An Ounce of Prevention - Cybersecurity and The CPI

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Feature Report

An Ounce of Prevention:
Cybersecurity and the CPI
As the frequency and sophistication of industrial cyberattacks continue to rise,
chemical companies can follow guidance from industry and government directives to
help define their organization’s specific cyber-risk profile

Matthew Baker
and Rachel ybersecurity risk is a key topic for also result in the theft of proprietary infor-
Ehlers all companies, due, in part, to re- mation, such as chemical formulations,
Baker Botts, L.L.P. cent high-profile incidents and a customer data or personal information, and
heightened focus from regulatory ultimately cause significant damage — sys-
agencies. This is of particular importance tem damage, reputational damage or even
to industrial sectors that use technology for physical damage or safety risks, depending
automation, control and information storage. on the process. Threat actors see CPI or-
IN BRIEF Critical infrastructure sectors have increas- ganizations as high-value targets precisely
THE RISE OF ingly become the targets of cyberattacks because of the potential cost, both financial
CYBERSECURITY and cyber espionage, and it is now even and reputational, to the owner or operator
CONCERNS more imperative for organizations in the should production stop or sensitive data
chemical process industries (CPI) to identify be stolen.
individualized cyber-risk profiles and ensure Furthermore, although cyber incidents are
appropriate safeguards are in place relative becoming more sophisticated, the tools and
CYBERATTACKS IN THE to those risks. As the saying goes: an ounce tactics that attackers use to access sys-
CPI of [cyber] prevention is worth a pound of tems remain relatively constant. Some of the
INDUSTRY LAWS AND [cyber] cure. most common attack vectors include: social
STANDARDS engineering attacks, such as email phish-
The rise of cybersecurity concerns ing; exploiting unpatched software vulner-
Though all industries face some degree abilities; and compromising remote desktop
of cyber risk, the chemicals sector carries protocols or other external-facing network
KEY TAKEAWAYS unique vulnerabilities. Computer-based au- ports. Nevertheless, a few troubling trends
tomated industrial control systems (ICS) are are emerging. For example, upon gaining ac-
widely used by chemical plant owners and cess to a system, threat actors often spend
operators to manage and run their facili- considerable time dormant and undetected,
ties. Malicious actors, be they nation states, often gaining intelligence on system architec-
business rivals or cy-
bercriminals intent on
blackmail, are deploying
a range of tools — both
new and old, common
and extraordinary — to
exploit vulnerabilities re-
sulting from increased
i n t e rc o n n e c t e d n e s s
between operational
technology (OT) and
information technology
(IT) systems (Figure 1).
Successful exploita-
tion of these vulner-
abilities can create
business disruptions
and inhibit the use of FIGURE 1. The increasingly interconnected nature of CPI facilities and global enterprises
equipment. They can can introduce potential vulnerabilities for cyber threats
ture and preparing sensitive data for
exfiltration. In recent incidents, threat
actors have sold stolen data outright
to competitors. In other cases, the
threat actors use the data as lever-
age for a ransom payment.
At the same time, the current reg-
ulatory framework intended to sup-
port the CPI against cyberthreats is
under question. Critics argue that
the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism
Standards (CFATS), the federal regu-
lations specific to the chemicals sec-
tor (which have not been updated
since their adoption in 2007), do
not adequately reflect the current
risk landscape.
For example, there is nothing in FIGURE 2. Chemical companies can be attractive targets for cyberattacks because of the potential for
the CFATS addressing email phish- high-value ransom demands, including the threat of production disruption or sensitive data exposure
ing campaigns. In fact, a 2020 audit
by the U.S. Government Account- assets and smart supply chains). functions at the plant level, includ-
ability Office (GAO) found that chem- Computer-based, automated ICS ing service engineering, are now
ical facilities are more vulnerable to are widely used by chemical com- routinely done remotely through
cyberattacks simply because they panies to manage and operate their applications that are at risk of
are relying on the outdated regula- facilities. Most CPI companies have being compromised.
tory guidance [1]. A key issue iden- internet-connected devices as part Despite these continued risks, or-
tified by the audit is the lack of an of their process-control systems to ganizations are also being asked to
actual process or structure to rou- allow, among other things, instru- cut costs because of the economic
tinely review the guidance and up- ment manufacturers to service de- downturn that has resulted from the
date to reflect the current threat vices remotely. These remote access pandemic. These cuts can have a
landscape. Relatedly, a key compo- points are a popular way for threat substantial impact on operations,
nent of the CFATS program is third- actors to gain access to a system. often requiring companies to choose
party inspection and oversight, but An added risk is the mixture of old between new initiatives to fund,
the GAO similarly found that inspec- and new equipment, which is com- potentially thwarting investment in
tors did not have adequate cyber mon in CPI facilities. However, these preventative security.
expertise or training to properly technological modifications are often
identify deficiencies. made incrementally, and there is Cyberattacks in the CPI
not always a clear understanding In 2017, one of the most well-known
Specific risk profiles for the CPI of how updates in one area may attacks in the CPI occurred, when a
The chemicals sector is an essential affect other areas, which can lead petrochemical facility in Saudi Ara-
part of the nation’s infrastructure. As to vulnerabilities. bia was attacked. The safety control
a result, owners and operators are Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic systems that were in place to prevent
a high priority for threat actors be- has created new cyber challenges a cyber intrusion were thought to be
cause of the perceived leverage in for the sector. With the shift towards impenetrable. Fortunately, the attack
ransom demands due to high costs remote work and a distributed work- was detected early, and the threat
of production disruption or theft of force across home networks and actor was unable to cause serious
sensitive data (Figure 2). Additionally, hot spots, company networks are damage. Nevertheless, the potential
these types of attacks receive higher spread wider than they have ever for disaster was so great that the at-
attention, which promotes the “Ran- been, creating a host of vulnerabili- tack has been dubbed “the world’s
somware as a Service” business ties. As a result, there has been a most murderous malware” because
model that essentially sells malware correlative uptick in electronic mes- experts believe the attack was de-
to other groups. saging, which has led to an increase signed by a nation state actor (prob-
In addition, CPI enterprises are be- of phishing messages designed to ably Iran) to trigger an explosion at
coming more automated, computer- look like official communications to the facility.
dependent and interconnected. The persuade people to click on mali- In 2019, three large chemical
sector has traditionally been slow to cious links or enter credentials. Ad- manufacturers — Norsk Hydro, Mo-
adopt new technological innovations, ditionally, there are more platforms mentive and Hexion — were victims
but digitalization measures are be- to allow interaction between remote of ransomware attacks [2, 3]. As a
coming more popular (for instance, experts and field personnel. And, result of the attacks, the Norway-
digital twins of physical production as noted previously, some essential based global aluminum producer,


