www.virtekvision.com
eliminate manual processes and
procedures, lower costs by as Virtek laser projection solutions
much as 60%, and reduce physical can assist with rail applications
templates leading to even greater such as paint masking, interior part
cost savings. placement, component placement,
assembly of parts, drill holes, seat
Digital Laser Templating placement, wire-harnessing, can

Accelerate paint masking

applications with a digital laser
template. Remove paper or physical
templates and increase production
time while accomplishing more
tasks in the same shift.

Eliminate defects in assembly by up

to 95% and layout tasks, get to the
finished product faster and with a
higher quality product.

Dramatically increase efficiencies in

getting to market faster with laser
projection solutions.

Layout assembly

Flexible laser solutions for
improved productivity

Flexible. Reliable. Mobile.

Transform manual measurements, marking and the use of
physical templates and automate with ease using laser solutions.
Assembly is the final and most critical step, ensure required
accuracy and consistent part-to-part quality. Find out how you
can create efficiencies, reduce time to market, and dramatically
cut costs in your existing manufacturing process.

95% 60%
Reduced Defects Cost Savings

We tailor our solutions to your production needs. Contact us today!

+44 (0) 161 864 6490 | #timetomove | virtekvision.com

Onboard Signalling Equipment

< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Electrical Makrofon EM660/370 TSI

By: Anna Berning, Sales Manager ZÖLLNER Signal GmbH

Z ÖLLNER has been

producing compressed
air-operated signal horns for
rail vehicles for over 75 years.

Thanks to this long-standing

experience, we have gained an
edge in knowledge that makes
us a reliable partner of vehicle
manufacturers. ZÖLLNER Makrofons
are flexible, user-friendly, well-
designed and supplied with all the
relevant certificates. Increasing
demands on the material,
documentation and safety
support us in offering high-quality different frequencies. With our new Together with our customers and
and reliable products. We place Electrical Makrofon EM660/370 TSI, partners, we also modify our
particular emphasis on compliance we are offering a solution for products and develop individual
with environmental requirements signalling that is independent of solutions to provide our customers
such as REACH, RoHS and EN 45545. compressed air. The Makrofon with the ideal device solution.
consists of the speaker ZETFON
Our current product portfolio 70S (horn) and the control and Find out more about our Electrical
for rail vehicles includes a wide amplifier unit. Each horn provides Makrofon EM660/370 TSI: PDF
selection of signal horns with two frequencies, for example 370Hz Datasheet MakrofonEM660 and
and 660Hz. We will gladly offer you about the other solutions we offer:
alternative frequencies according to PDF Makrofon Brochure.
your needs.
[email protected]
Optional protection grids protect
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The electric actuation of our electrical Makrofons driver’s cab and an internal signal
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We Are EVIDENT Industrial
Seeing Is Solving

Evident, a new wholly owned subsidiary of Olympus comprised of its former Scientific Solutions
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At Evident, we are guided by the scientific spirit—innovation and exploration are at the heart of
what we do. Committed to making people’s lives healthier, safer, and more fulfilling, we support
our customers with solutions that solve their challenges and advance their work; whether it’s
inspecting infrastructure or exposing hidden toxins in consumer products.
Evident Industrial’s solutions range from microscopes and videoscopes to nondestructive testing
equipment and X-ray analyzers for maintenance, manufacturing, and environmental applications.
Backed by state-of-the-art technologies, Evident products are widely used for quality control,
inspection, and measurement.
For more information, visit EvidentScientific.com.
Evident and the Evident logo are trademarks of Evident Corporation or its subsidiaries.
< Rolling Stock & Works Vehicles

Testing & Measuring Equipment

Precision Coating Inspection with Ultrasonic Thickness
B ecause rail vehicles
may operate through
demanding conditions –
such as rain and snow – as
well as be exposed to rapidly
changing temperatures, the
lifespan of materials is a key
issue in the rail industry.

In particular, the exterior coating

must be able to withstand
varying weather conditions, high
mechanical stresses and airborne
Olympus 72DL PLUS
contamination while maintaining its
aesthetics and protection capability.
remaining thickness after rework. pulse to travel through a sample
Coatings are used for a wide variety Ultrasonic thickness gauges offer (or test piece) and reflect back from
of applications including to enhance a fast, reliable and non-destructive the inside surface or wall. Generally,
the aesthetics of rail vehicles and to method for coating or substrate higher-frequency sound pulses
protect rail vehicles from corrosion. assessment that requires access to enable the measurement of thinner
Although coatings can significantly only one side of the test material. materials.
increase the longevity of rail While ultrasonic approaches have
components, it is essential that previously been limited by their Historically, most precision
they are applied properly to ensure minimum thickness capabilities, ultrasonic thickness gauges have
maximal function. Specifically, Evident introduced the Olympus been limited to a maximum of
thickness must be within the 72DL PLUS gauge which combines ~20MHz frequency and to a
defined limits to ensure appropriate a robust design, streamlined corresponding minimum thickness
protection and aesthetics and interface, and the ability to measure capability of ~0.005 inches
minimally applied to avoid thinner materials than ever before. (0.125mm). However, improvements
significant financial implications. to technology have allowed

Coating inspection of rail vehicles

Measuring Microns with increasing frequencies to be used
in ultrasonic thickness gauges. For
not only ensures proper application Higher Frequencies instance, the 72DL PLUS gauge
during manufacturing but can also drives frequencies up to 125MHz to
periodically evaluate quality, such An ultrasonic thickness gauge measure ultra-thin materials – as
as wear and tear of coatings and measures how long it takes a sound low as 0.001 inches (0.025mm).

Measuring Multiple Optimising Coating fully visualisation and tracking
of thickness changes. Combined
Layers Inspection with military-grade ruggedness
(MIL-STD-810G) to protect against
In practice, the thickness capability Optimising manufacturing accidental drops or impacts
of an ultrasonic thickness gauge workflows can result in time, cost and resistance against dust and
depends on the type of material. and labour savings in any industry. moisture (designed to meet IP65),
Given the numerous types of Therefore, it is important that the 72DL PLUS gauge is ideal for
coatings used in the rail industry, thickness gauges are not only industrial manufacturing and
it is important that ultrasonic precise with adequate minimum maintenance environments that
thickness gauges can handle a thickness capabilities but also quick, demand precise measurements.
range of materials. easy to use and provide simple to

The 72DL PLUS gauge can precisely

interpret data.
Managing, Reviewing
measure numerous materials Decreasing time to result is one and Documenting with
including paint, plastics, metals and
coatings with exceptional minimum
of the ways thickness gauges can
help optimise inspection workflows.
thickness capability. Single-layer The 72DL PLUS instrument
steel, for example, can be measured delivers reliable, lab-quality Typically, data from rail inspection
to as little as 0.008 inches (0.20mm) measurements using speeds of workflows must be logged and
while single layer plastic can up to 2kHz increasing throughput stored to ensure compliance with
be measured to 0.0005 inches and maximising productivity on regulations. This is automatic and
(0.0127mm). the production floor or in the field. seamless with the 7DL PLUS gauge’s
The ability to preset user-defined built-in data logging and onboard
Additionally, the measurement protocols for quick launch of file management. Additionally,
of multilayer materials may be routine thickness measurements the PC Interface Application
required during the manufacturing further expedites inspection includes intuitive tools to review
of rail parts. For example, anti- workflows. and manage data for multiple
corrosion coatings may be applied devices and parts streamlining the
prior to a paint layer. With the Additionally, the 72DL PLUS gauge overall review and documentation
Multilayer Measurement Software combines a full-colour, 7-inch touch procedure.
option, the 72DL PLUS gauge can screen with five measurement
measure and simultaneously display layout options (A-Scan, B-Scan, A/B- Finally, the gauge supports wireless
the thickness of up to six layers. Scan, Trend, and Zoom) to facilitate LAN and Bluetooth® and is cloud-
enabled with wireless connection
to the Olympus Scientific Cloud™
(OSC) and compatible OSC apps.
This means connecting, uploading
and documenting rail inspection
data is simple, quick and seamless.

Contact us for more information.


Multilayer measurement of paint thickness using the 72DL PLUS gauge with an M2104 transducer

a Better

Maintaining a state of good repair by

incorporating a building block approach to
Bench Test Equipment
Keeping your fleet in a state of good repair is essential Additionally, with self-maintenance (or organic
to maximizing your transit assets, minimizing schedule maintenance capabilities), operators can greatly reduce
delays, and improving customer satisfaction. One area the amount of spares inventory required to maintain
of concern for transit agencies is fleet readiness and the their fleet. The vehicle is back in service faster and more
availability of trains during peak hours. cost effectively than sending equipment out to a repair
The ability to maintain your fleet while also delivering
on-time performance is invaluable and significantly Bench Test Equipment (BTE) that is universal (or
enhances the passenger experience. addresses various aspects of testing) and scalable (with
the ability to expand) can benefit rail car builders,
An added benefit of maintaining a state of good repair OEMs, and transit authorities with a comprehensive,
is that fleet downtime is greatly reduced due to quick flexible platform.
turn-around of assets undergoing maintenance.
Test solutions for the transit market can be broadly
categorized as follows:

Consolidated BTE:
Primarily included on new car contracts to provide
testing for multiple OEMs. Typically delivered to
support the transit authority repair shops for
car-wide electronic repair.

Focused BTE:
Supports testing of a particular sub-system such as
door electronics or HVAC. OEMs may not need
such a broadly targeted approach for consolidated
BTE and can meet customer requirements with a
scaled down test system as part of the overall
sub-system delivery.

In-House BTE:
Where OEMs can leverage the same BTE on their
own manufacturing floor to support the build and
test process. Having similar test support in-house
and in the field can be a great advantage and cost
Consider the following three major BTE platform types with compatibility, upgradeability, and the same user
experience to support most transit test requirements. Each of these test systems can be targeted and downsized
for a specific purpose or built upon to provide more general testing.

Control and Communications

Addresses the majority of the car

body, voltage-driven electronic
assemblies and sub-assemblies found
on today’s rail cars.

• Signs
• Communications
• Door Controls
• Propulsion Control
• Cab equipment
• Event Recorders
• Temperature Control Units
• Monitoring and Diagnostics

ATS-500 Functional Test System


Must support electrical and
mechanical aspects for specific
units under test. Depending on
needs and throughput, could be
a stand-alone test system or an
addition to an existing platform.

• Door Operators
• Master Controllers
• Electric Couplers
• Motors
• Braking

ATS-500 DO (Door Operator)

High Power

ATS-500 HP
Safety and ease of use
must be priorities for this
type of BTE platform. • Auxiliary Power Systems
Built upon a base • LVPS
configuration with
• Propulsion Drive systems
additional support for
third rail DC input power • Rail Gap detectors
and output loading. • Single and Multi-phase Inverters
• Dead Battery Starters
• High Speed Circuit Breakers

The building block approach to

BTE benefits an OEM who is
required to support a single
sub-system, a car builder who
must support all sub-systems,
and the transit authority where
the diagnostics and repair is

To learn more or
discuss a solution for
your requirements,
contact us today.


Simulation & Testing Services
Multitel p.148

Cleaning Services
Bidvest Noonan p.150
BIOforte p.153

Freight Forwarding & Logistics

deugro p.156

Train & Component Overhaul & Maintenance

OEM Fabricators, Inc. p.159
VR FleetCare p.162
PSI Repair Services p.164

< Services

Key Management Centre and ETCS System Integration Testing

B y digitalising railway
systems (e.g. ETCS
implementation), cyber
attacks and cyber threats
have become important
issues and concerns that
any railway infrastructure
manager now faces.

Thus, it is important to equip

the railway system with a Key
Management Centre (KMC)
that provides keys enabling the
encryption and decryption of Figure 1 KMC-EMU online use case scheme
communications between the ETCS
onboard and the ETCS trackside Subset-137 (Subset-KMC, test onboard and trackside units. We
subsystems. However, testing and method and database) and is hold 8 EVC test benches, 2 RBC test
simulating such a new element, accredited ISO17025 (427-TEST) benches, 2 Eurobalise/BTM/LTM test
from product development by the by BELAC for Subset-KMC ® test. benches, 3 KMC test benches and 1
KMC providers to system reception We are the only laboratory in MSILAB (system level test). Enjoying
by the railway infrastructure the world to have obtained this this numerical advantage, we are
manager/operator, is challenging. At accreditation for such tests! able to test several customers in
Multitel, we can provide a complete parallel and deliver ISO17025 test
solution to you to deal with all KMC Multitel also provides simulation reports in a very fast lead time.
communication chain aspects. environments of both onboard and
trackside for KMC development Multitel also provides test labs, test
Multitel has developed a KMC tests. benches and railway maintenance
Emulator (KMC-EMU) which is fully tools. Multiple Unisig onboard
compliant with Subset-137 (online) Multitel’s railway test system EVC suppliers acquired Multitel’s
and Subset-114 (offline). The KMC- is complete and capable of test benches for their own
EMU can handle also KMC-KMC performing system integration developments. We provided test
communications. This product tests / system compatibility, train benches to worldwide trackside
has been used in lab tests and lab / track and line validations. Indeed, suppliers. In 2018, Multitel delivered
integrations in the United Kingdom, Multitel is accredited ISO17025 its first system test bench to China
South Korea and China. (427-TEST) by BELAC for Subset- for CTCS testing. In 2020, Multitel
Moreover, Multitel has also ESC® test. Multitel’s ISO17025 delivered a KTCS System level
developed the KMC Test Bench accreditation test scopes also cover test lab to South Korea. In 2021,
(KMC-TB) for the ETCS EVC SRS ETCS subsystem tests for both Multitel, in conjunction with Atkins

Limited, was awarded a contract
by Network Rail to design, deliver
and operate the UK’s national

Simulation & Testing Services

ETCS Test Verification, Validation
and Integration Laboratory (Test
Facility) for 10 years. This first-of-a-
kind facility provides operational
signalling fault diagnostics,
product acceptance and systems
integration of ETCS signalling
deployments across the UK.

The delivery of this Test Facility to

Network Rail/Atkins demonstrates
the maturity of Multitel’s MSILAB Figure 2 Multitel’s railway radio simulation test system chain
technology. Indeed, MSILAB is including KMC interactions
not only compatible with IoP
(Subset-110, Subset-111 and
Subset-112) but also offers wider • Multitel works beyond the • Subset-103 (Loop Transmission
test ranges thanks to its capability state of the art and is already Module test)
to test and validate subsystems prepared for the test purposes • Subset-RBC® (Radio Block
at the real physical interface level. of the next TSI 2022 release Centre test)
Furthermore, MSILAB is flexible • Subset-ESC® (ETCS System
enough for new updates or
upgrades, so that it is compatible
About Multitel Compatibility test) using
M-SILAB solution (test bench
with the next generation of digital and test methodology)
signalling technology (FRMCS, ATO Located in Mons, Belgium, Multitel • Subset-KMC® (EVC test
and C-DAS). is a research centre specialised in following Subset-137)
information and communications
Advantages of Choosing technology (ICT). Multitel has more
than 15 years of experience in
Multitel’s Solutions and providing ERTMS testing services, Visit our website for more
Services ERTMS test tools and test solutions. information railways.multitel.be

Multitel’s is ISO17025 accredited by Contact Ms Lan Hong

• Multitel provides a large test BELAC (427-TEST) for:
service and also test tools, +32 65 34 2884
test lab and on-demand test • Subset-076, Subset-094 +32 65 34 2727
solutions (European Vital Computer test) +32 65 34 2732
• Multitel’s solutions and • Subset-085 and Subset-116
expertise are not limited to (Eurobalise/Balise Transmission [email protected]
ETCS standards but also include Module test)
KTCS and CTCS standards
• Multitel’s solutions are
modulable and compatible with
new updates and upgrades due
to next generation of signalling
technologies (FRMCS, ATO and
• Multitel has a versatile and
skilled team to support your
projects (developments, tests,


Bidvest Noonan
< Services

Moving Forward: The Future of Cleaning in

the Rail Sector
In this conversation
David Simms, Transport
Sector Manager, shares
his perspective on the rail
sector, the challenges it’s
currently facing and what
the future holds for cleaning
in the sector.

He speaks about the operations at

one of the UK’s major national rail
networks and what has contributed
to Bidvest Noonan’s success in the

Question: Tell us about your

journey and role working with
your customers in the rail sector.

David Simms: I began my career in David Simms, Bidvest Noonan Transport Sector Manager
the transport sector over 10 years
ago. I first managed the cleaning Chester, Widnes and Oxley, locations, and we are responsible
portfolio for several major UK providing a cleaning solution that for the cleaning of all the trains,
banks that required first class FM improves the passenger experience depots, offices and other premises
/ cleaning services. I then moved for hundreds of thousands of across the customers’ portfolio in
into the rail sector managing the people every year. the North West and Midlands. We
cleaning of the Mersey rail network. provide a wide range of services
Q: Can you tell us about the team to our customers. From train
Then in 2016 I wanted a new you work with and what they do turnaround cleans, PHCs, washroom
challenge. With Bidvest Noonan I for your clients? services, and much more.
began working on Transport for
Wales and at the Alstom depots at DS: My team works across various My team is excellent. I couldn’t

ask for anyone better. They’re

Cleaning Services
hard working and have a great
relationship with my customers.
I know I can rely on them for

We have regular walkarounds and

review our KPIs frequently to ensure
we are delivering an outstanding
service on all aspects of our

Over the past year we have

consistently hit 100% in our KPI
scores which is an astonishing
achievement, and it shows what a
high performing team we have.

Q: What are the biggest

challenges the rail sector is
facing at the moment and how
does Bidvest Noonan support Bidvest Noonan colleagues working across the Alstom depot
its customers during these
challenges? a more passionate and higher- stick to our rules each month.
performing team than this one.
DS: Our customers always want We have also made a range of
to provide the very best value to Q: How do you support your online courses available to our
their passengers. We help them customers in terms of their health colleagues so they can keep
achieve that objective by operating and safety goals? learning and developing, earning
as efficiently as we can. Our qualifications throughout their
customers are always motivated DS: Safety is one of the most career.
to provide their passengers with important factors when working in
a highly punctual, clean, safe and the rail industry. We have a range of An important aspect of cleaning
attractive environment. We support processes and procedures to ensure trains is ensuring they are
our customers in achieving this by the safety of our colleagues and stationary at all times when we
cleaning the trains to the highest everyone on the site. work on them and we achieve this
standard ensuring that they are fit through the lockout system. The
for use and are released for service Our colleagues go through rigorous trains are locked in place whenever
on time. safety training and are also required someone is working on them.
to complete refresher training
Part of our vision is to be so every 12 months. We host safety If a train needs to be moved our
valuable to our customers that we sessions throughout each month colleagues need to report back and
are always the partner of choice and distribute safety briefs for our log off the system connected to the
and that rings true on our work colleagues to follow. train.
across the western network.
We use our online apps and Safety is our number one priority.
We know our customers and we dashboards to audit our work and We want to make sure that
provide the best service on the track our safety. We have set everyone can go home safely at the
market. It would be difficult to find ourselves safety KPIs to ensure we end of each shift.

Q: Can you tell us about some when passengers travel with you. The future of cleaning in the rail
of the innovations you’ve We ensured each train was sector will be greener. Bidvest
implemented for your rail sector thoroughly deep-cleaned and Noonan has introduced new
customers? introduced air purifiers and processes and technologies that
fresheners into the HVAC system. allow us to reduce our use of
DS: Since we began this contract, This improved the customer chemicals, water, electricity and
we’ve been constantly improving experience tremendously. We even plastics.
our service. We have improved went as far as having a new scent
the cleaning chemicals used. for every season. When that was We believe that customer
We introduced a slimmed-down introduced, we had a lot of good experience is very important. It’s
range of highly effective cleaning feedback on social media. at the core of the vision of our
chemicals and degreasers that business. I feel personally connected
completely transformed the We like to come up with ideas all to Bidvest Noonan’s mission
premises and trains. the time and try new ways of doing to deliver the best customer
things. I think that again stems experience in the market. I believe
We have implemented our from our great relationship with the in the future, customers in the rail
transport sector portal across our customer. sector can look forward to even
site portfolio. This enables our better customer experience as we
clients to stay informed about Q: What does the future look like continue to invest in our services.
our solution and gives them for cleaning the rail sector?
reassurance that they are receiving
an outstanding service. DS: I think we will continue to see www.bidvestnoonan.co.uk/
innovation throughout the industry. transport-sector/
We also like to think outside the We will become more efficient and
box when bringing our innovations start to introduce more technology.
to the table. We know that a major Bidvest Noonan has successfully
part of the customer experience introduced a wide range of
when talking about cleaning is technology such as cobotics
about the smell. Especially on a and next-generation cleaning
train you want it to smell great equipment.

Train depot

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< Services

Protect Your Reputation! Rely on BIOforte for

the Most Convincing Concept against Graffiti

G raffiti on rolling stock,

on buildings and in
public spaces can not only
For years, BIOforte has therefore
successfully relied on holistic
concepts with the latest generation
Choose a Strategy
of Quick Removal
be annoying, but also cause
of environmentally friendly, and Effective Reliable
rapidly deployable, sustainable
high, unnecessary costs. and naturally strong cleaning and Protection
protection work and products.
BIOforte has 20 years of Reacting quickly to smears is
international experience and offers Protection and prevention the best strategy for giving
you convincing solutions. Get one help to save costs and effort. troublesome copycats no chance.
step ahead of graffiti ‘artists’! Comprehensive anti-graffiti For delicate materials and surfaces
protection of a wide variety of that are not yet protected, it is
It’s an ongoing cat-and-mouse surfaces and buildings worthy of worth letting experts do the work
game that rail companies face preservation is the best recipe so as not to leave damage behind
every day. Trains, facades, buildings for staying one step ahead of the with the wrong cleaning agents.
and underpasses cannot simply be graffiti ‘artists’, or for reacting Protected surfaces can be quickly
locked away to be protected from without great effort when they do and easily restored to their former
being vandalised! strike. glory at any time by your own

Cleaning Services
employees using the appropriate
BIOforte cleaning products.
requirements and to demonstrate
continuous improvement. Processes
BIOforte Products for
and products are constantly Your Own Use
Protect Your Reputation controlled and further improved
thanks to ISO 9001, in order to meet Are your employees already
with Prestigious customer requirements as well as versed in graffiti cleaning? Then
Appearances across the other requirements for product or
service quality, and ISO 14001, in
rely on environmentally friendly
and biodegradable products of
Board order to also maintain all important the latest generation. To protect
environmental aspects at the best employees, materials and the
If graffiti contamination slips out level throughout BIOforte’s range of environment, and without
of your control, it will quickly have products and services. compromising on the proper
a bad impact on your reputation. treatment of even delicate surfaces,
Smudged rolling stock and dirty
driveways and pedestrian areas
Benefit from Long it pays to rely on the best, VOC-free
products. BIOforte’s wide range of
have also been shown to have Experience, Train products is developed exclusively
a major impact on whether
customers feel safe. Customer
Employees and Act and with experienced experts and
is regularly checked by partner
satisfaction and trust are too Quickly railway companies. You too can rely
valuable for any business to be on BIOforte cleaning and protection
affected by graffiti and other soiling. BIOforte has developed its products for rail vehicles as well as
partnership offer, especially for facades, buildings and surfaces of all
Customer expectations are high and companies around rail transport, kinds.
want to be met, especially when it
over the years on an international
comes to safety and feeling good.
level and broad experience
Cleanliness radiates safety! Do not
customer-specific. Individual Udo and Anja Mannartz
compromise on this. Management BIOforte GmbH
solutions that you need for your
rolling stock, for your buildings
Benefit from Our Quality [email protected]
or for the public space are their
Management System great strengths. Internationally +41 33 221 0575
Approved by ISO 9001 renowned companies such as SBB Offices in Switzerland and Germany

and ISO 14001 Swiss Federal Railways, DB German

Railways, other state railroads and
BIOforte spares no effort to various private railroad companies
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< Services

Gateway to the North American Market

T he rail and rolling
stock network in North
America is truly envied
around the world.

Spanning a total length of over

300,000 kilometres (or 185,000
miles) in the USA and Canada, it
is renowned to be the largest,
safest and most cost-efficient rail
system globally. Although mature
in terms of suppliers and service
providers, the North American
market relies heavily on technology
and equipment designed and
manufactured all over the world Dipika Malhotra, Operations
Manager for deugro Toronto,
– such as communications-based Canada
train control (CBTC) systems,
high-speed rolling stock and
infrastructure supplies like tunnel
boring machines and modular rail Uwe Moser, Branch Manager for
deugro Hanau, Germany

deugro has positioned itself as a heavy and over-dimensional cargo rolling stock manufacturers from
market leader in logistics within the handling as well as optimised Europe and Asia.
rail and rolling stock market around project logistics planning.
the world and especially in North One of these projects, which
America, with dedicated rolling deugro’s experience speaks for deugro is currently delivering for
stock teams in various locations itself: annually, deugro handles the a major European rolling stock
like Texas, Pennsylvania and Florida transportation of over 1,500 items manufacturer, is the REM Project
in the USA as well as Toronto and of rolling stock from around the in Canada. deugro is responsible
Calgary in Canada. These teams world into and around the North for the collection, transportation
are always on hand to provide a American market, with major rail, and delivery of over 200 metro
full array of supply chain support rolling stock and infrastructure cars from the manufacturing
– from general freight forwarding projects having been successfully facility in India to the project site
and customs and compliance to delivered for some of the largest in Canada. This has included the

commissioning of specialised Malhotra, Operations Manager for the project. This gave us sufficient

Freight Forwarding & Logistics

transport equipment to transport deugro Toronto, Canada. time to design and procure tailor-
these metro cars safely and made lifting equipment used in
efficiently from the port of arrival in Another ongoing infrastructure Europe and the USA for safe and
New York to the rails in Montreal. project for deugro is the complete efficient loading/discharging
turnkey logistics management and operations. The time was also
“The REM Project for deugro Canada execution of about 100 double-deck used to design and fabricate
is unique and challenging. We have railcar bodyshells from Switzerland unique multi-purpose transport
fabricated six railed trailers just to the USA. Our specialist team saddles. These were equipped with
for these REM cars. The decision to in Germany is responsible for the lifting points as well as a number
fabricate railed trailers has helped entire multimodal scope of work, of lashing lugs sufficient for all
us to fulfil the contractual delivery including transportation by truck, phases of the transport, including
timeframe and to move these cars barging on the Rhine River to the the high accelerations during
on container vessels as breakbulk Port of Antwerp, sea freight to transport by rail,” says Uwe Moser,
cargo. We have also fabricated a Galveston, Texas, and last-mile Branch Manager for deugro Hanau,
ramp for unloading these cars at transportation to Utah using the Germany.
the depot. There were challenges Union Pacific Railway system.
and hurdles on the way, but so far,
we have been able to find solutions “What made this project special
and have delivered more than 90 was the early involvement by the
cars without any OS&D,” says Dipika client, way ahead of the start of

deugro is currently delivering for the REM Project in Canada for a major European rolling stock manufacturer

Ready to Make
Your Move.
At deugro, we recognize that rail freight transport is an
essential solution in moving critical cargo safely, securely and deugro.com
on time. Our experienced specialists offer end-to-end services
for rail, including operating our own 16-axle railcar as well as
providing transport engineering and in-person field support.
< Services

OEM Fabricators, Inc.

