BalançaGruaUnicraftKW50 Manual

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Operating nstructions

Crane scale

KW 50

KW 100

KW 50
Imprint Content
1 Introduction .............................................................3
Product identification
1.1 Copyright ............................................................ 3
1.2 Customer service................................................ 3
Crane scale Item number 1.3 Limitation of liability............................................. 3
KW 50 6171405
2 Safety........................................................................3
KW 100 6171410
2.1 Symbol explanation ............................................ 3
2.2 Obligations of the operating company ................ 4
2.3 Requirements to staff.......................................... 5
2.4 Personal protective equipement ......................... 5
2.5 General safety regulations.................................. 6
2.6 Safety information of operating........................... 6
2.7 Tests ................................................................... 6
Manufacturer 2.8 Basic security instructions .................................. 6

Stürmer Maschinen GmbH

3 Intended use ............................................................7
Dr.-Robert-Pfleger-Str. 26 3.1 Forseeable misuse ............................................. 7
3.2 Residual risks ..................................................... 7
D-96103 Hallstadt
4 Technical Data .........................................................7
Fax: 0049 (0) 951 96555 - 55 4.1 Environmental conditions.................................... 7
4.2 Power.................................................................. 8
Email: [email protected] 4.3 Dimensions ......................................................... 8
Internet: 4.4 Type plate ........................................................... 8
5 Transport, Packaging and Storage........................8
5.1 Transport ............................................................ 8
5.2 Packaging ........................................................... 8
5.3 Storage ............................................................... 8
6 Description of device ..............................................9
Indications regarding the operating instructions 6.1 Illustration .......................................................... 9
6.2 Scope of delivery ................................................ 9
Original instructions 7 Service......................................................................9
7.1 Charge the battery ............................................ 10
Edition: 27.02.2019 7.2 Functions .......................................................... 10
Version: 1.03
Language: english
8 Operation ...............................................................12
8.1 Operators.......................................................... 12
8.2 User settings..................................................... 13
Author: ES/MS
8.3 Test run............................................................. 14
8.4 Lift the load upwards......................................... 15
8.5 Lower load ........................................................ 15
9 Care, Maintenance and Repair .............................15
9.1 Care by cleaning............................................... 15
9.2 Battery maintenance......................................... 15
Indications regarding the copyright 9.3 Maintenance and Repair .................................. 16
10 Check the crane scale.........................................17
Copyright © 2018 Stürmer Maschinen GmbH, Hallstadt,
11 Troubleshooting ..................................................18
12 Disposal, recycling of used devices..................18
The contents of these operating instructions are the sole 13 Spare parts...........................................................19
property of the company Stürmer. 13.1 Ordering spare parts....................................... 19
Passing on as well as copying of this document, the use 13.2 Spare parts drawing........................................ 20
and distribution of its content are prohibited if not explic-
14 Electrical wiring diagram....................................20
itly permitted. Contraventions are liable to compensa-
tion. 15 EC Decleration of Conformity ............................22
Subject to technical modifications and error. 16 Maintenance plan ................................................23

2 KW-Series | Version 1.03


1 Introduction 1.3 Limitation of liability

You have made a good choice by purchasing the All information and notes in these operating instructions
UNICRAFT crane scale. were summarised while taking applicable standards and
rules, the state-of-the-art technology and our long-term
Please read the operating instructions thoroughly before knowledge and experiences into consideration. In the
commissioning. following cases the manufacturer is not liable for dama-
This gives you information about the proper commis-sio-
ning, intended use and safe and efficient operation and
maintenance of your crane scales. - Non-observance of the operating instructions,
- Inappropriate use
The operating manual is part of the crane scales pack-
- Use of untrained staff,
age. Always keep this operating manual in the location
where your crane scales is being operated. All local ac- - Unauthorised modifications
cident prevention regulations and general safety in- - Technical changes,
structions for the operating range of your crane scales - Use of not allowed spare parts.
must also be complied with.
The actual scope of delivery may deviate from the ex-
1.1 Copyright planations and presentations described here in case of
special models, when using additional ordering options
The contents of these instructions are copyright. They or due to latest technical modifications.
may be used in conjunction with the operation of the
crane scales. Any application beyond those described is The obligations agreed in the delivery contract, the gen-
not permitted without the written approval of Stürmer eral terms and conditions as well as the delivery condi-ti-
GmbH. ons of the manufacturer and the legal regulations at the
For the protection of our products, we shall register tra- time of the conclusion of the contract are applicable.
demark, patent and design rights, as this is possible in
individual cases. We strongly oppose any infringe-ment
of our intellectual property.
2 Safety

1.2 Customer service This section provides an overview of all important safety
packages for the protection of operating personnel as
well as for safe and fault-free operation. Other task-ba-
Please contact your dealer if you have questions con-
sed safety notes are included in the paragraphs of the in-
cerning your crane scales or if you need technical ad-
dividual phases of life.
vice. They will help you with specialist information and
expert advice.
2.1 Symbol explanation
Stürmer Maschinen GmbH Safety instructions
Dr.-Robert-Pfleger-Str. 26
D-96103 Hallstadt The safety notes in these operating instructions are high-
lighted by symbols. The safety notes are introduced by
Repair-Service: signal words which express the concern of the risk.
Fax: 0049 (0) 951 96555-111
Email: [email protected]

Spare parts orders:

Fax: 0049 (0) 951 96555-119
Email: [email protected]
We are always interested in valuable experience and
knowledge gained from using the application-which then This combination of symbol and signal words indi-
could be shared and be valuable to develop our products cates an imminently dangerous situation which may
lead to death or severe injury if not prevented.
even further.