will not go into effect immediately.
Instead, a proposed rule is to be is-
sued by March 15, 2024, and then
the Director of CISA is required to
issue the final rule within 18 months
of the issuance of the proposed rule.
The proposed rule should include
definitions of covered entities and
covered cyber incidents. The new
law also includes the creation of a
Cyber Incident Reporting Council,
aimed to increase cooperation and
responsiveness of federal agen-
cies to cyber attacks impacting
critical infrastructure.
Additionally, CISA recently an-
nounced its focus on the chemicals
sector, and that it also will continue
to release new guidance directed at
FIGURE 3. CFATS provides security guidance for high-risk facilities, which are designated based on the critical infrastructure that aligns with
presence of so-called chemicals of interest, which include toxic, flammable or explosive materials
President Biden’s cybersecurity ex-
ecutive order [7].
Norsk Hydro, was forced to shut tion and logistics directly related to CFATS. The approximately 3,300
down plants and switch to manual the cyber event caused the company CPI facilities identified as high-risk
production after key systems were to fall short of its sales targets. because they possess certain quan-
encrypted and inaccessible. Around tities of designated chemicals of in-
the same time, U.S.-based chemical Industry laws and standards terest are covered under CFATS [8].
companies Momentive and Hexion The chemicals sector is not with- The CFATS are regulated under CISA
announced they had also become out its guardrails. In addition to the and are meant to ensure that security
victims of a cyberattack. The same CFATS, there are frameworks that measures are in place to reduce the
encryption program is believed to support proper risk profiling and risk of hazardous chemicals being
be behind all three attacks, but in- cyber preparation for the sector, as weaponized. The CFATS regulations
vestigators could not determine how well as regulate the protection of apply across the chemicals sector,
the malware was introduced into the personal information (for instance, including chemical plants, chemical
systems. Experts believe the three customer or employee personal storage facilities and electrical gener-
attacks were financially motivated. information). ating facilities. Facilities are required
Finally, in 2021, three other chemi- Additionally, new directives are to report to CISA within 60 days of
cal manufacturers — Siegfried, expected for the chemicals sector when they gain possession of one of
Brenntag and Symrise — were vic- through the Infrastructure Investment the more than 300 identified chemi-
tims of cyberattacks. Swiss drug in- and Jobs Act, which was signed into cals of interest (Figure 3). CISA then
gredient manufacturer Siegfried ex- law in November 2021 [5]. determines whether the facility is
perienced a malware attack that shut On March 15, 2022, President high risk. High-risk facilities are then
down production at multiple sites Biden signed into law the Cyber Inci- required to develop and implement
and cut off network connections [4]. dent Reporting for Critical Infrastruc- a security plan that addresses the
Siegfried was involved in the packag- ture Act of 2022 [6]. It requires en- CFATS requirements, which include
ing of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at tities in critical infrastructure, which requirements for covered facilities
the time of the attack. Later in 2021, includes the chemicals sector, that to establish protocols for identifying
chemical distributor, Brenntag, was a experience a covered cyber incident and reporting significant cyber inci-
victim of the same ransomware vari- to report the incident to the Cyber- dents to appropriate facility person-
ant used in the Colonial Pipeline at- security and Infrastructure Security nel, local law enforcement and CISA.
tack. Brenntag reportedly paid $4.4 Agency (CISA), part of the Depart- National Institute of Standards and
million to the threat actors to recover ment of Homeland Security (DHS; Technology (NIST) Framework.
potentially impacted data, including Washington, D.C.;, The National Institute of Standards
intellectual property, project data, within 72 h after the entity reason- and Technology (NIST; Gaithersburg,
financial information and employee ably believes the incident occurred. Md.; cybersecurity
data. Symrise was also the victim of Additionally, in the event a covered framework [9] has been adopted
a ransomware attack. The company entity makes any ransom payment, by many CPI companies to create
reportedly did not pay the ransom the entity must report the payment cyber-risk management programs.
but, according to the company’s to CISA within 24 h. NIST establishes specific cyber
CEO, the resulting delays in produc- The new reporting requirements frameworks for industrial control
systems that are organized into the following five
key areas:
1. Assessment to identify organizational cybersecu-
rity risks to systems, assets, data and capabilities
2. Safeguards to protect the organization, including
access control, processes and procedures, protec-
tive technology and training
3. Detecting and identifying cybersecurity events
4. Cyber-incident response plans
5. Plans to recover and restore capabilities and ser-
vices should there be an incident
ISA 62443. The International Society of Auto-
mation (ISA; Research Triangle, N.C.; www.isa.
org) released standards that outline cybersecu-
rity plans, processes and procedures for securing
and defending industrial plants from cyberattacks
[10]. ISA 62443 is focused on operational tech-
nology, rather than information technology, and it
is not specifically tailored to the chemicals sector
but does offer an approach to create a cyberse-
curity management system. Companies can seek
ISA 62443 certification, which is a third-party tech-
nical expert attestation of compliance with the re-
quirements. These include requirements related
to engineering processes, product design and
network susceptibility.
American Chemistry Council. The American
Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.; www. requires its members to
perform a risk assessment to review cyber vulner-
abilities, implement security measures to address
those threats, and provide training and guidance to
employees on current and emerging threats. ACC
members include companies involved in chemical
manufacturing, sales, transportation, distribution,
and storage and disposal.
Data privacy and protection laws. Should a
company fall victim to a cyber incident, there is
always a risk that sensitive personal data belong-
ing to individuals could be impacted. There is no
single U.S. federal law for data privacy and protec-
tion that comprehensively covers the chemicals
sector, but every state has passed some form of
data-breach response legislation, and many states
have consumer protection laws of various types.
About half of the states also have minimum techni-
cal and security requirements that companies are
required to implement to protect data. In addition,
California has a comprehensive data-protection
regime through the California Consumer Privacy
Act (CCPA), which went into effect in 2020. Since
the passage of the CCPA, other states, including
Virginia and Colorado, have adopted similar laws.
Additionally, several countries and regions have ad-
opted comprehensive data protection legislation, in-
cluding the U.K., Brazil, South Africa, China, South
Korea and Japan. The E.U., in particular, has long
applied a more wide-ranging data-protection regu-
latory scheme, and its most recent data protection
law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),