A Key Supplier for the Global Rail Maintenance
and Passenger Rail Industries

A metal fabricator in the

Midwestern United
States has developed
quality, the company spent its first
twenty-five years experiencing
rapid growth in its customer base
testament to the work supporting
European manufacturers, in 2020,
OEM Fabricators was proud to
throughout the United States and receive the Excellence in Services
into a key supplier for the Canada. In 2012, OEM Fabricators Award from the German American
global rail maintenance and became EN 15085-2 Class 1 certified Chamber of Commerce-Midwest.
passenger rail industries. and has used this certification
to support North American and
European manufacturers in the
Services Offered
Founded in 1986, OEM Fabricators, rail maintenance industry and
Inc. built its business by providing develop into a key supplier in the OEM Fabricators, Inc. has a team
contract manufacturing services passenger rail industry. In 2018, of highly skilled craftsmen and
for local original equipment OEM Fabricators Inc. was awarded women building products for
manufacturers in the Midwestern a North American Supplier of leading manufacturers in the oil
United States. As a result of the Year Award from a global rail and gas, construction, mining,
OEM’s high levels of service and manufacturer. In addition, as a rail maintenance and passenger

rail industries. OEM Fabricators

Train & Component Overhaul & Maintenance

provides contract manufacturing
services including design assistance,
fabrication, welding, machining,
painting, and light assembly. The
company’s strength is complex
medium to large-sized components.
Examples of products built are
structural frames, work head
components, underframes, bogey
frames, coupler components,
tanks and assorted large battery /
hydraulic / electrical boxes.

EN Welding

In 2012, after serving the rail

maintenance industry for twenty American market and to meet Buy grades, tolerance standards, weld
years, OEM Fabricators became America requirements. Today, OEM standards and testing standards.
EN-certified to build components Fabricators is one of a small number
for a customer exporting rail of contract manufacturers in the OEM Fabricators has the ability to
maintenance machines from the United States offering EN 15085-2 produce product according to the
United States to Europe. Since Class 1 certified welding. original European market design, as
that project, the company’s highly well as help its customers navigate
skilled team of welders and With over twenty years of through the differences between
weld engineers have completed experience working with European standards, meaning that the
numerous projects either to EN companies, OEM Fabricators is one learning curve is reduced and
standards for export to Europe, or of a few full-service (machining, the company can serve as a valuable
for European manufacturers setting welding and painting) suppliers asset for its customers.
up localised production in the in the United States with a deep
United States to service the North understanding of European material
Moving Forward

OEM Fabricators, Inc.’s team stands

ready to support these markets and
is excited to be part of the growing
passenger rail market in the United
States. Representatives will be
visiting InnoTrans 2022 and would
appreciate the opportunity to
introduce our organisation to you!


VR FleetCare
< Services

Meet VR FleetCare

The circular economy is a sensible and cost-effective option that reduces the consumption of natural resources by prioritising repairs over
new products. This applies to entire trains as well as fleet components.

F inland is a small but

efficient northern country
that is home to many world-
it with a strong foundation, but
why is it the best choice as your
fleet maintenance partner or
“Our Finnish roots taught us to
live frugally during the early days
of the company. This has enabled
manufacturer? us to build unique expertise in
class companies. extending the lifecycle of rolling
This year marks the 160th stock and components. We also
Their competitive advantages anniversary of VR FleetCare’s specialise in repairing components
have included high-level expertise, maintenance business, which began that have been discarded by others.
customer insight, co-operation with looking after the fleet of the By doing so, we operate in line with
and the courage to do things Finnish railway operator. our values and harness the circular
in new ways. VR FleetCare is a economy as part of our operations.
provider of rail fleet maintenance After the maintenance business
and lifecycle services that is on was incorporated a few years ago, “There are also other advantages
its way to becoming the leading VR FleetCare began to successfully to being Finnish: we have a very
fleet maintenance company in execute its growth strategy. Growth broad range of competencies
Northern Europe. The company’s is sought via other railway traffic and a high standard of safety in
extensive industry experience and and in neighbouring areas, covering working life, which produces highly
roots in Finnish society provide all Northern Europe. committed employees. Finns are

also known for their reliability. We applied the lean methodology in The Digitalisation Trend

Train & Component Overhaul & Maintenance

keep our word and do things exactly its production operations, which
as agreed,” says Peter Guldbrand, is also known as the principle of Is Growing Stronger in
Vice President, Commercial at VR continuous improvement. This has Rail Fleet Maintenance
FleetCare. enabled it to standardise the quality
and efficiency of its production. As
Operators and Fleet a medium-sized organisation, the
company is also agile, which may
Success in the international market
in rail fleet maintenance requires
Owners Face New not always be the case for large not only a high level of competence
Challenges organisations. but also a touch of creativity and
the courage to do things in new
VR FleetCare’s agility is also ways.
Climate change is driving global evidenced by the speed at which
action, while urbanisation is the organisation has prepared “In the manufacturing industry,
increasing the need for public for a new area of production: the maintenance processes have been
transport. This will further increase manufacture of freight wagons. built on a digital foundation for a
the popularity of rail transport in Existing production lines can be long time now. The development
the future. What does this mean for modified to support the production of cloud services and computing
operators? of smaller batches of wagons. power, the decrease in prices and
examples from other industries
In the near future, all rail companies, “Due to Russia’s war against have finally brought digital services
operators and fleet owners will Ukraine, our customers in Finland to rail fleet maintenance as well.
need to carefully consider how to and the other Nordic countries
respond to the growing popularity have a need for rolling stock to “VR FleetCare’s solution is an in-
of rail transport. The procurement serve freight traffic, as the Russian house development team for digital
of new rolling stock involves long rolling stock that was previously SmartCare services, consisting of
processes, and there is a need for used for freight operations stopped experts in many different fields.
short-term solutions. All existing operating, and some rolling We also produce these services for
rolling stock needs to be in use, and stock manufacturers became rail infrastructure maintenance.
many operators are considering subject to sanctions. Under these The proactive prevention of
ways to extend the lifecycle of their circumstances, we recognised malfunctions and determining the
fleet. that we have the design and root causes are the cornerstones of
production capabilities necessary modern maintenance operations.
“Fleet modernisation and retrofit to manufacture small batches of We want to find cost-effective and
projects are our bread and butter, rolling stock in response to the easy-to-implement solutions to our
and we solve all of our customers’ changed needs of our customers. customers’ problems,” Guldbrand
challenges according to their We are now in discussions with concludes.
wishes. We also have a very strong several customers, but we still
partnership network. The same have capacity for more,” Guldbrand Meet us at InnoTrans in Hall 6.2.,
subcontractors are used for building notes. Stand 617
cruise ships and for equipping trains
and wagons.”
Peter Guldbrand, VP Commercial
Agile Operations
[email protected]
When a company’s production
operations are in order, its location
does not matter a great deal. For
two decades now, VR FleetCare has

< Services

PSI Repair Services, Inc.

PSI Is the Industry Expert for Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
Repairs, Modifications, Upgrades and Manufacturing

Why choose PSI for your equipment systems available. When

coupled with proprietary serial PCB
tested to ensure performance.

printed circuit board testing techniques and surface- Many customers ask us to improve
(PCB) repair? mount handling equipment, PSI failure-prone products through the
can repair even the most advanced use of newer, more reliable printed
microprocessor or digital signal circuit board parts or full printed
We’ve got more expertise, better processor circuits. Our highly circuit board redesign services.
equipment and more scalability trained technicians are certified But did you know that PSI can
than other repair providers. in ESD and IPC repair and rework design printed circuit boards and
standards, and routinely detect manufacture replacement PCBs for
Not only do we have millions stressed components that others obsolete electronics? That’s right.
of dollars in custom PCB repair miss (see this case study on CCA We deal with end of life (EOL) issues
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Diagnosys PinPoint Systems are the repair is completed, your wider range of cost-saving services
the latest universal in-circuit test printed circuit board is functionality for printed circuit boards than PSI.

market. We offer a free evaluation,

Train & Component Overhaul & Maintenance

performance test and warranty on
all repair work. In some cases, we
save customers 70% versus the cost
of buying a replacement component
from the OEM.

PSI also offers industry-leading

engineering services to help
Circuit you make better, cost-effective
decisions. And, if you need to get
Nobody Gets to technicians, who have been
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your critical system back up and
running again as quickly as possible,
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Electronic Component the repair is completed, your and surplus parts (depending on
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Data & Monitoring

FoxGuard Solutions p.168

Condition Monitoring
SKF p.171
ZF Group p.174
intermetric p.177
Viper Innovations p.180
LiveEO p.183
Stimio p.186

Planning & Management Software

netwiss p.189
Petrosoft.pl p.192

Communication Technology
Televic GSP p.194
Rajant p.197
Nokia p.200
DAMM Cellular Systems p.203
Antonics p.204
Tallysman p.206
Frequentis p.209

Computers & Sensors
Sensit p.211
Rail Vision p.212
Witt Solutions p.215
NEXCOM p.216
ASC Sensors p.219
EYYES p.225
Gobius p.228

Connectivity & Wifi

Nomad Digital p.231
Netskrt p.234

Passenger Infotainment
Daktronics p.237

Edge Computing
ADLINK Technology GmbH p.240

Switchio p.243
Handheld Group p.246

Digital Solutions
Cisco p.249
Intel p.252

< Data & Monitoring

Railway Cybersecurity
The Pressing Need and Where to Start

A s the rail industry

continues to embrace
new digital technologies,
doesn’t give much thought to
cybersecurity when they jump on
a train; however, it has more of an
it also exposes itself to the
security risks that come along with
operating in such an environment.
impact on their daily journey than Cyberattacks designed to disrupt
it is also exposing itself they realise. travel, gain access to protected
to the security risks that data, or encrypt files to hold as
come along with operating As a passenger, it is easy to ransom, have now become a very
overlook the risks associated with real threat. Protecting the rail
in such an environment,
modern conveniences provided by industry’s IT/OT infrastructure is
writes George Ifebuzo, digital technology. Tickets can be now more important than ever.
Sales Director at FoxGuard purchased online before arrival,
Solutions, a wholly owned eliminating the need to stand In recent years, a number of
subsidiary of Framatome. in line. Apps provide real-time cyberattacks on transport networks
tracking of schedules, automatically have made headlines, including
notifying passengers of delays and Anonymous’ 2018 attack on San
When we travel, we’re focused on preventing long waits at stations. Francisco’s Bay Area Rapid Transit
getting to our destination safely But as the rail industry continues to (BART) network website, where
and on time. The average passenger embrace new digital technologies, hackers stole and published the

contact details of over 2,000 BART the implementation of a more and make time for cybersecurity

customers. robust and proactive defensive projects and reviews. While
strategy. Regulatory guidance important to the success of the
We’ve also seen the SamSam and industry standards provide programme, these are only the first
ransomware shut down back- valuable frameworks that can help steps.
end operations at the Colorado an organisation design, develop,
Department of Transport (CDOT) implement and monitor an effective For a well-rounded cybersecurity
for a full month, at a cost of 1.5 cyber programme. culture to exist, companies should
million USD to the department. not only focus on the technical
Later the same year Southeastern In the European Union, these element of cybersecurity but must
Pennsylvania Transportation include TS 50701 and IEC focus on the human element as
Authority (SEPTA) suffered a 62443, which the United well. A strong human firewall is the
malware attack compromising States’ Transportation Security first line of defence against cyber
real-time travel information, payroll Administration (TSA) used as a attacks.
and company email systems. This blueprint when developing its own
resulted in months of recovery regulations last year. We would like to believe that
efforts for SEPTA and a year’s hacking is a complex elaborate
worth of free credit monitoring for Standards and regulations are game, but the truth is that most
employees. a good starting point for the breaches occur because of human
development of strategy and error due to a lack of cybersecurity
While these examples all come provide an organisation with awareness. Ensuring employees are
from the United States, the rest of useful guidelines for creating their properly trained to identify risks
the world isn’t immune. A global cybersecurity roadmap. While and how to prevent them, along
trojan attack took control of companies must remain compliant with reinforcing best practices
Deutsche Bahn’s (DB) passenger with industry regulations, the and securing behaviours, creates
information screens, replacing train cybersecurity mission doesn’t stop a security-first mindset, which is a
schedules with ransom requests when the audit box is checked. key element in creating a secure
demanding 300 bitcoin. Compliance doesn’t necessarily environment. When it comes to
equal security; there is much more cybersecurity, prevention is key.
Money, however, is not the only that can and should be done.
reason hackers would want to Hackers will exploit even the
target railways. Political motivators
were behind the Belarus Railway
Develop and Sustain a smallest weaknesses; a robust, well-
rounded security programme is a
hack earlier this year when a group Culture of Cybersecurity must.
called Cyberpartisans encrypted
servers and databases to disrupt
operations in hopes of preventing
Cybersecurity should not be
something done in addition to your
Where to Start?
the advancement of Russian daily job. It should be engrained in
troops into Ukraine. This attack how the job is done, which requires With a variety of infrastructure
temporarily prevented Belarusian a culture of cybersecurity to be and assets in multiple locations
Railways from issuing electronic developed within an organisation. spread across a vast area, ensuring
travel documents. It’s a team sport, and everyone cybersecurity can be highly
has their role to play, but for this challenging for transport networks.
Cybersecurity Standards change in culture to set in there
must be buy-in from leadership. A The first question I always ask
and Regulations good cybersecurity culture starts at customers is, what’s critical to your
the top. organisation, because the first step
As cybercriminals focus more on in developing a security strategy
the rail industry, new regulations Executive boards need to instil a is knowing what needs to be
are being introduced that require sense of urgency, prioritise budgets protected.

With that information in hand,
a cybersecurity vulnerability
Expert Support for Your technology evolves, environments
change and we must evolve and
assessment is performed to Cybersecurity Journey change with them. The moment we
understand the overall attack believe we are secure and become
surface, and threat vectors that Taking the first step in cybersecurity complacent, we open the door to
pose the greatest risk to the can be overwhelming but having additional risk. FoxGuard can help
environment. This assessment, the right partner to support you you break down and prioritise
followed by a comprehensive review can make all the difference. the steps needed to develop
of company policy and procedures, and maintain your cybersecurity
helps establish a baseline of an FoxGuard has been providing programme and provide expert
organisation’s overall security cybersecurity solutions and support along the way.
posture. supporting critical infrastructure
for over 40 years. Together with Check out foxguardsolutions.com/
From the baseline, a gap analysis is Framatome, our parent company, transportation-rail/ to find out
created that outlines the difference who has extensive experience in more.
between where you are currently, cybersecurity across nuclear and
and where you need to be to align non-nuclear industries, we have
with industry regulations and teams of experts across both
standards. Europe and the United States to George Ifebuzo
help assess your cybersecurity
Once you have a clear picture of posture and mitigate any weakness Director of Sales
what assets are at risk, a cyber risk you may have.
mitigation strategy is created to [email protected]
address immediate needs, along The reality is, cybersecurity is not a
with a cybersecurity roadmap to destination, it’s a journey where the +1 704 330 3521
guide your company towards a road is constantly changing. New
more secure future. vulnerabilities create new threats,


Condition Monitoring
< Data & Monitoring

How Digitalisation and Performance Improvements
Can Help Us Move towards a More Sustainable

T he global need for more

sustainable transport
means there will be more
there is rising demand to further
decarbonise the sector.
SKF offers innovative railway
upgrades in bearings and units,
related products and condition-
monitoring solutions are
solutions and services that improve important to make passenger
and more people travelling fleet efficiency and reliability – and and freight trains run reliably
by train and a shift of freight decrease life-cycle costs – while and sustainably longer: they help
transport from road to rail. supporting the industry on the way extend maintenance intervals
to net-zero goals. and reduce the risk of unplanned
stops, minimising the total cost of
As physical expansion takes time
and is very costly, the industry looks
Pushing Performance ownership.

to digitalisation and increased train to Increase Uptime and Extended maintenance intervals
availability to make the railways
more efficient. Additionally, even
Availability and planned service stops only
when needed help maximise rolling
though the railway is the most stock availability. Only replacing
sustainable form of transport, Innovations, developments and what needs to be replaced, and

refurbishing rather than always maintenance intervals, improving through friction reduction, and
buying brand new parts, also help bearing performance, improving we constantly seek new ways to
minimise maintenance costs. fleet reliability, and optimising reduce friction even more. New
the supply chain helping rail lighter, stronger materials for all
Knowing about bearing functional operators to reduce the total cost components in our bearings reduce
failure before it occurs is critical of ownership. the weight of applications, and the
to avoiding unplanned downtime. right lubricant for an application
Smart condition monitoring The power of the digital twin results inoptimised friction and
solutions – including machine technology comes from connecting longer bearing life.
learning, AI and connected SKF a digital model of a bearing with
algorithms – can reduce the risk real-life data, creating a digital Remanufacturing and refurbishing
of stops or breakdowns due to thread throughout the service life bearings can make a bearing
bearing failures dramatically of the bearing. Instead of using capable of being used three times
throughout the entire bearing assumptions of parameters like longer. Seals both protect bearings
lifetime. Combining them with field temperature levels, vibrations and – making their service life longer
services and training that ensure other conditions, a digital twin uses – and reduce grease waste and,
proper installation reduces the risk data from its real-life counterpart. therefore, grease consumption.
of bearing failure even further.
The input data can be condition- SKF has been committed to efforts
Digital Solutions monitoring data, service history and
rebuild information – all relevant
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
for many years. We are dedicated to
Driving Innovation and information of the bearing life. This decarbonising the full supply chain
Efficiency Gains technology opens up the possibility
for more accurate predictions, for
– from materials to the delivery of
our products and solutions – with
instance, remaining service life or the goal to become net zero.
Digitalisation is driving innovative the effects of higher loads.
technologies and opportunities
See the Latest SKF
in the railway industry. More can
be achieved by using a digital
Solutions for Solutions at InnoTrans
twin, e.g. when developing and Sustainable Railways
building new trains, changing SKF comes to InnoTrans 2022
technologies, and testing new Sustainability in railways has with a portfolio of railway-specific
concepts. Digital technologies are many aspects: longer use, less solutions and services that help
available to maximise business waste, safety, energy efficiency, optimise the use of both railway
potential through efficiency gains in environmental impact and systems and rolling stock. Meet
maintenance and operations. profitability. us in Hall 22b at Stand 670. If you
book a personal meeting with an
Modern interoperable on-board An important step in becoming SKF representative, you will receive
condition-monitoring systems – more sustainable is moving from a free InnoTrans 2022 admission
like the IMx-Rail and Insight Rail a linear to a circular economy. It ticket.
– gather a multitude of data. SKF is quite possible to reduce energy
software systems then interpret consumption, reduce waste and Visit our digital hub
the gathered data and present it in reduce the carbon footprint with www.skf.com/innotrans2022
easy-to-understand user interfaces the help of connected and tailored for details and updates.
as valuable and actionable offerings as well as technology that
information. With the help of makes operations more efficient.
this information, SKF engineers
can provide support with high- The greatest environmental impact
impact strategic activities. These of SKF bearings comes from
include extending or optimising reducing energy consumption


More design choices for

rail traction motors
Get more power from the same-sized motor, or design a smaller motor with the same power. Or,
get a little bit of both: more power from a smaller motor. It’s your choice with the new SKF Hybrid
deep groove ball bearing with PEEK cage.

With its high-performance, robust -piece cage in PEEK material, it is lighter than traditional
bearing designs. But, more importantly, this bearing solution enables higher power density, which
leads to increased power output or supports the downsizing of motors.

The new SKF Hybrid deep groove ball bearing with PEEK cage is also developed to improve perfor-
mance and reliability under extreme application conditions, while running more quietly and helping
to reduce friction. So, the energy consumption can be reduced as well.

Talk to us about this and our other application-specific solutions and services at InnoTrans .

Meet us physically in hall b at stand  and digitally by

clicking or scanning the QR code. There you can book a meeting
with an SKF representative, and receive a free InnoTrans 
admission ticket.

® SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group. | © SKF Group 


Your next connection: connect@rail Meet us

ZF‘s intelligent condition monitoring solutions support rail InnoTran
0, Hall 20
operators in permanent monitoring, early maintenance Booth 58 20-23,
planning and predictive maintenance of their fleets. Septemb
The modular connect@rail system uses integrated sensors 2022
and advanced data analysis tools to increase efficiency,
reliability, and safety in rail transport.

For more information please visit


Condition Monitoring
< Data & Monitoring

ZF Group
Keeping an Eye on Everything with ZF’s
connect@rail Solution

ZF’s condition monitoring system connect@rail consists of sensors, gateways, cloud and dashboard

R eliability in rail
transportation – be it
cargo or people – is more
connect@rail system for condition
monitoring and maintenance
new functions and business models
possible that were unthinkable a
few decades ago.

important than ever.

Smart. Thorough. Digital. With connect@rail, ZF leverages
its extensive expertise as a leading
Operators and manufacturers must global company for driveline,
keep downtimes to a minimum, Connectivity and digitalisation chassis and safety technology.
safety and comfort at a maximum, have become an integral part of The system is a comprehensive
and avoid failures at all cost. our everyday lives. The enormous and modular approach to fleet
Fortunately, ZF is able to support quantities of information available maintenance management and
companies with its smart and digital everywhere and in real time make condition monitoring, with the

following components: operators an efficient way to reduce on the tracks and to precisely locate
downtimes. Thus, it helps keeping them using GPS. Maintenance work
• Heavy Duty TAGs, battery- public and cargo transport running can be carried out early on and
operated Bluetooth sensors efficiently. in an anticipatory manner, thus
that are placed on the vehicle preventing delays, breakdowns and
bogies. There, they measure
acceleration, vibrations and
Ecosystem overloading of the rail network, as
well as simplifying and automating
other parameters. operating processes.
The modular connect@rail platform
• Gateways, the VCU Pro Onboard
Units, with CAN interfaces,
is a turnkey solution. ZF not only
delivers the matching hardware,
ZF at InnoTrans 2022
several analogue input and but also offers the required
digital output ports that software, the advanced analytics ZF is showcasing its latest
supports Bluetooth, wifi and all and the associated platforms. technologies for rail vehicles at this
common GNSS. The gateway is If requested by the customer, year’s InnoTrans in Berlin, Hall 20,
able to store and pre-process more sensors, evaluations and Booth 580.
data gathered by the sensors. monitoring functions can be added.
ZF is also meeting the challenges Save the Date: ZF Innovation
• The ZF IoT Cloud, accessed via of digitalisation by creating and Forum
said secure onboard gateway, implementing ecosystems, leading
that uses the collected and to shorter periods for market On Thursday, 22 September 2022,
enriched data to detect wear, launch of innovative and tailored starting at 4pm, ZF experts will
damage and abnormality early solutions that meet rapidly present the connectivity solutions
and precisely. changing customer requirements. together with partners and
customers at the ZF booth. Join
• A dashboard for desktops The open, customer-specific the ZF Innovation Forum and learn
and mobile devices that gives software and hardware architecture more about the connect@rail
end-users a comprehensive of the connect@rail system allows platform.
overview of all parameters, the integration of partners into the
reports, maintenance schedules ZF ecosystem.
and more.
The co-operation with DB
• Digital typeplates with an Systemtechnik is one successful
integrated RFID chip that log example of such an ecosystem
actual installation position and partnership. In a joint project,
hours of service of individual ZF adapted the connect@rail
components. They both algorithm to evaluate the obtained
facilitate and keep records of data to detect noticeable problems
scheduled maintenance.

With these hardware and software

components, the connect@rail ZF Friedrichshafen AG
infrastructure and driveline Industrial Technology
monitoring system is able to Marine & Special Driveline Technology
monitor flat spots, wheel-tread
wear, tracks and even driveline
[email protected]
components. As it can be integrated
and retrofitted into existing vehicle +49 7541 77-3694
platforms and is not dependent
on ZF-proprietary hardware, it www.zf.com/rail
offers manufacturers and fleet


Condition Monitoring
< Data & Monitoring

Complying with Rail Directives for Geo-Monitoring
in Germany
Achieving Redundancy by Combining Total Stations and IoT-based, Wireless Tiltmeters

R ail infrastructure is
subject to change and
evaluating how these
The description defines what
objects should be observed,
the minimum and maximum
The directive states: “According
to the same procedure [risk
analysis], the dispensability of geo-
deformations, the precision monitoring must be demonstrated.”
changes impact the safety of required, the measuring frequency, The directive requires changes in
railway services is key. accessibility, safety, warning and external geometry to be recorded.
alarm parameters and the form
In Germany, the regulatory and frequency of results and Two requirements of the 883.8X00
framework for monitoring is documentation. series of directives are that geo-
provided by the 883.8X00 series of monitoring must detect, document
directives issued by Deutsche Bahn
AG (DB).
The Geo-Monitoring and, if necessary, report changes in
the external geometry, and it must
Directive be set up in a redundant manner
This article aims to show how the so the malfunction of a component
demands of these directives, such as For measures affecting the rail does not prevent measurement
clear task descriptions, monitoring system, DB states: “By means of results from being available.
of external geometry and high geomonitoring, possible changes
reliability through redundancy, can in the spatial position (rigid body Many monitoring installations use
be achieved in practice. movement) and/or internal shape total stations or inclinometers
(deformations) of railway tracks and as measuring sensors. Neither of
The Deutsches Institut für Normung points, constraint points of the line, these instruments alone can fulfil
(DIN), the German standardisation buildings [...] and other installations the two requirements of ‘superior’
body, regulates the planning, and ‘redundant’. Total stations
are recorded […] and documented.”
implementation, evaluation and are robust but complex systems.
documentation of monitoring A technical defect is unlikely but
measurements via DIN 18710-4. If changes have occurred or are cannot be ruled out.
foreseen, a risk analysis and
The requirements and conditions assessment must be carried out in Furthermore, total station
for deformation monitoring must accordance with Ril 883.8100. It shall measurements are subject to
be defined in a task description and indicate whether monitoring should changing weather conditions, as
implementation must be mapped be undertaken and, if so, its extent their measuring principle is optical.
out in a measurement programme. and purpose. They may not be able to measure in

heavy fog or snowfall. Adding more
total stations does not solve the

Biaxial tiltmeters measure changes

in inclination in two perpendicular
axes, such as the longitudinal and
transverse inclination of a sleeper.
The monitoring system establishes
the reference to the absolute
elevation through a chain of such
sensors, up to the stable area.

