Mosfet Basics Slides

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Physics of MOS Transistors

 Structure of MOSFET

 Operation of MOSFET

 MOS Device Models

 PMOS Transistor

 CMOS Technology

Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Capacitor

 The MOS structure can be thought of as a parallel-plate

capacitor, with the top plate being the positive plate, oxide
being the dielectric, and Si substrate being the negative
plate. (We are assuming P-substrate.)
Structure and Symbol of MOSFET

 This device is symmetric, so either of the n+ regions can be

source or drain.
State of the Art MOSFET Structure

 The gate is formed by polysilicon, and the insulator by

Silicon dioxide.
Formation of Channel

 First, the holes are repelled by the positive gate voltage,

leaving behind negative ions and forming a depletion
region. Next, electrons are attracted to the interface,
creating a channel (“inversion layer”).
Voltage-Dependent Resistor

 The inversion channel of a MOSFET can be seen as a

 Since the charge density inside the channel depends on the
gate voltage, this resistance is also voltage-dependent.
Voltage-Controlled Attenuator

 As the gate voltage decreases, the output drops because

the channel resistance increases.
 This type of gain control finds application in cell phones to
avoid saturation near base stations.
CH 6 Physics of MOS Transistors 7
MOSFET Characteristics

 The MOS characteristics are measured by varying VG while

keeping VD constant, and varying VD while keeping VG
 (d) shows the voltage dependence of channel resistance.
L and tox Dependence

 Small gate length and oxide thickness yield low channel

resistance, which will increase the drain current.
Effect of W

 As the gate width increases, the current increases due to a

decrease in resistance. However, gate capacitance also
increases thus, limiting the speed of the circuit.
 An increase in W can be seen as two devices in parallel.
CH 6 Physics of MOS Transistors 10
Channel Potential Variation

 Since there’s a channel resistance between drain and

source, and if drain is biased higher than the source,
channel potential increases from source to drain, and the
potential between gate and channel will decrease from
source to drain.
Channel Pinch-Off

 As the potential difference between drain and gate becomes more

positive, the inversion layer beneath the interface starts to pinch off
around drain.
 When VD – VG = Vth, the channel at drain totally pinches off, and when
VD – VG > Vth, the channel length starts to decrease.
Channel Charge Density

Q  WCox (VGS  VTH )

 The channel charge density is equal to the gate

capacitance times the gate voltage in excess of the
threshold voltage.
CH 6 Physics of MOS Transistors 13
Charge Density at a Point

Q( x)  WCox VGS  V ( x)  VTH 

 Let x be a point along the channel from source to drain, and
V(x) its potential; the expression above gives the charge
density (per unit length).
Charge Density and Current

I  Qv

 The current that flows from source to drain (electrons) is

related to the charge density in the channel by the charge
CH 6 Physics of MOS Transistors 15
Drain Current

v   n
dV ( x)
I D  WCox VGS  V ( x)  VTH  n
I D   nCox 2(VGS  VTH )VDS  VDS2 
1 W
2 L

Parabolic ID-VDS Relationship

 By keeping VG constant and varying VDS, we obtain a

parabolic relationship.
 The maximum current occurs when VDS equals to VGS- VTH.
ID-VDS for Different Values of VGS

I D ,max  VGS  VTH 


CH 6 Physics of MOS Transistors 18

Linear Resistance

Ron 
 nCox VGS  VTH 
 At small VDS, the transistor can be viewed as a resistor,
with the resistance depending on the gate voltage.
 It finds application as an electronic switch.
Application of Electronic Switches

 In a cordless telephone system in which a single antenna is

used for both transmission and reception, a switch is used
to connect either the receiver or transmitter to the antenna.
CH 6 Physics of MOS Transistors 20
Effects of On-Resistance

 To minimize signal attenuation, Ron of the switch has to be

as small as possible. This means larger W/L aspect ratio
and greater VGS.
Different Regions of Operation

CH 6 Physics of MOS Transistors 22

How to Determine ‘Region of Operation’

 When the potential difference between gate and drain is

greater than VTH, the MOSFET is in triode region.
 When the potential difference between gate and drain
becomes equal to or less than VTH, the MOSFET enters
saturation region.
Triode or Saturation?

 When the region of operation is not known, a region is

assumed (with an intelligent guess). Then, the final
answer is checked against the assumption.

CH 6 Physics of MOS Transistors 24

Channel-Length Modulation

1 W
I D   nCox VGS  VTH  1  VDS 

2 L
 The original observation that the current is constant in the
saturation region is not quite correct. The end point of the
channel actually moves toward the source as V D increases,
increasing ID. Therefore, the current in the saturation region
is a weak function of the drain voltage.
 and L

 Unlike the Early voltage in BJT, the channel- length

modulation factor can be controlled by the circuit designer.
 For long L, the channel-length modulation effect is less
than that of short L.

W W 2I D
g m   n Cox VGS  VTH  g m  2  n Cox ID gm 

 Transconductance is a measure of how strong the drain

current changes when the gate voltage changes.
 It has three different expressions.
Doubling of gm Due to Doubling W/L

 If W/L is doubled, effectively two equivalent transistors are

added in parallel, thus doubling the current (if VGS-VTH is
constant) and hence gm.
Small-Signal Model

ro 
I D
 When the bias point is not perturbed significantly, small-
signal model can be used to facilitate calculations.
 To represent channel-length modulation, an output
resistance is inserted into the model.

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