Essay Writing

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Stage Time Competences Teacher’s actions Pupil’s actions Methods and Patterns of
techniques classroom

1 Organization 1 min To get Greeting the students. Greeting the teacher. Dialogue T-S-S. Teacher
organized and 1. Hello my dear friends! Have a 1. Good morning! Choral response invited to the
ready for the seat , please! Morning! dialog more than
lesson Hello! one student.
2. Roll call. It is great to see you!
What day is today?
What date is today? 2. Students have
their seats.
3. Students answer
the question and name
who is absent.

2 Warm-up 3 min To form of a 1. Now, let us remember what our Students answer Discussion T-S-S. Teacher
positive homework was? the question invited to the
motivation for discussion more
learning than one student.
3 Teaching 6 min
-Now, look at the blackboard. There is a
writing -To be able to -The students look at Reading Teacher/ student
word there. What the word is? Right, its
write an essay the blackboard, answer Explanation
the word Essay. What do you know
Pre-writing in English. that it is a diary. Writing
about the essay? What from is it
Pupil write down all the
consisted? Right, we have 3 parts of the
unknown words and ask
essay: Introduction, main part and
some questions if
something is not clear.
Do you know some secrets that can help
you to write a good essay?
Ok, first one is not to try to write an
essay in a minute, calm down, think
what do you want to write in your essay,
make some notes. Remember that your
first version of the essay might not be
the best one.
2 Start your essay with the main part,
finish it and only then, write the
introduction and conclusion.
3 Revise your 1st draft essay, it may
include a lot of repetitions and mistakes.
And now, some more additional
information about reading, do you know
that there exist at least 3 types of reading
that are used at school and during the
Its skimming fast reading, its used to
find answers on general questions.
Scanning – reading in order to find the
answers on questions, if we use it we
either reread the text and search the
specific information, or we read the tasks
at 1st and only after this we read the text.
Intensive reading reading when we read
the text attentively and pay attentions to

While-writing 30-40 To teach the

-Dear students, as you remember we
minutes students to The students write the Writing Individual work
have read the text on previous lesson and
write the essays
today you should write an essay on it
Post-writing 30 To check the The students read their Reading S-t
And now, we will read our essays aloud
minutes essays essays
one after another

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