If one of the intermediate sensors

should fail, an assessment of the
absolute elevations of the entire
chain is no longer possible. Due to
the nature of the system, tiltmeters
cannot detect changes in position.
In principle, monitoring systems
based purely on tiltmeters do not
meet the requirements.

Some geo-monitoring installations

use both types of instruments and
display the results in juxtaposition.
An integration of the measurement
results usually does not take place.


The 883.8X00 series of directives

Railway track instrumentation for combined geo-monitoring
does not define the term
‘redundancy’. However, it is required
that the system delivers reliable 883.8000. The independence of the independent compliance. Long-
results even in the event of a single measurements is assured by the range, wide-area network radio
component failure. different measuring principles of allows battery-operated tiltmeters
the total station and tiltmeter. to transmit values to a central
We speak of good redundancy gateway for months with no
when all redundancy components Total stations determine the maintenance.
are approximately equal and the outer and inner geometry of the
measurements are independent.
This increases the reliability of the
railway track and tiltmeters take
measurements regardless of
Reduction of
results and probably is what the weather conditions. On railway Interference
authors of Ril 883.8000 intended. tracks, two prisms and one biaxial
inclination sensor are fitted on Passing or stopping trains, track
Intermetric’s iGM.NET geo- every fifth sleeper. marshals and maintenance work on
monitoring system integrates total the tracks can lead to temporary
stations and biaxial tiltmeters and Each sensor type monitors visual restrictions between the
thus fulfils the requirements of Ril the other, which leads to truly total station and the target. A good

geo-monitoring system will react deformation statements over be generated in the same format so
to such situations and repeat the the project period, based on the they can be compared with no risk
measurement. superordinate co-ordinates of each of confusion. The external reference
object point. This is the only way of results should be clearly
The repetition routine should be to consistently monitor the track indicated on each display. The
as configurable as possible, as is status over months or even years. presentation results on a suitable
the case with iGM.NET. Not every web portal ensures the ‘availability
measurement can be repeated The large-scale geo-monitoring of results’ required by the directive.
within the same period. Individual system collects results over the
failures are counteracted by entire measurement period in an • This text is based on an
sufficient instrumentation and a unchanging frame of reference. This article first published in Der
suitable evaluation method may is a prerequisite for reproducing Eisenbahn Ingenieur by Markus
mitigate the effect of failures. track position at any time, Federmann, Roman Pils,
independently of the size and Matthias Schreinemachers,
It’s possible, for example, to extension of the deformation and Ulrich Völter of Intermetric,
compensate for a failure by extent of track alignment work. available at www.eurailpress.
interpolation. It is technically more de/publikationen/ei.html.
correct and computationally more
stable to apply a weighted network
Changes and How to Arnau Carbonell
adjustment to all measurements. Visualise Them
Sales Area Manager Europe
The network adjustment not only Results should be prepared such
compensates for measurement that relevant information is rapidly (+34) 635 053 510
failures but also provides statistical captured. It is important that
information about the quality of project-specific diagrams and tables [email protected]
measurements and deformation

If there is a failure of the total

station subsystem, for example
as a result of extreme weather
conditions, the network adjustment
based on inclination measurements Redundant geo-monitoring on four tracks
still provides the elevation
information required.

Practical Experience

In infrastructure projects involving

railway tracks over a large area,
monitoring usually covers a large
area and lasts for many months.
The geo-monitoring system must
detect the entire settlement area
to reliably identify large-scale

This can only be accomplished by

total stations, ideally combined with
tiltmeters. These provide uniform

< Data & Monitoring

Viper Innovations
World Class Technology and Service: Digital
Transformation of Lineside Assets

D o you want to transform

your signalling power
supplies system’s safety,
performance and efficiency
or differentiate your bids
from the competition?

Then the Viper Innovations

CableGuardian system is here for
you and delivering right now.

Viper is setting the pace in

technology, service and delivery
for the UK railway and has
really shown the way to reduce
project costs and provide a real
alternative to achieving the company specialising in the lineside signalling power assets. This
performance, reliability, availability, monitoring and improvement of is giving users unparalleled insights
maintainability and safety targets electrical assets by developing across the lifecycle of a system –
without the eye-watering project innovative systems that turn data covering transformers, switchgear
costs that usually come with it. into information and insight, driving and cables in all their shapes and
In the operational arena, we’ve safety, performance and efficiency sizes, thereby allowing existing
already made critical lineside in your operational assets. We have failure modes to be identified far
safety improvements, saved tens diversified from oil and gas to rail earlier in the lifecycle and new
of thousands of delay minutes and after developing a very successful failure modes to be recognised well
hundreds of thousands of pounds worldwide asset base in specialist before becoming a problem for the
in direct benefits from the primary systems for subsea cables and have operational railway. In addition, we
deployments of the system. We’re worked in a dynamic partnership are driving the modernisation of
spreading rapidly across the UK with our clients in UK rail over a working practices in partnership
network and now it’s time to spread number of years to develop, mould with those delivering the work to
the word. and deploy our ground-breaking create even more business benefits
technology to monitor the widest from the technology by building the
Viper is a digital technology range of parameters available on system into UK railway standards,

removing the need to go trackside
for a number of power system

Condition Monitoring
maintenance activities.

CableGuardian, as a technology,
system and service, improves asset
performance by continuously
monitoring a combined and wide
range of parameters, including
insulation resistance from the
gigaOhms to Ohms scale, insulation
capacitance, voltage, current and
volt drop to provide a complete and Watch our
holistic view of your lineside power CableGuardian
asset 24/7. The system incorporates overview video
spread-spectrum time-domain
reflectometry (SSTDR), which
monitors live electrical systems
to allow the location of conductor to manage your asset effectively asset management support. This
or connection degradation and across its entire lifecycle, moving is to ensure that CableGuardian is
damage to be pinpointed to either to a true condition-based asset integrated into your systems and
enable staff to act prior to complete management regime that will save business in the most advantageous
failure, such as rodent damage, or millions over the asset life. and cost-effective way possible,
to recover much more quickly post- supporting you from concept to
incident from catastrophic damage The final piece in the jigsaw in-service operation and beyond,
such as cable theft. of enabling world-class asset helping you change your working
management is the dedicated practices, develop asset insights,
In addition to the hardware, the and proactive service Viper benefit from shared experience
system has a cloud-based data Innovation delivers – this is a with a wider user group and
analysis and storage capability to real differentiator that bridges support your training, learning
enable the user to develop and the gap from the deployment of and development as you progress
characterise new asset insights. effective technology to creation of with your CableGuardian journey –
It contains mapping, graphing, business improvement, the much squeezing every last ounce out of
and analysis tools to allow the debated innovation chasm. We the asset.
user to compare and contrast work proactively with you across
the different parameters to gain the business, project and asset If you want to make the move to
new asset understanding and to management lifecycle, from client true asset management, deliver
build-in organisational learning concept development; bid support; world-class safety, performance
for your specific assets – plus it project delivery management; Tier and efficiency and make the
has the ability to characterise and 1 project and supplier support; move to digitally-modernised
create alarm and event thresholds design house, installation, testing maintenance, Viper Innovations and
to enable the system to chase and commission contractor support; CableGuardian is your one-stop-
the user when action is required. in-service transition and operations shop for all your lineside signalling
The additional insights that can / maintenance support to overall power asset management needs.
be gained from CableGuardian
not only allow you to change your
maintenance practices to build
in long-term efficiency, predict
and prevent failures and identify
safety issues before they become a
problem. You will now also be able

CableGuardian - is the only Network Rail approved 20,000+
cable monitoring system that offers adherence to Tier Delay minutes avoided
3, Tier 2 & Tier 1 of the Network Rail standard NR/L2/
SIGELP/27725 - Insulation Monitoring and Fault Location
Systems for use on Signalling Power Systems.
Network Rail Approved

to improve signalling resilience
Proven Trackside Technology Since 2018: This advanced system has
been proven in operation since August 2018, with multiple UK regions
already benefiting from the technology and further installations scheduled Tier 3 Approved
across the network this year.

Key Benefits: Tier 2 Approved

• Fewer boots on ballast fault finding and cable testing.
• Quickly and accurately locate cable faults and cable theft.
• User friendly web portal for fault diagnosis and location.
• Allows trending of insulation resistance and insulation capacitance at a cable section level. Tier 1 Approved
• Technological alternative to the 5 yearly manual cable testing requirements.
CableGuardian helping passengers to arrive on time.

Network Rail Approved, Product

Certificate Number: PA05/06538
< Data & Monitoring

Condition Monitoring
World Premiere at InnoTrans:
Lightning-Fast Storm Damage Assessment

C limate change requires

railway operators to
make their networks more
real-time, based on satellite data
and AI.
central Europe has ever witnessed.

Harsher Weather
This summer has been a wake-up
resilient and mitigate risks call for many who had taken climate Conditions Are Here to
from weather events. change lightly. An unprecedented
heatwave swept over Europe and,
If the network is impacted by heavy in fact, the whole world. 42°C in
storms, it is imperative to react London convinced many who, if not According to scientists, things
swiftly and restore service as quickly neglected, did not spend much time will simply get worse until 2060
as possible. At InnoTrans, LiveEO will and energy on climate activism. The because all action we take now
showcase its product that identifies heatwave came almost exactly one has a delayed effect. Our weather
storm damage locations in near- year after the most drastic floods for the next few decades has been

determined by our societies’ actions of satellites, companies like Planet The software uses sophisticated
in the past. Heat and floods are two Labs or ICEYE capture raw imagery change-detection algorithms and
symptoms of our ailing climate, of every location on Earth every imagery from satellites equipped
storms are another. single day. Machine-learning and with synthetic-aperture radar (SAR)
cloud-computing advances make to detect objects on the tracks
This is a grim outlook indeed. We it possible to use this data to solve following storms automatically.
know storms are going to increase, problems in track maintenance. SAR satellites penetrate clouds and
putting stress on our infrastructure rapidly deliver high-resolution data,
networks. Trees to the left and
right of the tracks pose a risk if in
World Premiere: Near- even in bad weather conditions.

declining health. Large networks Real-Time Storm The system provides the location
are hard to monitor on such a
granular level from the ground,
Damage Detection of the detected damage events
in a user-friendly GIS application
and carbon-intensive helicopter a few hours after the storm. The
inspections arguably worsen the Trees falling on to the tracks or new solution allows operators to
situation. Given the situation of us overhead lines during storms are react quickly to natural disasters
being stuck in this hot mess is here dangerous and costly for railway and restore service sooner than
for the years to come – how do we operators as they cause service ever. The product launch comes
deal with it? Technology is our best interruptions. At InnoTrans 2022, after a pilot phase with several
chance. LiveEO will premiere its product for infrastructure operators. The
near-real-time damage detection product has been used to quickly
Satellite Data Is More for railway companies at Booth 440
in Hall 7.1A.
assess storm damage in real-life
Available than Ever
Satellite technology has come a
long way. The commercialisation
of the space industry has brought
us not only space tourism for
billionaires but has also led to
significant reductions in the cost of
bringing payloads into orbit. This,
in turn, has made it possible for
a whole new industry of satellite
operating companies to emerge.
With the constellations of hundreds

A Complete Rail Ground Deformation areas and can detect trends to make
railways safer and more reliable.
Monitoring Suite Detection
The new product enhances LiveEO’s Detection of ground deformation
Monitoring 34,000km
existing rail monitoring suite is another important application of Rail Network for
comprising its satellite-based
vegetation management solution
of satellite analysis for railway
operators. Ground deformation is
Deutsche Bahn
and LiveEO’s product for monitoring not visible to the naked eye but can
continuous ground deformation. cause significant damage to railway LiveEO has worked with German
The complete suite enables tracks and even lead to derailments. railway operator Deutsche Bahn
railway operators to minimise the Even slight elevation changes since 2018. Its 34,000km rail
environmental risk to their assets. can be the first sign of seriously network consists of a dense tree
concerning events such as dam population, which has proven to be
Data-Driven Vegetation failures or landslides. Most research
indicates that half of all train
an essential factor in passenger and
freight traffic operability.
Management derailments are caused by bent or Because of a lack of manual
damaged rails. In the US, there are, solutions to properly analyse the
LiveEO’s satellite-based vegetation on average, 3.7 derailments per entire network quickly, and a lack
management solution delivers day. In the EU, there were 68 such of reliable data for determining the
the user value on three levels. derailments in 2016. Not only are appropriate budget, strategy and
First, they get an overview of all these derailments a cause of fiscal personnel management, LiveEO
vegetation along their asset. The concern, but they also come with an was commissioned to determine
analysis includes the trees’ location, increased risk to passengers. the number of track kilometres
the canopy height, the vegetation directly impacted by trees. For
species and their vitality. Vegetation To combat this problem, LiveEO their innovative solution, LiveEO
managers can better plan their utilises satellite-supported radar has been awarded Deutsche Bahn’s
budget and inspections based on data monitoring. SAR Supplier Innovation Award 2021.
this information. (synthetic-aperture radar) is the
technology used for this process.
LiveEO will premiere its near-
On the second level, the software It can cover massive areas and
takes that information and pinpoint problems down to real-time storm damage
combines it with risk models to millimetres. The method provides a detection solution at
determine the high-risk areas. This comprehensive overview of larger InnoTrans: Booth 440, Hall 7.1A.
enables the operators to act on
a condition-based rather than a
cycle-based approach and minimise
vegetation risk.

Thirdly, the product generates

prioritised work orders based on
the risk assessment. The whole
analysis, including the work order,
can be accessed via LiveEO’s
intuitive web app, which requires
no GIS knowledge. Managers assign
work orders to field workers, who
access them via LiveEO’s mobile app.
They can use the app to navigate to
the locations and document their

< Data & Monitoring

Rail Track Monitoring – Real-Time Geometry
and Defects Measurement

Stimio’s end-to-end IoT solution allows real-time defects monitoring, evolution over time and maintenance prioritisation

F ollow our track geometry

and defects remotely
and in real time with our IoT
(thermal amplitude depending on
the season, etc.), the stability of
the ground (natural movements,
railway network must also be able
to manage increasing demands for
capacity and availability (both for
seismic activity, etc.) or wear and passengers and freight).
solution. tear linked to their use (passage
of trains, etc.). Playing a key role in The monitoring of ‘track geometry’,
Railway tracks are permanently reducing carbon gases in transport i.e. rail deformations, is therefore
subject to numerous constraints, and driven by the will and ambition a major challenge for both
which can be weather conditions of the public authorities, the infrastructure managers and

network operators. It is in fact a limited – firstly, because the defects generate shocks)
question of guaranteeing smooth prohibitive cost of the rounds • The creation of baselines

Condition Monitoring
running on the track, not only for means that only certain portions of for each defect and the
passenger comfort but also – and track are inspected daily (with no anticipation of their
above all! – for safety reasons. direct logic between the monitoring development
and potential defects); secondly, • Characterisation – taking
A Challenge: to because it is not possible to
follow up on the apparition or the
into account the context
– of the different types of
Overcome the development of the deterioration of defects
Incompatible Triangle of the defects observed between two
4. Transformation of the data
into information available via
‘Cost – Exhaustiveness – the Oxygen platform.
Immediacy’ An Idea: Take Advantage
of Ordinary Journeys to A Tool: To Monitor in
Currently, this rail track geometry Observe and Evaluate Real Time the Position
monitoring is mainly carried out by
First-Hand the State of and Characteristics of
the Network Defects on the Track
Our tool enables us to deliver
This solution takes the aforesaid immediate, clear and reliable
difficulties into account and puts information on network defects and
forward a very simple idea – in particular:
capitalise on the ordinary rotations
of the rolling stock to make it a first- • Their location
hand witness of the state of the • Their main characteristics
network. • Their development over time
• Anticipation of their potential
We have therefore developed an deterioration
end-to-end IoT solution based on: • Details of the shocks they have
1. Non-intrusive instrumentation
of part of the rolling stock. In addition to data visualisation,
This involves equipping it is a tool which can really help
several ‘control’ trains with in decision-making and can lead
our Railnode IoT sensors. Two to maintenance prescriptions,
would be positioned on a bogie particularly in the prioritisation
(accelerometers) and one placed of the segments on which to
on the roof of the rolling stock intervene.
(GPS terminal).

inspection rounds, which can

2. Instrumentation, at certain
points along the track, with
Focus on Data Science /
be visual and / or done with Bluetooth IoT sensors to ensure Engineering:
instruments. These rounds are continuity of GPS tracking in
costly, both in terms of time and underground zones. The central idea of the work on data
equipment, especially as it is 3. The development of is the transformation of a series of
sometimes necessary to immobilise algorithms enabling: ‘observations’ (sensor telemetry)
all or part of the rail traffic. • The precise geolocation of into relevant information that can
potential defects (not all be used directly by the operational
Detecting defects is therefore shocks are defects but all teams.

Track defects and their evolution are displayed on Stimio’s Oxygen cloud platform

Click or scan the QR code to view

From simple GPS positions, it is but by the speed of the train. our website
possible, for example, to reconstruct
itineraries, calculate speeds, etc. Our track geometry monitoring
or even estimate the types of solution is therefore taking on
difficulties that a train may have the challenge of using data. By
encountered on its journey. implementing reliable sensors (‘on-
board development’), the industrial
The observation of accelerations management of data input and
– which are nothing more than a output (‘data engineering’) and the
series of points distributed along enhancement of the latter (‘data
three axes (vertical, horizontal science’), it is possible to achieve the
and lateral) – then takes on its three objectives: exhaustiveness,
full meaning. It becomes possible, immediacy and controlled cost. Kevin Dreillard
not only to locate the shock that
they show (by correlating the GPS Chief Marketing Officer
‘timestamp’ with the accelerometer
‘timestamp’), but also to specify the [email protected]
context and / or eliminate certain
interpretations. For example, +33240185093
a certain frequency could be
explained not by the shock itself, stimio.fr/en


Planning & Management Software

< Data & Monitoring

Optimise Passenger Vehicles and Increase
Efficiency with Just a Few Clicks!

In the case of passenger

trains, the aim is often to
maximise the number of
stowage is greatly undersized and is
not designed to meet the needs of
travellers. In addition, the necessary
with it at all times. In the case of
inadequately designed baggage
stowage, this means that baggage
movement space for passengers is often stowed on or in front of
seats. is greatly restricted in all vehicle seats or in the aisle. Furthermore,
types. the baggage volume in the design
It is expected that this will improve of vehicles is often strongly
profitability as more people can underestimated. The consequences
be transported. In reality, however, The Problem are blocked seats and aisle areas
maximising the number of seats and thus a lower possible seat
always leads to a reduction in The majority of travellers do not occupancy rate, higher safety risk,
efficiency, as in rail transport in want to or cannot lift their baggage significantly longer dwell time,
particular this means that baggage and want to have visual contact reduced punctuality, higher energy

Step 1: With the help of predefined
elements and aids such as snapping,
layouts of a vehicle can be
created in a short time without
CAD knowledge, whereby all
elements can be configured three-
dimensionally easily and precisely.

Step 2: You select the layouts

that you want to compare with
each other and define the travel
purposes for which the simulation
is to run. Optionally, numerous
further setting possibilities are

Step 3: TrainOptimizer® generates

easy-to-understand charts based
on behavioural data from over
400,000 passengers. Using the data
you can read out the values for
stowage of baggage, actual seat
availability and achievable dwell
time as well as compare layouts
with each other.

consumption and greatly reduced get a clear picture of how long the that time-consuming installations
passenger comfort with increasing average dwell time will be, how and updates are no longer
dissatisfaction. All this leads to a many pieces of baggage cannot necessary, and you can access all
significant reduction in efficiency! be stowed properly and how high functionalities from any computer.
the proportion of unusable seats
Optimisation Opportunities is or the actual achievable capacity With TrainOptimizer® you can
degree. optimise any public transport
TrainOptimizer® is a brand-new vehicle. The spectrum ranges from
software tool with which you A variety of special queries high-speed trains to intercity
can check the efficiency of any are possible with the aim of trains, night trains, local trains and
vehicle-interior design with just determining the most efficient suburban trains. TrainOptimizer®
a few clicks. You can compare any layout. TrainOptimizer® is an can also be used for undergrounds,
variants of a wagon or train and online tool with the big advantage trams and even buses.

Database connection with baggage transport. Vienna University of Technology
In addition, there is exact data on and is distributed by the netwiss
TrainOptimizer® is a tool that has baggage sizes and weight in rail company. The entire team of all
emerged from over two decades of and intermodal transport for many three partners has proven expertise
intensive research into passenger thousands of pieces of baggage. in the field of railway engineering,
behaviour and needs. This research which makes the tool a unique
has been and will continue to be
carried out by netwiss together
Unique product.

with the Research Centre for

Railway Engineering of the Vienna The special database shown above
University of Technology. The tool is makes TrainOptimizer® a unique For detailed information
based on the following data: optimisation tool for rail vehicles contact us:
because it accurately maps the
Passenger behaviour of over entire spectrum of passenger Bernhard Rüger
400,000 passengers in over behaviour and baggage volume. The +43 1 923 50 82
100 different vehicle types in combination of all the data allows
different European countries. The statements to be made on the [email protected]
behavioural analyses include both efficiency of the vehicles and on the
passenger movement and seat exact optimisation potential at the www.trainoptimizer.com
selection in local and long-distance highest level.
trains, behaviour with regard to
baggage transport and stowing TrainOptimizer® is a joint product of
and behaviour during boarding and the netwiss and IT-eXperience
deboarding. Supplementary surveys companies and the Research Centre
of approximately 50,000 travellers for Railway Engineering of the
in over ten European countries
have provided precise knowledge
on the type and extent of baggage
transport, on problems with
boarding and passenger movement
as well as with stowing baggage in
the train and the concrete needs
and readiness of travellers in

< Data & Monitoring

RailSoft at InnoTrans 2022
A s always, Petrosoft.pl
experts will be present
at the largest railway fair in
equipment and materials, without
which logistics transport would
be very limited. Together with our
disposal modern mobile devices
that are fully adapted to the mobile
version of our RailSoft solution. The
partners and current customers, we work card is also supplemented
Europe, taking place in Berlin. have prepared a number of system with the number of kilometres
updates, which are an extension travelled, which significantly helps
InnoTrans is one of the largest of many standard options for rail in calculating the level of due
industry events where you can get service. remuneration for employees.
acquainted with the latest news
from the world of rail transport. This year, the development of the WEB Workshop – another update
RailSoft software was directed, supporting the operation of
Starting on 20 September, Berlin among others, to employees in the workshops and railway entities.
will become a meeting place for field. The solution introduces a new This module helps in handling
flagship manufacturers, commercial standard of working time services shutdowns of rolling stock and the
representatives of communication for specialists on the ground. Train locomotives themselves, which
companies, engineers, experts drivers, auditors and setters receive require servicing. The system will
and railway enthusiasts for four a modern option of registering guide the railway company through
days. Fair visitors will have the the mileage and the scope of the entire exemption notification
opportunity to learn about the hard their daily duties performed on process, which will be picked up
work of the many companies that the rolling stock. Work can be by the workshop from within the
change the face of rail transport settled in a convenient way, and RailSoft system. In accordance
with their innovations. InnoTrans information about completed with the procedures, the system
is also an opportunity to watch tasks is sent directly to the system, will notify both parties about the
presentations, learn about products where it is possible to forward such course of service work, the current
and solutions and participate in information. The employee has the status and send the measurement
many discussion panels in narrow opportunity to fill in the work card card. All information is continuously
niches of the railways from around directly in the field, having at their coupled with BI data.
the world.

Each edition of InnoTrans is

preceded by intensive activities
of our IT teams, who with their
work and creativity adapt the
RailSoft system to every railway
challenge in enterprises. Every
year, rail transport is summed up
in millions of tons of transported

The breakdowns of individual • compliance of the wagon Visit us in Berlin at our Stand 120 in

Planning & Management Software

statistics will allow taking into contents with the intended use Hall 6.1 from 20 to 23 September.
account the number of failures • time for the train to travel
repeated on individual vehicles and through sidings
will help to better plan strategic • times of trips outside For more information contact
journeys so as to eliminate
unexpected outages and improve The entire measuring infrastructure Karolina Ząbek
safety standards and thus reduce facilitates the flow of important
costs. EMEA Sales Director, Warsaw
information between departments
and employees and speeds up
One of the next updates is the
ability to control rail transport decision making. [email protected]
using RFID technology. The solution
– thanks to the use of RFID gates InnoTrans is a great opportunity to +48 606301406
located in the field and themselves learn even more about RailSoft.
locators on wagons – allow you to
track a lot of the data necessary
in the railway industry from the
system level. All data related to:

• the number of wagons of a train

• their weight

< Data & Monitoring

Digital Fallback Increases Availability and Cost-Efficiency

of Audio Communication Systems
By Kristof Boerjan, Product Manager at Televic GSP

“Dear passengers, welcome Televic GSP’s Train components or devices. The TRACS
aboard the intercity train to product line stands for high-quality
Audio Communication audio and functional reliability.
Ghent and Antwerp Central
Station. The next stop is System (TRACS) and On top of that, its configurability,
modularity and security ensure we
Waregem.” the Importance of can provide our customers with a
Its Innovative Digital state-of-the-art and flexible future-
On-board communication means proof platform.
reliable audio broadcasts. In this Fallback
respect, the architecture of the on- The TRACS functionalities
board audio communication system Our audio platform for railway enable many different on-board
must be carefully considered. To applications – TRACS – is a communication expressions. These
ensure high functional reliability, a complete audio solution consisting vary from crew to passenger
fallback method is no luxury. of modular and configurable base messages, playback of pre-recorded

“This digital fallback Analogue or Digital completely independently from the
main Ethernet backbone. Besides

Communications Technology
mode enables an Fallback? that, diagnostics of this back-up
unprecedented level network are never intrusive, which
of availability of audio In the past, audio system providers means that they can be performed
functionality.” implemented the communication continuously behind the scenes
between the different audio devices when the public transport vehicle
via analogue (UIC568-based) train is in operational service. The digital
lines. This communication method fallback method with monitoring
is still used today, but mostly as functionality won’t leave any
messages, to warning tones and an analogue fallback method dormant failures behind.
music broadcasts via the public when the main communication via
address system. The intercom the Ethernet backbone is failing. Furthermore, TRACS is designed to
functions ensure crystal-clear Although UIC568 has been used optimise TCO by leveraging plug
communication between crew for a long time, it has a number of and play operation, a configuration
members and between passengers shortcomings to support up-to-date toolset for commissioning,
and the train crew. audio fallback functionalities. advanced diagnostics and
troubleshooting. This implies lower
Some of the advantages of More Is Possible with maintenance and a higher cost-
efficiency in the long run.
• Superior audio quality
with state-of-the-art audio Due to the functional restrictions
Leveraging Digital
algorithms, low latency, high of analogue fallback – the Fallback to Implement
intelligibility even at severe
ambient circumstances
lack of passenger emergency
communication for instance –
Cost-Efficient Audio
• High reliability: functional we have invested in a fallback System Topologies
reliability increased by method with extra possibilities.
architecture choice using The method is based on standard Instead of increasing the functional
same base components, both technology already used in railway reliability of the system, we also
analogue and digital fallback applications: daisy-chained Ethernet offer our customers the possibility
support in combination with Power over to leverage the digital fallback
• Low risk & upgradable: thanks Ethernet (PoE). By using a digital network as an alternative to locally
to the modular approach and link, we eliminate the restrictions of interconnecting the TRACS devices.
up-to-date software stack the analogue fallback with support By largely reducing the number
• Secure maintenance interfaces for multiple audio streams and a of required (PoE) Ethernet switch
• Configurable: customisation digital communication channel ports, the total system installation
via parameterisation of ‘proven among others. Another advantage cost is optimised. Since the same
design’ software: zoning, audio of digital fallback is the identical base components or devices are
settings, priorities, functional functional behaviour compared used, our customers are assured of
behaviour of IO, etc. to ‘normal mode’ operation. the same level of audio quality and
• Designed to optimise the Passengers and crew should not ‘proven design’ as for the standard
total cost of ownership (TCO): be aware whether the function topology.
in order to be efficient during is executed in normal or fallback
the full product lifecycle, it’s mode.
easy to integrate, commission, To find out more, contact us:
install and maintain, different
More Reliability and Less
architectures for different www.televic.com/televicgsp
needs with plug and play Maintenance
operation and long term +32 51 30 30 45
support Our digital fallback network works [email protected]

Televic GSP is dedicated to provide
innovative and reliable:

› Passenger Information Systems

› Condition Based Maintenance solutions
› Services & Lifecycle support

With over 35 years of experience

in the rail industry, we design,
manufacture and maintain globally
our products and solutions.
We are proud to say that you will find
our technology on-board over
60 000 vehicles worldwide.

