Phan Tuấn Anh Tl25.03
Phan Tuấn Anh Tl25.03
Phan Tuấn Anh Tl25.03
should say:
1. Where and when did you go?
2. What was the form of transport?
3. What happened to you on the trip
And say how you solved the problem.
Answer: Even thouhgh it occasionally doesn’t turn out that way, vacations are
meant to be a joyful respite from the tedious regularity of our lives. In the recent
Vietnam Independence Day, I took a trip with my friends at a Tam Dao waterfall
40km far from home.
When travelling by motorbike, simply taking in the scenery may be an exciting
experience in and of itself. It is a one-hour drive where I reside to Tam Dao, so
making travel arrangements for the entire trip was not too difficult and waste time.
However, I reliazed we took the wrong route. Therefore, I and my frined quickly
gathered in one place to determine the exact destination. We arrived after an hour
of driving.
Small Talk 2. Describe a sport game that you watched or played. You should say:
1. What sport game was it?
2. When and where was it?
3. Who won?
And explain the reasons why you like/don’t like that sport game.
Answer: Well, I would like to talk about football, which is my favorite sport of all
time and how I enjoy watching it so much. Footbal is the most popular type of
sport nowadays and it has millions of fans all over the world. I still vividly
remember the days when it was scorching hot and my friends hid from mothers to
play football until late at night.
Especially, I can never miss a match of my favorite football team, Manchester
United if it is on TV even if I have to delay all my schoolwork. During a match, I
listen the other’s comments on the players’ performance and discuss the strategies
of each team. This is not only a chance to let my hair down after hard-working
hours but also a time to acquire the knowledge about football. Watching matches is
a great way for me to learn new moves and apply them into my real gamas with
friends at school.
Small Talk 3. Describe the time when you had to go to the doctor. You should
1. When was it?
2. What happened to you?
3. What did the doctor do?
Answer: Nobody likes visiting a doctor. Infact, many people dislike going to
hospitals. I’d consider staying home and heal physical ailments with the help of
home remedies. But at time, when the medical problem seems to be big, then it’s
mandatory for everyone to consult a doctor. And I would like to talk about a time
when I had to visit a doctor. Last month ago, due to seasonal changes, I got
affected by a severe cold, constant cough which caused me great discomfort.
Initially, I tried all the home remedies prescrived by my mother to cur the
infection. But nothing worked, and the pain become unbearable. I could barely
keep my eyes open. My mom decided to take me a hospital in my locality. I gave it
a shot and waited for the results. An hour later, my reports were back, the doctors
asked me if I had exposed myself to any covid-19 positive patient. I completely
denied it and explain that I didn’t go out of the house due to the lockdown. Finally,
he concluded that I had tested negative and the symptoms maybe due to the
temperature changes. I felt relieved. The doctor prescibed me a few medications
and recommended staying indoors and getting rest for at least one weeks.
Small Talk 4. Describe when you got lost. You should say:
1. Where you were?
2. What happened?
3. How you felt?
And explain how you found your way.
Answer: I didn’t know the directions so I decided to use Google Maps – a very
common only mapping app nowadays. My friends and I were extremely excited to
start our very first motorbike trip. With the help of the digital app, we left Hanoi
City without any difficulty.
Maybe there are no streets in a mountainous area like Ba Vi so the app made some
mistakes in locating the place. We didn’t know what to do next, our phones ran out
of battery and we juest had some snacks left. Luckily, a local passed by and we
asked him for directions. He even gave us some fruits from his bag. It turned out
that our homestay was not so far form the jungle, just about 20 km awat. With his
enthusastic help, we finnaly arrived at our homestay safe and sound and we were
truly on our last leg (mệt tới mức gục ngã).
Small Talk 5. Talk about a life – changing decision that you have ever made. You
should say:
1. What decision was it?
2. What cause(s) you to make that decision?
3. How did it change your life?
And explain why you think that it is a good decision.
Answer: Life is full of difficult decisions. Sometimes we are faced with many
choices that can change the course of our lives and shape our future in profound
ways. One such decision that I made 4 year ago was whether to move a Chinese
I spent weeks weighting the pros and cons of the decision. I searched a lot on the
internet for Chinese major and I reliazed this major have a tendency to rise in many
years after. I must point out that making this choice was not easy and I had to go
through a very hard time. I had to fight a lot with my inner self and then convince
my parents for the same.
Since I made my own choice at that time, a strong urge and force worked on me
that I have to do really good and happy that I took my decision and doing very
good so far. Over 4 years, I was have faced many challenges and obstacles, but I
have also experienced many rewards and successes.
Looking back, I am grateful for the decision I made to purse Chinese language. It
has opened up many doors for me, both personally and professionaly. I have had
the opportunity to work with some amazing foreigners, and to make a meaningful
contribution to the world through my work. I am confident that this decision will
continue to shape my life and my future in positive ways.
Small Talk 6. Talk about your university (HUBT)
1. What is its name?
2. When was it founded?
3. How many specialties (khoa) has it got?
And talk about the reason why you decided to learn in this university.
Answer: I am a senior student studying for a bachelor’s in Chinese major at
HUBT. My univeristy founded June, 1996. HUBT trains in 27 different
professions. In case you didn’t know, it’s a fast-moving and dynamic learning
environmeny where a lot of successful businessmen graduated from. Many majors
in different fields from Technology – Engineering fields such as Information
Techonology, to Health fields, Languages, and etc.
I was impressed by how modern and beautiful it was. The university is famous for
highly qualified teachers who have impressive academic backgrounds. Not only
were they excellent in critical thinking, but thay also have a rich source of life
experiences. Because of this, they helped me broaden my horizons about different
cultures and develop a sharp mind by looking at distinctive angles of a situation.