KW-Series | Version 1.03 3


Obligations of the operating company

If the crane scales is used for commercial purposes, the
This combination of symbol and signal words indi- operating company of the crane scales must comply with
cates a potentially dangerous situation which may the legal working safety regulations. Therefore, the
lead to death or severe injury if not prevented. safety notes in this operating manual, as well as the
safety, accident prevention and environment protection
regulations applying for the area of application of the
CAUTION! crane scales must be met. The following applies in par-ti-
This combination of symbol and signal words indi-
cates a potentially dangerous situation which may
- The operating company must be informed about
lead to slight or minor injury if not prevented.
the applying industrial safety regulations and fur-
ther analyse hazards resulting from the special
working conditions at the place of use of the crane
ATTENTION! scales. She must implement these in form of oper-
ating manuals for the operation of the crane
This combination of symbol and signal words indi-
cates a possibly dangerous situation which may lead scales.
to property and environmental damages if they are - During the entire lifetime of the crane scales, the
not avoided. operating company must verify whether the oper-
ating manuals prepared by her correspond to the
current status of the regulations, and must adapt
NOTE! these if necessary.
- The operating company must unambiguously reg-
This combination of symbol and signal words indi-ca- ulate and determine the responsibilities for instal-
tes a potentially dangerous situation which may lead lation, operation, troubleshooting, maintenance
to material and environmental damage if not preven- and cleaning.
- The operating company must ensure that all per-
sons who work with the crane scales, have read
Tips and recommendations
and understood this manual. Furthermore she
must instruct the staff in regular intervals and in-
form them about the hazards.
Tips and recommendations
- The operator must provide the necessary protec-
This symbol highlights useful tips and recommenda- tive equipment to the staff and order the use of the
tions as well as information for an efficient and trou- necessary protective equipment in a binding way.
ble-free operation.
Furthermore the operating company is responsible to
It is necessary to observe the safety notes written in keep the crane scales always in a technically flawless
these operating instructions in order to reduce the risk of state. Thus, the following applies:
personal injuries and damages to property.
- The operator must ensure that the maintenance in-
tervals described in this manual are kept.
2.2 Obligations of the operating company
- The operator must have all safety devices checked
regularly for their good working order and their in-
Operator tegrity.

The operating company is the person who operates the

crane scales for business or commercial reasons by her-
self, or leaves it to a third party for use or application, and
who bears the legal product responsibility for the protec-
tion of the user, the staff or for third parties.

4 KW-Series | Version 1.03


2.3 Requirements to staff 2.4 Personal protective equipment

Qualifications The personal protective equipment serves to protect per-

sons against impairments of safety and health while wor-
The different tasks described in this manual represent king. The staff member has to wear personal protec-tive
different requirements to the qualification of the persons equipment while performing different tasks on and with
entrusted with these tasks. the machine which are indicated in the individual para-
graphs of these instructions.

WARNING! The personal protective equipment is explained in the

Danger in case of insufficient qualification following paragraph:
of the staff!
Insufficiently qualified persons cannot estimate the
risks while using the crane scales and expose them- Head protection
selves and others to the danger of severe or lethal
injuries. The industrial helmet protects the head against fall-
- Have all works only performed by qualified persons. ing objects and hitting on fixed objects.
- Keep insufficiently qualified persons out of the wor-
king area.
Ear protection
Only persons reliable working procedures can be ex-
The hearing protection protects against damages of
pected from, are allowed to perform all works. Persons
hearing due to noise.
the responsiveness of which is affected by e. g. drugs,
alcohol or medication, are not allowed to work with the
Use safety glasses!
The qualifications of the personnel for the different tasks
The protective goggles serve to protect the eyes
are mentioned below: against parts flying off.


Protective gloves
The operator is instructed by the operating company
about the assigned tasks and possible risks in case of The protective gloves serve to protect the hands
improper behaviour. Any tasks which need to be per-for- against sharp components as well as against fric-
med beyond operation in standard mode must be carried tion, abrasions or deep injuries.
out by the operator only if it is included in these instructi-
ons and if the operator is familiar with this.
Safety boots
Qualified personnel
Safety boots protect the feet from being crushed, fall-
Due to their technical training, knowledge and experi- ing parts and slipping over on slippery ground.
ence as well as knowledge of the relevant standards and
regulations, qualified personnel are in a position to carry
out the work assigned to them and to recognize potential Protective clothes
dangers independently and to avoid hazards.
Protective clothes are made of a tightly fitted fabric
Manufacturer without the protruding parts of low tear strength.

Certain works may only be performed by specialist per-

sonnel of the manufacturer. Other personnel is not au-
thorized to perform these works. Please contact our cus-
tomer service for the execution of all arising work.