and at the same time, the attacks
are becoming more sophisticated.
Regulators are also extremely fo-
cused on improving security in the
CPI and updating guidelines — the
sector must dedicate resources to
track and implement these direc-
tives. All this is happening in a time
when the CPI continues to auto-
mate and develop technologies that
are more connected and pose more
FIGURE 4. It is vital for companies to regularly train employees on cybersecurity and phishing issues risk. Companies must update their
strategies for preventing attacks —
has served as a model for other ju- • Malware protection that way, if they do fall victim (and
risdictions developing robust data- • An up-to-date anti-virus system unfortunately it is often a question of
protection requirements. • A reputable firewall configured to when, not if) — they are better pre-
block malicious IP addresses pared to mitigate the damage and
The ounce of prevention • Application whitelisting resume normal operation quickly. ■
Given the heightened risk of cyber • Asset inventory
incidents in the chemical sector, Edited by Mary Page Bailey
owners and operators should under- These types of controls allow
take specific steps to protect them- companies better visibility into
selves from cyber vulnerabilities to systems and networks, potential References
help mitigate damage to systems threats and related risk exposure 1. U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), Actions Needed to
Enhance DHS Oversight of Cybersecurity at High-Risk Chemical
and data should they fall victim to and to identify where vulnerabilities Facilities, GAO-20-453, May 2020.
an attack. might exist. 2. Norsk Hydro, Updates on cyber attack, Press releases dated
March 19–April 5, 2019 .
Adopt a “zero trust” model. A Monitor and detect. In addition to 3. Bailey, M. P., Hexion and Momentive respond to cyberattacks,
zero trust approach is based on the controls, companies should have Chem. Eng., March 25, 2019.
premise that no source should be detection capability and security 4. Bomgardner, M. M., Siegfried, Brenntag, and Symrise hit by
cyberattacks, Chemical & Engineering News, May 27, 2021.
trusted, and cybersecurity teams operations to monitor the controls 5. 117th U.S. Congress, Public Law 117-58, Infrastructure Invest-
need to assume that attackers are put into place. Companies must ment and Jobs Act, November 15, 2021.
always present inside and out- consistently review and appropri- 6.117th U.S. Congress, H.R.2471, Consolidated Appropriations Act,
March 15, 2022.
side of their networks. This drives ately respond to events within the 7. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Cyberse-
the idea that no communication network. Companies should per- curity Directives,
or activity should be allowed until form regular vulnerability scans and 8. Lozowski, D., CFATS and Chemical Plant Security, Chem. Eng.,
Sept. 2009.
it is first properly authenticated should consider implementing an 9. NIST Cybersecurity Framework,
and authorized. endpoint detection and response 10. Cosman, E. C., Industrial Control Systems Security: The Owner-
Zero trust also includes a focus (EDR) solution. Operator’s Challenge, Chem. Eng., June 2014.