We are looking
forward to meeting you
at InnoTrans 2022!

› Come by stand 510 at Hall 2.1.

› To make an appointment in advance,
› please scan this QR code:

Communications Technology
< Data & Monitoring

Maximising the Motion of Rail
By Justin Warren, Sales at Rajant Corporation

A merica’s freight railroads are the most cost-effective in the world. Accounting for more
than any other mode of transportation, freight rail transports around 40% of U.S. long-
distance ton-miles.

Class I railroads account for about train. It is paramount that railyard The railyard plays a considerable
68% of freight rail mileage. A operators have access to unfailing part in ensuring essential cargo
third of US exports are moved and robust communications at all and goods are delivered on time.
by rail, and intermodal railyards times. Operators require a wireless Railyard operators are recognising
play a pivotal role. An intermodal network that seamlessly supports the safety and security gains that
railyard is a transportation facility next-generation applications and real-time vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
for rail operations where cargo services while delivering increased communications can provide. The
is transferred to and from the safety and productivity. benefits of integrating innovative

rail applications for automation, yard all add to the challenge of access points cannot be installed
real-time tracking, and greater achieving constant connectivity. easily.
control can be realised by utilising Railyard managers are aware that
the correct wireless network. traditional wireless networks, Therefore, railyards need a dynamic
such as Wi-Fi Mesh, Point-to- network to suit their ever-changing,
Robust Environments Multipoint, and LTE, will not offer
the robustness, reliability, or high
mobile environment.

Require Strong availability needed to run these

Revolutionising Rail
Connections new applications effectively. These
networks operate from fixed Connectivity
infrastructure and must break
The complicated operation and connectivity for handoffs. Rajant provides resilient and
dynamic environment of freight high-bandwidth connectivity in
railyards require reliable access Typically, intermodal yards span the intermodal yard to empower
to real-time data to run smoothly. a significant distance and involve intelligent applications to improve
Intermodal railyards are facilities many of trains, trucks, and other container movement efficiency,
where the transfer of containers vehicles entering throughout the optimise stack management and
is performed between freight day. Vehicles, such as hostlers and increase worker safety. Rajant
trains, and railcars are stored and reach stackers, pick and move the Kinetic Mesh® wireless networks
maintained. This means that all sealed cargo contained stacks boost speed and efficiency for Class
assets such as cargo, people and between the trains and trucks daily. I railroad intermodal railyards,
vehicles are constantly on the move. Suppose railyard operators wish to ensuring that operators remain
implement a stack management in control, no matter where their
Intermodal yards often introduce application to track the contents assets travel.
heavy equipment among their of the container stack and manage
existing rugged environment to all cranes, vehicles, containers and Possessing mobility is a critical
increase speed and efficiency. devices. In that case, a typical wifi component for a railyard, where
Vehicle locations, the dynamic solution may not be able to support people, devices, vehicles and
nature of stacked containers and this. Site constraints mean vertical equipment are constantly on the
trains coming in and out of the infrastructure, such as towers, or move. The singular infrastructure

served by each node of the Kinetic equipment and vehicles to connectivity.
Mesh network enables the desired overcome signal blockage caused
flexibility in the yard and improves by metal container stacks and Supporting a host of real-time
container movement efficiency. cranes. This allows the network applications – such as smart
Even a momentary drop in coverage to dynamically adapt to local container management – these
can compromise railyard operators’ interference and congestion, containers within the stack can be
ability to run autonomous railyard eliminating downtime even in auto-scanned, identified and easily
equipment. The network can hold the most rugged conditions while located for a swift dispatch. Drivers
multiple radio frequencies and any- maintaining high availability. are also kept out of hazardous areas
node-to-any-node capabilities to as they do not need to track down
continuously and instantly transmit Updates on rail equipment can also containers manually. Cranes can
data in real-time via the best be sent and received in real-time, further be equipped with position
available traffic path and frequency. with an accurate end-to-end view of detection systems running on
As there is no central control node, intermodal operations. This allows the network to track the position
there is no single point of failure for prompt analysis and decision- of equipment in real-time to
throughout the network. making. streamline tracking processes and
decrease truck dwell time.
Vehicles can move out of
coverage, and objects can cause
High-Bandwidth Mobile Rajant’s Kinetic Mesh network
obstructions in a railyard, causing Connectivity can support future applications,
certain and sometimes crucial increase reliability and streamline
paths in the network to become Rajant’s unfailing connectivity processes. For railyard operators,
unavailable. BreadCrumb® nodes allows railyard operators to take Rajant can keep your mission-
can hold multiple connections advantage of the opportunities that critical operations moving.
simultaneously over multiple robust mobility can bring to their
frequencies and offer an alternative networks. Every transportation
route to delivering data. The asset that traverses or resides
BreadCrumbs can be mounted in the network has access to
and deployed on moving railyard essential, high-bandwidth mobile

< Data & Monitoring

Now Arriving at Track 4.0

B reakthroughs in
automation and analytics
are fuelling the new digital
stock-placed sensors to CCTV
cameras and drones – than what
could once be produced in a year.
digitalisation-driven possibilities
of Industry 4.0, from driving
automation, to streamlining
processes, to finding staggering
railway, but tomorrow’s Just a handful of snapshots from efficiencies, can’t be understated.
innovations can’t run on the railway digital transformation And in the world of rail operations,
today’s connectivity: the rail scrapbook being composed right where connecting IIoT sensors on
now by the networks powering
of tomorrow is riding on engines, workers and rolling stock
Industry 4.0: industrial-grade
private LTE and 5G wireless private wireless networks based on
across vast rail yards, and the radio
networks. interference from metallic surfaces
LTE and 5G.
and insufficient mobility support,
make Wi-Fi problematic, a self-
Shunting by camera and sensor,
not workers. Wholly driverless
When Wi-Fi Goes Off the contained private wireless network’s
parking of empty trains. Remote Rails deterministic performance makes
maintenance with expert it the perfect solution for mission-
consultation. And more insight-rich The importance of robust, resilient critical operations, especially when
data uploaded in a day – relayed by and virtually impenetrable private worker and passenger safety are
everything from track and rolling- wireless networking to the just as critical.

With their high-capacity, low- systems and smart infrastructure. alike are acutely aware of the
latency performance, and support digital transformation happening

Communications Technology
for the low-bandwidth / low-
power communications required
Beyond Automation everywhere, which plays out in
the rail yard in countless ways:
by IIoT sensors, private LTE and from new passenger information
5G wireless networks are being Other examples incorporate the systems, to smart stations, smart
installed worldwide to support technologies that we hear about rail maintenance and smart
the voice, video, data and other every day in relevant new ways. infrastructure.
communications needs of the Video analytics are being explored
rail industry. Improving efficiency, to reduce incidents and surveil With countless railway
increasing productivity, enabling anomalies in rail yards – everything communications networks already
automation, and transforming from intruders to objects on the in use, best-in-class GSM-R, and
the safety and quality of working track – and at level crossings to broadband solutions for operations,
conditions. boost safety. The limitless span passengers and train stations, Nokia
of drones is providing otherwise has the track record – pun very
Hands-Off, Efficiency On impossible-to-achieve imagery
of tracks, bridges and trains,
much intended – to meet every
destination that transformation-
identifying repair issues before minded operators know they need
As the world continues its cautious they elevate, and bringing even the to arrive at. And those they can’t
recovery from the pandemic and largest areas within focus. Read even imagine. Visit our website for
qualified staff are historically hard to the ‘Scene analytics’ application more information about industry-
find, one promising use case being note to see how video analytics leading railway solutions from
explored is the autonomous and are helping to boost safety at level Nokia.
remote operation of shunters in the crossings.
yard, enabled by engine-mounted
cameras and sensors monitored Nokia private wireless networks are 30 Years Rolling:
from central offices, tablets and also powering exciting explorations Nokia At-a-Glance
more: a single remote driver can in the aviation industry that can
handle numerous trains at once. In make the leap to the rail yard, such • 30+ yrs railway experience:
Hamburg, the Nokia 5G network is as Lufthansa Technik’s virtual engine network design,
being used to transmit train control inspection with remote client,
deployment, operations
information as part of Deutsche now part of normal operations.
• Most comprehensive
Bahn’s automated train trials, which There’s also augmented reality
are testing driverless parking near (AR) for passenger compartment portfolio & turnkey services
the Bergedorf station. reconfigurations. And yet another • #1 in GSM-R: 110k+ tracks, 22
global leader in passenger mobility countries
Many other operators are looking is testing AR for remote expert • Legendary Bell Labs
into remote solutions, including a observation of train and equipment innovations shaping
shunting yard system that combines repairs. FRMCS/5G
vision sensors with AI/ML to • Countless deployed railway
automatically detect and classify Of course, all of this isn’t happening networks
objects: private wireless connects in a bubble. • Best-in-class broadband
workers via tablet to the video feed,
for operations, passengers,
eliminating the need for a shunter Pressure on all transportation
driver. Read the LTE 5G Private providers is accelerating from
Wireless for Rail Yards, Depots inside and out, from reducing
• Leaders in legacy network
and Factories brochure to see use emissions to improving efficiency migration
cases for automated train operation, and productivity. Rail is poised to • 420+ private wireless
improved passenger information claim more truck miles in the name deployments worldwide
systems, smart stations, smart rail of environmental sustainability. • Unparalleled cybersecurity
maintenance, management support And passengers and operators solutions

Trains have brakes.
There’s not enough words in this publication to
describe the benefits of digitalization. But you only
need one. Nokia. As the leader in GSM-R and game-
changing private wireless networking, with great
stops at some of the world’s top railways, we’re more
equipped than anyone to transport you into the
FRMCS/5G era, one of unheard-of safety, security,
automation and efficiency. But this trip isn’t optional,
so there’s one more word you need to know.

And that’s now.

Go where rail is going.

Visit Nokia at Hall 4.1, Stand #360 while at InnoTrans.

Visit www.nokia.com/networks/industries/railways/
Meet us at
Berlin 20-23 Sep.
Hall 4.1, stand 635

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< Data & Monitoring

Railway Antenna Specialist Antonics

Wins DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung Tender
D B Fahrzeuginstandhaltung has selected the Antonics cross-polarised 5G MIMO train
antennas for its Colibri IT solution portfolio.

Antonics GmbH, the technology IT products and services under and internal antennas of future
leader in multi-band train antenna the product name ‘Colibri’ (short Colibri products are correspondingly
solutions for professional use, will for Coach Link for Broadband high. The tender called for robust,
supply the train antennas (outside Information Exchange), including maintenance-free and MIMO-
and inside) and GSM-R bandstop wifi services and passenger capable multi-band antennas for
filters for the modular Colibri IT information, vehicle diagnostics, 5G, LTE, GSM, WLAN and GNSS
product portfolio. With this solution video surveillance, automatic with high gain and a very compact
DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung GmbH passenger counting and remote design. In order to optimise the
intends to advance digitalisation control functions via web interface. possible throughput, dual-polarised
in rail and road transport. DB roof antennas that can use signals
Fahrzeuginstandhaltung (vehicle “Modern, networked rail with different polarisation should
maintenance) relies on the vehicles need a stable vehicle- expressly be offered. Because if the
innovative dual-polarised planar land connection via mobile polarisation of the transmitting and
antenna technology manufactured communications – LTE and in the receiving antenna differs, reception
by Antonics, which features the future also 5G,” explains Thomas losses will occur. With conventional,
highest efficiency among multi- Derlig, Team Leader for market mostly only vertically or horizontally
band railway antennas. development for IT on vehicles polarised train antennas, this often
at DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung. happens because the original plane
Rail vehicles today are rolling “Dead spots are not only annoying of polarisation of a signal deviates
networks – digital solutions for passengers, they also impair or has been changed by reflection,
support vehicle control, optimise vehicle management and control. scattering or diffraction and
maintenance and increase That’s why powerful antennas are because many mobile phone base
passenger satisfaction. For important, which can still receive a stations emit cross-polarised radio
equipping new vehicles or usable signal even under adverse waves (with a polarisation direction
retrofitting existing vehicles, DB mobile phone conditions.” that differs by 90°).
Fahrzeuginstandhaltung offers a
solution platform with modular The requirements for the external With the OmPlecs®-TOP 200

Communications Technology
5G train antenna X-Plecs 2x2 MIMO
cross-polarised / dual-polarised

GSM-R dual-bandstop filter OmProtec

Indoor train antenna 4x4 MIMO

Wi-Fi6 5G train antenna X-Plecs 4x4 MIMO cross-polarised / dual-polarised

AMR product family (height 60 “The external antennas selected for multi-band train antennas
and 40mm), Antonics has had by DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung use the company produces powerful
suitable cross-polarised multi-band Antonics’ innovative planar antenna antenna solutions for buses
antennas in its portfolio for some technology with dual polarisation and rail vehicles in their Velten
time. For the tender, however, and selective coupling of different headquarters near Berlin. The
the new, particularly narrow roof frequency ranges,” adds René Antonics planar train antenna
antenna X-Plecs®-TOP AMR (height Roeder, CTO and Managing Director technology allows different
50 and 80mm, width 120mm) was at Antonics. communication systems to be used
offered in variants from 2x2 to 8x8 in one single, very flat antenna
MIMO, which is also suitable for the “Antonics antennas not only achieve such as 5G, LTE, UMTS, GSM,
curved roofs of bilevel cars. As an a significantly higher efficiency TETRA, WLAN or GNSS. Antonics
indoor antenna, Antonics offered with extreme miniaturisation antennas are used in the trains
the OmPlecs®-TOP 200 AMR MF-05 and multifunctionality, but unlike of Deutsche Bahn and in buses
with WiFi 6E (3x3 to 6x6 MIMO). conventional broadband antennas, and trains of numerous German
Antonics thus fulfilled all the ‘must’ they also do not require any cost- and international public transport
criteria formulated in the tender intensive signal splitters. They are companies.
and also numerous ‘should’ criteria. therefore ideally equipped
for complex technological
“The antennas from Antonics had requirements.”
the desired specifications in the
crucial points and prevailed over the For more information
competition,” says Thomas Derlig
Antonics GmbH contact
from DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung. [email protected]
Antonics GmbH is a leading or visit
“We also appreciate Antonics’ German developer and producer www.antonics.com/en/
good support for integration and of innovative antenna system
performance optimisation in use.” technology. As a technology leader

< Data & Monitoring

Precise Positioning for Railway Vehicles
Achieving Reliable Train Location with GNSS Solutions




G overnment agencies
in North America
(e.g. US Federal Railroad
receivers use satellite PRN code
signal timing to determine the
difference between transmit and
time kinematic (RTK) systems or
commercial, wide-area corrections
services. Real-time RTK systems
receive time and then derive rely upon GNSS signal carrier phase
Administration), Europe (e.g. the satellite’s range to the GNSS measurements to achieve the
European Union Agency antenna. Latitude, longitude, accuracy needed for positive train
for Railways) and other height (of the antenna) and control (PTC).
time can all be estimated with
jurisdictions are looking
range measurements from four An RTK system consists of a base
to increase productivity satellites. With a clear sky view, this reference receiver at a known
and improve rail safety by technique, known as code tracking, location, a rover (the train), and a
applying new GNSS precise- can provide horizontal positioning communication system to transmit
positioning technology. within a 2–3m diameter to a 95% base station coordinates and GNSS
confidence level. observables to the rover. The
RTK technique provides excellent
Mass-market GNSS receivers are But rail applications commonly performance (rapid convergence
built into cell phones, cameras require sub-10cm precision, only and accuracy) when the baseline
and first-generation automotive achievable with multi-constellation, (base to rover) is short (≤30km).
navigation systems. These GNSS multi-frequency receivers in real- In this case, the base and rover

receivers largely have common is also challenging because of the above, the large reflective surfaces
signal paths so that differencing superposition of received signals of these vehicles can be a problem,

Communications Technology
techniques can be used to cancel in the metal surface of the vehicle, and engineering assessment can
many common errors, thereby which compromise the ‘purity’ of significantly improve the antenna
providing for estimation of a the antenna response. Ideally, a performance.
distance vector between the known rover antenna should be largely
base station location and the isolated from those metal surfaces The VeroStar, VSS6037L antenna,
unknown rover location. and have its own ideal ground with a 2mm PCV, provides full
plane. Tallysman has the products, GNSS and L-band coverage and is
An analogy would be to imagine experience, and expertise to ensure ideal for high-precision rail (rover)
the distance vector between base that your GNSS antenna installation applications.
and rover as a measuring tape with achieves RTK level accuracy and will
imprecision of 1mm at the base enable you to achieve the benefits And it is equally important to know
station (VeraPhase / VeraChoke) of precise train location. that RF interference represents a
and either 2mm (VeroStar) or 8mm current and future threat because
(TW3972) at the rover (train). RTK We are meeting the needs of the of continuous rollout of new close-
accuracies are degraded without railway industry with Tallysman’s by radio systems (particularly 5G
a clear view of the sky or in a high wide range of GNSS Precision and other cellular bands).
multipath environment. Also, GNSS Antennas.
signals usually become unavailable What is ok today may not be
in tunnels or under bridges, so The VP6000 (VeraPhase) and tomorrow.
inertial navigation methods must VC6000 (VeraChoke) family of
be used to overcome temporary wideband antennas cover all Tallysman eXtended Filter (XF)
signal loss. GNSS signals, including L-Band products have prestigious rejection
corrections. The performance of right adjacent to the GNSS signal
Because RTK systems rely on carrier the VP6050 can rival the VC6050 bands to prevent saturation or
signal phase measurements, the (choke-ring antenna) in low intermodulation interference in
antennas must have a very stable multipath environments but is increasingly difficult RF conditions.
phase centre (PC) and a predictable lighter and more compact. With a
phase centre variation (PCV). In phase centre variation of +/- 1mm
addition, the antennas should (yes mm), and strong multipath For more information contact
have a good G/T ratio (a sensitivity mitigation, the VP6050 is an ideal Ken MacLeod
parameter) and provide high trackside RTK base station. The
rejection of cross-polarised signals VC6050 choke ring antenna should Product Line Manager
(LHCP) commonly resulting from be used when multipath signals are
reflected signals (characterised problematic. +1 613-591-3131 ext. 106
by the antenna axial ratio). Finally,
the quality of the base station and The TW3972XF antennas are small, 36 Steacie Drive, Ottawa, ON
rover antennas are paramount and multi-band antennas that provide Canada, K2K 2A9
mathematically limit the achievable a PCV of approximately 8mm and
accuracy. are ideal for locomotive and hi-rail tallysman.com
vehicle positioning. However, as
When it is necessary to reduce
multipath to an absolute minimum,
a choke ring is the antenna of
choice, providing the cleanest
signals, albeit relatively expensive,
large, and heavy.

Similarly, installing a rover on large

metal vehicles (truck or train etc.)

Precision at
any speed
Tallysman’s broad range of GNSS
antennas – designed for the next
generation of GNSS rail systems.

✓ Multi-constellation, multi-frequency
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� tallysman.com/applications/rail

Communications Technology
< Data & Monitoring

Swiss Federal Railways Talks Punctuality,
Digitalisation and Security

W ith digitalisation
the cornerstone of
the Swiss Federal Railways
rate of over 95 percent, making
it one of the most reliable train
services in Europe. This high
reliability is only possible thanks
Austrian safety-critical technology
supplier Frequentis provides its
solution as a core component of
the railway providers operational
innovation strategy we look to secure and fast communication communication environment.
between the operations centres This is an essential factor of
at how it protects its central and the staff in stations, on trains SBB’s reliability, connecting all
rail communication platform and on the tracks. And this track stakeholders together in real-time,
record is what makes rail travel in streamlining communication paths.
with standardised security
Switzerland the most preferred
services that defend the mode of local transport. Within the framework of an
service from cyber-attacks or almost 20-year co-operation
Digitalisation is a cornerstone with Frequentis, the operational
threats. of SBB’s innovation strategy. The communication environment of SBB
Group relies on secure digital has been continuously expanded
The Swiss Federal Railways AG, networking in order to be able and modernised, in order to ensure
which also goes by the abbreviation to expand its excellent customer that employees in the operations
SBB, operates with a punctuality service. centres can communicate quickly

and securely with train drivers, suitable measures, SBB uses the Frequentis Security Incident
service staff on the trains and with Frequentis standardised security Response Team (SIRT) provides
other staff. service catalogue, choosing comprehensive information on
services which can be dynamically security threats to the technology
As a result of the increasing adapted depending on changing stack in use and, if necessary, works
digitalisation of voice security requirements, and which with SBB to develop measures to
communication, the network complement the cyber security minimise the operational risk.
infrastructure is under increasing requirements of SBB.
pressure, which brings cyber With the help of this information
security requirements to the fore.
Improved Security and and processes, SBB can react more
quickly to changed cyber security
IT threat scenarios, and the security More Transparency requirements.
requirements derived from them,
have changed fundamentally. The SBB benefits from better protection Thanks to Frequentis Security
topic of security and cyber security against security threats thanks Services, SBB can further improve
has led to a need for much more to this security service catalogue. the quality and availability of the
security in rail traffic itself, to Together, the team of specialists railway and optimise operational
ensure smooth operation continues. from SBB and Frequentis have processes. The services now protect
areas of prevention, intrusion and 2,200 users and 650 end devices
Cyber Security security monitoring, information
security management, security risk
more effectively against attacks and
other threats.
Challenges and management and requirements
Standardised Security management and a cross-company
responsibility matrix was also
About Frequentis
Services created, enabling SBB to ensure and
optimise process transparency. Frequentis is an international
In order to meet the many supplier of communication and
challenges in the area of cyber During implementation, the information systems for control
security, the combined SBB and standardised security services were centres with safety-critical tasks,
Frequentis team developed a tailored to the requirements of SBB leveraging 75 years of cross-domain
standardised security service and also includes central security experience in aviation, defence
catalogue of responsibilities, not monitoring with intrusion detection and transport. The company also
only for systems and components and proactive early detection holds the number one market
but also for the associated of threats. This means that share in GSM-R dispatcher terminal
processes. This ensures that SBB is unauthorised access attempts can positions; more than 10,000 units
optimally positioned with effective be detected and managed in real have been delivered to customer
risk management for current time. This is of utmost importance control centres in over 25 countries.
security risks in the area of railway for reliability, keeping passengers Railway customers include UK
communication. informed and railways moving. Network Rail, German Deutsche
A flexible configuration with Bahn, Austrian ÖBB and Wiener
In view of the much-discussed customer-specific threshold values Linien, and Australian Sydney Trains.
ransomware attacks, SBB, together enables intelligent and automated
with Frequentis, has been working reactions to suspicious activities.
on the topic of cyber security For more information visit our
even more intensively. The cross- For prevention purposes, the website www.frequentis.com.
company team has analysed the
overall situation and developed a
flexible security strategy.

For the systematic assessment

of risks and the co-ordination of

Let us take care of your
travelling comfort
< Data & Monitoring

Rail Vision
Pilot Schemes Showcase the Capabilities of Rail
Vision’s Advanced Safety Systems

O perational trials
with Israel Railways
and Rio Tinto Iron Ore
advanced obstacle detection and
classification technology.
Advanced Obstacle
Using the latest artificial
are demonstrating the intelligence (AI), deep learning AI, paired with electro-optic sensors
capabilities and benefits of and advanced sensor technology, and deep learning, enables the
Rail Vision’s main line system. it has developed state-of-the-art systems to detect and classify
systems designed for main line and obstacles up to 2km ahead.
shunting yard environments.
Rail Vision provides advanced Monitoring a predefined area of
safety systems that lower accident These can be engineered to provide interest, the system generates
risks, unplanned downtime and bespoke solutions for customers’ real-time visual and audio alerts
maintenance costs through specific needs. for both the train operator and the

command-and-control centre, and

Computers & Sensors

to date is the only system that can
detect and identify a person at risk
in time to avoid a collision.

In shunting yard environments

operational dead zones can also be
monitored. This enables safe and
secure wagon coupling that – with
Rail Vision’s one-of-a-kind pathfinder
technology – can be done remotely.