KW-Series | Version 1.03 5


2.5 General safety regulations If it is necessary to remove any safety devices for fitting,
repair or maintenance work, they must be re-installed im-
mediately after maintenance or repair is complete.
2.7 Tests
All local regulations (the latest valid version) which
apply in the country where the device is used must be Lifting equipment is a testable suspension. It is therefore
complied with the Guidelines for Hoists issued by the German Employ-
In Germany, currently ers' Liability Insurance Association, the Central Agency
DGUV Regulation 1 - The principles of prevention for Accident Prevention, the Test Guidelines and the test
DGUV Regulation 3 - Electrical systems and means
regulations according to DIN 685 Part 5 Nov. 1981, UVV,
of production
DGUV Regulation 54 and UVV, DGUV Regulation 54
DGUV Regulation 52 - Cranes
DGUV Regulation 54 - Jacks, Lifting and Pulling and UVV, DGUV Regulation 52 and DIN EN 818-7 of
Equipment September 2002.
DGUV Regel 100-500 Chapter 2.8 (BGR 500) -
Operating Lifting equipment
DGUV Principle 309-001- Testing of Cranes The entry in the crane test book must be made via re-
EG machine directives 2006/42/EG pairs and tests carried out.

Fitting, retrofitting, maintenance and inspection work 2.8 Basic security instructions
may be carried out on non-operational equipment only
and by trained personnel only.
For good performance and accurate measurement, the
For reasons of safety, unauthorised modifications and points below should always be followed:
changes to the crane scales are not permitted. 1. DO NOT overload the scale. Overloading will damage
the load cell and void the warranty.
Operating personnel must always ensure that the maxi-
2. Do not attach a permanent load. This can damage the
mum load is never exceeded.
measuring mechanism as well as safety-relevant
Personnel must not stand underneath a suspended load parts.
as this could come loose and fall. 3. It is essential to prevent overloading of the balance
above the specified maximum load (Max), less any
Personnel must not ride on or be lifted by the equip-
Tara load that may already be present. This could da-
ment. Access to lifting equipment is not permitted.
mage the scale (risk of breakage!).
4. Check chain and hook before each use. Check the
2.6 Safety information for operating personnel clamp, pins and screws regularly.
5. Check the battery constantly. If the scale is no longer
No operational mode which could compromise the safety supplied with power, charge the battery with the
of the crane scales may be undertaken appropriate charger or replace it with a full battery.
6. Turn the load, if necessary, instead of the balance.
It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that no
7. NEVER use the scale during thunderstorms (lightning,
unauthorised personnel work on the crane scales (e.g.
rain, etc.).
also by working on equipment in a manner contrary to
8. Store the device in a dry and well-ventilated area. The
authorised use).
crane scale must NOT be stored outdoors.
It is the responsibility of the operator to check the crane 9. NEVER attempt to repair the balance yourself.
scales at least once before use (once a day) for exter- 10. Only load the balance in the vertical direction of pull.
nally apparent damage or defects and to report any 11. Always avoid vibrations and horizontal forces.
changes (including to the way the machine is operating) 12. Avoid sudden, sudden acceleration or deceleration
which are likely to compromise safety. of the load (risk of breakage!).

It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that the

crane scales is operated only in perfect order and con-di-
It is the responsibility of the operator to insist that oper-
ating personnel must wear protective clothing wherever
Under no circumstances must safety devices be re-mo-
ved or put of operation (potential risk of serious crushing,
danger to life).

6 KW-Series | Version 1.03

Intended use

3 Intended use 4 Technical Data

The Crane scale is used solely to weigh free moving
loads on the crane. The Crane scale may only be opera- KW KW 50 KW 100
ted by persons trained on the machine. Maximum load 5000 10000
Proper use also includes compliance with all information [kg]
in this manual. Any use beyond the intended use or Display 30 mm, 38,1 mm,
otherwise is considered misuse. 5 digit LED/ 5 digit LED/
For structural and technical changes to the Crane scale, LCD LCD
the company Stürmer Maschinen GmbH assumes no lia-
Display- <2000kg = 1kg <2000kg = 1kg
gradation 5000kg = 2kg 5000kg = 2kg
Claims of any kind due to damage due to improper use 10000kg=10kg
are excluded.
Tare 100 % the total capacity

3.1 Foreseeable misuse Zero range 4 % the total capacity

stabilization <10 sec. <10 sec.

If the intended use is observed, any reasonably foresee-
able misuse which could lead to hazardous situations
with personal damage is impossible with the crane Overload 100% of max. Capacity +9e (45 g)
scales. indicator

max. secure 125% of max. 125% of max.

3.2 Residual risks Load Capacity Capacity

Even if all safety regulations are observed a residual risk max. Overload 400% of max. 400% of max.
in the operation of the crane scales will remain, as de- Capacity Capacity
scribed below.
Battery re-chargable / 60-100h battery life
All persons working with the crane scales must be aware until next re-charge 6V (10Ah)
of these residual risks and follow the instructions which Charger 220 V / DC 9 V / 1500 mA
prevent any accidents or damage caused by these resi-
dual risks. Range remote 10 m 10 m
- Risk of crushing of upper and lower limbs while
equipment is operating. Battery remote AA Batteries, AA Batteries,
- During set-up and adjustment works it may be- control 1,5V x 2 1,5V x 2
come necessary to remove safety devices in-stal- Weight [kg] 25 47
led by the customer. This causes different re-sidual
risks and hazard potentials each operator must be
aware of.
4.1 Environmental conditions