on the micro-segmentation of net- Inform and respond. Companies

works, which unlike traditional net- should regularly provide cyberse-
work segregation that controls traf- curity and phishing training and Authors
fic into and out of a data center, is exercises for all members of their Matthew R. Baker (Email:
concerned with segmenting traffic organization (Figure 4). Companies [email protected])
is a partner at Baker Botts in San
moving between applications and should also have a robust incident- Francisco. His practice focuses on
processes. This may include sepa- response and business-continuity white collar defense, crisis man-
ration of operational systems and plan, and regularly test both. Finally, agement and internal investiga-
tions for a broad range of indus-
data systems (for instance, the chemical engineers and plant op- tries, with an emphasis on the
segregation of OT and critical pro- erators need to work closely and energy and chemical sector. He is
also well-versed in complex elec-
cesses from other business sys- communicate regularly with the or- tronic discovery and information governance issues, as
tems) and blackening certain infra- ganization’s technology and security well as domestic and international data privacy and in-
structure with deny-all firewalls and teams, as the plant engineers may formation security practices.
by providing no public IP addresses not understand technical or security
or open ports. issues and the IT or security teams Rachel Ehlers (Email: rachel.
[email protected]) is a spe-
Foundational controls. Companies may not understand the OT in cial counsel at Baker Botts in Aus-
should have several foundational the plant. tin, Tex. Her practice focuses on
controls, including the following: technology transactions, data pri-
vacy and cybersecurity. She has
• Patching with automatic updates Key takeaways extensive experience advising cli-
• Encryption of sensitive data Cybersecurity must be a key focus ents on data incidents and breach
and an identified enterprise risk. The response, cross-border transfers,
• Offsite backups and data privacy and cybersecurity
• Multi-factor authentication (MFA) number of attacks continues to rise, issues related to mergers and acquisitions.


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