Questions - Answers (Power Stations)
Questions - Answers (Power Stations)
Questions - Answers (Power Stations)
Question 4
1- Four main goals of generation IV reactors are increase life time(60-70), increase
passive safety, decrease waste, capital cost and construction time (2013,2012)
2- Neutron shielding requires … and reactor shielding must be cooled because of heat
generated due to absorption of neutrons & gamma ray and energy released in neutron
reaction (2013,2009)
3- Reactivity control is achieved by short term or emergency control by control rods,
intermediate to long term control by varying the concentration of baric acid and long
term control by poisons, inherent safety due to increase in temperature is delayed
neutrons, temperature effect and emergency core cooling and P is –ve as
temperature increase because decrease in density (and thus the neutrons cannot
reach to desired power which make fission) (2013,2010,2009)
4- In breeder reactor the same type of fuel is produced as long as it consumes and in
converter reactor another type of fuel is produced as long as the other type is
consumed (2010,2007)
Question 5
List the main features of PWR, BWR, CANDU, and LMFBR
Question 4
1- Good moderator conditions/criteria are small mass number (nucleus), small number
of collision, large moderating ratio and large slowing down power (2009)
2- Production of fissionable nuclei is by neutrons which don’t escape resonance capture
& neutrons which escape resonance capture (2010)
For breeding ɳ › 2 (2010)
The effect of Xe135 on reactivity is –ve
Water holes results from withdrawn of control rods (2012)
3- Role of delayed neutron is …..
LOCA is loss of coolant accident
4- Natural nuclear fuels are ….. and artificial ones are ….. (2012)
Question 5
Draw line diagrams for BWR, LMCR reactors, and the calandria of CANDU. (2009)
1- Solar, wind and tidal energies are less efficient than hydropower because high
entropy (2012)
2- The principle of solar collectors depend on that convert the electromagnetic waves
which have a small length to a thermal waves which have a very long wave length.
3- The energy incident in a photovoltaic cell is Ephoton= h×c/λ
Question 4
1- The main 3 advantages and disadvantages of BWR and PWR are …..
2- The equation of producing Pu239 & U233 are
U238 + n1 = U239 = (23.5 min) NP239 + e = (23.5 day) Pu239 + e
Th232 + n1 = Th233 = (22 min) Pa233 + e = (22 day) U233 + e
3- Insertion of control rods cause both ….. & ….. their бc must be ….. and 4 materials are
4- When a hard contact between cladding and fuel occurs then the cladding tends to
follow the diametric change of the pellet
5- Zircaloy cladding is better than stainless steel one because it’s young modulus and
contacting with UO2 only at 675 C
Question 5
Show very briefly the main design features of BWR, PWR and CANDU
1- The efficiency of solar collectors can be increased by concentration using power tower
receiver (increasing area)
2- OTCE systems have low ɳ because the differences between temperatures is small, And
ɳ depends on ɳ Carnot
Question 5
Give very briefly the main differences between BWR, PWR, CANDU, GCR
1- Give the equation of fusion reaction and which is the more suitable to use and why?
2- In geothermal power the hot layer is called magma and followed by permeable rock
layer (2008)
3- Three examples of low temperature solar energy are water heater, space heating and
flat plate and heliostats are used to produce power or steam (2010,2009)
4- OTCE output power depends on temperature differences efficiency
Question 4
1- In the four factor formulae, the thermal fission factor depend on type of fuel
Є, p, f, depend on type of fuel & core configuration
For U235 Є=1 , p= 0.86 , Fermi age = K×e-B2×LS2 / 1+L2B2 = Keff = 1
Reactor buckling is a measure of main geometrical reactor or actual physical size of
the core.
2- For 1000 MWe reactor the mass of U235/day 4 Kg/day
3- Total cross section = бs + бa , and λt › λs because λt = λs + λs cosφ , and ɳ › ν , and
reaction rate = nNбν
4- In enrichment the difference between gas diffusion and centrifugal technologies are
ao small higher
Question 5
1- In fusion energy explain very briefly : heating mechanisms, pinch effect & Dawson
ceterion (2009,2008,2007,2004)
heating mechanism :-
i. Ohimic heating (partially ionized gas) = IR2
ii. Pinch heating (completely ionized gas)
Pinch effect: induced magnetic field squeeze the plasma into the center and
prevent it from contact with the wall
Dawson criterion: n×Ʈ= const. (0114 – 1015)
Question 4
1- The neutron behavior from birth to fission is previous fission, fast neutron, diffusion of
fast neutron, slowing down by moderator, diffusion of thermalizing neutron and
2- Nuclear reactor safety is achieved by using ceramic fuel, zircalloy cladding of the fuel
rod, reactor pressure vessel made of steel of more than 12 cm thick and two layers of
cementing buildings
3- The gas diffusion theory is in a mixture of a two gases lighter molecules will have a
slightly higher speed than that of heavy molecules, the lighter molecules will strike the
walls of the container more frequently
The SWE is measure of work done by diffusion cascade to make mp Kg of product from
mf Kg feed
4- In natural uranium reactor the core must be homogenous and core size is bigger than
for enriched uranium reactors
The CANDU reactor is unique for natural uranium, heavy water coolant & moderator
and pressurized tubes
Question 5
1- Why the boiler in OTCE must be placed at large depth? (2007)
To balance internal boiler pressure and external head pressure and to reduce heat
exchanger costs
Question 4
1- Fertile materials can’t be fissioned by fast neutrons, why?
2- Fuel during operation is subjected to neutron radiation, high temperature and high
internal pressure due to fission gas nucleus & cladding is subjected to neutron
radiation and high coolant pressure (2007)
3- Why PWR are more expensive than BWR?
4- Which of this has the highest efficiency, (GCR, PWR, BWR) and why?
GCR have the highest ɳ because it can operates at high temperatures
Question 4
1- It’s necessary to operate the nuclear reactor several days after it’s shutdown because
the concentration of Xe very high
Question 5
1- To prevent the plasma from contacting the electrodes of a mirror machine extra coils
are wrapped at the ends
2- Solar and wind energies are expensive because …..
Question 5
1- Why we cannot extract on continues basis all the K.E of a moving wind stream in a
wind turbine? Since, completely stopping the moving air stream implies an
accumulation of air at that point.
2- How much energy we can get from burning one Kg mole of CH2O ?
112×106 Cal/Kg mole.
Atomic reactions:-
1. Chemical: in which 2 or more atoms are combine together to produce a new
material, no involving in nucleus, just change happened in electrons orbital.
2. Nuclear: involves change in nucleus as well as electrons orbital.
Binding energy: energy required to split nucleus of atoms into component part.
Half life: t1/2 = ln4/λ
ECCS: emergency core cooling system