Nozomi Networks IT OT SOC
Nozomi Networks IT OT SOC
Nozomi Networks IT OT SOC
Integrating OT
into IT/OT SOCs
In the new world of increased cyber risk, approaches that bridge the
IT/OT divide are no longer optional – they’re mission critical. Executive
leadership expects CIOs and CISOs to anticipate and stay ahead of the
enterprise-wide threat landscape, including oversight of cyber risks
related to industrial operations.
Industrial Cyberattacks - Cyberattacks on critical infrastructure – rated the fifth top risk in 2020 by our
expert network – have become the new normal across sectors such as energy,
A Top Global Risk
healthcare, and transportation.
Attackers Exploit IT/OT Many industrial companies still view IT and OT cybersecurity as separate
challenges. Different concerns and practices seem to justify siloed efforts and
Defense Gaps
separation of responsibilities. However, attackers are already exploiting gaps
between IT and OT defenses.
For example, spam phishing is commonly used to gain privileges and entry
into OT systems. And hackers are using HVAC and other poorly defended OT
systems as entry points into data centers and corporate IT networks.
CIO/CISOs Need to Make Attacks and compromise are inevitable, and, by 2020, 60 percent of security
budgets will be in support of detection and response capabilities.
Informed Choices
Gartner, The IT Implications for I&O Leaders, 2018
Security tools deployed for OT security have to support the need for
coordinated enterprisewide security activities, which comes from having IT
and OT security handled with a joint governance process.
IT/OT Convergence
To reduce risk, security and risk
management leaders should eliminate
IT and OT silos by creating a single digital Stat
amic OT
Dyn Physical
security and risk management function. Security Security
This function should report into IT but
should have responsibility for all IT and OT
ID: 347847 © 2018 Gartner Inc.
"Why IIoT Security Leaders Should Worry About Cyberattacks Like WannaCry," Gartner, 2018.
Integrating OT into IT/OT SOCs
The Driving Force
Behind IT/OT SOCs
The Reality of In the past, industrial systems were not away from local monitoring and data
considered to have high cyber risk because processing to cloud-based applications and
Risks Facing OT
they were isolated (air gapped), without analytics increases cyber risk exposure.
Systems connectivity to enterprise systems or the
• More sophisticated attacks — A new era
internet. They were also protected by obscure
of industrial threat actors, such as hackers,
proprietary technology and considered of low
criminal organizations and nation states,
interest to hackers or attackers.
focus on disrupting industrial systems for
financial or political gain.
Now, industrial cyber risk is much higher due to:
• Easier access to resources — A
• More connectivity and exposure — The
marketplace of tools, for example malware
increased use of common technology
frameworks and vulnerability exploits,
platforms and data sharing between IT
makes it faster and easier to execute
and OT systems exposes industrial systems
industrial cyberattacks.
to more cyber threats. This includes the
migration to the Industrial Internet of As a result of these trends, the majority of IT
Things (IIoT), where physical assets and IT and industrial control systems (ICS) security
infrastructure are closely integrated. practitioners across a variety of industries
believe the threat level to OT and IoT systems
• The transition to virtual systems –
is high or critical. 2
Shifting industrial system architectures
Why the SOCs are generally tasked with preventing, to protect OT systems, threats need to be
detecting and responding to cybersecurity stopped in their early stages, often while
threats and incidents. Often, they also assess they are present in IT systems.
and fulfill regulatory requirements. Their
• Speed up response times — Monitoring
mandates typically do not cover industrial
OT systems separately from IT systems
systems – though it is possible to leverage
runs the risk of breakdowns in
the investment in SOCs to include OT.
communication and dropped incident
handling between multiple teams.
As threats to OT systems intensify, there are
several reasons to include OT in an enterprise- • Keep costs down — It’s more cost
level SOC. With a combined approach, effective to include OT and IoT threat
companies can: monitoring within one comprehensive
SOC than to have multiple SOCs.
• Stop threats faster — Most cyberattacks
• Leverage teams’ strengths — Protecting
on OT systems originate on the IT network
OT systems requires a blend of IT and OT
and involve multiple steps in an elaborate
skills. For many organizations, it is easier to
cyber kill chain process. High profile
close the skills gap by training IT people on
examples include an attack on a German
OT sensitivities than training OT people on
steel mill, disruption to Ukraine’s power
IT cybersecurity skills.
grid in 2015 and 2016, and the shutdown of
a gas facility in Saudi Arabia in 2017. Thus,
Integrating OT into IT/OT SOCs
Building an IT/OT SOC
The Challenges Adding OT and IoT security into the mandate They also use insecure and often proprietary
of SOCs is not a simple matter of extending protocols whose communications cannot be
of Securing OT
IT security solutions and staff responsibilities properly evaluated by IT security tools.
and IoT Systems to include industrial networks.
Finally, the central mission of the people
OT networks are often large, complex and managing industrial networks is to maintain
include a wide range of assets that are high safety, availability and production
unknown to IT, including legacy equipment efficiency. This focus must be embraced when
that can be sensitive to many types of integrating OT network monitoring into an SOC.
network traffic.
Key All these unique challenges mean that reduce the need for scarce cybersecurity
companies will need to consider the skills, companies should consider
following as they create an IT/OT SOC: concentrating the SOC team in one
for an SOC location and providing cross-training on
Transition • Technology — Solutions need to meet all
critical skills.
the specific requirements for OT, but also
• Accountability — Business leaders must
integrate seamlessly with IT SOC systems
create an environment that aligns IT and OT
and infrastructure.
under one common culture and reporting
• People Resources — Enterprise SOCs
structure. As the teams merge, they should
require the inclusion of industrial
work to understand the others’ priorities
cybersecurity specialists in core SOC
and challenges, and achieve the common
resourcing, or as part of a virtual or
goals set by the executive responsible for
extended team. To keep costs down and
company-wide cyber risk.
Integrating OT into IT/OT SOCs
Securing the World's Largest
9 of Top 20 Chemicals
Oil & Gas
Manufacturing Food & Retail
7 of Top 10
Automotive Logistics
5 of Top 10
Mining Airports Smart Cities
5 of Top 10
Utilities Water Transportation
Improving Enterprise-wide
While increasing cyber threats dominate the news,
there is reason to be optimistic. New technology, such
as the Nozomi Networks solution, is easy and safe to
deploy, dramatically improves OT/IoT cybersecurity and
integrates seamlessly with IT infrastructure.
Integrating OT into IT/OT SOCs
Global Partner Ecosystem
to Optimize
OT and IoT
1. "The Untold Story of NotPetya, the Most Devastating Cyberattack in History," Wired, 2018.
© 2020 Nozomi Networks, Inc.
2. "Securing Industrial Control Systems - 2017," SANS, 2017.
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Nozomi Networks
The Leading Solution for OT and IoT Security and Visibility
Nozomi Networks
Nozomi Networks accelerates digital transformation by protecting the world’s critical infrastructure, industrial and government
organizations from cyber threats. Our solution delivers exceptional network and asset visibility, threat detection, and insights
The Leading
for OT and IoT environments. Solution
Customers for
rely on us OT and
to minimize riskIoT Security
and complexity and
while Visibility
maximizing operational resilience.
Nozomi Networks is the leader in OT and IoT security and visibility. We accelerate digital transformation
by unifying cyber security visibility for the largest critical infrastructure, energy, manufacturing, mining,
transportation, building automation and other OT sites around the world. Our innovation and research make it
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possible to tackle escalating cyber risks through exceptional network visibility, threat detection and operational
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