Big Data Analysis

Rail Vision also offers a big data
service add-on. This analysis
of railway infrastructure and
surrounding ecosystems, through
GIS mapping, allows ongoing
infrastructure inspection,
environmental trend analysis and
image-based navigation. Drivers were taught how the system as bending signs or falling trees,”
works and provided feedback Peleg adds.
Tailored reports are provided that throughout the pilot, which tested
support predictive maintenance, the system in a wide range of This trial was so successful that
enhancing resource planning and weather conditions from sunshine the state-owned railway company
quality assurance. to fog and rain. approached Rail Vision regarding
another proof of concept (PoC)
“By collecting and analysing “It was a pleasure working with Rail trial – this time for its switch yard
big data you don’t have to wait Vision on this pilot, we received solution. This will see Israel Railways
until there’s a problem. You can all the support we asked for from cargo and rolling stock departments
monitor a situation and plan your installation and training through work closely with Rail Vision to test
maintenance ahead of time, which to operation management,” says the solution over a 30-day period
provides savings in terms of costs Noam Peleg, VP Rolling Stock at that – at the time of writing – was
and downtime,” says Rail Vision CEO Israel Railways. scheduled for August 2022.
Shahar Hania.
“We’d had a few collisions with
objects and animals in the past
Ensuring the Safety
Trailblazing Early and were looking for a solution of Long-Distance
Adopters that would help prevent these Automated Rail
happening in the future by enabling
the driver to see far enough ahead Networks
Israel Railways is one of the first rail that they could stop the train in an
operators to implement Rail Vision’s emergency. Rail Vision is working on another
technology. This spring the exciting project, this time on Rio
partners completed a three-month “But as well as these safety Tinto Iron Ore’s AutoHaul network.
pilot of the main line system on a improvements, the system will also This is the world’s first automated,
freight rail locomotive operating in help us to predict problems in the long-distance, heavy-haul rail
southern Israel. areas surrounding the track, such network. Trains of almost two and a

half kilometres in length, monitored
remotely from an operations centre
suitable solution and after seeing
our technology in action asked us
Come and See Rail
in Perth, travel across a 1,700 km- to partner with Hitachi on this pilot Vision at InnoTrans
long network. straight away,” enthuses Hania.
If you’re looking to lower the risk of
Working closely with lead project “Our mainline system is now train accidents while also increasing
technology partner and integrator running in the Australian operational efficiency, Rail Vision
Hitachi Rail STS, Rail Vision’s main wilderness, detecting any risk. In has the answer.
line system is undergoing a three- the bush this can be anything from
month trial in Pilbara, Western geese and cows to kangaroos. With Visit us at InnoTrans – Hall 9,
Australia, in a pilot that includes an a vehicle of this scale, any collision Booth 455 – to discuss your unique
option to extend for an additional or derailment would cost tens of challenges and how our technology
six months in different use cases. millions of dollars, so by preventing can help.
just one or two incidents our
“Understandably when they system pays for itself.
switched from drivers to
autonomous train operation (ATO) “ATO is the future, and part of
there were concerns around the our vision is to be the smart eyes
fact there wouldn’t be a physical for autonomous trains. It was an
driver looking out for dangers. They honour to be chosen by Rio Tinto
searched around the world for a for this pilot.”

WITT Solutions GmbH
Wustermark, Germany

InnoTrans Berlin 09/2002,

City Cube Booth 220
Mobile Computing Solutions
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Acclerators (Multi) (Multi) Voltage

Smart Railway Computer Solutions

Telematics for Transportation Security and Efficiency, Plus Passenger Satisfaction
This evolution drives the need for embedded featuring AI-powered, 5G NR, Wi-Fi 6E wireless
computers to have high performance, longevity, and connectivity, anti-shock design, metal dust proof
reliability, fitting perfectly with railway environ- ability, stable & wide range power supply, industrial-
ments. NEXCOM is dedicated and offers train PC grade reliability, and extended product life cycle.

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- 5G/LTE, Wi-Fi, BT, CAN, GPS + DR, PoE, and multi-SIM integration - Designed for AI applications:
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- AI applications with add-on GPU cards detection, track maintenance, video
- EN50155 & EN45545-2 certifications analytics
- Selected NVIDIA GPU, Google TPU, and
nROK 1030
Hailo AI modules add-ons
VTC 1911-IPK
vROK Series - 5G/LTE, Wi-Fi, BT, CAN, GPS + DR, PoE, and
multi-SIM integration
- 10.4-inch all in one railway - EN50155 & EN45545-2 certifications
open frame panel
computer – EN50155
nROK 6222 nROK 7252

vROK 3030 nROK 6221 nROK 7251 aROK 5510 aROK 8110

NEXCOM International
9F, No.920,Chung-Cheng Rd., Zhonghe Dist., For more info., please contact:
New Taipei City, Taiwan 23586, R.O.C. Leo Chang [email protected]

Committed to Customer Success ©2011-2022 NEXCOM International Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 202207
Computers & Sensors
< Data & Monitoring

NEXCOM to Demonstrate Applications
of Advanced Transportation Computer
Technology at InnoTrans 2022

A fter 4 years, NEXCOM

is hyped to highlight
the strengths of its mobile
computing solutions and
domain know-how, by
demonstrating a variety
of applications, including
train surveillance, its PIS
(passenger information
system), its ADAS
(advanced driver assistance
system), its AI edge
computing system, and its
smart bus application at
InnoTrans 2022 in Berlin,

NEXCOM will present its recently take place at Messe Berlin GmbH on out clear application diagrams
announced transportation 20–23 September. Be sure to visit by presenting multiple live
computer series, powered by the NEXCOM in Hall 4.1, Booth 310. and visualised solution demos,
latest advanced processors and and introduce how NEXCOM’s
technologies. The exhibition will At the show, NEXCOM will map transportation computers apply to

a myriad of railway and in-vehicle information, real-time passenger VTC 1021 and HAILO AI accelerator,
vertical markets. With the aim information and entertainment and in-train passenger counting
of strengthening public safety, throughout the cabin. The semantic system with the railway computer
infotainment and security, NEXCOM segmentation solution will present nROK 1020 and DILAX sensor. Let
will showcase its video surveillance AI edge computing with two live us travel smarter, safer, and more
system, infotainment solution and demonstrations – ATC 3530-IP7- efficiently than ever before.
media server, with its latest train 4C for road and aROK 8110 for rail
computer models and partners’ applications. NEXCOM will provide To learn more about NEXCOM’s
software solutions targeting train high-performance image analysis smart mobility, don’t miss InnoTrans
service operators. on both applications to create and 2022. Join NEXCOM to share your
maximise a safer riding experience insights.
For the video surveillance solution, for all passengers and pedestrians.
the train computer nROK 7252 will Event Details
be connected between a VES31- In addition, visitors will also be
4SR PoE switch and IP cameras, able to view the latest and highly • Date: 20–23 September 2022
enabling operators to conduct popular solutions for public transit, • Location: Berlin, Germany
extensive monitoring of on-board such as our bus ADAS solution with • Venue: Messe Berlin
activities to ensure on-board the vehicle telematics computer • Our stand: Hall 4.1, Booth 310
security. The infotainment solution
meanwhile will showcase long-
range infotainment transmitting
technology with NEXCOM’s vehicle
mount display VMD 3002, in-vehicle
dual HDMI extender VIP 1000,
and railway panel computer vROK
3030, which is capable of providing
fast and steady real-time weather

< Data & Monitoring

Smart Rail
High-Accuracy ASC Inertial Sensors Ensure Safe and Comfortable Train Operation

W ithout inertial sensors,

modern rail transport
would be inconceivable. They
ASC is specialised in measurement
technology and manufactures
a wide range of highly sensitive
accelerometers and gyroscopes, as
detect the position of trains, well as inertial measurement units
monitor the state of the (IMU) for rail transport testing and
tracks and ensure optimum monitoring. The sensors collect data
in a wide variety of applications –
travel comfort.
not only in rolling stock, but also on ASC OS-series
ASC’s new smart sensor technology
can even monitor infrastructure in
real time and detect damage early
Fatigue Strength
on, so that network operators can Testing under Extreme
plan their maintenance activities
even more efficiently in the future.
Inertial sensors perform
numerous important tasks in the Capacitive accelerometers from ASC ASC IMU 7
development and operation of do many things, including making
trains. One of them is high-precision trains safer. Alstom, the rolling conditions, withstanding shocks
measurement of oscillations and stock manufacturer, measures of an intensity of up to 6,000g
vibrations on rolling stock, tracks the running dynamics (as per EN and operating in a temperature
and bridges. The data obtained 14363) and the bogie strength range between -40°C (-40°F) and
from these measurements form (as per EN 13749) under real-life +125°C (257°F). These are important
the basis for safe, comfortable conditions. The ASC sensors used prerequisites for use on test tracks,
rail transport. Engineers can draw for this purpose not only have a as the measurement technology is
valuable information from them high signal amplitude of ±2.7V for exposed to all kinds of weather on
for train design and infrastructure measurement ranges from ±2g to them.
maintenance. Sensors also ensure 200g, but also a wide DC frequency
that the train dispatchers at the
Deutsche Bahn railway control
range of up to 7kHz. They also have
high long-term stability, enabling
Track Damage Detected
centres always know the exact accurate measurement of even Early
location of any given train. Satellite low linear accelerations and low-
navigation alone is not enough, frequency, dynamic and static Capacitive and piezoelectric
because the signals are susceptible constant accelerations. The sensors accelerometers are also essential
to interference. are extremely robust to weather for continuous track monitoring

Computers & Sensors
(CTM). Deutsche Bahn AG has been Alliance (DRS). The alliance of AiSys® sensor systems process
using ASC sensors for track data leading European rail technology huge data quantities, they also
acquisition on its long-distance pioneers is committed to leveraging perform pre-processing functions
trains for several years, with the innovative digital technologies to such as A/D conversion and filtering,
sensors in normal operation improve the efficiency, safety and and are capable of analysing and
measuring the vertical acceleration capacity of the worldwide railway evaluating pre-processed data
in the wheelset bearings and the network. ASC will support the co- and features. This allows real-time
acceleration inside the car bodies operation with its entire product monitoring of trains and tracks.
(as per EN 13848). portfolio in analogue, digital and
smart form. The capabilities of ASC AiSys® smart
DB Systemtechnik GmbH – sensor systems go even further,
Deutsche Bahn’s engineering The goal of the Digital Railway however, such as the use of self-
office – can use the data obtained Solutions Alliance is to push learning algorithms for prediction
to identify irregularities in digitalisation of railway of future material fatigue. Since
the longitudinal level of the infrastructure in order to develop the sensor systems can easily be
track structure. Variations in sustainable, efficient solutions integrated in networks or clouds,
longitudinal level have a major for rail network operators and they are ideal for numerous
impact on performance levels. If transport companies in Europe and condition monitoring and predictive
there are errors in the geometry, beyond. The idea for the alliance maintenance applications in the
maintenance measures must be originated in October 2021 and railway sector. ASC AiSys® smart
taken immediately. In extreme has been continuously shaped sensor systems are also valuable in
cases, whole sections of track may and refined since, before officially artificial intelligence applications:
even have to be closed. Sensors launching in May 2022 at iaf, the by converting raw data into
using CTM allow potential damage International Exhibition on Track information they provide the
to be detected and remedied at an Technology. basis for creating digital twins, for
early stage. This has absolutely no example.
adverse effect on vehicle operation. ASC GmbH will assume an
important role within the
Smart Solutions for the DRS Alliance, for example by
contributing the company’s ASC
Railway of the Future AiSys® sensor systems, which
will serve as an ideal basis for
ASC GmbH is a founding member digitalisation of the railway
of the new Digital Railway Solutions infrastructure. Not only do ASC

< Data & Monitoring

New for Rail: Automated On-Track Measurement of

Wheel Profiles
Meet CALIPRI X Combined with CALIPRI Predictor

H exagon cuts costs of

wheelset inspection
and brings predictive
Hexagon introduces a ground-
breaking, automated, permanently-
installed solution for precise train
a fully-automated on-track wheelset
measurement system that delivers
significant productivity gains and
wheel profile measurement and operational cost savings to the rail
maintenance to the rail predictive maintenance. sector. Combined with the analytical
industry. capabilities of the cloud storage
Hexagon’s Manufacturing and analysis tool CALIPRI Predictor,
With the latest product CALIPRI X, Intelligence division today CALIPRI X allows rail operators to
together with CALIPRI Predictor, announced the launch of CALIPRI X, safely run their trains with longer,

more predictable maintenance
intervals, less downtime and
reduced lifecycle costs.

Safety is paramount in rail. Regular

wheelset measurements must be
made to meet stringent safety
requirements and ensure safe
operation and passenger comfort.
However, measurement of wheels
and wheelsets is still typically
performed manually, which is
labour intensive, time-consuming
and costly. CALIPRI X removes this
need for manual measurement
by effortlessly delivering precise
results in seconds from an
automated, permanently-installed,
optical scanning system designed provided by CALIPRI Predictor will back-to-back distance, equivalent
for 24/7 operation. save our customers a lot of money conicity, camber and wheel toe.
and bring peace of mind as they
“We’ve really pushed back the maintain their rolling stock over its The most important parameters
boundaries with this integrated lifecycle.” and variables are known in
solution,” says Peter Lehofer, seconds, and out-of-tolerance
CALIPRI Product Manager at With CALIPRI X, the measurement areas immediately identified.
Hexagon. “It’s a genuine market process couldn’t be simpler: a Combined with CALIPRI Predictor,
first that meets rail industry needs train drives slowly over a sensor measurements are automatically
for fully-automated wheelset unit where laser and camera and instantly stored in the cloud
measurement without the sacrifices modules automatically measure and wear evolution is evaluated
of precision and reproducibility that and record the profile of the to enable planned downtime
are commonly seen in products wheels. The system measures all based on the as-is and forecasted
available today. The combination wheelset parameters according to condition of wheels – unplanned
of highly accurate and reliable the European standard EN 15313 – downtime caused by wheel
data, ease of use and the analytics including wheel profile, diameter, condition is eliminated. CALIPRI
Predictor is an easy-to-use cloud
storage and analysis tool for
CALIPRI measurement devices.
The data is securely stored, highly
available, safe to access and cost
effective. By predicting wear levels,
the maintenance schedule can be
adjusted to the condition of the
vehicles. This enables predictable
and safe operation of the fleet.

The system is the latest

development from NEXTSENSE,
part of Hexagon’s Manufacturing
Intelligence division. CALIPRI X
builds upon Hexagon’s proven
CALIPRI non-contact optical laser

measurement technology. CALIPRI
handheld devices are well-known
and recognised across the rail
industry for providing quick,
exact and reliable wheel profile
measurement with unmatched

CALIPRI X is easily installed on

existing tracks and is designed for
24/7 all-season operation. A rugged
sensor unit with no moving parts
ensures the system withstands the
harsh railroad environment and
requires minimal maintenance.
Temperature compensation allows for fleet technicians, workshop railroad environment and
operation in any weather to ensure owners, maintenance workers and requires minimal maintenance
reliable results year-round. For the other company personnel in the • Long-term operation of system
best productivity, the system is workshop or office, or even on the guaranteed
designed for installation on tracks road. • No start-up delay: the system
where trains frequently run – in is ready for measurement all
front of depots, workshops, washing
facilities or in sidings. This allows
Product Highlights the time, anytime, meaning less
system downtime, no need for
frequent measurements to be made manual backup measurements
Reliable measurement
without extra effort or costs. With saving time and effort, reduced
no start-up delay, it is always ready • Proven CALIPRI measuring labour costs and increased
to go. The solution ensures full principles deliver accurate and maintenance efficiency
traceability and allows secure 24/7 reliable results every time
access to results and analytics for • Integrated temperature control Connectivity and analysis:
fleet technicians, workshop owners, and compensation allows putting data to work
maintenance workers and other operation in any weather year-
company personnel, wherever they round • CALIPRI Predictor enables the
are located worldwide. • Highly sophisticated and automatic sending of measured
efficient recalibration data and results to the cloud
Making more measurements procedures • Smart trend analysis of wheel
means more data on wheel wear • Eliminates chance of human wear with CALIPRI Predictor
is available for analysis, allowing error, meaning less unplanned • Remote system diagnostics
CALIPRI Predictor to accurately fleet downtime, safe operation and support give confidence
forecast wear levels. of trains with longer and peace of mind and provide
maintenance intervals and conclusive results available in
Rail operators can plan their reduced lifecycle costs seconds, immediately identify
maintenance based on the out-of-tolerance areas, while
wheelsets’ actual condition, allowing condition-based and predictive
trains and entire fleets to be High availability of maintenance allow extended
operated with longer, more precise measurement results maintenance intervals, resulting
maintenance intervals and less in significant operational
downtime, resulting in significant • Designed for 24/7 all-season savings
operational cost savings. CALIPRI operation
Predictor ensures full traceability • A rugged sensor unit with hexagonmi.com
of measurement results and allows no moving parts ensures the
secure access to data and analytics system withstands the harsh nextsense-worldwide.com/en

RailEye Solutions ®



Artificial Intelligence In case of danger Complete Software &
detects people & calculates warning signal or Hardware,
the expected direction of brake intervention custom-made
movement (optional) for your use-case


Front Collision Assistant
Coupling Monitoring
RailEye ® RailEye ® for Station
Family RailEye ® 2.0 - EXTERIOR MIRROR
RailEye ® 4.0 - DIGITAL MIRROR

EYYES.com | [email protected] | INVEST IN SAFETY!

< Data & Monitoring

More Safety for Railway Traffic with Artificial Intelligence

H ow do we make rail
traffic safer? How do
we avoid accidents with
with an enlarged field of view to
reduce the size of the blind spot.
RailEye® consists of several high-
all road users and classifies objects
precisely into vehicles, people
and cyclists from close range
resolution cameras and provides a up to a distance of 80m. Then it
vulnerable road users? better overall view of the vehicle’s generates an image of the traffic
exterior. Particularly in heavy traffic, situation in front of the vehicle
EYYES GmbH has been asking itself for example in the morning rush and calculates the movement of all
these and many other questions hour, the system can be a huge detected objects and relates it to
about traffic safety for years. EYYES support for the railway driver. This the movement of the vehicle. This
specialises in camera monitor system has just been selected by all happens continuously in a few
systems and artificial intelligence Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft mbH milliseconds and thus almost in real
for the rail sector, with locations in (AVG) and Verkehrsbetriebe (VBK) time.
Austria and Germany. Karlsruhe for retrofitting on to
existing vehicles, and it has already If an object is detected outside the
It all started with the RailEye® been in use for many years on defined danger zone, the system
as a replacement of the classic Leipzig’s trams. calculates a possible collision
exterior mirror by an electronic based on its movement vector and
camera monitoring system. Right at the spotlight are the new informs the driver. If the object
RailEye® provides very good image driving assistance solutions based remains on its path and enters
quality and meets the highest on artificial intelligence with deep the danger zone, the total time
safety requirements according neural networks. With the Front until the collision is continuously
to the SIL1 standard. This means Collision Assistant from EYYES, a calculated and a warning is issued
that the images are transmitted new timeline is beginning here in to the driver when the threshold
to the driver without delay and the railroad. The system recognises value is achieved. The driver still has

enough time to stop the train or to
take other appropriate measures.
If automatic brake intervention is

Computers & Sensors

implemented, braking is initiated if
the driver does not intervene. Due
to a minimised error rate of deep
learning AI and EYYES’ optimised
use-case software, drivers are only
warned when there is a real risk of

The Front Collision Assistant is

currently undergoing extensive
testing on trains in Switzerland
at Stadler with a Swiss public
transport operator. The system will
be installed and rolled out in other technology in combination with
vehicles before the end of 2022. an in-house developed and fully
trained deep learning algorithm
As an extension of the driver active monitoring of the platform, for the detection, recognition,
assistance, the coupling monitoring hazardous situations are also and classification of objects are
of EYYES offers the possibility to automatically detected on the available. EYYES also integrates the
ensure the safety on the coupling platform. All doors and areas are software into the appropriate and
of trains. The installed camera can checked before check-in to prevent desired hardware.
monitor the coupling connection potential accidents. Waiting times
of trains. If a dangerous situation are reduced, the check-in process EYYES is therefore the perfect
should arise, a person climbs over is accelerated, passenger safety is partner for AI solutions in the
the train connection, the driver increased, and the workload of train railway industry.
is warned of visual and acoustic crews is greatly reduced.
warning signals. Optionally, the
image can be displayed on a More than 70 million kilometres
monitor showing the people in the driven by rail vehicles equipped
danger zone. with an EYYES rear-view mirror
are proof of the robustness of the
Another intelligent product is systems.
the Blind Spot Assistant, which
actively monitors the driver’s blind The following products and
spot in the rear-view mirror of the solutions are already available:
vehicle. This assistant informs the
driver actively in critical situations, • RailEye® 2.0 electronic exterior
recognising people and cyclists mirror
in the second row. Thanks to • Front Collision Assistant
the particularly high-resolution • Coupling monitoring
cameras, the Blind Spot Assistant • RailEye® 4.0 digital outside Dr Wolfgang Domann
can also deal with difficult lighting mirror with blind spot detection
conditions and thus provides • RailEye® for Station [email protected]
greater safety for people and
vulnerable road users. EYYES also offers its technology +43 2735 37499-10
to customers, partners and OEMs
The application areas of AI for the development of their own www.eyyes.com
are already being extended to driving assistance products and
situations around the vehicle. With new AI-based use cases. Sensor
Im Wirtschaftspark 4
3494 Gedersdorf

< Data & Monitoring

It’s Time for a New Gobius!
W e are now introducing
a completely new tank
monitoring system that
high), such as water, fuel and waste
tanks, at an unbeatable low price.

Always a leakage risk
No exact stepless measurement

General Information SKU:

gives you the exact level and Gobius C vs. Old 970526
volume, regardless of the Fashioned Tank
tank’s geometry. Monitors •

Suitable for all types of liquids
Very easy and quick to install
• All settings are automatic
Gobius C
Gobius C is developed for you • Built-in tank calculator
– customers who want to know • Measures from the outside • Built-in wave motion reduction
the exact tank level so there is no of the tank (metal and plastic • No need to remove the tank
guessing, no in-tank installation and tanks) • Reading taken through plastic
no in-tank mess. Simple and precise • Stepless measurement, 2–3mm tank
so you can ‘C’ inside your tank accuracy • No tank wall thickness limit
accurately. And, Gobius C integrates • Instant display of the correct • Adapted for standard holes in
with other instruments and systems level and volume metal tanks (SAE J1810, 5 holes
and can display information on your • Reliable, never in contact with pattern, R 1¼”)
phone or Windows PC. the fluid water • No cleaning inside the tank is
• Easy installation with your needed
Gobius C – A smartphone (Bluetooth) or PC • No maintenance
• Easy to integrate with control
Combination of Gobius systems and external devices Ultrasonic vs. Micro
Technologies • Integrated instant support

We have also developed a new tank Ultrasonic uses sound waves,

volume calculation software, which Old Fashioned Indicators radar uses electromagnetic waves,
takes into account the geometry of which is the biggest difference.
the tank to be able to specify the • Measure inside the tank In general, it can be said that
exact level in the tank (percentage • Never give the correct the radar provides a more stable
and volume) both visually on your measurements measurement than an ultrasonic
phone and also on external devices. • No tank shape correction meter.
• Unreliable, always in contact
By combining these functions with the aggressive fluids Measurement with Radar
together with a micro radar sensor, • Often indicate a full tank even if
we now offer an unbeatable the tank is empty • Reads through plastic, glass and
product for smaller tanks (up to 2m • Drilling holes are needed fibreglass

• Does not read through metal 240–33 Ohm Software
• Not affected by temperature • 0–5V

Computers & Sensors

• Not affected by foam, vapour, • Sensor LED, shows active or not • Web app for iOS, Android
pressure and dust phones and Windows PC
Measurement Functions • Installation / change / removal
Measurement with Ultrasonic • Correct level calculation, incl.
• Measuring range, 0–2000mm (percentage and litres)
• Does not read through plastic • Measuring interval: 1 second • Two digital outputs, four states
or fibreglass • Resolution: 1mm • Display on the phone
• Does not read through metal • Accuracy: +/- 2–3mm • Built-in test functions
• Affected by temperature • Built-in error report
• Affected by foam, vapour, Tank Geometries
pressure and dust
• Complicated installation • Rectangular For more information about
• Irregular Gobius products, please contact:
• Vertical circular
Gobius C • Horizontal circular Anders Meiton, CEO

Our new tank sensor measures Sensor Facts [email protected]

from the top and on the outside
for all liquids, silently and with • Weight: 65 grams
extreme accuracy, steplessly • Dimensions: 55mm high, 95mm
0–100% – all with just one sensor wide
per tank. Additionally, it does this • Cable length: 1m
with very low power consumption. • Connector on the sensor
For plastic tanks and fibreglass • Material: ABS
tanks, the sensor is mounted with • Bluetooth: version 5.0
pre-installed 3M tape. If you have
a metal tank, a hole (min. 40mm)
is required to be able to measure
correctly. Conveniently, the new
Gobius C Adapter is compatible
with the standard hole that is used
for Wema’s tank gauges (44mm

Technical Description

• Input voltage: 9–28VDC

• Power consumption: 10mA
• Built-in Bluetooth: version 5.0
• Built-in temperature sensor
• Built-in accelerometer
• Built-in micro radar sensor
• Max voltage: 30V
• Max current: 500mA
• IP 44 outputs (connector, female
8 pins)
• Two digital outputs
• 4–20mA, galvanically insulated
• Resident outputs, 10–180 &


Enhanced Passenger

A world leading
provider of
passenger, fleet
& monitoring
Maintenance &


Visit us at InnoTrans (Hall 4.1, Stand 260) to discuss the latest industry
developments & discover our innovative intelligent solutions.

[email protected] |
< Data & Monitoring

Nomad Digital
Pioneering Connected Transport Through
Intelligent Solutions

A fter four years, we

are looking forward
to attending InnoTrans
When we say, we, we mean it.
Our experts and our commercial
team from many countries will be
best possible passenger experience
to retain existing travellers and
encouraging more people on to
delighted to take visitors through public transport. This challenge can
2022 this month, which our latest innovations, sharing be met by operators in a connected
is set to be an impressive various learnings and expertise in environment thanks to the various
industry ‘Future of Mobility’ our series of short stand talks. We solutions developed to provide a
are also celebrating our 20-year friendly, safe cyber space.
anniversary this year and we will be
pleased to welcome you on to our On one hand, driving a positive
As an exhibitor we will be present stand to network and tell our story. passenger experience can be
during the entire event and are enhanced by many factors: reliable
looking forward to meeting At Nomad, we understand a internet connection, rich media
operators to discuss their latest passenger journey is not just a entertainment and accurate
challenges in satisfying the ever- matter of travelling from A to B. It is journey information allowing
evolving needs of passengers as more a matter of moving the whole passengers to be informed in
they return to public transport. passenger’s workspace, offering the real-time and be in control of their

Connectivity & Wifi
journey directly via their personal to meet the ever-growing customer We will always continue to push
devices. expectations, such as smart existing barriers further & look
passenger counting, passenger forward to sharing how we do this
On the other hand, transport information systems (agnostic with our scalable range of solutions
operators continuously strive for of screens) and location-triggered at InnoTrans this year.”
increased customer satisfaction advertisement displays to name just
through enriching journeys with a few. Innovation has always been at
an increase in digital interaction the forefront for Nomad Digital.
(seat reservation, at seat ordering, We appreciate that cost efficiency is If you’re attending InnoTrans this
carriage occupancy etc.), but also a priority for industry, therefore, our month, call by the Nomad Digital
through improved fleet reliability connectivity monitoring systems Stand 260 Hall 4.1 to talk to our
and availability (rail maintenance), can provide operators with a whole team and about how we can
energy efficiency, connectivity cost range of information to allow partner with you to deliver an
optimisation and safety. optimisation and control of data enhanced passenger experience and
transfer costs. support simple, efficient operations
At Nomad Digital, we have a and maintenance. Join one of our
scalable portfolio of solutions to Xavier Champaud, Managing industry focused short talks led by
meet all of the challenges listed Director Nomad Digital comments: our experts or simply call by and say
above. Supported by our high- “From passengers who want a hello!
performance, adaptive connectivity pleasant journey with seamless
(including private trackside railway transitions from one mobility nomad-digital.com
networks), we provide an extensive to another, to operators and
range of services for both passenger maintainers who use real-time tools
devices and on-vehicle displays to inform their decisions and deliver
including wifi and internet access, an enhanced service; we are in a
real-time journey information and world of increased expectations,
rail entertainment, all in a secure whether it is digital, sustainability
cyber environment. or mobility developments. Thanks
to our quest for innovation and
To help operators deliver a seamless our research investment in AI and
passenger experience, Nomad data, Nomad Digital remains a solid
Digital continues to develop partner to support this transition
innovative, AI supported, solutions and the ever-evolving industry.