Working tempera- -10 °C to +40 °C


Altitude set up and use at a height of

max. 1000 m

Humidity max. 90% relative humidity

working environ- not flammable,

ment dry and dust-free

KW-Series | Version 1.03 7

Transport, Packaging, Storage

The working area must be dry, fire and explosion pro-tected 4.4 Type plate
and free of any corrosive or poisonous sub-stances.
The crane scales must not be used to lift or move dan-ge-
rous goods such as molten, poisonous or radioactive mate-
The equipment must not be used in the open air if it is rai-

4.2 Power

Model Max. Min. Ca- Reso- Area

Capacity pacity lution
Fig. 2: Type plate of the Crane scale KW 50
KW 50 5,000kg 40kg 2kg 2,500

KW 100 10,000kg 100kg 5kg 2,000

5 Transport, Packaging, Storage
4.3 Dimensions
5.1 Transport

Check the Crane scale for visible shipping damage after

delivery. If you discover any damage, immediately report
it to the transport company or the dealer.


Protect the Crane scale from moisture.

5.2 Packaging

All used packaging materials and packaging aids are

recyclable and should be taken to a materials recycling
depot to be disposed of.
Fig. 1: Dimensions of the Crane scale
The delivery packaging is made of cardboard, so please
dispose carefully by having it chopped up and given to
KW 5 10 the recycling collection.
A [mm] 92 94 The film is made of polyethylene (PE) and the cushioned
parts of polystyrene (PS). Deliver these substances to a
B [mm] 135 145 collection point for recyclable materials or to the waste
disposal company which looks after your region.
C [mm] 45 60

D [mm] 325 364

5.3 Storage
E [mm] 155 155
The crane scale should be stored in a dry, frost-free env-
F [mm] 230 230
ironment. Do not set anything down on the crane scale.
G [mm] 585 770

H [mm] 650 810

8 KW-Series | Version 1.03

Description of device

6 Description of device 7 Service

6.1 Illustration DANGER!

Danger to life due to falling of the load!
Falling loads can cause serious injury or even death.
- Never step under suspended loads, stay there or
work under suspended loads.
- Move loads only under supervision.
- A lifted load must never be subjected to impact or
shock loading.
- Never use a crane scale to lift a load that is slipping,
falling, or whose parts are not firmly connected.
- Never use a rusted or damaged Crane scale.
- Never leave a load lifted by the crane scale unatten-
- When lifting or lowering a load, make sure that the
operator is out of range of the load at all times.
- When leaving the workplace, lower the load.
- Unsuitable lifting points can fail and the load can
- Only attach to suitable points on the load.

Fig. 3: Components
1 Lifting eye
Danger to life due to overload!
2 Housing
Hangers that are not designed for the Crane scale
3 Load hook with safety bar and its carrying capacity may yield.
4 Display - Crane scale only hang on suitable devices that
5 Remote Control carry the load capacity of the load and the crane
Illustrations in this manual may differ from the original. Overloading the allowable carrying capacity may
cause the Crane scale to fail and the load may crash.
- Only attach loads that do not exceed the permitted
carrying capacity.

Incorrect work on the Crane scale can cause injury to
fingers and hands.

Fig. 4: Control panel

6.2 Scope of delivery

- Crane scale
- Remote Control
- Operating instructions

KW-Series | Version 1.03 9


ATTENTION! 7.2 Functions

- Loads may not be drawn at an angle.
- Do not lift loads exceeding the maximum load capa- Designation/ Functions
city of the Crane scale (see type plate). Symbol
- Fixed or jammed loads must not be lifted with the
On-Off Press 1 sec. , the scale is off.
Crane scale.
- Do not make any sudden changes in the direction of Press 1 sec. , the scale is off.
Exit without saving.
- Never hang heavy loads for long periods of time to
minimize the load on the crane scale and prevent Zeroing Zero display
Switch on the device with the

Wear head protection! Digital increase.

Tara Tara ON/OFF.

Use the key to enter the tare

Wear safety gloves! weight.

Scroll digitally to the right.

Scale function Locking / unlocking

Sicherheitsschuhe tragen!
Use the button to enter the
user settings.
[Hold] Confirm.
Wear protective clothing!
2nd function Second function.

Update password mode.

Exit / Save.
- The operator must have sufficient stability and free-
dom of movement. Remote control
- Suspension hooks and load hooks becomes dis-tor-
ted if overloaded; there is no brittle fracture. Key / Label Functionality

The work area must be dry, fire and explosion proof and Zeroing Same functionality as:
free from corrosive and toxic substances.

Dangerous goods such as fire-fluid, toxic or radioactive

materials may not be lifted or moved with the crane Tara Same functionality as:

The crane scale must not be operated outdoors in the

rain. Scale function Same functionality as:

7.1 Charge the battery

Turn off the Crane scale with the [ON / OFF] key. Plug Acc The accumulated weight.
the power adapter into the socket provided on the scale.
Plug the power adapter into a 230V power outlet. The Switch the resolution with
recharge begins. The charging lamp starts to light green. the key.
If the lamp is red, charging is complete. The crane scale Lower Digital.
can now be used again. Please note that the charging
time is about 8 hours.

10 KW-Series | Version 1.03


Key / Label Functionality Report stands for Annotation

Clear Delete the last weight. OFF Power cut

Use this button to clear all

weights. OVerLoaD Overload

Scroll digitally to the left.

