19eee114 hw4

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19EEE114 Electronic Circuits

Home Work #4 Due Date: 13 April 2020

Q1. For the n-channel MOS transistor shown below,

the threshold voltage VTH is 0.8V. Neglect channel
length modulation effects. When the drain voltage VD
= 1.6 V, the drain current ID was found to be 0.5 mA. If
VD is adjusted to be 2V by changing the values of R
and VDD, determine the new value of ID.

Q5. Consider the circuit shown below where VD1 = 4 V

and ID1 = 0.4 mA. Assume that Q1 and Q2 are identical
with W/L = 2, µn Cox = 100 µA/V . Find the drain
current and voltage of Q2. Assume λ = 0.

Q2. Consider the MOSFET in circuit shown below,

with W/L=2, VDD = 2V, µnCox = 100µA/V and Vtn = 0.5
V. Find the value of Vin required to switch the
MOSFET from saturation region to linear region.

Q6. Design the circuit shown below so that the

transistor operates at ID = 0.4 mA and VD = 1V. The
NMOS transistor has Vt = 2 V, µnCox = 20 mA/V ,
L = 10 µm and W = 400 µm. Assume λ = 0.

Q3. For the circuit show below with MOSFET, the

channel length modulation is small i.e. λ is negligible.
The transistor operates in saturation at ID=I and
|VGS|=|VDS|=3 V. Find the voltage Vo.

Q7. When the gate-to-source voltage (VGS) of a

MOSFET with threshold voltage of 400 mV, working
in saturation is 900 mV and the drain current is
observed to be 1 mA. Neglecting the channel width
Q4. For the circuit show below with MOSFET, the modulation effect and assuming that the MOSFET is
channel length modulation is small i.e. λ is negligible. operating at saturation, determine the drain current for
The transistor operates in saturation at ID=I and an applied VGS of 1400 mV.
|VGS|=|VDS|=3 V. Find the voltage Vo.

2019 – 2020 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore.
19EEE114 Electronic Circuits
Home Work #4 Due Date: 13 April 2020
Q8. The parameters of the transistor are kn = 0.5 Q10. A discrete common source MOSFET amplifier
mA/V , Vtn = 1.2 V and λ = 0. Further, the bias
with drain-to-gate feedback biasing arrangement is
currents is IQ = 50 μA. Determine VGS and VDS for the shown below. The transistor has Vt = 1.5 V,
circuit. µnCox(W/L) = 0.25 mA/V , and VA = 50 V.
a) Find the operating point of the biasing
b) Draw the small signal equivalent circuit and
determine its parameters.
c) Determine the small signal voltage gain.

Q9. The NMOS transistors in the circuit shown below

have L1 = L2 = L3= 1 μm, μnCox = 120 μA/V , Vt = 1 V.

Find the required values of gate width for each of Q1,

Q2 and Q3 to obtain the voltage and current values


2019 – 2020 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore.

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