Connectivity & Wifi

< Data & Monitoring

An Unparalleled Passenger Streaming Experience
Is within Reach

M ore than ever, rail The global passenger rail that train operators can match
transportation market is expected these expectations. In particular,
passengers are to reach $307 billion in 2025, video streaming was one activity
demanding a stable and a CAGR of 6%, even after the that grew substantially during the
pandemic put a halt to most public pandemic, resulting in a spike of
robust wifi connection while
transportation. As many lifestyle 58% more time spent than prior to
onboard, especially to enable and work-related changes have 2020.
streaming of video content re-defined people’s expectations of
connectivity and consumption of With rail travel accelerating,
from the services they the internet, there is a significant passengers won’t settle for the
subscribe to. expectation among rail passengers same old experience that train

operators delivered before the passengers indulge in at home, and stream ultra-high-definition (UHD)
pandemic. One service metric that take-up of these services has been video content as well as select live
rail operators focus on is perceived poor. On top of that, the cost to rail broadcasts, such as sporting events.
passenger journey time, which can operators of licence fees for video
be dramatically improved with content can be substantial. This led Internet connectivity is a necessity
improved onboard wifi connectivity to a poor passenger experience, for passengers and now is the time
and service options. Prior to the especially as the trend towards for rail operators to bring internet
pandemic, internet connectivity video streaming services has grown. video streaming to the absolute
while onboard ranked dead last in edge with Netskrt’s eCDN solution.
terms of passenger satisfaction, Quite simply – people already
worse even than on-time subscribe to various streaming
performance. For rail operators, services, why should location limit
the need to improve the existing them from accessing a service they
infrastructure and provide better already pay for?
internet connectivity to enhance
the overall customer experience has By combining cloud-based machine
become more critical now than ever learning with network-aware
before. edge caching, Netskrt’s edge
content delivery network (eCDN)
Netskrt has set out to shine a light delivers a completely transparent
on internet dark spots by enabling and indistinguishable streaming Click or scan the QR for
streaming services in any location. experience compared to what more information
To date, internet connectivity users experience at home. The
on passenger trains has typically Netskrt eCDN improves onboard
been so poor that passengers wifi performance and passenger
made do with simply being able satisfaction by enabling seamless
to email and perform limited web internet video streaming from
browsing. To compensate, some rail popular content delivery providers,
transportation operators provide without consuming precious train-
walled-garden video-on-demand to-internet cellular bandwidth. Once
(VOD) systems, but too often, the in place, passengers can use their
options are stale compared to what own devices and subscriptions to


To learn more about engaging travelers,

from control rooms to concourses to
platforms, visit us at InnoTrans 2022, 20 - 23
September, Berlin, Hall 2.1, Stand 870

< Data & Monitoring

Providing a Smooth and Improved Passenger
Experience with Daktronics Technology

W hen using public

transport, whether
as a regular commuter or a
new user such as a tourist,
there is security and comfort
in being guided through
the system accurately and

From station entrance, through

the station concourse, navigating
multiple platform options, to
the door of your train or bus,
the experience is facilitated and
enhanced by accurate, clear and
eye-catching electronic displays,
guiding you as you go.

Display technology has advanced

over the years, from static
and mechanical signage to full
electronic LED and LCD displays that
can share all the information you
need and be adjusted and updated
instantly. Full-colour displays Before passengers pass through the what LED displays can provide in
capture the attention of viewers gates and step on to a train, they these areas.
and offer them a pleasant viewing can be greeted in concourses with
experience above and beyond older the critical information for their Message content can range from
technology. They allow for accurate travel. This includes train locations, simple text to images to full HD
representation of brand images and numbers and destinations, current video, from next train departures
colours specific to brands. Colour- time of day, and arrival and to intermodal connection maps to
coded routes and line schedules departure times to keep everyone news feeds and advertising. Adding
assist with guiding passengers moving to where they need to be. advertising and sponsorships
clearly to the correct service. This is only the starting point for can bring an additional revenue

stream to your railway, reducing trains can be shown in these areas certified to conform to EMC
your return-on-investment time. and updated as trains change immunity and emission limits.

Passenger Infotainment
It can help share community throughout the day. Daktronics designs its products
and safety messages in times of to have low maintenance
severe weather or alerts for local The same reliable LED technology requirements throughout their
law enforcement. Other weather can also be used in a railway control expected lifetime of 100,000 hours
information such as temperatures room environment. High-resolution and beyond. Careful management
and outlooks can be easily pulled LED displays have seamless access of the performance of Daktronics
into the system and shared on the to multiple camera feeds, news and displays, including brightness
displays. weather information all on one adjustment and temperature
screen. monitoring, also contribute to their
Full-colour displays allow you industry-leading life expectancy.
to create an environment that Integrating the displays with the
is welcoming, informative and powerful and easy-to-use control From concourses to control rooms
entertaining. With configurable text system makes for a seamless to platforms to the control systems
size and templates for displaying production and communication that power the signage, Daktronics
content, the displays can be located solution for railways and travel provides everything needed for
to ensure excellent visibility of stations. Daktronics provides all a comprehensive railway system
content while maintaining a safe the technology, products and integration.
flow of viewers. integration to simplify the process
for railways while delivering all of
Once passengers arrive on the the needed information to their
platforms, LED signage in these passengers.
areas can provide peace-of-mind by
letting people know they are on the Daktronics displays are
correct platform at the right time. manufactured to exacting
The time of day, train and platform specifications to meet IP65
identification, and arrival and requirements for moisture and
departure times of those specific contaminant ingress. They are

< Data & Monitoring

Accelerating Railway Digitalisation with Edge AI

R ailway transportation
has long been thought
of as conservative or ‘old
Meanwhile, the world’s growing
population continues to urbanise,
putting more pressure on railways
bottom lines. When implemented
in trucks, a 2020 study found that
driverless vehicles realised 29%
to help move more people more to 45% cost savings compared to
school’, but current trends efficiently, and over-congested those driven manually, and total
are rapidly pushing the global supply chains need every cost of vehicle ownership dropped
rail industry to digitalise possible bit of added transportation by over 15 percent. Analogous
productivity to help alleviate improvements can be found in
and embrace cutting-edge
ongoing shortages. rail transportation. AI effectively
technologies. eliminates the delays and errors
Railway efficiency is not bounded caused by humans in everyday
From an environmental standpoint, by gauge or speed. Rather, AI operation, and automated driving
rail emits over 6x less CO2 per deployed on railway computing negates the need for engineers to
passenger than air travel, making infrastructure, especially at the operate trains.
rail clearly preferable for those network edge, has tremendous
wanting to combat climate change. potential to improve operations and AI opens possibilities for a host

of other railway applications and
improvements, including:

Edge Computing
• Biometric ticketing, which
uses AI to streamline handling
passenger fares by using body
scans (e.g. face, fingerprint or
retina) linked to passenger
payment accounts

• Crowd monitoring, to help

assess terminal congestion and
ensure patrons don’t evade
paying fares

• Delay-time prediction,
which involves AI assessing
current train statuses against
a wealth of historical data to
make informed estimates on greater AI acceleration with GPU of expertise in developing highly
train delay developments and and / or FPGA resources. In all cases, reliable and available embedded
remediation times ADLINK engineers these solutions computing systems, ADLINK is a
to deliver an optimal blend of premier supplier to the rail industry
• Fuel management, to generate performance, low-power operation that offers not only an extensive,
fewer emissions while idling by and ruggedness for surviving many cost-effective and standards-based
putting the engine into a low- years in railway environments. COTS portfolio, but also a wide
power state ADLINK prepares railway clients range of rugged fanless embedded
to seize AI’s benefits today and computers and custom solutions
• Infrastructure monitoring, make sure those benefits deliver enabled by its best-in-class ODM
wherein AI analyses real-time increasing value into the future. capabilities.
camera feeds from locations
ranging from train axles to ADLINK’s Rugged by Design ADLINK is committed to helping
wayside stations to watch for hardware survives where other rail integrators and application
obstructions, damage, or other manufacturers fall short, but developers focus on differentiating
anomalies the company focuses on more and transforming their end
than resilience. As a member of applications in train control,
• Standalone switching, the Intel® IoT Solutions Titanium rail signalling, automation and
in which AI systems and Partner and NVIDIA Preferred digitalisation. Moreover, ADLINK
machine-to-machine (M2M) Partner programmes, ADLINK can help facilitate deployments for
communications optimise train obtains access to the latest CPU onboard and wayside applications
schedules and paths and GPU technologies as well as as well as greenfield and brownfield
the highest levels of technical projects, ultimately driving safer,
ADLINK now offers a host of support from Intel and NVIDIA. smarter and more reliable railway
solutions optimised for different As a result, ADLINK small form operations.
workloads and environments. factor railway solutions provide the
Most are designed with specific performance and power savings for
advantages for AI-enhanced AI, IoT or edge railway computing
applications, such as hardware- applications.
based algorithm acceleration built
into the CPU or extensibility to add By leveraging more than 25 years

3 simple steps Switch to Switchio
and make it easy.

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cEMV payments in public transport

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Proof of concept

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Uptake of cEMV payments in 88 %
Ostrava over 5 years. In 2016,
71 %
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2022, most payments made
by cEMV.
29 %
12 %
0% 0%
Paper tickets cEMV Other Paper tickets cEMV Other

Jaroslav Stuchlík
Business Leader - Transport
[email protected] | +420 731 680 399 Multiple projects around the world. switchio.com
< Data & Monitoring

Passengers in Public Transit Want Faster
Boarding and Transparent Fares: cEMV
Payments Make It Easy

S witchio is an innovative white-label solution engineered to make cEMV payments in

public transport fast and easy for both riders and operators.

The company has helped cities transition to modern, fully digital Bankcards are popping up
throughout Europe, Africa and ticketing and fare management everywhere these days, so why not
Latina America successfully systems. use them in public transport too?

It’s pretty easy. In fact, one of the At the end of the day, the system
first such projects, in Ostrava, Czech automatically calculates the best • Best price fare policy
Republic, has shown it’s the way to fare for you depending on how • Modern and convenient
go. You can use your bankcard (or much time you’ve spent travelling. ways to pay
an emulated one on a phone, watch You might only pay for 10 minutes, • No cash or paper
or other device with a chip) when or maybe 3 x 45. If the all-day fare • Operating cost savings
you get on and also when you get is the cheapest option, that’s what
off again. No more waiting – just you get.
tap & go.

Fares can be confusing. And so can

figuring out where and how to buy
a ticket. What if you could just hop
on and not worry about all that?

Reduce paper: eliminate the

need for paper tickets and ticket
vending machines.

Contactless ticketing is a greener


Savings of up to 85%:
savings derived from paperless
ticketing, fewer transactions, and
the flexibility of using multiple

< Data & Monitoring

Efficient Public Transportation with Algiz Rugged

Using on-board rugged tablets as mobile routers for ticketing and data exchange.

A large European
transportation system
has deployed hundreds
A less understanding driver could
remove me from the bus,” says
Erik Hansdotter, Product Manager
new fleet of Algiz rugged tablets:
first, they set the tablets to turn
on automatically via a powered
at Handheld Group, who helped vehicle dock — when the bus
of Handheld Algiz rugged implement this solution. starts, so does the computer. Then
tablets to its public buses — they enabled each unit to provide
and they’re using the tablet’s In contrast, buses equipped with internet connection to its bus
a connected rugged tablet can through tethering.
4G/LTE connection to bring
exchange information in real time:
each bus’s local network
each vehicle’s server is constantly
refreshed with new data from
Using the Rugged Tablet
the central server, and on-board as a Mobile Router
Previously, ticketing systems transactions are sent to the central
would store a day’s worth of system immediately. Here’s how it works: every bus
data — such as travel card funds, in the system has its own small
number of passengers, locations
travelled, and quantity of tickets
Customised, Efficient local network (LAN), where data
is exchanged between the on-
sold — and then sync up with the Public Transport board computer and check-in and
central server while plugged into a
cable overnight. This caused some
Solution check-out points at the bus’s doors.
Handheld’s customised, efficient
significant problems, especially for bus solution allows the Algiz rugged
travel card users: The transport authority worked tablet to become a mobile router,
with its local Handheld reseller to sharing its 4G internet connection
“If a bus is on the road at 6am, develop a solution that would keep to the LAN via a plugged-in RJ45
and at 7am I fill my empty travel buses connected all day, wherever ethernet cable.
card with money from my home they travel.
computer or mobile phone, that bus When travel card users enter
will only have the data from the day The Handheld team provided two the bus, they scan their cards at
before — when my card was empty. custom settings for the agency’s the door. Funds are checked and

debited in real time from their
online accounts, and transaction
and location information are

recorded in the central system.

Fare Collection
Travellers who don’t have a pre-
loaded bus card can enter the bus
and purchase a paper ticket from
the driver. The Algiz rugged tablet
is mounted in a locked vehicle dock
facing the driver, who can view all cold temperatures and dust and Challenge
the available bus routes and fare water exposure. Enable public transportation
lines on the tablet’s display. vehicles to exchange data with the
Public transportation agencies also transport authority’s central server.
The driver selects the correct ticket like Handheld’s Algiz tablets for
and sells it to the passenger. When their numerous connections and Solution
the transaction is complete, the communication options. Install 4G/LTE rugged tablets with
ticketing tablet syncs travel data custom LAN tethering settings to
with the central server and sends Along with LTE connectivity, route internet connectivity to bus
ticket information wirelessly to a BT they include a built-in dedicated networks.
printer. u-blox GNSS receiver for accurate
positioning and navigation. Many Result
Rugged, Compact and transportation customers also add
an optional dedicated barcode
Real-time data exchange, including
travel card funds, ticketing
Connected scanner or eTicket RFID reader for transactions and travel analytics.
mobile ticketing applications.
Vehicle-mounted tablet computers
Click or scan the QR code to visit
run all day long, enduring heavy
use and constant engine vibrations.
Smoother Fare our website
Each night, climate control systems Enforcement and Better
are turned off and buses are parked
– most often in a garage, but
Data Tracking
sometimes outside.
This bus-mounted rugged tablet
“Our customer needed a cost- provides connectivity, efficient
efficient but rugged solution that and reliable on-board data
was also easy to install in a mount, exchange, smart ticketing, and fare
enforcement for buses, trains,
while taking up a small amount light rails, ferries and other public For more infomation contact
of space inside the bus cabin,” transportation systems.
Hansdotter says. Dave Cawsey
Keeping fleets connected not only
All Handheld computers are built improves driver and customer Country Manager UK & Ireland
rugged – with strengthened glass experiences, but also provides
screens and high protection scores accurate data and valuable travel +44 (0)1926 333 266
for withstanding strong vibrations, analytics for operators and
repeated drops, extreme hot and supervisors. [email protected]



The rugged computers from Handheld are best known for the combination of high
performance and the strength to be able to handle the most demanding field applications.

Laughing off the roughest weather and harshest handling, they are perfect for today’s
mobile workforce, weather it is checking mobile tickets on board a public transport
vehicle, or working outdoors building train tracks, roads and tunnels.

Meet us at InnoTrans, hall 6.1 stand 102

From station to track to train, achieve
your safety, reliability and efficiency
objectives with Cisco Connected Rail

Visit us at InnoTrans 2022

September 20-23
Hall 7.1b Stand 230

Learn more at
< Data & Monitoring

Bridging the Digital Divide with Cisco

C isco has been partnering

with transportation
organisations across the
Rail initiative to trial technology
solutions that will deliver
quantifiable benefits and outcomes
outcomes. TSIP will assess and
develop these use cases focusing
on economic, social and transport
for the rail network. TSIP addresses benefits.
globe for the past decade, real-world challenges with smart
moving the industry forward technology, bringing improvements
Transforming IoT Data
with technologies that can to passenger experience, employee
be integrated into existing safety, plus operations and into Actionable Insights
and new infrastructure. One of the first innovative solutions
As part of TSIP, Cisco is partnering from TSIP is the SiYtE platform. It
InnoTrans World not just with Network Rail utilises vision and IoT analytics to
Telecom, but with industry experts aggregate and visualise metadata
Premiere such as Intel, Telent, and Purple from smart devices, providing
Transformation Group, to help ideas the rail network with alerts and
At InnoTrans we will be showcasing become transformative solutions. intelligence which is integral to all
TSIP for the first time. TSIP Over 120 use case scenarios have use cases.
(Train and Station Innovation already been identified to deliver
for Performance) is a Network improved performance and safety Cameras and IoT sensors create

near real-time alerts of critical other KPIs, enabling data-driven on in a faster and more proactive
events which then initiate a organisational transformation. manner.
workflow, assuring an associated

Digital Solutions
action and providing an audit
trail. For example, smart analytics
Introducing Innovation This will help inform flexible
options for Future Railway Mobile
can monitor the tracks and other from a Secure Communications System (FRMCS)
restricted areas, triggering alerts
when someone trespasses –
Foundation in the future, enabling railway
operators to take advantage of new
pushing an alert to a staff member’s innovative technology to modernise
device and auditing their response. At the foundation of the TSIP train services.
It can also monitor other aspects initiative is a high-speed, next-
of safety, planning and passenger generation telecoms network for Through proven and well-
experience, such as gateline queues, station and train enabling the rail established standards-based
crowd density or even the number industry to move into a digital technologies, Cisco Connected Rail
of people taking luggage on the world. Network infrastructure for can help maximise implementation
escalators. Sensors can monitor rail operations is already highly success and, significantly reduce
aspects such as environmental complex – with both fixed and installation risk, cost and
conditions, for instance air quality mobile requirements to connect deployment time. These solutions
in stations (which may be impacted trains, trackside, depots and can help achieve your safety,
by trains idling unnecessarily) stations. Once you add sensors and mobility and efficiency objectives.
or watching for early signs of smart devices, the need for secure,
crumbling cliffs at the trackside. reliable and scalable connectivity To learn more, visit Cisco at
becomes even greater. InnoTrans (Hall 7.1B, Booth
For station operators this remote 230) or contact Scott Lantis at
monitoring and sensor insight TSIP will investigate a variety of [email protected]
can reduce delays and enhance mobility solutions, including Cisco
performance. SiYtE not only focuses Ultra-Reliable Wireless Backhaul
on analytics, events and workflow (CURWB), 5G and mmWave
– but also monitors trends over technology. Placing 5G and wifi
time, and between data points. connectivity at the core of the
This enables the development railway infrastructure means
of proactive insights that can be outputs from smart CCTV and
aligned directly to financial and sensor technology can be acted

< Data & Monitoring

End-to-End Solutions Based on Intel® Technologies Help

Simplify Operators’ Journeys to Smarter Railways

S marter. Safer. Sustainable.

And faster than ever
before. This is what the
computers empower rail operators
to monitor their fleet’s diagnostic
data, which can help minimise
broad set of global ecosystem
partners whom we work with to
help accelerate development and
breakdowns, predict maintenance create solutions with maximum
future of railways looks like repairs and optimise servicing performance, interoperability
and what train operators and schedules – keeping trains moving and value. Together with our
governments must enable to and in working order. partners, we bring the latest
consolidation technologies,
ensure rider satisfaction.
Increased Passenger such as containerisation and
Satisfaction hyperconverged infrastructure, to
Help Operators and With advanced technology, the edge to enhance scalability and
Governments Improve operators can personalise travel maximise the value of each asset on
for individual passengers with the networks of railway companies
Key Priorities near-real-time data collection and and entities. When located at
analysis or provide strong and the edge, our industry-standard
Increased Efficiency reliable onboard wifi so passengers processors can help enhance a
Using deep learning and AI through can stay connected throughout railway’s data security and privacy
computer vision, you can help their journey. by limiting the transmission of data
operators monitor passenger flow over the internet and reducing
and gather data for advanced the risk of interception. You can
analytics to enable more-informed
How We Help You Build also leverage Intel® processors to
decision-making around operational the Best Solutions for integrate devices, software and our
inefficiencies, congestion, staffing
and security.
Railway Operators partner solutions to give operators
a holistic view of their entire railway
Enhanced Safety Intel experts can provide advice
Computer vision and AI-enabled and support as you guide railway Safety and Security
smart cameras help automate operators on their journey to a Train Collision Avoidance Systems
safety alerts and enable wayside smart railway. We help simplify (TCASs)
monitoring, brake and wheel the path to intelligent operations
inspection, and collision avoidance with our end-to-end portfolio of Intel-based TCAS solutions work
and prevention technologies. technologies, years of expertise, by capturing, analysing, and
and engineering resources. performing sensor fusion on the
Reduced Downtime Complementing our technologies, data sourced from sensors and
Sensors, cameras, and in-vehicle products and architectures is a visual imaging cameras to better

understand the train’s current
operating environment. When
lower maintenance costs; extend
life cycles of tracks, trains, and
Deliver Innovative
this information is also used equipment; and provide passengers Railway Technologies,

Digital Solutions
alongside the Intel® Distribution of with improved reliability of railway Solutions and Strategies
OpenVINO™ toolkit and advanced operations alongside a better
software algorithms at the network overall experience to Operators
edge, the train control centre
receives an intelligent, 360-degree Passenger Experience As railway operators get back on
view of the surrounding scene. This Automated Fare Collection (AFC) track after years of uncertainty,
enables the system to detect and Systems they face new challenges,
classify obstacles like oncoming heightened expectations and
trains, maintenance workers or An AFC system consists of a shrinking budgets that you can
animals and trigger safety-based variety of edge components help them address. With advanced,
corrective actions, such as warning which allow passengers to enjoy intelligent railway technology
alerts and braking for drivers and contactless transaction options, from Intel and our global partner
alerts for trackside maintenance smart ticketing and less-congested ecosystem, you can guide railway
workers. gateways. In addition to providing companies’ transformation to
a new, enhanced passenger smart railways that help improve
Predictive Maintenance experience, Intel-based AFC passenger experiences, safety and
Smart Pantograph-Catenary systems help railway operators operational efficiency.
Monitoring Systems (PCMSs) increase operational efficiency.

By helping operators transition

These systems offer centralised
management of electronic
Learn More
their railcars to a fully automated ticket distribution, eliminating
smart pantograph-catenary the need for cash management, Get more information about smart
monitoring system – based on protecting revenue and simplifying railways, discover use cases and
Intel technologies and Intel partner back-end billing. AFC systems accelerate railway modernisation.
solutions – you can help them powered by Intel® edge-ready
use predictive maintenance to computing, connectivity and Visit intel.com/railways
create a foundation for continuous storage technologies can perform
improvement, increase operational ultrafast data processing on the
readiness and maximise fleet data collected from the sensors, Click or scan the QR code to
return on investment. The system machines and other components explore more
retrieves captured images and and devices located at the railway
uses advanced Intel-based visual station edge. This allows for near-
imaging technologies and artificial real-time operations of kiosk and
intelligence to analyse each ticket vending controllers and
image before generating a report, enables the use of up-to-date data
which is immediately shared with on customer behaviour, train usage
the operator via near-real-time and transit service performance for
notifications. PCMSs can play an better decision-making and long-
important role in helping operators term planning.

W: railway-news.com T: +44 1392 580002 E: [email protected]

Track & Infrastructure

Gruppo Bonomi p.258

Worksite Protection

Depot Equipment
Zonegreen p.263
Pfaff Verkehrstechnik p.266

Track Materials
Pandrol p.269
HIRD Group p.272
J. Lanfranco & Cie p.275

Trackside Power Solutions

Globe Scott Motors p.278

Track Inspection & Repair
Zetica Rail p.280
ENSCO Rail p.281
Amberg Technologies p.282

Geotechnical Solutions
GEOfabrics p.283
Calenberg Ingenieure p.286
Sol Solution p.288

Track & Infrastructure Maintenance

Complete Composite Systems p.291
Goldschmidt p.294
Soundim p.295

Cabling Solutions
Roxtec p.298

< Track & Infrastructure

Gruppo Bonomi
A Key Player in Railway Electrification Since the Very

S ince 1928 Gruppo Bonomi’s production units have specialised in the engineering and
production of solutions to support electrical conductivity and insulation. Our particular
expertise lies in the railway, energy and custom sectors.