2ND 2nd function
View View accumulated weight.

Using the battery power HOLD The scale is locked.

view button

UNSTaBle The load is not stable.


TARE The balance is tared.

OFF Same functionality as: UNit KG kg

UNit LB lb

2nd Function. Same functionality as: UNit USer user unit

INVaLiD The process is not allowed.

ACCumulate An accumulated value is

Display available.

NO AC- Indicates that there is no

Symbol Description Annotation
Cumulate accumulated value.
STB Stable Lights up when the weight
No DELete The weight was not deleted.
is stable.

ZERO Zeroing Lights up when the weight DELete Delete the last weight.
is zero.
CLEAR Delete all weights.
TARE Tara Lights when the scale is
Password Password mode
HOLD Scale function Lights when the scale is

lb lb Lit when the unit is "lb".

kg kg Lights when the unit is "kg".


Report stands for Annotation

The weight is above the defi-

ned range.

Determination of the weight /

stabilization phase

The weight is below the defi-

ned range

SETUP User settings.

END Save and exit

KW-Series | Version 1.03 11


8 Operation Locking / unlockingif you want to lock the scale. The symbol

Step 1: Press or , if you want to lock the

8.1 Operators scale. The Symbol HOLD shines.
a) The balance should be stable, otherwise the
symbol will bel displayed.
Turning on / off
Step 2: Press or , if you want to unlock the
scale. The symbol HOLD ist out now.
Step 1: Press 1 Sec. , the balance is now on. The ba-
lance carries out the initialization and the boot-up
test, then the display flashes three times and shows Accumulate
the max. Capacity, battery operation on after the
weight and auto zero is detected. Step 1: Press , if you want to accumulate the cur-
rent weight.
Step 2: Press 1 Sec. or , if you want to switch Step 2: The Symbol indicates that the weight is
off the scale. The balance will indicate the battery accumulated. The balance uses the displayed
charge level and off message, then the power will weight to add the gross or net weight to the same
be turned off. register.
a) The balance must not be locked, otherwise
Zeroing the symbol will be displayed.
b) The balance should be stable, otherwise the
Step 1: Press or , if you want to bring the symbol will be displayed.
balance into zero position. The symbol ZERO c) The weight must be greater than 0, other-
shines. wise the symbol be displayed.
a)The balance must not be locked, otherwise d) The display should first show zero before a
the symbol will be displayed. new weight is accumulated, otherwise the
b) The balance should be stable, otherwise the symbol will be displayed.
symbol will be displayed.
c)The balance must not be tared, otherwise the Display view
symbol will be displayed.
d) The weight should be in the manual zero Step 1: Press ,if you want to enter View mode.
range, otherwise the symbol will The accumulated weight then flashes on the dis-
be displayed. play.
a) The balance must not be locked, otherwise the
Tara on / off symbol will be displayed.
b) If the accumulated weight is "0", the symbol
Step 1: Press or in gross mode, the balance will be displayed.
is now in tare mode. The symbol TARE shines. Step 2: By pressing the button or the quality
of the display of the digital display can be adju-
a) The balance must not be locked, otherwise sted.
the symbol will be displayed.
b)The balance should be stable, otherwise the Step 3: Press or , if you want to leave the
symbol will be will be displayed. view mode.
c) The weight must be greater than 0, other-
Delete (last entry)
wise the symbol will be dis-
played. Step 1: Press , if you want to clear the last accumu-
d) The weight must not exceed 100% of the lated weight.
max. Capacity, otherwise the symbol
Step 2: The symbol indicates that the last accu-
will be displayed.
mulated weight has been cleared.

Step 2: Press or in net mode -> the tare

mode is now off. The Symbol TARE shines. ATTENTION!

a) The balance must not be locked, otherwise The delete function can only delete the last weight!
the symbol will be displayed.

12 KW-Series | Version 1.03


Delete (all entries)

Step 1: If you press or and avctivate , ATTENTION!

then all weights will be deleted. When the Sym-
bol lights up, it means that all weights The resolution circuit changes the overload range of the
are cleared. scale. For example, if a 3000 * 1kg resolution is changed
to 3000 * 0.5kg, then the overload is displayed at
Switch unit of measure 3004.5kg (3000 + 9 * 0.5), while by default it is dis-
played at 3009kg (3000 + 9 * 1) becomes.
Step 1: Press or and then press , if
you want to switch between "kg" and "lb". Step 3: The default resolution will be restored the next
Step 2: a) If the scale is set to "kg", then the symbol be- time the balance is turned on or user settings are
comes is displayed and flashes on made. If you want to use the changes later, then
the display KG. save the new resolution in the user preference.
b) If the scale is set to "lb", then the symbol will
become is displayed and flashes Battery status view
on the display LB.
Step 1: Press or and then press , the
battery status view is loaded.
Step 2: The display shows the battery voltage, for ex-
The circuit is short-lived. The balance does not store a
unit, i.e., the system unit is not changed. ample U 6.38, it means 6.38 V.

Tara-Modus 8.2 User settings

Step 1: Press or in the gross mode then Step 1: Press or and then press or
press or , The balance is now in . The user setting mode is now on.
Tara-mode. The Display shows 0000, it means
The display shows .
that the user input is expected.
Step 2: Press or , than or for the
Weight input.
Step 3: Press or and enter the tare weight. Step 1: Press or , if you want to change the
The Symbol TARE shine. resolution.
a) The balance should be in gross mode, Step 2: The display shows the resolution. For ex-
otherwise the symbol will be dis- ample , the resolution is set to 0.5.
played. Step 3: Press or and , if you want to
b) The weight must be greater than 0, other- change the resolution.
wise the symbol will be displayed. Step 4: Press or , if you do not want to save
d) The weight must not exceed 100% of the the changes before exiting.
max. Capacity, otherwise the symbol Step 5: Press or , if you want to save the
will be displayed. changes before exiting.

Resolution circuit "Automatic shutdown" function

Step 1: Press or and then press ,now Step 1: Press or , if you want to edit the "au-
you can switch the resolution. The display shows tomatic shutdown". The display shows , it
a new resolution. means that the balance is switched off after 15
High resolution provides greater accuracy with longer
measurement times and places greater demands on the
Step 2: Press or and , if you want to
stability of the load. The scale is built according to legal
change the time.
guidelines. The scale has the best (standard) resolution
Step 3: Press and , if you do not want to
at 2000 to 3000 divisions.
save the changes before exiting.

Step 4: Press or , if you want to save the

changes before exiting.

KW-Series | Version 1.03 13



The "automatic shutdown" can be set to the following ATTENTION!

values: 0 (never), 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min.
The "display" function allows you to choose between
different qualities of the display presentation as long
ATTENTION! as the scale is in motion. The lower the value for the
display level, the faster a weight display will appear,
The Auto Off feature maximizes battery life. It starts but the longer it takes for the displayed value to be
the countdown timer if no operation is performed or stable.
the load is stable. When a key is pressed or the load
moves, the countdown timer is restarted. Step 1: Press or , if you want to edit the
"Display" mode. The display shows , it
Power saving mode means that level 1 is activated.
Step 2: Press or and , if you want to
Step 1: Press or , if you want to start the en- edit the "Display" mode.
ergy saving mode. The display shows , Step 3: Press or , if you do not want to save
it means that the energy saving mode is set to 30 the changes before exiting.
sec. Step 4: Press or , if you want to save the
Step 2: Press or and , if you want to changes before exiting.
change the energy saving mode.
Step 3: Press or , if you do not want to save
the changes before exiting. NOTE!
Step 4: Press or , if you want to save the
changes before exiting. The display levels for the display can be set to the
following values: 0 (off), 1 (very low), 2 (low), 3 (nor-
mal), 4 (high), 5 (very high).
8.3 Test run
The energy-saving mode can be set to the following
values: 0 (never), 5 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec, 60 sec.
Before operating under load, perform a test run with all
functions tested without load.
8.4 Lift the load upwards
Battery life is maximized by the balance automati-
cally switching to energy-saving mode when no ope-
ration is performed or the load is stable. The balance ATTENTION!
is working in energy-saving mode. Each key press or
- Make sure that there are no people nearby when lif-
load movement activates the balance from the
ting the crane scale.
energy saving mode.
- Make sure that the lifting distance of the load is free of
Brightness / Backlight
- Avoid putting the load into commuting.
Step 1: Press or , if you want to edit the
Step 1: Attach the Crane scale to a suitable fixture.
"Brightness / Backlight". The status of the LED
brightness / LCD backlight is displayed. Step 2: Impact the load hook of the Crane scale on a
Step 2: Press or and , if you want to suitable attachment point of the load and check
change the LED brightness / LCD backlight. that the safety of the hook is closed.
Step 3: Press or , if you do not want to save
the changes before exiting. NOTE!
Step 4: Press or , if you want to save the
changes before exiting. - Check the center of gravity of the attachment point to
prevent movement and slippage of the load.
- Slings (eyelet, chain, etc.) must lie loosely in the hook
- Hook tip may not be loaded.
- Close the fuses.

14 KW-Series | Version 1.03

Care, Maintenance and Repair

Step 3: First, lift the load only a short distance and check 1. The battery is permanently attached to the battery
that the load is stable. compartment. To remove the battery, remove two
Step 4: Lift the load steadily and evenly and read the in- screws on the access door, pull the battery straight
formation on the Crane scale. out, and disconnect the battery cable from the scale.
2. Depending on the setting of the LED brightness or the
LCD backlight, the working time of the battery varies
from 80 to 200 hours.
NOTE! 3. To increase battery life, enable the "Auto Power
Down" function and the "Downtime" mode, dim the
- The operator must have sufficient stability and free-
dom of movement. LED brightness, or turn off the LCD backlight.
- Load and suspension hooks deform when overloaded, 4. The charging time for a fully discharged battery is
there is no brittle breakage. about 8 hours.
5. For maximum life, the battery should be stored bet-
ween -20 ° C (-4 ° F) and + 50 ° C (122 ° F). The bat-
8.5 Lower load
tery should be charged every three months.
Step 1: Lower the load steadily and evenly downwards. 6. When charging the battery, the green charging indica-
tor light comes on. If the lamp is red, charging is com-
CAUTION! plete.
When the load is released, it can cause bruising of the
upper and lower limbs.
9.3 Maintenance and Repair
- Do not hold the upper and lower limbs between the
load and the ground when setting down the load.