Over the last 10 years the group and production flexibility, which continuous improvement in the
has broadened its product base supports customer requirements engineering experience, highly
and expertise by acquisition, from component specification to customised projects and more
establishing itself as an overall line design. efficient and sustainable solutions.
international market leader. For many years Bonomi has been
For over 40 years we have been supporting international clients in
Bonomi has been involved in rail working in profitable partnerships designing and engineering many
electrification from its inception and close collaborations with the overhead contact lines.
providing high-performance and technical offices of the railway
innovative solutions in overhead authorities to develop railway/ We both realise brand new
line technology (from 1.5 to 25kV). tramway and underground electrification projects and renew
Gruppo Bonomi offers design overhead lines. This ensures a old lines with the most modern

standards of the sector. number of low bridges in the UK). £15K savings per location based on
Significant support was provided industry feedback. Another benefit

Our design and engineering from the Gruppo Bonomi technical of the Omnia TTC is its reduced
specialists support our customers team to Network Rail in refining visual impact over lattice steel
in new electrification and the the Series 2 and UK Master Series designs, a strong point for Omnia
upgrading of existing lines. drawings. in general and an important factor
in the public’s experience of the rail
Gruppo Bonomi in the Other investments through CP5
included significant UK stocks of the

UK Omnia cantilever for shorter lead Gruppo Bonomi’s commitment to

times. the UK’s electrified railway can be
The Omnia Cantilever was traced back to Rebosio’s composite
developed in 2008 and introduced Gruppo Bonomi considers project insulators, which were first used
to the UK in 2009. This resulted in delivery a key point and together in the early 90s and became part
Network Rail product acceptance with its UK partners PACE Networks, of the Gruppo Bonomi in 2002.
in 2011 for its new Series 2 design has held UK Omnia stocks in the Once again the group has driven
range. region of 1000 cantilevers. This innovation and supported projects
The drivers behind Series 2 (and means less than half the typical such as Voltage Limited Clearances
indeed Series 1) included increased cantilever lead time and support on the Cardiff intersection bridge.
reliability, reduced maintenance and for emergency requirements right
faster installation. down to same day delivery. Looking forward, the group is
continuing to look at opportunities
Omnia ticked these boxes through a Into CP6 attention has focused to deliver more through innovation
range of characteristics including: on the cost of electrification, in cantilevers, droppers, clamps
efficiency and on sustainability, and insulators, as well as bridge
• corrosion-resistance materials with electrification as a vehicle for and tunnel solutions. In addition to
• reduced component count and decarbonisation as well as its other high-quality products and UK stocks
factory quality controls passenger benefits. Bonomi also offers design support
for UK organisations working with
Through these projects, including Gruppo Bonomi has made a their products.
North West Electrification Phases 1 significant investment in developing
& 2 and Cumbernauld in Scotland, a lightweight TTC (Twin Track
For more information email
Omnia was broadly liked by Cantilever) utilising the Omnia
Mr. Andrea De Giorgio
installers for its flexibility, light technology. The arrangement is
weight and simplicity. hoping to gain product acceptance Head of Sales Business Unit Rail
in the UK in the coming weeks
However further work was carried and has a reduced cost over a
out with Network Rail’s design traditional TTC, as well as offering
department EPDG (now NRDD) to further cost and carbon benefits
refine the range, including standard around plant, material production,
walk outs/reach distances and project time scales and foundation
greater adjustability for reduced works. While analysis will no doubt
encumbrance (it seems to be a be carried out on early projects,
great plus, considering the great there is an expectation of £10K to

www.gruppo-bonomi.com Our partners of Gruppo Omnia:

Gruppo Bonomi

mantains all the advantages of OMNIA innovative system, even in tunnels and reduced
encumbrance areas.




This OMNIA cantilever is suitable for nominal voltages from 3kV to 25kV. It supports
the weight of regulated catenaries up to 540 mm2 and spans up to 40m.

Visit us at Innotrans
Hall 22 – Stand 250
< Track & Infrastructure

Worksite Protection
Product Innovations
By: Til Arkenberg, Productmanager ZÖLLNER Signal GmbH

COBRA: Remote Control

of Eurobalises Thanks to
New Solution

COBRA stands for ‘Control of

Balises with Remote Assistance’
and serves the purpose of being
able to influence (to brake) a
rail vehicle with the help of the
Find out more about our COBRA System: PDF Datasheet COBRA
additional components (Euro)balise
and (mini) LEU depending on the
dangerous situation (for example balises). It communicates with the Alternative Cloud Use
in front of a worksite). The system COBRA-R via radio. The COBRA-
is designed in such a way that the CU is equipped with a replaceable
Cases: ZCloud is Growing
default state prevents a train from battery. With a reaction time of less
passing and the operator must than one second, the COBRA-CU In addition to the mobile radio
actively confirm that the track is is able to process the information warning system (MRWS), more
clear. The confirmation is carried safely and in a timely manner systems are now equipped with
out by operating the control unit, (send and receive to COBRA-R and the ZCloud. A recent example
which switches the telegram of evaluate and control the LEU and is our ZÖLLNER Level Crossing
the balise by radio. The radio range balise). System (ZLX). At first a test phase
of the system is at least three will be started with existing
kilometres, and up to six kilometres Receiver COBRA-R material from the rental pool,
when repeaters are used. This whereby the connection will be
system works autonomously and The COBRA-R receiver unit serves realised via a tracker module
independently of higher-level (train as an interface between LEU and provided for this purpose. In the
control) systems. COBRA-CU. It switches the balise beginning the available functions
remotely via the LEU. The receiver are the same as for the MRWS.
Control Unit COBRA-CU is also equipped with a portable Information like the system and
battery and is designed to operate device status, revision data, serial
The control unit (COBRA-CU) for several days. The units are numbers and error codes of all
can remotely control up to four configured with each other using active MRWS systems can be
receiver units / COBRA-R (and thus RFID cards. queried at all times. Furthermore,

information about the location of
the system and the logbook are
provided. Status changes of all
integrated components are listed
chronologically. In the future, the
portfolio of existing products with
a connection to the ZCloud, such
as those planned for the Zöllner
Speed Control Unit (ZGP), will be
further expanded. In the long-term,
almost all products should benefit
from the fact that the information
is available in the cloud at any time, PDF Datasheet MPX
independent of location and device,
via login.

MPX: New Cable

Monitoring System
Reduces Delay Minutes

The MPX V3 system monitors

the cable infrastructure, reports
deviations at an early stage and can
thus detect declining cable quality.
By means of patented sensors,
moisture values in the nodes as well
as insulation values in the cable are
determined and the cable condition
is evaluated on the basis of these.
It is now possible to specifically
identify potential for repair and
to derive measures before these
faults result in a failure of the
infrastructure. Furthermore, it can
be precisely distinguished whether
these faults originate from the
cable itself or from the nodes. The
system has been approved for use
by Deutsche Bahn and has already
proven itself in operation.

For more information please

Meet us at InnoTrans
[email protected]
HALL 25 // STAND 565
+ 49 431 7027 – 178



safe working solutions

Renowned as global market leaders in depot

protection systems, the SMART DPPSTM
delivers physical protection from vehicle
movements to rail depot staff whilst providing
visual and audible warnings.

Visit us at Stand 230G / Hall 2.2


< Track & Infrastructure

Spearheading Improvements in Depot Safety

W orking in a rail depot is

inherently dangerous
– high-speed vehicles, high-
of workforce fatalities in the last
five years. This impaired health is a
huge problem for the industry. The
is human’ and that may be so, but
we don’t have to accept the risk of
human error in rail depots.
safety board estimates it costs £899
voltage electricity and million annually, with 1.3 million Technology is available that can
powerful machinery are just days lost to sickness absence. This is automate safety procedures,
some of the risks staff face twice the national average. removing manual processes and
allowing the safe and effective
every day.
Despite these frankly shocking movement of vehicles.
statistics, there has been no notable
So why isn’t there more focus on reduction in workforce harm in The rail safety specialist, Sheffield-
improving safety standards? Should depots for the last five years. Surely based Zonegreen, has been finding
workers accept that injury (or it is time for change? innovative ways to reduce the
worse) is part of the job? risks to maintenance staff for the

According to RSSB figures,

Mitigating Risks to Staff last 25 years. The firm’s Depot
Personnel Protection System
maintenance facilities account for (DPPS) safeguards workers by using
20% of all workforce harm and 25% We’ve all heard the adage ‘to err Network Rail-approved powered

derailers, linked to road end panels
that control vehicle movements.

Depot Equipment
Staff log on to the road end panels
via RFID tags that record where
they are working. Access permission
for trains will then only be given
if the road is clear. After a derailer
has been lowered, a shunt signal
shows a proceed aspect, at which
point audible and visual warnings
are activated to signify imminent

Tried and Tested checks and by using a local supply world’s most advanced maintenance
chain, the firm has total control of facilities, including depots serving
Quality is the key to ensuring depot the manufacturing process, whilst the metro systems in Dubai, Doha
protection has a real and lasting minimising its carbon footprint. and HCMT in Melbourne, Australia.
impact on the welfare of staff and Zonegreen also works extensively
DPPS leads the way. The result of this commitment across the UK and has contributed
to quality is that all DPPS to high-profile projects such as
Zonegreen’s system is tested, during installations meet the performance Thameslink, Crossrail and the
and post-construction, to prove requirements of SIL2 – an Intercity Express Programme.
it exceeds the highest regulatory independent assessment of the
standards and offers unrivalled relative risk reduction provided The firm will be showcasing its
reliability. At its heart is the concept by a safety system. This has been flagship safety system at InnoTrans
of ‘distributed intelligence’, which achieved by employing standardised in Berlin from 20–23 September.
means there is no master controller hardware and software that has Visitors will find Zonegreen in the
or any signal point failure. been assessed as a whole system, British Pavilion (Hall 2.2) on Stand
instead of relying on compliant off- 230G, where they will be able to see
Empty coaching stock movements the-shelf components and software DPPS in action and learn about its
(predominantly in depots) make of unknown pedigree. wide-ranging capabilities.
up only 4% of the train service
nationally, yet account for almost DPPS is the only depot safety
20% of SPADs, highlighting the system on the market that For more information, contact
need for derailers to be readily is independently certified to Zonegreen
available to provide physical comply with the electromagnetic on +44 114 230 0822,
protection to staff. They are compatibility (EMC) standards, visit www.zonegreen.co.uk or
required to operate under which define the frequency range follow the firm
significant forces when called into and limit of unnecessary radiation on Twitter: @zonegreen.
action, meaning quality products emitted by electrical devices,
are essential if reliable results are to preventing interference or similar
be achieved. problems. Its latest RFID panel
is also certified by Eurofins to
All derailers provided by Zonegreen meet the EN standards for radio
are produced to the highest emissions and railways.
standard, fabricated by coded
welders and supported by material
certificates. Likewise, its road end
Working Worldwide
panels undergo 3,000 independent DPPS is installed some of the

< Track & Infrastructure

Pfaff Verkehrstechnik
Pfaff Verkehrstechnik Enjoys Further International Success
with Lucrative Major Projects

P faff Verkehrstechnik’s
international business
is currently growing
Mobility are maintained. They are
considered state-of-the-art multiple
unit trains that were first presented
New Multiple Units
between Tel Aviv and
exceptionally well, as shown
at InnoTrans 2014. In 2018, Pfaff Jerusalem
Verkehrstechnik was awarded the
by various successfully major contract to equip the entire
completed major projects, workshop of the depot. In addition In 2017, the operator, the state
to track systems, it also includes, railway company Israel Railways,
such as the equipping of
among other things, an axle decided to use a total of 60 double-
a new railway depot in changing system, multiple lifting decker Desiro HC multiple units
Ashkelon, Israel. tables, mobile lifting jacks, hydraulic with 330 carriages on the railway
support jacks, turntables and roof line between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem,
This is where electric trains of the working platforms (‘flying carpets’) which were to run in units of four
type Desiro HC (High Capacity) for maintenance work on the train and six-carriage trains. The six-
from the manufacturer Siemens roofs. carriage trains with a length of over

150m offer space for 655 seats. therefore be driven on by the entire the hall and thus along the entire

Depot Equipment
multiple unit without any problems. length of the train.
The railway line from Tel Aviv to
Jerusalem is a 56km new line and as
such the first ever electrified line in
Tracks for Measurement Each ‘flying carpet’ has two
hydraulically lowerable gondolas
Israel. The pairs of trains that have and Maintenance that can be operated either as a
already been delivered and now run pair or individually. The gondolas
here every day can reach speeds of A 60m track section for measuring have electric extension modules
up to 160km/h. vertical wheel and wheelset forces to bridge the gap to the train and
according to EN 15654-2 was thus facilitate access to the roof.
As part of the new-build project, designed with a height tolerance Telescopic guardrails can be used to
a depot was built in Ashkelon to of less than 1mm over the entire secure the working area all around
maintain the Desiro HC multiple measuring range. This allows the for safe working on the roof. To
units already in service. Pfaff axle loads of individual bogies to simplify the removal of components
Verkehrstechnik delivered the be determined with the help of and their onward transport,
material for the depot in 2020 two integrated pairs of measuring vertically movable cranes were
and started the installation on beams located in the centre of the installed between the gondolas.
site in December of that year. At measuring track. These can also be controlled
that time strict restrictions on remotely via radio control.
entry were in place – therefore Three elevated tracks with a
the installation was mainly carried
out by local subcontractors under
length of 150m are located 0.85m
above the hall floor. The pit depth
Remove Axles and
the supervision and responsibility is 1.75m. A catwalk between the Inspect Wheels
of Pfaff Verkehrstechnik. Recently,
in spring 2022, it was possible
supports facilitates access to the
vehicle during maintenance. An
to complete the final tests, auxiliary rail system for hydraulic
In addition to the elevated tracks,
acceptances and training. workbenches was installed in the
pit itself. For example, a mobile ground-level tracks were also laid.
In the area of the elevated tracks,
High-Precision, lifting table in the pit area can be
used to remove even very heavy there are mobile axle-changing
Synchronised Lifting components weighing up to one systems, consisting of two pairs of
track bridges, four support jacks
Jack System tonne. Stationary hydraulic lifting
tables for loads of up to 2.25t then and a mobile hydraulic lifting table
move these loads between the floor with a load capacity of 25t. With
Now 24 mobile lifting jacks – each and the elevated track. this system, axles can be removed
with a load capacity of 15t – are at two positions and stored and
used to completely lift the trains for
maintenance and servicing work.
‘Flying Carpets’ for retrieved on special axle pallets with
an electric pallet truck.
The entire lifting jack system is Ergonomic Work on the
controlled by frequency converters,
whereby the synchronisation of
Roof In addition, Pfaff Verkehrstechnik
has supplied six hydraulic support
the individual lifting jacks makes
jacks with a load capacity of 11t
it possible to lift a train within a For maintenance and repair work in
to lift bogies in pairs at the axle
precision range of +/- 2.5mm. In the roof area of the trains, all three
addition, two manual turntables maintenance tracks were equipped bearings. This allows the wheels to
with a diameter of 4000mm were with so-called ‘flying carpets’. These be turned and inspected for defects.
installed in the depot to move cradles are suspended from crane A specially supplied service lift for
bogies between the different hall runways on the hall ceiling and 2t loads transports the components
areas. The turntables are suitable can be moved over a wide range from the ground floor to the
for an axle load of 25t and can of 175m along the entire length of warehouse on the first floor.

Versatile Solutions for
All Maintenance and
Repair Work

In conjunction with state-of-the-art

control systems, the Pfaff-silberblau
lifting jack systems guarantee
maximum system safety and
optimum operator ergonomics for
maintenance personnel.

In addition to mobile lifting

jacks, the Pfaff Verkehrstechnik
product range also includes all
types of lifting platforms for rail
vehicles, maintenance systems
and roof working platforms. This
enables Pfaff Verkehrstechnik
to offer suitable solutions for all
maintenance and repair work on
bogies, wheelsets and vehicle

Further information about Pfaff

Verkehrstechnik is available at:


The company is presenting its

comprehensive product range in
Berlin at InnoTrans 2022 (20–23
September 2022, Hall 1.2, Booth

Contact Information

Pfaff Verkehrstechnik GmbH

Am Silberpark 2-8
86438 Kissing / Germany

+49 (0) 8233 2121 4500

[email protected]

Visit us at
Hall 23

Availability Safety Lifetime Value

< Track & Infrastructure

Under Sleeper Pads in Heavy Haul: Extending
the Life of the Railway

On the up in heavy haul

On the Up in Heavy Haul sleepers improves load distribution

over the track and its components,
USPs introduce an additional
elastic element between the ballast
both longitudinally and transversely. and the sleeper. As a result, the
Recent years have seen a rapid contact surface increases to over
growth in the use of Pandrol’s Without USPs, ballast is the first 30%, improving load distribution,
Under Sleeper Pads (USPs) in heavy- elastic track element to consider. consistency of track stiffness and
haul railways. So why are USPs so Fasteners and ground are also overall track quality. Different
useful when loads are high? resilient, whereas the wheel, track USP specifications are available
and sleepers are all rigid. When to provide the ideal elasticity for
Extending Railway Life heavy loads pass over the track,
the ballast is compressed and,
specific rail infrastructures. Elastic
levels need to be controlled to
with a ballast sleeper contact area ensure that while the stiffness
The main benefit of USPs in heavy of between 5 to 8% of the total of the system is decreased, the
haul is track protection. Introducing surface, the compacted ballast gets elasticity doesn’t cause too much
an elastic element to the base of stiffer. track deflection.

In the long term, maintenance costs
are reduced and the life of the track
superstructure is extended. There is

Track Materials
less rail corrugation (especially on
curves). The frequency of levelling,
lining and tamping (LLT) can be
reduced by a minimum factor of

On Track to Carbon
Neutral (SRS Product
Pandrol’s CO2-neutral Under Sleeper Pad
Pandrol Receives World First with Pandrol’s Under Sleeper Pads organisations and companies across
saves 3,000 tyres from landfill or the world.
CO2-Neutral Label for Under
Sleeper Pad
During their own life-cycle, Under
Pandrol is fully committed to Sleeper Pads will also contribute
Global rail fastening specialist
helping to reduce the impact of to reducing the carbon footprint
Pandrol has underlined its
remaining CO2 emissions from of railway lines, by increasing their
commitment to working
Under Sleeper Pad production, by lifespan and reducing the need for
collaboratively towards global
financing labelled green energy maintenance.
carbon neutrality, supporting
production projects in developing
certified climate projects across
countries. Thomas Lorent, Head of Sustainable
the world to reduce its total carbon
Resilient Systems (SRS) at Pandrol,
Pandrol’s ambitious approach to this comments: “Last year, we took
product has an outstanding impact, action to understand the carbon
Pandrol’s Under Sleeper Pads (USPs) verified by Belgian-accredited footprint of the Pandrol SRS
are made from end-of-life tyres, inspection and certification products, conducting a full life-
using around 2.3kg per sleeper, organisation Vinçotte. cycle assessment. Since then,
producing a carbon footprint that is we have taken action to reduce
less than half of the same product This commitment contributes to the our environmental footprint for
made using virgin material. Every collective goals of carbon neutrality the products which can be most
kilometre of railway track installed Pandrol shares with many other improved.

“This change will limit the carbon

impact of our Under Sleeper Pads,
allowing us to reduce our footprint
and support certified climate
projects at the same time to ‘offset’
our remaining low CO2 footprint.”


[email protected]

< Track & Infrastructure

HIRD Group
HIRD Group: Delivering Innovation, Sustainability
and Longevity as Standard

T he HIRD Group is a
collection of companies
delivering a wide range of
market-leading solutions to the rail
industry that improve efficiencies
and provide longevity. Possessing •
in rail or as kits for installation
at site
Pre-curving and twisting of rail
specialist industry knowledge, to a variety of rail profiles
sustainable and innovative the HIRD Group develops ground- • Cold Bolt Hole Expansion (CBX)
solutions across the UK and breaking solutions from inception kits, a preventative system
European rail industry and to installation, working closely and to reduce rail breakages,
collaboratively with its clients from track-related incidents and
design to delivery. derailments
• End Post Life Enhancement kits,
Comprised of HIRD Rail Services Across the group we supply: used for the rapid and cost-
(HRS), HIRD Rail Development effective, in-service repair of
(HRD), Trough-Tec Systems (TTS) • Our range of ‘STB’* Insulated insulated rail joints
and HRD BV, the Group provides Rail Joints, supplied pre-installed • The PRISMA range of anti-

Track Materials
Coated joints

trespass, suicide prevention and extensive programme of • Locations with high humidity
systems testing that comprised:
• Green Trough cable HRD has also developed an IBJ that
management and anti-slip • Extensive laboratory life-cycle utilises a shorter multi-groove
walkway systems c/w optional testing pin assembly that improves track
handrail • Sample testing in our state-of- maintainability, enabling tamping to
the-art purpose-built coating take place without risking damage
*Simply the Best facility in Doncaster (UK) to the point, supporting improved
• In-track testing on European track quality that in turn extends
As a group and as individual customers’ rail infrastructure joint life. These seemingly simple
companies we are consistently changes to our product design are
and constantly identifying and Years on we are proud of the fact indicative of our attention to detail,
delivering new ways of improving that our Coated IBJs improve that is always driven by a desire
our products to ensure our clients network reliability, adding value to provide the best product that
see tangible benefits across and reducing whole life costs for can respond to clients’ needs and
safety, efficiency and sustainability our clients, ultimately helping keep problems as they evolve, and always
measurables. This simultaneously the travelling customer as safe as with safety and sustainability at the
supports our ethos of supplying possible. These IBJs are installed in heart of the solution.
only the best products that have extremely testing environments,
been developed and designed in where product integrity and
collaboration with our customers. durability is crucial such as the
Sustainability in Practice
following problem areas:
One such example of this is the The HIRD Group is wholly
HRS Coated Insulated Block Joint • Coastal routes exposed to committed not only to being an
(IBJ) the design of which includes a saltwater exemplar for product development,
hard wearing, electrically resistant, • Level crossings subjected to salt but also in being as sustainable a
durable waterproof coating capable and grit spreading supplier as possible. Many of our
of extending IBJ life expectancy • Locations such as tunnels products, specifically our cable
to over 15 years. This protective where metal filing debris often management and anti-trespass
coating was subject to a thorough accumulates systems are manufactured

PRISMA anti-trespass pads

from recycled waste that would pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and will Simply the Best
otherwise go to landfill. form a complete matrix to cover
any specified area for in-track or We are delighted to announce that
The PRISMA anti-trespass system, off-track deployment. Weighing we will be exhibiting at InnoTrans,
manufactured from recycled only 42kg means installations can where we will be showcasing our
aircraft tyres, is an effective be carried out by a two-person products and services, including
solution to the problem of team without the need for lifting the STB insulated rail joint, and
undesired and unauthorised rail equipment, which is more labour- demonstrating our commitment
access by trespassers, vandals, friendly as well as cost-effective. to innovation and sustainability.
cable thieves or people who have Come and meet us at the Hird Rail
suicidal intentions, problems which This ease of installation is also a key Development Stand in Hall 25,
are unfortunately rife across the feature of our cable-management Stand 300.
railway. and walkway systems, as detailed
in this video. Wherever possible we hirdgroup.org
Aware of the environmental and work with our clients to address
financial impacts of materials- direct and indirect challenges, to [email protected]
handling the design of the anti- provide safer working conditions
trespass pads means that their for our trackside colleagues,
installation is simple and cost ensure the most reliable railway
efficient and negates the need for for our customers and uphold
expensive machinery on site. Each our commitment to sustainability
of the panels slot together like throughout.


Track Materials
< Track & Infrastructure

J. Lanfranco & Cie

J. Lanfranco & Cie, the Specialist in
Manufacturing Safety Fasteners

J. Lanfranco factory

A n ISO 9001-certified company since 1998, we have since then made safety-critical
fasteners our speciality. We are also known as a reliable supplier and manufacturer.

The Lanfranco product range is increases the safety of the rolling The most relevant example
as diverse as it is specific, due to stock as well the track where many might be the fastening of railway
the large diversity of applications. applications such as splice joint crossings like diamond junctions
Our products will make any critical bars, crossings, signalling, catenaries for freight cars in Canada that must
bolted assembly secure. The use and electrical connection depends handle severe climatic conditions
of Lanfranco’s self-locking nuts on a good assembly. and heavy vehicles.

J. Lanfranco products

The track is generally poorly Our double slot nuts, all-metal experience and its products adapted
maintained (overloaded freight and reusable ESL, THU and ERM to the railway sector, whether it is
vehicles, high temperatures). (data sheets available on www. construction or maintenance, track
lanfranco.fr), can prevent you from or rolling stock, freight or passenger
Obviously, it’s not the only stopping a production line or losing rail.
place where you can find severe an electrical connection as well as
problems. Splice joint bars also reducing your maintenance costs. The best way would be to get in
face severe conditions, and the touch with us or to meet us directly
track is far from being first on Each product may have a more at InnoTrans Hall 8.2, Stand 330.
the list for maintenance. Difficult appropriate specificity than another
access to some parts of the depending on your application. It is
network combined with the lack of important to know the environment
availability of maintenance teams and the working conditions to offer Contact Us
always lead to the same issue: you the most suitable self-locking
loosening. nut. Each product meets a standard J. Lanfranco & Cie
(functional characteristic, surface
Rolling stock, as well as interiors, treatments...) and traceability is 37, avenue de Saint-Mandé
bogies, shock absorbers, brakes and fully available. 75012 Paris
door and window fastenings require
safety, speed and reliability. Our parts can be designed +33 (0)1 40 04 92 30
and created according to your
The J. Lanfranco slotted nuts have needs thanks to our engineering [email protected]
proved for many years that they are department.
fully adapted for those applications
and are reliable at dealing with This is a field in perpetual evolution,
loosening difficulties. and we can support you. Improved
maintenance through a better
Whatever the environment – cold, choice of critical fasteners is
heat, humidity, corrosion – our essential.
self-locking nuts bring added value
with a longer lifespan as well as This is where the company
lower costs and maintenance times. J. Lanfranco intervenes with its

< Track & Infrastructure

Globe Scott Motors

Motors for Points Machines, Lifting Barriers
and More
G lobe Scott Motors
Pvt. Ltd., based in
India, specialises in the
knowledge and experience when it
comes to developing new products
and solutions that meet our
forefront when it comes to
accepting challenges, developing
new product solutions and investing
customer’s needs. The introduction into new technologies so that
manufacture of PMDC of a watertight motor for electric our customers can have the best
motors, electric points points machines, as per the IP67 product experience.
machines, wound field specifications, has been the recent
game-changing development in Full customer support is given to
motors for points machines,
Indian Railways. our customers, in terms of design
electric lifting barriers and technicalities, leveraging our
and BLDC motors for This motor has been particularly experience in diverse fields and
Indian Railways and the developed for the railway sector markets.
international OEM market. to diminish the challenges faced
by railway operators as well as All our products are sold under ISO
passengers travelling during the 9001, ISO 14001, IS0 45001 and CE
Working closely with Indian monsoon season. marking, accreditation which gives
Railways for the past 30 years our customers the quality assurance
has provided us with a wealth of GSM has always been at the they need.

Electric Points Machine

Non-Trailable Series

• Solid, cast iron construction

• Completely self-contained
• Two variants available: 143mm and 220mm throw
• Interchangeable devices
• Heavy-duty, self-wiping detection and controlling contacts
• Designed for both left and right-hand operations

Trackside Power Solutions
DC Motor for Points Machine
160VAC and 400VAC

• Available in IP67 version

• Anti-rust painted body
• Premium quality, permanently lubricated bearings used
• Easy replacement and long-life of bearings
• Low-noise
• Specialised solutions can be developed as per
• Complete customer support

Electric Lifting Barrier

Supply Voltage: 24VDC, 110VDC, 110VAC

• Corrosion protection of all items

• Low power consumption due to heavy-duty, low-friction
sealed type gear unit
• Quick operation – less than 12 seconds for lifting /
• Automatic stopping in fully raised / lowered position
• Easy installation, simple foundations, nut bolt erection
and electrical cabling

BLDC Motor for Coach Fan

Sensorless Design

• Consumes 28W
• Micro-controller-based driver for accurate control
• Reverse polarity and direction protection
• Locked rotor protection
• Input under / over voltage protection
• Sealed bearing
• Constant speed over entire operating range of input

If you’re interested in finding out how Globe Scott Motors can support your
business, get in touch with Globe Scott Motors Director Niyatee Cangi

Scan the QR code for contact details


Trackbed inspection for

condition-based maintenance planning

Rail Corridor Trackbed Inspection Report

Asset Mapping
Surface Mud Turnout Components

Vegetation Track Geometry Structure Clearance

Encroachment & rail profiling

Height & Stagger


Level Crossing

Ballast Deficit

Slope Sleeper Spacing

Stability & angularity

Ballast Ballast
Fouling Surplus

Track Drainage

Wet Bed
Free Draining Layer
Ballast Thickness

Sleeper Quality

Ballast Pockets


More than 1.3 million GPR kms

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Zetica House
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Tel: +44 (0) 1993 886682

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We Keep Trains Moving
Autonomous and Manned Track Inspection Systems
AI/ML Driven Track Maintenance Planning Solutions
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Come Visit Us
Hall 25, Stand 100

Accelerating Technology, Leveraging Data, and Increasing Safety

[email protected] | www.enscorail.com
ENSCO Rail is a wholly owned subsidiary of ENSCO, Inc.