Step 2: Place the load on a firm, safe surface. ATTENTION!

Step 3: Open the fuse of the load hook and disconnect Maintenance and repair work may only be carried out
the load. by qualified personnel.
In case of repair only original spare parts may be
9 Care, Maintenance and Repair
If the Crane scale does not work properly, contact a de-
9.1 Care by cleaning aler or our customer service. The contact details can be
found in chapter 1.2 Customer Service.

The Crane scale must always be kept in a clean condition. All protective and safety equipment must be reinstalled
immediately after repair and maintenance work has been
Wear safety gloves!
Maintenance plan
If increased wear is detected during regular checks,
shorten the required maintenance intervals according to
NOTE! the actual signs of wear. If you have questions about
maintenance work and intervals, contact the manufactu-
Never use harsh cleaning agents for any cleaning
rer. The contact details can be found on page 3 in chap-
work. This can lead to damage or destruction of the
ter 1.2 Customer Service.
Step 2: Check the crane scale for external damage be-
All plastic and lacquered surfaces should be cleaned fore each use.
using a soft, damp cloth and a neutral cleaning agent.

Remove any excess lubricant or leaked oil using a dry, Step 3: Make sure that all safety instructions on the
lint-free cloth. crane scale are clearly legible.

9.2 Battery maintenance

The scale is powered by a rechargeable 6V lead-acid

battery. To maximize battery life, please note the follo-
wing points:

KW-Series | Version 1.03 15

Care, Maintenance and Repair

Visual inspection

KW 5 10
Maintenance Maintenance work
interval A [mm] 92 94

Before every Check Crane scale for damage. B [mm] 135 145
C [mm] 45 60
Check the battery level before each
D [mm] 325 364
E [mm] 155 155
Regularly inspect the Crane scale,
including lifting eye and load hook for F [mm] 230 230
deformation, cracks or other defects.
If the lifting eye or load hook is bent G [mm] 585 770
or the diameter is more than 10% H [mm] 650 810
worn, replace the lifting eye or the
load hook. In accordance with DIN 15405 Part 1, the load hook and the
After each Relieve the crane scales immedi- lifting eye must be replaced with a widening of more than
use ately after each use. 10%.
Oil the load hook and the lifting eye
40 hours Lubricate all bearings.
Only use original parts from the manufacturer of the
upon need Replacement of lifting eye and load
hoist as a replacement.

yearly Safety test: If the crane scale is used

in a company, it must be tested an-
nually in accordance with the Ger-
man Industrial Safety Ordinance and
documented in accordance with §

Wear measurement and renewal of load hook and lifting eye

Fig. 6: Hook Dimensions

Model KW 5 KW 10

Load capacity KW 5t 10 t

Load capacity hook 7t 11 t

Length hook L [mm] 255 315

Wide hook B [mm] 184 190

Diameter [mm] 51 60,5

Fig. 5: Dimensions of the Crane scale
Diameter D [mm] 21,5 31

Opening width E [mm] 42,5 60

Safety factor hook 4:1 4:1

Tolerance range dimensi- +/- 0,5 +/- 0,5

ons mm mm

16 KW-Series | Version 1.03

Check the crane scale

10 Check the crane scale

The use of the crane scales is possible after:

UVV "Winches, Hoists and Pulling Devices" DGUV regu-

lation 54, UVV "Krane" DGUV regulation 52-Testing in
accordance with DGUV regulation 54 (BGV D8 § 23
(VBG 8 § 23)) by an expert before the first commissio-
ning and after significant changes

Fig. 7: Dimensions of lifting eye

Examination according to DGUV regulation 52 (BGV D6
§ 25 (VBG 9 § 25) by an authorized expert before the
first commissioning and after significant changes.
Model KW 5 KW 10
Recurring inspections of equipment, cranes and suppor-
Load capacity KW 5t 10 t ting structures by an expert once a year. In severe condi-
Load capacity eyelet 13,5 t 17,5 t tions, e.g. frequent operation with full load, dusty or ag-
gressive environment, high switching frequency, high
Width L [mm] 160 175 duty cycle, the test intervals must be shortened.
Width E [mm] 36 39 - Expert for the inspection of cranes, apart from the
Length C [mm] 127 142 experts of the TÜV, only the experts authorized by
the professional associations are.
Strength N [mm] 35 37 - Experts are customer service technicians of the ma-
Diameter B [mm] 33,5 34 nufacturer or specially trained specialist personnel.

Opening width A [mm] 60,5 61 The check of the crane scale must be verified by a log
Strength D [mm] 36,5 39

Width F [mm] 84,5 92 The test is essentially a visual and functional test. It
covers the examination of the condition of the compo-
Safety factor eyelet 4:1 4:1
nents and equipment, the completeness and effective-
ness of the safety equipment and the completeness of
In accordance with DIN 15405 Part 1, the load hook and the the test book.
lifting eye must be replaced with a widening of more than


Only use original parts from the manufacturer of the

hoist as a replacement.

KW-Series | Version 1.03 17


11 Troubleshooting

Disorder Possible cause Solution

No indication after switching on Battery defective or not charged Charge or replace the battery

Display flashes continuously. Battery voltage too low Charge or replace the battery

Tare function does not work. Tare-Button defective Clean or Crane scale for repair

Display does not show [0] after Tare set? 1.Set tare
discharge Warm-up time of the Crane scale too 2. Longer warm-up time

The Button The button re- 1. Battery voltage too low 1. Charge or replace the battery
mains pressed after being pressed 2. The Button is defective 2. Press harder and hold for approx.
2 sec
3. Power cord is defective 3. Open the front panel and check
the power cord
4. Keyboard is defective 4. Contact dealer

The operation is not performed after 1. The scale is not on 1. Reconnect the power cord
the key is pressed. 2. The button is defective 2. Contact dealer

The reading of the weight is not pos- 1. The load is moving 1. Keep the load stable
sible 2. The "anti-movement" feature is 2. Take higher "anti-movement" level
weak 3. Take higher "anti-movement" level
3. Load cell or keyboard are wet 4. Contact dealer
4. Keyboard is defective

When reading the weight, the error is 1. The scale was not set to "0" before 1. Manually set the scale to "0"
displayed the new load
2. Wrong unit 2. Switch to the correct unit

Battery does not charge 1. Pallet is defective 1. Contact dealer

2. Battery is defective

Remote control without function 1. Battery too weak 1. Change the battery
2. Distance too big 2. Reduce distance

12 Disposal, recycling of used devices

Please take care in your own interest and in the interest
of the environment that all component parts of the ma-
chine are only disposed of in the intended and permit-ted

12.1 Decommissioning

Disused machines should be professionally taken out of

operation in order to avoid later misuse and endanger-
ing of the environment or personal safety.
Step 1: Eliminate all environmentally hazardous operat-
ing materials from the used device.

Step 2: If necessary, dismantle the devices into manage-

able and usable components and components.
Step 3: The device components and operating materials
must be routed to the appropriate disposal rou-

18 KW-Series | Version 1.03

Spare parts

13 Spare parts Example:

The load hook for the Crane scale must be ordered.

DANGER! - Type of device: Crane scale KW 50
Danger of injury by the use of wrong spare - Item number: 6171405
- Position number: 8
Dangers may result for the user and damages as well
as malfunctions may be caused by using wrong or
damaged spare parts.
- Only use original spare parts of the manufacturer or The Item number of your device:
spare parts admitted by the manufacturer. Crane scale KW 50: 6171405
- Always contact the manufacturer in case of uncer- Crane scale KW 100: 6171410

Tips and recommendations

The manufacturer's warranty will become null and

void if non-permissible spare parts are used.

13.1 Ordering spare parts

The spare parts may be purchased with the authorised

dealer or directly with the manufacturer. Please find the
corresponding contact data in Chapter 1.2 Customer

Indicate the following basic information for requests or

orders of spare parts:
- Type of device
- Item No.
- Position No.
- Year of construction:
- Quantity
- Required mode of dispatch (mail, freight, sea, air,
- Address of dispatch

Spare part orders which do not include the above indi-

cations may not be taken into consideration. If the indi-
cations regarding the mode of dispatch are missing, the
product is dispatched at the discretion of the supplier.
Information about the device type, item number and year
of manufacture can be found on the type plate. The type
plate is mounted on the device.

KW-Series | Version 1.03 19

Electrical wiring diagram

13.2 Spare parts drawing

The following drawing should help you to identify necessary spare parts in case of service. If necessary, send a copy of
the parts drawing with the marked components to your authorized dealer.

Fig. 8: Spare parts drawing

14 Electrical wiring diagram

Crane scale KW 50 und KW 100

Fig. 9: Circuit diagram KW 50 und KW 100

20 KW-Series | Version 1.03

Electrical wiring diagram

Circuit diagram

Fig. 10: Circuit diagram of KW 50 and KW 100

KW-Series | Version 1.03 21


15 EC Decleration of Conformity

Manufacturer: Stürmer Maschinen GmbH

Dr.-Robert-Pfleger-Str. 26
D-96103 Hallstadt

herewith declares that the following product

Product group: Unicraft® Werkstatttechnik

Type of machine: Crane scale

Designation of the machine: KW 50

KW 100

Item number: 6171405


Serial number: ______________________

Year of manufacture: 20_____

complies with all relevant provisions of the above-mentioned Directive as well as the other applicable Directives
(hereafter), including any changes in force at the time of declaration.

Relevant EU directives: 2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive

The following harmonized standards were applied:

DIN EN ISO 12100:2010 Safety of machines - General design principles -

Risk assessment and risk reduction (ISO 12100:2010)

DIN EN 60204-1:2011-01 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machinery

Part 1: General requirements

DIN EN 61326-1:2013-07 Electrical measuring, control, and laboratory equipment -

EMC requirements - Part 1: General requirements
(IEC 61326-1: 2012), German version EN 61326-1:2013

Responsible for dokumentation: Kilian Stürmer, Stürmer Maschinen GmbH

Dr.-Robert-Pfleger-Str. 26, D-96103 Hallstadt

Hallstadt, 09.12.2016

Kilian Stürmer
CEO, Director

22 KW-Series | Version 1.03

Maintenance plan

16 Maintenance plan

Maintenance plan KW
40 h 200 h Requirement yearly

Date Operating hours Employee Signature

wear measurement
Lubricate bearings

Lifting eye, hook

Lifting eye, hook


Crane scale

KW-Series | Version 1.03 23

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