For more than 40 years, Amberg Technologies has been one of

the leading providers of systems and solutions for railway and
tunnel surveying.

Our tailor-made products and services combine innovative

technology with our experience from hundreds of successfully
implemented projects worldwide.

With the combined knowledge of the Amberg Group, new

technologies such as machine learning and working methods
such as BIM, we are shaping the digital future.



We’re attend

Increase trackbed maintenance

intervals by more than 25 times
■ Proven performance ■ No specialist equipment required
■ Improved track quality ■ TrackTex G: Additional

■ Durable in extreme reinforcement with added

conditions geogrid now available

< Track & Infrastructure

Performance You Can Trust, Reinforcement

Where It’s Needed

T rackTex – The Anti-

Pumping Geocomposite
TrackTex is a patented, anti-
pumping geocomposite. The
result of more than a decade of
savings that come with it. Some of
the world’s leading operators have
already installed TrackTex as a spot
research by trackbed engineers, treatment. These include Network
Amongst the headaches faced by its unique filter system improves Rail (UK), ProRail (Netherlands),
rail operators and contractors are trackbed quality over time. It’s been Norfolk Southern, Union Pacific,
issues caused by problem areas of proven to significantly increase Canadian National, Canadian Pacific
ballast contamination in trackbeds. maintenance intervals – by more (USA/Canada), amongst others.
One solution is re-ballasting – than 25 times.
however this is only successful for There’s now more than 8 million
a limited period and the problem
will resurface. The cost implication
A Solution with a square feet of TrackTex installed
within Europe, Australia and the
of regular, ongoing maintenance Worldwide Track Record United States to date – a statistic
is significant but can be avoided which speaks volumes about its
with a specialist solution to mud Globally, the rail industry has been efficacy. Site monitoring across
pumping in place. And this is where actively using TrackTex since 2010 a number of key sites has also
TrackTex comes in. – and enjoying the significant cost resulted in clear evidence of

TrackTex success. It’s now accepted
as the most cost-effective way of
preventing and correcting mud

Geotechnical Solutions
pumping failure by many rail

TrackTex +
Geogrid: Additional
Reinforcement, Long-
Term Reassurance
Not all ballast contamination is
equal – and some trackbeds face
more serious issues, calling for
additional reinforcement. With
this problem in mind, a version it’s a proven solution to problems Rob Hepworth, Sector Manager at
of TrackTex has been developed faced by rail operators. GEOFabrics explains, “TrackTex is
that incorporates a geogrid on the go-to solution for preventing
top – TrackTex G. This is a specialist GEOfabrics’s Dutch partner and the migration of subgrade fines
solution for areas of track with a distributor of TrackTex, Alom, has on a trackbed. In combination
low bearing capacity. recently experienced an increased with a Geogrid, this provides
use of TrackTex G with ProRail in the reinforcement to the subgrade. Out
So How Does TrackTex G Netherlands – not just in problem
areas but across other projects. For
of the four geosynthetic functions
required on a trackbed, TrackTex G
Work? areas with pumping issues, TrackTex performs them all in one product,
G not only prevents fine particle giving users and engineers peace of
There are three main functions migration but the addition of the mind that no geotechnical failure
of TrackTex, when it’s used geogrid mitigates the risk of failure, will occur.”
between ballast and the due to low CBR, providing additional
subgrade: separation, filtration peace of mind. Find Out More Here:
and drainage.

TrackTex G takes it a step further

Solving a Stability Issue
through adding reinforcement. in the US
The geogrid provides additional
strength to soils to enable ballast In Detroit Lakes, MN, a frequently- Get in touch for more details
to be constructed over weak and trafficked diamond crossing,
variable soils. Geogrid installed over operated by Canadian Pacific and Europe, Asia & Africa
unstable subgrades may eliminate BNSF, had experienced frequent
the necessity to replace this soil, fouling because of mud-pumping Rob Hepworth
increasing the load-bearing capacity – this led to a weakened track [email protected]
of the system by distributing the modulus. +44 7836 723 805
stress more evenly.
The use of a geogrid above the
USA & Canada
The geogrid’s properties and anti-pumping geocomposite was
composition provide long-term incorporated to provide additional Eric Littel
resistance to mechanical and stability, prior to placing new ballast [email protected]
chemical degradation – even under – all installed without the need for +1(704) 954-4927
aggressive conditions. This is why specialist equipment.



High performance rubber material BASE PLATE PADS
for long-life tracks.
Suitable for all modes of rail traffic

Covering a wide range of stiffnesses USM 2000-3000 USM 4000

For highly effective mass-spring-systems and

low maintenance ballasted tracks

Waterproof and resistant against weathering

Good insulation against stray currents CIPROTEC SERIES CIPROTEC G 1015


InnoTrans 2022
Hall 25, Stand no. 130

Get in touch
Calenberg Ingenieure GmbH
Am Knübel 2-4 | 31020 Salzhemmendorf Germany | Tel. + 49 51 53 – 94 00-0 | [email protected] | www.calenberg-ingenieure.de
A LISEGA Group Company
< Track & Infrastructure

Geotechnical Solutions
Special Elastomer Materials for Railway Superstructures

T he Calenberg product
range comprises special
elastomer materials made
complex. The mass-spring-system
achieves a natural frequency of
11Hz, meets the specifications and
provides optimal protection.
from high-grade natural
and synthetic rubbers for The realisation of the Nieuwegein
various fields of application city project includes the
construction of about 2000 new
in building construction and
flats, a tram and bus stop, space
rail infrastructure. for gastronomy, new walking

and cycling paths and many

Calenberg products improve the intelligent green and sustainable The Ciprotec range is range of
quality of life by protecting against solutions. This will make the city under-ballast mats for the isolation
traffic effects such as vibrations and healthier, livelier, greener and more of track superstructures for all
structure-borne noise. Vibrations sustainable. sorts of rail traffic modes. The top
are perceptible oscillations features of this new product series
that are not only disturbing to Another project for Calenberg in are the protection of both ballast
human beings but may also lead the Netherlands this year is the from early wear and surfaces of
to disturbance and damage to supply of several thousand square structures against damage from
apparatus or other installations metres of Ciprotec 6018, one type ballast stones, longevity, easy
in buildings. Structure-borne of the new Ciprotec range. It will be maintenance, environmental
sound can radiate in a building supplied to various ProRail projects. friendliness and cost-effectiveness.
as secondary airborne sound and
considerably influence people’s well-

One of the top products for meeting

the purposes described above is
the durable and maintenance-
free USM 1000 W which has just
recently been installed two-layered
over an area of 500sqm in the city
of Nieuwegein, Netherlands, in a
mass-spring-system below a switch
complex, as vibration protection for
a noise-sensitive residential area
close to tram traffic.The intention is
to protect future high-rise buildings
from vibrations caused by passing
trains travelling over this switch

< Track & Infrastructure

High-Yield Geophysical / Geotechnical Characterisation of

Existing Railway Tracks

S ol Solution (geotechnical
consultancy) has
developed innovative
world. Most track is ballasted, old
and has been maintained and partly
renewed to mainly meet the change
track characterisation based on
the coupled use of geophysical
and geotechnical tests, providing
of rolling stock (from steam train the asset manager with key
methodologies and tools to diesel, to electric) and safety point indicators helping with the
for stealth geophysical / standards. optimisation of the maintenance /
geotechnical investigations, renewal strategy. This methodology
Given the extent of these existing complies with all the constraints
to help ballasted track
networks and the global trend of revenue service lines (limited
infrastructure managers towards increasing capacity and possession time, difficult access,
with maintenance / renewal safety, the asset manager needs non-destructive testing etc.)
planning on revenue service decision-making support for
lines. maintenance / renewal programmes Fig.1 – GPR Setup and
taking into account existing Pandoscope® Test
substructure features such as
Rail is the most sustainable mode geotechnical properties. First, we would set up continuous
of transport in these trying monitoring of the railway
times of climate change. Railway To address this new need of the substructure thanks to GPR
infrastructure is widely spread out industry, Sol Solution has developed acquisition that could be run
in many developed countries of the a new methodology for railway at more than 80km/h. The data

Fig 1

processing would provide the
location of homogeneous and
poor conditions sections (humidity,

Geotechnical Solutions
fouling, mud…).

These locations would be crossed

with geometry and maintenance
information to build up a sounding

The geotechnical characterisation is

done with the Pandoscope® which
is the combination of PANDA® and
Fig 3
Geoendoscopy®, both of which are
very light and unintrusive devices
(cf. fig.1). The left-hand window shows the conjunction with other metrics
stratigraphy of the track layers (geometry, hydrogeology etc.)
The dynamic penetration test (thickness, nature and hydric state). to make recommendations for
PANDA® provides resistances, maintenance / renewal works, and
whereas geoendoscopy® provides Fig.2 – Pandoscope® Results to design the renewed track.
precise information on the nature
and state of the tested soils These localised results are Advanced analysis, such as image-
(thickness of the layers, type of soil, reinjected and correlated with GPR based grain size distribution,
GSD...). analysis in order to provide the final can help with ballast return rate
continuous information to the asset assessments for more sustainable
Once the pandoscope data has manager (cf. fig.3). ballast management and a
been processed, the results can be substantial economy.
presented as follows (cf.fig.2): the
Fig.3 – GPR Results
right-hand graph shows the This methodology has been used in
evolution of the PANDA® cone more than 10 countries for a total of
resistance according to depths. These results are used, in 5,000km of tracks investigated and
more than 100,000 Pandoscope®

Click or scan the QR code to find

out more about Sol Solution


+33 (0)6 85 93 55 68
[email protected]
Fig 2


Track & Infrastructure Maintenance & Equipment

< Track & Infrastructure

Complete Composite
Systems (CCS)

T rackside cable troughing

is made easy thanks to
the flexible ARCOSYSTEM®.
Manufactured from pultruded
fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP), the
lightweight composite troughing
or even roadside barriers.

Secured by bespoke laser-cut steel

allows for height and directional bracketry, ARCOSYSTEM® can also
adjustments to be made with ease span six metres between supports,
Installing cable troughing alongside when running it along complex allowing for swift and cost-effective
a railway line is often made more routes. installation compared to ground-
challenging due to an obstacle- based alternatives.
laden route or inconvenient Designed to be adaptable so it
trackside access. However, with
ARCOSYSTEM® — Complete
can be successfully installed in a
variety of challenging settings
Navigating Bridges? No
Composite Systems’s versatile and circumstances, ARCOSYSTEM® Problem!
elevated cable management can be post-mounted, wall-hung
product — any installation job runs or attached to an assortment of ARCOSYSTEM® was recently chosen
much smoother. lineside structures such as bridges to be the cable management

system for a batch of tricky jobs
running across a number of bridges
around the city of Darmstadt, near
Frankfurt in Germany.

The cluster of projects presented

several practical installation
issues to solve, including having
to mount the cable troughing
atop a long run of ballast boards
and designing a ‘river jump’ of
more than ten metres. As can be
seen in the images, the adjustable
ARCOSYSTEM® proved it can be
successfully attached to different
styles of bridges in a diverse range
of locations.

Another project required cable

troughing to be fitted across a
towering viaduct in the German ski
resort of Willingen-Upland. With
no room to lay down concrete
and a limited working area for
operatives along the bridge, our
specialist narrower elevated version
of ARCOSYSTEM® was the ideal
solution for a space-constricted job
in a soaring setting.

Innovative Solution

In a further example, the dexterity

of ARCOSYSTEM® was put to the
test during a recent project in the
German town of Gössnitz.

The job required the installation

of a lengthy run of ARCOSYSTEM®
trackside. Gössnitz, located 40 miles
south of Leipzig, is at the junction of
three railway lines and is known for
having one of the longest platforms
in the country at 608 metres.
Gaining convenient trackside access
for the job was extremely difficult,
and after thorough planning it was
decided that the best strategy
would be to fasten the cable
troughing to a line of balustrades

serving as roadside barriers as the
route led to the railway station in Contact the experienced technical experts at Complete Composite
town. The images of the job show Systems, the product’s exclusive UK distributor, for enquiries and
just how adaptable ARCOSYSTEM® advice on how ARCOSYSTEM® can safely contain the cabling for your
can be, and how the bespoke rail application:
range of brackets can secure the
troughing to a variety of surfaces.

Robust and Secure

Being constructed from durable Complete Composite Systems Ltd

materials, ARCOSYSTEM® is
resistant to water, fire, corrosion, UV 503 Broadway, Letchworth, Hertfordshire, SG6 3PT
rays and a wide range of chemicals, +44 1462 659 876 or +44 7860 147863
offering long-term reliability in [email protected]
all weathers. Its constant working
temperature range of -40˚C to The exclusive UK stockist of TECHNO-CRETE® is Scott Parnell:
+80˚C allows it to withstand intense
heat or extreme freeze-thaw cycles.

Electrically insulating, the twin-

walled design of the troughing
enables the system to resist
lateral forces from embankment Scott Parnell Rail Division
subsidence, high snow loads and
wind effects from high-speed trains. Asheton Farm Business Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, RM4 1JU
+44 208 8055797
ARCOSYSTEM® carries cable [email protected]
loads of up to 90kg/m. With four
different trough sizes available, it ARCOSYSTEM® is manufactured by CCS’s Swiss partners, Castioni
safely contains the likes of power, Kabelführungssysteme GmbH
signal and high-voltage cables, with
a new shallower cell — branded
SizeZERO® — specially designed to
protect thin fibreoptic data cables,
helping to boost trackside digital

Together with you, Goldschmidt masters all challenges of modern, railbound
mobility – for safe, sustainable and long-lasting railways of premium quality.
Goldschmidt offers a comprehensive range of products and services worldwide for
the joining of rails, modern construction of railway track, and inspection and main-
tenance of your track infrastructure. The unique global network of experts gives
you access to the international range of products and services of Goldschmidt –
right where you are, via your local contact person, backed by the power of the
entire group.

InnoTrans · Berlin · 20 – 23 September 2022

Meet us: Hall 25/Stand 485 · Outdoor Display O/175

Track & Infrastructure Maintenance & Equipment
< Track & Infrastructure

Soundim’s Modular Design Makes Sound
Barrier Installation Quick and Easy

S oundim’s noise barriers

have been developed to
speed up installation, saving
Modular Design Swift and Easy
This is due to a number of unique
rail operators both time and features, including the barriers’ Installing a Soundim noise barrier
money. modular design, which enables takes only three steps:
installation in three easy steps,
Soundim manufactures award- as well as providing a flexible, • Installing the fixing poles
winning low-height barriers that customisable solution. • Connecting the pile heads and
reduce railway noise without base to the poles
restricting passenger views. “Our barriers are like Lego pieces • Fixing the barrier elements on
you can put together in whatever top of that with bolts
The company’s products can be form you’d like – they’re modular
installed much faster and easier so you can add them together to The simple, modular design of
than traditional noise barriers, create a solution that suits you,” Soundim’s products enables rail
saving customers time and money. says Tero Lepistö, Soundim CEO. operators to overcome many of the

challenges related to traditional the two and four-metre length including tram and subway systems.
noise barrier installation. barrier components easy to move
and slot into place. They work across all track
“They are very easy to install conditions and structures, and are
compared to conventional sound “The fence blocks are lightweight suitable for use on:
barriers,” says Tuomo Viitala, an enough that two people can carry
inspector who worked closely with and mount these easily, without the • Varying and difficult terrain
Soundim on the approval of its need of a machine,” Lepistö points • Curved tracks
barriers by the Finnish Transport out. • Bridges
Authority. • Any structures with special
Their low weight also makes the fixtures
“No landscaping or foundation barriers ideal for installation in
work is needed as barriers can
be installed directly into existing
challenging environments, such
as those with limited access or
Maintenance Simplified
ballast. This means rail operators hilly terrain, as they are easier to
don’t need to acquire extra land or transport than their traditional Soundim has also factored in
investigate ground conditions, plus counterparts. the maintenance needs of rail
barriers can be installed alongside operators by incorporating a
operational railway tracks, avoiding Finally, if for any reason part of hinge mechanism into its product
unnecessary downtime.” the barrier needs to be moved or design. This allows the barriers to
removed, it’s as simple as taking be individually lowered or even
No heavy construction takes place out the relevant components and removed, and provides easy access
either. The barrier is fastened removing the poles. These can then to the integrated cable channels.
directly into the trackbed with only be reinstalled and reconstructed
metal fixing poles and the use of when and wherever needed. “This is one of our unique features,”
lightweight drills. says Jukka Näräkkä, Head of
Suitable for All Rail Business Development at Soundim.
Lightweight Projects
“Its flexibility means you can lower
the barrier without having to
Components dismantle it, which is very useful in
The noise barriers’ modular design case there’s a need for maintenance
This is in part thanks to the use of also means they are well suited to work, or a large shipment travelling
lightweight materials, which make any rail project – new or retrofit – through.”

Benefits of Soundim “It’s a pleasure to work with
Soundim, it’s effortless and
Find Out How Soundim
Noise Barriers rewarding. So much time has been Can Help You
spent perfecting the design of the
Clearly, Soundim’s product design product that the barriers are very Soundim is keen to hear from
minimises the time, costs and simple and quick to install. We call it any rail operators interested in
downtime rail operators face when ‘big boy Lego’,” he laughs. discussing how the company could
installing noise barriers along their create a bespoke rail noise barrier
network. “We have worked together on solution to fit their specific needs.
several rail projects, the latest
“With Soundim barriers you can being Lauritsala station in For more information on Soundim
protect an area from railway noise southeast Finland. Here it took and its railway noise barriers, please
in a matter of weeks, compared us approximately two days to visit www.soundim.fi/.
to months if you were installing a install all the pillars, and within
conventional solution,” says Viitala. two weeks we had installed all the
barrier components, completed the
“For example, when we worked finishing work and handed over the
on the Helsinki Ring project, project.”
we installed approximately 200
metres of barrier per day with just
one machine and a crew of four,”
highlights Näräkkä.

Mikko Kelavaara, Unit Manager at

Lisäpalvelu, has worked closely with
Soundim for several years, installing
noise barriers for many of the
manufacturer’s customers.

< Track & Infrastructure

Roxtec GH transit for casting or bolting

Complete Sealing Solutions for Rail Infrastructure

Continued from p.63 protection is not only a matter without disrupting operations –
of ensuring long-term operation. making it easy to ensure efficiency

When water leaks in, revenue leaks and operational reliability in both
he Roxtec sealing system out. new construction and retrofit
for cables, conduits projects. The Roxtec system
and pipes is used in many When rats bite, communication is saves time at each stage of the
countries in traction power broken and travellers cannot buy project process and further during
tickets anymore. Signalling shelters maintenance and expansion, since
substations, cable trenches,
need protection to ensure there spare capacity to add new cables is
railway stations, tunnels, are no accidents and to avoid costly built in from the start.
shelters and cabinets along downtime. With Roxtec solutions,
the tracks. equipment is also protected against
Scan the QR code below for
electromagnetic interference and
contact details
The seals are fire rated and can vibration.
shield an area against smoke, gas,
water ingress, humidity and dust Roxtec seals meet safety
while assuring protection from requirements for flammability,
rodents, vibration, cable pull and smoke emission and toxicity for
also current surge. rail and service tunnels as well as
for railway stations. The seals can
Rail engineering is focused on be installed around existing cables
ensuring safe operations with
large investments going into the
railways – and there are also the
climate change challenges we must
prepare for with various types of
flooding posing an increased risk
and triggering associated costs.
There are reliable ways to seal cable,
conduit and pipe penetrations and
thereby secure operations – and
avoid expensive damage. Improving
Roxtec solutions for underground foundations in all infrastructure

Supplier Spotlight
Supplier Hall & Stand

3A Composites Mobility Hall 2.2 Stand 250

3M Hall 8.2 Stand 380
ADLINK Technology Inc. Hall 7.1b Stand 310
Amberg Technologies Hall 25 Stand 455
Amest s.r.o Hall 20 Stand 640
Antonics GmbH Hall 4.1 Stand 860
Artex Hall 11.2 Stand 260
ASC Sensors Hall 27 Stand 691
AUWEKO GmbH Hall 7.1a Stand 110
Bender UK Hall 9 Stand 349
Bosch Engineering GmbH Hall 20 Stand 320
British Steel Hall 21 Stand 240
BvL Oberflächentechnik GmbH Hall 6.2 Stand 430
Calenberg Ingenieure Hall 25 Stand 130
Camira Fabrics Hall 1.1 Stand 570
Cisco Hall 7.1b Stand 230
Corex Honeycomb Hall 3.1 Stand 291
Cummins Inc. Hall 18 Stand 380
Daktronics Hall 2.1 Stand 870
Damm Cellular Systems A/S Hall 4.1 Stand 635
Derby Rubber Hall 21 Stand 237
Dowaldwerke GmbH Hall 1.1 Stand 470
Dürr Technik GmbH & Co.KG Hall 1.2 Stand 680
ENSCO Rail Hall 25 Stand 100
epsotech Holding GmbH Hall 3.1 Stand 200
Euroguarco Group Hall 3.1 Stand 570

Evident/OLYMPUS Hall 23 Stand 960
FFG Werke GmbH Hall 22 Stand 730
Finnblast Oy Hall 6.2 Stand 200
FinnProfiles Hall 3.1 Stand 512
FRÄNKISCHE Industrial Pipes Hall 15.1 Stand 380
Frauscher Sensor Technology Hall 27 Stand 270
Hall 4.2 Stand 150p
FreiLacke Hall 8.1 Stand 300
Frequentis Hall 4.1 Stand 450
Globe Scott Motors Pvt. Ltd. Hall 24 Stand 500
Goldschmidt Hall 25 Stand 500
griwecolor Hall 8.1 Stand 300
Gruppo Bonomi Hall 22 Stand 250
HAKEL Hall 9 Stand 255
Handheld Group AB Hall 6.1 Stand 102
Harsco Rail Hall 25 Stand 555
Hedemora Turbo & Diesel AB Hall 18 Stand 225
Henkel Hall 8.2 Stand 395
Holmatro Hall 23 Stand 770
HÜBNER Hall 1.2 Stand 120
IGW Hall 20 Stand 460
Industrilas Hall 3.1 Stand 460
INPS Group Hall 8.2 Stand 480
intreXis AG Hall 17 Stand 165
KONČAR Hall 3.2 Stand 470
Lantal Textiles Hall 1.1 Stand 380
LiveEO GmbH Hall 7.1a Stand 440
Mankiewicz Hall 8.2 Stand 230
Masats Hall 3.1 Stand 360
Mechan Hall 2.2 Stand 230
Miner Enterprises, Inc. Hall 9 Stand 550
MöllerWerke Hall 3.1 Stand 662
Multitel ASBL Hall A, CityCube Stand 150
Netskrt Systems Inc. Hall 6.1 Stand 113
netwiss Hall 5.1 Stand 242

NEXCOM International Co., Ltd. Hall 4.1 Stand 310
Nexeya Canada – A Hensoldt Company Hall 6.1 Stand 235
NEXTSENSE GmbH Hall 23 Stand 560
Nokia Hall 4.1 Stand 360
Nomad Digital Hall 4.1 Stand 260
Pandrol Hall 23 Stand 250
PaxLife Innovations Hall B, CityCube Stand 200
Perrone Performance Leathers and Textiles Hall 1.1 Stand 800
Petrosoft.pl Hall 6.1 Stand 120
Pfaff Verkehrstechnik GmbH Hall 1.2 Stand 440
Polarteknik Hall 3.1 Stand 730
PowerRail Hall 18 Stand 170
Premium Power Supplies Hall 17 Stand 110
PSI Repair Services Hall 6.2 Stand 861
Radionika Ltd. Hall 7.1b Stand 425
Rail Vision Ltd Hall 9 Stand 455
ROBEL Hall 26 Stand 470
Roxtec International AB Hall 15.1 Stand 255
Hall 22 Stand 280
Seisenbacher GmbH Hall 1.1 Stand 580
SENSIT s.r.o Hall 27 Stand 701
Skeleton Technologies Hall 7.2b Stand 200
SKF Hall 22 Stand 670
Sol Solution Hall 5.2 Stand 415
Specialinsert srl Hall 8.1 Stand 455
Sqills Hall 27 Stand 230
Stäubli Electrical Connectors Hall 12 Stand 350
STIMIO Hall 11.2 Stand 270
TECHNO-ELEC Hall 11.2 Stand 270
Televic GSP Hall 2.1 Stand 510
Hall 4.2 Stand 150f
Texat decor engineering AG Hall 1.1 Stand 640
Texelis Hall 20 Stand 570
Treadmaster Flooring Hall 3.1 Stand 820
TSL-ESCHA GmbH Hall 27 Stand 480
U-Lift Hall 3.1 Stand 732

VR FleetCare Hall 6.2 Stand 617
Výzkumný Ústav Železniční (VUZ) Hall 27 Stand 551
Wavetrain Systems AS Hall 22 Stand 120
Wikov Hall 20 Stand 340
Witt Solutions GmbH Hall B, CityCube Stand 220
Yellow Window Hall 2.2 Stand 610
Zetica Rail Hall 5.2 Stand 870
ZF Group Hall 20 Stand 580
ZÖLLNER Signal GmbH Hall 25 Stand 565
Zonegreen Hall 2.2 Stand 230

Outdoor Displays
Supplier Outdoor Display

3M Outdoor Display O/1

Camira Fabrics Outdoor Display O/1
Goldschmidt Outdoor Display O/17
Harsco Rail Outdoor Display O/188
Outdoor Display T02/80
HÜBNER Outdoor Display O/1
Outdoor Display O/220
KONČAR Outdoor Display O/390
ROBEL Outdoor Display O3/68
Outdoor Display O3/70
Outdoor Display O3/75
Outdoor Display T02/70
Outdoor Display T03/70
Outdoor Display T03/75

Thank you for reading Issue Three 2022 of
the Railway-News magazine.

Visit our website to keep up to date with

the rail sector.

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